Following the previous peaceful demonstration by the employees of the Swakopmund Municipality against institutionalised corruption, illegal disciplinary policy and recruitment policies, the Swakopmund Municipal council respondedwithaletter,warningtheNamibiaPublicWorkersUnion(NAPWU),itwillfilefordefamationofcharacter should the union not present proof of the above-mentioned allegations. On Wednesday this week, employees of the Swakopmund Municipality staged another peaceful demonstration with the same grievances, which they feel have not been dealt with after the council failed to meet their demands in June. In mid-June, these employees staged a peaceful demonstration during lunch hours, against institutionalised corruption, illegaldisciplinarypolicyandrecruitmentpolicy Thedemonstrationwas supposedtocontinueuntiltheirvoiceswereheard,butthedemonstration didnotcontinuethenextdaybecausethecouncilwasallegedlyreadyto seatwithNAPWU. AccordingtotheRepresentativeofNAPWU,Aloysia Swakopmund Municipal employees back to peaceful demonstration after employer threatens NAPWU Seafood Signs Wage Agreement Management and employees of Hangana Seafood and the NFI & FWU sharing in the occasion Sharlien Tjambari Minister
With NFI & FWU
at Budget RunduinConsultationsReviewOshakatiand
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6977 FRIDAY 12 AUGUST 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 2 Page 8 Page16
SWA documentstoholdersdocumentidentityurgedgetNamibian atExerciseSimulationAccidenttheCoast Page 3 NCCI Advises Finance
Hangana Seafood, a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver&ListGroup(O&L)andthe Namibia Fishing Industry (NFI) and Fisherman Workers Union (FWU) have signed a one-year substantive agreement. The agreement saw 1 514 bar gainingunitemployeesofHanganaSeafoodreceivea6.5%increaseontheirbasicsalary,effective1July.
Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2
FrancoisOlivier,ManagingDirectorofHangana SeafoodinhisstatementcommendedtheNFIand FWUforthewayinwhichthenegotiationprocess was handled and concluded to reach a common goalfortheemployeesandthecompany Olivier said, “the business recognizes that Namibians have not been safeguarded from the global economic pressures arising from increased inflationandthecostoflivingasaconsequenceof the war in Eastern Europe that is impeding our
Theletterfurtherreads: “NAPWUisboundintermsoftheRecognition Agreement and its Constitution to establish and maintain good employment relations between employer and employee. These false statements and accusations are in contravention of sections 20.5 (a) and (b) of the NAPWU Constitution. This result in unnecessary friction betweenthecouncilanditsemployees.”
Hangana Seafood Signs
Continued from page 1
Speaking on the occasion, the Governor of the Erongo region, Neville Andre Itope said the Erongo region, especially Swakopmund and WalvisBayhaveovertheyearsexperiencedalot ofshackfiresduetocongestion.Shackfireshave a negative impact on community members whereby lives and personal belongings are lost. Itope said, “today we are here because of the belongingsthathavebeenlostbythevictimsof the shack fires that took place in the DRC. Our people lost their national documents such as identitydocumentsandbirthcertificates.Today we are happy to witness you are finally getting your documents back with the assistance of the ministry ensuring you can now go back and get the services that you need with your national Itopedocuments.”thankedtheministryfortheswiftresponse and helping the people get back their very importantnationaldocumentsatnocost. ThisisthethirdtimeKawanacametotheErongo region's coastal area to hand out identification documents Eight identification documents, twenty birth certificates, and a marriage certificatewerehandedovertothefirevictimsat WhileSwakopmund.addressing the staff of the Home Affairs ministryinSwakopmund,Kawanasaid,“Ihave discovered that our ministry of gender which is paying for pensioners, the vulnerable and orphans have a new system that rejects Southwest Africa identity documents. Those peoplemust,withinthreeweeks,getnewidentity documents, and all children must get birth certificates so that they can continue to receive services from our government.” According to Kawana,52000peoplehavebeenaffected. TheSouthwestAfricaidentitydocumentholders Kawana was referring to that qualify for obtaining the Namibian identity documents, are those who have been residents in Namibia from 1977,andnotthosewhoarrivedinNamibiaafter 1977.
Manager: SHEQ, Stefanus Gariseb and Gottfried Araeb, Manager: OrganizationalStrategy,Projects,andPerformance,recentlyattendedthefourth Blue Ports Initiative (BPI) Workshop and Training Course in Vigo, Spain. They sharetheirexperienceandlearningsfromtherecentvisit.
