Farm 37 Residents Face Challenges Amidst New Settlement Struggles
Leandrea MouersDespite finally settling on their own pieceofland,theresidentsofFarm37 faceamyriadofchallenges.
Onesuchresident,EmmaGebasensaid,“itfeels like we have been dumped here. She moved to Farm37fromtheTwalolokainformalsettlement in Kuisebmond last week Friday “We've been waiting for the realisation of Farm 37 for years now,andwewereallocatedourplotsinOctober 2023. We've been given a grace period of six months to start moving to Farm 37. Our six months lapse at the end of March 2024, so the pressurewasonustostartbuildingourstructures on Farm 37 and start moving.” Gebasen added thatFarm37isaniceplace,andshelikesliving there. “Ilovetheatmosphere,butitcomeswith so many challenges. Especially with transport. Our children have not been going to school for the past four days. How do we let a 7-year-old boy,ora13-year-oldgirltakeonthisroadfrom Farm 37 to !Nara Primary, Tutaleni Primary, Seaside,orHighHopePrimarySchool?Itisnot safe,”shesaidandexplainedtheyhaveengaged with the relevant authorities. “The mayor of
WalvisBay,TrevinoForbes,washereonTuesday, tellingustokeepthechildrenathome,promising usthathewilllookforasolutionforourchildren. We've been trying to reach our constituency councillor, but he is busy It is like we are on our own now, like we are in the desert. Literally and figuratively They've brought us here, pressuring ustomove,butitwasasiftheywerenotprepared
African Energy Chamber Launches Namibia Trade Mission to Boost Energy Sector Investment
·Ambitious Plans unveiled by Namport for Infrastructure expansion at Ports of Walvis Bay and Lüderitz
Eileen van der SchyffIn a bid to maximise the vast opportunities within Namibia'senergysector,theAfricanEnergyChamber(AEC)has announcedthelaunchofaTradeMissionscheduledfrom23 to25April.
This initiative, in collaboration with the Namibia International Energy Conference (NIEC),
aims to foster partnerships, facilitate investment, and promote business opportunities within the
country's burgeoning energyindustry
The Namibian energy landscapeispoisedfor
Continues on page 2
forustobehere,”shesaidandexclaimedthatthey arewillingtomeetthemunicipalityhalfway “We aremorethanwillingtogotheextramile;wejust needhelpnow to startup thissettlement. If they could at least have started with the services, like setting up a container clinic, police station, water connections,etc.Theyweresupposedtostartwith
Continues on page 2
Walvis Bay Celebrates 30th Year of Re-Integration Today Old Age Grant
Farm 37 Residents
these things before people started moving. We are more than 40 people here; I believe that should be enough for them to start with those services.”
Intermsofwater,acontainertoilethasbeenset up with urinals, toilets, and washbasins, from which the residents get their water “They said there are pipes underground, yet we are getting our water from the toilets. Nothing has been connected. There's only one solar light pole, whichbarelygiveslight.Itgetstoodarkatnight. Weareinpeace,livinginpeacehere.Theplaceis verynice; it'sonlythesechallengesthatmakeit sodifficultforus.Theprocesstoproperlysetup Farm 37 just needs to be sped up. We've been hearinghowmuchmoneyFarm37isgetting;the timeisnowtostartrollingoutthatmoney,plans, engagingtherelevantstakeholderssothatthings move along. We cannot suffer like this. Let us meeteachotherhalfway,butbyjustdumpingus here,andmonitoringusfromtheroadtoseeifwe arehere,andthenleaving–itisnotright.It'snot right that they are sitting in their offices while theyhavepeoplelivinglikethissideatFarm37.” More people are expected to move to Farm 37 from the Narraville Rugby Stadium Clubhouse andtheTwalolokaSettlement. OlgaBarisimus, also a resident of Farm 37, said that if the municipalitywantstokeepthepeaceatFarm37, water connections must be added to each plot. “Therearetalksofsettinguponemeterperarea here at Farm 37. But the problem with that is,
Continued from page 1
eachhouseholddifferswiththenumberofpeople they accommodate. If I am living alone, I contribute N$100, and then a family of six also also contributes N$100; obviously, they will use more water than I do. There will be fights and arguments. We lived with this same scenario at Twaloloka, and now they want to subject us to that same treatment here. No! Some of the other residents added that they must fork out about N$150iftheymakeuseofataxitotransportthem fromFarm37totownandbackagain.“Thecars driving in this area are already so limited. Some of us are living off disability grants; how do I afford N$150. A 63-year-old grandmother and hergrandchildhadtowalkfromFarm37tolook for a hike to be able to collect her pills at the hospital.Wehaveachildhere,onlytwoyearsold, who is sick. She cannot walk and has a pipe inserted behind her ear If she gets sick, how do we get her to a hospital?” Mayor ofWalvis Bay, Trevino Forbes stated that the reason they have startedmovingpeopletoFarm37slowlyandnot all at once is to identify the various challenges.
“We've identified those challenges The chairpersonandIofthemanagementcommittee Richard Hoaeb, visited the residents at Farm 37 earlierthisweektohearfromthemontheground. Wewillsitandseehowwecanassistwiththose challenges. Transport is a challenge, and then I had a meeting with the Education Inspector of Walvis Bay to see how best we can assist the school-goingchildren.”
Walvis Bay Celebrates 30th Year of Re-Integration Today
Itwasajoyousoccasionatthestrokeofmidnighton28February/1March1994, whentheSouthAfricanflagwasloweredintheKuisebmondStadium,followedby thehoistingoftheNamibianFlag.
