30 august namib times e-edition

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Cases of Dealing/in Possession of Drugs at Schools 40 Schoolgirl Pregnancies in Six Months

The Director of Education in the Erongo region, Ms ErnfriedeStephanus,announcedthatschoolsintheregion havereportedatotalof40learnerpregnanciesforthefirst schooltrimesterofthisyear.

Shemadethisalarming statement at a community meeting at Immannuel Ruiters Primary school in Kuisebmond, WalvisBayrecently

According to Ms Stephanus, twelve of these cases were reported by the Swakopmundcircuit,five by the Walvis Bay circuit and twentythreebytheOmaruru circuit Last year, schoolsintheErongo region reported a

total of 109 learner pregnancies(Swakopmund circuit 25, Walvis Bay circuit 65 and Omaruru circuit 19).

Ms Stephanus further expressed her distress regarding the escalation of dealing and using of drugs at schools.As per statistics provided by Ms Stephanus, last year saw a total of 25 drug related cases reported at schools in the Erongoregion.

Twelveofthesecases were reported at the Swakopmundcircuit, where four boys and one girl were reported at three different high schools. Seven boys at one primary school were found in possession of drugs during a search exercise. At Walvis Bay, seven male and three female learners were reported at two primaryschoolsandone high school, while

Continues on page 2

Missing Person Reports Alarming in Erongo

The escalation of missing person reports countrywide, but especially in the Erongo region are of grave concern to the public,aswellasthepolice.

Almost every week picturesofmissingpersons are circulated on socialmedia,withmost of these cases being reported in the Erongo region. “We are concerned.Wehaveseena seriousincreaseinmissing persons reported in the region. At the moment we have two elderly persons mis-

sing from Otjimbingwe and also a 15-yearoldboyinWalvisBay,” said Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the Erongo police spokesperson He further commented that some missing persons reports tend to end in serious and disturbing discoveries, while some, especially

young girls, are just disappearing from their homes without communicating At the time of going to press, there was still no indication that the missing persons had been located The community's assistance in solving missing persons cases remainvital.

Photos contributed

Swakopmund's Renal Care Gets a Boost with Life Healthcare Acquisition

LifeHealthcareGroup,oneofSouthAfrica'sleadingprivate healthcareorganisations,hasexpandeditsreachintoNamibia by acquiring five renal dialysis clinics, including one right here in Swakopmund. The acquisition finalised on 14 Augustmarksamajorstepinimprovingrenalcareservices notonlyintheErongoRegionbutinthewholeofNamibia.

The Swakopmund clinic is among the fiveNamibianfacilitiesacquiredfrom Fresenius Medical Care (FMC), with the other clinics located in Oshakati,

Otjiwarongo,andWindhoek(Eros and Kleine Kuppe). This move is part of Life Healthcare's broader

Continues on page 2

Katrina Boois (64) Lukas Junias (50) Wayne Goreseb (15)
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff

Swakopmund's Renal Care Gets a Boost

Continued from page 1

strategytogrowitsrenaldialysisfootprint,which now totals 76 clinics across southern Africa, including 38 new locations in South Africa. For the residents of Swakopmund, this acquisition is more than just a change in management. Life Healthcare brings over 20 years of expertise in providingrenaldialysisservices,whichwillnow beavailabletochronickidneypatientsinthearea. With this acquisition, patients in Swakopmund can expect enhanced care through Life Healthcare's integrated renal care pathway program. Thisprogramoffersacoordinated,patient-centric approach to managing chronic kidney disease, delivered by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals Adam Pyle, Chief Growth and Strategy Officer at Life Healthcare, highlightedtheorganisation'scommitmenttoproviding innovative and integrated healthcare ser-

vices. “Our strategy of diversifying from an acutefocused business to a more innovative and integrated healthcare organisation has led us to invest further in renal care,” Pyle said. “Our current renal patients are already benefiting from our integrated rentalcarepathwayprogram,whichweareexci-ted to extend to new patients in Namibia, including thosehereinSwakopmund.”DrNoleenPhillipson, SeniorManagerofLifeRenalDialysis,emphasised the positive impact this acquisition will have on patientsintheregion.“Byexpandingourrenaldialysisservicesthroughthisacquisition,we'replaced inastrongpositiontoensurethatmanymorechronic kidney disease patients who need life-enhancing quality care can now access our services in more locations,”Phillipsonsaid.Shealsoassuredthatthe transitiontoLifeHealthcarewouldbesmooth,with clearly defined change management and training plansinplacetoensurebusinesscontinuity

