Murder Victim Alerted Police She Feared for Her Life Weeks Before Incident *********** FlyNamibia announces renewal of its Air Service Licence
Murder Victim Alerted Police She Feared for Her Life Weeks Before Incident *********** FlyNamibia announces renewal of its Air Service Licence
The leader of the Popular Democratic Movement, McHenry Venaani marches with the unhappy fishermen to the office of the Ministry of Fisheries in Walvis Bay
The leader of the Popular Democratic Movement, McHenry Venaani, who joined fishermen who recently petitionedthegovernmentatWalvisBay,saystheinfamous Fishrot corruption scandal has re-emerged as the GovernmentalEmploymentRedressProgramme.
Venaani questioned the motive behind giving quotas to companiesthatdonot own a single fishing vessel and fishing companies that provide jobs to fishers who are supposed to be employed under the government's readdress program
“Companies that do not have fishing vesselsdonothavethecapacity to absorb workers.You are coming to workers and lying to them. Companies are profiting off of these fishermen while they sit at home without jobsandclaimtheyare paying them even
while at home. Let us reallocate quotas to companies that have fishingvesselsandemploy all these fishermen,”Venaani expressed.
Those who have no vessels should act like allbusinesspeopleand
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While the Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Derek Klazenrenewedthedesignationagreementswithdesignated companiesundertheGovernmentEmploymentRedressing Programme in the fishing industry, the about 2 000 fishermenarenotsatisfiedwiththeiremploymentconditions.
The renewal of employment contracts for fishermen employed under the governmental employment redressing programme was done recently inWindhoek, and at the same
time the fishermen handed in their grievances designated for the MinistersofFisheriesandLabourinWalvis Bay The Government Employment Redressing Programme, as per
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Brazil Interested in Partnership
the Cabinet Decision, Cabinet resolved and directed the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Ministry of Labour, Industrial RelationsandEmploymentCreationtosecurefulltime and permanent employment of specified former NAMSOV employees and those who lost their employment within the fishing Industry during 2015. The initiative, launched in 2020 by the Ministries of Fisheries and Marine Resources andLabour,IndustrialRelations,andEmployment Creation, aimed to provide tangible employment opportunities for unemployed fishermen has created more problems than solving them for fishermen. At the renewal ceremony Fisheries Minister, Derek Klazen said that the designation agreements do not afford fishermen the right to choosewheretobeplaced,astheagreementsonly require the placement of fishermen wherever an opportunityforplacementarises. Hefurthernoted that in this instance, companies are fully compliant, with a few exceptions of challenges picked up along the way, which are receiving attention. According to Klazen, some of those challenges being experienced, are limited employment opportunities within the fishing industry,resultinginthenon-gainfulemployment ofthefishermen.Headdedthatthefishermenmust understand that their posts were filled when they
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losttheirjobsandtheycannotdemandwherethey want to work but must act in line with the modalities of the companies employing them. “One company might take in 250 of them but cannot give them all work on fishing vessels becauseeachvesseltakesinabout60people.So, the company might want to rotate them while othersstayathome,”heexplained. Klazenadded that Namibia does not have fishing vessels of its own and those that come in may first have to be clearedbytheEuropeanUniontoensuretheywere notinvolvedinillegalfishing.Klazen,alsonoted that the fishermen feel entitled and are disrespectful towards employers, continuously threateningemployerswithmassresignationsand demonstrations and threatening that the quota belongs to them. The minister further said that there exists a feeling of entitlement by the fishermen and disrespectful attitude towards employers,resultingintheemployeesdictatingon thetypeofworktheywanttodo,workstationsand continuously threating employers with mass resignation and mass demonstration and that the quotabelongstothem. “However,thedesignation agreementsdonotaffordfishermenwiththeright to choose where to be placed as the agreements onlyrequiretheplacemenoffishermenwherever anopportunityforplacementarises,”Klazensaid.
After the gruesome murder of Lena Williams (29), a resident of Usakos, the MayorofUsakosIreneSimeon-Kurtzissuedastatementcondemningthebrutal murderandsomehowblamedthepolicefornotrespondingswiftlyandthenonavailabilityofpoliceandambulancevehicledrivers.
In her statement, Simeon-Kurtz said, “as Mayor oftheTownofUsakos,Icondemnthebrutalactof theallegedkillingofaninnocentyoungladywho feltunsafeinthelastweeksofherlifeinherown home.Thereisnojustificationforsuchcrimesnor her murder, a brutal crime I cannot describe.” Simeon-Kurtz further said the concerning part is thatthisyoungmotherwhowasmurdered,weeks agoalertedthepolicethatshefearedforherlife. “Wearethereforeconcernedwiththeslowaction ofthearmofthelawinthisinstancetoprotectour loved ones and we are equally concerned about thenon-availabilityofdriversforboththepolice vehiclesandtheambulancetothesceneofcrime.”
According to Simeon-Kurtz, in February this year, the council offered office space free of charge to the Usakos Police to put up a satellite policestationinHakhasebwiththebeliefthatthis will help reduce crime in Hakhaseb, especially overweekends.“Thisisanecessityandcannotbe delayed any longer We will follow up on our request as a matter of urgency.Asatellite police station in Hakhaseb will ensure that criminal activities of this nature are dealt with speed.” Simeon-Kurtz also commended the police for making quick arrests with the help of the public. “We hope that the action by the police sends the right message to law-breakers within the Town. Wesayenoughisenoughletusdealwithviolent crimeincludingdomesticviolence.Thereshould benotoleranceforwrongdoersinUsakos.”