This signified that Walvis Bay and the Offshore IslandshadbecomepartofNamibia,fouryearsafter Namibia received its independence from the South Africans. The re-integration marked the end of a chapter that dates back to the 18th century Local resident Sallie Saban has been living in Walvis Bay since 1972. Namibia became independent in 1990, andonlyfouryearslater,WalvisBaybecamepartof the country “In terms of the changes brought about with the re-integration, we learned a lot from our neighbors in Swakopmund about their experiences, preparing us for what lies ahead.” SinceWalvis Bay was part of South Africa, and Swakopmund part of Namibia,peoplehadtotraveltoSwakopmundwitha passport or ID. The border post was at the Swakop River bridge. It was sometimes difficult because not everyonehadanID.Itwasamajoradjustmentforus when the re-integration happened. But the overall feelingwasgood;theatmospherewasabittensebecause much had changed.We observed fewer police vehicles and ambulances in Walvis Bay We had to stand in lines and wait for services at the clinics and evenhospitals.Thirtyyearslater,ourtownstillneeds allthehelpitcanget.Ourtownlackspropercleaning as garbage piles up on the outskirts and residential areas,posingahealthrisk.Ourtown'sroadsaredeteriorating due to aging. Our town lacks more traffic officersandmorevisiblepolicing.”
AkeyelementofWalvisBayisitsharbour,whichis also celebrating its 30th anniversary Namport Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Andrew Kanime said that the30-yearmilestonesignifiesalegacyofresilience, growth, and adaptability for the port. “It reflects our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in serving the needs of our stakeholders and
supporting the economic development of Namibia.As wecommemoratethismilestone,wereaffirmourdedicationtoupholdingthehigheststandardsofserviceexcellence, sustainability, and corporate responsibility
Lookingahead,weareconfidentinourabilitytonavigate future challenges and seize opportunities for furthergrowthandsuccessinthedynamicmaritimeindustry.”Headdedthattheportstandsasabeaconofsecurity, efficiency, and world-class service. “Its strategic locationmidwayalongNamibia'scoastestablishesitas apivotalmaritimelinkbetweenSouthernAfrica,Europe,theFarEast,andtheAmericas,offeringaswiftand convenient shipping route. As Namibia's largest commercialport,handlingapproximately6.6milliontonnes of cargo annually, Walvis Bay plays a critical role in regional trade. Serving as a vital maritime gateway, it connectsNamibiatoglobalmarketsandfacilitatestrade for both our nation and our landlocked neighbouring countries.”
Furthermore, in celebration of the re-integration of WalvisBaytheshortdocumentaryWALVISTALEwill premiere on the big screen at the Walvis Bay Community Church 18:30 for 19:00. The entry is free. The documentary was produced by the Namibian production company collective.com.na and funded by the NamibiaFilmCommission(NFC)whoisalsothepartnerfortheworldpremiereinthetownthedocumentary is about. Tim Huebschle, Film Director at collective. com.nasaysthat1Marchmarksthe30thanniversaryof WalvisBay'sreintegrationintoNamibia. “Tounderline thesignificanceofthedate,wewillpremieretheshort documentary “Walvis Tale” in the harbour town of Walvis Bay on that historic day We wanted to tell the story of the people from Walvis Bay and their close connectiontofish,Namibia'smostimportantharbour.”
African Energy Chamber Launches
Continued from page 1 significant growth, with ambitious targets set for the production ofoilandgreenhydrogen. Namibiaanticipatesits first oil production fromtheOrangeBasin by 2030, alongside planstogenerate10-12 million tons of green hydrogen equivalent by 2050. These developments highlight the country's acceleration with exploration and production activities, asevidencedbyrecent discoveries made by energy giants such as TotalEnergies, Shell, Galp, Chevron, and ReconAfrica.
Major shipping companies, including BelgianComapgnieMaritime Belge, are eyeing Namibia as a strategic African hub. Plans are underway to utilise ammonia as a clean fuelforshippingfleets, with the establishment of a bunkering facility inWalvisBay According to sources from the Namibian Presidency, ambitious planshavebeenunveiled by the Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) to expand infrastructureattheportsof both Walvis Bay and Lüderitz.The envisioned infrastructure developments, crucial for accommodating theburgeoningoil,gas mining and hydrogen sectors, entail the construction of new ports, roads, railways, transmissionlinesandpipelines for water and hydrogen Logistical strategies include the development of deepwater port at Angra PointwithinthePortof Luderitz, alongside initiativessuchassolar plants, ammonia plants, green steel plants and hydrogen
trains. Innovative collaborations, such as a consortium involving TransNamib Holdings Limited, aim to Develop Africa's first dualfuel hydrogen-diesel locomotives, further enhancing the nations's green transportation infrastructure.
The Namibia International Energy Conference (NIEC), now in its sixth edition, servesasapivotalplatformforpolicymakers, industry stakeholders, investors, and international partners to converge and explore investment opportunities in Namibia's energysector
Partnering with the AEC, NIEC aims to showcase Namibia's potential as a prime investment destination and facilitate dialogue on key industry trends andopportunities.