Walvis Bay Reaps Benefits from Trans Kalahari Corridor Operation

WalvisBaybeingacrucialhubontheTransKalahariCorridor(TKC),isseeing the positive effects of enhanced regional security measures after the recent 14th Trans Kalahari Corridor Management Committee (TKCMC) Joint Law EnforcementOperationinRustenburg,SouthAfrica.Thisoperation,heldfrom19 to 24 August involved law enforcement agencies from Botswana, Namibia, and SouthAfricaandledtothearrestofmultiplesuspectsandtherecoveryofstolen vehicles,firearms,andnarcotics.

WalvisBay,whichisNamibia'sprimaryportand akeyendpointontheTKC,thesafetyandsecurity of this corridor directly impact the town's economicwell-beinganditsreputationasasafe andefficientgatewayforinternationaltrade.The operation'ssuccessesincludethearrestofacouplefoundwith10kilogramsofnarcoticshidden intheirvehicle,whichwasinterceptedontheN4 in Rustenburg. Preliminary investigations indicate that the couple, who were from Swaziland and headed to Botswana, will face drug trafficking charges. In addition to the drug-related arrests,authoritiesrecoveredtwostolenvehicles, including a Toyota GD6 disguised as a security vehicle and a Toyota Fortuner with its engine numbers removed. Another significant win for law enforcement was the arrest of suspects in pos-session of unlicensed firearms, including fourAK47rifles,twoshotguns,andthreepistols, alongwithalargequantityofammunition.These individualswerewantedinconnectionwithserious crimes such as robbery, theft, and murder, andtheircapturerepresentsamajorstepforward in the fight against cross-border crime. For the community of Walvis Bay, the success of this operation highlights the importance of regional cooperationinmaintainingthesecurityandintegrity of theTKC.As the corridor stretches from Gauteng Province in SouthAfrica, through Botswana, and into Namibia, ending at the Port of WalvisBay,theeffectivenessofthesejointoperations is crucial for ensuring that the flow of goodsremainsuninterruptedbycriminalactivity ThePortofWalvisBay,avitaleconomicengine forNamibia, relies heavily on the TKC for the transportationofgoodstoandfromtheSouthern African region. By cracking down on crossborder crime, the recent operation helps safeguardtheport'sreputationasareliableandsecure entry point for international trade. This, in turn,

boosts confidence among businesses and traders, potentially attracting more investment and economicactivitytothearea.ExecutiveDirectorofthe TransKalahariCorridor,MrLeslieMlungisiMpofu,praisedtheoperation,andsaidthereisaneedfor ongoingcooperationbetweenmemberstatestoensurecompliancealongthecorridor "Thisjointoperationisatestamenttotheeffectivenessofregional cooperationintacklingcrime.Byworkingtogether, we are sending a strong message to criminals that thereshouldbecomplianceonthecorridor,"Mpofu said.Theoperationalsorevealedthattruckscarryingdangerousgoodsalongthecorridorarelargely in compliance with the law, with only 10% of inspectedtrucksfoundtobeinvariancewithrequirements.ThisisapositivesignforthePortofWalvis Bay, as it reinforces the safe handling and transportation of hazardous materials. The success of operations like this one ensures that Walvis Bay remainsakeyplayerinSouthernAfrica'seconomic landscape.The town can take pride in its role as a secure and efficient gateway to the region, benefiting from the strengthened law enforcement effortsthatkeepthecorridorsafeandopenforbusiness.

The TKC Secretariat is a tripartite trans-boundary corridor management institution was established withapoliticalandeconomicvisiontopursueand contributetowardsdeeperregionalintegrationprogrammes of SADC, SACU and AUDA -NEPAD. TKCSecretariatmanagestheTransKalahariCorridor which stretches 1 900km across the territories ofBotswana,NamibiaandSouthAfrica.Itstartsin theGautengProvinceinSouthAfricaandcontinues throughRustenburgandZeerustintheNorth-West Province, through Skilpadhek/Pioneer borders to LobatseandKanyeinBotswana,theMamunoand Trans Kalahari Border posts through Gobabis, WindhoekandOkahandjarightthroughtothePort of WalvisBay

40 Schoolgirl Pregnancies

Continued from page 1

Omaruru saw three boys being reported at onehighschool. A staggering 31 drug related cases were reportedthisyearalready for only the first trimester According to Ms Stephanus, eighteenofthesecaseswere reported at a high school in Swakopmund, two cases at a high school in Walvis BayandsixataWalvis Bay primary school. A

primary school in the Omaruru circuit also reported five cases, where Grade 6 and 7 learners were involved.

