11 oct namib times e-edition

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Narraville Residents Demand Action Amid Ongoing Sewerage Crisis

Residents of Firefish and Bogonia Streets in Narraville are expressing growing frustration over repeated sewerageoverflowincidentsthathave floodedbothstreetsandsomehomes. Theoverflowhasraisedconcernsabouthygiene, propertyvalues,andhealthrisks,particularlyfor children.

Namib Times visited the affected area, where residents described the current situation as unacceptable and unresolved despite the presence of a municipal pump truck. One resident, who spoke to NamibTimes, noted that the truck was not deployed effectively during its most recent visit.“Thetruckpumpedwherethereisnooverflow on the highest end drain; they should have pumpedinthelow-lyingareaofthestreetwhere the water overflows. It is common sense that

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Swakopmund's DRC Police Station Completion Expected Soon

ConstructionoftheDRCPoliceStationinSwakopmundis progressing rapidly, with contractors aiming for completion by January next year. The project, funded by CNNC Rössing Uranium, represents an investment of approximatelyN$20million.

The official groundbreaking ceremony took place in July this year

During a recent site visit (Tuesday, this week) Lt. Gen. Joseph Shikongo, Inspector-General of the

PoliceForce,expressedhis satisfactionwiththeprogressmade.

Thenew,well-equippedpolicestation is expected to enhance emergency

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Police and Municipality Unite to Enforce Order at Walvis Bay Dump Site

On Wednesday morning this week, the Walvis Bay Municipality, accompanied by the Erongo police, addressed the growingissueofunlawfulactivitiesatthetown'sdumpsite.

The gathering, held at the site, served as final firm warning to the inhabitants who have taken up residence there, engaging in illegal sales andactivitiesoutside the intended purpose ofrecycling.

The municipality emphasised that the dump site is strictly for recycling operations, as permitted

underNamibianlawin the first address to the dumpsite inhabitants at a recent previous meeting with the inhabitants.

However, the inhabitants have not taken the meeting seriously and are still going on intheirways.Theyare involved in various illegal actions, including selling goods, alcohol, and engaging

in drug-related activities and living illegally on the dumpsite. Such activities, along with the practice of burningtyresandrubbish,haveraisedenvironmental and safety concerns.OnWednesday morning, the Erongo police addressed the inhabitants in an educational manner, urging them to

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Erongo Council Unveils 2024/ 2025 Fiscal Year

Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari

Narraville Residents

water flows to the lowest point,” the resident said.Othersintheneighbourhoodsharesimilar frustrations, some even considering selling their homes due to the persistent issue. Anita Kaihiva,fromthePublicRelationsDivisionof the Municipality of Walvis Bay, responded to inquiries about the ongoing problem. She providedinsightintothemeasuresbeingtaken by the municipality to address the matter According to Kaihiva, there are no recent statistics or reports of repeated sewage overflows in the Firefish and Bogonia Street area However, she did acknowledge a complaint received recently regarding a blocked main sewer line at the intersection of Pelican and Schmidt Streets. Unfortunately, a breakdownatthecemeterysewerpumpstation inKuisebmondcauseddelaysinaddressingthe issue.Kaihivaemphasisedthatthemaintenance teamisawareofthesituationandisworkingto rectify it. The pump truck services, although present, have not fully resolved the overflow duetosomelogisticalchallenges.Whenasked about underlying causes, Kaihiva pointed to publicmisuseasasignificantcontributortothe overflows.“Themostcommoncausesofsewer blockages that result in overflows are abuses and discharges of foreign objects into the system by the public,” she explained. The municipality recently upgraded the gravity sewer main pipeline on Pelican Street, which connects to the sewer lines on Firefish and BogoniaStreets. Despitetheseimprovements,

improperwastedisposalbyresidentscontinuesto put pressure on the system. In response to concerns about the hygiene and sanitation of the flooded areas, Kaihiva assured that the municipality'smaintenanceteampromptlycleans up any spilled sewage following an overflow “Residents can call our standby number at any point during the day for assistance,” she added. Kaihiva noted that the sewer network in Narravilleismonitoreddailybyadedicatedteam stationed at the local pump station The municipality is also continuing its projects to upgrade the sewerage pipeline in the area, which are expected to further reduce the risk of future overflows. The recently commissioned sewage pumpstationinNarravilleisreportedlyoperating satisfactorily,providingsomehopeforlong-term improvement. However, Kaihiva reiterated that public cooperation is essential. “We urge the public to take care of the system and prevent misuse, as this remains the primary cause of problemsinthisregard.”ResidentsofNarraville, especially those with young children, remain deeplyconcernedaboutthepotentialhealthrisks posedbytheongoingoverflowissues.Theyhave called on the municipality to provide further updatesonhowthesituationisbeinghandledand what residents can expect moving forward. The Namib Times will continue to monitor this situationandprovideupdatesasmoreinformation becomes available from the Municipality of WalvisBay

Erongo Regional Council UnveilsHistoric 2024/2025

Fiscal Year

TheErongoRegionalCouncilhaslaunchedits 2024/2025FiscalYearBudget,markingasignificant milestone in the council's history. The total budget for the upcoming fiscal year is N$156 712 479, authorised by the Ministry of UrbanandRuralDevelopment.

Daphne Cloete, the Deputy Director of Finance at the Erongo Regional Council, outlined the budget's components:theOperationalBudgetissetatN$81620014, while the Development Budget totals N$4 910 035. Additional allocations include N$43 383 306 for Assessment Rates Funds, N$24 375 510 for Wlotzkasbakenfunds,andN$2423614fortheRuralDevelopment Budget. During the budget launch, Chairperson, Benitha Imbamba emphasised the importance of this unveiling in demonstrating the council's commitment to good governance and transparency She noted that it is essential for all stakeholders to under-


stand how resources are allocated, fostering trust and confidence in the council's financial management.The budgetalignsthecouncil'sfinancialplanswithitsstrategic objectives and the government's development agenda, enabling stakeholders to monitor progress, identify variances, and address potential issues. This transparency empowers stakeholders to hold managementaccountablefortheuseoffunds,ensuringprudentfinancialpractices.Thebudgetalsoenablesstakeholderstoofferfeedbackandsecuretheirbuy-in,which is essential for garnering support for future initiatives andfinancialplanswithintheregionalcouncil.During the budget launch, the council presented stakeholders with its achievements, challenges, and plans for improvement through the 2024/25 annual budget. Imbamba stated, "As regional councillors, we pledge our full support and commitment to the senior administration to ensure effective and efficient delivery of all desiredoutcomesbytheendofthefinancialyear.”

Police and Municipality

Continued from page 1

comply with the law

“Youknowthelawsof this country The purpose of this site is to recycle, not to live here, sell goods, or engage in illegal activities. We are serious about this, and from now on, action will be taken,”saidthepolice. The municipality stressed its obligation to operate the site within legal boundaries. “We must control what happens here,”saidManagerof the Municipality, Mr John Esterhuizen. “If we allow these unlawful activities, we as a

municipalityarefail-ing to comply with the law

The dumpsite must be managedinlinewiththe regulationssetoutinthe Namibian Gazette, which state that control of such sites is mandatory.” In line with the Waste Management Regulations, the law requiresthatanydumpsite be operated with strict oversight, ensuring it is used solely for its intended purpose—waste processing and recycling. The municipality, therefore, has a duty to uphold these laws and prevent any unauthorised use of the site.

Swakopmund's DRC

response,crimeprevention,andlaw enforcement efforts, contributing to a greater sense of security that will foster economic growth and social unity “Irememberwellourvisiton2 July for the groundbreaking ceremony Thecontractordeservescommendationfortheirwork.Theyhave assured me that the station will be ready for handover by the end of January or early February,” Shikongosaid.


