Langstrand Inwoners op Oorlogspad
Dilapidated School Hostels Forced to Lock Doors
The dilapidated state of school hostels and other challenges the education system in the Erongo Region is subjected to, wereputunderscrutinybytheregionaldirectorofeducation, MsErnfriedeStephanusthisweekatSwakopmund.
Namib High school's hostels at Swakopmund top her list of dilapidated hostels, and she noted that because of dilapidation,thegirls'hostelat thisschooliscurrently closedandwarnedthat the boys' hostel will followsuit,ifnotrenovated soon. Ms Stephanus added that the NamibPrimaryschool
hostel (Hofmeyer Hostel), also in Swakopmund, similarly had to shut its doors The Erongo region boasts a total of twenty-six hostels, of which fourteen are government hostels, withninesubsidisedand three non-subsidised hostels.
Ernst Rumpf (Namib
HS: Boys Hostel), Haus Romi Hostel (Namib
HS: Girls Hostel), Hofmeyer Hostel (Namib PS), Katora Primary School Hostel, Otjiperongo Secondary School Hostel, Petrus
Ganeb Secondary School Hostel, S I
Gobs SS Hostel and Da Palm SS Hostel are the eighthostelsindireneed ofrenovations.
Other challenges the Continues on page 2
Inwoners van Langstrand het te kenne gegee dat hulle nou mooi keelvol gesukkel is met die Walvisbaai munisipaliteit.Volgenshullewordbykansgeen dienste daargelewernie, alhoewel hulle hultarieweenbelastingstiptelikbetaal. Voorts val hul pleidooie vir dienslewering vanaf die munisipaliteit glo op dowe ore en word hul eposse en telefoniese uitreiking totaal geïgnoreer Luidens 'n woordvoerder van die Langstrandbuurtwagisdiestratenogsteedstoeonder diesandnadielaasteOosweereninwonersprobeermaaropeiehoutjieordeskep.“Privaatpersone spring nou maar in om die strate skoon te kry, want ons kry geen steun van die munisipaliteit nie. Ons sukkel nou al van laasjaar met hulle,”sêhy Nogklagteswatopgekomhetisdie vuil,stukkendeasdromme,vervalle,halfgeboude strukture, slaggate in die strate, vuil oop erwe,
Vervolg op bladsy 2
a Bestseller
IUM-Skoonheids kompetisie Glo Chaoties
Excitement Builds for Erongo Expo
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
geen waardetoevoegende projekte soos parke enbourommelwat'nseerindieoogis.Eposse met fotos van dit alles is blykbaar al aan die munisipaliteitgestuur,maargeenterugvoering wordontvangnie.NamibTimeshetookvroeër die week 'n epos in die verband aan die munisipaliteit se publieke verhoudinge beampte,Me.AnitaKaihivagestuur,maarteen saktydisgeenterugvoeringontvangnie. Nog 'n doring in die vlees van Langstrand inwonersisdieveiligheids-aspek.Volgensons bron dien die klip-toilet net buite Langstrand, langs die B2 hoofweg as herberg vir persone wieweekliksindievullisdrommekomkrapvir ietswaardevolsofleëblikkiesenbottelsomte verkwansel.“Ekweetmensekryswaarenmoet allesdoenomteoorleef,maarhoeweetonsdat daardie persone nie dalk kriminele planne op die brein het nie?” is die buurtwag lid se mening.Hullehetblykbaaraldieprobleemmet die polisie opgeneem, maar geen aksie word geneem nie, slegs beloftes word gemaak. Die Langstrand buurtwag het volgens hom al die persone, wie vanaf Swakopmund en
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
Walvisbaai kom, gaan aanspreek en verwilder, maarhullekomnetweerterug.'nPetisierakende die afwesigheid van pad- en verkeerstekens op Langstrandisvolgensonsbronal'ngeruimetyd gelede aan die Walvisbaai verkeersdepartement oorhandig, maar ook in hierdie geval is tot hede geen aksie geneem nie. Hy dui aan dat basiese padtekens soos voetoorgange en sperstrepe afwesig op die strate is en dat spoedbulte noodsaaklikisom“renjaers”watglotot150km/h in die strate jaag hok te slaan. Daar is ongeveer 580 erwe op Langstrand en volgens ons bron se somme betaal Langstrand inwoners plus minus N$10 miljoen per jaar vir tariewe en belasting. “Watwordmethierdiegeldgedoen?Isditdannie juis ten doel van dienslewering vanaf die munisipaliteit nie? is sy vraag. Die ontstoke Langstrand inwoners het intussen 'n prokureur genaderengaanblykbaaraandiemunisipaliteit'n ultimatumsteldat,soudiensleweringnieverbeter nie,geenmunisipalerekeningebetaalgaanword nie, maar dat daardie geld in 'n trust by die prokureurskantoor gehou gaan word totdat daar diensleweringplaasvind.
Johnny Davids' Autobiography Become a Bestseller
JohnnyDavids,widelyrecognisedfor his victory with singing partner Vivian Molauly, KykNet's first Afrikaans reality show, ZING!, about twenty years ago, is once again making headlines. This time, it's for his autobiography, Boytjie, which has soaredtothetopoftheAfrikaansbestsellerlistinSouthAfrica.
The community of Narraville, Walvis Bay, whereDavidshailsfrom,alongwiththerestof Namibia, fondly remembers his groundbreaking win, which paved the way for Afrikaans music within the coloured community "Winning ZING! was a standout moment," Davids recalls. "It's evident now with so many coloured artists singing inAfrikaans and making a career out of it. Before ZING!, it was unheardof."
InaninterviewwiththeNamibTimesonWednesday this week, hosted by Ground Culture CaféinCapeTown,Davidsopenedupaboutthe emotional journey of writing his life story "Writing my autobiography was an emotional rollercoaster," he admitted. "There were times whenIhadtoclosemylaptopbecausethetears were just streaming down my cheeks." Despite these challenges, the process has been healing for him, allowing him to confront his past and findpeace.
BoytjietellsthecompellingstoryofDavids'life, fromhischildhoodintheCapeFlatstohisriseas asuccessfultelevisionandsportspresenter The book delves into the hardships he faced, including running away from home as a young boy, andthepivotalmomentsthatshapedhiscareer. Through his narrative, Davids not only shares hispersonaljourneybutalsooffersamessageof hopeandresiliencetothosewhoarestruggling, remindingreadersthatit'spossibletoovercome eventhetoughestchallenges.
