Action at Donkey Bay
Morethan100surfersfromacrosstheworld cametogetherthepastweekatDonkeyBay, just outside Walvis Bay to ride the massive waves. Pictured in the wave is world championRobertKellySlaterona4.5metre wave with a length of about 2 kilometres. SlaterwhoisfromAmerica,hasclinchedthe WorldSurfLeaguetitle11times
Narraville Elderly Home Becomes a Reality
In a remarkable stride towards acknowledging the contributions and well-being of the elderly population, the Narraville Elderly Home broke ground recently in Walvis Bay,transformingatwo-decade-oldvisionintoareality.
This new state-ofthe-art establishment istailoredtomeetthe unique needs of senior citizens, usheringinaneraofcare, companionship, and respect.
The dream of an Elderly Home in
Narraville, which was once a distant aspiration, has finally crystallisedintoatangible project. The groundbreaking ceremony symbolises an essential milestone, signifyingacommitmentto providing a haven for
seniorcitizens. Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Derek Klazen, a native of Narraville, expressed heartfelt sentiments during the event. He stated, “this significant moment underscores our dedi-
cation to cherishing and nurturing our elderly population. The birth of this longawaited initiative showcases our collectivedetermination.” Klazenemphasisedthe
immeasurable value that senior citizens bring to society Their experiences, challenges, and triumphs shape a reservoir of wisdom. Recognising their worth, Klazen
Erongo Red Requires Minimum of N$40 million for Electrification Efforts
Farmer's Market slated for Narraville
Mr and Miss Sunshine Crowned
noted, “our responsibility extends beyond compassion; it is a testament to our humanity, reflecting our dedication to compassion, empathy, and
Continues on page 2
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namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7028 FRIDAY 11 AUGUST 2023 N$6 inside Sports News
Rudi Bowe
Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes and MsAnn Theunissen Photo Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
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Narraville Elderly Home
The upcoming senior citizens' home stands as more than justaphysicalstructure. Klazen highlighted its role as a sanctuary, offering solace, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging. This space is envisioned as a place where the senior citizens, physical health, emotional well-being, and spirits are nurtured.
Klazen emphasised that caring for the elderly extends beyond the home's walls. It calls upon every individual in the community to engage, connect, andupliftthelivesof their elderly neighbours He encouraged listening to their stories, offering companionship, and providing assistance when needed.
Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Ester Muinjangue, also stressed the importance of caring for older individuals. She urged the younger generation to extend support, particularly asindividualsageand experiencechangesin physical strength and behaviour Muinjangue highlightedthattheNarraville Elderly Home aims to address poverty, discrimination, exclusion, neglect, andabusefacedbythe elderly in Namibia.
The facility envisions modern housing for elderly individuals in Walvis Bay, fostering dignified care in their lateryears.
Board Chairman of the Narraville Elderly Home Trust David Williams,speakingon behalfoftheBoardof Trustees, outlined the ambitious vision for
the project. The proposed development includes 58 units, a hall, fully equipped kitchen, and a medical centre. Williams noted the crucial support required, with N$25 million still needed to finalise construction Williams expressed confidence in the collaboration of the private sector, government, and the Walvis Bay community to turn this dream into a reality.
He affirmed, “our goal is to provide secure accommodationfortheelderly, creating a society where all senior citizens can experience fulfillinglives.”
As the Narraville Elderly Home embarks on this transformative journey, it symbolises a profound commitment to embracing and honouringthelegacy ofourseniorcitizens.
Erongo Red Requires Minimum of N$40 million for Electrification Efforts
Immanuel Tino !Hanabeb, the Chief Executive Officer of Erongo Red, has recentlyemphasisedthatinordertoextend electricity coverage across the entireErongoregionandenhancecommunity accessibility, the utility requires a minimum of N$30 million to N$40millionannually.
Addressingtheaudienceduringthe19thDrTheoBen Gurirab Lecture Series, !Hanabeb underscored the pivotal role of electricity as a catalyst for progress. He emphasised that by addressing electricity and energy access, the foundation is
Discussion on Benefits of African Trade for Erongo Region Takes Centre Stage
The19thinstalmentoftheDrTheo-BenGurirabLectureSeries,heldinSwakopmund last week, centred around the theme, "How can theAfrican Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA) benefit the Erongo region as the preferred gatewaytoAfricaandtheworldatlarge.”
Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Jenelly Matundu, emphasised the significant potential offered by the AFCFTA for the Erongo region. The lecture aimed to delve into the transformative impact of AFCFTA on the region, positioning it as a favoured conduit toAfrica and the global stage. Matundu stated, "the groundbreaking AFCFTA,operationalsince30May2019,standsasthe mostextensiveglobalfreetradeagreement,uniting54 AfricanUnioncountries,includingNamibia,andeight regional economic communities Trading under AFCFTAofficiallycommencedinJanuary2021."
The core objective of this trade agreement is to establish a unified market and collective Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the entire continent, eliminating trade barriers, and stimulating intraAfrican trade. The pact also strives to foster valueadded production and trade across all service sectors, alongwiththeremovaloftariffandnon-tariffbarriers. AFCFTAencouragesheightenedtradeamongAfrican nations, facilitating Namibian products and services' accesstonewmarkets. Matunduhighlightedthearray ofbenefitsAFCFTAbringstoNamibia.Bysigningthe agreement, Namibia gains access to a market of 1.3 billion people. This access empowers both large and small businesses to expand beyond national borders, tapping into an extended consumer base and forging pathwaysforgrowth. TheErongoregion,bestowedwithapivotalpositionin
theAfricancontinentduetoitsstrategicaccesstomajor ports and transportation networks, stands to reap substantial advantages from AFCFTA. This strategic advantage, coupled with the natural link between Southern Africa's hinterland countries and global markets,isexpectedtoattractbusinessesandinvestors seekingtoharnesstheexpansiveAfricanmarket.
The Walvis Bay Corridor, having advanced significantly over the past 19 years, positions Namibia as a key player catering to a vast region of approximately 300 million consumers through the WalvisBayCorridorGroup.Theutilisationoftheport of Walvis Bay as a primary entry and exit point contributes to this role. The Walvis Bay Corridor Group's transit routes are highly regarded on the continent, with its model frequently used as a benchmark.Highlightingtheeconomicsignificanceof ports, Matundu noted their role as entry points for domestic, regional, and global trade, generating employment opportunities across associated industries suchastruckingandlogisticsservices.
Namibia's Container Terminal at Walvis Bay has notablybolsteredthecountry'sstandingintheregional maritime sector, owing to its heightened handling capacity This expanded capacity has the potential to attractlargervolumesofgoodstoNamibiaandfacilitate seamless regional trade. Matundu emphasised that AFCFTA promotes economic diversification by facilitating trade in an array of goods and services, which is crucial for Namibia's economy, traditionally reliantonsectorslikeminingandfishing.Additionally, the agreement simplifies customs procedures and provides valuable information, thus benefitting small andmedium-sizedenterprises. The19thlectureseries, hosted by the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, featured a panel discussion led by key figures, including Immanuel Tino !Hanabeb, CEO of Erongo Red, Andrew Kanime, CEO of the Namibian PortsAuthority(NAMPORT),GilbertBoois,Logistics HubManageroftheWalvisBayCorridorGroup,John Steytler, GIZ (Der Deutscher Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) Namibia Project Leader of the Sustainable Development Goals Initiative,andDeputyMinisterMatundu.
laid for fostering agriculture, poverty reduction, and industrialisation. Highlighting the nonnegotiablenatureofelectricityaccess,!Hanabeb pointed out that Namibia's national average for electrificationstandsat56%,whereastheErongo region boasts a higher rate of over 70%. With approximately 45 000 clients, 11 000 of them enjoysubsidies.!Hanabebalsodrewattentionto thebroaderenergylandscapeinAfrica,indicating aneedforUS$25billionannuallytomeetthecontinent'senergydemand.