Namport visits the Port of Vigo Blue Ports Initiative The Strategic Framework (2022–2031) of the FoodandAgricultureOrganizationoftheUnited Nations seeks to “support the 2030 Agenda through the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systemsforbetterproduction,betternutrition,a betterenvironment,andabetterlife,leavingno one behind.” In this context, the role that ports play in the sustainable development of their areas of influence has been highlighted. The BPI´s objective is to encourage and assist ports toimplementabluetransformationapproachin their strategic and operational processes. The BluePortsinitiativebytheFoodandAgriculture Organisation (FAO) enables commercial and fishing ports to enhance their blue credentials and promote sustainable development in their regions.Theinitiative aims to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security through food quality reinforcement, natural resources conservation through effective marine policies, value chain reinforcement, labour rights complianceandgenderequalitywithinmaritime sectors. The key to Namport's Strategy for the next 5 years is entrenching sustainability in our corebusinessprocesses,byensuringwefocuson our 4 sustainability pillars (Economic Prosperity, Social Well Being, Environmental Stewardship and Governance). The BPI thus createstheplatformthroughwhichthePortsof Walvis Bay and Lüderitz can have a positive impact in the communities they operate in, through our sustainability pillars, which is centraltotheBPI. ThevisittoPortofVigowastwofold,firstlyto attend the 4th Blue Ports Initiative workshop and secondly to attend a training course in “GreeningaBluePort”.Themainobjectiveof the BPI capacity-building programme was to reinforcethecapacitiesandskillsofblueports as drivers of value creation in their area of influence, with particular emphasis on the followingfocusareas: 1.Howtobecomeablueport; 2.Greeningtobecomeablueport: ·Transitiontocleanenergyinports; ·Climatechangeandports'resilience; · Environmental dimension on the city-port ·relationships;Oceanrestoration.Thelearningswill be incorporated into our sustainability action plan as part of our sustainabilityjourney recovery post Covid.” He further added, “this is in line with our Group Purposeof'CreatingaFuture,EnhancingLife'asweatHanganaSeafood arecommittedtocontributetowardsthebetteringofthelivelihoodsofour employees and their families. Our employees are integral in achieving success, not only as a business, but also as a contributor to the overall successoftheindustryandthesustainabilityofourcountry.”Olivieralso statedthattheworkoftheHanganateamisnotdoneyetandthatnowisthe time for them to rise together to achieve their Vision 2025 goals to be a sustainable business that will continue to protect the livelihoods of all employees and their families. He further noted that the values and breakthrough strategy are the company's foundation and guideline, and thatnothingisimpossible. In his statement, the President of the NFI & FWU, Daniel Imbili acknowledgedtheHanganateam,thenegotiatingteamofbothpartiesas well as the employees of Hangana Seafood the way they conducted the negotiations especially during such difficult times. He further stated he hopesthatothercompaniesaswellastheiremployeeswillfollowsuit,by payingattentiontohowtheworldeconomyimpactsthecountryandlocal economy Imbilisaid,“thereisnohiddenagendawhatsoeverinwhatNFI andHanganahaveachievedhere.Iwanttosendastrongandencouraging word to our Minister of Fisheries that there are those who want to contribute,buildanation,andwishtoeliminatetheunemploymentofour Namibiannationandforthem(theMinistry)tolookafterthosewhoare serious in this regard. To the entire workforce of Namibia, do not to be misledbythosethatcomewithhiddenagendas,butstarerealityintheeye tobuildthisbeautifulcountryofoursandnotdestroyit.We,thepeople, want the resources of this country that was given by God to be shared equally However, we need support, commitment, and cooperation to workasateam.Weneedtobecomethenumber1countrythatunderstands theemployerandemployeerelationshipsothatoureconomycanrecover afterthepandemicandthatshouldsomethingsimilarhappenagain,that wewillbereadytofaceit.”
Southwest Africa (SWA) Identity Document (ID) holders dating up to 1977 are urged to get Namibian identity documents. Identity documents are a citizenship right,anditisamustforeveryNamibiantobeinpossessionofone.TheMinisterof Home Affairs, Albert Kawana, handed over identity documents to recent fire victimsoftheDemocraticResettlementCommunity(DRC)toreplacetheonesthey lostinthefireyesterday.
In a petition read by NAPWU's Regional Coordinator for the Western Region,RichardKayimbi,theunionsaidtheyremainwiththeirposition that the council should revoke its resolution to appoint the second candidate for the General Manager: Corporate Services and Human Capital position and henceforth implement the recommendation of the interview panel. Kayimbi further said the council's disciplinary and grievanceproceduresremainillegalasitsapprovalwasconditional.The union thanked the council for admitting that the appointments of job attachmentstudentswereillegalandincontraventionoftherecruitment regulationsandisrequestingthecounciltoterminatethesecontractswith immediateeffect. The employees said this time they will not be fooled, they will meet in front of the Swakopmund Municipality head office every day between 13:00and14:00todemonstrateagainsttheabove-mentionedissuesuntil councilhearstheircries.