Dilapidated School
Continued from page 1
education sector in Erongo is faced with include fire extinguishers which need to be refilled or replaced for all the schools, hostels,librariesetc.and the replacement or repair of all nonfunctioning kit-chen equipment. An urgent need for addi-tional ablutionfaci-litiesatthe s c h o o l s w h e r e additional class-rooms were constructed is also vital, Ms Step-hanus stressed Water challenges at rural schools in the Omaruru Circuit, remain a concern, Ms Stephanus emphasised, noting that the maintenance of
boreholes and replacement of pumps are the main obstacles reported. Furthermore, the lack of furniture for learners and teachers for the new as well as existing schools and outdated and malfunctioning computers in schools need immediateattention,shesaid. MsStephanusputemphasis on the frustrating delays the recruitment process at all levels is experiencing, remarkingthatfilesarebeing sent back and forth fromonedepartmentto another, which take months to finalize, lingering the recruitment process The
Directorate of Education,Art and Culture has recorded a 5% increase in learner enrolment from 53 538 in 2023 to 56 313 in 2024, an increase of 2 775learners.Thenumber of teachers has increased by only 23 (1%) from 1 996 in 2023to2019in2024. TheEducationDirector shared all this information in the presence of Deputy Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Faustina N Caley Thelatteriscurrently busy with regional visits to Erongo, //Kharas, Hardap, Oshikoto, Kunene and Otjizondjupatodiscuss educationalmatters.
Notification of Amnesty Month: Surrender Illegal Arms, Ammunition and Armaments in September
The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security has declared September 2024 as Amnesty Month, underthetheme"TogetherforaPeacefulFuture:Surrender YourArms,Ammunition,andArmamentsToday."
Thisinitiativeprovides an opportunity for all Namibians to surrender illegal and unwanted firearms, ammunition, and other armaments to their nearest police stations, with no fear of prosecution. This amnesty, gazetted as Government Notice No. 159on14June2024,is in effect from 1 to 30 September It is conducted under Section 4(1) of the Arms and AmmunitionAct,1996 (Act No. 7 of 1996), which allows individualstosurrendersuch items without facing legal consequences, as outlined in Sections 2, 29, and 3 of the Act. The Namibian Police Force is urging all citizens to participate actively in this amnesty By surrendering illegal arms, ammu-
nition,andarmaments, youarecontributingto thesafetyandpeaceof our communities. The amnesty period provides a unique chance to remove potentially dangerous items from circulation and avoid future legal trouble. It is important to note that after 30 September, the amnesty will end.
Anyone found in possessionofillegalarms, ammunition, or armaments after this date will be prosecuted according to the law In the past three years, amnesty periods have resulted in significant amounts of surrendered items: - Firearms: 117 in 2021, 1,293in2022,and159 in2023.-Ammunition: 3579roundsin2021,2 619in2022,and8789 in 2023. - Other items:
4 magazines and 6 explosive ordinances were surrendered in 2023, and one chemical rocket in 2022. These surrendered items were destroyed onInternationalSmall Arms Destruction Day, commemorated globally on 9 July each year The last destruction event was held in the Erongo Region on 9 July 2022. The Namibian Police Force emphasisesthatthisamnesty is a vital opportunity to contribute to community safety and avoidtheseriousconsequences of possessing illegal arms, ammunition, and armaments. For further information, please contact Deputy Commissioner P K. Shikwambi at +264 81 2476 175 or +264 61 2093470.
Johnny Davids with his wife, Liezel Swarts Davids and Chris De Villiers of Brutal Talent.
Photo by Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
MSC Musica Links Table Mountain with the Namib Desert
TheexcitementismountingfortheinauguralNamibDesert InternationalJazzFestival(NDIJF)destinedforWalvisBay andSwakopmundon18and19 March2025.
The Jazz Festival will see the MSC Musica, link Table Mountain, a UNESCO world Heritage site with the oldest desert in the world, the Namib Desert, in a tribute to time, natureandcommonHUMANITY
The idea of the Namib Desert InternationalJazzFestivalisnotnew It has been a painstaking task since 2016, when the organisers of the annual Jazz Cruise from Cape Town to Walvis Bay, connected with Desmond Frankfort in Walvis Bay to prospect the idea for the ERONGO Region. The momentum was lost whentheCOVIDepidemicstruckin 2020. The revival of the idea since 2022 has now culminated in the inaugural and annual Festival scheduledfor18and19March2025. The NDIJF is a novel idea, that piggy backs on the very successful Jazz Cruise out of Cape Town Harbour since 2012. Clarence Ford, Festival DirectoroftheJazzCruisesaoid,“the JazzCruisewasalwaysasuccess,but the most disappointing (maybe even infuriating)partofthecruisewasour inability to be amongst the dunes of theNamibDesertforlongerthansix hours.Wehavehadinternationalacts onthecruise.Theywantedtoplayin thedesert,butourtimeintheharbour did not allow for that.”According to Ford,MSCCruiseshasnowenabled theJazzCruisetoberthinWalvisBay fortwonightsfrom2025.TheNamib Desert International Jazz Festival willtakeplaceonthesetwonightsin a magnificent natural amphitheatre locatedatthefootofthehighestdune inNamibia,DUNE7. ClarenceFord continued, “the Namib is the oldest desertintheworldandDune7isthe tallest dune in Namibia, that measuredatover1256feet(383meters). The Namib is a UNESCO declared World Heritage Centre; Jazz is a UNESCOendorsedgenre.Thisship, The MSC Musica, will link Table Mountain, a UNESCO world Heritage site with the Namib Desert in a tribute to time, nature and our common
HUMANITY Ican'tthinkofanyjazz lover or jazz musician in the world who will not want to experience the
Frankfort Investments is the Namibian partner in the project and CEO of the NDIJF, says the project will enable youth skills development, bolster the cultural industry and provetobeafillipfortheNamibian Tourismeconomy It'sano-brainer,” hestated.Fordsaidthattheprogram will be launched internationally on 23ofSeptember2024,anditwillbe aninternationalfestivalfrominception, with Brazil, Mozambique, USA, South Africa, Namibia, Germany and other countries lined up fortheinauguralevent.
Headdedthatthecollectivereachof theartiststhroughtheirsocialmedia networks,willalerttheworldofJazz to the spectacular location in the NamibDesert.Withover2000people already on the cruise for the NDIJF, the NDIJF will locate Namibia centrally amongst a growing number of international jazz enthusiastsdesirousofsplendidnatural encounters. He further stated that MSCCruisesareastrategicpartner “Theyarepresentin104countriesin theworldandtheirfleetofshipswill announce the Namib location, of an international jazz festival in 2025. Youcanchoosetocruise-in,fly-inor drivein,buttheERONGOcoastline istheplacetobeintheweekof17to 21 March 2025. While the festival arena is in the dunes ofWalvis Bay, other stages located at the beach in Swakopmund,theWalvisBayYacht Club and the Swakopmund Hotel andCasinowillbringahiveofmusicalentertainmenttotheentirecoastline,”heconcluded.
Cruise Cabins can be booked from liezel@catchthewave co za whilst tickets are available from TICKETwaveNamibia–www catchthewave.co.za – costs Golden CircleR750andGeneralEntryR500 forbothnights.
More details will be posted on www.namibjazz.com and on Faceb o o k a t h t t p s : / / w w w facebook com/profile php?id=6156 5110499891 IT IS A NO-BRAINER BY THE LOOKOFTHINGS.
