11 september namib times e edition

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Tunacor & Nasawu sign agreement

Brand Acquisition of Millions to give WB Salt Wings Maria Davel-Wallis

Page 3

Service station workers arrested

Page 4

HIV testing and CDA Count explained

In four months’ time, salt of Walvis Bay Salt Holdings will be distributed worldwide under a trusted brand name that has stood the test of time. “Our salt will soon be distributed under the brand name, Cerebos - a trusted, sought-after brand, perceived as the proverbial salt of the earth, and one we believe is the apt brand to take our proud product places.” Andre Snyman, Managing Director of Walvis Bay Salt Holdings was up-beat when he welcomed namib

times to share the good news. After having tested the possibility of marketing

its product under its own brand name, the holding company, Chlor-Alkali Holdings or CAH, of

which Investec SA is the largest stakeholder, decided to buy the 50-year-old South African CerebosContinues on page 2

Mondesa Elders’ Municipal Debts to be Erased Sharlien Tjambari

Page 10

KSS Matric Farewell

The Governor of the Erongo Region has announced that the municipal debts of elders of Mondesa will be paid after a donation of N$150 000 by the Knowledge Foundation. He held a press conference yesterday, at the Regional Council Constituency office. The well-known businessman, Knowledge Kati, founded the Knowledge Foundation. According to the Governor, Cleophas Mutjavikua, the donated money will

be utilised to try and pay the debts of needy, elderly community members of Mondesa. The whole program will be rolled out with the assistance of the Regional

Councillor as well as the Mayors of Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. The Governor has also called upon other business leaders in the community to come forward and

participate in the poverty eradication efforts of the national government. “Poverty eradication is the theme of our government and we are going to fight it as soldiers on the ground. Continues on page 2

“John Alfred Ward Maandag Tuis” - Terence Ward Maria Davel-Wallis Pages 11 & 12

John Heynes Snr honoured

Page 36

Die stoflike oorskot van die 24-jarige Alfred John Ward, die Namibiese paramedikus wat een van vyf mense was wat meer as drie weke gelede in die E Med Res 24 lugambulans-ongeluk omgekom het, sal na verwagting Maandag in die besit van sy familie wees. Ward se pa, die bekende paramedikus van Swakopmund, Terence Ward, het gisteraand uit Windhoek gesê die begrafnis sal aanstaande Saterdag op Swakopmund gehou word. Ward sê die reëlings vir die begrafnis is nou oorgegee aan ‘n begraf-

nisondernemer. Ward het vroeër gesê die nooddienste beplan om sy

seun met volle eerbewys te begrawe. Bertus Struwig, die Hoof Continues on page 2

“Underground Astronauts” find New Member of Human Family Tree Scientists say they’ve discovered a new member of the human family tree, revealed by a huge trove of bones in a barely accessible, pitch-dark chamber of a cave in South Africa. The creature shows a surprising mix of human-like and more primitive characteristics - some experts called it “bizarre” and “weird.” The discovery presents some key mysteries: How old are the bones? And how did they get into that chamber, reachable only by a complicated pathway that includes squeezing through passages as narrow as about 7½ inches (17,8 centimeters)? The bones were found by a spelunker, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of Johannesburg. The site has yielded some 1 550 specimens since its discovery in 2013.

The fossils represent at least 15 individuals. Researchers named the creature Homo naledi (nah-LEH-dee). That reflects the “Homo” evolutionary group, which includes modern people and our closest extinct relatives, and the word for “star” in a local language. The find was made in the Rising Star cave system. The creature, which evidently walked upright, represents a mix of traits. Continues on page 2



Professor Lee Berger kisses a replica of the skull of a Homo naledi, a newly discovered human ancestor during the unveiling of the discovery on September 10, 2015 in Maropeng. A new species of human ancestor, Homo naledi, estimated at about 2,5 to 2,8 million years old was discovered at the “Cradle of Humankind,” about 50 kilometres northwest of Johannesburg. At about 1,5m tall and only 45,36kg, and with a brain only about the size of an average orange, H. naledi is a startling combination of australopith-like and human-like features that, until now, was entirely unknown to science, researchers said



WB Salt Wings Continued from page 1


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Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 wvb@namibtimes.net ADVERTISING sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net MARKETING/SALES Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 coenita@namibtimes.net sales@namibtimes.net Desiree Jooste Cell +264 81 576 9555 desiree@namibtimes.net lolla@namibtimes.net CLASSIFIEDS smalls@namibtimes.net NEWS DESK Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net JOURNALISTS Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 SPORT sport@namibtimes.net

brand name and other assets, which over decades has become THE premium household brand for salt – in Southern Africa, and the world. Walvis Bay Salt Holdings’ produce will pack Cerebos salt for Namibia, and for the rest of the regional international market. Snyman and WB Salt’s HR Manager Brumilda Britz, within around an hour, gave namib times a glimpse into Walvis Bay Salt Holdings’ exciting future, and the 50-yearold company’s vision and strategic plan – to “ continue the growth of the past, in a sustainable and environmentally friendly operation that will still be moving forward 100 years from now.” Walvis Bay Salt Holdings consists of Walvis Bay Salt Refiners – the salt producer – and the newcomer, Ekango Refinery, set to help add value and optimise income in a sustainable way. Snyman says they are very proud of the 99,7% pure salt – NaCl or Sodium Chloride – they produce. WB Salt wants to increase its capacity from around 750 000 tons per annum, to a million tons of salt of the highest grade. It also wants to optimise its footprint in the industrial market, through its Ekango refinery. WB Salt therefore recently announced a salt field expansion project of around N$65 million of which the construction phase is expected to be completed in March 2016. “The expansion includes

Andre Snyman MD of Walvis Bay Salt Holdings additional evaporation ponds, concentrator ponds, crystalliser ponds, an additional seawater intake and a feeder pipeline. An additional area of 1 450 ha for concentrator ponds and 100 ha for crystallizer ponds will become available to the salt works’ existing 4 500 hectares footprint. The project will enable annual production capacity of the salt field to be increased with an additional 240 000 tons over the next three years. The Company already produces 750 000 tons per annum of which the bulk is already exported internationally. The Company has followed the required environmental processes, and received its Environmental Clearance Certificate for the project in 2014. WB Salt in the recent months suffered losses of more than N$15 million due to labour unrest and a strike, which was eventually defused by the intervention of the Governor of

Erongo. Snyman says the company has succeeded in absorbing the loss, and the management and the workers, of whom many are stakeholders through Chlor-Alkali Holdings’ special scheme, are focussing on the future. “Everybody suffered losses during that tense period, but we have put that behind us and are focussing on the future and our dream, to become more effective, more productive, more innovative, and deliver a product of even higher quality in this extremely dynamic market.’’ One of the members of the MUN workers committee, Ananias Gabriel, at the end of our visit announced his presence and was invited into Snyman’s office, to talk about something. The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly, and they were deep in conversation when namib times left, with the message that great times were ahead for Walvis Bay Salt Holdings.

Swakopmund Office Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824 ADVERTISING shene@namibtimes.net MARKETING/SALES Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na mikkie@namibtimes.net Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net JOURNALISTS Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net

PRO-Print SWAKOPMUND Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net WALVIS BAY Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@namibtimes.net e-book edition @ http://issuu.com/ namibtimes


Mondesa Elders’ Municipal Debts to be Erased Continued from page 1 Poverty eradication is on our menus and we have to make sure we are implementing our directives from the government,” said Mutjavikua. Mutjavikua also mentioned a few programs that are part of the government’s quest to better the lives of all Namibians. The most important issue is the government’s planned Food Bank programme. The Governor also said the community of DRC will be engaged in a discussion on environmental cleanliness in DRC. The Governor says the community should not think that he is only think-

ing about the DRC because of the elections, “I am not part of the elections, so do not think I am doing this for the election’s sake” said Mutjavikua. According to Mutjavikua, during this month the Constituency Council will intensify the soup kitchens drive as part of the Food Bank programme, and in October they will look at how they will receive and store food for the food bank. Sanitation in DRC is also a concern to be addressed. Mutjavikua says sanitation is a challenge, which the Council have been struggling to address. “We do not try to shy

“Underground Astronauts” find New Member of Human Family Tree Continued from page 1 For example, the hands and feet look like Homo, but the shoulders and the small brain recall Homo’s more ape-like ancestors, the researchers said. Lee Berger, a professor at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg who led the work, said naledi’s anatomy suggest that it arose at or near the root of the Homo group, which would make the species some 2.5 million to 2.8 million years old. The discovered bones themselves may be younger, said Berger, an American. At the press conference announcing the discovery of Homo naledi, a potential new member of the human family tree, Tucker was joined by other cavers who volunteered on the excavation for nearly two years. Berger called them “underground astronauts.” Berger handed a skull reconstruction to Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, who kissed it, as did other VIPs. Berger beamed throughout the unveiling. The researchers also announced the discovery in the journal eLife. They said they were unable to determine an age for the fossils because of unusual characteristics of the site, but that they are still trying. Berger said researchers are not claiming that na-

ledi was a direct ancestor of modern-day people, and experts unconnected to the project said they believed it was not. Rick Potts, director of the human origins program at the Smithsonian Institution’s Natural History Museum, who was not involved in the discovery, said that without an age, “there’s no way we can judge the evolutionary significance of this find.” If the bones are about as old as the Homo group, that would argue that naledi is “a snapshot of ... the evolutionary experimentation that was going on right around the origin” of Homo, he said. If they are significantly younger, it either shows the naledi retained the primitive body characteristics much longer than any other known creature, or that it reevolved them, he said. Eric Delson of Lehman College in New York, who also wasn’t involved with the work, said his guess is that naledi fits within a known group of early Homo creatures from around 2 million years ago. Besides the age of the bones, another mystery is how they got into the difficult-to-reach area of the cave. The researchers said they suspect the naledi may have repeatedly deposited their dead in the room, but alternatively it may have been a death

trap for individuals that found their own way in. “This stuff is like a Sherlock Holmes mystery,” declared Bernard Wood of George Washington University in Washington, D.C., who was not involved in the study. Visitors to the cave must have created artificial light, as with a torch, Wood said. The people who did cave drawings in Europe had such technology, but nobody has suspected that mental ability in creatures with such a small brain as naledi, he said. Potts said a deliberate disposal of dead bodies is a feasible explanation, but he added it’s not clear who did the disposing. Maybe it was some human relative other than naledi, he said. Not everybody agreed that the discovery revealed a new species. Tim White of the University of California, Berkeley, called that claim questionable. “From what is presented here, (the fossils) belong to a primitive Homo erectus, a species named in the 1800s,” he said in an email. At the news conference in South Africa, Berger disputed that. “Could this be the body of homo erectus? Absolutely not. It could not be erectus,” Berger said. NAMPA / AP

“John Alfred Ward Maandag Tuis” - Terence Ward Continued from page 1

Governor Cleophas Mutjavikua away from this problem, it is something we’ll have to address.” Mutjavikua says his office is working with the central government to try and find a sustainable solution for the sanitation problem. He has asked the community to bear in mind that, although the Constituency Council is working hard on all these issues, it is not that easy to find a permanent solution.

Uitvoerende Beampte van die Prosperity Groep Namibië, wat E Med Res 24 Namibië besit, het gisteraand ook met namib times gepraat en gesê dit wil voorkom of al die slagoffers se stoflike oorskot Maandag aan hulle naasbestaandes oorhandig sal word. Intussen het Struwig ‘n e-pos van die hoof-ondersoekbeampte, Chris Williams, ontvang, waarin hy bevestig het dat hulle die afgelope week,

Maandag en Dinsdag weer ‘n ondersoek op die rampterrein gaan doen het. Hy het ook bevestig dat hulle op pad is na Namibië. Struwig verwag dat die ondersoekspan Dinsdag in Windhoek sal aankom. Die ondersoek na die ramp is die afgelope paar weke in omstredenheid gedompel, toe twee hoof-ondersoekbeamptes kort na mekaar deur ‘n derde vervang is. Die internasionale versekeringsreus, Lloyds of London,

het reeds die eis vir die lugambulans van sowat N$30 miljoen afgehandel. Alfred John Ward, Gabriel Le Roux, 80, sy dogter, Charmaine Koortzen, 49, en die vlieëniers Steven Naude, 53, en Amore Espag, 23, het in die vliegramp omgekom. Terence Ward sê hulle wil graag hulle seun nou ter ruste lê en sluiting kry. Die afgelope week was vir hom persoonlik ‘n baie moeilike een.




Substantive Agreement signed between Tunacor and Nasawu Liesl Losper Tunacor Fisheries Ltd, a Namibian-owned company employing over 1 200 Namibians (land-based and seagoing) and NASAWU (Namibia Seamen and Allied Workers Union) signed an agreement yesterday at the Tunacor office. Shop stewards within the processing facility, seagoing shop stewards and the NASAWU President, Mr Paulus Hango witnessed the event. “All parties are proud to have concluded an amicable and positive agreement yielding an increase of 6% for our employees, which is almost double the current inflation rate,

with adds to the extensive benefits like Housing, Pension and Transport Allowances, Funeral Assistance, Death Assistance, monthly fish distribution for the crew and

Peya Hitula (GM - Tunacor Group Limited) with Paulus Hango (NASAWU President) signing the agreement

others. The negotiations were held in good faith for the benefit of the employees and the company alike within a harmonious atmosphere. The agreement is for two years which also shows the mutual trust amongst the parties,” says Peya Hitula, General Manager of Tunacor Group Limited during this signing. Hango explained that this contract is in two phases for the first year. One period is from 1 July to 31 October 2016 and year two from 1 November 2016 to 31 October 2017. “We strive to improve the life's of the workers to

Road Safety Interventions to reduce road accidents on B1 and B2 roads The National Road Safety Council (NRSC) this week launched short-term road safety interventions aimed at reducing road accidents and the resultant injuries and fatalities on the B1 and B2 roads. The B1 runs through the centre of Namibia, connecting the Noordoewer border-post in southern Namibia with the Oshikango border-post in the North. The B2 connects Windhoek and Walvis Bay in the Erongo Region. Speaking during the launch of the September - October 2015 road safety campaign in Windhoek, the chairperson of the NRSC, Eliphas !Owos-Oab said in the past, road safety campaigns were seasonbased and counterproductive. He said the current short-term interventions form part of yearround safety interventions that

target high accident locations such as the B1 and B2 roads. It will focus specifically on speed management, vehicle fitness and driver fitness, as well as motorists driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. During the campaign, an average of 50 traffic officials working daily will screen 500 drivers for alcohol consumption and check 500 vehicles for road-worthiness at 13 strategic points. Speed checks will also be done on a daily basis on both B1 and B2 roads. (NAMPA)

Happy faces after Peya Hitula and Paulus Hango signed the agreement have a good working environment in their workplaces with proper policies in place,'' says NASAWU President

Paulus Hango. “The Shareholders, Partners, Management and Employees of Tunacor Fisheries are commit-

ted towards developing a sound mutually beneficial working relationship with NASAWU and we look forward to

a successful future with all our stakeholders,” Hitula commented in his closing statement.

Erongo Regional Council budget presented Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council, Mr Hafeni Ludwig Ndemula presented the budget of the Erongo Regional Council on the occasion of the council meeting, last Friday. During the 2015/2016 financial year, five capital projects are budgeted for. The Erongo Regional Council received an amount of N$4 472 000 for the construction for the construction of the Zeraeua Traditional Authority Office. Minor adjustments were done to the inner layout of offices st and bathrooms, hence there was a delay during the 1 phase but approval was granted by the council on 30 March. For the construction of Omatjete Sewerage Networks and Ponds, the Regional Council received an amount of N$10 000 000 during the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial years. The Regional Council will receive an amount of N$15 000 000 for the construction of the Erongo Regional Office Park. This project will host all the ministries that are currently renting various building in Swakopmund. It will have about 150 administrative offices for Erongo

Regional Council and other decentralised line ministries. An amount of N$11 000 000 was budgeted for the construction of services in the 2015/2016 financial year for Uis, Otjiimbingwe and Okombahe. The money is still to be transferred to the line ministry. For this current financial year 2015/ 2016 the total Capital budget as part of the budget component authorised by the ministry totals to N$9 000 000. This amount comprises of an amount of N$7 000 000 as own sources from 5% rates and taxes levy and N$200 000 as VAT claims refund. Authorities estimated for this financial year will be utilised for the ongoing projects such as the installation of water meters in Okombahe and Otjimbingwe, fencing of the construction of the refuse dumping site for Otjimbingwe and Okombahe.



Murder suspects remain behind bars Tip-off leads to arrest Mavourlene !Gaës Madelaine Laubscher The six suspects who allegedly murdered a 16-year-old minor in Mondesa in Swakop- Three suspects were mund, by kicking and beating him, appeared in the Swakopmund Magistrate’s court on arrested last week Tuesday and were denied bail. Thursday after the poThe six murder suspects, who are currently in detention at the Swakopmund Police Station, appeared before Magistrate Savage Surita, who denied them bail because of the seriousness of the crime. Vivian Bems Gawusab 21, Eliakim Awiseb 21, Rodney Simosi 21, Eleser Awi-

seb 26, Moses Gawiseb 20 and Sydney Hendricks 21 are all facing a charge of murder, after they were apprehended by the police early this week. According to Nampol’s Detective Chief Inspector, Moses !Uwu//khaeb who confirmed the incident earlier this week, the six

men allegedly killed the 16-year-old minor between 2:00 and 3:00 in the early hours of Saturday morning in Olutweni near the Oshawana Bar in Mondesa. !Uwu//khaeb said the suspects allegedly kicked and beat the minor and dragged him to a nearby house. It is alleged that the sus-

pects had accused the deceased of stealing a cellphone which belonged to them and had taken him to the house to go and look for the suspected stolen cellphone. The case was postponed to 28 October for further investigation.

Court Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report 3-7 September 2015 Erenfried Ruhaka (63) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level and a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 15 September for the fixing of the trial date. The accused is on warning. Gonteb Raymond (23) and Muunda Lazarus (24) both appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 29 October for trial partly heard - Magistrate not available. Both accused are on bail. Haitange Tulipamwene Namhindo (28) appeared on a charge of refusal to give breath/blood specimen. The matter was postponed to 24 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Paul Uyumba (19) appeared on a charge of resisting a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 19 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Onesmus Kashamba (31) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 19 October for legal aid. The accused is in custody. Thomas Tommy Ikela (42) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 28 October for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Jesaya Shisande (45) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 17 November for plea and trial. The accused is on warning. Katrina Israel (23) appeared on a charge of abortion. The matter was postponed to 28 October for plea. The accused is on bail. Dantago Narib (36) appeared on a charge of escaping common law. The matter was postponed to 5 October for mental observation report in terms of section 79. The

accused is on warning. Markus Sakaria (29) Mateus Sakeus (31) and Paulus Sitambara (27) all appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 14 October for further investigation. Sakaria and Sakeus are on bail and Sitambara is in custody. Erickson Shipiki (19) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 6 October for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Ananias Ipinge (34) appeared on a charge of receiving stolen property and a charge of possession of suspected stolen property. The matter was postponed to 14 October for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Wieken Engelbrecht (35) appeared on a charge of escaping before being locked up. The matter was postponed to 8 October for legal aid. The accused is on bail. Teofilus Shipopyeni (44) appeared on a charge of culpable homicide. The matter was postponed to 15 September for the fixing of the trial date. The accused is on warning. Shen Yuefei (40) appeared on a charge of possession of a firearm without a license. The matter was postponed to 29 September for the docket to be brought to court. The accused is on warning. Murenga Shikongo (27) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 14 October for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Juan Gert Alberts (22) appeared on a charge of negligent driving. He was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$2 000 or 60 days in prison. A 15-year-old minor appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 9 September for screening of juvenile accused person. The accused is on bail.

Swakopmund Court report 7-9 September Regional Court Ivan Jeffrey (24) appeared on charges of dealing/purchasing/selling/receiving/disposing of high value minerals and possession of uranium and theft. The matter was postponed to 30 September for sentence. The accused is on bail of N$25 000. Onesmus Steven (40) appeared on charges of dealing/ purchasing/selling/receiving/disposing of high value minerals and possession of uranium and theft. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$10 000. Magistrate's Court Bernadus Katjeseua (31) appeared on a charge of theft from employer. The matter was postponed to 30 November for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Alfred Noabeb (19) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 26 October for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Linnekela Shandi (27) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 29 October for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Timoteus Haimbondi (42) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 26 October for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Stephanus Kanditi (28) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to commit a crime unknown to the

state and malicious damage to property. The accused is at large and a warrant of arrest against the accused was issued. Phillip Natangwe (45) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification and fraud. The matter was postponed to 30 October for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Wei Zhou (55) appeared on a charge of conducting business without a proper work permit. The matter was postponed to 8 October for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. John Izaaks (43) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 11 January 2016 for P.G. Decision. The accused is on bail of N$12 000. Manfred Linus Noabeb (26) appeared on charges of fraud and forgery and uttering a forged instrument. The matter was postponed to 16 September for fixing of trial dates. The accused is on bail of N$8 000. Edwin Tjivangurura (43), Melvin Modise (28), Boniface Mapani (33), and Charles Louw (28) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievious bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 13 November for legal aid. The accused has been warned. Jaram Johannes (27), Michael Shapopi (24), Benjamin Ngihanavali (27) and Obed Shaama (27) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievious bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 14 October for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000.

lice received a tip off that two employees of a well-known service station in Walvis Bay allegedly worked in collaboration with another suspect to steal a large amount of money from the service station over a period of time.

The service station where two of the suspects are employed

According to a Nampol spokesperson, an amount of approximately N$49 000 had been stolen from this service station. “Two of the suspects who were arrested are employed at a service station and another suspect worked from outside in order to steal N$49 000. They were arrested after we received a tip-off.

The suspects already appeared in court and they remain in custody. The matter has been postponed for further investigation. They have been accused of fraud. It is believed that the suspects used cloned cards to steal the money. When customers paid cash, they stole the cash and swiped the cloned

cards to balance the amount that had to be paid,” he said. According to a source, two of the suspects are allegedly pump attendants. “We only heard that the money was stolen over a period of time and that two of the suspects are pump attendants and the other a cashier,” the source alleged.

“Drivers should be vigilant” - Ileni Shapumba Nampol’s Unit Commander of Community Affairs Mavourlene !Gaës

Nampol’s Seregeant Ileni Shapumba is urging the residents in the Erongo Region to be on alert due to the recent increase in theft out of motor vehicles, and to make physically certain they lock the doors properly. Shapumba says criminals are using different tactics to jam the cars’ doors and that one of the tactics is the commonly known one of intercepting the signal with another remote control. “When you are trying to lock your car with the remote control, the person is just standing nearby, holding the remote control they are using to jam the car's remote. You need to verify that the car is properly locked before you move away.” He said it has become challenging to make arrests in this specific crime as the criminals are changing their methods. “It has become very diffi-

cult for us to control these people because everytime we detect their method, they change to another one.” Shapumba also said some of the remote controls are put in cell phones and others in match boxes. “You see the person on the cell phone and think he or she is busy chatting with someone or playing with a match box and assume they are smoking – which actually then is not the case.” He is urging drivers to stop leaving their valuables in the vehicles where they are easily seen by criminals. “Take out your property, keep it safe. Do not expose your property to the criminals because

that is what they are looking for.” According to Shapumba, some of the areas that are being frequented by the criminals are the post office in town and the Woermann Brock shopping area. Shapumba warns that some of the drivers are using excessive force to deal with the criminals and says “When a crime is committed there are procedures to be followed, you should report them immediately. We are not defending the criminals, but we cannot condone a crime by means of committing another one,” he warns.

Hit and Run Suspect still on the Loose Madelaine Laubscher

According to the Swakopmund Neighborhood Watch social media page, a hit and run was reported Wednesday night in Swakopmund near the Engen Service Station, and the suspect allegedly fled the scene. A source confirmed to the newspaper that the incident occurred in the vicinity of the Engen Service Station. It is believed that the incident was reported at approximately 22:00. The vehicle which left the scene, after hitting a Volkswagen

Golf, was allegedly described as a dark blue/black Mitsubishi Pajero. Anyone with information regarding the accident, can contact the Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch or the namib times.




Swakopmund Recycling Sorting Plant Launched Sharlien Tjambari Rent-A-Drum, under the formal agreement with the Municipal Council of Swakopmund, constructed the N$7 million Recycling Centre in Swakopmund. The New Recycling Centre was launched on 4 September at the Rent-A-Drum (RAD) facilities behind DRC. The new centre consists of a building large enough to accommodate the processes and machinery required for receiving and separating of different recyclable materials from waste collected straight from households and businesses in the area, said Gys Louw the Managing Director of Rent-ADrum. The environmental impact assessment on the process of developing the recycling centre was finalised in December 2014, awaiting the further clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, which was finally received in June 2015. According to Louw, the new centre will serve the coastal towns of Swakopmund, Henties Bay, Arandis and surrounding areas in the Erongo Region. Louw said, “Recycling keeps landfills from overflowing, approximately 60% of the

rubbish thrown away today can be recycled; recycling paper saves trees, every ton of paper that is recycled saves seventeen trees and also reduces the waste at landfills.” Louw also points out that recycling gives people hope for the future, it creates jobs, ensuring more employment. About 30 residents of Swakopmund who used to scavenge for food and other waste materials at the dump site, received permanent jobs at the plant. Speaking at the official opening on Friday, Louw said the recycling plant employs 65 people from Swakopmund on a full-time basis. With the sorting plant, RAD will provide every household with an orange recycling wheelie bin for recyclables and will collect the recyclables free of charge on the same day as the normal black wheelie bin collection. Recyclables such as newspapers, plastic bottles, carton boxes, and milk/juice boxes are sorted at the facility

Photo by Mavourlene !Gaës

Shikongo replaced on Council Mavourlene !Gaës Former Councillor Joseph Shikongo was replaced by Cornell Jansen at a recently held council meeting in Kuisebmond. Jansen is replacing Shikongo of the RDP and was sworn by the Magistrate from the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court Vicky Nicolaidis in a ceremony held at the municipal chambers. The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Mrs Uilika Nambahu expressed her greatest appreciation at the meeting, to all the parties who were involved in the successful hosting of the Annual General Meeting of the Namibia National Mayors Forum that was held on 17 and 18 August 2015. “Of particular importance is the active involvement and roles played by the private sector through sponsorship and them availing a wide spectrum of professionals and resource persons to this platform for Mayors, which was aimed at increasing innovative problem solving to pressing socio-economic challenges fa-

cing people everywhere in Namibia.” Several points were discussed at the meeting including that of the construction of a 20 million litre water reservoir at Mile 7. A request for the principle approval of additional funds on the 2016/2017 budget that is entailed for the project was also considered. The budget cost at Mile 7 amounts to N$25 550 000 and Lithon Consultation (Pty) Ltd is the consultants for the project management and design of the reservoir as resolved at the Local Tender Board in December last year. The council also took note of the fact that sufficient budgetary provision were made in the 2015/2016 financial year in the amount of N$ 14 050 000, but that additional funding in the amount of approximately N$14 450 000 will be required in the 2016/2017 financial year where only N$11 500 000 was allowed for

Cornell Jansen's swearing in as councillor by Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis.

and results in total estimated project budget for N$40 000 000. Erongo Red earlier this year informed the municipality that only one of its representatives at shareholders meetings may have a vote. They recommended the council appoints the Chairperson of the management committee to vote. The council also discussed the land issue and said currently the demand for serviced land outstrips the supply of land in the harbour town. The demand for serviced land in Walvis Bay is escalating and thus elevating the monetary value of land. The council put discussions regarding land applications on hold as the directive from the Ministry of Urban and

Rural Development is not clear with regard to Public Private Partnership initiatives.

Workers at the plant, sorting out Recyclables




Obtaining Fishing

Permits WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1 Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 st

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905éOpen hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Plaaslike bemanning herwin boot uit see by Lüderitz Liesl Losper

B-4 Eng Diving , ‘n kommersiële duikmaatskappy geleë in Walvisbaai, is gevra om met hul vaardigheid, die MV-Plover kreefboot te help opspoor en berg nadat dit vroeër gesink het. Die romp van die boot het krake net bo die waterlyn gehad en het weens gevaarlik-hoë deinings water ingelaat en geskappy was die boot sosink. “Ons het Vrydag, 28 Augustus vertrek met die “Pumba” een van ons bote en het Sondag aangeland in Lüderitz. Ons het Maandagoggend vroeg begin duik en wrakstukke gevind,” sê Mnr Bresler de Beer, Operasionele bestuurder van B-4 Eng Diving. Volgens die duikmaat-

wat 100 dae onder water en dit het ook veroorsaak dat die wrak begin opbreek het onder water. Die MV Plover is sowat 30 m lank en weeg 80 ton droog, maar het 16 ton dryfvermoë. Volgens Bresler, het hulle lugsakke weerskante van die boot en binne-in die ruim van die boot aangebring en

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Where to Fish Om



Riv er

Mile 72


Swakopmund Tides

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8

Walvis Bay Tides


Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com


iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

Port Log

Mile 4

Foto's deur B-4 Eng & Diving

Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

Foto's van die bergingsproses het hulle dit op dié wyse geberg en na die hoofkaai gebring. Met behulp van ‘n Namport hyskraan kon hul die

boot weer vlotmaak. “Ons het toe die boot tot op die strand gevat waar dit nou nog staan. Die boot, sal nie weer gebruik

kan word nie omdat dit te veel skade opgedoen het. Maar hy het ‘n goeie leeftyd van 80 jaar gehad,” sê Bresler.




Business Connexion Namibia (Pty) Ltd recognised as 2015 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year for Namibia Business Connexion Namibia proudly announced it has won the 2015 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Award for Namibia.

The company was honoured within a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology. “Receiving this prestigious award is testimony that our investment in local skills building is key to our success,” said Ferdi Graupe Managing Director of Business Connexion Namibia. Awards were presented in several categories, with winners chosen from a set of more than 2,300 entrants from 108 different countries worldwide. Business Connexion Namibia was recognised for providing outstanding solutions and services, as well as representing excellent subsidiary engage-

ment in Namibia. The Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Awards honor partners at the country level that have demonstrated business excellence in delivering Microsoft solutions to multiple customers over the past year. This award recognises Business Connexion Namibia as succeeding in effective engagement with its local Microsoft office while showcasing innovation and business impact, driving customer satisfaction, and winning new customers. “We are honored to recognise Business Connexion Namibia as a Microsoft Country Partner of the Year,” said Phil Sorgen, corporate vice president, Worldwide Partner Group, Microsoft Corp. Business

Connexion's dedication to providing outstanding value for our mutual customers is a prime example of the excellence we see in our talented community of Microsoft partners.” The Microsoft Partn e r o f t h e Ye a r Awards recognise Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered exceptional Microsoftbased solutions over the past year. Business Connexion was also awarded in 2015 Microsoft WECA (West East Central Africa) Messaging Partner of the Year Award. This achievement highlights Business Connexion Namibia's truly exceptional work in delivering Microsoft messaging and collaboration solutions in a private cloud environment.


11 SEPTEMBER 2015 The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.

newsdesk@namibtimes.net Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times


readers’ comments Community eager to help Raymond After a local woman read namib times’s article about Raymond Strauss (15) who is hearing impaired and in desperate need of financial assistance, she contacted the paper and told us she decided to donate a hearing aid that might help the boy for the time being. Annelize Odendaal When Raymond was 8, his preprimary school teacher wanted to arrange donors for him for a cochlear implant. The audiologist at Tygerberg hospital told us that he would not be accepted as a candidate for cochlear implant since had already passed the age of language readiness. At 15 he is even less of a candidate since he has no spo-

ken language and will not acquire it at this age. Rather help him with a hearing aid which costs a fraction of the price of an implant. We are talking of hundreds of thousands here. Alex Muukua Thumb up Mrs Van wyk.GOD bless U! Julie Nell Laubscher Have they considered setting up a crowd funding account?

Festive criminal activity early this year According to a trusted source, as the festive season approaches, criminals are already becoming more active. This phenomenon seems to show itself much sooner this year than last year and the community is thus alerted to be vigilant. Silvio Van Wyk once again get those lazy cops of their bums and make their pressence more frequent in town even by foot or bicycle patrolls it would not just be fun but would also be great exercise for the ones becooming an bit over weight because go to town now and you will maybe see one cop car driving around Juandre Gouws Jip especially withe the remotes. They got me about a week ago at the clicks musica arcade.

Ek het nou die week elke dag die B2 pad tussen Walvis en Swakop gery en elke dag seker 4 tot 5 keer amper kop-aan-kop-botsings gesien oor trokke op die pad. Kan daar nie iets gedoen word aan die baie trokke op die pad nie? Kan hulle nie maar die ompad ry nie?

Hulle maak die mense op die pad haastig want hulle gooi klippe teen jou venster dan wil almal net overtake. Daar is tot 3 trokke agter mekaar partykeer en dit maak regtig moeilikheid Mario Steenkamp

Letter from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation Recently, two Namibian citizens were killed by members of the Botswana Defence Force along the common border between the two countries. In the past few weeks members of the Namibian public and some Namibian media persons have made enquiries about the action the Government of Namibia has taken regarding the shooting incidents. The Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation wishes to inform the public that the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation has been in contact with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of Botswana. Moreover, the Government of Namibia remains actively engaged with the Government of Botswana through diplomatic channels with the purpose of finding a lasting solution and in order to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents. Given the proven record of politica l will existing between the leaders of our two countries, the abiding friendship and cultural affinity between our peoples, we are confident that a lasting solution shall be found to this vexing problem that has resulted in avoidable deaths of innocent Namibians.

//END Amb. Selma Permanent Secretary

Letter- Dog Attack On Sunday 30 August, I went for a walk along the lagoon. At about 12:30, near the fish cleaning area, near Raft, an elderly couple were busy in their combi. Their Jack Russel Terrier, WITHOUT A LEAD, dashed out and started barking at me. THERE IS A SIGN NEARBY THAT STATES THAT ALL DOGS MUST BE ON LEADS AND THAT PEOPLE SHOULD PICK UP THEIR DOG’S MESS.

Neem kennis Daar het twee rooi ligte aangegaan met die verloop van Raymond Strauss (15) se versoek om finansiële bydrae vir ‘n kogleêre inplanting om sy gehoor te verbeter. Weens ‘n misverstand is die huidige fonds by Sanlam wel nie ‘n trustfonds nie, maar ‘n spaarrekening. Ons het ondersoek ingestel en die familie is tans in die proses om ‘n wettige trustfonds te stig. Daar is niks sinisters hieromtrent nie. Die familie sal binnekort die bankstaat van die spaarrekening aan die koerant bekend maak. Daar is ‘n persoon wat beweer ‘n kogleêre inplanting sal nooit vir Raymond kan help hoor nie. Ons is dus besig om ‘n indiepte ondersoek te doen oor dié saak. Lanease Lalie Thirion WoW! Ek haal my hoed af vir die wonderlike familie wat soveel moeite insit om die pragtige seun te help. As n mens nie n kans vat nie sal n mens nooit weet nie neh! Thumbs up julle! Eks seker van die feit dat daar baie mense daar buite is wat julle volkome ondersteun! Sterkte met die klippie in die pad wat vir julle gerol is.sien dit as n uitdaging! Ek glo vas julle en raymond sal bo uitkom!! You still have my vote.Hear for Raymond BO! Sharon Strauss Reschke Dankie vir jou mooi positiewe woorde Lanease Lalie Thirion. Ons as familie waardeer alle hulp wat ons sover gekry het. Van wonderlike mense met goeie harte. Ons God is groot en niks is onmoontlik by Hom nie. Thelma Strauss Die klippe wat in jou pad kom, vat dit en bou n brug en loop lag lag daaroor. Die pad is voor met wonderlike dinge in sig. Alles sal altyd uit werk. En Raymond sal nog getuig eendag hoe sy lewe verander het. Mense se geloof is maar swak en ek weet in God se oë is alles moontlik. As dit nie uitgewerk het dan sou

Vragmotors maak pad baie gevaarlik Brief van leser

alles nie so mooi in plek geval het met die funksie se fonds insameling nie. Raymond is waarlik geseend en daar sal nog wonderlike dinge gebeur met Raymond. Ek wens net mense wil eers na die positiewe kant van n situasie raak sien en nie net oordeel dat hierdie seun nooit sal hoor nie. Gaan neem ondersoek in jou geloof. En ek hou vas in n wonderwerk wat SAL gebeur. Ons as familie staan saam en sal wen om Raymond se lewe te verander. Inteendeel is ek opgewonde vir die end uitslae. Elke mens wat ons ondersteun baie dankie. Monja Strauss Als sal reg uit werk vi my seun en niemand ga ons onder kry ni. Ons ga almal verkeerd wys. Sover loop als goed. Baie danki almal. Ek waardeer dit baie vi almal se hulp en bystand veral vn my ouers en familie. Sharon Strauss Reschke My suster Monja Strauss ons almal weet dat als sal reg uit werk. Solank ons as familie sterk staan en saam staan. Ek sal enige iets doen vir my Raymond kind. Wees positief.

This was obviously ignored. I asked the lady to put her dog in the car. Her answer, “I will not! He won’t bite!” My reply was “You do not know that and if he comes at me again I will use my electronic device!” The dog came for me again and I bent down to scare him off. The woman rushed at me with her orange, thermal coffee mug, with a steel rim and threw coffee over me. Fortunately it was cold. Obviously her dog came at me again and I bent to scare him off using my anti dog attack device. She then hit me twice with her mug, drawing blood on my wrists and causing bruising on my fingers. I have been to the police station as well as the doctor. My question, WHY IS THE MUNICIPALITY NOT ENFORCING THEIR OWN LAWS. This woman was out of line and her attack could be construed as an attack with intent to do harm! I do have the number of the car. My

second question, is do I claim from the Municipality for expenses and trauma of being attacked, because of their failure to enforce their laws? I often see dogs roaming loose at the lagoon, without an owner in sight. I also see owners carrying the lead, with NO dog attached to it. I have known dogs that “will not bite” until they do. One of these was my own dog. He was not antagonised. He just suddenly bit. The second time he did this, he was put down. If dogs go out and attack sheep they are put down by farmers, and rightly so. The dog owner is responsible for his/her dog. The municipal laws are there to protect both the dog, owner and the person walking, as well as the birds at our lagoon, which is a Ramsar Site. Thank you for publishing this in your paper. Name withheld.

Dink voor jy praat Praat sonder om te dink kan soos dolksteke wees; wyse mense bring genesing met wat hulle sê. Spreuke 12:18 Woorde kan iemand se selfbeeld opbou, hulle bemoedig en opvrolik. Woorde kan liefde, hoop en vreugde uitspreek. Wyse woorde kan vertroue in 'n verhouding bou. Die teenoorgestelde is ook waar. Woorde wat by jou mond uitrol sonder enige gedagte of oorweging kan groot skade aandrig. Dit kan iemand se selfbeeld, hart en selfs hoop deurboor.




Swakopmund Residents’ Association Newsleter

Due to the State President’s visit in the last week of August, the council meeting was shifted to the 2nd September without informing the public. Many arrived at closed doors. This is not a way of attracting more visitors to the council meeting. Opening the last council meeting, the Mayor, Cllr N Salomon gave a comprehensive report about the various blocks of erven being made available for housing once they have been serviced. He also informed the meeting about the different official functions he had to attend in connection with the visit of the State President and his delegation. This was well received by the public. Not so well received by the public is the shock-

ing news that the minister responsible for local authorities has given the green light for Erf 8436 to be transferred to SWAPO Party for N$30 000 although it has a market value of over N$2 million. What a scandal! Almost N$2 million of taxpayers money squandered. May we remember this act of self-enrichment by the ruling party when we go to the polls again during November. The renovation of Woermann Haus has been con-

cluded, and it looks attractive from a distance. However, a closer look shows paint peeling off the woodwork at certain places, and rust already showing through on the metal pipes. Next to Woermann Haus stands a dilapidated school hostel and one cannot understand the disgraceful condition of a building which accommodates young scholars. At present, contractors are working on the construction of new offices

for NWR. It is not known what will happen to the present building, but we hope that the little tower facing the sea will be retained and that the maritime flags at its top will be restored. This is part of our town’s history and should be preserved Cyclists are complaining about the condition of some of the lanes created for them, as they are very bumpy, with surfaces in poor condition, especially at car entrances. Some earth-work was done re-

cently on the pavement directly next to the Tug Restaurant. Unfortunately the repairs didn’t last long; cracks are showing all along the edge and the kerbstones have started breaking away. Our town is fortunate to have parking bays for the elderly, clearly marked with a big “E” by a signboard indicating this. Members of the younger generation unfortunately ignore this and park wherever there is a gap. Not very considerate!

Waar kry jy die beste Vis en Tjips… Incooknito

Ons vis en tjips het ook maar van Engeland af oorgewaai, want daar is niks meer Brits as varsgebakte Fish & Chips nie! Stomend warm, genoeg sout, bedruip met wit asyn en toegedraai in koerantpapier is dit so tradisioneel soos wat jy kan kry. Volgens die National Federation of Fish Friers het alles in die 17e eeu begin toe die eerste aartappel uit Amerika na Engeland geneem is. (Daar word wel aanvaar dat die Franse die eerstes was wat die tjip in vet, later olie gebraai het.) Die Engelse het gou agtergekom dat tjips by vis hoort en ‘n uiters smaaklike kombinasie maak. Smaakorgane besef al hoe meer dat die twee feitlik onafskeidbaar van mekaar is – daarom dat jy dit nie nie net by elke wegneemetebedryf kry nie, maar op elke spyskaart aan ons kus. Het jy geweet dat… + die eerste vis-en-tjipsinkel in die wêreld is in 1863 naby Oldham,

Lancashire in Engeland geopen + In die 19de eeu het dit soos paddastoele verrys en is hulle almal uit die ‘voorhuis’ bedryf + die ontwikkeling van stoom, het markte in Ysland en Groenland geopen van waar vis per stoomboot na Engeland ingevoer is. + spesiale tente is in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog opgerig om vis-en-tjips aan honger soldate te voorsien. Dit was van die min kosse wat nie gerantsoeneer was nie! + daar is vandag sowat 8 500 vis-en-tjipswinkels in die VK – McDonald’s het ‘n duisend. Kompetisie - Wie het die lekkerste Eisbein in Erongo? namib times se lesers is verlede maand gevra

Fish and chips England om hul beste eetplek in Erongo aan te wys wat die Duitse Eisbein die lekkerste voorsit. Twee restaurante, Namib Restaurant by Deutsches Haus en Brauhaus, albei van Swakopmund het kop en skouers bo die ander uitgestaan. Maar, nadat die stemme Donderdagmiddag gesluit het, het die Namib Restaurant by Deutsches Haus in Lüderitzstraat, Swakopmund die meeste stemme gekry. Deutsches Haus: 43,

Brauhaus: 11, Crazy Mamas: 1 en Napolitana, 1. Ons gelukkige wenner wat Eisbein vir twee lossmul, is gekies .....ons gaan die naweek ‘n foto neem waar hy sy prysbewys ontvang. Dinsdag sal hy in die koerant pronk! Maar hy weet reeds wie hy is en was baie bly! Van nou af tot laat in Oktober soek namib times die lekkerste vis en tjipsplek in die Erongo-streek. Maak nie saak of jy

moet aansit daarvoor en of jy dit vir ‘n vinnige wegneem-ete wil bestel nie. Die plek wat op 22 Oktober deur die meeste lesers aangewys is, is die wenner. Sms jou gunstelingplek na 081 479 9844 en onthou om jou naam en van by te sit. Ook nou slegs twee sms’e van dieselfde selnommer af toegelaat. Enige plek in die streek kan in aanmerking kom.

Two months ago we had Regional Council elections with the usual campaigning. Driving through town one can still observe posters of some contestants. If those candidates are seriously concerned about the cleanliness of our town, then it is long overdue for these posters to be removed. Remember that at the end of November we have our Local Authority elections and need helping hands at the polling stations. We have a list of strong candi-

dates and want to be successful. As ever, we encourage you to join this association which works for all Swakopmund residents, Our fees are most reasonable - $50 for a year’s membership. To become a member the basic requirement is that you are a resident of Swakopmund, whether renting a property or owning one. If you pay an electricity or water bill, then you are eligible. No 47, August 2015



HIV Testing and CDA Count Explained

What is involved in the testing for HIV? HIV Counseling and Testing (HTC) is a quick and easy process that a person request for and undergo voluntarily, by visiting a health centre such as the Walvis Bay Corridor Group Mobile Wellness Clinics. When a people receive an HIV test, they are taking an important step in their lives and are able to make an informed decision about their sexual lives, regardless of the outcome of the test. The Ministry of Health and Social Services is encouraging all of us to come forward to be tested for HIV. It is believed that if many of us get tested, even though we may not be sick, this will help lessen the stigma associated with an HIV test. Also, if we find out at an earlier stage that we are infected with HIV, we can: Immediately access treatment, care and support services at any Government clinic free of charge; Learn more about the virus and how it affects our bodies;

Look after our health so that we stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible; Get information and counseling around how to live positively with the virus. This means learning to accept the fact that we are infected with HIV, seeking

emotional support, eating a healthy diet, learning how to control the amount of stress in our lives, making sure we don’t become re-infected, and planning for the future. Learn to recognise the signs of opportunistic infections so we can get

them treated promptly. Find out what resources are available within our community to help us manage our HIV status Find out about prophylactic drugs. These drugs do not cure HIV/AIDS, but can prevent us from getting some

WANT TO KNOW YOUR HIV STATUS? We provide the following services at our Roadside Wellness Clinic: HIV testing and counselling CD4 Count Measurements / Tests STI screening and treatment Risk reduction counselling Social behaviour change & communication sessions Basic Primary Health Care Hypertension / Blood Pressure (BP) Glucose screening TB screening Condom distribution Referrals to appropriate treatment, care and support services

opportunistic infections that are common with people living with HIV/AIDS e.g. T.B and some kinds of Pneumonia. Get emotional support by seeking counseling and joining support groups. Make sure that we don’t infect anyone else, including our loved ones or get re-infected ourselves. If we are not infected with HIV, HTC can motivate us to stay HIV antibody negative, and to accept those who are infected. What is CD4 count and how does it work? The Walvis Bay Corridor Group through its Wellness initiative recently introduced CD 4 count testing for HIV + clients at its Roadside and Mobile Wellness clinics in Namibia. A CD4+ count is a blood test to determine how well the immune system is working in people who have been diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). CD4+ cells are a type of white blood cell. White blood cells are important in fighting infections. When diagnosed with HIV infection, the WBCG will administer a CD4+ count test in order to: Monitor how the HIV infection is affecting your immune system. Help diagnose acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV infection can progress to AIDS, which cannot be cured.

Help you to decide when to start antiretroviral therapy (ART). This combination of medicines slows the rate with which HIV multiplies in the body. Evaluate your risk for other infections (opportunistic infections). Decide when to start treatment to prevent opportunistic infections, such as medicines to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia. When is my CD4 low and when is it high? In a healthy person, the average CD 4 cell count ranges from 800 to 1200. I.e. an average of about 1000. Without intervention, a person who becomes infected with HIV experiences a gradual decrease in the number of CD4 cells over time. When the CD4 cell level reaches 200 or less, the person’s immune system is usually too weak to fight many infections, which results in AIDS-related illnesses. When it is said that someone has a CD4 cell count of, for example, 560, this means that there were 560 CD4 cells in one milliliter of that person’s blood, at the time the blood was tested. Obviously, every person has liters of blood, which means millions of CD4 cells! The body also makes more of these cells every day. Therefore, one of the objectives of ART is to raise

CD4 cell levels, by keeping HIV under control. When HIV is controlled, the new CD4 cells made by the body are not destroyed as much, which means that more are available to deal with infections. CD4 cell counts can vary from day to day. It is advisable to keep track of general trends, and not obsess about specific dayto-day changes. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, your CD4 count will normally increase again, whereas it can also decrease dramatically if you abuse alcohol or continue to engage in unprotected sex. In 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced new guidelines which encourages all countries to initiate HIV treatment in adults living with HIV when their CD4 cell count falls to 500 cells/mm³ or less – when their immune systems are still strong. The previous WHO recommendation, set in 2010, was to offer treatment at 350 CD4 cells/ mm³ or less. The Ministry of Health and Social Services and the Walvis Bay Corridor Group has subsequently adopted these guidelines and many more lives are being saved as more HIV + people are being registered on the ART programme earlier than before.

If you think you have been exposed to HIV please visit our Roadside Wellness Clinic in Walvis Bay to get a free, confidential HIV test today.

The WBCG Roadside Wellness clinic is situated at: Corner 5th street and 14th road (behind Manica - close to the port) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09h00 - 18h00 Contact numbers: 081 604 0309 / 081 430 3360



KSS farewell - Hollywood stars come together Liesl Losper Hollywood was brought to Walvis Bay’s Municipality Hall on Wednesday night with a glamorously decorated venue full of lights, spreading a warm atmosphere. To give learners the ultimate Hollywood feeling, posters of upcoming movies decorated the entrance, as 'Hollywood' was the theme of this school’s matric farewell. They started at the school and namib times had to wait ‘anxiously’ from 17:00 - until they eventually arrived at 19:30. At the school the pa-

rents could enjoy the sight of their smartly -dressed children and the community went wild – raving about the glamorous dresses and suits.

They awarded some of the learners, and we’ll focus on that aspect of the unforgettable evening next week – today we bring all the beauty of the moment!

Continues on page 12


12 12 NAMIB NAMIBTIMES TIMES Continued from page 11




The walVISfees 2015 Beckons It is time for walVISfees 2015. This festival was initiated 4 years ago to be a festival for Walvis Bay, obviously with the goal to raise money for a charity, but also to set up a nice big party with a difference, in that it would definitely be for the whole family and community. “With humble beginnings we’ve been able to host a festival for the whole family, indeed, with sport, sports, entertainment en lots of food, especially fish – our healthy, local, natural resource. The walVISfees is proudly involved with a Walvis Bay recipe book, titled “hooked” by Christine Smit, with pictures by Volker Pesch and Seaworks.

As always the walVISfees will start with a “Wine Auction” on Wednesday, 30 September 2015. This event will include a Wine tasting by the Wine Valley of Herco Marketing, with nice background music by Margariet Swart, one of our own talented locals. The idea is to give them an opportunity to grow their music careers and at the same time supply a nice atmosphere at the wine tasting. Andries Vermeulen, the funniest South African ever, will be our guest and host a small auction of special wines, while a nice dinner will be served at the Walvis Bay Town

Hall (book your seat in advance.) The festival at Jan Wilken will start on Friday afternoon with a show by the funny, talented South African Duo, Jakkals & Leo. Kevin Leo & Jakkie Louw’s show contains deep music “Voshaarnooi”, as well as funny and crazy tunes with some real Kevin craziness. Good news is that the music will be for the whole family, too. Local artist Linette Booysen will be in action as well, she needs no introduction, she’s our own Sara Theron. A nice “steak dinner”will be available (please book

The walVISfees last year in advance at Stephney). A variation of other light meals and a cash bar will also be available. There will be special activities for the kids to keep them busy, while their parents enjoy a relaxing evening. Saturday is fun-filled, with the Etosha Fishing – Lucky Star Marathon and Cycling challenge, and the Shotokan Karate Academy Coastals Championship. The JSKA 2014 World Champ, De Wet Moolman, will be in action and many more. The “Sterkman”competition by Will’s Gym will be a highlight again, new kid on the block, Dog’s and

Don’ts, will host a demonstration with dogs and an open competition (for friendly dogs). Seaworks’s Seafood braai competition will always be the highlight for our coastal “Braaiers”, so, if you think you know how to “Braai”, this is it. There will be a huge number of speciality stalls as well as a lot of kids’ entertainment, and their own special activity tent with lots and lots of fun & games. While all this is happening around you, music and lots and lots of food will also be on the menu. New at the walVISfees is the restaurant breakfast

menu – Bacon & eggs will be served, make sure you are early to spoil yourself with a breakfast at the festival. A large selection seafoods such as fish, calamari, sushi and the best fresh oysters. For the meat eater, we will have nice “sosaties and braaivleis”. Traditional Pancakes and Poeding is on the list. To end this day, the World Cup Rugby will be on the big screen at the festival. A Sunday service will be new on the programme as well. By demand, a service by Ds Jacques Myburgh will close this festival on Sunday in the big tent!


WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month: Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * 9 Sept: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole. * 25 Sept: Mr and Miss NPS at School Hall. * 28 Sept. - 10 Oct: WACK Fest - Yearly arts and craft exhibition at the Lagune Café - wbartsandcraft @ gmail.com * 30 Sept: walVIS fees se Wynveiling, Walvisbaai Stadsaal om 18:00. * 2 Okt: walVIS fees Jakkals & Leo 19:30 Jan Wilken Stadion. * 3 Okt: walVIS fees 2015 Jan Wilken Stadion * 6 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Katolieke Kerk. * 14 Oct: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole * 15 & 16 Oct: Narraville Primary School Prize-giving Ceremonies. * 28 - 31 Oct: Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Walvis Bay Municipality

SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, 39 Bismark Str, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * 9 Sept: Deutsche Theatergruppe der NHS - Der Besuch der alten Schachtel 19:30 Hanjo-Böhlke Aula Namib High School. * 27 Sept: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. * 7 - 10 Oct: Swakopmund International Trade Expo. For more info contact 064 - 406687 or 081 476 9304. * 25 Oct: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. * 7 Nov: Rotary Day at SFC - Lots of family fun. Be there. * 29 Nov: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00.

HENTIES BAY * 16 Des: Geloftefees te NG KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00.


Benchpress competitor at the WalVISfees in 2014

* Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.



(Fltr) Isabella Haenisch, Sanchia Reid, Kulen and Pyllan Katumbo, KAroline Nel, Olivia Hartman and Laura Weimann

(Fltr) Jesse Kaboy, Joy Kaboy and Shantay Hainyanyula enjoying themselves at Sanmilari

Sanmilari Celebrates First Anniversary On Friday, Sanmilari, the first ever jungle gym in Namibia, celebrated its first birthday. Sanmilari opened its doors to the Swakopmund community last year in August at the Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre, better known as the Dome. Sanmilari is linked to a coffee shop and a restaurant. It is an inviting place where children can go and play and develop their brain. The children do different things at Sanmilari. There are dancing classes, and art, music and storytelling time for different age groups.

According to Stefanie Reid, the founder of Sanmilari, they focus on a wide range of children, from those “just out of the nappies,” up to teenagers of 14 years. “There are a lot of things that one can do with children, it is just a matter of sorting it out,” says Stefanie. She says they’ve start-

ed with a kids’ club, where parents can just drop off the children. There will be a membership fee for parents who cannot afford to pay the daily fee. The membership fee will not carry a time restriction, so kids will be able to stay as long as they want to, within business hours. Currently there is an

entrance fee of N$55 for 90 minutes. People can also book the place for private functions. For their anniversary, Sanmilari organised treasure hunts for the children, where they had to search for a piece of paper, naming the gift they were to collect. Everybody clearly had much fun.

The toddlers department at Sanmilari

Hospitality Excellence at Heart Gondwana Training Academy kicks off second mobile training programme The Gondwana Training Academy has started with its second mobile training programme which will be conducted during the whole month of September. Ten employees have been invited, among them the senior personnel of the new Gondwana hotel The Delight Swakopmund which will open its doors on 1 November. For 10 days, the participants are visiting the lodges in the Gondwana Canyon Park. On their way back to Windhoek they will stop over at the Kalahari Anib Lodge. The training programme will continue at the Gondwana Travel Centre in Windhoek. The focus, among other things, is on the Gondwana philosophy, the company structure and management, ethical values, customer service and leadership qualities. The program has been tailored to the needs of the Gondwana group of companies. Working as a team and in a group is the core of the training strategy. Training consultant Ume Goldbeck accompanies the group on its tour to the lodges. “The success of a company is relying heavily on the employees who are working for it. Gondwana offers

The participants of the current Gondwana Training Academy (back, ltr): Maria Mvula (Gondwana junior trainer), Israel Thele, Renate Khoagoses, Philip Reyher, Norbert Machipisa, Titus Angula; (front) Dolores Rooi, Annie Theron, Ina Neumbo, Paulina Likango, Millicent Kheimseb, Ume Goldbeck (training consultant)

Senior employees of the new hotel “The Delight Swakopmund” are participating in the mobile Academy which is currently visiting the Gondwana lodges close to the Fish River Canyon their employees the opportunity to discover their potential and develop it to the fullest. Hospitality, helpfulness and warmth are of utmost importance in the tourism industry. Such characteristics develop in a natural way when employees are passionate about their work.” The mobile Training Academy is a temporary solution until Gondwana Collection launches its stationary Academy in January 2017. Based in Stampriet at the Kalahari Farmhouse, the Academy will provide training for eight months of the year. For the remaining four months it will open to guests, who will be host-

ed by the trainees, giving them the opportunity to apply their training and gain valuable hands-on experience. While the Academy is initially aimed at increasing the skills of Gondwana staff, the intention at a later stage is to also provide training for people aspiring to work in the hospitality industry and to be a source of leadership development for service professionals wanting to further their skills. The Academy’s hospitality training and leadership development programme aims to provide service excellence, promoting Namibia as a top African tourist destination.



Estate planning

Protecting your assets Equity markets have been under renewed pressure from uncertainty about Chinese economic growth and emerging market currency devaluations. However, this month we will take a break from markets and focus on the preservation and distribution of accumulated wealth through estate planning. Taking control There is currently a lot of uncertainty about the general health of financial markets. Volatility has become the norm, with large changes in share prices and economic indicators being experienced daily. As an investor you have very little control over these factors, other than sticking to your investment strategy. Therefore now is the time to concentrate on the factors that we do have control over. Creating a financial and estate plan is the first step to weather these storms of uncertainty. Reasons for estate planning · determining a snapshot of your net worth · setting goals and financial planning objectives – deciding in advance what to do with assets and liabilities · protecting the value of growth assets in the estate · protecting assets from forced sales by assessing the availability of liquidity in the estate · limiting estate expenses · appointing heirs of your choice · ensure the smooth transition of your

estate upon death Estate planning essentials · Wills and trusts: A will and trust should be the cornerstones of every estate plan, even if you don't have substantial assets. Wills help to ensure that assets are distributed according to your wishes. In addition, some trusts help to limit legal challenges. · Durable power of attorney: It is important to draft a durable power of attorney so that an agent or the person you assign can act on your behalf in administering your estate. Without a power of attorney, a court can make these decisions – and they might not go as you intended. · Beneficiary designations: A number of your possessions can pass to your heirs without being dictated in your will e.g. living and retirement annuities. Nominating one or more beneficiaries on insurance plans can also reduce estate costs (but exceptions do apply). · Guardian designations: In the event that you have children, choosing a guardian is extremely important and sometimes overlooked. Make sure the individual or couple you choose shares your views, is financially capable and is genuinely willing to raise children. · Business succession plan: Estate planning

for business owners comes with its own considerations. These include how to transfer business assets and ensure continuity. What to consider when drawing up a will · Be practical: Do not create a burden for your executor or trustees – and ultimately your family –who have to implement and administer the structures you set in place. For example, trusts that are set up to last in perpetuity usually don't. · Ask your children what they want: Consider existing trusts and other estate planning vehicles that your children may already have set up. If they prefer to receive any benefit directly, despite the benefit that a control mechanism can offer, then consider this. · Allow for flexibility: The world has become a small place and generations to come will live in a world without boundaries. Do not restrict the movement of assets or the transfer of wealth that could otherwise have benefited your children and grandchildren. Who may act on your behalf? It is a harsh reality that old age may affect your ability to manage your own affairs optimally. A general power of attorney is often regarded as a solution.

If you cannot manage your own personal finances, one of the following procedures can be used to appoint an agent to act in your stead: · Power of attorney: A power of attorney is used when a person is temporarily unable to manage their affairs. This is only valid if the person is still competent to act on their own behalf. If the person is incompetent to manage their own affairs, they cannot legally authorise another person

by means of a power of attorney. · Appointing a curator: One may apply to the High Court to appoint a curator bonis. * The curator will take control of an incompetent person's assets and liabilities after being authorised by the Master of the High Court. However, this as an expensive process. * A curator bonis is a legal representative appointed by a court to manage the finances, property or estate of another person unable to do so because of mental or

physical incapacity. The corresponding office in common law is that of conservator or guardian of the property. · Appointing an administrator: This can be applied for if the person is mentally ill or has a severe or profound intellectual disability. Freedom of testation It is within you power to choose the heirs of

your assets upon your death, as long as your actions are legal. Apart from statutory limitations, there are three general exceptions to the rule: · claims for the maintenance of dependants · claims by a surviving spouse · claims in terms of the accrual system created by the Matrimonial Property Act.



The month of August has been painful for global equities. United States (US) equities fell 5.7% for the month and others, especially emerging markets, were hit even harder. South African equities are down 4.6% in August. slowdown in China has left supply of Market Review: The main cause for the market turmoil is commodities exceeding the demand, China. China's domestic stock market placing pressure on commodity exporters. bubble started to unwind and the Furthermore, as the markets await an devaluation of their currency by interest rate hike by the US Federal authorities sparked fear in investors. Sheer Reserve, global bonds become a risky panic drove investors to move their capital option. into money market funds. However, After the correction in equity markets, selling units when the market is down only shares have now become more attractively valued and have presented a good buying locks in losses. Foord Asset Managers believe that China opportunity. needs to do more to stimulate its economy See table 1 below for asset class returns and loosen monetary policy. The over various periods: Table 1: Asset Class Returns (in N$)

Source: Glacier Research Portfolio Performances: Although markets can be volatile over shorter periods like a month, they become more predictable given enough time. Table

2 shows the 1-year and 3-year (per annum) returns ending August 2015 of our six managed portfolios. The returns are calculated based on gross internal rates of return (IRR's) from actual client data:

Table 2: Portfolio Returns over a 12-Month and 36-Month Period: Conservative+ Cautious

Source: Actual Client IRR's off Sanport The 1-year returns for our portfolios have struggled to meet their benchmarks due to current market conditions discussed above, but move closer to or exceed their longterm expected rates of return over longer periods. While the 1-year performances are not great, they would have been worse if we didn't defensively move to more safety assets in June. Valuations and Risks: Positive economic indicators, and the flight of capital out of emerging markets and into developed markets have strengthened the US Dollar. The Federal Reserve will have to decide midSeptember whether it will hike interest rates or not. A hike would initially be negative for bonds, but should be a positive signal that the economy is making a strong recovery. Concerns over China spilling into other emerging economies have weakened their currencies, including the South African Rand. However, South Africa also has its own internal reasons for the lack of investor

confidence, such as power outages, labour unrest etc. In Conclusion: Market corrections are normal and should be expected. The third quarter of the year is known to be a volatile one. The patient investor who rides out the storm is rewarded but those who panic and sell lock in losses. The current fall in market indices around the world is not permanent and instead presents good buying opportunities. Like us, investors should focus on the long-term, and can trust us to actively manage your investments through shorter-term volatilities. Hendrie Scheun, MSc (Financial Economics) (London) is a qualified economist with wide international and local experience. He is a financial adviser at the Namibian coast focussing on savings and investments and can be reached on 081 127 2244. Investment Consultant, Michele Arnold, BCom (Honours in Risk Management) (North-West University) contributed to this article

Woermann Brock, a leading Namibian Retail and Wholesale group on the lookout for an exceptional candidate for the following position at the Coast:

ACCOUNTANT Key Responsibilities: Important skills and attributes include: · Confident decision-making · Attend to detail with good time management · Strong written and verbal communication skills · At least 3 years proven account experience in a similar role · The ability to multitask with deadlines and delegation to staff · Great computer skills · The ability to work independently · Overall administrative management and financial control of debtors, creditors and bank recon clerks. · Experience with Pastel bookkeeping system will be advantageous Your duties will include: · Reconciliation of Trial Balance and General Ledger. · The preparation of monthly financial statements and balance sheet. We are seeking a strong people manager to lead our finance department; this will be combined with excellent Financial Accounting skills and knowledge of Namibian Auditing and Tax requirements. You need to have a financial qualification with strong supervisory skills and/or a minimum of 5 years' experience as accountant. You need to possess the skills to manage and train and develop accounts department staff and build strong relationships throughout all levels of the business. We Offer: Competitive Salary, Medical Aid and Pension Fund. CV's to be hand delivered to Woermann Brock, Tobias Hainyeko street, Swakopmund, for attention Mrs. Grobler. No faxed or e-mailed CV's will be accepted, as screening questions need to be completed with submission of CV. Closing date 19th September 2015 at 12:00. Please visit our website www.wbswakop.com for regular updates on vacant positions.






An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Was möchte Ihr Hund Ihnen EIGENTLICH sagen?

Mensch und Hund oft beste Freunde sprechen nicht dieselbe Sprache. Zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation ist schon kompliziert genug, obwohl wir derselben Spezies angehören. Das Zwiegespräch mit des Deutschen liebstem Haustier, dem Hund, gestaltet sich noch schwieriger. Selbst langjährige Hundehalter verstehen nicht immer, was ihnen ihr Liebling mitteilen will. Stanley Coren, Psychologie-Professor an der Universität von British Columbia in Vancouver/Kanada, kommt Hundebesitzern jetzt zu Hilfe: seit mehr als 30 Jahren erforscht er das Verhalten der Tiere und hat nun ein Buch veröffentlicht, das Mensch

sollte der Mensch endlich begreifen, dass Hunde so intelligent sind wie ein zweijähriges Kind. Und genau wie dieses verstehe das Tier sehr viel mehr als es sage. "Wenn die Menschen dies begriffen haben, werden sie nicht mehr zu viel von ihrem Hund erwarten, aber auch nicht zu wenig. Einem zweijährigen Kind versucht man ja auch nicht etwas über chinesische Philosophie beizu-

Für uns ist es ein liebevoller Hundekuss. Aber was bedeutet er für den Vierbeiner? Viele Menschen sind davon überzeugt, dass ein Hund, der mit dem Schwanz wedelt, sich freut und nichts anderes. Sätze wie "Guck mal, der ist lieb, der wedelt mit dem Schwanz", höre ich nur zu oft. Natürlich wedelt ein Hund auch mit dem Schwanz, wenn er sich freut, aber nicht nur.....

und Hund dabei helfen soll, sich besser zu verständigen. In "How to Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communications", ("Wie man ‚Hundisch' spricht: Über die Kunst einer besseren Kommunikation zwischen Hund und Mensch"), das bei Free Press erschienen ist, schreibt er: "Hunde sind viel intelligenter als wir es ihnen zugestehen wollen. Sie verstehen mehr als 200 Wörter oder Befehle und sie können unsere Körpersprache lesen." Ein Hund, der mit dem Schwanz wedelt, soll fröhlich und freundlich sein? Weit gefehlt. Andererseits ist ein knurrender Hund nicht unbedingt aggressiv. Es kann auch sein, dass er Sie nur anlächelt. Nach Ansicht Corens

im Jahre 2014; 5. Die D.E.L.K. für das Legen von Pflastersteinen um das Haus der Jugend mit N$ 31500 (2015)in diesem Jahr; 6. Der S.P.C.A. mit N$ 11111, ebenfalls in diesem Jahr. Außerdem haben der Karnevalsverein und seine Mitglieder der Deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche beim Küchenund Toilettenbau im

Haus der Jugend unter die Arme gegriffen und bei verschiedenen Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltungen in der Bar oder am Grill gearbeitet. Auch war der Küska beim Renovieren und Streichen des Kellers im Haus der Jugend mit zusätzlichen Kosten von etwa N$ 5000 und kostbarer Arbeitszeit von Mitgliedern und Freunden des

Narrenvereins behilflich, sodass der Keller nun als Jugendzimmer genutzt werden kann. Jedes Jahr werden in der Karnevalszeit mehrere Altersheime und Kindergärten vom Prinzenpaar besucht, für Unterhaltung und ein paar Leckereien gesorgt. Ein weiterer Beitrag, den der Küska an die Gemeinschaft leistet, ist die Einrichtung, dass die Bar beim Karneval im Haus der Jugend von den Lions und beim Maskenball und Kehraus vom SFC betrieben werden kann, sodass diese Vereine ein additionelles Einkommen haben, das der Karneval nicht für sich beansprucht. Die Lions generieren dadurch etwa N 70000 und der SFC circa N$ 50000, ein Einkommen, auf das der Küska zugunsten dieser Vereine verzichtet. Hinzu kommt, dass die Organisation Children with Handicaps Action i n N a m i b i a (C.H.A.I.N.) seit mehreren Jahren ein Einkommen durch das Schminken von Gesichtern beim Maskenball hat. Demnach kann man sagen, dass der Swakopmunder Karneval einen beachtlichen Beitrag zum Wohle der Küstengemeinschaft liefert.

Küska zum Wohle der Gemeinschaft!

Wenn die Narrenzeit vorbei ist, machen die Mitglieder des KüskaKarnevalskomitees jedes Jahr Vorschläge zwecks Spenden an die Gemeinschaft. In diesem Jahr zeigte sich der Kinderkarneval besonders erfolgreich, und das KÜSKIKATeam hatte daraufhin vorgeschlagen, den hiesigen Tierschutzverein zu unterstützen. Der Vorschlag wurde angenommen, da der SPCA in der Küstenmetropole eine wichtige Rolle spielt und von Spenden abhängig

ist. Folgende Institutionen wurden in den letzten vier Jahren unterstützt: 1. Der Laura Meyer Trust mit N$ 5000 im Jahre 2012; 2. Die Namib High School, ebenfalls mit N$ 5000 im gleichen Jahr; 3. C.H.A.I.N. mit N$ 11111 im Jahre 2013; 4. Die D.E.L.K. für den Spielplatz hinter dem Haus der Jugend mit N$ 13325, ebenfalls im Jahre 2013; 4. Die Aktion Sonnenstern von Hitradio Namibia mit N$ 11111

Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch


085 999 Your direct line to report crime!

bringen." Coren ärgert es, dass Hundehalter so oft Signale der Hunde-Körpersprache ignorieren oder missdeuten. Das Schwanzwedeln sei Gegenstand einer der häufigsten Fehlinterpretationen. "Wenn ein Hund seinen Schwanz aufrecht und leicht über den Rücken gebogen trägt, denken die Leute, er sei froh und guter Dinge", so Coren. "Was er wirklich damit sagen will, ist: ‚Ich bin ein toller Hund und ich würde jederzeit kämpfen, um das zu beweisen'." Ein anderes Missverständnis entstehe, wenn ein Hund den Schwanz hängen und leicht hin und her schwingen lässt. Coren: "Dann sagen die

Leute, der Hund sei ziemlich froh. Was er uns aber in Wahrheit sagt, ist: ‚Mir geht es nicht so gut'." Ein Hundeschwanz, der weit ausschwingt, zeuge allerdings wirklich von Zuneigung zu einer Person oder einem anderen Hund. Ähnlich wie mit dem Schwanzwedeln und dem Knurren verhält es sich mit dem HandAblecken. Das Vorurteil besagt: Ein Hund, der meine Hand leckt, mag mich. Aber entspricht das Lecken einer Liebkosung oder gar dem menschlichen Kuss? "Nicht wirklich", meint Coren. "Der Hund will Sie auf etwas aufmerksam machen, zum Beispiel, dass er Hunger hat.” Spiegel Online

Worte der Woche

Oskar und Herrchen beenden ihre YogaÜbungen mit einem tief entspannten, meditativen Ooooooohmmm! Das beste aller Güter, der Gemütsruhe ist. wenn es überhaupt Arthur SchopenGüter gibt, ist die Ru- hauer (1788-1860), he, die Zurückgezo- deutscher Philogenheit und ein Plätz- soph. chen, das man sein ei- Nur in einem ruhigen Teich spiegelt sich das gen nennen kann. Jean de La Bruyère Licht der Sterne. (1645-1696), franzö- Chinesisches Sprichsischer Schriftstel- wort Warum sind denn die ler. Die schönsten Erinne- Götter Götter? Weil rungen sind stets Er- sie mit Bewusstsein lebnisse, für die man und Absicht nichts sich Zeit genommen tun. hat. Ich weiß genau, Friedrich Schlegel dass ich immer durchs (1772-1829), deutLeben gehetzt bin, zu scher Kulturphiloviel Ungeduld und soph, Schriftsteller, Rastlosigkeit im Ge- L i t e r a t u r - u n d päck gehabt, zu viele Kunstkritiker, HisChancen verpasst, zu toriker und Altphiviele wertvolle Men- lologe. schen im aufgewirbel- Die allgegenwärtige ten Staub übersehen Berieselungsmusik ist wie Gehirnwäsche. Es habe. C h a r l e s K u r a l t gibt kein Schweigen (1934-1997), ameri- mehr. Man versucht, kanischer Nachrich- uns zu erdröhnen. Yehudi Menuhin tenkorrespondent. Ein Hauptstudium der (1916-1999), US-aJugend sollte sein, die merikanischer, späEinsamkeit ertragen ter schweizer und lernen, weil sie eine britischer Violinist Quelle des Glücks und und Dirigent.



An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Leserbrief: Unterstützen Sie die hiesige Milchwirtschaft

Bitte kaufen Sie, die es sich leisten können, hiesige, namibianische Milch. Sie ist, im Gegensatz zur südafrikanischen, hormonfrei. Ich kann mich noch daran erinnern, wie oft es keine Milch zu kaufen gab, als wir noch keine eigene Industrie im Land hatten.


1. Bei uns dürfen Männer nur eine Frau heiraten. Das nennt man Monotonie. 2. Mein Bruder ist vom Baum gefallen und hatte eine Gehirnverschüttung. 3. Ich bin zwar nicht getauft, dafür aber geimpft. 4. Alle Welt horchte auf, als Luther 1517 seine 95 Prothesen an die Schlosskirche zu Wittenberg schlug. 5. Vom Onkel wurde das Schwein in die Scheune gebracht und dort kurzerhand mit dem Großvater geschlachtet. 6.Meine Tante hatte so starke Gelenkschmerzen, dass sie die Arme kaum über den Kopf heben konnte. Mit den Beinen ging es ihr ebenso. Mein Papa ist ein Spekulatius. Der verdient ganz viel Geld an der Börse. Alle Fische legen Eier. Die russischen sogar Kaviar.

Gut, sie kostet etwas mehr, aber viele von uns können es sich doch leisten, oder? Gruss Eva Lubisch Swakopmund Tel. 064 403516 Cell. 081 2600480 lubisch@africaonline .com.na

Das erste Locker vom Hocker der Sommerzeit Was ist aus dir geworden, oh mein Okahandja?

Liebe Küstenleser! Eine meiner schönen Kindheitserinnerungen ist der Sonntagsausflug nach Okahandja. Meine Eltern scheuten die 85 km lange Fahrt in unserem knatternden roten VWKombi Typ 2 von der Landeshauptstadt in das Stammzentrum der Herero nicht, um ihren fünf Sprösslingen einen Besuch im alten Zoopark zu ermöglichen. Dieser befand sich etwa 2km nördlich von Okahandja an der Voortrekker Straat, wo heute das Okahandja Country Hotel gelegen ist. Der Höhepunkt unserer Zoovisite war die Begegnung mit dem schwarzen Raben, der seine Flügel nach hinten ausbreitete, als wollte er Luft holen, dann mit dem Kopf nach vorne schoss um mit einer richtig coolen Reibesenstimme ein krächzendes ,,Hello” auszuspucken. Wir konnten stundenlang vor diesem Käfig stehen, vielleicht auch deshalb, weil es damals noch kein Fernsehen gab.

Anschließend ging es dann in die OkahandjaBäckerei, wo wir im Cafè von Arnold Fischer, eingehüllt in den Duft von allerlei leckerem Gebäck, frische Brötchen essen durften. Auch das Cafè Fischer mit seiner hübschen Grünanlage ist verschwunden, und stattdessen schaut man auf graue Mauern und

kango und Okamita treffen, wenig übrig geblieben. Überall macht sich Verfall und Verschmutzung breit. Um dem Dreck und Niedergang dieser einst blühenden Stadt zu entkommen, beschließe ich, endlich einmal die Gräber des Hererohäuptlings Tjamuaha, seines Sohnes Maharero und dessen

Sohn Samuel Maharero zu besichtigen, wo doch der Präsident des Volksbunds Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, Markus Meckel, vor etwa zwei Monaten einen Kranz niedergelegt und besagter Bund sich verpflichtet hat, wenigstens die Pflege von Grabstätten in Namibia zu unterstützen. Ich frage also eine

Wo einst der Zuckerguss von Arnold Fischers Spritzkuchen die Mundwinkel hinunterfloss, starrt man heute auf vergitterte Rundöffnungen in grauem Gemäuer. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn Gitter, hinter denen sich eine Spielhölle mit Biergarten versteckt. Überhaupt ist von dem Zauber der Stadt, wo sich die Riviere Oka-

Dieses alte Schild, das sich, versteckt unter Bäumen, etwa 200 m von den Denkmälern entfernt befindet, entdeckte ich erst nach meiner Gräber-Besichtigung.

Möchten Sie jetzt im Sommer an der sonst meist nebelverhangenen Küste endlich mal wieder doppelt und dreifach ins Schwitzen geraten? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel 405183 oder 0812538850; E-Mail: susannkinghorn @gmail.com ,,...sie schlichen sich hinter die Scheune und rissen sich gegenseitig die Sättel vom Leib. Es war eine Nacht der ungezähmten Leidenschaft, ohne Zaumzeug oder sonstige Hindernisse.”

50 Shades of Hay

Meme am Straßenrand, wo sich diese Gräber befinden. ,,Huuh, mevrou”, ruft sie aus und schlägt ihre Hand vor den Mund. ,,Ek weet nie, of dit veilig is, om daar te gaan nie. Die botsotsos is mos oorals” Auf Drängen hat sie mir dann aber doch den Weg beschrieben, und so sehe ich vor mir plötzlich das Schild ,,HERERO GRAFTE GRAVES GRÄBE...”, fahre durch verdreckte Buschwelt, und dort, vor einer verfallenen Ruine, steht der Granitstein auf Zement und zwischen Mäuerchen versteckt, davor der vertrocknete Kranz mit einer aus der Schwarz-Rot-Gold und der schwarzweißen Flagge des Volksbunds Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge geflochtenen Schleife darin. Befremdend lächelt einen die farbkräftige deutsche Flagge in der ansonsten tristen Landschaft an. Tjamuaha, Maharero, Samuel, und auch du, Kaimbire Tjamuaha, all ihr Herero-Oberhäupter, die ihr hier an diesem bedrückenden Ort so einsam unter grauem Zement und kalter Erde ruht, seid froh, dass ihr diesen Schlamassel über der Erde nicht mit ansehen müsst. Das meint eure/Ihre Susann Kinghorn

Werbung wagen und gewinnen!

Habt ihr es gut, all ihr Herero chiefs, dass ihr sanft unter der Erde ruhen dürft und euch den Schlamassel hier oben nicht mehr anzusehen braucht.


REZONING APPLICATION WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: Street to General Residential 1, LOCATION: Portion of Sir Isaac Newton Street, TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay Notice is hereby given in terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme that the developer, Mutago Builders and Developers, on behalf of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, intends to apply to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to close portion of Sir Isaac Newton Street and then rezone it for General Residential 1 purposes. The portion of Sir Isaac Newton Street is ± 2 700 m² in extent. The proposed “General Residential” zoning will allow the developer to develop a medium to high residential development on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Friday, 25 September 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay, (064 280 770)


Vacancy ARCHITECTURAL TECHNICIANS Bob Mould & Scheffer Architects Walvis Bay offers challenging opportunities for two Architectural Technicians. A good working knowledge of Archicad, Altantis, Caddie and Sketch-up would be an advantage. We expect the applicants to meet the following criteria: · Be in possession of a recognized qualification and practical experience. · Be responsible and self motivated. · Capable of professional interaction with clients. · Be able to work under pressure. · Be fully bilingual (English and Afrikaans). · Must have own transport (Valid divers licence). · Must be prepared to travel. Interested persons should submit the following documents to: mouldwb@iway.na · Curriculum vitae. · Certified copies academic and professional certificates and testimonials. · Proof of Namibian citizenship / permanent residence. Please note: Only suitably qualified applicants need apply. Only short list candidates will be contacted for an interview. No documents will be returned.





SeamountMarineEnterprises (Pty) Ltd. VACANCY (SKIPPER)

Seamount Marine Enterprises (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity company involved in the Linefish (Snoek) fishery. The Company wishes to employ a suitably qualified and experienced Skipper for their Linefish vessel the mfv "Beta" Minimum requirements:

! STCW 95F Class 6 Skippers Ticket or Grade 4 equivalent recognized by the Namibian

DMA ! At least five years proven experience as a Skipper targeting snoek ! Be in possession of a valid: ! Basic Safety Certificate ! Radio Operators Certificate

Job Specification: !The Successful incumbent will be responsible for all aspects relating to the efficient management of the vessels operations with special emphasis on but not limited to the safety of the employees and maintenance of the vessel and equipment. ! Assist the company Shore Skipper in the identifying and employment of suitably experienced and qualified snoek crew ! Control of all fishing gear and consumables on board the vessel ! Maintain all Official and relevant documentation and records at sea as required by the DMA and MFMR The Company offers an highly negotiable and above average remuneration package commiserate with experience and performance Please submit applications addressed to the Shore Skipper Seamount Marine Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 314, Walvis Bay, Fax: +264 64 221 833, E-mail: festus@marshallreef.com Closing date: 21 September 2015


PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMANENT CLOSURE OF STREET PORTION OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON STREET WALVIS BAY (± 2 700m² IN AREA) FOR GENERAL RESIDENTIAL 1 PURPOSES. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 50 (3) (a) (ii) of the Local Authorities Act of 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) that the Municipality of Walvis Bay proposes to permanently close a portion of Sir Isaac Newton Street in Walvis Bay (±2 700m² in area) and then rezoned to General Residential 1. This proposal is indicated on the locality plan which lies for inspection during office hours at the Town Planners' Office, Room 101, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Any person objecting to the proposed closure as indicated above may lodge objections, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer, Municipality of Walvis Bay, Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay in writing before or on Friday, 30 September 2015, in accordance with Section 50 (3) (a) (iv) of the above Act. Chief Executive Officer, Municipality of Walvis Bay, Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay





Town Planning Amendment Scheme No 7 promulgated under General Notice 118 of 2008 notice is herewith given to all interested parties that Messrs The Potters House intend to apply to the Council of the Municipality of Henties Bay for consent use to conduct ecclesiastical (religious) services from resident erf, to wit erf 861, Henties Bay, Omdel 861 Extension 12. Any person (s) who wishes to lodge an objection to the proposed operation of a religious service from residential erf 861, Omdel lodge such objection in writing, 10 days from the date of publication of the second advertisement, to the under mentioned address: The Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay P. O. Box 61 Henties Bay or Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay C/o Jakkalsputz Road & Nickey Iyambo Avenue Henties Bay







(CUSTOMS CLEARING AGENT & OPERATOR) Logistics Company is looking for a new team Member for port & Customs Operations JOB REQUIREMENTS: - Computer Literate - Experience in working with ASYCUDA / ASYCUDA WORLD Suitable candidates apply via e-mail: info@namship.net CLOSING DATE: 30 September 2015

VACANCY Protea Spar Walvis Bay

Butchery Assistant: Experience needed: - Be able to cut meat into standard cuts. - Be able to prepare meat for use in making sausages. - Be able to operate sausage making machine. - Have experience in a Retail environment. - Fluent in Afrikaans and English. - Be able to start immediately. - Namibian Citizen. Closing date for applications - 18/09/2015 CV`s to be personally handed in at Protea Spar Walvis Bay.

VACANCY Protea Spar Walvis Bay

Administrative Clerk: Responsibilities: - Answering Telephones - Cashing up - Daily Banking - Petty Cash - Quotations - Orders - Daily filing - Deliveries Requirements: - 3 years Administrative experience - Matric - Fluent in English and Afrikaans - Valid drivers licence - Namibian citizen - Must be able to start immediately Closing date for applications 12/9/2015 C.V.`s to be personally handed in at Protea Spar Walvis Bay.


M+Z Motors Coastal Tel: 064 20 37 92


Wild meets beautiful



‘10 Mercedes C180 A/T 110000km

N$ 199 500

2013 Juke 1.6 DIG-T Tekna 33000km

N$ 219 500

2009 Cherokee 2.8 CRDi A/T 89000km

N$ 234 995

2011 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, 3.8 V6 Auto 97 000km

N$ 234 995

*incl. 4yr extended warranty*

Following the official announcement of the new importership of Maserati in South Africa, European Automotive Imports - South Africa hosted a glittering event to celebrate the occasion in style. The event showcased mous with Maserati. The o f M a s e r a t i . W h a t the Maserati range and theme for the evening followed was a breathofficially introduced w a s ' W i l d m e e t s taking display of cars Maserati's South Afri- Beautiful' - a coming and fashion. One by one can clientele to the new together of high perfor- the stunning Maserati's mance vehicles and the drove onto the runway Ghibli. The Maserati dealership best of the South African accompanied by the in Bryanston, Johan- fashion attended by the unique fashions of four nesburg, was transfor- who is who of South of South Africa's top designers. med into what can only African society. be described as a theatre A screening of the 101- The GranTurismo made o f f a s h i o n , w h i c h year history movie of the a dramatic entrance onto reflected the Italian luxury Italian motor the runway accomflair, design and life- vehicle brand reminded panied by the designs of style that is synony- all present of the heritage Marianne Fassler, fol-

lowed by the GranCabrio alongside Loincloth & Ashes. The flagship of the range, the Quattroporte, made its entrance in the company of Fabiani and by now the stage was set for the introduction of the long awaited Ghibli. Named after the warm desert winds that blow towards the Mediterranean Sea in Libya, the Ghibli has found its way to South African shores and undoubtedly stole the show on the night.

Entering the arena very slowly, accompanied by the rhythmic and dramatic beat of drums, the deep blue Ghibli was led in by top fashion model Lalla Hirayama and driven by internationally renowned, South African fashion designer, David Tlale. The unmistakable sound of the Maserati engine filled the room and the crowd erupted into applause and cheers as Tlale exited the car. Luca Delfino, Sales

Director for Maserati Middle East, India & Africa, Maserati and Brad Graaff for EAISA were the hosts of the evening. Guests celebrated until late, while enjoying Italian and South African cuisine. The inclement weather did not dampen the spirits and excitement of the guests as they admired the vehicles inside and out. It was indeed an occasion where Wild met Beautiful.

‘13 Jeep Patriot M/T AWD 38000km

N$ 245 000

2014 Mercedes B200 Auto, 36000km

N$ 339 995

All-new Prius Takes A Bold Step Forward The all-new Toyota Prius makes a bold debut. In its fourth generation, the model redefines expectations from hybrids by sporting a ground-breaking style and setting new standards in fun-to-drive dynamics.

2014 Mercedes A180 CDi M/T 32000km

N$ 349 995

2014 Isuzu 3.0 Diesel LX, 4x4 D/C M/T 39 000km

N$ 429 995

2014 Mercedes A45 AMG 19000km

N$ 609 500 Karmen +264 81 302 8571 Louis +264 81 293 2348

Prius went on sale internationally in 1997 as the world's first mass-produced hybrid passenger vehicle. By offering outstanding environmental performance in an affordable package, it changed perceptions and helped raise the status of alternative energy vehicles from niche products to game-changers. As of July 31, 2015, cumulative Prius sales exceed 3.5 million vehicles across approximately 80 countries and regions. South African introduction of Prius occurred in 2005 in second generation guise, establishing itself as the first hybrid vehicle on the local market. The third generation model introduced more progressive styling in 2009, along with a larger capacity 1.8 litre engine. Thanks largely to pioneers such as the Prius; today's car buyers often expect environmental performance as standard. In response to this trend, Toyota went to great lengths to ensure that the appeal of the fourthgeneration model would extend well beyond the car's proven environmental credentials: the new model also boasts a stylish, attractive design in keeping with its fun-to-drive nature. Additionally, as the first global vehicle to use the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA), the new Prius has a completely new, more rigid platform which, combined with a class-leading low centre of gravity and a new front and rear suspension, offer a fun, refined drive. The new Prius will go on sale in Japan at the end of 2015, and is subsequently scheduled for successive launches around the world. South African introduction is currently under study.





E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication






ITS PRAYER TIME!!! Swakopmund Lunch Hour Prayer & Fellowship Time: Monday - Friday (weekdays) 13h10 - 13h50 (daily) Venue: Believer’s Center opposite Fruit & Veg Swakopmund

DESERT BEAUTY SALON: Selling Avon products. Collect your book and order your favourite items. Contact Marinda: 081 446 5500

Tour with us to South Africa Tour 1: 8 – 17 December 2015 Luxury Boat Cruise from Durban to the Portuguese Islands (Mozambique) Bus depart from Windhoek and drive via Kimberley and Bloemfontein to Durban. Only 3 places left. One of the 3 spaces available must be filled by a male. Also space available for people who wants to spend a few days in Durban without joining the Boatcruise. A deposit of N$2 500 is payable by 2 October 2015. Tour 2: 29 April – 10 May 2016 (12 Day Bus Tour to South Africa) Only for Adults. Cities and Towns like Oudtshoorn, George, Knysna, Cape Town and places along the West Coast of South Africa will be visited. A deposit of N$1 500 is payable by 5 October 2015. Tour 3: 19 August – 29 August 2016 (August School holiday) Tour for Grade 6 to 9 Learners. Schools/Individual learners, parents and teachers can go on this tour. All tours depart from Windhoek. Contact Reon van Wyk at 081 274 0499(After 13:00) or 063-223977 for more information.

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KHOROMANA Treats various problems and diseases Removal of bad luck Lost lover, problems and for them to come back in a very short time. Love affairs, i.e finding lovers and to be yours quickly. Court cases of any type. Jobs and promotions To win tenders and contracts To those who are weak in bed during sex, to have power. Protection of body and house witchcraft, removal of tokolshis Cleaning the house from tokolshis. Pregnancy problems. All types of diseases and many more complicated problems and diseases. Phone Doctor Khoromana 081 719 4874

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..

“ If there is man to pray, There is God to answer” (James 5:17-18) Contact: 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759 BEATACCMATH PRESENTS PRIVATE ONE-ON-ONE TUTORING High School Accounting and Maths WALVIS BAY TO BOOK CONTACT 081 497 2195 or beataccmath@gmail.com

FOR MORE GO TO www.beataccmath.com

CLASSES BEATACCMATH Presents: Extra classes for High School Accounting and Maths Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195


www.beataccmath.com Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best. -Bob Talbert-


Mondays to Thursdays 14H00 - 16H00 Libertine Amathila Street Extra classes also offered for the following subjects: German, Afrikaans, English and Maths. Grade 2 to 5 Please phone: Sigrid: 081 310 9543

TRAINING CATERING TRAINING Butterfield Investments CC Offering a 1 day workshop Conters of course Hygiene in the kitchen Decor of platters How to manage an event Preparation of snacks Where: Multi purpose centre Kuisebmond Cost: N$ 400.00 Time: 9:00 - 17:00 Contact Jan: 081 711 9683 Catharina: 081 672 4403

KAAGO PAINTING, SKIMMING & RENOVATIONS CC: Specials for Xmas!!! Call us for a quote, specials starts today. Call and make your bookings... Limited time and space available!!! Contact Martin K: 081 297 4592 We are experienced in Social Media and will get you more fans, more calls from your Facebook posts, More comments and therefore more money. We will manage your FB Page and show you results free for 1 week. Contact 0817639527 www.top-twelve.com Do you want to start a Business? Need wedding items? Corporate Gifts? We will help you choose the best products from overseas at cheap prices and deliver them on time. Wedding Gowns, Brazillian Hair all with your company Logo Contact 0817639527 www.top-twelve.com RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE We offer: Construction Painting Paving Slasto Lapas Plumbing Tiling Electrical and all types of roof structures Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 744 7457 WANT TO GO ON HOLIDAY?? I can look after your house, animals and garden. Please call for further information: 081 258 2335 6m containers to rent Karin/Chandre/Nicole 064 209 166 M & L Accounting Services We offer bookkeeping services up to balance sheets VAT returns Budget forecast Year end financial statements. You can contact us on 081 576 8778 Marianne or email: mariannesaulse01@gm ail.com

PARTY KIDZ!!! We rent out jumping castles, water slides and other fun item. No function is too big or small... Contact: 081 242 7787 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR CHISALE “The Old Man” From Malawi Specializing in various problems and diseases... Lost lovers to come back within 4 days Protection of houses and bodies from witchcraft Removal of any type of bad luck. Complicated court cases. Binding your lover, to be yours only. Boosting your business. Passing examinations Promotion at work Win big contracts Not to be asked to pay debts or accounts To become pregnant To have more power during sex All types of diseases To become pregnant and many more Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret Phone Doctor Chisalo “The Old man” 081 726 2834

DR DUH-AZIZI Now in Swakopmund Expert in African Traditional Medicine and Healing: Are you tired in a relationship and want to get married? Is the support weak? Do you want to keep a lover to yourself and no sharing? Ever wonder why others progress and your are struggling with no success? Are you troubled at night, no sleep, things move in the house or on your body? you have unfinished job? Turn to DR DUH-AZIZI for all lost lovers, luck, removal of demons and tokolosh. Contact: 081 344 8959 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR - PHIRI: Powerful doctor with spiritual powers. helps with witchcraft problems, helps remove evils, tokolosh. Helps diseases. Pregnancy problems. Brings back your lost lovers, Marriages, Court cases, Penis enlargement, Business booster, Customer attraction, protection of property. revenge and send back the witches to the owners. Call Dr Phiri: 081 716 4758


Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning .com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision Vehicle License Assist No queues, no stress License Renewal, Roadworthiness, change of ownership, personalised number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a pricelist from: vla.namibia@gmail.com


For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.


PROPERTIES TO RENT Town House To Let Rossmund Golf Village 3 bedrooms with en Suite bathrooms, fully equipped with all appliances, TV, Double garage, water included, prepaid electricity. Rent N$15,000 per month. Contact Roy Marsden : 0813327911

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms kitchen with BIC and dining room, lounge house available for rent in Meersig. N$ 9 500.00 p/m including water and rates. immediately available. Deposit is 50 % of the rental price. negotiable. Call 0811465243 or 0811221735. MALAKIA PROPERTIES TO LET MAHETAGO Outside room with bathroom N$2300.00 W/L Incl 3bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms, Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge and Garage N$6500.00 W/ Incl MONDESA 1bedroom, bathroom Kitchen N$2500.00 W/L Incl Internet free Single person only JABULANI Outside room with bathroom And Garage N$2400.00 W/L incl Single person only HAGE HEIGHT Bachelor flat with 2bedrooms Bathroom, open-plan kitchen Parking area. N$4600.00 W/L Incl All Deposit –required Malakia 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah oo.com HOUSE TO RENT Mondesa Ext. 3 House no. 965: 3 Bedroom house, 2 toilets, 2 bathrooms, water included, electricity excluded and security alarms included. N$6500 rent. House is for VIP as well as a cool place to stay. Available now up to month-end. Contact: 081 346 8659 081 811 5063 081 200 2701 TO LET Swakopmund - Central: 2 Bedroomed fully furnished and serviced flat, 1x bathroom and tandem garage. Rent N$8250.00p.m plus deposit (payable in advance) W/L Excluded. Available as from 1 October 2015. References required. Contact: 081 256 2328

SWAKOPMUND: Mile 4 near Sea Side Hotel just 50m from the sea , with maximum coastal view , a furnished two bedroom house for immediate occupation , N$ 9500-00 pm + N$ 9500-00 deposit , water inclusive. Contact 0811240396 / 0812461254. TO RENT 42 sqm 2 rooms: Beauty salon/offices/small shop at Otto Günther Courtyard Cell 081-202-7810. ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR RENT Ocean View: To rent for short or long term. Partially furnished. Available immediately. Contact: 081 316 5626 TE HUUR: Narraville Bachelor flat N$ 4 200.00 p/m vooruitbetaalbaar + deposito W/L ingsl. Kontak: 081 452 6408 TE HUUR: Narraville Evergreen str 2 slaapkamer woonstel met kombuis, sitkamer + badkamer Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Oktober Vir meer besonderhede Kontak: 081 755 5599

TO LET LONG BEACH Spacious 2 Bedroom House Guest Toilet, Open Plan kitchen large living area with Cosy Fire placeOutdoor bbq and lovely garden. Double garage N$ 9 000-00 LONGBEACH 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT SINGLE GARAGE N$5 700 LONGBEACH 2 Bedroom fully furnished apartment with single garage N$8500-00 LONGBEACH BACHELORS APARTMENTS FULLY FURNISHED N$5500 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.na


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net


TO LET SWAKOP VOGELSTRAND *Sea View* Complex has 24 hour security guard*indoor swimming pool* gym and laundry. Apartment with 2 Bedrooms 2 bathrooms*large balcony. Single garage Fully furnished N$9 500-00 CBD Charming, expansive 5 bedroom Apartment Double volume living areas, 3 Bathrooms Double Garage. VERY SECURE. N$ 16 000-00 MILE 4 Double storey 3 bedroom semidetached house * double garage * garden area Modern kitchen N$9 900 MILE 4 SUNNY AND LARGE SEA VIEW ALL AROUND 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHROOMS LARGE OPEN PLAN KITCHEN AND LIVING AREA DOUBLE GARAGE FURNISHED N$10 000 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 TO RENT : Bachelor flat in Narraville to rent for 1 person. Quite and secure Area N$3000.00 per month W&E included Dep 3000.00 negotiable Contact # 0812623114 TO LET: Docks Stern 4, Walvis Bay 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, guest toilet, open plan kitchen, lounge, inside braai, double garage. 2x courtyards. Safe complex. No animals. Available 1 October N$ 7 250.00 p/m + deposit Pre paid electricity. Water excl. Contact Hannah: 081 124 2151 TO RENT: bachelor flat with garage to rent available now. Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond. W/E incl. Own shower, toilet, hot water, ideal for singles Deposit N$ 2 000.00 + refundable + rent) If couple additional N$ 200.00 is added to cover W/E 1x one bedroom flat N$ 2 200.00 1x bachelor with garage N$ 2 700.00 3x bachelor flat N$ 2 200.00 Contact: 081 333 0095



TO RENT: Two bedroom flat available N$ 3 000.00 p/m Pre paid electricity Garage available on request Hot water In a very safe yard. Call Papa G - 081 149 8249 Mama G 081 170 0511

1x Sharing Flat: ·2x Bedroom with BIC ·Open plan kitchen with BIC ·Open plan lounge ·Toilet and hot water shower ·Built in Alarm security system ·Kuisebmund /Near to Duinesig Combine School ·Price – N$ 1 700.00 W+E excluded (With W+E N$ 2 300.00) ·Suitable for single person only Immediately available Contact: 081 8680686 Urgent note: Please leave a massage with your name if not answered and I'll come back to you ASAP.

TE HUUR: 1 slaapkamer woonstel, oop plan kombuis, leef area met klein biinehof. Water ingsl. Koopkrag. Tel: 081 248 1203 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat, BIC Open plan kitchen indoor braai. N$ 7 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Garage. Security guard on site. Call: 081 748 5802 TE HUUR: 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur met toilet, shower en kombuis in Narraville, Ploverstreet Huis no 44 N$ 4 000.00 p/m Krag ingsl. Water apart. Kontak: 081 202 6825 TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat with BIC, toilet, shower + WB Open plan kitchen / lounge with build in stove, security alarm system. DSTV, dish, no garage N$ 3 500.00 p/m Rent payable upfront Couples or Singles W/E incl. Available 1 October Contact: 081 261 3495

TO LET SWAKOP Workshop / Store 75sq @ N$ 75 per m² INDUSTRIAL Workshop to let. 98m² N$ 7 500-00 COMMERCIAL SPACE TO LET CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION N$ 16 100.00 INDUSTRIAL Warehouse, Workshop 180m² separate Office, 2 Toilets and shower. N$ 9 345-00 INCL.VAT SPACE AT THE DOME! N$18 800 FOR 171m² TAMARISKIA BACHELORS FLAT N$2750 JABULANI LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH DOUBLE GARAGE N$8 800 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033

McK Investment CC To Let Meersig 1Bed Flat with open-plan kitchen/ lounge, bathroom and garage. Own entrance, Water/Electricity incl. No pets. N$4000.00 To Let Fairway Spacious Family double story house with big yard and garden. 5 Bedrooms (1 bedroom with own lounge), 2 Bathrooms, guest toilet, open-plan kitchen /living room, double garage, indoor BBQ, Lots of space ( prepaid electricity excl. water) N$12 000.00 p/m For Sale Mile 4 Erf with approved building plans,734m² N$740.000.00 Walvis Bay, Meersig Spacious Family house offer 3bed, 2 full bath, kitchen, dinning room, lounge, tv room, entertainment area,1 extra room with toilet and basin double garage, outside room with toilet + 1 bed flat with garage. Beautiful Garden, Interlocks, High boundary walls N$2 000 000.00 Office: 064 -220405 Cell: 081 427 0332

PROPERTIES FOR SALE COASTAL ESTATES Swakopmund For sale: New house. 3 Bedrooms, main bedroom walk in closet and en-suit bathroom, 2 bathrooms, store room, lounge, entertainment room with indoor braai, kitchen with granite tops and 2 garages. N$ 1 800 000.00 Contact: Hannes: 081 149 8777 Irma: 081 368 4469 For Sale Swakopmund Venita: 5 Rooms, kitchen, scullery, 2 full bathrooms, extra + outside toilet, Double garage, Two Braai areas TV room many extras, N$ 1.99 all inclusive, Bronwynne: 0814151867

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one onsuite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. Needs TLC 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3.5miljoen(neg) Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089 Malakia Properties VINETA 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms, Kitchen bic, Lounge, Laundry, Garage, Boundary wall, N$1.8mil MONDESA 4bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms, kitchen bic , Lounge, garage, Plus: 2 bachelor flats, N$1.27mil WALVIS BAY IN TOWN 4bedrooms, 2bathroom, 2showers, kitchen, Lounge, 5Garages, Plus: 2 bachelor flats, N$2.4mil Malakia 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah oo.com

SWAKOPMUND INDUSTRIAL 311m² Warehouse with Approx. 20m² mezzanine. Registered in a CC. N$ 1 690 000-00 NEG GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND NEAT AND SPACIOUS 4 Bed, 4 bath double storey with open plan living, Awesome kitchen, laundry, Scullery, double Garage, Patio and lots of paving. N$ 3 850 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND RETIRE IN PEACE 2 Bed, 2 bath apartment in Secure retirement village. Open plan kitchen/ Living & balcony. N$ 850 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 APHRODITE BEACH 3 x Vacant seafront plots. Situated next To each other Ranging from 692m² to 740m², N$ 2 150 000-00 EACH GOGGA 0818709950


KAMANJAB OWN A PIECE OF HEAVEN!! 8,000 Hectare of Sound & Silence. Lodge with animal & Plant life, 8 Stone & thatch bungalows, Manager's house, storage rooms, 2 guides bungalows, honey-moon Suite, Staff quarters, stables, Swimming pool, guided drives And more, and more, and more! U$1.650 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND BRAND NEW BEST BUY!! Awesome 3 bed, 3 bath, open Plan with beautiful kitchen – lots Of cupboards, indoor BBQ, Scullery, Double garage, VERY spacious. N$1.680 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 DEVELOPERS DREAM! 1500m² General Residential Situated in CBD - zoned 1:100 N$2 980 000-00 NEG GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND PERFECTLY LOCATED Awesome 2 bed, 2 bath, apartment, extra outside room, lounge, dining, double garage, walk to the beach and shops. N$2 350 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND INDUSTRIAL Warehouse – 311m² With loft of 25m² N$1 710 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND EVERYTHING YOU NEED Beautiful 4 en suite bed double storey, open plan kitchen / living, double garage, balcony, patio, in & outdoor BBQ, scullery, laundry, lots of paving. Huge erf. N$3 850 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARANDIS NEW DEVELOPMENTS Why pay rent? Buy your Own house – several different Plans & perfect location. FROM N$ 562 500-00 GOGGA 0818709950 Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are buying, selling or renting!. Give us a call! North Namibia 065 238 342 / 081 128 9388 Swakopmund Walvis Bay/Longbeach 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 064 212 440 / 081 169 6227 Walvis Bay CBD Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 2 bath townhouses. Each with courtyard & garage. A rare find at N$ 905 000-00 each! Claudia 0811696227 Joey 0812780518 FOR SALE: Swakopmund - Ext 15 600m² well situated vacant erf with building plan N$ 750 000.00 Contact: 081 485 1377

WALVIS BAY - Central All furniture included!!!! 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen/lounge Double garages, alarm & pavers. ONLY N$ 1 180 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Meersig Brand new unit is looking for an owner!!! Spacious 2 bed, 2 bath corner unit offers beautiful open plan kitchen b.i.c. and stove. Indoor braai & garage. Only N$ 965 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Fairways 760m² Very well situated vacant erf Can be sub-divided ONLY N$ 895 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 Walvis Bay Central Situated near Huis Palms Spacious 2 bed flat with one huge bathroom Kitchen, lounge, balcony and garage N$995 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518



Classifieds NAMIB TIMES


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

1000m² N$49 500.00 excl vat

500m² N$24 750.00 excl vat 300m² N$18 000.00 excl vat

4140m² N$176 000.00 excl vat

Office space – 127m² – N$6485.00 excl vat

FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 / Lydia – 081 241 8980 Office – 064 272580

2 x 250m² warehouses for N$ 12 000.00 Contact Andre at 081 128 2043

PROPERTIES FOR SALE PLOTTE TE KOOP Usakos: 7 Reeds verkoop. Geen Agente betrokke. Kontak: 081 246 9198

WALVIS BAY - CENTRAL Situated in town centre, near Spar Beautiful complex, remote gate Unit offers 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen/lounge 2 garages, indoor braai ONLY N$1 340 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Meersig Look at this cheapie !!!! 3 vacant ervens next to each other Each 500m² Or all three 1500m² Each erf N$7 50 000-00 All three N$2 200 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 LONGBEACH Namib Eco Village Excellent situated !!! Huge vacant erf of 610m² Going for only N$830 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY AFRODITE BEACH Seafront ervens next to each other !!! Don’t miss out on this one !! 692m² going for N$2 150 000-00 740m² for N$2 150 000-00 724m² for N$2 150 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR

WALVIS BAY 20 4505 MEERSIG Spacious 3 bedr unit, 2 bathr, lovely open plan living, kitchen granite tops, BBQ, double garage, store room in up market complex N$ 1 650 000 CC reg NEW LAGOON Stunning 3 bedr home with lots off character, 2 bathr, open plan living, fitted kitchen, BBQ, double garage and lots more N$ 1 950 000 CC reg

Joey 081 129 3293



WALVIS BAY Central Fairly new complex Safe and secure, high Boundary walls with remote gate And intercom CC registered 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen/lounge 1 garage N$1 080 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518



COASTAL ESTATES Swakopmund: For sale: New house! Just move in! 3 Bedrooms, main bedroom walk in closet, 2 bathrooms each with bath and shower. Open plan lounge, dining room, indoor braai, kitchen, Courtyard with sliding doors to lounge and main bedroom. Scullery, 2 garages, alarm and interlocks. Valuation in place. N$1 750 000.00 Contact: Hannes: 081 149 8777 Irma: 081 368 4469 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR

WALVIS BAY 20 4505


TO LET - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr house, 2 x bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$14 000.00 - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$12 000.00 - Fairway 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen/ lounge double garage. N$9350 - Fairway – Fully furnished 2 bedr flat, 2 x bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage, N$8800 - Lagoon – 3 bedr, 3 bathr, study, open plan kitchen lounge, dining, entertainment area, double garage, N$15 000.00 - Lagoon 1 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Meersig – Townhouse 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Hermis 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan kitchen / lounge. N$5500 - Hermis – 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathr, open plan / kitchen / lounge, 1 garage. N$5900 Narraville - 1 x bedroom flat, 1 x bathroom. N$2700.00 - 2 x bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen / lounge. N$3850 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2200 (water & electr incl) WAREHOUSES Light Industrial 131m² N$10 500.00 incl vat 230m² N$12 700.00 incl vat 272m² N$18 975.00 incl vat 172,86m² N$10 970 incl vat




Walvis Bay




CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Do You Need a Warehouse? Warehouses available 250 – 413m². Available from April 2016 CC Reg. and only 3 left Next to the Dunes Mall and Weighbridge Selling from N$2.29 Mil. - N$3.8 Million Industrial Land Zoning: Light Industrial Location: Weighbridge area. Corner plot 5732 + 4147 = 9879m² N$16.12 million

Andrew 081 333 0300


WALVIS BAY FAIR WAYS SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan Kitchen/ lounge/ dining, scullery, laundry, Entertainment area with 2 garages. Bachelor flat N$ 2 720 000-00 EMILY 081 293 0335 WALVIS BAY FAIRWAYS NICE 2 bed townhouse for sale. N$ 880 000-00 EMILY 081 293 0335 KUISEBMOND GOOD INVESTMENT 3 bed townhouse for sale N$ 630 000-00 EMILY 081 293 0335 KUISEBMOND PERFECTLY LOCATED 3 bedroom townhouse for sale N$ 505 000-00 EMILY 081 293 0335

Volgestrand Very neat Bachelor Flat in a secure complex, small garden, Garage N$ 920 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Mondesa 2 Bed townhouse, Main bed en-suite, kitchen (Bic and stove), lounge, Garage N$ 650 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Mondesa Newly Build Family home 4 Bed, 2 Bath, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor Braai, Garage + 2 Bachelor Flats N$ 1 250 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955



FOR SALE: 2015 Ford Ranger Odyssey (D/Cab, 4X4) 9800Km White Reason for Sale Relocation NAD370K Neg. Contact – 081 140 5391

TE KOOP: Wendy house te koop Prys onderhandelbaar Cell: 081 236 8241 081 312 5582 Besigtig huis 164 Hage Geingob Str


Fortuner for Sale 2007 Model, 170,000 km, silver, roof carrier, 2nd battery, full service record, tow bar, well looked after. N$ 158,000 neg. Cell 81-2027810 FOR SALE: E39 5series BMW 528I Silver in colour, sunroof and black leather interior. To view call: 081 244 0044

FOR SALE: “Otto Bach” studio upright piano N$ 10 000.00 2x sets of wooden garage doors N$ 1 500.00 one set N$ 3 000.00 two sets Negotiable Contact: 081 149 0664 FOR SALE: Toyota single cab Land cruiser trallies for sale. N$6500(neg) Contact: 081 837 0389

TE KOOP: Walvisbaai Volvo s40, power shift 2009, wit, baie netjies Kontak: 081 236 8241

Tamariskia 2 Bedroom townhouse, Bath, Lounge, Garage N$ 850 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Tamariskia 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Double Garage, Lounge, Entertainment Area with Bar + Bachelor Flat. N$ 1 390 000 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 COASTAL ESTATES Swakopmund For sale: New House. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (shower and bath), Lounge with cupboards, Kitchen, indoor braai, Linnen cupboard, double remote garage, underfloor heating and pre-paid meter. N$1 700 000.00 Contact: Hannes: 081 149 8777 Irma: 081 368 4469

WANTED We buy gold & silver jewellery, coins and polished diamonds. We operate in Swakop, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis & Omaruru. Contact: 081 344 3794 081 315 9178

CARS FOR SALE; 2009, Toyota Corolla advanced VVTI 1.6 N$ 75 000.00 negotiable Walvis Bay Contact Jojo: 081 629 7521 FOR SALE: Citi Golf 1.4, good condition N$ 25 000.00 negotiable Contact Jossie Peter: 081 279 0826

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1x Freestanding metabo planer and thickener 260mm (ADH 1626) N$10 000.00 1x 2Ton Mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4000.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2000 1x 500litre plastic tank used for rainwater storage. new price: N$1667.50 asking: N$800 Contact: 081 373 7614 FOR SALE: 1x Kelvinator 280Lit. Fridge N$950.00 1x Whirlpool build-in oven & glass/porcelain HOB N$1250.00 1x Samsung fax machine N$350.00 1x Vaillant (small) gas geyser N$350.00 1x Fridge General Electric 210Lit. N$1250.00 44x Oregon Pine rafters 114x38x6meter length. (neg) 1x 3 Door Professional bar fridge stainless steel N$3850.00 1x 2 door professional bar fridge stainless steel N$2850.00 1x Dixon 51 CH. Home theater. N$950.00 Contact: 081 567 4522

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.

ANIMALS PUG HONDJIES TE KOOP: Drie pug teefies te koop op Hentiesbaai. 6 Weke oud. Soek goeie huise, verkieslik mense wat pug hondjies ken. Moet self reel vir spuit en ontwurming. Skakel: 081 337 3683

TO HIRE Jumping castle's to rent in Walvis Bay Big 3-1 (slide & small pool) 550 per day Standard 450 per day Water slide 350 per day. This prices only for domestic use for other uses such as functions, please call for detailed quote. 081 235 8389




E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net




Reynecke De Klerk: Looking for a job as a driver. I have grade 12 and a valid drivers licence. Contact: 081 224 3257

ANGELINE: A 37-year-old lady is looking for domestic work, for 3 days a week. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 034 3399

I am looking for domestic work or work at the old age for 3-4 days or the whole week (depends on payment). Contact: 081 250 2144 Swakopmund I am 22 year old girl looking for domestic work for 3 days a week. I am honest and hardworking. I can start any time. Contact: 081 445 6152 081 863 3969 VACANCY SEAMSTRESS - STRONG COMMUNICATION SKILLS - EXPERIENCE ON THE INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES - VIBRANT - NAMIBIAN CITIZEN - FLUENT IN ENGLISH or AFRIKAANS - ABILITY TO LEARN FAST - HONEST PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P.O. BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY VACANCY SALES REPRESENTATIVE -HONEST -VIBRANT -NAMIBIAN CITIZEN -FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND AFRIKAANS -REFERENCE REQUIRED -DRIVERS LICENSE PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P.O.BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY Maison Champagne: Gekwalifiseerde haarkappers benodig vir n gevestigde haarsalon in walvisbaai. Stuur c.v. na andra@faqtraining.com

Slegs suksesvolle kandidate sal gekontak word.

SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: A 29year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Housekeeper, office cleaning, ironing. Very hardworking and honest lady. Mondays to Fridays or Saturdays. Contact: 081 601 3961 MEMORY: Looking for a cleaning job or ironing work. Whole week in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Contact: 081 687 1414 081 584 4241

I am looking for ironing work for Tuesdays or Thursdays. Othilie: 081 388 3418 Petricia: Opsoek na enige huiswerk vir 3 daae. Kontak: 081 345 1255 Kaimo (45): Opsoek na werk vir Dinsdae, Woensdae, Vrydae en Saterdae (huiswerk) in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 274 8466 Givenesia: Ek is ‘n 20 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk of klein kinders oppas werk. Ek is betroubaar. Ek rook of drink nie. Bly in Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 253 4560 I am a young guy looking for a job as a driver. I have a C1 drivers licence with PDP. Contact: 081 396 0903 Charles (38): A young, reliable and hardworking man is looking for driver’s work in Swakopmund or Walvis bay. I have experience driving courier. Can start any time. Contact: 081 224 9829 JOB WANTED: Third year student at IUM looking for job, filling, administration and clerk in offices. OR washing, ironing and cleaning. Contact: 081 041 3906 JOB WANTED: Looking for work from Mondays to Fridays. Cleaning, washing and ironing. No Narraville. Contact: 081 269 5307 WANTED: Looking for a teaching post for Secondary School.(All grades) Subjects” Physical Science Biology, Life Science Have teaching qualifications and eight years of experience. Cell: 081 668 7035

WERK GESOEK: Dame 43-jaar-oud op soek na strykwerk. Woensdag en Vrydae. Het verwysings. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 743 0886 JOB WANTED: A young married woman is looking for woek ASAP. Office related work part time or full time. Has certificate in office management and has 7 years experience. Computer literate and hardworking. Contact: 081 218 2276 WERK GESOEK; Ek is opsoek na 2 dae huiswerk of vir ‘n week. Ek is baie betroubaar en is 23 jaar. Kan skoonmaak werk wees, in die dorp, Lagoon of Meersig. Volwasse dame, geestelik en eerlik. Baie dringend opsoek na werk. Kontak: 081 439 1108 DEBORA: Op soek na enige soort werk, huiswerk, stryk, huisskoonmaak. Hele week. Walvisbaai, Lagoon, Langstrand en Dorp. Kontak: 081 452 4171 081 465 6390 JOB WANTED: A 26-year-old lady is looking for domestic work around Walvis Bay, Town, Narraville. Hardworking. Ready to start any time. Contact: 081 365 3611 JOB WANTED: A 33-year-old woman urgently looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Mondays to Fridays. E.g: cashier, packer assistance (sale rep). Making copies. Can also do domestic work. Have experience to work with customers and is also computer literate. Contact: 081 295 0082 081 231 5117 LINDA: A 23-year old lady having 30 points in grade 10 and experience looking for work related with sales person, PA, Travelling. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 885 4364 JOB WANTED: A 26-year-old girl is looking for domestic work. Have grade 12 certificate. Work must start at 8:00 - 17:00. Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 480 9586