Accordingtothemayor,thedeceasedwasseenon Friday afternoon certifying documents at the policestationasshewaslookingforemployment around town. In a police report, Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu of the Erongo Police stated that the suspect, Samuel Gaoseb (36) allegedly unlawfully and intentionally entered
Williams' house while she was out with friends and waited for her there. When Williams allegedlyreturnedhome,sheenteredherhouse,and thesuspectstabbedherseveraltimesonthebody with a knife and she sustained serious injuries. Shewas takentothehospitalwhereshewas declareddeaduponarrival.
Deputy Commissioner Iikuyu further said the Gaosebtooktheir3-year-olddaughterandrantowardsthemountains,thechildwasallegedlylater found unharmed during the chase. Gaoseb was arrestedwiththehelpofaGyrocopteraeroplane provided by one of the farmers in the area. He appeared in the Usakos Magistrate Court on Monday,8AprilonachargeofMurderReadwith the Domestic Violence Act. The case was postponed to 7 May for further investigations.
Simeon-Kurtz is urging all Councillors and Mayors in the Erongo region, to come together and devise a strategy which will address crime againstwomeningeneraltoavoidsuchcrimesin future. She narrated, “we are working hard as Councillorstomakethetownattractive,toattract investors to boost tourism which will boost the economyofthetownandcreatemorejobopportunities, but such behaviour is destroying all effortstoupliftthewellnessofourcommunity.”
Simeon-Kurtz further urged Usakos residents to stand together and report any violence to authorities,whetheritisviolenceathome,violence at neighbours or violence at the workplace, it must be reported, and the police must take these reportsseriouslyasitcouldsavelives.
“I am pleading with the police and the chief of police in the Erongo region to deploy stringent measurestorootoutevilinoursocieties,weneed tostandinunisonasacommunityandinunison aswomen.”
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eithergotothebanks orbuyvesselssothat we can have all the fishermen back at sea,”Venaanisaid. Venaanisaystheprogramme is not progressive but enables corruption, and President Nangolo Mbumba should intervene,bydirectly engaging the fishing industry and its workers. “President Mbumba, you took over the country on the death of the late President Hage Geingob, and yousaidyou'regoing totakecareofpeople. I am asking you to come to Walvis Bay to speak to workers, tospeaktothefishing industry, to find an
amiablesolutiontothe problem,” Venaani appealed during the protest. “What is currentlyhappeninginthe fishing sector is malfeasant greed, corruption, and insider trading. The fishing industry thinks Namibians do not understand the dynamics of the industry, despite beingawareofthecorruptiontakingplacein the industry,” Venaani said. “How are you giving quotas to companiesthatdonothave vessels when they clearlydonothavethe capacity to absorb workers? When the fishergoestosea,with overtime he can earn N$18 000 to N$30 000,whileathome,he
receives N$4 000. Yet thesamecompanythat is supposed to provide employment makes a profit regardless,” Venaani questioned and went on to say companies should be abletomakeprofitsbut not at the expense of workers who were not supposed to lose their jobsinthefirstplace.
According to Venaani, theinitiative,launched in 2020 by the Ministries of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation, aimed to provide tangible employment opportunities for unemployed fishermen has createdmoreproblems than solving them for fishermen.
Namibia'sfirstprivately-ownedscheduledpassengerairline, FlyNamibia,hasannouncedthesuccessfulrenewalofitsAir Service Licence by the Transport Commission of Namibia (TCN).
Astatementbytheairlinereads:“Wewould like to express our deepest gratitude to theTCNandeveryone involvedinensuringa smooth and efficient process. This renewal marks a significant milestone for us and reinforces our commitment to providing high-quality air travel serviceswithinNamibiaandbeyond. “Following a period
of discussions and an urgent application to the High Court of Namibiainresponseto an initial notification of rejection from the TCN,wearethrilledto inform our passengers and partners that the licence has now been renewed. This development allows us to continue our operations without interruption, including the upcoming launch of
our new routes to VictoriaFallsandMaun.
“FlyNamibia remains dedicated to offering uninterrupted services between our various destinations.Weareexcited to move forward with our mission to connect Namibia with the region and the world, and to continue enhancing our service offerings to our valued customers.”
You are a wonderful person.
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Inarecentpressrelease,AFRICAGLOBALLOGISTICS (AGL)revealedagroundbreakingdevelopmentforWalvis Bay AGLhasclinchedthecontracttomanagetheWalvis BayMultipurposeBulkTerminal.
The contract signing ceremony, held on 20 March this year, witnessedthe presenceofTonyStenning,RegionalDirectorSouthAfrica, and Andrew Kanime, CEO of the the National Port Authority of Namibia (Namport). This appointment follows an international call fortenderslaunchedbyNamportin January 2023. Walvis Bay's strategic position on Africa's southwest coasthaslongmadeitalinchpinfor international trade, with its seamlessconnectivitybridgingSouthern Africa,Europe,Asia,andtheAmericas. The press release further reads:
AsreportedbyIainEsau,AfricaCorrespondent,UpstreamNews,TotalEnergies, theFrenchsupermajor,isgearingupforthelaunchofitsmassiveVenusdevelopmentprojectoffshoreNamibialaterthisyear
Kevin McLachlan, the head of exploration at TotalEnergies,discloseddetailsabouttheprojectduringlast week's BEOS event, shedding light on the impressive reservoir characteristics of the Venus discovery McLachlan,speakingattheeventorganisedbyAAPGand GESGB, captivated the audience with insights into Venus. He emphasised the remarkable subsurface findings from the discovery well and two completed drill stemtests,withtwomoretestscurrentlyunderway According to the Upstream report, McLachlan expressed confidence in the project's potential. "We're reallypleasedwithwhatwehavehere. Weexpecttosee afirstprojectconfirmedlaterthisyear.” McLachlan described a 150-kilometer reservoir sys-
tem, emphasising its impressive connectivity He noted thefavourableverticalconnectivityandagoodpressure connectionbetweenappraisalanddiscoverywells. Despitelowpermeabilities,McLachlanpraisedtheoil's viscosity,whichhedescribedas"verygood,"countering potentialconstraints.WhileMcLachlandidnotdisclose the exact size of the Venus discovery, Namibian authorities have previously estimated it to hold 5 billion barrelsofoilinplace,with2billionbarrelsdeemedrecoverable.Additionally,McLachlanhintedatthepotential of the Mangetti discovery, suggesting in-place reserves of1.5billionbarrels,withpotentially600millionbarrels recoverable.