Speaking specifically about Erongo's electrification projects, !Hanabeb revealed collaborative efforts between Erongo Red and NamPower to introduce around 300 megawatts into thegrid.Ofthiscapacity,ErongoRedcontributes roughly 30 megawatts, while the remaining 270 megawatts stem from NamPower, including sourceslikeAnixasPowerStation,Omburu,and Arandis. !Hanabeb acknowledged that while Erongoregion'scurrentenergycapacitystandsat around 120 megawatts, there remains an energy deficiencyacrossAfrica.
Presently, Namibia imports electricity using the US dollar as the trading currency This reliance poseschallenges,astheNamibiandollar'sdepreciationagainsttheUScurrencyimpactsthequantity of kilowatt-hours acquired annually Expanding his viewpoint to the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, !Hanabeb called for enhancedintegrationwithintheSouthernAfrican Development Community (SADC) region. He proposed the removal of trade barriers and the potential introduction of a unified currency for SADC, citing the dominance of trading with EuropeandtheUSthroughforeigncurrencies. In concluding, !Hanabeb stressed the need for concerted efforts to actualise the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement, expressing optimism in Africa's capability to achieve this goal.
Tragic End for Convicted Russian National: Suicide in Correctional Facility
A grim turn of events has unfolded as Russian national AlexanderKrylov, previously convicted of rape and human trafficking, reportedly took his own life on Friday at the Windhoek Correctional Facility. The 61-year-old, who was serving a 35-year sentence, allegedly hung himself using a pieceofblanket.
Krylov's troubled history came to the forefront in October 2017 when he was apprehended while serving as Namport's Marine PilotinWalvisBay His arrest followed swift action by the Namibian Police (Nampol) after the matter was reported. Facingchargesofrape, trafficking in persons, and enticing a minor under sixteen to commit an immoral act, Krylov appeared before Magistrate John Sindano in the Magistrate'sCourtofWalvis Bay The initial court
appearance took an unexpected turn as Krylov fell ill during the proceedings, prompting an immediate medical evaluation.
The unsettling chargesagainstKrylovinvolved alleged sexual assaultsonfiveminor girls The modus operandi reportedly involved enticing the girls, aged 16 and 15 at the time, from Kuisebmond to an apartment where the alleged offenses took place.Therevelations shocked the community and prompted
legal action against Krylov
In a series of events predating his conviction, Krylov's name waspreviouslylinked to similar matters in Lüderitz However, no prosecution took place, and he was subsequentlytransferred to Walvis Bay In 2008, Krylov faced kidnapping charges afterbeingfoundwith four minor girls without parental consent. He was released on N$1 000 bail, and the chargewaslaterwithdrawnin2009,alongsideaseparateassault charge.
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Sharlien Tjambari
Sharlien Tjambari
Eileen van der Schyff
Farmer's Market slated for Narraville
The community of Narraville can soon look forward to a Farmer'sMarketslatedfor2September.
The market will provide local entrepreneurs the opportunity to showcase their products but also support a good cause, as all proceeds from the Farmer's Market will go towards the Yahweh Down Syndrome Foundation, a non-profit catering for the needs of children with DownSyndrome.
According to Chere-Lee Diergaardt,theorganiserofthemarket, the day will cater for about 30 stalls,tobehostedattheNarraville centralpark.
“There are a number of people in Narraville that are either making, baking or growing their own products, and because of this I created a WhatsApp group (Walvis Bay Farmers Market) to serve as a platform for people to share, sell, and advertise their home made products. The main idea was eventually to turn it into an actual Farmers Market specifically catering for the residents of Narraville.As far as I know,therehavenotbeenanevent of such kind, and it's about time that there are events such as these to bring our people together and have something we can all be proudof.”
In terms of the proceeds going to the Yahweh Down Syndrome Foundation, Diergaardt explained that she believes this is a worthy cause.
“The foundation was started by a family who adopted a boy with Down Syndrome. There wasn't a schoolinWalvisBaytocatertothe specific needs of children with DownSyndrome,andthefounders
of the foundation decided to take matters into their own hands and started a school themselves. Because of the need felt by other parents of children with Down Sydrome, the Foundation is expanding and need all theassistancetheycanget.”
Diergaardt and her husband is no strangertogrowingtheirownfood.
“We have a backyard garden that we like to refer to as a homestead – or that's the dream at least. We are passionate about becoming as selfsufficientaspossibleespeciallyinthe tough times. We plant our own fruits and vegetables and have successfully grown spinach, chillies, corn, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, grapes, sweetpotatoesandanumberofherbs. We also keep chicken and ducks for eggs and meat. We make and sell organic compost, and have a worm farm for the purposes of vermicomposting. We are currently setting up an aquaponic system with the aim to provide fresh produce such as celeryandlettucetothelocalmarket.”
SheaddedthattheCovid-19pandemic ad the rise of living costs propelled themtobecomemoreserious.
“We've always loved gardening and animals. Plus, we also like to know where our food comes from and by doingitourselvesjustmademuchfor sense. It's not without its challenges, but it has been very rewarding thus far.”
“Let's start standing up for ourselves as the community of Narraville, and make things happen for ourselves. I am calling on all people to come showcasetheirproductsorjustpopin that day and support your local producers and the Yahweh Down SyndromeFoundation.”
Chere-Lee Diergaardt, the organiser of the Narraville Farmers Market, at her homestead.
Photos contributed
Leandrea Mouers
Court SwakopmundCourtReport WalvisBayCourtReport
Elizabeth Nataniel (37), Uusiku Fillipus Uusiku (39) and Lukas Mushimba (36), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 15 August because the accused were absent. The accused are at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.
MosesBenisia(39)andRobertTuhafeni(26), appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponed to 19 September for further investigation.Theaccusedremainincustody
AgaroRubenConstanino(36),appearedona charge of rape- attempted. The matter was postponed to 7 November for continuation of trial.Theaccusedisonbail.
JosefHoa-Khaob(37),appearedonachargeof dealing in dependence producing substances. The matter was postponed to 14 November for pleaandtrial.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned.
Penias Paulus (28), appeared on a charge of housebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft.The matter was postponed to 2 November for continuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
ThomasNashima(22),appearedonachargeof robbery Thematterwaspostponedto14August becausetheaccusedwasabsent.Theaccusedis atlarge,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.
Guy Pettie (37), appeared on a charge of drivingwithanexcessiveblood-alcohollevel.The matter was postponed to 16 October for continuation of trial. The accused have been warned.
Penda Auala (30), appeared on charges of driving with intoxicating liquor and furnishing falseinformation.Thematterwaspostponedto 12 September for legal representation. The accusedisonbail.
Chresley Gowaseb (25), appearedonacharge ofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm read with provisions of the domestic violence act,act4of2003.Thematterwaspostponedto 28Augustbecausethedocketwasnotincourt. Theaccusedisonbail.
Martin Abner (29), appeared on a charge of housebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft.The matter was postponed to 7 February 2024.The accusedisonbail.
NaemiKristineKahorongo(31)andIndi-leni Kaholongo (34), appeared on charges of furnishing false information and defeating or obstructingthecourseofjustice.Thematterwas postponed to 23 August for plea. The accused areonbail.
MichaelNawaseb(42),appearedonachargeof assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with provisions of the domestic violence
act,act4of2003.Thematterwaspostponedto29 August for legal aid. The accused remain in custody
Undjeekuje Rijarua (29), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertaindamages.Thematterwaspostponedto 30January2024forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedis onbail.
A15-yearold boy, appearedonchargesofrape and robbery The matter was postponed to 11 September for further investigation. The accusedremainincustody
Busmaro Oaeb (39), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto31Augustfor mentalobservationreportintermsofsection79.
Moses Huiseb (36), appeared on a charge of property-maliciousdamagetopropertyreadwith provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 12 Septemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedremainin custody
Max Moalusi (60), appeared on charges of Nature Conservation Ordinance-Hunting huntable game 1st alternative to count 1- Nature Conservation Ordinance-Possession of game meat. The matter was postponed to 23 January 2024 for plea and trial. The accused have been summoned.
Dirk Van Rhyn (55), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath-alcohol level.
The matter was postponed to 13 September for legalrepresentation.Theaccusedisonbail.
David Iipinge (31), appeared on a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 21 August for plea. The accused remainincustody
Aziwayu Areseb (19) and Dennis Katonua (27), appeared on charges of murder and robbery Thematterwaspostponedto13Sep-tember forlegalaid.Theaccusedremainincustody
Lazarus Shitatala (28) and Lazarus Shihepo (23), appeared on a charge of robbery.The matter was postponed to 8 November for continuation of trial. Lazarus Shitatala has been warnedandLazarusShihepoisonbail.
Salonika Ngavee (46), appeared on a charge of defeating and obstructing the course of justice. The matter was postponed to 12 September for legalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.
LuwelleneFrederick(32),appearedoncharges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, covid-regulation curfew and policeresistingamemberofthepolice.Thematterwas postponedto16Novemberforpleaandtrial.The accusedisonbail.
MalcolmJacobs(26), Dealingindrugs,Possessionofdrugs(February 2022) The matter is postponed to 9 August 2023. Trial Partly heard –Continuationoftrial.Incustody
Evalistus Iilonga (47), Assault – Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (July 2022) The matter is postponed to 30 January 2024. TrialPartlyHeard–Continuationoftrial.Onbail.
MartinJoseph Kolz(54),AnthonyMouton(39),Dealingincontrolled wildlife, Defeat or Obstruct the Course of Justice –Attempting (March 2023)Thematterispostponedto10October PleaandTermsinSection 119.
ZinedireMarshall(21),Assault–AssaultcommonreadwiththeProvisionsoftheDomesticViolenceAct4of2003.Thematterispostponedto 7March2024.PleaandTrial.Onbail.
Mbauruma Paumue (26), Lesley Tokwe (27), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (May 2023) The matter is postponed to 10 October2023.FurtherInvestigation.Onbail.
Sinfrend Tiger Nehoya (20), Robbery (August 2023) The matter is postponedto12October2023.FurtherInvestigation.Incustody
Kavapandula Mbuu (30), Assault with Intent to do Grievous Bodily Harm(August2023)Thematterispostponedto10October2023.Further Investigation.Incustody
ShikongoJohannesIileka(29),Assault–Assaultcommonreadwiththe ProvisionsoftheComabatingofDomesticViolenceAct. Thecasewas withdrawnagainsttheaccused.Nowitnesses
Lazarus Hashimbuli (19), Innocent Wakumbwa (25), Robbery (November2022)Awarrantofarrestissued.BothaccusedareAtLarge.
David Bafana Nakale (43), Nghipangela Shelikita Micheal (43), Eliaser Ngfifewa (42), David Kleophas (30), Assault – Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (November 2022) The matter is postponedto19March2024.PleaandTrial(FinalRemand).Onbail. Abrosius Weyulu (33), Joseph Dhimbulukeni (35), Housebreaking withIntenttoStealandTheft(April2023)Thematterispostponedto13 March2024.PleaandTrial.Onbail.
Rowan Schwartz (29), Housebreaking with Intent to Steal and Theft, Assault- Assault by threat read with the Provisions of the Domestic ViolenceAct,Act 4 of 2003 (May 2023)The matter is postponed to 14 March2024.PleaandTrial.Incustody
SeundeBruin(27),TwocountsofPossessionofdrugs(May2023)The matter is postponed to 31 August 2023. Further Investigation (Final Remand)InCustody
Jerome Vos (32), Sydney Rhode (31), John Valentine (23),Assault –AssaultCommonreadwiththeProvisionoftheDomesticViolenceAct4 of 2003. The matter is postponed to 19 September 2024. Further Investigation.Incustody
Kornelius Khumuluy (30), Attempted Murder (August 2023) The matterispostponedto19September2023.LegalAid.Incustody
Email all your news to or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068 Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to:
Tragic Discovery at Walvis Bay Cemetery
The Erongo Police are investigating a distressing incident afteran unidentified male was discovered hanging from a tree in the yard of the Walvis Bay Cemetery. The lifeless body was found by two diligent Walvis Bay Municipality employees who were reporting for duty at approximately 8:35onWednesday,9August.
Thedeceasedwasfoundwearing a black jersey, blue jeans, and green sneakers. Preliminary estimatesplacehisagebetween35to 40 years old, with a height of approximately 1.65 meters. His distinct features include a black complexion and a slender build, alongwithwidelyspacedteeth. No foul play is suspected in the unfortunateevent.
The Erongo Police are urging the public to assist in identifying the deceased. Detective Senior InspectorAmbambi can be reached at 0816401600, or individuals may contact Sergeant Naftali at 0812351108. Additionally, anyone with relevant information is encouraged to reach out to the Walvis Bay Police Station at 064 219048.
Contractors Continue to Disappoint: Government Projects Delayed Again
The eagerly anticipated Neonatal Care Unit, initially set for completion in February 2022 at the Swakopmund District Hospital, has now become another stalled government project. This disappointing outcome, akin to other incomplete government structures, once again points the finger at contractors who, despite being funded by taxpayers, fail to fulfiltheirobligations.
Anna Jonas, the Director of Health in the Erongo region, confirmed this week that the Neonatal Care Unit's completion was indeed slated for February 2022. However, the contractor's financial challenges have resulted in the delay Jonasstated,"despite numerous consultations with the contractor, they appear incapableoffinishing duetofinancialconstraints." Jonas added that the ministry has met its commitments tothecontractor
Erastus Uutoni, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, has issued a stern warning to contractors engaged in government tenders: fulfil your agreements or face blacklisting from future tenders. The groundbreakingceremony for the Neonatal Care Unit took place in Swakopmund in November 2020.
Prime Minister Dr Saara Kuugongelwa-
Amadhilaoutlinedthe unit's envisioned 28bed capacity, including standard care, high care, intensive care (ICU), and isolationunitbeds.
This facility's construction aimed to emphasise the significance of maternal and child healthcare services Currently, the Swakopmund DistrictHospitalhasa maternal ward with only 26 beds and 4 neonatalincubators.
Approximately N$27 663,673wasallocated bythegovernmentfor the modern Neonatal Unit and a mother shelter
Upon completion, the Neonatal Care Unit was expected to greatly enhance survival rates for newborns in the Erongo region, particularly premature infants at risk. This would eliminate the need for infants requiring ICU care to be transported toWindhoek.
Furthermore, the facility would expand capacity, benefiting district patients withintheregion.
Promoting accessibility and availability of healthcare, the Neonatal Care Unit would feature doctors' consultation rooms and on-call restrooms. A 12-bed mother's lodge was also included to support mother-child bonding and breastfeeding, vital components of maternalchild health care
During the groundbreaking ceremony, Kuugongelwa-Amadhila urged Shatty Construction, responsiblefortheproject,to adhere to the completion deadline of February2022.
Unfortunately, the project remains unfinished, despite the initial 14-month contract awarded to the construction company
Efforts to obtain a comment from Shatty Construction proved unfruitful. The continued delays in government projects raises concerns over the efficacy and accountability of contractorsentrustedwith publicfunds.
Sharlien Tjambari
Contact our SWAKOPMUND BRANCH @ 064-461866 or visit No.13 Ané Court opposite Namib High School
Eileen van der Schyff
Port of Walvis Bay News
BULKCARRIERDESPINAK(IMO:9559690), currentlysailingunder theflagofLiberiaiscurrentlydockedatthePortofWalvisBayafteravoyage of 8 days, 15 hours originating from Port GREENVILLE, LR. The Bulk Carrier is loading 20 000 Metric Tons (MT) Copper Concentrates Skips beforedepartingonSaturday,12August.