SWA identity document holders urged to get Namibian documents
2 NAMIBTIMES 12AUGUST2022 Kahuika, during the deliberations, the discussions went well, and they came to an agreement. Things allegedly only turned around after the employer of the Swakopmund Municipality met with the management committee,andtheunionreceivedaletterfromtheofficeofthemayorin which the council denied acting in a corrupt manner The letter states, “the statement is false and defames 10 councillors, and more than 15 members of management who did not even attend the relevant managementcommitteemeeting.NAPWUiscautionedtowithdrawthis statementunlesstheseclaimscanbesupportedwithevidence.”
Swakopmund Municipal employees Continued from page 1
4NAMIBTIMES Court Swakopmund Court Report 12AUGUST2022
Abstrakt Design herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for a Resident Occupation special consent to operate an “Administrative Office” on the premises of erf 4755,(PloverStreet)SwakopmundExt11. Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,during nor-malbusinesshours. Closing date for objections or comments is 5th September2022.
NoticeisherebygivenintermsofClause6ofthe Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that theTownCouncilconsidersthefollowingconsent uses,erectionofbuildingsanduseofland,details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 434ATOWNSHIP/AREA:LangstrandSTREET NAME&NO:KuisebAvenue. IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self CateringUnit. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplication may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor,Room101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than: 2 September 2022.
Wayne Dreyer (53), Rape (July 2021) Accused is warned to appearatRegionalCourtatSwakopmundon2September2022. Onbail. Richard Majangara (41), Refusal to provide breath specimen (September2021)Thecasewaswithdrawnagainsttheaccused. Filemon Jacob (41), Rape (May 2021) The matter was postponed to 27 September 2022. Further investigation. The accusedisonbail. JamesCelvinStuurman(39),Drunkdriving(December2021) The matter is postponed to 23 November 2022. Plea and Trial (FinalRemand). Riaan Gowaseb (33), Theft (December 2021) The matter is postponedto9November2022.PleaandTrial. PatrickKapunda(34),ImanuelKapara(36),Useofavehicle without the owner's consent (November 2022) The matter is postponedto29November2022.PleaandTrial. Likando Likando (32), Assault common read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003, Malicious damage to property (April 2022) The matter is postponed to 21 November2022.PleaandTrial. Abrosius Shiimi (22), Rape (April 2022) The matter is postponedto12September2022.FurtherInvestigation. Matheus Kandi (50), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft(May2022)Thematterispostponedto5September2022. FixingofTrialDate. AisiJuniorGawanab(25),BuruxaGoagoseb(19),Theft(June 2022) The matter is postponed to 7 September 2022. Further investigation(FinalRemand). Nasiku Dina Tjai Tjai (49),Assault with intent to do grievous bodilyharm(June2021)Thematterispostponedto24November 2022.PleaandTrial(FinalRemand). Vilho Johannes (29), Drunk driving (July 2022) The accused wasfoundguilty Andrew Theron (44), Drunk driving (July 2022) The accused wasfoundguilty LodewykAnthonyPetrusStevens(53),RecklessorNegligent driving,Refusaltofiveabreath/bloodspecimen.(July2022)The matterispostponedto6September2022.Furtherinvestigation. Underagedboy(17),Possessionofdrugs(July2022)Thematter is postponed to 3 August 2022. Screening of Juvenile Accused Person. Petrus Nghishongwa (30), Theft (July 2022) The matter is postponedto5September2022.Furtherinvestigation. Frans Temba Ilonga (33), Rudolf Goreseb (49), Sagaria Jantjies(30),TheftofDiesel(July2022)Thematterispostponed to8September2022.Furtherinvestigation. Esther Eliaser (43),Aina Nangolo (42), Theft – Possession of suspectedstolenproperty(July2022)Thematterispostponedto 2August2022.Plea. Wayne Magobe (18),Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm(December2019)Thematterispostponedto5September 2022.TrialPartlyHeard–ContinuationofTrial. Accusedison warning. Anthony Marvin Both (40), Two counts of failure to pay Maintenance(October2021)Thematterwaswithdrawnagainst theaccused. VicumRicardoEngelbrecht(43),Robbery,Murder-Attempted Murder, Police – Resisting a member of the police (May 2022) Thematterispostponedto15September2022.LegalAid. Ennis Kgobetsi (28), Possession of drugs (March 2018) The accusedhasbeensentenced. Fredenuis Muriel (36), Theft (August 2022) The accused Was foundguiltyandsentenced. Patrick Cedrick Kapunda (35), Anti-Corruption Act –Corruptly using office of position for gratification – propertyUnlawfuluseofproperty(August2022)Thematterispostponed to5October2022.Furtherinvestigation.
