Municipal Officials Address Dumpsite Concerns with Inhabitants
Inanefforttoaddressgrowingconcerns aboutillegalactivitiesatthelocalWalvis Baydumpsite,over170inhabitantsmet with municipal officials on Wednesday morningthisweek.
Led by John Esterhuizen, General Manager of the Walvis Bay Municipality, the meeting focused on the legalities of using the dumpsite and ensuring safety and compliance with Namibian waste managementlaws.
Esterhuizen was joined by a team of municipal leaders including David Uushona, Manager of the site; Gustav and RiaanArcher, Foremen; Hendrik, themunicipality'sPublicRelationsOfficer;aswell as the Fire Chief and a police representative. Together,theysoughttoclarifythelegalframework
Continues on page 2
Operasie Opknap in Walvisbaai “Cape Flats”Omgewing
Pelican Straat inWalvisbaai se Narraville woonbuurt is in die proses om 'n nuwe rokkie te kry, nadat besorgde lede van die gemeenskapslede besluit het om self hand aan die ploegteslaanteneindediestraatsebeeldopteknap.
Volgens'nlidvandie groep het sy in die straat opgegroei en het dit nog nooit so gelyk soos dit nou daar uitsien nie –“morsigenvuil.”Ook indiespervuur,isdie berugtewoonstelblok in die straat, by baie bekend as die “Cape Flats.” Volgens nieamptelike inligting tot ons beskikking is die woonstelle 'n dwelmhool en broeiplekvirkrimineleaktiwiteite. Die gebou self, wat eens 'n spog wooneenheid in die
hartjie van Narraville was, is ook vervalle en die mense woon in uitershaglikeomstandighede. Daar is glo ook geen lopende water en elektrisiteit nie en inwoners van die woonstelle moet “ander planne” maak om hierdie geriewe te bekom. Blykbaarhetdiepolisie se dwelmeenheid tydens 'n onlangse operasie by die woonstelle 'n bankie skunk dagga op 'n 6-jarige seuntjie gevind. “Die welsynwerksterssal'ndraaiby daardie woonstelle
moet gaan maak. Daar woon klein kinders, sieklike mense en ou mense ook wie daagliks aan die haglike en onveilige lewensomstandighede blootgestel is,” is ons bron, wie ook 'n liefdadigheidswerker is, se mening.Diegroepstel dit ook baie duidelik dat hulle nie ten doel staan om enigiemand teoordeelofaftekraak nie, maar slegs beter lewensomstandighede vir almal wil probeer skep.NamibTimeshet Vervolg op bladsy 2
Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff
Operasie Opknap
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
intussenby'nbetroubarebronverneemdathierdie woonstelle blykbaar gedurende die Covid-19 tydperk aan haweloses beskikbaar gestel was en na die pandemie het baie van die persone besluit omdaaraanteblyendithultuistetemaak. Die Walvisbaai munisipaliteit het ook intussen aanboordgekommetdieskoonmaakaksie,nadat daar blykbaar eers gesoebat en gedreig moes wees. Die munisipaliteit verskaf vullishouers (skips) vir al die rommel wat die straat en area bestrooi, asook randstene om die sypaadjie weer op te rig.Al die arbeid word deur die groep vrywilliges verrig en hulle het ook op eie houtjie 'n stootskrapersediensteuithuleiesakbekom.Hul mening is dat indien elkeen net voor sy/haar eie plek skoonmaak, die area nie so hoef te lyk nie, maarblykbaarisdiemeerderheidvaninwonersin diestraatmingeplametdieonnetheidenvervalle toestandvanhulwoonareanie.
Governor Launches Task Force to Combat Gender-Based Violence
Neville André Itope, Governor of the Erongo Region, launched the Erongo Regional Gender Permanent Task Force recently. This initiative aims to implementpreventivemeasures,includingeducationandawarenesscampaigns, tochangeattitudestowardgenderandviolence.
Itope emphasised that the establishment of this Task Forceisacrucialstep in enhancing the region's response to gender-based violence(GBV).Hecalled for a collaborative approach that unites all stakeholders—governmen t, civil society, traditional leaders, religious communities, the private sector, and international partners The Task Force intends to improve and expand support services for GBVvictims. Survivors require accessible health-
care, counselling, legal aid, and shelter services that are responsive to their needs Additionally, theTaskForceaimsto enhance law enforcement and justice mechanisms to ensure thorough investigationsofallGBVcases and that perpetrators are held accountable.
“We cannot allow impunity to reign in the face of such violence,” Itope stated. During the launch, Itopesaid,“wecannot ignore the harsh reality: gender-based violence continues to plague our region, leaving a devastating
impact on families, communities, and our broader society The statistics are alarming, and they demand immediate action.” In the Erongo region, recent data reveals a troubling prevalence of gender-based violence, particularly against women and girls. Over the past year,casesofdomestic violence and sexual assault ranked among the top ten offenses reportedintheregion.
Itope pointed out that many incidents go unreported, with victims often suffering in silence due to fear, stigma, or lack of ac-
cess to support services The ripple effects of this violence trap many in cycles of abuse and poverty, a situation he deemed unacceptable The Namibian government has been proactive in addressing GBV through various ministries and agencies, establishing critical legal frameworks such as the Combating of DomesticViolenceAct and the Combating of RapeAct.Mostrecently,theNationalGender Policy outlines strategies to prevent and address GBV Itope statedthattheMinistry ofGenderEqualityand
Dumpsite Concerns
Continued from page 1
that governs the site's operations, emphasisingtheimportanceof adhering to waste management regulations to protect public health, theenvironment,andair quality “We are allowed within Namibian laws to do recycling, andweareforthat,”stated Esterhuizen during the meeting “The unlawful things, I think you already know You cannot live on the site, burn tyres or any other materials and sell or do drugshere.Thepurpose of this site is only to recycle,that'syourjob,” heemphasised,pointing out that while many at the dumpsite follow the rules, there are those who engage in illegal activities that jeopardize the entire community The dumpsite inhabitants, many of whomrelyonrecycling astheirlivelihood,were reminded of the critical
Child Welfare has spearheaded initiatives to provide shelters, counseling, and legal aidforsurvivors. Furthermore, the government has introduced GBV Protection Units in police stations across the country, including one in Swakopmund, which plays a vital role in safeguarding victims and ensuring justice for perpetrators. However, Itope noted that these efforts alone are insufficient, as rising case numbers indicate a pressing need for more action.“Weneedactive involvement from all sectors of society to address the root causes of GBV, including
importance of staying withintheboundsofthe law Esterhuizen noted thatwhileabout“50% ofwhatisdoneiswithin the law,” the other 50% representsillegalactivities such as selling unauthorised goods, burning of tyres and drugrelated offenses, which havebecomeagrowing concern for the municipality, law enforcement and the Walvis Bay community “Burning tyres, theft, and other unauthorised activities are damaging the site and putting everyoneatrisk. Everything here belongs to the municipality,” Esterhuizen said,urgingattendeesto complywiththeregulations He highlighted thatcontinueddisregard fortheruleswouldforce authorities to take necessary action The meeting also addressed the need for better
deeplyentrenchedgender stereotypes, power imbalances, economic inequalities, and harmfulsocialnorms,”Itope said. Mrs Benedikta Kamunoko, Deputy Director of the Division for Gender Equality, Poverty Reduction, and Social Welfare, highlighted that the Task Force will serve as an advisory and consultative body on gender issues in the region Its members will include key stakeholders from government agencies, academic institutions, NGOs, faith-based organiations, the media, and civil society
The Task Force's primary role will be to
control and registration of individuals using the dumpsite Esterhuizen assured theinhabitantsthatthe municipality is committed to supporting recycling efforts, but sternlywarnedthatthe current situation cannot continue unchecked. "We cannot allow these activities tokeephappening.We must take control, and ifneeded,wewillact,” hesaidfirmly A follow-up meeting wasscheduledforlater the same day, where police were going to reiterate the legalities of the site and outline further steps to ensure compliance.