Common social ills reported at schools, as per Ms Stephanus include sexual harassment, bullying, child neglect and absenteeism. Masturbation, child-headed households, porn addiction, rape, abortion and suicidal issues are some of the concer-

ning issues educators must deal with, the education director stressed. “Thereisno discipline in our schoolsanymore,learnersjustdon'tcareand do not have any respect for their teachers Teachers don't have much time to teachanymore,asthey must deal with case after case of misbehaviour,whichhave become a norm at our schools,” Ms Stephanusemphasised.

Sixty-seven Road Accidents Reported Over Long Weekend Countrywide

Atotalof67roadaccidentscountrywidewerereportedover the past Heroes Day long weekend, according to statistics provided by Nampol's head of public relations, Deputy CommissionerKaunaShikwambi.

This is very alarming, withthefestiveseason approaching. The statistics revealed that 118 injuries and 6 fatalities were reported as a result of these roadaccidents. Shikwabi noted that, in curbing road accidents, Nampol to-

gether with other stakeholders will continue with public awareness campaigns, with particular focus on driver behaviour change. “Officers will be deployed at accidentproneareasonall roads to increase visi-

bility with marked vehicles,” she further remarked Deputy Commissioner Shikwambi also emphasised that road safety is a shared responsibilityandshouldnot belefttolawenforcementalone.

Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes

Swakopmund Residents Demand Action on Smoking and

Vaping Violations

Community members in Swakopmund have expressed concern about the pressingissueofthenon-enforcementofthecountry'sno-smokinglawinpublic spaces,aswellasthegrowingproblemofvapingintheseareas.

Oneoftheresidentswhoviewthisissueasone of the most urgent noted that while clear legislation prohibits smoking in public areas, it has become increasingly common to encounter individualssmokinginrestaurants,bars,andother public places.Additionally, although vaping isnotyetregulatedbylaw,ithasbecomeasignificant nuisance in these same spaces. Both activities pose health risks and create uncomfortableenvironmentsforotherpatrons. Another concerned resident reported having per-sonally experienced numerous instances where cigarette smoke or aerosol from vaping devices at adjacent tables was blown directly into her face, greatly diminishing her dining experience.Thelackofconsiderationforothers' comfort and well-being is troubling. What is evenmorealarmingisthatwhenpatronsrequest smokerstoadheretothelaworaskvaperstobe more considerate, it often leads to verbal or physical altercations, further endangering publicsafety Furthermore,whensuchconcerns arebroughttotheattentionofrestaurantorbar owners,theresponseisoftendismissive.Many proprietorssimplyshrugtheirshouldersandfail to enforce the no-smoking law or address vaping-relatedcomplaints.InJuneofthisyear, stakeholders gathered in Swakopmund for a week-long workshop to review the Tobacco Products Con-trol Act of 2010 The Swakopmund Muni-cipality recently launched the Swakopmund Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (SAADA) ini-tiative, aimed at combating alcohol and drug misuse in Swakopmund through a three-fold approach: awareness, prevention, and law en-forcement. This initiative also seeks to address the numerouschallengesposedbysubstanceabuse

on individuals and families within the town. According to the Tobacco Control Laws in Namibia,smokingisprohibitedinvirtuallyallindoorpublicplacesandindoorworkplaces,aswell asonallmeansofpublictransportation.Smoking is also prohibitedin certainoutdoor areas, including (1) outdoor areas of private dwellings used for any commercial childcare activity or for schoolingortutoring;and(2)outdoorareaswithin two meters from windows, ventilation inlets, andentrancesandexitsofpublicplacesandworkplaces. According to the World Health Organisation(WHO),tobaccouseisresponsiblefor25% ofallcancerdeathsglobally Over1millionpeopledieeveryyearfromexposuretosecond-hand smoke. Non-smokers exposed to second-hand smokeareatriskofdevelopinglungcancer

