10 july namib times e edition

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Stem Swakopmund!

(Foto deur Francois Lottering) NAMPA

Braby to leave NACOMA

Page 2

Scholarships for Erongo Students

Marshallino Beukes Swakopmunders sal van volgende week af aan ‘n stemmery van ‘n ander kleur deelneem, want die vakansiedorp is vir die tweede keer as ‘n finalis in KykNet se Kwêla Dorp van die Jaar-kompetisie aangewys.

Nege dorpe uit verskillende provinsies (RSA en Namibië) het na die finale rondte deurgedring. Swakopmund (Namibië) Petrus Steyn (Vrystaat) en Newcastle (KwaZulu-NaPage 3 tal) is die laaste drie fina-

Coastal Maths Masters

liste wat aangekondig is. Die stemmery skop volgende week Woensdag (15 Julie) af en gaan via sms gedoen word. Die sleutelwoord is “Swakopmund” wat na 33157 per sms gestuur moet word.

Die stemlyne is oop vanaf 08:00 Woensdagoggend (15 Julie) tot 11:00 die oggend van 21 Julie en ‘n minimale fooi van N$1,50 per sms word gehef. Een persoon kan tot dertig keer stem.

Die wendorp gaan op 29 Julie om 20:00 (SA tyd) op Kwêla bekendgemaak word (19:00 Namibiese tyd). Die dorp van die jaar sal wegstap met bemarking ter waarde van N$1 mil-

joen en dit sal beslis die gelukkige dorp se plek op die wêreldkaart verstewig. Swakopmunders sal hul stemme moet laat instroom, en net dalkies skop die vakansiedorp hierdie

jaar die ander finaliste se oë vol Namibsand. Die ses vroeër aangekondigde finaliste is Jeffreysbaai, Douglas, Wellington, Meyerton, Middelburg en Thabazimbi.

Salt workers determined in their quest

Nampol, Labour office “cosy” with company

Page 12 Marshallino Beukes

"A dream come true"

“Yes the strike is still on and the workers are determined to address the salary discrimination dispute.” This was the response of the striking employees at Walvis Bay Salt Holdings, yesterday.

The workers downed tools on Monday, after no satisfactory solution for both parties (company and employees) could be reached. Page 39 An alleged discriminatory salary structure is one of the workers’ main concerns. In yesterday’s press release the workers’ union (Mine Workers Union of Namibia) notes that it is sad to mention that their [company’s] conduct of rule-violation has been Page 40 condoned by the Nami-

Meet Ruben Soroseb

bian Police, whilst any unintentional attempt by the workers in breaking the rules is being faced with full force by our own Namibian Police.” The workers accuse the police of discriminating against them and of only acting in the interest of the company. Workers, dancing during the strike, are supposedly reprimanded if they cross the demarcation line, while non-striking employees are being allowed to do the work of Continues on page 2

Large Cabbage



Capital Projects of N$756 million planned for Walvis Bay Leandrea Louw

The Municipality of Walvis Bay plans to spend close to a billion Namibian dollars on capital projects in the harbour town over the next three years. That was the message from Councillor Tony Raw, the acting Chairperson of the Management Committee, when he tabled the budget for 2015/2016 on Tuesday afternoon at the Walvis Bay Council Chambers. He gave a synopsis of the budget expenditures for the current financial year, which amounts to N$336 million, including an expected deficit of N$2,6 million. Land Gem Squash Loose

development and service delivery–related projects are high on the agenda – and rate payers will have to steel themselves for tariff hikes.

The combined projects provided for in this capital budget is summarised as follows: For land development projects, N$171 million has been allocated.

White Pumpkin

9.99per kg

9.99per kg

Potatoes Class 1 Loose

Crown Pumpkin


FRESH PRODUCE Onions Medium Loose

9.99per kg

Photo by Johan Wallis


9.99per kg

9.99per kg

Valid Fri 10 - Sun 12 July 2015 • Food Lover’s Market Centre, 50 Moses Garoëb, Swakopmund,Tel: 414 400 • Fresh Produce Market, 69 Moses Garoëb St, Walvis Bay, Tel: 207 152



The land delivery projects run over more than one financial year, thus between 2015 and 2017 an excess of 1 500 erven will be delivered in all suburbs of Walvis Continues on page 2

Butternut Loose

9.99per kg


10 JULY 2015

Capital Projects of N$756 million planned for Walvis Bay Continued from page 1


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Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 wvb@namibtimes.net Advertising sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 coenita@namibtimes.net sales@namibtimes.net Desiree Jooste Cell +264 81 576 9555 desiree@namibtimes.net lolla@namibtimes.net Classifieds smalls@namibtimes.net News Desk Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Leandrea Louw leandrea@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 621 7807 Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Sport sport@namibtimes.net

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Bay. Provisions has also been made for 74 industrial erven. For community and social projects – N$27 million. Projects under this budget include the construction of the Community hall in Narraville, Satellite Fire Station and municipal account payments offices in Tutaleni Area, Industrial Stalls in Kuisebmond and the development of new campsite facilities at Dolphin Park and the upgrading of the Sport facilities in Kuisebmond. For infrastructure related projects – N$39 million. These projects are mainly made up of the resealing of streets and sidewalks in all the suburbs in our town, surfacing of sidewalks, tarring

of streets, garages and structural maintenance to the Civic Centre. N$14 million has been allocated for service delivery – related projects, and projects in this category include implementation, upgrading and replacement of water and sewer infrastructure, including the capacity increase of the Long Beach Reservoir Pump Station, construction of a new reservoir at Mile 7, upgrading of current sewerage treatment plant, planning of new sewerage plant and fencing of the landfill site. N$11 million has also been allocated for vehicle replacements and additions and the main components under this category are for traffic patrol, roads and sew-

er system maintenance and refuse removal vehicles. Projects below N$500 000 will total N$38 million. For the operating budget, expected revenue for the new financial year is estimated at about N$351,3 million, while the expected expenditure has been recorded at N$353,9 million. Thus the expected deficit of about N$2,6 million. “About 80% of total revenue is obtained from water and related services, property rates and taxes, refuse removal services and sewage services. With the fast growth of the city, large extensions in infrastructure are necessary which have to be recovered from tariffs. It becomes more

Namibia should become leading fishing nation: Esau The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources plans to make Namibia a leading fishing nation in the world, with a well-developed aquaculture sector. Briefing the media yesterday, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Benhardt Esau said his ministry’s strategic intent will be guided by ensuring the responsible management of Namibia’s living aquatic resources and develop the aquaculture sector to the benefit of the present and future generations. The plan is part of the ministry’s strategic intent

which was handed over to President Hage Geingob in May this year. Geingob asked all ministers to hand in strategic intentions of what their ministries will carry out during the next five years, which will constitute their promise to the public. “We want to ensure that our country remains the most sought-after fishing destination in the world and ensure that we remain

the leader in the selected product markets in which we have a comparative advantage like hake, horse mackerel, among others,” he said. He indicated that the ministry will ensure operational excellence and innovation throughout all its operations and activities. “We will ensure that we add value to local resources and create sustainable employment for all our

for the first 15 kl of water used, which amounts to N$11,10 per kl. This is in line with the distribution costs incurred by Council.” He described the budget as ‘well-thoughtthrough for Council and all stakeholders.’ He also described the budget as ‘‘Council’s policy of being transparent at all times and contributing constructively to the wellbeing of all our residents and most of all, progressively eliminating hardship and poverty.’’

“The seriousness of your Council to work towards the improvement of our city, is to accommodate everyone’s needs in the best possible balance – as well as facilitating high and sustainable economic growth and provide increased income equality and employment creation.” Once the tariff adjustments for all services have been gazetted, it will be made available to the public through the Municipal offices and through the media.

Salt workers determined in their quest Continued from page 1

the striking employees, which according to the MUN is unfair practise. “Our only sincere demand to the Namibian Police is to apply the rules fairly and not to discriminate. Either you remove yourselves or try not to bring our Police Force’s good name into disrepute with your biased conduct in this specific matter,” the MUN states. As per the statement, Union marshals are also being refused to enter the site by the company.

According to the statement, all this have been brought under the attention of the Labour Commissioner’s Office, but because of their “cosy” relationship, the workers were allegedly told by the Labour Commissioner’s Office to rather opt for an interdict, as it is outside their powers, whilst Rule 3 states the following “... this office is legally and practically responsible for industrial action management, monitoring, and supervision.”

After nine years at the Namibian Coast Conservation and Management (NACOMA) Project, Rodney Braby, better known as Rod Braby, bids farewell to the Project. Braby will embark on a new career at the Benguela Current Marine Spatial Management and Governance Project commissioned through the Benguela Current Commission by the Federal Republic of Germany’s Environment Ministry. Having always believed in conservation, Rod started his career at NACOMA as a Senior Technical Advisor. He was then promoted to Project Coordinator and was instrumental in the proclamation of the Dorob National Park in 2010

and developed a framework to strengthen nature conservation in the coastal regions of Namibia. Since the Project’s inception in 2006, Rod and his team created, implemented, educated and promoted sustainable economic development through the

notion of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). “I would say all NACOMA accomplishments have been a team effort and I really do not deserve all the merit as maintaining a highly motivated and productive team has always

PRO-Print Swakopmund Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net


people,” stated the minister, adding that his ministry will uphold core values of transparency, inclusivity and ethical behaviour in all its operations. The ministry also intends to ensure sustainable revenue to fiscus. “Our process will be underpinned by operational excellence, environmental standards, citizens’ empowerment and supporting our people,” said Esau. NAMPA

Councillor Tony Raw and Mayor Uillika Nambahu

Rod Braby bids farewell to NACOMA

Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net

Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@namibtimes.net

difficult each year to balance the operating account. Some of these projects are: N$25 million for 600 dia mm link line for water, N$25 million for 20 Mega liter reservoir, N$10 million for two pump station for sewerage and N$120 million for a new sewerage treatment plant which is currently in the planning phase”, Mr Tony Raw said. Average tariff adjustments on these items have been proposed as follows: water supply services:12%, property rates and taxes: 12% on site values and 12% on improvements, refuse removal services: 10% and sewage services:10%. “On the tariffs though, I should mention that all residents pay the same amount

‘n Plakkershut in Swakopmund se DRC informele woonbuurt het Dinsdag tot as verbrand. Volgens brandweerhoof Adri Goosen was niemand tuis ten tye van die voorval nie en die oorsaak van die brand is nog onbekend

been the key.” His long career in coastal and desert conservation in Möwe Bay and Swakopmund have helped add credibility to what NACOMA has been trying to achieve. Rod was fortunate enough to have worked with some of the country’s bestknown conservationists, namely Steven and Louise Braine, Rudi and Blythe Loutit, Jacquie and Peter Tarr and John Paterson to name a few but his career highlights at NACOMA was being honoured by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group of Companies with an Honorary Coastodian award and a Special Achievement Award - World Class Conservation award respectively. Rod’s role in Conserva-

tion at the coast Rod has been involved in securing safe breeding areas for Namibia’s coastal bird populations such as the Damara Tern and the African Black Oystercatchers, as well as monitoring and protecting desert-adapted elephants, black rhinos and lions in the country’s northwestern region. He has been actively involved in environmental issues for over 30 years, ploughing back into conservation a lot of his free time, writing articles and publications and serving as the chairman on the Namibia Wildlife Society from 1993 to 1994, the Surfing Association of Namibia from 1996 to 2006, Vice President of the African Surfing Federation for two years, and then finally a trustee at the Save the Rhino Trust for the past

Rod Braby four years. He also spent much time on aerial and ground surveys along the entire Namibian coastline on wildlife, mining impacts, birds and cetaceans. Cameron Kandjii, appointed as Acting NACOMA Project Coordinator, thanked Rod for his years of dedicated service at NACOMA and for “the role he played in grooming young and competent Namibian staff in whose hands the Namibian coastline will be sustainably managed to the future generations of our beloved country.”

10 JULY 2015


Another life claimed on B2 Marshallino Beukes

Two motor vehicles were involved in a collission on the B2 highway, just outside Swakopmund on Wednesday morning, and one person died on the spot. According to the police spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Otillie Kashuupulwa, one of the vehicles (a dark green VW Jetta) was travelling towards Swakopmund, while the other vehicle (a red Toyota Hilux bakkie) was on its way in Arandis' direction. Allegedly the Toyota bakkie attempted to make a U-turn, back to Swakopmund and the driver supposedly did not notice the oncoming sedan, resulting in the collision. The two passengers in the bakkie sustained minor injuries, while the driver was hospitalised with back injuries. Unfortunately the Jetta's driver, Maleachi Goabab (42) did not make it. The Jetta overturned upon impact and it is suspected that it rolled over the deceased, crushing him. The five passengers in the sedan were also hospitalised. Late Wednesday afternoon Eagle Christian Centre Ambulance

services had to rush two of the injured persons to Windhoek for extensive medical treatment. Mr Terrence Ward of this ambulance service, yesterday commened that they are doing well and are out of danger. Meanwhile the Erongo police has identified the victim of another fatal accident, which occurred on Sunday night, approximately 30km outside Swakopmund on the B2 highway. He was identified as the 36-year old Hauwanga Eliakim Tileinge. Emergency personnel had to use hydraulic rescue tools to free the lifeless body of the deceased from the vehicle, after it collided head-on with a bakkie of the Department of Health and Social Services. Mr Ward informed the newspaper yesterday that he died of multiple injuries and also that the seriously injured persons, in this case, are also out of danger at a Windhoek hospital.

American Scholarships for Erongo Liesl Losper Students

Students, DPHS management and Mr Katowa_ Students from Duneside Private High School in Walvis Bay, were selected to represent Namibia at the Genius Olympiad International High School Science, Technology, Engineering and Environmental Fair at the State University of New York in Oswego, USA. Eusebio Omar van Reenen (Grade 12), Christon Gude (Grade 11) and Gaironeeza Maclobo (Grade 11) spent 2 weeks in the United States and performed excellently at the Science Fair. All three students won Scholarships to the Oswego State University of New York. Christon walked away with a Gold medal and a Samsung tablet and Eusebio achieved honours for his science project at the fair. Eusebio did an investigation into discovering new methods to improve agricultural output by “using an organic gas that an apple releases to ripen fruit faster.” He says the gas he discovered will ripen fruit without causing cancer and he extracted DNA from their nuclei to prove his hypothesis. He says with this gas he will minimise the amounts of fruit being wasted and boost Namibia's agricultural industry. “I was honoured and see it as a huge privilege. The science fair was an opportunity of a lifetime, to exhibit my project and show my discoveries to professor and share my love for science. You need to work hard. Make sure your academic results are good. My school played a huge roll in achieving this and they were my platform to practice my capabilities of a leader. The teachers helped me to become who I am. Getting accepted is not where it stops for me.” Christon created a Robot made out of recycled materials he named R.O.B. “The eco-friendly robot will attend to every human's need and help the community recover from natural disasters efficiently. The main purpose of the robot is to make Namibia a manufacturing hub for the robotics industry.” Christon says this trip was very enlightening. “You get to experience different things with the other students. You can see how and what they are basically doing. Do not believe people who allege you can't get into Harvard, you can, it is open and they are offering you the opportunity you just need to show them good results.” Gaironeeza did research into the natural phenomenon behind epilepsy. “Through my study I have found that in the community of Walvis Bay the older age demographic is more aware of the stages of epilepsy than the younger age group. My project was inspired by my brother who has been diagnosed with epilepsy and ADD.” Gaironeeza's experience of going to the States was always a dream of hers “With this long-lived dream I was given this opportunity and it has made it made it all complete for me. The people are one of a kind - very different from the African people. The people are more helpful and they are calmer, they do their jobs with pride.” Eusebio says he will commence with his studies at the university next year in September. He will pursue a degree in Medical Science, Microbiology and Genetics. “I want to become a scientist, discovering new cures to advance the Namibian science field.” Christon Gude and Gaironeeza Maclobo will commence their studies at the university in 2017. Christon will continue working on robotics in computer science, and Gaironeeza will engage in Business studies, while also representing the university on the sports field. The students are grateful for the opportunity the regional office has given them and thanked all their sponsors, parents and friends who have supported them financially, to attend the event. They say it has changed their future and has helped them to achieve their dreams. They thanked the Principal and Staff members of Duneside, who have sculpted them into becoming the young scientists that they are today.