Skoonheidskompetisie Glo “Ongeorganiseerd”
en “Chaoties”
Verlede naweek se Mejuffrou en Meneer IUM (International University of Management)kompetisieinWalvisbaaiworddeurpersonewieditbygewoonhet as ongeorganiseerd en chaoties beskryf, met alkohol wat glo vrylik beskikbaar was.
Volgensbronnewasdaargeensekuriteitsigbaar nie en vuisgevegte het oral uitgebreek wat toeskouers vir hul lewens laat vrees het. Drankmisbruik was glo aan die orde van die dag, met vandiedeelnemerswiegloookonderdieinvloed vanalkoholwas.Daarisooksprakedatvandie Studenteraadslede, wie veronderstel was om orde te handhaaf as organiseerders, ook besope was. Die geleentheid wat geskeduleer was om 19:00 te begin, het blykbaar eers omstreeks 22:00afgeskopen02:00indieoggendgeëindig. Toeskouersenondersteunersvandiedeelnemers moesskynbaarookheelnagophulvoetestaan, aangesien geen stoele beskikbaar was nie. Deelnemers, met wie Namib Times gesels het, maarverkiesomannoniemtebly,duiaandatdie loopplank glibberig en nat was en dat van hulle onbetaamlikbetasisdeurtoeskouersendaaraan hul klere getrek was, aangesien geen versperrings opgerig was om die toeskouers te verhoedomaandiedeelnemersteraaknie.
Ons het ook van hoogs betroubare bronne verneemdatdiewennersnienabehorevirhulmoeite beloonisnie.MeneerIUMhetgloslegs'nbottel goedkooptafelwynen'nhorlosiemet'nwaardeen kwaliteit wat, volgens ons bronne, twyfelagtig is virsymoeitegekry
Mejuffrou IUM moes tevrede wees met 'n skoonheidsmiddels-geskenkmandjie en ook 'n bottel wyn. Verdere inligting dui aan dat die wenners van Meneer en Mejuffrou IUM in WindhoekweggestaphetmetprysgeldevanN$5 000elkplusgeskenkmandjies.
Die Kuskampusdirekteur, Dr Titus Haimbili het op navraag op die klagtes aangedui dat hierdie beweringe/klagtesniebysykantooraangemeldis nieendathulleinterneproseduresinplekhetom interne studenteklagtes en -griewe te hanteer Hy is daarop gewys dat dit nie interne klagtes is nie, maar wel klagtes vanaf privaat inwoners wat nie aan die Universiteit gekoppel is nie, maar geen verdereterugvoeringisontvangnie.
Education Challenges Reviewed at
The Deputy Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Faustina N. Caley, is currently busy with regional visits to discuss educational matters, including the improvement of National (and Regional) results at schools, as well as other challengeseducatorsarefacedwith.
At the Erongo regional event, hosted in Swakopmund this week, the Deputy Minister announced an increase in the allocation of the Universal Education Grant (UEG) from N$200 to N$300 for pre-primary and Primary schools per learner, and from N$300 to N$400 for Secondary schools, per learner She noted that the provision of
teaching and learning support materials to schools should supplement the UEG and should thus be sufficienttocoverthebasic stationery needs of the learners. According to the Deputy Minister, fundsfortextbooksand practical and pre-voc subjects are also allocated to regions, but not always utilised for the targeted purpose. She also expressed her concern regarding Cluster Centres beco-
mingdormantornonexistent and emphasised the need for Cluster systems to be resuscitated.
Inhisspeech,Erongo Governor, Neville Andre pointed out some challenges the region and country at large are facing, includingresourceconstraints, the need for more effective teaching methodologies and the imperative to supportlearnersmore comprehensively
Fatal Stabbing in Mondesa, Police Ask
for Public Assistance
The Namibian Police Force has expressed their concern regardingtheescalatingrateofmurdercasesandisappealingforpublicassistance.
Last weekend four murder cases were reportedcountrywide, with one in Mondesa, Swakopmund.
Arrests were already made in two of these cases. According to Nampol's weekend crime report the Swakopmund incident occurredon31August in Erongo Street, Mondesa between 00:00 and 01:00. It is allegedthatthevictim and his two friends
were on their way home, when they were approached by five youngsuspects,whereby one of them (suspects) drew out a knife and started chasing the victim. The deceased was stabbed on the left side of his chest and died on the spot. The victim's friends apparentlyranintodifferent directions and only discovered early morningthatthevictimwas stabbedtodeath.
ThevictimwasidentifiedasShikalepoAdelinaTefelinu(30). Efforts by police investigators to locate the suspects are still ongoing and anyone with information regardingthesuspects is urged to share this information with Erongoregionalcrime coordinator Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu. He can be reached at 081 246 4757.
He also suggested the strengthening of key areas such as teacher training and support, learner support programs, parental involvement and infrastructure improvements.
“Improving education outcomes is not the responsibility of the government alone, it requiresaunitedeffort fromallofus,”Neville concluded.
Grootbek op Vrydag
Tug die een wie jy liefhet, maar kyk in die spieël
DieBybelsewysheidwatons daaropwysomniedieroede te spaar wanneer dit by ons kinderskomnie(disnousoos ekditverstaan),saldefnitief baie goed te pas kom in die era waarin ons onsself tans bevind.
Kruisig my maar, maar my persoonlike mening is dat vandat lyfstraf uit skole verban is, kinders nie meer kinders is nie en grootmense ook nie meer grootmense nie Sommige hedendaagse kinders weet nie eens hoe om respek te spel nie, wat nog van dit toepas.Almal hardloop wye draaie rondom hierdie onderwerp,wantalmalistebanghulletreeteendieregtevankindersop, of oortree een of ander wet. Dit is egtertyddat'ngraaf,'ngraafgenoem moetword(en'nkind'nkind).
Ons leiers van die toekoms, of die meestevanhulle,isporseleinpoppies van Sjina, met geen verantwoordeliksin, geen respek vir die volgende persoonhetnieenglodathullealtyd reg is Vaders, moeders, onderwysers, en selfs die polisie se hande isafgekapwanneerditbydietugvan minderjariges kom, want dit is teen diewet.Enwatditvererger,isdiefeit dathierdie“onskuldigebloedjies”dit weet en behoorlik misbruik daarvan maak,wanthulleismos'nbeskermdespesieophuleie.Verbyisdiedae toe onderwysers, polisiemanne en selfs dokters respek afgedwing het bydiejongspan.