Cigarettes remain an important cause of accidentalfiresandresultingdeaths.E-cigarettesalso expose non-smokers and bystanders to nicotine and other harmful chemicals. Being exposed to second-hand smoke may increase the risk of progressionfromtuberculosisinfectiontoactive disease and is associated with type 2 diabetes. Smoking also affects physical health.TheWHO statesthatthebenefitsofquittingtobaccoarealmostimmediate.Afterjust20minutesofquitting smoking, your heart rate improves. Within 1-9 months, coughing and shortness of breath decrease. Within 5-15 years, your stroke risk is reducedtothatofanon-smoker Within10years, yourlungcancerdeathrateisabouthalfthatofa smoker Within 15 years, your risk of heart disease is that of a non-smoker In terms of the TobaccoProductsControlAct,smokerswillface afineofN$500oronemonthinprisoniftheyare caught smoking in public places. Questions sent to the Health Ministry for comment went un-

Namibia Oil and Gas Conference 2024

The Namibia Oil and Gas Conference 2024 (#NamibiaOGC24) that kicked off last week, has attracted over900 attendees, far surpassing the expected 700, and has drawn significantinterestbothlocallyandinternationally

This year's conference theme,"TheNextStep Towards a Prosperous OilandGasIndustryto Power Namibia's Sustainable Future," reflectedNamibia'scommitment to harnessing itsnaturalresourcesresponsibly while ensuring long-term economic growth and energysecurity NAMCOR, the National PetroleumCorporation of Namibia, has positioned itself as a strategic partner for the event. During the opening ceremony, Jason Kasuto,Chairpersonof the Economic AssociationofNamibia,expressed his excitement overthestrongturnout. He noted that the overwhelming participation demonstrates Namibia's readiness to seize the opportunities presented by the oil and gas sector, as well as the growing global interestinthecountry's potential as an emerging energy powerhouse. In a keynote address read on behalf of the Minister of Mines and Energy,

Hon. Tom Alweendo, Deputy Minister Hon. Kornelia Shilunga emphasised the transformativeimpactofrecent oil discoveries in the Walvis Bay and OrangeBasin."Webelieve that these discoveries would enable NAMCOR to bring aboutoilprosperityfor all Namibians by fuelling our economic growth and providing revenue to the state," Shilunga stated. She urged NAMCOR to continue enhancing its governance practices, ensuring transparency in managing national oil and gas assets, and building the necessary human and institutional capacity to securethenation'soiland gasprosperity Responding to the minister's call, NAMCOR's Interim Managing Director, Ebson Uanguta,expressedthe corporation's commitment to meeting the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. "Excitement fills the air as we stand on the brink of a transfor-

mative era for Namibia'soilandgasindustry,"Uangutasaid.He reiterated NAMCOR's dedication to leading the charge in harnessing these resources to drive economic growth, reduce energy poverty, and secure a sustainable and prosperous future for all Namibians Deputy Minister Shilungaalsohighlighted the crucial role of international oil and service companies in ensuring that local prosperity is achieved. She stressed that NAMCOR must be a meaningful vehicle for state equity participation in petroleum licenses,ensuringthat the benefits of Namibia's oil and gas resources are shared equitably among all itsresidents. Furthermore, Shilunga pointed out the importance of good governance in Namibia's upstream petroleum sector to ensure that the potential economic benefits are maximised and fairly distributed.

Grootbek op Vrydag

Gee Blomme Terwyl Hulle Nog Leef...

Die afgelope Heldedag herdenking en harwar om eer te betoon aan gestorwe helde en heldinne, wie hul lewensopgeofferhetvirdie land se vryheid en onafhanklikheid het my laat nadink.

In my boek is die ware (hedendaagse) helde wie blomme verdien (nog terwyl hulle lewe) die hawelose op straat, sonder enige heenkome,familieofvriendeomhomof haarnatewend,maartogelkenuwe dag met nuwe moed en hoop aanpak; die enkelmoeders, wie hulself moet afsloof om hul spruite van 'n goeie opvoeding, kos, klere en 'n dak oor hul koppe te voorsien; die werklose vaders wie in die nagte stil-stil hul kussings deurweek met trane van moedeloosheid, want hullekryniewerkomvirhulgesinnetesorgnie,maartogelkeoggend weer opstaan en hul gesinne met 'n dapper glimlag in die oë kyk; die oupas en oumas wat op 'n karrige maandelikse toelaag die knoop moet deurhaak en heel eerste hul