Speaking on the prospects of Namibia's energy sector, Maggy Shino, Petroleum Commissioner, Ministry of Mines and Energy, emphasised the untapped potential of the hydrocarbon basin, signaling abundant opportunities for new entrants in the market. In addition to traditional hydrocarbon developments, Namibia is making strides in the green energy space, with plans for the Kudu Conventional Gas Development project targeting Final Investment Decision (FID) this year The project, slated to commence production in 2026, is expectedtobolsterthe country's energy security and create a range of business opportunities Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo, has underscoredNamibia's
abundance of solar and wind energy resources, coupled with vast expanses of unpopulated land, positioning the country as a leader in lowcost green hydrogen production. In alignment with the vision, the Namibian Presidencyaimstoposition Namibia as hub for renewable energy innovation and to drive green industrialisation Currently Namibia is advancing nine distinct green hydrogen projects, leveraging renewable energysourcestoproduce clean molecules crucial for decarbonising various sectors, including transportation and agriculture.
Furthermore, Namibia is spearheading greenhydrogeninitiatives, with several pilot projects set to commence operations this year The AECled Trade Mission to Namibia is poised to build on the momentum achieved in the energy sector, providing participants with a platform to engage with Namibian partners, gain insights throughsitevisitsand technical workshops, and capitalise on networking opportunities The mission willnotonlyfacilitate business matchmakingbutalsoequip participantswithvaluable market intelligence to make informed investment decisions. For more information on the NamibiaTradeMissionand the NIEC, visit wwwEnergyChambe r org and www NIEConference com respectively
Source: Africa Energy Chamber/ Freightnews
Old Age Grant Increased
Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Iipumbu ShiimitabledthebiggestannualbudgetNamibiahasever seen for a projected government spending in the 2024/25 financial year amounting to N$100.1 billion. He said this comesafterastrongrevenue.
The finance minister explained that thebudgetincludesN$824.7million to maintain the real value of the social safety nets in the face of high inflation and given the high dependence ratio. Accordingly, the Old Age Grant and the Disability Grant will be increased from N$1 400 to
N$1600permontheffectivefrom 1April.
He said that all individual taxpayerswillbeexemptedfrompaying tax on the first N$100 000 of theirincomeasof1March,asthe thresholdforIncomeTaxonIndividuals will increase from N$50 000toN$100000toproviderelief tolow-incomeearners.
Theministeralsodisclosedthat,in line withArticle 21 of the SACU Agreement, several excise duties ontheconsumptionofalcoholand tobaccocameintoeffectonFebruary 22. He outlined that a 340ml beer can see a rise of 10 cents, a 750ml bottle of wine experienced an increase of 18 cents, a 750ml bottle of spirits went up by N$3.90, and 23 grams of cigars sawahikeofN$5.47,andtheduty on a pack of 20 cigarettes rose by 98cents.
Email all your news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068
Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to: sharlien@namibtimes.net
Leandrea Mouers at 081 621 7807 or mail to: journalist3@namibtimes.net
Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: journalist5@namibtimes.net
Largest Yearly Exhibition and Conference on Ports and Logistics in Africa
The 31st edition of the Intermodal Africa 2024, the biggest Annual Ports and Logistics Exhibition and Conference on the African continent took place in Swakopmund,thisweek,between27and29February Theeventishostedbythe Namibian Ports Authority (NAMPORT) in collaboration with the Walvis Bay CorridorGroupandissupportedbythePortsManagementAssociationforEast andSouthernAssociation(PMAESA).
The objective of holding this market-leading eventinNamibiaistopromotetradeandeconomic development throughout the SADC regionthrougheffectiveandreliablemodesof transportationandlogistics,aswellaspromote foreign direct investment and international businesstourismintoNamibiaandtheregion.
The two-day conference featured 30 worldclassinternationalbusinessleaderswhoanalysedthelatesttopicalglobaltransportationand logistics issues. The event aimed to draw the appearance of 350 pivotal players across the global transport and logistics chain, from leading shipping lines, shippers, railway operators,cargoowners,freightforwarders,logistics companies, road transport companies, investors, economists, consultants, port authorities, port equipment suppliers, as well as IT services suppliers. A concurrent Trade Exhibitionof50internationalcompaniesandsponsors showcased port and transport-related state-of-the-art products and services, providinganoccasiontoshowcasethelatestdevelopmentsintheindustry
During the opening ceremony of the event on Wednesday, the Deputy Prime Minister of
Namibia and the Minister of Works and Transport,Hon.JohnMutorwasaidlogisticsand transportation management are 'sine qua non' (essential) for international trade and it is the NamibianGovernment'sdeterminedview,toensure that these sectors are upheld for seamless andsoundtransportationofgoods,services,and productsforefficienttradefacilitationacrossthe country,SADC,AUandbeyond.Mutorwasaid, “ourgovernmentisworkinghardtoensurethat ourinfrastructureissafeguardedandmaintained for sustainable efficiency of the transportation andlogisticssector.” AccordingtoMutorwathe IntermodalAfrica Conference serves as a platform for all stakeholders in the transport and logistics industry to converge, exchange knowledge, share experience, and explore opportunities for collaboration and cooperation, “the discussionsandinsightsthatwillbesharedhere willundoubtedlycontributetotheadvancement of best practices, innovation, and sustainable development within the sector, ultimately bolsteringoureffortstocreateamoreefficientand interconnected transportation network, in our respective sub-regions and our continent of Africa.
Namibia's Renewable Energy Revolution Powered by 5G Technology
Inarecentpressrelease,theCommunicationsRegulatoryAuthorityofNamibia (CRAN)revealed,Namibia,poisedattheforefrontofrenewableenergyadoption, is on the brink of an energy revolution, propelled by the integration of Fifth Generation(5G)connectivity.