SELF-DISCHARGING BULK CARRIER, SOLANJO (IMO: 8028486), currently sailing under the flag of Guinea-Bissau is currently dockedatthePortofWalvisBaytoload2000MetricTons(MT)BaggedSalt beforeitsdepartureonFriday,11August.
OIL/CHEMICAL TANKER TORM ASLAUG (IMO: 9465978), currentlysailingundertheflagofDenmarkdockedonThursday,10August at the Port ofWalvis Bay to discharge Gasoil, Mogas and Jet-A1 before its departureonTuesday,15August.
OIL/CHEMICAL TANKER MONJASA TRADER (IMO: 9255294), currentlysailingundertheflagofLiberia,willdockatthePortofWalvisBay on Sunday, 13August to discharge 8 500 Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Fuel beforeitsdepartureonTuesday,15August.CoalBedMethane(CBM)isan unconventionalformofnaturalgasfoundincoaldepositsorcoalseams.Itis a primary clean energy source of natural gas. The develop-ment and utilisation of CBM is of great social and economic benefit. It is a cleanburning fuel (compressed natural gas (CNG) for domestic and industrial uses.
Port Log
Mr and Miss Sunshine Crowned
At the crowing ceremonyMissSunshine junior was crowned as Hambalela Nghipunye and Mr Sunshine junior as AnaniasIkondela.
BernoldaNeiseswas crowned as Miss Sunshine Senior and Immanuel Naku-
sembe was crowned as MrSunshineSenior
The Mr and Miss Personality winners of the day were Lusia Saal, Megameno Imene, Megameno Niingo and Malique Brown. This non-profit centre caters for more than
Local school for Down Syndrome Children
The Yahweh Down Syndrome Foundation, established in September2022, is in the process to fully establish a school for children with Down SyndromeinWalvisBay.
RecentlytheFoundationhostedafundraiser,Miss 40 Up, to help assist with the financial implicationsoftheschool.
The Foundation was started by BonitaAntoncich inhonourofhersonNehemiahAntoncich(5),who hasDownSyndrome.
“Our aim and objective are to aid and support children at the Coast diagnosed with Down Syndrome. We are a small team of dedicated peoplewhoisworkingtirelesslytowardscreating providingahavenforspecialneedschildren.”
Antoncich added that the Foundation is currently busy with the registration and setting up of the school.
“Wecurrentlyhavesixwonderfulchildrenthatare attendingourschoolwhichisbasedathomeuntil our school is fully functioning, hopefully by January2024.
100 children and youth with various mental and physical disabilities. It's also home to an urban gardening project, bakery, industrial kitchen and woodworkworkshop.
“With the help of the community our aim to be fullyfunctionalbynextyearsincetherearealotof parentswhohavebeencontactingusregardingour school,whichweareunabletoassistthisyeardue toourlimitedspace.”
She explained that the Foundation was blessed with a 12-metre container, which they want to modifyintoafunctionalpre-primaryclassroom.
“Wehavebeenblessedwithaluminiumwindows and we are currently busy getting quotations for the work that needs to be done in and around the container We are still in need of two toilet pots, two hand basins with fittings, as well as shading
for the container and playground equipment. We would also be grateful for assistance in terms of stationaryonamonthlyorayearlybasis,aswellas training for our current teachers so they can keep upwiththetrendsrelatedtocaringforspecialneed children.”
AntoncichsaidthattheirvisionfortheFoundation istocontinuallygrowandassistasmanychildren aspossiblewithDownSyndrome.
“OurdreamistosetupaschoolinSwakopmundas well,aspartofourfutureplans.”
In terms of the fundraising event, Miss 40 Up, a total of 18 ladies graced the runway However, onlyoneladywalkedawaywiththecrown,Amber Van Wyk. Her first runner up was Magrieta Van Schalkwyk and second runner up is Ursula Thomas.
“ThecompetitionwasagreatsuccessandourMiss 40 Up will be deemed as our ambassador and we wouldlikehertobeasactiveaspossibleduringher timeasMiss40Up.”
Antoncichandherboardmembersencouragedthe WalvisBaycommunitytosupporttheFoundation.
“Weareanon-profitorganisationandrelyheavily on sponsorships and we therefore need all the supportwecanget.Wewantourcommunitytobe moreawareofDownSyndrome.OurteacherJaneLeyAntoncich says that she wishes people could be more educated on special needs children as there is not much of a difference. It just takes a differenttactictoteachandunderstandthem.”
“The lives of our children with Down Syndrome are precious and full of potential. We must never waiverinoureffortstosupportthesechildren.We aremorealikethandifferent.”
The Walvis Bay Child and Family Centre, known as the Sunshine Centre held its first Mr and Miss Sunshine pageant.
Some of the children currently attending the Yahweh Down Syndrome Foundation School in Narraville, Walvis Bay Photo contributed
The Miss 40 Up winners Ursala Thomas, Amber van Wyk and Magrieta Van Schalkwyk, along with Livia Koorts (far left: Miss 40 Up 2022).
Photo contributed
(Fltr:) Immanuel Nakumsembe, Malique Brown, Hambalela Nghipunye, LusiaSaal, Ananias Ikondela,Megameno Imene, Bernolda Neises and Megameno Niingo.
Photo Leandrea Mouers
Malique Brown, Mr Personality, receiving his crown from the chairperson of the Centre Board of Directors Mrs Barbara van Rooyen.
Photo Leandrea Mouers
Leandrea Mouers
Leandrea Mouers
Dr Martha Uumati Receives Business Excellence Award
The Managing Director of Erongo Marine Enterprise, Dr Martha Uumati, has been awarded the Honoree for Business Excellence at the 13th edition of the AfricanAchieversAwardsattheHouseofLordsinLondon(UK)on14July2023.
TheAfricanAchievers Awards is an annualawardsceremony that celebrates African excellence through recognising and honouring notable individuals and organisations in Africa across multiple industries that contribute immensely to the growth anddevelopmentof thecontinent.
This esteemed award ceremony was held at the historicHousesofParliament,ThePalace of Westminster, in the United Kingdom.
Createdin2010,the African Achievers
Awards has become one of the most reputable awarding bodiesontheAfrican continent and one of the biggest annual gatherings of influential African achieversglobally. The Awards event has honoured and celebrated great African trailblazers whose works have had a meaningful impact on developmentinAfrica.
The awards ceremony serves as a platform to celebrate excellence, innovation, leadership, and positive impact in areas such as business, politics, arts and culture, sports,
education, healthcare,andmore. Through theAfrican Achievers Awards, young Africans witness the success stories of their peers and role models, providing them with a sense of aspiration and purpose. These inspiring narratives empower the youth to dream big and pursuetheirpassions with determination, knowing that they too can make a meaningful impact on their communities and the world. As they see individuals who have triumphed over adversityandachieved greatness, they learn
that resilience, hard work,anddedication are key ingredients forsuccess.
Her commitment to “empower, equip and transform” lives to make a positive impact in our country and beyond is commendable and deserving of this prestigious recognition.
“Maythisawardbea testament to your unwavering determination, resilience, and passion Your achievements serve as an inspiration to others to dream big and work tirelessly to achieve their goals.”