About AGL (Africa Global Logistics)
AGL is the leading multimodal logisticsoperatorinAfrica,offering global, tailor-made, and innovative logisticssolutionstoitsAfricanand international customers. The company recently joined the MSC Group, a world-class shipping and logisticscompany Thankstoitsnetwork of 250 logistics and maritime agencies, 23 port and rail concessions,66dryportsand2riverterminals, AGL benefits from expertise developedovermorethanacentury With a team of more than 23,000 people in 49 countries, AGL's ambitionistomakealastingcontribution to Africa's transformations.
AGL is also present in Haiti and Timor.”
“Locatedonthesouthwestcoastof Africa, the Port of Walvis Bay is a natural gateway for international trade. Thanks to its ideal geographical position, this port offers simplified connectivity, connecting Southern Africa, Europe, Asia and America.Asadesignatedpartnerto operatethisstrategicterminal,AGL is committed to promoting the developmentoftheNamibianCorridor Through its state-of-the-art maritime, port and logistics solutions,AGLwill facilitate access to Southern African Development Community (SADC) markets and invest in modern infrastructure to drive economic growth in the region. Through its projects and investments, the company also aims to create opportunities for local businesses and communities, promoting employment, innovation, and sustainable development. AGL's objective is also to support Namibia's energy, mining, and industrial projects by offering integrated services that meet the highestinternationalstandards.This collaboration will not only strengthenNamibia'spositionontheglobal trading scene but will also help boosttheregionaleconomy "Weare honouredbythetrustthattheNamibian authorities have placed in us. Our vision is to make the Port of WalvisBayamodelofinternational connectivity, sustainable development,andeconomicgrowth. Together, we will build a strategic hubforglobaltrade,whichwillserve the prosperity of Namibia and Africa as a whole, " said Olivier de Noray,DirectorofPortsandTerminals at AGL. AGL is delighted to contributetothesuccessofthePort ofWalvisBayandthusparticipatein thegreattransformationsofAfrica.
The Brazilian Business delegation that paid a courtesy visit to the Office of the Governor on Wednesday this week, is interested in joining forces, partnering, and trading with the business communityinNamibia,specificallytheErongoregion.Theysaidtheyhavemoretoofferandcan createmorejobsfortheyouth.
Ricardo Latkani a BusinessConsultantand the Head of the delegation said they were discussing having an area in the Erongo regionwheretheycanset upprocessingmachines. “We will bring raw products from Brazil, and they will be processedandpackagedand sold to the supermarkets and even to Unicef that buys these products They will buy from Namibia because it will betheonlymanufacturer producing this product for the kids for food security The Brazilian Business Community hopes to bring to the country a program for fighting cervical cancer in women, a system that was developed by Luciano Grilli the International Commercial Director of Deltronix (electronicdevices). Brazil is interested in Namibia's raw products
In a world where life's uncertainties often leave us feeling overwhelmed,it'soureverydayresiliencethatbecomesthe guiding light, helping us navigate through the highs and lows with grace and grit.This resilience isn't about always having it together or never feeling the weight of our struggles. It's about acknowledging our vulnerabilities, embracing our imperfections, and finding strength in the faceofadversity.
Picture this: you're juggling work deadlines, family responsibilities, and personal goals, all while trying to maintain a semblanceofbalanceand sanity It'snotalways easy, and there are days when it feels like you're barely keeping your head above water But in those moments of doubt and uncertainty, it's your resilience that shines through, reminding
you of your inherent abilitytoovercome.
Resilience isn't just about bouncing back fromsetbacks;it'salso about growing through them It's aboutfindingmeaning in our experiences, learningfromourmistakes, and emerging stronger and wiser on the other side It's about recognising that life's challenges are not obstacles to be avoided but opportunities for growth and transformation.
But resilience isn't something we're born with; it's a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. It's about building a support network of friends, family, and mentorswholiftusup when we fall and cheer us on when we succeed It's about practicing self-care and self-compassion, knowing when to rest and recharge, and when to push ourselvesoutofourcomfortzones.
In a world that often glorifies perfection and success, it's important to remember that resilience isn't about never failing or never feeling overwhelmed. It's about embracing our humanity – our flaws, ourfears,ourdoubts–and finding strength and courage in the midst of it all. It's about showing up each day, as our imperfect selves, and facing whatever life throws our way with determination and resilience.
So the next time you find yourself facing a challenge or feeling overwhelmedbylife's uncertainties, remember this: you are stronger and more resilientthanyouknow Trustinyourabilityto
overcome, lean on your support network for guidance and encouragement, and above all, be kind to yourself along the way Because in the end, it's our everyday resilience that carries us through, helping us weather the storms and emerge stronger ontheotherside.
