03 july namib times e edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6765 TUESDAY 3 JULY 2018 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Biggest Cocaine Bust in Namibian History

General of Police calls for a stiff sentence for Noble and Azahr


Daisy needs a ride

Floris Steenkamp

The Inspector-General of the Namibian Police, LieutenantGeneral Sebastian Ndeitunga, calls upon on the judiciary to seek a stiff prison sentence for Grant Noble (36) and Dinath Azahr (62) who was arrested last month following a drug bust in the port of Walvis Bay involving 412kg of cocaine. General Ndeitunga, accompanied by other senior police officials, visited Walvis Bay yesterday to convey his personal appreciation to officials from several Government departments for this astronomic drug arrest. At a function at a local hotel the General for the first time shed more light on the operation of 15 June in the port of Walvis Bay where a shipping container was intercepted in which 412kg of cocaine valued at a whopping N$206 million was stashed. The Namibian authorities was tipped off about the consignment of cocaine destined for Wa l v i s B a y i n March this year. By April the Namibian Police, Customs and Excise and Namport Port Security Services were ready to react.

On 9 June the container was discharged from the container ship Amanda in the port of Walvis Bay. A meticulously planned period followed during which the container was placed under surveillance and monitored by the Police, Customs and Namport Security. A few days later Noble and Azahr arrived to clear and remove the container from Namport’s premises. The container was moved to the Namibian Police’s port police station where the container was opened. A sniffer dog soon discovered the cocaine hidden in boxes that was marked as photocopy paper. In fact, there were ten pallets of copy paper in the container and one of the pallets had the hidden stashes of cocaine on it. After samples were gathered and sent to a forensic laboratory. The tests confirmed

the substance to be cocaine powder. Noble and Azahr were arrested and already made a first appearance in the Walvis Bay magistrates court on charges relating to cocaine trafficking. “The most difficult part now lies ahead”, General Ndeitunga told members of the Police, Customs and Namport who were at the function yesterday. Adding the difficult part lies in the technical issues to conduct a proper investigation and to present evidence which would lead to a prosecution. General Ndeitunga also confirmed the investigation is still ongoing, as there are other individuals who are implicated in this huge cocaine bust, but who are in hiding. “I don’t want to interfere or prescribe to our country’s courts, but I call upon the judiciary to pass a very stiff sentence”, Lt-General Ndeitunga said.

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Council Agenda goes electronic

Grant Noble and Dinath Azahr before a magistrate on Monday 18 June. A police investigation is ongoing, as there must be more individuals involved in the smuggling of this huge consignment of cocaine. Both Noble and Azahr remain in custody, in order to prevent the flow of information to their cronies who are still in hiding

Namibia needs more police sniffer dogs

Page 5

Swakop SME Mini Expo launched

Page 7

Lions to Brazil Report on page 2

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3 JULY 2018

Namport developing anti- terrorism policy

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Namport serious about protecting Namibia’s borders The Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) is developing a policy to put structure in place to combat terrorism. This was confirmed yesterday by the Chief Executive Officer of Namport, Mr Bisey Uirab. Mr Uirab addressed officials of the Namibian Police, Customs and Port Security Services during an occasion to thank them for their efforts which led to Namibia’s biggest cocaine bust in its history in the port of Walvis Bay on 15 June this year. Uirab said Namport as the custodian of Namibian ports understands the obligation to do its part in keeping the country’s borders safe. The port of Walvis Bay is also a key component of several transport corridors to neighbouring countries which can play a vital role in the proliferation of terrorism if not controlled properly. Hence the need to develop a policy which can serve as the basis to put systems and structures in place to proactively engage the rise of terrorism in Southern Africa.

Calls for the acquisition and training of sniffer dogs in the fight against drug trafficking Namport’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Bisey Uirab yesterday called upon the Namibian authorities to step up efforts to acquire and train police sniffer dogs. That is after the successful cocaine bust in the the Namibian Police, Customs and Excise and port of Walvis Bay on 15 June this year in which Namport Security Services who worked relenta police sniffer dog within minutes located lessly since March this year to keep the con412kg of cocaine, hidden in a cargo container tainer under surveillance and which ultimately resulted in the arrest of two people who came to that originated from Brazil. Mr Uirab referred to a Memorandum of Under- collect the container after it was discharged stand (MoU) signed some years ago between days earlier from the cargo ship Amanda D. Namport and the Namibian Police which paved Earlier at the same occasion the Inspectorthe way for the establishment of a fully func- General of the Namibian Police, Lt.-Gen Sebastional police station on the premises of the port tian Ndeitunga echoed these sentiments and called for the acquisition and training of sniffer of Walvis Bay. “When this MoU was signed the parties under- dogs for all ports of entry into Namibia which took among others to acquire and train four include all land-based border posts, airports and seaports. sniffer dogs. We did this at a cost of N$300 000. Today we enjoy the fruits of this investment, as ·Sniffer dogs are not only effective in combating one dog on 15 June located the cocaine in the drug trafficking. These dogs can also be trained freight container valued at N$209 million”, said to detect explosives and ammunition, the Mr Uirab. He made these remarks yesterday at a location of human remains and the tracking of function in Walvis Bay to commend officials of criminal suspects during police pursuits.

Sharlien Tjambari Cell: 081 169 2123 sharlien@namibtimes.net Melba Chipepo Kaure Cell: 081 553 4914 melbachipepo@gmailcom

PRO-PRINT WALVIS BAY 064-205854 e-book edition @ http://issuu.com/ namibtimes www.namibtimes.net

Lt.-Gen Ndeitunga

Mr Bisey Uirab

3 JULY 2018


Media Release

CRAN Sets The Record Straight

Head: Legal Advice, Emilia Nghikembua

The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) herewith sets the record straight that the allegations circulating on social media alleging that CRAN has not type approved the devices recently issued to the members of parliament is false and therefore misleading.

In terms of section 80 of the Communications Act (No. 8 of 2009), CRAN issued type approval certification (No) TA-2018/5359) on 16 April to Huawei Telecommunications Technologies Namibia (Pty) Ltd for the specific devices issued to members of parliament recently. Such information is public information and therefore can be verified/obtained at our offices. The Authority continues to ensure type approval of all telecommunications devices sold in Namibia, to protect consumers and members of the public from harm, to ensure their safety and that such equipment does interference with electronic communications networks. For further clarity or questions in this regard, please contact legal@cran.na.


Rescued penguin needs transport Eileen van der Schyff

The penguin was under nourished and covered in oil. After a good cleaning and getting her strength back, Daisy the penguin's rehabilitation has come to an end and she is now ready to be released into the sea again. She needs to be transported to Lüderitz for that next big step in her life. Mr Booman and Dr Dantu, who has a halfway house for penguins in Swakopmund, rescued Daisy at Tiger Reef on 10 June this year. The penguin was under nourished and covered in oil. After a good cleaning to get rid of all the oil on her body and good nourishment consisting of good fish, she gained back her strength and is ready to be set free. Maike Lohmann from Hansa Hotel Reservations has been visiting Daisy regularly and donated fish for her to enjoy. “We are now urgently looking for transport, either by air or by road for Daisy to Lüderitz where she will be reintroduced into the wild.” Lohmann explained to the namib times yesterday. Daisy is an African Penguin, also known as a Jack Ass Penguin, because of the

donkey-like noise they make. Maike Lohmann can be contacted at reservations, Hansa Hotel: Tel: +264 64 414200, should you be able to play a part in the releasing of Daisy.