Nou kom die miljoen-dollar-vraag, en die keersy van die onderwerp egter,waarhetallessoskeefgeloop? Mynsinsiens,niebydieafskaffing
van lyfstraf nie, maar wel toe ouers begin vergeet het dat dit hul kinders is en dat hulle verantwoordelik vir daardiekindersseopvoedingis. Onderwysersisdaaromkindersakademies op te voed, ons as ouers se verantwoordelikheid is om tuis ons kinders te leer van goeie maniere, morelewaardes,liefdeenrespekvir die volgende persoon en dissipline. Somsdinkekdatdiekleinkarnallies nogal 'n punt beet het, want vandag seouershetnetnietydvirhulkinders nie.MetPaenMawatwerk,is'ngejaag na meer geld vir 'n groter huis, nuwe kar, nuutste selfone vir ouers (enkinders),ditallesonderdiedekmantel van “dit is vir 'n beter toekomsvirmykinders.”Intussenbesef onsniedatonsasouerssegejaagna wêreldsedingeonsalverdervanons kinders wegdryf nie. Wanneer ons dan eendag bietjie asemskep en rondkykwaaronskindersis,pakons die skuld vir al hul misdrywe en “slegtemaniere”op onderwysers en dieregering. Nee ouers, ons sal die hand in eie boesem moet steek en volle verantwoordelikheidvironskinderssewel enweëmoetneem. Aldiegeldindie wêreld is geen plaasvervanger vir 'n verwoestekinderlewenie.
Picture by Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Find us at the corner of Wasserfal street & Otavi Street or contact us @ 064-461866
Metro Namibia Opens its First Supermarket Outlet in
Staff Reporter
MetroNamibiamadehistorylastFriday,whentheyopenedtheirveryfirstSupermarketoutletinSwakopmund.Withtheir questtobecomethebiggestretailbrandinthecountry,aswellasbuildingcommunitiesaroundNamibiaasanemployerand improvingthelivelihoodsofallNamibians,thisretailgiantcertainlyisontherighttrack.
This significant milestone in the company's journey saw the beautiful town of Swakopmund becominghometoanexcitingnewstore,offeringa freshandmodernshoppingexperience,whilestill embracingtheiconicMetroorangebranding.This opening is a historic moment for Metro Namibia, asitmarkstheestablishmentofmorethan30stores inthecountryandthefirststeptowardsabroader supermarket expansion. Shoppers in Windhoek canalsolookforwardtotheopeningoftheMetro ErosSupermarketlaterthisyear,continuingMetro Namibia'svisionofdeliveringqualityretailtoeven more communities. Bryan Davis, Managing Director of Metro Namibia, expressed his excitement about the brand's evolution: "It is amazing to see a dream and concept come to life, and to know that this is what our loyal shoppers havebeenaskingfor Ourmainaimwillremainto focus on what the shoppers need, and we will do ourutmostbesttomakeithappen."MetroNamibia has over 1 500 employees across the country, providing continuous employment and contributing to local economies. The company is proud to offer retail options in towns that previously lacked them, such as Lüderitz and Karibib. With this opening, Metro Namibia is confident in its future expansion plans and looks forwardtoservingevenmoreNamibiansandtheir communitiesinthecomingyears.
Photocontributed: ManagingDirectorofMetro Namibia,BryanDaviscuttingtheribbon
Photos: Marshallino Beukes, Mikkie Kriel
Raised at NFCD Gala Dinner for Hardap Education
Sharlien Tjambari
Therecentlyheld2024NationalFishConsumptionDay(NFCD)GalaDinnerraisedaremarkable N$530 000 in pledges. This substantial amount will be directed towards enhancing educational facilitiesintheHardapregion.
Themed "Nourishing Communities, Sustaining Futures," the NFCD is an annual event that highlights the vital role of Namibia's fishing sector in socio-economic development. Since its inceptionin2012,theeventhasbeencelebratedin
11 regions, with the Hardap Region marking its 12th edition. Derek Klazen, the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, highlighted the gala's significance, "this event not only provides a uniqueopportunitytoforgelastingconnectionsbut
alsopropelseducational development in the Hardap region." Klazen expressed gratitude to the Hardap regional Governor, Salomon April for hosting the gala in Walvis Bay, despite initial plans to hold it in Hardap "Hosting the event in Walvis Bay allowed for broader participation and generous pledges, especially given the current economic challenges," Klazen noted. Klazen emphasised that while the gala took placeinWalvisBay,the National Fish Consumption Day celebrations will be held in Mariental Klazen urged fishing companiestojointheNamibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) on21SeptemberinMariental for the Market Day "Thefundsraised tonight will be used to
procureessentialschool suppliesasidentifiedby the Hardap region's Education Directorate andwillbeadministered through the Hardap Regional Council," Klazen explained Klazen noted that over the past decade, the NFCD Gala Dinner has raised more than N$5.1 million, benefiting various school necessities across Namibia. He also addressed the previous year's discrepancy, stating, "although N$410 000 was pledged for the Zambeziregionin2023, only N$333 500 realised." The Hardap region Governor, Salomon April emphasised the importance of education for national competitiveness "To stay relevant and drive economic resources suchasgreenhydrogen, oil, and gas, we need a
well-prepared, educated populace. Educationiscrucialforour future," April asserted. April further assured thatthefundswouldbe utilisedwiththeutmost diligence."Yourcontributions are not in vain. Theyareinvestedinthe rightplacefortheright reasons. An educated nation is always thriving," he said. In his address to the education directorate, April stressed, "The generosityseentonight represents solidarity and action for a common cause, improving education for our children. Every cent must impact education and create a better learning environment.”
Looking ahead, the 13th National Fish Consumption Day will be hosted by the KavangoEastRegion.
Excitement Builds for Erongo Business and Tourism Expo!
Thecountdownhasbegunforthehighlyanticipated16thErongoBusinessand TourismExpo,settotakeplacefrom30Octoberto02November2024,atthe MunicipalityCivicCentreinWalvisBay.
This year's Expo promises to be biggerandbetter,bringing together a dynamic mix of industry leaders, innovative SME's, and exciting cultural experiences under the theme, “Embracing Sustainable Growth and Technological Advancement in Namibia's Upcoming Oil and Gas and Green Hydrogen Industries.”
We are excited to announce that the Blue Whale Hotels have come onboard the Erongo Business and Tourism Expo, bringing added value by way of providing 50% discountedroomratesforour
exhibitors and sponsors during the course of the Erongo Expo. Victoria Adventure Tours have also announced themselves by providing discountedleisureboatcruises, andofcourse,thehighly anticipated, NAMPORT Guided Harbor Tours We urge our school institutions to take on this opportunitytoprovidein-depth knowledge of the behind-the-scenes operations at our harbour, at nocostatall.Theirsupport is instrumental in bringing this vibrant eventtolife,andweare deeply grateful for their invaluable and continuedsupport. Visitors can expect an impressive array of
exhibitors and many more, representing the best of Namibian and regionalindustries. Eachexhibitorissetto showcase their latest innovations, products and services, making this an unmissable opportunity for networking and discovery Adding a unique cultural dimension to this year's Erongo Business and Tourism Expo,wearehonoured tohosttheEmbassyof Japan. They will be showcasing their exquisite cuisines and rich traditional heritage, offering attendeesarareopportunity to experience the flavours and customs of Japan right here in WalvisBay
We are calling on all SME's! This is your chance to shine and showcase your businessesandinnovations to a diverse and engaged audience Don't missoutonthisinvaluable platform to grow yourbrandandconnect with potential partners andcustomers. Book your spot now and be part of the excitement that is the Erongo Business and Tourism Expo! Come one, come all, and experience cuttingedge technologies and creativityatitsbest! Forbookingsandmore information, please contact Desire at 081 2852980oremailusat erongoexpo@africa online.com.na
Website: www.namibtimes.net
Swakopmund Welcomes New Junior Town Councillors
Inavibrantinaugurationceremonythisweek,IndilaAbrahamwas sworninastheJuniorMayorofSwakopmund,withDiegoNuyoma takingontheroleofDeputyJuniorMayor.
