4 oct namib times e-edition

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Wikus Oberholster Namport's longest serving employee and Namport Chief Executive, Andrew Kanime cuts the cake during the Namport 30-year anniversary celebrations

Robbery at Popular Walvis Bay Supermarket

A brazen armed robbery unfolded at a popular supermarketatWalvisBay,earlyWednesdaymorningthisweek, with three armed men making off with over N$313 000 in cash,alongwithacellphoneandcarkeys.


Namport Celebrates Three Decades

Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) celebrated three decades of milestones and memories that have shaped the port's legacy since 1994onMonday,30September.Thecelebrationstookplaceatthe PortinWalvisBayandalsoatthePortofLüderitzinthesouthover thepastweekend.

Namport's Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Kanime during the celebratory event reflected on Namport's achievements, saying the port's success is a collective achievement and would not have been possible withoutthegreatworkbyallwhohave cumulatively over the years contributed to the consummation of the mature institution. Kanime said, “it remainsimportantthatwecontinueto hold together as the Namport family and as one team as we continue to nurtureNamporttoanother30yearsof growth and prosperity I am therefore excitedaboutwhatthefutureholdsfor us.” According to him, since 1994, Namport'sassetbasegrewfromN$93 million to N$6.9 billion, whilst their staff compliment grew from 318 to 820. The revenue grew from N$57

milliontoN$1.7billionwiththeoperating profit increasing from N$14 million to N$650 million. During the same period the TEUs grew from 20 000 to 171 000 containers, having peakedat330000in2012andBlkand break-bulk cargo grew from 1.7 million tons to over 8 million tonnes per annum. “Looking ahead, we envision a further entrenchment of the growth andgreatpotentialwhichispresented by our Ports to serve our immediate Namibianmarketandbeyondintothe region,” Kanime said and continued, “as Namport navigates the complexitiesoftheglobalmaritimeindustry, it is imperative that we not only remain competitive players on the internationalstagebutalsocontribute

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The incident occurredaround6:04asthe victim, an employee and son of the owner of the supermarket, was preparing to depositthestore'scash. Warrant Officer Tashia FernandooftheErongo policereportedthatthe 30-year-old victim, was approached by the suspects while unlockingtheshop.“The suspects, all armed with pistols, suddenly

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Erongo Petroleum, a 100% Namibian-owned company will contracta10,500-cubeLiquidPetroleumGas(LPG)storagefacilityat acostofUS$27millionatFarm39inWalvisBay Phaseoneoftheterminalwillbeconstructedover16monthsandonce operational, Erongo Petroleum will not only serve the

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LPG Storage Facility to see the Light at Walvis Bay
· A Major Milestone for Namibia and the SADC Region
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

Armed Robbery

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appearedandthreatened the victim, demanding he hand over the bag of money,hiscellphone,and car keys,” Warrant OfficerFernandostated.Thesuspects,described as three male individuals, fled the scene in a grey Polo Sedan with a Swakopmund registration number The robbers managed to escape

with N$313 725.10 in cash, but fortunately, the victim's cell phone was later recovered Warrant Officer Fernando confirmed that thesuspectsremainunidentified. “The police are continuing their investigation, and we urgeanyonewithinformation to come forward,”shesaid. Authoritiesarerequesting that individuals

Fuel Prices Drop

withrelevantinformation contact Detective Warrant Officer Sibalatan Simataa at 081 437 7841 or Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu at 0812464757.

Thepolicearetreating this as a serious case andareseekingpublic assistance in tracking down the perpetrators ofthisarmedrobbery

Namport Celebrates

As of 2 October, drivers have enjoyed a significant drop in fuel prices.TheMinistryofMinesandEnergyannouncedthenewfuel prices as part of its monthly review, with a 100 cents per litre reductionforbothpetrolanddiesel.

ThecurrentfuelpricesinWalvisBayare-Petrol95: N$20.25perlitre; Diesel 50ppm:N$19.72perlitre; Diesel10ppm:N$19.82perlitre.Thispricereduction comes after a steady decline in global oil prices over the past few months.The slowdown in global economic activity, particularly in China, has reduced the demand for oil, pushing prices down. Additionally, the strengthening of the Namibia Dollar (NAD) against the US Dollar (USD) has made oil imports cheaper, contributing to lower fuel prices domestically The average price for Petrol95droppedtoUSD82.849perbarrel,down8.49%fromAugust.-Diesel 50ppmandDiesel10ppmpricesalsosawadecline,averagingaroundUSD82.8 perbarrel,downover9%.TheNamibiaDollarhasalsostrengthenedtoN$17.75 against the USD, compared to N$18.09 in August, making fuel imports less costly Despitethedropinfuelprices,therehasbeena25centsperlitreincrease inroadusercharges,from198centsto223centsperlitre,tosupportroadmaintenance across the country.Additionally, the Ministry introduced new weighted fuel transportation rates for delivering fuel from Walvis Bay to inland depots, replacingtheoldrailrates.Thesenewratesareabout21.9%higherthantheprevious ones, and while they aim to ensure fairer fuel transportation, they may resultinslightpricevariationsdependingonthelocation.TheMinistryishopeful that global market conditions will continue to improve, allowing for further stability in fuel prices. However, the exact prices may still vary in different regionsduetothecostofdeliveringfuel.Fornow,thefuelpricedecreasebrings much-needed relief to Namibians, especially with the rising cost of living and energyexpenses.