The Namib Times is awaiting feedback fromtheErongopolice and the story is still developing as the situation at the dumpsite continues to unfold.
identify priority areas within the regional TaskForceplanandto formulatestrategiesto tackletheuniquechallenges facing the Erongoregion.
Kamunoko emphasised that the challenges related to gender equality and empowerment are crosscutting and cannot be addressed by the governmentalone.
“We look forward to partnering with all members of the Erongo Regional Gender PermanentTask Force tobringaboutpositive changeinourcommunities and to make Erongo a safer place for future generations,” she concluded.
Sharlien Tjambari
Green Economy Conference Huge Success
TheYoungCitizensGreenEconomyConference,whichwas conducted recently atWalvis Bay is labelled by the organisersasahugesuccess.
The event was organised by the Alpha Leo's of the Walvis Bay Lions Club, the youth branch of Lions International, fundedbytheWalvis Bay Municipality and the Youth ClimateActionFund.It is strategically held in Walvis Bay because of the town's crucialroleinNamibia's economy and its unique environmental challenges
This conference's prime focus is to empoweryoungcitizens to actively participate in shaping a green economy, equippingthemwith the knowledge and tools to address climate change and environmental degradation.
Focusing on the
youth is vital, as they arethefuturestewards of our environment.
The youth have the potentialtodriveinnovative, eco-friendly solutionsandaremore adaptable to embracing new technologies
and ideas, ” said District 410W Leo President, Johnathan Harris He further noted that by involvingtheyouth,thisnot only fosters a sense of responsibility,butalso ensures that the next generation is prepared toleadthewaytoward sustainable development “Their fresh perspectives, combined with a passion for preserving the planet,makethemkey players in building a greener,moreresilient Walvis Bay and a sustainable future for
Namibia,” Harris added The conference took place at the Community Hall in Narraville and was well attended by different schools, Lions and Leos leaders from Namibia and South Africa and other stakeholders. At the event the 2024/25 president, vice president and secretary for District 410W Leos were also announced. They are Johnathan Harris (21) from Swakopmund (president), Mia Vorster (20) all the way fromMosselBaySouth Africa (vice-president) and Zia Rothen (15) a learner at Pro-Ed Academy in Swakopmund assecretary Elected president, Johnathan Harris had the following to say, “being elected as the
District 410W Leo President is both an honourandaresponsibility that I deeply value. It's a testament to the faith my fellow Leos have in my leadership and my commitment to community service. This role allows me to further my passion for empowering young
people and addressing critical social issues, especially mental health, which is close tomyheart.Leadingat adistrictlevelpresents new challenges and opportunities, but I'm excited to unite our clubs in creating lastingimpactandchange across our communities.”
Marshallino Beukes
Swakopmund Mayor Shines at BRICS Forum in Moscow
HerWorship,theMayorofSwakopmund,mayorDinaNamubes,andtheCEO ofSwakopmund,MrAlfeusBenjamin,recentlyrepresentedthecoastaltownat theBRICSUrbanFutureForumheldinMoscow,Russia.
As part of the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board's (NIPDB) delegation,theyparticipatedindiscussionsfocused on shaping the future of urban development, exploring innovative solutions for sustainable cities, and building global partnerships that could have a lasting impact on Swakopmund and Namibia. Mayor Namubes, one of the Namibianrepresentativesonakeypanelatthe forum, delivered an impressive presentation promotingNamibiaasadestinationforinvestment, innovation, and sustainable urban growth. Mayor Namubes expressed her admiration for Moscow's advanced digital infrastructure, accessible transportation, and abundance of green spaces, which she found inspirational for urban development in Namibia. "I'm so glad to see the affordable, convenient, andcomfortabletransportationinmanyforms. Notinghowtheseadvancementscouldhelpad-
dressurbanmobilitychallengesinNamibia.” Namubes also praised Moscow's commitment to creatingpublicspaces,"therearesomanybeautiful parks and green spaces. These are the things thatwereallywanttotakebacktoourcountries." Recognisingtherapidpaceofurbanisationacross Africa,Namubesstressedtheimportanceofglobal cooperation to address shared challenges. "We needtositdownandstrengthenourties.Weneed to share ideas. We need to promote skills transfers," she urged. Namubes emphasised the significance of the BRICS+ forum, which brings together ten BRICS nations and their partners, as a valuable platform for collaboration. "As BRICS family,weareheretoday;wecanreallynetwork, collaborate, and seek advice from each other to bringaboutchangeanddevelopmenttoourBRICS familycountries,"sheconcluded
23 MSMEs Receive Grants to Boost Productivity in Erongo Region
A handover ceremony was held in Swakopmund, where 23 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) were awarded grants from the Equipment Aid Scheme (EAS), while three beneficiaries received funding under the Industrial UpgradingandModernisationProgramme(IUMP).
Theequipmentissettobedistributedtothebeneficiariesoverthenexttwoweeks.MinisterofIndustrialisation and Trade, Lucia Iipumbu, emphasised thegovernment'srecognitionofthecrucialrolethe businesssectorplaysinNamibia'ssocio-economic development. “Our intervention is rooted in our IndustrialPolicyandthe2016NationalSMEsPolicy,whichoutlinesspecificprogramstoaddresskey
constraints for the success, growth, and development of MSMEs in the country,” she stated. Iipumbu noted thatthelastequipmenthandoverundertheEASinthe Erongo Region occurred in 2014. “After almost a decadeofabsenceduetofiscalconsolidation,thegovernmenthasacknowledgedthechallengesfacedbybusinesses, prompting the revival of this vital support initiative.”Initiatedinthe2009/10financialyear,theEAS
We have been alerted of a criminal network, impersonating Rössing employees and specifically our procurement operations.As part of the scam, they have created an e-mail domain with the name “rossinguranium.com.na” and are fielding their communications through this domain with criminal intent.
The network has targeted various furniture outlets in Windhoek, but it is not unlikely that they will try to defraud other suppliers.
Document templates have been recreated using Rössing logos and communications, even pretending to copy Rössing staff members, but all using the false domain e-mail addresses.
Suppliers should note that Rössing uses the following domain “rossing.com.na” . These are the only valid Rössing e-mail addresses.
Acriminal case has been opened with the Namibian Police.
Issued by: Rössing Uranium Corporate Communication Department
Date: 20 September 2024
aims to assist MSMEs by providing productionequipmenttoreducebusinesssetup costs and enhance production capabilities. The program has supported approximately 3 000 MSMEs across all 14 regionssinceitsinception.Iipumbupointed out that the scheme had been suspendedfrom2015to2022,allowingfora review of its criteria to better align with current business needs.As a result, many MSMEs have transitioned into larger enterprises, increasing employment and revenue while serving as role models for new entrepreneurs The IUMP grant scheme,designedtoenhanceproductivity andcompetitivenessforestablishedfirms, requires businesses to contribute 15% of thetotalcosts,withthegovernmentcovering the remaining 85%. The IUMP aims tostrengthenlocalindustriesanddiversify national value-addition by providing targeted support in areas such as diagnosticstudies,technicaltraining,andmarketdevelopment.