This cutting-edge technology promises to revolutionise the efficiency, reliability, and scope of renewable energy sources, paving the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient future in Namibia. 5G technology, renowned for its unmatchedspeedandreal-timecontrolcapabilities, is set to transform how Namibia manages its renewableenergyresources.Byenablingsmarter, moreefficientoperationofsolar,wind,andhybrid renewablesystems,5Gensuresoptimalefficiency through real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance,thusreducingcostlydowntimeand disruptions.At the heart of Namibia's renewable energystrategylie5G-poweredgrids.Thesesophisticated networks, equipped with sensors and Inter-net-of-Things (IoT) devices, provide detailed insights into energy consumption and distribution. This high-resolution data facilitates precisebalancingofenergysupplyanddemand,dynamic pricing, and improved grid reliability and accessibility, crucial for a country transitioning towards a sustainable energy landscape. Despite lingering misconceptions about the environmental impact of 5G, CRAN assures that Namibia's 5G networks adhere to stringent energy efficiencyandemissionreductionstandards. Advanced antenna designs and beamforming techniquesaredeployedtominimiseenergyusage and environmental impact. Far from being detrimental,5Gtechnologyservesasavitalconduitin
managingandoptimisingrenewableenergysources,propellingNamibiatowardsitssustainability objectives. One of the most transformative aspectsof5Gintherealmofrenewableenergyisits abilitytoconnectremoteandruralareas.Thistechnology significantly enhances the range and throughputofcommunicationnetworks,making itfeasibletobringrenewableenergysolutionsto even the most isolated communities. Innovative pay-as-you-go systems, facilitated by 5G, lower financialbarriers,enablingwidespreadaccessto microsolargridsandothercleanenergysources, crucial for achieving national electrification and energy independence. By dispelling misconceptions about 5G, CRAN empowers Namibian citizenstofullyembraceandleveragethepotentialofthistechnology Farfrombeinghazardous, 5G is an enabler, unlocking the vast potential of Namibia's renewable resources like solar and wind energy It promises enhanced grid resilience, broader energy access, and a sustainable, electrifiedfutureforallNamibians.Thefusionof 5G and renewable energy represents more than just a technological advancement; it signifies a paradigm shift for Namibia. As the nation continues to harness its abundant solar and wind resources, 5G stands as a key enabler, ensuring that these green energy solutions are not only sustainablebutalsouniversallyaccessible.
Backyard Tenants Seek to Lease Land at Farm 37
The Walvis Bay Backyard Tenants Group has lodged an applicationfortheleaseofportion10and11ofFarm37for temporary occupation by its members while servicing Portion19ofFarm37.
AccordingtoImanuelPombiliYaFestusthegroup'sspokesperson,thegroup wasconditionallyallocatedportion19ofFarm37on25July2023bytheWalvis Bay Municipality “Under such conditions, the applicant is required to attendtotownplanningmattersatowncostandrisk,theapplicantbyvirtue will be required to buy and service such land at own cost. As a result, we startedmobilisingfundstoenablecompletionofthetask.”Headdedthatthe Group members contributed N$380 per person per month towards the planning,surveying,purchasing,andservicingoflandatportion19ofFarm37.At the same time, such members have an unavoidable obligation to pay rent ranging between N$1 000 and N$1 800 for their current accommodation. Basedonthiswecansay,membersofBackyardTenantsGroupwillhaveto forkoutN$1380toN$2000permonthonaveragetowardscurrentaccommodationandfutureaccommodationatthesametime.”Headdedthattaking thisintoconsiderationthatitcanhinderthegroup'smemberstorealisetheir dreamstoownhousesatFarm37. “Thisiswhyweareapplyingtoleaseunoccupiedplotsatportion10and11offarm37.WeareofferingtopayN$15per plot/month,wehave786memberswhoindicatedtheirinterestinleasingsuch plotsforaperioduntilourportionisfullyservicedandreadytooccupy.”He alsoaddedthatoutofthese786members,213havetheirowntransport.“This isbymeansoftaxiorprivatecar Thus,transporttoandfromGreenValleywill notbeaproblemonadailybasis.The786memberswillcontributeN$5per household per month towards the pit latrine toilet's services to be done by a private service provider or municipality waste management department. Therefore,ablutionfacilitywillnotbeaproblemforourmem-bers.Wewill needstreetpre-paidwatertapswhichwewillusetemporarilywhilewaiting forourportion'slandservicetocomplete.”
Architect Identified in Kuisebmond Promenade Project
KarinMillerandherteamhavebeenidentifiedasthearchitects forthe development of a promenade at Kuisebmond’s IndependenceBeach.
In 2022 project to develop the Independence Beach in partnership with the European Union and Czervonak Municipality was announced Project EU: Erongo Sustainable Governance LAB stated that they are pleased to share that the project has reach a major milestone which is the official appointment of an architect for the project after a lengthy bidding process. The Project Management committee recently met with the appointed architect, Karin Miller and her team to discuss the way
forward on fast tracking the realisation of this exciting project. The team held several meetingstodeliberated on important aspects pertaining to the project such as; Incorporatinginputfromthe public as per Charrette event, logical nodes placements with green infrastructure and development of the areawithoutnegatively affecting its natural state. Thank You for following the updates on the project entitled 'Erongo Sustainable GovernanceLAB:Participatory Urban GovernanceForResilient, Safe and Inclusive Multifunctional Public
Spaces in Namibia' and stay tuned for the following updates within the scope of the Project realisation This publication is a part of the 'Erongo Sustainable Governance LAB: ParticipatoryUrbanGovernance For Resilient, SafeandInclusiveMultifunctionalPublicSpaces in Namibia' project, co-funded by the European Union within the frameworkofEuropean Commission-Development & CooperationEuropeAid.Theimplementingpartnersforthe projectare Czerwonak, zobacz więcej and Municipality of Walvis Bay
Sanet de Waal, Trudi van Rooyen (Manica HR executive), Ralph Ruiters (Manica MD), Patrick Kohlstaedt (Manica Executive Business Development)
Manica Donates N$100 000 in the Fight Against Cancer
WiththehighprevalenceofcancerandfollowingthelatePresidentHageGeingob'sown struggleagainstthisillness,ManicaGroupNamibiadecidedtodonateN$100000tothe CancerAssociation of Namibia (CAN). President Geingob, who was laid to rest on 25 February,wasopenabouthisfightagainstcancerandasanadvocateforinclusivityfelt thatnooneshouldbeleftout.