positively to Namibia's socio-economic landscape.” According to Kanime, this commitment requires of the company to continuously invest in state-of-the-art equipment, to streamline their processes,adoptinnovativelogisticsolutionsandfoster a culture of continuous improvement amongst their workforces. “Namport will collaborate with key stakeholders, including government bodies, privatesectorpartners,andinternationalinvestors, to ensure that these investments meet industry demands and regulatory standards. Notably, with theupcomingcommencementoftheconcessionof thenewcontainerterminal,thedredgingofthePort of Walvis Bay's entrance channel will be realised andthiswillrepresentaparadigmshiftinthevessel handling capacity and container volumes through putoftheport.”Kanimestatedthatwiththeconcession, they look forward to the significant ramp-up ofvolumes,anincreaseinbothvesselcallsandsize of the vessels. “This will be key in increasing our con-nectivity,competitivenessandattractivenessto cus-tomerslocallyandintheregion.”


The Port of Lüderitz was established in 1883, initiallyservingasakeyharbourforGermancolonial interestsinwhatwasthenknownasGermanSouthWestAfrica. It was referred to as “Lüderitzbucht” during its early years, named after the merchant

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AdolfLüderitz,whoplayedasignificantroleinits development. Theport'sstrategiclocationallowed it to facilitate trade routes between Europe and southernAfrica,particularlyforgoodssuchasdiamonds and copper In contrast, the Port of Walvis Bayhasaslightlydifferenthistory Itwasofficially declared a port in 1840 but had been used informallylongbeforethat. Initially referred to simply as “Walvis,” which means “whale” in Dutch, it served primarily as a whaling station before evolving into a significant commercial port. Its deep-water capabilities made itanideallocationforlargervessels,enhancingits importance over time. Although Namibia gained independence from South African rule in 1990, Walvis Bay only became part of Namibia in 1994 followingextensivenegotiationswithSouthAfrica which were led by our current president Dr Nangolo Mbumba. The reintegration of Walvis Bay intoNamibiaresultedintheestablishmentofNamportthroughanActofParliament,undertheleadershipofourfoundingPresident,HisExcellencyDr Sam Nujoma. This is how Namport was born and was hence mandated to manage and control all ports and lighthouses in Namibia, driven by a visiontoenhancemaritimetradeandensureefficient portoperations.

The Interim Managing Director of Namcor, Ebson Uangutasaidthedevelopmentwillnotonlysupport thediversificationoftheenergysectorbutalsoensure that Namibia is better positioned to meet the growing demand for clean, reliable and accessible energyfortheentireSADC Region.Uangutasaid, "therippleeffectsofsuchadvancementswillbefelt far beyond Walvis Bay and the Erongo Region, potentiallysettingthestageforanationwidesurge in development, industry and investment.” He addedthatLPG,asacleanerandmoreefficientfuel,is vitalforhouseholdsandindustriesalikeandstated, "as Namibia strives toward energy diversification and improved energy security, this project plays a criticalroleinaddressingenergypovertywhilesupportingourgreenenergyagenda."

Namibian market with liquefied petroleum gas but also supply to landlocked neighbouring countries, includingBotswana,Zimbabwe,andpartsofSouth Africa'sNorthernCapeprovince. This LPG storage facility will not only support the diversification of our energy sector but also ensure thatNamibiaisbetterpositionedtomeetthegrowingdemandforclean,reliable,andaccessibleenergyfortheentireSADCregion.Theterminal'sconstruction comes at a crucial time, as the SADC regionfacesapersistentshortageofbulkLPGstoragefacilities,leadingtosupplydisruptionsandhigherfuelcosts.TheLPGfacilityisexpectedtoalleviate these bottlenecks, ensuring a stable, more affordable supply of LPG for both domestic and industrial use across the region. Governor of the Erongo region, Neville Andre, said at the groundbreaking of the Erongo LPG Import Bulk Storage TerminalinWalvisBaythattheNamibianGovernmentthroughtheMinistryofMinesandEnergyand specificallytheDirectorateofPetroleumAffairsensuresthatthereisadequatesupplyofpetroleumproductstothenationandminimisethenegativeimpact ofpetroleumresourcesexploitationontheenvironment and contribute to the creation of value for society from petroleum activities and most importantlyaboutthesupplyanddistributionofpetroleum products throughout the country Andre said, “this landmarkprojectmarksamajoradvancementinthe supply of LPG across the country, enabling bulk distributionofLPGonascaleneverbeforeachieved inAfrica.ThisLPGStorageFacilityiscriticalinfrastructure that will support Namibia's long-term energysecurityanddevelopmentalambitions.” Andre stated that such investments in LPG infrastructure can greatly enhance the affordability and accessibility of clean cooking solutions, delivering substantial health, developmental and environmentalbenefitstotheregionandthecountryinparticular “This terminal will not only create job opportunities for our local community but also enhanceourregion'senergysecurityandcontributeto the overall economic prosperity of the Erongo Region,”Andresaid.