munisipalerekeningegaanbetaal;die drank- en dwelmslaaf op straat wie smag, soebaten smeekvir hulp, maar nie'nondersteuningstelselhetofgeld vir 'n rehabilitasie sentrum nie; jeugdigeswiehullenieoorgeeaandie “maklike”paadjievandrank,dwelms enmisdaadnie;maarliefsprobeerom vir hulself iets te doen deur byvoorbeeld'nkleinbesigheidjietebegin,of selfs mense se erwe gaan hark vir 'n broodjie op die tafel; entrepreneurs wie hulself uit die stof opbou tot suksesvolle sakemanne; die Meme wie vanafsesuurindieoggendopdiesypadjie haar groente en kapana speserye verkoop; vrywillige gemenskapswerkerswiehulmedemenseerstestel endanhulself,dielysgaanaan. Ek glo nie ons gestorwe helde en heldinne wie vir die land se vryheid en onafhanklikheid geveg en gesterf het, isbaiegelukkigmetdiehuidigestand van sake in die land nie. Dit is beslis nie waarvoor hulle hul lewens opgeofferhetnie.

Sharlien Tjambari
Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes

Telecom Namibia Expands Network with 77 New Base Stations

Telecom Namibia is taking a major step forward in enhancing the country's telecommunications infrastructure with the deployment of 77 new mobile base stationsacrossNamibiaduringthe2023/2024fiscalyear.

This ambitious initiative aims to improve network coverage, capacity, and speed, benefitting both urban andruralcommunities. As part of the rollout, Telecom Namibia has successfully launched pilot sites in Cimbebasia and KaribaGoreangab, which are now operational and

undergoing final soak testing.Thesesitesare supported by newly constructed backhaul fibre lines, ensuring high-speed connectivity and optimal performance. The companyplanstocomplete the deployment of additional base stations by the end of January 2025. These

installations will cover key locations including various neighbourhoods in Windhoek Eros, Cimbebasia, Khomasdal, Rocky Crest, and Golgota—as well as other townsandregionssuch as Mariental, Otjiwarongo, Rundu, Swakopmund, Keetmanshoop, and Oshakati,

amongothers.Asignificant feature of the newbasestationsisthe introduction of additionalLTEfrequencies at 700 MHz and 800 MHz. This enhancement will not only extend network coverage but also substantially improve data speedsandoverall networkperformance.

Eileen van der Schyff

Cape Town Adventurer Completes 1 180 km Namib Desert Cycle for Animal Welfare

Sean Fraenkel, an adventurer from Cape Town, and his loyal Jack Russell, Rocky, have successfullycompletedtheirgruelling1180-kilometercycleacrosstheNamibDesert.

The journey, which started in Walvis Bay and concluded near the Vioolsdrift border post, was undertaken to raise R50 000 for the Kloof and Highway SPCA Outreach Clinics in South Africa in supporting animal welfare in disad-

vantagedareas. Throughout their journey, Sean and Rocky braved the harsh desert conditions, including scorching heat, strong winds, and challenging terrain. Despite the obstacles, they were fuelled by the support of well-wishers who

cheered them on through social media, donated to their cause, and offered help along the way Their mission aimed to fund vital sterilisations, treatments, and vaccinations,eachR500raised translating into crucial care for animals in

need. Sean expressed his gratitude in a heartfelt message, sharing, "Our journey was filled with breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrain, and unforgettable encounters. But it wasn't just the vast dunes and endless horizons that

left us in awe, it was the kindness of strangers and the support from strangers that truly touchedourhearts."The adventure,whichhadits share of challenges, including a wrong turn thatforcedSeantobacktrack six kilometres and moments of exhaustion, was also marked by resilience and determination. Sean reflected on the journey, noting thehighsandlows,from the best day of covering 75 kilometres in just a couple of hours to the gruelling 11-hour stretch of just 52 kilometres. At completion of their journey, Sean and Rocky were just short of their fundr-

aising target Sean said, "we are a bit short of our target of R50000. Pleasefeelfreetosupport us if you haven't yetdoneso."Aspecial shout-outwasgivento Sarah van Heerden and her team at Kloof and Highway SPCA, whose tireless work for animal welfare inspiredSean'sefforts. "Their tireless work for animal welfare is nothing short of miraculous, and we feel blessed to have contributed in some small way," Sean shared The fundraising campaign remains live, and Sean encourages everyone to continue

supporting this important cause. "Even a smallcontributioncan makeabigimpact,"he added.You can follow Sean and Rocky's journey on social media at @sean fraenkel and support their mission by visiting the campaign link: [https://www backabuddy.co.za/.../r o c k y s r i d e - adesert ](https://www backabuddy co za/ / r o c k y s r i d e - adesert...). Join them in celebrating this extraordinary achievement andcontinuetobepart of their mission to make a difference for animalwelfare.