AccordingtothelatestCANstatistics,Namibia has a startlingly higher cancer occurrence rate than otherAfrican nations, with 350 new cases beingdiagnosedyearly
The top five malignancies in Namibia are Prostate, Breast, Cervix Uteri, Kaposi Sarcoma and Colo-rectum cancers. The statistics also showthatwomencontinuetobethegroupmost impacted by the illness. Manica's Managing Director,RalphRuiterspraisedtheCancerAsso-
ciationfortheirselflesscommunitywork,adding that CAN is one of the organisations that is "making a deep impact in assisting those battling cancer."
Receiving the donation, Sanet de Waal, the CAN Erongo Branch Manager, thanked the group for theirgenerousdonation,andsaidthefundswould be used to expand the association's efforts to include more individuals in the Erongo Region impactedbycancer
Wesco Group Align Objectives
In a dynamic industry landscape, the Wesco Group, comprisingWescoEngineeringServicesandWescoWasteManagementServices,recognisestheparamountimportanceof strategicplanning.
As part of our annual tradition, Depot Managers from across Namibiarecentlyconverged for a strategic meeting to discuss andalignobjectives for2024.Thestrategic meeting serves asatestamentofthe dedication to continuous improvement, ensuring that
sustainable practices. Theoutcomesofthese deliberations contribute to the formulation of a robust strategicroadmapthat aligns with the company's overarching vision and mission.
Managing Director of WescoGroup,George Fransman, emphasised the significance of such strategic ses-
strategicmeetingalso served as a platform for collaboration and synergy among our dedicated Depot Managers. It enables theexchangeofideas, insights, and experiences, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within ourorganisation.”
Fransman further remarked, "these
the Wesco Group stay at the forefront of industry advancements and provide unparalleledvalueto our stakeholders During the meeting, the team discusses operational efficiency, client-centric approaches, safety protocols, and
sions, stating, "In the ever-evolving business environment, strategic planning is the compass that guidesus.Itallowsus toalignourcollective efforts, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients andstakeholders."
Fransman said, “the
sessions are not just about setting goals; they are about cultivating a shared vision that propels us towards excellence. EachDepotManager playsacrucialrolein shaping the success of Wesco Group as we navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities in the industry As we look ahead to 2024, Wesco Group remains steadfast in its commitment to delivering exceptional services, upholding thehigheststandards ofquality,andcontributing to the wellbeingofouremployees, clients, and the communities we serve.”
Yahweh Pre-Primary School Launched
Leandrea MouersThe Yahweh Down Syndrome Foundation recently officially launched its Pre-Primary school in Narraville,Walvis Bay.The Foundation was started by BonitaAntoncich in honour of her son Nehemiah Antoncich (6), who has DownSyndrome.
“Ouraimandobjective are to aid and support children at theCoastdiagnosed with Down Syndrome. We are a small team of dedicated people working tirelessly towards creating a
havenforspecialneeds children.”
Experiencing challenges in finding a suitable school for Nehemiah prompted the foundation to start the Yahweh Pre-Primary School in Narraville. The school had
beenblessedwitha12metercontainer,which they have converted into a classroom, recently adding washing basins and toilets.
Jane-ley Antoncich, Bonita's daughter and the teacher at the school, said that the school started with three kids, ranging from the ages of three toeightyearsold.“We initially started in our living room, then a WendyHouse, and now we are in a refurbished 12-meter container
Theideatorefurbisha container into a classroom came from a school in the Northern Cape We are now catering for eight children ” Antoncich added that although the focus is on Down Syndrome children, the school is open to anychild.“It'saschool
for everyone. If you wanttosendyourchild to Yahweh Primary School–youaremore thanwelcome.”
Antoncich, who has experience as an Au Pair in the Netherlands, says her plan was to start a school but didn't think it would happen this soon. “Yet I am grateful; when Nehemiah joined our family, he completely changed all of our lives for the good. We've opened a schoolcateringtochildren with special needs. And ensuring that the stigma surrounding our children with Down Syndrome is debunked, creating awareness that children with Down Syndrome are like any other child” Bonita Antoncich and her board members encourage the Walvis Bay community to
support the Foundation.“Weareanonprofitorganisationand rely heavily on sponsorships, so we need all the support we can get We want our communitytobemore aware of Down Syndrome.”
One of the highlights on its fundraising agenda is the Miss 40 Up competition. Last year, Amber Van Wyk was crowned as Miss 40 Up. Her first runner-up was Magrieta Van Schalkwyk, and the second runner-up
is Ursula Thomas “The lives of our children with Down Syndrome are precious and full of potential We must never waver in our effortstosupportthese children. We are more alikethandifferent.”
TheProponent:MunicipalityofSwakopmund EnvironmentalAssessmentPractitioner(EAP): NCELGeotechnicalConsultantsCc
RegistrationofI&AP'sandSubmissionofComments InlinewithNamibia'sEnvironmentalManagementAct(No.7of2007)andEIA regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012), all I&APs are hereby invited to register, request a BID document, submit their comments, concerns, or questionsbefore05April2024inwritingto.