3 JULY 2018

Court Walvis Bay Court report Gain Bofelo (31), Monika Shevanyenga (32), Trespassing. (September 2016) Accused 1 was found guilty. Fine amount of N$1 000 or 30 days imprisonment. Accused 2 was found guilty. Fine amount of N$1 000 or 30 days imprisonment. Underage boy (15), Two counts of housebreaking and theft. (August 2017) Released in the care of a guardian. Matter is postponed to 24 July 2018. Julie Lorenzo (39), Drunk driving. (December 2017) Sentenced. Under age boy (17), Theft from a car which was properly locked. Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. (January 2018) The accused was placed into the care of a guardian. Paulus Nashilongo (22), Theft. (January 2018) The accused was warned to appear in court on 24 July 2018. Under age boy (17), (January 2018) The accused was placed in the care of a

guardian and warned to appear in court on the 24 July 2018. Cloete Hero (19), Theft. (January 2018) Matter is postponed to 24 July 2018. Barlemeus Nanub (33), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm.(May 2018) Matter is postponed to 30 July 2018. Underage boy (17), Maliscious damage of property. (June 2018) The accused remains in a place of safety and the matter is postponed to 19 Septermber 2018. Underage boy (17), Rape (March 2017) Case withdrawn against the accused. Titus Benhard (23), Robbery (June 2018) Matter is postponed to 2 July 2018. Jeremy Nambahu (20), Housebreaking with the intent to steal. (August 2017) At large. Warrant of arrest issued. Demetius Udjombala (44), Reckless or negligent driving (August 2017) The accused was found guilty. Fine amount of N$3 000 or 2 months imprisonment. Alvanus Amupolo (19) Theft. (March 2018) Matter is postponed to19 September 2018.

“Namibia’s borders are porous - gangs use modern communication devices”

The Inspector-General of the Namibian Police Lt.-General Sebastian Ndeitunga yesterday in Walvis Bay said Namibia’s borders to all neighbouring countries remain porous. This means there are vast areas people can cross the borders into the country on foot and even by vehicle. Organised crime gangs use these porous borders to smuggle drugs. These gangs also use normal communication technology like cell phones to coordinate their cross border smuggling activities. Lt.-General Ndeitunga urged all the relevant Namibian authorities to work together to fight cross border smuggling activities and for the authorities to pursue the acquisition of enhanced technology to stay ahead of the techniques applied by these criminal gangs.

Similar cocaine bust made in port of Santos in Brazil where the Namibian consignment of cocaine originated from.........

The shipment of the 412kg of cocaine destined for Namibia originated in the port of Santos in Brazil. Brazil is the hub for cocaine trafficking to Europe, West Africa and South Africa. Cocaine is produced in neighboring Colombia, Bolivia and Peru and smuggled by small planes, trucks and boats via the vast Amazon river system to Brazil. Cargo ships seem to be the preferred platform to smuggle cocaine to Europe. This is clear from the biggest cocaine bust in the port of Santos’ history which took place on 23 March this year. A total of 2 052 kilograms of cocaine were seized at the Guaruja wharf of the port of Santos. The drugs were concealed in three containers hidden among legally declared shipments of coffee, sugar and soy, according to the Brazilian media. The containers were to be loaded on the cargo ship Cap San Marco, destined for Hamburg in Germany, Le Havre in France and Algeeiras in Spain. The shipment of cocaine discovered in Walvis Bay which originated from Santos incidentally also became Namibia’s biggest cocaine bust in history. Cocaine smuggled to West Africa and South Africa from Brazil are mostly smuggled via airlines into Europe, according to a 2017 report on international drug trafficking by the US Department of State.

The cargo ship Amanda D which discharged the container stashed with cocaine to Walvis Bay. Inspector-General Sebastian Ndeitunga yesterday said should the container with drugs were confiscated aboard the ship, the ship owners would have risked the vessel be confiscated and made the property of the Namibian Government under the Namibian Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA).

Cocaine powder among top 4 smuggled Statistics show that cannabis, Mandrax, cocaine powder and the drug Ecstacy are the most commonly smuggled drugs in Namibia. Although Namibia was for many years known mainly as a transit-country for drugs, the use of these drugs by Namibians are on the increase and is becoming a major concern. During the period January 2017 to June 2018, a total of 35 suspects were arrested at border posts for drug smuggling. The total value of the drugs confiscated was set at N$215 million. The majority of those arrested were Namibians, South Africans, Angolans, Swaziland nationals, Zambians and Malawians, according to the Inspector-General of the Namibian Police, Lt.-Gen Sebastian Ndeitunga. General Ndeitunga provided the above information yesterday at a function in Walvis Bay where officials of Nampol, Customs and Excise and Namport Security Services were com-mended for their action which led to the discovery of 412kg of cocaine in a shipping container in the port of Walvis Bay on 15 June this year. Two people were arrested and more arrests are expected, according to Lt.-Gen Ndeitunga.

Cocaine powder

3 JULY 2018



DRC community access to ICT literacy Sharlien Tjambari

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture launched the DRC informal settlement ICT Project on Friday, 29 June in Swakopmund.

Council Agenda goes electronic Sharlien Tjambari

The Swakopmund Council will no longer have a hard copy Council Agenda at the council meetings as usual because they are trying to reduce production costs and find a way of cutting its budget. This was announced at the council meeting last week Thursday, 28 June. The Mayor of Swakopmund, Pauline Nashilundo announced that the council will soon be distributing the Council Agenda electronically and that would tremendously cut production costs. The implementations of the paperless Agenda will be executed in the following manner: the Agenda will be distributed electronically to councillors and staff members, the Agenda for the public will be made available after each meeting on the Facebook page of the council and Swakopmund Municipal website, the public will be provided with the index and a document link to download the document during the meeting. “Of course, it is expected that there might be teething problems in the initial stages, however, all shortcomings will be addressed speedily”, said Nashilundo.

The project aims to introduce basic computer skills to the community of DRC and selected adult learners. According to the Director of Education in Erongo region John /Awaseb, the use of ICT has the potential to enhance quality of life as it will aid beneficiaries to received information, seeks jobs online and find better paying jobs as they would be competent in computer skills. “The new information technologies are bound to separate the haves and the haves not and the DRC ICT project serves to bridge this digital divide”. The Mayor of Swakopmund Pauline Nashilundo said, getting a proper education is very important, it develops people's personalities and promotes the feeling of physical, mental and social well-being by providing a better life. She further said: “these people will be able to keep up with the development of technologies. Community technology centres are good investments because these centres address both resource and programmatic needs and it provides communities with access to computer equipment, software and the internet”. Uaripi Katjiukua, an Information Officer at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology stated that there are a few challenges they are faced with this project. They have

limited resources, only four computers available for the whole DRC settlement. Another challenge will be having inspired and committed members who will be able and willing to sit for a duration of three months to complete the course. Katjiukua also informed the community that the theoretical part of the course will be taking place at Hanganeni Primary school while the theoretical part will be at the information centre at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology's regional office. During the three months the community will be introduced to windows, hardware, software, internet banking, online security, etc. The DRC informal settlement ICT project is not based in the DRC, it is taking place in the MICT regional office and it is for the people of DRC. According to /Awaseb the initiation will go a long way in providing Lifelong Learning that will include other informal settlements within the Erongo region in the future. Adult illiteracy could be a contributing factor in social ills poverty, HIV/AIDS, Domestic violence and child abuse in informal settlements. It is imperative to empower and emancipate the community with basic skills in ICT.

3 JULY 2018


Unusual cargo item exported through the port of Walvis Bay

This statue of a rhino, carved out of an eight tons block of marble from the Karibib district, was exported from Namibia to Austria through the port of Walvis Bay last week. The statue was carved by the French sculptor GÊ Pellini at the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre and was originally meant to be auctioned off to raise funds for the Namibia Professional Hunters Association’s project Hunters United Against Poaching Trust (HUAP Trust). The auction saw no successful bids for the life size statue, but an Austrian art collector seized the opportunity and purchased the statue for N$865 000 (30 000 Euros). The collector wishes to remain anonymous. The statue was discharged in the port of Hamburg in Germany and is currently transported to its new permanent home in Austria. (On the picture: the statue on display in Windhoek)

Tuesday 3 July Low Tide: 02:02 High Tide: 06:15 Low Tide: 12:09 High Tide: 18:46 Wednesday 4 July Low Tide: 00:45 High Tide: 06:57 Low Tide: 12:50 High Tide: 19:29

Thursday 5 July Low Tide: 01:37 High Tide: 07:48 Low Tide: 13:41 High Tide: 20:22 Friday 6 July Low Tide: 02:40 High Tide: 08:51 Low Tide: 14:45 High Tide: 21:25

Port Log

3 JULY 2018



Nampol Erongo grateful to Hydroweld

Eileen van der Schyff

Nampol Erongo wants to thank Hydroweld Walvis Bay CC for reconditioning the canopies of four Police vans. The canopies were very much rusted and in a terrible condition. Two pick ups from Tutaleni, one from Henties Bay and one from Kuisebmond got their canopies redone. Pictured herewith is the crew who worked on these canopies.