Eileen van der Schyff



StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheSwakopmund Municipalityforthefollowing: Erf68SwakopmundWaterfront:Heightrelaxation uptoamaximumbuildingheightof16metres.

Erf 68 Swakopmund Waterfront measures 3469m², and is a vacant General Business zoned erf located alongthebeachnorthofPlatzAmMeershoppingmall. The consent use application is submitted in terms of Clause2.3(i)oftheGeneralBusinesszoneintheSwakopmund Zoning Scheme No. 12, where a maximum height relaxation of 16 metres may be permitted with thespecialconsentoftheCouncil.


(a)theBackgroundInformationDocument(BID)lies openforinspection,duringnormalofficehoursatthe Town Planning Section of the Swakopmund Municipality, corner of Rakotoka & Daniel Kamho Street, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam Nujoma Avenue, WalvisBay Anelectroniccopycanberequestedfrom MrsMelissaKroon:melissa@sp.com.na

(b)anypersonhavinganyobjections/commentstothe proposedheightrelaxationmaylodgesuchobjections/ comments with the Council and the applicant in writing.

(c) the deadline to submit written objections/comments will be on or before 17:00 Friday, 27 September2024.

Applicant StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na


LocalAuthority ChiefExecutiveOfficer SwakopmundMunicipality POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na +264644104403


Benguella Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, an equal opportunity employer, is a marine equipment supplier and safety equipment service centre with more than 50 years trading experience. We are lookingforadisciplined,self-confident,responsive, andexperiencedSHEQOfficer


1. AdviceandassistManagementandSHEQ matters.

2. DevelopandimplementSHEQpolicies, procedures.

3. Conductriskassessments,auditsand inspections.

4. Investigateincidents,accidentsandnear misses.

5. DeliverSHEQtrainingsessions,TBTs,SHEQ meetingsandworkshopstopromote awareness.

6. Maintainaccuraterecords.

7. ContributetoacultureofSHEQand sustainability


1. Grade12

2. DiplomainOccupationalHealthandSafety Managementorrelevantqualification.

3. Provenexperienceinimplementingandauditing SHEQsystems(ISO9001)

4. Incidentinvestigationmethodologies,e.g. Taproot,EssentialFactors. ICAM,

5. Computerliteracyisessential.

6. 3yearsrelatedexperienceisessential.

7. Exceptionalcognitive,communication, interpersonalandtechnicalskillsareessential.

8. ExperienceintherelevantLabourActandOHS Regulations.

9. ValidFirstAidCertificate.





14.Willingtoundergorelevantpsychometric assessments.

All applications must be submitted electronically before or on 13 September 2024. Prospective candidates should forward a detailed CV to: hr@benent.com.na

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No documents will be returned.


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992),that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction, a Portion of Farm 37 to MCVermaak.

Description Erf46Naraville


100 LeasePricePerMonth PriceExcluding(N$) 3283

Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *Friday 20 September 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more in

Merinda/Keis be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during officehours.

Anypersonobjectingto theproposedlease,may in writing lodge an objection together with or to Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay, before or on Friday, 20 September 2024 at 12:00.

EriksonMwanyekange GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@walvis baycc.org.na

Website: www.namib times.net


CONSENT:Church(PlaceofWorship)ONERF NO: 5783 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREETNAME&NO:NaraStreet.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Church(PlaceofWorship).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan20September 2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: GreaterLoveWelfareMissions POBox858,WalvisBay email:jcwalvisbay@gmail.com


CONSENT: Self-CateringAccommodation ON ERFNO:416TOWNSHIP/AREA:Langstrand Ext1STREETNAME&NO:PraiaDaLagosta, Unit20.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-cateringAccommodation.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan20September 2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: PaulinaDalifilwa,POBox213,Swakopmund email:admin@perfectstay.org


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/ 1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction, a Portion of Farm 37 to MC Vermaak.

Description Erf449Meersig Area(㎡) 100

Lease Price Per Month Price Excluding (NS) 3,974

Full particulars pertainingtothelease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Friday 20 September 2024 at room 45,Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond For more information Mrs Merinda/Keisbecontacted at telephone (064)2013235during officehours. Anypersonobjecting totheproposedlease, may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/ motivationthereof,to the Manager: HousingandPropertiesat the above address or to Private Bag 5017, WalvisBay,beforeor on Friday 20 September 2024 at 12:00..

