03 april namib times e-edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6857 FRIDAY 3 APRIL 2020 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Take the Covid-19 Lockdown serious:

Coronavirus can infect 140 000 people in Erongo Estelle de Bruyn The total number of projected novel Coronavirus cases for the Erongo region is 140 000. This according to a joint accessment by the Welwitchia Hospital in Walvis Bay and the Swiss-based Lausanne University Hospital. Of those a total of 28 000 people are feared would be severely affected. This is not good news. The way in which we self-quarentine, maintain social distancing and refrain from interaction with our loved ones, friends, neigbours and the providers of essential services in the next days, weeks and maybe months ahead, may determine who lives and who dies in our communities. This information comes from a press release by the Welwitchia Hospital where concerns are also for the so-called “township-effect” where it is not easy for people to self-isolate as a result of many people occupying the same home, small residential units and people having to move a lot to use ablution and bathroom facilities, fetch water or to go to buy fresh food, as refrigeration capacities are severely limited. In the same press release it is stated even in highly developed first world countries like Germany the fatality rate is 0.6 per cent, in Switzerland, Portugal and South Korea it is 1.4 per cent and in Italy 10.1 per cent. So much more reason for developing countries and under-developed countries to take

Meat supplies won’t run out Estelle de Bruyn

Pages 3 & 6

Covid-19 field hospital groundworks

One of Swakopmund's best known butcheries, Namaqua Meat Market, closed its doors at 13:00 on Wednesday for the duration of the lockdown. The owner, Mr Maritz van Niekerk, said this decision was taken to adhere to government regulations and to for the protection of employees. He however gave the assurance that Namaqua Meat Market will continue to distribute meat to supermarkets. He also does not foresee any shortages of meat or meat products in the foreseeable future. “The abattoirs are still slaughtering and whether they continue will depend on future government directives.

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N$8,1billion rescue plan Estelle de Bruyn

The Minister of Finance, Iipumbu Shiimi, announced a stimulus and relief package amounting to N$8.1 billion to help Namibia weather the storm of the lockdown and Covid-19 threat.

Namibia’s finance minister Iipumbu Shiimi is the man on the spot in the next weeks and months as Namibia plans to roll out a N$8,1 billion rescue plan to save the country’s economy from the ravages of the global novel Coronavirus pandemic. Namibia has not been spared the scourch. (Picture: wikipedia)

inside No Fishing!

This package is comprised of N$5.9 billion in direct support to businesses, households and cash flow acceleration payments for services rendered to Government and N$2.3 billion off-balance sheet Government liabilities. “The Government of the Republic of Namibia is acutely conscious of the significant negative economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on businesses, households and the economy at large. “The longer the outbreak and the health containment and suppression of the

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Locker vom Hocker

Pages 10 & 11

512 days to the Tokyo Olympics

Page 15


3 APRIL 2020

Coronavirus Continues on page 2

the Covid-19 pandemic absolutely serious. Meanwhile, concerns were raised yesterday over the situation in Walvis Bay's Kuisebmond suburb where people said on Wednesday and yesterday: “it is still business as usual” and that there is not orderly police presence. “People are still crowding. We want the Police to deploy in smaller, yet more teams to assist with the flow of people and to get people to stay home and only venture into public areas if they need to purchase food or medicine as per the regulations”, a businessman said. See pictures on page 4.

N$8,1billion rescue plan

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spread, the deeper and longer the economic contraction and social hardships. “In response to these unprecedented economic hardships the Government, in collaboration with all stakeholders; private, Development Partners and other non-state actors, has adopted the First Phase of the Economic Stimulus and Relief Package geared at addressing the negative effects arising from the first 21-day lockdown period,” Shiimi said. The Package is directed at formal and informal businesses in sectors which are directly affected by the lockdown measures as well as households and the related labour market aspects such as job retention to mitigate the negative impact on income. “With this package of measures now being rolled out, I call on the business community and employers to avoid laying off workers at this point in time. This is an exceptional, crisis-related and temporary period for which stern efforts are required from all employers and the Government,” Shiimi added. Specific elements of the Economic Relief and Stimulus Package: ·Economic sectors hardest hit by the lockdown especially tourism, travel and aviation will receive wage subsidies. N$400 million is set aside for this intervention. ·N$3 billion is allocated for repayment of overdue and undisputed VAT refunds. ·N$800 million will go towards paying outstanding invoices for goods and services delivered to government. ·Government will facilitate a N$500 million loan scheme for non-agricultural small businesses. ·A further N$200 million loan scheme for farmers and agricultural businesses was also announced. ·To provide breathing room for cashflow-constrained businesses in the nonmining sectors who are taxpayers, such businesses can borrow an amount equal to 1/12th of their tax payment in the previous tax year. ·To avoid major retrenchments and business closures, employers including Government and business owners will be allowed to negotiate a temporary 20% reduction of salaries and wages during the crisis period, and 40% for the worsthit industries. ·An Emergency Income Grant, to support those employees who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and its fallout. This is a once-off payment of N$750 to people who have lost their jobs, either in the informal or in the formal sector. The total amount for this measure is N$562.00 million. ·To provide breathing room for cash flow constrained individuals who are taxpayers, they can borrow an amount equal to 1/12th of their tax payment in the previous tax year, to be repaid after one year. ·Government will ensure that water points are kept open without a need for water cards during lockdowns. This amount is estimated at about N$10.0 million.

Estelle de Bruyn Cell: 081 124 7009

309 people tested for the novel Coronavirus Estelle de Bruyn The Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula, announced yesterday that a total of 306 people have been tested for possible infection with the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19). That is amidst the country's thirteenth Covid-19 infection now confirmed. The youngest victim is a nine months old baby. Namibia has been spared Covid-19 deaths. The Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP) were assigned 150 cases and PathCare the additional 156. PathCare sent the samples to South Africa to be tested. Of all the samples submitted 265 have been tested, 111 by NIP and 154 by PathCare. As of Wednesday morning 1 April, 22 samples were collected for testing. Three of these sample tests were inconclusive and the testing will be repeated; 19 tested negative and zero tested positive. Shangula also shed light on the procedure for foreign truck drivers entering to country to bring imported items into the Namibia. At border posts customs and immigration officials carry out enhanced checks while public health officials do medical screenings. A proof of clearance is then issued that the drivers can show to law enforcement officers. When the truck drivers arrive at their destinations, they have to inform the local public health officials. Truck owners have to arrange for quarantine for the drivers while they are on Namibian soil. Public Health Officials with the help of the police ensure compliance with the quarantine. Shangula also thanked private health providers for their cooperation with government health services. He also paid special tribute to the dedicated service of public health workers in these challenging times. Shangula also warned against what he called the “infodemic of fake news” and cautioned to nation to be wary of it. He said this only causes “angst and panic” and that it undermines the work of health workers.

Meat supplies

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“We get our meat from the south of the country and as food provision is considered an essential service, there are no problems transporting the meat to the Erongo region,” Van Niekerk said. In the meantime Meatco announced that after the Agricultural value chain had been declared an essential service through a Proclamation and consultations with its line Ministries, namely, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land reform and the Ministry Public Enterprises, Meatco's Management, reconsidered the re-opening date of its abattoir. Robust measures have been put in place to safeguard staff safety. “In view of the aforementioned declaration of agriculture as an essential service, Meatco reciprocally re-considered its initial decision to suspend slaughters for 21-days which is aimed at mitigating potential risks across the business. As a result, our abattoir will be opening for normal business on Monday, 6 April, and not on 20 April as per our earlier communiqué . “Slaughtering will resume on Wednesday, 8 April and will be maintained subject to any directives and laws that may be passed from time to time by the Government,” Rosa Hamukuaja-Thobias, Manager: Corporate Affairs said in a statement.

3 APRIL 2020



Thoughts on the lockdown

Kevin Britz (A grade 8 Pupil at Swakopmund Secondary School): “This lock down, especially for us the learners is like living in a prison. I love school and I miss my friends. This does not only affect our education but also our physical well-being. We cannot even play soccer in the street. If we do so the armed forces chase us away. It is very stressful to stay in the house, especially when you have nothing to do in the house. I do not have a smartphone and do not even have access to the internet which is keeping people busy these days. All in all, I am happy to see that my street is quiet and everyone is adhering to the rules put in place by our President. I am worried though about school. How are we going to continue should this virus not stop spreading? Are we going to repeat our grades? We are worried and scared about our future as learners. Luckily we are not panicking and hope for the best�. Editor's Note: Remember you are not confined to indoors. You are allowed to play outside as long as it is on your yard. What about lending some help to your parents with tasks around the house to get some fresh air and sunshine?