Junior MayorAbraham expressed her gratitude andenthusiasmforhernewrole,noting,“beinga partoftheJuniorTownCouncil(JTC)hastaught meinvaluablelessonsintimemanagement,projectplanning,andleadership.”Shecommended herfellowcouncilmembersfortheirdedication and hard work, adding, “I am excited to collaboratewitheachofyoutoaddresstheneedsand aspirationsofouryouth.Throughourcollective effortsandinnovativeideas,wecanmakeasignificant impact.” Abraham emphasised her commitment to working diligently and upholding the values of transparency, integrity, and dedication.“Iwanteveryyouthandjuniortown councilor to know their voices matter Seize every opportunity and let's work together to make a meaningful difference. Our work here transcends titles, it's about the positive change wecanbringtoourtown,”shesaid.
The executive positions of the JTC have been filledasfollows:HelenaKondjeniasChiefExecutive Officer, FrancoApril as Public Relations Officer, Shakira Willemse as Treasurer, and Charlen Kamupone as Secretary The incoming JTC members include Lavinia Nafuta, Hileni Toivo, Grace Evenson, Marlene Keding, Titus Tsowaseb, Rauha Pefinne, Anya Fortschz, PaulinaWeyulu,TimoteusShithigona,andHilia Kleinboom.DelindaHannes,thePersonalAssistant to the Mayor and JTC Coordinator highlighted the ceremony as a celebration of youth leadership and potenial. “The inauguration servesasareminderoftheimmensepotentialour youthhaveinshapingabrighterfuture,”Hannes noted.Shementionedtheintroductionofamore structured program, including the new Chief Executive Officer position and various
departmental roles. “This strategic approach hasenhancedoureffectiveness,”Hannessaid.
The Third National Youth Policy advocates for increased youth involvement in political reform,aligningwiththecouncil'svision.The policy underscores the importance of amplifying youth voices and ensuring their meaningful representation. In line with this, the JTC has redefined its purpose by separating politicsfromadministration.Hannesexplained,“ourgoalistoexposeyouthtobothpolitical engagement and public administration, providing a holistic approach to empowerment.”
The Junior Mayor and Deputy Junior Mayor roleswillnowfocusmoreonpoliticalleadership, offering direct interaction with the Senior Council, the Children's Parliament, the NationalYouthCouncil,andtheOfficeofthe Governor Theseleaderswillbementoredby the Mayor, gaining hands-on experience in governance and preparing for future leadershiproles.Duringtheselectionprocessforthe 2024/25 cohort, candidates were asked to addresssocialchallengeswithintheirschools and communities. This focus will shape the JTC'sactivitiesfortheupcomingyear Notably,forthefirsttimeinthehistoryofthe Swakopmund JTC, all schools, including Riverside Private School, are represented. The Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes congratulated the incoming JTC members, “yourselectionisareflectionofyourleadership qualities, passion and desire to make a difference.Iurgeyoutoremaincurious,innovativeanddetermined.”
Sharlien Tjambari
Namib and Duinesig High Schools Triumph at Erongo Governor’s Education Excellence Awards
Namib High School and Duinesig High School emerged as the big winners at the Erongo Governors Education Excellence AwardsCeremonyheldon29August.
StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheSwakopmund Municipalityforthefollowing:
Erf68SwakopmundWaterfront:Heightrelaxation uptoamaximumbuildingheightof16metres.
Erf 68 Swakopmund Waterfront measures 3469m², and is a vacant General Business zoned erf located alongthebeachnorthofPlatzAmMeershoppingmall. The consent use application is submitted in terms of Clause2.3(i)oftheGeneralBusinesszoneintheSwakopmund Zoning Scheme No. 12, where a maximum height relaxation of 16 metres may be permitted with thespecialconsentoftheCouncil.
(a)theBackgroundInformationDocument(BID)lies openforinspection,duringnormalofficehoursatthe Town Planning Section of the Swakopmund Municipality, corner of Rakotoka & Daniel Kamho Street, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam Nujoma Avenue, WalvisBay Anelectroniccopycanberequestedfrom MrsMelissaKroon:melissa@sp.com.na
(b)anypersonhavinganyobjections/commentstothe proposedheightrelaxationmaylodgesuchobjections/ comments with the Council and the applicant in writing.
(c) the deadline to submit written objections/comments will be on or before 17:00 Friday, 27 September2024.
Applicant StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na +26464280773
Both schools were honoured for their outstanding performancesintheNamibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSCAS and NSSCO) examinations.
Duinesig High School secured the top position with the prestigious Top Performing NSSCAS award and claimed third place in the NSSCO category In addition, Duinesig High School was recognised with the award for Most Improved School in the NSSCOcategory Namib High School excelled as well, earning the second Top Performing NSSCAS award and the second Top Performing NSSCO award. WalvisBayPrivateHigh Schoolwascelebratedas the top-performing school in the NSSCO category,whileWestside HighSchoolearnedthird place in the NSSCAS category IntheNSSCO Top Performing Award, standout students included Anke Rudolf from WalvisBayPrivateHigh School, Tobias Hitenanye and El-Shaddai Mugabe from Duinesig High and Edward Kaakunga and Cecilia Haindongo from DuinesigHigh. TheTop Achievers in the NSSCAS category were Jovita Shaduka from Duinesig High, Paulus NdarafromNamibHigh, Nelrie Zwemsra from WalvisBayPrivateHigh
SwakopmundMunicipality POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na +264644104403
School, Cornelius Hakadiva and Eliaser KatondokafromKuisebmondSecondarySchool. In addition to student awards, teachers from various schools across the Erongo region were also recognised for their contributions to education, with prizes and sponsorships provided by local stakeholders The governor of the Erongo region, Neville André Itope, who officiated the event, emphasised that the awards were not only a celebration of academic excellencebutalsoatestament to the vital role education plays in regionalandnationaldevelopment. He encouraged schoolstousetheawards asmotivationtoenhance their preparation for future exams. Itope remarked, “the awards we presenttodayarearecognitionofacademicexcellenceaswellasthedetermination,hardwork,and dedication of our students, teachers, and schools.” He praised the awardeesfortheirleadership,creativity,andcommitment to their communities, urging them to continue striving for excellence and to leverage their knowledge and skillsforsocietalimpact.