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Fine & Country International - Coastal Our Walvis Bay and Swakopmund offices are urgently looking for properties for sale or for rent. In Walvis Bay we have great deals: · Double storey 4 bedroom house and 2 tandem garages - 2.7million · Meersig 2 erven - 814 & 864m² - 1.050 million · New Industrial area a new warehouse - 17.5 million · Meersig - 2 Bedrooms, bathr, garage - N$730 000.00 · Tamariskia - 3 Bedrooms, open-plan kitchen, bathroom, garage - N$930 000.00 · Arandis-ervens from N$130 000.00 · Swakopmunt – 341m² 3 bedroom penthouse fully furnished – 2.5 million · Swakopmund – 210m² 3 bedr apartment furnished – exquisite sea view 2.2 million · Henties Bay – various lots and homes in Sun Bay and North Dune For any enquiries regarding rentals or sales In Walvis Bay, Arandis, Langstrand, Swakopmund, please contact the office Walvis Bay or Swakopmund – 064 221417 / 064 462741 or speak to our agents: Hannelie – 081 1242292 / 081 2115082 Johann – 081 6200930 Emma – 081 1228067 Glenda – 081 1475143

VACANCIES Earn extra Cash! Sell AVON products Voted BEST PRODUCT in various magazines! JOIN TODAY 081 255 3924

Earn extra cash ! SELL JUSTINE! A leading skincare company best known for their TISSUE OIL. JOIN TODAY 081 255 3924 Are you good with people? Want to earn an extra income. Recruit reps for AVON and become your own boss. It's recommended you have internet and a computer 081 255 3924

PROPERTIES WANTED TE KOOP GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na ‘n bachelor flat met ‘n garage of ‘n een slaapkamer woonstel met garage of ‘n twee slaapkamer met garage. Enkel persoon. N$ 700 000.00 Monica: 081 337 6893

Friday 11 September 2015 SHEEP MAY SAFELY GRAZE. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My father who has given them t me, is greater than all... ” John 10:27-29. Lord, may my children prosper by trusting in your power and listening for your voice. Saturday 12 September 2015 TAKING A CLOSER LOOK Who is like the Lord, Our God, who is enthroned on high... Psalm 113:5 Sunday 13 September 2015 Being Kind to One Another For you have said, “My kindness is established forever.” Psalm 89:3 Monday 14 September 2015 The Spice of the Afterlife You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places... And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself... John 14: 1-3 Tuesday 15 September 2015 Getting to Know You Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still don’t know me, Philip?” John 14:9 Wednesday 16 September 2015 In Communion... I Know Him If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him. John 14:7





Ouma Bock word 65 op 19 September 2015 In Tere Herinnering, EER ons Haar, met Haar Grafsteenonthulling, op Saterdag 19 Sept. 2015 Diens by Huis om 14:00 1851 Mahetago, Swakopmund Navrae Peter – 0813302977 Kollie - 0812328103






Namibian athletes finds it tough at Commonwealth Youth Games Namibian athletes are yet to win a medal at the fifth edition of the Commonwealth Youth Games underway in Samoa. The Games are taking place on the Pacific island nation from 5 to 11 September. Athletes between 14 and 18 years old are participating. A statement availed to Nampa on Wednesday by representatives accompanying Team Namibia, said two track and field athletes came close to winning medals at the competition on Tuesday. In the women's high jump competition, Siranda Horn just missed out on a podium position after coming fourth. She cleared 1.65 metres (m) with her best attempt, just 9 centimetres short of the bronze medal place that went to Paige Wilson of Australia (1.74m). The English pair of Niamh Emerson (1.80m) and Adaora Chigbo (1.77m) took the first and second places, respectively. Namibia's Nico Horn ended fourth place in javelin throw. His best throw was measured at 61.78m. The winning throw came from Mohd Hadeesh of India with an incredible distance of 79.29m, more than 10m better than second-placed George Davies of England (68.23m). The third place went to an Australian Luke Giacca (67.91m). Namibia's female swimmer, Sonja Adelaar ended 13th in the 100m freestyle with a time of 59.93 seconds. This year's athletes compete for 107 gold medals in nine sports codes including athletics, lawn bowling, boxing, rugby and squash. The Commonwealth Youth Games are a small-scale version of the Commonwealth Games, designed for the youth of the 71 Commonwealth countries. The first Games were held in Scotland in August 2000, where 733 athletes from 14 countries competed in eight sports codes over three days. (NAMPA)

Namibia's Commonwealth Youth Games team pose for the media with Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service, Agnes Tjongarero and Namibia National Olympic Committee President, Abner Xoagub before the team's departure for the fifth Commonwealth Youth Games on the Pacific island nation of Samoa from 5 - 11 September. (Photo: Contributed) NAMPA

Third medal from Lindemeier at AAG Namibian swimmer, Daniela Lindemeier in action during the 2 0 0 m e t r e breaststroke final of the 11th All Africa Games (AAG) in Congo, Brazzaville where she won a bronze medal. (Photo by: Hesron Kapanga) NAMPA

Namibian professional swimmer, Daniela Lindemeier in action during the World Championships in Russia. (Photo: Contributed) NAMPA

Namibian swimmer, Daniela Lindemeier won her country's third medal at the 11th All Africa Games (AAG) underway in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

She won a bronze medal on Wednesday in the 100 metre (m) breaststroke, finishing in a time of one minute and 11.33 seconds (01:11.33). Lindemeier also won bronze on Monday in the 200m breaststroke in a time of two minutes and 34.23 seconds (02:34.23), while on Tuesday she added another bronze medal in the 50m breaststroke, finishing in a time of 32.69 seconds. Her three medals are the only medals for Namibia at this year's AAG thus far. She told Nampa after the event that the time she recorded was not her best but she was happy with the position she ended in. Her coach and her mother, Sonia Lindemeier, added that the athlete would have done much better, but lack of rest time might have also contributed to her ending third after leading the first 50m. “At this stage of the competition, athletes are beginning to burn out because you cannot swim breaststroke for three days in a row. Even international swimmers are given at least two days off before swimming another breast-stroke as its very tiring to do it continuously and she has been doing it for three days in a row now. “We are having a rest day tomorrow (Thursday) and will then focus on the last event of the tournament on Friday,” sated coach Lindemeier. The swimmer will enter the pool again today (Fr) when she will compete in the heats of the 200m butterfly. The 11th edition of the AAG commenced last week and ends on 19 September. About 8 000 athletes from 54 countries are participating in this edition of the games. Namibia won seven medals - one gold, one silver and five bronze – at the 2011 AAG held in Maputo, Mozam-bique. (NAMPA)

2015 MTC/NSC sports awards next month

The 2015 national sports awards are scheduled to take place in the capital on 23 October, with the highest prize money of N$200 000 set aside for the Sports Achiever of the Year category. The awards are presented annually to deserving sports persons for their outstanding achievements and contribution towards Namibia's strive for sports excellence. “It is not only about the prize monies, but recognising those men and women who hold the Namibian flag high on the sports scene,” said Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) Chairperson Amos Shiyuka at the launch of the awards here on Thursday. The theme of the event is once again 'Creating a winning sporting nation', and this will be the case for the next few years, Shiyuka said.

He pleaded with sports federations and associations to submit the names of athletes on time in order for them to participate in the event. The deadline for submissions is 9 October 2015 at 17h00. At the same event, Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC)'s Manager for Sponsorships and Promotions, Joseph Mundjindi announced that the telecommunications company will donate N $600 000 towards the event. Of this amount, N$400 000 will be used for prize monies and N$200 000 will go towards additional expenses. On

behalf of national power u t i l i t y N a m P o w e r, marketing officer Martha Shifotoka announced that N$350 000 will be awarded to the disabled men and women's senior and junior categories. The prize money for the sportsman and sportswoman is N$100 000 each; while the disabled sportsman and woman of the year will get N$100 000 each. The disabled junior sportsman and sportswoman will receive N$50 000 each. The junior sportsman and sportswoman categories receive N$50 000 each, while the most improved category will

receive N$50 000. The coach, referee/umpire and administrator categories will each receive N$30 000; while the team category will receive N$70 000. The development programme of the year will receive N$100 000. The media awards categories of radio, television, digital and print will each receive N$10 000. The judging panel is made up of Talitha Jario, Lesley Tjiueza, Monica Dahl, Patrick Haingura, and Carlos Kambaekwa. In 2014, boxer Jonas Junias Jonas scooped the top prize of sports achiever of the year as well as sportsman of the

year, with a combined value of N$300 000. Paralympic star Johanna Benson received the disabled sportswoman award worth N$100

000, while Ruben Soroseb won the disabled sportsman award which also came with a N$100 000 cheque. Cyclist Vera

Adrian was voted sportswoman of the year and also received N$100 000.


(Fltr) MTC’sTim Ekandjo, Ernst van Dyk and Johanna Benson photographed at the awards in 2012




All ready for First Amarok Trophy

Toughest 4X4 Challenge in Africa

The countdown to the start of the inaugural International Spirit of Amarok Trophy has begun. The competition which will be contested by 20 teams from Australia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa takes place on 14 -18 September in Botswana.

Each country will be represented by five teams, each team comprising of two people who will be showcasing their off-road driving skills in the toughest 4x4 challenge in Africa. The teams from Botswana, Namibia and South Africa were selected from the finals of the Spirit of Africa

Trophy competition hosted by the motorsport legend and Amarok brand ambassador, Sarel van der Merwe. Meanwhile the Australian teams were selected from the equally challenging competition, aptly known as 'Mud, Sweat and Gears' in Victoria, Australia. The Australian competition was

hosted by Australia's Africa's toughest "Mr 4x4" Pat Cal- terrains like steep linan and was spon- d o n g a s , r o c k y sored by Volks- ascents and plunwagen Australia. ging valleys." Van der Merwe said: The teams will use "The concept of the A m a r o k D o u b l e international com- Cabs to contest 30 petition is based on challenges over five the principles of the days. Spirit of Africa The challenges will Trophy which are be split into two aimed at testing the categories, technical 4x4 technical skills a n d s p e e d . T h e and abilities of the speed challenge will drivers in some of simulate motorsport

rally stages with long narrow farm style paths. The technical challenge will involve extreme off-road conditions with mud and deep sand." A new addition to the competition includes a team strategy session after each challenge. Once a challenge has been completed, each country will get a chance to decide which team's score or time will be submitted to their overall scoring.

Each team must have an opportunity to submit its times to its country's overall scoring. This will enhance the team spirit for the event as well as create suspense on the leader board, which will be kept secret until the final results are announced at the end of the competition," added van der Merwe. The winning team will receive the Wolf Trophy and R40 000 prize money. Each member of the

winning country will receive R10 000. The winning team per country will also receive R10 000. Jaco Steenkamp, General Manager: Sales and Marketing for Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles said: "Sarel and his team have created speed and technical challenges that will allow Amarok to showcase its off-road prowess in the testing rugged terrain of Africa."

All Africa Games

Namibian karateka Rudolf de Wet Moolman (with red belt) exchanging blows with Jaoa Carlos Marquiese of Angola during the 11th edition of the 2015 All Africa Games (AAG) being held in Congo, Brazzaville. (Photo by: Hesron Kapanga) NAMPA




Walvis Bay Golf Club News Thanks to Deon and his team of Marine Ropes for their sponsoring last week of the quite interesting format with 4 hidden holes of which scores had to be added. This format forces a team to both play well and focus on every hole up to the very end. We think it’s a great format and should be used more often. The stars of the Day were Rocco Viljoen and Deville Dreyer with a stunning display of great duff tailing and scoring, Their win is greatly deserved because they also ended up with the highest Better Ball Score. Congrats guys! Deville and Rocco 48/55 points Wouter and Kurt 47/54

points Kevin and Piet points Johan and Morne points Jason and Duane points Bertie and Percy points Koot and Amandio points Frans and Justine points

45/53 46/52 47/52 44/52 44/51 43/50

Shane and Potch 44/50 points Gert Snr and Marthinus 47/50 Nearest to the Pins – Deville(7) Koot(18) 2 clubs – Hannes, Wouter, Herman and Francois Green fees for Sundays N$30 for nine holes, bring all your friends just PAY before you play.

Desert Iron and Steel - Club Reminder to enter your names for this weekend Club Championship which will be a 36 hole Medal: Kevin is getting older and he won’t be on roller skates this time… Gert, Grant, Rocco, Patrick, Willie, Die Burgers, Wayne and Shane (65 net!) must all be hot contenders. Then we have Van Aarde and Lu-Andre as the

young rams with hours of practice up their sleeves. Koot will never take this one lightly. Always be aware of him. Messers Crafford and Breytenbach have caused upsets before. Who will it be this year? Sad not to see Keith in the

centre of the fairway and here’s hoping that John Gomes is doing well. (Shane, please share with us how he is doing) Please come and support the club to see how this day will unfold. See you in the Fairway.

2015 Walvis Bay Golf Club Closed Championship

36 Holes medal all divisions Sponsored by DESERT IRON AND STEEL

Time 8:00 C Bothma 32 C W Els 25 C S Westerdale 22 C

Time 9:00 F De Wit 12 B M Polster 12 B J Swanepoel 11 B

8:10 E Bothma 22 C J Mather 21 C O Roos 19 C

9:10 D Benson 11 B N Heunis 10 B W Van Der Merwe 10 B

8:20 F Champion Snr 20 C D Van Antwerpen 11 B H Crafford 18 C

9:20 K Potgieter 9 A H Smidt 9 A P Fox 9 A

P Van Aarde 8 A 8:30 P van Zyl 18 C 9:30 H Van Der Hyde 6 A B Coetzee 18 C R Viljoen 5 A J Truter 16 C M Roux 5 A 8:40 M Marais 16 C 9:40 F Champion 5 A E Vilbert 15 B G Olivier 5 A B D Dreyer 14 K Wenzel 4 A 8:50 W Van Wyk 14 B P Shigwele 3 A P Van Niekerk 14 B W Breytenbach 13 B 5 Minutes break after 9 holes. Lunch after 18 holes.

KINTELE, 9 September 2015 - Namibia Gymnastics Team at the 11th edition of the All Africa Games in Brazzaville, Congo pose at the athletes’ village ahead of their departure for Windhoek (L-R) Annelise Koster, Katja Serrer, coach Petra Daniel Thorburn and Valerie Geldenhuys-Venter, president of the Namibia Gymnastics Federation (NGF)


(Photo by Hesron Kapanga) NAMPA

Namibia Gymnastics Team



Fun Walk and Ride for Breast and Cervical Cancer Liesl Losper

A Fun Walk/Ride in aid of Breast and Cervical Cancer will start at 8:30 at the open space next to Lover’s Hill tomorrow. Registration gets underway from 7:30. The organisers of this fun walk/cycle are Shamaine Garcia, Zaskia Weber, Hildegard Bötcher and Zeta van Wyk. “We have tried to get as many sponsors and support as possible, but with most schools having started a new term and with matrics having farewells and exams, many com-

panies are not interested in sponsoring such small events. We only started getting entries in this week and interest has slowly increased.

We are hoping to make this an annual event, and as the bigger companies become aware of it, we’ll hopefully draw their support and sponsorships as well,” say the organisers.

The ladies organising the event also hosted the Moulin Rouge event two months ago. The money generated will be donated to the Cancer Association of Namibia.

Henties Hengelfees-sportaktiwiteite Tydens die Henties-hengelfees het baie deelgeneem aan al die sportaktiwiteite wat aangebied is. Duisende rande se pryse is ook gewen. ‘n Padfietsren, ‘n gholfkompetisie en ‘n jukskeikompetisie is baie goed ondersteun.

Weer tyd vir Skeie om te Klap… Die jukskei-seisoen vir 2015/2016 het dié week amptelik begin.

Son honours John Heynes Senior “He Played such an Important Role in My Success with Cricket.” Liesl Losper John Heynes Junior, wellknown cricket coach's father died a week ago. John Heynes (Senior), who died recently, had played a major role in the life and sport success story of his son. After retiring from 35 years of working as a fisherman, he joined John (Jnr) with cricket projects and coaching. Coaching cricket became a passion next to rugby, which was The late John Heynes Senior on the cricket field his first choice. In an interview with namib times, his son honoured him and the role he played. “He certainly did play the most important role in my success with cricket. It was after all he who made it possible for us as a family who moved to Namibia, and Walvis Bay. For that I shall always be grateful. When I look at my life and

those of my immediate family, words will never be enough for what he gave in life. My success was based on him as a person who believed to work hard, with respect, dignity and passion, and most importantly to strive and better your previous best,” Heynes Junior said. Kids of Narraville, Kuisebmond and the town came to love and

respect him, to such an extent that they gave him the name of “OUPA JOHN”. One of the kids he inspired wanted to know, “Why did our Oupa of cricket have to leave?” “John Heynes Senior believed that respect goes a long way,” says his son, something he instilled into his own kids from a very young age. His Kuisebmond u/11

team participated in the annual Coastal Junior Cricket Festival and they were runners-up - the best result by any team from a development sector. There will be a memorial service tonight and the funeral service will be held tomorrow, at 10am in the Anglican Church Walvis Bay.

Oefeninge vind Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 17:15 plaas. Die bane is tussen die krieket-klubhuis en die munisipale swembad. Almal is meer as welkom. Kontakpersone: Jurie Liebenberg - 081 287 2291 - Walvisbaai Francois Boshoff 081 129 0022 - Swakopmund Willie/Des Hanekom - 081 214 7670 - Hentiesbaai.

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