Swakopmund SME Mini Expo launched

Sharlien Tjambari

On Friday, 29 June a media launch for the first ever Swakopmund SME (Small, Medium Enterprises) Mini Expo 2018 took place in the Infinity Lounge in Swakopmund. The purpose of the expo is to empower SME's in Namibia. The Swakopmund SME Mini Expo will take place from 27-29 September at the Multipurpose centre and it caters specifically small and medium enterprises who manufacture, design or has created a Namibian Product or has invested their talents in their own diverse service industry. Nangula Nashandi, the young mind behind this mini expo said that there will be many expos taking place in Namibia during the year, but unfortunately they cater for the mass corporate and private companies/organisations that have massive budgets. “Our expo is crucial and only focuses on the SME's that are continuously contributing to the economy and aren't seen in the limelight”, Nashandi further said. In a speech read on his behalf by his Special Advisor Mrs Adelheid Kandjala, the Governor of Erongo region Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua said: “Erongo region is a region with so many resources and opportunities, a region of growth and development and this mini expo is evident that our SME is also a driving force and vehicle towards the growth of the economy”. According to Mutjavikua, the SME Mini Expo will be a platform for many business owners to view the potential Namibians have, and create

possible business relationships or even a great product/ service for Namibia. The governor calls upon SME's in Swakopmund to make use of this opportunity, an opportunity towards possible future partnerships and for SME's to collectively upgrade their businesses. An estimate of 150 stalls is expected to register at a minimum charge of N$500 only. The expo is open to the public at no charge. All proceeds from the

expo will be used to organise an annual expo as a token of giving back to the community. There will also be a fundraising gala dinner on 21 August this year. Regis-tration for stalls have already started and will be closed on 21 August. All SME's registered with the Ministry of Trade and Industry are advised to register for the expo in order to show their products to the rest of the world.

(Ltr): The Deputy Mayor of Swakopmund Councillor Maria Elago, Nangula Nashandi, Special Advisor Mrs Adelheid Kandjala, Kennedy Liswani, Sarah-Lee Elago and Rauna Shipunda, community Development Officer at Swakopmund Municipality


3 JULY 2018

Readers letter

N$2 million budget for CCTV cameras Walvis Bay Mayor Clr Alderman Immanuel Wilfried confirmed this week the Walvis Bay municipality is prepared to contribute to the fight against crime by providing a capital budget for the acquisition of security cameras at strategic positions across the harbour town. Clr Wilfried called upon residents, though not to sit idle and wait for projects like these to be proactive in the fight against crime. He gave local neighbourhood watches and a vigilance to report suspicious or criminal activities as examples how the public can assist. “It is high-time for our communities to become bolder than the criminals by regenerating neighbourhood watch groups and other methods to get rid of criminals. Let us look out for one another and report any suspicious behaviour to the law-enforcement agencies. As Council, we also hope to contribute to fight crime through the provision of CCTV-cameras in strategic places”, Clr Wilfried stated in his statement during the Ordinary Monthly Council Meeting on Tuesday night. Also on Wednesday night the Chairperson of the Management Committee of the Walvis Bay town council, Clr Samson Nghilumbwa, in his Budget Speech confirmed a portion of council's N$41 million budget for community and social projects will be spent towards the installation of CCTV cameras across Walvis Bay to boost the fight against crime. An official after the meeting said the budget for cameras would be around N$2 million. The time frame for the implementation of the project could, however, not be confirmed. Denise Van Bergen Wouldn't it be more cost effective to simply increase in street patrols by the local police force? Sterjos Stergiadis I think one needs both. Cameras will be useless to capture a crime and nothing will happen to the criminals. Need people on the street. Michael Stabler Put wipers on all cams for winter season lol. Hannelie Schoonbee When the cameras are monitored from a single control room

and any suspicious activities or persons is identified and police and NWW informed.... can make a big difference. Manpower on the ground is simply not enough.... people does not want to get invol. Benhard Mbongora Naweseb No, we want to sit and stamp papers. Chao-lin Ma Cameras gonna be stolen first. Nazeema Brenner Surveilance cameras is evidence in court.

Water rates increase by 11 %, Property rates to increase by 10% Property owners in Walvis Bay can expect a property rates and taxes increase of 10 % on the value of their land and a further 10 % on improvements [buildings] for the 2018/19 financial year. In addition, consumers will also pay 11 % more for water and related services. These announcements were made on Tuesday at the tabling of the Municipality of Walvis Bay's Budget for the new financial year. According to the Chairperson of Council's management committee, Clr Samson Nghilumbwa, in his budget speech, the local authority of Walvis Bay expects to generate a revenue of N$491 million in the 2018/19 financial year. The anticipated expenditure is set at N$491,5 million, therefore a revenue shortfall of N$500 000. “About 78 % of the total estimated revenues are obtained from water and related services, property rates and taxes, refuse removal rates as well as sewer service rates”, explained Clr Nghilumbwa. Hence the proposed increase of 11% in water supply and related services rates, 10 % on site values and 10% on improvement values of sites. The budget awaits final endorsement from the Minister of Urban and Rural Development. Gadija Brenner Sad reality is u have no say j moet maar kak en betaal. Hala Catoz Does money grow on trees? Jiaying Du hehehe. They thought so. Ross Junior For swapo it grows on the fingers of non-swapo supporters. Ross Junior Thank you SWAPO for your cowardliness and corruption we get the picture.

Kauna Haipa Elina We need prepaid water. Matheus Ilunga Civil servants salary remain unchanged.......? Sumie Mbumba Once water and electricity gets a hike be ready to pay more money for rent . Chrissie Britz Dis so Chantell Theron Danel Theron ons pluk mos geld van bome af... Saarah Enkali So long salary goes high too!

A Lesson from the plight of the dismissed fishermen There is a saying in Oshiwambo, “Ombuku yokwena kumwe kayishi dhigu kudhipaga.” Translated in English, it simply means, “it is easy to kill a mouse with only one burrow.” The difficult situation in which some of the dismissed fishermen find themselves in, presents a lesson worth maximum attention from those fishermen who still hold their jobs. I am aware of the fact that he who has bread to eat does not appreciate the severity of the famine, BUT HELLO BROTHERS: PAY ATTENTION, “he who hearken not by mere words will hearken by the sight of his own blood.” (Silozi proverb). Losing a job and income does not only come as a result of participating in an illegal strike, but you can also find yourself in the street as a result of retrenchment, the company closure or as a result of your inability to do your work satisfactorily. So, we must not see the dismissed fishermen as fools who were toying with their bread. Their aims which were amongst others, to improve their working conditions and to be fairly remunerated were good, though the course of action they took to achieve them was “illegal”. Nevertheless, losing an income is not as simple as it sounds. Making the situation even worse is that it is not easy to find another job quickly after dismissal and the majority of the dismissed fishermen are unemployable elsewhere given their lack of transferable skills. There is nothing as painful as losing your house, a car or furniture as a result of your inability to pay your monthly dues. There is nothing as painful as being chased by the landlord from