10 JULY 2015

Burglary raising fear at coast Madelaine Laubscher A burglary led to one person being stabbed in his home in the early hours of Thursday morning in Swakopmund. This has raised concern from home owners as many do not feel safe in their homes any more. According to a trusted source, the burglary ocurred at 02:00 in Vineta and the suspects are still at large. “The break-in occurred in 2nd Avenue in Vineta. A window had been left open and subsequently the burglars gained entry into the house. One person in the house was stabbed with a knife. Three cellphones and a

Toshiba laptop were stolen,” the source said. Traces of blood were found after the incident and according to the source the victim is currently in hospital recovering from the stab wounds. A member of the Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch said the victim was hurt quite badly, but is recovering well and that the suspects are still at large.

We followed their footprints into Mondesa but could not trace it from there onwards. People should not leave windows open where there are no burglar bars. They should also call the Neighbourhood Watch immediately when they notice anything suspect, including anyone noticed prowling around the neighbourhood.

Look closely at the gear the suspect person is wearing (shoes, hats, pants). We have had approximately 6 break-ins in Swakopmund since Friday. People need to be more alert. There is a new trend where taxi drivers are involved in stealing laptops from guesthouses. For example, three culprits would act as though they want to book a room at a

guest house. One would wait at reception while the other two would ask the reception to let them view the room. When they return to reception, the third culprit will have fled with the laptops. People need to be alert and call us immediately,” the member said.

Blood stains on a door where the robbery took place

“Phone Pranks will stand trial” –Ileni Shapumba Mavourlene Gaes

The police are warning the Walvis Bay community to refrain from phoning them with false information. This warning follows a recent call to the Kuisebmond police station, reporting a local school in Kuisebmond being on fire. Sergeant Ilieni Shapumba from the Nampol Erongo police community office stated that anybody caught would be dealt with. According to Shapumba they received a call at around 19:45 on Tuesday evening from what sounded like the voice of a mature middle-aged woman. “She called the charge office and said a school (gave the name) was on fire and it sounded like she was running or something” he explains. He further added that the mystery woman failed to

give further information as she apparently did not have enough credit and hung up. The police responded to the call immediately and alerted the fire brigade who also rushed to the scene. Upon arrival, Shapumba explains, they found no trace of a fire and the security official at the school also carried no knowledge of such an incident. He stressed this has not been the first time people, particularly kids, called in to give false information.

Nampol Erongo Police Community Affairs Office's, Sergeant Ileni Shapumba

He added that the police emergency number 10111 was ringing constantly, and sometimes for nothing. Shapumba has also warned alcohol outlets like shebeens and bars to exercise a strict sense of responsibility, regarding their businesses, including the control of sound or noise. “It should be confined to the environment where it is produced.” In the same vein, he has warned churches to refrain from taking their high volume speakers to the streets

and running sermons until late. “We should be reasonable, even preaching should be done in a confined environment, because we are not all coming from the same churches.” Shapumba urged the public to become responsible – else they might eventually get apprehended and have to stand trial. Members of the public who do not have credit, can phone or sms 081 485 0954 if they want to report crime.


Swakopmund Court report

3 July – 8 July

Regional Court

Riaan Samaria (38) appeared on three counts of fraud. The matter was postponed until 15 July for continuation of the trial. Licius Hindjou (28) appeared on a charge of murder. He was already found guilty and will be sentenced on 14 July. Jurgen Anthony Naruseb (23), Jackson Ndjitaviua (23) and Patrick Oaseb (22) appeared on a charge of murder and two counts of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. This matter was postponed until 10 August for legal representation. Ruudy Hinanifa (39) and Edward Paul Ganaseb (42) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification and fraud. The matter was postponed until 7 August for legal representation. Markus Klim (38) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed until 21 August. Uiseb Inny Dunga (30) appeared on two charges of rape and murder – attempted murder. The trial will continue on 25 August. Klapen Musaso (41) appeared on charges of rape and assault. The matter was postponed until 14 August for legal aid. Siyabulela Areseb (26) appeared on two counts of rape. The matter was postponed until 21 August for legal aid. Sydney Hamburee (33) appeared on charges of kidnapping, assault and two counts of rape. The matter was postponed until 10 November for plea and trial. Jose Aibeb (19) appeared on a charge of theft of motor vehicle, alternatively using a motor vehicle without the owner’ consent. This matter was postponed until 1 October for plea and trial. Christiaan Rooinasie (54) appeared on charges of attempted rape, enticing a girl under the age of sixteen

to commit an immoral act and rape. The matter was postponed until 17 November for plea and trial. Mathias Korbinia (33) appeared on a charge of murder, alternatively culpable homicide. The accused pleaded guilty on the alternative charge and was found guilty accordingly. The murder charge was withdrawn. He will be sentenced on 30 July.

Magistrate’s Court

Endjala Rekeido Mwinoma (21) appeared on a charge of rape. The accused will be asked to plea on 13 July. John Izaaks (43) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed until 7 September, awaiting the Prosecutor General’ decision. Fanuel Shilongo (35) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed until 9 November for plea purposes. Clemence Zemuundja (26) appeared on a charge of theft and was found guilty. He was sentenced a fine of N$2 000, of which N$1 000 is suspended for three years, or six months imprisonment, of which three months is suspended for three years. Jaques Pienaar (28), Leehamxro Coetzee (21) and Roberto Skopelitus (24) appeared on a charge of assaulting a member of police. The matter was postponed until 31 August for plea and trial. Deon Albertus De Wee (38) appeared on a charge of possession of a fire-arm without a license. The matter was postponed until 3 August, because the docket was not at court. Jan Van Niekerk (41) appeared on a charge of assault. The matter was postponed until 3 September for legal aid purposes. Jacobina Salomons (42) appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed until 1 October, awaiting the lab results.

One of the rooms containing art supplies at the centre

Walvis Bay Arts center aims to keep youth off street Mavourlene Gaes The Walvis Bay Arts centre is nearly done and is set to open its doors for the public by September this year in Kuisebmond’s Kingklip Street. The centre is going to host two Directors Pastor Mandesa Phiri and Beatriz Matuis that are going to be in charge of running the centre. According to Pastor Phiri the centre will serve as an umbrella for individuals that are going to be part of the centre creating a platform for them. The long-awaited centre will also provide training programmes such as visual and performing arts like. Some of the programmes offered at the centre will be crafts, drama, poetry, keyboard and guitar lessons, dance classes, choir as well as brass band les-

The Walvis Bay Art centre building sons and radio production. that obstacle and will open “One of the factors the the centre before the end centre will focus on, is of this year. keeping the youth out People with enquiries reof the streets by keeping garding the centre can them busy and engaged contact pastor Phiri on 081 positively at the arts 303 7956. center” Phiri says. He admits that judging from the ones he has worked with so far, some of the learners are very artistic and the centre aims at developing such talent through art where they can express how they are feeling through art. Phiri explains the centre was faced with several challenges, one of them including a venue for the centre but that he is happy Pator Mandesa Phiri, one of they managed to overcome the directors at the centre

Selling fishing quotas is a punishable offence: PS Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Permanent Secretary (PS) Moses Muarihungirire has warned that the sale of fishing quotas is a transgression. Speaking during a media briefing in Windhoek, Muarihungirire said selling fishing quotas was not within any Namibian Government policy. Every two or three years, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources allocates new fishing quotas to people who are previously disadvantaged. Some of these rights holders, however, sell their quotas to big fishing firms. Muarihungirire has explained that the intent of the government to allocate fishing quotas to previously disadvantaged people is to empower Namibians in the long term.

“We want them to retain their quotas and engage in various businesses pertaining to their quotas which they have been given and start exploiting them to the fullest and acquire assets in the long run,” he said. He says when people apply for fishing rights/quotas, they come up with “rosy business proposals” which are the vehicles that allow them to be selected. When scrutinised, these business proposals make a

lot of sense but after they have acquired the quotas, some holders sell theirs. He has warned that those who have sold their quotas will be traced and steps will be taken against them. “We are not going to prosecute them, but there are measures to be taken regarding the selling of the quotas,” he stated without elaborating on the types of measures to be taken. NAMPA

10 JULY 2015

Manica gives back Leandrea Louw

Four of the students who went on the trip to NaDeet, with Priscilla Kuzeeko, Ms Viktoria Keding Administrative Assistant of NaDeet, Mr Nolito Marques of Manica and Mr Mashawu, teacher at Kuisebmond Secondary School As part of their social responsibility Manica Group Namibia gave Grade 11 and 12 learners from Kuisebmond Secondary School a biodiversity tour of the South of the Namib Desert over a 3 day expedition, from 15 to 19 June. The expedition cost around N$55 000. A quick presentation of the expedition was given at the Manica Office in Walvis Bay. A group of 39 learners and 2 teachers were given the opportunity to travel to the Namibia Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) Centre which is located 100 km south of Sesriem/Sossusvlei on the NamibRand Nature Reserve. “Our programs is not only to give students an outdoor- nature experience, but to teach them to think differently in society. We not only teach them what our rights are but also what our responsibilities to the outside world are,” said Ms Viktoria Keding Director and cofounder of NaDEET. Mr Johnathan Mashawu, Mathematics and Science teacher at Kuisebmond Secondary School gave a brief presentation, on what the 3 day trip entailed. “On our first day we measured the enviro footprint, this is how we calculate the average on water and energy usage. We also had the chance to experience solar cooking. We cooked all our food with solar power. The second day we had a dune walk where we came across an Oryx, a wedge snouted lizard and numerous desert plans. We also measured the micro climate of a small area and we also made fire balls from recycling material.” “We also had an activity, where the main lesson for the learners was to teach learners about making the best choices within their concerning priorities. The last day we had some fun, by dune boarding, and we also had the privilege of a 'night sky', where we identified different stars and planets of the solar system.” Mr Mashawu and his learners expressed their gratitude towards Manica for making this trip possible. “Thank you for your commitment of giving opportunities to the Namibian child as a corporate partner in Education.”

Making Fire balls




10 JULY 2015


Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905éOpen hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Om



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Mile 8

Swaco Group Supports Rhino Conservation For their Social Investment Project this year, the Swaco Group of Companies decided to support the Save the Rhino Trust in their tireless efforts to protect the desert-adapted black rhino of the Kunene and Erongo regions. “The days when the government was seen as the only social change agent and the absolute macro problem solver are becoming part of the past, as the corporate market are gradually realising their role too by actively participating in social and community projects under the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Namibia. Corporations have come to realise that they cannot operate in isolation to the community, that good governance and social involvement go beyond the work performed in their own offices. At the Swaco Group of Companies, we believe in the voluntary involvement, or investment, in social projects that help advance the society/the community

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com

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WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

Port Log


in which we operate in areas such as health care, safety, and the environment, among others. Our aim is not only to consider and protect our shareholders, but also all stakeholders; including employees, customers, suppliers, the environment and the community. We therefore commit ourselves to partnerships with government and reputable non-profit organisations whose development goals are aimed at viable, innovative and sustainable solutions in response to national and global priorities. From the point of near extinction, the rhino population has rebounded over the past 30 years due to Save the Rhino Trust’s dedica-

Swakopmund Tides


Smiles all around during the cheque hand over

Walvis Bay Tides

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?

tion and hard work. Save the Rhino Trust operates in a remote, rugged area of more than a million hectares, with few fences, no national park status and no controls over who goes in or out. Working closely with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, local communities and NGOs, their dedicated teams of trackers go out on daily patrols to monitor the last truly free-ranging population of black rhino in the world.” The Group of Companies donated an amount of N$35 250 to Save the Rhino Trust to participate in their sponsor-a-rhino programme in support of their work with the desert-adapted black rhino. They adopted a rhino

Nigeria and Nawalta cow named Nigeria, who was born in the Torra Conservancy in August 1996. She has given birth to 4 calves, all of which are still surviving. Nigeria’s most recent calf is a male born in January 2013 and has survived the most devastating drought experienced in Namibia. Like most rhinos his age, the calf is still reliant on his mother to teach him how to survive in the wilderness. The Swaco Group of Companies proudly named the calf Nawal-

ta, after the late Mr Walter Böttger, former Chairman of the Swaco Group of Companies (1989 – 2005). “We are proud to be involved in the conservation of these two rhinos by participating in the preservation of this majestic animal for our future generations, for the continuous growth of tourism in our country and the prosperity of Namibia. We challenge all companies to invest in this worthy cause and equal or better our contribution!”

10 JULY 2015



10 JULY 2015 The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.

newsdesk@namibtimes.net Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times readers’ comments


Swakopmund weer finalis in Kwêla Dorp van die Jaar-kompetisie!

Waarskuwing Wees versigtig asb by Walvis se Shoprite sentrum.

Daar loop mans rond met goedere asof hul wil koop in ackermans en pep (waarvan ek weet) maar eintlik zip hul handsakke en baadjies oop opsoek na

beursies en selfone. Pep sê hulle het 3 beursies by hulle wat die afgelope week opgetel in hul winkel. Riette Van Zyl

Bekommerde leser

Kan ‘n mens nie iets doen voor Multisave nie. Die mense ry regtig Swakopmund het vir die tweede keer deurgedring na Kyknet se Kwêla Dorp van die soos hulle wil. Jaar-kompetisie. Daar is ‘n solide streep maar die mense gehad by die surkel meer as ‘n maand terug Ria Hancke Hoop hulle tel stemme beter die keer! Anja Söderlund Dis nice!Ou Swakopmund Amanda Fest-Visser Stem moet julle stem!

Geraldine Isaks Yoh my hometown. Jeandre E Fortuin Swakopmund! Karin Kruger LIKE.


Erongo Red to announce approved electricity tariffs for 2015/2016 on Friday. Erongo RED proposed an average electricity tariff increase of 8.3% for 2015/16, which was to be approved by the Electricity Control Board (ECB). According to their Public Relations Officer, Mr Benjamin Nangombe, they have received feedback from the ECB and will brief the media on Friday.

Monja Vermaak Maybe they should get people who actually read the meters every month and don’t just estimate! Riaan Tap Does anybody have an Idea why Electricity unit price differ throughout the month? Brigitte Von Dewitz Maybe they should start to invest in some good quality circuit breakers.


A vehicle accident occurred this morning outside Swakopmund, at the airport T-junction. It was reported that the driver of the green VW Jetta died on the scene. Eight people were injured and the nature of their injuries was described as not serious. Ewald Meyer Well then red bakkie ? Evengiline Diergaardt ‘Toena’ i can say that its not alwys the case that your car looks like that due to speed cause we were in an accident four years ago hit by a truck from behind and a double cab from the front our car was folded but non of us died so may God be with the survivers. The looks of a car is cause by the impact and oh ya we were driving 60 km /ph due to heavy rain. Nieuwoudt Boshoff Ya Allah! Why must people always be reckless on that Swakop road? I drove to Whk about 2 weeks ago, and almost also had an accident there because people don’t consider on-coming traffic before turning onto the main road. My condolences to the family of the deceased. Regina Andrew Lets just pray for safer roads and the right attitude towards drivers. Chris Engels SPEED KILLS, by the look of the

damage to the VW it looks like it was going at a high speed. Michael Nasheya God save us. Selma Firstborn Maggy Inane So bad. Liz-Mari Steyn Ek stel voor. Familie van die betrokke ongeluk. Moet dan nie commenta lees nie. Wilton Ganeb May his soul rest in peace. Nico Uatjiukua Kuruuo All Namibian can we drive cars with due of care please cars. Kissie Juelz Lord be wth them, amen. Iileka Song Iileka This month is different month. Nancy Carvalho Alejandro Have mercy oh Lord on Us. Titus Tsowaseb RIP. Zamb’z David You where a good man bra may God be with you and RIP only God knows. Vakola Sakaria God b wth em. Vairepi Tjeripo Muharukua R.i.p.

Die Hoop beskaam nie Ons verheug ons ook in die swaarkry, want ons weet: swaarkry kweek volharding; Volharding, egtheid van geloof; egtheid van geloof, hoop; en die hoop beskaam nie, want God het sy liefde in ons harte uitgestort deur die Heilige Gees wat Hy aan ons gegee het. Romeine 5:3-5

doen ‘n u-turn net om parkeerplek te kry en hulle stop dan soos hond se gat oor twee plekke of so naby aan jou kar dat jy moet wag tot hulle klaar is met shopping dat jy ook kan ry en by die huis kom. Ek sien so baie polisie en traffic daar stop maar daar word niks aan gedoen nie. En nog ‘n ding wat my pla. Ek het ‘n ongeluk

waar my kar deur die houd gegaan het en gerol het. Dis nog nie reg gemaak nie en die karre het al besluit dat dit die nuwe ingang en uitgang is na die surkel toe. Dis gevaarlik of moet mens weer daar ongeluk maak voordat daar aandag gegee word daaraan. Carol Eck

Path a way forward

Please media and all relevant stakeholders: Explain to me and the nation how you also so enthusiastically lobbied for the ban on armed police and their excessive force used in the Frieda shooting at swapo hq (how soon we forget coz we forgot)? I for one haven’t seen the outcry on such a level as I’m seeing it currently in the pittbul attack of young Fred Savage (which I don’t vindicate) - may his soul Rest In Peace. However, as a lover and owner of the breed I take exception to how the negative fires are fuelled by ignorant people and a sensationalistic media! Blame can be shifted to and fro - from all parties, no

amount of mudslinging can restore Fred’s mother’s heart-wrenching loss! We ought to look at the issue holistically and meet around the table and path a way forward to control possible future incidents- concerned groups, NPBA, lawmakers alike! Our past has taught us that segregation/ maligning/ classification of people does not work. Harold Mrmagic Davids

Ku Klux Klan Episode - Letter to the Editor The Swakopmund episode with Carnival participants dressing up in Ku Klux Klan costumes with black faces raises a number of very disturbing questions: What kind of attitudes are bred in the families of these people? How do the adults on the Carnival Committee condone such blatantly racist expressions? And worse, what does the Allgemeine Zeitung’s publication of these images, without total condemnation, say about its pandering to a certain minority in the German community? Freedom of speech and ‘creativity’ should have limits and such serious transgressions should be brought before the law and condemned by every Namibian.

It is perhaps not an overstatement to say that attitudes like these are part of the same blind mentality that led to the most heinous crimes in history, and now shows itself in the ISIS syndrome. Namibia is not immune. No matter how small this loutish fringe may be, those who flout our government’s efforts to reconcile our communities, do so at the peril of all Namibians’ future. Anita Brandt

namib times e-book edition

@ http://issuu.com/ namibtimes


10 JULY 2015

1797 Historic Coin Found in Walvis Bay


A 1797 coin minted in Soho England 218 years ago, was found in Walvis Bay on 4 January 2015. The coin was found in the area of the Weigh Bridge in Walvis Bay. At first the person who found the coin thought that it was a copper washer and possibly worth a penny, but what he actually found was a cartwheel penny! He certainly made a few cartwheels of excitement at discovering such a valuable and historic coin lying in the sands of time in Walvis Bay. He found the coin to be heavily corroded by the patina on copper. Unfortunately, by cleaning the coin, he removed much of the value attached to such a find.

Head and tail of the 1797 cartwheel penny found in Walvis Bay On closer inspection it was found to be an original cartwheel penny that was minted in 1797 and it clearly shows the head of the British King, George III, who ruled over England, France and Germany at the time. What is interesting is that King George III ruled England for 60 years from 1760 to 1820 and one of the longest reigns in British history. He married a German bride, Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Stre-

litz, and was happily married for more than 50 years, fathered 16 children and remained faithful to his wife all his life. He was known to have been a pious religious man who did not tolerate corruption. He also was a friend to the farmer community and he loved Science, Agriculture and Horticulture. He made many positive contributions to the cultural revolution of his day in England. Owing

to his standing as king and his ardent interest in scientific progress the discovery at the time of the planet Uranus was dedicated unto him. The planet was named the King’s Star after him when Herchell discovered it in his time of kingship. The discovery was attributed to King George III. Seeing that the cartwheel penny was discovered in the sands of Walvis Bay may call for speculation of the moment when and why this

particular coin was lost. The penny must have been brought here on board a sailing ship which very possibly could have been the Hope. On 26 February 1793 the Dutch erected the Stone of Possession at Walvis Bay. The Stone of Possession had the arms of the State engraved on the one side and a monogram of the East India Company on the other side. Two years later 1795 France invaded Hol-

land. England feared that the French could also gain control of the sea route to India. England dispatched a naval force to occupy the Cape. They then sent Captain Alexander to proceed up the West Coast to examine the base including Walvis Bay and to take possession on behalf of the British Crown. The British immediately proclaimed a monopoly over the rich whaling and sealing

grounds. A cruiser was commissioned to protect these industries of exploitation of other countries. The Star in 1796, renamed the Hope, was this cruiser in the Royal navy that traded with the Topnaars who lived in the dunes around Walvis Bay. This trade flourished for several years. This particular penny dated 1797 could very possibly have been used as part of this trading. The same coins had also

been found in the Cape of Good Hope. Another point of interest is that this coin was found here in Walvis Bay at a time just after the birth of the New Prince of Whales, George VI, last year in England. It is truly interesting that this coin was found now in 2015 and one of the very tangible evidences of the annexation of the Walvis Bay enclave by the British in 1797.

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WINDHOEK: Auas Valley Shopping Mall, Bessemer Street Tel: 061 231 951 • nicwhk@nictus.com.na SWAKOPMUND: 44 Sam Nujoma Drive Tel: 064 405 411 • nicswak@nictus.com.na ONGWEDIVA: Main Road Tel: 065 238 041 • nicong@nictus.com.na

TSUMEB: President Avenue Tel: 067 220 561 • nictsum@nictus.com.na WALVIS BAY: Theo Ben Gurirab Street Tel: 064 203 591 • nicwal@nictus.com.na

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10 JULY 2015

Doubting my HIV Status – by Bernhard Kamatoto

Fifteen years ago I tested HIV positive and disclosed my status to the public. Some people started doubting my status, saying that the Government paid me a hefty sum of money to do that, some of them say that I am on special ARV treatment, which is better than the usual one. With a healthy body and mind, others totally doubt if I am HIV positive. 14 June 2015, on a Saturday, I received a phone call from a friend and confidante of mine, who played an important role in my life prior to me disclosing my HIV status. He first asked me where I was. I hesitated to respond and the next thing, I saw him standing a few meters away from me. He was with four people. They were having a talk about children born out of wedlock and jealous women. He introduced me to his friends and immediately someone burst out, “Is this Bernhard Kamatoto who is said to have been HIV positive for all these past years?” I responded and said “Yes it is me. There is no other Bernhard Kamatoto living with HIV here.” She responded and said, “He is lying!” The ladies and guys examined me

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from head to toe, even touched me, trying to feel what my body felt like. They seemingly believed that the body of an HIV positive person should have a high temperature and mine didn’t, so according to them, the whole HIV thing with me has been a complete lie. These women started betting each other, putting money on the table to sleep with me without protection and that they would not be infected. They were completely prepared to sleep with me to prove their point and that it was up to me to say yes or no. Before I even responded, another woman emerged from the house and confronted me. She literally called me a liar and challenged me to have sex with her in one of the rooms, convinced that she would not be infected. HIV activist and namib times/Pepfar HIV CamI was very overwhelmed paign ambassador, Bernhard Kamatoto and shocked while sitting there, wondering how Share your status these people expected Share your status with those you love me to look, so that they with those you love would be sure that I was indeed HIV positive. Is an HIV positive person not supposed to look healthy like everybody else? I bet you, even if I went for an HIV test to prove to any of them, they still wouldn’t believe me. Can you see www.namtimeshivaids.org www.namtimeshivaids.org SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 how people still think or perceive HIV! I proposed that we talk about what they wanted to know about HIV and how we could educate each other. Thy asked me a lot of questions, but I would like to share with you only three of them – with my responses. ● The first question was, “If you say you are HIV positive, how did you have a child who is HIV Practise safe sex. negative?” I informed Practise safe sex. them that I got my child Share your status with those you love. Share your status with those you love. through sexual contact. Let’s Let’s put an end to put HIV.an end to HIV. I further explained that sperm and the female egg do not carry the virus. You have to take ART very regularly for it to



work. ● An “undetectable” viral load does not mean zero. It means there is not enough HIV in your blood sample to show up on the test. ● The viral load test measures virus in the blood. It doesn’t tell you about virus in sexual fluids sperm or vaginal fluids. ● The viral load test result was for when your sample was taken, not today. Viral load can change quickly, especially if you get sick with a cold or flu, or even if you get vaccinated. ● And my child’s mother is HIV negative.

My Beautiful Princess, HIV Negative last-born, Meta Rikodonone Blessing Kamatoto The second question was; “Is it true that if a man has unprotected sex with a person and they wash their sexual organs, they wouldn’t get infected?” I informed them that this is a myth. There is no way washing one’s sexual organs after sex can protect you from getting infected, and that using protection, a Condom, is the reality of the whole process. The last question was most shocking; they asked whether it is safe to use plastic bags in the absence of condoms. Honestly, I was shocked and I asked how anybody would use a sandwich or bread bag, which is obviously not comparable

to the condom at all. They responded by saying that when the bread is hot, the plastic bag does not burst, so it wouldn’t burst even in the process of having sex. This was strange to hear and it seemed to be supported by all the men who were sitting there. I insisted on condom use while they insisted that if the condom was not available, they would rather use those plastic bags rather than having unprotected sex. So, I am still to understand and investigate the current crisis of the condom in our country. Listening to all that, I figured that there is still too much information lacking at community level. This may be HIV education, behaviour towards HIV, ignorance and thousands of myths on the ground that need to be tackled. If HIV is still judged on how one looks physically, then I think we are still far from winning this battle. Companies must come together, getting everybody on board in the Erongo region , financially support awareness campaigns, and other drives. Therefore, I call upon and challenge all these different institutions in Erongo, like NAMPORT, Rossing, Erongo Red, Swakopmund Uranium mine, all the municipalities, and business people to come on board to make sure that programmes in the community are welldriven, in order to meet the needs of people at ground level. Let us strive to have a Zero New Infection Rate and practise safe sex, and Share our status with those we love. Lets put and end to HIV. I am Bernhard Kamatoto, living with HIV. If you want to chat about HIV, phone me at 081 312 5819

International Conference on AIDS and STI’s in Africa

The Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA), the custodian of the International Conference on AIDS and STI’s In Africa (ICASA) has announced Zimbabwe as the host Country for ICASA 2015. ICASA 2015 will be hosted from 29 November to 4 December 2015.

Our partners


Our partners



According to the Minister of Health, Dr Pagwesese David Parirenyatwa during the signing of the MoU assured that the Government of Zimbabwe is enthusiastic to welcome all delegates to ICASA 2015 in Harare. “The Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA) wishes to

assure all delegates and stakeholders that ICASA 2015 in Zimbabwe will be staged as planned. All registrations pertaining to ICASA 2015; delegate registration, abstract submission, abstract reviewer registration, registration for marketing items and booking for satellite as

well as exhibition are still ongoing via the Conference Website. For more information on the ongoing registration, abstract submission and booking of marketing items for ICASA 2015, kindly visit: www. icasa2015zimbabwe.org


JULY 2015 1010 JULY 2015

Smith’s long walk to freedom Mavourlene Gaes

Little ones at KüSKA

The children and families from Busy Bodies Montessori Nursery School all arrived in force, dressed as ‘Mafia’ characters, for the annual Küska Parade on Saturday the 27th of June. We are very proud of our ‘Mini Mafia’ and a superb time was had by all!

79 year old farmer, Mr Chris Smith has vowed to walk all the way from Windhoek to Swakopmund or Walvis Bay by the beginning of next year as part of his Cancer and Crohn’s disease awareness drive on behalf of the Cancer Association of Namibia. He says he is planning on taking on the challenge next year when he turns 90 in January provided his health remains stable and he still feels as healthy and fit as he is. “I am looking forward to

the walk of which I will walk 20 km a day, each day until I reach my destination that will either be Swakopmund or Walvis Bay” Smith says. His farm is located in the Rehoboth area.


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He added that adds the reason behind his decision to do the Crohn’s disease together with the Cancer drive has to do with his wife and daughter who were both diagnosed with the disease.

Busy Bodies would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Wesbank for sponsoring our truck and to our driver James and of course, to our parents that took part, for showing their support in what we do each day for their kids. KüSKA!!!


10 JULY 2015

Walvis Bay Schools still the Maths Masters The Coastal Mathematics Challenge between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay Secondary Schools took place in Swakopmund on Wednesday, and it was the Walvis Bay Cluster Schools that emerged again as the overall winner. The organiser, Magret Courtney-Clarke says the participating learners were selected from the best performers in a first round which took place at individual schools on 10 June 2015. 800 learners from 12 coastal secondary schools sparticipated in the first round. 72 of these learners were selected, 36 from each town, to participate in the second round. Three teams of four learners from each of Grade 8, Grade 9 and Grade 10 represented their towns. The following schools were represented in the second round: Swakopmund: Namib High School, Private School Swakopmund, Westside High School, Coastal High School, Atlantic Combined School.

Walvis Bay: Walvis Bay Private High School, International School Walvis Bay, Dolphins Secondary School, Duneside High School. The teams competed in three sections Section A: Individual speed test Section B: Individual Multiple Choice Questions Section C: Team Questions – teams of four learners The Coastal Mathematics Challenge is part of the Mathematics Support and Enrichment Programme for Secondary Learners which has been sponsored by Langer Heinrich Uranium since 2011. Here are the winners of the Coastal Mathematics Challenge. Grade 8 Individual

Teams 3rd Swakopmund Jonathan Ulrich, Chrisandra Dlamine, Reingard Kuhn, Jean-Dee de Klerk. 2nd Swakopmund Leticia Erikki, Lillian Beresford, Tafadzwa Mashomba, Tina Tuzembeho. 1st Walvis Bay Ellizabeth Rossouw, Karlie Myburgh, Tony Liu. Grade 10 Individual Ning Wei Shen WB 3rd 2nd Joe Wenxin WB 1st Tina Lu WB Teams

3rd 2nd 1st

Ruben Bacher Daniela Lloves Wim van der Plas

Swk WB Swk

Teams 3rd Walvis Bay Will-dene Mouton, Tiffany Wittman, Maurice Hinterholzer, Anina van Rensburg. 2nd Walvis Bay Cyle Williams, Daniela Lloves, John Faul, Sue-Melle Mans. 1st Swakopmund Daniel Seidler, Petrus Shikudule, Uetuhena Karupa, Ruben Bacher.

3rd Walvis Bay, Elmien J van Rensburg, Henk Rossouw, Steyn Viljoen, Carel Olivier.

Grade 9 Individual

2nd Swakopmund, Michael Matheis, Kavenamuua Kgosiemang, Kirsten Savage, Maike Schomarz.

3rd Oscar Calitz Swk 2nd Jonathan Ulrich Swk Tiyana Meyer WB 1st Elizabeth Rossouw WB

1st Walvis Bay, Tina Lu, Bryan Nakambonde, Joe Wenxin, Ning Wei Shen.


10 JULY 2015

Salon Leanda vir styl en gemak Liesl Losper Of jy nou 'n besoeker vir die eerste keer of 'n lojale gas is, Salon Leanda sal 'n onvergeetlike vakansie-ervaring vir enige iemand wees. Hulle maak voorsiening vir mans, vroue en kinders. Leanda en Rudie De Bruin het die salon in Mei 2014 begin met die doel om uitsonderlike haresorg, gasvryheid en professionaliteit daar te stel met hoogs-opgeleide, sny stiliste. “Ek het my opleiding in Bloemfontein by Maison Costa gekry waar ek drie jaar deeltyds studeer het. Daarna het ek Namibië toe gekom waar ek ongeveer drie jaar by Hair Craft gewerk het. Ek het toe ook my eie salon in Windhoek gehad vir amper drie jaar en ons is nou vir bietjie langer as 'n jaar in Swakopmund gevestig,” sê Leanda. Die sleutel tot die Salon Leanda-ervaring is die feit dat jy in 'n atmosfeer instap wat jou onmiddelik tuis laat voel, en na jou eerste keer sal jy met die wêreld se vertroue uitstap. "Ons visie vir Salon Leanda is om aan al ons kliënte die beste diens te verskaf en dat hul daardie tyd by ons heeltemaal kan ontspan en kan herlaai voor hulle daar uitstap,” sê Leanda. Alles begin met 'n warm en vriendelike verwelkoming deur die salon se ontvangsdame. Volgens Leanda sal die haarkappers Tiaan, Amore en Nerine, u net met die beste professionaliteit, die beste haarstyl en haarkleur saam met u bespreek om u te help met u keuse. Tiaan is 'n welbekende in die haarsalon-bedryf, spesifiek in Swakopmund. Die bestuur van die salon wil dan ook vir Tiaan welkom heet as deel van hul groep. Hulle is ook welbekend met bekende produkte soos onder andere Wella Professional, Wella SP, Hannon en GHD. Met hulle ondervinding verseker hulle hul kliënte van die beste styl, met gemak.


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Tiaa n to their team of professional hairdressers

(Vlnr) Amore, Leanda, Tiaan & Nerine


10 JULY 2015

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10 10JULY JULY2015 2015


Introducing Amarox

10 JULY 2015


Madelaine Laubscher

Amarox, a kwaito group (trio) from Mondesa, Swakopmund will be launching their first album soon, after the trio’s songs were heard on Base FM recently. Two members of the group, Teasko Lazarus (19) and Tangos Amarox (20) said they have performed in Windhoek recently. “We are currently busy working on our first album. We do not know the due date of the release of the album, but it will be this year soon. We will be recording the album at Ongushu. Ever since Grade 8 we were interested in hip-hop and kwaito. We’ve performed in Swakopmund various times and have singles that are currently playing on the top 10 countdown on Base FM,”

they said. “We are pushing to make a career out of our music. We want to have our own label. We are also shooting our first music video. Kele, our producer, has helped us and we want to thank him for his support. We invite all to listen to our tracks. “Better Days” is one of our top songs at the moment,” they concluded. The third member of the group is still in school and according to them he is taking a small break from the group until further notice.

WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 11 July: Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H. Monument Usakos at 11:00. * 12 July: Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade. * 1 Aug: St Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerk, Narraville Bazaar op kerkgronde vanaf 09:00. * 4 Aug: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Temple of Truth Kerk.


Teasko Lazarus with Tangos Amarox and Amadix Tyson

Poetic Healing nights for all Madelaine Laubscher

led baai-poets. This is how Poetic Healing began,” she said. According to her it is called poetic healing, because poetry to them is their platform to express themselves and it heals in a certain way. “We choose a theme every month that the poets would like to recite on, that will touch lives. Some themes are funny and some are philosophical. We have serious and funny nights. Anyone can enter. The main aim is to share your passion. We also invite musicians and comedians. I encourage ladies to please come and recite, sing or share some-

thing comical. Audience members have told me that this is such a great thing we’ve started, because Walvis Bay does not have a lot of social activities going on.” Poetic Healing is held every first Friday of every month. One of the poets, Aristides Sambiliye, is a teacher by profession. He grew up in Walvis Bay. He writes poems for fun but also from time to time to live through a catharsis. “I enjoy the poetic licence that comes with it and I really write about anything, depending on the inspiration,” he said. Here is one of his poems:

Mrs Frieda Shikoyeni with three poets, Aristides Sambiliye, Rajmizhar De Armas and Armando Aword

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.

Poetic Healing, which started in August last year, has become a regular activity at the coast for all poets, musicians and comedians wanting to share their passion with others. The initiator of poetic healing, Mrs Frieda Shikoyeni said Poetic Healing, which started last year in August, is meant for everyone who has a passion for poetry, music or comedy. “On a visit to Windhoek, I was invited to a poetry session. I was very intrigued in how the poets took a certain theme and made it their own. The fact that I, who did not know much about poetry, could relate to the poems inspired me. I thus approached poets I know at the coast and offered a certain platform to them to share their talent with the coastal community. There is a group here cal-

* Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * 25 July: Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities presents: Flea Market in Haus der Jugend in Swakopmund with pancakes, tombola and lots of stands. For more information contact Almut Slabbert at 081 288 1902.

Aristides Sambiliye at Poetic Healing Lady on the stairs Oh what a beautiful smile she has so direct, yet secret when at me she stares Eyes as precious as rare giant pearls lost in themselves as her hair she twirls Her cheekbones flirt with my eyes perfect, as Da Vinci’s sight 4 sore eyes Her lips finely shaped and full, had mine parting with its pull Her skin, as if by all elements untouched, announced its smoothed as the sun upon it danced She was seated so my eyes touched her not from head to bottom, but I would, my head, place on the choping block 4 the condition of her bosom... The lady on the stairs


10 JULY 2015

Hochverehrte Kunden von Sure Ritz Travel, Mit großer Freude darf ich Sie über interne Veränderungen des Reisebüros informieren. “The Holiday Shop" steht Ihnen ab sofort für alle Reiseangelegenheiten zur Verfügung und Ulrike Meyer bleibt Ihre persönliche und exklusive Reisebüro Fachfrau. Ab 1.sten Juli 2015 finden Sie “The Holiday Shop" in der Hewepa Arcade Laden Nr. 4 (neben dem Brauhaus) und Sie können uns jederzeit unter der alten Nummer erreichen: +264-64-40 51 51. Name und Ort mögen sich ändern, aber mein Service bleibt wie immer – ich kümmere mich um all Ihre Reiseangelegenheiten und freue mich darauf, unsere hervorragende Geschäftsbeziehung fortzusetzen und auszubauen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ulrike Meyer ulrike@travelstop.co

10 JULY 2015



10 JULY 2015


10 JULY 2015

“Transport excellence” arrives at coast SBS Trucking: From humble beginnings to renowned transport company

SBS Trucking cc, a well-established road freight transport and c o u r i e r c o m p a n y, extended their business to Swakopmund this week. Their goal is to provide the highest level of transportation services, as well as safe and timely deliveries with fair and competitive pricing, while providing a safe workplace for employees and maintaining integrity, fairness and honesty with customers and business partners. The company started out in 2003 as a home-based transport business with the acquisition of one medium sized truck, initially transporting goods for Nakara from Windhoek to Cape Town. The absence of any major contracts have inspired the owners to put in a lot more effort to achieve their goals and within a few years they opened a depot in Cape Town to accommodate and efficiently handle the increased loads on the Trans - Oranje Corridor (Whk - CT). The Windhoek – Johannesburg (Trans - Kalahari Corridor) was conquered subsequently and since then the company has grown significantly and also had to open a depot in Johannesburg. After attaining this milestone, they had to increase their fleet of trucks, which currently consists of eleven 34 ton trucks (interlinks) with various smaller delivery trucks and pickups. Business was booming and they had to relocate from Windhoek to Brakwater (±18 km north of Windhoek on the B1 highway) in search of a larger premises to accom-

modate its operations. SBS Trucking recently purchased this plot (Plot 48) from the owner. They offer a bi-weekly service from Johannesburg and Cape Town (Tuesdays and Fridays) and now also an overnight road freight service between Windhoek and the central and northern coastal town of Namibia. The transport company caters for the transportation of, amongst other, household and electronic goods, foodstuff, industrial goods, printing, stationery, glass, parts and much more. Customers of SBS Truc-

king can also rest assured that their goods are in safe hands, as the company's rates include freight insurance of up to N$2 million per load. Furthermore, all their vehicles are fully equipped with satellite tracking devices for real time tracking. From its humble beginnings in 2003, it is clear that this company is certainly on its way to the top and busy accomplishing their vision to become one of the recognised leaders in Namibia's transport industry for long and short distance trucking.

Marshallino Beukes


10 JULY 2015

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste

Ergänzung zum Bericht über Irmela Erlank

In der Hoffnung, dass das Foto von Irmela verschwommen ist und die Druckmaschine benimmt, hier ein erneuter Versuch! Swakopmund (sk) - same Reisen in EuroAls Ergänzung zum pa, Asien und Afrika Artikel über den Le- ihr Kunstverständnis bensweg von Irmela der verschiedenen KulErlank ist noch zu er- turen erweitern durfte. wähnen, dass sie wäh- Unter den vielen Murend ihrer zweiten Ehe seen der Welt erinnert mit Gotthard Rethe- sie sich besonders gern meyer (1991 -2004) an das Getty Museum durch viele gemein- in Los Angeles, die

Erlank diesmal nicht der namib times sich Hermitage in Sankt Petersburg und die Uffizijen in Florenz und ist noch heute ihrem verstorbenen Mann dankbar für die bewegenden Eindrücke, die seine Reiselust ihr verschafften.

ExpressStuhl: neun Haare oder weniger! Möchten Sie zeigen, dass das Alter durchaus auch seine Vorteile hat? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; E-Mail: susannkinghorn@gmail.com

Schlachteessen der Lions

Swakopmund (sk) Nicht vergessen, liebe Leser. Morgen ab 11h30 Uhr findet mal wieder das beliebte Schlachteessen der Lions im Lions-Altersheim statt. Abgesehen von der leckeren Schlachteplatte, die lockt, gibt es alkoholische Getränke, Kaffee und Kuchen sowie Pudding. Also, nichts wie hin!

Jan Hus: Vortrag

Swakopmund (sk) Am Freitag, den 17. Juli um 19h00 Uhr hält Tomàs Bonek aus Prag einen Vortrag über Jan Hus. Der Festvortrag zum 600. Jahrestag der Ve r b r e n n u n g d e s tschechischen Predigers und Reformators Jan oder Johannes Hus in Konstanz findet in der WoermannhausGalerie statt. Wer war Jan Hus, und was kann uns seine Lebensgeschichte heute sagen?

Locker vom Hocker Wir Halsstarrigen

Liebe Küstenleser! Wissen Sie eigentlich, wie sehr ich gewisse Kreaturen auf diesem Erdball um ihre extrem biegsame Verbindung vom Kopf zum restlichen Körper beneide?! Nehmen wir einmal den Falken, der mit 15 Halswirbeln ausgestattet ist, wohingegen wir Menschen neben Atlas und Axis lediglich fünf weitere besitzen - genau wie ü-

Hals werfen, sollte dadurch auch nur etwas von der Mobilität seines geschmeidigen Wirbelsäulenanfangs auf mich überspringen. Bei dem Gedanken, wie starr unser aus Gurgel und Nacken bestehender Körperteil vergleichsweise zu dem des Flamingos ist, bleibt mir glattweg der Bissen sowohl im wörtlichen als auch übertragenen Sinne

her und Störche den Hals stolz über dem Wasser tragen und einfach prächtig aussehen, sofern wir Menschen sie in Frieden lassen, steht UNS oftmals das Wasser bis zum Halse. Dann

Ein mit einem äußerst flexiblen Hals gesegneter Turmfalke (Falco rupicolus) auf einem Kalkfelsen am Swakop östlich der CS SwartBrücke südlich von Swakopmund . Fotos: Susann King brigens die Giraffe, darin stecken. Es ist kommt noch hinzu, obwohl sie ellenlang in fast zum Heulen, wie dass die meisten Lebeden Äther ragt. Wenn angestrengt wir un- wesen gerade so viel in ich daran denke, dass seren Hals nach allem ihren Schlund hineinein Turmfalke bei- Schönen und Inte- fressen, dass sie satt spielsweise seine Hals- ressanten verrenken werden. Unsereins aber wirbelsäule um 180° müssen, während der kann den Hals nicht drehen kann und ein Uhu sich beim Anblick voll genug kriegen, Blickfeld von 220 einer Uhudame mit aber ansonsten halten Grad hat, krieg’ ich einer 270gradigen wir uns gerne alles vom echt ‘n dicken Hals und Umdrehung fast selbst Halse, was uns nicht steifen Nacken, was den Hals umzudrehen passt. beides nicht gerade zu droht. Statt mit einem Auch wenn ich viele mehr Flexibilität zwi- sich elastisch dreh- Tiere um ihre Bewegschen Kopf und Rumpf enden und biegenden lichkeit unterm Kopf beiträgt. Kopf gesegnet zu sein, beneide, bin ich ganz Oder schauen wir uns sitzen wir meist mit froh, dass ich meinen das Kamel oder Dro- einem Nacken da, in im Vergleich eher starmedar an, das eben- dem entweder die ren Hals habe und lebe falls einen äußerst be- Angst sitzt oder die lieber mit als ohne ihn, weglichen Hals hat, Faust spürbar ist. Unter da ich keinen Todesder obendrein mit anderen Umständen wunsch hege. solch starken Muskeln haben wir wiederum Wieso wünschen wir versehen ist, dass die- einen Kloß oder Frosch jemandem statt Glück ses Trampeltier damit im Hals, oder aber tat- eigentlich Hals- und einen Menschen um- sächlich Halsschmer- Beinbruch, wo doch stoßen kann. Solch zen, oder wir kriegen zumindest der Halseinem Paarhufer würde gar etwas in den fal- bruch den sicheren Tod ich mich nichtsdes- schen Hals, der kon- bedeutet? Das fragt sich Ihre totrotz sofort an seinen kret nicht existiert. langen, biegsamen Während Enten, Rei- Susann Kinghorn

Ein Dromedar im Swakoprivier, das seinen Hals um fast 180 Grad gedreht hat, um zu schauen, was hinter ihm vorgeht.


10 JULY 2015

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Drei Küstentänzer vertreten Namibia bei der WCOPA

Swakopmund (sk) Zur Zeit halten sich drei Tänzer der Dance Factory in Los Angeles auf, um Namibia in der Weltmeisterschaft der Darstellenden Künste zu vertreten. Da Kim Hansen zum Zeitpunkt des Interviews bereits in den USA weilte, konnten lediglich Itta Steinsträtter und Quinton Jakobs an dem Gespräch teilnehmen. Die beiden sind am Montag voller Aufregung über Johannesburg und London nach Los Angeles geflogen, um zuerst einmal den Walk of Fame und andere Sehenswürdigkeiten in LA zu besuchen. Anschließend nehmen sie an einem Boot-Camp teil, wo sie einen ganzen Tag lang von Experten intensivst geschult werden. Itta und Quinton haben im März bei den Nationalen Tanzmeisterschaften in Windhoek als Team eine Goldmedaille nach

erste Mal sein, dass ich fliege, und das erste Mal, dass ich eine Überseereise mache.” 2. Welcher von den Tänzen für die WM hat euch am meisten gefallen? Itta: ,,Jazz!” Quinton: ,Der Lyrische!” (,,Mir auch - in beiden Fällen! Anmerkung der Interviewerin)

Itta Steinsträtter und Quinton Jakobs überreichen ihrer Tanzlehrerin Carmen Waldeck ein Geschenk. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn Hause gebracht, und nössisch. Man stelle terricht begonnen. Quinton erhielt für sich vor: ein Tanz, der 1. Was habt ihr emseine Solovorstellung nicht länger als 60 pfunden, als ihr ereines zeitgenössischen Sekunden sein darf, fuhrt, dass ihr für die Tanzes ebenfalls eine weil jede Sekunde WM ausgesucht wurlänger Strafpunkte det? Goldmedaille. Itta: ,,Ich habe überVergangenen Mitt- bedeutet woch haben die beiden Die 15jährige Itta, die haupt nicht an die KosSchüler von Carmen auf der Farm Gaub bei ten gedacht, sondern Waldeck ihre Tänze, Otavi aufwuchs, be- war einfach nur glückdie jeweils nicht länger sucht die Privatschule lich, diese Gelegenheit als eine Minute sein Swakopmund, der 16- bekommen zu haben. dürfen, in der NPS- jährige Quinton, in Es war mir gar nicht so Kulturaula vorgeführt: Tsumeb geboren, wird richtig bewusst, welch eine Chance hier auf Itta in den Kategorien zu Hause unterrichtet. Jazz, HipHop und Zeit- Itta begann im Alter mich wartet.” genössisch, Quinton in von sechs Jahren mit Quinton: ,,Es war wie der Abteilung Jazz, dem Tanzen, Quinton ein großer Schock für Klassisches Ballett, hat erst vor anderthalb mich, als ich hörte, wie Jahren mit Tanzunman meinen Namen Lyrisch und Zeitgeausrief. Es wird das

Preisausschreiben: Ahhh...Sophia Dale!

Swakopmund (sk) 35 Jahre lang hatte Metzgermeister Manfred Lütz mit seiner Frau Michaela und seinen Eltern Willi und Monika die bekannte Imbissstube ,,FrittenWilli” in Oberpleis, einem Stadtteil von Königswinter am Siebengebierge im RheinSieg-Kreis in Nordrhein-Westfalen, geleitet. Dann übernahmen sie 2009 das 12 km vor Swakopmund am Ufer des Swakop gelegene Sophia-Dale-Camp. Dort kann man nicht nur gemütlich, individuell, preiswert und familiär unterkommen. Es gibt auch ein leckeres Frühstück bei den Lützens - und im Biergarten oder Restaurant jeden Abend ein Star-Dinner mit Blick auf die schöne

Eines der Bungalows auf Sophia Dale. Mondlandschaft. Außerdem lockt jeden Samstag ein FarmerMarkt. Wenn sie die folgende Frage bis zum 14. Juli richtig beantworten, können Sie zwei Preise

gewinnen: 1. Was ist auf dem Logo von Sophia Dale zu sehen? Zu gewinnen sind: 1. Ein Gutschein für zwei Nächte Campen auf Sophia Dale im Werte von N$ 480,-;

Foto: Privat! 2. Einen Geschenkkorb mit hausgemachten Produkten von Sophia Dale im Werte von N$ 250,-. Schicken Sie ihre Antwort an susannking horn @gmail.com. Die Sieger werden am 17. Juli auf diesen Seiten bekannt gegeben. Zwecks näherer Info über Sophia Dale melden Sie sich unter 403 264 oder 0814130 504.

www. namib times. net

Itta Steinsträtter führt ihren Jazzund Quinton Jakobs seinen Zeitgenössischen Tanz f ü r d i e We l t meisterschaften in Los Angeles vor. 3.Könntet ihr euch das Tanzen als Beruf vorstellen? Itta: ,,Es könnte eine Option sein, aber ich weiss nicht, ob ich die Nerven dazu hätte.” Quinton: ,,Ich könnte es mir vorstellen. Dort, wo ich lebte, hatte ich keine Gelegenheit. Es ist einfach ein irres Gefühl, auf der Bühne zu tanzen.” 4. Was ist eure größte Furcht vor der WM? Itta: ,,Ich habe etwas Angst vor den Leuten dort, wie sie dich behandeln werden. Auch vor dem Luxus dort. Und dann vor dem Ungewissen. Man weiss nicht, was einen erwartet.” Quinton: ,,Die Meinung oder das Auftreten anderer Menschen sollte einen nicht aus dem Konzept bringen. Ich denke, es ist wichtig, dass man sich selbst in dem Konsum nicht verliert, dass man nicht vergisst, worum es bei der WM geht. Das heißt: Genieße, aber in Maßen! 5. Was bedeutet euch das Tanzen? Itta: ,,Das Zitat ,,Tanzen ist wie Träumen auf Füßen” sagt es eigentlich am besten. Natürlich ist Tanzen auch mit Schmerzen verbunden, aber beim Tanzen vergesse ich alles um mich herum.” Quinton: ,,Natürlich bedeutet Tanzen auch Disziplin, aber wenn man dann am Tanzen ist, vergisst man alles Negative im Leben, denn das einzige, was zählt, ist der Tanz. Tanzen ist eine Welt für sich, die mir so viel Freude bringt.”

Worte der Woche

Nichts lockt die Fröhlichkeit mehr an als die Lebenslust. Ernst Ferstl Mit Kummer kann man allein fertig werden, aber um sich aus vollem Herzen freuen zu können, muss man die Freude teilen. Mark Twain Wir streben mehr danach, Schmerz zu vermeiden als Freude zu gewinnen. Sigmund Freud Man muss immer etwas haben, worauf man sich freut. Eduard Mörike Der Engländer liebt das Gefühl, dass er über sich selbst lachen kann. Er tut das aber nur, um den andern die Freude zu nehmen, über ihn zu lachen. Peter Ustinov Wenn man erfolgreich ist, dann überschlagen sich die Freunde, aber erst wenn man einen Misserfolg hat, dann freuen sie sich wirklich. Harry S. Truman Optimisten haben gar keine Ahnung von den freudigen Überraschungen, die Pessimisten erleben. Peter Bamm Es gibt überall Blumen für den, der sie sehen will. Henri Matisse Der Optimist hat nicht weniger oft unrecht als der Pessimist, aber er lebt froher. Charlie Rivel


10 JULY 2015


10 JULY 2015

REZONING APPLICATION WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning: Single Residential to Local Business Location: Erf 1093, 229 Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a small-scale mixed-use business development on the site. Plans may be inspected/particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 24 July 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLI-CANT: Bruce Stewart-Town Planner, Box 2095, Walvis Bay (064) 280 770

NOTICE Stubenrauch Planning Consultants cc on behalf of the owner of Erf 521 Swakopmund, herewith inform you that we intend to apply for the following: - Rezoning of Erf 521, Swakopmund from “Single Residential” with a density of 1:900 to “General Business” with a bulk of 1.2; - Consent in terms of Table B of the Swakopmund Town Planning Amendment Scheme to construct an “Institutional Building” on the erf that will allow for the construction of a Laboratory and Donor Clinic. Erf 521, Swakopmund measures ± 1077 m2 in extent respectively. According to the Swakopmund Town Planning Amendment Scheme the erf is zoned for “Single Residential” purposes with a density of 1:900. It is the intension of our client to rezone Erf 521, Swakopmund from “Single Residential” with a density of 1:900 to “General Business” with a bulk of 1.2. The owner intends to construct an “Institutional Building” as well as “Block of flats” above the ground floor on the rezoned erf. According to the Swakopmund Town Planning Amendment Scheme one can construct a “Block of Flats” on a “General Business” zoned erf. A “Block of Flats” refers to a building containing two or more dwelling units. In terms of the Swakopmund Town Planning Amendment Scheme one can with consent from Council construct an “Institutional Building” on a “General Business” zoned erf. An “Institutional Building” refers to a building or portion of a building used or intended to be used as an old age home, crèche, public or private school, community hall, religious or charitable institution and/or the administration thereof, and includes a hospital, clinic or dispensary, whether public or private, used in connection therewith, but does not include: a hospital, sanatorium, dispensary or clinic for the treatment of infectious or contagious disease, or premises for the detention of mentally disordered persons, or a mental hospital. The intended rezoning will enable the owner to construct an “Institutional Building” and “Block of flats” with a maximum floor area of 1077 m2. Further take notice that the locality map of the erf lies for inspection during normal office hours on the town planning notice board at the Swakopmund Municipal Office and SPC Office, 45 Feld Street, Windhoek. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed change in land use as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the Municipality and with the applicant in writing before Wednesday, 29 July 2015. Applicant: Stubenrauch Planning Consultants PO Box 11869 Windhoek Tel.: (061) 251189

Our Ref.: W/15086



10 JULY 2015

10 JULY 2015

Monthly Monitor: June 2015

have taken a knock and bond yields, especially of emerging markets, have spiked.

Greece has stolen the limelight for the month of June. Interest rate cuts out of China and positive wage developments in the United States (US) have been widely ignored as Greece failed to pay its debt instalment of 1.5 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

NAMIB TIMES 25 See Table 1 below for asset class returns over various periods: Table 1: Asset Class Returns (in N$):

Market Review:

The Greeks are in dire straits as capital controls have been put in place, i.e. banks have been closed and withdrawals to citizens l i m i t e d . H o w e v e r, Prime Minister Tsipras, and his people are resistant to accepting further aid at the cost of more austerity for the Greek nation. Therefore a 'Grexit'

(Greek exit from the Eurozone) has become a possibility. Whilst their debt being written off sounds very appealing to the Greeks, their weak economy is unlikely to come off unscathed should they decide to leave the European Union (EU). Greece is already burdened by high unemployment, inflation and poverty

levels. A referendum w as s cheduled for beginning July where a vote will be taken of those in favour, and those not, of accepting further aid. In the meantime, markets have been worried about what the outcome would mean for the EU. Equity markets of many other indebted economies

Sources: Various Portfolio Performances: Although markets move

in random ways over shorter periods like a month, they become more predictable given

enough time. Table 2 shows the 1-year returns ending June 2015 of our six managed portfolios.

The returns are calculated based on gross internal rates of return (IRR's) from actual client data:

narrowed, whilst its trade deficit has wide-ned in 2015. Labour unrest and load shedding continue to cripple the economy. The Greek headlines have affected developing countries as is evident in the higher SA bond yields, and poor equity market performance over the last month or two. In Conclusion: If the Greek situation is resolved in the coming month, markets may turn their focus to a September US Federal Reserve interest rate hike. Either way, uncer-tainty is to remain. Diversification amongst asset

classes and geographical regions remains an important factor to the patient long-term investor. Hendrie Scheun, MSc (Financial Economics) (London) is a qualified economist with wide international and local experience. He is a financial adviser at the Namibian coast focussing on savings and investments and can be reached on 081 127 2244. Investment Consultant, Michele Arnold, BCom (Honours in Risk Management) (North-West University) contributed to this article.

Table 2: Portfolio Returns over a 12-Month Period:

Source: Actual Client IRR's off Sanport The volatile market conditions inspired by Greece is weighing on portfolio performance as asset classes on both ends of the risk scale (bonds and equities) struggled through the month. Valuations and Risks: 路 US As the US starts to see wage increases accompanying job creation, the economy is looking more and more healthy and ready for a September interest rate hike. This is yet to be confirmed. US housing prices are on the rise as

consumer spending rises. 路 EU Eurozone shares and bonds have been dragged down by Greece, also illustrated in the loss of value to its currency. 路 ASIA China cut interest rates even further in June. Both China and Japan continue to stimulate their economies, although much welcomed liquidity has not been able to shield the nations against the negative news out of Greece. 路 SA South Africa's current account deficit has


10 JULY 2015

10 JULY 2015



Honda HR-V: The all-new urban crossover

An all-new urban crossover joins the Honda product line-up in South Africa this month. Previewed at this year's Geneva Motor Show, the new Honda HR-V's arrival in local showrooms coincides with its European debut, and promises to shake up the

crossover segment in SA. While most contenders in this segment reflect a scaled-down SUV approach,

the new Honda HR-V combines the sleek aesthetics of a coupĂŠ-inspired design with the rugged attitude of a sports utility vehicle, and the space and versatility of a


MPV. The result is a unique offering in a highly competitive segment. At the same time, the HR-V retains all the coveted hallmarks of the Honda brand, including innovation, tactile quality, reassuring safety and an engaging motoring experience. DESIGN The all-new HR-V has a highly individual exterior design, thanks to the pronounced curve of the roofline, which creates a unique, coupĂŠ-like impression. However, the short overhangs, raised stance and wide tracks reflect the rugged attitude typical of a SUV. INTERIOR Despite its compact footprint, the HR-V looks

and feels spacious inside. The interior execution focuses on intelligent packaging to deliver a spacious front and rear cabin, while the luggage compartment offers generous stowage space. COMPREHENSIVE S TA N D A R D F E A TURES The new HR-V offers an extensive list of comfort and convenience equipment across the twomodel range. Highlights include electrically operated windows and mirrors, remote central locking, air-conditioning, cruise control, a multifunction steering wheel and a multi-information trip computer. DRIVETRAIN AND CHASSIS

The new Honda HR-V is available with a choice of two efficient petrol engines, both linked to a newgeneration, Earth Dreams technology Constantly Variable Transmission (CVT). Regardless of engine, drive is to the front wheels. MODEL RANGE The locally available Honda HR-V range consists of two models, with the 1.5 Comfort variant on offer initially. The 1.8 Elegance offers all the standard features of its 1.5 Comfort stablemate but augments the list with some additional upgrades. These include larger alloy wheels, and auto-activating LED headlights with daytime running lights.


10 JULY 2015


Venue: Indoor Sports Centre Date: 11 July 2015 Time: 8:30 - 18:00 Enquiries: Derrick Rooza Cell: 081 388 3799


10 JULY 2015

Crazy Special Rubberising Double Cab Single Cab Extended Cab Half Ton


N$ 1400.00 N$ 1800.00 N$ 1500.00 N$ 1300.00 All prices are VAT incl.




10 JULY 2015

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP CENTRE SWAKOPMUND: COME AND ENJOY!!! The Worship, The Fellowship, The Embrace, The Word, The Prayers, The Love and His Presence. Venue: opposite Fruits & Veg Complex (Spar raod) by Reliance Motors / Commercial Marine Swakopmund. Time: 08h30am Contact: 081 236 9028 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759 Join us this Sunday. “Jesus is Lord”


COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685

SERVICES Vehicle License Assist No queues, no stress License Renewal, Roadworthiness, change of ownership, personalized number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a price list from: vla.namibia@gmail.com




TRAINING SANAH NAIL TECHNICIANS Beauty is the art 3 days nail training N$ 1400.00 with full kit & certificate, uv machine included. Start your business upon completing the course. Book your space now... Quality at its best. We are situated in Walvis Bay in Sam Nujoma Ave Erf 202 or call us 081 233 2893 081 233 5391

DESERT BEAUTY SALON @ STADMITTE SHOP 13 Contact: 081 446 5500 * Messages. * Waxing. * Pedicure + Manicure. * Gel overlays. Contact for bookings. S.W DRIVING SCHOOL N$90.00 per hour and N$150.00 Natis passing out. If you pay for ten lessons you get 1 hour free. Contact: 081 233 6276 any time. PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CONSULTANCY SERVICES We do: Company registrations (cc, pty, trust, etc) Company profiles Business plans Feasibility studies & project proposals Marketing (promotions, banners, flyers etc) Bookkeeping (management accounts financial statements etc) Tax registrations & management Staff training (customer car, computer skills, basic accounting) Tender document filing SME loan applications (DBN, SME bank etc) Let our qualified team help you grow your business. Contact: 081 144 2738 064 207 897



Business Solution Trading CC 108 5th Street Walvis Bay Namibia Contact : 081 8532 464 Business plans, Feasibility and Marketing studies, project performance assessment, strategic and marketing planning, organizational growth and strategies, clearing and forwarding, SME mentor ship, Company logos, company registration procedures assignment at all levels of study (certificate, diploma, degree, and masters), loan application procedures for DBN, SME bank etc, and website design. WE ARE HERE TO TAKE YOU THERE

SUR PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS Indien u ‘n PI benodig. Kontak ons gerus Susan: 081 258 0166

JUNK IN THE TRUNK GARDEN REFUSE REMOVAL For all your garden refuse Full bakkie load N$ 175.00 or negotiable as needed. Please call Bertus 081 262 6041

A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleanin g.com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.

NK 7 DRIVING SCHOOL We offer learnes license pre paration classes and driving practices at an affordable price. For the learners license classes: Kabeljou, near African Motto N$ 200.00 per week for 4 days Contact: 081 563 3369 for bookings For driving practices: N$ 75 per hour and N$ 150 for driving test at Natis with us failing is not an option! BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES We offer the following: Built in cupboards, any kind of wood Wooden gates, electrical with remote control Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications Extension and renovation of existing dwellings General maintenance Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and interlocks/pavers Call DEREK 081 252 6095 for quotations


For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. BEL ‘n LORRIE 3.5 t / 4 t vragte Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis, vullis Huistrekke, kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels Gody: 081 032 4996 081 200 3741


Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KHOROMANA Treats various problems and diseases Removal of bad luck Lost lover, problems and for them to come back in a very short time. Love affairs, i.e finding lovers and to be yours quickly. Court cases of any type. Jobs and promotions To win tenders and contracts To those who are weak in bed during sex, to have power. Protection of body and house witchcraft, removal of tokolshis Cleaning the house from tokolshis. Pregnancy problems. All types of diseases and many more complicated problems and diseases. Phone Doctor Khoromana 081 719 4874

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR CHISALE “The Old Man” From Malawi Specializing in various problems and diseases... Lost lovers to come back within 4 days Protection of houses and bodies from witchcraft Removal of any type of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover, to be yours only Boosting your business Passing examinations Promotion at work Win big contracts Not to be asked to pay debts or accounts To become pregnant To have more power during sex All types of diseases To become pregnant and many more Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret Phone Doctor Chisalo “The Old man” 081 726 2834

DR DUH-AZIZI Now in Swakopmund Expert in African Traditional Medicine and Healing: Are you tired in a relationship and want to get married? Is the support weak? Do you want to keep a lover to yourself and no sharing? Ever wonder why others progress and your are struggling with no success? Are you troubled at night, no sleep, things move in the house or on your body? you have unfinished job? Turn to DR DUH-AZIZI for all lost lovers, luck, removal of demons and tokolosh. Contact: 081 344 8959 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR - PHIRI: Powerful doctor with spiritual powers. helps with witchcraft problems, helps remove evils, tokolosh. Helps diseases. Pregnancy problems. Brings back your lost lovers, Marriages, Court cases, Penis enlargement, Business booster, Customer attraction, protection of property. revenge and send back the witches to the owners. Call Dr Phiri: 081 716 4758


For all building plans residential or industrial CONTACT 081 279 0306

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS In Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na


Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick


PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: One bedroom flat with toilet, kitchen, sitting room, toilet and a courtyard. No garage. N$ 3 400.00 p/m W/E incl. A Bachelor flat in Kuisebmond N$ 2 300.00 p/m with private toilet and a small kitchen. Electricity is pre paid. Contact: 081 332 7411 To let: Walvis Bay Lagoon: Hagen Court 2br flat, open plan kitchen with single garage N$4 300pm incl water available immediately Contact 081 129 9932

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Two-bedroom Town house in Swakopmund with main Bedroom (ensuite) , kitchen (BIC and stove), lounge and single garage at Mondi Haven complex. N$5000 and Deposit N$2500, prepaid Electricity (Water included) Available from 1 August 2015 . (Close to Woermann & Brock). Contact: 0812926886 TO LET TAMARISKIA SWAKOPMUND: 1- TWO BEDROOM, ONE BATHROOM WITH BUILDING CUPBOARDS, STOVE AND OVEN, ALARM SYSTEM, ONE AUTOMATED GARAGE IN SECURE COMPLEX N$ 4900/MONTH 2- TWO BEDROOM, ONE BATHROOM, WITH BUILDING CUPBOARD,, STOVE AND OVEN, ALARM SYSTEM, TWO AUTOMATED GARAGES, TWO COVERED CARPORTS VERY PRIVATE WITH ITS OWN AUTOMATED SLIDING GATE. N$ 6000/MONTH CONTACT : 0851249826 TO LET VOGELSTRANDT ! cute one bedroomed flat with, lounge, kitchenette, bathroom, garage, prepaid elect, RENTAL : N$ 4200.00 pm OCEAN VIEW ! VINETA 2 beroomed furnished, bath r/m,1 garage,large o/p, ,prepaid elect,24 hr security. N$ 5900.00 pm SWAKOPMUND CENTRAL three bedroom apartment, fully furnished, inside braai, two bath/r,alarm,two garages,. N$ 9000.00 pm FOR SALE ! ! investment oppotunity,very popular apartment block center town, seldom vacant ! now on the market. fully furnished,two bed roomed,two bath roomed, lovely kitchen and open plan with inside “braai” one garage and 150m FROM BEACH. PRICE : ND 1.4 mil (currently let) Note: We also require,houses,flats,apar tments and town houses for selected rental customers. For appointment call : Jp van der Walt Capricorn Estates 081 127 2736




10 JULY 2015

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



TE HUUR: Stern 4 Modern eenheid, 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, gaste toilet. Oopplan kombuis / eetkamer, sitkamer, binnebraai, baie kaste. 2 garages, 1 groot buite plaas geskik vir braai / potplante N$ 7 250.00 p/m W/K uitgsl. Beskikbaar 1 September Skakel: 081 124 2151 om te besigtig

TO LET: Edelweiss Heights Hermis, Walvis Bay 1x2 bedroom flat No garage only underroof parking. N$ 4 500.00 excl W/E N$ 5 500.00 incl W/E Contact: 081 763 8538

TO RENT: Central, Narraville Bachelor flat b.i.c in room & kitchen W/E incl. N$ 3 500.00 p/m + Deposit (N$ 3 500.00) Available from 1 August 2015 Contact: 081 281 1345 TO RENT: Single room for single person for N$ 850.00 p/m up to end of July. N$ 1 500.00 as from 1 August. No deposit required. WIFI is also available. Contact: 081 427 9184 TE HUUR: 4 Rose street Ocean View: 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met ingeboude kaste, Oopplan kombuis en sitkamer. Enkel woonhuis. Water ingesluit en alarm. Koop krag. Ingeboude kaste en stoof in kombuis. N$4170.00 Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus 2015 Kontak: 081 488 6020 TE HUUR: Narraville 1 slaapkamer woonstel gemeubileerd W/L ingsl. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposito N$ 3 500.00 Kontak: 081 627 0640 081 757 4876 House to rent in Walvis Bay 2 bedrooms, bic kitchen, toilet, living room and double garage N$5000 p.m (Water included) – Deposito of N$5 000 Available 01 August 2015 Contact; 0855502288

TO RENT Oletweni - Swakop: 1 Bedroom flat with own bathroom. N$2500 + deposit. W/L Included. Available 21st July 2015 TO RENT Oletweni - Swakop: 2 Bedroom house, bathroom, kitchen and lounge. N$4700 + deposit. W/L Included. Available 1st August 2015. TO RENT Mondesa - Swakop: 2 Bedroom house, bathroom, kitchen with stove and BIC, lounge and double garage with alarm system. N$5900.00 + deposit. W/L Included. Available 1st August 2015. Contact: 081 673 2664 TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Vineta 6 Bedrooms house, 2 bathrooms, sitting room, lounge and dining room, entertaining area with double garage for N$ 15 000.00 water and electricity excluded. Tamariskia 6 bedrooms house, two bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room and dining room with a tandem garage for N$ 9200.000 water and electricity excluded. Mondesa 2 Bedroom house, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen and a garage for N$ 4800 water included and electricity excluded. Available for the 01 August. Mondesa – Omulondo Bachelor flat with toilet and shower for N$ 2000.00 water included and electricity excluded. For more info call 081 241 5447 0812755508 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.co m Website: tukaproperties.com FLAT TO RENT WALVIS BAY CENTRAL: Partly furnished; 2 x Bedroom flat; Bathroom; Lots of build in Cupboards; Open living area/Kitchen; Garage; (Tandem) Outside braai; Small Courtyard; and W & E included N$6500.00 Deposit required. Available – Immediately Contact: 081 124 5889


TO LET OCEAN VIEW 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 1 Guest toilet TV Room Lounge Dining room Indoor Braai Wheel Chair friendly Pet Friendly Very Secure N$ 22 300.00 p/m Contact Ryno @ 081 142 5000

TO RENT Mondesa - Swakop: 1 Bedroom flat with BIC and bathroom. N$2500.00 + deposit, Water incl, prepaid electricity. Available immediately. OLETWENI SWAKOP: 1 Bedroom flat, bathroom, ini kitchen and lounge, no garage. No pets. N$3000 + deposit, W/L Incl. Available immediately. WALVIS NARRAVILLE 2x 1 Bedroom flats each with own bathroom, sharing kitchen and lounge. N$2500 each + deposit, W/L incl. Available immediately. Contact: 081 673 2664 TO RENT Vineta (Close to Woermann & Brock) Three-bedroom house with main Bedroom (ensuite), kitchen, laundry room lounge, and single garage. N$85000 and Deposit , Electricity/Water excluded Available for rent from 1 August 2015. Contact: 0811 265 221 TO RENT: Bachelor flat, Walvis Bay 172, Theo Ben Gurirab @ a block of 7 flats very neat and sunny bachelor flat for single person. Lots of cupboards. Kitchen with stove, bathroom (shower). Lock up garage. Spacious courtyard with remote gate. Alarm. Pre paid electricity, water excl. SORRY NO PETS Available 1 August N$ 3 500.00 p/m Contact Ina: 081 250 4694/064 203342 CONTAINERS TO BUY/ RENT and Storage Yard in Swakopmund – with 24/7 access. Office or Ablution alterations. Cowboys: 064-418150 or 081-1464770


TO LET SWAKOP LONG BEACH LOCK UP & GO FURNISHED 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms S/Garage, very secure complex. N$ 8 500.00 LONG BEACH FURNISHED 2 Bedrooms, Lounge, Open plan living area Single garage. N$ 5 500.00 LONG BEACH 3 Bedroom Apartment 2Bathroom and Double Garage. FURN: N$ 8800.00 UNFURN N$ 7 700.00 TOWN CENTRE 1 Bedroom Flat with open plan living & basement parking. N$ 5 000.00 VOGELSCITH 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Fire Place and beautiful see view. N$ 6 500.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za WOONSTEL TE HUUR Swakopmund Naby see en sentraal geleë: 3 Slaapkamers (2 met igk) kombui igk en stoof, sit/eetkamer, badkamer, motorhuis, eie tuin en alarm. Water by huur ingesluit. Huur N$5000.00 per maand, deposito verlang. Kontak: 081 230 5900 TO LET Walvis Bay: N$5500.00 per month. Water included. New one bedroom flat. Rosa: 081 122 2159 SELLING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with buyers. No agent commissions. RENTING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with tenants. No agent commissions. Contact: 081 673 2664 WANTED Looking for a Double garage/Workshop to rent, from 15-50m² Price range: N$1000 - N$4000 Contact: 081 128 1814

TO LET: Walvis Bay, near Syncrolift Office and workshop to let. Contact: 081 124 3904

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



TO RENT: Inside room ro be rented preferably a single person N$ 1 500.00 p/m at the New NHE Location Kuisebmond Water incl. Pre paid electricity pay with other tendance in the house Available as soon as possible Contact: 081 207 7464

IN COUNTRY ESTATES: Walvis Bay - To Let Central - Large 1 bedroom flat plus garage N$ 3 600.00 not pet friendly Available 1 Aug Meersig - 2x1 bedroom flat plus garage W/E incl N$ 4 700.00 p/m Avail 1 Aug Central - 2 bedroom flat with garage N$ 5 000.00 Available 1 Aug ( not pet friendly) Meersig - 2 bedroom flat with garage N$ 5 000.00 Available 1 Aug (not pet friendly) Central - Duplex 3 bedroom unit, courtyard, 1 garage N$ 6 700.00 Available 1 Aug (not pet friendly) Meersig - Spacious 3 bedroom house with 2x lounge areas, kitchen, study, 2 bathrooms, one garage, garden big back yard with high walls. Avail N$ 10 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Office Space - Central 4 newly built offices avail 1 Aug price ranging between N$ 4 500.00 to N$ 7 500.00 p/m FOR SALE Walvis Bay Fairways - Duplex 2 bedroom unit, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, garage N$ 995 000.00 Fairways - 3 bedroom house, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor braai, 2 bathrooms, double garage pre paid electricity, interlocks N$ 1.380 mil Close to AFR High School - Spacious 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor braai, interlocked courtyard, 2 garages, garden N$ 1.495 mil neg Central - 3 bedroom house, spacious lounge, indoor braai, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and garage PLUS 1x2 bedroom flat plus 1x1 bedroom flat. Good rental income All for N$ 1.8 mil Lagoon - prime area Large 3 bedroom house, 2 flats, 3 garages, Ideal for investment or owner with additional income related to flats N$ 2.450 mil To view Laura 081 127 7071 Glen 081 124 9443

TO LET KRAMERSDORF 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Double Garage Outdoor Braai FLAT 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Kitchen Lounge N$ 22 300.00 p/m Contact Ryno @ 081 142 5000


UP MARKET OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Near the vicinity of Fruit and Veg, Swakopmund N$100.00 per m² (VAT excluded) Available as from 1.8.2015 Please send us an e- mail if you are interested: E-mail: anchor@mtcmobile.com.na TO LET: Spacious 3 bedroom house. Walking distance from Lagoon. N$ 12 000.00 p/m Come and see. Immediately available. Contact: 081 127 6865

TO LET SWAKOP TAMARISKIA Lovely 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan living area. N$ 7 700.00 TOWN CENTRE 1 Bedroom Flat, BIC open plan living area, single garage N$ 4 500.00 MILE 4 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Open plan living area, Double garage, with Patio and Outdoor BBQ. N$ 8 500.00 ANTON LUBOWSKI 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, double garage, close to shops walk to the beach. N$ 11 550.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za


TO LET TOWN CENTRE 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Secure basement parking LOCK UP & GO Walking distance to shops and main beach. Very secure complex. N$ 6 600.00 p/m Contact Ryno @ 081 142 5000

TO LET SWAKOP WE ARE LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO RENT IN DIFFERENT AREAS. WE HAVE PREAPROVED CUSTOMERS. TO LET Workshop / Store 75sq @ N$ 75 per m² N$ 5625.00 Contact us for more information COMMERCIAL SPACE TO LET CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION N$ 16 100.00 KRAMERDORP 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, 2 Tandem garages and lots more….. N$ 24 200.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za

TO LET OCEAN VIEW 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Open Plan dining Room/Lounge Kitchen Fire place Outdoor braai Garage PLUS 2 bedroom flat Open plan 1 bathroom N$ 13 400 p/m Contact Ryno @ 081 142 5000

TO RENT: Fairways 1x2 bedroom flat with build in cupboards 2x bathrooms Open plan kitchen to lounge, built in stove Garage, alar system W/E incl. N$ 7 000.00 p/m Available immediately Contact: 081 147 7626 FAIRWAYS One bedroom flat Built in cupboards W/E incl with alarm system. No garage Available immediately. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 147 7626



10 JULY 2015


TO LET OCEAN VIEW Run Your Business from your Home! 3 Bedroom Family House, with many features! ON THE SAME STAND WITH… 3 Office Building With a Boardroom and much more! N$ 27 000.00 p/m Contact Ryno @ 081 142 5000



FOR SALE Henties Bay: 4 Bedroom house, all rooms with BIC, 3 bathrooms, kitchen with stove and BIC, dining room, indoor braai, lounge and double garage. Back yard with fruit trees. N$1.5mil. Contact: 081 673 2664


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Invest Real Estate and Developers CC: are looking for buyers or investors for houses to buy between N$1,7million up to N$8 million. Invest Real Estate and Developers Cc: are looking for houses to sell or to rent out. Please call the Professionals@ 0818103498 or 0811421942

TE KOOP: Erf 4384 met goedgekeurde planne. N$720 000.00 Container 40ft te koop, 12m. N$18 000.00 (neg) Kontak: 081 224 0040

FOR SALE EXCLUSIVE SOLE MANDATE LONGBEACH 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Single Garage Laundry Room

TO LET OCEAN VIEW 3 Bedrooms 2 bathrooms Open plan Lounge Dining room Indoor Braai Double Garage New developed garden. Child and pet friendly N$ 11 200.00 per month N$ 11 200 p/m Contact Ryno @ 081 142 5000


N$ 14 000.00 p/m Contact Ryno @ 081 142 5000

TO LET WALVIS BAY 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Single Garage With Laundry Facilities AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY N$ 5575.00 p/m + Deposit Contact Leonie @ 081 160 5000

Contact Leonie @ 081 160 5000

SWAKOPMUND PERFECTLY LOCATED 3 Bed, 2 bath, main bed With dressing room, inside BBQ, lots of paving, near Pro-Ed. N$ 1 780 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 ARANDIS URGENT SALE! Huge 4 bed house Recently upgraded, Scullery, garage, store Room, beautiful garden. N$ 690 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND SIMPLY AWESOME! Brand new - 3 bed, 3 bath, 3 garages, open plan kitchen/ Living with beautiful sea view Scullery and built-in BBQ, N$ 2 030 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 NEAT AS A PIN! 3 Bed, 2 bath, apartment with Open plan kitchen/living, Little courtyard, single Garage, walk to the beach. N$ 1 180 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND BRAND NEW!! Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath Awesome kitchen with Granite tops, double garage. Indoor BBQ, outside WC, Paved patio. N$1.750.000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

FOR SALE Mondesa – Jabulani Swakopmund: 2 Bedroom house with bathroom, kitchen and Lounge, Plus: 1 Bedroom flat with Kitchen and bathroom. N$910 000.00 (costs excl) Contact: 081 468 8582 or 081 344 2112 HUIS TE KOOP Ocean View Swakopmund: Huis in CC 3 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, 3 garages, Oopplan sitkamer en kombuis. Opwaskamer en Braai. Pragtige uitsig. N$1.9Milj Eienaar: 081 127 6049 FOR SALE Walvis - Kuisebmund: 3 Bedroom house, main bedroom with BIC, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with BIC, lounge and garage. N$750 000.00 Walvis Bay Davo Flats - Town house: 2 Bedroom house, all rooms with BIC, bathroom, kitchen with stove and BIC, lounge and garage. N$950 000.00 Oletweni Swakopmund: 2 Bedroom house, bathroom, kitchen, lounge and garage. Bachelor flat with bathroom, kitchen and lounge + 3 back yard flats each with own bathroom. N$1.25Mil (neg) Contact: 081 673 2664 FOR SALE: Private Sale Walvis Bay, Central 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/lounge Double garage FREE STANDING ERF SIZE 525m² N$ 1 350 000.00 Contact: 081 627 4236

SUPREME REAL ESTATES: SWAKOPMUND LARGE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE 11,500 m² secure, income generating property in centre of Swakopmund. Occupied by rent paying tenants. Income figures available. Huge open yard, storage potential. Contact Francois: 085-1229177 Supreme Real Estate HUIS TE KOOP: Swakopmund, 5 min loop afstand van middeldorp en naby see. Kontak Mev Jooste: 064 404 560

TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. Needs TLC 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3.5miljoen(neg) Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089

PROPERTIES FOR SALE WALVIS BAY – CC REG Ideally situated near School Spacious 3 bed, 2 bath, family home on Huge 1261m² erf. Kitchen, scullery, lounge, bar & double garage. N$ 1 640 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY - Central All furniture included! Walking distance to schools and town 2 bed, 2 bath On sub divided erf Open plan kitchen/lounge Double garage, alarm, pavers. ONLY N$ 1 180 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Meersig Brand new 2 bed, 2 bath unit looking for an owner! Beautiful open plan kitchen with b.i.c. & stove. Indoor braai & garage. Only N$ 995 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY _ Fairways Ideal for the beginners! Newly built spacious 3 bed, 2 bath house. Huge open plan kitchen/lounge with indoor braai. Beautiful b.i.c. & stove. Double garage & High boundary walls Only N$ 1 650 000-00 Do not hesitate, call Joey 081 278 0518 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR



VINETA 4 Bedrooms 2 bathrooms Indoor Braai Laundry Room Fully Furnished Very secure family house, Double Garage.

N$ 1 900 000



E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

Walking distance to all amenities. Cosy, modern 2 bedr flat, 1 full bathr, openplan lounge to fitted kitchen, single garage. Tiled throughout.

N$ 750 000 CENTRAL

Beautiful 3 bedr home, 2 bathr, huge open plan living area with BBQ, fitted kitchen, double garage, secure enclosed court yard - only two years old.

N$ 1 520 000

Joey 081 129 3293


FOR SALE Beautiful private double story townhouse Walvis Bay. 3 bedr, 2½ bathrooms, open plan living area, Indoor/outside braai, 2 x air cons, separate wash area. N$2.2 mil private sale Cell: 0811284218

10 JULY 2015


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

WANTED I need Transport permit for a 16 Seater Quantum Combi from Swakopmund to Windhoek and Windhoek to Swakopmund. If you have one for hiring or selling, contact me on: 081 124 2490 or 081 480 0287 Samuel. CASH FOR GOLD We buy Gold & Silver Jewellery and Coins even if it's broken. We also Buy Diamonds. We operate in Swakop, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis, Uis and Omaruru. Contact us at: 0813443794/081315 9178 We are available 24/7


2015 Opel Corsa 1.4 Essentia, 6 000km

N$ 173,000

2009 Toyota Yaris T3 A/C, 92 000km

N$ 83,000

CARS FOR SALE: 2010 Toyota Auris X 1.3 /65 700 km N$ 130 000 negotiable Contact: 081 401 8774 081 147 4703

PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED: I am urgently looking for a flat to rent. Must be very neat and should have own bathroom. W/L Incl. Price range: N$1800-N$2000 Contact: 081 034 5470 PROPERTY IS WEALTH

Walvis Bay


Want to Buy or Sell Property contact your coastal Agents

Ruth 081 240 7350 Jackie 081 246 3590 Karien 081 250 4690


TUKA PROPERTIES CC FOR SALE Mile 4 – 4- Shores · 3 Bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen BIC bathroom, one extra toilet, alarm system and garage for N$ 1.3 mil Mile 4 · 3 Bedrooms Apartment, 2 ½ Bathrooms, Open Plan Kitchen, Store room, Braai Area Single Garage & small court yard for N$1.21 mil Hage Heights · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room and small study room, 4 garages and 1- self containing bedroom with exterior access. N$ 3.3 mil Vineta · Various 3 Bedrooms houses, Kitchen, living and dining room with garages available from N$ 1, 355 000.00 to N$1,605 000.00 Vineta · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, living / dining room, Single garage and 1 bedroom flat for N$1.75 mil Vineta · 6 bedrooms house, sitting/lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, laundry room, 1 full bathroom, 2 shower & toilet, entertainment area, 3 garages. A 2 bedrooms flat, with open plan lounge/kitchen, bathroom. House is fitted with alarm system and solar panels, solar geyser and extra solar lights. N$2.7 mil Tamariskia - Cottage village · 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, build in cupboards, open plan kitchen with 1 garage. N$850 000.00 Long Beach · 2 Bedrooms flat, 2 Bathrooms, open plan kitchen, indoor bay & garage for N$ 1 mil (all furniture included) Mondesa - oletweni · 2 bedrooms house, Open plan kitchen, toilet and shower and single garage for NS 790 000.00 Windhoek – Khomasdal · 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dinning , kitchen, living room, double garage and lappa with boundary wall and electric fence with extra outside toilet for N$ 2.3 mil Walvis Bay – Industrial area · 3000 m² plot for sale for N$4 mil Plot – Ocean view · 875 m² plot sale for N$ 750 000.00 If you are having properties to sell, Contact us at Tuka Properties. For more info call 081 241 5447 0812755508 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.co m





WANTED CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. GESOEK: Op soek na tweede handse dak plate en interlocks te koop in Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 261 0268

FOR SALE: 2009 Chev Cruze Misty lake colour Immaculate, full service history 104 000 km N$ 100 000.00 neg. Contact: 081 147 5304 081 040 0325 FOR SALE: 1.6 2014 Polo Vivo Trendline Metallic silver ± N$ 26 000.00 Contact: 081 255 4967 081 577 4550 CAR FOR SALE: Chevrolet MW 2008 Automatic 74 000km N$65 000.00 (neg) Contact: 081 224 0040 FOR SALE: Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D Double cab. Model 2008 with canopy. White in colour. 234 000km, new tyres, clutch, universal joints, shocks. All service records. Price: N$158 000.00 Contact Fritz: 081 127 9917 FOR SALE: 2012 White VW comfortline Polo 44800 km Service plan until 11/5/17 60 000 km Excellent condition, 1 owner N$ 152 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 124 2922

2015 Isuzu KB250 Base, 10 000km

N$ 193,000

2015 Isuzu KB250 LE D/C, 4x2, 2 000km

N$ 384,000

2010 Chev Captiva 2.4 LT FWD 100 000km N$ 145,000

2013 Opel Astra 1.6T Cosmo 30 000 km

N$ 229,000

2010 Chevrolet Spark 0.8, 95 000km

N$ 48,000

*t&c’s apply

PHONE: GERHARD CARSTENS 081 129 3610 FRANCOIS DU TOIT 081 124 9867 OFFICE: (064) 203 610

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE KARKASSE TE KOOP: Omaruru Lam karkasse N$ 50.00 per kg Lewendig ook N$ 950.00 Doen aflewering Windhoek en kus. Skakel: 081 394 0517

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1x Defy large 350lit. upright standing freezer N$1850.00 1x AEG build-in oven with geramic/glass HOB N$1650.00 1x Tile cutting machine N$1250.00 3x Kitchen sink mixer Taps new N$850.00each 1x Saphire large port-apac with AFROX gauges cutting/welding torch. N$8750.00 1x Telefunken top loader heavy-duty fuly automatic washing machine like new N$1250.00 1x Defy build-in oven & HOB white N$1250.00 3x Kitchen sink stainless steel, single, double and triple (new) From N$299each 1x AEG Dish washing machine. Good condition. N$650.00 Contact: 081 567 4522

FOR SALE: 1x Ryobi Freestanding table saw (254mm combinatio homework shop table) N$2200.00 1x Freestanding metabo planer and thickeser 260mm (ADH 1626) N$12 000.00 (neg) 1x Twoway radio complete N$800.00 1x 2Ton Mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4500.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2800 1x 500litre plastic tank used for rainwater storage. new price: N$1667.50 asking: N$1000 Contact: 081 373 7614 FOR SALE: 1x Saphire large porta-pac with AFROX gauges cutting/welding torch. N$8750.00 1x Telefunken top loader heavy-duty fuly automatic washing machine like new N$1250.00 1x AEG Tumble dryer, good condition N$650.00 1x Defy build-in oven & HOB white N$1250.00 3x Kitchen sink stainless steel, single, double and triple (new) From N$299each 24x Flourescent light fittings with tubes 3,4,5 foot N$160.00each 1x AEG Dish washing machine. Good condition. N$650.00 Contact: 081 567 4522



HYDRAULIC CONCRETE MIXERS FOR SALE 2x concrete mixers with hister diesel engines N$ 120 000.00 (negotiable) for both Contact: 081 618 8167

PAWN SHOP We buy or sell anything of value

97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai

064220387 0811475333 0811475475

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good moeny on qaulity. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285 PICK A BARGAIN We buy and sell second hand furniture and household equipment Best prices in Town Box 5270 173 Nangolo Mbumba Drive Walvis Bay Namibia Maria: 081 032 4865 Guts: 081 259 3175

VACANCIES ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC We are looking for Armed Response Officers and Guards. Previous experience would be an added advantage. Mail: opsmanager@security.c om.na Please no faxed CV's VACANCY: Runner/clearing agent for Clearing Company. Must have drivers license and experience with customs and clearing. Please email: chrisna@rhinotrek.net


10 JULY 2015

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



VACANCY: Looking for joiners with experience to sub contract. NAMAKWA GROUP. Contact: 081 602 2981 email: namakwagroup@gmail. com


Life in Namibia is looking for a Sales Lady Please send CV to: karin.r@iafrica.com

ART & INK NAMIBIA We are looking for an experienced tattoo artist to join our team. Have you got what it takes??? Contact: 081 238 2370 Email: andiemaritz@yahoo.com VACANCY PAYROLL PROCESSORS IN WALVIS BAY LMJ2 Payroll Consulting CC is seeking for two payroll processors to join our dynamic team. REQUIREMENTS: Must have Grade 12 with accounting as subject. Qualifications in bookkeeping will be an added advantage. Must be computer literate with a sound knowledge of MS Office, specifically Excel Must be willing to work overtime and weekends during processing week. Must be willing to undergo training in: Pastel Payroll and Pastel Accounting programmes Income Tax Act Labour Law and Regulations Must be well conversant in English and Afrikaans, German will be of advantage. Must be accurate, responsible, honest, reliable and trustworthy. Must be a Namibian citizen. Must have a Code BE driver's license. CV's and Resumes can be e-mailed to: jeanine@iway.na Closing date: 17 July 2015 ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC We are looking for Armed Response Officers and Guards. Previous experience would be an added advantage. Mail: opsmanager@security.c om.na Please no faxed CV's VACANCY: Runner/clearing agent for Clearing Company. Must have drivers license and experience with customs and clearing. Please email: chrisna@rhinotrek.net

REE BODYWORKS We are looking for panel beaters with at least 5 years' experience and must be willing to work at the coast. Email CV to adminree@iway.na or Fax to 064 - 200732 NARRAVILLE MEDICAL PRACTICE Vacancy for enrolled Nurse Person should be: A registered with nurses council of Namibia Employed in Namibia Send application to Narraville Medical Practice or email: docrichardmajangara@ gmail.com on or before 24/07/15 Office Help with orderacumen needed, 1x forenoon per week, preferably Fridays. I collect paperheads and I need help. Fluency in German an absolute must. Richard: 081 363 5356 Swakopmund Soek kantoorhelp met sin vir orde, 1x voormiddags per week. Ek versamel net papierhope en het hulp nodig. Duits in woord en taal is ‘n vereiste. Richard: 081 363 5356 Swakopmund Büroliebhaberin gesucht, fließend Deutsch ist ein k.o. Kriterium. Wenn Sie nur Geld verdienen wollen bewerben Sie sich bitte nicht. Papierchaot sucht den order die, der oder die das Büro auf Trab und geordnet hält. Ein halber Vormittag in der Woche, bevorzugt Freitags. Richard: 081 363 5356 Swakopmund

VACANCY TRAINEE SALESMAN / PROCUREMENT CLERK A vacancy exists for a male trainee to begin immediately in the sales and procurement section. Requirements; Detailed CV with a copy of ID Drivers License Knowledge of PASTEL and Industrial Supplies is a pre requisite for the position Please hand in CVS to WESTERN ENTERPRISES before the 24 July 2015. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.



VACANCY: Rental Agent

Qualifications & Requirements: * 3 Year's experience in the Property Industry and Rentals * NEAB Certificate * Fluent in Afrikaans & English * Computer literate * Must be able to work under pressure * Good people skills Closing Date: Sunday – 19.7.2015 E-mail CV's to: info@grobbiesestates.com







THE HAVEN Experienced trained housekeepers for hire and placement in Walvis Bay. Phone: 064 200 542 Cell Phone: 081 200 7216 Gillian 081 045 2506 Marietjie

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




Rosa (29): I am looking for domestic work, cleaning or ironing, Saturdays and Sundays 08h00-14h00. Contact: 081 568 1201

JOB WANTED: 2 young ladies is looking for domestic work for a week or 3 days. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 699 2427 081 869 1287

NOCKY: A 40 year-old lady is looking for ironing work or cleaning on weekends. Can be on Langstrand, Meersig or Lagoon. Saturday and Sunday. Contact: 081 752 9510

We are urgently looking for any job like baby sitting, Office cleaning, plumber, waitress or domestic work in Swakopmund, Langstrand, Dolphin park or Walvis bay. We are hardworking people and very neat. We are willing to start ASAP. We are fast learners. Contact: 081 594 5847 081 711 8567 or 081 572 1659

ANNA: I am a 47-year-old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Mondays to Fridays. Can start immediately. Have 28 years experience. Contact: 081 310 1712 JOB WANTED: A 30-year-old girl is looking for a job any kind of work except babysitting. Contact: 081 202 2166

STELLENCIA (38) EN JANET (26): is opsoek na huiswerk vir 5 dae in die week. Rook en drink nie. Kan onmiddelik begin. Stellencia: 0817134083 Janet: 0812252115

JOB WANTED: A 28-year-old lady is looking for domestic work for 2 days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Walvis Bay, Town. Contact: 081 630 6058

BERTHA: Looking for a job as a waitress. I have a certificate in Computer. Can also do housekeeping. Contact: 081 718 8024 081 408 3964

LOIDE: Looking for domestic work or office cleaning work. Mondays to Fridays. I am ready to start anytime. Have 8 years experience. Contact: 081 758 5852

MARIA: Netjiese en betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk en kinders oppas werk van Maandae tot Vrydae of Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae. Ek kan enige tyd begin werk. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 620 1211

EMILIE MUSUVO: Ek is ‘n 40 jarige dame dringend opsoek na werk, enige soort werk. Het 7 jaar ondervinding. Walvisbaai of Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 388 8351

JOB WANTED: I am a 20 year old lady looking for work as a Receptionist or housekeeper. I have experience in housekeeping. Can do any sort of work. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 840 5045 JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady. I completed my grade 12 with favourable results and studying Economics. I am looking for a job as a Receptionist or Office Administrator or Work in the Accounting field. I am fluent in English, Afrikaans and Oshiwambo. Contact: 081 374 8254 JOB WANTED: I am a 37 year old experienced domestic worker looking for any kind of job as a cleaner or housekeeper. Contact: 081 447 8546 THERESIA (31): I am looking for domestic work, cleaning work, baby sitting work, ironing and washing from Mondays to Fridays 08h00-17h00. I can also work for 2 or 3 days a week. Contact: 081 233 9705 Ek is opsoek na werk vir net 1 dag, vir Donderdae. Kontak: 081 211 2303

JOB WANTED: A 21-year-old lady is looking for work, in Town or Langstrand. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. Contact: 081 759 5722 UETUU: Ek is ‘n 37-jarige op soek na huiswerk, was en stryk. Baie hardwerkend. Maandae, Woensdae, Donderdae en Vrydae. Kontak: 081 715 4576 JOB WANTED: Looking for cleaning work. Sweeping and mopping floors on a regular basis. Dust windows, provide toiletpaper, take out rubbish, clean and polish all furnitures regularly. Keep kitchen clean. To execute work related duties assigned by supervisor. Contact: 081 819 0827

IMELDA & JENNY: Looking for any kind of work, waitress, cleaning offices, domestic work, housekeeper. Have experience. Hardworking and can work under pressure. Ready to start anytime. Imelda: 081 764 8441 Jenny: 081 764 8442 JOB WANTED: A 31 year old women is looking for house cleaning work. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 490 8977 JOB WANTED: A 25year-old woman is looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. House cleaning. Can take care of any kind of work, washing and ironing. Honest and hardworking. Can start ASAP. Contact: 081 726 1780 JOB WANTED: A 35-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Have 2 years experience. Contact: 081 333 8111 AZARIA: Op soek na huiswerk vir ‘n hele week. Baie hardwerkend. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 591 5375 ELLA: Op soek na inslaap werk. Kontak: 081 314 6232 JOB WANTED:A 26year-old lady is looking for domestic work. Cleaning, ironing or office cleaning. Daycare work. Can start immediately. Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 407 3448 Op soek na huiswerk vir 2/3 of 5 dae. Stryk en skoonmaak of kinders oppas. Baie hardwerkend en is bereid om onmidellik te begin. Kontak: 081 646 9369 JOHANNA & IYALOO: Two ladies looking for domestic work or office cleaning work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Contact Johanna: 081 226 4503 Iyaloo: 081 274 8466

GERNATE JOHANNES: Looking for domestic work such as cleaning the house. Contact: 081 299 3043

JOB WANTED: Looking for babysitting work or house cleaning. Am a trustworthy and hardworking lady. Contact: 081 484 8780

JOB WANTED: A 31-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay for 3 days a week. Can clean offices as well. Am reliable and hardworking. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 201 6540

WANTED: Mature lady is looking for work, cleaning houses, flats, washing and ironing as well. Walvis Bay, Meersig, Lagoon, Town or Narraville. Ready to start immediately. Conact: 081 041 3906

10 JULY 2015




10 JULY 2015

JOHANNES CLOETE (Oom Tiek) * 26/10/1940

+ 30/06/2015 Hiermee wil ons bedroefde kinders en skoonkinders die heengaan aankondig van ons geliefde Vader Johannes Cloete (Oom Tiek) Exodus 14v14 “Wees stil en Ek sal die stryd vir julle stry�

ROUDIENS: Saterdag, 11 Julie 2015, 18h00, 32 Du Plessis Tamariskia (Ronnie se huis) BEGRAFNIS: Sondag, 12 Julie 2015 11h00 by huis, 32 Du Plessis 12h00 Vanuit Rynse Kerk 13h00 Begrafplaas, Tamariskia.

To: The Bereaved Family of Rodrickques Narib Death brings pain that time can only heal, No words could ease what we truly feel, But with God his joy is eternally sealed, And cherish his memories that death can't even steal. Seasons change and songs do fade, Death can never be detached in our fate. Don't worry we will meet him someday in Heaven, where eternal happiness stay.

From: Principal, Schoolboard, Staff & Learners

Navrae: Disney: 081 637 8514 Hazel: 081 329 0740

Get your life back Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday and Wednesday at 19:00 at the Indoor Sport Centrum in Swakopmund Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.

Your Coastal contact: 081 233 2525

Trampoline and Tumbling Championships WALVIS BAY GYMNASTICS CLUB started their season for the Trampoline and Tumbling gymnasts this weekend with their 1st Qualifying annual club championships. Herewith more results to follow:

10 JULY 2015



Goju Ryu Karate Walvis Bay Grading

Fifty-six students passed a grading successfully on 2 July and received the following grades: 25: Junior/ Yellow +1: Carlos Jose Loveira, Rudolf Thirion, Sebastian Van Reenen. 20: Yellow: Dirk Kotze, Tyler Walker, Bernard Lilungwe Mwiya, Alex Mikhailenko, Tristan Potgieter, Requelle Monique Rickerts, Declan Riedel, Tristan Riedel, Tiaan Rosenau , Daniel Grobler, Julia Iikuti, Miryam S Iikuti, Gottrieb Ileka, Eriud Tulo David. A10: Yellow Adult: Laura Callard. 20: Yellow: Carlo Amio, Armand Nieuwoudt, Maribeth Jessie Connor. 20 older children: yellow: Celine Shilongo, Mbeundja Nderura and Jonathan Van Zyl. 19: Yellow+1: Stephanus Victor De Smit and Prudence Guriras. 18:yellow+2: Matthew Stevens, Gary Keagon Wessels, Manuel Sheehama and Chanelle Mundjindi. 17: Yellow+3: Kyle Claasen, Cesar Fernandes, Kristin Damens, Louis Heyman, Rovaughn Kotzee, Cáleigh Jordaan, Adrian Loveira and Lathan Mouers. 16: Orange: Ruan Lotriet, Stefan Lotriet and Monique Jordaan. 15: Orange +1: Lorenzo Nugurib and Tiaano Pieters. 14: Orange +2:

Ethan J Horn and Lawrence Iishuna. Hendrik (Henk) Van Der Merwe: 13: Orange+3. 12: Green: MarleeChanté Scheepers, Dieter Buys and Kaylan Leech. 11: Green +1: Elvan De Sa Graces and 10: Green+2: Kluivert Lucas. A05: Green Adult+1: Maria Hardarson and Thea Burger. 09: Green +3: Immandy Muaine, A06: Green adult: Stephanus Burger and A09: Yellow+1 Adult: Alexander Zinchenko. The grading was held by Sensei Nico Maritz, (4th Dan) who is pleased with the performance and progress of his students. He congratulated them all and encouraged them to train regular to get fit and ready for the next grading in November. In today's world parents need extra help reinforcing respect, courtesy and self-discipline. These are part of everyday lessons at our school. Our Martial Arts classes teach much more than kicking and punching. We teach life skills like respect, selfdefence, self-esteem, concentration, confidence, stranger awareness which results in improved school results. For more info about Goju Ryu Karate in Walvis Bay phone: 081 2779368

Rossmund Golf Club News

Dennis Haimbondi and André Barnard (Sanlam) Well finally the eastwind has arrived - I must say a welcome change from the cold we have been having. Fortunately not much sand around but the wind is blowing. Wednesday 1 July, despite the chilly

weather there was a good turnout of golfers the sponsor was A g g r e k k o ( Wa r r e n Theron). The winner

over 18 holes was decided on a countout, Martin Angula over Bertie Saunderson 39pts. The 9 holes also decided on a countout Athol McLean over Fritz Coetzee 20pts. Saturday 4 July we played the Rossmund Leg of the 2015 Sanlam Cancer Challenge - it was great to see the players turn out to support this initiative - a total of 50 players took, to the fairways. André Barnard and André Fourie were there to represent the sponsor and join in the day together with Joggie van Schalkwyk and Attie Esterhuizen. During the prize-giving ceremony we had a few items up

for auction which helped to increase the day’s donation. There were 3 x 2-clubs - Chris Heunis on No.3; Johny Flook and Sigi Baumgartner on No.16. Nearest to the pin prizes went to - Sonny Ndalumbumo No.7 and Tienie van Rensburg on No.12. The winners to represent Rossmund in the finals on 22 August at Omeya GC are as follows: "A" Div: Dennis Haimbondi 39pts; Runner-up: Joggie van Schalkwyk 36pts (c/o). "B" Div: Bertie Saunderson 42pts; Runnerup: Thomas Shitaleni 40pts. "C" Div: Werner Borg 34pts; Runner-up: Clive Lawrence 33pts (c/o). Ladies: "A" Div: Caro Els and "C" Div: Lynne van der Walt.

Thanks to all the players for their support and a big thank you to Sanlam for going the extra mile for a very worthy cause. Tomorrow and Sunday will be the annual Marsh Namibia Club Championships. Please take note of the changes in format etc. This has been introduced to give all the members a chance to take part - so we are hoping for a big field. 18 holes Saturday/18 holes Sunday for all Divisions/Formats. Medal Format Handicaps "A" Div: < 9; "B" Div: 10 - 16; "C" Div: 17 - >. Stableford Format - handicaps 17 and above only - this has been introduced for players who feel they do not want to play medal

Caro Els and André Barnard (Sanlam) anymore "What kind of a player is Johnny Bean?" asked one member of his caddie on the day before the competition. "Hopeless. He slices, goes into

every bunker. He thinks the only way to the hole is via the rough". "That's great news" said the member. " Not r e a l l y, s i r. H e ' l l probably still beat you."


10 JULY 2015

10 JULY 2015


“A dream come true” Michelle Kunzle (30) was treated to a special welcome at the still made it into the Riverside Equestrian centre in Swakopmund yesterday after finals. I achieved third place winning Bronze in the 2015 FEI competition in Bulgaria. in the world. I am She returned home on having no idea I second time around. happy to be third. I Wednesday after ten would make it into the The first day started made new friends and d a y s . H e r c l o s e finals. It was a dream off very well. I chose a saw what horse riding friends celebrated her come true and a huge beautiful grey stallion is about in other parts achievement with deal for me to go back named Chardonnay. I of the world. It was to the world jumping did some warm-ups incredible to be one of her. “I qualified for the challenge and actu- and into the compe- the final riders. It is 2015 FEI compe- ally being one of only tition I felt great. I had very good to see tition in Bulgaria, a few making it for the a few penalties, but young riders get to the level we are at,”she said. Michelle has been riding horses since the age of four in Swakopmund and started off on a little pony. After three years she became quite familiar with horses. Her mother and sister are also involved with horses. “It all came natural for me. When I started I went through the junior grades and


Madelaine Laubscher

have been very successful. My first big win came in 2007, when I rode in Windhoek and qualified for the 2008 finals. I won the Chile show jumping challenge. It was an amazing achievement. Last year I qualified for the 2015 FEI in Bulgaria.” Michelle wants to ride in a world cup over seas or become an Olympic rider. “Finan cially I am held back, because it is not easy coming from a small country. A big thank you goes to all the sponsors and support. Thank you for believing in me.”

Walvis Bay Golf News Fifty-six players lined up last Saturday for the Multisave better ball. Good weather greeted the players and only the last few hands had to play in a bit of a cold wind late afternoon.

The super rugby is over with no cigar for South African teams and now the World Cup awaits, wonder who are we supporting this time around with the many changes in South African rugby. I guess, no rugby on TV results in a good field of players on the golf course.

Herman Neethling does not play a lot of golf, but last Saturday everything came together for him. He played a 76, with 49 points from a 17 handicap! Sjoe, that is great golf, or maybe luck. His partner and playing partners certainly just looked on as he was collecting points faster

than packman could run. André Burger is still waiting for his first win on course in over a year. Second place for him by one point. Hard luck André. 1st Herman Neethling & Kevin de Reuck 51 points 2nd Andre Burger & Cailene von der Fecht

(Fltr) Kevin de Reuck, Herman Neethling, Virgilio Sardinha

50 points 3rd Joa Gomes & Potch Alchin 47 points 4th J Blake & Herman Smidt 46 points To the entire Sardinha family, thank you, we know you do a lot for us and we appreciate your support and involvement. This Saturday is Walvis Bay Fitment centre. Pieter Els called for an individual Stableford with two surprises that he will only announce Saturday morning. So, bring you're A-game along. Pro Shop is still running specials…..just talk to me. Special General meeting at the club Wednesday 15 July. Show up in numbers please. Also, put your nominations down for office please.

CHAMPION OF CHAMPS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AT THE COAST! hosted by NAMIB PARK BOWLING CLUB Namib Park Bowling Club is honored to host the Champion of Champs National Competition during 11 & 12 July 2015. It is the first time ever that this Championship will be held at the Coast!! All the ladies and men Champions from 7 bowling clubs in Namibia will be competing against each other and the winners will be crowned the Champion of Champs. The competition will start at 08h00 on Saturday morning 11 July 2015 and Sunday 12 July 2015. We would like to invite our Corporate League members and Public members to come and watch this prestigious event.


Photo by Bernabé Blaauw

JULY2015 2015 10 JULY 2015 310JULY

Meet Ruben Soroseb Bernabé Blauw

Members of the Paralympic Committee will visit Walvis Bay this weekend to introduce the local Paralympic athletes to the coastal community. Ruben is currently hard at work to be in top condition for his participation at the All-Africa Games in September in Brazzaville, Congo and the 2015 IPC

Athletics World Championships in Doha, Qatar, in October. The committee will host a promotion at the Pick n Pay shopping centre

on Saturday, which will take place in the form of a bench press competition, organised by Will’s Gym. The organisers invite all

members of the community to register for the bench press competition or simply to come and support the event which starts at 9:30.

Namibia Paralympic Committee to tour Namibian towns

The Namibia Paralympic Committee (NPC) is embarking on an athlete’s promotional tour in three Namibian towns from the month of July. Seven athletes who qualified for the 2015 Doha Games will form part of the tour. The towns that athletes will be visiting during their promotional campaign are Walvis Bay, Oshakati and Windhoek.

Ruben Soroseb with the medals which he won at the Nedbank SASAPD National Championships in Johannesburg earlier this year

The athletes who have qualified for the 2015 Doha Games are Johanna Benson Lahja Ishitile, Johannes Nambala, Elias Ndimulunde, Rosa Manjoro, Ananias Shikongo, and Martin Aloysius. The aim of the promotional tour is to sensitise and educate the Namibian nation about para-athletes and what it takes to be one. Doha will stage the last major gathering of international top athletes before the Rio 2016

Paralympic Games. The 2015 International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Athletics World Championships is expected to attract around 1 300 of the world’s best athletes from 90 countries and will take place from October to November 2015. Speaking at a media conference held by the NPC here on Monday, NPC Secretary General (SG), Michael Hamukwaya called on corporate companies and the public to come to the events that

will be held in the different towns and meet the athletes who will fly the Namibian flag high at the world championships. “We want the Namibian nation to be sensitised on what para-athletes are all about. In most cases, people only read about these athletes in papers or hear on the radio but they don’t understand what it takes to be a disabled athlete. “We are now embarking on a promotional campaign to take these athletes to schools, shopping

malls and allow them to speak to the people on what they go through on a daily basis as a disabled athlete, plus we want to allow the corporate world to understand what disabled athletes go through if they are to sponsor them,” said Hamukwaya. Walvis Bay has been confirmed as the first town that the athletes will visit from 9 to 12 July. Dates for Windhoek and Oshakati will be confirmed later this month. NAMPA

The Walvis Bay Wild Dogs wins T20 Cup

Cup winners, the Walvis Bay Wild Dogs The Walvis Bay Wild Dogs lifted the EBH T20 floating trophy last week Saturday, after defeating EBH 1st XI. In the plate final it was the EBH Development team against NDF Oshiponga CC, where the EBH De-

velopment team was the victors. Mr Brasler of EBH expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the

EBH T20 tournament and also ensured that the 2016 version will have ‘a few changes to the rules’. The

tournament has expanded thus far, for the girls’ team to fully participate in this tournament.

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