While the meeting primarily focused on educating the inhabitants, the message was clear: illegal activitieswillnolongerbe tolerated.Themunicipalityisintheprocess ofsecuringaneviction order, which will allow the police to remove those residing unlawfully at the site.

The Erongo police reiterated that today's meeting was the final warning before decisive action is taken to restoreorderandlegal compliance at the WalvisBaydumpsite.

response, crime prevention, and law enforcementefforts,contributingtoa greatersenseofsecuritythatwillfostereconomicgrowthandsocialunity “I remember well our visit on 2 July for the groundbreaking ceremony The contractor deserves commendation for their work. They have assured me that the station will be readyforhandoverbytheendofJanuaryorearlyFebruary,”Shikongosaid. Themaincontractorfortheprojectis HeferProjectcc.

Public Libraries Struggle with Internet, Computers

Complaints that the two public libraries in Swakopmund are experiencinginternetconnectionwoesforawhilenowhavesurfaced.

These government libraries offer a vital service of free internet usage for residents who donothaveaccesstotheinternetinthecomfortoftheirownhomes.Italsocatersfor(unprivileged)studentstofinishschooltasksand serve as a medium for research. The only other alternative these residents and students has is to make use of private internet cafés, which not everyone can afford. Other complaints included that no computers are availableatthelibraryintownforalongwhilenow and the toilets at the facility are in filthy condition. Namib Times visited both these libraries and observed that the allegations were authentic. According to the Erongo Director of Education, Ms Ernfriede Stephanus, the Mondesa Community Library is operating in partnership with the Swakopmund Municipality in terms of provision of facilitiessuchascomputers.AsperMsStephanus,theinternetatthelibrarywasworking perfectlyuntilTuesday,8October2024when theinternetstartedtripping.ShehoweverexplainedthattheITtechnicianfromtheMunicipalityvisitedthelibraryonthesamedayto investigate the issue, and indicated that the computersmighthaveavirus,althoughallthe computershaveantivirussoftwareprotection.

This issue is being investigated by the MunicipalityofSwakopmund.Inregardofthe SwakopmundCommunityLibraryintown,Ms StephanusnotedthattheMinistryofEducation is renting this building from the Swakopmund Municipality In explanation of the unavailability of computers there, she said the computers are tripping the electricity when switched on and apparently make noise. Currently, onlythreecomputersareinworkingcondition, butMsStephanusrevealedthattheMinistrydid order new computers to replace the malfunctioning ones.The order is in progress. Ms Stephanusassuredthattheissuehasbeenreported to the municipality and the maintenance officialsvisitedthelibrarytoattendtothisissue andiscurrentlyreceivingattention. Concerning the unhygienic state of the men's restroom at the public library in town she explained that they have experienced some blockedpipes,andtheissuewasreportedtothe municipality “These issues are receiving our highest attention to ensure that all of our customers are satisfied with our services,” Ms Stephanus added. The Education Director encourages users with laptops and smart phones tomakeuseoffreeWiFiwithoutrestrictionsat thelibraries.

Sharlien Tjambari
Marshallino Beukes

Gendev Provides Relief to Otweya Fire Victims

On Wednesday afternoon this week, Gendev Group extendedahelpinghandtothenearly200residentsaffected by the devastating Otweya fire that ravaged the settlement inWalvisBayovertheweekend.

Thefire,whichbroke out on Friday evening, left families without shelter and belongings as their homes were reduced to ashes. In response to the disaster, Gendev Group donated food items and blankets to the displaced families. Ruby Rees, Acting Managing Director of Gendev

Group expressed the company's intention behind the donation:

“We are responding to the calling of the Vice PresidentoftheSwapo party to supply foods and blankets while the government is looking for other alternative support that they can assist with.”The donations were carefully distributed according

toalistoftheaffected individuals, ensuring thatthoseindireneed, including 10 pregnant women and 24 mothers with babies, received vital supplies. The relief package, valued at N$20 000, included200blankets, bags of maize meal, fish,andsugar During the handover, Laina Shapange, Regional

Absent fathers create unbalanced society

The Rhenish Church Swakopmund Congregation kicked offwithadrug-andalcoholabuseawarenesscampaignand during an open-air church service, absent fathers and the lack of parental guidance were pinpointed as some of the maincontributingfactorstothissocialevil.

Speaking at the occasion, the Erongo Governor, Neville Andre Itope noted thatdrug-andalcoholabuseisacommunityissue,andthattheGovernment is unable to fight it alone, thus encouraging community members to joinhandsandworktogetherintrying tokerbthisevil.

The Governor continued by stating thatmostoftoday'smenarelocatedin bars, drug houses, shebeens, on the streetsandinprisons.“Why?”heasked,notingthatthefactthatwomenare raising children, especially boys, on their own is creating an unbalanced society TheErongoGovernorfurther expressed his concern regarding the fact that drugs are not, like in the old days,onlyavailableonthestreets,but arefreelyavailableatschoolsaswell, where children as young as seven to eight years are users and dealers at primary schools. Absent parents, not giving their children the necessary attention, and not providing parental guidanceweresomeofthefactorsthe

Governormentionedasprimecausesfor this un-acceptable scenario In conclusion he encouraged people suffering from drug- and/or alcohol related issues to “not suffer alone in silence,” but to seek help, as there are institutions and even individuals willing toassist.

The Erongo Police Regional Commander, Commissioner Nikolaus Kupembona, informed service-goers that drugstothevalueofN$2.5millionwere confiscated over the past six months in theErongoRegion.

Accordingtohim,theMondesaandDRC suburbs are the main crime hot-spots in Swakopmund, adding that alcohol- and drugabusearethemaincausesofcrimes such as robberies, theft, housebreaking, assault,gender/domesticbasedviolence andevenmurder TheCommissioneralso emphasised the fact that men should come aboard and fulfil their responsibilities as husbands and fathers

AccordingtoCommissionerKupembona most perpetrators are males between the

Information and Mobilisation Officer, Swapo party, expressed gratitude for the support from Gendev Group. “Today, we are gathering not only to extend our hand in solidarity but in a commitment to the Swapo party to the

people of this nation. Gendevheardourplea when we knocked at theirdoorandtheyare here now giving everythingoutoftheir pocket blankets, sugar, fish, and maize meal. We are calling all those who are around the nation of

Namibia, not only in Walvis Bay but countrywide to come and help us. For them to hear our plea, just as Gendev has done,” Shapange said. This act of generosity comes as relief efforts continue, with the government and private

sector working together to provide longterm solutions for those affected by the fire.TheOtweyacommunity remains in urgentneedofassistance astheyworktorebuild their lives after the tragedy

ages of 14-35 He urged communities to start neighbourhoodwatchgroupsandforneighbourstoget acquainted with each other, communicate with one anotherandlookoutforeachother'sproperties.“Don't get tired fighting the good fight,” the Commissioner concluded.

Founding member of Coastal Drug's Awareness Campaign (CODAC), Mr Fabian Langenhoven noted thatevendrugdealersneedhelpandstatedthatthrough CODAC at least ten former drug dealers were rehabi-

litated and converted to productive citizens in their communities.Headdedthatallstartsathome,andone cannotsolelyputtheblameonthegovernment,police or teachers. “Parents should lead by example,” Langenhoven stressed. He also put emphasis on the fact thatabsentfathersplayavitalroleinboy-childrenturningintodrugaddicts,drugdealersorcriminals. Accordingtohim,asurveyconductedatNamibianprisons concluded that about 90% of inmates stem from brokenhomeswithabsentfathers.

Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes

Round Table Walvis Bay 36 Facilitates Donation of Chips and Provides Support for Otweya

Fire Victims

TheRoundTableWalvisBay36hasonceagainsteppedupto support the community, facilitating the donation of unsold chips from the recent Walvisfees event to various local entitiesinneed.