Walvis Bay Court Report
MagistrateCourt Elinne Titus (27) and Eita Titus (27), appearedonachargeofkidnapping.The matter was postponed to 16 August because the trial was partly heard. The accusedisonbail. Cindrey Kharugas (33), appeared on a chargeofmurderreadwithprovisionsof the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 17 August for the prosecutor general's decisionfinalremand. Nikanor Eixab (35), appeared on a chargeofrapereadwithprovisionsofthe domesticviolenceact,act4of2003.The matterwaspostponedto12Septemberfor the prosecutor general's decision-further investigation. The accused remains in custody DanielNghipandulwa(50),appearedon chargesofmurderandattemptedmurder The matter was postponed to 16 September because it was transferred to the regional court. The accused remains incustody Manikie Heibeb (19), appeared on a chargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponed to 19 October for further investigations. Theaccusedisonbail. Tommy Russel Stuurman (28), appeared on charges of dealing in and possession of potentially dangerous dependenceproducingdrugs.Thematter waspostponedto22Augustforfixingof trialdate.Theaccusedisonbail. Phillip Natangwe Haindongo (45), appeared on a charge of an anti corruption act- corruptly using office or positionforgratification1stalternativeto count1-Fraud.Thematterwaspostponed to15March2023forcontinuationoftrial. Theaccusedisonbail. Morne Samuels (19), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharm.Thematterwas postponed to 24August for tracing of the accused. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest wasissued. Efraim Jonas (35), appeared on a charge ofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm. The matter was postponed to 6 March2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccused havebeenwarned. Linekela N Hainduwa (27), Gabriel Tuhafeni(30),TangeniKalekoKandjimi (20), Malakia Naobeb (25), Matheus Jabu Angula (28) and Nepolo Nangolo (25), appeared on a charge of armed robbery The matter was postponed to 2 November for legal aid. The accused remainincustody August Kambinda (35) and Inda Kandjimi (26), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 Augustfortheco-accusedtobere-arrested. August Kambinda is at large and Inda Kandjimiisonbail. Ricardo So-oabeb (27), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponedto20Octoberforlegalaid.The accusedisonbail. Dietrich Van Der Westhuisen (36), appearedonachargeofassaultwithintent to do grievous bodily harm read with provisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act 4of2003.Thematterwaspostponedto12 October for legal aid. The accused is on bail. RobertGaoseb(31),appearedonacharge ofassaultbythreatreadwithprovisionsof the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. Thecasewas struckfromcourtrolldueto article12/justicedelayedisjusticedenied. Willem Van Wyk (65), appeared on a chargeofassaultcommon.Thematterwas postponedto12Octoberforlegalaid.The accusedisonbail.
viewapartoftheextensive library, special collections andphotographs.
TheScientificSocietySwakopmund(SSS) successfully completed a six month project called “Sustaining the SSS” financedthroughtheInternationalRelief Fund to the amount of 29.650,00 EURO (approx.500.000,00 NAD). This project entailed three sub projects: “SwakopmundMuseum:TheAlternative Classroom”, “Historical Newspapers Digitisation”and“PuttingtheSamCohen LibraryCatalogueOnline”. Goethe-Institut, German Foreign Office support the Scientific Society Swakopmund through the International Relief Fund Project 2nd Subproject: „News paper MicroficheDigitisation“copies of historical newspapers from former German Southwest Africa and Southwest Africa were acquired from the National Archives in South Africa The IRF Funding was used to pur chase digital copies of these Scans were pro cessed and through optical character recognition (OCR) procedure, made keyword-searchable. In total 15 330 historical newspaper editions were run through the OCR program, while some 20 000 remain outstanding. The newspapers available are for example the “SwakopmunderZeitung“, „Der Südwestbote” (19031915), “Lüderitzbuchter Zeitung”, “Keetman shooper Zeitung”, “South West Times”, “Swakop munderEcho”etc. The digitised historical newspapers are now safeguarded in the Sam Cohen Libraryandprotectedfrom loss, theft, natural disasters, and natural deterioration that old newspapers are subject to, especially withphysicalhandling. 3rd Subproject “Online LibraryCatalogue(PPO)” Moneywasmadeavailable throughtheIRFtoshare10 000 objects from the PastPerfect Program used to catalogue items of the ScientificSocietySwakopmund These include library, archive, photos and Museum items. Items to share online were selected mainly according to the uniquenessofthesourceof informationandthepopular demand for information fromthepublic. The Past Perfect Online database
Conclusion The projects funded through the International ReliefFundthereforehave been only the start of enablingtheSSStocontributeevenmoretothelocal development of Swakopmund, in particular in the area of education. This was only possible through thesupportoftheThe International Relief Fund is an initiative of the Goethe-Institut, the German Foreign Office and other stakeholders to alleviate the acute crisis in the arts and culture during the COVID 19 pandemic Support for cultural and educational organisa tions in many countries is an important contribution to safeguarding cultural infrastructure andartisticfreedom,socialdiversityandcritical Asdiscourse.withmany cultural non-profit organisations worldwide, the SSS sustained a hard blow due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which up to today results in decreased income through lowernumberofvisitors and lower spending in the Swakopmund Museum and the