Both grant schemes align with Namibia's industrialisation goals outlined in the GrowthatHomeStrategy,focusingon11 growth sectors, including game meat, metalfabrication,andagro-processing.
To ensure effective utilisation of the supportprovided,Iipumbuannouncedthat all beneficiaries would participate in the Empretec mentorship program, focusing on equipment use and entrepreneurship.
Regular monitoring by regional offices will also be implemented to track the
impactoftheequipmentonbusinessoperations.Atotal of 671 EAS applications were received, with 353 approved, including39fromtheErongoRegion.This region alone received about N$645 528 in allocated funds. For the IUMP, three beneficiaries from Erongo were approved,totalingN$439644.03.Iipumbu expressed concern over some applicants failingtomeettherequirementsorcomplete their applications. She encouraged prospective applicants to seek guidance from Ministry officials during the application process. Looking ahead, the Ministry has announced the next application round for the 2024/2025 financial year, with a submission deadline of October 10, 2024. Notably, the creativesectorandInformationCommunication Technology (ICT) have been added as eligible fields. Erongo Region Governor, Neville André Itope, highlightedtheimportanceofthesegrantsfor local MSMEs. “This support enables businesses to improve productivity, enhance product quality, and compete more effectively in local and internationalmarkets,”hestated.Onbehalfof thebeneficiaries,MichaelGomxobfrom GC Engineering Cc expressed gratitude for the support. “We assure the minister andgovernorthatthisequipmentwillbe activelyusedtoempoweryouththrough job attachments, facilitating valuable skilltransfer,”heaffirmed.
Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari
Rise in Stolen Rubbish Wheely Bins Alarms
Walvis Bay Residents
Anincreaseinthetheftofmunicipalrubbishwheelybinshas leftmanyWalvisBayresidentsfrustratedandsearchingfor solutions. Several residents from across the town have reportedtheirbinsbeingstolen.
Not only is the theft of rubbish bins an inconvenience, but residents are concerned about the ease with which these bins are being stolen and misused for unlawfulactivities. There are growing suspicions that the bins are being used as makeshift trolleys to transport stolen goods. The mobile nature of the bins makes them an ideal tool for criminals to
conceal and move items without raising suspicion, particularly underthecoverofdarkness.“It'sbecomeclear that the stolen bins are not just disappearing, they are being used to transport stolen items aroundtown,”saidone resident.“Youseepeople pushing bins through the streets late at night, and it's obviousthey'renotjustmovinghouseholdwaste. Several residents have proposed several solu-
tions to tackle the problem, like securing bins with chains or pad-locks to fences or gates. “Residents can band together with their neighbourhood watch groups, keeping an eye on suspicious activitiesandreporting thempromptly Another solution would be to make sure rubbishbinsarenotleft on the pavement overnight, ” another residentsuggested.
Find us at the corner of Wasserfal street & Otavi Street or contact us @ 064-461866
Eileen van der Schyff
Port of Walvis Bay News
Reefer, ICE GLACIER (IMO: 8706789), sailing under the flag of Bahamasdocked onWednesday, 18 Septemberat the Port ofWalvis Baytodischarge5000MTAmmoniumNitrate.Shedepartedagainon thenextday,Thursday,19September Herlengthoverall(LOA)is144 metresandherwidthis24metres.
BulkCarrier,LOYALTY(IMO:9497488),sailingundertheflagof LiberiadockedatthePortofWalvisBayon15Septembertoload26 600 MT Bulk Salt. She departed on Saturday, 21 September Her lengthoverall(LOA)is176.2metres,andherwidthis26metres.
GeneralCargoVessel,GLENPARK(IMO:9781621),sailingunder the flag of United Kingdom docked at the Port ofWalvis Bay on 12 Septembertodischarge16500MTFertilizerHopperOPS.Thevessel departed on Friday, 20 September Her length overall (LOA) is 183 metresandherwidthis30.6metres.
GeneralCargoVessel,YIHUIRENHAI(IMO:9628685),sailing undertheflagofHongKongdocksatthePortofWalvisBay on20 Septembertoload11000MTCopperConcentrates.Shedepartedon Sunday,22September Herlengthoverall(LOA)is125metresandher widthis22metres.
Self-Discharging Bulk Carrier, SOLANJO (IMO: 8028486), sailingundertheflagofGuinea-BissaudocksatthePortofWalvisBay ontoday,Thursday,26Septembertodischarge2000MTBaggedSalt before her departure on Sunday, 29 September Her length overall (LOA)is67.77metresandherwidthis13.82metres.
General Cargo Vessel, UNISTREAM (IMO: 9484235), sailing undertheflagofAntiguaBarbudadockedatthePortofWalvisBayon Tuesday, 24 September to load 7 000 MT Bagged Salt before her departureonSunday,29September Herlengthoverall(LOA)is132.2 metresandherwidthis15.87meters.
Bulk Carrier, TRAMMO STANTON (IMO: 9762871), sailing under the flag of Liberia docked at the Port of Walvis Bay on Wednesday, 25 September to discharge 35 000 MT Copper ConcentratebeforedepartingonFriday,4October Herlengthoverall (LOA)is179.89metresandherwidthis32.01metres.
BulkCarrier,BRONCO(IMO:9675717),sailingundertheflagof LiberiadockedatthePortofWalvisBayonSunday,22Septemberto discharge16000MTBaggedManganesebeforedepartingonSunday, 29 September Her length overall (LOA) is 169.37 metres and her widthis27.2metres.
Extortion Accused Denies Allegations
Following a recent report regarding a supposed “unlicenced tour guide” and police officeraccusedofextortingaUScitizen,theaccusedguide,whoalsofiledacaseagainst the plaintiff, came forward and is denying all allegations against him and the police officer.
Accordingtohimthecomplainanthas“cooked the story” and its all lies. He noted that the complainant contacted him on Facebook, looking for a guide with a private vehicle.As hisownvehiclewasnotsuitablefortheroutes hisclientandacompatriotwantedtocover,he opted to rent a double cab bakkie. They then apparentlyagreedonaquoteforUSD1278.58 fortheproposedfive-daytour,whichincluded both the guide and vehicle. On arrival in Namibia at theWalvis Bay airport, the visitor apparentlyofferedtopayhimviacreditcardor PayPal and as he doesn't have facilities for such transactions or money transfers of that type,heturneddowntheoffer TheAmerican provided proof that they initially agreed that payment will be done after the tour. “They arrivedon6July2024atWalvisBayAirport, and I picked them up and drove them to a guesthouse in Swakopmund After they checked in, I approached him to see how we can go about with the payment, but he still insistedonpayingmeviacreditcard.Sunday, 7 July we went to Walvis Bay to do a boat cruiseandvisitedSandwichharbour.Afterthe activities we drove back to Swakopmund, whereIonceagainaskedhimifhefoundany otherpossiblewaytopaymesincethenextday (Monday, 8th) we had to go to Sossusvlei Lodge, and I needed to pay my accommodation before I check out. He still refused to pay me and told me that if I don't
wanttobepaidthewayhewantstopaymeI musttakemycaranddrivebackhewillusea different driver,” the guide stated. On the morning of Monday 8 July, he [guide] apparently approached the Swakopmund Police and notified them about this scenario, whereafterhewasaccompaniedbytwopolice officers to approach the traveller He [traveller]apparentlytoldthepolicethatthey have activities to attend to and will only be available at 11:15. However, they apparently booked out at the guesthouse and went to Sossusvlei with another guide. Phone calls to the client supposedly went unanswered and the guide opened a case of theft under false pretences (CR 19/07/24) against the traveller attheSwakopmundpolicestation.“Laterthat eveningIcalledSossusvleiLodgetofindoutif theycheckedinaspertheitineraryanditwas confirmed. So, the next morning (Tuesday 9 July)apoliceofficercalledmetocometothe stationandhetoldmethathewantedtoassist meinthismatter,butunfortunatelytherewas no car available to drive with to Sossusvlei Lodge so I offered to use the car that I've hired.”theguidesays.Accordingtohimwhen they arrived at Sossusvlei the Swakopmund police officer presented the case file to the traveller, and all of them went to Sesriem police station. At the police station the traveller, who didn't want to get arrested allegedly suggested they should drive to
Sossusvlei Lodge for him to settle the payment there. “With approval from the lodgemanagementhe swiped the said amount,andthelodge gave me cash. So, we drove back to Swakopmund that same evening,” the guide's statement reads.The guide is of meaning that the travellerhasbreached their as he hired (and paid) another guide, whilstthetwoofthem hadanagreementthat he should do the five daytour,andwasthus entitled to full payment, although he didn't deliver the service. How would I have paid the car rental company, my accommodation and other expenses, is his question.