your rented flat or ghetto you have been calling home for years as a result of failing to pay rent. What is so painful as sending away your spouse and children to the village because you cannot afford to keep them in town? How painful is it to be dumped by your girlfriend and seeing her in another man's hand because of your financial predicaments? I am sure none of you want to go through this pain and humiliation, but these things happened to some of your dismissed fellows. Seeing that it is not good to lose almost everything you have worked for, the question now here is, how should you avoid such a painful experience as a fisherman? Prevention is always better than cure, they say. Start now investing in your capacity! What do I mean by this, you may rightly ask? It is said that “knowledge is power and power is the ability to do the work. No man can act beyond the limit of his knowledge.” Hence; it is very much significant to invest in your abilities to do the work. With knowledge and skills, one is able to produce goods or services for others at a profit or to sell his labour to an employer. I know that the majority of you did not go beyond grade 10 in school, but friends, you can still attend some training courses to gain some skills and enhance your employability or become an entrepreneur when you lose your job. Stop being a mouse of one burrow. You can do this during your annual leave or when the vessel goes for repair. Those in the hake industry can take advantage of October month when the season closes. I understand some of you don't even have simple documents such as a driving licence, a document that can get you a quick job such as a taxi driver, just to enable you to buy food and pay rent. Job hunting these days is as tough as

hunting a lion. Unless you are the biblical Samson resurrected, one cannot kill a lion with bare hands. You must be armed with an assault rifle and ammunitions, and in the case of job hunting, you must be equipped with s p ecial s k ills an d knowledge, not just with a passport and a Seamen Record Book. Equally important in this regard is investing in income generating means while you are working. Stop wasting your hard earned money on expensive electronic gadgets which you rarely use and only to sell them at a sacrifice when you lose your job. There is also no dignity in living in an expensive flat behind someone's house just to impress others. Better build yourself a modern house in the village if you cannot afford one in town, you can do it. Last but not least, develop the habit of reading. It can even be fiction books in your mother tongue, the boredom at sea makes it possible to read. As you read, you develop a different view of life, improve your reasoning ability and make informed decisions. In conclusion, dear brothers, be that mouse with multiple burrows so that you do not become a laughing stock when dismissed. As for the dismissed fishermen wandering in the streets of Lüderitz and Walvis Bay, hear this: The Lord, God of hosts has declared that “you shall not be tested beyond what you can bear.” The situation you find yourself today can very well be a blessing in disguise. Keep looking for other opportunities in life, don't give up!

Severinus Kuutondokwa was a Seafarer for 8years. He understands what it means to work at sea.

3 JULY 2018



Pupkewitz Nissan Swakopmund launches the all new

Nissan Micra

On Saturday, 30 June, Pupkewitz Nissan in Swakopmund gave shoppers at Platz am Meer the chance to experience the brand new MICRA as well as the new X-Trail. Other models were also on display, with on-site financing and special offers. MICRA REVOLUTION The all-new Nissan MICRA arrived to challenge the small car standards in design, comfort and performance. The Nissan Micra turns everything you know on its head. A sculpted body with strong and sharp character lines delivers an athletic and poised stance that’s hard to ignore. The floating roof effect is a signature Nissan design cue. The striking lines from the grille to the bonnet set the all new Micra apart. The all-new Micra has a lower, wider stance and small wheel gaps to add to the all round aggressive look. The all-new Micra’s iconic design and premium details are inspired by sports cars. NISSAN MICRA RE-INVENTED The new Nissan Micra is equipped with a wide range of intuitive “in-control” technologies. The instruments and controls have been grouped together for comfort, convenience and safety. DARTING THROUGH TRAFFIC The all-new Micra offers an exciting yet confident drive by balancing manoeuvrability and responsive steering. INJECT YOUR OWN STYLE You can personalise your Micro with colour designed to enhance an already expressive exterior. If you did not get the chance to experience the all new Micra yet - then hurry to Pupkewitz Nissan in Swakopmund or give them a call at 064-418 800. They are waiting for you.

Also on display the new Nissan X-Trail Special offers on some of the other models were also available

MICRA INTERIOR The interior of the new Nissan Micra has a inspired T-shaped “gliding wing” dashboard, with artful definition and structure that creates excellent space for the driver and front passenger

Contact Pupkewitz Nissan in Swakopmund to find out more

Those who felt lucky could try their hand at golf - get a hole in one and win a shopping voucher to the value of N$5 000. Unfortunately nobody was able to get a hole-in one.


WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Cash Loan) ON ERF: 6261 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Parrot Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Cash Loan on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 24 July 2018. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Victory Hamukonda, P O Box 5489, Walvis Bay

3 JULY 2018 MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of Walvis Bay intends to lease, 1ha situated on Farm 38 for one year for purpose of setting up a semi-automatic sorting and packaging charcoal plant to S A Goliath/Trading as Klein Okombahe Nord Nr.205 Farming.

The rental will be N$5 000 plus N$750 (15% VAT) with 10% annum.

received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Tuesday, 24 July 2018.

Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday 17 July 2018 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.


For more information Ms D Müller can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours. Written objections to the intended private trans-action, duly motivated, must be

Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Fax. 064-209146


WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Consultancy/Service Provider) Biokinetic Facility ON ERF: 90 TOWNSHIP: Meersig, Walvis Bay STREET: 1st Road 19, Meersig. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Biokinetic rehabilitation facility on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 17 July 2018. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): J Esterhuyse, 1st Road Walvis Bay

Position: Junior Project Manager / CNC Programmer Department: Technical & Operations Location: Namibia Reporting to: Operations Manager Job purpose Execution of one or more simultaneous sections of a project in accordance with customer requirements and company policies and procedures under the supervision of a senior project manager as well as to eventually produce machined parts by setting up and operating a computer numerical controlled machine, maintaining quality standards, keeping records, maintaining equipment and supplies. Responsibilities / Duties / Job Skills Responsibilities · Plan, budget, oversee and document section of the projects under guidance of a senior project manager. · Ensure that the section of each project is on schedule and in accordance with customer requirements. · Efficient operating / programming of the CNC Machine Duties Project Management Role · Prepare tenders · Manage projects · 3D Modelling and shop detailing · Databook review · Attend Technical review meetings · Manpower utilization on task level · Complete Graduate Programme · Receiving Internal and External Enquiries. · Quotation. CNC Role · Keep track of cutting requests, ensure that no parts are missed. · Scheduling of cutting – determining the shifts to be worked and communicating with internal and external clients. · Determining the cutting sequences – due to client's priorities. · Nesting of parts on Sigmanest – be able to nest most efficiently. · Managing CNC Personnel. · Managing department resources – Plate Stock, Spare Parts, Consumables and machine upkeep. · Maintain material traceability. · Do costings for CNC cutting – Projects. · Comply with all health and safety and other statutory regulations Job Skills · Detail orientated · Accurate · Analytical skills and problem solving · Planning & Organizing · Time Management · Multi-tasking Internal relationships – All internal departments External relationships – Suppliers and Service Providers Knowledge / Qualifications / Experience Knowledge: Fabrication experience will be preferable, Sigmanest, AutoCad, Solidworks Qualifications: Grade 12, B(Eng) Mechanical or BTech Mechanical or ND Mechanical (P2 completed) Experience: 1 – 3 years, CNC Operator / Programmer, Sigmanest, Solidworks, Fabrication experience General Driver's license, Medically Fit, Overhead crane license, English and Afrikaans MS Office packages, AutoCAD / Solid works, English and Afrikaans To acquire in the company · ISO 9001, OSHAS 18001, Graduate programme, All processes and procedures related to Project Management Functional and Behavioural Competencies Company Values, Execution, Communication, Managing Conflict, Learning & Development, Managing Safety & Risk, Technical Competencies, Analytical Skills & Problem Solving, Continuous Improvement, Technology Skills, Organizational Awareness, Business Acumen, Managing Resources, Customer Focus, Managing Relationships, Product and Clinical Knowledge, Valuing Cultures and Differences, Teaming, Assumes Positive Intent CV and all certification to be submitted via email to santie@belmet.co.za on or before Monday 9 July 2018

