Namport Plans Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Terminal
A graphic illustration of the multi million Namibian Dollar Hydrogen andAmmonia Export Terminal
The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport)thePortofAntwerpBrugesInternational (POABI) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to construct a multi million Namibian Dollar Hydrogen and AmmoniaExportTerminalwithinthenext three to five years at theNorth Port of the existingWalvis Bay, Namibia, facilities,covering1300hectares.
ThisisacollaborativeeffortbetweenNamportand POABIincollaborationwithlocalpartners,isprogressing with the development of Namibia's first integratedhydrogenproductionandrefuellingsite that will mark a significant milestone in the hydrogen infrastructure development at the Port of Walvis Bay In another important initiative, Cleanergy Solutions, Namport,the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, along with Compagnie Maritime Belge(CMB.TECH)aimstodevelopmentAfrica's Continues on page 2
Walvis Bay Municipality Suspends Two Finance Division Employees
AtaMunicipalCouncilmeetingofWalvisBayheldonTuesday this week, it was resolved that the General Manager: Finance,MrFrans!GontebandtheManager:Finance,Mrs JohannaShidute,weretobesuspendedfromtheirrespective duties.
Swakop Uranium Hosts Governor and Media Professionals
Swakop Municipality Secures Affordable housing Solutions with NHE
Such suspension wasaffectedinorder to allow for full investigation into the appointment of RedForce Debt Management CC and all matters pertaining thereto. The Municipal Council ofWalvisBaywishes to make it pertinently clear that no imputations of any nature are being made against the suspendedemployees. Their suspensions have been affected to allow for full and unimpeded investigation of the appointment of RedForce Debt Management CC and the operations of RedForce Debt ManagementCCinWalvisBay in terms of such appointment as speedily aspossible.
notified that RedForce Debt Management CC have today elected to serve summons on the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay for litigation on the cancellation of their Consultancy Service AgreementintheHighCourt of Namibia. Instructions have been given to Metcalfe Beukes Attorneys to oppose
The residents of Walvis Bay are further
Municipality of Walvis Bay Suspended General Manager Finance Mr Frans IGonteb. Photos Contributed
Continues on page 2
Walvis Bay Municipality
Continued from page 1
such matter, and institute a counterclaim against RedForce Debt Management CC. As the matter is now sujudice the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay will provide all further information to the residents of Walvis Bay through its appointed legalrepresentatives.
!Gonteb confirmed to one of daily newspapers his suspension by saying, “Yes, it's true, but I didn't get a letteryet.WhenIcame to the office this morning, the acting chief executive told me in a very nice manner to go home because they decided as such yesterday.” !Gonteb said that he is not bothered by the suspension, "I have nothingtohide."Healso added that the suspension is clearly "personal and political " Both employees have been suspended with fullpay
According to him, he received information thathissuspicionstemmed from the Redforce Debt Management appointment to assist the municipality in collectingoutstandingdebt.
In the local authority structures,procurement
starts with the Procurement Management Unit, followed by the bidevaluationcommittee and procurement evaluation committee, which make recommendations to the accountingofficer,whois the chief executive officer(CEO).
!Gontebexplainedthat the acting CEO, John Esterhuizen, appointed the debt management company !Gonteb also told the daily newspaper that the CEO madethemistakeofterminating the service of Redforce, and they made reference to a councilresolution.
“There is no council resolution that says the services must be terminated. The motion that wasplacedsaidthatthis item of Redforce be sent back to the management committee, and that is what happens with all motions,” said the suspended finance general manager.”
He explained, “the management committee must, via the CEO, make an addendum to the management committeewithallconcerns and evidence attached sothatthemanagement
committee makes a recommendation to the fullcouncilwhetherthe RedForce agreement must be terminated or not. However, the municipality made public the termination of the agreement with Redforce.”
!Gontebsaidthathehas advised the council to acknowledge the error andmakethenecessary corrections.“Thatletter to Red-force should never have gone out,” hesaid.
Shidute also told the same daily newspaper that she tried to advise council in the right direction, and now it leadstomysuspension.
“Iwasneverpartofthe RedForce issue You will not find my signature in any of the documents signed by me regarding the appointmentofRedForce.”She noted that it was confusing that the order of suspension was given by councillors at Tuesday's council meeting and not the management committee, and that the matter was not on the council agenda. Shidute, added that she has already contacted herlawyer
Swakop Uranium Hosts Governor and Media Professionals
TheGovernoroftheErongoRegion,Hon.NevilleAndréItope,andten mediaprofessionalsfromvariousmediahouseswerehostedbySwakop Uranium at the Husab Mine on World Press Freedom Day, which is annuallymarkedon3May.
The aim of the event was three-fold: to showcase and update the media on mining progress and production milestones that have been achieved spanning a decade of operations, to showcase some of Swakop Uranium's talent and career journeys, namely that of graduates and female staff, and lastly to provide a networking opportunity between the media and Swakop Uranium employees. The media stakeholders visited the Processing and Mining Viewpoints, where the operations wereexplainedtothemindetailbytheProcessingandMiningHeadsofDepartments. Duringtheofficialmeeting,theCEOofSwakopUranium,QiuBin,welcomedallto theMineandemphasisedtheimportanceofthemediaasakeypartneroftheMine.Bin highlightedthekeymilestonesthattheminehasachievedinrecenttimesandthanked the media for their constant support and coverage of matters relating to the Husab Mine. Itope celebrated the good relations that the mining industry has established withthemedia,addingthatthetwopartiesshouldalwayscollaboratetoeducatethe publiconimportantmattersforthebenefitofallNamibians.Itopefurtheremphasised theimportanceoftheHusabminingoperationsasakeydrivingforceforthegrowth andprogressoftheErongoregionandthecountryatlarge.
Along-servingemployeeofSwakopUranium,PulaniMaritz,whostartedworkingat the company ten years ago as a Financial Controller and climbed the ladder to the positionofDeputyChiefFinancialOfficer,deliveredapowerfulmotivationalspeech. SheintertwinedhercareerprogressionwiththegrowthandexperiencesoftheFinance Departmentasawholeoverthelastdecade.
JohannaIthanaelaboratedonherinspirationaljourneyasabursaryholderin2019,to recently being appointed as a Mechanical Engineer Ithana said, “Swakop Uranium welcomesitsemployeesintoaculturethatfostersinnovation,collaboration,andmost importantly,respectfordiverseperspectives.”IthanasaidherexperiencewithSwakop Uraniumhasbeenanongoingadventure.Fromthemomentshesteppedthroughthe doorsasafreshgraduate,shehasoverseenvariouscriticalaspectsofuraniummining operations.Ithanaadvisedfuturegraduatestoalwaysbeeagertolearn.
The event was well attended by Namibia's media houses, and there was great appreciationofthemine'sproductionprogress,contributiontoemploymentcreation, genderparityinitiatives,andtheoveralleconomicgrowthoftheNamibianeconomy
Namport Plans Hydrogen
first dual-fuel hydrogen-powered vessel that will operateinNamibianwaters.Thisprojectfollowsthe successful launch of the Hydrotugand the world's first multimodal hydrogen refuelling station in the port ofAntwerp through the collaboration between CMB.TECHandPortofAntwerpBruges.
ThenewvesselwillbeaMultifunctionalPortUtility Vessel (MPHUV) powered by dual-fuel hydrogen engines, designed to be versatile for various port operations and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.TheChiefExecutiveOfficerofNamport, Andrew Kanimesaid thatthe MoU has set out port development, capacity building and energy transition as the specific focus areas for the operationalisationofcooperation.
AccordingtoKanime,Namporthasalong-termstrategic goal to migrate from the current hybrid port authority operator model to a landlocked model, of which the partnership between the two ports presents an opportunity to learn from its counterparts.