The chips, generously provided by NG Kerke Moedergemeente, Meersig Gemeente, and Bachmus, were distributed to organisations serving vulnerable groups in WalvisBay

“We received bakkie loads of chips as a donation,andwe'rethrilled to be able to pass them along to groups that make food for the community,” said Leigh Westerdale from Round Table Walvis Bay 36

“Among those who received the chips wereWalvisBayKids Haven Children's Home, Jonah Home for Children, Ryan Gordon for Farm 37, His House Care Centre, Walvis Bay Child and Family Centre -

Grootbek op Vrydag

Land brand en Nero speel viool...

Laas naweek se tragiese plakkershutbrande inWalvisbaai en Keetmanshoop, watafsonderliktweemense lewens geëis het, het weereens die nasie se jarelange smeekroepvirbekostigbare en ordentlike behuising vir almal op die voorgrond geplaas.

Ek vermy sover ek kan die politieke arena, maar wanneer menselewens opdiespelis,kandaarnierondomdie bosgetrippelwordnie.Elkevyfjaar basuin landsleiers die belofte van 'n ghetto-vrye Namibië uit, maar bykansgeenveranderingvindplaasnie. Landsburgers wie aan die agterste speen drink, moet maar voortploeter in hul “onwettige” plakkershutte, wanthuiskoopisnetvir'nbaieklein persentasiebeskoreensalvirdieres net 'n droom bly Terwyl ons lekker snoesiginonsgroothuisemetallegeriewe in rykmanswoonbuurte verkeer, slaap huisgesinne van tot 10 personein'nenkelkamer-ghetto.Het dit met my eie oë gesien. Met pa en mawieinbaiegevallealreeds5:00in dieoggenduitdieveremoetweesom werk toe te stap (want die pot op die buitevuur moet kook), is dit in baie gevalle net die kinders (soms baie jonk) tuis. Hierdie kan 'n baie gevaarlikescenariowees,wantkinders en'noopvuurisdefnitiefnie'ngoeie kombinasie nie. Ook agtelosigheid

van volwassenes, kankerstokkie-gebruikers en doelbewuste brandstigting is faktore wat tot brande (en lewensverliese)aanleidingkangee. Oorsake en moontlike oorsake van brande is allemanskennis.Wat moet op gefokus word is die voorkoming daarvan,eneenhiervanisomordentlikeen bekostigbare behuising te verskaf. En moetnievanwerksgeleenthedevergeet nie. In hierdie geval rus die verantwoordelikheid ten volle op die landsregeringseskouers,mynsinsiens.Daar moeterkenworddatdieregeringwelal baieprobeerhet,maargulsige,korrupte instansiesenindividuehetditopgeslurp nog voordat die massas eens kon baatvind. Ek praat nou van projekte soos, Mass Housing byvoorbeeld. Julle onthoumosnogvirMassHousing..?Ditis knapvoorverkiesingstyd,ennetdalkis hierdie brande 'n bedekte seën. Kort voorverkiesingstydismosdietydwanneeralmalwilwysdathulle“dienaars” van die gemeenskappe is. So, kom ons hou dus duim vas dat hulle (politieke partye)onssalwyshulleneemaksiein die verband nog voor die verkiesing asseblief,wantdaarnaisditweertydvir hulvyf-jaarhibernasie...

Sunshine, and Huis Palms Namibia Pie Company was also kind enough to store the remaining chips whileweidentifymore groups in need. “In addition to the food donations, the Round Table Walvis Bay 36 has been actively involved in relief efforts for the victims of the devastating Otweya fire, which occurred last weekend. The fire left a significant number of people homeless, and the Round Table responded by securing donations to purchase 150 mattresses for those affected “We want to give a huge shout out to Logistics SupportServices,Ekikimbo Fishing, Rainbow Fishing, and Ivo De Gouveia for their contributions toward buying these mattresses,” Westerdale said.“Wearehumbled by the community's generosity in this time of need.” As part of their ongoing relief

efforts, Round Table has received donationsofclothing,toys, and foodstuffs, some of which are still in transit Funds have been used to purchase mattresses and supply food for feeding schemes. The organisation plans to continue supporting fire anddisastervictimsas needed, with an official handover of the mattresses soon. “We have been working closely with the fire department to ensure that the mattresses go to the right people. They have done an amazing job identifyingthevictims,but this process takes time,” Westerdale explained TASK –Twaloloka Aid Support&Kindness–has also been instrumental in feeding the firevictimsdaily “We want to thank TASK for stepping in during this crisis, feeding the victims every day,” saidWesterdale.

Round Table Walvis Bay 36 emphasised the importance of working with local firestationsintimesof disaster “There are protocolsinplacethat help get donations to the right people efficiently,” Westerdale added The Round Table expects to finalise their assistance

efforts by the end of the week but will remainavailabletohelp at the request of the fire station and the mayor's office. “We just want to thank everyone who has donated items, cash, and time to assist the people of Otweya,” saidWesterdale.

Aktivis Pleit Onskuldig op Verkragting Klag

Die bekende Walvisbaai-gemeenskapsaktivis, IrvinSummers,wiegedurende2022opaanklag vanverkragtingvan'nminderjarigemeisie(toe 14 jaar oud) in hegtenis geneem was, het vandeesweek in die Swakopmund Streekshof onskuldigopdieklaggepleit.

Summersstaanteregopdie klag nadat hy na bewering iewers tussen Mei en Augustus 2021 die tienermeisienasyhuisinNarravillegenooihetomskottelgoedtewasenhaartoeglo verkrag het. Die saak is eers 'n jaar na die voorval aangemeld. Die slagoffer en haar gesin het ten tye van die beweerde verkragting 'n woonstel op die erf van die beskuldigde gehuur Tydens Maandag se hofverrigtinge is die slagofferdeurdiehofgevraom

haar weergawe van die dag segebeureindetailteweergee.Syhetegterna'nrukkie emosioneel geword en het ook nie die beskuldigde se teenwoordigheid in die hof goedgekeur nie en die saak is tot 18 Desember uitgestel. Die verhoor gaan dan voortduur,metdieslagoffer seouerswiedanooknadie getuiebank geroep gaan word. Hiedie saak het destyds groot oproer onder Walvisbaai inwoners ontketen en optogte was gehou ten eindeteprobeerverhoeddat borg aan Summers toegestaan word. Nadat hy vir bykans een maand in aanhouding was, is borg van N$15 000 egter toegestaan, onder streng voorwaardes. Dievoorwaardessluitindat die beskuldigde en sy onmiddellikefamilieniedirek of indirek die slagoffer en haar onmiddellike familie magkontaknieenSummers moesooksyreisdokumente inhandig Ander voorwaardes sluit in dat hy elke Woensdag tussen 7:00 en 19:00 by die Narravillepolisiestasie moet aanmeld en hy mag ook nie die Erongo-streek verlaat sonder om die ondersoekbeampte in kennis te stel nie. Ten afloop van Maandag se hofverrigtinge is die beskuldigdesepaspoortaan homterugbesorg. Magistraat Hellen Panduleni Olaiya was op die bank,metBorisIsaacksvan Isaacks and Associates Incorporated wie die beskuldigde verdedig. Staatsaanklaer Sara Kandume moet die Staat se kant behartig.

Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes

Walvis Bay Mayor Welcomes New CEO and Celebrates Development Milestones at Ordinary Council Meeting

AttheOrdinaryCouncilMeetingonTuesday,theMayorof Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes warmly welcomed the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Victoria Nelago Kapenda, who officially joined the municipality on 2 Septemberthisyear.

“Mrs Kapenda, we are thrilled to haveyoujoinusatthiscrucialtimein our journey Your extensive experience and dedication to public servicearequalitieswe'reexcitedtosee inactionasyouleadusforward,”the mayorsaidduringthemeeting. Mayor Forbes expressed confidence thatMrsKapenda'sleadershipwould bringstabilityafterachallengingfew years. “With your leadership, I believe we are finally steering our ship toward calmer seas, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact you will have on our municipality.”