Chairman of Erongo Petroleum, Trevor Brockerhoff said that their vision was never limited to Namibiaalone.“Aspartofregionalintegration,this terminal will ensure energy security for Namibia, butmoreimportantly,itwillalsomeettheneedsof ourneighbours.”Brockerhoffsaid,“thisprojectisa step forward in fostering regional cooperation and ensuring a reliable, sustainable energy supply across the SADC region. Phase one will meet our immediatestorageneeds,butweplantoexpandas demandgrows,withthesupportofthemunicipality, to ensure we can accommodate the increasing energy requirements of the region.” Walvis Bay Mayor,TrevinoForbessaidtheconstructionofthis state-of-the-art terminal will be instrumental in meeting Namibia's growing demand for LPG and serving the needs of neighbouring countries and regions.

Forbes said, “this terminal, with its substantial storage capacity, will ensure that the nation can accommodate current and future demands, paving the way for efficient supply chains and reliable access to energy resources.” He added that the economic implications are profound, and the construction phase will create numerous jobs, stimulating local economies, and providing training opportunitiesforskilledlabour

LPG Storage Facility to see the Light at Walvis Bay
Eileen van der Schyff

State-of-the-art Medical Centre for Karibib

QKR Navachab Gold Mine announced plans to construct a state-of-the-art medicalcentreinKaribibtoaddresscriticalhealthcareneedsidentifiedthrough comprehensivecommunityconsultations.

This development for the Karibib community will be built on a 5 5-hectare plot of land donated by the town council. About N$10millionhasbeen earmarkedforthefirst phase of the facility, which will be donated to the government uponcompletion. Through a rigorous needsassessmentconducted in collaboration with stakeholders like the Karibib Town Councilandthehealth ministry, the necessity for an enhanced healthcare facility became apparent The projectthatisexpected to be completed in

three phases will redefine healthcare accessibility in Karibib and its environs.Servicesatthe medical centre will rangefromtraumacare, rehabilitation, imaging, maternity, orthopaedics and psychiatric services.

The Chief Executive Officer of QKR Navachab Gold Mine, George Botshiwe said that this project is part of the mine's broader community development initiatives. Botshiwe said, “we have a duty of care to ensure that the resources we provide are applied for the optimal benefit of the community In

addition to the medical centre,weareinvolved in projects such as the electrification of informal settlements, constructionofclassrooms and traffic line upgrades, as well as the construction of a mortuary at Otjimbingwe. Navachabiscommitted to national, regional andlocaldevelopment. This medical centre is just one example of how we aim to leave a lasting impact on the community, ensuring thatevenafterouroperations end, the community continues to thrive”. Public Relations Officer of QKR Navachab Gold Mine,

Venus Oil Find Elevates Namibia's Energy Status

As reported by Africa Oil Week (AOW): Investing in AfricanEnergy,thediscoveryofwhatcouldbetheworld's largest-ever deep-water oil find by TotalEnergies has sparkedwidespreadexcitementinNamibia.

According to industry reports, the Venus discovery is being hailed as a “game-changer,” with estimates indicating that the discovery holds at least 1 billion barrels of recoverable oil. For decades, Namibia's energy landscape has been dominated by exploration, with no commercial productionachieved.

However, since 2022, several giant discoveries have shifted the narrative, transforming Namibiaintoa“globalexploration hot spot,” asreportedbyAOW

Of these discoveries, Venus stands out as potentially the largest, surpassing all expectations in terms of its recoverable resources Despite the optimism, the discoveriesareyetto undergo full appraisal, which will be vital in determining their commercial feasibility “Issues such as permeability, gas/oil ratio, and reservoir quality need to be addressed,” as reported by industry sources. The appraisal process will not only gauge the commercial viability but

alsoassesswhetherthe gas from the deepwater discoveries can be utilised in the development of this massiveresource. Shoulditbedeveloped, Venus could become thedeepestoffshoreoil developmentinhistory

However, challenges remain, including a dispute over access to diamond-rich land around Lüderitz, as well as concerns over the proposed pipeline from BW Energy's Kudu project, which also needs to be addressed. Namibia has significantpotentialfor future exploration and development.AsreportedbyAOW:Investing in African Energy, the national oil company, NAMCOR, operates several offshore exploration blocks and holds a massive 230 000 square kilometres oflicensedacreage.By comparison, Norway, an established oil producer,haslessthan100 000 square kilometres of licensed territory

However, Namibia's offshore area remains largelyunder-explored, withonly20deepwater wells drilled to date, a stark contrast to the thousandsinareassuch as the North Sea or the Gulf of Mexico. To addressthisimbalance, Namibia is making

McLyn Kasale, said the project is currently still in the preparatory phase, with geotechnical assessmentscompleted. Surveyingandarchitectural design processes areunderway,whichare expected to be completed and finalised by the endofMay “Theideais not to replicate the services offered by the existing clinic or the Usakos Hospital. The intention is to build a facility that will attend to the special needs of communities nationwide,” Kasale explained.