He concluded by noting that the travellerborrowedhis SIM card to use for data and refused to give it back, threatening him that he'll
break his neck the next time he visits N a m i b i a T h e traveller was presented with the guide's version of what transpired, and he insists the guide is not being truthful. In hisownstatementthe traveller, who is the ownerandfounderof a renowned tour operator company in Los Angeles, USA, states that the duo forced him to pay approximately USD1 400(aboutN$24000) for services never rendered.“Thepolice officer smelled an opportunitytocollect after Nico complained. They got the moneyanddividedit. Afterall,doyouthink the police officer woulddriveatotalof eight hours and not charge for his time andgas?No.Itseems like investigators/ detectivesinNamibia are 'skipping over' police officers and police protocol and are 'negotiating' matters independently and using jail/prison as their bargaining tool to extortmoney,”isthe US tour operator's suspicion. “I have travelled extensively in 94 countries.Ihaveoperated tourssuccessfullyin 30 countries My company has hired thousands of tour guidesanddrivers.I never saw anything thisdisgustinginmy life,” he concluded when communicating via Whats App.
His case against the duo, Cr.93/08/2024 Anti-CorruptionAct ,Act 08/2003 C / S e c 4 3 ( 1 ) Corruption Use officeorpositionfor g r a t i f i c a t i o n (2)Extortion on Tuesday09/07/2024 at about 17h15 at TaleniAfricaLodge, Sossusvlei is being investigated.
Marshallino Beukes
Namibian Heritage Week Celebrates Community and Tradition
Sharlien Tjambari
This week marked the launch of Namibian Heritage Week, a celebration aimed at encouraging the preservation of cultural traditions and knowledgeforfuturegenerations.
Under the theme “Culture is Community, Community is Culture,”
the event brought together locals to honour and showcase the rich tapestry of Namibian heritage.
Erongo Region Govenor, Neville André Itope urged local businesses, artisans, and cultural practitioners to continue sharing their heritage with the world “By showcasing our culture, wenotonlycelebrateour roots but also enhance tourism and create sustainable jobs within the Erongo region,” he stated. Itope reaffirmed his commitment to preserving the country's heritage sites and museums, emphasising the vital role these institutions play in keeping our cultures vibrantandaccessible.“As wecelebrateourheritage, wemustbemindfulofthe
challenges it faces,” he warned, pointing out that globalisation and modernisationcanquicklyerode traditional practices. The Governor expressed concern over the growing disconnection between younger generations and their ancestral traditions.
“It is crucial to invest in cultural education, teaching our children about their roots and the importance of preserving our heritage,” he said. Itope called on families, schools, and community organisations to collaborate in ensuring that traditions are passed down with pride and respect.
“Heritage belongs to the people, not just the government,” he noted, inviting the youth to engage with elders to learn theirstoriesandpractices.
Erenfriede Stephanus, Director of Education for the Erongo Region, emphasised that fostering
strong cultures and a sense of belonging can enhance community engagement.
Association highlighted theimportanceofNamibia's diverse languages, traditional attire, and rituals. “These elements are not only part of our local identity but resonate internationally,” she remarked. “It's essential for cultures to thrive within communities.”
Jonathan Harris, known as Mr Face of Namibia, shared his belief that the country'suniqueheritage is “alive and well,” encouragingeveryoneto embraceandcelebrateit.
Revised Limited Edition of "Lüderitz: A Journey Through Time"
InasignificantculturalmomentforNamibia,NovaNam,a renowned leader in the fishing industry, is thrilled to announceitssponsorshipofthehighlyanticipatedRevised LimitedEditionof"Lüderitz:AJourneyThroughTime."
This beautifully crafted editionbreathesnewlife into a treasured historical account, offering readers an enriched experience of Lüderitz's heritage, its aweinspiring landscapes, and the compelling stories of the people who shapedtheregion.
“Lüderitz: A Journey ThroughTime”haslong been regarded as the definitive guide to the town's fascinating past and pivotal role in Namibia'sdevelopment.
Now, with this revised edition, readers will havethechancetodelve evendeeperintothehistoryofthiscoastalgem, from its German colonial origins to its evolution as a vibrant fishing hub and tourist destination.
NovaNam's commit-
ment to preserving Lüderitz's heritage is at the heartofthisproject.Asa key employer and critical economic player in the town, NovaNam views this endeavour as morethanjustasponsorship. It is an investment in safeguarding the cultural fabric of Lüderitz for future generations.
Revisiting Lüderitz's Legacy: What's New in theRevisedEditionThis revised edition of Lüderitz: A Journey Through Time offers fresh insights and updates not available in previous versions.Throughnewly discovered historical documents,oralhistories from the local community, and previously unpublished photographs, this edition paints a fuller, more
nuanced picture of Lüderitz's unique identity
The new edition also features updated chapters that explore Lüderitz's contemporary role in Namibia, covering topics such as its economic importance, culturalresurgence,andthe fishing industry's vital role in shaping the town's future. Thus, the book is a tribute to the past, a reflection on the present, and a glimpse intothefuture.
“Lüderitzisatownwith an incredible story, and this revised edition will allow us to share that story with locals and visitors in a way that's never been done before,” said Mr Edwin Kamatoto,MDofNovaNam “This project holds a special place in
our hearts at NovaNam because we have always believed that understanding the history of a place is key to building a prosperousfuture.
Lüderitz has given so much to Namibia, and we are proud to give somethingback.”
A Special Partnership Between NovaNam and the Lüderitz Com-munity
NovaNamhaslongbeena cornerstone of the Lüderitz com-munity, providingjobs,supporting local initia-tives, and fostering a sense of pride in the town's develop-
ment. This partnership to relaunch Lüderitz: A Journey Through Time extends that community spirit.
“At NovaNam, we are more than just a business; we are part of the heartbeat of Lüderitz,” addedMrEdwinKamatoto. “This sponsorship is about giving back to a communitythathasgiven so much to us By supporting this revised edition, we hope to shine a light on the beauty, history, and importance of Lüderitz not just to Namibia but to the world.”
Happydu Village Renata Hosts Inaugural "Concert of Hope”
Sharlien Tjambari
The Happydu Village Renata Mondesa project celebrated itsinauguralevent,the"HappyduConcertofHope,"which broughttogetherfiveschoolchoirsforanightofmusicand community spirit. The concert aimed to foster friendship and partnership among participants while delivering a powerfulmessageofhopeforNamibianchildren.