In her short time in office, Mrs Kapendahasalreadybegunlobbyingfor fundstoserviceFarm37,anareathe mayordescribedasa“pressingemergency” requiring immediate attention. Her proactive engagement with the line minister demonstrates her commitment to addressing the community's needs. Infrastructure developmentwasalsohighontheagenda. The mayor highlighted two significant recent events that highlights Walvis Bay's growing regional importance. First, the successful completion of Walvis Bay Maritime Week,heldinpartnershipwithNamport, which boosted local business and created networking oppor-

tunities.ThesecondwastheSAIMSA Games 2024, where the City of Windhoek emerged victorious in the sports competition hosted by Walvis Bay Additionally, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Erongo LiquidPetroleumGasTerminalon27 September marked a significant step toward securing reliable energy resources for the region. The mayor emphasisedtheterminal'spotentialto stimulate local economies and create jobs during and after construction.

“The economic implications are profound.” Further developments include the upcoming roadworks set to begin this week, spearheaded by the Roads Authority and the Road Fund Administration.“Thisdevelopmentis a testament to our ongoing commitmenttobetterourroadsandtransport systemsandtoimprovingthequality of life for our residents,” the mayor said.Lastly,MayorForbesinvitedthe communitytoattendtheCAFAfrican Schools Football Championship at JanWilkenStadiumfromtoday,11to 13 October The mayor calls on the public to support the youth in this exciting tournament. Mayor Forbes concludedbyencouragingthecouncil and residents to collaborate and supportMrsKapendainhernewrole.

Nampol Launches Five-Day Succession and Career Development Training

The official opening of the five-day

Succession and Career Development Training Course for senior officersoftheNamibian Police Force

commenced on

Monday This initiativeisdesignedto prepare these officers for higher responsibilities while establishing a system for smooth leadership transitions.

Twenty-oneseniorofficers from Nampol attended the training, including two Deputy Inspector-Generals for Administration and Operations, nine Heads of Directorates, five RegionalCommanders, andfiveHeadsofDivisions. Lt. Gen. Joseph Shikongo, InspectorGeneral of the Namibian Police Force, stated that this course is notmerelyanacademic

exercise;itisapractical and strategic initiative aimedatpositioningthe Namibian Police Force as a proactive, professional, and peoplecentered institution for thefuture.

“Participants are expected to gain a comprehensive understanding of succession planning, identify key positions, developtalent,andalign career development with our organisational

goals,” Shikongo said. The training will cover essential topics, including the significance of succession planning within the police force, equipping managers with the tools and techniques necessary to implement effective career development strategies,ensuringcontinuityofleadershipand specialised skills, and the integration and practical application of

succession plans. In his address to the officers, Shikongo remarked, “Your role inshapingthefutureof this organisation is indispensable Your actions,decisions,and leadership will determine whether we succeed in creating a robust succession framework that prepares future generations for leadership roles.”

Eileen van der Schyff

Selma Kayawala Best Female Speaker at Walvis Bay Maritime Week 2024 Debating Competition

One hundred and forty proficient Grades 9-11 students, hailing from multiple schools from all fourteen regions in Namibia competed at the third annual Walvis Bay Maritime Week 2024 Debating Competition hosted successfully by the Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) and organisedbytheNamibianSchoolsDebatingAssociation(NSDA)withthebackingoftheMinistry ofEducation,Arts,andCultureinNamibia.

Following an hour of spirited deliberation, the excitingclimaxfeaturedaspiriteddebatebetween theOshonaandOshikotoregions,bothvyingfor thecovetedgrandprize.Thefinaldebatecentred around the motion 'Meeting Global Standards ThroughFocusingontheTrainingandEducation ofNamibia'sMaritimeWorkforce.'

AttheendOshonaregionemergedasthevictors ofthe2024WalvisBayMaritimeWeekNational Schools Debate Championship, securing a substantial prize of N$500 000 for their region courtesyofNamport,alongwithacashrewardof N$5000perteammember,generouslysponsored by Engen whilst the Oshikoto Region secured secondplaceandasubstantialprizeofN$250000 generously sponsored by Terminal Investment Namibia while the Erongo Region took third position.

Selma Kayawala from the Erongo and Junias IipingefromtheKhomasregionwererecognisedas theBestFemaleandMaleSpeakersrespectivelyfor their exceptional debating skills during the course ofthecompetitionwhilstWakumoMwengerefrom the Kavango East region is the winner of the NamportEssaycompetition.

Overthecourseoffivedays,thiseventgathered140 proficient debaters from al fourteen regions in Namibia, p


Namport and the NSDA in no particular order extends its gratitude to Engen, Bank Windhoek, Total Energies, Terminal Investment Namibia, NamibianFishConsumptionTrust,Shell,Ministry ofEducation,Arts,andCultureforplayingapivotal roleinensuringtheresoundingsuccessoftheevent.

Walvis Bay Maritime Week A United Front For Namibia's Blue Economy

The Walvis Bay Maritime Week officially kicked off on 1 OctoberatthePortofWalvisBay,drawingafullcrowdand marking a significant moment for the region. For the first time,theMunicipalityofWalvisBayandtheNamibiaPorts Authority (Namport) have joined forces to organise the WalvisBayMaritimeWeek.Previously,thetwoinstitutions hadheldseparatemaritimeevents.

The Governor of the Erongo Region, Hon.NevilleAndresaidhefelt"pride in knowing that the Municipality of Walvis Bay and Namport collaborated in the arrangement and facilitation of the commemoration of thefestivitiesintheMaritimeWeek.”

Inhisopeningaddress,hehighlighted the importance of the maritime industry, stating that “the commemoration of Maritime Week celebratesthecriticalroletheindustry plays in both national and global economies " He emphasised the Erongo Region's pivotal position in advancing Namibia's blue economy, noting that “our port along the AtlanticCoastpositionsNamibiaasa key player on the global shipping route.” Walvis Bay's Mayor, Trevino Forbes, introduced the Walvis Bay Maritime Week under the theme "30 Years of Safely Navigating the Sea."

The mayor stressed that the event seeksto"strengthencollaborationby creatingsynergyamongstakeholders fromthemaritime,governmental,and private sectors." Forbes referred to WalvisBayastheeconomicheartbeat of the region, noting that "these partnershipsarevitalnotonlyforthe development of Walvis Bay but for

the entire region " Both the Municipality of Walvis Bay and Namport are celebrating three decadesofgrowth.Namport,oncea smallfishinghub,hasevolvedinto what Chairperson of Namport's Board of Directors, Nagula Hamunyela, called "a formidable regional and international player." In his keynote address, the Right HonourableDeputyPrimeMinister and Minister of Works and Transport, Hon. John Mutorwa, emphasised the blue economy's importance to Namibia He described the nation's ports as “bridges that connect Namibia to global trade routes, regional markets, and the world economy.” Mutorwa underscored the need for continued investment in maritime infrastructure, stating, "By strengthening our maritime systems, we sustain thousands of livelihoods and ensure Namibia's economic resilience." Following the official opening, attendees moved to the Municipal Grounds, Civic Centre, where various activities for Walvis Bay Maritime Weekwillcontinuethroughout.

1. This bid is open to

4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in the specific bid, make a payment of the (non-refundable) bid levy of N$1,000.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.

5. A Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 15 October 2024 AT 10H00 AM Bidders should take note that the meeting will be held virtually and the meeting link is available on the Namport website.

6.. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted. All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:

Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217

E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

ThebestfemaledebaterSelmaKayawalaflankedbythegovernoroftheErongoregionNeville Andreonherleft,WalvisBayDeputyMayoronherrightandAnitaBeukesPropertyFinance ConsultantfromBankWindhoekfarright
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

Foundational Meeting of the Namibian Coastal Ostomate Support Group

TocelebratetheannualWorldOstomyDayon5October,thisyear under the motto “Ostomies are Life Savers”, a group of “Ostomates” (people living with a stoma), their close relatives or carers, and local medical practitioners met for the inaugural meeting of the Namibian Coastal Ostomy Support Group at the BayViewConferenceCentreinDolphinBeach,WalvisBay.

