Namport Hands Over Operations of New Walvis Bay Container Terminal to Terminal Investment Namibia
Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) has officially handed overtheoperationsoftheNewContainerTerminalatthePort ofWalvisBaytoTerminalInvestmentNamibia(TiN), asubsidiaryofTerminalInvestmentLimited(TiL).
This milestone marks thebeginningofa25year concession aimed at boosting the port's capacity, competitiveness, and economicsignificance.
According to a Joint Press Statement by Namport & Terminal Investment Namibia (TiN) dated 11 Sep-
tember, the handover follows Namport's strategic decision to concessiontheterminal operations to attract private investment for critical upgrades, including the widening and deepening of the port's channel, acquisition of new equipment, and the imple-
mentation of advanced systems. This partnership is expected to improve operational efficiency, draw in more cargo volumes, and enhance employment opportunities in Namibia. Following a marketbiddingprocess,TiL, headquartered in Swit-
Continues on page 2
Humpback Whale Rescued from Entanglement in Walvis Bay
A humpback whale trapped in thick ropes was successfully freedinWalvisBay,thankstotheswiftactionsoflocalmarine servicesandoceanconservationiststhisweekTuesday.
TheincidentbeganwhenCatamaran Charters reported the whale entangledinabandonedaquacultureropes from a defunct mussel farm. Within 20 minutes, the team from Ocean Conservation Namibia (OCN) had theirdivegearandtoolsready,boarding a vessel provided by Steven LouwofNamibMarineServices.By thetimetheOCNteamarrived,Raymond Muller from Catamaran Charters had already cut several ropes from the struggling whale. Divers Naude Dreyer and Tony from OCN entered the water with specialised whalerescuecutters,managingtoremove the remaining ropes that had tethered the whale to the sea floor
The whale had been trapped by a 50meter-long rope, tangled around it 13 times. The rescue team worked diligentlytofreetheanimal,cuttingaway theentangledlines.AndriesBrummer, aguidefromCatamaranCharters,also assisted in the operation. Once the whalewasfreed,theteammonitoredit for40minutestoensureitwasswimmingsafelyandunharmedasitleftthe bay This successful rescue brought attention to the ongoing issue of abandonedaquaculturegearinWalvis Bay
TheOCNteamemphasisedtheimportance of removing the miles of discarded gear that pose a serious threattomarinelife.
Local Communities Shine as TIDRET Project Brings Renewable Energy to Namibia
Namibia Revokes Docking Privileges for Cargo Ship Suspected of Transporting Explosives to Israel Police Officer, ”Tour Guide” Accused of Extorting US Citizen
Shack Dwellers al vir Jare in die Duister
Photo: Namport
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Namport Hands Over
zerland and a subsidiary of the global shippinggiantMediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), was selected as the preferred bidder Namport and TiL have since been engaged in contract negotiations,leading to the official transfer of operations to TiN, effective 1 October The New Container Terminal, whichwascommissioned in November 2019bythelatePresidentDrHageGeingob, has an annual throughput capacity of 750 000 TwentyFoot Equivalent Units (TEUs). This concession is expectedtopositionNamibiaasakeylogistics hub in Southern
Africa by increasing shipping connectivity, vessel traffic, and container handling capacity Over the next 25 years,TiNwilloperate and manage the terminal,withplanstointroduce advanced operational standards and innovative practices, leveraging its global expertise. The partnership is also set to enhance service delivery and create numerous employment opportunities, ensuring long-term growth for the Namibian economy As part of the handover, immediate dredgingactivitieswill begintodeepentheentrance channel to -16 metres Chart Datum (CD),enablingtheport toaccommodatelarger vessels Additionally,
TiN is committed to expanding the terminal facilities, increasing storage capacity, and improving cargo handling processes to meet thegrowingdemandsof both local and international markets. Namport emphasised that this partnership reinforces Namibia's ambitiontobecomealeading logistics hub for the region. The concession will also help Namibia compete with other coastal states and contribute significantly to the nation's economic growth. A formal ceremony will be held at a later date to provide further details on the benefits and future plans for the terminal under TiN's management.
Revokes Docking Privileges
for Cargo Ship Suspected of Transporting Explosives to Israel
Namibian authorities have revoked the docking privileges oftheKathrin,aPortuguese-flaggedcargoship,following suspicions that the vessel was carrying explosives possibly destinedforIsrael.ThismarksthesecondtimeNamibiahas intervened against a vessel suspected of being involved in the Israel-Gaza conflict, with officials reaffirming the country'sstanceofnon-complicityinthewar
Local Communities Shine as TIDRET Project
Last Saturday marked a momentous occasionforNamibiaastheTowardsan Inclusive Design of the Renewable Energy Transition (TIDRET) project celebrated a key milestone with a site handover ceremony in DRC, Swakopmund.This event highlights Namibia's dedicationtosustainableenergyandits growing collaboration with European partners.