Janine added, “this agreement places Namibia in a global front-runner position as partners to develop green energy, focussing on green hydrogen and its various carriers such as green ammonia, for the mutualbenefitofbothNamibiaandBelgium.”
Kanime further explained that the partnership with thePortofAntwerp-BrugesInternationalpresentsa great opportunity to learn from the path that our counterparts have already walked. “They are withoutdoubtoneofthebiggest,bestandmostadvanced portsinthewholeworld.Therefore,thispartnership providesastreamlinedtransitionforNamporttothe toptiersofbestportauthoritiesintheworld.”
Through the partnership, Namport has set aside a largeportionoflandatthePortofWalvisBay'snorth port for the establishment of energy and industrial clusters by the private sector on a long-term lease basis. He added, “many of these land reservations are for potential green energy ter-minals. One of such land reservations was made to Cleanergy, for the setting up of port facilities such as ammonia storage and distribution infrastructure that will eventually see ammonia being not just ex-ported from here to the rest of the world, but also used to
Namibian Ambassador in Belgium Dr. Mekondjo Kaapanda-Girnus, Namport CEO, Andrew Kanime, Chief Executive Officer of Port of Antwerp-Bruges Jacques Vandermeiren and Belgium Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten at the signing of the deal on the development of the North Port of Walvis Bay.
refuelshipshereatWalvisBaywiththisnewgreen fuel. In so doing, makingWalvis Bay a green fuel bunkering hub.” The Chief Executive Officer of Port of Antwerp-Bruges Jacques Vandermeiren saidthatthepartnershipwilllookatsolutionstothe problemstheworldfaceswhenitcomestodealing withclimatechange.
Vandermeiren said, “the port's eagerness to bring expertiseandcompaniestoNamibia,aimedatrealising Namibia's vision of developing a green hydrogen industry “Namibia is known to have abundantsolarandwindenergythatcanproducea carbon-friendly fuel,” Vandermeiren added. “We areready,youcancountonoursupport.Wewillput ourmoneywhereourmouthis,soyoucancounton it.Ourmoneyisthere,ourenthusiasmandourexpertisefromeveryoneatAntwerp-Burges”Vandermeirenconcluded.
The agreements were signed in the presence of King Philippe of Belgium, Dr Nangolo Mbumba, PresidentoftheRepublicofNamibia,andBelgian MinisterofEnergy,TinnevanderStraeten.
Swakopmund Municipality Secures Affordable housing Solutions with NHE
A Memorandum ofAgreement signed between the Swakopmund Municipality and theNamibiaHousing Enterprise (NHE) on Tuesday aims to deliveraffordable housing solutions totheresidentsof Swakopmund.
Chairperson of the Management Committee Blassius Goreseb and the CEO of NHE signs the Memorandum ofAgreement
This project will be fully funded by the MinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopment.In the first phase, under the Informal Settlement UpgradingProject(ISUP),219residentsinthe DRC Informal Settlement in Swakopmund, who have already received Council approval, will be accommodated ISUP targets beneficiariesearningN$3000andbelow ArchieBenjamin,theChiefExecutiveOfficer of the Swakopmund Municipality, stated that this project was initiated when the council identified the need for housing in the DRC Informal Settlement Two hundred and nineteen beneficiaries were identified and issued land ownership certificates, making themthefirstbeneficiariesofthisproject. Mayor Dina Namubes of Swakopmund emphasised the alignment of objectives between NHE and municipalities, stating that NHE provides housing through central Government, while municipalities, as local
governmentbodies,areclosertothepeople.She noted that NHE has funding and equipment, while the Municipality has land and people, whichfosterscollaboration.
AccordingtoGisbertusMukulu,CEOofNHE, ISUPwasconceptualistsbyNHE,theMinistry ofUrbanandRuralDevelopment(MURD),the City of Windhoek, and Khomas Regional Council.Theprojectaddressesthereasonswhy many people cannot afford houses, offering a designwithoutallthefinishes,knownasISUP Mukulu mentioned that this project is fully funded by MURD, so once the ministry makes thefundsavailable,theprojectwillcommence. Oncestarted,NHEestimatesitwilltakethreeto four weeks to complete the houses. NHE faces challenges like scarcity of serviced land, high input costs of servicing land, creditworthiness of beneficiaries, increasing costs of building materials, and limited funding for housing and landdelivery.
H2 Fuelling Station in Walvis Bay
Cleanergy Solutions Namibia, a joint venture between Belgian shipping company, Compagnie Maritime Belge (CMB) and the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, has proudly hosted the Cleanergy Green Hydrogen progress showcase at the plant's site in Walvis Bay, under the guidanceofHisMajesty,theKingoftheBelgiansandH.E.Dr NangoloMbumba,PresidentoftheRepublicofNamibia.
This milestone markedanimportantstepin positioning Namibia asafrontrunnerinthe globalgreenhydrogen economy Themodern facility not only produces hydrogen using solar panels, but also hasarefuellingstation and a hydrogen academy The event aimed to showcasetheprogress of the Cleanergy GreenHydrogensite.
Expected to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2024, the hydrogen refuelling station marked an importantfirststepinour commitment to becoming a leader in renewable energy solutionsinNamibia.
Theproject,whichbegan three years ago
with the late President Hage Geingob's vision of a hydrogen-powered green industry, marks a significant step towards establishing Namibia as a key player in the production and export of greenhydrogenandammonia for industrial applications, from mining to shipping, trucks and trains, powered by cleanenergy Ahighlight of the site visit was the ceremonial first filling ofadual-fueltruckatthe hydrogen refuelling station, officiated by H.E. Dr Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia and His Majesty the King of the Belgians The event represented the importance of robust, sustainable partnerships between Namibian and
Belgianorganisations. President Nangolo Mbumba and the King of the Belgians lauded the Cleanergy Solutions initiative, which has posi-tioned Namibia as afrontrunnerintheglobalgreenhydrogeneconomy "Our late President used to say that three years ago he did not know anything aboutit,buthetooktime and energy, went around, visited countries, he was good at gainingfriendshipswith allpeople,atalocaland higher level, and now we are here, and I think oneoftheseinstitutions, roads, power lines, or whatever, should carry thenameHageGottfried Geingob, because if it were not for him, we would not have the
Whether the cricket ball has taken out the windshield the patio door or any other window or there was no cricket ball just a new project needing installation If it’s broken glass we can help you
couragetotalktobigger people. We would not have the courage to talk about having employment in a new field," said Mbumba. "To liberate Namibia, to reintegrate Walvis Bay, to build the economy, to draft the constitution these were not easy challenges Yet, here we are, 34 years later, discussing accomplishments that no body could dream about: fuelingatruck,aship,a train with green hydrogen." President Mbumbasaid.
HisMajestytheKingof the Belgians said, “this project is a groundbreaking demonstration of pioneering hydrogen production in Africa. It aimstodemonstratethat greenhydrogenandammonia can be produced efficiently and on the
basis of renewable energy sources. Namibia boasts huge solar and wind energy potential, a thriving workforce,afavourablebusiness climate, and, most importantly, a vision of becoming a leader in sub-Saharan Africa in sustainableenergy."
Namibia's Green Hydrogen Commissioner, JamesMnyupesaid,“as Namibia embraces clean energy, supported bystrategicpartnerships and government initiatives, the nation is poised for economic diversification and job creation, aligning with the aspirations set out in Vision 2030 Today's milestone signifies not only a technological achievement but also a step towards realizing the dreams of past lea-
Executive Chairman of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, Sven Thieme expressed optimismabouttheproject's potential to pave the wayforagreenerfuture, harnessing the sun's infiniteenergy Thieme said, “with this Cleanergy Green Hydrogen Site, we are changeling overacentury'sworthof innovation to ignite a revolution in renewable energy Thisinitiativeis morethanaproject;it'sa testament to our relentless drive for excellence, our commitment tosustainability,andour unwavering belief in partnership.”
According to Thieme, it'smorethanenergy;it's the embodiment of our collective strength,
determination,andhope – creating legacies that will outlive us and enrich generations to come.
CEO of CMB.TECH, AlexanderSaveryssaid, “we are doing this because we believe decarbonisationandashiftto renewable energy are important trends in the globaleconomy.” Headdedthattheyneed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but industriesthataredifficult to reduce, such as maritime industries, ports and mining, cannot switch to electricity or batteries “Instead of electrons, they need molecules. We plan to produce these molecules in Walvis Bay to power locally operated trucks, port equipment, locomotives and small ships.”
Blasting Incident Raises Safety Concerns
Following the recent civil blasting incident on 29 April during the development of Erf 673 in Swakopmund's Tamariskia Location, the Swakopmund Municipality issued a statementexpres-singdeepregretfor the damage caused to a private residence as a result of the blasting activities undertaken by I.I Explosives CC.
Franciskus Tities arrived home from work that afternoon only to find his guest toilet damagedbyahuge rockthathadpenetrated the roof of his house from the development site on Erf 673 in Tamariskia, where blasting occurred around16:00.
Tities' home is located at Erf. 147 FransiskaVanNeel Street, Tamariskia.
According to Tities,whenhecalled the blasters to inspect the damage, they were very arrogant with him, which further frustratedhim.
Tities expressed concern, stating, “mychildrenenjoy using this toilet because the WIFI signal works perfectlyhere.
Imagineiftheyhad been in the toilet when this incident occurred. We were notinformedabout
the blasting, and we didnotreceivealetter regarding it I just cameacrossthenotice onsocialme-dia.This incident could have resulted in fatalities. What would have happenedthen?"
According to Tities, the most challenging aspect is that homeowners are the most affected when incidents like this occur because they do not knowwhomtoturnto for help and are not fully informed about the necessary measurestotake.
Another resident statedthatsuchincidents are not uncommon during blasting, and measures should be taken to ensure the safety of residents in the area beforehand. The resident added that the blasters were supposed to visit every household in the area to inquire about their well-being, which did not happen inthiscase.Thestreet was left covered with
According to Swakopmund Municipality's Public Relations Officer, Linda Mupupa, relevant authorities were promptlynotifiedfollowing the incident, andathoroughinvestigation, concluded on30April,wasconducted. Mupupa stated that the Office of the Chief Executive Officer is currently awaitingtheoutcome of this investigation and remains committed to full transparency and cooperation throughout the process.
Themunicipality,ina statement, expressed empathy for the homeowner's distress and inconvenience
and acknowledged the need for swift action to rectify the damage and restore thepropertytoitsoriginal standard. They assuredthatnecessary repairs would be carried out expediently and to the highest quality
When contacted by Namib Times last week, Hiskia Iiyambo, the Director of I.I ExplosivesCC,stated that according to the law, all properties within a 500-meter radius of blasting should be inspected, with any existing cracks reported prior to obtaining the blasting permit. Iiyambo claimed that his team had inspected houses on Fransiska Van
Neel Street two weeksprior,although some residents were reluctant to allow thementry Iiyambo further explained that it is requiredthattheblaster notify the authorities three days before blasting, which he claims to have done, including driving through the street 20 minutes before the blast with a siren and intercom to inform residents.
Despite the unfortunate incident affecting house no. 147, Iiyambo emphasised that he does not condone such outcomes. He stated that the maincontractorofthe property, Refuse Solutions,isresponsible
for insurance coverageinsuchevents.
Iiyambo asserted his intention to continue blasting, citing approval from the chief
inspector of explosives in the Erongo region, who holds the authority to stop him according to the law
CalpakNamibia/KutzHouseherewithintendsto applytotheSwakopmundMunicipalCouncilfor the“ResidentOccupationSpecialConsent”,to operate an “administrative office” on the premises of Erf 103, Vineta Proper (83 Nord StrandStreet)asprovidedforintermsofClause6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme details of whichareobtainablefromtheGeneralManager: EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant,duringnormalbusinesshours.
th Closing date for objections or comments is: 24 May2024
Contactperson:MrU.Kutz,Cell:0811288343 Email:calpaknam@gmail.com
Or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
Seven Tips to Secure your Child's Financial Future
Nowadays,it'scrucialforparentstoequiptheirchildrenwithastrongfinancial footing.Unsurewheretobegin?Herearesometipsandengagingideastohelpyou kickstartthisconversationwithyourchildren.
1.Encouragesavingfromanearlyage: Promote this important financial habit by rewarding them for saving for example match every N$100 they put away with something extra, to make saving attractive while teaching them the valueofmoneyandpatience.
2.Sharestoriesofsuccessfulfamilymembers: Sharesuccessfulfamilyfinancialstoriestoteach themaboutsmartmoneymanagement.Identifya family member who made wise financial decisionsearlyon,andsharetheirstory
3.Helpthemtracksmallexpenses: Help your child keep track of small costs, like buyingacooldrinkdaily,topluganyfuturefinancialleakstheymaydevelop.Agreatideaistopack juice or water in their school bags to replace the cool drink and save that money for something
4.Openlydiscussdebt: Discussing debt is another crucial aspect of financial education. To make it more relatable, use board games like Monopoly to illustrate the consequencesofborrowing.
5.Takeahybridapproachtomoney: Complementdigitaltoolswithtangiblesystems–e.g. the 'envelope method', allocating cash to envelopes for different purposes. This will help children grasp the concept of budgeting and the valueofhardcash
Acknowledge what you don't know and get the help you need to instil money management fundamentals in your kids, especially if you didn't receive adequate financial education when you weregrowingup.
7.LetyourkidsLivewithConfidence: Youdon'thavetoexplaineverythingaboutyour finances but do involve them in some important aspects–e.g.explainwhyyoucan'tgoawayfora specific occasion and also organise a family breaktheverynextweekend.
Quotes For Mom
“A mother is your first friend,yourbestfriend, yourforeverfriend.”
“Whenyouarelooking atyourmother,youare looking at the purest love you will ever know.”
“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there
seems to be no heartthrob.”
“Mothers are like glue. Evenwhenyoucan’tsee them, they’re still holding the family together.”
“My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I
want to grow old and be likeher ”
“Mother is the name for Godinthelipsandhearts oflittlechildren.”
“The influence of a motherinthelivesofher children is beyond calculation.”
“It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who
can make his mother morebeautiful?”
“Thereisnoroleinlife that is more essential than that of motherhood.”
“Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall;Amother’s secret hope outlivesthemall.”
Calamari Tube grilled in Lemon Butter, accompanied by Basil Pesto toasted bread topped with Mozzarella, served with Mayo garlic dip.
Beef Carpaccio served with Roasted Beetroot, Feta & Rocket finished with Balsamic Reduction.
“Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.”
“Only mothers can think of the future becausetheygivebirth toitintheirchildren.”
Roasted Leg of Lamb served with Rosemary sauce, Honey glazed vegetables & Sweet Mustard Mash.
250g Beef Fillet grilled to your preference served with a Red wine sauce & Garden Salad.
300g Chicken Cordon Bleu stuffed with Ham & Mozzarella served with a Cream Cheese sauce & Butter Parsley Potatoes.
BREAKFAST: 07h00 - 10h00 / LUNCH: 12:00 - 14:30 / DINNER: 18:00 - 20:30
“My mother was my role model before I even knew what that wordwas.”
“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.”
“Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world.Itistheglorious lifeforce.It’shugeand scary – it’s an act of infiniteoptimism.”
Chocolate Brownie served with Mom Pink Berry Truffle sauce finished with Vanilla ice-cream & Cashews
N$300 for Dine-ins
N$350 for Take-aways ONLY Available on 12 May 2024 Booking is Essential: 081 830 6233
Walvis Bay Junior Councillors in Zimbabwe
Walvis Bay Junior Mayor, Fisabo Mapalo; Deputy Junior Mayor, Rabanus Gabriel, and Junior Chief Executive Officer, Ellen Shatilwapo attended the National Junior Councilors'ConferencerecentlyheldattheElephant'sHill HotelatVictoriaFallsinZimbabwe.
The junior councillors attended the four-day conference held under the theme 'Intergenerational Solidarity: Promoting Local Government' for all ages on invitation from the National Junior Councils Association of Zim-
babwe (NJCA) This annual national conference initiated by NJCA isrecognisedbyZimbabwe's local authorities and the ministry of local government and public workswasheldtocreatea platformfortheyouthsto take part in insightful workshops, participate in panel discussions, and take part in interactive sessions facilitated by experts in the field of youth development and localgovernance. Furthermore, the anticipated event brought together young leaders from various regions in
Zimbabwe. The conference saw the developmentofhowcivicvalues address children's concerns in Zimbabwe as NJCA continues to promote,protect,andrespect children's participation and contribution in local governance and service deliveryissues.
The junior councillors in attendance felt that the conference ought to be held at the end of every year to allow junior councils to come and share their activities and projects, as well as to share solutions to improving their mandate towards local governance and service deli-
very through coming up with a position paper, which will be their monitoring and evaluation report accompanied by possible solutions Junior councillors in attendance were tasked with coming up with strategies to contribute towards the government's efforts to eradicate alcohol, drug, and substance abuse by childrenandyouths.The young leaders under the stewardship of the Personal Assistant of the WalvisBayMayor,ShirleyTjaveondja.alsohad an opportunity to meet the Zimbabwean First Lady,DrAuxilliaMnangagwa.
Community Engagement Exercise - Hygiene and Littering
The Municipality's Environmental Health Practitioners andsomecommunityvolunteersrecentlyheldacommunity engagement session with residents in Otweyaand surroundingareastoaddresshygieneandlitteringconcerns.
During the engagement, residents were reminded to utilise the designated skips for waste disposal, maintain cleanliness in the area, and properly use and care for the public toilets.Residentsinthe area were also warned againstopendefecation and how it can negatively affect other residents.
Furthermore, residents committedtotakingresponsibility for cleaningtheareathemselves.
The Municipality's Health Division supported the residents' efforts by providing black refuse bags and arranging for the removalofrubble.
Sanitation facilities provided by the municipalitycanbefoundat Otweya and surroundingareas.
Additionally,themunicipality has placed a container toilet block equippedwith10water closets/urinals and washbasins at the area formally known as Twalaloka. In November 2023, a new toilet block was installed at the Otweya decongested area, along with two additional mobile toilets that were placed near the NHE land in April 2024. The responsibility of maintaining and ensuring cleanliness in both
ablution blocks has been entrusted to two dedicated volunteers, whowerenominatedby the local committees.
To cover costs, a minimalfeeofN$1andN$2 ischargedfortheusage ofthetoiletfacilitiesby thevolunteers.
The committees in the area have applied for prepaid water meters, and the funds collected from the usage fees are utilised to settle the monthly water bill. To support the volunteers in their efforts, the Municipality provides the volunteers with cleaningequipmentand materialsmonthly Asa token of appreciation for their selfless service, the volunteers receiveagroceryvouchereverymonth.
The Health Division and the Department of Roads&BuildingControlandtheSolidWaste Management Section, conducted a comprehensive cleaning operation during the week of13–24March. With the help of heavy machinery and a dedicated team of approximately 12 street cleaners, we cleared a staggering 720 cubic meters of building rubble and refuse from the area. This successful operation has effectively eliminated all looselitter
Additional Waste Skips and Toilets: To further improve the situation the Municipality has installed additionalwasteskips andtwomobiletoilets inthevicinity
These facilities will help ensure proper waste disposal and contribute to maintaining cleanliness in the area. Moreover, signboards prohibiting dumping will be installed at key locations to discourage further littering.
Planned Construction of Public Toilets: Respondingtothegrowing demand, the Municipality is planning to construct public toilets within the areaduringthecurrent fiscalyear
These facilities will provide convenient access to sanitation for residents and visitors alike, contributingtoacleanerand healthierenvironment for everyone. These much-needed facilities will be strategically located at Erf 7333 & 5784 in Kuisebmond.
The Municipality urgesresidentstoreport any instances of illegaldumpingorshould anyone have suggestionsonhowthesituation can be improved, to not hesitate to reachouttotheMunicipality
“Your feedback and cooperation are invaluableinhelpingus create a cleaner and healthierenvironment foreveryone.”
Pegasus Hydrocarbon Supplies cc
Vacancy- Coastal Sales Manager (Walvis Bay)
Company background
Pegasus Hydrocarbon Supplies cc is a dynamic entrepreneurial driven company responsible for the Sale and Marketing of the Castrol range of Lubricants within the Retail and Commercial segments.
Key responsibilities
· Responsible for the overall day to day management of the Coastal Depot.
· Develop and maintain business relationships with current and prospective customers.
· Develop and implement the Sales and Marketing strategy within the Coastal area.
· Coordinate sales effort with marketing, sales management, accounting, logistics and technical staff
· Supply management reports on customer needs, interests, competitor activities and potential product and market expansion
Essential Requirements
· Must be a self-driven individual with strong communication skills
· Relevant Marketing or equivalent degree
· Minimum 5 years Sales & Marketing experience within the Oil industry or related fields
· Namibian Citizen
· Must be able to travel from time to time
· Team player
· Valid Driver's licence th Closing date: Wednesday the 15 of May 2024
Applications should address their CV's to: Pegasus Hydrocarbon Supplies cc General Manager- att. Leon Retief E-mail- leon@pegasushs.com
Only short listed candidates will be contacted. No CV'S will be returned
CONSENT:Self-CateringUnit(x1)2Bedroom ON ERF NO: 4152 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Fairway Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: 5thRoad,No.89.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-CateringUnit(x1)2Bedroom. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan31May2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: AlsheOlivier,57WalvisBay email:finance@gpg.com.na
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registeredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvis Bayforapprovalforthefollowingapplication: Erf264Meersig:
RezoningfromGeneralResidential1(1:500m²)to SingleResidential(1:300m²),and Simultaneoussubdivisionoferf264Meersiginto4 portions:portions1to3andRemainder
Thesitehasanareaof1,500m²andiszonedGeneral Residential1withadensityof1/500m²intermsofthe Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. Currently the site has theoretical subdivision potential for 3 new erven of 500m² and larger, but this is not practical or possible duetotheexistingbuildingsonthesite.Intermsofthe recently approved Walvis Bay Residential Density PolicythesiteisinDensityZone3Awhichpermitsa maximum density of 1/300m² allowing the site to be developed for a maximum of 5 units – 1,500m² @ 1/300m²=5.
Thereare4existingsinglestoreydwellingunitsonthe siteandwhichareinaccordancewiththeWalvisBay ResidentialDensityPolicy.Duetothepositionofthe existing single storey dwelling units it is possible to subdivide the site into 4 portions, each portion ≥ 300m².Theaveragewidthofthepanhandledriveway, withminorbuildingalterations,willcomplywiththe minimumpanhandledrivewaywidthof4.0m.