AboutOldMutual Old Mutual is a prestigious African financial services company that provides both private and commercialclientswithfinancial solutions Old Mutual products and services include insurance, savings, investment, and lending and offers financial solutions that fit the diversity of our client base. Currently, Old Mutual operates in 14
as well, Latkani said Namibia produces a lot offishandBrazilimports the same hake indirectly from other countries Latkani said they would like to challenge the Governor,NevilleAndré Itope to join forces with them, together with the Minister of Trade and Ambassador of Brazil to Namibia to work togethertoworktogether so that Brazil can start importing hake directly from Namibia Other products that Brazil is interested in are Namibia'sgamemeatandsalt, which Latkani described as the best salt in the world for cattle feeding. Itope applauded the Brazilian Government for having an interest in foreigndirectinvestment which is he said is taken very seriously in Namibiabecauseithasaway of creating job opportunities and growing the economy “Bringing this
delegation to the region is something that I am happy about because nowweneedtoaddress the trade corporations that have been a bit dormant, we want to take advantage of this trade corporation.” The AmbassadorofBrazilto Namibia Vivian Loss Sanmartinsaid,“thereis a need for more awareness about the opportunities from both sides so that we can have a win-win partnership with Namibia. We can bringourexpertisehere, we can bring services, investments, and to our benefitaswell.Namibia has a very good businessenvironment,anda very stable democracy, so all these are important ” Sanmartin advised Namibia to go to Brazil and showcase what it has to offer and showcase all these advantages.
nations over two continents, employing over 30 000 people in both Africa and Asia (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda,SouthSudan, Eswatini and China).
In Namibia Old Mutual has been in businessforover100years andcurrentlyhasmore than 800 employees acrossthe14regions.
Nampower held a public participation meeting on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment(ESIA)fortheNamPowerBatteryEnergyStorageSystem(BESS)onTuesdaythis week,thatwillbelocatedattheexistingLithopsSubstation.
As part of NamPower's short-to-medium term strategy to fulfil its future energy demand, NamPower is exploring the feasibility of the integration of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) into the transmission network with a capacityof45MW/90MWhandmarketstandard LFP technology In his presentation, Elifas Iilende from NamPower said the BESS is comprisedofthreemajorcomponents:Thebattery which is the energy container; The power conversion system/inverter, which interfaces the DC battery system to theAC power system; The powerplant controller which governs, monitors, andexecutestheintendedfunctionsoftheenergy storageapplication.Allthesecomponentswillbe housed on the already developed property at the Lithops Substation. The BESS is important as it reduces the Peak Load- reduction of load on the transformer and grid, for provision of receive power- reduction of further required SVC and reductionofVon-EcklowloadoperationforVC,it also reduces renewable energy curtailmentcurtailment could result from exceeding export limitations of interconnections and curtailment could result from take-or-pay PPAConditions (if not charged in future), the BESS is important for the reduction of additional peaking power plant capacity- growing load in Namibia will require further sources for peak coverage, the BESS will further for arbitrage- taking advantage of SAPP and MSB market price differences (charging at off-peak,dischargingatpeak),itcancontrolramprate control interconnections- reduction of low loadoperationofVon-EckAnixasIandAnixasII and the reduction of Ruacana Biomass and PV
curtailment,anditwillprovideemergencypowerreductionofexpensiveemergencypower Christina Mansfed an Environmental Specialist from Fichner said the BESS will feed into the nationalgridandbeutilisedbyallelectricityusers. “Ideallytheconstructionwillstarttowardsmidto end of 2026, but this is not confirmed, numerous factors may still affect this date. Completion will be approximately 6 months later.” According to Mansfed,userswhoreceivetheirelectricityviathe Lithops substation will see the most benefit, but the BESS does have a positive contribution to all Namibians.TheestimatedprojectcostisUSD35 million which will be funded by theWorld Bank.
The EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) method used is the Open International Bidding (OIB) During the Construction Phase, the Project Promises to employ 150 unskilled and semi-skilled local and regionalemployeeswhowillbetransportedbybus to the site from town. These employees will allegedlybegivenon-jobtraining.TheOperation Phase will only employ five employees, two unskilled labour and two semi-skilled employees who will also be living off-site and transported withminibusestothesite.
ThedraftESIAReportwillbeavailableonrequest for a 21-day comment period from 9April to 30 April2024.Allcomments/concerns,requestsfor the draft ESIAReport and further information on the ESIA process should be forwarded to the Environmental Assessment Practitioner, Ms Christina Mansfeld at mansfeldc @fis.fichtnergroup.comorat+27724490353.
As part of its ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of the community and that of man's best friend, the Swakopmund Municipality has started conducting a comprehensive house-tohouse inspection regarding dogs within the Swakopmund Local Authorityarea.
According to the Swakopmund Municipality's Spokesperson, Linda Mupupa, a team of six contractors will be conductinghomevisitsto inspect dog ownership and ensure the welfare of the animals. They will be carrying identification cards and official uniforms
Inspectionswillfocus on ensuring that dogs areproperlycaredfor, vaccinated, and licensed as per municipal by-laws. The team will further provide information on responsible pet ownership and address any inquiries thedogownersmight have. Mupupa said, ensuring the proper care and licensing of dogs helps promote a
safer and healthier community for everyone,andbycomplying with regulations, the community contributestothewell-being oftheirdogsandhelps prevent issues such as stray animals and public health concerns.