Erikson Mwanyekange GeneralManager: Community&Econo micDevelopment Tel:(064)2013338

Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na


Noticeisherebygiven in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act23/1992),thatthe Municipality of WalvisBayintendstosell, byprivatetransaction, a Portion A of unnamed road reserve (street) to Mr Frans Immanuel!Gonteb.

Description a Portion A of unnamed road reserve (street)

Area(m2) 115

Purchase Price Price Excluding 15% VAT (N$)


Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday 10 September 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. Formore information Mrs Merinda /Keis be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during officehours.

Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with thegrounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Friday, 13 September2024at12:00. JackManale Manager:Housingand Properties Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@walvisbaycc.org.na


CONSENT:AtlanticDunesNo.7useasSelf-CateringAccommodationON ERFNO:1010TOWNSHIP/AREA:DolphinBeachSTREETNAME& NO:KelpGullStreet.

In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality ofWalvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self-catering of Unit 7, AtlanticDunes.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan13September2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: G W Hellmann, P O Box 90946,KleinWindhoek email:moygud@gmail.com

An equal opportunity employer and leader in the Namibian fishing industry, we have a vacancy for a HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGER in Walvis Bay

We are seeking a skilled and motivated professional with a passion for Health and Safety to join our team. As the Health and Safety Manager, you will be responsible for ensuring a safe and secure work environment for our employees and maintaining compliance with all health and safety regulations. Your expertise in the food processing industry will play a vital role in developing and implementing effective safety programs and procedures.

Key Responsibilities

• Develop, implement, and maintain comprehensive health and safety policies and procedures specific to the food processing industry

• Conduct thorough risk assessments and safety audits regularly to identify potential hazards and recommend preventive measures.

• Provide training and educational programs to employees, promoting a strong safety culture throughout the organization.

• Collaborate with different departments to investigate accidents, incidents, and near-misses, and develop action plans to prevent reoccurrence.

• Stay up to date with local and national health and safety regulations and ensure compliance across all operations.

• Act as the point of contact for regulatory agencies and represent the company during inspections and audits.

• Lead emergency response and crisis management activities to minimize harm and damages in critical situations.

• Compile budgets and ensure cost control is managed to best practice.

• Manage and control the human resources in the department.

• Assist with project management and new product developments.


• Grade 12

• 3-year degree/diploma in Food Science and a diploma in Environmental Health and Safety

• Proven experience of 8 years as a Health and Safety Manager in the food processing industry

• Excellent understanding of health and safety regulations and best practices specific to food processing.

• Strong analytical skills with the ability to identify potential risks and implement preventive Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively train and communicate safety guidelines to all levels of the organization.

• Strong leadership and problem-solving abilities to manage crisis situations and drive a safety-first culture.

• Ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and influence positive change.

• Must work accurately, be detail-orientated (highly detail-conscious).

• Must be able to compile and manage budgets and do cost controlling.

• Must show excellent leadership skills and able to manage a small team.

• Able to use own initiative and take quick decisions independently

• Must have excellent administrative, planning, and organisational skills.

• Must be able to work under pressure, adapt to change and deliver on results.

• Computer literate on an advanced level.

• Must have high verbal and numeric ability

• Flexibility with regards to working hours.

• Must have a valid driver’s license.

• SAMTRAC or NEBOSH certification will be an added advantage.


We offer a market-related salary and benefits package, including healthcare coverage and membership to the retirement fund. Additionally, you will be part of a collaborative and innovative team, contributing to the success and growth of a well-established company in the fishing sector

Please send your comprehensive application per-email to recruitment@catofishing.com by 6 September 2024.

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments.


TheownerofErf2845,SwakopmundExtension 9 (2 Rittersporn Street) intends to apply to the SwakopmundMunicipalCouncilforthe “Resident Occupation Special Consent” to operate an as provided for in “administrative office” terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.

Any person having any objections to the proposed activity may lodge such objections or comments,dulymotivatedinwriting,within14 daysofthelastpublicationtotheapplicantorthe SwakopmundMunicipalitybeforeoron 20September2024

Contact Person: Mrs Catharina Cornelia Steyn @Cell:0813045744



Mr J. Heita (Manager: Town Planning), Tel: +264(64)4104403

Kongsberg Maritime is an international company with job opportunities worldwide. The company is a market leader in Marine Systems,Automation, Propulsion Control,Tank Gauging, Dynamic Positioning, Navigation,DeckMachinery,PropulsionSystems,SensorsandRobotics.