Sharlien Tjambari
Ms and Mr Tiny Crowned at Vrede Rede
Marshallino Beukes
Vrede Rede Primary school in Swakopmund last Saturday hosted their annual Ms and Mr Tiny beauty pageant for Grade0learnersattheschool.
Naysha Gom-
K h a i s e s w a s crownedasMsTiny 2024, with Mathew
Petrus walking away with the Mr
Tiny2024crown. The first princess was none other than Lavinia Halupe, with the beautiful Paris Brunzul in third place
(2ndPrincess).Euginio Ganeb (1st Prince) and Marshallino !Gonteb (2nd Prince) both stunnedthecrowdwith theirstyleandcharm.
30 September 2024 12PM
Pictures: Marshallino Beukes
Miss & Mr Flamingo Crowned
Sureshni Losper and Shelton Plaatjies were crowned Miss and Mr Flamingo Secondary School at a glamours event in Walvis Bay
The duo emerged as the brightest shiningstarsofthehighlyanticipatedbeauty pageant. They both wowed the judges and the audience with their impeccable modellingskillsandstagepresenceona glamour-andstyle-filledevening. MercySeibesandMichialRodkinwere the first female and male runners-up, respectively, with Nellwyn Johannes andTimotheusNghipetekwathesecond femaleandmalerunners-up.Themodellingcompetitionwasnotjustashowcase
offashionandstyle,itwasacelebrationof talent,personality,andindividuality This competition exemplifies the school's commitmenttonurturingstudents'diverse talents and fostering a culture of excellence.Thewinnersstoodoutandexhibited authenticity, confidence, and elegance in everyroundofthecompetition.Theevent not only showcased the talent but also highlightedtheimportanceofself-expressionandself-assuranceofallparticipants.
Stewart Planning intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund, and the MinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopmentforthefollowing: Erven 3132 and 3133 (consolidated Erf 10029) Swakopmund Extension 9 (cornerofZypressenandNelkenStreet):RezoningfromSingleResidentialwith adensityof1:900m²toGeneralResidential2withadensityof1:300m²toallowa maximumof7units.
TheplanningapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanning Act,2018(ActNo.5of2018),and/orSwakopmundZoningScheme,asamended. Takenotethat–(a)theplanningapplicationliesopenforinspection,duringnormalofficehoursatthe Town Planning Section of the Swakopmund Municipality, corner of Rakotoka & Daniel Kamho Street, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Walvis Bay An electronic copy can be requested from Mrs Melissa Kroon: melissa@ sp.com.na
(b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiescanregisterwithStewartPlanningandsubmit their written comments, representations, input and/or objections to the planning applicationtogetherwithgroundsthereof. ©thedeadlinetosubmitwrittencomments,representations,inputand/orobjections willbeonorbefore17:00Friday,27September2024.
Applicant StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na +26464280773
Aqua Services & Engineering, Namibia's leading technology partner and service provider in water treatment, is currently seeking for passionate, self-driven, and motivated individuals to join our team as Coastal Manager
· Manage and support the coastal team, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.
· Coordinate allASE activities in the coastal region.
· Engage proactively with clients to build strong relationships.
· Oversee the management and control of the warehouse operations.
· Maintain close coordination with the head office to ensure alignment and effective communication.
· Lead, manage projects, and accept responsibility and accountability for successful and timeous completion of all projects.
· Aformal engineering qualification (B.Eng/B.Tech) with PrEng/Inc.Eng registration.
· Ability to work under pressure, whilst ensuring deadlines are met.
· Strong leadership and management skills, capable of motivating a diverse team.
· Excellent communication skills.
· Self-driven, proactive, working in demanding environments.
· At least five years' related work experience.
· Valid driver's license.
· Namibian citizenship or permanent residence permit.
ASE offers competitive remuneration packages commensurate with experience and qualifications. Please email applications to HR@ase.com.na
Closing Date: 16 September 2024
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
LWB Annual Market Day
This event was open to all Grade 2, 3, 4 and 5 learners, while the rest of the school enjoyed visiting the stalls. Learners could choose from categories such as games, retail, food or manufacturing. This year, the stalls were particularly impressive and creative, thanks to the fantastic efforts of both parents and learners. All proceeds from the stalls went directly to the learners, allowing themtobenefitfromtheirhardwork.Themainobjective of the Market Day is to encourage learners to think like entrepreneurs, providing them with the opportunity to develop ideas and run small businesses to earn money Thedaywasagreatsuccessandeveryonehadalotoffun!
Swakopmund – Giessen Community and Skills Development Project, is a partnership between COSDEC Swakopmund and Swakopmund Municipality and the City of Giessen - Germany This project is excited to announce the recruitment of trainees for Solar Installation and Maintenance (Level 1). This training program is an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in gaining hands-on skills and knowledge in the field of solar energy
Program Overview:
· Training Focus: Solar Installation and Maintenance (Level 1)
· Training Location: COSDEC Swakopmund
· Training Duration: 12 months level 1 and to 24 months for level 2 continuation as per NTA training Qualification andAssessment schedules.
· Start Date: October 2024 with orientation and project preliminary activities.
· Application Deadline: 13 September 2024
Who ShouldApply:
· Individuals passionate about renewable energy and sustainability
· Young adults looking to develop skills in solar installation and maintenance.
· Unemployed individuals seeking practical training for the solar industry
· Applicants with basic electrical knowledge or a keen interest in technical and engineering fields.
Eligibility Criteria:
· Namibian citizens
· Minimum of Grade 10 or equivalent educational level.
· Basic understanding of English, both written and spoken.
· Physically fit and able to work outdoors.
· No prior experience in solar installation required, but basic technical skills will be an advantage.
Benefits of the Training:
· Gain practical, hands-on training in solar installation and maintenance.
· Learn from experienced professionals in the solar industry
· Receive a qualification upon successful completion of the program.
· Enhance your employability skills and career prospects in the growing field of renewable energy
How toApply: (Interested candidates should submit the following documents)
· Acompleted application form (available at COSDEC Swakopmund).
· Acopy of your ID or Passport.
· Acopy of your highest academic qualification.
· Any supporting documents or certificates (if applicable).
Submission ofApplications: Applications can be submitted in person at COSDEC Swakopmund. Ensure all documents are submitted with the application.
Closing date: 13 September 2024. Late applications will not be considered.