Theevent,heldinthe heart of Mondesa, attractedadiverseaudience from various walks of life, showcasing the unity and supportforlocaleducationinitiatives.
Augusto Viagem, a teacher and music director at Happydu Village, expressed pride in organising such a significant occasion. “This concert is not just about music;it'saboutbuilding connections and inspiringhopeamong our youth,” he stated. Participating schools included Coastal High School, Westside High, and Happydu Village Renata Mondesa, among others Each choir brought its unique sound, creating a vibrantatmospherethat connected with the audience.Foundedby Andrea De Jesualdo, Happyduisdedicated
to improving the educational landscape for less fortunate children in
Namibia The organisation originated from De Jesualdo's visit to an orphanage during his travels, where he vowed to return and contribute to the children's education. Since its establishment in 2022, Happydu Village Renata Mondesa has grown to support over 213 children, offering comprehensiveeducational programs that include kindergarten, pre-primary, primary, and afternoon classes forgrades2to10.The project is staffed by more than 24 Namibians, emphasising its commitment to local employment and empowerment Funded entirely by generous donations from Italy, the Happydu project continues to thrive,
with a primary focus on education and providing essential resources, including meals for all children and staff members.As the evening came to a close, participants were left inspired by the spirit of hope and collaboration fostered attheconcert,settinga promising tone for futureinitiativesbythe Happydu Village project.
Picture right: Happydu Concert: From right Domingos, Nicoleta, Andréa De Jesualdo (Presidente of Happydu ETS, Happydu Children Charity Organisation and Happydu Village Renata Mondesa,), a learner from Genesis High School, Mrs. Nakale Teacher at Happydu and Mrs Emmaron Principal of Happydu Village Renata Mondesa
Thursday - Saturday 19-21 December 2024
Start From 10:00 am
Daniel TjongareroAvenue I Swakopmund
Vendor Stall Bookings Now Open for Swakopmund’s Summer Fair!
Don’t missoutonthechancetoshowcaseyourproductsat Swakopmund’s exciting Summer Fair! This event attracts locals and tourists, providing a fantastic opportunity for vendors to reach a wide audience. Apply now to secure your stall and be part of the summer fun in beautiful Swakopmund!
Book early toAvoid Disappointment! Application forms can be accessed on our website at www.swkmun.com.na or by scanning the code.Alternatively, you can also request and submit your forms via email at swkmun@swkmun.com.na
VendorApplications Deadline: 25 October 2024
U.S. Government Offers Psychosocial Support for Key Populations Living with HIV
In 2021, Dessy (not her real name), a 28-year-old transgender woman from the Erongo region, faced one of the darkestmomentsofherlife.
After being diagnosed with HIV, she carefully chosetoconfideinonly a few trusted individuals. But when a personal dispute with a friend led to the public disclosure of her HIV status, her life spiralled into chaos. “The first thingIthoughtofdoing wastocommitsuicide.I sawthatastheonlyoption to escape the pain ofhavingmyHIVstatus exposed,” Dessy recalled She feared the stigma and discrimination that often follow those living with HIV, fears that were amplified by her status as a transgender woman, a member of a key population already marginalised by society “I was shocked to hear him shouting that I am HIV positive. It was dehumanising, and I just wanted to die. My fear wasthatthenewsofmy HIV status would spread in my communityandthatIwouldbe discriminated against,” Dessysaid. Unfortunately, her experience is all too common among key populations (Kps) —groups that include female sex workers, menwhohavesexwith men, and transgender individuals.Thesecom-
munities face elevated risks of stigma, discrimination, and mental health challenges, including depression and suicidalthoughts.ForDessy, salvation came through the Key Populations Strengthening Technical Assistance and Response for Sustainable HIV Prevention and Treatment (KP-STAR) project, a U.S. government-funded initiative Managed by IntraHealth Namibia and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),KP-STARaims to reduce the spread of HIV among key populationsandoffervitalpsychosocial services “I reached out to the KPSTAR Regional Coordinatorandwasreferredtoa socialworkerintheMinistry of Health and Social Services because I had suicidal thoughts due to the extreme humiliation I experienced,” Dessy shared. Through the project, she received continuous counselling and support that helped restore her sense of self-worth and confidence. “Continuous counselling from the socialworkerandtheKPSTAR team restored my self-esteem and confidence. If it was not for their support, I would not bealivetodaytosharemy
story,”Dessysaid. Supporting Key Populations KP-STAR works inclosecollaborationwith theMinistryofHealthand Social Services to ensure stigma-free access to healthcare for key populations across Namibia's tentownswiththehighest HIV burden. The project not only addresses HIV preventionbutalsoprovides services for individuals facing GenderBased Violence (GBV), Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), and HIV-related stigma Tiffany Miller, U S Embassy Public Affairs Officer and Spokesperson, emphasised the importance of psychosocial services in improving the well-being of those living with HIV “Psychological support can help individuals affected by HIV to cope effectively with their status and enhance their quality of life,” she said. By offering a range of services from counselling to healthcare coordination KP-STAR plays a crucial role in mitigating the social and emotional impacts of livingwithHIV Itprovides much-needed support to vulnerable communities, helping them regain controloftheirlives.Ifyouor someone you know is experiencing suicidal
CONSENT:CoastwaveGuesthouse(SelfCatering)ONERFNO:2552W TOWNSHIP/AREA:WalvisBaySTREETNAME&NO:c/o5thRoad.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an:Coastwave Guesthouse (SelfCatering).
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan11October2024.
RichardJosiah,POBox2940,WalvisBay email:info@coastwavenam.com
CONSENT: Home Business/Salon ON ERF NO: 974W TOWNSHIP/ AREA:WalvisBaySTREETNAME&NO:111,NangoloMbumba.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:HomeBusiness/Salon.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan11October2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: BreezeSpa,POBox3285,WalvisBay email:info.breezespa@gmail.com
thoughts, help is available. The U.S. Embassy, through KP-STAR, offers servicesandprofessionals readytoaid.Additionally, Lifeline/Childline Namibia provides daily counselling services from 8 a.m.to8p.m. They can be reached at +264 226 889 or by dialling116.
Notice is hereby given to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs), that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental ImpactAssessment Regulations (GN 30 of February 2012): Environmental ManagementAct, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007).
Activity: Waste oil management - collection, recycling and safe disposal
Location: Erf 3423 W, Circumferential Road. Light Industrial.
Walvis Bay
Proponent: DICLAS Waste Oil Management cc Description: Management of oil related waste, including tank cleaning and waste management related services to marine & offshore industrial sectors.
The need for a public meeting will be determined during consultation period and will be communicated to all registered I&APs.
All I&APs are hereby invited to register so they receive the background information document, and submit comments, questions or concerns in writing to. The last day to submit input is on or before 14 October 2024.
Email: namxperts@gmail.com
Mobile: +264813699088
Erf One Five Four cc herewith intends to apply to theSwakopmundMunicipalityCouncilfor“Special Council” for the internal alteration of parts of the ground floor of the building on Erf 154, Swakopmund (18 Nathanael Maxuilili Street) for residential purposes as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:Engineering&PlanningServices.
Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality, duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 11 October2024
Contact Person: MrsA. Wierenga, Cell: 081 124 6642,email:annelise.wierenga@gmail.com or
MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel.+264(64)4104403
Eileen van der Schyff
Unregistered Occupants of Erven in Ext 40, 41 & 42, Swakopmund (DRC Wagdaar)
On 12 December 2023 under item 11.1.42 point (b) Counsil resolved as follows:
“That an advert be placed in the newspapers inviting unregistered occupants for registration within 30 days of the advert, and that the list be displayed in Wagdaar, failing which they forfeit the opportunity.”
The Municipal Council of Swakopmund invites unregistered residents who are allocated erven in Ext 40, 41 & 42, Swakopmund (Wagdaar) to visit the Housing Office for registration before 21October 2024 as listed below:
ESTATE NO. E 2776/2022
In the estate of the late Pius Jonas Kasera, Id no: 630424 0149, of Erf No.1091 Mondesa, Swakopmund, who died on 23 June 2021, and who was married to Lydia Metumo Kasera out of community of property
In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
H VISSER (Mrs) Agent of the Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel. (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Reference: HV/LMEST266/0001-70)
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVISBAY Noticeisherebygivenin termsofsection63(2)(b) of the LocalAuthorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992),thattheMunicipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction, a portionofErf449Meersig to PowerCom (Pty) Ltd.
Description Erf449Meersig Area(m²)
LeasePricePerMonth PriceExcluding (N$) 3,974
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until Friday 18 October 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, -For more information Mrs. Merinda/Keisbecontacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during office hours.
The above listed residents must visit the Municipal Head Office situated at the corner of Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund, Room B0-09 (Mr Charles Awaseb), Ground floor or Room B 0-12 (Mr Raurovandu Rukoro), Ground floor between 14:00 – 16:00 weekdays until Monday 21 October 2024.
Should any family member know the whereabouts of any listed resident please submit a letter stating such and proof where necessary (i.e. Deceased). Take note that NO claims via e-mail will be accepted. Claims must be made by delivering a hard copy to the above listed offices.
Only enquiries will be considered at the email address below
Enquiries: Mr CharlesAwaseb email: cawaseb@swkmun.com.na Tel: 064-4104231 or Enquiries: Mr Raurovandu Rukoro email: rrukoro@swkmun.com.na Tel: 064-4104614
NOTICE NO: 86/2024
Any person objecting to the proposed lease, may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/ motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, WalvisBay,beforeoron Friday 18 October 2024at12:00 EriksonMwanyekange GeneralManager: Community&Economic Development
Email:jmanale@walvis baycc.org.na
Ext 41, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
Ext 42, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
Ext 41, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
Ext 40, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
N O T I C E S & V A C A N C I E S N O T I C E S & V A C A N C I E S
Notice is hereby given in termsofsection63(2)(b)of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992),that the Municipality ofWalvis Bayintendstolease,byprivatetransaction,aPortion of Erf 46 Narravile to PowerCom(Pty)Ltd.
Erf46Naraville Area(m²)
Lease Price Per Month
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until Friday 18 October 2024 at room 45, MunicipalOffices,Kuisebmond For more information Mrs. Merinda/Keis be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingtothe proposed lease, may in writing lodge an objection together with or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Friday, 18 October2024at12:00. EriksonMwanyekange GeneralManager: Community&Economic Development
Email:jmanale@walvis baycc.org.na
Consent Use: Accommodation Establishment (Bed &Breakfast)
In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that we, Stewart Planning, intend to apply to theWalvis Bay Municipality for permission to establish an Accommodation Establishment (Bed andBreakfast)foramaximumof5bedrooms/unitson thesite–Erf416Meersig.
Plansmaybeinspected/particularsofthisapplication maybeobtainedatTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, RoadsandBuildingControl(TownPlanning),Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing,notlaterthanFriday18October2024.
Manager:TownPlanning Section
PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay E:townplanning @walvisbaycc.org.na
P.O.Box2095, WalvisBay E:bruce@sp.com.na
For all your adverts email to: mikkie@namibtimes. net
Clearing & Forwarding Coordinator
Zephyr Investment CC is an equal opportunity employer with offices located in Walvis Bay The Company is looking for a suitably qualified Clearing & Forwarding Coordinator
• Framing of Customs Bill of Entries for both Import, export, and transit
• Freight Management: Arranging and coordinating the shipment and transportation of goods, both domestically and internationally
• Customs Clearance: Liaison with Customs, Port, forwarding agents and other related Authorities to facilitate the efficient clearance of goods at ports of entry or exit
• Attending to customer sales & queries
• Record keeping and reporting: maintain accurate records of import/ export transactions and all administrative requirements, i e shipping documents, customs declarations, quoting, invoicing, and daily communication
• Proven interpersonal and written communication skills
• Fluent in English is essential
• Knowledge in sea, road, and air freight industry
• 2-3 years freight, cargo, customs and forwarding experience
• Computer literacy is essential (MS Office, Asycuda Word, Excel, Outlook and Power Point)
• Knowledge of the Customs computer systems; Asycuda World, CSS, and cargo online tracking
• Grade 12 certificate
• Namibian citizen
• Code 8 driver’s license
• Closing Date: 04 October 2024
• Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
• Please send CV’s to: joleen zephyr@iway na / finance.zephyr@iway.na
TakenotethatStewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheWalvis BayMunicipalityand/orMinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopment, and/or the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourismforthefollowingstatutoryapprovals:
[1]TownshipestablishmentandlayoutapprovalonPortions 12,15,16,and17ofFarmNo.37(GreenValley)intermsof theUrbanandRegionalPlanningActof2018.
[2] Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed township on Portions 12, 15, 16, and 17 of Farm No. 37 (Green Valley) in terms of the Environmental ManagementActof2007.
The purpose is to create residential erven for group saving schemes which has been allocated land by the Municipal CouncilofWalvisBay TheNalitungweCommunitySaving Foundation is the beneficiary of Portion 12 of Farm No. 37 whereas the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia is the beneficiaryofPortions15,16and17ofFarmNo.37.
(a) the planning application and draft township layout plans are open for inspection during normal office hours at Room 101 of the Town Planning Section of the Walvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentreandStewartPlanning,122SamNujoma Avenue,WalvisBay AnelectroniccopycanalsoberequestedfromMrJNOtto:otto@sp.com.naand/orMrMMberira: mario@sp.com.na
(b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiesareencouragedtoregister with Stewart Planning and to submit their written comments, representations, input and/or objections to the application(s).
(c)thedeadlinetoregisterwithStewartPlanningandtosubmit written comments, representations, input and/or objectionswillbeonorbeforeFriday,25October2024.
StewartPlanning POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na mario@sp.com.na +26464280773 +264857544740
Maximise Your Earnings from the Upcoming Tax Relief
As October approaches, bringing both the month of savings and the anticipated 2024 tax relief, Namibianhouseholdsaresettoenjoymuch-neededfinancialrelief.Thisnotonlyeaseshousehold budgetsbutalsocreatesopportunitiesforsavingsandinvestment.
"Consider this analogy: Whether the harvest is abundant or modest, a farmer always reserves the bestseedsforthenextplantingseason.Intimesof abundance, the farmer stores surplus crops to ensurefutureprovision.Similarly,weshouldsave a portion of our income to secure our financial future and prepare for unforeseen circumstances. Withoutsaving,eveninfavorableconditions,there will be no lasting benefit. Our income, now boostedbytaxrelief,isour'bountifulharvest.'The keyquestionis:howmuchshouldwesetaside,and how should we manage it?" said Mukusuka, Manager of Deposits Mobilisation at Letshego BankNamibia.