Thesupportgroupwas initiated by Nursing Sister Olga Kalomo, who is a trained stoma therapist and has been advisingstomapatients forthelastfiveyearsin

the coastal towns, with thesupportoflocalsurgeons Dr David Borowski and Dr Phillip Plarre, and Dietician SpecialistKarenTemplin. The aim of the

group is to provide practical and emotional support for patientswhohadastoma formed as part of their medical treatment or are undergoing such


People with an ileostomy, colostomy or continent diversion of urine often face difficulties in adapting to their new life with a stoma, have additional financial burden not always carried by the Medical Aid Funds or the State Healthcare providers, and face challenges in obtaining the correct appliances for their individual needs The support group hopes to be strong voice advocating the rights of Ostomates in the region.

Walvis Bay-based medical supply company WestMed, who sponsored the meeting, isalsoonboardtohelp securing supply lines for appliances and accessories for Ostomates.

A patient with a stoma hasapartoftheirdigestive or urinary system removed and requires towearaostomypouch on the abdominal wall for the collection of stoolorurine,oftenfor life In many cases, serious disease such as cancer or severe trauma, inflammation or infections require such surgery Some patients require a stoma to enable feeding, this often is placed into the stomach or the small bowel Unfortunately, within the established network of healthcare providers, patients often do not receive the expert care they need and may suffer from complications if their stoma is not well managed On the other hand,qualityoflifefor Ostomatescanbegood iftherightsupportfrom specialist services and supportfromotherpeople with stoma is at hand.

The new Coastal OstomySupportGroupwas launched to improve life with a stoma, offering education, peer and professional support,andfriendship.

Ifanyoneisaffected,or wantstogetmoreinformation or help, can reachouttoSisterOlga by contacting her through the Erongo Surgical Office at the Walvis Bay MediPark or call the office under 064- 270200.

Op Pad Met My Potjie


Op Pad Met My Potjie is a new lifestyle series that forms part of MultiChoiceNamibia'slocalcontentproject,Omburaandhasofficially airedonkykNETonDStvandGOtvplatformssince30September2024.

In Namibia there are different cultures, different foods with different flavours, but one thing everyonesharesistheloveforagoodoldpotjie.

In kykNET's new travel programme, Op pad met mypotjie,withJoalettedeVillierstakesviewerson atourofNamibiawhereshediscoversnewsecrets of the country's cuisine every week - with a good oldpotjieinherhand.

Managing Director of MultiChoice Namibia, RogerGertzesaidatanexclusivescreeningofOp Pad Met My Potjie on Wednesday 9 October in SwakopmundthatMultiChoicehaslongembraced the power of telling authenticallyAfrican stories,



Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested andAffected Parties (I&APs) that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) on behalf of Reload Logistics Namibia (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent) for the following Project:

PROJECT NAME: Proposed Bulk Storage and Warehousing Facility on Plots 1 & 2, Portions of Erf 1920 South Port, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

PROJECT LOCATION: Plots 1 & 2, Portions of Erf 1920 South Port, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

PUBLIC MEETING: A public consultation meeting will be held in Walvis Bay on Friday, 25 October 2024 at the Walvis Bay Town Library Hall at 10:00 – 11:00

and they are incredibly committed to not just support Namibia storytelling in principle, but practically, by growing the Namibian film and TV production sector, as well as its content industry

According to Gertze, this happens through projects like OMBURA,whichcommissions local productions in various formats, creating content that resonates with all Namibians, and takes NamibiatotheWorld.

“We are delighted to share that Ombura sees

eightnewhomegrownprojects,asixfeaturefilms, a documentary, and a lifestyle series added to our catalogueandinadditiontothe13Namibianfilms that debuted on DStv, GOtv and Showmax under thebanner“NamibiatotheWorld”lastyear”Gertze said.

Gertze added that Op Pad Met My Potjie, consists of episodes several exciting episodes, each shot withinadifferentareaofNamibia.

The star of Op Pad Met My Potjie Joalette de VilliersaresidentofSwakopmundsaysthisproject was a wonderful opportunity to get to know her fellow Namibians better “I could see how people live;howweallgothroughthesamethings. “Weareallinthesameboatinonewayoranother And it was so beautiful for me to see how our humanity connects us. I learned life lessons with eachandeveryepisode'sgueststhatIwouldn'thave learnedinanyotherway,"shesays.

In the first episode, Joalette makes a trip to Swakopmund where she whips up a delicious chicken potjie with her mother, Elizabeth de Villiers.Afterthat,sheandherfriendBiankavisita farminthedesertwheretheymakeIesbanwithsour croutepot.

Inthesecondepisode,JoaletteareinDuineveldin the Kalahari where she learns how to make bread withlittlewaterandadeliciousbiltongpotwereon


Joalettealsovisits,amongothers,Oshaandja,Twee Rivier,Windhoek, Rietkuil andWalvis Bay Some of the delicious potjies that are made with great conviviality are a waste potjie, seafood stew, goat potjieandalambpotjiewithsaucedumplings. TheseriesshowsalltheplacesJoalettevisitsfrom the perspective of the local residents. In the process,shealsolearnshowtomakeandappreciate differentpopularNamibiandishes.


Donation of 124 erven to residents in Extension 37.

Noticeisherebygivenintermsoftheprovisionofsection(30)(1)(z)(ii)oftheLocalAuthorities Act,Act23of1992asamended,thatCouncildonates124singleresidentialerventothelisted residentsinExt.37,asperitem11.1.24oftheCouncilmeetingheldon3September2024.

REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: In line with Namibia's Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and EIA regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012), all I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing, Kindly contact: Email: colin@environam.com Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 01 November 2024.


Take note that Stewart Planning –Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owners, to the MunicipalCouncilofWalvisBay,theUrbanandRegionalPlanning BoardandtheEnvironmentalCommissionerforpermissionfor thefollowing:

RezoningofErf1122WalvisBay(NangoloMbumbaDrive) from“SingleResidential”(1:300m²)to“GeneralBusiness” withabulkfactorof2.0.

Rezoning of Erf 2047 Walvis Bay Extension 6 (C/o of Twelfth Street and Conradie Street) from “Single Residential”(1:300m²)to“Institutional”.

Consentuseapplicationsforhome-basedbusinesses(Adminor Professional) and permission to proceed with development while the rezoning applications are in progress for both sites. ApplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificateforthe rezoningofErf1122WalvisBay Erf 1127 Walvis Bay will be re-developed into a business/office premises for the renting and hiring of cars (Sea Breeze Car Hire CC) and Erf 2047 Walvis Bay Extension 6 will be re-developed into a double-storey medical complex, respectively

The aforementioned application is submitted in terms of the UrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018)and theWalvisBayZoningScheme.Therezoningoflandfromresidentialtocommercialuseisalistedactivity,andanapplication for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in termsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7 of2007).


(a)therezoningpre-applicationdraft(biddocument)liesopen forinspectionatRoom101oftheRoadsandBuildingControl DepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBaysituatedatCivic Centre, Walvis Bay or can be requested from mario@sp. com.na; (b) Potential interested and affected parties are invited to register with Stewart Planning, and any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof,withtheChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityof WalvisBayandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelast publicationofthisnotice.

(c) Registration and written comments or objections must be submittedbeforeoron17:00Monday,11November2024.

Applicant: StewartPlanning


POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na


LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer

MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc. org.na


Full particulars of the above transaction will lie for inspection at the Municipal Head Office situated at the corner of Rakotoka Street, and Daniel Kamho Avenue Swakopmund, Room BO-09 (Mr C Awaseb), ground floor, between 07:30 – 16:00 weekdays until Friday, 25 October 2024.

Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday, 29 October 2024.

Please take note that NO objections via e-mail will be accepted. Objections must be made by delivering a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number.

Only enquiries at the email address below will be considered: Enquiries: Mr CAwaseb


Tel: 064-410 4231

Notice No: 90/2024

The star of Op Pad Met My Potjie Joalette de Villiers with the Managing Director of MultiChoice Namibia Roger Gertze at the exclusive screening of Op Pad Met My Potjie


position at ISWB VACANCIES

Senior Primary Teacher

We are looking for a qualified Teacher with the following academic qualifications and experience:


* Minimum 3 years teaching experience

* Highly proficient at English


* BADegree

* Professional qualification

Should you meet the above requirements, please send a resume and cover letter, including all copies of relevant qualifications to: admin@iswb.na

Closing date: 31 October 2024

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned.


CONSENT:TumengeCashLoanCCONERF NO: 4715/24 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Bagan Street, Kuisebmond,WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality ofWalvisBayforpermissiontoerect/establish onthesitea/an:CashLoan.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not laterthan1November2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: JustinaFrans,POBox4168,WalvisBay email:justinafrans802@gmail.com

Princess Brand Processing (Pty) Ltd and it's subsidiary companies have the following vacancies on it's approved organizational structure:



Details of the above vacancies is available on the company website , as well as on NIEIS, www.princess-brands.com https://nieis.namibiaatwork.gov.na

Interested Namibian Citizens who meet the minimum appointment requirements are invited to please submit their application comprising of a comprehensive CV and supporting documentation to the HR department at admin@asmanage.com Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Closing date for applications is 18 October 2024.

Teaching position at ISWB

Junior Secondary Teacher Biology & Geography

We are looking for a qualified Teacher with the following academic qualifications and experience:


* Minimum 3 years teaching experience

* Highly proficient at English


* BA Degree

* Professional qualification

Should you meet the above requirements, please send a resume and cover letter, including all copies of relevant qualifications to: admin@iswb.na

Closing date: 31 October 2024

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned


Location: Walvis Bay


Job Title: Laboratory Quality Manager

Company: Dynamic Marine Survey and Solutions cc

Department: Pressure Laboratory

About Us:

Dynamic Marine Survey and Solutions (DMSS) is a leading service provider specializing in marine solutions. We are currently seeking a qualified and experienced Laboratory Quality Manager to join our team. This role is crucial in ensuring compliance with international quality standards and maintaining the highest levels of service delivery

Key Responsibilities:

· Manage and control the laboratory's quality management system (QMS) in accordance with ISO IEC 17025:2017 and SANAS requirements.

· Conduct internal audits, identify quality issues, and implement corrective and preventative actions as necessary

· Oversee training programs and monitor staff competence to ensure adherence to laboratory standards.

· Appoint staff members, manage laboratory activities, and address customer complaints.

· Ensure compliance with the QMS and all internal quality procedures, while driving continuous improvements in the laboratory

Qualifications & Experience:

· Certificate of Competence/MetCert and Metrology Certificate in Pressure and Temperature.

· Technical Signatory certification.

· Minimum of 5 years' experience in a laboratory management environment.

· Driver's License

Desired Skills:

· Strong leadership and communication skills.

· Proven ability to implement and manage quality assurance programs.

· Experience in conducting audits and addressing non-conformance issues.

Why Join Us?

At DMSS, we value dedication, integrity, and professionalism. As part of our team, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing growth and success of our laboratory while working in a supportive and innovative environment.

Application Process:

To apply please send your updated CV and a cover letter to by cv@dmssnamibia.com 16/10/2024. Kindly include “Laboratory



Cornerstone Medical Practice herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, for “medical and health services consulting” on the premisesofErf5542,Swakopmund(AgulhasStreet) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering andPlanningServices.

Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.

th Closing date for objections or comments is: 25 October2024

Contactperson:DrIOfunne,Cell:0814880980 Email:drfresh.o@gmail.com Or

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.

Registration No:2017/0334


ESTATE NO. E 2063/2023

In the estate of the late Victoria Angula, Id no. 880320 0008 9, of Erf No.2050 Matutura, Ext No.10, Swakopmund, who died on 18 July 2023 (Master's Reference E2063/2023), and who was married to Matheus Shivute Pendapala Angula out of community of property

In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST & FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.

H VISSER Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel. (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Reference: HV/LMEST325/0001-70)


CONSENT: Hotel - Atlantic Edge Boutique HotelONERFNO:2151TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: State HouseCresentStreet,WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Hotel - Atlantic Edge Boutique Hotel.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan1November 2024.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: CCoetzee,POBox2031,WalvisBay email:management@atlantic.com.na


PRIVATE SCHOOL SWAKOPMUND is offering the following positions as from January 2025


Interested candidates are invited to follow the link below for full details of the vacancy: http://www.pss.com.na/stellenausschreibung?lang=en

Closing date for applications: 17 October 2024

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. PO Box 4053, Vineta, Tel. 064-463280, E-Mail: vacancies@pss.com.na

Noticeisherebygiven in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality ofWalvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction, 2.5ha.(25,000m²)ofa portion of Remainder of Farm 38, WalvisBay,toDesert Storage CC, situated in the gravel plans to the east of the D1983 and to the south of theWalvisBayInternational Airport and the C14, for the purposes of a dangerous/ hazardous materials storage facility

Description: Portion of Remainder of Farm 38, Walvis Bay Area: ±25,000m ² (±2 5 Hectares).



L e a s e / R e n t a l AmountPerMonth:

N $ 2 6 , 7 5 0 (N$1 07c/m²)excluding VAT; or N $ 3 0 , 7 6 2 5 0includingVAT Full particulars pertainingtotheproposed lease by private transaction will lie open for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday 22 October 2024 at Room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information, Ms Merinda /Keis can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3235 during normal officehours.


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 333 STREET NAME & NO: 8 Ugab Street, Langstrand.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan1November 2024.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: LilanieLiversage email:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 417 STREET NAME & NO: Praia Longa 16, Langstrand.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan1November 2024.



Any person objecting to the proposed lease by private transaction must,inwriting,lodge such objection, together with the grounds/motivation thereof,totheGeneral Manager: Community and Economic Development at the below address, before or on Friday 25 October 2024at17:00. Erikson Mwanyekange GeneralManager: CommunityAnd Economic Development MunicipalOffices, CivicCentre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay Fax:(064)209714 Telephone: (064) 201 3235

E-Mail: mkeis@walvisbaycc .org.na


Namagri Properties presents onAuction: Six Industrial Properties at Shali Industrial Estate Windhoek, Friday, 25 October 2024 @ 10:00 on site.


Situated Next to the NationalA1 Road, Farm 428 Brakwater, Windhoek, opposite Bokomo and next to Elisenhein.

GPS: S22*26'00” E17*04'26”


The Properties are registered in Pty's.




– 11794 Square Meters




– 1158 Square Meters

ERF NO. 19



– 1601 Square Meters

ERF NO. 20



– 1563 Square Meters

ERF NO. 31



– 5027 Square Meters

ERF NO. 33


– 3939 Square Meters

Zoning: Industrial


Open day for viewing is on Saturday 21 September and Saturday, 5 October from 10:00 till 14:00.

Auctioneers Note:

The Property market currently offers many opportunities; this is one of them.


For Enquiries Please Contact: Alex McDonald +264 81 128 6821

Polygraph Solutions:

Need lie detection at the Coast, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay?

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Insurance Broker Swakopmund

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Please call me for the following: Contact me at +264 81 404 2450 jukezumo@gmail.com




(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet

TraditionalDoctor Moyo

Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywhere butnotachievingyour realgoals,hereisyour doctortoprove everythingforyou.He helpswithdifferenttypes ofproblemssuchascourt cases,loveaffairs, marriageproblems,weak erectionswhichisunable tosatisfyyourwoman, vaginatightnessforman tofeelalwaysattractedto youhouseproblems,all typesoftransmitted sickness,highblood pressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluck spirits,jobproblems,stop loverfromcheatingyou [manorwoman]Business improvements,alltypes ofgoodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotected life,nevergiveupyour life,yourdoctorishereto cleanseandliftyouup. Comeat471Mandume YaNdemufayoStreet MondesaSwakopmundor call: DrMoyo0813395913


DOCTORKALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887



DoctorBombaBazuka–thenameisenough ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice. Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret. Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102


WalvisBay Aphrodite Beach-ErfforSale

Designedtoreduce thespeedonthe roadstosecureasafe residential environmentinthis coastalretreat. InterlockedRoads–ConcreteStreetLight Poles–Traffic CirclestoSlow DownTraffic

Enjoythecrushing soundoftheWaves ontheRockyShore Line

TheConditionsof establishmenthas been draftedto secureafirstworld housingAreaBuiltin accordancewith InternationalTown PlanningDesigns withQuality BuildingMaterials andFinishes. Areaof Erf=677m²

- Price N$750000,00 CarelvanHeerden

–callievh@iway.na –064205594





OutDwellingalready Erfsize:806




OutDwelling 2bedroomswithBIC, Lounge,KitchenwithBIC Bathroom&Singlegarage

Formoreinformation. Contact:0814541947


EMPTY ERF AT SWAKOP RIVER in town near river mouth.

350 sq m, limited fresh and sewerage water available N$ 2000 plus deposit. Gaby 081 127 5442


VACANCY: Auto Electrician Requirements:

1. Auto Electrician Trade Certificate

2. At least 5 years relevant experience.

3. Drivers license.

4. Traceable references. Only applicants with relevant qualifications and experience need to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no telephonic enquiries will be attended to. Please email complete CV with accreditations to: nadia@skrypzeck. com

Closing date 31 October 2024

Vacancyforcookerand cleaner


·Experienceinthe hospitalityindustrywould beanadvantage.

·Experienceandtraining incooking.

·Workinghoursare 06:00-15:00weeklyand willingtoworkon weekendsuponrequest.

·Friendlypersonality ·Nonsmoker

·Capableofworking underpressure. PleaseemailCVto: desertdreamswb@outlo ok.com


VACANCY: Marine Electrician Requirements:

1. Marine Electrician Trade Certificate

2. At least 5 years relevant experience.

3. Drivers license.

4. Traceable references. Only applicants with relevant qualifications and experience need to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and no telephonic enquiries will be attended to.

Please email complete CV with accreditations to: nadia@skrypzeck.com

Closing date 31 October 2024




Fullyfurnished,walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi,waterand electricityincluded N$2800.00permonth. Call:0811288924


JOBWANTED: Lookingfordomestic workcleaning,ironingor anytypeofwork. MondaystoSundays.I amtrustworthy,punctual Idon’tdrinkorsmoke. Contact:0816105993

JOBWANTED: Iama36yearold lookingforworkasa crossborderdriver countrywide.Ihavecode CEdrivinglicense. Anyonewillingtoassist meIamwillingtostart anytime.Ihaveallvaried documents Contact:0812026189


A50yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workincludingoldage homes,guesthouse, hotels,areassuchas Langstrand,Swakop, Walvis,Lagoon.Idon’t drinkorsmoke.Icanstart anytime,haveexperience incleaningequipment. Contact:0815615890

JOBWANTED: Iama44yearoldhonest andhardworkingmale lookingforaDrivingjob orOfficeAdminwork aroundSwakopmund.I haveacodeBlicense withexperienceandIcan startassoonaspossible.


WERKGESOEK:: Magdalenaisopsoekna enigewerkin Swakopmund,ekisbaie hardwerkenden betroubaar,kanenigedag begin.

Kontak:0814870738/ 0816092912

WERKGESOEK: Betroubarevrouisopsoek nawerk,huiswerk, laundrywerk,slaghuis werk,hotelkeeping, kindersoppas.Maandag totVrydag,ofDinsdagen Donderdag.Ekkanenige dagbegin kontak:0816038736

JOBWANTED: Meriamisa37yearold ladylookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund fromMondaytoFriday.I have6yearsexperience,I amhardworkingand willingtostartassoonas possible.


JOBWANTED:Iama 29yearoldladylooking forwork,cleaning,hotels, guesthouses,domestic work.Forawholeweek or2-3days.Iamready tostartanytime. Contact:0815909898

JOBWANTED: Iamlookingforanywork inWalvis. Contact:0817485863

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoekna3daeof ‘nweekhuiswerkin Swakopmund,Myle4, Kramersdorf,Langstrand ofenigeplek.Ekkan kindersoppas,ekdrinkof rooknie.

Kontak:0815577685/ 0813905233

In Loving Memory

To our employee, Wynand van Wyk and his family:

On behalf of Walfish Electric Management and Staff, we would like to express our deepest condolences with your loss of


May she dance with the Angels, and may your family be comforted during this difficult time.


TheErongoregionwon5Goldmedals,2silverand4bronzetoendasrunnersup at National Box Championship held recently at Omulunga stadium in Grootfontein.

The event attracted more than 100 aspiring boxersfromall14regionsbattlingitoutfortop honours in the amateur championship, fully funded by the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service, and organised by the NamibiaBoxingFederation(NBF),servedasa platformtoselectteamNamibiaforupcoming national and international competitions Erongo Region boxers, Try Again Develop 57kg,WilliamMauha67kg,JosueAmon75kg, Gerhard Ipinge 86kg and the female Emily Haungeya 60kg were selected to represent Namibia at the African Championship 14-27 October in Congo as well as for other future international championships. Erongo regions

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Du hinterläßt viel zu früh eine große Lücke in unserer Familie


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HeidimitHeiner SilviamitHolgerundAria Desirée

femaleboxerEmilyHaungeyawascrownedas the best female boxers at the National championship. The 54 kg Frans David 54kg was overweight and could not proceed to the semi final. The results of the Erongo regions boxersattheNationalChampionship Gold medal winners: Male; Try Again Develop 57kg, 75kg Josue Amon 75kg, Gerhard Ipinge 86kg and William Mauha 67kg.Female;EmilyHaungeya60kg

Silver: Paulus Ndjulume 60kg and Brown HataniBrown57kg

Bronze:Male;DivasNamugongo63,5kgand Elvis Nghishekwa 80kg, Females; Monica Kambonde48kgandHataniBrown57kg



LastweekendwasnodifferentwhenWalvisBayGolfClubhostedtheirspecial YELLOW BALLthree ball alliance with 42 players aligned themselves to the “sorrypartner”format.

Little does one realise the pressure of the little yellow ball with no less than 36 holes wheretheyellowballcounteddoublepoints andtherewasthedreadedring.Makinggood use of their handicaps, the team of Richard Majangara, Vennon Gapara and Nathaniel Mudzingwacameinwith121pointsandthus winning1stprize.SecondwereOomPikkie Champion, Bossie Bosman and Danie van Antwerpenon118withTienieandWilmade Wet and Hannes Crafford in third place on 117points.FourthprizewenttoWoutervan Wijk,WayneHartandBoelGrobelaaron108 withEmeryandEmilioMabohandWensley Gasebin5thspoton107points. There were only three 2 clubs registered, Lembi Niilenge, Richard Majangara and WayneHart,eachwinning90bucksfortheir efforts.