Portions 1 and 2 obtain direct street access and portions3and4obtainaccessviaa“new”±20m.long ≥4.0m.panhandledrivewayprovidingasharedreciprocalright-of-wayaccessservitude.
These development proposals require to rezone erf 264 Meersig to Single Residential: 1/300m² and to simultaneously apply to subdivide erf 264 Meersig into4portions,eachportion≥300m².
Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018, the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme and the Walvis Bay ResidentialDensityPolicy
a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat the Town Planning Section of the Walvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive. The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects.
b) any person having comments, representations or objectionstotheproposedapplication,mayinwriting lodge such comments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief ExecutiveOfficeroftheWalvisBayMunicipalityand withStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron 17:00Friday7June 2024totheaddressesprovidedbelow
ChiefExecutiveOfficer Municipalityof WalvisBay PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na
Applicant StewartPlanning Town & Regional Planners P O.Box2095, WalvisBay bruce@sp.com.na
CONSENT: Contribution Cash Loan ON ERF NO: 1986 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:ContributionCashLoan.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan24May2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SadrahMThomas,POBox4324,WalvisBay email:sadrahthomas@gmail.com
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owner, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bayforapprovalforthefollowingapplication: Erf11andErf12Meersig:
Rezoning Erf 11 Meersig from Single Residential: 1/500m²toGeneralResidential1:1/500m²,andconsentuseforaHotel
The deletion and alteration of the title deed conditionsoferf11Meersig
Simultaneous consolidation of erf 11 Meersig and erf12MeersigintoconsolidatederfX Erf11Meersigisvacantandundevelopedandiszoned Single Residential in terms of the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme.Erf12MeersigisoccupiedbyFlamingoVillas Boutique Hotel, a 3-storey hotel comprising 27 bedrooms,supportingserviceareassuchasapublicrestaurantandancillarykitchenarea,apublicbarandlimited conference/meeting rooms and is zoned General Residential1intermsoftheWalvisBayZoningScheme. Due to the growing demand for business and tourist accommodationinWalvisBay,erf11Meersighasbeen purchasedbytheapplicanttoprovideforanextension to the Flamingo Villas Boutique Hotel to increase the number of bedrooms. The existing buildings and the newbuildings(upto3storeys)willbejoinedtogether asasingleintegrateddevelopment.
These development proposals require to rezone erf 11 MeersigtoGeneralResidential1,toapplyforconsent for a hotel in the proposed zoning and consent to proceed with construction while the rezoning is in progress.Simultaneouslyitisnecessarytoconsolidateerf 11 Meersig and erf 12 Meersig into a single, consolidated erf. The consolidated erf will have an area of 2,988m². The deletion and alteration of the title deed conditions of erf 11 Meersig is also part of this application.
Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5of2018)andtheWalvisBayZoningScheme.
a) the complete application lies open for inspection at theTown Planning Section of theWalvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive. The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects
b)anypersonhavingcomments,representationsorobjections to the proposed application, may in writing lodge such comments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of theWalvis Bay Municipality and withStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Friday 7 June 2024totheaddressesprovidedbelow
Municipalityof WalvisBay PrivateBag
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the MunicipalityofWalvis Bayintendstoleaseby private transaction, a PortionofFarm37to MrsMCVermaak.
Description PortionofFarm37
Rental Price
N$1 392.08 Plus 15%
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 21 May 2024 atroom29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
For more information
Mrs S Satchpia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by theundersignedbefore orat12:00*Friday24 May2024.
ActingGeneral Manager:Community &Economic Development
NangoloMbumba Drive
Fax:(064)209714 WalvisBay
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease a PortionofFarm38to EuarestosAssetManagement (Partners) for the establishment ofaSolarPlant
Description PortionofFarm38 Area 60ha
N$330 000 plus 15% VAT N$49 500 (escalating with 10% per annum)
Full particulars pertainingtotheleasewill lie for inspection by interestedpersonsuntil *Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
For more information MrsSSatchipiacanbe contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction mustbereceivedbythe undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday, 24 May2024.
EriksonPendapala Mwanyekange GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development
CivicCentre Nangolo Mbumba Drive
IntheHighCourt ofNamibia (mainDivision)
AdriAdeleJanse VanRensburg ExecutionCreditor and WECAOff-road CentreCC ExecutionDebtor
In execution of a judgement against the above defendantgrantedbythe aboveHonourableCourt on 17 November 2023, the following moveable property will be sold in execution by public auction on Fri-day, 31 May 2024 at 10:00 at Erf 3965, Newton Street, New Industrial Area, Swa-kopmund namely:
1x Largeofficedesk with2chairs
1x3-Piecelounge suite
4xOfficedeskswith chairs
1xRyobibench grinder
1XMetaltablewith grindingmachine
2xSolarbattery chargers
8xPortablefridges Varioustools
Find usatthecorner of Wasserfalstreet& Otavi Streetorcontact us@ 064-461866
General logistics administrative duties
4. Assisting with all export and import shipments.
5. Run errands for the logistical department.
6. Arrange transport to and from Karibib via Transnamib THEN KINDLY FORWARD YOUR CV AND CERTIFICATES TO: vacancies@bestcheer.com.na
NOTICES & VACANCIES Swakopmund namib
Varioussolarpanels Variousspotlights
Terms:“Voetstoots”and Cash to the highest bidder
Dated at Swakopmund 3May2024.
PIETERHAMMAN LegalPractitioners No.15,Altstadthof LibertinaAmathila Avenue Swakopmund RepublicofNamibia
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owner, to the Municipal Council of SwakopmundandtheUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoard forpermissionforthefollowing:
Rezoning of Erf 4225 Swakopmund Extension 13 fromSingleResidentialwithadensityof1dwelling unitper600m²(1:600m²)toGeneralResidential1 with a density of 1 dwelling unit per 250m² (1:250m²) with consent to operate a Residential GuestHousewhiletherezoningisinprogress.
Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5of2018)andtheSwakopmundZoningScheme, asamended.
(a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat theTownPlanningDepartmentoftheMunicipalityof Swakopmund situated on the corner of Rakotoka Street and Daniel Kamho Avenue; or can be downloadedfrom ;www.sp.com.na/projects
(b) any person having comments or objections to the application,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsand comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of SwakopmundandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysof thelastpublicationofthisnotice;
(c) Registration and written comments or objections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00Thursday, 6June2024.
Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095 WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & RegionalPlannersintendstoapply,onbehalfofthe registeredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvis Bayforconsentforthefollowingapplication: Erf 3151 Walvis Bay: Rezoning from Single Residential (1:300m²) to General Residential 2 (1:300m²) with consent to operate a Guest House whiletherezoningisinprogress.
The deletion and alteration of the title deed conditionsoferf3151WalvisBay
TheintentionistodevelopaGuestHouseofamaximum of 10 bedrooms (including the existing single storeydwellinghouse)partiallyintheexistingsingle storeydwellinghouseandpartiallyinnewsingleand double storey buildings to the side and back/rear of the existing single storey dwelling house. On site parkingforthe10-bedroomGuestHousewillbeprovided on site: on-site parking requirement of 2 parkingbaysplus1parkingbayperbedroom=12parking bays.
These development proposals require to rezone erf 3151WalvisBaytoGeneralResidential2,toapplyfor consent for a Guest House in the proposed zoning. Thedeletionandalterationofthetitledeedconditions oferf3151WalvisBayisalsopartofthisapplication. The abovementioned application is submitted in termsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme,asamended.
a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat theTown Planning Section of theWalvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive. The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects.
b) any person having comments, representations or objectionstotheproposedapplication,mayinwriting lodge such comments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief ExecutiveOfficeroftheWalvisBayMunicipalityand withStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00Friday7June 2024totheaddressesprovidedbelow
Municipalityof WalvisBay PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na
ESTATE NO. 1997/2015/WHK
In the estate of the Aser BB So-Oabeb, Id Nr 731021 1006 1, of Erf No.3155 Narraville, Walvis Bay, who died on 29 September 2015.