Kasalesaidthemedical centre represents a cor-

nerstone of Navachab's corporate social investment strategy, which prioritises six key pillars: infrastructure, education, health, entrepreneurship/job creation, safety and security and adhocsupport. Kasale stated, “currently, we don't even have an X-ray facility,

andonlybasicmaternal services and medicine dispensing are available The new centre will include a pharmacy,traumaunit, maternity ward and an operating theatre

Given Karibib's location along two major corridors, the medical centre will also be equipped to handle

roadaccidentvictims. Accorging to Kasale they are waiting for government approval tomoveahead,asthey need to factor the centre into their budget “The final phase will include housingfornursesand doctors on site,” he said.

movestobolsteritsoil and gas sector, transitioning from exploration to production. NAMCOR, for instance, has ambitious plans to expand beyond exploration into downstream and sustainable sectors, including hydrogen and synthetic fuels

The company's approach has been described as “investorfriendly,” with favourablefiscaltermsaimed at attracting further investment As reported by AOW, concerning Namibia's Venus discovery, there are still many questions to be answered about the technical challenges and commercial viability, the discovery has placed Namibia in a different leagueandelevatedits status as a global player in the energy industry With appraisal processes underway and plans for development taking shape, the Venus find could be the catalyst that finally transitions Namibiafromanation ofexplorationtooneof significant oil production.

Source: Africa Oil Week (AOW): Investing in African Energy

Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff

Pensioenaris in Trane Nadat Verloofde Haar Glo Rot en Kaal Besteel

'n Hoogs ontstelde 67-jarige dame het Namib Times in trane gekontak en haar ongelukkigheid rakende 'n diefstal klag (CR 16/03/2019) teen haar gewese verloofde, wat al vyf jaar gelede aanhangig gemaak was, en nou nog sloer, uitgespreek.

Volgens haar (naam weerhou) het haar verloofde (55) haar gedurende 2019 rot enkaalbesteel. Meubels, klere, elektriese toebehore en ander huishoudelike items met 'n gesamentlike waarde van ongeveer N$90 000 was glo die buit. Sy het toe 'n saak van diefstal teen hom gaan maak. Die polisie by die Kuisebmond stasie in Walvisbaai het vereis dat sy bewyse van eienaarskap moet toon, met bewyse van die items se waarde ook. Sy moes glo na Windhoek reis, aangesiensydieitemsin die hoofstad gekoop het. Volgens haar het sy daarin geslaag om bewyse vir sommige van die gesteelde itemsteverkryendit

so by die polisie ingedien. Die beskuldigde, haar toe verloofde van 15 jaar, is blykbaar ingeroep,maargeenarrestasiewasuitgevoernie. Sy en die beskuldigde het volgens haar ooreengekom dat hy die waarde van die gesteelde goedere in paaiemente sou terugbetaal, maarvirdievyfjaarhet hy glo nog net 2 paaiemente van N$700 aan haar gestuur Dit is een van die hoofredes waarom sy hierdie jaar besluit het om die saak optevolg.

In Walvisbaai aangekom, is sy glo eers van bakboordnastuurboord deur polisiebeamptes gestuurvoordatsyingelig is dat die saak gedurende 2021 deur die ProkureurGeneraalvan die hand gewys is aangesiendaarniegenoegsame bewyse was nie.

“Hoe kan hulle wil sê daar was nie bewyse nie? Ek het dan baie moeitesgedoenomalles watekkonkryvirhulle te gee en die man (beskuldigde) het so te sê voor die polisie skuld erken.Onshetdandaardie tyd saam met die polisie van my goed gaan teruggekry by die plekke waar hy dit verkoop het,” vra die pensioenaris. Sy dui ook aandatsyvirdievyfjaar nooitvansoietsdeurdie ondersoekbeampte in kennis gestel was nie. Sy is gedurende hierdie maand deur Hoofinspekteur Ileni Shapumbaadviseeromdiesaak te heropen en dit is gedoennadatsyeersweer van bakboord na stuurboord gestuur was, sê sy Senior Inspekteur Judith Shomongula het gister (Donderdag) aan Namib Times bevestig dat die saak wel weer geregistreer is en dat daaropdiePGsebeslis-

sing gewag word Shomongula het ook aangeduidat,indiendie klaer ongelukkig voel oordienswatdiepolisie gelewer het, daar kanaleiswatsymagvolg om 'n amptelike klag te open. Intussen is die pensioenaris, wie aangedui het dat sy 'n kankerlyer is en nie aan enige stres blootgestel mag word nieintrane,ennoemdat sy alle vertroue in die polisiemag verloor het. “Ek is 'n ou, sieklike mens, maar sommige vanhullehetmysoos'n niks behandel en 'gejy' en 'jou' net soos hulle lus voel. Ek moes die afgelopetweewekemet my voete stap na die polisiestasie, want daar isnieelkedagtaxigeld nie. Ek is moeg, ek is moeg, ek kan nie meer nie! Hoekom moet hulle my so behandel,” het sy in 'n stortvloed vantraneuitgebars.


CornerstoneMedicalPracticeherewithintendstoapply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, for “medical and health services consulting” on the premises of Erf 5542,Swakopmund(AgulhasStreet)asprovidedforin termsofClause6oftheSwakopmundZoningScheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.

Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.

th Closing date for objections or comments is: 25 October2024

Contactperson:DrIOfunne,Cell:0814880980 Email:drfresh.o@gmail.com Or

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)

Grootbek op Vrydag Pensieongeldjies, Dopgeldjies?

Hierdie week glimlag die staatstoelae-mensiesweervan oor tot oor, want dit is pensioen-tyd vir Namibiese landsburgers, noord van sestig (en ander begunstigdes).

Dit is altyd 'n riem onder die hart om waar te neem hoedat pensioenarisse (diemeerderheidvanhulle)heeleerste hul munisipale rekeninge gaan betaal met die paar dollars wat goedgunstelik, maandeliks deur die landsregeringaanhulletoegestaanword.

Ditmaakniesaakofdieeet-endrinkgoedjies dalk bietjie skraaps gaan weesnie,nee,ouma/oupagaanbetaal heeleerstediewaterrekening.Hoedat baie van ons pensioenarisse wie geen ander vorm van inkomstehetnieoorleef,is'nopevraag.

Ongelukkig is daar ook van die stout oumas en oupas, wie nie die versoeking van 'n stywe dop of die dobbelmasjiene se klokkies kan weerstaan nie. Dit is hartseerlik om pensioenarisse op pensioen-dag slingerend dronk op straat te sien, met die alomteenwoordige jongspan wat agterna sleep, want hulle “pas vir ouma/oupa op.”

Hierdieisegter'nandertipe“oppas,” want wanneer die son sak is ouma en oupa se gô lankal uit en dan is die jeugdiges katjie van die baan met die oorblywendepensioengeldjies.

Môreoggend wanneer oupa en ouma weer hulself is kan daar geen verslag

gegee word oor hoekom daar dan nie kos in die huis is nie, of geen elek-trisiteit gekoop was nie. Nou moetoumaenoupamaarweervan voorafzulaomdiepotaandiekook tehoutotvolgendepensioen-dag. Gelukkig is hierdie gevalle in die mindere, met die meerderheid van ons ouer garde wie baie verantwoordelik met hul sentjies werk. Dobbelverslawingisnetso'ngroot euwelonderonsoumensiesenwas al die ondergang van baie, maar hoor is 'n storie. Kinders en kleinkinders, al is ouma en oupa mos maarhardkoppig,komdatonsprobeeromhulleopregoptepasennie virhulpensioengeldjiesnie. Inteendeel,onsmoetnaregverantwoordelikheid neem om daardie karrige maandelikse toelae aan te vulsodatoupaenoumaniedeurdie maandhoeftezulanieenrustighul oudag kan geniet. Oupa en Ouma, onsweetjullehetjulselfvironsen hierdielandafgesloofenverdien'n onspanningkie, maar as daar dan nou moet 'n glasie geklink word, hou matigheid voor oë en vermy

Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes

Buco Open Deure in Swakopmund

BUCO Hardware & Building Materials het hierdie week hul deure in Swakopmund oopgemaak en volgens die bestuurder van hierdiesplinternuwetak,DeWetVanNiekerk ishybaiepositiefenvanmeningdathierdiedie regtestapindieregterigtingis.

Bucospognoumetsewetakkedwarsoordieland, vier in die Noorde, twee by die kus en een in Windhoek Altesaam 24 werknemers is verantwoordelik om die bal aan die rol te hou by dieSwakopmund-tak,enVanNiekerkduiaandat vyf van hulle nuwe aanstellings is Die entoesiastieseVanNiekerkisookvanmeningdat met al die ander soortgelyke besighede in Swakopmund, die kompetisie baie gesond is. Hy het voorts aangevoer dat hul Timbercity afdeling gereed is om top gehalte houtwerk-dienste aan al kliënte te bied. Buco doen ook beramings van kliëntesebouplanne,vanfondasietotdak,enhul wye reeks van produkte maak voorsiening vir elkeensebehoeftes.Hullebeloofookdatsouhulle dalknieietshetnie,hulle'nplangaanmaakomdit te kry Met hul afleweringsdienste en selfs 'n koffie-winkel waar kliënte rustig 'n koppie koffie kan geniet, is dit duidelik dat Buco besigheid bedoelendieekstramylvirhulkliëntegaan.

De Wet Van Niekerk - Bestuurder Swakopmund tak

Historic Maiden Visit of the Portuguese Naval Vessel

The Portuguese Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) Viana do Castelo made its maidenvisittothePortofWalvisBay.

This vessel conducting courtesy visits across the African continent to nations with historical connections to Portugal, thereby reinforcing the strong diplomatic and trade relationships that exist. During this occasion, Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes paid a courtesy visit aboard the vessel. NamportPortCaptain,LukasKufunaengagedinaceremonialexchangeofcrestswiththe captain of the vessel. This act symbolises the friendshipandcollaborationbetweenNamibiaand Portugal.“Thiseventhighlightstheimportanceof traderelationsbetweenNamibiaandPortugaland reflectsourcommitmenttofosteringinternational partnerships.AsaPortAuthority,welookforward toenhancingtraderelationsthecountriesandexploringnewopportunitiesforcollaborationacross themaritimeandothereconomicsectors.”

The Portuguese Ambassador to Namibia, Rui Carmosaidthevisitofthe“IniciativaMarAberto 2024”,thenavyshipNRPVianadoCastelo,tothe port of Walvis Bay is a great opportunity for the PortugueseandNamibiangovernments.TheNRP Viana do Castelo commanded by Frigate Captain Ricardo José Sá Granja and has a total of 57

military personnel on board, including a security teamofMarines,ateamofsapperdiversandateam operating non-aircraft systems departed on 21 AugustfromtheLisbonNavalBaseforthemission "Iniciativa MarAberto 2024" that will last around fourmonthsalongtheAfricancoast,andisplanned to visit 10 countries, including all PortuguesespeakingAfrican countries. Sá Granja said, “The departure ceremony of "Iniciativa Mar Aberto 2024", from Portugal was presided over by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Gouveia e Melo, who praised the relevance of the Navy's presence in the South Atlantic, having mentioned ontheoccasionthat"the"OpenSea2024Initiative" inAfricaisrelevanttoPortugal,forEuropeandfor NATO.Inthedomainofthenavaldiplomacyactivities and the foreign policy support, within the framework of "Iniciativa Mar Aberto 2024", the Portuguese Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) VianadoCastelodockedatthePortofWalvisBay” SáGranjasaid.

While the ship was moored at the Port of Walvis Bayitwasopenforpublicvisits.

The Portuguese Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) Viana do Castelo"Iniciativa Mar Aberto 2024", at the Port of Walvis Bay
Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes paid a courtesy visit aboard the vessel
Namport Port Captain Lukas Kufuna engaged in a ceremonial exchange of crests with the Viana do Castelo commanded by Frigate Captain Ricardo José Sá Granja
Rudi Bowe

German Nationals Open Their Hearts to Pre School

Debmarine Namibia Donates 129 Mattresses to Aid Hostels in //Kharas Region

Twocommunityhostelsinthe//KharasRegionhavereceived a generous donation of 129 mattresses, aimed at improving thelivingconditionsofstudents.

Theseschoolsoperate in economically disadvantaged areas, wherethegovernment struggles to provide sufficientsupport.

The local economy largely depends on small-scale livestock farming, which has beenseverelyaffected by ongoing droughts. Manyfamiliesarefindingitdifficulttofeed their children under these harsh conditions.

The two community hostels that benefited fromthisdonationare

JA Kahuika and |Khūta!hoas Community Hostels, both locatedintheBerseba Constituency

Upon receiving the

donation, the Governor of //Kharas, Honourable Aletha Frederick, expressed gratitude, saying,“Wearegrateful, we appreciate, and we believe that this sponsorship will definitely make a difference in the students'performance.”

TheGovernoralsourged the community to take responsibility for the donated items to ensure theybenefitthestudents foralongtimeandallow other communities to benefit as well Last year, Debmarine Namibiasponsoredcomputers and other training equipmentattheWomen ActionforDevelopment Centre in Keetmanshoop, and we recognise that the company is

doing its best to extend supporttootherregions. She encouraged the school and community to take care of the sponsored items, which include mattresses, fitted sheets, cutlery, crockery, and food items, valued at over N$160 000. The Chairperson of the Debmarine Namibia Social Investment Committee, Stella Ipinge, officially handed over the donation to the two communityhostels.

The school principal of |Khūta!hoas Primary School could not contain his excitement, noting that the school is the most remote in the region, situated 75 km from Berseba, with a

particularly challenging road. He described the donation as a blessing for the learners accommodated in the hostel, adding that while the communityhasdoneits best to provide for the learners, this sponsorship has greatly easedtheburden.

SelinaDiStefanoandLauraKiel,whois fromGermanyandcurrentlytravelling throughNamibia,recentlydonatedstationery and books to Dwergieland PrePrimary School at St Peters Catholic ChurchinNarraville,WalvisBay. The Parish Council of Church thanked Stefano and Kiel for opening their hearts to the delighted children and Teachers at theschool.Theyalsothankedparishioner MsBrandyGoliathfortherolesheplayed inthedonation.

Fish Eagle Rally Demonstrates Strength and Unity

Closeto300bikersparticipatedinthe23rdeditionoftheFishEagleRallyhostedby1313Mac'sFamiliaWalvisBayoverthepastweekend atWalvisBay.

The 23rd Fish Eagle Rally,withover800gate entries over the three days demonstrated the strength and unity from hundreds of motorcycle enthusiasts and riders fromalloverthecountry and southernAfrica. The Fish Eagle Rally, the largest motorcycle rally in Namibia kicked off

with the Barrel Rumble on Friday night. Bikers who passed were also honoured at the event. Saturday saw the bikers participating in a mass ride through Walvis Bay from the Jan Wilken Stadium to the Diaz Circle, where the drags kicked off The party continued with various

Rest in Peace

competitions, and on Sunday the event concluded with a church service.According to the President of 1313 Mac's Familia Walvis Bay

Rainie Mostert, it was a fantastic day filled with great energy, camaraderie, and support from bikers, enthusiasts, and local community mem-


To Gina, Emma and Tiaan, we extend our sincerest condolences

Marek and Hannelore Hrywniak with Management and Personnel


atmosphere was electric as everyone came togethertoenjoytheride, connect with fellow motorcycle lovers, and support the charities we arepassionateabout.The rallywasn'tjustafunday ontheroad,italsoserved as a fundraising event, and thanks to the incredible support, we were able to raise significant contributions for various charities, which we will announce very soon.” He added that the local businesses

and vendors who participated, added a special touch to the day, offering everything from food to merchandise, which helped create an all-around enjoyable experience “We are incredibly grateful to everyone who contributed to making this event a success, from the sponsors and volunteers totheparticipants.



Beste Party Animals (Tafel 13) – Mac's


Lady Biker of the day –BabsieNel

BravestBiker–Riaanvan Wyk


Coolest Bike – Gerhard Swarts

Best represented club –CCRidersWindhoek


Cruisers Class A


Open Class B – Lucian






Tourers Class F – Chris vanZyl–time11:16

Stunt / Wheelie King –JohanOosthuizen

Burnout King – Rudi Carstens

Doughnut Queen – Lisa Jacobs



The Bikers that received Patches and President Badges are from left to right Rainie Mostert Mac's Familia Walvis Bay, Cornelius Steenkamp Mac's Familia Windhoek, Helvi Amukwa, Theo Cookson and Vice President Freddie van der Merwe Mac's Familia Walvis Bay
Mr and Miss Fish Eagle Claus Peters and Marelize Steenkamp
Lucky Draw Winner Maria Horn
Best represented club – CC Riders Windhoek
Beste Party Animals (Tafel 13) Mac's Familia Windhoek
Rudi Bowe

NamibianJiuJitsuteamwoneightgold,threesliver,andthreebronzemedalsand secured an overall 3rd place at the AJP Tour South Africa National Jiu-Jitsu Championship held on 28 and 29 September at Camps Bay High School, Cape Town,SouthAfrica.

This year the championshipssaw257JiuJitsu athletes from 21 countries that competed for top honours andaplaceattheAbuDhabi World Jiu-jitsu Championship from 8 to 11 May 2024 at the MubadalaArena,Abu Dhabi, UAE. The Namibianteamconsisted of four Jiu-Jitsu student from Sylvio Behring Association Namibia (SBAN) in Walvis Bay and fourteen from the Z1 JiuJitsu Academy Namibia in Windhoek Namibia's team was very successful with someathleteshavinga 100% submission rate inthetournament.The team was well prepared and faced some difficult matches, but our athletes were able

to overturn the table to come out at the top with some quailed for the Abu-Dhabi World

Jiu-jitsu Championship Namibian Jiu-Jitsu athlete from the Sylvio Behring Association Namibia (SBAN)inWalvisBay, Giano 'Six Seconds'

Alcock (Ranked numberoneinNamibia and 10th in Africa) from the Sylvio Behring Association Namibia in Walvis Bay won gold in the Youth Men'sGI/Blue/55kg category and Nivano Alcocksecuredasilver medal with Lochlan Mckay won bronze whilst Lorcan Mckay ended fourth, seven student from the Z1 Jiu-Jitsu Academy Namibia in Windhoek won gold whilst two

won silver and two bronzeattherecentAJP Tournament in South Africa.ThePresidentof the Namibian Kickboxing Federation, AnitaDeKlerksaidthat the Namibian team's success at the championship highlights the growing talent and competitivespiritwithin the country's JiuJitsu community

“Their achievements not only bring pride to Namibia but also inspirefuturegenerations of martial artists ”

According to her, the event was a celebration of skill, sportsmanship, andinternationalcamaraderie, with athletes from various regions coming together to compete at the highest level. “The Namibian Kickboxing Federa-

tion, which played a crucial role in organisingandsupportingthe athletes, continues to promote the sport and provide opportunities for athletes to excel on the international stage,” De Klerk said. The medal winners are:


Ingram Van HeerdenGold





Afra-Maya SchultzGold

John-Marshall Klazen -Gold



TertiaCoelho-Silver Lochlan Mckaybronze


Janro LampretchBronze


The18thSAIMSAGamesConcludes onaHigh

The 18th Southern African Inter-Municipal Sports Association (SAIMSA) Games, that concluded last Friday inWalvis Bay, were not justaboutfiercecompetitionandshowcasingathleticprowess.

This grand sporting eventissettoplayasignificantroleinboosting tourism in at the Namibian coastal towns, captivatingtheattention of sports enthusiasts and adventure seekers fromaroundtheregion. Walvis Bay's sporting culture and passion for athleticswasonfulldisplay This international event highlighted the harbour towns commitment to sports excellence, drawing attention to the nation's sporting infrastructure, talent,andcommitment to nurturing athletic achievement. The SAIMSAGamesprovidean opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in Namibia's natural beauty at the coast Hosting a major international sporting event necessitates significant investments in infrastructure, including transportation, accommodation, and event

venues. The SAIMSA Games brought an influxofvisitorstoboth thetownsofWalvisBay and Swakopmund, stimulating economic growth and supporting local businesses. Tourism related sectors, including hospitality, transportation, retail, and dining, witnessed an increased demand, generating employment opportunities and economic prosperity By hosting the SAIMSA Games, the coastal towns, Walvis bay and Swakopmund gain significant global exposure. The extensive media coverage and international participation will showcase coastal towns appeal to a broad audience. This exposure created a lasting impressions and inspire travellers to explore the coasts unique offerings, creating a positive ripple effect on tourism

long after the event concludes The Vice President of SAIMSA and President of NALASRA, Daniel 'Dampies' Mouton said that the games is not meant just for socialising,butitismeantfor creating a spirit of friendship, Goodwill and recreation amongst municipalities in the SADCregion. Mouton said, “it also seeks to create an environment that will promote exchangeandsharingof ideas between the members of local and SADC associations thus fostering the efforts to promote South to South cooperation ” Mouton stated that by hosting the 18th SAIMSA games shows that he and the local organising committee are capable tohostanyeventbigor smallinNamibia.

Coastal road Swakopmund to Walvis Bay. We kindly request that you consider driving the alternative route (behind Dune 7) between Swakopmund Walvis Bay during this time, & to ensure a safe event for all runners.

Gold medallist Giano 'Six Seconds' Alcock and Silver medallist Nivano Alcock from Sylvio Behring Association Namibia in Walvis
medallist Lochlan Mckay from Sylvio Behring Association Namibia in Walvis
The medal winners of the Z1 Jiu-Jitsu Academy Namibia in Windhoek
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

namib times Sport


Sparta United Rugby Club IS the champion of the coastal round of the Ongos Valley SevenshostedbySimonisStormDolphinRugbyClubincollaborationwiththeNamibia RugbyUnion(NRU),OngosValleyandFNBWesternSuburbsRugbyClub.

The Ongos Valley Sevens and Day of Dolphin tournaments were a resounding success with fast-paced, action-packed sevens rugby between 8 first division clubs and 7 premier division clubs and 12 Netball teams first Day of Dolphin Netball tournament at the Vineta Central Stadium in Swakopmund last Saturday Sparta beat Okahandja Highlanders22–17inthefirst division final of the Ongos Valley Sevens whilst Unam defeated Rehoboth Rugby Club 35–14 in the premier division final of Day of Dolphin. Sparta United NetballClubemergedas theNetballchampionsof the first Day of Dolphin Netball tournament Sparta United Rugby player Angelo Pamplin was the MVPof the day The Coastal Ongos Valley Rugby Sevens Dream Team consisting of Leandro Zeelie, Jade Visagie, Denilo feris, Bevin kotzee, Bradley Gawanab, Bradon Seister, Jayden Haidula, Angelo Pamplin and Robert Simbo from Sparta United Rugby ClubinWalvisBaywith Timothy Coleman, Vaino Gamatham and Jayden Haidula from Oceance Rugby Club in Walvis Bay and Hitji-

tevil Tjerere from Highlanders in Okahandja whilst Daniel Bock from Sparta United Rugby Club selected as the coach will represent the coast at the third and final leg of the competition Kudus, Dolphins and Coastal Ongos Valley Sevens Dream Team will be in action at the final leg of the Ongos Valley Sevens, set for toda,y Friday 4 and Saturday, 5 October, at Hage Geingob Stadium inWindhoek. Thefixturesforthefinal round of the Ongos ValleySevens:

1. 9:20 Wanderers vs WesternSuburbs

2 9:40 Rehoboth vs RehoFalcon

3 10:00 United vs Dolphin

4.10:20KharasAllStars vssErongoAllStars

5 10:40 Unam vs Grootfontein

6 11:00 Western SuburbsvsRehoFalcon

7 11:20 United vs Kudus

8. 11:40 Rehoboth vs KharasAllStars

9. 12:00 Wanderers vs ErongoAllStars 10 12:20 Unam vs Dolphin 11 12:40 Kudus vs Grootfontein

12 13:20 Western Suburbs vs Erongo All Stars

13. 13:40 Wanderers vs

RehoFalcon 14 14:00 United vs Grootfontein

15 14:20 Unam vs Kudus

16. 14:40 Rehoboth vs WesternSuburbs

17. 15:00 Wanderers vs KharasAllStars



19. 15:40 Reho Falcon vsErongoAllStars

20 16:00 United vs Unam

21. 16:20 Wanderers vs Rehoboth

22 16:40 Western Suburbs vs Kharas All Stars

23 17:00 Kudus vs Dolphin

24. 17:20 Rehoboth vs ErongoAllStars 25. 17:40 Reho Falcon vsKharasAllStars

26. 18:20 Women vs WomenWomen 27 18:40 Combined Log1vsCombinedLog 4PremSF1

28 19:00 Combined Log2vsCombinedLog 3PremSF2

29. 19:20 Women vs WomenWomen

30.20:00WinnerSF1vs WinnerSF2PremFinal

Logpointsonindividual log divided by number ofmatchesplayedbythe team multiply by maximum number of matches any team can play(whichis5).

GroupA Wanderers WesternSuburbs






United Unam




The scores for the day wereasfollows:

FirstDivision: Oceans19–5Vipers

Okahandja Highlanders 0–22Sparta Okahandja Highlanders 22–5Oceans Oceans5–26Sparta Sparta26–7Vipers Vipers 0–29 Okahandja Highlanders


Dolphin I 10–12


Kudus II 48–7 Dolphin II

Rehoboth 17–15 Reho





Reho Falcon 44–10



Dolphin II 38–7


Suburbs 12–31 Reho


Dolphin I 12–24



Rehoboth 15–12


Reho Falcon 12–33 Kudus

Sparta United Rugby Club the champions of the coastal round of the Ongos Valley Sevens
Sparta United Netball Club the Netball champions of the first Day of Dolphin Netball tournament.
the MVP of the day Angelo Pamplin Sparta United Rugby
The Coastal Ongos Valley Rugby Sevens Dream Team
Rudi Bowe

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