Sam Cohen Library and Archives. These two entities belong to the SSS and are important sour cesofincome.TheInter national Relief Fund (IRS) greatly supported the SSS by funding towards salaries and thus retaining important staff, increasing the collaboration of the museum with local schools (“Alternative Classroom project”), digitising historical newspapers, thereby safeguarding them as well as making parts of these copies keywordsearchable PDF files and by sharing a part of the library and archive catalogue online, therefore increasing the national and interna tionalreachandthusthe income base of the Sam CohenLibrary 1st Subproject „Alter nativeClassroom“ Working together with the Director of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, ErongoRegion,localschools wereinvolvedtocreatea curriculum for a day of school in the SwakopmundMuseum.The “Alternative Classroom Handbook for Grades 1 and 2” was one of the outputs that can be used by visiting school groups.Theprojectaims to motivate and enable teachers as well as learners was achieved. Duetothesuccessofthe project, the Swakop mund Museum also decided to create an extra membership category for educational institutions in order to support the educational sectorinNamibia.
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12AUGUST2022 NAMIBTIMES7 Omaru Fishing, as part of the company's corporate social responsibility initiative aimed at supporting governmental efforts to ensure schools are adequately resourced for effectivelearning, madeadonationtothevalueofN$140000 to the Katora Primary School located about 60 km to the northofUsakostowardsArandisrecently. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Omaru Fishing, Ingrith Kasper said her company is serious about investing in the local community, the education and future of Namibia's youth. “Omarufishingwishestoencouragelearnerstoenjoyschooland studyhard,sotheywoulddowellinfurtherenhancingtheirown education and their contribution in Namibia's development,” Kaspersaid.Thedonationincluded1100cansofhorsemackerel fish, 100 mattresses and 250 packs of sanitary wearables for girls. Mr Kasper said,” education is what shapes the lives of individualsandsocietyingeneral.Educationisthereforthemost effective way to reduce poverty and improve Namibia's economicgrowthandthehealthofthepeople.”Thedonationof fishwasaimedatboostingproteinintakeattheboardingschool, because healthy students are better learners. “Fish protein is important for physical and intellectual growth, while vitamins andmineralssupportbonegrowth.Goodnutrition nourishesthe bodyandmind,andboostsimmunity,”Kasperstressed.
Eileen van der Schyff
Fishing (PTY) donates to Katora Primary School
The call by the national business representative body comes amidst concerns of the never-ending subsidization of PEs by tax“NCCIpayers.suggestsPEsgointopartnershipswith privatecompanies.Thentheywillalsopaytax which government needs to fund social programmes such as building and resourcing schoolsandclinics,”saidVictoriaJoel,ViceChairpersonofNCCI'sOndangwabranch. “Agood starting point is the green schemes. Also, TransNamib and other PEs including NBC, NHE, NWR, and the waterfront companiesinKatimaMuliloandLüderitz”,added SheJoel.wentontocitethesuccessstoryofMTC asanexampletoemulate.“MTCwaslistedon the Namibian Stock Exchange and governmentremainsthemainshareholder,butNamibiansweregivenachancetobuyshares.And recently MTC declared a dividend against profit, making it is a win-win for all”, Joel Temphasized.axmatters,includingcomplianceandfailure tomakepaymentsremainsaconcern. Atthe consultative session, NCCI recommended that Minister Shiimi and his team supported by the NPC launch national taxation educational exercise in all 14 regions to encouragetaxpaymentandcompliance.TheNCCI underscored that such an educational campaignshouldnotonlybeinNamibia'sofficial language English, but in the indigenous languageorlanguagesspokeninaregionasin this way it will have maximum impact. “The proposed campaign should also be run on local radio stations, newspapers and for younger Namibians on social media platforms,”Joelsaid. Other contributions concerned the high customsandexcisedutysetagainsttheimportation of vintage clothing. It was suggested that government reviews the charge per kg and as a motivation, attention was drawn to the fact that selling vintage clothing is the only income of manymicroenterprises.Joelbemoanedthefact thattherearejusttoomanybusiness-unfriendly rules and regulations. NCCI asked the Minister todirectthathisofficialsworkcloselywithother ministriesintheeconomicclusterwhendrafting policiesbeforeenactingthem. Asforinvitationsbygovernmentministriesand departments, NCCI's previous request was restated.“Itnowseemstobethehabitbyofficials to change times and venues of consultative sessions and important meetings at short notice. Thismuststopaschoppingandchangingdates, timesandvenuesresultislowattendance”.Ata similarconsultativeengagementintheKavango regions,thebusinesscommunityraisedconcern aboutsluggishassistancefromGovernment.As anexample,itwaspointedoutthatfarmerssuffer and become vulnerable when there are animal disease outbreaks. Request for assistance with tractors for distribution in the Kavango regions arealsotakinglong. TheMinisterofFinancewasaskedwhyGovernment stopped the equipment assistance scheme under the Ministry of Industrialisation and ConcernsTrade. about the ProcurementAct were also raised and how it prejudices local enterprises pointing out, yet Government resources are misused with impunity by some civil servants, tenders shared among staff of regional councils using as fronts, firms owned by their relatives. Frustration was also expressed about ministers holdingconsultativesessions,butthereisnever any feedback provided following such engagements.