The TIDRET project, funded by the European Union'sGlobalClimateChangeAlliancePlus(EU GCCA+)andtheGermanMinistryforEconomic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), has made significantstridesinelectrifyingruralandperi-urban communities. To date, the initiative has brought electricity to 182 households across the Erongo,Otjozondjupa,andKuneneSouthregions, intendingtoexpandto300households.Thiseffort isanintegralpartofNamibia'sstrategytoachieve universalenergyaccessandenergyindependence by 2030.During the site handover at the DRC Informal Settlement in Swakopmund Benedict Libanda,theChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheEnvironmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF), emphasised the project's role in fostering local economicdevelopment.“Energyisanenablerfor economic development – the more we invest in energy, the more we address poverty and inequality,” Libanda said. His words reflect the TIDRET project's mission to provide affordable solarandrenewableenergytechnologiestounderserved communities. The project's impact is alreadyvisible.InregionslikeOtjozondjupa,Kunene North and South, and Erongo, 167 households have received new electricity connections, with 70% of these benefiting women-headed households. Kadri Simson, European Union Commissioner for Energy, highlighted the broader implications,noting,“Climatechangeisakeychallenge fortheinternationalcommunity,onethatcanonly be resolved through unified action. The EU is
committedtosupportingNamibia'seffortsinthis fight,withatleast20%ofourmulti-annualbudget dedicated to climate action.” In Swakopmund, a notablepartnershipwiththeShackDwellersFederation and the Namibian Housing Action Group (NHAG)haselectrified32householdsintheDRC settlement. This collaboration ensures the longevity of the project, with NHAG's Twahangana Fundresponsibleformaintainingthesystems. Lookingforward,TIDRETisadvancingthedevelopment of a 300-kilowatt solar mini-grid in Puros,KuneneNorth.ThisN$12millioninvestment will provide power to 164 households and local businesses, further cementing the project's longterm vision for Namibia's renewable energy future.Theproject'scollaborationwiththeMinistry of Mines and Energy (MME) and NORED highlightsthestrongcommitmenttosustainabledevelopment. The recent site visit provided stakeholderswithafirsthandlookatthetangiblebenefits of the TIDRET project, showcasing how renewable energy is transforming local communities. This initiative not only addresses immediateenergyneedsbutalsofosterslong-termeconomicandsocialupliftment.TheTIDRETproject, funded by the EU GCCA+ initiative and BMZ through the MEFT's 'Climate Change and Inclusive Use of Natural Resources Project (CCIU-EU)' and implemented by GIZ, is a testamenttotheimportanceofinclusiveandequitable energysolutions.
The Kathrin (IMO 9570620) an 8 000 DeadweightTonnage (DWT) General Cargo Ship built in 2010 and operated by a German company, departed from Hai Phong, Vietnam, in late July and made a transit stop in Singapore. The vessel requested port privileges at the Port of Walvis Bay two weeks ago. Initially, speculation among port officials suggested the stop could be for crew rest or supplies after a long voyage across the IndianOcean.
However, the vessel had not submitted the necessary pre-clearance documents for the visit, raising furtherconcerns. Namport's leadership, including the chairperson and chief exe-
cutive, became involved after learning that the ship might be carrying materials for the Israel-Gaza war This follows a previous incident involving a vessel named Nordic, which passed through Namibian waters in July without stopping. The Nordic was also suspected of transporting supplies, possibly fuel, to Israel. Justice Minister Yvonne Dau-
sab confirmed her involvement in the matter, stating, "Upon receivingreportsthata vessel might be carrying weapons intended forIsrael,Iaddresseda letter to the cabinet, international relations ministry, work ministry,aswellasthesafety and security ministry" In the letter, Dausab requested that the Kathrin be denied docking privileges at Walvis Bay The Namibian Police Force also joined the investigation, reporting unconfirmed findings that the vessel was carrying 60 containers ofTNTandeightcontainers of other explosives. While the ship's declared destination was Koper, Slovenia, the police indicated
that further documentationshowedsomeof thecargowasdestined for Israel, leading to the revocation of dockingpermission. The letter from the Namibianpolicetothe Namibian Ports Authority reads, “Kindly be informed that, the permission no 21/ 2024 granted to M/V Kathrin dated 13 Augusthasbeenrevoked with immediate effect. Your application letter dated 2 August and all attached document you submitted to this office indicated that M/V Kathrin was coming from Haiphong, Vietnam (Port of loading) to Koper Slovenia (Port of discharge), carrying explosives
cargo of sixty (60) containers of Tri-Nitro Toluene (TNT) and eight (8) containers of Hexogen Explosives, however, the extra document you submitted today, 24 August,showsthat,one of the consignments (RDX Hexogen Explosives)isdestinedfor Israel. Hence, the said vessel is strictly prohibitedtoentertheNamibianWaters in terms of the Cabinet decision No. 9th/04.06.24/006.”
The Namibian governmenthadinitiallygrantedtheKathrindocking privilegeson13August but following a cabinet decision, this was officiallyrevokedon24 August Local rights group Economic and SocialJusticeTrusthas
beenactivelycampaigning to block ships suspected of carrying materials linked to the Israel-Gaza conflict While the group's reasons for targeting specificvesselsremainunclear, they have successfully gained the attention of Namibian officials Namibian officials have emphasisedtheimportanceof transparency and ensuring that vessels declare dangerous cargo. However, there are no legal requirements for ships to disclose the owner of their cargo, adding to the complexityofthesituation.
Sources: Namibian Ports Authority (Namport),Namibian PoliceForce,andThe MaritimeExecutive
Sharlien Tjambari
Eileen van der Schyff
NIDA's Water Supply Terminated, Local Businesses Suffer
Tenants at the premises of the Namibia Industrial Development Agency (NIDA), resorting under the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade in Swakopmund have been withoutrunningwaterforthepasttwoweeks,creatingdiscomfortfortenantsaswellascustomers.
At least five businessesareleasingat the premises and pay their rent on time, our source revealed.According tooursourcesthisis
notthefirsttimethatthe state-ownedenterprise's water supply was disconnected by the municipalitybecauseofnonpayment. According to Mr Heiki Ndipwas-
himwe of NIDA an arrangement between the enterprise and the Swakopmund municipalitywasputinplace, however it seems this arrangement was not
Grootbek op Vrydag
Drug Dealers is Nie Jou Maatjies Nie...
Dwelmverslaafdes, kry een dinginjulkoppe,dai“merchants”isgladniejulmaatjies nie, hulle lag en gesels met jou terwyl jy nog geld het,maarsodrajoubeursie leegiswilhullejounieeens 'n 5 dollar bysit vir nog 'n “hit” nie en word jy sommersummierbydie“drug” huis uitgeskop. Klink dit bekend?
Daisakkie“crumbs”wathy/syjou kamma gratis gee is net ‘n spazza omjoudieperintetrek.Endanvoel ons nog “proud” daaroor Dink jy rerighy/sydoenditomdathullevan jou hou??? Hulle lag agter jou rug vir jou onnoselheid en eet lekker KFC met jou geld terwyl jou kinders en jyself honger kry en die huurisnieeensgebetaalnie.Skrik wakker!
Hierdie is nie 'n cliché nie, glo my wanneer ek sê, drank- en dwelmmisbruikvatallesvanjouweg,jou familie,jouhuis,joukar,jouwerk, jou kinders, alles, maar dalk die ergstevanalles,jouselfrespek.
Goeie mense, opregte vriende, familie word belieg en bedrieg en besteel net om verslawings te voed. En alhoewel die gewete soms pla, word daar maar net voortgegaan daarmee virdievolgende“hit.”Sowat80%van gemeenskappe (polisie inkluis) weet waar die “drug” huise is en wie die “drug merchants” is. Wanneer gaan onshoordatdiegrootkokkedoreagter slot en grendel is? Nie gou nie, nie solank sommige polisiebeamptes en lede van die gemeenskap op “drug dealers” se “payrolls” is nie. Net 'n laaste woordjie van advies aan dwelmmisbruikers, moenie dai eerste houslaannie,jygaanallesverloordan soek jy nog steeds dai eerste hou. En diegene“daarbuite,”moeniedinkdit kan nie met jou of iemand na aan jou gebeurnie...
honoured, as the water supplywasagaincutoff last week. We managed to obtain confirmation that the water supply was indeed terminated, as the initial agreement the municipality had withNIDAwasnothon-
oured, this being the basis for termination. Efforts to get comment on this scenario from NIDA's chief financial officer, Mr J Ntinda proofed futile The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Richwell Lukonga however noted
that the matter is being attended to. What enragesthetenantsmostis the fact that many tourists visit their businessesandbeingunable to offer them bathroom facilities reflect very badontheirbusinesses' image.
NIDA manages approximately 148 industrial estates, tourism centres, residential dwellings, agricultural holdings and Small and Medium Enterprise(SME)business parks around Namibia.
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Police Officer, “Tour Guide” Accused of Extorting US Citizen
Marshallino Beukes & Eileen van der Schyff
Avisitorfrom the United States has laid a charge of extortion (CR 93/08/2024) against a Swakopmund police officer andapresumedunlicensedtourguide/taxidriver,afterthe duo allegedly forced him to pay approximately USD1 400 (aboutN$24000)forservicesneverrendered.
According to the complainant, who is the owner and foun-
derofarenownedtour operator company in LosAngeles, USA, he
arrived at the Walvis Bay airport on 6 July and was picked up by
the “tour guide,” who was recommended by his business colleague's friend He apparently immediatelysawredflags,after noticing that the vehicle he was picked up with was not the same vehicle as promised in a written contract. The vehicle apparently even needed to be jump-started and upon enquiry, the “tour guide” allegedly told himthathehadtosella goattorentacar,ashe had no money “On 7 July,onaridefromthe Walvis Bay harbour to my hotel in Swakopmund, the car broke downandIhadtopush it. Once it got kickstarted,heforcedmeto pay USD150.44 to fill up his double gas tank,” the complainant furthernotedinasworn statement When he was eventually dropped off at his hotel in Swakopmund they apparently agreed to splitways,endingtheir contract However, according to the accuser,hestartedreceiving calls from someone claimingtobewiththe NamibianPoliceForce the next morning, urging him to report at any police station before the end of the
day,orhe'llbesorryfor all he did to the “tour guide ” The complainant supposedly ignoredthesethreatsas he was suspecting it to beascamandwenttoa well-known local tour operator for a scheduled one-hour tour Apparently, the “tour guide”andtwoaccomplishes, claiming to be “investigators,” showed up at the offices of the company, demandingUSD1284.17fora 5-day across-thecountry-trip which never transpired from him. When asked for a police report or possible case number, he was apparently informed that there was no report, and he dismissed the conversation.
Asperthecomplainant he then continued his travels to Sossusvlei, with the “tour guide” meanwhile pestering the travel company he represents with phone calls, claiming that the policewerelookingfor him. The “tour guide,” who was in possession ofhistravelplan,ashe was supposed to conduct the tour, apparentlyshowedupatthe gate of Sossusvlei, this timeaccompaniedbya Swakopmund police
officer. The police officer apparently showed the complainant a police report and demanded money, threatening him that should he not pay, he'll go directly to jail He allegedly then provided the proof of him paying USD150 for fuel already, but the police officer noted that he was tired after his 5-hour trip from Swakopmund and doesn't care, says the complainant.Ashehad no choice and was afraid to be jailed, he apparently offered to do the payment via bank transfer, but they demanded cash and he had to pay the lodge hotelbycreditcardand havethehotelpaycash to them, the complainantstates.
“Other Honourary Deputiesand/orrespected tour operators like me would have already taken their alarming concerns to international news outlets and/or to the global travel community I on theotherhand,didnot. I still have a heart for Namibia. The food is good. The nature is out-of-this-world. Yes, am connected to almost every major travel influencer out
there.However,would informing millions of travellers that Namibia is unsafe make me happy? No. It would not.Mostofthepeople I met in Namibia are complete sweethearts. Nevertheless, government corruption is indeed the country's spreading cancer,” he wrote from the US to Namib Times via WhatsApp. He however noted that he could never feel safe sending thousands of tourists he could have sent to Namibia, had he not had this bad experience. The Erongo police was contactedinthisregard,asno arrests have apparently been made yet. The two men are facing charges of corrupt use of office or position for gratificationandextortion. According to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson of the Erongo police, they are aware of the case and busy investigating it. He however explainedthattheincident occurred in the Hardap Region (Sossusvlei), but as the suspects are from the Erongo region, they aredoingtheirpartand willtakeitfromthere.
Shack Dwellers al vir Jare
“in die Duister”
Lede van die Shack Dwellers Federation in Narraville, Walvisbaaisukkelblykbaarnoualvirmeerasdriejaarom elektristeits-aansluitingsnahulhuiseteverkry.
Volgens hulle leef hulle “op die plaas” en maak gebruik van kerse en lampiesvirbeligtingengasstofiesenoopvuremoetdiepotteaandiekook hou. “Hier bly ou mense, klein kinders en sieklike mens ook. Ons skoolkindersmoetinkersligstudeer,watgladniegoedisnieendiedonkerteskep ook'nonveiligeomgewing,”isvandieklagteswaarmeedieShackDwellers metdiehandeindieharelaatsit.Hulleduiaandathullealreedsgedurende laas jaar aansoekvorms by Erongo Red gekry het, dit voltooi het en ingehandighet.DieErongokragverskafferhethulletoeblykbaardaaropgewys datdievormsnievolledigisnie,aangesienbewysevanerf-eienaarskapen voltooiingssertifikate van die munisipaliteit, sowel as 'n geregistreerde elektrisiën ook vereis word. Die kinkel in die kabel is egter dat die munisipaliteitnie'nsertifikaatkantoestaanvooreerdieelektrisiënniesysertifikaatuitmaaknie,endieelektrisiënkanniediegroenliggeevoordatdaarnie kragisnie,sêhulle.“Onswordnoualvirdieafgelopejarenetvanbakboord na stuurboord gestuur en leë beloftes word gemaak, dit is 'n hele deurmekaarspul,” het die voorsitter van die Narraville Shack Dwellers, mnr Francisco Maree aangedui. Erongo Red woordvoerder, mnr Benjamin Nangombehetgenoemdathyhuidiglikmet'nseminaarinWindhoekbesig is,enterugvoeringgaanverskafmetsyterugkeer
Solar Home Systems for Shack Dwellers
Solar Home Systems for Shack Dwellers
The'TowardsanInclusiveDesignoftheRenewableEnergyTransition'(TIDRET) incollaborationwithErongoRedrecentlyhandedsolarhomesystemstothirty-two Shack Dwellers Foundation homes in Olutweni located in the Northern part of Swakopmund.
TheTIDRETprojectisaninitiativeledbytheEnvironmental Investment Fund (EIF) under the European Union's Climate Change and Inclusive Use of Natural Resources Project (CCIU-EU) of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism(MEFT),administeredthroughGIZ.TheTIDRET project aims to expand access to affordable solar and renewable energy technologies for vulnerable communities and peri-urban areas in Namibia. The drive is a partnership between the TIDRETProjectcomponentservingasprojectadministrator and financier and the respective Regional Energy Distributors (REDs) assuming ultimate project ownership whilst further providing technicalexpertise.Oneofthebeneficiaries!Hoakhaos,whoisasinglemotherthatworksasafront desk reservations officer at a hotel in Swakopmund,movedintoherhouseinDecember2022and hasbeenwithoutelectricitysince.
Upon hearing that she was selected as a beneficiary of the TIDRET project her immediate response was “Thank God – finally it has happened.”
!Hoa-khaosfurthersaid,“thiswillchangealotof thingsformeandmyson.Hewillbeabletositup late and study We no longer have to chase the daylight or the sun or worry about candle-lit nights.” Among other personal struggles, she looks forward to being able to cook on the stove again. She added that gas tends to damage pots veryeasily “MysonisequallyasexcitedasIam bythisnewprogress,heishappythatthelightsare onandthatwenolongerhavetoworryaboutcharging anymore” said !Hoa-khaos. The TIDRET electrification drive will further targeted individual households within the identified communities of which 50% were women-headed householdsandMSMEs.
Foto verskaf
Marshallino Beukes
Rudi Bowe
TransNamib Mum on Usakos Abandoned Buildings
Inquiries to TransNamib regarding the state entity's abandonedandvandalisedproperties,aswellasunutilisedlandat Usakos,wentunansweredforaroundtwoweeksnow.
During a recent interview with Namib Times, the Chief Exeutive Officer of Usakos, Mr Lesley Goreseb noted that approximately fifty percent of unutilised virgin land at the town belongs to TransNamib. He also expressed his discontentregardingabandonedbuildingsallovertown,whichalsobelongto theStateentity Thesedesertedbuildingsaretheidealbreedinggroundforcriminal activities and alcohol and drug abuse in the town, residents whom NamibTimeshavespokentofumed.TheresidentsareofopinionthatTransNamibshouldeitherrenovate,sellorabolishallthesebuildingsasitisreflecting badly on the town's image. Ms Alynsia Platt, TransNamib's Properties ExecutivereferredallcommunicationstotheirCommunicationsManager,Ms AbigailRaubenheimer However,numerousattemptstogetresponsefromher proofedfutile.
Ministry of Education Announces School Holiday for National Elections
InastatementbytheExecutiveDirectoroftheMinistryofEducation, Arts and Culture, Sanet L. Steenkamp, it has been confirmed that there will be a deviation from the 2024 school calendar to accommodate the upcoming National Namibian PresidentialandLocalElections.
The Ministry has designated 27 November as a school holiday to ensure learners and teachers have the opportunitytoparticipate in the electoral process. As a result, all schools and hostels will be closed on this date. Key adjustments to the school calendar
include: Last day of school for learners: Friday, 22 NovemberLast day for teachers, hostelstaff,andinstitutional workers: Friday, 6 December The Ministry further emphasised that school reports must be distributed to learners by 6 December
All stakeholders, inc
Directors, Principals,
School Board Members, Parents, and Inspectors of Education, are urged to take note of these changes andensurecompliance with the adjusted calendar Thisdecision isinlinewithensuring that both learners and staff can fully engage in the democratic process, contributing to the election of local andnationalleaders.
Picture contributed
Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff
BurningofTyresatDumpsitePoses Health
Walvis Bay residents are furious as the burning of unused tires at the landfillsiteisbecomingalmostadailypractice,whichaccordingtothem isahealththreatandveryinconvenient.
Residents claim that the Walvis Bay municipalityhasnocontroloverthis scenario,ashundredsofunusedtires aredumpedandburnedthere,almost daily “Maybethat'showtheydestroy it,underthesmokescreenthatit'sthe people who are illegally dwelling at the dumps,” one resident noted. The question on how much money the municipality is paid to receive the tires at the site, was also raised. Yesterday morning (Thursday) reports were also received of smoke from the burnt tires even hovering overtheLagoonarea.
According to MsAnita Kaihiva, the
public relations officer at theWalvis Bay municipality, the Council is aware of the recent reports about reclaimersburningtiresatthelandfill siteandfullyunderstandtheconcerns raised by residents. As per Ms Kaihiva the municipality's Chief Executive Officer, Ms Victoria KapendaandCouncilmembers,will engage relevant stakeholders next week, with the aim to consult and implement measures to prevent similar incidents in the future and address the issue of occupancy through enhanced enforcement of regulations.
Exxon Withdraws from Bid for Stake in Namibia Oil Block
ExxonMobil has exited the race to acquire half of Galp Energia's stake in a major oil discovery off the coast of Namibia, according to sources.The 40% stake in the Mopane offshore discovery, which has drawn interest from more than 12 leading energy companies,remainshighlysoughtafter.
Global energy giants, including Shell and Brazil's Petrobras, continue to engage with Galp for the stake,whichisestimatedtobevaluedatmorethan USD10 billion. The Mopane field holds an estimated 10 billion barrels of oil and gas equivalent,makingitoneofthelargestdiscoveries intheregion.Galphasalsoproposedthatthebuyer take over the field's operations, adding strategic value to the stake. The reasons behind Exxon's decision to withdraw from the bidding process remain unclear While Exxon and Galp have declined to comment, Namibia's national oil and
gas company NAMCOR, which manages the country's petroleum data centre on behalf of the government, has also chosen not to comment on the ongoing sale. This sale follows a series of promisingoffshorediscoveriesinNamibia,ledby companiessuchasShellandTotalEnergies,raising expectations that the country could become a majorplayeringlobaloilproduction.Thebidding process for Galp's stake continues, with energy companiescloselymonitoringNamibia'sgrowing importanceintheglobaloilmarket.
Rabies Outbreak Among Cape Fur Seals No Concern for Namibia
The first ever documented seal rabies outbreak among Cape fur seals in SouthAfricaisnotareasonforconcern inNamibia.
Naude Dreyer of Ocean Conservation Namibia (OCN) said thus far there has been no sign of rabiesinsealsinNamibia.Hecanconfirmthisas the OCN has been in contact with leading South Africanmarinemammalscientistsforthelastfew weeksregardingthematter Dreyerconfirmedthat as of 25 July, SouthAfrican Cape fur seals have testedpositiveforrabiesbuttodateNamibiahad oneanimalafewweeksagothatdisplayedsuspiciousbehavour “Itdiedonthebeach,andwehad ittestedbythestatevet.Thetestcamebacknegative, so we still have no rabies cases here yet,” Dreyersaid.Headdedthat itisnottosayitisnot inNamibiathough.“Idon'tbelievethereisreason forconcernyet.”Dreyerhoweversaiditispossible that the threat extends beyond marine eco-
system disruption as this is a zoonotic disease, meaning,itcanjumpfromanimalstohumans. Therefore, there's a serious chance that the rabies viruswouldspreadtothesealpopulationinNamibia, and even a strong likelihood that it already occurs. Dreyer said, “we are monitoring all the seals at Pelican Point and Cape Cross.” He urges the public to be on the lookout for suspicious and any abnormal or aggressive behaviour and report suchassoonaspossible.
Marshallino Beukes Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe
The Coastal Drug Awareness Campaign(CODAC),a non-profit essential community developmentorganisation handed
over fifty food parcels to the less fortunate beneficiaries from both Walvis Bay Urban a n d R u r a l constituencies on Saturday. This program is initiated by One Economy Foundation through the Office of the First Lady(FLON).
Photos: Contributed
NG Kerk Meersig Basaar 2024
Onsbasaarhetwonderlikgoedafgeloop.Vanvroegoggendaf hetdiebraaivleisvuregebranden09:00hetonsgeopen.
Daarwasdieheerlikste braaivleis en sosaties, pannekoek,vis&chips en kalamarie, poeding, alle wonderlike gebak watdietafelslaatkreun het, 'n teetuin met die lekkerste pasteie, koeke en terte, rouvleis, 'n kindertafelenskyfskiet enspringkastele. Die gemeenskap het ons baie goed ondersteunenalwasWalvisbaai se krag van 10:00 af,kononsmetkragopwekkers en gas onverhinderdvoortgaan. Hoewel ons fondse insamel met die basaar
is dit nie ons hoofoormerk nie. Dit gaan vir ons baie meer oor die saamkuier en skouerskuur met ons eie gemeentelede, maar ook met al die ander besoekers en ondersteuners uit die gemeenskap. Ons opregte dank aan almal in ons gemeente wat hard gewerk het omdit'nsukestemaak en ons opregte dank aan die gemeenskap vanWalvisbaaiwatons wonderlik ondersteun het. Dit was lekker om so baie mense te sien
saamkuier Die atmosfeerwasfantastiesenis gekenmerk met vriendelikheid, dankbaarheid, opregtheid en hartlikheid Dit was een van ons lekkerste basarenog. Ons grootste dankbaarheid is teenoor die HerevirSyversorging en liefde, wat dit alles moontlik gemaak het. Na Saterdag kan ons tong-in-die-kies sê: “ons krag kom nie van “Nampower” af nie, maar van die Here”. AlleeeraandieHere!
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners intendstoapply,onbehalfofregisteredowner,totheMunicipal Council ofWalvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board and the Environmental Commissioner for permission forthefollowing:
·RezoningofErf517WalvisBay(6SixthStreetEast)from “General Residential 1” (1:300m²) to “General Business” (Bulk2.0).
·Consenttoproceedwithdevelopmentwhiletherezoning isongoing,
· Application foran Environmental Clearance Certificate fortheproposedrezoning.
The above rezoning and consent application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The rezoning of land from residentialtocommercialuseisalistedactivity,andanapplication for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in termsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct,2007.
Theerfisdevelopedwithadouble-storeyblockofflatsandthe usualoutbuildings.
Due to the growing demand for business accommodation in Walvis Bay and its proximity to the port and Namport Head Office the erf has been purchased by the applicant for the redevelopment of the flats to offices and supporting service areas,includingon-siteparking.
(a) the rezoning application lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building Control Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay situated at Civic Centre, Walvis Bayorcanbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects.
(b)PotentialinterestedandaffectedpartiesareinvitedtoregisterwithStewartPlanning,andanypersonhavingcommentsor objectionstotheapplication,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with theChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice.
(c) Registration and written comments or objections must be submittedbeforeoron17:00Friday18October2024.
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095, WalvisBay bruce@sp.com.na 064280770
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer Municipalityof WalvisBay PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013229
An Equal Opportunity Employer VACANCY
Required for fishing vessel in local waters
Require Certificate of Competency as Chief EngineerEO Class 5 or equivalent
Required to do trips of 8 – 12 days (wet fish)
Required to have extensive experience (min 10 years) as Chief Engineer on similar vessel
Submit CV’s to email: hr@castrobros.com.na
Aqua Services & Engineering, Namibia's leading technology partner and service provider in water treatment, is currently seeking for passionate, self-driven, and motivated individuals to join our team as Coastal Manager
· Manage and support the coastal team, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.
· Coordinate allASE activities in the coastal region.
· Engage proactively with clients to build strong relationships.
· Oversee the management and control of the warehouse operations.
· Maintain close coordination with the head office to ensure alignment and effective communication.
· Lead, manage projects, and accept responsibility and accountability for successful and timeous completion of all projects.
· Aformal engineering qualification (B.Eng/B.Tech) with PrEng/Inc.Eng registration.
· Ability to work under pressure, whilst ensuring deadlines are met.
· Strong leadership and management skills, capable of motivating a diverse team.
· Excellent communication skills.
· Self-driven, proactive, working in demanding environments.
· At least five years' related work experience.
· Valid driver's license.
· Namibian citizenship or permanent residence permit.
ASE offers competitive remuneration packages commensurate with experience and qualifications. Please email applications to HR@ase.com.na
Closing Date: 16 September 2024
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Career Opportunities
Based in Walvis Bay
AfricaGlobalLogisticsNamibia(Proprietary)Limitedinvitessuitablequalified candidatestoapplyforthefollowingvacancies,basedinWalvisBay,Namibia. We seek highly skilled and experienced professionals to join our dynamic teamandcontributetothecontinuedsuccessofourprominentpositioninthe logisticssector
Detailed advertisement have been posted on our Facebook Page for interested candidates to review: Please visit:
Seventy 7 Consulting Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/77consult
Closing date: 27 September 2024
Only shortlisted candidates meeting the requirements will be contacted for further assessment.Africa Global Logistics Namibia is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace in compliance with theAffirmativeAction (Employment)Act,1998.
For further information, please contact:
Karolina Namawe or Christophina Iikwa Contact details: +264 81 442 3206
NOTICE EstateNo:
Inthe Estateofthelate
Rainer Ernst Langer
Date of Birth 20
December 1958, unmarried, who was ordinarilyresidentat38 Mühl Street, Rodgau,
Germany, and who died atRodgau,Germanyon 26June2020.
The First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the OfficesoftheMasterof the High Court for a
CONSENT: Self CateringAccommodation ON ERF NO: 183 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Dolphin Beach STREET NAME & NO: Sandpiper Street,Unitno11,Door8.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringAccommodation.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan27September 2024.
PropertyInvestment11CC POBox2978Windhoek email:safaricityproperties@gmail.com
The Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre
Beinganequalopportunityemployerhasavacancy for:
∙Namibiancitizenorpermanentresident,no criminalrecord
∙HaveaknowledgeofdifferentCasinochipsandbe accurateonvalueofCasinochipsaccordingto procedure
∙Havefullknowledgeofdifferenttypesofcredit cards&theiruses
∙Keepforgeryinformationinmindwhenworking withforeigncurrencyandrefertoaseniorwhen theconversionisdone
∙Fullyunderstandthetransactionsconductedat Casinotables&theireffectonthecashdeskand checkingcompletedrelevantpaperwork
∙Assistlayingoutcash&Casinochipsatcloseof business&agreeonfinalfigures-completethe reconciliationsheet&balancewiththeguidanceof theCasinoCashierSupervisor
If you are interested in applying for this position, please draft a letter of application and send it togetherwithyourcurriculumvitaeto
SwakopmundHotel&EntertainmentCentre POBox616 Swakopmund or swakpay@legacyhotels.co.za
Opening date for applications: 13 September 2024
Closing date for applications: 23 September 2024
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No personal documents will be returned.
period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publicationhereof.
25SamNujomaAvenue POBox2303 Tel:064-400942 Swakopmund
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/ 1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstolease,by
private transaction, a Portion of Farm 37 to PowerCom(Pty)Ltd.
Description Erf449Meersig
Area(㎡) 100
LeasePricePerMonth PriceExclu-ding (NS) 3,974
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Friday 27 September 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs
Merinda/Keis be contacted at telephone
(064) 2013235 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingto theproposedlease,may in writing lodge an objection together with thegrounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Friday 27 September2024at12:00. EriksonMwanyekange
GeneralManager: Community&Economi cDevelopment
Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992),that the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstolease,by private transaction, a Portion of Farm 37 to PowerCom(Pty)Ltd.
Description Erf46Naraville Area(m²) 100
LeasePricePerMonth PriceExcluding(N$) 3283
Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *Friday 27 September 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs Merinda/Keis be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingto theproposedlease,may in writing lodge an objection together with or to Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay, beforeoron Friday, 27 September 2024 at 12:00.
EriksonMwanyekange GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@walvis baycc.org.na
Our client, CMB. TECH is developing several green hydrogen and ammonia initiatives to support the decarbonisation vision of 2030 has a vacancy in Walvis Bay for a HR GENERALIST.
Please go to the Blog on our website: www ppm.com.na to review the criteria for the position
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the
Council of the Municipality ofWalvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, Portion18ofFarm37 to Land and Housing Federation (October Seafarers United) Land and Housing Federation.
Description Portion18 of Farm37
Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 24 September 2024 at room 30, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond.
For more information
Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the gounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties
at the above address to Private Bag 5017, WalvisBaybeforeoron *Friday, 27 September 2024at12:00.
Manager:Housingand Properties
Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
CONSENT: Flexibrain Private School ON ERF NO: 3559 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Narraville STREET
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have appliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayforpermission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Flexibrain Private School.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplication may be obtained atTown Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthis application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan4 October2024.
Miss U. Damens, PO Box 1727, Walvis Bay, email: uadamens@gmail.com
BlackPearlDiscoveryToursccherewithintendsto applytotheSwakopmundMunicipalCouncilforthe “ResidentOccupationSpecialConsent”tooperate an“administrativeoffice”onthepremisesofErf 1636,Swakopmund(118AntonLubowskiAvenue)as providedforintermsofClause6oftheSwakopmund ZoningScheme.Detailsofwhichareobtainablefrom theGeneralManager:Engineering&Planning Services.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuch applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting andwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,during normalbusinesshours.
th Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis:4 October 2024
ContactPerson:MrsMVorster,Cell:0818025861 E-mail:blackpearldiscovery@outlook.com
Mr.J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning),Tel:+264 (64)4104403
ShiftingSandsherewithintendstoapplytothe SwakopmundMunicipalCouncilforthe“Special Consent”tooperatea“shop”onthepremisesofErf 3963,SwakopmundExtension10(c/oEinstein& NewtonStreet)asprovidedforintermsofClause6of theSwakopmundZoningScheme.Detailsofwhich areobtainablefromtheGeneralManager: Engineering&PlanningServices.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuch applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting andwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,during normalbusinesshours.
th Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis:4 October 2024
ContactPerson:MrsB.Steenkamp,Cell:081228 1274E-mail:shiftingsands92@gmail.com
Mr.J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning),Tel:+264 (64)4104403
IamMarialookingfor anycleaningwork.Iam 41yearsold.Canstart anytime.
A38yearoldladyis lookingforworksuch as:workinginaprint shop Cashloans,restaurants, bettingshop,housework etc.
Iama33yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,cleaningwindows, washingandironing.I have2yearsexperience. MondaystoFridays, 07:00-14:00. Contact:0817413843
Iama36yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,restaurant,guest houseetc.WalvisBay, Town,Meersig,Lagoon orLangstrand.Ihave5 yearsexperience. Contact:0817517632
Iamayoung hardworkingladylooking foranykindofjobaround Swakopmund,Ihave experienceIhaveworked inthetourismindustryfor morethan8years,Ihave experienceindomestic workaswell,Iwillbe gratefulforanykindof jobofferasIamthe breadwinnerinmy family
Contact:0817944508/ 0818741022
Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBayor Langstrand.Icanclean, iron,Ihave2years experience. Contact:0818258532
Iama26yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay/ Langstrand.Ihave2years experience.Icanstart anytime. Contact:0818470622
Thefatherandsoncombination,PieterandSimonThompsonwerethewinnersoftheBetterballgolf dayatWalvisBayGolfCluboverthepastweekend.
Pieter and Simon Thompson on 53 points, with Simon shooting the lights out on 48 points Welcometoyournew handicapSimon,with Nathaniel Mudzingwa and Vennon Gapara second on 51 points and John Sardinha and Pedro Fernandesthirdon47 points whilst Richard Majangara and Hingdipo Hangula came fourth on 44 points. There was only one two club on the day and that was won by Richard,whoalsogot the closest to the pin hamperonnumber18 with Grant closest on number 7. Thanks to sponsor and we look
forward to having you back next year Summer is coming but not sure when, as cold weather continues to play havoc in the early morning with another small field pitching for last Thursdays Seniors game The winner was Anton Welgemoed on 37 points, and he also won 'die brood', second was Chris Bothma on 36 points winning a countoutfromTienie deWet.Thisweekend wehaveanindividual stableford competition and next weekend is the MEDAL and the MEDAL MANIA.
CONSENT: Sprance Financial Services CC ON ERFNO: 5589 TOWNSHIP/AREA:WalvisBaySTREETNAME&NO:5589GaboroneStreet, Kuisebmond.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:SpranceFinancialServicesCC. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan4October2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:LoideMouhambaImbili, POBox7496,Kuisebmond,WalvisBay email:loideimbili@gmail.com
CONSENT: Day Care & After Care Center ON ERF NO: 4133 TOWNSHIP/AREA:FairwaysSTREETNAME&NO:MungandaStreet No.38.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:DayCare&AfterCareCenter Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan4October2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:KRCGrobler,POBox1106, WalvisBay email:cathleen2706@gmail.com
WearelookingforaClearingAgentwithpreviousexperiencein theclearingandforwarding,Logisticsandcourierbusiness. We are looking for a person with the following knowledge.
· Customs clearing of import, export, in transit, temporary import andbondedWarehousingshipmentsontheAsycudasystem.
· Delivery/offloading of bonded and general cargo to vessels as wellasAcquittalofdocumentsatCustoms
· Goodcommunicationskillsinordertocommunicatewithclients, Customs,Namport,ShippingLinesandotherauthorities.
· ShouldbeComputerliterate(Outlook,Word,ExcelEtc.)
· Deliver and collect documents at Customs as well as handling relatedqueries.
· Deliver and collect documents at Namport as well as handling relatedqueries.
· Deliver and collect documents at shipping lines as well as releasingofshipments.
· Registering,costingandfinalizingoffiles.
· Allotherrelatedduties.
· Applicant should have a Code B drivers' licence as well as a Public Drivers Permit. Please
The father and son combination, Simon and Pieter Thompson with Shane Westerdale in the middle
NFBB Provisionally Accepted
TheNamibianSportsCommissionprovisionallyacceptedtheNamibiaFederationofBodybuilding andFitness(NFBB)asanofficialsportcodeinNamibia.
TheNFBBPresident,AletheaBormansaidthatthisisasignificantmilestoneforthe historyoftheNFBBinNamibia.
The Namibian Sport Commissions Chief SportAdministrator, Simataa Mwiya and theDevelopmentOfficerErvinHandurawereinSwakopmundwheretheydiscussed the final approval of NFBB as an official sport code in Namibia.Additionally, they addressedthedevelopmentandintroductionofOlympicliftingasanewsportcode.
The NFBB, headquartered in in Swakopmund, is a professional sports governing body for bodybuilding and fitness that oversees many of the sport's major national events,notablytheNamibianChampionships.
FNB Namibia and Seawork Fish Processors Walvis Bay have once again teamed up to bring the highly anticipated annual FNB and Seawork CoastalClassictobeheldattheHabitatLifestyleCentreon21and22SeptemberinSwakopmund.
This multi-discipline event is fast becoming the most popular event at the coast, with 16 different categories in trail running, mountain biking, road running,androadcycling,there'ssomethingforeveryone.Withawiderange of distances and divisions, the event caters to competitive athletes, enthusiasts,beginnersandfamilies,ensuringthere'ssomethingforeveryone theeventisboastingarecordnumberofentriestheevent,whichhasquickly become one of the largest cycling and running competitions on the coast, promises a weekend full of excitement and community spirit. The FNB SeaworkCoastalClassicismorethanjustasportingevent,itisdedicatedto promotinghealth,wellness,andcommunityengagement.Thisyear,theevent shines a spotlight on Seawork Cares, a foundation committed to supporting education and increasing school attendance in rural communities across Namibia.Aspartofthisinitiative,N$20fromeveryentrywillbedonatedto the Seawork Cares Foundation, helping young minds flourish and communitiesthrive.Participantswillcompetefortophonoursacrossvarious age categories, with the ultimate prize being the coveted title of Coastal ClassicChampion.Thistitlewillbeawardedtothecompetitorwiththelowest combined score in the toughest divisions of running and cycling over the weekend.Thechampionwillreceiveacustomtrophyand,ofcourse,bragging rights for the year The weekend's excitement kicks off with the Gravel Grinderat7:15AMon21September,followedbytheRoadRageat7:00AM onSaturday,22Septemberandculminatesinprize-givingceremoniesheldat TigerReefat13:00PMonbothdays.Whetheryou'reanathleteoraspectator, theCoastalClassicisamust-attendeventthatcelebratessportsmanshipand community Online entries close on 17 September 17. After that, manual entries will be available at Cycles4U until 20 September The online link; https://www.coastalclassic.com.na/
Saturday 28 September 2024
Please take note that a section of 18th Street East (Union Street) from the circle until the 4way stop at thecemeterywillbeclosedfrom09:30amuntil12:00 on Saturday 28 September 2024 for the yearly Fish Eagle Rally Mass Ride and Drags through Walvis Bay
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Simataa Mwiya Chief SportAdministrator at the Namibian Sport Commission,Alethea Borman Namibia Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness, Head Coach for the IFBB Fitness Challenge, Jancke Rentel and Ervin Handura Development Officer at the Namibian Sport Commission
namib times Sport
Walvis Bay is the host of the 18th edition of the SouthernAfrican Inter-MunicipalAssociation Games (SAIMSA) 2024 themed 'SADC Local Authority'sEmployeeWellness,EnhancedThroughSportsandRecreation'.
Walvis Bay, where the international multisporteventwillbeheld from 22 to 27 September, won't be the only place hosting the Games.Itwillbejoined by Swakopmund and Henties Bay that will accommodate athletes, officials,spectatorsand journalists, offering themachancetobepart of the unique experience of the SAIMSA
Games. TheJanWilken Sport Stadium is at the heart of the SAIMSA Games, with the Narraville and Kuisebmond Stadiums to host some of the games. According to the Acting Manager – Public Relations Officer and Customer ServiceAnita Kaihiva, the sports games are premier sportingeventthattakes place annually and
brings together municipalities from across the Southern African region with the aim foster opportunities for social interaction, encourage physical activity and sportsmanship.
Kaihivasaid,“theevent will see participation from municipalities acrossSouthernAfrica, eachbringingtheirbest athletes to compete in
various sports codes including, Soccer, Netball, Volleyball, Snooker/Pool, Darts, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Road Running, Tug of War, Fishing /Angling, Owela/Stone Games, Ring Board, Athletics, Golf and Aerobathon.” Kaihiva stated that more than 1 500 participants from 43 municipalities and local authorities from
Namibia, Eswatini, Lesotho and Botswana will compete in the 2024 SAIMSAGames. Shesaid,“inadditionto the sporting events, the games will serve an opportunityforathletes tonotonlydemonstrate their skills but also for communities to engage in friendly competition and cultural exchange, while local business can expect to benefit
fromtheeconomicspin offs” Kaihiva added that the Municipality has been working diligentlytoensurethat the event will be a resounding success, whilepreparationshave been made to accommodatetheinfluxofthe visitors “The Municipalityiscommittedto providing a memorable experience for all participants and visitors,
highlighting Walvis Bay'sstatusasaleading and favourable destination for regional events. We look forward to welcoming participants, officials, and spectators to Walvis Bay and showcasing our town's hospitality and enthusiasm for sports,” she concluded.
Swakopmund and Walvis Bay recently had the honour of hosted one of the most prestigiousyouthtournamentsonCricketNamibia'scalendar,thePlaytimeFestival.
The festival saw a staggering 26 teams over 62 fiercely contested matches from 5 to 7 September at different venues in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay The festival was not about competition; it was a celebrationofthespiritofthegameamongstouryoungcricketers.Beyondtheboundariesandwickets,it wasanopportunityforyoungcricketerstolearn,interact,andgrow Itwasaplatformwheretheycould showcasetheirskills,understandteamworkandsportsmanship,andmostimportantly,fosterfriendships that transcend the cricket field. Johan Muller, CEO of Cricket Namibia said one cannot mention the successofthePlaytimeFestivalwithoutacknowledgingthesignificantroleplayedbyPlaytimeNamibia. HeemphasisedthatthesponsorshipfromPlaytimeNamibia,anorganisationknownforitsdedicationto broadening and promoting sports in the country, provided a significant boost to the event. “Their commitmentandconsiderableinvestmentensuredthefestival'ssmoothrunning,makingitamemorable experiencefortheyoungcricketers.AsthecurtainscamedownonthePlaytimeFestival,itleftbehind memories,momentsofglory,lessonslearned,andapromiseofabrightercricketingfutureforNamibia. With partners likePlaytimeNamibia,the sky's the limitfor these young cricketersand the sport in the country,”Mullersaid.
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe