The destiny of the 612 fishermen employedundertheGovernmentalEmployment Redressing Program that tendered their resignation as of August this year, is now in the hands of the NationalAssemblyofNamibia.
This follows a ministerial statement delivered in the NationalAssembly by the Minister of Fisheries, Hon Derek Klazen about the mass resignation of fishermen employed at various fishing companies under the Governmental Employment Redressing Program in search of permanent employment and better salaries. The Speaker of the National Assembly appointed a selectcommitteetoinvestigatethematterinline withRule54(3).
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The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Hon. Derek Klazen said at a meeting with the fishing industry players on Tuesday, 8 November at Lüderitz, he cannot increase fishing quota allocations,despitetheincreasedcallsto doso.
The meeting was attended by various fisheries, rightholdersandinterestedparties,includingbut not limited to wet fishery, large pelagic, Mariculture, Mullets, and Seals, with various groups such as the Rock Lobster Association, LüderitzBoatOwnersAssociation,andLüderitz CrayFishAssociationalsoinattendance.
Hon.KlazensaidheknowsthetownofLüderitz is generally struggling with several socioeconomicchallengesrangingfromjoblossesto limited economic opportunities. According to him, some of these factors have forced some industry players to relocate and send their containers by truck to Walvis Bay, incurring hugecostsintheprocess.
According to the fisheries minister, these and otheroccurrencescontinuetopaintaverybleak
futureofthetown'sabilitytoremainattractiveto domestic and foreign investors while the residents are desperately waiting for a speedy solution.
Hepointedoutthatinmostcaseswithrespectto the fishing industry, calls to the Ministry of FisheriesandMarineResourcesforanincreasein quota allocation have become louder as such
Continues on page 2
Erongopoliceisinvestigatingacaseof murder after the body of Mr Anton Bouwer (45) was found on the pavement of Dunside High School early yesterdaymorning.
The Unit Commander of Community Affairs in the Erongo Region, Inspector Ileni Shapumba confirmed the incident tothenewspaperyesterday,andsaidthe nextofkinhavebeeninformed.
According to Inspector Shapumba, a media statement concerning the matter willbeissued. NamibTimeswillupdate onthisstoryasitdevelops
HDF and EIB partner to implement Namibia's first green hydrogen power plant Swakop hosts first ever Start Up SADC conference
Green Hydrogen and Derivatives Strategy
increases are expected to invariable result in more jobs, increased revenues to the right-holdersandcash-flowwithinthetown.
“This calls for an increase in fishing quota allocations being made within the recent poor winter catches experienced by Lüderitz based fishermen last winter, the increased costs of doing business and other considerations” the ministersaid.
Klazen added, while he is fully aware of the uncertaintiesfacingLüderitz,hedoesnothavea solution.Asfarasfishingquotasareconcerned, he said that the ministry cannot increase the TotalAllowable Catches (TAC) at this stage as the ministry has to prioritise the already-declininghealthoftheocean.
Hon Klazen echoed the sentiment that fishing quotasareallocatedtofishingcompaniestosustainemploymentandcontributetotheeconomy of the country while running their daily operations.
Klazenfurtheradvisedthefishingcompaniesto be transparent during the salary negotiations withtheUnions.“Openyourbooksandshowthe unions. The unions are within their rights to demandforbetterwagesandworkingconditions fortheirmembers.''
“Let us engage sincerely and honestly for the solutionsweponderontonotonlybethebestfor us right now but that these solutions put at its centre, the aspiration of the youth and future generationsonwhosebehalfweremainKeepers of the Oceans and inland water bodies” Klazen
The councillor of Nami Nûs Constituency Hon Susan Ndjaleka, called on the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources to improve collaborationbetweenindustryplayers.
Ndjaleka said “the Luderitz Town Council is looking into ways to settle labour unrest in the town by hosting a workshop between the MinistryofLabour,workersunions,theworkers andthefishingindustrytofindpossiblesolutions andco-operationinthisregard.”
“LettershavealreadybeensenttotheMinistryof Labour, and we are waiting for the Ministry to confirmthedateforustoworkshopthis.Wewill unpack the labour unrest here and dealwith our problemsourselves,”sheadded.
During this session, the CEO of the National Fishing Corporation of Namibia (Fishcor)Alex Gawanab expressed his concern about the foreseeable job losses looming towards the fishingindustryinLuderitzassalarynegotiation willsooncommence.
Gawanab brought to the attention of the Hon MinisterKlazenthehighcostoffuel,transportto WalvisBayforexport.HethencalledonKlazen to engage labour unions to prevent the catastrophicimpactofanindustrialactionshouldthe salary negotiation between employees and the fishingcompaniesreachadeadlock.
He alleged that there is a misconception within theunionsandworkersthatwhenfishingquotas areawardedforthebenefitofworkersinsteadof theoperationandmanagementofthecompanies.
Economic hardships, amongst other factors,forcedtheNamibianPolicetocomeup with an amnesty period for a total of 348 438motoristswithoutstandingwarrantsof arresttosettletheiradmissionofguiltfines between1November2022and31January 2023.
Theforumpassedthedecisiontograntamnestyto all members of the public with pending traffic warrants of arrest to pay their admission of guilt fines. The Inspector General of the Namibian Police Force, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo recently said at a media briefing that the NationalCriminalJusticeForumtookcognisance ofvariousfactors,suchasthefinancialburdenon motoristsandtheneedfortrafficoffenderstopay bail upon arrest and defend their case in court. “Therefore, an amnesty was declared on warrants ofarrestfortrafficoffenders.”
Shikongo said, “a total of 348 438 warrants of arrest, including those issued by municipal traffic services and road transport inspectors for traffic offendersarestilltobeexecuted.Iamappealingto membersofthepublictomakeuseofthisamnesty period as an opportunity to clear their names. To enquire about possible outstanding warrants of arrestandsettleit.”
The Inspector General says these settlements can
be done at any magistrate's court as well as at trafficofficeswithinthemagisterialdistrictwhere the tickets were issued from Mondays to Fridays during the amnesty period, without appearing in court. The police chief said the Namibian Police andtheirZambiancounterpartshavejoinedforces to keep the peace between the two countries, especially along the borders and will also tackle issuesofcross-bordercrimeandcontrol.
Shikongourgedmembersofthepublictomakeuse of this amnesty period. “I hereby encouraged all too clear your names and change your behaviour onpublicroads.”Hepleadstomemberstochange their behaviour on the public roads and to stop drinkanddrive.
As part of their fact-finding mission regarding the mass resignationofOka-palefishermenatWalvisBay,theselectcommittee, chairedbyTjekeroTweya,visitedtheMinistryofLabour,Industrial Relation, and Employment Crea-tion government office in WalvisBay,butwereonlymetwithshrugsand'Idon'tknows'.
“Apartfromwhatwereadinthenewspapers;Ithinkthatwhatweknowis just what you guys know,” one of the representatives at theWalvis Bay Labour office remarked and was quickly reprimanded by the honorable members of parliament for addressing them so casually. “Are we really establishingthatthisofficeoftheMinistryofLabour,hereinErongo,is not aware of a case that is taking place in Erongo?” Member of Parliament, Gotthard Kasuto asked the two representatives at Labour officeandwasmetwithsilence.
Theissueoffisherman,whohavenothadactiveemployment,butinstead havebeenpaidanallowanceofN$4000permonthwithoutanyactual workleadingtothemassresignation,hasbeengoingonsince2020.“For twoyearsthesefishermenhavebeenstandingthere,everyday,butnone oftheLabourinspectorsherethoughtitwasanissueofconcerntogoand investigate,isthisreallyhowwearetreatingourownpeople,”MPElma Diendaadded.
Select committee went on to speculate that it may be the layers upon layerstheministriesaredividedintothatcausegovernmentemployeesto not know how to proactively perform their duties, which adds to public perceptionofthemasjustsalarycollectors.
This was the last meeting held in Walvis Bay by the Select Committee with regards to the mass resignation, which left the members of parliamentdisappointedatthestateofaffairsinlocalgovernment.
Continued from page 1
TheParliamentarySelectCommitteethatconsistsofTjekeroTweya,Headof theDelegation,ElmaDienda,EdsonIsaaksandGotthardKasuto,undertooka fact-findingmissionandmetwiththedifferentstakeholdersincludingaffected fishermen,MinistryofLabour,IndustrialRelationsandEmploymentcreations and various fishing companies inWalvis Bay for the purpose of determining thereasonsforthemassresignationandfindlongtermsolutionsforthiscrisis andreportitsfindingstotheNationalAssembly.
The612fishermenformedpartoftheover1000employeesofagroup,which referredtoasthe“OkapareExStrikingFishermen”,whichspentyearsnearthe Kuisebmond Stadium, and lost their jobs because of the 2015 illegal strike. Lastyearthecabinetresolvedtohavethemabsorbedintothesystemthrough theprovisionoffishingquotastothejointventurecompanies.
Sincethere-employmentofsomeofthesefishermenin2015,notallofthem have taken up active employment, simply because the industry has no actual workforthemtorenderonfactoryorvessels.Thosewhocouldnotbeabsorbed as active employees remained on the company's payroll and continued to receiveabasicsalaryofN$4000.
Itseemsthereexistsaflawedunderstandingandperceptionamongstsomeof theaffectedfishermenthatthefishingquota,againstwhichtheemploymentof the affected employees has been secured, is and remains the property of the affectedworkers,andfurther,thatthesequotasaretransferabletowhereverthe employees want it to go. Obviously, that understanding negates the government'sobjectiveofensuringemploymentfortheaffectedworkersand themaintenanceofstabilityandjobtenuresecurityinthefishingindustry.
Tweya said the fact-finding mission aims to establish the issues at hand. Thereafter,theywouldcompileareportforparliament.Tweyasaid,“ourmain aim is to consult and hear directly from the parties involved so that we can makerecommendationsthatwillbebeneficialforall.Wedonotwantthisissue toescalate.Wewanttomaintainpeace.Furthermore,wealsodonotknowat thisstagewhetherthereportwillbeadopted,butwearehopefulthatwewillget tothebottomofthematter.”
Parliamentariansareexpectedtocompileadetailedreportontheburningissue thatwillbepresentedtoparliamentforfurtherrecommendation.
The two mayors of the towns, Walvis Bay Mayor, Cllr. Trevino Forbes and Tsumeb Mayor, Cllr. Matheus Hangula signed a three-year working cooperation agreement as partofaddressingchallengesfacedbythetwomunicipalitiestoensuredevelopmentin thetowns.
Thefirstworkingcooperationbetweenthetwomunicipalitieswassignedin2007and continues to benefit the communities. The new agreement will see the two municipalities working together to the betterment of both towns for next three years.
Thetwomunicipalitiesrecognisethevalueofexchangingmutuallybeneficialideasand sharingexperienceswithalltheirresidents.Thiscanbedoneinareassuchascouncillor exchange,staffexchange,SMEandYouthdevelopment,financialmanagement,waste managementandlandmanagement.
harbourtownisfoundinthetownofTsumeb.Headded that they need to engage their departments to see the needs and how best they share experiences in both technicalandadministrativedepartments.Forbesstated, as leaders there is a need to put away their political differencesiftheyaretoachievedevelopment."Weare putinthepositionbythepeople,andweneedtoserveour people as they put their trust in us," he said and emphasised that if people don't work together, nothing canbeachieved,hencethetwinningagreementwillhelp findsolutionsthatmayariseintheirtowns.
TsumebMayor,Hangulasaidthisisanopportunetimeto formalise,signandsealthelong-awaitedMoUbetween the two towns. "Our interest is to serve our Namibian peopleirrespectiveofourpoliticalaffiliation,ourpeople arethecorecentreofinterest,"hesaid.
Hangula indicated they need to further engage in untappedareasnotyetexplored.
HDF Energy and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a partnership agreement on 8 November at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) at Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt to implement Namibia'sfirstgreenhydrogenpowerplant.
Hydrogène de France SA(“HDF Energy”) group – Euronext Paris, global pioneer in hydrogen power plants and high-power fuel cell manufacturer, has reached a further step in the development of the Renewstable® green hydrogenpowerplantinSwakopmund,byformalizingitspartnershipwith theEIB.
The new green hydrogen cooperation was announced at the Namibian pavilion COP 27 by Dr. Hage Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia,DrWernerHoyer,PresidentoftheEuropeanInvestmentBankand UrsulavonderLeyen,PresidentoftheEuropeanCommission.
“This partnership represents a concrete step in delivering Namibia's clean energy ambition. This new investment demonstrates Namibia's leadership in green hydrogen.” said Dr. Hage Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia. “I would like to thank the European Investment Bank for the continuoussupporttothedevelopmentinSwakopmund.
Thesignaturetodayisakeystepofourlongstandingengagementwiththe EIBfortheproject,thattakesusclosertoreachingfinancialclosein2023 and starting construction of the first large scale green hydrogen project in Africa.” says Nicolas Lecomte, HDF's Director for Southern and East Africa.
“The European Investment Bank works with leading partners to support cleanenergyinvestmentacrossAfrica.IampleasedthattheEIBisworking closelywithHDFEnergytoharnessNamibia'ssolarandwindpotentialand unlockopportunitiesfortheenergytransition.Ouragreementconfirmedat COP27 today with HDF will help to accelerate large scale deployment of green hydrogen infrastructure in Namibia based on proven investment in SouthAmerica.”saidWernerHoyer,PresidentoftheEuropeanInvestment Bank.
TheagreementsignedbyMariaShaw-Barragan,EIBDirectoroflendingin Africa, Caribbean, Pacific,Asia and LatinAmerica and Nicolas Lecomte, HDF's Director for Southern and East Africa, and witnessed by Hon. LipumbuShiimi,MinisterofFinanceofNamibia.
The new agreement between HDF Energy and the European Investment Bank was unveiled alongside the announcement of a new sovereign loan facilityofEUR500millionbyUrsulavonderLeyen,PresidentoftheEuropean Commission and Dr. Hage Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibiatodevelopthegreenhydrogensectorinthecountry.
HDFEnergyisdevelopingtheRenewstableSwakopmund,agreenhydrogenpowerplantinSwakopmund,ErongoregionofNamibia.Onceoperational,theprojectwillenhancelocalcleanelectricitygeneration,24hoursa day, 7 days a week, and grid supporting services, directly contributing to securityofelectricitysupplyinNamibia.
The new EIB cooperation with HDF Energy for the Renewstable® Swakopmundaccelerateprojectimplementation,allowNamibiatoloweringthe price of electricity to end-consumers, and kick-starting implementation of greenhydrogeninvestmentanddevelopmentoftechnicalgreenhydro-gen skillsinNamibia.
EIBatCOP27FindanoverviewofEIBatCOP27onourdedicatedwebsite. TheEIBhasapavilioninthesideeventareaoftheBlueZoneandisrunning aseriesofeventsonnumeroustopics.Thefullagendaisavailablehere.You arewelcometojoinourvirtualattendeehubtowatchthesessionseitherlive orlateratyourPublicconvenience,andnetworkwithattendees. Withaneasytwo-stepregistrationprocess,youwillalwayshavethelatest informationonouragenda.
Paul Kahuika (50) and Vernon Christoff Van Rensburg(32),appearedonachargeoffraud1st alternativetocountone1-theftbyfalsepretenses. Thematterwaspostponedto27January2023for tracingofaccused.PaulKahuikahavebeenwarnedandVernonChristoffVanRensburgisatlarge, andawarrantofarrestwasissued.
Martin Koto Shikongo (29), appeared on a chargeofrobbery.Thematterwaspostponedto28 Novemberforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.
MagretNdapewaMuhwango(27),appearedon achargeofmurderreadwiththeprovisionsofthe domesticviolenceact,act4of20031stalternative to count 1- concealment of birth. The matter was postponedto5Decemberforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.
SamuelTheofelus(34)andIsmaelThomas(45), appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 5 Decemberforfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedare onbail.
HarryBrockerhoff(64),appearedonachargeof theftofamotorvehicle.Thematterwaspostponed to6April2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedhas beenwarned.
Stacey Cloete (22) and Denver Cloete (28), appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 29 November because the accused wasabsent.Theaccusedareonbail.
AndreFrancoisTsibola(27)andElishaNdorichimpa (24), appeared on a charge of dealing in dangerous dependence 1st alternative to count 1possessionofadangerousdependence-producing drug. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2023forlegalaid.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned. Medriquos Ochurub (25) and Wayne Khrone (32), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 15 August 2023 for plea and trial.MedriquosOchurubremainsincustodyand WayneKhroneisonbail.
PakiChrisjanMadito(44),appearedonacharge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponedto6April2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody.
A17-year-oldboy,appearedonachargeofrape. Thematterwaspostponedto20January2023for legalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.
RudixCheroamVisagi(44),appearedoncharges of theft of a motor vehicle and theft by false pretences. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrestwasissued.
Bronckhorst Hamulwa (24), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 18 November for bail application. The accused remainsincustody.
JohannesNakanyala(37),appearedonacharge ofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto14Augustfor pleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
NikanorEixab(35),appearedonachargeofrape. Thematterwaspostponedto14Novemberforbail application.Theaccusedremainsincustody.
ShawnGaudreBock(30), appearedonacharge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm readwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact, act4of2003.Thematterwaspostponedto16February 2023 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.
IanDrotsky(23),appearedonachargeofinde-cent assault. The matter was postponed to 23 January 2023fortrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
IgnatiusBamm(32),appearedonachargeofrape. The matter was postponed to 30 January 2023 for furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedisonbail.
Erastus Terence Tjiurutue (27), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft.Thematterwaspostponedto16January2023 forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody.
Shikongo Immanuel (39), and Anna Shipahu (29), appeared on a charge of drugs- tobacco act. The matter was postponed to 8 December for legal aid.ShikongoImmanuelisonbailandAnnaShipahuhasbeenwarned.
LeonardPendapala(26), appearedonachargeof housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 25 January 2023 for trial. Theaccusedremainsincustody.
ElinaNdeshipandaShinepando(32),appearedon achargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm.Thematterwaspostponedto7Decemberfor furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedisonbail.
MarthaNdapandulaThomas(26),appearedona charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 6 Decemberbecausethedocketwasnotatcourt.The accusedisonbail.
Rowellyn Polster (23), appeared on a charge of drivingwithanexcessivebreathalcohollevel.The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued.
Uatona Kavetutjo (20), appeared on a charge of assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matterwaspostponedto22February2023forplea andtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
MagdaleneKuwinga(31),appearedonachargeof assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matter was postponed to 7 December for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody.
Ruben Veldskoen (32), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 27 January 2023forlegalaid.Theaccusedremainsincustody.
Morris Hai//gauseb (35) and Seun Hai//gauseb (31), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intenttostealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 6 December for legal aid. The accused have been warned.
Petrus Tjiyama (39) and Eveline Vries (30), appearedonachargeofpolice-resistingamember ofthepolice.Thematterwaspostponedto23February2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Yambeka Werner (26), appeared on charges of murder- attempted murder read with provision of thecombatingofthedomesticviolenceact,act4of 2003.Thematterwaspostponedto9February2023 for further investigations. The accused remains in custody.
RudolphKamapunga(24),appearedonchargesof assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 24 January2023forcontinuationoftrial.Theaccused isonbail.
Junias Jonas (27), appeared on charges of assault on a member of the police and murder-attempted murder. The matter was postponed to 13 February 2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Innocent Hunibeb (26), appeared on charges of assaultbythreatreadwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4of2003andattemptedmurder. The matter was postponed to 17 January 2023 for plea.Theaccusedremainsincustody.
GersonKahikaka(60),Attemptedmurder(August2019)Thematter ispostponedto17May2023.PleaandTrial.Onbail.
Isolde Voster (45), Drunk Driving (November 2022) The matter is postponedto23November2022.Plea.Onbail.
Andre George (33), Fraud (December 2021) Warrant of arrest was issued.Accusedabsent.
Erastus Amukwaya (22), Possession of suspected stolen property (August2022)Warrantofarrestwasissued.Accusedabsent.
TyvesUushona(36),Theft(November2022)Thematterispostponed to10January2023.Furtherinvestigation.Incustody.
Agmus Kananya (30), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (November2022)Thematterispostponedto3January2023.Further investigation.Incustody.
The Namibia Bus and TaxiAssociation (NABTA), sponsored by VIVO ENERGY, in the start of a long-standing training programforNamibiantaxidrivers,inanefforttocurbmotor vehicle accidents, will present a Defensive Driving and First Aid course for taxi drivers at the coast this weekend on Saturday and Sunday at theAtlantic Hotel,Walvis Bay.Taxi Drivers transformed into Defensive Drivers and Emergency FirstAidResponders!TheStreetswillbeSafer!
On Saturday, DriveWell will conduct the defensive driving theory course, and on Sunday OSH-Med International will conduct the basic First Aid Course. Drivers will be exposedtovariousaspects of defensive driving requirements and actions to execute in reducing the causes and/or impact of motor vehicle accidents during the defensivedrivingtheory course. Drivers are trained to be alert to aspects such as road
conditions, weather conditions, limitationsofvehicles,how to act in emergency situations, breaking, concentration when driving, observation of the road anticipation of traffic flow, planning how to deal withemergencysituations and the execution of actions to avoid and/or reduce vehicleaccidents.
On Sunday, in OSHMed International's BasicFirstAidTraining,someofthetraining will involve educatingdriversonhow
to comfortapassenger after a collision, how to deal with bleeding passengers, when not to move a passenger, how to strap an injured passenger until emergency services arrives.
NABTAsuccessfully completed training courses for 22 taxi drivers in Windhoek and21taxidriversin Ongwediva. Another course will be presented in Ongwediva on 12 to 13 November, in Windhoek on 26to27Novemberin Keetmanshoop, and on 2-3 December, another course will be presented in Windhoek.
Driverswillreceivea certificate of attendance of a defensive drivingcourse,acertificate for attending a Basic First Aid Course and first aid kits sponsored by VIVO ENERGY in their effort to contribute to the minimisingofmotorvehicle collisions.
ThefirstofitskindintheSADCregion,andfirsteverStart Up SADC Conference, represented by delegates from Botswana,SouthAfrica,Tanzania,andNamibiawasrecently heldinSwakopmund.
Namibia was inaugurated at the Conference to raise and promote entrepreneurship awareness, develop a culture of innovation in SADC andextendthisinitiativetoothercountriesinAfrica.
Start Up SADC (Southern Africa Development Community) is an entrepreneurship forum and business colloquium for emerging and established entrepreneurs in the SADC region. Start-Up SADC was initiatedaboutthreeyearsagoandNamibiaisthefirstcountrytotakethe wheel. During the inaugural ceremony, the Deputy Minister of IndustrialisationandTrade,VernaSinimbowhoofficiatedtheevent,said
Start Up SADC aims to increase promotion of trade among member states, create an annual platform to discuss challenges and issues affecting entrepreneurs in the SADC region, highlight commercial opportunities in SADC aimed at benefitting entrepreneurs, develop a databaseofstakeholderscriticaltoeconomicdevelopmentintheregion and to create a networking platform for entrepreneurs from member states.“IaminformedthatStartUpSADCintendstocreatethelargest entrepreneurship summit in SADC region, enabling networking amongst entrepreneurs in so doing fostering collaborations and investmentopportunitiesintheregionandonthecontinent.Weseethis as an opportunity to facilitate and strengthen the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) platform in the region and indeed on the continent to build long-lasting sustainable business relationships, “Sinimbosaid.
Moss Sereme, Founder and Chairperson of United Entrepreneurs Association of Namibia and Co-Founder of StartUp SADC said, with the conference, they are trying to bring a platform where start-ups and entrepreneurswithintheSADCregionarebroughtintoonehouseevery year to deliberate on issues that are affecting trade and inter-trade of smallbusinesseswithintheregion.Theaimistoopentradingplatforms, createpartnerships,createcollaborationsandmakesurethatitbecomes easier to trade in a different country, and simply collapse borders in termsoftrade.AccordingtoSereme,themainobjectiveisthattradeis
simplified, making entrepreneurship more common in the region, “to make sure that we build more entrepreneurs, we build more products,moresufficiency,andsustainabilityto make sure we become one voice in terms of investments,sothatwecalluponinvestorsfrom countries with financial muscles to come invest inSADC.Whentheycome,theymustknowwho and when they are going to meet. Most importantly, we need to make sure that we exposeentrepreneursthatarewithintheregion.”
SeremesaidthemainideaistobringtheSADC economy together so that in the next five or ten years, at least there will be a platform that the region can benefit from. According to Sereme, theStartUpSADCteamwillruntrainingevery month,relatedtodifferentsectors.
According to Sereme, some challenges experienced by start-ups and entrepreneurs withtheSADCregionisfunding,andanother big challenge is the movement of goods and serviceswithintheregion.“Howarewegoing to simplify those movements.” Another challenge mentioned was collaboration. “We need to move away from one man type of a thing.”
The conference tackled the challenges impeding trade among African countries, a paneldiscussiononhowthebankingsectorcan empowertogrowandfacilitatetradebetween member states, and it also looked at positive tradeagreementsasabasisfortradepromotion between countries. The conference will be hostingthesecondconferencenextyear.
Marking its 25th yearin business, Benguella Butchery celebrated its birthday on Friday, 28 October at its newly constructed ProcessingandDistributionfacilityinSwakopmund'sindustrialarea.
Theeventwasattendedbysuppliersandretailcustomers,thathavebeenwith the butchery for as long as they have been in business. Guests met all supervision staff members from Benguella's Factory and three other retail stores. The night continued with speeches made by Mr. Gregory Benjamin, thankingallthestaff,suppliers,andcustomersfortheiryearsofsupporttothe business. He said, “it is only because of long hours, sharp negotiation skills with suppliers, and dedicated staff, that has allowed us to accomplish the growthandsuccessofthebusinessthusfar.”Mr.Benjamingavebackground on where the business started, noting that some of the employees have been withhimsincethedaysheworkedforMeatco.
MemphisBarbequeandBluescateredtheeventwithavarietyoffingerfoods. Ryno Engelbrecht from “Oor die Kole met Ryno” indulged the guests with a shorttalk,tipsonhowtocookagreatrib,wheretobuyit,andsamplesofthe ribshepreparedfortheevent.BothMemphisandRynousedBenguella'svery ownmeatproductstopreparethefood.
Thenightwasaphenomenaleveningthatendedwithdancingandsingingwith thesoundsofDJAsh.
BenguellaButcheryalsohostedabrunchwithitsseniorcitizens'customersat itsmainbranchinTamariskiathedaybefore,tothankthemforalltheirsupport throughout the years. During the ceremonial celebration with the senior citizens, the General Manager of Benguella Butchery Charlene Hartung said they, at Benguella Butchery, thought it was only right to get their customers togethertothankthemandtotreattheseniorcitizens.Whileaddressingtheir customers, Charlene said: “you come to the butchery often, some daily and leaveyourmoneywithus,wewouldliketotakethisopportunitytogiveyou somethingtotakehometoday,andtoenjoywithustoday.”
Theseniorcitizensenjoyedsomedeliciousfood,mouth-wateringwarmsoup towarmuptheirbodiesduringthecoldmorningbreeze,coffee,teaandcake. WhileaddressinghisseniorcustomersMr.Benjamin,thefounderofBenguella Butchery said he remembers every single one of them (senior citizens). “Withoutyou,thisbusinesswouldnothaveexisted,sowhatyoutake,youmust also give back a little and that is how a business also grows. Thank you so much,maytheLordblessyou.Remainthegoodcustomersyouare.”
The raffle draw winners for the competition they were running during the monthofOctoberwere:Ina–NguniHidesponsoredbyNamaquaNorth,Joel–Weekend for 2 at Brandberg White Lady Lodge, Lucas – Sunday Lunch at Platfrom One, Rayton – Gift Hamper from Crown Mills, Lavinia – Lamb Carcass,Chris–OnenightatSeasidehotelandspa,Charmaine–Boxoffish, Muller – A fuel voucher by Walvis Bay Express, Ndapha – Boat cruise by Laramon Cruises, Merilizee – whole rump steak by Brakwater Abbattoir, Emilia–CarwashbyBayWash,Lawinia–FlamingoVillamealvoucherand Esme–Snoek.
Inclosing,BenguellaButcherywouldliketothankallourcustomersfortheir support, and they look forward to the continued supply of quality meat productstoallforthenext25years.
Development Bank of Namibia has announced the approval and implementation of a Business Rescue Programme for qualifying businesses financedbytheBankasa possible alternative to liquidation. The programmetakestheformof partialconversionofdebt into various types of preference shares to be held by the Bank in the enterpriseandthedeployment of independent business managers to such entities to render technical and managementadvisoryservices.
Speaking about the programme DBN CEO, MartinInkumbi,saidthat the combination of prevalent unfavourable economic fundamentals has left many businesses at the point where they are barelyabletooperate.
The Bank has a duty to recover its capital so that it can make further loans tootherborrowers.
However, the Bank responsiblyalsostrivesto strike a balance to preservetheenvisageddevelopmentimpact.
Inkumbi illustrated this point by saying that the Bank gives regards to employment opportunitiescreated,incomefor owners, preservation of owners' capital and assets, contributions to local, regional and national economies, and continued economic growth as reasons to attempt to preserve businesses. The Bank, he stressed, does everything it reasonably can to preservebusinessesthatit has financed and, where possible, creates a winwin situation for the borrowerandtheBank.
Explaining the programmeindetail,Inkumbi said DBN will in the next few weeks appoint independent business rescueadvisorsthrougha transparent procurement process. Once an advisor is appointed to carry out an assessment of a distressed business, the advisorwillmakerecommendations on the turnabout strategy. The turnabout strategy will identify changes that need to be made to the operation ofthebusiness,itsgovernance and / or its capital structure.
If the capital structure is notappropriate,theBank could consider convertingpartofthedebttothe Bank into alternative patient financing instrumentssuchasconvertible preferenceshares.
Inkumbi went on to say that preference shares give the Bank the ability to relax its repayment requirements for a portion of the loan in anticipation of growth of value and yields on the shares. Owners, he said, would always have the first right to repurchase the shares or, with the agreement of DBN, to arrangeforthesaleofthe sharestothirdparties.
During the period which
the Bank holds preference shares, the business will be contractually obliged to meet a number of milestones identified by the advisorandagreedbetween thebusinessandDBN.
Once the business is on its feet again, DBN will exit the preference share arrangement, preferably by sellingitspreferenceshares backtotheoriginalowners. Thefirsttaskofthebusiness turnaround advisor, Inkum-
bi elaborated, will be to ascertainifthebusinesscan berescued.Ifnot,theBank will have to begin steps to recoveritsloansthroughthe normal liquidation process.
If the business can be rescued, the advisor will make recommendations on management, capital structure and governance which the enterprise will be contractually obliged to implement.Insomecases,control of the management of the
business could be transferred to mutually agreed business managers with expertisetohelpmanagethe enterprise out of a loss makingposition.
Where changes to the business's capital structure (i.e.thedebttoequityratio) are required, the advisor will be able to either assist with bringing equity investors on board or to recommend the conversion of DBNs debt to preference shares. Through this conversion, DBN will hold preference shares in the businessforalimitedperiod
only. The aim is always for theBanktoexitandtransfer full ownership and control ofthebusinesstoitsowners ornewinvestorsoracombinationofboth.
Asked about resistance to the advisors, Inkumbi said theprogrammeisvoluntary. There will be consultation between the Bank and the distressed business owners.
Where a distressed business owner is not willing to accepted terms and conditions of a rescue program, theycanalwaysopttorepay the Bank's loan or alternatively face liqui-
Inkumbi stated that the terms of reference for independent advisory services have been drawn up, and they emphasize high degrees of experience and skills. The Bank believes that some businesses fail due to poor management andlackoffinancialcontrol.
On the topic of eligibility, Inkumbi said that not all businessesindistresswould qualify or meet the criteria of the business rescue program. There must be some level of business activities happening and reve-
nue generation. Ideally such a business must be in a position to at least partially meet its loan repayment obligation to the Bank. The Bank will not convert full debt into a preference share instrument. The owners must also be committed and willing to make further capital investment and meettheBankhalfway. Although this is a rescue programme,itisanopportunity for businesses to make strides towards a sustainable future, Inkumbiconcluded.
Preference shares and independent business advisors for selectedbusinessesonthebrink.
November 4, marked a landmark for Namibia with the launchofNamibia'sGreenHydrogenstrategybytheGreen Hydrogen Council of Namibia. Namibia's Green Hydrogen strategysupportsNamibia'scommitmenttotheParisAgreement on climate change, with the ultimate goal of reducing emissionstonetzeroby2050.
The Green Hydrogen strategy also fulfils the promise of His Excellency Dr Hage G Geingob at COP26 Glasgow, Scotland, which reaffirmed Namibia'ssupportforthe'adoptionof arobustArticle6atCOP26.Thiscriticalstepwouldprovidethebedrockof an international carbon market mechanism necessary to mobilise largescale private investment for climate actionandtodrivecrucialinnovation.
In his opening address, Hon Obeth Kandjoze, Director General National Planning Commission, gave a broad background of Namibia's green hydrogenjourneyfromthebeginning in July 2021, when His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Namibia, Dr Hage Geingob, constituted the Green Hydrogen Council.
TheGreenHydrogenCouncil,according to Hon Kandjoze was tasked with setting up a new industry in Namibiathatwould“bringabreathof fresh air, an infusion of hope and a shotinthearmofoureconomy”.The three main Goals of the 2nd Harambee Prosperity Plan's economic advancementpillarwerereiteratedby Hon Kandjoze, one of which entails the development of complementary engines of growth, within which the rationale for the formulation of the Green Hydrogen Council is embedded.AschairpersonoftheGreenHydrogen Council, Hon Kandjoze's addresssetthetoneforthelaunchevent ofNamibia'sgreenhydrogenstrategy, which in Hon Kandjoze's words, is essentially the roadmap that would chart a clear course on how Namibia will “get to the land of milk and honey, in so far as it relates to SyntheticFuels”.
of the Namibia Green Hydrogen Strategy and its anticipated impact across all sectors. Mr Mnyupe concludedhispresentationwithaninspiring call to action to all stakeholders, local and international, to join hands in solidifying Namibia's position as a powerhousewithadynamicgreenhydrogen industry, given Namibia's abundant renewable resources and peaceful operating environment. Mr Mnyupe implored that green hydrogen is a game changer for Namibia andhasthepotentialtobecomeasignificant enabler of Namibia's Vision 2030.
Delivering the keynote address, Hon. Tom Alweendo, Minister of Mines and Energy, delved deeper into Namibia's goal “to create an at-scale greenfuelsindustrywithaproduction target of 10-12 Mtpa hydrogen equivalent by 2050”. Hon Tom Alweendofurtherstatedthatthe“worldclass solar and wind resources, vast openspaces,andlongcoastlinemake Namibia the ideal destination for future green hydrogen development. These conditions give reason for Namibia to be able to produce green hydrogen at highly competitive costs”. Hon Tom Alweendo highlightedNamibia'sambitiousvisionto produce more than green hydrogen.
Hon Alweendo went on to state that Namibia's ambitious vision also extends to the export of other derivatives, such as green ammonia, emethanol,synthetickeroseneandhotbriquetted iron, including the manufacture of more complex products, suchasgreenzincandsteel.
Hon Tom Alweendo continued “as part of Namibia's long-term strategy, thereisanaspirationtodevelopthree hydrogen valleys: in the southern
region of Kharas, the central region including WalvisBayportandthecapitalWindhoek,andthe northernregionofKunene”.AccordingtoHonTom Alweendo,“keytothestrategywillbethecreation and utilisation of mole-cules for local industrial objectives and for decarbonisation of industrial sectors”.Inclosing,HonTomAlweendoreaffirmed that the Namibia green hydrogen strategy goes beyondjustpolicybut“aroadmaptoacceleratethe recovery of the economy on its way towards an industrialisationagendato2030andbeyond”.The HonourableMinisterfurtherurgedallNamibiansto see the possibilities presented by green hydrogen for Namibia to achieve desired economic growth through the creation of sustainable jobs while
reducing carbon emissions. Hon Alweendo describedthedevelopmentofgreenhydrogenasa path to economic recovery and growth and an enabler for Namibia to become a net primary energy exporter, unlocking the potential to meet globaldemandof10milliontonnesby2030.After the keynote address, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Hon Tom Alweendo formally signed the Namibia green hydrogen strategy, which was witnessedbyhigh-leveldignitariesattheevent. The guest of honour, His Excellency Dr Hage G Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, graced the event with his presence and closed the eventonaresoundingnote.
Swakop Uranium handed over wheelie bins, water containers, wheelbarrows, gloves, refuse bags, reflective vests,andsunhats,valuedataboutN$50,000totheMinistry ofEnvironmentForestryandTourismforthenationalpark clean-upcampaignonatahandoverceremonyattheoffices ofSwakopUraniuminthetownonFriday,4November. Control Warden, Siegfried Gawiseb, at the ceremony said the donation came just in time as they are preparing to clean the Dorob National Park. Gawiseb said, “on behalf of the ministry and the staff in the Erongo region, we are very delighted and thankful, and we hope that we are going to encourage other partnerstofollowthesameexampleasSwakopUranium.” Duringthehandoveroftheitems,theHeadofFinanceatSwakop Uranium, Pulani Maritz said, “the preservation of our natural environment is of great importance to us, and the company places a high value on Sound Environmental Management.We valueoursharedresponsibilitytowardstheenvironment.Itisour hopethatourcontributioncanmakeadifferenceinkeepingour parksclean.”
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the operation and maintenance of the existing Municipal SewageTreatmentPlant,Swakopmund,Erongoregion.
Notice is hereby given to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs), that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner for the following activities.
Project title: Operation and maintenance of the existing Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant
Projectlocation: Swakopmund, Erongo Region
Proponent: Municipality of Swakopmund
Description: Swakopmund town is served by a sewage treatment plant that receives and treats all liquid waste generated from the town. At the time of commissioning (2012), there was no EIA study done since it was not compulsory. In terms of the Environmental Management Act, No. 07 of 2007, all waste management, treatment, handling, and disposal activities cannot be undertaken without a valid environmental clearance certificate.
All I&APs are hereby invited to register, request the Background Information Document (BID), attend the public meeting, and submit comments/inputs to
The need for a public meeting will be determined after the consultation and will be communicated to all registered I&APs.
For more Information contact: +264811422927 or +264853013777
In the estate of the late MargaretaJohannaWiemann,IdNr:3810270006 8, who died on 12 August 2022, resided at 27 Nathaniel Maxuilili Street, Swakopmund, Namibia andwhowasdivorced.
Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a periodof30daysfromdate of publication of this notice.
HEAHRENS AgentoftheExecutrix c/oKinghornAssociates Incorporated HausAltona 2–6TobiasHainyeko Street POBox1455 Swakopmund (Ref.HEA/AVEST 310/0001-50)
The Walvis Bay Child and Family Centre, better known as “Sunshine”, is a registered nongovernmental organization in Walvis Bay.The Centre has a 26-year track record of providing services for and empowering children and adults living with disabilities. Sunshine offers various special needs education, therapy, and skills training programmes to empower each of our service users to reach their highest potential. We currently have over 130 service users who are registered in our various programmes. Our vision is to be a place of hope and strength, providing a springboard for meaningful, dignified and empowered living for differently abled people.
TheAGM will be held onThursday, th17 November 2022 at 16h30 until 18h30 at the Sunshine Centre's premises in Moses Garoeb Street (Old North Hospital Building).
All members of theAssociation, as well as interested members of the public, are invited to attend.
The purpose of theAGM is:
1.To confirm the minutes of the last preceding Annual General Meeting (18/11/2021).
2.To receive from the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and ourAuditors the annual reports for the last preceding financial year.
3.To co-opt two additional members to the Board of Directors.
We call on members of the public – particularly ones with expertise and experience in Financial Management, Special Education and Marketing – to express their interest to serve voluntarily as members of our board of directors.
Please email Luzelle Lestrade at to indicate your interest and background.
This meeting is called in accordance with the Walvis Bay Child and Family Centre'sArticles of Association.
IncorporatedAssociation Not for Gain Registration no: 21/95/231 (WO 165)
Directors: Barbara Van Rooyen (Chairperson), GailTaukuheke (Secretary), Elsa Murangi, Brumilda Britz, Leon Louw, Irma Swart, Linwill Van Wyk, MarioThaniseb, Luzelle Lestrade (Ex-officio, Executive Director)
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Air BNB.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than25November2022.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Vanessa Janse van Rensburg,POBox2462,WalvisBay
CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Pre-School & Day Care) ON ERF NO: 4369 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: FrankAbrahamStreet.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Place of Instruction (Pre-School &DayCare).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 2 December 2022.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: MonicaUugwanga,POBox7058,WalvisBay
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2) of the LocalAuthoritiesAct, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992), that Municipal Council of Walvis Bay offers various erven through “Expression of Interest” to individuals, Companies, Close Corporations and Joint Ventures in Walvis Bay to submit their applications to leaseervenbywayofprivatetransaction
1.The“ExpressionofInterest”documentswiththelistofsite/ervenisavailable and can be obtained from Ms. Merinda Matsuis at room no 45, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond–telephone(064)201-3235.
2. The “Expression of Interest” documents shall be issued against a nonrefundableamountofN$200.00(VATincluded)attheMunicipaloffices.
3. “Expression of interest” completed and accompanied by all required supportingdocumentsasdescribeinthedocument,mustbedeliveredtothe Procurement Bidding Box on or before 11:00 on Friday, 25 November 2022. For convenience, the Procurement Bidding Box is in the foyer of the Civic Centre,WalvisBay,andmustbeusedtodeposittheEOIdocuments.
4. The “Expression of Interest” documents will be opened directly after closing of the expression in the presence of the applicants who choose to attend,intheOasisConferenceRoomatCivicCentre,WalvisBay.
5. For more information and obtaining of the Expression of Interest, please contactMs.MerindaMatsuis,NathanielMaxuliliDrive,KuisebmondMunicipal Office, Room 45 or alternatively at telephone (064) 201 3235 during office hours.
GeneralManager:CommunityandEconomicDevelopment CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive WalvisBay
Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owners, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board, and the Ministry ofUrbanandRuralDevelopmentforthefollowing:
Erf4449WalvisBayExtension12(C/oC14/M36Road, Langer Heinrich Crescent, and Rossing Street): Rezoningfrom“LightIndustrial”to“Institutional”with consentfora“ResidentialBuilding”andconsenttoproceed with development while the rezoning is in progress.
TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018)andthe WalvisBayZoningScheme.
(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building Control Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, or can be downloaded from projects
(b) any person having comments or objections to an application,mayinwritinglodgesuchcommentsobjections,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withtheChief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice.
© Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Friday,09December2022.
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay 0642013339
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners
POBox2095WalvisBay 064280773
As a student working toward a Chartered Accountant qualification from ICAN, or CA (Nam), you will have to complete a five year training contract as an undergraduate or alternatively a three year contract once you have completed your undergraduate degree or ACCA.
· Namibian Citizenship of permanent residence
· For studies at a SAICA or ICAN accredited university matric exemption is needed. Alternatively the student should qualify for the ACCA route.
· Excellent communication skills
· Must be able to meet strict deadlines, perform under pressure and manage multiple tasks
· Competent in Microsoft Office Word and Excel
· Added advantage in competent in Caseware
We offer:
· Market related salary
· A commitment to creating unlimited growth
· Exposure to a range of clients
· A friendly and supportive culture, surrounded by teammates who are on the same journey as you
Interested candidates who meets the requirements should send their application to our HR department.
Contact details: Att: Benita Swart
Tel no: 064 - 203424
Closing date: 18 November 2022 CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication
Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattherighttime Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctorswithout success.Hereisapowerful Doctorwhoisafteryourfast reliesnotcash.LOVE
DRIVINGLESSONS: Weareofferingthe followingatyourown comfort. Learnerslicenseclasses operatingmobilewecome whereyouareinWalvis BayandSwakopmund. MondaytoFridayN$850.00fortwoweeks. Contact:0817012218
Landscaping&plant doctor
Originalpalm&tree trimming Plantinggrassandflowers Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs Cuttingbigtrees Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting. Contact:0812748447
Namibia-SouthAfrica Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR:Dr.SJeke (TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-LoveProblemsMarriagetokeepyourlover justforyourself-Work problems-Promotions-To getten-dersandtoboostyour business-Peopledon’twant topayyouback-Pregnancy Problems-Protectionof Farms,Houses,Carsand Animals-Sexualtransmitted sickness-allsickness Asthma,BP-Removetokoloshifrom bodies,houses -Men’spowersexualitySpiritualdoctorsinneedof morespiritualpowers,etc. HouseNr.(79)3191D.
JohannaBensonStreet Kuisebmond,WalvisBay. Cell:0813033149
ISSUES:*Ichallengeto bringbackyourbacklost loverandmakehim/her apologiseandbeunderyour feetforever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil) *pregnancyproblems *Manhoodenlargementinall sizesandstrongerinbed *Clearyourdebts/Loans quickly*Fixfinancial problems,getmoneyinyour bankaccountusingchida *Wintenderswinlottoand gamblingandcontracts *promotionatwork*Iam goodinmakingawomanto beexcellentinbed,tobe sweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingfor thosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist,finish unfinishedjobandmany more.MailOrderAvailable CallNowBaba Kareem0812528744
Newly build, spacious Three-bedroom house withBIC.Openplanliving with kitchen (built-in stove)&loungearea,2full bathrooms and single garage. House fitted with analarm.Approvedplanto buildaflat.Erfsize400m².
CONTACT: 081-324 8928
Anexcitingopportunity hasarisen atMondesaPharmacy foraPharmacist. Theincumbentshould fulfilthefollowing criteria:
-HolderofBachelorof Pharmacy(Honours)
-Atleast3years' registrationwith HPCNA
-Soundexperience withRetailPharmacy dispensingsoftware -Namibian Citizen/Permanent ResidentofNamibia Suitablecandidates shouldforwardtheir CVsto mondesapharmacy@
WERKGESOEK: ‘nDameisopsoekna huiswerk,skoonmaak werkinSwakopmund, Langstrandenrondom areas.Ekisvriendeliken betroubaar,kanenigetyd begin.
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk virMaandagtotVrydagin Swakopmundof Langstrandmaarnie inslaapwerknie.Ekkan enigedagbegin.
WERKGESOEK: Dameisopsoekna3dae huiswerkofenigestryk werkvirMaandae, WoensdaeenDonderdae inSwakopmundof Langstrand.Ekkanenige dagbegin,ekhet ondervinding. Kontak:0814458196
Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk inSwakopmundvir MaandagtotVrydag, kantoorskoonmaak,was enstrykwerkookindie naweek.Ekkanook inslaap.Kontak Cendrellaby:081367 6609
JOBWANTED: Iama37yearoldlady lookingforworkasa Receptionist,Admin, SalesorCashieringin Swakopmund. Contact:0857735927
onebedroomflatwith openplankitchenand sittingroomwithprivate bathroom,inaveryneat andsecurearea
Highfencedandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforsinglepersonor couple. N$3700.00p/m Nodepositneeded W/E incl. Availableimmediately Contact:0811278229
TORENT:Secure1 bedroomflat,BIC'sin Openplankitchen, outsidebraai,garage N$4500.00p/month WaterIncludedprepaid electricityexcl. WalvisBayFairways. AvailableImmediately. Contact0813335230
An equal opportunity emplo-yer, have vacancies for: Technical Advisors x 2 Mining Engineer for Quarry operations Quarry Master
· Namibian citizen
· A Degree in stone engineering or
· A Degree as a Mining Engineer
· A valid current police clearance certificate
· Required to work at Dimension Stone Quarry in the Erongo Region
· Must have at least 10 years working experience in the Dimension Stone processing Industry, especially with the planning and extraction of Marble and Granite
· Speaking and understanding Turkish
· Willing to work weekends and shifts
· Travelling will be essential
· Ability to work independently and as a team
Interested candidates who preserve the required skills for the above-mentioned position are welcome to apply.
BCI P.O. Box 4676, WALVIS BAY. Email to
CLOSING DATE :15/11/ 2022
4TonTruck,suitableforrefuse/ rubbishremoval,transportationand moving.
N$ 450.00 per trip within Walvis Bay. Negotiable toothertowns. Contact: 0812746504
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo.
1. Name and postal address of applicant: Christian Matthias Gellert, PO Box
2.Nameofbusinessor proposed business to which application relates: Gellert Unlimited Fine Wine AndDeli.
3.Address/locationof premises to which application relates: Shop No 8, Erf No 3997, No 5 Einsten Street, Swakopmund.
4. Nature and details ofapplication:Application ForGrant Of Special Liquor Licence.
5. Clerk of the court with whom the application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, District Swakop-
6. Date on which the application will be lodged: 21 November2022
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 11 January 2023.
Any objection or writtensubmissionin termsofsection28of the Act in relation to the application must besentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
Request for Proposals for the following:
Tender No: GNSHEQ11/2022
You are invited to submit your intent of interest to tender to for consideration before : 21 November 2022
1.Pleaseincludeinyourquotethemonthlyrentalfee,maintenancefeesthatmaybeapplicableand/oranyotheradditionalcostthat mayapply,
3.TheserentalsarerequiredforoursiteatWavisBay,Namibia.(Location:Berth7/8PortofWalvisBay(Namport)4.Licensing fees/COFshouldbeforthebiddersaccount.
6.Ifyouareunabletosupplyallitemsrequiredintheabovetablethenkindlyquoteforthosethatyouareabletosupply.Disclosethe exclusionsontheproposal.
7.Ifyouareselectedforthiscontract,andarenotanexistingvendortoGrindrod,youwillneedtogothroughtheVendoronboarding& verificationprocess.Priortocommencingworks
8.AllbidstobesubmittedbeforeCOBonthe05thofDecember2022Bids/Offers sent after this date will not be considered.
FinanceDepartment Tel:+26464271270
Request for Proposals for the following: Tender No: WBBTHEQ11/2022
AdditionalNotes: 1.Pleaseincludeinyourquotethemonthlyrentalfee,maintenancefeesthatmaybeapplicableand/oranyotheradditionalcostthatmay apply, 2.Pleasespecifytheleadtimefordeliveryandavailablityoftheequipment. 3.TheserentalsarerequiredforoursiteatWavisBay,Namibia.(Location:Berth7/8PortofWalvisBay(Namport) 4.Licensingfees/COFshouldbeforthebiddersaccount. 5.Pleaseincludeacopyofyourrentalagreementswithyourbid,sothatwemayreviewyourrentalterms.
Ifyouareunabletosupplyallitemsrequiredintheabovetablethenkindlyquoteforthosethatyouareabletosupply.Disclosethe exclusionsontheproposal.
Ifyouareselectedforthiscontract,andarenotanexistingvendortoGrindrod,youwillneedtogothroughtheVendoronboarding& verificationprocess.Priortocommencingworks
AllbidstobesubmittedbeforeCOBonthe05thofDecember2022.Bids/Offers sent after this date will not be considered. Thanksinadvanceforyourparticipation
64271270 SubjectLine:WBBTHEQ11/2022
The NAMCOR Swakop Rally consists of twelve stageswithfournightstages ondayone,andeightstages on day two. All Pre-race activities will take place at NAMCOR Service Station on the Henties Bay Road with the first car out of the holding area to the start of Stage 1 today, Friday, 11 November at 18:00 and Saturday, 12 November at 11:00withStage5.
The organisers have cautioned spectators to maintain a safe distance from the speedy action and to cooperate with the event marshals.
The Namibia Motorsport Federation asks that rally fans do not drink and drive whilstattendingthisevent–we value the lives of our road users. Also, take caution when parking next to the main road to Windhoek and do not make a U-turn on the main road. This is very dangerous and couldresultinanaccident. They also called on
spectators to use designated parking areas and spectator pointsasfaraspossiblealongthemainroad.
TherallyfinishesattheparkingareaoftheGoKartTrackand the prize giving will be held at the Go Kart facility directly afterthefinalresultsareavailable.
B fortheNAMCORSwakopRally estspectatorspots Day1,Friday,11November2022
Stage4@20h00IndustrialS22°40'10.84"E:14°33'15.18" Day2,Saturday,12November2022
TheOLDMANRIVERtwoballallianceswithtwoscores onoddnumberedholesonthefirst9,andtwoscoresonthe evenholesontheback9,onescoreonalltheotherholes. And then along cameWayne Hart who decided to swing withthefieldof31players,somethingnotheardofbefore, butindeedagreatgestureevenifittookabitofadminto sortoutthewinners.
The winners of the day were Oom Pikkie Champion and OomDanievanAntwerpenonagreat64points.Thestory is that Oom Pikkie had a putter that cooked on the first nine, well done the Ooms. Second place was won on a count out on 62 points by Oom Pikkie and Wayne Hart, with Wayne Hart and Wouter van Wijk third also on 62 pointwithBoelGroblerandWayneHartfourthalsoon62 points.
Two club money was paid out to Wynand Breytenbach, HenjanvanHydeandWayneHart. Althoughtherewere goodscoresrecorded,thejackpotremainedunclaimed.
The monthly SAGES event was played on Sunday and a rare appearance by a certain Sage caused much consternation and it even rained. Winner was Rory Wolhuter on 39 points, obviously the 4 days play at Rossmundworkedforhim,secondwasDesBensonon38 and another rare visitor to the course, Morne Roux was thirdalsoon38points.
There were prizes for 28 players but sadly the guy who camelastwasoutofituntilclubPresidentJohnSardinha gavehimaconsolationprizeofonebeer.
Dolphins Rugby Club, founded in the early 1980's,seekstomaketheir mark again in the rugby world.Theclubwitharich rugby culture will ensure that this doesn't go to wasteatallcost.
The club will be competing in the first division of the Namibian Rugby Union and will work its way towards entering the premierleague.
The club is planning to competeineachgameand grow as we go along.
Dolphin definitely has the capability and can turn players into what they should be. They in return can restore the club to its formerglorydays.
The new management definitely wants to improve on this achievement, and the way to do
this is by playing smart rugby. It's their mission to equip players adequately and with the necessary rugby skills. They should take their careers forward andreachtheirideals.
The club is also pleased to announce that Hauta Veii willbetheHeadCoachfor the next Rugby seasons.
Huata has been working hard to ensure that school rugby has returned to SSS and with this in mind is looking forward to the challengeofbringingback the glory days of rugby in Swakopmund.
The club has started with training to get ready and prepared for 2023 rugby season.Allformerandnew current players can join as well as all rugby players even those players from CoastalSharksinSwakop-
mund can join Dolphin Rugby Club on Mondays and Thursdays from 18:00- 20:00 at theVineta North Sport Field to restorerugbytoitsformer glory in Swakopmund again. Coach Hauta is looking forward to the challenge.
There is more good news to come in the next week astheclubisworkinghard tomakethisasuccess.For moreinfocontactRowhan 0816261155 or Rathan 0816039111
The Management: Chairman: Rowhan Besser, Secretary: Rathan Coetzee, Treasurer: Heinie Kock, Club President: John Steenkamp
Head Coach: Huata Veii
th The 37 Edition of FNB InterBranch Sages came to anendatRossmundGolfClubonFriday4November The tournament was treated with excellent weather resultinginsomebrilliantscores.Thosewhomanagedto playconsistentgolfthroughouttheweekwereobviously thewinners.Itwasasalwaysgreattoseethegreatheroes ofthegameinparticularClintonDoddswhoattheageof 91 years managed to put together 4 days of golf – he is definitely a super hero and thoroughly deserved his standingovation.
OnthepointoftheSages,ourteamofTiennieandWilma de Wet, Rory Wolhuter and Herman Smidt ended in a well-played second place in the four day event held at Rossmund last week, with Tiennie de Wet ending in overallthirdspot.Welldoneguys,onedaysoonwewill beattheneighboursnorthoftheriver.
ThiscomingSaturdayistheMULTISAVEMEDAL,the lastonefortheyearandonSundaytherewillbeafunday at the club which will include bowls on greens 3 and 5, pool and darts in the clubhouse and putt-putt on the puttinggreeninfrontoftheclub. Itisapair'scompetition so please bring wives, girlfriends the whole family and thecommunity.Startingtimeis10h30,endinginabringand-braai. Chef Annemarie will be providing 'PAP en SOUS'forthosebraaiing.
NextFriday,the18 istheNGKMeersigfundraiserwith th thePar3tournamentofSaturday19November.
GC host of the Tournament, thanked all the participants for their camaraderie during the week, the sponsors FNB; NamibiaBreweries;SuperSparSwakopmund;Dr.Dean Kock;DesertIron&Steel,CMW&GlassFitmentCentre, stating that without the support of reliable and loyal sponsorsatournamentofthismagnitudecannotsucceed. LastbutnotleasthethankedtheRossmundGolfCourse, theirstaffandhiscommitteeforalltheirhardwork.
st nd ADivOverall:1;JanvanWyk140;2;DesvanHeerden rd 139;3;TienieDeWet137
Fridaybroughtsomeaddedsurprisesforallthegolfersas well a special handout for each lady in the field, complimentsofDrDeanKock.TheOverallBestGolfer for the Week was 70 year old Tim Botha finishing 13 pointsaheadofhisnearestrivalcardingscoresof41;35; 40and37.
During the final prize giving ceremony -Andre Burger the outgoing National President of Sages in Namibia introducedthenewlyelectedPresidentGustavJung.
ANewTrophy was awarded to Fanie Oosthuizen as the first time winner of the Sages Namibia Order of Merit. TheChairmanoftheCoastalSages–CliveLawrenceand
st nd BDivOverall:1;TimBotha153;2;JohnyFlook140; rd 3;JohnHorne136
st nd C Div Overall: 1; Dreyer Du Plessis 139; 2; Ian rd Campbell136;3;Lourina(Tiekie)DeWet135
Team 1: Coastal Kestrels; Fred Bosse; Wim Hollander; TimBoth;BraamvanGreunen422
Team 2 : Walvis Bay; Tienie De Wet; Wilma De Wet; HermanSmidt;RoryWolhuter410
Team 3: Coastal Geese; John Horne; Pete Bergh; John Redman;TienievanRensburg407
BestLadyGolferfromtheInland–NatashaLouw MostGolfplayedfortheWeek:EsterEmvula Photo'scontributed
Nottoolongago,WalvisBayboastedtobethehomeofthebestDirtOvalTrackinNamibiawhich attractedracersandspectatorsyoungandoldfromallcornersofNamibiaandfromasfarasSouth Africa,toraceandenjoythisrenownedtrackfortheadrenalinerushedshowcase.
This once national beacon of pride for the motorsport fraternity, the Walvis Bay Dirt Oval RacingTrack,withimmediateeffectnowoperates undertheWalvisBayMotorClub. Itishowever sad to see the Walvis Bay Dirt Oval track is in a dilapidatedstateandwillcostthenewownersalot ofmoneytogetittoitsformerglory.
WherefansonceflockedtotheDirtOvalTrackto match their adrenaline rush and youthful exuberance,theyareonceagainleftinthelurchby thecurrentsituationandhandlingoftheDirtOval Track at the coastal town. Gone will be the days that Walvis Bay racers had to travel thousands of kilometers just to get a good practice session in,
whichintunewouldcostthemintheexcessoftens ofthousandsNamibiandollarsperdriver.
TheDesertRaceway,WalvisBayDirtOvalwillsee a new branding for the 2023 season as the new ownersisabouttotakethegreenflagattheharbour town. The new management is extremely grateful for the opportunity to be able to make their mark againinDirtOvalRacingatthecoast.
Thenewmanagementhasmanythingsplannedfor new season of which the biggest is to provide race fanswithfunandexperiencelikeintheolddays.
ThesportofOvalDirtRacingisunderthecovering bodyoftheNamibianMotorSportFederation.
Aangesien'nbaiemoeilike jaar tot 'n einde kom, kan die skole net dankbaar wees vir die ongelooflike borge en skenkers wat versekerdathulatletekon presteeropdiesportvelde.
Dit is nie 'n eenvoudige taak om in woorde te sit wat borge se ondersteuning vir skole beteken, daarom kan skole al hul borgenetbedankenblyke vanwaarderinggee.
Daar is baie skole wat op borgskappe staatmaak vir sport. Hierdie jaar, met al die ruim skenkings van borge, kon Pro-EdAkademie in verskeie sport soorte uitblink, en dit is ongetwyfeld te danke aan hulborge.
DieSkoolhoofvanPro-Ed Akademie, Mnr. Christiaan Grobler het by die geelentheid gesê dat ons ouers ons kleintyd al geleer het wat die twee towerwoordeis,naamlikassebliefendankie.
“Asseblief beteken dat ek verleë is oor iets en moet
iemandandersvraviriets wat ek nie het nie of iets waarmee hy my kan help, endankieisdiereaksieop watekbydaardiepersoon kry.” Grobler het gesê, “Dankie is 'n klein woordjie maar met 'n wêreld se betekenis en waardering, en ons dankies is solank uitstaande dat dit al in die rooi is en vanaand probeer ons om bietjie van ons skuld af te werkdeurdankietesêaan onsborgevir2022.”
Mnr Grobler het uitgebrei wat beteken borge vir vir die skool; “Dit skep geleenthede vir ons kinders wat andersins nie moontlik sou wees nie soos toere, afrigtingsessies by professionele mense ens; Die standaard van ons sportfasiliteitewordopgeligen daarmee saam ook die standaardvanonsspelers; Ons kry 'n professionele “look” Kinders vertoon netjiesenprofessioneelin
hul uitrustings. Dit skep trots by ons spelers; Dit veroorsaak dat leerlinge graag na ons skool wil kom en dit maak op sy beurt dat met meer finansies ons weereens meer geleenthede en fasiliteite vir ons kinders kanskep. Nogmaalsdankieengroot waardering vir elkeen se bydra. Dit kom uit my hart,” het die skoolhoof gesê.
The rhythmic gymnast has been curious about thesportfromtheageof eight and has fallen in love with it since. She wasrecentlycrownedas the Namibian Junior Rhythmic Gymnast champion at the National Championships held at the Jan WilkenIndoorComplex at Walvis Bay, where she scooped five medals, four gold and one silver.
Her hope is to get a medal for her country and the Walvis Bay GymnasticsClub. Kabooy encouraged otheraspiringgymnasts to follow their dreams, look for academies or
clubs and start your journey there.
Joy Kabooy with Peya Kashaka, Kenandjo
Mupeia and Emilia Ekandjowereselectedto represent Namibia in the HappyCup.