The upcoming tax relief offers more than just additional income—it is a chance to strengthen householdfinancialfoundations.Savingiscritical for long-term security, and with the right savings product, your money can grow significantly, helpingyouachieveyourfinancialgoals.
Whenselectingasavingsaccount,it'simportantto consider factors like interest rates, flexibility, and security Letshego Bank Namibia offers savings productslikeLetsInvest,FlexiSave,andTermSave Accounts, designed to grow your money with competitiveinterestrates.
Whether you are new to saving or looking to diversify,nowistheperfecttimetostart.Thistax relief presents a valuable opportunity to build a moresecureandprosperousfinancialfuture.
CONSENT: Pre-School and Day Care Centre ONERFNO:7066TOWNSHIP/AREA:Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Himalaya Street.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Pre-School&DayCareCentre.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 11 October 2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: AnnaHaundjodjo,POBox62533,Katutura email:rebeccajudas@gmail.com
CONSENT: Self Catering ON ERF NO: 101 DB Unit 18 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Dolphin Beach STREETNAME&NO:AtlanticDune.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCatering.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 11 October 2024.
PaulinaDalifilwa,POBox213,Swakopmund email:admin@perfectstay.org
The protection and promotion of human rights are key priorities for the German Government.Article1ofGermany'sBasicLawdescribeshumanrightsasthebasisof everycommunity,ofpeaceandofjusticeintheworld.ThismeansthatGermanyis committedtopromotinghumandignityandtoprotectingfundamentalfreedomsnot onlyinGermanybutthroughouttheworld.
To this end, the German Federal Foreign Office provides funds for sponsoring different projects supporting the protection of human rights all over the world, predominantly in developing countries. The German Embassy Windhoek calls for project proposals. Funds for human rights projects will be available starting from early2025.Projectsmustbestartedandbefullyimplementedwithintheyear2025. Theamountofmoneygrantedcanvaryupto100,000€(approximately1,9million N$).Essentialfortheapplicationisadetailedfinancingplanthatshouldincludethe use of some of your own resources. Furthermore, the application should include a description of how you would present your project results to the public (i.e. press releases, public events). All supporting information and the application form are available at https://windhuk diplo de/na-en/germany-and-namibia/kultur//2476594?
an equal opportunity employer, have a vacancy for a LOGISTICS MANAGER in WALVIS BAY
1. Must be a Namibian Citizen
2. Minimum of 5 years logistics management experience in a manufacturing environment
3. Extensive experience in managing bulk cargo and shipping containers
4. Solid experience in logistics document management (E.g. Import, Export, Waybills, Financial Instruments etc.)
5. Knowledge of all modes of transport regulations and compliance standards
6. Computer literacy is essential with excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Office.
7. Must adhere to principles and values (High Integrity) and confidentiality
8. Must have excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills
9. Directing, optimizing and coordinating full order cycle
10. Co-ordinate the logistics operations teams at specific plants/sites
11. Must be willing to work varied hours
12. Must be able to work under pressure
13. Must be Highly Trustworthy, discrete, ethical and self-efficient
14. Highly motivated, efficient and well organized
15. Contract Management experience would be advantageous
16. Code B driver's licence
1. Liaise with freight forwarding agents, clients, staff and other shipping entities
2. Update clients and management regarding the shipments' progress
3. Keep abreast with shipping schedules, stack dates, sailing times
4. Manage and execute import and export documents
5. Capturing of all production statistics received
6. Weekly reports on block stock levels
7. Capturing of Production Orders, Quotes, Invoices and Dispatch Orders
8. Negotiate rates with transporters and agree contract terms & conditions
9. Compile transport contracts
10. Follow instruction according to the rules and regulations of the Company
11. Monitoring changes in relevant legislation and the regulatory environment
12. Daily admin functions and weekly planning
Photo: Julia Mukusuka
Dieo/17eno/15sokkerspannevanDeDuineSekondêreSkoolinWalvisbaaihetlaasnaweekaldie pad na Otjiwarongo gereis, waar hulle aan 'n ope-sokkertoernooi, aangebied deur Otjiwarongo SportsAkademiegaandeelneemhet.
Die Baainaars het hul dorpsenaamhooggaan houenbeidespannehet tot die finale deurgedring Volgens hul afrigter, Mnr Dewet Mouton is dit 'n prysenswaardige prestasie, aangesien die jong seuns in temperature van bykans 40˚Celsius huldingmoesdoen.Die o/17 span het hul ekwivalent van Kalter Wasser met elf-meterstrafskoppe geklop (42),nadatdiewedstryd
0-0 geëindig het. In die finaal moes hulle naelskraapdieknieteen Lindy Cosmos Football Academy van Swakopmund buig (1-0). Die o/15 span het ook hul semi finaal met strafskoppe beslis en het vir Spes Bona Primêre Skool met 7-6 getroef. Shadrin Mouton (14) het die wen-strafskop aangeteken Ongelukkig het die hitte tydens die finaal sy tol geëisenhethulle3-0
teen Opuwo Primêre Skool verloor Na afloop van die toernooi is Fabio Freygang van DeDuineasdoelwagter van die toernooi (o/17) aangewys Die komendenaweekgaanDe Duine se uitgelese o/18 sokkerspan op spesiale uitnodiging aan die Brits-Mondesa International Cup 2024 in Swakopmund deelneem Brits Sokker Akademie van Suid Afrika,insamewerking
met Mondesa Sokkerklub van Swakopmund bied die toernooi aan. Hierdie toernooi staan ten doel om jong, talentvolle sokkerspelers die nodige blootstellingtegee.Die toernooi vind vanaf 2729 September op die MondesaStadionplaas, met spanne van NamibiëenSuidAfrika watinaksiegaanwees.
Coastal Classic an Absolute Blast
The3rdAnnualFNB&SeaworksCoastalClassicanepicrunningand cyclingextravaganzaexceededallexpectationswithover700entries overtwoaction-packeddayswasanabsoluteblast.
The event held last weekend in the beautiful town of Swakopmund was fully endorsed by the NamibianCyclingFederation with the support and sponsorship from FNB Namibia, Seawork Fish Processors,andCycles4U.TheCoastalClassic has become one of the most prestigious events on Namibia's sporting calendar, and for good reasonasitfeaturedtwo days of pure adrenaline and competition across multipledisciplinesand terrains wit the Gravel Grinder, where athletes faced the ultimate challenge of combining trailrunningwithheartpounding MTB races lastSaturday
Then, on Sunday, was the Road Rage, which promises electrifying road runs and cycle races that'll gave some high-octane action
Everyentrycontributed N$20 to the Seawork Cares Foundation. This foundation is all about promoting education and school attendance in rural communities acrossNamibia.Theorganiserssendamassive shoutout to FNB Namibia, Seawork Fish Processors - Walvis Bay, Cycles 4U, and all other sponsors for your incredible support in sponsoring this event.
“Huge thanks to Two BeardsCoffeeandTiger Reef for fuelling us all weekendlongwithyour amazing coffee and food and a massive shoutout to all the amazing athletes who conquered the Coastal Classic Gravel Grinder and Coastal Classic RoadRage.”
The Coastal Classic
2024 Gravel Grinder
3. SC van der Westhuizen
Frances CourtneyClarke
The Coastal Classic
2024 Road Rage
Marshallino Beukes
Rudi Bowe
After the successful opening round of the much-anticipated Ongos Valley Sevens Rugby Series regional competition hosted last weekend in Keetmanshoop, the series now heads to Swakopmund with the Day of Dolphins set to host the coastal round of the tournament this coming Saturday,28SeptemberattheVinetaCentralSportsField.