8 NAMIBTIMES 12AUGUST2022 During a consultative meeting in Oshakati last week with Finance Minister, Ipumbu Shiimi and National Planning Commissioner, Oberth Kandjoze, the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) recommended that commercial public enterprises (PEs) go into partnerships with private sector firms as a strategy to improve operational efficiency and help parastatals run profitably.
NCCI Advises Finance Minister at Budget Review Consultations in Oshakati and Rundu
Nowthebestwayofreporting,iswhenyouunderstand what the topic is that you are reporting on and this is somethingIhavelearntwhenIwasajournalist,because we need to understand what we are talking about. Only thencanwereportit,andouraudiencecanalsotakethat informationandnotbeafraidofthedisease.”
AlthoughCANcateredfor50menatthemen'shealthclinic, only 14 men in Swakopmund visited the clinic for screeningonTuesday Wednesdaywasthewomen'shealth clinic, which is an important component of the Cancer AssociationofNamibia.Hansensaid,“women'shealthis an important component of what we do at the cancer association. We believe that women's health is a priority Ofcourse,breastandcervicalcancerisahugechallenge. 55% of all cancers diagnosed in Namibia is for women, thereforebreastandcervicalcancermustbeaddressed.So, Wednesdaywehadawomen'shealthclinicwherewedid clinical breast examinations and cervical or papsmears investigations to fight breast and cervical cancer.”
CAN wasreadytoscreen100ladiesonthisdayandby12:30on Wednesday,theywerealreadystandingat53ladiesscreened.Ladiesweremoreresponsivethanmen. Sophia Welhelmina Simon (62) had a chat with Namib Times after her screening.According to her, she had her last papsmear screening about 26 years ago. “One of the ladiesIworkwithaskedmetocomealongandIthought, why not, it has been so long since my last test and the peoplewillmaybebeatmewhenIgetthere,buttobesafe andbecauseIwanttobesurethatIamhealthy,Icamehere today,“Simonsaid. AccordingtoSimon,herexperiencewasveryinteresting, “beforeyougoin,youareshy,whenIwasgettingreadyfor screeningandhadmygownon,Ifeltweird,buttheladyin thescreeningroomisverykindandeventhepeoplehereat reception give you a sense of calm so that you can overcomeyourfear.” Simonsaidshewouldrecommendthescreeningtoanyone andwishestoreturn,butbecausesheisover60,thismight have been her last year She further said she dragged her onlydaughteralong.
The CancerAssociation of Namibia (CAN), Erongo region branch commemorated the National CancerAwareness Week this week by offering free breast and prostate cancer screeningformenandwomenattheirSwakopmundClinic.
Ons die NG Moedergemeente gaan 2023 weer 'n WALVISFEES saam met Hangana Hake Run aanbied...
Sien uit om die hele Walvisbaai daar te sien.
Women respond better than men to cancer screening
TheNationalCancerAwarenessDayClinicsformpartof CAN's National Cancer Outreach Program where they travel all around the country and provide clinics and capacitate on nurses especially to be able to screen. Hansensaid,“ofcourseweknowthatthereisabigchallengethroughoutthecountry,andthatwearebeingplagued by communicable diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria for so long, that we now need to capacitate our nurses to be able to screen for cancer.”