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Not exactly what one expects to catch. This vehicle with several fishing rods aboard was seen parked in front of the Walvis Bay police station yesterday around noon. Next to it a patrol vehicle with several members of the NDF aboard. The driver of this vehicle is in hot water, as he or she [unknown] was underway to catch fish amidst the lockdown. There seems to be a misunderstanding that fishing is allowed. Only exercise is allowed. Fishing counts as a recreational activity. Recreational activities are only allowed at your place of residence. Be a bit creative and in doing so stay out of trouble.


4 APRIL 2020

Covid-19 field hospital at the coast Rudi Bowe

The Covid-19 field hospital that is under construction on the premises of the Walvis Bay state hospital will cater for only 75 beds and not the initially planned 150 beds. The field hospital is a joint venture between the privateand the public sector and will serve as a frontline medical intervention should a Coronavirus outbreak hit the Eron-

go Region (also see front page article). The initial idea for the construction of the field hospital comes from the recently elected regional councillor for the Walvis Bay Urban Consti-

tuency, Clr Knowledge Ipinge who is working with the regional council, the Walvis Bay local authority, the Welwitschia Hospital, the ministry of health and social services and the

ministry of works and transport to get the project fully established in 21 days. Clr. Ipinge is tasked with the Covid-19 response coordination in the region and serves as Chairperson

of the Disaster Risk Management Committee for Walvis Bay. Close by is a drone picture showing how earthworks progressed in a matter of only days. The first containers which will house the necessary medical infrastructure is due to arrive in due course. The containers are hygienically cleaned, are cladded in the inside with panelling and is no different than any conventional hospital ward. "In my capacity as the Chairperson of the Disaster Risk Management Committee for Walvis Bay Urban Constituency, I deci-

ded to put aside our political differences and to heed to the call of the Governor of Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua, to rather split the COVID-19 emergency medical facility into two 75-bed facilities for both Walvis Bay and Swakopmund," said Ipinge. Ipinge added the time cannot be more ready than now for publicprivate-partnership (PPP's) to fight the Covid-19 threat as one nation. “It is our country's most viable solution. As things stand now such ppp's will facilitate the moving of resources and assets between health care

facilities and ensure the nation's preparedness, readiness and response actions”, he explained. “Political leaders should provide guidance and provide advice to the national g o v e r n m e n t . We have a Disaster Risk Management Act in place. Let this legislation, Ipinge added. Note: the construcion phase of the field hospital will only commence once the necessary official approval has been obtained the head office of the Ministry of Health and Social Services and the COVID-19 National Committee.

Smaller, yet more police teams deployed to fixed points an option A businessman urges the Namibian Police to deploy smaller, yet more teams to hotspots like supermarkets, pharmacies and other essential businesses to guide people into safer public conduct to ensure social distancing and for people to only move around when they need to shop for food, hygiene products and medicines. These scenes were yesterday at various spots around Kuisebmond in Walvis Bay.

3 APRIL 2020




3 APRIL 2020

namib times Langstrand beach area Due to lockdown our office hours as follows: Monday - Friday 08:00 - 12:00

jacketed in eerie silence

Early mornings are usually the time when several women gather near the jetty at Langstrand to collect shells. Since the start of the lockdown, the beach has been deserted. Photo: Estelle de Bruyn

Chinese fishing vessels cleared of fish poaching allegations The commander of the Namibian Navy, Rear Admiral S.N.B. Nghipandua, confirmed during a press briefing in Walvis Bay on Wednesday no evidence could be found that the six Chinese fishing vessels intercepted off the Namibian coast on 27 March were involved in illegal fishing activities in Namibian territorial water. Commander Nghipandua said the six vessels could lift anchor and proceed with their voyage to China. Residents of Langstrand, Dolphin Beach and Afrodite Beach could see the vessels at anchor in the bay since last Friday with two navy vessels staying close-by. These six fishing boats are now off the suspect list of pirate fishing boats exploiting Namibia's fish resources illegally, but an investigation into the incident did reveal a few discrepancies which the Chinese Embassy in Windhoek could take up with Beijing, seeing that the fishing company, Zhenyuanyu, to which these vessels belong are jointly owned by the Chinese state and by private shareholders. Firstly, the vessels' names appear in too small lettering on the hulls [less than one meter in height] thereby making it difficult and often impossible to read from a distance. That is, according to Rear Admiral Nghipandua, inconsistent with international maritime law. Furthermore, the vessels bear no call-sign numbers and the fish catching records show catches were made in Angola. The vessels [it is claimed] departed Equatorial Guinea on 15 March, en route to China. Despite this no records of fishing in Equatorial Guinea and some of the crew's passports were not stamped in all the countries the vessels claimed to be, according to the statement made by the Navy. On 23 March 2020 Chinese fishing vessels,

assumed to be four but later confirmed six [the Chinese Embassy says eight vessels] in number entered Namibia's Maritime Contiguous Zone through our northern maritime border, executing what the Navy described as suspicious passage movements. That entailed slowing speed and switching off Automatic Identification Systems (AIS). The vessels on 25 March at around 16:00 changed course towards land and stationed 15 nautical miles off Henties Bay. According to the Navy the area is a well-known fishing spot. According to the statement by Rear Admiral Nghipandua, on 26 March after consultations with various stakeholders a task force comprising two Namibian Navy vessels departed Walvis Bay and intercepted the Chinese fishing vessels. Upon arrival the task force established it to be six vessels and not four as data showed originally. The reason was two of the vessels' AIS were switched off. What made the matter confusing were the vessels all bore the same name, Zhenyuanyu, but each vessel had a unique number following the name Zhenyuanyu. These numbers were respectively 805, 806,

809, 810, 818 and 821. For each vessel there was a unique number that followed the word Zhenyuanyu. Neither of the vessels displayed an IMO (International Maritime Organisation) number and none displayed a callsign number. At first there were problems for the Navy to communicate with the crews of the fishing vessels over the radio. Only when the Namibian Navy used Mandarin, the crews replied. The Chinese vessels indicated they were not in the area to fish but was en route to China from Equatorial Guinea, but encountered rough seas and moved closer to shore. The Navy task force became suspicious about

the weather explanation and ordered the vessels to sail for Walvis Bay under escort. The Chinese vessels initially refused, but after what Rear Admiral Nghipandua described as “coercive diplomacy” [let leave it there], the vessels complied. At Walvis Bay the vessels dropped anchor in a cluster in the bay. They were boarded and inspected by various line authorities. The fishing gear showed no signs of recent use. However, the other discrepancies were set out regarding the display of the vessel names, AIS's switched off, no IMOnumbers and no callsigns. The Navy yesterday said it releases the ves-

sels to continue the passage to China as the matter of illegal fishing was the only aspect within its mandate to enforce. The Chinese Embassy in Windhoek was fast recently to challenge the Namibian public about allegations of illegal fishing. The Chinese said provided the Namibian authorities with the relevant information that shows these vessels were not involved in illegal fishing in Namibian territorial water. The Embassy of China however, to date have not come out publicly over why these vessels are not meeting legal requirements set out by international maritime law and the International Maritime Organisation.

Fishing and surfing is recreation not exercise - “end of the debate” Residents of the coast have been asking questions since the lockdown started last Friday as to why they are not allowed to go to the beach to catch fish, to serve or to enjoy the day alone or with their few family members. A senior police officer gave a simple way for people to understand it. In the regulations, guiding the current measures in place to manage the State of Emergency against the spread of the Coronavirus provision is made for people to go outside their places of residence to exercise. At the same time persons going outside for exercise may not be crowding to places like the lagoon at Walvis Bay, the beach etc, as crowding means compromising social distancing. Thererfore you exercise by walking or running around the block or even two blocks. Angling, surfing, going to the beach to enjoy a day in the sun and surf is recreation - not exercise. The regulations is clear - exercise. No reference to recreation. Recreation must be done at your place of residence. “This is the end of this debate. We urge people to take this lockdown and rules serious and stay at home.