The Coastal Round of the muchanticipated Ongos Valley (OV) Sevens Rugby Series hosted by Simonis Storm DolphinRugbyClubpromisestobeeven bigger, with a highly competitive lineup of teamsfor athrillingdayof 7's Rugby
The Coastal round of the OV Sevens tournament will feature 6 Premier Division teams and 4 team in the First Division competing for the Coastal title and continues to captivate Namibian sports fans. The Coastal round will see Simonis Storm Dolphin Rugby Club, FNB Kudus, FNB Unam, FNB Reho Falcons, FNB Rehoboth and FNB WesternSuburbscompetingintheinthe Premier Division whilst Etosha Lions (Tsumeb), Oceans (Walvis Bay), Okahandja Highlanders, Sparta United (WalvisBay)andVipers(Windhoek)will battle it out on the field in the First
Division of the Ongos Valley Sevens Rugby Series, On day 12, local Netball teams will also battel it out for the first DayoftheDolphinsNetballtrophyatthe ultimate sports festival. Tickets for the CostalRoundoftheOngosValleySevens are available online via the official ticketing partner www.eticket.my.na and canalsobepurchasedatthegateonmatch day Don't miss out on a day of exciting rugbyaction.Gatesopenat9:00AM,with matchesstartingat10:00AM.
Food&Beverage:Avarietyoffoodstalls and refreshment stands will be available throughouttheday Onlineprices:Adults: N$50,kidsN$10,vehiclesN$100,empty coolboxN$40.
Gate prices: Adults: N$60, kids N$20, vehiclesN$110,emptycoolboxN$50.
Photo: The FNB Kudus Ongos Sevens squad. (Kudus Facebook page).
The Namibian Jiu Jitsu team consists of four JiuJitsu student from Sylvio Behring Association Namibia(SBAN)inWalvisBayandfourteenfrom the Z1 Jiu-Jitsu Academy Namibia in Windhoek. The 17-year-old Giano Alcock from the Sylvio BehringAssociation NamibiaAcademy in Walvis Bayhaswon5gold,2silverandIbronzemedalin his Jiu Jitsu career whilst his 4-year-old brother Nivano Alcock also from SBAN Academy won gold in his first Jiu Jitsu competition this year and will be competing in his first AJP Tournament. Lochlan Mckay and Lorcan Mckay age 11 and 10 respectivelystartedtrainingJiuJitsusince2023in Windhoek. The brothers join the Sylvio Behring Association NamibiaAcademy inWalvis Bay this year and won a few medals and will compete in theirfirstAJPTournament.
ThefourteenJiu-JitsustudentfromtheZ1Jiu-Jitsu Academy Namibia in Windhoek are, Peter Garthoff, Josu Opali Obuya, Mika Steyn, Gabriel
Mwanachilenga Obuya, Afra-Maya Kathrein DhanakaSchulz,GeoffreyJuniorKitongo,MiaShae Pretorius, Revano Vaughn Xavier Cloete, Adesha Gracy Ann Lurdes Cloete, Janno Lamprecht, Faan Vermaak, Torta Madelein Klazen, John Morgen Beziudenhout and Louis Jacobus Meyer.Thecoach oftheNamibianJiuJitsuteamisNilsonCoelhofrom the Z1 Jiu-JitsuAcademy Namibia and Cherry-Lee AlcockfromtheSBANinWalvisBaytheManager
This national ranked event which is recognised internationallyisorganisedwiththestandardssetout bytheAJPwillseekidsalongwithtoplevelJiu-Jitsu studentfromNamibiaandSouthAfricabattleinout inGI,NoGItocompeteforpoints. JiuJitsuismore than just a martial art; it's a transformative journey where you learn to turn your weaknesses into strengths. On the mat, every challenge you face, every position you struggle with, teaches you to adapt, overcome, and grow In Jiu Jitsu, what once feltlikealimitationbecomesasourceofpowerand resilience,bothintrainingandinlife.
Johnny Borges Wins Monthly MEDAL
The Walvis Bay Golf Club's Monthly MEDAL returned last week after a month off and it was JohnnyBorgeswhoplayedoutofhissockstoshoota66netttowinthemonthlyMEDALfromthe58 playersplaying.
In good weather for a change, there were several good scores, with three players tying forthenettrunnersupspoton67,butthecount outsawPedroFernandesinsecondnettplace with Amandio Sardinha third nett winner Losing the count out was Attie van der Westhuizen, but his 41 points was enough to win the stableford first prize, second in the stableford was Charles Shayamano on 40 points.TherewereclubsregisteredbySandro deGouveia,TieniedeWet,KevinWentzelx2, JohnnyBorgesandMorneRoux. WalvisBay Golf Club were honoured to have the Portuguese Ambassador to Namibia, His Excellency Rui Carma and the EU AmbassadortoNamibia,HerExcellencyAna
Breartiz Martins, with us at the prize giving and together with Damian Sardinha, they presented the prizes Together with the monthly medal we had round six of the MEDAL MANIA, and it was the Rolling Stones who scored 79 points to take the five pointsforfirstplace,secondplacewenttothe Desert Rats on 76 points with a tie for third between JWM and the Old Boys who each scored 73 and thus 2.5 points, 5th place was also shared on 69 points by 3 Jacks and a Jill andMonkeys,eachearning0.5pointfortheir efforts. The next round will be held on 19th Octoberwherethreescorearetocount.Diarize thisdate,andwelookforwardtoafullfield.
The four Jiu-Jitsu student from Sylvio Behring Association Namibia in Walvis Bay fltr Lorcan Mckay, Nivano Alcock, Giano Alcock and Lochlan Mckay
The Namibian Kickboxing Federation has sent a Jiu-Jitsu team to AJP represent Namibia at the NationalJiu-JitsuChampionshipatCampsBayHighSchool,CapeTown,SouthAfrica.
Damian Sardinha, EU Ambassador to Namibia Her Excellency Ana Breartiz Martins, Portuguese Ambassador to Namibia His Excellency Rui Carma and the, winner of the monthly Medal Johnny Borges.
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
namib times Sport
The 18th Edition of the SAIMSAGames Conclude Today
The 18th edition of the Southern African Inter-Municipal (SAIMSA) games under the theme “SADC Local Authority's Employee Wellness, EnhancedThroughSportsandRecreation”willconcludetodayFriday27Septemberwiththefinalsatdifferentsportsfieldsatthecoastaltownsof WalvisBayandSwakopmund.
About1200sportsmenandwomenfrom over 50 municipalities from Namibia, Eswatini, Lesotho and Botswana foster social interaction, encourage physical activity,andpromotesportsmanship.This municipality sports men and women participated, in a diverse range of sports that include Soccer, Netball, Volleyball, Snooker/Pool, Darts, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Fishing, Owela/Stone Games, Ring Board,Athletics, Golf,Aerobathon, andTugofWar TheMinsterofSportsAgnesTjongareroattheopeningceremonyof the 18th edition of the Southern African Inter-Municipal (SAIMSA) Games that
sports and recreation are invaluable tools that enhance the wellness of employees, bridging the gap between work and personal well-being. Minister of Urban & Rural Development Erastus Uutoni at the opening ceremony of the 18th edition of the Southern African Inter-Municipal (SAIMSA) Games emphasise that sports and recreation is one of the various ways thatcanhelpimproveemployeewellness. It can be considered part of an organisationaloverallstrategytohelpemployees achieve a healthy work-life balance and perceiveemployeesasassets.
Rudi Bowe