The Swakopmund Municipality requests for public participationandcooperation during these inspections to facilitate asmoothprocessand ask that the community secure their dogssafelyduringthe inspection to ensure thesafetyoftheteam and the dogs. The house-to-house inspections commence on Monday, 8 April, and will run until 30 September thisyear
AccordingtoWarrantOfficerTashiyaFernando oftheErongopolice,thefirstincidentinvolved municipality workers that discovered the body ofanewbornbabyboyinadrainonKristiaansand Street, Kuisebmond, while on duty The workers reported the discovery to the police. The baby's body was recovered from the drain andtransportedtoWalvisBayStateHospitalfor certification and was then transferred to the Policemortuaryforstorageandapost-mortem. As of now, no arrests have been made in connection with the incident, and police investigation is ongoing. The Erongo police are urginganyonewithinformationthatcouldaidin the apprehension of the suspect to come forward. Detective Inspector Mansie Amamub, UnitCommanderoftheCriminalInvestigation UnitTutaleni,canbereachedat0817638188, while Deputy Commissioner Iikuyu, the Head of Criminal Investigation Division, can be
Inthesecondincident,thebodyofanewbornbaby boywasdiscoveredamidstrubbishalsobymunicipality workers on Monday this week. Warrant Officer Tashiya Fernando of the Erongo police saidmunicipalityworkerswereemptyingrubbish binsalongAgaatStreetwhentheystumbledupon theinfant'sbodyintheirtruck.Theworkersimmediately alerted the police. As of now, no arrests have been made in connection with the case, and the police investigation is ongoing. The Erongo police are urging anyone with information that could assist in identifying and apprehending the suspect to contact L/Detective Warrant Officer DennisSkrywer,theUnitCommanderoftheCriminal Investigation Unit Kuisebmond, can be reached at 081 443 3377. Alternatively, Deputy Commissioner Iikuyu, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Division, is available at 081 246 4757.
The Erongo police have arrested several suspects in connection with a livestock theft incident in Usakos.
According to Warrant Officer Tashyia Fernando of the Erongo police, an unspecified number of goats were reported stolen from a kraal at a certain camp in the Usakos district. Inresponsetotheincident, the Stock Theft Investigation SubDivision initiated an intelligence-led operation, resulting in the recovery of six carcasses of goats, some of which had been cut into pieces. The total value of 18 recovered goat carcasses is N$27 200. This successful operation culminated in the arrest of five
suspectsimplicatedin the theft. The suspects, identified as Dino Uirab (27), Moses Uirab (57), Lucky Uirab (34), Brandon Geingob (21), and Helmuth Kheib (41), were apprehendedandsubsequently appeared before the Usakos magistrate court on Tuesday this week. Their case has been postponed to 7 May, and they remain in police custody pending further legal proceedings. Police investigation into the stock theft incidentcontinues.
Mr MelvinAraeb fell victim to a brazen robbery on Monday evening, 8 April,atapproximately08:00.Deputy Commissioner Erastus Ikuyu of the Erongo police shared details of the alarmingevent.
According to reports, Mr Araeb, was traveling aloneinhiswhiteToyotaDG6,Doublecabon the main road from Swakopmund towards Henties BayenroutetoKhorixas.AsheapproachedMile 11, he encountered a silver Volkswagen Polo obstructingtheroad.Believingthevehicletobe in distress, Mr Araeb stopped to help. To his shock, four male individuals, armed with a firearm, emerged from the Polo, and forcefully commandeered Mr Araeb's vehicle, along with all his belongings, including his iPhone. The assailants then fled in the direction of Henties Bay,leavingMrAraebstrandedatthescene.Mr Araeb bravely made his way back to Swakopmund on foot and sought assistance from a friend,whopromptlyescortedhimtothenearest police station. As of now, neither the stolen vehicle nor the perpetrators have been apprehended. Deputy Commissioner Ikuyu stressed theurgencyofthematter,urginganyonewithinformation regarding the stolen vehicle or the suspectstocomeforwardimmediately Inastatement addressing the community, Deputy Commissioner Ikuyu emphasised the importance of collectivevigilance,stating,"Thecooperationof thepublicisvitalinbringingperpetratorsofsuch crimes to justice. We urge anyone with relevant informationtoassistusinoureffortstoensurethe safetyandsecurityofourcommunity."
Anyone with information pertaining to the whereaboutsofthestolenvehicleortheidentity ofthesuspectsisurgedtocontactDeputyCommissioner Ikuyu directly at 081 246 4757 or Detective Warrant Officer 1Auchab at 081 276 6844,SwakopmundCriminalInvestigationUnit (CIU),orthenearestpolicestation.Astheinvestigation unfolds, the Swakopmund community remains united in their resolve to combat crime andupholdthesafetyofallresidentsandvisitors alike.
TheSchoolBoardandmanagementof Narraville Primary School (NPS), as part of the 60th birthday celebrations launched renovation projects at this schoolinWalvisBay.
This government educational institution that is the heart of the Narraville township in theharbourtownneeds the assistance of old
TErasmusherewithintendstoapplytotheSwakopmund Municipal Council for the “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, - “home baked goods”specializingincakesandbiscuits”on the premises of Erf 2076, Swakopmund Extension1(10MakrielStreet)asprovidedforin terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.
Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublication to the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality,duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis: 26April2024.
ContactPerson:MrsT.Erasmus,Cell:081593 8595
E-mail:taylawaldron@gmail.com or
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
scholars, the community and companies to bare the cost for the renovation projects at the school. Therefore, the school request all to come on board and help with the renovation projects.Themanagerof Coastal Mobile Windscreen and Glass Fitment Centre (CMW) Luwellen Eksteen and owner of CHI CHI Investments CC Tano Izaaks respond to the school's request to replace all the broken windowsattheschool.
The two local companies CMW and CHI CHI Investments cc come onboard and replaced all the broken windows at school. The next venture that the school's management would like to take on is the replacement of the old and worn-down woodenwindowsframes of the school hall with new updated aluminium windows.
The estimated price for thereplacingofthewindows is about N$8 500 and as an educational institution the management would kindly like torequestthatthemoney not be paid to the institutionbutdirectlyto the contractor to avoid any duplicity in this matter As a token of appreciation, the school offer a wall to the companyorcompaniesatthe front of the school for advertisement purposes.
This offer will be valid foroneyearonly
The Narraville Primary School is looking forward to a favourable reply from the community in the undertakingofthisventure.
Invites suitably qualified individuals to apply for the position of:
Main Responsibilities:
· Ad hoc tasks as given by management.
· Maintain queries promptly and strive to find solutions for the problems.
· Give feedback to co-ordinators and superiors regarding work related matters.
· Co Ordinate sample transportation, bookings to lab and all associated administration.
· Be responsible for the company resources (workforce, equipment, raw material) under his/her command.
· To adhere to all Company policies, procedures, and food safety management systems (i.e. Health and Safety, Hygiene, Disciplinary, Housekeeping etc.)
· Comply with and promote Abroma Fishing Industries values.
· Grade 12, with a pass mark in English, mathematics, life science/ biology and 3years experience as a SHE officer
· Sound knowledge of ISO 14001 and OHSAS requirements are required.
· Knowledge of HACCP/ BRC and IFS advantageous
· Basic statistical knowledge is required.
· Must have a planned and structured approach.
· High level administrative planning & organization capability
· Computer literate and familiar with word & excel.
· Able to use own initiative.
· Quick thinking and decision making required in a fast-moving environment.
· Good self-motivational skills.
· Excellent team working skills.
Only applicants that meet the above requirements should apply for this position. In exchange for a proactive and an enthusiastic professional approach, the Company offers a competitive remuneration package which commensurate with the position and the candidate's experience; and a progressive, rewarding and stimulating work environment. Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply Interested and suitably qualified candidates are to submit a CV with certified copies of ALL relevant supporting documentation to Vacancies@abromafishing.com.
Please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted and that no documents will be returned. Short listed candidates must be willing to do a preemployment and medical assessment.
BME is one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of explosive products and services to the mining industry in varies SADC countries and expanding International Operations. We pride ourselves in providing high quality explosive products with an excellent support service to all our clients.
1.To apply for the above positions please submit your Complete CV, Certified Certificates & ID Copy, and proof of residents to: Portia.Pholosi@bme.co.za and Prudence.Kotze@bme.co.za
2. Please use the Job title as the subject of your e-mail
3. Closing Date: Wednesday 17April 2024
4. If you do not hear from us within 30 days from the closing date, kindly accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The scrap metal on sale includes:
Elbow bends
Outlet Knife Foot valves and Distant piece
Filter Dams
6M stainless steel 160mm Pipe
Gear boxes
Base plates
Screw Fit Screw fit blades
Steel pipe guide plates
Distant piece Bends Valves
Removing of all pipe work & plate valves
Thisservesasnoticeto anyonewhoisentitledtoand canlaylegalclaimtoassets foundandcurrentlyheldon Portion5oftheAltNonidas Trust,Swakopmund,within 7(SEVEN)daysfromdateof publicationofthisnotice. Assetsnotlaidclaimto,with proofofsuchclaim,willbe removedandsoldbypublic auctionthereafter,the proceedsofwhichwillbe usedtocoverarrearrents.
Contactdetails: MrsDFleiss email: fleiss@autofleiss.com
Coastal Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com
ThegoodnewsfromDoctor ProfessorKangaishereto helppeoplewithanykindof problem,donothesitateto calldoctorKangaandsee whatishappeninginyour lifesituation
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DOCTOR:Dr.SJeke (TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-LoveProblems-
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DrLovemoreBen Banda(Theoldman)
FromMalawiisinWalvis Baywith30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,toclean outbadluckfromyour body,topassexams,to passdriving,toprotect yourbodyfromwithcraft, toboostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma, &manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret. Smsorcall:081 6431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet
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ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret. Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102
ToRent: Kabeljou/WB
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candidateswillbe contacted. Submitcvto hannelie@hefergroup.co monorbeforeclosing date.
WERKGESOEK: Beverly is opsoek na huiswerk of babas oppas werk in Swakopmund of Langstrand,ekkanenigetyd begin.
JOBWANTED: Iama23yearoldlookingfor nannyorhousekeepingwork inSwakopmund,Iamready tostartassoonaspossible.
I am a young hardworking andtrustworthyladylooking for domestic work, office cleaning from Monday to FridayinSwakopmund.
Contact:0812063229/ 0818722163
JOBWANTED: I am a lady looking for d o m e s t i c w o r k i n Swakopmund, Monday to Friday I have 3 years experienceandreadytostart immediately
Contact:0812804128/ 0817639036
WERKGESOEK; Naomi Rooinasie is opsoek na huiswerk, was, stryk, skoonmaakenkindersoppas in Swakopmund of Walvisbaai Ek is hardwerkend, betroubaar, netjies en hou van kinders, ek het sober gewoontes en kanenigedagbegin.
I am a 44 year old woman looking for domestic work. SaturdaysandSundaysonly, ironing, cleaning and doing laundry Iamwillingtostart anytime.
JOBWANTED: A 30 year old female is looking for any kind of work inWalvis Bay I have worked with kids before, in restaurants and mini markets. I can cook and clean. I have experience.
JOBWANTED: Iama33yearoldladylooking for any type of work around WalvisBayorSwakopmund. MondaystoFridays. Readytostartimmediately
WERKGESOEK: Ek is ‘n betroubare dame opsoek huiswerk inWalvis of Langstrand Ek kan ook kantoor skoon maak, het kennisenverwysings.
Kontak:0817669187 0812426291
JOB WANTED: I am a 30 year old lady looking for any type of work except bars, Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. MondaystoFridays.
JOBWANTED: I am looking for any kind of housework in Walvis Bay I amreadytostartanytime.
JOBWANTED: I am looking for any kind of domesticworkinWalvisBay Readytostartanytime.
JOB WANTED: I am a young trustworthy lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay Meersig or Langstrand. Ready to start immediately
JOB WANTED: I am a 26 year old girl looking for domestic work for 5 days a week.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant:
2.Nameof businessor proposed business to which application relates:EkandjoClub
3. Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates: Erf 522Mondesa.
4.Natureanddetailsof application: Application for Special LiquorLicense.