Mail:PoBox2112,Swakopmund,PostCode13001,Namibia Email:theo.uvanga@gmail.comandinfo@ncel.com.na Mobile:+264814815077
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ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.I knowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnowyour timehascome.Comeand experiencethewonderful miracleshappeninginyour lifeandyouwillnever regret.
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2ndStreet,East officespace availabletorent
Contact: 0811243904
Houseforrent 6ensuitspacious bedrooms, 1spaciousoffice
Openplanlounge, kitchen,diningarea
Fittedkitchenwith pantry 3cargarages
Understairstorage room
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Meersig ext 2 Onebedroomflat
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Contact:0817155891 0813504642
Fullyfurnished,walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV, Wi-Fi,water andelectricityincluded
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C l a s s i f i e d s
Properties Wanted
Lookingfor2bedroom apartmentinMeersig, HermesandFairways. pricerange
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VACANCY: Fisherman
VACANCY: Walvis Bay
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Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770
DR NYAMBE -Payafter successsamedayresults
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Mponda 081 367 5266
RENATHE: I am a woman looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week.Iamhardworking.
Contact:0816771447 0816237659
Brandnewgeyserfor sale100 litre.
Iama24yearoldlady lookingfordomestic worklocatedin Swakopmund,Iam hardworkingand trustworthy
Contact:0813697373/ 0814685888
I’ma35yearoldlady, residentofSwakopmund lookingforworklike cleaning,househelper, anyadministrativework, nannyordrivingwork,I haveacode8(B) drivinglicenseandgrade 12.IspeakOshiwambo andEnglish,readyto startanytime.
Contact:0813158918/ 0857810054
Ek is n painter opsoek na verfwerk,dakke,mureetc. Ek doen alles self, u moet net vir my kwaste voorsien.Kontak:081219 2842
RAUNA: I am a 37 year old lady looking for domestic work from Monday to Saturday I am willingtostartanytime.
iama36yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,Mondaysto Fridaysor3daysaweek. Ihavetenyears experienceincleaning houses,flats, guesthouses,hotels.Ican takecareofbabiesand elderly WalvisBay,Iamreadyto startanytime.
RethaMullerPropertiesherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, to operate an “administrative Office” on the premises of Erf 4067, Swakopmund Extension 11 (10 Tsavorite Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund ZoningSchemedetailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe GeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
th Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis:25 March 2024
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)
The following position exist at an interior design company based in Windhoek. Candidates that have experience in the industry are invited to apply
· Very strong organizational and planning skills.
· Excellent communication skills.
· Computer literate - Word, Excel & Powerpoint.
· Social media skills e.g. Facebook & LinkedIn.
· Marketing. Core functions:
· New business development.
· The recruitment and consultation with clients.
· Preparation, dispatch and follow up of quotations.
· Quality control.
· Managing of courier
· Stock control.
· The effective management of the office.
· Handling of any queries: clients & suppliers. Candidates must have own transport.
Competitive salary with commission. Please forward your cv to designwhk@gmail.com by no later than 10 March 2024.
Only candidates invited for interviews will be contacted.
Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following:
PROJECT NAME: The Construction, Operation, Maintenance and Decommissioning of the Proposed Walvis Bay Independence Beach
PROJECT LOCATION:Along Independence Beachfront, Walvis Bay
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project will include the following components:
· A multifunction walkway about 1.3km with a width of 3 to 4meter
o The walkway will be complemented by a variety of greeneries in the form of lawn/grass, palm trees, succulents, and canopy trees.
· Two functional nodes.
· Different associated infrastructure such as open-air gym, trading areas, ablution facility, beach sport facilities etc.
PROPONENT: Municipality of Walvis Bay
PUBLIC MEETING: Public consultation meetings will be held on 15 March
2024 at the following venue and time:
· 10:00-12:00 at Independence Beach, Walvis Bay
MSCNamibiaseeksanImportControllerfor ourWalvisBayoffice.
The role entails Vessel Documentation, Customs documentation registration, Import releases, Invoicing, Documentation Processing, Customer reception counter, switchboardetc.
1-2 years experience in shipping/forwarding required.
Applicants can email their CV to: shivani.pillay@msc.com
Closing Date: 08/03/2024
Only Short-Listed Candidates Will Be Contacted.
Sea Side Hotel and Spa is looking to fill the following vacancy, in the Accounting Department.
• Review and post supplier invoices.
• Post cashbook transactions.
• Capture transactions to the fixed assets register
• Prepare & process monthly depreciation charges.
• Reconcile the fixed assets register to the General Ledger
• Processing of Bookkeeping methods up to trial balance
• Process Petty cash transactions
• Prepare accruals on a monthly basis.
• Prepare month end for the relevant entity assigned to you, which may change from time to time.
• Oversee monthly submission and payment of VAT
• Follow up on long outstanding claims (VATReturns and IncomeTax).
• Ensure that all deadlines are adhered to by doing regular reviews.
• Performs ad hoc duties as requested by the General Manager
•Attend to all financial institution and ministerial surveys and requests for information.
• Prepare accounting records for annual audit.
• Prepare monthly management account
• Process sales and expenses on the companies erp system
• ProcessAll Debtors and Creditors
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Financial /BusinessAccounting with 5 years’experience in a financial environment.
•Ability to use Excel; Word; Outlook, VIPPayroll and accounting package,e.g,Pastel and Innkeeper would be an advantage
•Ability to understand the prescribed financial accounting statements and standards.