CancerweekistraditionallythefirstweekofAugust,so on 1 August they launched in Windhoek at the CAN HeadOffice,wheretheyscreened100ladiesand50men eachday BecausethereisabranchatSwakopmund,and a great need in the Erongo region, they extended to the Erongo region, Swakopmund Branch for week two of theCancerWeek.Itisallaboutscreeningandproviding education.”OnTuesday,9AugustCANhadthemen'shealthclinic where they divided the men into slots per hour and offered free prostate cancer examination and educated men on prostate cancer and the importance of having prostate cancer screening regularly According to Hansen, they are screening for prostate cancer through the PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) rapid test system. Hansensaid,“wejusttakeabitofbloodandputitintoa sample,toseeifthePSAlevelsareelevated,andifthese levels are indeed elevated, it means there is something wrong with the prostate gland, and it might be an indication that the patient has prostate cancer Many men are veryafraidofprostatecancerscreeningbecausetheythink itisthattraditionalfingerrectalexamination,butthisisalso where we create awareness and break that stigma that through a PSAblood test, we can save your life.All you needtodoisgotoyourlocaldoctor,theMinistryofHealth andSocialServicesorcometothecancerassociationand requestaPSAbloodtest,eitherrapidorfullbloodandfrom there we can fight cancer Prostate cancer is the number threecancerinthecountry,oneofourtoptencancersand inmen,itisthetopcancerbeingdiagnosed.”
TheNationalCancerAwarenessWeek,initiatedin2017 to create cancer awareness, and to educate journalists/ reporters on reporting effectively on cancer, kicked off this week in Swakopmund. During an interview with Namib Times, Rolf Hansen, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)oftheCancerAssociationofNamibiasaid,“we foundthatveryoftenjournalistsreportaboutthedisease but did not really understand what the disease was all about, and therefore it was more a top-down approach where people were scared when they read the stories.
Sharlien Tjambari Website:
Rudi Bowe The Tyre Tech Solutions Factory is the first retreading factory that is based in the light industrial area of Walvis Bay and a second in Namibia The factory, with state of theart borand500countryfwithgapfoundcountries.bnottLangenhovensrepaired,WtheT2019hovenrdreamoandhthetheLSdThetruckingtefpcontributingwillandgapclosetbrandoldchineryveddesignedinternationallyandappro-retreadingma-,willmakeanusedtyrelikeanewone.Re-readingtyreswillthebigpricebetweenaretreadanewtyreandcontinuetobeafactorinromotingcostficiencyandsus-ainabilityintheindustryownerandfoun-erofTyreTecholutions,Fabianangenhovensaidfactoryisbuiltoncorevaluesofonesty,integrity,excellence.“Thispportunitywasathatbecameaeality”LangenexplainedinheopenedTyreechSolutionsinasmallworkshopinindustrialareaofalvisBaywherehefitandsoldecondhandtyressaid,“IthenstartedtostudyheretreadmarketonlyinNamibia,utalsoinotherMystudythereisabiginthemarketonlyoneretreadactoryintheWithabouttrucksenteringleavingthehar-town,asecond factory was a must, so that we can help truck owners save on their budgetsfornewtyres.” Thenewfactorywitha staff compliment of 20 persons does re treading, repair and fitting of tyres, and sells retread and new tyres for trucks. The retreading machinery is designed for truck tyres from 750 and Wbiggeralvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes, said there is a lot of hardshipandstruggleinthe harbour town, but when new businesses open one can then see that things are happening, which brings great joy to the town. Forbes said, “the opening of the retread factoryinWalvisBayis a genius strategic business move and I applaud the Tyre Tech Solution team for this initiative. It is a smart business decision that o f f e r s g r e a t e r flexibility in a fleet's supply chain and cash management strategies and further manages budgetconcerns,”Forbes added. According to the mayor, we cannot talk about retreading without mentioning the massive
A dream has become a reality for Fabian Langenhoven when he opened Tyre Tech Solutions Factory on Friday, 5 August 2022 at WalvisBay. docome
Rudi Bowe
The management and staff thanked Erongo Governor, Neville Andre, Walvis Bay, MayorTrevinoForbes, Pastor Jp Huish, Clifford, DCM j o i n e r y D A L E , SOPHOSArchitektonJASON, AirEC–DÉCOR,ECAJLTTYRES-SOLLROCKWELLY,Seppalmir-RhemaTiptop,EADERTREADOHAN,VIPOLDRIAAN,WOWHOWALMIEN,LENAIneteriosEvolveIT-orne,LendariolectricsandDesertPower
The Langenhoven family Fabian Langenhoven, Ubenicia Langenhoven and their daughter, Azayliah Langenhoven Fabian Langenhoven and his wife, Ubenicia Langenhoven with staff members of Tyre Tech Solutions
Pastor JP Huish, Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes with the owner and founder of Tyre Tech Solutions Fabian Langenhoven his wife Ubenicia Langenhoven and their daughter Azayliah Langenhoven after unveiling the plaque
NOTICEOFCONSENT APPLICATIONINTERMSOFTHE WALVISBAYTOWN SCHEMEPLANNING CONSENT: Accommodation Establish (Guest House) ON ERF NO: 4046 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: Nangolo MbumbaStreet. IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Guest PlansHouse.may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor,Room101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof thisapplication,mustlodgesuchobjection,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing,notlaterthan:25August2022.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:Carlo vanderMerwe,POBox2431,WalvisBay NOTICE WebbingEngineeringccherewithintendsto apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for a Resident Occupation Special Consent, to operate an “administrative office” on the premises of Erf 56, Unit 24 Swakopmund, (Daniel Tjongarero Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:Engineering&PlanningServices. Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
Contact Person: Mr E Haipindi, Cell: 081 1462346, or Mr. J. Heita (Manager:Town Planning) Tel: +264 (64) 4104403
Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis: 5thSeptember2022.