Contact Information:
For more information or inquiries, please contact: Mr Wilfred Kauripeke, COSDEC Swakopmund, office number: 064 403046
Take this step towards a brighter future in the solar industry Apply today to be part of this exciting training opportunity
Laerskool Walvisbaai held their annual Market Day with a record-breaking 52 stalls,
Photos contributed
winnersoftheMarketDay Junior Primary: 1. Meme Guyz, Rilano Julie, Lihan Booysen, Willem van Wyk, Jonathan Mouton, Connor Hunt
Sweet ToothAvenue - Lily-Ann Theron, Chana Ihuhwa,Anne-RosedeWee,NinaLouw
Little Rainbow Munchkins - Levanka Lewanschek, NinavanNiekerk,RachelVermeulen,ChanelleCupido Senior Primary: 1. KIN Café - Isabel Robberts, Niché Viljoen,CarladeWit
Sweet And Savory - Teopolina Mushy, Jada Heita, Shekinah Kamaundju, Faith Seretse, Kiara Pickering, KenoniaShilenga
3.KingsOfFun-JohnLestrade,AthanCoetzer,Ju-Zelio Cera,KuzeueNyambe
NovaNam Group of Companies with its Walvis Bay-based operation invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following vacancy: Industrial Electrician
Applicants are invited to apply for the positions by visiting https://nieis.namibiaatwork.gov.na/
Enquiries: Mr.Abraham Ignatius –Telephone +264 64 2730534
The closing date for applications is 20 September 2024 th only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
CONSENT: Self CateringAccommodation ON ERF NO: 183 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Dolphin Beach STREET NAME & NO: Sandpiper Street,Unitno11,Door8.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringAccommodation.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan27September 2024.
PropertyInvestment11CC POBox2978Windhoek email:safaricityproperties@gmail.com
CONSENT: Self-CateringAccommodation ON ERFNO:416TOWNSHIP/AREA:Langstrand Ext1STREETNAME&NO:PraiaDaLagosta, Unit20.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-cateringAccommodation.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan20September 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: PaulinaDalifilwa,POBox213,Swakopmund email:admin@perfectstay.org
TheownerofErf2845,SwakopmundExtension 9 (2 Rittersporn Street) intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Resident Occupation Special Consent” to operate an as provided for in “administrative office” terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme.Detailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.
Any person having any objections to the proposed activity may lodge such objections or comments, duly motivated in writing, within 14 daysofthelastpublicationtotheapplicantorthe SwakopmundMunicipalitybeforeoron 20September2024
ContactPerson:MrsCatharinaCorneliaSteyn@ Cell:0813045744
Or Mr J. Heita (Manager: Town Planning), Tel: +264(64)4104403
1. Qualified Diesel mechanic (red seal) / Relevant trade certificate;
2. At least 5 years' relevant experience working in heavy duty construction / (CAT)earthmoving machinery and equipment;
3. Heavy duty driver's license (CE);
4. Traceable references.
Only applicants with the relevant qualifications and experience need to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and no telephonic enquiries will be attended to.
Please email complete CV with accreditations to: careers@namibiaconstruction.com
Closing date 20 September 2024
CONSENT:Church(PlaceofWorship)ONERF NO: 5783 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREETNAME&NO:NaraStreet.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Church(PlaceofWorship).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan20September 2024.
GreaterLoveWelfareMissions POBox858,WalvisBay email:jcwalvisbay@gmail.com
Email all your news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068
Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 1 mail to: sharlien@namibtimes.net
Marshallino Beukes at 081 491 8149 or mail to: journalist3@namibtimes.net
Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: journalist5@namibtimes.net
In the Estate of the late Arrie Jonathan Links whodiedon25May2022 and was residing at No.11 Sandpiper Street, Narraville, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
Noticeisherebygiventhat the First and Final L i q u i d a t i o n a n d Distribution Accounts are lying for inspection at the officesoftheMasterofthe High Court at Windhoek and the Magistrate’s OfficeatWalvisBayfora period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication hereof for all interestedparties. If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodged within the period stated, the Executrix will proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.
PIETERHAMMAN Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:MAT19342-PH/am)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992),that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction, a Portion of Farm 37 to PowerCom(Pty)Ltd.
Description Erf46Naraville Area(m²) 100
LeasePricePerMonth PriceExcluding(N$) 3283
Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *Friday 27 September 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs Merinda/Keis be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingto theproposedlease,may in writing lodge an objection together with or to Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay, before or on Friday, 27 September 2024 at 12:00.
GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development
Email:jmanale@walvis baycc.org.na
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/ 1992), that the Muni-cipalityofWalvis Bayintendstolease,by private trans-action, a Portion of Farm 37 to PowerCom(Pty)Ltd.
Description Erf449Meersig Area(㎡) 100
Lease Price Per Month Price Excluding (NS) 3,974
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until Friday 27 * September 2024 at room 45,Municipal Offices, Kuiseb-mond. For more information Mrs. Merinda/Keis be con-tacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingto theproposedlease,may in writing lodge an objection together with thegrounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: H o u - s i n g a n d Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Friday 27 September 2024 at 12:00.
EriksonMwanyekange GeneralManager: Community&Economi cDevelopment Tel:(064)2013338
Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, Portion 18 of Farm 37 to Land and Housing Federation (October Seafarers United) Land and Housing Federation.
Description Portion18 of Farm37
Area ±482588m²
Zoning SingleResidential PurchasePrice N$5.00/m²
Full particulars pertaining to the sale willlieforinspectionby interested persons until * T u e s d a y , 2 4 September 2024 at room 30, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the gounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties at the above address to Private Bag 5017, WalvisBaybeforeoron *Friday,27September 2024at12:00. JackManale Manager:Housingand Properties
Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
Tee Up Time for Novanam at Rossmund GC
Saturday 31 August was the time again to play our Novanam Monthly Medal with a field of 30+ players, who took to the Rossmund Fairways in excellentgolfingweather,searchingforthoseexcellentboxes offish.
The field was well divided with players competing in all the divisions The clubhouse was buzzing as the golfers finished and they were able to watch the SpringboksinactionagainsttheAll Blacks.
Only two guys took their aiming juice and thus shared the two-club
pot for this week. As is the norm some of the golfers produced excellent golf whilst others battled tokeeptheirheadabovewatersoto speak.
TheAugust2024NovanamOverall MedalwenttoTiekieDeWetwitha brilliant 61nett; A Division: Douw van Wyk 77 nett c/o; B Division: George Murasiki 69 nett; C Division: John Horne 71nett; Ladies Division: Mariena Ludwig 70nett;JuniorDivision:RudiAuseb 76 nett. Well done Tiekie – when you’regoodyou’regood.Asalways it was great to have Miguel Tordesillasinthemixandenjoying hisgolf.
In this time of the loss of
21.09.1951 - +28.08.2024 our hearts reach out to the Pretorius and Lombard families, in deepest sympathy Marek and Hannelore Hrywniak together with the Management and Personnel of
In this time of loss our hearts reach out to the Pretorius and Lombard families in deepest sympathy Ronell leaves a big void in all our lives.
The Birthday Girl Group:Ansie, Elisabeth, Hannelore, Heidi, Henda, Hildegard, Ilona, Ingrid, Liz, Lola, Maizie, Marlene, Renate, Tirzah and Violet
Photo above: The winners of the Novanam Medal fltr: George Murasiki; Rudi Auseb; MarienaLudwig;DouwvanWyk:TiekieDeWet;MiguelTordesillas(Novanam).