• Knowledge of the VATAct, IncomeTaxAct, and general relevant legislation.
• Problem solving skills / Sound judgement skills / Decision-making skills.
• Good communication skills.
• Good people skills
Closing date: 15th March 2024All suitably qualified and experienced Namibian citizens are encouraged to apply. Should you meet the qualifications and experience required, kindly submit your CV and supporting documentation via email to gm@seasidehotelandspa.com
Minimum 5 years management experience and/or management qualification.
Medically fit for duty
Ability to work in challenging and dynamic environments.
Fluent in English &Afrikaans. Police clearance.
Valid drivers license.
To join our team, submit your resume and cover letter to: wbdiving@iafrica.com.na
Subject: Operations Manager Deadline date: 13 March 2024
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Paulus Jonas, PO Box 2153 Swakopmund.
2. Name of business or proposedbusinesstowhich application relates: The SystemPJNCentreNo.1
3. Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates: Kakulukaz Mungunda Erf 2200, Mondesa, Swakopmund.
4. Nature and details of application: Application for Shebeen SpecialLiqourLicense.
5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: SwakopmundMagistrate Court.
6 Date on which application will be lodged: 29February2024.
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which 10 April 2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee atwhichapplicationwillbe heard.
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Paulus Jonas, PO Box 2153 Swakopmund.
2. Name of business or proposedbusinesstowhich application relates: P.J.N Trading cc.
3. Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates: Namwandi street, Erf 2 4 8 0 , M o n d e s a , Swakopmund.
4. Nature and details of application: Application for groceries SpecialLiqourLicense.
5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: SwakopmundMagistrate Court.
6 Date on which application will be lodged:
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which 10 April 2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee atwhichapplicationwillbe heard.
OnWednesday21FebruaryDrPaulVerburgfrom Omeya Golf Club; Werner van der Merwe from Henties Bay Golf Club and Fred Bossé from RossmundGolfCluballshootingthree“Hole-inOne's”.
Thursday 22 February was no exception as they played a “Funky Shirt” Day – the brainchild of Dreyer Du Plessis – on looking at the photo one might say nothing really “funky” about those shirts – however, one must remember that the word“funky”wasnotinthedictionarywhenthey weregrowingup.
Overall, Winners: Dreyer Du Plessis/ Francois Loots/Gerhard Byleveld 103 points; 2 : Fred nd Bossé/Arauna Louw/Funky Fanie vanVuuren 97 points; 3 : Wim Hollander/John Horne/Eddy van rd Wyk94points.
All in all, they had a great day with 2 – Clubs coming from Eddie van Wyk No.16; Fred Bossé; TimBotha;ChrisZaaymanNo.7.Therewasateam formatwith“SurpriseScoringoneachFlag”. The senior golfers at Rossmund meet on a biweekly basis and are always thinking of ways to maketheirdaydifferent.
Young Namibians Struggle at Africa Amateur Champs
Namibia'stopfiveamateurgolferscompetedwith72ofthecontinent's top amateur golf players at the inaugural Africa Amateur Championshipheldfrom21to24FebruaryatLeopardCreekCountry ClubinSouthAfrica'sMpumalangaprovince.
The Namibian youngsters failed to make an impression as they finished well down the field, with Kyle JohnsonandStefanusBonifatius finishing 35th and37threspectively Johnson completed the 72-hole event with a 28-overpartotalof316 after rounds of 78, 79, 76 and 83, while Bonifatiushada32-overpar totalof320afterrounds of82,75,84and79. The other Namibian youngsters, Kevin Wentzel with a 22over-par total of 166 after rounds of 82 and 84; Todd Parker, 23over-par total of 167 after rounds of 82 and 85 and Walter Heibeb, 34-over-partotalof178 after rounds of 89 and 89 failed to make the cut and were disqualified after the first two rounds of play The Africa Amateur Championshiptitlewas
won by SouthAfricaAltin van der Merwe with a 13-under-par score of 275, after rounds of 69, 65, 71and70whilstChristiaanMaasandIvanVerster also from South Africa finished on 275. Van der Merwewonthethree-wayplay-offwithabirdieon thepar-five18thholetobeexemptfortheAmateur Championship at the Ballyliffin Golf Club in Ireland and the British Open at Royal Troon in Scotland,amongstothers.
Inland Versus Coast
TheShrikeswillhosttheirannualInlandversusCoastBowlsfundraising tournamenton2and3MarchattheNamibParkBowlingClubinWalvis Bay.
Bowlers from across the country put theirnamesforwardinlandclubsand thesamehereattheCOAST
This fundraiser by The Shrikes (whichwasfounded31May1982)is specifically to assist upcoming bowlers, development of bowlers as well as assisting when and where necessary
In the past The Shrikes assisted our JuniorBowlerswithmoniestotravel toSAJuniorDistricts.
Theycontributedfundsaswellonthe NBAWesternProvinceTour
The Shrikes also selected an 8-man squad for development that player previously in the Kimberley winter rinks.
Thisisawonderfulinitiativetakenby Shrikes and their contribution to the development of our sport is unprecedented.
namib times Sport
Nedbank Namibian Newspaper Cup Launched
The Namibia Football Association and Netball Namibia have 22nd edition of the Nedbank NamibianNewspaperCuponTuesdayattheSkyGardens,NedbankHeadOffice,Windhoek.
The development tournament will feature all 14 regions as they compete in football and netball takesplacefrom30Marchto1AprilatGobabisin theOmahekeregion.Theheadlinesponsorofthe annual national showpiece, Nedbank Namibia is back to compliment The Namibian Newspaper holding the naming rights of this extraordinary youthUnder20FootballandNetballcompetition.
TheyouthsportcompetitionspearheadedbyThe NamibianNewspaperforthepast21years,isthe longest Football and Netball sponsor for Namibia'sUnder20FootballandNetballplayers. Thecompetition,amongstothers,aimstoprovide a platform for Namibian youth to exhibit their skillsonFootballfieldsandNetballcourts.
Governmentisacriticalstakeholderasitprovides secured transport from the homes of the athletes invariouspoliticalregionstoandfromOmaheke Region. Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service, Emma Kantema-Gaomas said that the youth Under 20 football and netball competition is more than an exhibition of sport. “It is an extraordinary even that unites people, that builds teamwork, and increases resilience thatdefinesusasNamibians.”
GovernoroftheOmahekeRegion,PijooNganate said that the Omaheke region is committed to delivering an unforgettable event. “I want to recommit right from the onset of the Official launch and Draw, making it crystal clear that Omaheke Region stands firm behind the NFA, Netball Namibia, Nedbank, The Namibian Newspaper and the Ministry of Sport, Youth & national Service ” Nganate, reassuring that Omaheke commits to deliver an incredible 22nd Edition of the Nedbank/Namibian Newspaper Cup,”GovernorNganatepromised.
Nedbank Namibia Managing Director, Martha Muroruasaidthatasanorganisation,weexercise carefulconsiderationinselectingtheprojectswe investin,ensuringthattheyalignwithandreflect ourcompanyethos.“Havingplayedapivotalrole intheNedbankNamibian
Newspaper Cup from 2015 to 2018, we experienced firsthand how the tournament's
impacttranscendsthesportsfield,leavingalasting impression on the lives and livelihoods of all participants. Our investment into the Nedbank Namibian Newspaper Cup represents our single largest investment into any of our other key sponsorshipproperties,andthussolidifiesjusthow muchwevaluethetournament,”shesaid.
Netball Namibia President, Rebekka Goagoses, statedthatthiswillbetheirfifthtimecompetingin thechampionshipandthatithashelpedtogrowthe sportofnetball.
The Namibian Football Associations (NFA) Vice President, Murs Markus applauded Nedbank NamibiaandtheNamibianNewspaperforkeeping the initiative running for this long. Markus said, “theNFAisproudtobepartofthisnobleinitiative; evenmoresohavingsponsorssuchasNedbank,The NamibianNewspaper,theMinistryofSport,Youth and National Service and Coca Cola on board.We, therefore,believethatthiscompetitionwillincrease the returns on your marketing investment, especially for the intended purpose you associate your corporate brand with the NFA and the NewspaperCup,”hesaid.
TheManagingDirectorattheNamibianNewspaper Tangeni Amupadh, emphasised the importance of blending sports and health education at youth competitions. “We need to start addressing health issues at a young age and the Nedbank Newspaper Cup will be the right platform to start doing that, withover300youngboysandgirlsfromallspheres of the country, the girl and boy child need to be educatedonhealthissues,suchasprostate,cervical andbreastcancer.”
The Football draw looks as follows: Group A –Zambezi, Oshikoto, Hardap, Khomas; Group B –Kavango East, Kavango West, Oshana, Kunene; Group C – Otjozondjupa, Ohangwena, Omusati; GroupD–//Kharas,ErongoandOmaheke.
Netball draw: Group A – Ohangwena, Otjozondjupa, Kavango West, Oshana, Omusati, Kunene, //Kharas; Group B – Hardap, Khomas, Erongo, Oshikoto, Kavango East, Zambezi and Omaheke.
Omeya Versus Chula Chula
The most popularclub in the country BlueWaterFC continue to set an exampleforlocalfootballbrandsthiscomingweekendintheDebmarine Premiership.
Omeyawho are fifth on the standings with 29 points after 20 games with7win,8draw'sand 5 losses, 12 points behind log leaders Khomas Nampol, need to beat Eeshoke Chula Chula FC tomorrow at 16:00 at the Jan Wilken Stadium in Walvis Bay However,itisArmando Petro and Technical team side who have the upper hand in terms of confidence. The weekend promises to be a fun-filled adventure for the whole family Blue Water FC faithful to cometogetherandunite behind our Omeya
Boys, the greater the chance of sending massage to Eeshoke ChulaChulaFC.
1st Division Southern Stream
BlueBoysFCaresetto resumeactioninthe1st Division Southern Stream this weekend afterapostponementby the 1st Division Southern Stream Chairperson at the beginning of this month Blue Boys FC currently holding a strong positioninsecondplace on the 1st Division Southern Stream log standing will face off
Blue Water FC
against Davos FC and DTSFCattheMondesa Stadium on Saturday at 16:00 and Sunday at 12:00 respectively
Whilst Eleven Arrows, third on the log will be up against DTS FC and Davos FC at the Jan Wilken Stadium on Saturday at 16:00 and Sunday at 10:00 respectively. Namib Daughters FC from Swakomund will be traveling to Ongwediva for a date with Ongwediva Quens FC FNB Women Super League at 14:00 at the UukwangulaStadium.
The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes recently handed brand new soccerkitstoDesertFoxesFCwomen'sfootballteamfromWalvisBay.
donetremendouslywell in unearthing local talentinWalvisBay
League and has
The vice-captain Maria Ipingehasexpressedher gratitude to the mayor
for sponsoring their team as this support will open up new opportunities for the young women as well asdeveloptheteamas whole.