8 NAMIBTIMES 11AUGUST2023 Tel: 064 20 4999 / 081 795 8775 CMW & GLASS FITMENT CENTRE ALL GLASS SOLUTIONS - WE CAN HELP Whether the cricket ball has taken out the windshield the patio door or any other window or there was no cricket ball just a new project needing installation If it’s broken glass we can help you Located at No. 31, 10th Street East Industrial Area, Walvis Bay With service across the country from Industrial needs to insurance claims A member of the Deamaru Group whether you’re in Engineering, Fishing, Construction or Mining business or you’ve made a promise to the wife at home. We have what you need at No. 31, 10th street East, Walvis Bay or call 064-203132 We deliver anywhere and everywhere. DesertIron &Steel DesertIron &Steel Need Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Special Steel, Aluminium, Pipes and Fittings, need a special grade or dimension! Tel +264 203 132 ·Fax +264 206 810 ·31, 10th Str East IndustrialArea ·PO Box 2258, Walvis Bay, Namibia A member of the Deamaru Group
Rudi Bowe
Dr Martha Uumatithe Managing Director at Erongo Marine Enterpriserecipient of the award for Business ExcellenceAfrican AchieversAwards event
Muinjangue Advocates for Addressing Challenges Faced by Elderly People
Rudi Bowe
The Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Ester Muinjangue, is urging all stakeholders to take on their common and shared responsibility not onlytosuccessfullyimplementtheNationalPolicyontheRights,Protection,and CareofOlderPersonsinNamibia,butalsotoaddressthechallengesfacedbythe elderlypopulation.
Muinjangue emphasised the need for stakeholderstoengageineffortsaimedataddressing issues such as poverty, discrimination, exclusion, neglect, and abuse that elderly individualsencounterinNamibia.Shemade thisappealduringtherecentgroundbreaking ceremonyoftheNarravilleElderlyHomein WalvisBay
Furthermore, Muinjangue disclosed that the Ministry of Health and Social Services is in the advanced stages of drafting a National PolicyontheRights,Protection,andCareof Older Persons in Namibia. This policy, she explained, recognises the value not only of older individuals' health but also their intergenerational roles, wisdom, and contributions to the socio-economic, cultural, and religiousaspectsofsociety."Whenthepolicy is implemented, I urge all stakeholders to embrace their common and shared responsibility.
Thisincludessuccessfullyimplementingthe National Policy on the Rights, Protection, and Care of Older Persons in Namibia and contributing to addressing instances of poverty, discrimination, exclusion, neglect, and abuse that occasionally arise within Namibian society," added Muinjangue.AccordingtoMuinjangue,"by2050,the number and proportion of people aged 60 years and older in the global population are projectedtoincreasefrom1billion(2019)to 2 1 billion In Africa, this increase is estimated to reach 220 million, compared to 65 million in 2018. This demographic shift
has significant implications for countries in theAfricanregion."
Muinjangue highlighted that the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 5.8%ofNamibia'spopulationisaged60and over,withlessthanonepercentaged80years andabove."Withtheseestimates,itisevident that there is a clear need for more old age homesinvariousregionsofourcountry,"she concluded.
The Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Ester Muinjangue
Extending a Helping Hand
De Duine Secondary School in Walvis Bay has been a beehive of activity with a variety of extra-curricular clubs extending a helping hand to the surrounding community. One of which is the De Duine Girls Club, established in 2022 by EnglishteacherMrsElmienAdams.
She explained that the club was established to intervene,help,protect,guideandguardthegirl child against the social evils faced in the local community
“Weliveinanerawheregirlsdonotknowhowto behave, thus degrading them for the sake of survival. Our theme is 'an awkward chat today, mightavoidanembarrassingmomentinfuture'. Our club mainly focuses on teaching the girl childhowtoprotecttheirsisters,behavemorally, serve the community, deal with social issues, andkeeppersonalhy-giene.”
Adams further explained that the club which consists of 20 active members meets up a few timesamonthtodiscussdifferenttopicsrelated toeverydaylife.
“Allinformationsharedremainsconfidential.In addition, as a team, we strongly believe in servingourcommunity.”
“We've had a few soup kitchens in our town, of which the latest was at the Narraville Police station. We served shack fire victims with food parcels and clothing. At school, we provide monthly toiletries to a few learners confidentially. We also have a sanitary pad programme which serves every girl as long as in need - no questionsasked.”
With her two colleagues, Ms Elifas and Ms Kaoses, the trio shares the same passion. “Our wishistohaveallgirlsatDeDuineaspartofthe groupinafewyears.Weareoursister'skeepers.” Outreaches to the surrounding communities are solely based on donations. “We are always in need of sanitary pads, and dry or canned foods for future soup kitchens as well as toiletries for both boys and girls. We are also in need of Tshirts and hoodies, for our active members; it's sometimes cold when we have soup kitchens. Not all of our learners have jackets to ensure uniformity.”
Additionally, another ongoing project at the schoolisthepracticallifeskillsprogram,driven by Mr Donwin Pienaar and Mr Paul Fisher
Through this program learners are taught pallet making, painting, welding as well as general plumbing, which is taught after school. The programsponsoredbytheHelenaFoundationis aimed at equipping learners with income
Furthermore, another means in empowering learnersandkeepingthemfromthesurrounding socialillsisthroughsport.
Mr De Wet Mouton, the girls and boys soccer team coach explained that his main aim is to create a space for learner where they not only excelonthefieldbutinlifeaswell.
“Currently, the u15 and u17 soccer boys are top oftheWalvisBaySchoolsSportsZoneLeague, while the girls are second in their respective league.Thegirlsteamwasestablishedlastyear, and where they started the league with a devastating 11 – 0 loss, they came back stronger by finishing second in the league. This bears testimonytotheimpactsporthas.”
HeaddedthatonSaturdayspracticeisopentothe broadercommunity 'Westartfrom09:00to12:00,anditsopentoany child within the Walvis Bay community, even parents. We are making a dedicated effort to ensurethatourlearnersdonotfallintothetraps of drug and alcohol abuse or any other of the socialillswreakinghavocinourcommunity.”
The De Duine Girls Club hard at work during one of their soup kitchen outreaches. Photos contributed
School News
Mouers Acquire Council’s Official Event Application form from Swakopmund Municipality’s Economic Development Services Department or download it from the website: Subm t a complete application w th all required supporting documentation well in advance to the Municipality, either by emailing it to / and/or or deliver to the offices. Applications will be assessed for compliance, completeness and availability of the required site/venue. Assessment and approval administration takes up to 3-4 weeks before approval or rejection. Approvals/Permits and/or rejections will be communicated to the applicant in writing. Any event approval is subject to full payment and compliance of additional requirements as communicated before any access to the venue or commencement of the event. Non-adherence to Council’s approval polity will lead to immediate cancellation of the approved event! ALL Event Applications considered for 2023 until 31 January 2024 on Local Authority property needs to be submitted on/before 31 August 2023. NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED AFTER THE CLOSING DATE Economic Development Services Events Office Ms Rauna Shipunda: Economic Development Officer Tel: 064-4104612 / Email: or at Tel: 064-4104600 / Email:
Celebrating the Top Erongo Schools
Karibib Private School, Riverside Private School and Kuisebmond Secondary School were recognised as the top schools in their respective categories at the recently hosted ErongoRegionalTeachersAwardsheldinSwakopmund.
KaribibPrivateSchoolwasannounced as the Top Performing Grade 12 AS level school in the region. Riverside PrivateSchoolbasedinSwakopmund was the Top Performing Grade 11 Ordinary Level school in the region, while Kuisebmond Secondary School basedinWalvisBaywastheMostImprovedSchoolintheNationalExaminations for both AS Level and OrdinaryLevel.
For Ordinary Level (NSSCO), KSS, moved 106 places, from position 132 to position 26 out of 363 schools. For AS Level (NSSCAS), KSS moved 24 places,from54thpositionto30thpositionoutof121schools.
Namib Times caughtupwiththedifferentschoolprincipalstohearwhatthey deemastheirrecipetosuccess.
Mr Vincent Hockey, the principal of Karibib Private School stated that it means a great deal to be awarded this accolade. “This is when you keep in mind that we did not receive all the support that the government schools offering AS Levels received with regards to resources like smart boards, software, etc.” He added that their recipe to success can be attributed to hard work. “It is definitely the hard work and dedication of my entire staff, frommanagement,teachers,admin,and hostel personnel. The countless hours that they've put in paid off in the end. With this achievement, we cannot be too complacent. To stay on top, we'll needtodoubleourefforts.”
MrErnstOlivier,theprincipalofRiverside Private School said it was a great
honourfortheschoolstoreceivethisaward.“Thiswas the first time our learners wrote the National Examinations. Itcoincidedwiththehighschool'sfifthbirthday, and it was the ideal opportunity to celebrate the birthday with various events and then market the school.Ofcourse,suchsuccessgoesalongwithalot ofhardwork,perseverance,andgoodrelationships.” Hesaidthattheirsuccesscanbeattributedtovarious strategies.
“Itacombinationofgoodplanning,everybodyknows whatisexpectedofthem: learners,teachers,parents and workers, good discipline in and outside of the classroom, effective lesson planning, creative teaching and learning and teamwork. The school has a relaxedfamilyset-up,andwehaveteacherswhohave apassionandcallingforeducation.” Olivierfurthermoresaidthattheeducationlandscape hasdrasticallychangedsincetheCovid-19pandemic andnoteverythingisworkingthewayitshould.
“However, I encourage teachers to not get tired of doinggood.Keepdoingtherightthings.Let'ssupport each other and stay focused. Let us do our best to prepareourpupilstobecomeindependentandfaithful citizensofthisbeautifulcountry Thelearnersshould listen carefully in class, do homework regularly and make sure that they are well prepared for tests and exams.”
PrincipalofKuisebmondSecondarySchoolMrJonathan Mashawu added that their journey has not been easy “We have faced overcrowded classrooms, a lack of resources, and students from impoverished backgrounds. Despite these hurdles, our spirit remained unbroken, and our commitment to excellence never wavered. We believed in our potential to rise above hardships, and we vowed to nurture a society of achievers.”
“We stood tall among the private schools of the region and this recognition affirmed our dedication to providing exceptional education to our learners.
Aswecontinuetomoveforward,letusembraceeach challenge with unwavering courage, knowing that our collective efforts can conquer any obstacle. We areonajourneyofexcellence,andwiththesupport of our surrounding community, there is no limit to whatwecanachieve.”
He expressed his gratitude towards the teachers, parents, community members and everyone who believedaswellassupportedtheschool.
“Together we have triumphed against adversity and proved that education is the key to unlocking a brighterfuture.LikeColinPowellsays'Thereareno secretstosuccess.Itistheresultofpreparation,hard workandlearningfromfailure.”
1. Bids are invited through Open National Bidding (ONB) procedures for the Construction of Bulk Terminal Roads in the Port of Walvis Bay
2. The bid is open to all eligible Namibian Bidders and a margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding documents
3. The Bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”) who wish to respond. Bidders may only associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or under a sub-contractual agreement to complement their respective areas of supply to enhance their capacity to carry out the supply of goods and provision of required services and so long as any association is formed or sub-contract is entered into in accordance with the bidding document associated with this IFB.
4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.
5. A Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 18 August 2023 at 10h00 am. Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site.
6. The last day for the submission of clarification requests is: 31 August 2023.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below before 20 September 2023 at 12h00 pm Local Namibian Time. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.
8. The address referred to above is: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay
9. Bidders should take note that the bid opening ceremony will be conducted virtually, and the link is available on the Namport website.
All enquiries related to this bid must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details: Tender and ContractsAdministrator
Tel.: +264 64 208 2217
E-Mail: or or
Procurement Manager
Melani de Klerk
Tel: +264 208 2319
Mr Vincent Hockey (middle) receiving his prize at the Erongo RegionalAwards TeachersAwards. Photo Contributed
School News
Mr Jonathan Mashawu with the trophies and prize money the school won. Photo Contributed
Leandrea Mouers
D-ManSalesherewithintendstoapplytotheSwakopmund Municipal Council for Resident Occupation Special Consent to operate an “Administrative office” on the premises of erf 4155, Swakopmund, Extension 12 (22 Tanzanite street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the SwakopmundZoningSchemedetailsofwhichareobtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and PlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is 25th August2023.
Contact person: Mr J. Bukes, Cell: +27 82 568 7112or0814151367 or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
Registration No:2017/0334
In the estate of the late MARGARETA JOHANNA WIEMANN, Identity No. 381027 0006 8 of 27 Nathaniel Maxuilili Street, Swakopmund, Namibia who died on 12 August 2022 (Master's Reference E 2458/2022), and who was divorced.
In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
Noticeisherebygiven in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act23/1992),thatthe Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease,byprivatetransaction, a Portion of Farm 37 to HSA InvestmentCC.
Description aPortionofFarm37 Area(m²) 2000
Lease Amount Excluding 15% VAT (N$) N$1780.00
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 29 August 2023 at room 45,MunicipalOffices, Kuisebmond.
For more information Mrs Merinda /Keis can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3235 during office hours.
Any person objecting to the proposed lease, may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/ motivation thereof, to theManager:Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on *Friday, 1 September2023at12:00.
JackManale Manager:Housing andProperties Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@
In the Estate of the late Jacobina Kashe who died on 23 December 2022 and was residing at Erf 1438, Isak Nangolo Street, Mahetago, Swakopmund, Republic of Namibia.
Antonius Residenz senior en ouetehuis in Swakopmundisopsoekna'ngeregistreerde verpleegster vir ons verpleegafdeling Verkieslik'npersoonmet'nmatevanvorige jare ondervinding in bejaardesorg U hooftaak is om die holistiese sorg van ons inwoners te organiseer en te monitor U werksure sluit skofwerk en naweekwerk in. As u dit geniet om ons inwoners wat hulp nodig het op hul oudag te help, het u op die regteplekgekom!
Doen aansoek by: of bel ons by: 064 403415.
Creditors and debtors of the above Estate are requested to lodge their claims against the Estate or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 (Thirty) days as from date of publication of this advertisement.
15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:PFH/ml/taMAT19495)
Location: Walvis Bay
We are seeking a skilled and motivated professional with a passion for Health and Safety to join our team. As the Health and Safety Manager, you will be responsible for ensuring a safe and secure work environment for our employees and maintaining compliance with all health and safety regulations. Your expertise in the food processing industry will play a vital role in developing and implementing effective safety programs and procedures.
Key responsibilities
· Develop, implement, and maintain comprehensive health and safety policies and procedures specific to the food processing industry
· Conduct thorough risk assessments and safety audits regularly to identify potential hazards and recommend preventive measures.
· Provide training and educational programs to employees, promoting a strong safety culture throughout the organization.
· Collaborate with different departments to investigate accidents, incidents, and nearmisses, and develop action plans to prevent reoccurrence.
· Stay up to date with local and national health and safety regulations and ensure compliance across all operations.
· Act as the point of contact for regulatory agencies and represent the company during inspections and audits.
· Lead emergency response and crisis management activities to minimize harm and damages in critical situations.
· Compile budgets and ensure cost control is managed to best practice.
· Manage and control the human resources in the department.
· Assist with project management and new product developments.
· Grade 12
· 3-year degree / diploma in Food Science and a diploma in Environmental Health and Safety
· Proven experience of 8 years as a Health and Safety Manager in the food processing industry
· Excellent understanding of health and safety regulations and best practices specific to food processing.
· Strong analytical skills with the ability to identify potential risks and implement preventive measures.
· Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively train and communicate safety guidelines to all levels of the organization.
· Strong leadership and problem-solving abilities to manage crisis situations and drive a safety-first culture.
· Ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and influence positive change.
· Must work accurately, be detail-orientated (highly detail conscious).
· Must be able to compile and manage budgets and do cost controlling.
· Must show excellent leadership skills and able to manage a small team.
· Able to use own initiative and take quick decisions independently
· Must have excellent administrative, planning, and organisational skills.
· Must be able to work under pressure, adapt to change and deliver on results.
· Computer literate on an advanced level.
· Must have high verbal and numeric ability
· Flexibility with regards to working hours.
· Must have a valid driver's license.
Your benefits
We offer a market related salary and benefits package, including healthcare coverage, retirement savings plans, and career development opportunities. Additionally, you will be part of a collaborative and innovative team, contributing to the success and growth of a wellestablished company in the fishing sector
Please send your comprehensive application per-email to by not later than 22 August 2023
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:anCashLoan.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 1 September 2023
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Paulus NdeshipandaAmukwaya, P O Box 2015, WalvisBay
An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industry
EME Welcomes New Members to Their Team
Erongo MarineEnterprises(EME)is delightedto announce the appointment of six new staff members as part of their team.
EME warmly welcomes Nezette Beukes as the Finance Manager,Michelle WU as the Senior Financial Accountant, Kula Bernard Muhimbaas the Financial Accountant, Aloise Hagen as the Junior Accountant, Juliana Ferdinand as the Cost Accountant and Llewellyn Johras the Cost & ManagementAccountant.
Nezette Beukes is no stranger to the EME team as she was previously employed as Managing Director (2019 to 2023) and Financial Director (2015to2018)atEtoshaFishing,anassociate companyoftheOceana Group. She completed her Bachelor of Commerce Degree through theUniversityofSouth Africa in 2006 on a part-timebasis.
Michelle WU completed her Bachelor of Commerce Degree at Rhodes University in 2016, and her Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA/ CTA) in 2021 at MilparkEducationthrough distance education while working at Ernst &Young(EY)Namibia duringherarticles.She isaqualifiedasacertifiedCharteredAccountant(CA)earlyin2023 and is a registered memberoftheInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Namibia (ICAN).
Juliana Ferdin and holds a National Diploma in Cost and Management Accounting from Lyceum College, and is currently pursuing further studies towardscompletingher Bachelor's degree in accounting at the Namibia University of Science and Tech-
nology (NUST) She brings over 20 years of experience in finance, with most of her career spent in the fishing industry She has spent her last three years at Etosha Fishing as an Assistant Accountant
Prior to joining Etosha Fishing,sheworkedfor various other organisations in finance positions, including the ManicaGroupNamibia and NovaNam Fishing GroupofCompanies.
Llewellyn Johr holds a Management AccountingdegreefromNorthWest University (Potchefstroom). He is currently pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Accounting through UNISA, withtheultimategoalof completing his CIMA certification for international recognition
His financial journey started at Hangana Seafood (O&L) as a Trainee Management Accountant. His dedication and proficiency quickly propelled him to the role of ManagementAccountant.
AloiseHagenisbornin Rehoboth She completed her schooling career at Windhoek High School in 2013, where she realised her love for mathematics and finance. She completed her Bachelor of CharteredAccountancy degreeattheUniversity of Namibia and began her professional career atPKF-FCSAuditorsas anAudit Clerk in 2019. ShelaterjoinedPWCas aSeniorAssociateanda Senior Consultant at Coastal VAT, Accounting,andTaxCC.
KulaBernardMuhimba is born and raised in Opuwo, is a registered Chartered Accountant with the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Namibia (ICAN)
His qualifications include a B.Com degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences (CTA).Prior to joining EME,Kulahasdemonstrated his leadership and professional capabilities as an Audit Manager with Grand Namibia and handling diverse auditing and accountingservices.
Pic right: Top from left to right Nezette Beukes, Michelle WU and Juliana Ferdin Bottom from left to right Llewellyn Johr, Aloise Hagen and Kula Bernard Muhimba
C l a s s i f i e d s CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication
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WERKGESOEK: Ek is opsoek na skoonmaak werk Maandae tot Vrydae. Ek kan inslaap ook, Langstrand, Dollies, Meersig.
JOB WANTED: I am a hardworkingwomanlookingforajobopportunityin Swakopmund(Town,Mile
4 and Kramersdorf) or Long Beach. I can clean offices,ironclothes.Ihave 5 years experience in domestic work. Contact Melissa:0816226071/ 0817576527
JOBWANTED: I am a 35 year old lady lookingfordomesticwork or security guard in Swakopmund and Long Beach.
JOBWANTED: I am looking for cleaning, domesticworkinSwakopmund, Long Beach and in the area, I am friendly, honestandhardworking. Contact:0816136244
as a house help. Contact: 081 307 9744 / 081 636 7687 and for reference: 081 285 3034 /081 239 6466
WERKGESOEK: Ek is ‘n 37 jarige vrou opsoek na huiswerk vir ‘n weekof2dae,nannywerk en kantoor skoonmaak werk in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Ek kan enige dag begin.Kontak: 081 3144725
Ekis‘n26jarigebetroubare dame, opsoek na huiswerk of kinders oppas, ek is baie lief vir kindersensalbaiemooi nahullekykvir2,3dae perweekof‘nheleweek in Rossmund of Swakopmund.Kontak: 081 6225161/0817911006
JOB WANTED: A 26 year old girl is looking for domestic work, such ascleaningandironing. Please contact 081 467 7009/0815858319
JOBWANTED: Alady24yearsofageis looking for work I have 1yearworkexperience. Contact:0812141708
Hi, I am a very experiencedcrossborderdriverand need employment very urgently in the Coastal towns. Contact: 081 413 6440
JOBWANTED:Iama40 year old woman looking for job as a domestic workerinSwakopmundor LongBeach. Contact:0813795779
JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work,housekeeping,Ialso have baking experience, I am looking for 3 days domestic work Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Swakopmund, Nonidas, Long Beach and Mile 4. I amcurrentlyhaving2days
WERK GESOEK: 2 betroubare baie hardwerkende dames is opsoek na huiswerk, stryk werk of kantoor skoonmaak werk in Swakopmund of Langstrand,onskanenige dagbegin.kontakJennet: 0816821827envir Jessica:0814458196
WERKGESOEK: Yolanda, 38 jaar oud is opsoek na Saterdae en Sondae werk Skoonmaak en stryk. Kan so gou as moontlik begin. Walvisbaai. Kontak:0814098356
JOB WANTED: I am a woman looking for domestic work Walvis Bay Contact:0814626606
WERKGESOEK: Dame is opsoek na huiswerk vanMaandaetot Vrydae. Dolfynstrand of Langstrand. Kontak:0813407054
I am a 41 year old woman lookingfordomesticwork, cleaningandtakingcareof kidsandoldpeople.Ihave 14 years experience MndaystoFridays.Walvis BayorLangstrand. Contact:0812086827
I am a 33 year old woman lookingfordomesticwork in Walvis Bay I have a certificate in Secretarial and Office administration. Icanstartanytime. Contact:0818793744
NAMPORT is a leading strategic and dynamic institution facilitating trade for national and regional development. We are unique in our trade and operate in a highly competitive and volatile global sphere. Opportunities are available for creative and high potential individuals who have the zeal to learn, grow and contribute in high-performing environment. In return, we offer competitive rewards and prospects as a reputable employer of choice.
If you are resilient and passionate about unlocking individual potential and leading high-performing teams for improved employee engagement and organizational growth, we invite you to apply for the following positions at the Port of Walvis Bay:
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Peromnes Grade: 07
Department: Port Operations
Peromnes Grade: 07
Department: Port Engineering
Peromnes Grade: 07
Department: Port Engineering
Peromnes Grade: 08
Department: Risk Management
Peromnes Grade: 07
Department: Risk Management
Peromnes Grade: 09
Department: Office of the CEO
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Women and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply and will be given preference. To apply, and for more information on these vacancies, please visit our website at or the Namibia Integrated Employment Information System (NIEIS) page at
No hand delivered, emailed, or faxed applications will be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Enquiries and applications should be addressed to: Manager: Talent | Namibian PortsAuthority | P O Box 361 | Walvis Bay | Namibia Tel: 064 – 208 2371/ 2316/ 2255/ 2506/ 2307
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FNB Kudus forfeit last league games
Rudi Bowe
CoastalRugbygiants,FNBKuduRugbyClubhaswithdrawnfromtheNamibianRugby Union's(NRU)leaguefixturesagainstFNBRehobothRugbyClubtomorrow,Saturday, 12AugustinRehoboth.
ThiswasdonewiththeapprovaloftheNRU and the stakeholders of the coastal Rugby giants. FNB Kudus said in a statement that their isdecision purelybasedonthefinancial implicationitwillhavefortheclubtotravel two consecutive weekends to Rehoboth and Windhoek respectively The club further statedthattheywillnevershyawayfromany challenge,but hadtotakeadecisionthat they willbenefittheclubmovingforward.
This year the coastal giants made history as they qualified for the semi-finals Namibian Rugby Union's Premier, Reserve and Women's leagues that will be played at the Hage Geingob Stadium on Saturday, 19 August.
In the meantime, FNB held Kudus RC a specialeventwhereweshowedappreciation to sponsorsandgiftedthemwithreplica their playingjerseys NRUChiefExecutiveOffice
John Heyns and V P Governance ice recident
Christie Windvogel were the guest at the special event that were held last Saturday evening in Walvis Bay FNB Kudu Rugby Club their would once again like to express gratitudetoourMainSponsorFirstNational
Bank,alltheirothersponsorsandtoeveryone who is part of this beautiful Club. The Vice ChairpersonofFNBKuduRugbyClubLovina Plato has o her n behalf of sons,Aurelio Plato and Chad Raggies Plato, thank FNB Kudu RugbyClubandFNBUNAMRUGBYCLUB, players and management for a great day of s rugbyon5August. She thanked everyone for the Plato helping family the tokeep ChandlerPlatolegacyalive bybeinggreatsportsmenandwomen. Youare “ all equally great sportsmen because you love thegameofrugby Itdoesmyheartgoodtobe abletogivebacktoourcommunity Mycousin, WendyMuellerusedherjourneywithcancerto attend all Kudus games no matter where they played and she would never miss this day no matters how she felt because of her love for Chandler,”MsPlatosaid ShealsothankedRobertoRorosKlazenforthe design of the t-shirt, Joe Blom, John-John Beukes for playing your part in remembering Chandler's legacy and my sisters Jill Miller, LiviaKoorts,JuanitaLawrenceaswellasRyno Visagie,OliviaVisagieandRenaudvanNeel.
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Women and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply and will be given preference. To apply, and for more information on these vacancies, please visit our website at or the Namibia Integrated Employment Information System (NIEIS) page at
No hand delivered, emailed, or faxed applications will be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Enquiries and applications should be addressed to:
Fernandes wins ROCCO MAMA's Golf Day
DonaldDeKoker,VicePresidentGovernanceChristieWindvogel,Vice ChairpersonofFNBKuduRugbyClubLovinaPlato,NRUChief ExecutiveOfficeJohnHeynsandFNBKuduRugbyClubChairman IrvinIzaaks. PerdoFernandeswontheROCCOMAMA'ssponsoredGolfdayplayed attheWalvisBayGolfClub(WBGC)onSaturday,5August. Theformatonthedaywasabetterholecompetition,meaningyoutookyour betterscorebetweenholes1and10,2and11etc,withabonusholewhichwas drawnashole14.
The bonus hole did change the result in a small way but at the end of it, as PerdoFernandesscored3pointsonthe14 holetoendon27points,winning th thecountoutfromAmandioSardinhawhoscored25pointswithonly2points atthebonushole.ThirdplacewenttoWeitzvanNiekerkonatotalof25points winningthecountoutfromPietvanNiekerk.
The closest to the pins were won by Amandio Sardinha on 2/11 and Chris Heunison18andGrantMatherandAmandioSardinhascoredtwoclubs.
ItisnotoftenthatWBGCgetanewsponsorbutlastweekROCCOMAMA's werewelcomedbytheharbourtown'sGolfclubforthefirsttime.Rochesaid thathewouldbebacknextyear
ThisweekendafewgolfersfromWBGCwillbetravellingtoTsumebforthe TsumeblegoftheSAGES.ThememberofWBGCwhishsafetravelsandthat theyshouldbringhomethebacon.Thecoastalgolfershouldalsoremindthe coppertownmen,thatiftheythinktheyarecominghereonthe26 Augustto th winthetrophy,thentheybetterrethinkbecauseit'snotgoingtohappen.
OLD MAN RIVER is the sponsor competition for this weekend will be a SWAP9format,meaningyouplayofftee1butusethestokeandscoreitfor hole10,andsoon,goingtobegoodfunon7/16and9/18.Itisstableford. The NedbankAutism Golf day will be held on 19August at theWalvis Bay GolfClub.
The coastal golfers will host the copper town golfers at the WBGC on 26 August.
TheCHAINfundraiserandOLDMANRIVERsponsoredGolfdayswilbeat theWBGC on the weekend of 1 and 2 September with the local Sages on 3 August.
WalvisBayGolfClubhassetWednesday16AugustfortheirAGMattheclub. SeniorgolfersareremindedthatthereisSENIORgolfeveryThursdayat8:30 for9:00
18 NAMIBTIMES 11AUGUST2023 School News
Human Capital | Namibian PortsAuthority | P O Box 361 | Walvis Bay | Namibia
– 208 2204/ 2371
RochePitoutwiththewinneroftheROCCOMAMA'ssponsored GolfdayatWBGCPerdoFernandes
Walvis Bay Primary School's Annual Winter Sports Day
Walvis Bay Primary School hosted theirAnnual Winter Sports Day on Saturday,5Augustattheschool'ssportsfields.
Despite challenges they faced they were able to accommodate those that enteredrespectively
Theyoungsportsmenandwomenbetweentheagesof7and13fromtwelve schools across the country culminated in just over 174 matches in Chess, Hockey,NetballandRugbygames.Thisyearsawalargernumberofparents, guardiansandspectatorssupportingtheoccasionattheschool'ssportsfields. Theschoolboard,management,teachersandlearnerswouldliketothankall participatingschools,thesponsors,andeachandeveryonethatcametoenjoy thedaywiththemandtothosewhomadethedaypossible.
NAMIBTIMES19 11AUGUST2023 School News
Rudi Bowe
namib times Sport
Pro-Ed het Spogreg ná Interhoër
Pro-EdAkademie n skool met n verskil in Swakopmund was die algehele wenner van die tweede Interhoër Sport Dag tussen Walvisbaai Privaat Skool (WBPS) en Pro-EdoplaasgenoemdesesportveldlaasSaterdag.
Dieinterhoërismeerasnetnsportdag,ditbring skole bymekaar, en het vir altwee skole die geleentheid gebied om die sport te geniet deur te doenwaarvooralmalsoliefis.
DiejaarlikseInterhoërSportDagwatinbaiegoeie weersomstandige gehou was, was n groot sukses metatletevandietweeskolewatdeelgeneemhet in verskillende ouderdomsgroepe, in skaak, boogskiet,netbal,hokkieenrugby
Die twee skole se skoolhoofde, Christiaan GrobblerenHenjanvanderHydewastevredemet hoediedagverloophet.Dieskoolhoofdehetaldie ouers,leerlinge,onderwysersenalmalwatgehelp hetomdiedag‘nsuksestemaakbedank.
WBPS sal volgende jaar die Interhoër Sport Dag tussendietweeskoleaanbied.
Die seuitslae: interhoër Skaak
Send your sports news to
Rudi Bowe