National Darts team that competed in the African Union Sports Council (AUSC)Region5DartsChampionshipheldinEswatini.
The Namibian National Darts team secured the overall bronze medal at theAfrican Union Sports Council (AUSC) Region 5 Darts Championship held last week at Esibayeni LodgeinMbabane,Eswatini.
The Region V Championships attracted six countries namely Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi and host Eswatini that competed in men's and women's senior division as well as junior boy's and girls and veterandivisions.
Namibian Darts player, Shirezze Goosen securedsilverinthejunior girls' singles category and Maria Jurius silver
in the women veteran's singles category whilst Janneman Jochimsen won bronze in the senior men's singles category
The Namibian senior women's players, Annalize van Brakel and Dianne Ludwig won bronze in the seniorwomen'sdoubles category with Dianne Ludwig setting the highest close, 154 & 147+12.
The Namibian team's achievements underscored the team's strong showing and competitiveness in the championships. The overall results at the AUSC Region 5 championships
Gordon Damster from the Namib Park Bowling Club in Walvis Bay and Amanda Steenkamp from Eros Bowling ClubinWindhoekwerethewinnersoftheNamibianBowling Association's annual National Champion of Champions singles competition held at the Swakopmund Bowls Club overthepastweekend.
AJVisser(SwakopmundBC)andElzaandeVries(NamibParkBowlingClub) were second in the men's and women's categories. Players from clubs at the coast,thenorthandespeciallyWindhoekfacedeachotherwithtotalfocusand dedicationontheimmaculateSwakopmundBlues.Thewinnerswillrepresent NamibiaattheWorldBowlsSinglesChampionofChampionstournamentlater this year where they will compete against other singles national champions fromallovertheworld.Thetopmenandwomensinglesplayersinthecountry haveproventhemselvesatclublevelandhasbattleditoutonthebowlinggreen fortophonoursatthetournamentthatwassponsoredbyAfrica-HydroBlasting &MiningSupplies
School N
etball teams from U12 to U19fromalloverthe country competed in the national championships where the winners in each age group walked away with a floating Trophyandgoldmedals, while runners upgotSilverand3rd placed walked away withbronzemedals. Winners were as follows:
TheUnder12Netballteamfrom AcademyinSwakopmund Pro-Ed endedthirdinthe2024CapricornSchoolsNetballSupperU12League.
TheCapricornSchoolsNetballLeagueprovidesaplatformfor netballplayerstoplaycompetitivenetballofahighstandard, therebyenhancingtheoverallqualityofnetballinNamibia. ThePro-EdgirlsistheonlyteamfromtheErongoregionthat wonamedalatCapricornSchoolsNetballSupperLeaguethe includesteamsfromU12toU19fromalloverthecountry
The Namibian
The men's Champion of Champions. AJ Visser (left) runner up and winner Gordon Damster
The ladies Champion of Champions Amanda Steenkamp (left) and runner up ElzaneDeVries.
The Under 19 Netball team from Tutaleni High School in Kuisebmond Walvis Bay
Photo contributed
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
namib times
The NFBB selected a seven member Namibian National Team that will be representing Namibia at the IFBB Worlds Fitness Challenge in Spain from 1 to 4 November 2024
The first ever Namibian IFBB Fitness Challenge team to participate in gold, silver and bronze levels at the IFBB Worlds Fitness ChallengeconsistsofHawain Bampton, Werner Ahrens, Leonard Fick, Fred Zapke, Ndapi Shipena, Zune Mari Rentel and Noelle Cyriax Ludik. The team will be accompanied by Alethea BormanPresident NFBB,
Jancke Rentel –Head Coach and Karis Ludik – Team
manager. The NFBB President AletheaBormansaid in a statement that Namibia's debut at the IFBB World Championships Fitness Challenge is an historic moment for the Federation and Namibian Bodybuilders. Borman stated that in the weeks leading up to the event, Sport BeyondMeasureand VivifyU (owned by Jancke Rentel), will besponsoringtesting and training plans to the athletes, includingVO2max,lactic threshold and body
compositiontesting. “Our National Team's participation in this historic event requires further funding Therefore, wewouldliketourge potential sponsors and donations to make this historic event possible. Your support towards our team's success is appreciated.” Kindly contact our President, Alethea Bor m a n a t borman alethea@ gmail com should youwishtodonateor be in a position to sponsor,
The winners of the various levels of the national IFBB Fitness Challenge
qualifier are as follows:
Gold (Qualifying Points: Men – 262; Ladies–215)
Silver (Qualifying Points: Senior Men – 390; Senior Ladies – 338; Junior Men – 263; Junior Ladies –225)Men:Seniors
2.EugeneThuysnma (230)Men:Junior
1 Jessica Lofty
1. Zune Mari Rentel (335) 2 Sumari Opperman (172)
Qualification (Qua-
lifying points: Master Ladies –275; Junior Ladies – 275)
1. Zune Mari Rentel (352)
2 Noelle
This event brought together fighters from Botswana, Khorixas, Opuwo, SwakopmundandWalvisBay, showcasingthebestof regional talent in an evening filled with excitement and sportsmanship For many of these athletes, it was their first time visiting the coast and experiencing the grandeur of a boxing eventofthisstature,as well as seeing the ocean for the first
time. Their awe and excitement added a unique and heartwarming dimension to the evening. The Salt Showdown not only providedaplatformfor showcasing boxing talent,butalsoemphasisedtheimportanceof community and accessibility in sports.
One of the highlights of the event was the participation of fighters from the Kunene region, sponsored by DelanoMuller Muller,
representing the NamibBoxingAcademy as a coach, expressed immense pride in his team's accomplishments His dedication to the sport and his athletes was evident throughout the event, as he guided and supported his fighters with unwavering commitment Muller’s initiative to sponsor fighters from remote regions highlights the needforsupportfrom
Health and Safety Officer
Location:Trekkopje Site, 70km from Swakopmund.
Key Requirements:
• Grade 12 certificate
• ANational Diploma in Health and Safety
• Valid NEBOSH, SAMTRAC or equivalent certification
• Code BE driver’s license
To apply please send your
Closing date: 20 September 2024
companies and organisationstohelpgrowthe sportandmakeitmore accessibletoeveryone.
Muller said that the eventwasaresounding success, with fighters demonstrating exceptional skill and determination in the ring.
“The collaboration between Club Salt and the Namib Boxing Academy set a new standard for social boxing events in the region,promisingeven more excitement and
memorable moments for boxing enthusiasts inthefuture.”
He stated that as the final bell rang and the last fight concluded, the cheers and applause from the audienceechoedthrough ClubSalt,markingthe end of an unforgettable evening of boxing action. “The Salt Showdown not only celebrated the sport but also brought together a community in support of its
athletes and their dreams ” For more informationonhowto support Delano Muller's initiative and
helpmakesportsmore accessible, please contact the Namib BoxingAcademy
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe