Swakop River Bridge Set for Rehabilitation Amid Safety Concerns
RedForce to Continue Debt Collection
TheHighCourtofNamibia,inasettlementagreementsigned on 10 and 12 September this year by RedForce Debt Management CC and the Walvis Bay Municipal Council stated that both parties have arrived at an agreement to settlethematterwithoutfurtherlegalstepstobetakenand agreedthatthematterberemovedfromthecourtrolland beregardedasfinalised.
ThisafterthecontractbetweenRedForce Municipaly of Walvis Bay wasterminatedon23Aprilthisyear, upon which RedForce filed an urgent application in the Windhoek High Court to stop the termination of its contract to collect debt owed byratepayerstothemunicipality According to the settlement agreement the Walvis Bay Municipal
Council and RedForce agreed to endureonthesametermsandconditionsasifitwasneverterminatedand in the case of any rights that may have been impaired or otherwise adversely affected due to the termination, such rights shall be immediately restored. It further stated in the agreement that any future Continues on page 2
The Roads Authority of Namibia (RA) is taking action to address safety concerns surrounding the Swakop River Bridgeafterthetheftofitsmetalrailingsleftthestructurean eye-soreandaconcernfortrafficsafety.
Large segments of the metal railings were stolen, particularly during the lockdown period, prompting the RA to remove the remaining railings to prevent furthertheftanddamage.
In an interview with Namib Times, Hileni Fillemon, Manager of Corporate Communication at the RA, confirmed that a comprehensive assessment of the bridge is currently
underway This evaluationispartoftheRA's plan to rehabilitate the bridge and restore its safety and appearance. "We are currently assessingthebridgefor rehabilitation, which will include the installationofnewrailings," Fillemonsaid."Weare considering concrete railings or other materials that cannot be removed and sold for scrap,asmetalthefthas
become a growing issue " The Roads Authority's assessment is expected to be completed during this financial year, with the hopethatrehabilitation will commence next year The goal is to implement more durable solutions that will not only restore the bridge'sstructuralintegrity but also deter futuretheft. The theft of the metal Continues on page 2
Walvis Bay Salt Company Celebrates 60 Years of Excellence
It was glitz and glam when Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd celebrated their 60th birthday on Friday night at the WalvisBayMunicipalityTownHall.
Continues on page 2
Brazil-Namibia Stamp Collection Launched to Celebrate 30 Years of Naval Cooperation Page 2 Road Infrastructure Improvements on the horizon for Walvis Bay *********
Police Reservists’ Promotions
Finally Realised N$4.4 Million Project Set to Light Up Swakop River Bridge
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe
Marshallino Beukes
Walvis Bay Salt Company Celebrates
The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes was amongtheinviteddignitariesandinhisremarks laudedtheSaltCompanywiththeircommitment to assist in establishing a Tourism Information Centre for Walvis Bay “I've got big plans with this,” the mayor commented. The managing directorofWalvisBaySaltHoldings,Mr Andre Snyman, in his speech, acknowledged that there were many setbacks on the road, but noted that the significant milestones in the company's history outnumber these setbacks by far The presence of renowned stand-up comedian, Neville Basson as the Master of Ceremonies (MC)atthisglamourousoccasionfurthercheered uptheatmosphere. Unlikeothermines,theSalt Company does not have an "end of mine"
Continued from page 1
timeline and is currently the biggest exporter of product in terms of volume through the Port of Walvis Bay Although they are not the biggest employer in terms of employment, the company providesworktovariouscontractingcompaniesin thetownofWalvisBay WalvisBaySaltHoldings (Pty) Ltd, through its various subsidiaries, is the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa.The Company processes 100 million cubic meterofseawaterperannumtoproducemorethan 1,000,000 metric tons of high-quality salt per annum. The total operation covers an area of 5 000ha.The Group exports to various countries, including Nigeria, Cameroon, South Africa and Europe.Namibiaalsoexportsonaregularbasisto NorthAmerica.
RedForce to Continue
changesoramendmentstotheagreementshallbe discussed and agreed upon by and between the parties in accordance with the terms of the agreementandapplicablelawsfromtimetotime.
In the meantime, the Walvis Bay Municipality council in the public letter apologised to RedForce Debt Management over the recent allegations of fraud and misrepresentation against the company The letter read, “The Municipality of Walvis Bay hereby wishes to inform the public that the recent allegations of fraud and misrepresentation against RedForce Debt Management are entirely unfounded and factually incorrect In this respect, the inconvenience experienced by RedForce is regretted. It further stated that all contractual obligationsandrightsarisingfromtheagreement betweenRedForceandthecouncilwillcontinue withoutinterruption.Accordingtothestatement, “All accounts handed over for collection shall remain with RedForce until they are settled in full. Residents and/or debtors are accordingly advisedandinfactrequiredtocooperatewiththe debt collection process and are assured that all collectionmethodsemployedbyRedForcearein conformity with the council's credit control policy Council also regrets the inconvenience RedForce experienced, assuring that all contractual obligations and rights arising from the agreement between RedForce and the Council would continue without interruption,” thestatementread.
Walvis Bay mayor, Trevino Forbes declined to comment on the settlement agreement. “I first havetofindoutwhathappened.Iwillconsultthe CEO and managers and see what happened,” he said. RedForce Debt Management CC chief executive Julius Nyamazana said that he welcomes the latest developments. Nyamazana said, “we have welcomed the settlement agreement, and we are happy that we can work cordially together again. Ours is to save the
Continued from page 1
municipalityfromsinkingintounsustainabledebt and to encourage residents to manage their municipal debts better” Prominent lawyer, Richard Metcalfe in an interview with one of the daily news papers has accused the Walvis Bay municipality of corruption, mismanagement, and failuretoadheretomunicipallaws.Metcalfesaid that the settlement agreement condones “the extortionofillegalleviesandfeesfromcustomers of the Walvis Bay Municipality, tailored tender documents, and the ignoring of the Walvis Bay Municipality's Credit Control Policy This is certainly not the fault of RedForce Debt Management CC. It is solely attributable to dishonourable politicians who lead the management ofWalvis Bay, impose illegal levies on their customers, and refuse to obey their policiesandprocedures,”Metcalfesaid.Metcalfe also stated that facts were presented, “but the ostrich-with-its-head-in-the-sand approach has been adopted by these so-called leaders. These settlement agreements are a typical example of what such leaders would agree to. It is high time for ordinary people, who are forced to pay illegal levies, to resort to mass action to remove disrespectfulpoliticianswhorefusetoobservethe lawandignoretheCreditControlPolicytoexploit WalvisBayMunicipalitycustomerswhostruggle while the leaders live in luxury.” Metcalfe added thatRedForceisnottheproblem,butrather“selfservingcouncillorswhowon'tfollowthelaw Itis high time for ordinary people who are forced to payillegalleviestoresorttomassactiontogetrid of disrespectful politicians who refuse to observe thelawandwhoignorethecreditcontrolpolicyto milk Walvis Bay Municipality customers who strugglewhilsttheleaderslanguishinluxury Itis not the RedForce Force that is the problem. The problem is self-serving councillors who won't followthelaw,”hesaid.
HecalledonthecommunityofWalvisBaytotake massactionagainstthepoliticians.
Swakop River Bridge
Continued from page 1
railingshasbeenanongoingproblemforseveral years, but the situation escalated during the COVID-19 lockdown The bridge, which once boasted metalrailings,sawlarge portions of the metal systematically stripped away by thieves. The rapid disappearance of the railings suggested that organised crime syndicates may have beencompetingtocapitalise on the high-value metal, which complicating efforts to maintain the bridge's appearanceandsafety
The theft of metal objectsisnotlimitedtothe SwakopRiverBridge;it is a growing concern throughout coastal townsinNamibia. Copper cables, water pipes, and other metal
fittings are frequently targeted by thieves looking to profit from scrap sales, leaving vital infrastructure at risk. Constructed between1967and1969, the Swakop River Bridge has played a pivotalroleinconnecting Walvis Bay's harbour with the rest ofNamibiaandneighbouring countries. At the time of its construction, it was the longest pre-stressed concrete bridge in Southern Africa and the second-longest in the southern hemisphere,withatotalsuspended length of 587 meters.NamedtheCR SwartBridge,afterthe lastGovernorGeneral of the Union of South Africa, the bridge's construction required
impressive engineering feats, including sinking concrete footings 27 meters below the riverbed to anchor the structure to bedrock Over the years, the bridge has withstood significant floods,mostnotablyin 1971,1976,and1985. For over 50 years, the Swakop River Bridge has been a crucial part of the region's infrastructure, providing a vital link between the coast and inland routes However, its vulnerability to metal theft has drawn attention to the need for increased protection and rehabilitation efforts.Thecoastalcommunity can expect updatesonthetimeline for the bridge's rehabilitation.
Brazil-Namibia Stamp Collection Launched
to Celebrate 30 Years of Naval Cooperation
Eileen van der Schyff
The Embassy of Brazil in Windhoek, in collaboration with Nampost, proudly launched a commemorative series of stamps on Friday, 6 Septembercelebratingthe30thAnniversaryoftheBrazil-NamibiaNavalCooperationAgreement.
The event marks a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship, coinciding with Brazil's 202nd IndependenceAnniversary, celebrated on 7 September Brazil and Namibia share a long-standing partnership rooted in the AgreementforNavalCooperation,signedon4March1994.Thiscooperation, whichstandsasBrazil'slargestandmostimpactfulnavalrelationshipinAfrica,hasbeenpivotalinstrengtheningtiesbetweenthetwocountries.Theofficial slogan of the anniversary celebration, "NeighboursAcross the Ocean," reflects the deep maritime connection between Brazil and Namibia. The launchofthestampseriesalsoalignswiththe30thanniversaryofthereturnof Walvis Bay to Namibia on 28 February 1994. The Brazilian Frigate Niteroi made a historic visit to Walvis Bay shortly after the handover, on 2 March 1994.ThissymboliceventmarkedthebeginningofBrazil'sNavalMissionin Namibia,officiallyinauguratedonthesameday,withNamibia'sfoundingpresident,SamNujoma,visitingthefrigateincelebrationofthenewnavalpartnership. The three-stamp collection, designed by Nampost, chronicles the majorachievementsofthispartnership:
- The first stamp, featuring the Brazilian Frigate Niteroi, symbolises the initiationofnavalcooperationwithits1994visittoWalvisBay
- The second stamp highlights the Brazilian Hydrographic Vessel Sirius, which conducted a comprehensive hydrographic survey of Namibia's coastlinein1997,includingthecreationofthenauticalchartsforWalvisBay Harbour,depictedinthebackgroundofthestamp.
-ThethirdstampshowcasesBrazil'scontributiontothetrainingofNamibian naval personnel. Since 1995, over 1 200 Namibian sailors and officers have beentrainedinBrazil,makingNamibiansthelargestgroupofforeignofficers trainedbyBrazil'sNavy Additionally,over1400personnelhavebeentrained in Namibia by Brazilian marines, culminating in the establishment of the Namibian Marine Corps in 2016. These initiatives have deepened the cooperation between the two countries, strengthening their relationship as ocean-boundneighbours.
Police Reservists' Promotions Finally Realise
HardworkandperseverancepaidoffforNampolreservists in the Erongo Region, after Erongo Regional Commander, Commissioner Nikolaus Kupembona this week recognised andpromotedtheminranks.
The Regional Commander acknowledgedthatthesepromotions were overdue and should have been conferred last year already In his keynoteaddressatthe event which took place at the Tutaleni policestationinWalvis Bay on Wednesday, Commissioner Kupembonaalsoacknowledged the fact that police recruits are facing challenges including a lack of
uniformsandtransport. However,henotedthat these challenges are receivingthenecessary attention and reassured the reservists of his open-doorpolicy Considering the upcoming National elections, slated for November this year, the Regional Commander urged police officers as well as reservists to double on their efforts as law andordermustbeupheld.Healsopinpointed Kuisebmond in Walvis Bay and Mondesa in
Swakopmund as the crime hotspots in the Region,demandingfor an increase of police operations on a daily basis. A total of 37 Nampol reservists from police stations at Walvis Bay, SwakopmundandHentiesBay were promoted. It also came to light that Erongo towns such as Arandis, Usakos and Karibibdonotcaterfor reservists and the Regional Commander advised station commandersatthesetowns togetonboard.
Road Infrastructure Improvements on the Horizon for Walvis Bay
WalvisBayhaslongfacedpublicoutcryoveritspoorroadinfrastructure,butrelief isontheway TheRoadFundAdministration(RFA)andtheRoadsAuthorityhave steppedintoaddressthesecriticalissues.
Earlierthisyear,taxioperatorsinWalvisBayprotested against the deteriorating road conditions, highlighting the urgent need for improvements. This week, Ali Iipinge, Chief Executive Officer of the RFA, announced that an agreement was signed last yearbetweentheRFA,theRoadsAuthority,andthe WalvisBayMunicipalitytotackletheroaddeterioration in the port town. Iipinge emphasised the importance of this initiative, noting that transport and logistics companies rely on these roads to bring goodsintoWalvisBayandtransportthemtoinland andneighbouringcountries."Ioftenhearfromcolleagues in other towns questioning why the RFAis investing N$300 million in these upgrades. The
answer is simple:Walvis Bay is a key town in our country, and we cannot afford to restrict access to theport,"hestated.Recently,theRFAappointeda contractortocommencerehabilitationworkonkey roadsections.Iipingereassuredresidentsandtransportersthattheprojectwouldbeginassoonaspossible.
Additionally, Conrad Lutombi, CEO of the Roads Authority, announced that they are collaborating withtheRFAtosecurelandfortheexpansionofthe Walvis Bay NATIS office in the near future. With these initiatives, the future of Walvis Bay's road infrastructurelookspromising,pavingthewayfor improvedtransportandlogisticsintheregion.
Saturday 28 September 2024
Please take note that a section of 18th Street East (Union Street) from the circle until the 4way stop at thecemeterywillbeclosedfrom09:30amuntil12:00 on Saturday 28 September 2024 for the yearly Fish EagleRallyMassRideandDragsthroughWalvisBay.
Photos: Marshallino Beukes
Photo Caption: Ali Iipinge, Chief Executive Officer of the RFA
Sharlien Tjambari
Marshallino Beukes
Amendments to Income Tax Act Gazetted
The Namibian government has officially gazetted critical amendments to the Income Tax Act of 1981, introducing several key changes aimed at modernising the tax system andofferingbenefitstobothindividualsandcompanies.
These amendments were published on Mondaythisweek.
One of the notable updates includes the substitution of the currency symbol “R” with “N$” and the replacement of “Rand” with “Namibia Dollar” in all instances within the Act. This aligns the law with Namibia's national currency, reinforcingeconomic independence. Additionally, a new Youth Internship Allowance has been introduced to encouragecompaniesto offer more internships for young people Employers with registered internship agreements can now claim deductions based on a formulasetoutinthe new Section 17E, with a maximum deductionofN$50000. Theaimistoalleviate youthunemployment byincentivisingbusi-
nesses to take on interns without incurring significant financialstrain.Theamendments also impose limits on setting off assessed losses, restricting companies from carrying forward losses exceeding N$1 millionor80%oftheir taxable income. This change will affect businesses, particularly those struggling with significant accumulatedlosses. Furthermore, a cap of five years has been placedoncarryingforward assessed losses for most taxpayers, while companies involved in mining, petroleum, or green hydrogenprojectswill have a 10-year limit. Toeasethetaxburden on individuals, the threshold for income tax has been increased, meaning thoseearninglessthan N$100 000 annually will now be exempt from paying tax. Non-
miningcompanieswill also see a reduction in their tax rates, dropping to 30 cents on every Namibia Dollar by 2025. In addition, financial institutions such as banks, registered insurers, and reinsurers have been excluded from the application of Section 95A, reflecting the government'sfocuson maintaining stability incriticalsectorsofthe economy These changes are expected to have a wide-ranging impact on individuals, businesses, and the overall economic landscape in Namibia. The Act comes into effect from the beginning of the next financialyearforbothindividual and corporate taxpayers. For more detailed information, the full text of the Income Tax Amendment Act, 2024, is available in the GovernmentGazette.
N$4.4 Million Project Set to Light Up Swakop River Bridge
AtripartiteagreementfortheinstallationofstreetlightsalongtheSwakopRiver BridgewassignedthisWednesday,withatotalprojectinvestmentexceedingN$4.3 million.The agreement involves Erongo Red, the RoadsAuthority (RA), and the RoadFundAdministration(RFA).
Immanuel !Hanabeb, Chief Executive Officer of Erongo Red, announced that the projectwillincludethe installation of 24 streetlightsonthebridge, as well as additionalpolestoenhance illumination. He noted, “The bridge had railings, all of which have been removed, andwefacechallenges with both road and electrical infrastructureduetodamageand theft.” !Hanabeb emphasised the importance of community
awareness, stating that the resources usedformaintenance, rehabilitation, and repair of infrastructurecomefromfunds that could otherwise beusedforexpanding the country's network. He also mentioned that Erongo Redhasimplemented a joint development policy, allowing collaborationwithmunicipalities and agencies like the RFAand RA to co-finance infrastructure projects. He urged other
corporations to participate in investing in public infrastructure.Plansarealsoin place to install lighting at the Swakopmund Interchange Bridge, various flyover bridges on the DrHifikepunyeFreeway, and the Walvis Bay Airport Interchange. Ali Iipinge, CEO of the RFA, urged !Hanabeb to ensure the necessary technical support is provided for the promptinstallationof thelights.ConradLu-
tombi, CEO of the RA, expressed satisfaction with the collaborative agreement, stating, “We hope that installing streetlights at these interchanges will improve visibility and enhanceroadsafety.” He also raised concerns about vandalism of road infrastructure, including traffic signs and guardrails Lutombi urged regional leaderstoworktogether to combat these activities, stressing that theseassetsbelongto the community and the nation Erongo Red will contribute N$1 million, while the RFAand RAwill each contribute N$1.7 million to the project. Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope, highlighted the importance of street lighting for urban development. “For many, it provides a sense of security, makingourroadsand public spaces safer and more accessible at night,” he said. Itope added that the new lights will help reduce road accidents, deter criminal activity, and create a saferenvironmentfor pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, particularly benefiting localcommunities.
www. namibtimes.
Immanuel !Hanabeb, Chief Executive Officer of Erongo Red, Governor of Erongo Region Nevill;e André Itope, Ali Iipinge, CEO of the RFA, Manager of Engineering Services Clerence McClune and Conrad Lutombi, CEO of the RA seen during the signing of the tripartite agreement
Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari
RA Invites Mines to Collaborate on Crucial Road Infrastructure Upgrades
Conrad Lutombi, Chief Executive Officer of Roads Authority,hasextendedaninvitationtominingcompaniesnear Arandis to collaborate on vital road infrastructure upgrades,particularlyalongthebusyArandistoSwakopmund route.
"The mines will greatly benefit from improved access," he said and emphasised the need for publicprivate partnerships to enhance this criticalcorridor Lutombi highlighted significant developments in the ongoing constructionoftheDr Hifikepunye Pohamba Freeway, with the section extending to the Walvis Bay Interchange set for completion by mid-October This milestone will facilitate increased traffic flow in the region. "The contractor has also begun workonthecontinuation from the Walvis Bay Interchange to the Walvis Bay Traffic Circle by the Dunes Mall," Lutombi added He expressed the intention to complete the remaining 8 kilometers to ensure a seamless connection from the harbourtoWindhoek. Inadditiontothefreew a y, L u t o m b i announced progress on the Karibib/ Usakos road, where a consultant has been appointed to design theUsakostoArandis segment Plans are underway to extend the freeway by 10 kilometers from the Swakopmund Interchange Bridge to Arandis,transitioning into a two-plus-one road to facilitate smoothtrafficflow A consultant has also been secured for the detailed design of the Walvis Bay to Maltahöhe road. "This is a critical route," he remarked, "and while we await funding for
full upgrades, temporary enhancements are underway to improve safety and mobility" Lutombi also shared optimistic updates on the Swakop/ Henties Bay/Uis road, which is projected for
completion by next year As these projects advance, the Roads Authority encourages active participation from the mining sector to strengthen the region's infrastructure formutualbenefit.
National Oral Health Awareness Week Celebrated
TheNationalOralHealthAwarenessWeek,underthetheme“AHealthyMouthis aHealthyBody,”wasconductedatWalvisBaythisweek.
The focus was on educating and empowering communities with the knowledge and tools necessarytomaintainexcellentoralhealth.Inhis speech, which was presented in his absence, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula noted that oral diseases affect approximately 3.5 billion people worldwide, making it the most prevalent health condition globally He further stated that according to the 2010 the unmet treatment needs for 12 and 15year-olds stood at a staggering 88.7% and 89% respectively,withsimilarlyhighfiguresforadults aged 35-44. Minister Shangula said that in
response to the growing oral health problem, the government sent students to Cuba to study dentistryandall50ofthemhavereturnedandare now being inducted into the healthcare system. “As a government, we are committed to expanding oral healthcare services and making it more accessible. We are working diligently to increase funding for dental programmes, strengthen our workforce of dental professionals in undeserved areas and promote oral health educationinschoolsandcommunitiesalloverthe country,” the Minister concluded. The National OralHealthAwarenessWeekendstoday(Friday).
Sharlien Tjambari
Marshallino Beukes
Historic Southern Deserts Conference Held
in Walvis Bay
WalvisBaybecametheepicentreofglobaldesertresearchrecently,asithostedthe6thSouthern Deserts Conference. This landmark event marked the first time Namibia has welcomed an internationalgatheringofarchaeologistsandscientistsfromrelateddisciplines.
Theconferencebroughttogether62delegatesfrom14 different countries, making it a significant scholarly event in the country's history The Southern Deserts Conference is part of a continuing series of meetings thatbringtogetherexpertsfromthedesertsofAustralia,SouthAmerica,andsouthernAfrica.Namibia,with itsancientdesertlandscape,wasafittingvenueforthe event.TheNamibDesert,theworld'soldestdesert,has beeninhabitedbyhumansforoveramillionyears,far outdatingthedesertsofAustraliaandSouthAmerica. “Having Namibia host this conference was an incredible honour,” said Dr J Mina Han, of the Namib Desert Archaeological Survey, who helped organise theevent.“TheNamibDesertisnotonlyourhome,but oneofthemostsignificantdesertsintheworldinterms of human history and adaptation. It was the perfect backdrop for the groundbreaking research presented here.”Namibianinstitutionsplayedacrucialroleinthe event. The Namib Desert Archaeological Survey, which hosted the conference, welcomed participation from young, early-career Namibian archaeologists, alongside representatives from the National Museum of Namibia, the City of Windhoek Museum, and the NationalHeritageCouncil.Theseyoungprofessionals were provided a unique opportunity to network and collaborate with international researchers, thanks to support from the Namibia Chamber of Environment andtravelfundingfromtheWennerGrenFoundation forAnthropologicalResearch.“SupportingyoungarchaeologistsinNamibiaisoneofourcoremissions,”Dr Han emphasised. “This conference gave our young professionals a rare chance to interact with leaders in the field, and to discuss potential future projects, including internships with Australian research teams.” Overthecourseoffivedays,delegatesengagedin45 scholarlypresentations.Topicsrangedfromstudiesof ancient climates to human adaptation strategies in desert environments. Of particular note was research revealing long-distance trading networks that once linked distant desert regions, moving raw materials
andritualobjectsacrossvastlandscapes.Forthefirst time in the conference's history, a session was dedicated to exploring the impact of mining on desert landscapes, archaeology, and the cultural heritage of marginalisedcommunities.DrHannoted,“Oneofthe most important outcomes of this conference was the recognition of the increasing pressure on desert environmentsfromindustrieslikemining.It'svitalthat we work together, scientists, local communities, and governments—toprotecttheseuniquelandscapesand their cultural heritage.” One of the highlights of the event was a public lecture at the Swakopmund MuseumbyProfDavidThomasfromOxfordUniversity, focusing on the human history of the Kalahari and Namibdeserts.AuniqueexhibitionofNamibDesert landscape paintings and portraits by local artist Jacquie Tarr also captivated attendees, while the Swakopmunder Buchhandlung offered a pop-up bookshop featuring desert literature by Namibian authors and researchers. The Southern Deserts 6 conference was a major success, especially for Namibian archaeologists, who now have increased opportunities for collaboration and internships with Australiandesertresearchprojects.
The high quality of the research pre-sentations has laid the foundation for a forthcoming book on desert studies, expected to be published in the next year “The research presented here will serve as a benchmarkfordesertstudiesinthecomingyears,”DrHan added. “We're looking forward to sharing the results withaglobalaudiencethroughourupcomingbook.”
Looking ahead, the Southern Deserts Con-ference is settomoveacrosstheAtlantic,withthenextmeeting likelytotakeplaceinChileorArgentinainfouryears' time.Thisinternationalgatheringconti-nuestofoster critical research on desert environments and the cultural heritage of desert peoples around the world. For more information or interviews with Namibian participants, please contact Dr J Mina Han of the NamibDesertArchaeologicalSurvey
Grootbek op Vrydag
Môre gaan die son weer skyn...
Daar word wêreldwyd na September as die “selfmoord-maand”verwys. Wanneer uit 'n geestelike oogpunt beskou word, kan hierdie benaming, “selfmoord-maand” as 'n vloek op die ganse mensdom beskouword.
Nietemin,depressieisindiemeeste gevalle die oorsaak van selfmoord en baie min weet hoe om dit te hanteer, beide die slagoffers en die naasbestaandes. Gewoonlik is die tekens al lank voor die tyd daar, maar onkunde maak ons blind om dit raak te sien. Die glimlag waarmeepersonedaaglikshulganggaan isdalknet'nmaskeromaldieinnerlike storms weg te steek. Baie keer probeer mense met selfmoordgedagtes uitreik en wil net met iemand gesels, maar niemand is daar om te luister nie, want ons almal se lewens is so gejaagd dat ons nie tyd vir ons medemens het nie. Net 'n paar minute se liefde en aandagen'nsimpatiekeoormagdie verskil tussen lewe en dood wees. Hierdie maand is die globale selfmoordvoorkoming en -bewusmakingsmaand.Komdatonsdusag op dit slaan en tyd maak vir ons naastessodatonsniemôremetself-
verwyt,traneenonbeantwoordevrae sitnie.
Aan diegene wie dalk vandag op moedverloorsevlaktesit,nie'nliggie aandieeindevandietonnelsienskyn nie en selfmoord as die enigste opsie sien–ditisgeenopsienie.Moenietou opgooinie,solankjyasemhaalisdaar hoop en waar hoop is is daar lewe. Onthou, wanneer die nag op sy donkersteis,isdagbreekbaienaby Moenie al daardie negatiewe gevoelensopkropnie,reikuit,praatmet iemand en die moontlikheid is baie groot dat jy dan 'n ander perspektief gaan kry Nog iets, niks is vir ons HemelseVader onmoontlik nie, geen probleemisvirHomtegrootomopte losnie.Dus,indiendaarniemandisna wie jy kan uitreik nie, onthou dat Hy altyddaarisenjounooitgaanversaak nie.Ditallesisdalkmaklikergesêas gedaan,maarbytvas,drukdeur,moenietouopgooinie...môregaandieson weerskyn...
Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff
Eben Stampe Wins Peace Poster Competition
ThispastTuesday,EbenStampefromPro-EdAkademiewasawardedthegrand prizeintheannualPeacePosterCompetition,organisedbyLionsInternational. His poster will represent Namibia in the district competition in South Africa laterthisyear.
Dear Swakopmund residents, please be informed that Einstein and Edison Streets will be closed from 6:00AM to 12:00 PM on September 21st and 22nd for the FNB Seawork Coastal Classic.Athletes will also be active on the D1984 and portions of the C28, so please be courteous and vigilant.
Lions International hosts the Peace Poster Competition globally each year, with participants from various regions. This year's theme is Peace Without Limits," " encouraging learners to create posters that reflect the world's infinite potential for kindness.JonathanWilsnach,PresidentoftheLionsClubSwakopmund,explained thatStampe'swinningposterwilladvancetothedistrictcompetitioninCapeTown, where it will compete against entries from the Western Cape, Northern Cape, and Namibia. The winner of this round will then progress to the multi-district competition,involvingparticipantsfromLesotho,Eswatini,andtherestofSouthern Africa.Ultimately,theglobalwinnerwillbeannouncedinChicago,withaprizeof USD5000.MarthaSwartofDenuStationers,whosponsoredtheprizes,notedthe remarkabletalentofthelearners,whichpromptedherdecisiontorecognisenotjust onebutsixwinners,includingtheoverallchampionheadingtoSouthAfrica.Outof 80entriesfromvariousprimaryschoolsinSwakopmund,sixwinnerswereselected: ElipasuWanyangafromNamibPrimarySchool,SimeonShinyengafromTamariskia Primary School, and Owen Ngonga, Dene Jacobs, and Mia Marx, all from Pro-Ed Akademie,joinedEbenStampeinreceivingawards.Swartpraisedtheparticipants, "bravoforwhatyouhavedone!You'vedoneagreatjob,andIseemassivepotentialin you all. Continue pursuing this hobby." For over three decades, Lions clubs worldwidehavesponsoredthisuniqueartcontest,allowingchildrentoexpresstheir visionsofpeaceandinspireothersthroughcreativity
EbenStampeofProEdAkademieoverallwinnerofthepostercompetition isseenwithMarthaSwartofDenuStationersandJonathanWilsnachthe PresidentoftheLionsSwakopmund.
(Left to right) Jonathan Wilsnach (President of the Lions Club Swakopmund), Simeon Shinyenga, Elipasu Wanyanga, Owen Ngonga, DeneJacobs,MiaMarx,andMarthaSwart,withEbenStampeseatedas theoverallwinnerofthePeacePosterCompetition.
Onthe11thofSeptember2024,inKleinWindhoekNamibia–NeurasWines,oneof Namibia's most distinguished wineries, was thrilled to announce its Double Gold victoryattheMichelangeloInternationalWineAwards2024foritssignatureNeuras RubyDessertWine.Thisexceptionalrecognitionhighlightsthewinery'scommitment to producing world-class wines that reflect the unique character of Namibia's desert landscape.
The Michelangelo International WineAwards 2024, one of the most esteemed wine competitionsintheSouthernHemisphere,isjudgedbyaninternationalpanelofwine experts.Competingagainstthousandsofentriesfromacrosstheglobe,NeurasWines hasproventhatNamibiaisarisingstarontheglobalwinestage.“Wearehonouredto receive this Double Gold award,” said Dr Rudie van Vuuren – Managing Director “NeurasWineandWildlifeEstatecomesaverylongwayandweareproudtosharethis achivementwithyou.Thisawardisatestamenttothehardworkanddedicationofnot onlyofourincredibleaward-winningwinemaker,BraamGericke,butalsoourentire Neurasteam.Thisdemonstratesthatourexclusivewinesareofoutstandingqualityand worthyofbeingexportedandenjoyedworldwide.”
TheNeurasRubyDessertWineisrenownedforitsrichcomplexity,creatingtheperfect blend with an elegant, velvety finish. Crafted from the vines of Neuras Wine and Wildlife Estate, where conservation and winemaking go hand in hand, this wine reflectsthearmoniousintegrationofnatureandcraftsmanship.
“WorkinginNamibiainadessertvineyardinthefarSouthofNamibiamademefallin lovewithwinealloveragain,”saidBraamGericke–WinemakeratNeuras.“Making wine in the dessert has its challenges, but that is exactly what keeps me motivate to producethebestNamibianwine.”
BorderingtheNaukluftParkintheNamibDesert,only80kmfromSossusvlei,Neuras Wine and Wildlife Estate contributes directly to the N/a'an ku sê Foundation by supportingwildlife,environmentalconservationandsocialupliftinginitiatives.Each bottle sold aids in the protection of Namibia's landscapes, protecting its wildlife and improvinglives,makingeverysipasteptowardsasustainablefuture.Ourvisionisto be change makers for sustainable good inAfrica.We inspire positive transformation and social upliftment. Conserve and protect our environment. Our transparent and inclusiveapproachensuresthatourinnovative,andresponsiblecommercialactivities benefitgenerationstocome.
Our Collectors Edition Neuras Wines are an exquisite tribute to our mission. This exclusive Harmony of Purpose collection features three exceptional wines: Namib Select, Directors Reserve, and Shiraz, each reflecting the beauty and resilience of Namibia. “By supporting our wines” said Gerhard Fourie – Sales and Marketing Director, “you contribute to our purpose of conserving Namibia's landscapes, protecting its wildlife, and supporting the people we work with through innovative sustainablecommercialactvities.”
This win underscores the potential of Namibian wines on a global scale and places NeurasWinesamongtheeliteofinternationalwinemakers.AsNamibiacontinuesto emerge as a premier wine destination, this award brings pride and recognition to the country'sthrivingwineindustry
This achievement highlights the superior caliber of our exclusive wines, making them ideal for international export and appreciation around the globe.
Established in the heart of Namibia's arid landscape, Neuras Wines is dedicated to producing distinctive, high-quality wines that embody the spirit of the desert.Theestateisalsoahubfor conservation, where winemaking and environmental preservation work side by side to create a uniqueexperienceforwinelovers and nature enthusiasts alike
Offeringluxurytorustic accommodation and unique activities, Neuras Wine and Wildlife Estate is a “must add to yourbucketlist”destination.
For more information, interviews, or to schedule a visit to Neuras Wine and Wildlife Estate, please contact: Gerhard Fourie, Sales and Marketing
D i r e c t o r , g e r h a r d @ naankuse.com
Photo: Sonja Hoth
Dr. Rudi van Vuuren Photo: Contributed
Consent Use: Accommodation Establishment (Bed &Breakfast)
In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that we, Stewart Planning, intend to apply to theWalvis Bay Municipality for permission to establish an Accommodation Establishment (Bed andBreakfast)foramaximumof5bedrooms/unitson thesite–Erf416Meersig.
Plansmaybeinspected/particularsofthisapplication maybeobtainedatTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, RoadsandBuildingControl(TownPlanning),Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing,notlaterthanFriday18October2024. NameandaddressofCouncil/Applicant Manager:TownPlanning Section PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay E:townplanning @walvisbaycc.org.na
P.O.Box2095, WalvisBay
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear
below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Silvia. N. Ananias, PO Box 551, Lüderitz,Namibia.
2. Name of business or proposedbusinesstowhich application relates: Suru ChillandGrill
3 Address/location of premises to which appli-
ShiftingSandsherewithintendstoapplytothe SwakopmundMunicipalCouncilforthe“Special Consent”tooperatea“shop”onthepremisesofErf 3963,SwakopmundExtension10(c/oEinstein& NewtonStreet)asprovidedforintermsofClause6of theSwakopmundZoningScheme.Detailsofwhich areobtainablefromtheGeneralManager: Engineering&PlanningServices.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuch applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting andwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,during normalbusinesshours.
th Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis:4 October 2024
ContactPerson:MrsB.Steenkamp,Cell:081228 1274E-mail:shiftingsands92@gmail.com
Or Mr.J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning),Tel:+264 (64)4104403
cation relates: Erf 4327, Kuruseb Street, Mondesa,Swakopmund
4. Nature and details of application: Special liquorLicence
5. Where application will belodged:Swakopmund
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 27 September2024.
7. Date of meeting Committeeatwhichapplication will be heard: - 13 Novem ber2024
Any objection or written submission in terms of section28inrelationtothe applicationmustbesentor delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the applicationwillbeheard.
Erf One Five Four cc herewith intends to apply to theSwakopmundMunicipalityCouncilfor“Special Council” for the internal alteration of parts of the ground floor of the building on Erf 154, Swakopmund (18 Nathanael Maxuilili Street) for residential purposes as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:Engineering&PlanningServices.
Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality, duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 11 October2024
Contact Person: MrsA. Wierenga, Cell: 081 124 6642,email:annelise.wierenga@gmail.com or MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel.+264(64)4104403
CONSENT: Flexibrain Private School ON ERF NO: 3559 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Narraville STREET
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have appliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayforpermission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Flexibrain Private School.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplication may be obtained atTown Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthis application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan4 October2024.
Miss U. Damens, PO Box 1727, Walvis Bay, email: uadamens@gmail.com
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners intendstoapply onbehalfofregisteredowner totheMunicipal Council ofWalvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board and the Environmental Commissioner for permission forthefollowing: ·RezoningofErf517WalvisBay(6SixthStreetEast)from “General Residential 1” (1:300m²) to “General Business” (Bulk2.0).
·Consenttoproceedwithdevelopmentwhiletherezoning isongoing, ·Deletionandalterationofredundanttitledeedconditions. and · Application foran Environmental Clearance Certificate fortheproposedrezoning.
The above rezoning and consent application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The rezoning of land from residentialtocommercialuseisalistedactivity,andanapplication for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in termsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct,2007.
Theerfisdevelopedwithadouble-storeyblockofflatsandthe usualoutbuildings.
Due to the growing demand for business accommodation in Walvis Bay and its proximity to the port and Namport Head Office the erf has been purchased by the applicant for the redevelopment of the flats to offices and supporting service areas,includingon-siteparking.
(a) the rezoning application lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building Control Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay situated at Civic Centre, Walvis Bayorcanbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects.
(b)PotentialinterestedandaffectedpartiesareinvitedtoregisterwithStewartPlanning,andanypersonhavingcommentsor objectionstotheapplication,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with theChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice.
(c) Registration and written comments or objections must be submittedbeforeoron17:00Friday18October2024.
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095, WalvisBay bruce@sp.com.na 064280770
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer
Municipalityof WalvisBay PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013229
In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Walvis Bay held at Walvis Bay CaseNo: 249/2024
In the matter between: Raysonic, InspectionTest& CertificationCC ExecutionCreditor and Simms Intergrated SolutionCC ExecutionDebtor In Execution of a Judgement granted by the Magistrate's CourtinWalvisBay on 3 July 2024, a sale in execution will be held on 4 October 2024 at 10:00 at Unit 11, Factory Park, c/o 10th Street East a n d G r a n d Avenue, Old IndustrialArea,Walvis Bay, Namibia, of the undermentioned movable property of the ExecutionDebtor: 1xMillerWelding MachineMIG &TIG
Terms “Voetstoots”: Cash to the highest bidder
Signed at Walvis Bayon2September 2024.
Sgd: GN SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER& ASSOCIATES LegalPractitioners forPlaintiff TheBusinessPark Officeno.3 83SamNujoma Avenue POBox1521 WalvisBay
For the year ended 30 June, Oryx Properties has continued its positive growth trajectory, providing a total return of 18.64%tounitholders.
For the year ended June 2024,thegroupreported a total comprehensive profit of N$384.8 million, a significant increase from N$190 9 millionin2023.Netproperty income rose to N$303.1 million from N$235.4 million, while basicearningsperlinked unit surged to 461.00 cents compared to 287.82centsin2023.
CEO Ben Jooste comments: "Oryx's performance highlights our strategic focus on growth and delivering sustainable value to our unitholders.Ourefforts to diversify our asset base geographically, enhance operational efficiency,managecosts and maintain strong and pro-active stakeholder and tenant relationships have been key in achievingtheseresults.”
Oryx's total portfolio value increased by N$1.072 billion or 35% to N$ 4.167 billion up from N$3.095 billion in 2023, driven by the acquisition of Dunes Mall and strategic investments across various propertysegments. Notably,theDunesMall acquisition, concluded in August 2023, has outperformed expectations, delivering an income return of 9.54% and a total return of 21 82% Commercial vacancy rates improved across the portfolio, decreasingfrom6.8%in 2023 to 4.2% in 2024, reflecting robust tenant retention and proactive engagement strategies.
The group's Croatian investment contributed significantlytodistributable income, achieving acashyieldof9.8%before finance cost and contributing17%ofdistributable income, demonstrating the success of Oryx's international diversification. Despite macroeconomic challenges, Oryx achieved a 27% increase in rental
operating income, reachingN$455million, with tenant collections averaging 99% The group's prudent financial management ensured continued strength, resulting in a distribution of 103.00 cents per unit, slightly lower than the previous year's 105.25 cents due to the one-month delay on the Dunes acquisition. Jooste remarked: "We are committed to sustaining long-term growth and enhancing shareholdervalue. While our distribution per unit saw a minor decline, our total distributions increased by 28%year-on-year
Looking ahead, we are focused on improving the quality of our earnings and maintaining a sustainable distribution
payout ratio." As Oryx looks forward, it remains
optimisticaboutNamibia's growth prospects and its abilitytomeetitstargetof achieving a fund size of N$4.5 billion and annual revenue of N$450 million by 2025 Despite anticipating short-term challenges, including national elections and global economic uncertainties, Oryx's robust strategy positions the group for continuedsuccess.
"We are well on track to meetourlong-termgoals,"
"Withasolidfoundationin placeandfavourablemarket sentiment, we are confident in our ability to drive future growth and deliver value to our unit holders."
The audited annual finan-
cialstatementsfortheyear ended30June,areavailable on the Company's w
https://oryxprop com/
Unregistered Occupants of Erven in Ext 40, 41 & 42, Swakopmund (DRC Wagdaar)
On 12 December 2023 under item 11.1.42 point (b) Counsil resolved as follows:
“That an advert be placed in the newspapers inviting unregistered occupants for registration within 30 days of the advert, and that the list be displayed in Wagdaar, failing which they forfeit the opportunity.”
The Municipal Council of Swakopmund invites unregistered residents who are allocated erven in Ext 40, 41 & 42, Swakopmund (Wagdaar) to visit the Housing Office for registration before 21October 2024 as listed below:
The above listed residents must visit the Municipal Head Office situated at the corner of Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund, Room B0-09 (Mr Charles Awaseb), Ground floor or Room B 0-12 (Mr Raurovandu Rukoro), Ground floor between 14:00 – 16:00 weekdays until Monday 21 October 2024.
Should any family member know the whereabouts of any listed resident please submit a letter stating such and proof where necessary (i.e. Deceased). Take note that NO claims via e-mail will be accepted. Claims must be made by delivering a hard copy to the above listed offices.
Only enquiries will be considered at the email address below
Enquiries: Mr CharlesAwaseb email: cawaseb@swkmun.com.na
Tel: 064-4104231 or
Enquiries: Mr Raurovandu Rukoro email: rrukoro@swkmun.com.na
Tel: 064-4104614
NOTICE NO: 86/2024
Photo right: Geographical CEO Ben Jooste
Ext 41, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
Ext 42, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
Ext 41, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
Ext 40, Swakopmund (Wagdaar)
NovaNam Group of Companies with its Walvis Bay-based operation invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following vacancies:
1. Assistant Financial Accountant
2. Quality Controllers x2 Applicants are invited to apply for the positions by visiting https://nieis.namibiaatwork.gov.na/
Enquiries: Mr Abraham Ignatius –Telephone +264 64 2730534
The closing date for applications is 04 October 2024 only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
BlackPearlDiscoveryToursccherewithintendsto applytotheSwakopmundMunicipalCouncilforthe “ResidentOccupationSpecialConsent”tooperate an onthepremisesofErf “administrativeoffice” 1636,Swakopmund(118AntonLubowskiAvenue)as providedforintermsofClause6oftheSwakopmund ZoningScheme.Detailsofwhichareobtainablefrom theGeneralManager:Engineering&Planning Services.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuch applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting andwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,during normalbusinesshours.
Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis: th4 October 2024
ContactPerson:Mrs Cell:081 MVorster, 8025861 E-mail:blackpearldiscovery@outlook.com
Or Mr.J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning),Tel:+264 (64)4104403
Notice is hereby given to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs), that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental ImpactAssessment Regulations (GN 30 of February 2012): Environmental ManagementAct, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007).
Activity: Waste oil management - collection, recycling and safe disposal
Location: Erf 3423 W, Circumferential Road. Light Industrial. Walvis Bay
Proponent: DICLAS Waste Oil Management cc
Description: Management of oil related waste, including tank cleaning and waste management related services to marine & offshore industrial sectors.
The need for a public meeting will be determined during consultation period and will be communicated to all registered I&APs.
All I&APs are hereby invited to register so they receive the background information document, and submit comments, questions or concerns in writing to. The last day to submit input is on or before 14 October 2024. Email: namxperts@gmail.com Mobile: +264813699088
CONSENT: Self Catering ON ERF NO: 101 DB Unit 18 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Dolphin Beach STREETNAME&NO:AtlanticDune. In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCatering.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 11 October 2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: PaulinaDalifilwa,POBox213,Swakopmund email:admin@perfectstay.org
CONSENT: Home Business/Salon ON ERF NO: 974W TOWNSHIP/ AREA:WalvisBaySTREETNAME&NO:111,NangoloMbumba.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:HomeBusiness/Salon.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan11October2024.
BreezeSpa,POBox3285,WalvisBay email:info.breezespa@gmail.com
CONSENT: Pre-School and Day Care Centre ONERFNO:7066TOWNSHIP/AREA:Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Himalaya Street.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Pre-School&DayCareCentre. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 11 October 2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: AnnaHaundjodjo,POBox62533,Katutura email:rebeccajudas@gmail.com
CONSENT: Coastwave Guesthouse (Self Cate-ring) ON ERF NO: 2552W TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: c/o 5thRoad.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an:Coastwave Guesthouse (SelfCate-ring).
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan11October2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: RichardJosiah,POBox2940,WalvisBay email:info@coastwavenam.com
CONSENT: Sprance Financial Services CC ON ERFNO: 5589 TOWNSHIP/AREA:WalvisBaySTREETNAME&NO:5589GaboroneStreet, Kuisebmond.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:SpranceFinancialServicesCC. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan4October2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:LoideMouhambaImbili, POBox7496,Kuisebmond,WalvisBay email:loideimbili@gmail.com
CONSENT: Day Care & After Care Center ON ERF NO: 4133 TOWNSHIP/AREA:FairwaysSTREETNAME&NO:MungandaStreet No.38.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:DayCare&AfterCareCenter Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan4October2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: C Grobler, P O Box 1106, WalvisBay email:cathleen2706@gmail.com
Geb. 12. Oktober 1938 gest. 8 September 2024
Alles hat seine Zeit, eine Zeit geboren zu werden und eine Zeit zu sterben, eine Zeit zu suchen, eine Zeit zu verlieren, eine Zeit zu lachen, eine Zeit zu weinen, eine Zeit zu reden, eine Zeit zu schweigen, eine Zeit beisammen zu sein, eine Zeit sich zu trennen.
(Bibelvers: Prediger Kapitel 3)
Bescheiden war dein Leben, fleissig deine Hand. Frieden hat Gott dir gegeben, ruhe sanft und habe Dank.
In Liebe und Dankbarkeit nehmen wir Abschied von unserer lieben Mutter, Schwiegermutter, Oma, Uroma und Ur-Uroma In stiller Trauer
Trauerfeier findet am 28. September 2024 um 10 Uhr statt in Huis Palms - Altersheim, Walfisch Bay
Deine Brigitte mit Kinder, Urenkel und Ur-urenkel
Hartmut und Janet
Wolfgang und Fredrun
Gudrun mit Kinder und Urenkel
Günther und Lala mit Kinder und Urenkel
The FOA, an equal opportunity employer, is inviting applications from exceptional, dynamic and self-motivated individuals for the position of Human Resources Manager, reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer This position is tenable for 5 years, and is renewable based on satisfactory performance.