(Master's Ref: 1997/2015 WHK), and who was married in community of property to Consetha Moreen So-Oabeb, ID Nr 800402 1023 5.
In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST & FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Walvis Bay
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
H VISSER Agent of the Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES INC Haus Altona
2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel. (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Reference: HV/LMEST138/000170)
Registration No:2017/0334
ESTATE NO. E 3151/2021
In the estate of theTeturianus Shikomba, Id Nr 701021 0066 7, of Erf No.3601 Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, who died on 2 June 2021.
(Master's Ref: E3151/2021), and who was unmarried . In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST & FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Walvis Bay Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
H VISSER (Mrs) Agent of the Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES INC Haus Altona 2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel. (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Reference: HV/LMEST259/000170)
N O T I C E S & V A C A N C I E S
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanning–Town & Regional Planners intends to apply to the Walvis BayMunicipalityand/orMinistryofUr-banandRural DevelopmentonbehalfofPortiaPropertiesTrustasthe registered owner of Farms No. 75 and 76 (portions of the Farm Wanderdunen No. 23) for the following statutoryapprovals:
[1] Township establishment and layout approval on FarmNo.75(comprisingof196landportions).
[2] Township establishment and layout approval on FarmNo.76(comprisingof196landportions).
[3] Minister exemption to create erf sizes less than 300m²intermsoftheNationalHousingPolicyof2009. Farms75and76arelocatedabout1kmnortheastfrom the urban edge of Narraville, Walvis Bay, at coordinates -22.938953, 14.552619. The land is currently zoned “Undetermined” and has been earmarked to becomeafuturetownshipextensionthatwillformpart ofNarraville.
(a) the planning application and township layout plan are open for inspection during normal office hours at Room101oftheTownPlanningSectionoftheWalvis BayMunicipality,CivicCentreandStewartPlanning, 122SamNujomaAvenue. Anelectroniccopycanalso berequestedfromMrJNOtto:otto@sp.com.na
(b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiesareencouragedto registerwithStewartPlanningandtosubmittheirwrittencomments,representations,inputand/orobjections totheplanningapplication.
©thedeadlinetoregisterwithStewartPlanningandto submit written comments, representations, input and/ orobjectionswillbeonorbeforeFriday,7June2024.
StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na +26464280773
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owner, to the Municipal Council of Swakopmund, the Urban and Regional Planning Board and the Environmental Commissioner for permissionforthefollowing:
Rezoning of Erf 651 Swakopmund from “Single Residential” (1:100m²) to “General Business” with a bulk factorof 2.0 with consent to proceed with development while the rezoning is in progress. Application for an Environmental ClearanceCertificatefortheaboverezoning.
The aforementioned application is submitted in termsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. The rezoning of land from residential to commercial use is a listed activity, and an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
(a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspection at the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of Swakopmund situated on the corner of Rakotoka Street and Daniel KamhoAvenue; or can bedownloadedfrom ;www.sp.com.na/projects (b) Potential interested and affected parties are invitedtoregisterwithStewartPlanning,andanyperson having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Swakopmund and with Stewart Planning within 14 daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice; © Registration and written comments or objections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00Thursday, 6June2024.
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095 WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773
LocalAuthority ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund P O.Box53 Swakopmund Namibia jheita@swkmun.com.na
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanning–Town & Regional Planners intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality and/or Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, and/or the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism for the following statutory approvals:
[1] Township establishment and layout approval on Portion 18 of Farm No. 37 (comprising of 648 land portions),intermsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanning Actof2018.
[2]ApplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatefortheproposedtownshiponPortion18ofFarm No.37intermsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct of2007.
October Seafarers United Land and Housing Federationaimtosecurelandfortheservicingofervenfor its community-saving scheme members. To meet this objective, they have applied to purchase Portion 18 of FarmNo.37(GreenValley)fromtheMunicipalCouncil of Walvis Bay to establish a new residential townshipforitsmembers.
Portion 18 is a 482,588 m² surveyed but unserviced portionoflandsituatedabout10kmeastofWalvisBay and 2500 metres west of the D1983 Road, at coordinates-23.026349,14.578819.
(a) the planning application and township layout plan are open for inspection during normal office hours by interested and/or affected parties at Room 101 of the TownPlanningSectionoftheWalvisBayMunicipality, Civic Centre and Stewart Planning, 122 Sam Nujoma Avenue,WalvisBay AnelectroniccopycanalsoberequestedfromMrJNOtto:otto@sp.com.na
(b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiesareencouragedto registerwithStewartPlanningandtosubmittheirwrittencomments,representations,inputand/orobjections totheplanning,sale,and/orenvironmentalapplication. (c)thedeadlinetoregisterwithStewartPlanningandto submit written comments, representations, input and/ orobjectionswillbeonorbeforeFriday,7June2024.
StewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na +26464280773 +264857544740
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DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoaman orwomanofyourchoice, stopyourpartnerfrom cheatingandhimorherto loveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet, cleardebts,manhood enlargementmtoxl,hips andbreastenlargement, badlucksandmanymore. CallDrRingazi:081204 9299
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Onebedroomflat withopenplan kitchenandliving roomwithprivate bathroominavery neatandsecurearea. Builtincupboardsin kitchenandbedroom. Highfencedwallsand fullyinterlocked.No garage.Idealfora singlepersonora youngcouple. N$3950.00p/m Water & Electricity included. DepositN$1000.00 Available immediately Contact: 0811278229
2ndStreet,East officespace availabletorent
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Iama25yearoldlady lookingforwaiterwork anywhereinWalvis Bay.Icompletedmy grade12butfailedand wouldliketostudy further Contact:0812219718
JOBWANTED: Iama39yearoldlady islookingfordomestic workfor3daysaweek, Tuesdays,Thursdays& Saturdays.WalvisBay Contact:0812219718
JOBWANTED: Iama34yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,guesthouse, lodgesoroffice cleaning.Ihave7years experience.WalvisBay Contact:0817686741
JOBWANTED: Iama35yearoldman lookingfordriving workinSwakopmund andWalvisBay,Ihave acode8(B)GPanda servicedrivercertificate withover15years drivingexperience.I amreadytostart immediately Contact:0852309299 / 0816743848
A31yearoldladyis lookingfordomestic work.Iamhardworking andiswillingtowork for2-3dayaweek. Readytostartanytime.
Contact:0817914990 0814883216
Iama35yearold femalelookingfor workinWalvisBay.I canstartanytime.
Iama24yearoldlady lookingfordomestic worktocompletemy schoolcareerinWalvis Bay
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoekna huiswerk,Maandagtot Vrydagin Swakopmund,ekis hardwerkenden betroubaar.Ekkan enigedagbegin. Kontak:0812807023
WERKGESOEK: Beverlyisopsoekna huiswerkofbabas oppas werkin Swakopmund,ekkan enigetydbegin,ekis betroubaar. Kontak:0816600023
Iama43yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work(housecleaning andironingclothes)for 2to3daysaweek,I canstartanytimein Swakopmund,Long Beach,Kramersdorf andNonidas. Contact:0818906168
JOBWANTED: A24yearoldladywith aDegreeinFinance Managementislooking foranywork,willingto startanytime. Contact:0814466784
The Undefeated and Gladiator Champions of the Coast Have Done it Again!
The Atlantis Sport Club hosted the annual Dieter SteinmetzEaster7-A-side soccertournament, Saturday 27 April2024ontheclub'ssportgroundovertheweekendin WalvisBay.
The tournament was one of the highly classsuccessful,fullofexcitingactions, very competitive and highly intensive, and well attended by the communities of Walvis Bay and Erongo Region. Sixteen (16) participated in the tournament and were divided into four groups (A, B, C, and D) play GroupA wasdominatedbyAtlantis-1andTunacor-1, group B. Namibian Airport and WB Hardware SWK, group C. Tunacor-2 and Charlie Meat Market and group D. W/Bay Hardware andAtlantis-2.
The third-place play-off of the Cup Division. Atlantis-1 defeated W/Bay Hardware1-0andNamibiaPieAirport Company defeated Charlie Meat Market 2-1in the semi-final round of the CupDivision,CharlieMeatMarketdefeatedAtlantis-2,2-0.W/BayHardware beat Tunacor-2 with 2-1. NamibiaAirport Company beat Tunacor-1 1-0 and Atlantis-1 defeated W/B Hardware SWK 2-0 in the quarter-final round. In groupA/B,41goalswerescoredandin groupC/D-39goalswerescoredinboth group'sstages.
Theeightteamsthatfinishedatthebottom of the group stages competed in a plate Division. Namibia Pie Company defeated Hydroweld 4-0 in the thirdplace playoff. Hydroweld beat Gendev 2-1andNamibiaPieCompanydefeated Wesbank3-1inthesemi-finalroundof the Plate Division. Wesbank FPTransportdefeatedSeaPride3-1andHydroweld beat IndongoToyota 3-1 in the quarter-finalround.
ThePlatefinalwasplayedbyWesbank FP (0) vs (1) Gendev Jeferinus Mumbala scored the winning goal for Gendev The Cup finals were played be-
tween Atlantis-1 (3) vs (3) Namibia Airport Company The goals were scoredbyRudolfBester(3)andJeffrey (1). TheAtlantis won again the Easter 7-A-side soccer tournament 2024 for thesecondtimeintheraw Thetournament was highly class and well organised, and all teams had ecstasy of the “BeautifulGame”soccer
Thetournamentishostedindedication, honouredandremembranceofourlate Legend/Icon and Honourable Atlantis SportCubPresident,DieterSteinmetz. Thelate,Steinmetzwasanexceptional, incomparable and unique left winger for Atlantis Sport Club during those years and also represented his motherland South West Africa (SWK) with distinction at the provincial level as a highly-classplayerlateintheseventies. Thistournamentwillbealwaysplayed yearlyinhonouringandembracing,the late Steinmetz for his genuine legacy, contribution and support he gave for Atlantis Sport Club, “The Beautiful Game”soccerandWalvisBaycommunities.Thenextsoccertournamentwill be the “Legendary Master: Ivo De Gouveia5-A-sideCup”soccertournamentandthedatewillbeannouncedin duecourse.
OsvaldoDosSantos,theAtlantisFootball Club Chairman and tournament organizer thanked Namibia Ship Chandlers, Cavema Fishing, Hydroweld,OTB,SeasonedErongoFootball referees who officiated the matches, Atlantis FC management/Atlantis Sport Club, all players, all stakeholders, and various teams that take part in the tournament, Walvis communitiesandtheentireErongoRegion for their constant support and attendancemade.
In loving memory of
Standing from left: Heiko Steinmetz, Steven Damaseb, Kasongo, Katete,
Naruseb, Lazarus Natangwe,
Nine JSKA Namibia Karatekas Graded
The Japan Shotokan Karate Association (JSKA) Namibia hosted Sensei Soon Pretorius, (8th Dan) the Head of JSKA South Africa and Chief Instructor of JSKA Africa and recently facilitated the senior grading of nine students from Shotokan Karate Academy–JSKANamibiainWalvisBay.
Thegraders,SenseiHermivanZyl-Rokudan(6th Dan),SenseiJean-PierreBertozolli-Sandan(3rd Dan), Sensei Lene Mans - Sandan (3rd Dan), Cameron Engelbrecht - Nidan (2nd Dan), Ciske Pieterse-Nidan(2ndDan),RonjaPorteus-Nidan (2ndDan),LiamLabuschagne-Shodan(1stDan), Cayden Poulton and Jody Thomas - Junior Black Belt trained extensively during the past year and attendeda“closed”gradingwithonlythegraders andthegradingpanelinattendance.
Sherrilyn-Ann Jacobs
* 7 October 1993 + 3 May 2024
MEMORIALSERVICE: Friday, 10 May 2024
18:00 at SwakopmundTamarisia Rhynse Kerk
FUNERALSERVICE: Saturday, 11 May 2024
08:00 at Dr Swiegers Street 1060, Tamariskia 09:00 from Rhynse Kerk, Tamariskia
DEWRO Transport Buddy Double Header
TheDEWROTRANSPORTBringaBuddyDoule Header,playedattheWalvis BayGolfClubrecently.Thiswasagreatsuccesswith10teamsenteredintothe mainevent,witheightotherteamswithoutbuddies.
Winners of the Bring a Buddy event wasAndre Burger andVermaas Bisset on 44 points, second placewenttoDavidPeakeandPieterBurgerwinningacountoutagainstRocheandCornePitout on44points.Theothercompetitionwaswonby Pedro Fernandes and Sando de Gouveia on 46 points, also winning a three way count out from Johny Borges and Wynand Moller and Sam Nel andWeitz van Niekerk while Nghidipo Hangula wonthehardesttrierprize.
Closesttothepinon2/11waswonbyPieterBurger with the lucky draw prize scoped by Wayne Hart while Pieter Burger and Wynand Moller registered two clubs. Walvis Bay Golf Club thanked the team from DEWRO TRANSPORT fortheinitiativeandannouncedthatthenextleg of Bring a Buddy Golf Day will be played on 8 and9June.
The DEWRO DOUBLE HEADER was for all playerswhoplayedonSaturdayalsotoplayinthe Sunday Sages and their combined scores were added to see who the winner was. Wayne Hart woniton68pointswithTieniedeWetsecondon 67 points winning a count out from Jonas Niilenge.ThemonthlySageswaswonbyJonasNiilengeon39pointswithMarkJacobssecondon36 points. KevinWentzel won best gross on 77 and closesttothepinon2/11and18respectively Last week's Thursday SENIORS Golf winner was Andre Burger on 40 points with Hoffie Viljoen secondon37points.TieniedeWetwasthebreadwinner on the day The Juniors Golfers from Walvis Bay Golf Club continue to perform well, KyleJohnsonwontheSouthAfricanKidsJunior Open with Connor Gibson taking 3rd place at HuddleParkGolfClubinSouthAfrica.
The WM ENGINEERING (new sponsor) Golf eventwillbeanindividualcompetitionformatis set for Saturday 11 May at the Walvis Bay Golf Club.
The Indongo Toyota tournament will be on
Saturday18MaywiththeJaggieChallengeon25 MaywhilsttheRoundTablefundraiserissetfor Friday31May TheCarlospairswillbeon1June with the Gobabis Sages and DEWRO DOUBLE HEADER on 8 June and Local Sages DEWRO DOUBLE HEADER on 9 June and on the weekendsof15–22and28JunewillbetheBayWash, MultiSaveMedal/KPIPandHisHousefundraiser respectively
representatives with Cricket Namibia players and CN representatives
NPL as Official Nutrition Partner
CricketNamibiaisexcitedtoannounceapartnershipwith NutritionalPerformanceLabs(NPL)asCricketNamibia's officialNutritionPartner.
Thepartnership,spanningtwoyears, will see NPL supporting both the Richelieu Eagles and the Capricorn Eagleswithnutritionalproductsand services. As part of the agreement, NPL will sponsor the Eagles with nutritionalproducts,energybarsand training kit. Additionally, players willhavedirectaccesstoNPLdieticians for personalised nutritional guidance.