5. Clerk of the court with whom application willbelodged: Swakopmund MagistrateCourt.
6 Date on which
application will be lodged:15April2024
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which 12 June 2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of theActinrelationtothe applicationmustbesent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which application will be heard. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION
SandSea Consulting hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the abovementioned activity
PROJECT LOCATION: Ismael Abraham and/or Moshitila Street, Mondesa, Swakopmund.
All Interested & Affected Parties are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions as part of the consultation process.
All comments and concerns should be submitted to the details below: Email: sandseaconsulting@gmail.com
Mobile: 085 639 0738 on or before 26 April 2024.
SandSea Consulting
In the estate of the late Friedrich Eberhard Mercker, Id Nr 290501 0009 0, who died on 21 January 2024, resided at Unit No. 25 Lion Retirement Village, 56 Rhode Allee, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was married out of community of property Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.
H E AHRENS Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Haus Altona 2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Swakopmund (Ref. HEA/AV EST340/0001-50) Registration No:2017/0334
DR WEDER KAUTA & HOVEKA INC., a well-established legal firm, requires a competent, and experienced Conveyancing Secretary to join their team. WALVIS BAY
· At least 3 - 5 years hands-on conveyancing experience in Transfers, Bonds, Bond Cancellations, Sectional Title Developments and BIPA registrations.
· Must have an excellent command of the English language. (Good command ofAfrikaans, German or any indigenous Namibian language willbeanadvantage.)
· Goodoverallcomputer-andtypingskills.
· ConveyancingexperiencewithprogramssuchasE4,LegalPerfectand GhostPracticeasaddedadvantages.
· NamibianCitizenorpermanentresidency
· Mustbeabletoworkunderpressure.
· Mustbeateamplayer
· Serviceorientatedandfriendly CV's to be handed in at our office reception, Cnr ofTheo Ben GurirabAve & Johnson Fwafwa Mabakeng Str, Walvis Bay or e-mail to: martins@whk-law.com
Closing date – 26April 2024
Str, Walvis Bay E-Mail: martins@wkh-law.com
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sold, by private transaction, light industrial erf 6409 Walvis Bay to A Van Der Walt Transport Namibia (Pty) Ltd.
Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 23 April 2024atroom29,Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
In a thrilling display of strategic brilliance, the Bank Windhoek 2024 Omaruru Open Chess Championships hosted by the SI Gobs Secondary School in Omaruru and the Coastal Chess Association crowned a new champion, Mbitjita Kahuure, marking another milestone in Namibia'schesslandscape.
This year's Championship, which is one of 18 events scheduled across Namibia as part of the NationalGrandPrixSeries,witnessedtherecordbreaking participation of 70 enthusiastic chess players. The atmosphere was electric as players from diverse backgrounds and skill levels convergedtotesttheirmettleonthechessboard. Kahuure,whohasbeenplayingforabout25years, said his overall experience at the Championship wasgoodandobservedagreatturnoutinthetown. “Chess usually does not get much exposure in smalltowns.Hence,thisisagreatinitiativewhich brings together local players,” he said. This was Kahuure'sfirsttimeplayinginalongwhile,ashe mainlyfocusesoncoachingotherplayers. The Namibia Chess Federation President Goodwill Khoa said one of the highlights of the eventwastheintroductionofthemuch-anticipated DigitalGameTechnology(DGT)E-boards,which add a new dimension to the tournament and the development of chess in Namibia. “The DGT boards allowed young players to have a thrilling
experienceplayingonelectronicchessboardsfor the first time. In this way, they witness how the technology seamlessly records their moves and gamesfirst-hand,”hesaid.
Khoathankedallparticipantsfortheirpassionand dedication to the game and the Championship's main sponsor, Bank Windhoek, “whose unwavering support continues to fuel the growth anddevelopmentofchessinNamibia.” Awardedasfirst-placeparticipantsinOmaruruare as follows: Open Category - Kahuure Mbitjita; Women - Khoa Lutopu; Junior Open - Katsvara Pewelago; Cadet Open - Brown Lao-Letty and OmaruruOpenBestLocal-GalantWerner
This coming weekend, the National Grand Prix SerieswilltakeplaceasanOpenChampionshipin Rehoboth The Namibia Chess Federation encourages all members of the chess community to participate. Their involvement in such events resulted in players obtaining an official International Chess Federation FIDE rating, a significantmilestoneforaspiringplayers.
TheSchoolsMTBLeaguehasbeenoperatingfor several years with participation at the Windhoek racesgoingfrom50ridersaracetoanaverageof 160childrenperrace.Overthepastthreeyears,the FNB Schools MTB League Committee has partnered with PAY (PhysicallyActive Youth) to enable children from more marginalized communities inWindhoek to also take part in the sport. FNB Schools Mountain Bike League Committee member Bronwen Chase said that the league is aimed at growing cycling as a sport in Namibia. “We host an annual series of races with fun racetracks designed to encourage the riders. We've continued the partnership by sponsoring race entries, transport, and food per event for the PAYteam,”explainedChase.
KuisebmondSecondarySchool(KSS)inWalvisBayrecentlybecamethe proud owners of football jerseys, balls and other football accessories worthN$10000.
The donation made by Rennies Consolidated specialises in warehousing, container storage, materials handling, freight inventory control, container repair, de-stuffing and containerisationofcargo Accepting the donation,thecoach,Mr
Uirab expressed the school's gratitude, adding that the football accessories go a long way in boosting the school's sport teams' morale. Sam Shoopala, Operations Manager at Rennies Consolidated, said the company is delighted to assist the
school, however, added that as much as the football players willlooksmartintheir new kits, he wants them to also focus on their schoolwork as educationopensdoors. "We want to see the marksattheendofthe year,"hesaid.
1. Grade 12
2. NQF 4
3. Tertiary qualification Sales and Marketing 4 years in Sales and Key Account Manager
4. 2 years Management of Sales Team
5. Influencing and build and maintain relationships
6. A workable knowledge of all applicable legislation is required
7. Commercial Acumen and good communication and negotiation skills
8. Advanced knowledge of all aspects of Sales and Marketing.
9. Sound understanding of the administrative procedures used by the company
10. Labour Conflict Management and Supply Chain Management knowledge and skills
11. CODE B Motor vehicle licence
Manage the Sales process to customers in an assigned area
• Manage Merchandisers and Shelf Packers
• Increase profit and sales volumes within this area and within segments
According to her, this year we will also be sponsoring two additional bicycles to enable the fullteamofridersaccesstobicyclesforthisleague and other races. “The official handover of these bikes will take place at the first league race on Saturday,”sheadded.Chaseaddedthattheleague also sent an invitational team to take part in the Gauteng Regional Finals in 2023, coming away with a number of medals from a team of just 12 riders.
Formoreinformationandtoenter,pleasevisitour Facebook page: FNB Schools MTB League or contact:CarlyvanderMerwe:0811462303
th st th rd
13 April,1 June,20 July,3 August
17 August(FINALS)
• Manage costs within this area
• Develop and maintain sound relationships with customers, Telesales and Logistics
Implement and control shelf management initiatives of the Company and Principals
• Liaise with product owners, Key Account Managers and Principals
• Implement agreed sales programmes
• Control shelf management initiatives
• Reinforce the Company's merchandising scheme
• Monitor inventory stocks
• Ensuring outlets maintain product availability of relevant brands
• Prevent short dated and expired stock
Develop Sales and Business skills of Account Managers and Merchandisers
• Training of subordiantes according to needs
• Coaching where and when needed
• Liaise with HR when specific training skills are needed
Closing date for all applications: 19 April 2024
Please mail your Cv’s with supporting documents to: jacqeline.vanwyk@clover.com.na
ASizzlingCoastalderbycanbeexpectedonSaturday,13AprilwhentheSimonisStormDolphin SportClub'sRugbyteamshosttheFNBKudusRugbyClubinthefirstoftwolocalNRUderbies scheduled for the day. FNB Kudus and Simonis Storm Dolphin will take centre stage as the PremierandReserveLeagueteamsofthiscoastalclubswillbattleitoutforbraggingrightsatthe TamariskiaRugbyFieldinSwakopmund.
The coastal derby, which kicks off at 14:00 between the Reserve teams with the Premier Leagueteamstaketothefieldat15:45. TheFNB Kudus Premier League team are currently fourth on the standings after 3 matches and find themselves 6 points behind log leaders FNB Unam,whiletheSimonisStormDolphinPremier team are on the bottom of the standing with zero points after 3 games. A victory for the harbour town boys, in particular, could catapult them into secondplaceonthetablewhilsttheSwakopmund boytjies would like to put their first points on the board.TheFNBKudusReserveteamiscurrently second on the standing with 11 points after 3 games. A win can see them going top of the standing whilst Simonis Storm Dolphin sixth on thestandingwith5pointsafter3gameswouldlike tomoveuptofourthorfifthonthelog. FNBKudusteamshavewontheirlasthomegame where they beat the 2023 champions Trustco United, which will give them confidence going
into the clash, whilst both teams of Simonis Storm Dolphin lost their last game on their home ground againstlogleadersUnam. Giventheintenserivalry and history between these arch-rivals are always epic, therefore, the match will surely be a humdinger
Gatesopenat12:30,entryfees;AdultsN$30,Kids N$10,CarsN$20andCoolerBoxisN$50.
TheErongoNetballAssociation(ERNA)isreadyforthe2024ErongoNetballLeaguewhichstarts onSaturday13AprilattheVinetaNetballCourtsinSwakopmund.
The league without any sponsor consists of Sailors United NC (Walvis Bay), Kuisebmund United(WalvisBay),BlueWaters(WalvisBay), Blue Birds (Walvis Bay), Eleven Arrows NC (Walvis Bay), Young Eleven NC (Walvis Bay), Sparta United 1 (Walvis Bay), Sparta United 2 (Walvis Bay), Blue Girls NC (Swakopmund), Pro-Ed Lunas NC (Swakopmund), Dolphins Black (Swakopmund) and Dolphins White (Swakopmund).
6.YoungElevenNCvsKuisebmundUnitedat 14:40
The Graham Louw Invitational Competition was held for the second consecutive year with a field of 78 players from 26 teams took to the fairwayswithashotgunstart,ina3-ballAlliance-Scrambledrivewith onescoretocountoverthepastweekendattheRossmundGolfCoursein Swakopmund.
TheWeatherconditions were on the whole excellent – fortunately thewindonlypickedup just as the teams were completing their rounds.
The overall Winners was Oom Graham LouwandtheGruntson 54 points; Total Energies – Henties Bay c/o over SSS – Engen second on 52 points with WEM (Namibia) on 51 points fourth whilst Sunday Hackers fifthon49points. Nearest to the Pin was Francois van Rensburg onNo.3;MariHoonon No.7andinTwo,Kevin Wentzel on No.13 with TheoJoubert,theLongestDriveonNo.15. Theplayerswererewardedwithsomeexcellent snacks provided by the clubhouse kitchen whilst waiting for the admin depart ment tocome up with the winners. It was great to see
theclub housefullandbuzzing–thankstothe many sponsors everyone went home a winnerafterawonderfuldayofgolf.
The organisers thank-
ed all the players and the sponsors for their support,nottomention thehardworkputinby CliveLawrenceandhis team, the day was a hugesuccess.
The Winners of the Graham Louw Invitational with Clive Lawrence (RGC Tournament coordinator); Johan Joubert; Graham Louw; Theo Joubert.