Human Resources Manager: WALVIS BAY Paterson D4
Primary Function: The Human Resources Manager fosters a culture that promotes FOA values, diversity, equity, inclusion, continuous improvement, open communication, and employee satisfaction
Key Performance Areas:
❖Oversee the overall HR strategy, workplace planning and organisational development
❖Ensure compliance with labour laws and internal policies, regularly update and enforce HR policies
❖Manage employee relations, grievance procedures, and conflict resolutions to foster a conducive working environment
❖Oversee recruitment, selection and onboarding processes in line with organisational needs
❖Develop and implement performance management systems and facilitate organisational development initiatives
❖Administer employee compensation, benefits, and payroll activities efficiently and effectively.
❖Promote workplace SHEQ programs, ensuring a safe and productive working environment
❖Maintain HR records, generate reports, and provide inputs for strategic decisions.
Academic Qualifications: The ideal candidate must be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in human resources management or Industrial Psychology (NQF 7); minimum of 6 years of HR managerial experience; proficiency in office tools ((Outlook, Excel, Word, Zoom, Teams, etc); a valid driver’s license; high emotional intelligence and stress tolerance. A police clearance certificate not older than 2 months should also be presented on application.
Salary Package: The FOA offers a market related remuneration package in line with Public Enterprises Governance Act (PEGA) , Tier 2 remuneration guidelines
Interested people must send their written applications supported by detailed CV, certified copies of identity document and academic qualifications to: The Acting HR Manager, Fisheries Observer Agency, P O Box 2903, Walvis Bay, or hand delivered at the Fisheries Observer Agency, 1274w 1st street east
Enquiries should be addressed to the Acting HR Manager, Tel 064 219 500 No emailed or faxed applications will be accepted Closing date: 11 October, 2024 No
The Bachmus Coastal Marathon
Rudi Bowe
TheBachmusCoastalMarathonwillbehostedbyWalvisBayRoad RunnersandSwakopmundStriderson5Octoberalongthestunning WalvisBaycoastline.
Whether you're aiming for a 5km fun run or the full 42km marathon,there'sachallengeforeveryone.
This unforgettable race it also a qualifier for the 42km and 21.1kmTwoOceansandComradesMarathons.
Accordingtotheorganiserstherewillbewaterpointsatevery3 km along the route, Coke and water will be available at each water point. If possible, please bring your own water bottle to avoidunnecessarywaste.
Thecollectionofnumbers,E-tag,T-shirtcanbedoneonFriday,4 Octoberfrom16:00to20:00atWalvisBayPrivateSchool.
Start42km:6:00attheSwakopmundAthleticsStadiumnextto theDome.
Start21km: : angstrand 6 15L (ClosetoDaredevil)
Thereservedcut-offfinishtime: 42KM:6hours
The price giving will take place according to distance at WalvisBayPrivateSchoolatthefollowingtimes: 10kRun:10:00
HalfMarathon: :11 00
Rudi Bowe
The23rdeditionoftheFishEagleRallywilltakeplaceattheJanWilkenStadium inWalvisBayfromFriday,27SeptembertoSunday29September
This Epic Rally hosted by 1313 Mac's Familia Motorcycle Club is filled with excitement for young and old starts on Friday and will continue on Saturday with a motorcyclemassride,drags,foodstallsandacashbarwithlivebands,themotorcycle burnout king and a lot of fun and games with the crowning of Mr & Miss Fish Eagle 2024.ThefestivitieswillendonSunday9Octoberwithachurchservice.
Weekend Entry fee is N$250 and stand a chance to win N$20 000. Entry Fee for day visitorsFridayN$80&SaturdayN$100.
namib times Sport
The FNB Kudus powered their way to 46-27 win over the FNBWanderersintheNamibianRugbyUnion(NRU)inthe ReserveLeague finalclash at the HageGeingobStadium in WindhoekonSaturday,14September.
Skill and determination throughout the match saw Kudus with an impressive performance to bring the NRU Reserve League cub home KudusoutscoredWandererssixtriestofive, as they put Wanderers under immense pressure in the first half which saw them leading early, edging
ahead28-10atthebreak andthenpullingawayin the second half for the win Aston Mukwiilongo scored a hat-trick of tries to be crowned man of the match with Ja-Tamson van den Berg, Rayshawn Shoombe and Paulo Andrews scored one try each whilst youngster Michael Koopman played one of his best
games with a personal tally of 16 points, five conversions and two penalties FNB Wanderers are Namibia's WindhoekLagerRugby Premier League championsafterbeatingFNB Unam45-20inthefinal and Unam Bokkies overpowered Wanderers45-7towintheNRU Women'sfinal.
Photo: Rudi Bowe
WBMC at Gobabis Rally
Five coastal rally drivers from theWalvis Bay MotorClub (WBMC) competed in round fourof the Namibian National Rally Championship serieshostedlastweekendbyGobabisMotorClub(GMC)atGobabis.
WBMC rally drivers, Martin Zachary/Schoeman Anique, Greeff Pieter/Robinson Jean-Pierre, Bartsch Wildo/Fourie Raymond competed in the S Class with Werner Bartsch/ChristelFourieandLlwellynLoftieEaton/Damion Honniball in the CR Class. From the 16 entries, only 10 managedtofinishthe101,20kmrallyinandaroundGobabis. ZacharyMartinandhisnavigatorAniqueSchoemanAnique intheirVolkswagenPolo250scoopedtheS2-Classandcame secondoverallintheintheS-ClasswithPieterGreeffandhis navigatorJPRobinsonintheirToyotaCorollaAE111Sedan won the S1-Class and secured third overall whilst Wido Bartcsh and his navigator Raymond Fourie in their Volkswagen Polo, came second in the S2-Class and fourth overall. WernerBartschandhisnavigatorChristelFouriein arear-wheeldriveFordV6vehicleoranall-wheeldriveLand
Rover with a 210kW engine came third overall and Llwellyn LoftieEatonandhisnavigatorDamionHonniballwerefourthin the CR2-Class and fifth overall in the CR-Class. The rally however ended early for Rudie Bothma and his navigator JacquesBooysenastheyhadtostopafterthesecondoftenstages intheCR1-Class.
The overall results are as follows: S-Class: 1 Jaco Redelinghuys/Derek Jacobs (S4), 2. Zachary Martin/Anique Schoeman (S2), 3. Pieter Greeff/JP Robinson (S1), 3. Wido Bartcsh/Raymond Fourie (S2).CR Class: 1. Loic Bathfield and Johan Steyn (CR2), 2. Kritzinger and MP Pretorius (CR2), 3. Werner Bartsch/Christel Fourie (CR2), 4 Ekko Eisenberg/Horasio Rietz (CR1), 5 Llwellyn Loftie Eaton/Damion Honniball (CR2), 6. Chrizelda Engels/Ruan de Lange(Cr1).
Zachary Martin and his navigator Anique Schoeman Anique in their Volkswagen Polo 250
Pieter Greeff and his navigator JP Robinson in their Toyota Corolla AE111 Sedan
Wido Bartcsh and his navigator Raymond Fourie in their Volkswagen Polo
Werner Bartsch and his navigator Christel Fourie
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
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