Cricket Namibia CEO, Johan Muller: “We are grateful to NPL for coming onboard with our national teams. Nutrition is one of the most critical elements for high performance athletes. Our teams will be awayonlongtoursthisyearandthe nutritionaledgeiscriticalwhenyou competewiththebestinworld.NPL is a respected brand and leader in theirfield.Webelievethisisagreat fitforbothbrandsandisthestartfor a long partnership ahead!” NPL
representative in Namibia, Riaan Grobler:“Wearesopleasedtopartner with Cricket Namibia. With the twoyear partnership and being Cricket Namibia's Nutritional and Hydrade partner, I think we can help Cricket Namibia achieve even more. With the bestproductsinthemarket,andthebest teaminNamibia,weareveryproudto beassociatedwithCricketNamibia.” The partnership with NPL comes at a goodtimeforboththeRichelieuEagles and the Capricorn Eagles The RichelieuEaglesaregearingupforthe ICC Men's T20 World Cup, the support from NPL will undoubtedly enhancetheteam'sperformanceandpreparation for this prestigious tournament Meanwhile, the Capricorn Eagles have a busy year ahead with a packed schedule of games. The partnership with NPL will provide them with the necessary nutritional support toexcelintheirupcomingmatches.
Thrilling Beach Volleyball at the Coast
During the past weekend teams from across Namibia showcased their prowess, determination, and teamwork as theyviedforsupremacyinthe2024BankWindhoekNational BeachVolleyballTournamentheldatMoleinSwakopmund.
The picturesque shores of Swakopmundborewitnessto a spectacle of beach volleyball that saw PanacheChigutaand Kudakwashe Mahachi secured top spot the Men's Division, followed by Conrad Johannes, Heiko Diehl, Thomas Shilumbu, and Theodore Thomas, in second and third place whilst Daniel 'Pumi' Seidler and Matthew Paulus endedfourth.
The Women's Division was won by
Rosi Hennes and LameeshHarriswith Cathy Thomas and Beatrix second and Maggie Heita and Mirriam Mendos ended third Emma Cornel and Lucie Hartmann were fourth.
The tournament epitomised the true essence of competition and camaraderie, from intense battlesonthesandto joyous podium celebrations With the resounding success of this year's event, anticipation is alrea-
dy building for the next National Tour event in June, promising more excitement and unforettable moments in thewarmwintersun ofWindhoek.
The Namibian Volleyball Federation extends heartfelt gratitude to sponsor Bank Windhoek, whose generous support made the eventpossible.
The Federation said the Bank's unwavering commitment keeps the aspirations of beach volleyballthriving.
namib times Sport
Duinesig NVF Youth Volleyball Champions
The second edition of the Namibia Volleyball Federation youthfestivalwithtengirlsandnineboy'steamsintheunder 15 and under 17 age groups recently competed for top honoursattheMRCDomeinSwakopmund.
The 2024 NVF Youth Volleyball Festival is great opportunity for the youthtodemonstratetheirskillsand passion for volleyball while fosteringasenseofcamaraderieanddedicationtothesport. Thefestivalsaw young enthusiastic and vibrant volleyballteamsfromWindhoek,SwakopmundandWalvisBay,showcase their talent and spirit thru out the competition.Thefestivalwasagreat opportunityfortheyouthtodemonstrate their skills and passion for volleyballwhilefosteringasenseof camaraderie and dedication to the sport.
Walvis Bay based, Duinesig Secondary School secured the under 17 boystitlewithanothercoastalbased team, The MTC Dome Future Academy as the runner ups and Delta SecondarySchoolWindhoekinthird place whilst Happy Du Village RenataMondesaandStPaulCollege
Delta Secondary School won the under 17 categories with The MTC Dome Future Academy second and Walvis Bay Gymnasium third whilst Happy Du Village Renata Mondesa and St Paul College ended fourth and fifthrespectively
The boys under 15 category, Windhoek based Sunshine Private School are the champions, followed by Walvis Bay Gymnasium, Delta SecondarySchool,andStPaul'sCollege. Windhoek based Sunshine Private School'sAandBgirlsteamstookfirst and second place, with St Paul's Collegeinthird,followedbyDeltaSecondary School and Walvis Bay Gymnasium.
The tournament director, Liina Matheus expressed her satisfaction with the tournament's outcome and commendedalltheplayersforadayfilled withenjoyment.
Namibians Compete at Namib Race 2024
TheseventheditionNamibRaceand73rdRacingThePlanetFourDesertsultramarathonsaw122competitorsfrom47countriesstartedonSunday,28Apriland concluded on 4 April at Tiger Reef Beach Bar and Grill in the coastal town of SwakopmundwiththreeNamibianrepresentativesinthetoptwenty.
The Namibian representatives Martin Kalwenya (47)finishedthesixstagesin29hours22minutes to end fourth overall while Pamela Vurayai (45) ended first 40 – 49 age group, fourth in the women's division and 12th overall and seasoned ultra-marathon runner Frans Amakali (42), completedthesixstagesin39hours15minutesto end 20th place overall and 16th in the men's division.
RacingThePlanet's 4 Deserts Ultramarathon Series, a grueling 250-km, six-stage, seven-day ultra-distance race across the world's oldest desert,theNamibDesertinNamibia,makesitthe mostprestigiousfootraceseriesintheworldwas wonbyVicenteJuanBeneitofromSpaininatime of 25 hours 3 minutes across all six stages and Deborah Walker of Australia in 32 hours 53 minutesacrossallsixstages.
RacingThePlanet'sorganiserssaidthattheNamib Race could not have been possible without the support of 100 individuals on ground, including the incredible course team (led by Thomas Bohne), the volunteer team (led by Tony Brammer), the medical team (led by Dr Dave Young) and the media team (Thiago Diz and Andre Gemmer), which assembled from around the world.
Ahugethankyouforyourtirelessworkduringthe week and also to Samantha Fanshawe, the Event Director,whooversaweverydetailoftheraceand shinesineverythingshedoes.
“A tremendous thank you to our valuable local team,ledbyFrancoisSnyderandOliverAhrens, and the hard-working and professional vehicle driversandcampstaff.Youarealltheverybest.”
Now that the Namib Race 2024 is in the history
books,weturnthepagetothenextrace,theGobi MarchinMongolia,whichbeginson23June,and werestartourplanningforourveryspecialrace, RacingThePlanet:The-20-YearRaceinJordanin September, followed by The Last Desert in Antarctica in November We kick off 2025 with theAtacamaCrossinginChileinMarch.It'sgoing tobeanexciting12months.
The Overall Champions, Official and Group TeamWinners,AgeGroupAwardsandSpiritand SportsmanshipAwardsareshownbelow: OverallMen'sChampion: VicenteJuanBeneito
OverallWomen'sChampion: DeborahWalker
OfficialTeamWinner: 1st,TeamJeanne&Adam(JeanneChen,Adam Park
GroupTeamWinner: 1st,Team;PolloAmarillo,VicenteJuanBeneito, ChristianColqueandJeisonDuartedaCosta
Men'sAgeGroupAwards: 1st,29andUnder: KianAskari
1st,30-39: RoshanChhotu
1st,40-49: MartinKalwenya
1st,50-59: GonazgueBataille
1st,60-69: ConsueloSenn
1st,70andOlder: IvanSchmidt
Women'sAgeGroupAwards: 1st,30-39:JeanneChen
1st,40-49: PamelaVurayai
1st50-59: KimBueno
SpiritAward: SangwooRYU
SportsmanshipAward: HeatherFlaherty, JennyferTownsend,MorlieWangandLisa Brown