3 JULY 2018



PROPERTY TIMES TO RENT: Available at Kuisebmond Own kitchen and toilet Safe place N$ 2 600.00 p/m W/E incl. N$ 2 600.00 deposit. Contact: 081 284 4678 081 221 4960 TO RENT: Back yard Bachelor Flat for single person, 1 big bedroom with BIC and open plan kitchen and lounge area also with BIC and stove. Water inc & Pre Paid electricity, deposit required negotiable. No animals, garage can be arranged. N$ 3500 p/m Avail 1 July 2018 Cell: 0812883286 / 0812349916 TO RENT: BACHELOR FLAT IN WALVIS BAY TOWN - Theo Ben Gurirab street Bathroom with shower and toilet, open plan kitchen, water & electricity included. Preferably for a single person only. N$ 3300.00 p/m + N$ 2800.00 deposit (negotiable - payment can be done in 3months) Contact: 081 480 0272 / 081 280 2328 TO RENT KUISEBMOND. Bachelor Units (one open-plan room) with own bathroom & entrance! N$ 2500 rent per month incl water excl electricity. Max 4 people per room. Deposit required. 081 128 4088 TO RENT: Narraville. Walvis Bay One bedroom flat with toilet & shower. No garage. W/E incl. N$ 2 200.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Contact: 081 250 8702 081 442 8436 TO RENT: Meersig Single room flat with bathroom and shower Person with sober habits Contact: 081 781 3333 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, 69B, 6th Street Spacious 1 bedroom flat, open-plan kitchen / living room, full bathroom, single garage, alarm, prepaid electricity. N$5500.00 p/m + dep Water excluded. Immediately available, not pet friendly. Contact: 081 653 7990

To let, Mondesa Flat 1 bedroom, bathr, kitchen N$ 3400.00 W/E Incl 2 bedr house, bathr, kitchen N$ 3500.00 W/Incl pre-paid elec NHE house 3 bedr, athr, lounge, kitchen – avl 1/07/2018 N$ 5500.00 W/Excl pre-paid elec Mahetago House 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen N$ 5000.00 W/Incl pre-paid elect House 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, double garage N$ 6500.00 W/Incl pre-paid elect Jabulani Bachelor flat with bathr N$ 2500.00 W/L Incl Flat 1 bedr, bathr, kitchen N$ 3000.00 W/Incl pre-paid elec Flat 1 bedr, bathr, kitchen N$ 3500.00 W/Incl pre-paid elect Matutura House 2 bedr, bathr, lounge, kitchen, alarm system N$ 5000.00 W/L Excl Tamariskia Flat1bedr, bathr, kitchen N$ 3600.00 W/Incl pre-paid Flat 2 bedr, bathr, open plan kitchen, garage N$ 5000.00 W/Incl pre-paid elect House 2 bedr, bathr, lounge, kitchen – avl 01/07/2018 N$ 6500.00 W/Incl pre-paid elect NB: 100% deposit payable All these properties are immediately available viewing can be secured strictly on appointments. Office: 064 40 2112 Matty: 081 244 6995 Cell: 081 626 8486 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat, spacious with toilet and shower, kitchen, lounge, bic. Available immediately. in Narraville. No garage. alone standing flat. N$ 4 500.00 p/m N$ 2 500.00 deposit. W/E incl. Contact Naly: 081 454 5061 TO RENT: Kuisebmond 1 bedroom flat, main bedroom with bic. Open plan lounge, kitchen with build in stove N$ 4 950.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 268 8086 FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house, BIC, main bedroom with private bathroom, full bathroom with shower, open plan kitchen with BIC, family room, single garage. Contact: 081 143 8794 / 081 339 6523

TO RENT: Workshop 220m4 with office. W/E incl. Central Industrial Area near Fruit & Veg N$ 105 00.00 excl. VAT Call: 064 205 166 FOR RENT: Swakopmund central. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, top floor apartment in Eggers Eck Building - Nathaniel Maxuilili Street. Walking distance to shops and downtown. Secure complex with double garage, Available July 2018, long term tenants. N$ 8 500.00 p/m Contact: gmannheimer@gmail. com TO RENT: OLETUENI Inside room available with common kitchen (BIC) and common toilet. Electricity pr-paid, single person preferred. N$ 1600.00 - N$ 1700.00 (water included) + N$ 500.00 Deposit. Contact: 081 621 4147 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond, Kabeljou street. Single bedroom flat with private bathroom, in a very neat and secure area. Ideal for one person with no kids. No garage. N$ 2 450.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 900.00 Available immediately. Contact: 081 127 8229 TE HUUR: Walvisbaai Kamer aan enkel persoon. Geen kinders of diere. W/L ingsl. Geen plek vir motors nie. Onmidellik beskikbaar. N$ 700.00 deposito N$ 1 700.00 p/m vooruitbetaalbaar Skakel: 081 351 3225 TO RENT: 1x inside room to rent N$ 2 000.00 p/m W/E incl. With BIC & hot water available. Deposit neg. 19 Marlyne Cresent St. Kabeljou side, Kuisebmond. Contact: 081 484 8471 081 255 5272 TO RENT: 2x bachelor flat for N$ 2 300.00 plus deposit 1x bedroom flat for N$ 2 700.00 plus deposit Water bill is excluded Electricity is pre paid Amatist Cresent Erf 1715/38, Kuisebmond Call Talitha: 081 337 3669 BUSINESS FOR SALE: Small take-away business in industrial area for sale. Please contact: 081 297 0354 (after hours only

4 Bedroom House to rent in HAGE HEIGHT SWAKOPMUND 4 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms (3 en-suite), lounge, Kitchen, indoor braai area, outside braai area, big yard, pet friendly,with garden, outside toilet, double garage, prepaid electricity and water excluded. N$8500, deposit required. Available immediately. Contact: 0812953744 FLAT TO RENT: 1x bedroom, kitchen, toilet & shower with geyser. W/E incl. N$ 2 500.00 p/m House no 6504 Kilimanjaro Street Kuisebmond. Contact: 081 309 1912 TO LET: OFFICE SPACE Centrally located. 90m² neat ground level office space consist of 2 lockable offices, boardroom, kitchen, toilet, bic, security gate at front entrance, water & electricity excluded. Surrounding amenities and parking space. Deposit required & immediate available. N$10,000.000 Irene @ 081 353 5551 / 064 412 320 irene@cfsnamibia. com TO RENT: Narraville 2 bedroom bachelor flat with kitchen, bathroom shower, burglar bars and parking space in secure area. N$ 3 500.00 p/m PLUS deposit payable in two months. W/E incl. Immediately available. Singles or couples only. Contact: 081 147 7969 for viewing. TE HUUR: Narraville 1 slaapkamer woonstel, met oop plan kombuis, diefwerings, badkamer + sekuriteits deur. N$ 3 200.00 p/m Deposito onderhandelbaar. W/L ingsl. Vir enkel persoon of twee. Skakel: 081 651 7618 TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat to rent at Duin street Narraville for a price of N$ 3 200.00. Water and electricity inclusive and with a garage will be N$ 3 700.00 Immediately available, to view Contact: 081 243 9143 TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat in Narraville with shower and toilet. House no 44 ploverstreet W/E included. N$ 4500.00 p/ m + deposit can be payable in 2months Available immediately. Contact: 081 202 6825

TO RENT: LONG BEACH 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, spacious living area, braai, tandem garage. Water included, available immediately. N$ 5800.00 p/m Call: 081 263 9191 TO RENT: Bachelor Flat to Rent in Hermis Walvis Bay For a single person only. Room with shower and small kitchen area. Small courtyard with private entrance. Opposite Dunes mall, walking distance From Welwitchia hospital. W/E included. No garage. N$3000 pm + N$3000 dep payable over 3 months Immediately available. Contact: 081 155 2559 after 6pm. TO RENT: ARANDIS A 4-bedroom house with one bathroom and kitchen now available to rent. It is neatly tiled and has a geyser. It has pre-paid electricity installed. Deposit will be required. N$ 3 800 per month (Water and Electricity not included) Contact: 0814554176 EMMA NANGOLOKAMATOTO PROPERTIES TO RENT Meersig Beautiful family 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, double garage W/E incl 10 000.00 neg 1 bedroom, toilet and shower W/E incl 3 000.00 neg 1 bedroom flat, lounge, kitchen, toilet and shower W/E incl 5 000.00 neg All available immediately Contact Emma on 0811228067 TO RENT: Inside room with own toilet and shower. Kabeljou area Kuisebmond. Single man only. No hot water. N$ 1800.00 per month Contact: 081 242 4690 HOUSE FOR SALE: House + 1 bedroom flat + 8 outside rooms 3 bedroom house, bathroom, kitchen with stove + cupboards, family room with bic + 2 garages. Plus one bedroom flat wit lots of nice cupboards 8 outside rooms with toilet and shower. Central Walvis Bay near Dunes mall Price under valuation income monthly N$ 25 000.00 Contact: 081 351 3225

HOUSE FOR SALE!! Swakopmund Ocean View close to Spar. Only N$1 800 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms both with shower and bath. Spacious kitchen with granite top & 2 bar chairs. Lounge with cladded wall for tv & mounted unit for DSTV etc. Dining room with inside braai. Scullery Double automated garage. Security: Alarm system installed. Beams on all sides of the house. Contact 081 487 1960

FOR SALE TAMARISKIA 3 Bed, 2 Bath, patio Open – plan Kitchen/D/Room Lounge, Garage. N$1070 000-00 TAMARISKIA REDUCED PRICE!! LOVELY 3 Bed, 2 Bath 3 GARAGES & 2 BED FLAT N$1 658 000-00 ROSALIN 081 412 4246 BRAND NEW HOUSES FOR SALE HENTIES BAY SOLD BY DEVELOPER, NO COMMISSION ** brand new sectional title, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one automated garage, alarm system with building cupboards, stove and oven, fridge, washing machine and microwave. Price: N$ 850'000.00 ** free standing, single title deed, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, all building cupboard, automated double garage, alarm system on 700 m² of land yet in secure complex with electric fence and automated gate. Price: N$ 1'350'000.00 Contact: 085 124 9826 USAKOS HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER Erf no 221 Rogan Str, 639m² - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, enclosed stoep room, lounge, diningroom, kitchen & outside porch with single garage, outbuilding with toilet, fully fenced. N$550 000.00 neg Contact: 081 129 8848 FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom free standing townhouse in Hermes, very quiet area. Open-plan lounge, dining area and kitchen, single garage, built-in cupboards, one spacious bathroom, newly renovated interior, spacious yard, pet friendly, alarm installed. N$1,100 000.00 Only serious buyers, please contact: 081 200 6543


3 JULY 2018

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PRIVATE SALE: House in Finkenstein Manor 2 north facing bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan lounge / kitchen, inside braai, double garage, granite tops newly build. Available immediately. N$ 2 650 000.00 Contact: 081 124 4605 HOUSE FOR SALE IN NARRAVILLE Walvis Bay As per valuation N$ 1 150 000.00 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, inside braai, interlocks and boundary walls with garage. No agents. Contact: 081 364 2477 TE HUUR: Walvisbaai Dorp - 1x ruim slaapkamer woonstel met water en krag N$ 4 400.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 500.00 1x Ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel met water ingesluit + koop krag. N$ 4 300.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 500.00 Tel: 081 248 1203 081 280 6939

1x Warehouse Unit with office space TO LET WALVIS BAY: (available immediately) Old Industrial Area. Lexor Park. N$12 000 excl VAT per month. Excl Water & Electricity. Warehouse is 261.3 square meters. 3phase electricity available. High Ceiling. Alarm. 2x Toilets. Access to washbay. Call 081 146 9557 or 081 124 3341 to view or for more information

PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED: Looking for a one bedroom bachelor flat with garage. Should be in a range N$ 4 000.00 p/m N$ 4 500.00 p/m In Walvis Bay in town Ready to move in beginning of August. Contact: 081 662 9895

1x Warehouse Unit with office space FOR SALE WALVIS BAY: Old Industrial Area. Lexor Park. Purchase price N$2.2 mil Unit is CC registered. Body corp – levy per month N$1313. Warehouse is 261.3 square meters. 3phase electricity available. High Ceiling. Alarm. 2x Toilets. Call 081 146 9557 or 081 124 3341 to view or for more information.

TO HIRE WALVIS BAY - 5 ton truck with driver Available for any job or destination 081 419 5886 081 410 0837 TO HIRE: Looking for a taxi license / permit to hire or to buy in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 323 9402


WALVIS BAY BACKPACKERS N$ 180.00 PER NIGHT Sports groups. Church groups. Family groups. 081 419 5886 081 410 0837

WANTED CASH FOR GOLD!! We buy gold jewellery even if it’s broken. We pay cash and we are operating in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 613 2647 WE BUY GOLD GOLD GOLD!! LOOKING FOR: Person needed to look after a house in Langstrand for +/- 4 months. Own transport essential. Contact 081 128 3525



VACANCY: Urgently seeking for 2x Typists 1x Secretary / Office Administrator Must type accurate / capture DATA WITH HIGH SPEED. Must be willing to take a practical test email: choicescorporateconsultan ts@gmail.com CV + credentials with originally certified ID / Passport copy & proof of residence. Closing date: 09.07.2018

To Rent: Swakop River Plot 12km outside of Swk Bungalow – 2 bedrooms with wardrobe big shower bathroom open kitchen with dining area and living room 1 Garage – small garden with teracce (2 small dogs allowed) N$ 5000/ month (+1x deposit) Gas Gyser for hot water water & Electricity with readings add Cell 081 413 0504

TRAILER FOR SALE: Off road trailer for sale Contact 0811274451


TO RENT: Narraville BACHELORS FLAT N$ 3 000.00 p/m N$ 1 000.00 deposito W/E ingsl. Kontak: 081 231 7492

TO RENT Swakop-River-Plots Bachelor Flat for single person fully furnished 1 bedrooms with wardrobe fitted kitchen with Oven + Fridge open Living-CommonRoom, Bathroom with Shower, hot water with Gas small Terrasse no dogs are allowed N$ 3500 / month excl. water + electricity Cell 081 413 0504


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

FOR SALE 2012 4x4 Nissan NP300 40000 Km's Diesel, manual Double-cab N$ 150 000 Contact: 081 706 9559 / 081 885 9876

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE ICE LOLLY Business (Fruity Flavoured Water Ice Lollies) Machine and Equipment N$ 250 000 Only serious buyers Please contact 081 331 3919

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE Household Furniture for sale queen beds N$ 2500 microwave N$ 600 Curtains N$ 100 refrigerator N$ 1200 washing machine N$ 800 tables from N$ 50 Tv stand N$ 150 dvd player N$ 250. Contact: 081 122 8067

GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685 FIRST AID COURSES “Class A” Next course 11+12 July. N$ 550.00 pp Email for info & bookings: info@allsafenamibia. com

CLASSES MATHS EXTRA CLASSES GRADE 4 - 7 Call / sms Victor: 081 616 7076 Learning B Homework Assistance Please contact Johanke V. Zyl for more info @ 081 854 8811

AGM ·PENGUIN ANGLING CLUB ·Annual General Meeting ·On 03 July 2018 @ 18:00 ·In the PAC Clubhouse

4 BEDROOM HOUSE ON AUCTION VINETA SWAKOPMUND 06 JULY @ 18H00 Duly instructed by the Executor, JJ Meuwesen as Nominee of F M Oehl Trust CC and as such Executor in the Estate of the Late HH Van Wyk, will Namagri Properties sell, by means of Public Auction: Erf 4064 Vineta. Property Description: Erf 4064 Tsavorite Street 997m² GROUNDFO: Lounge, Dinning / BBQ / Entertainment Area Family Room, Kitchen, Scullery, Guest Toilet & Basin, Attached double Tandem Garage 1ST FLOOR: 2 Full Bathrooms, 1Toilet, 4 Bedrooms & Study Nook OUTSIDE FLAT: Entrance Hall, Kitchen / Lounge, Shower, Toilet, 2Bedrooms, Attached single garage Special conditions: Property will be auctioned to the highest bidder. 10% Deposit & 7% Buyer's commission payable on close of bid. For Enquiries Please Contact: Alex McDonald +264 81 128 6821 Mara-lee Doiseb +264 81 142 0137 Email: property@namagri.com


TRAINING TRAINING: Brazilian Keratin & Olaplex Training Seminar Swakopmund: 9 July, Salon Leanda, Fruit & Veg complex. Session 1: 8am - 12pm Session 2: 13h00 - 17h00 Contact Julien: 0810450392 N$250 p/p Includes training manual and certificate Limited Seating. Book now!!!!

SERVICES WE OFFER TIP TOP MASSAGES: 1/ Swedish full body massage 2/ Indian head massage 3/ East massage and so on. Contact: Ester 081 415 4547 Petrol: 081 653 7744

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na COASTAL CLEANING SERVICES End of tenancy cleaning N$ 700.00 carpet washing N$ 20.00 per m² window washing car seats, sofa’s, industrial cleaning. Concrete mixer to rent N$ 200.00 p/d Compactor to rent N$ 150.00 to rent Contact: 081 365 1917 085 365 1917 CARLOS SHUTTLE AND TOURS Daily shuttle between coast and Windhoek 064 205 537 081 270 4395 carloshuttle@iway.na www.carloshuttlenamibi a.com.na

SERVICES DR MAWULANA 081 428 5775 Pay after results Bring back your lost lover same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quick to a man / woman of your choice. To make your lover love you only. To clear your debts Win gambling in casino, win tenders To boost your business, bind your property, financial problems, pregnancy problems if you don’t get children, enlarge breasts / bums, unfinished problems. I pray for a person with any problem, am there for you for good results. And many more 081 428 5775 Dr Mawulana now pay after results SERVICES Easy pass driving school is offering driving lessons in Swakopmund. Book 5 hours and get 1 lesson free Book 10 hours and get 2 lessons free N$ 100.00 per hour and call us anytime during the day 081 576 7274

DIERKING ELECTRICAL & MAINTENANCE Don’t DIY Call The Electric Guy Need someone to check your electrical needs? Faulty geyser Power tripping? New installments? Call Michael Dierking Now 081 317 2914 Seagull's Laundry Services, we make your laundry our business. Open Mon-Fri, 8H00 to 17H00 Close on Saturdays Open on Sun 9H00 to 14H00 We are just a tinkle away Call us at 081 170 1546 We will gladly pick up and deliver free of charge BITCOIN MAGIC Learn HOW to TRADE BITCOIN and other cryptocurrencies! Get Info 081 122 4325 cryptoworld@celand. ws

3 JULY 2018



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication






A - Z TRADING Auto electrical, refrigeration, air conditioning, mechanical Solar installations Repair & maintenance Road side assistance Riekus Verwey: 081 233 7155 Corna Verwey: 081 148 3062 Swakopmund

CHIEF MKUMBA 100% Guaranteed, powerful and strong real challenge solving problems, no more suffering he’s a professional & wiser, I have 15 years experience in this job, if you have difficult problems like these: bring back lost lovers no matter how far the person is, he/she will be back in 10 minutes & apologise manhood problems, special oil for attraction & get anyone you want, financial problems using your spirits & get money in your bank account in no time, boost your business & get more customers, promotions & salary, clear your debts in a few days, win all types of gambling & many more, pregnancy problems i will help you. I have never failed to solve problems and unfinished business. Contact: 081 608 0259

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

TRADITIONAL HEALER POWER FROM KASUMBA ISLAND EAST AFRICA Mr Luwichi Mochidao I am here to help with all daily problems. Bring back lost lovers, no matter for how long you break up was, remove bad evils or tokoloshis in your house, protection of your body from enemies, or witch craft, boosting of your business, to have more customers, protection of your place, e.g business places farms and many more, court cases, promotion at work, family problems, selling your property quickly, clear your debt account using senduwana oil, bad dreams, pregnancy problems, alcohol and drug problems, luck to win in gambling, manhood enlargement, premature ejaculation, weak in bed to strong in bed, ladies in herbs hips buttock enlargement, pains in womb, women who don’t produce and many more. Call: 081 638 6071

DR RINGAZI Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement m to xl, hips and breast enlargement, bad lucks and many more. Call Dr Ringazi: 081 204 9299

DR CHITAMBE Traditional doctor with a difference with a difference, he is in Walvis Bay, but can also be found in Windhoek, he travels all over Namibia upon invitation. Lost love, jobs, removing witchcraft, cleaning bad luck, lucky oil, lucky charms, broken marriages and love, cases, diseases plagues, sleepless nights, nightmares, translating dreams and bringing good life, stopping accidents, magic and bad omen. Call now Dr Chitambe: 081 259 5465 ZENITH TRADING ENTERPRISES CC Offers the following services at the coast: * Construction (Small Projects) * Renovations (Painting, Tiling, Paving & Roof Sealing) * Electrical (Installations & Maintenance) * Plumbing (Installations & Maintenance) * Burglar Proofing (Doors & Windows) Call us for any handy man work or maintenance at affordable rates, available 24/7. Contact: 081 370 2055 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education - Court Cases - Love Af-fairs - Marriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck Bus-inesses Protection at Home Removal of Toko-loshi Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887 SERVICES: We clean sofa’s, carpets, matresses, car interior, offices, building and all other type of cleaning at lowest prices. Sms us today 081 226 5788

AFRICAN TRADITIONAL HEALER DOKOTA MARIBU THE EAST AFRICAN SPIRITUAL He is a well known healer who helped a lot of people with different kind of problems. He is a specialist with the following: *You keep having disappointment in marriage, *rejection for job contracts or interview, *you can’t get pregnant, *keep having miscarriage, *you have been working but no promotion, *you keep failing in business, and *you fail where others are succeeding, *people hate you for no good reason, *your life is full of tears, sorrow, shame, hardship, frustration, *you want to bring back your lost lover, *bad dreams attacking you at night, *remove bad luck in your body, *your husband/wife want to divorce you and you want to stop the divorce, *you are experiencing financial problems, protection over property. The magic stick and magic wallet, *you to win gambling, *sendawana oil for luck, *women and men who can not produce, *remove bad spirit in your house, *men who are week in bed who can’t perform when with a lady, *women with period problems, I am here to help you, stop crying Bokota Maribu is here to answer your problems. Contact Bokota Maribu: 081 803 9714

DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Call Dr Zania: 081 254 9875 Traditional Doctor Moyo Tired of running up and down, going everywhere but not achieving your real goals, here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections which is unable to satisfy your woman, vagina tightness for man to feel always attracted to you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasing of bad luck spirits, job problems, stop lover from cheating you [man or woman] Business improvements, all types of good luck. pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund or call Doctor Moyo 081 339 5913

PROFESSOR DR KANANJI I am here to solve and help people’s problems whoever has been disappointed from others, don’t give up, you still can make it. I solve all problems without fail and don’t delay, just come to me. You will be happy in all your life. I am a specialist in stopping divorce and make peace in your family. Menhood enlargement, results and more rounds in bed. Bring back lost lover and make him / her to marry you no matter what. Get luck charms for gambling, casino, lotto, betting and horses. Love powder to get the love, of your choice same time. Make your lover to think and dream about only. Stop your lover from cheating you and be honest. Come and borrow magic stick, wallet, rats, chikupi for bringing money in you life, get kalunga, Ngungusi to bring money in your house, account. Short boys to make you house. Chase away your bad luck, enemies and tokoloshes from your house. Get the job you want, promotion & double salary every time. Cleasse your money and become profitable in business. Contact: 081 758 2274

JOBS WANTED JOBS WANTED: I am looking for work in hotels, restaurants and bars, as a waitress, bar lady or cooking. Can also do catering and decor for events. I have experience in hospitality with contact able reference. ONLY NIGHT SHIFTS, WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS Contact: 081 293 0296 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 44 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk, vir ‘n dag of drie dae ‘n week. Swakopmund, Langstrand, Walvis, Meersig of Lagoon. Ek kan onmidellik begin en het verwysings. Kontak: 081 646 5578 JOB WANTED: I am a 35 year old lady looking for domestic work, washing, cleaning, ironing for a whole week or 3 days a week. Kuisebmond. Contact: 081 782 6348 JOB WANTED: My name is Kandore Tjinge I am looking for domestic work for 2 days, Mondays and Fridays. Contact: 081 404 9471 JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. I am ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 239 6327 081 763 1252 JOB WANTED: Young lady looking for admin & clerk work in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay. Experience in computer & 4 years experience in admin, certificate in fire fighting, first aid, accident and investigation & risk manangement. Can start ASAP. Call: 081 484 2771



JOB WANTED: I am a 38 year old lady looking for domestic work, babysitting as well as cleaning services. Am ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 622 1874

JOB WANTED: I am a 33 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Mondays to Fridays. Washing, ironing and cleaning. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 306 3600

JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work, babysitting, whole week Walvis Bay and Longbeach. 8 years experience. Contact: 081 453 7616 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for housekeeping job from Monday to Friday in Swakopmund, Langstrand or golf court. I have grade 10 and experience in cleaning. Contact: 081 670 0538 JOB WANTED: I am 37 years old looking fo domestic work, offices, taking care of kids or any job. Can start immediately, 3 days a week. I am in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 324 5659 / 081 310 4439 JOB WANTED: I am looking for any work from Monday to Friday in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 728 1461 WERK GESOEK: Heddy soek baie dringend huiswerk vir Maandag tot Vrydag in Swakopmund, Langstrand, Rossmund, Nodidas en Dolfyn park. Ek is baie hardwerkend en het verwysings, ek kan enige dag begin. Ek is middel jaarig, rook en drink nie. Kontak: 081 287 2658 JOB WANTED: I am a 30 year old lady looking for domestic work for 2 days a week, Monday and Wednesday please contact: 081 393 0931 / 081 244 3506 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 32 jaar oud dame, betroubaar en hardwerkend, opsoek na skoonmaak werk of skryk werk vir 3 dae per week in Swakopmund. Skakel: 081 328 6066 JOB WANTED: I am a 26 year old lady ungently looking for domestic work or caregiver work. I am hardworking and can start as soon as possible. Monday to Friday in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 708 7566

JOB WANTED: I am a very hardworking, trustworthy and honest guy looking for work in Walvis Bay. I have code CE with valid GP. I have 10 years experience in driving. Contact: 081 570 1362 JOB WANTED: I am a 35 year old lady looking for domestic work, I am hardworking and can start immediately. Contact Maria: 081 835 7880 JOB WANTED: I am a 32 year old lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. Monday to Friday or 3 days a week, ready to start as soon as possible. Contact Jacky: 081 310 7936


3 JULY 2018

NOTICE CONSENT USE IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent use, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services. Erf 5231, Swakopmund Ext. 15: Special permission to operate a Resident Occupation - Hair Salon. Any person having any objections to the proposed activity may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Acting Chief Executive Officer until 24 July 2018. (Contact Person: Mr J T Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +264 (64) 4104403.

SFC Vikings 2018 Champions

Lions to Brazil Media Release

After travelling a total of 4 200 kilometres around the country, the Neymar Jr's Five soccer tournament organisers hosted the National Finals at UN Plaza in Windhoek over the weekend. Teams from the central, northern and coastal areas of the country battled it out on a fast paced concrete court. Every match was intense as a once in a lifetime experience of playing in Brazil at the World Finals on Saturday, 21 July 2018 was at stake – After going through intense group stages of the top sixteen teams, the Oshakati based team Lions, were eventually crowned the National Champions. In the final match, Lions were up against the fan favourites; Windhoek based, Bethlehem United. Both teams cruised to the finals. Bethlehem United started off strong and almost outplayed the Lions. The Windhoek team came close to scoring on multiple occasions, but it was not their day. Lions on the other hand kept their composure and remained focussed until the last minute. The final match resulted in a draw of 0-0. As a result, the one-on-one rule had to be implemented to break the tie and decide which team will represent Namibia. Lions' captain Pieter Hailombe netted the crucial goal that will now take his team to Brazil. “This will be the first time for us to fly out of Namibia. We worked hard for this and it is a dream come true. Representing our country doing what we love, is the best thing ever. We look forward to the experience. Thank you Red Bull, Bank Windhoek and all the

other sponsors for making this possible,” said Hailombe. Lions' team members are: 1. Pieter FillemonHailombe (26) 2. Johannes Kashiwapala David (22) 3. Onesmus NdinelagoAshipala (22) 4. Erastus Kulula (21) 5. Josua Inga Mekela Jesus David (20) 6. Absalom NghiiyelekwaHatutale (20) 7. France TangeniShivute (26) Bank Windhoek's Chief Financial Officer, James Chapman, who witnessed the finals, said: “This is a great success story for our country and has been a brilliant tournament since the beginning. Congratulations Lions go and make us proud in Brazil. As a sponsor we will be there with you throughout the journey.” Themed 'Outplay Them All', the Neymar Jr's Five is a Red Bull initiative co-sponsored by Bank Windhoek. Snickers, Fresh FM and NBC, are also sponsors of the tournament. Lions will be the first Namibian team to represent the country at the World Finals. They will have a chance to play against world-renowned and most expensive soccer player, Neymar Junior, who is currently representing Brazil at the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. Sixty-four other countries, will aim for the same achievement. For more information, log on to www.neymarjrsfive.com.

This past Saturday the SFC Vikings were crowned the 2018 Champions after beating Oranjemund Rugby Club 27-19 at the Hage Geingob Stadium in Windhoek. The Vikings had a slow start to the first half as they were still adapting to the thin air in Windhoek. Oranjemund Rugby Club took this opportunity and struck with two tries through electric winger Billy Beukes. Both tries were converted by the exciting young fly-half Johny Mwenyo to make the score 14-0 for Oranjemund. The SFC Vikings slowly started to gain momentum in the lead up to halftime, when they scored through lock Ettiene Noeth to make the score 14-5. An injury to winger Marcellino van Rooi saw flanker Clayton Camm shifting to the wing just before the halftime whistle. In the second half the Vikings came out firing on all cylinders when they started to dominate all the collision battles, scrums, rucks and mauls. The men from Swakopmund were determined to win the cup and never looked like losing momentum, even though referee Oscar Lam-bert reached for his pocket to flash No. 8 Martin Barnard and winger Sean de Klerk with yellow cards. In the meantime prop Corne Vermeulen scored two tries of which one was converted by fly-half Kyle Wentzel. Wentzel added a penalty to make the score 20-14 in favour of the Vikings. As the game started to draw to a close, referee Oscar Lambert again reached for the pocket, this time in the form of a red card to fullback Lourens Barnard for dangerous play. With the full-back leaving the field, Oranjemund winger Billy Beukes again crossed the chalk for his hat trick. Mwenyo missed the conversion which left the score at 20-19. In the last minute of play the SFC Vikings threw everything they had left at the men from Oranjemund, which resulted in a beautiful try through outside-center Juan Viljoen when he broke the defence line, stepped off the fullback and scored under the uprights. Wentzel converted the try to set the scoreboard at 27-19 before the end whistle. "We are extremely proud of this young team; they are a couple of ordinary boys from Swakopmund and Walvis Bay that did extraordinary things for their town and for their club throughout this year. There is a bond between them that words can't describe, it's something that you have to experience. They came out determined to win this cup for the coastal community against all odds and they did just that. These guys will give everything for each other and the emblem on their chest and we are thankful to be a part of that. We are really excited to build on this for the future" said Jaco Barnard. The Vikings would like to thank QK Konstruksie, Megasave Swakopmund, ORPA Hunting Safaris, Reef Break Realtors and Cars & Guides Swakopmund for their sponsorship throughout the year. The Vikings will go into the history books as the first club to win the cup in its first year of existence.

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