3 APRIL 2020



Specific elements of the Economic Relief and Stimulus Package Relief Measures for the business sector · Wage subsidy for extended to cash flow hardest hit sectors. To avoid further retrenchments in the hardest-hit sectors, Government will provide a wage subsidy to aid businesses in keeping employees on board in the tourism, travel and aviation and construction sectors. Details will vary between sectors. Government is setting N$400 million aside for this subsidy. · Accelerated repayment of overdue and undisputed VAT refunds. The total amount of the refunds to settled within one week of the implementation of these measures stands about N$3.0 billion. · Accelerated payment of overdue and undisputed invoices for goods and services provided to Government. This amount stands at about N$800 million. · Non-agricultural Small business loan scheme. Government will facilitate a N$500 million loan scheme for non-agricultural small businesses and guaranteeing such loans to be provided by the Development Bank of Namibia. The loans will be

constrained small businesses that have experienced a significant loss of revenue. · Agricultural business loan scheme. Government will further facilitate a N$200 million loan scheme for farmers and agricultural businesses and guaranteeing such loans to be provided by the Agricultural Bank of Namibia. · Granting of the policy relief to borrowers by DBN and AgriBank in the form of a capital repayment moratorium where a holiday is allowed on the principal amount for a period ranging between six (6) months, but not exceeding two years (24 months) based on assessment, recapitalisation of interest, lengthening of the repayment periods and waiving of penalty provisions. · Tax-back loan scheme for non-mining corporates. To provide breathing room for cashflow-constrained businesses in the non-mining sectors who are taxpayers, such businesses can borrow an amount equal to 1/12th of their tax payment in the previous tax year, to be repaid after one year. The interest rate will be favourably low at the prime lending rate less

1%, on the back of the Government guarantee, capped at N$470 million. Applications will be made via the banks. · Relaxation of labour regulations to protect jobs. To avoid major retrenchments and business closures, employers including Government and business owners will be allowed to negotiate a temporary 20% reduction of salaries and wages during the crisis period, and 40% for the worsthit industries. The negotiations will be undertaken through a consultative process with employees and labour unions. Support to households To support the households cope with reduced income, increased health related spending and other hardships due to the virus outbreak, the following measures are proposed: · An Emergency Income Grant, to support those employees who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and its fallout. This is a once-off payment of N$750 to people who have lost their jobs, either in the informal or in the formal sector, essentially to stave off the vulnerabilities which arise. Applications may

be made by Namibians citizens between 18 and 60 years of age who have lost their jobs and not receiving any other social grants. Payment will be made by Government in collaboration with the Social Security Commission within 7 days utilising the banking sector's ATM infrastructure. The total amount for this measure is N$562 million, based on the national poverty line of

about N$250 per person per week. · Tax-back loan scheme for tax registered and tax paying (PAYE) employees and selfemployed individual persons who have lost income or part thereof. To provide breathing room for cash flow constrained individuals who are taxpayers, they can borrow an amount equal to 1/12th of their tax payment in the previous tax year, to be

repaid after one year. The interest rate will be favourably low at the prime lending rate less 1% on the back of a Government guarantee. The total guarantee is capped at the maximum of N$1.1 billion, based on the PAYE tax register and the potential loan size. The Government, in collaboration with the banking institutions may institute statutory and administrative measures to

enhance compliance with loan obligations. · Water subsidy during lockdowns. Government will ensure that water points are kept open without a need for water cards during lockdowns, through NamWater and Local Authorities that will subsidize this critical service. The purpose of the First lockdown, this amount is estimated at about N$10.0 million.


3 APRIL 2020 ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the late Frederik Johannes Coetzee who died on 31 January 2020 and was residing at Flat No.31 Palm Court, Swakopmund. Creditors and debtors of the above Estate are requested to lodge their claims against the Estate or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 (Thirty) days as from date of publication of this advertisement. P F HAMMAN t/a Pieter Hamman Legal practitioner 2nd Floor Stadtmitte Sam Nujoma Avenue P O Box 2148 Swakopmund (Ref: PFH/ml-amMAT17800)

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/ 1992), as amended, that the Council of Walvis Bay Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, (1) hectare situated on a portion of Farm 23 for one year for purposes of tourism related activities to Daniel Sitentu Youth Group. The rental will N$5 500/ plus N$825.00 (15% VAT) with 10%/ annum. Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at room no.29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms D Muller can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours. Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday, 17 April 2020. A Victor General Manager: Community & Economic Development Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Fax: (064) 209714 Walvis Bay

3 APRIL 2020



Namibia's ambassador to France discharged from hospital Hospitalised for two weeks with novel Coronavirus infection Rudi Bowe

Namibia's ambassador to France, Albertus Aochamub, was discharged from a French hospital on Wednesday following a two weeks stint under medical care after contracting the novel Coronavirus.

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day Care Centre) ON ERF: 5677 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Okambahe Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Day Care Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 17 April 2020. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Teofilia Megameno Kamati, P O Box 8315, Narraville

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Health Training Centre) ON ERF: W3073 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: c/o Sam Nuuyoma Avenue & 11th Road, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Health Training Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 17 April 2020. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Ipinge, P O Box 1835, Walvis Bay

Scholashika N

STEWART PLANNING TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS REZONING APPLICATION NOTICE Site: Erven 93, 94, 95, Damara Tern Street - Dolphin Beach Rezoning: From “Single Residential” to “General Residential 2” In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that Stewart Planning, intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for the permission to rezone erven 93, 94 & 95 Dolphin Beach from “Single Residential” with a density of 1:500m2 to “General Residential 2” with a density of 1:300m2. Erven 93, 94 & 95 will be consolidated into a 2,310m2 site, to be used for the development of a medium density residential development/accommodation establishment. Particulars of the application may be inspected at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Any persons having any objection or comments to the approval of this rezoning application may lodge such objections together with grounds thereof, with the Municipality of Walvis Bay and Stewart Planning, in writing, not later than Friday 17 April 2020. MUNICIPALITY: Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Walvis Bay Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay

APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart - Stewart Planning P.O. Box 2095 Walvis Bay bruce@sp.com.na 064 280 770

Aochamub, a former spokesperson for President Hage Geingob, was the first Namibian to contract the virus outside Namibia's borders. “I am safely home from hospital having avoided contracting Covid-19”, the ambassador said. Covid-19 is the medical condition stemming from the novel Coronavirus contraction. Only a small percentage of people infected with the novel Coronavirus end up contracting Covid-19 which has so

far killed approximately 45 000 people worldwide in the past weeks. Aochamub thanked everyone who wished him well during this trying period, who prayed for him and sent all the get-well-soon messages. “I am forever grateful and humbled”, he concluded. France counts among Europe's worst hit countries after Italy and Spain. More than 50 000 people were infected, the death toll is more than 3 500. The good news not often mentioned is that close to 10 000 if not more people recovered in France.

Confirmed affected cases in Namibia to date still stand at 14 [if taken into account the number 13 is skipped as a worldwide custom to exclude

the number 13 as it is associated with bad luck]. That means Namibia stands at 13 cases, but it is numbered as 14.


3 APRIL 2020

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Zebra Crossing: Leserbrief: Gedanken Etwas zum Schmunzeln Die Sieger einer alten Frau Wir grüßen uns mit einem neuen Gruß. Nicht mehr ‘mach’s gut’ oder ‘viel Glück’, ‘viel Erfolg’, wir grüßen ‘bleib gesund’. Viele Grüße in unserem Leben sind zur Gewohnheit geworden und nur so dahergesagt. Dieser neue Gruß, ‘bleib gesund’, ist ehrlich gemeint und kommt von Herzen. Uns ist in letzter Zeit, in sehr kurzer Zeit, bewusst geworden, wie schnell sich, durch ein Virus, Gesundheit in Krankheit verändern

Silke Hornung vor Boutique. Swakopmund(sk) In Swakopmund gibt es ein kleines, feines Geschäftchen, in dem man nur zu gerne wühlt. Die Z e b r a C ro s s i n g Boutique besteht nun schon seit mehr als 16 Jahren. Es gibt dort ausgefallenen Schmuck aus reinem Silber, teils mit Halbedelsteinen wie Lapislazuli, Amethyst, Mondstein, Rosenquarz und Citrin geschmückt. Ohrringe, Ringe, Ketten und Kettenanhänger werden auch angeboten. Außerdem gibt es Modeschmuck, für all diejenigen, die sich mal verwöhnen, jedoch ihr Budget nicht sprengen wollen. Sehr beliebt sind die modischen, langen Ketten aus bunten Steinen oder mit Holzanhänger mit beispielsweise einem Notenschlüssel darauf, oder aber die Ohrstecker, die an der hinteren Seite mit getrockneten Blumen und Kristallen gefüllt sind. Ferner gibt es eine große Auswahl an echtem Perlenschmuck. Für die Damenwelt ist jedenfalls bestens gesorgt in diesem Geschäft. Doch auch für die Herren gibt es gute Nachrichten: Die Gutscheine von Zebra Crossing sind eine empfehlenswerte Geschenkidee zum Geburtstag, einem Jubiläum oder

ihrer Zebra Crossing Foto: Privat! zu einem anderen feierlichen Anlass. Sehr viel Freude bereitet es der Ladeninhaberin Silke Hornung und ihrem Team, wenn die Passanten stehen bleiben und das Schaufenster von Zebra Crossing bestaunen. Dieses wird von ihnen nämlich mit Feuereifer selbst gestaltet, vor allem dann, wenn es besondere Anlässe gibt. Ein Spaziergang zum Zebra Crossing lohnt sich daher schon allein deshalb, weil der Blick hinein eine wahre Freude für das Auge ist. Sie können sich jederzeit bei Silke Hornung melden (08112918 76), wenn Sie mehr wissen möchten. Die Antworten zu den Fragen dieses Quizes lauteten: 1. Zebra Crossing besteht seit 16 Jahren. 2. Die Stricksachen dort bestehen aus Bambus. 3. Zebra Crossing zeichnet sich aus durch Qualität, Vielfalt und Heimarbeit. Und nun zu den Siegern des Preisausschreibens: Gewonnen haben: 1. Isolde Herzog (einen Gutschein im Werte von N$500); 2. Astrid Vietor (einen Gutschein im Werte von N$ 300,-); 3. Heide Voigts (einen Gutschein im Werte von N$ 200,-). Gratuliere! Wegen des Lockdowns setzen Sie sich bitte mit Silke Hornung direkt in Verbindung zwecks Abholen der Preise.

die Welt besteht, gab es Seuchen: die Pocken, die Pest, die Cholera; die Seuchen unserer Zeit - und die Menschen haben sie überwunden. Schwere Zeiten wie Krieg, Wirtschaftskrisen und Hungersnot haben die Völker gemeistert. Nach dem Sieg über das Virus werden die schwersten Zeiten kommen, die weltweite Rezession. Dann werden wir merken, was wir alles überhaupt nicht nötig haben. Unsere Konsumgesellschaft wird

Ich stand gestern Morgen um 6h45 in einer langen Warteschlange vor Pick und Pay, das um 7h000 Uhr öffnet. Da ich bereits graue Haare habe, gehöre ich zu den Senioren, denen immer der Vortritt gelassen wird, so auch hier. Plötzlich läuft ein junger Mann an uns älteren Herrschaften vorbei und versucht sich vorzudrängeln. Tante Betsie aus dem Altersheim war das einer zu viel, und sie haute dem Jüngling energisch mit ihrem Sonnenschirm bis nach hinten in die Schlange zurück. Der Kerl wagte es doch tatsächlich ein zweites Mal, an uns vorbeizuschleichen. Diesmal platzte Outoppie Joggie der Kragen, schlug ihm so fest er konnte auf die Brust und schubste ihn wieder nach hinten. Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr, er wagt es ein drittes Mal an den Alten vorbei. Und dies-

Leberreime kann. Wir haben wohl selten über Gesundheit nachgedacht. Nun haben wir genügend Zeit, darüber nachzudenken. Wie selbstverständlich nehmen wir unser Wohlbefinden an. Wohlbefinden heißt nun, ein zu Hause zu haben, wenn man sich nicht frei bewegen darf, wenn es genug Lebensmittel gibt und wo man in Ruhe sein darf. Für manche Familien wird es schwer sein, 24 Stunden verträglich zusammen zu sein. Doch können Werte wieder entdeckt werden, die uns verloren gingen: Ein Gespräch zu führen, ohne Hast, Zärtlichkeit zu zeigen, ohne Flüchtigkeit, Rücksicht zu nehmen, miteinander zu lachen, ohne hämisch zu sein, Fotoalben neu zu entdecken und Dankbarkeit zu erweisen. Seit

nicht in der Lage sein, alles zu kaufen, was man haben möchte. Die Welt wird bescheidener werden. Es werden dann nicht mehr Tonnen Lebensmittel vernichtet, Äpfel werden dann nicht mehr unter den Bäumen liegen und verkommen, weil niemand sie pflückt, die Frauen werden wieder selber kochen und nicht vorgekochte Mahlzeiten, in Plastik verpackt, kaufen, und Kleidung wird auch drei Jahre oder länger getragen. Die Menschen der südlichen Halbkugel werden am schwersten betroffen sein. Doch sind sie fröhlich und weniger besorgt. Denken wir daran. Ich grüsse mit dem neuen Gruss: ‘Bleib gesund’! Eva-Maria Walter aus Walvis Bay

1. Die Leber ist von keinem Hecht, sie ist von einem Hund, / und weil das so ‘ne Hundsart ist, trägt er sie nun im Mund! 2. Die Leber ist von keinem Hecht, sie ist v o m A t t e n t ä t e r. / Was ich euch damit sagen möcht’, berichte ich euch später. 3. Die Leber ist von keinem Hecht, sie ist von einem Dänen, / er gab sie gar nicht gerne her, das wollt` ich noch erwähnen. 4. Die Leber ist von keinem Hecht, sie ist von einem Säufer, / obwohl sie schon marode war, war er ein guter Läufer.

mal schreit er los: “Ihr verdammten Grauköpfe, wenn ihr das jetzt noch einmal mit mir macht, dann steht ihr noch bis heute Abend hier in der War-

teschlange. Es ist echt eure eigene Schuld, wenn ihr mich nicht vorbeilasst, um endlich die Ladentür aufzuschließen.”

Worte der Woche

Man empfängt Menschen nach dem Kleide und entlässt sie nach dem Verstand. Karl Simrock (1802 -1876), deutscher Dichter und Philologe aus Bonn. Eine richtige Frau wirkt voll bekleidet auf einen Mann anziehender als ein nacktes Weib. Romy Schneider (*1938 in Wien; † 1982 in Paris), deutsch-französische Schauspielerin und Synchronsprecherin. Ohne Schnurrbart ist ein Mann nicht richtig angezogen. Salvador Dali (1904 -1989), spanischer Maler, Grafiker, Schriftsteller und Bildhauer aus Katalonien

Wenn man nicht weiß, was man zu einer Gesellschaft anziehen soll, kommt man am besten als erste. Dann haben die anderen das Gefühl, falsch angezogen zu sein. Dagmar Koller ( *1939 in Klagenfurt), österreichische Sängerin, Tänzerin und Schauspielerin. Wozu Socken? Sie schaffen nur Löcher! Albert Einstein (* 1879 - † 1955 in New Jersey, USA), deutscher Physiker mit Schweizer und US-amerikanischer Nationalität. Ich war nicht wirklich nackt. Ich hatte nur keine Kleider an. Josephine Baker (1906 in St. Louis, Missouri; † 1975 in Paris) eine Tänzerin, Sängerin und Schauspielerin.

3 APRIL 2020



An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste

Traumort Husab

So weit wie möglich locker vom Höckerchen Furchterregender oder fröhlicher Lockdown, je nach Perspektive Liebe Küstenleser, da ich schon immer ein Typ von Mensch war, der sich darum bemüht, eher das halb volle als das halb leere Glas zu sehen, habe ich auch das Lockdown bisher in vollen Zügen genossen. Erst einmal habe ich meine Mutter zu mir geholt, da sie im Altersheim keinen Besuch mehr empfangen darf und ich nicht möchte, dass sie eventuell vor Einsamkeit stirbt. Und siehe da, plötzlich lebt man

Eine Anekdote von Erwin Sandelowsky, auf Farm Nordenburg gesammelt und fabriziert und in dem obigen Heflein veröffentlicht. Als Leutnant von Bülow im Jahre 1890 den Befehl bekam, sich in Otjimbingwe in Südwestafrika bei Hauptmann von Francois zu melden, machte er sich im Januar 1891 von London aus nach Südafrika auf den Weg. Von Berlin mit der Bahn nach Rotterdam, von dort mit dem Fährschiff nach London, von dort per 300-TonnenDampfer "Trojan" nach Kapstadt, von dort mit Küstenboot Nautilus nach Walvis Bay, das damals englisch war, und dort erwartete ihn Unteroffizier Meiburg mit Krümperwagen. Sie fuhren an einem Vormittag ab und der Leutnant fragte den Unteroffizier:

"Wo werden wir heute abend sein?" - "Wir übernachten in Husab." Während der Wagen ihn hin- und herschaukelte, dachte der Leutnant: Naja, kleines Nest, meist Eingeborenenhütten und kleines Hotel für Europäer mit interessantem Ausblick auf afrikanische Landschaft, und träumte vor sich hin: Husab am Swakoprivier - ob das bis dorthin schiffbar ist? Am späten Nachmittag hielt das Fuhrwerk unter einem großen Anabaum. "Warum halten Sie, Unteroffizier?" - "Wir sind in Husab." - "Wo ist Husab?" - "Hier, bei dem Anabaum, Herr Leutnant!" Das Gesicht des Gardeleutnants aus Berlin ist leider nicht fotografiert worden.

mit Hunden in der Ferne, ansonsten einen einsamen, heftig in die Pedalen tretenden Radler und drei Jogger. Und mein Herz öffnete sich weit wie der Ozean mit dem befreienden Gefühl: “Die Erde gehört für einen Moment dir ganz allein.” Und dann das Miterlebendürfen einer Situation weltweit, die irgendwann einmal als hoffentlich “einmalig” in die Annalen der Geschichte eingehen

Buch “Virus-Wahn” darauf aufmerksam macht, dass es zig Viren gibt, die krank machen und auch töten, dass wir sie aber nie ganz eindämmen werden können:“Viraleffekte soll man möglichst nicht behandeln, aber man behandelt sie, sodass man rechtlich abgesichert ist, wenn einer an dieser Behandlung stirbt. Und auch die Politiker wollen sich absichern.” Das ist nur ein kleiner Ansatz

von Medizinern, die nicht unbedingt dem Mainstream der Angst folgen, wurden inzwischen von einer unsichtbaren Macht, die im Gegensatz zu den Medizinern - nirgends ihr Gesicht zeigt, gesperrt. Warum - wenn wir in einer so freien Welt leben, die geradezu eine Unmenge von tatsächlicher Falschmeldungen wiederum zulässt? Dann gibt es noch Dr Jaroslav Belsky aus Wien, der neun Jahre lang Medizin studierte, davon zwei Jahre in einem Molekularbiologischen Labor und nun als Zahnarzt praktiziert: “In den letzten fünf Monate sind 9500 Corona-Tote gemessen worden mit einem Test, über den wir später noch reden werden. In dem gleichen Zeitraum sind 300000 Menschen an Influenza bzw. an der Grippe gestorben. Das heißt, man sieht bereits an den nackten Zahlen, dass da von der

ronazentriert agiert und das Lockdown die Wirtschaft lahmlegt, hat China, wo das welterschütternde Gogga sich zuerst zeigte, bereits angekündigt, dass es den Virus unter Kontrolle hat. Fabriken machen wieder Geschäfte, und nach dem aus der Corona-Angst erwachsenen Freifall der Börse hat der Generalsekretär der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas, Xi Jinping, europische und amerikanische Aktien der Schwerindustrie aufgekauft, von denen Europa, Amerika und im Grunde genommen die ganze Welt abhängig ist. Könnte es sein, dass China ab jetzt die Weichen stellt - und Europa und Amerika der finanziell-wirt-

Corona-Angst vor dem Sterben wieder in einer Gesell- wird: Ein Videoclip, schaft, wo es keine den mir jemand zuSeniorenresidenzen sandte, der die Innenstadt Kapstadts ohne gab! Dann bin ich am Mor- eine Menschenseele gen des 28. März, des und ein Fahrzeug ersten Tages des “Aus- zeigt; am sonst wugehverbotes”, mit mei- selnden Bahnhof Tonen Boerbul-Damen tenstille; kein einziger am Swakoprivier ent- M a r k t s c h r e i e r a m lang Richtung Inland Greenmarket Square! gewandert. Zum Glück Nur Vogelgeräusche! tritt die namibische Be- Wow! hörde etwas mensch- Was den Corona-Virus licher auf, verbietet anbetrifft: Ich bin kein nicht gleich ALLES Mediziner, aber ein und setzt nicht gleich Mensch mit hoffentLockdown-Spaß in der Familie das Militär überall ein, lich einigermaßen ge- seiner vielen Gedan- Berichterstattung her schaftliche Verlierer wie es zum Beispiel in sundem Verstand, der ken, die mir einleuch- eine sehr, sehr starke ist? Könnte es sein, unserem südlichen sich darum bemüht, so ten. Ansonsten kann Verzerrung vorliegt. dass der Coronavirus Nachbarstaat der Fall viel wie möglich In- man sich ja mal im Wir leben in einer glo- einer der geistreichformation einzuholen: Internet über diesen balisierten Welt,da sten Schachzüge in der ist. Auf meiner Wande- Und zwar nicht aus Internisten und seine sterben jeden Tag sehr Geschichte des Akrung sah ich vier dem Wust an medien- Gedanken schlau ma- viele Menschen, in tienmarkts ist? Oder ist weitere Spaziergänger geilen Schreiern, son- chen. Dann gibt es eine Italien sterben zwi- es tatsächlich der Virus dern von Experten, die Virologin namens Ka- schen 1600 und 2000 allein, der Schuld an sich wirklich darum rin Mölling, die Pro- Menschen täglich, das dem Lockdown ist? bemühen, aus erster fessorin und Direktorin war auch schon vor Keiner weiss es genau, Hand zu berichten, des Instituts für Medi- Corona so...” Wer und erst Recht kein zum Beispiel Lungen- zinische Virologie an mehr wissen möchte, kleiner, unbedeutender und Virenexperten, der Universität Zürich der schaue sich den Schreiberling aus SwaSeuchen- und Medi- und Forschungsgrup- interessanten Video- kopmund mit einem zinfachmännern gene- penleiterin am Max- clip an, bevor auch mittelprächtigen Verrell. Und Info frei von Planck-Institut für Mo- DER gesperrt wird: stand. Ich rede nur laut Angst! Den “Kranz- lekulare Genetik in https:www.bitchute.co mit mir selbst bzw. virus” gibt es, kein B e r l i n w a r. 2 0 1 4 m/video/zcF2o4J2YeT brabbel vor mich hin. Zweifel, doch die schrieb sie ein Buch 3/ Meine größte Sorge Geister scheiden sich, “Supermacht des Le- Die Frage hier lautet liegt darin, was noch ob er wirklich einen bens. Reise in die er- jetzt: WARUM wird kommt: eine Weltwirtweltweiten Stillstand staunliche Welt der nur das Mainstream- schaftskrise und unoder eine globale Viren”. Auch hier soll- Denken erlaubt? Und sagbare Armut! Lasst Einsperrung (Lock- ten Sie sich das direkte könnte es eventuell uns einander ernudown) rechtfertigt. Da Interview mit ihr vor sein, dass etwas An- tugen. gibt es zum Beispiel etwa zwei Wochen deres hinter der PanikMöchten Sie zeigen, wie wichtig Freiheit ist? einen Internisten mit einmal online anhören mache steckt? Wäh- Ihre Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; einer Praxis in Kiel - so es noch zu finden rend Europa und Ame- Susann Kinghorn namens Claus Köhn- ist, denn einige dieser rika nämlich noch co0812538850; susannkinghorn@gmail.com lein, der mit seinem Expertenmeinungen


3 APRIL 2020

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DR FAMBA WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU Well experienced traditional Doctor who destroys all types of witchcraft power that is happening in people's life and he brings back all your luck which is taken through witching he genuinely helps with the following problems: 1. Removing bad luck completely 2. Brings back lost lover 3. Destroys tokoloshi in your life 4. Restoring birth rights lucky 5. Stop bad dreams 6. Breaking the chains of family problems and diseases 7. Provide powerful protection against your enemies 8. Blocking your partner not to cheat on you 9. Cure all witchcraft diseases 10. Brings back financial happiness 11. Job opportunities 12. Customer attraction boost your business 13. Promotion 14. Tracing stolen properties 15. Winning gambling 16. Winning love partner 17. Cure weak erection 18. Treating cancer, TB, diabetes, Epilepsy, stroke, Bp, womb pain, joint pain, gout. 19. Hip and manhood enlargement 20. Removing black spots on your skin 21. Stimulate sexual desire and long lasting in bed. Don't hesitate to contact him now to witness the end of your problems. Contact: 081 467 2722 DR AKIM AND MAMA SHADIA For the first time in Namibia Swakopmund Experts in lost lovers, marriage problems, help with job new and promotion, cleanse badluck, fortune telling, protection against evil, witchcraft, male & female health, pregnancy, enlargement, financial wand. Healing of diseases, asthma, epilipsy, menstrual problems. Call: 081 303 3977

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Doctor Bomba Bazuka – the name is enough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

TESTIMONY FOR NTATE DR MALENGANA UNLOCK YOUR LIFE My name is Themba from Soweto, my number is 0783238155 Am here about to tell my story about ntate Dr Malengana after my life of mysery. I had lost all my house, cars was taken by the bank after owing the bank too much to pay those fake sangomas who gave me fals hope. Then 1 day I read about tate malengana helped people who had financial problems. I called him and he explained to me about his ways and he told me to chose short boys and a short woman that help put the money in my bank account and magic rats that also brings money in my house. Then I sent my name and address to him and he told me tow ait for a few hours and to my surprise I saw money everywhere in my room, I was scared and confused I called Ntate Malegana and he told me to correct my money and to send him 10% he also helped me with my business. He can solve all private problems, you have to explain to him he can help you 100% guarantee. He is a very nice man, nothing is impossible under the sun, my life is happy Call Ntate Malengala 0812944297

DR BABA KAREEM LUCKY MEANS BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME, Think about how much you lost to many Doctors without success. Here is a powerful Doctor who is after your fast relies not cash. LOVE ISSUES: *I challenge to bring back your back lost lover and make him/her apologise and be under your feet forever. *Get a lover of your choice or without proposing (using upile oil) *pregnancy problems *Menhood enlargement in all sizes and stronger in bed *Clear your debts/Loans quickly *Fix financial problems, get money in your bank account using chida, * Win tenders win lotto and gambling and contracts *promotion at work *Get jobs so easily & remove bad luck. *I am good in making a woman to be excellent in bed, to be sweeter for good, *Pass exams, I am looking for those people that other doctors failed to assist, finish unfinished job and many more. Mail Order Available Call Now Baba Kareem 0812528744 DR KAMUZU 081 777 4547 Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, diseases, man power. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547

Dr Atwabi; pay after success, same day results Bring back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, hips and breast enlargement, financial problems, magic wallet, chitaka wallet, clear debts, man hood enlargement S to XL and much more.... Call Dr Atwabi 081 233 7274 DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Call Dr Zania: 081 254 9875 DR RINGAZI Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement m to xl, hips and breast enlargement, bad lucks and many more. Call Dr Ringazi: 081 204 9299

NYASA HERBALS AFRICAN CLINIC Dr Banda 081 740 7321 Specialist in various forms of African Traditional healing, spells, spiritual healing solutions to assist you with any challenges you might be facing. reconciliation with lost love (lover) Attract the right man or woman for love & marriage Strong lucky charms for work & promotion Get the job of your choice & qualification (you will be the favorite candidate amongst all short listed Win tenders, get loans approved, start your own business & attract customers/clients Healing chronic diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and more. Using purely organic herbs. Indegenous Southern African mixtures & ancient healing methodologies, will also assist you with lifestyle habits changes to deal with addiction & weight loss Guguda - men enlargement in 3 sizes, medium, large & extra large, with proven results & testimonies Prayers, healing, fortune telling, dream interpretations. Finance, pregnancies & more Visit him at erf 4490 Etosha Street, Namport Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay FB, Nyasa Herbals Call, text, whatsapp 081 740 7321

3 APRIL 2020



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Online Shopping: Otto Gunther Online we are open for you at www.ottogunther.com shopping, simply made: without makeup and from the couch! 081 287 7421 Organic Products Dodo Zero Waste Store: we are low in packaging and offer organic, natural and sustainable products. Plus fresh fruit & vegetables from the farm, and also meat, eggs, bread! As the first zero waste store on the coast, we are a pioneer for sustainable consumption and are also open during this time. In the Otto Gunther Courtyard, every weekday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and on Facebook and Instagram! We also deliver, of course. Stay healthy

100% TESTIMONY DR KING GONDWE Goodness to all brothers and sisters in Namibia My name I Kapasambo from Luanda cell 085 732 8141 I would like to inform you that, I suffered a lot from losing my work, longtime, my house my car, but I never lose my hope one day I meet my friend from Katima, he told me about Dr Gondwe how he helped him to get money, job, quick marriage, gambling, court case, penis enlargement, to get a man or woman of your choice, bring back lost lovers, be liked at work, promotion, bring back stolen goods, properties, pass exam, pregnant same day, to clear your debts, to make your lover to love you only. Stop drugs, drinking alcohol, when I went to him & explain my problems of financially how I am suffering, he asked me to choose short boys to bring money in my house, or to put money in my account, within 24 hours, the money was in and thanks to him I paid only 10% for what he did for me. My family we are big business people, no suffering. I thank you Dr Gondwe for what you did to me. If you failed from other doctors go to him a good old man quickly don't loose hope Call 081 301 3297

Malawian Traditional Doctor Gogo Paketi The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms 081443 0041

SERVICES Traditional Doctor Moyo Tired of running up and down, going everywhere but not achieving your real goals, here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections which is unable to satisfy your woman, vagina tightness for man to feel always attracted to you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasing of bad luck spirits, job problems, stop lover from cheating you [man or woman] Business improvements, all types of good luck. pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund or call Doctor Moyo 081 339 5913

DR WANJA Pay after success, same day results. Bring back your lost lover same day Get a love of your choice Get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice. Stop your partner from cheating To make your lover him or her to love you only Pregnancy problems Manhood enlargement from 5cm - 30cm Hips and breast enlargement Win gambling in casino Financial problems Remove bad luck using Lyola oil Get job quickly and clear your debts / loans. Contact: 081 409 5373

DR KOKOMA & PROFESSOR GONONDO Stop crying and suffering today. I am astrongest dr I got no time to waste, with people who have serious problems. I work with 100% experience. I don't rush to take peoples money without helping the person first NO NO! I do the best to you either big or small problem. The only miracle water from the volcanoes. Are you suffering with money? Bring back lost lover in 24 hours. Bring back lost properties in 24 hours. Job search in 3 days time. Court cases in same time Unhappy marriage, quick marriage To get man or woman of your choice, get rid of your enemies, revenge Spirit powers from pastors political leaders. To make your lover love you only. To delete your debit & quick loan Short boys to bring money in your house Short boys to put money in your house. Magic wallet & magic ring. The old man you can trust for quick & effective results with 100% guaranteed 081 301 3289

Malawian tradition doctor Oupa Nandora (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 760 6553 Find me at James Brown Street, Kuisebmond house nr

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





TO RENT: Narraville Self standing double room house, self pre paid electricity, water excl. Deposit required 100% neg. N$ 4 800.00 p/m Contact: 081 658 8889 081 262 6055

TO RENT - WALVIS BAY, LAGOON (AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY): 2 Bedroom (unfurnished) flat in the Lagoon area, built in cupboards, private courtyard, no garage, but parking space in secure yard. Preferably one mature occupant, nonsmoking, no pets or children. Very quiet area. 1 Person N$ 4,350 per month including W&E (up to N$ 850); 2 People N$ 5,000 per month including W&E (up to N$ 1,150). 1 month deposit required upfront. Please whatsapp me; or call me after 6pm (+264811583454).

TO LET: Immediately available in Walvis Bay THREE BEDROOM FLAT in Ultra Properties Building, situated at 199 Nangola Mbumba drive, centre of town. Three bedroom flat with BIC, Spacious living room, kitchen with BIC and BIS, 1 ½ Bathrooms with shower and modern free standing bath, Blinds hanged at all windows, with a single garage and Intercom access for security. Very safe and secure. Water excluded & Pre Paid Electricity installed. Rent is N$ 5500,00 per month + Deposit Available Immediately Contact: Sonja 064 207997 Email : accounts@ultratravel. net

2 BEDROOM GRANNY FLAT TO RENT WALVIS BAY ·On suite full bathroom ·Private entrance ·Secure parking ·INCLUDING: Water and electricity ·N$6600.00 plus deposit ·VERY SPACIOUS, WITH PRIVATE COURTYARD ·PLEASE CALL: 081 254 8142

TO RENT: c/o Sam Nujoma and 6th road house nr 9, Town centre Spacious one bedroom flat available for a small family with sober habits. Own courtyard and braai area. N$ 5 500.00 p/m Plus deposit Contact: 081 490 3154 TO RENT: A flat and an inside room available for rent: Mahetago, close to Mondesa Woermann & Brocke shopping centre. Swakopmund. 1. Spacious and secure bachelor flat with a one bedroom, a kitchenette and bathroom N$ 3 000.00 available 01 March 2020. 2. Spacious inside room with ensuite bathroom N$ 2 000.00 available from 01 March 2020. Water included, electricity prepaid. Deposit half the rent. Contact: 081 461 6260 TE HUUR: Swakopmund 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, tandem garage. water ingesluit, koopkrag. N$ 8 000.00 p/m onderhandelbaar Tel: 081 240 6171 TO RENT: Mondesa, Swakopmund near the clinic. 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, launch, garage, boundary walls, safe area, water + electricity excluded. Available 30 March 2020, deposit expected. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 289 1582 TO RENT: Swakopmund Einstein Industrial Park Workshop 172 m² Tel: 081 242 0208

BEAUTIFUL AND COZY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS TO RENT IN NARRAVILLE WALVIS BAY! With our First Month Free Rent Special, you get a 2 bedroom and 1 bathroom Apartment with modern finishes and children's play Area. Prices ranging @ N$4900 up to N$5200. Contact Carlita @ 081 4455 735 TO RENT: W/Bay Lagoon Tuscany Complex Open plan kitchen and lounge 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms (1 en-suite), Single garage Courtyard N$7 700 rent plus deposit W/E excluded Available from 01 April. Call: 081 2700234 CFS PROPERTIES CC SWAKOPMUND TO LET: WAREHOUSE / STORAGE BUILDING Centrally located. 450 sqm spacious warehouse/storage building, ground level consist of 3 huge rooms, 1 large room with1 lockable office, kitchen nook, 1 outside toilet with small courtyard, 1 inside toilet, under roof parking, large roll up garage door and standard entrance door, prepaid electricity, alarm, water included. Surrounding amenities and parking space. Deposit required & immediate available. N$12,500.00. Irene @ 081 353 5551 064 412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com

TO RENT: Rooms in Kuisebmond to rent for N$2800 With own toilet and shower Water & electricity included 1 month Deposit required! Please sms to 081 277 9268

TO LET: Immediately available in Walvis Bay Two bedroom Flat with BIC situated in Ultra Properties Building, situated at 199 Nangola Mbumba drive, centre of town with BIC, Spacious living room with small Courtyard, Kitchen with BIC and BIS, Bathroom, single garage motor operated Water excluded & Pre Paid Electricity installed. Very safe and secure. Rent is N$ 4800,00 p/m Plus Deposit Available Immediately Contact: Sonja at 064-207997 Email: accounts@ultratravel. net TO RENT: 2 BEDROOM GARDEN FLAT TO RENT WALVIS BAY ·On suite full bathroom ·Private entrance ·Secure parking ·Free wifi ·INCLUDING: Water ·Private courtyard with braai area N$7000.00 plus deposit ·very spacious, with private courtyard ·PLEASE CALL: 081 254 8142 CFS PROPERTIES CC SWAKOPMUND TO LET: FLAT VOGELSTRAND 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, enclosed stoep with bbq, bic, water excluded, electricity prepaid meter, garage, no pets, deposit required, available 01/04/2020 N$6,300-00 Irene @ 081 353 5551 064 412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Hermes Room available for rent N$ 2 300.00 p/m W/E incl. 2x outside rooms available N$ 2 000.00 each W/E incl. Contact: 081 422 6419

TO LET: IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE VOGELSTRAND, SWAKOPMUND 3 BEDROOM TOWN HOUSE, 2 FULL BATHROOMS, GUEST TOILET, DOUBLE GARAGE, INDOOR FIREPLACE, BRAAI, YARD, DOUBLE GARAGE. IN SECURE COMPLEX WITH ELECTRIC FENCE. CONTACT OWNER: 085 590 5577 TO RENT: Narraville 2 bedroom apartment with courtyard and braai area. With garage Pre paid electricity Water incl. N$ 4 800.00 p/m Deposit payable in 2 / 3 months. Immediately available. Contact: 081 779 8355 081 250 1885 081 253 2303 CFS PROPERTIES CC SWAKOPMUND TO LET: FLAT VOGELSTRAND 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, enclosed stoep with bbq, bic, water excluded, electricity prepaid meter, garage, no pets, deposit required, available 01/04/2020 N$6,300-00 Irene @ 081 353 5551 064 412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com To rent Two bedroom flat in Naraville with build in cupboards in both bedrooms , shower and own entrance Available immediately Price –N$5000(water and electricity) Deposit -N$2500.00 Garage optional available for N$500.00 Please contact: 0816559178/ 0813065880

VACANCIES JOIN AVROY SHLAIN TODAY! As a beauty advisor you get: Extra income Rewards and recognition Free training and support Opportunity to become a Manager If you are looking to earn more contact me for more information No joining fee 081 707 0728


3 APRIL 2020

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES WANTED GARAGE WANTED TO RENT: Swakopmund Near Marie Douglas Old Age Home for 1 vehicle. Contact: 081 323 3910

TO HIRE CONTAINERS! BUY/RENT Specials on 6m containers while stock lasts. Convert your container into anything you can imagine from fully-functional kitchens to luxury accommodation! Also available: 24/7 Storage yard, Swakopmund. Cowboy's 0811464770


PROPERTIES FOR SALE ETHIMBO JETU PROPERTIES CC Walvis Bay Fairways estates Vacant erf 416 m² N$ 550 000.00 Call, sms or whatsapp Desmond 081 295 7373 Heinrich 081 204 0684 FOR SALE: Vineta, Swakopmund Ext 9 Columbine street ERF 746 m² N$ 650 000.00 Contact: 081 289 1582



FOR SALE: Monopoly Housing Mondesa Heights, Swakopmund Now Selling : Free Standing Full Title Units SELLING FROM N$599 000 *2-3 bedroom houses *secure boomed estate living *different house sizes available 40m² - 100 m² *Erf size from 300m² *pre-cast walls *tarred roads / street lights *tiled roof / flooring *walking distance from main taxi rank *community centre *children's play park *Government Employees earning N$15 000.00 or more buy a house and pay only N$3000.00 per month Buy now at 2019 Prices!

Found: Male found in Ebony Street 03-157-20

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: A 30 year old woman is looking for job domestic work in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 201 3580

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE: BY OWNER Newly build two bedroom house, sitting room, open plan kitchen, indoor braai, bic, main bedroom with own bathroom, boundary walls, a garage & alarm Swakopmund, Matutura Opposite ocean view N$ 950 000.00 transfer costs included. Contact John: 081 307 7727

NAMIB TIMES Please note that the Namib Times will only have one edition next week on Thursday 9 April 2020 All bookings for advertising will close on

Wednesday @ 10:00 Found: Male found in Acasia Street 03-156-20

OCCUPATION DATE 2020 Contact: +264 81 243 0727 or +264 81 150 5020

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Found: Male cat found at Mile 4

Please contact the SPCA in Swakopmund to claim your pet 064 - 404419

3 APRIL 2020

Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games 512 days away The Tokyo Olympic Games will start on 23 July 2021 and run to 8 August after being postponed for a year because of the coronavirus pandemic. The International Olympic Committee's (IOC) executive board recently made the decision and the Olympics will still be called Tokyo 2020 despite taking place in 2021. The Paralympic Games, originally due to start on 24 August 2020, will now take place between 24 August and 5 September 2021. IOC president Thomas Bach said: "I am confident that, working together with the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Japanese Government and all our stakeholders, we can master this unprecedented challenge. Bach added "Humankind currently finds itself in a dark tunnel. These Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 can be a light at the end of this tunnel." International Paralympic Committee president Andrew Parsons added: "When the Paralympic Games do take place in Tokyo next year, they will be an extra-special display of humanity uniting as one, a global celebration of human resilience and a sensational showcase of sport.” "With the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games 512 days away, the priority for all those involved in the Paralympic movement must be to focus on staying safe with their friends and family during this unprecedented and difficult time" said Parsons The decision to postpone both events was taken to protect the health of the athletes and everyone involved, and to support the containment of the Covid-19 virus. Olympic organisers hope the delay will allow sufficient time to finish the qualification process which will follow the same mitigation measures planned for 2020. It has previously been confirmed that all athletes already qualified and quota places already assigned will remain unchanged. Tokyo 2020 organising committee president Yoshiro Mori said he had proposed the 23 July to 8 August timeframe to the IOC, and that Bach had agreed, following consultations with the international sports federations. "A certain amount of time is required for the selection and qualification of athletes and for their training and preparation, and the consensus was that staging the rescheduled Games during the summer vacation in Japan would be preferable," Mori said. It is the first time in the Olympic Games' 124-year modern history that they have been delayed, though they were cancelled altogether in 1916 because of World War One and again in 1940 and 1944 for World War Two. Cold War boycotts affected the summer Games in Moscow and Los Angeles in 1980 and 1984 respectively.





VACANCIES NIMT EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) was established in 1991 and provides high quality, costeffective vocational and educational training in mining, engineering and manufacturing trades to serve the needs of the Namibian nation. NIMT will train approximately 3,750 trainees during the 2020/21 financial year from their campuses located in Arandis, Keetmanshoop and Tsumeb. The Board of Trustees is seeking to recruit a seasoned strategic and transformational leader with a passion for learning to lead a team of 220 high caliber staff members. Applicants who meet the criteria hereunder are encouraged to apply by submitting a comprehensive application as specified hereunder. Post Designation Term of Office Direct Supervisor Remuneration

: : : :

Executive Director Five (5) years contract, renewable based on performance Chairperson of the Board Competitive package appropriate to the level of the position.

Job Purpose: To strategically lead and account for the effective and efficient execution of the mandate of NIMT, within its core values framework (care, excellence, integrity and teamwork), on the journey of achieving the vision: “The Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology strives to be the premier vocational and educational training provider by choice.” Minimum Criteria Citizenship Qualifications Minimum Experience

: : :



Namibian Citizen A relevant, recognised trade qualification. Fifteen (15) years relevant work experience of which five (5) years on middle management level. Proof of no criminal record: Police Clearance Certificate required.

Key Performance Areas of the position includes: · Serves as ex-officio member on the Board of Trustees, accounting for effective and efficient NIMT operations; · Ensure that governance principles are uncompromisingly upheld at all times; · Ensure that all relevant policies and procedures are developed and/or reviewed, implemented and complied to; · Collaborate with all relevant stakeholders to develop, implement and monitor the integrated strategic business plan of NIMT; · Ensure that the impeccable standards of NIMT are imbedded and upheld, aligned to international best practices; · Lead NIMT towards financial sustainability and ensure prudent financial management; · Strengthen and harness strategic stakeholder relations; · Oversee the strategic marketing and communications function of NIMT; · Inculcate a performance driven organisational culture, aligned to the core values; · Create and maintain a conducive working environment for employee engagement and whereby workplace harmony is maintained; · Ensure that NIMT attracts, retains and continuously develops high calibre staff; · Ensure that an enterprise risk management framework is proactively managed to mitigate risks; · Ensure that a Business Continuity Strategy is implemented and maintained; · Oversee the workplace health, safety and environment policy and strategy; · Oversee the comprehensive student affairs and job attachment functions; · Ensure that fit-for-purpose systems and technology is implemented and maintained; Core competencies include: · Visionary and strategic thinking ability; · High emotional- and social intelligence; · Intercultural intelligence; · Exceptional interpersonal skills; · Exceptional written- and verbal communication skills; · High level of inductive- and deductive reasoning ability; · Ability to lead and inspire people at all levels; · Sound understanding of financial-, human resources-, marketing- and stakeholder relations principles and practices; · Fully knowledgeable and experienced in relevant legislation, models and practices relevant to vocational training and education; Application Procedure For application to be valid, a submission must be made within the stated deadline and comprise of the following: · A cover letter, providing a detailed motivation for the position, signed by the applicant. · An up to date detailed curriculum vitae, including at least two professional references. · Certified copies of the highest academic qualifications attained. Foreign qualifications must be evaluated by the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) and proof of evaluation of qualification should be attached. · Certified copies of Identity Documents and all other supporting documents. Submit your application for attention Dr. Rudi Koekemoer to email address rudi@visions.com.na Closing date: Applications must be submitted before close of business on 17 April 2020. Only electronic applications shall be accepted. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned to applicants.

Website: www.namibtimes.net Website: www.namibtimes.net


3 APRIL 2020

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Sunglasses for The Eagles Rudi Bowe

Torga Optical sponsored Namibia's national cricket team, the Eagles, with sunglasses. Torga Optical Namibia is the official 'eyecare partner' of the Namibian National Cricket Team. Vision is key to any high-performance sport and the Eagles are thankful for this sponsorship, as eye health is often part of human health forgotten or placed on the backburner of health priority. Torga Optical not only sponsored sunglasses but also assists with eye testing for a two-year period over 2020 and 2021. Johan Muller, the Chief Execute Officer of Cricket Namibia expressed his excitement over the partnership with Torga Optical Namibia. “We are extremely excited to partner with Jana and her team from Torga Optical, as it is a well-respected brand in Namibia and stands for quality products and good service.” The Eagles will play a number of international tournaments over the span of the next two years and the need for quality eyecare plays a critical role in onfield performance. Cricket is a full-day sport and played in the summer in Namibia. I want to encourage every young sportsmen and women to take care of their eyes. It is an important aspect if you plan a career in sports. Go for regular testing, use high quality eye products and protect your eyes from the sun. Torga Optical caters for all these needs and it is a trusted partner and trusted brand. Jana Kotze, of Torga Optical Namibia expressed pride in the Torga Optical Namibia – Namibia National Cricket partnership. “We are incredibly proud to be partnering with Cricket Namibia for 2020 and 2021. That is taking care of the Eagles' visual needs. Vision as we know plays an important role in all sports disciplines.” Kotze said she is looking forward working with the team and coaching staff. She believes the Eagles are going from strength to strength should all be equal given the Coronavirus crisis, they have a great year ahead. Jana and Annalia from Torga Optical with Eagles player, Tangeni Lungameni.

Joan Smith Secretary General of the NNOC

Olympics- and Commonwealth camp closely watches Covid-19 developments The Namibian National Olympic Committee (NNOC) and the Commonwealth Games Association (CGA) Executive Board considers very carefully the current situation in the country and around the world regarding the COVID – 19 pandemics. As Olympic and Commonwealth family we should all draw on our commitment to being socially responsible sports movement and, where you can, we should extend our hands of friendship into our local communities to help others during this crisis, said Joan Smith, Secretary General of the NNOC. Smith added, “Through our words and actions, we can all continue to have a positive impact on people and communities in our beautiful country.” The NNOC-CGA Executive Board appeal to all sports man and woman to: Follow the guidance and decisions of our Government. This is top priority. Ensure that the spread of the Corona Virus is contained by cancelling or postponing events Competitions/ Meetings. Where you are free to make further decisions we would recommend that you significantly reduce or prevent close interaction between your members and thus reduce the risk of the spread of the disease… and many of you have already taken this important step also. We encourage the use of on-line tools and social media on the IOC website to ensure the global

sport community can continue to support each other. The tools on Athlete 365 actively share ideas to help our athletes remain fit and healthy in mind and body, and most of all connected. This will also allow us all to promote some learning opportunities. Share the information and ensure your athletes register on Athlete 365- it is an athlete community platform, where athletes and their entourage will find practical information on important aspects of an athlete's life, such as injury prevention, nutrition, financial management, relations with the media, etc. With regards to the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games, the IOC President, Thomas Bach held several video conferences with NOC's of all five continents last week. The Africa meeting was held on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Smith ask all presidents of all National Federations to please continue to keep in touch via email with the Olympic House as they welcome hearing from you. Smith said, “In the meantime, I hope that you and your families and friends within and beyond Sports are able to keep safe over this very unprecedented situation.”

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