KongsbergMaritimeNamibia(Pty)LtdisrepresentingKongsbergMaritime'sbusinessunitsandproduct linesinAfrica.WeareactivelylookingformotivatedandambitiousServiceOperationsManager

Service Operations Manager

GCS International Operations

Location: Walvis Bay, Namibia






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Ifyouwouldliketoapplyfortheabove-mentionedposition,sendyourapplicationdirectlytoour companywebpage:

Direct link to job advert: https://www.kongsberg.com/careers/vacancies/service-operations-manager--gcs-international-operations----------------/



Mr AndreStrauss,

–ManagingDirector,KMNamibia,or andre.strauss@km.kongsberg.com

Mr Vesa Laisti, – VP, Propulsion & Handling, EMEA Global Customer vesa.laisti@km.kongsberg.com Support

Alternativelycontact Ms.KarolinaNamawe,HumanResources T:0814423206


At Kongsberg, we believe in tackling challenging problems and delivering extreme performance for extreme conditions. We do that through excellent products and services developed for delivering the greatest benefits to our customers.


namib times Sport

FNB Kudu Rugby Club will battle for a spot in the finals of the Namibia Rugby Union'sPremierandReserveLeaguethatisheatingupwithdecisiveencountersin storetomorrow(31August)atWindhoekHighSchools(FNBVegkop)Stadium.

Kudus Premier and Reserve will be participating in their third straight semi-final, focused and ready for the task at hand. The premier league team will be facing a welldrilled Wanderers team full of international players, whilst the reserveleagueteamwill beupagainstawounded Rehoboth team whom they defeated 36-17 in the Beeskraal, but the coastal players are confident that they will perform well. Players like Max Katjijeko,

Cameron Langenhoven, PJ Walters and Lloyd Jacobs will bring much-needed experience to our younger players. This year,quiteafewyoung players had a breakthrough in the first team, and if they stick to the game plan, the result will come. The Kudus Reserve team's performance this year is exceptional as they only conceded 19 tries forthewholeseason.

Walvis Bay-based FNB Kudu Premier leagueteamthatended

thirdonthestanding(63 points) will take on secondonthelog,FNB Wanderers (75 points) inoneofthesemi-finals while top of the log FNB Unam (77 points) will be up against forth on the log FNB Grootfontein (45 points) in the other semi-final

The Namibia Rugby Union's Reserve LeaguewillseeKudus,who finished on top of the log on 74 points, play against Rehoboth forth onthelogwith41points in the one semi-final, while second-placed Wanderers (71 points) will meet third place Unam (71points) in the other semi. All sup-

porters are urged to turnupinnumbersand support the Blue Machine.

Premier league semifinalfixtures

FNB Wanderers vs FNBKudusat16:40

FNB Unam vs FNB Grootfonteinat18:30

Reserve league semifinals

Wanderers'vsUnamat 13:00

Kudus vs Rehoboth at 14:50

Women's league semi-finals

United Gemsbokkies vs Wanderers Bokkies at10:00

UnamSteenbokkiesvs Rehoboth Bokkies at 11:30

Bowling Champion of Champions at the Coast

TheNamibianBowlingAssociationwillhosttheNamibiaChampionofChampionsSinglestournamentfor menandladiesthisweekendatthe SwakopmundBowlingClub.

The Namibia Champion of Champions is an important event for our singles players as they have proven themselves at club level andwillnowbattleitoutonthebowlinggreentoprovetheyarethe bestinthecountryinthesinglesdiscipline.Thewinnersofthemen and ladies' singles competition will represent Namibia at the World Bowls Singles Champion of Champions later this year where they will participate against other singles players from all over the world. The tournament sponsored by Africa-Hydro Blasting&MiningSupplieswillseesixmenandsixladiesbattleit outfortophonours.







ChristoSteenkamp-TrustcoUnitedBowlingClub ChristodeBeer-TsumebBowlingClub








Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Diana Viljoen and AJ Visser, the Bowls men's and ladies' single winners of Swakopmund Bowling Club
Elzaan de Vries and Gordon Damster the Bowls men's and ladies' single winners of Namib Park Bowling Club

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