TheweeklySENIORSlastweekwaswonby Bossie Bosman with a score of 42 points. HelgaEnglingwassecondon40pointswith Tannie Dawn Dippenaar third on 38 points. Anton Welgemoed was the breadwinner on theday

Johnny Truter and Hannelie Stofberg with the winners of the YELLOW BALL and they are on the photo with Nathaniel Mudzingwa, Vennon Gapara and Richard Majangara

Bossie Bosman the winner of the weekly SENIORS golf day with Rory Wolhuter

Bachmus Coastal Marathon a Rounding Success

The Bachmus Coastal Marathon, a new premier event on the Namibian road running calendar, held last Saturday in Walvis Bay attracted over 900 participants competing in an unforgettable race along the stunning Namibian coastline.

The coastal marathon, organised by Walvis Bay Road Runners and SwakopStriderswasnot just about racing, butaboutqualifying for next year's Two

O c e a n s a n d Comrades Marathons The marathon's significance in fostering inclusivityandcompetition among runners of varying skill levels that participated in the42kmfromSwakopmund to Walvis Bay, a 21km and 10km races as well as a 5km fun run in thestreetsofWalvis

Bay Tangeni Sakaria emerged as the winner of the men's 42 km race in a time of 2:21:42 and N$20 000, followed by Sakaria Shifotoka, in a time of 2:31:03, and

Paulus Linus Twelifilwa third with a time of

02:37:54 The women's42kmrace, was won by Alina Armas with a time of2:39:53andN$20 000 followed by fellow Beata Naigambo in 2:50:58

withJocelleWessels thirdin3:32:37.The men's 21km was won by Daniel Paulus in 1:05:31 with Ndahangwanasho

Nghilyeendele secndin1:09:14and Bonifastus Kavana third in a time of 1:14:38 Andrek Lucia Lyaalukeni

won the women's 21km race in 1:19:41, with Kylie Louwrens second in 1:33:16withIlsevan Zylthirdinatimeof 1:42:37. Simon Paulus won the men's10kmin29:56 seconds with Jeremia Shaliaxwe second in 30:45 and

Teofilus Lisias third in 32:36 The women's 10km race was won by Tuuliki Angala in a time of 37:05, while Dinah Smith came in second in a time of 48:00 and Zanti Hansen third in in a timeof50:04.

Kudus, Ongos Sevens Kings

Walvis Bay based Rugby Club, Kudus is the Ongos Valley SevensafterbeatingUnited24-17inthefinallastSaturday attheHageGeingobStadiuminWindhoek. KudusmadeagoodstartbybeatingGrootfontein 33–17intheirfirstmatchofthedaybutlosttheir second match 19 – 21 against United.TheKudus faithfully bounced back and beat Unam 28 – 19 and Dolphins 28 – 12 in their final round robin gametobooktheirplaceinthesemi-finalagainst Rehobothwhichtheybeat21–10.Kudussevens coachChadPlatosaidinaninterviewwithoneof thedailynewspapers,itwasagreatstatementfor KudusandNamibianrugbyingeneral. Platosaid,“Noonethoughtwewouldbehere,no one thought that we would be champions, but we arehereandwearethechampions.Ithinkthisisa good statement for Namibian rugby – it's not just rugby in the capital, we should look at the coast and in the north, the south and the east to get this country's rugby onto the next level.” “Our team doesn’t have training facilities or gym facilities, we have nothing compared to these giants in Windhoek, but if you give these boys an opportunity, a platform to express themselves, look what they can do, they can become

champions,” he added. Plato thanked Ongos for their investment in sevens rugby “I'd like to thank Ongos for sponsoring this event. Weneedmoresponsors like Ongos Valley to invest money into our rugby fraternity so that we can host more of these events, to get more boys to play rugby,togetmoreboys offthestreetandcreate an opportunity, where wecanmakeabusiness out of our game,” he said. Reagan Graig, the chairman of Ongos Valley Development said they are commited

to the tournament in the long term. “This is the firstsevensrugbytournamentwe'vehadinalong time,thelastonewasabout15yearsago,sofrom myperspectiveasacorporatethat'sinvestinginto sport,Ithinkthiswasasuccess.Wearecommitted tothis,wearelongterminvestors,andIthinkthat nextyearwewanttogrowthisevenbigger'Graig added. “We had 12 teams that participated and I knowtomanagesomethinglikethistakesalot,soI think the Namibia Rugby Union can pat themselves on the back for a magnificent tournament,”hesaid.

Kudus with the Ongos Valley Sevens trophy. Contributed
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

namib times

Selecao FC Kicks Futsal League off in Style

SelecaoFutsalClubfromSwakopmundkickedtheNamibian Futsalseasonoffinstylewithtwowinsfromtwogames.

GoalsbyTiagoWillemseandChristyDiamondson5October wasenoughfortheSwakopmundbasedFutsalClubSelecaoFC tobeatMavericksFC2-0atthe2024FutsalLeagueplayedat theDTSSportFieldinWindhoek.TheSwakopmunders defeatedWindhoekFutsalClub7-2on28Septemberatthe DTSSportsFieldinWindhoek.GoalsbyCee-JayVanWyk, WaldronTheronandTiagoWillemseandabracebyBobby RutzandViloLawrence.SelecaoFCwillbeinactionthis weekend.


On Saturday, 12 Octoberit will be grit and glory again at the national beacon of pride forthe motorsport fraternity, theWalvis Bay Dirt Oval RacingTrack now theWalvisBayMotorsportParkjustoutsidethecoastaltown.

The Walvis Bay Motor Club in conjunction with the Namibian Motor Sport Federation will host the 4th leg of the 2024 National Dirt Oval Championships at theWalvis Bay Motorsport Park. Not too long ago, Walvis Bay boasted to bethehomeofthebestDirtOvalTrackin Namibia which attracted racers and spectatorsyoungandoldfromallcorners of Namibia and from as far as South Africa, to race and enjoy this renowned trackfortheadrenalinerushedshowcase.

The Walvis Bay Dirt Oval Racing Track, withimmediateeffectnowoperatesunder theWalvisBayMotorClub. Fanscanonce flocktotheDirtOvalTracktomatchtheir adrenaline rush and youthful exuberance, attheDirtOvalTrackatthecoastaltown. The gates will open at 8:00 with the first racetostartat12:00.EntryfeesisN$50per personwithkidsixyearsandyoungerenter forfree.Therewillbeacashbarwithgood foodatthevenue

Petrus Laubscher Competes at IRONMAN Barcelona

Namibian athlete Petrus Laubscher from Walvis Bay, participated in the 10th Edition IRONMAN Barcelona hosted in the village of Calella of the Barcelona-Maresme region, on Spain's eastern coastline on the MediterraneanSeaonSunday6October2024.

The fan favourite IRONMAN

Calella-Barcelona triathlon saw 3 000 athletes participate in an ocean-swim in the bay, a fast bike course and a flat run for the most popular end of seasonraceinEuropewrapped up in Spanish sunshine.

Laubscher completed his 3.8 km swim in a time of 1:07:49, 180km cycle in a time of

5:23:58and42kmrunina time of4:24:58,finishing1069thin a time of 11:07:37. Laubscher said that the IRONMAN Calella-Barcelona triathlon is much different from other Ironmanevents,liketheformat of how transition works, and some different rules on drafting. He said, “the swim was absolutely amazing, 21.5

degreesCelsius,flatandfast,in the Mediterranean Sea, whilst the cycling was quite technical capered to your normal straight Ironman courses. Lots of, short steep hills, sharp corners and hairpin turns, but did great despitenotevenhaveatimetrail Bike.IHaven'tdonelotsofrun trainingduetoinjury,sotherun wasabittoughbecausethebody

was not used to it,” Laubscher added. Laubscher said, “I just winged the run and enjoyed the amazing atmosphere of 1 000's of people all the way on the course, cheering. We even had piece of the run through the centre of town which as a definite highlight Running down the red carpet is and will alwaysbeaamazing.”



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The Swakopmund Futsal Club based Selecao Futsal Club
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

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