The Proponents intend to construct and operate a Private Air-strip for Light aircraft landing and take-off at an identified area measuring 1.5 km x 45 m, located near the Brandberg White Lady Lodge.
NOTICEOFSALE INEXECUTION IntheHighCourtOF WNamibiaindhoek Main Division CaseNo:HC-MD-
Eric Xaweb at or +264 tsisebconservancy@gmail.com813479255. ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING SOLUTIONS CC ESTATENOTICE ESTATENUMBER: E1814/2022 In the estate of the late Horst Gerhard Hofmeister, Id Nr 470303 0073 4, who died on 11 June2022,residedat15 Salvadora Avenue, Rossmund, Swakop mund,Namibiaandwho wasmarriedoutofcommunityofproperty Creditorsanddebtorsof
CIV-ACT-CON-2022/00791 In the matter between: Blaauw's(Pty)TransportLtd ExecutionandCreditor ApemMining Services(Pty)Ltd ExecutionDebtor In execution of a Judgment against the above Defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on 29 March 2022 the following goods will be soldinExecutionbythe Deputy Sheriff of Swakopmund, Namibia on 22 - 24August 2022 atthefollowingaddress: Premises of Aucor Namibia, No 25 Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Swakop mund, Namibia by online auction Auction starts online 22 August 2022 at 10h00 auction ends 24 August 2022 at 13:00. “Voetstoots and Cash” to the highest bidder, viz: 1xScaniaTruck(horse) LicenseNr:N204059W Vin WPlantEngY52R6X40005336714Nr:Nr:DC1604L0111070601xCompleteScreen(green)arrior1400x(ELB) DatedatWalvisBayon this8August2022. JHOlivier JanOlivier&Co LegalPractitionersPlaintifforf 131SamNujomaAvenue WalvisBay (Ref:JHO/pb/B013/1174) VACANCIES VACANCIES NOTICES NOTICES NOTICES
NOTICE OF CONSENTAPPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAYTOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT:Home-basedBusinessCashLoanON ERF NO: 5391 TOWNSHIP/AREA Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Tutaleni Uugwanga InKuisebmondtermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an: CashLoan Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,First Floor,Room101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than: 7 September NAME2022.ANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: Benistu Nghiirovali, PO Box 4538, Walvis Bay,
The Proponents for this proposed project are Tsiseb Communal Conservancy and Brandberg White Lady Lodge, operating as a JV The Proponents intend to construct and operate a Private Air-strip for landing and take-off of light aircrafts. Notice is hereby given in terms of Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner Project location and description: Brandberg White Lady Lodge is located in Dâures Constituency in Erongo Region near the Ugab River
Environmental Assessment Practitioner: Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions CC. Invitation to participate: By this notice Interested &Affected Parties (I & APs) are requested to register in order to participate in the public consultation process. Public meeting date: 02 September 2022. Venue: Uis Town Community Hall at 9:00. Due date to register as I &APs: 31August 2022. To register: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu at or mnelumbu7@gmail.comMr the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentionedaddress within a period of 30 daysfromdateofpublicationofthisnotice. HEAHRENSExecutrix c/o IncorporatedAssociatesKinghorn HausAltona 2–6TobiasHainyekoStreet POBox Swakopmund1455 (Ref:HEA/AVEST 301/0001-50)
Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such asbringingbacklostlover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boostsmallbusinesstobe big business, to be liked with people, to win contractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stopbaddreams,amanto be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes, asthma, & many m o r e C o m e & experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Sms or call:081 6431482findtheOldman in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes NakuafilaStreet.
DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorisherein ErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines: 1.HealsAsthma&Epilepsy 2.MentalDiseases 3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant) 4.Manpower&Erectile promotion relatedmatters Business&customer 7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems Improvesandboostbody illnesses Luckycharmsand winninginlife Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetesand heartdiseases Bringbacklostlovers Peaceathome Thingsthatmovesonthe roofsofhouses Catchthievesandbring backstolengoods Stop alcoholandsmoking Unfinishedjobs School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino Badsmellandunhealed wounds Wealthmatters andmanymanymore.Call DrMajoroneformore informationandappointmentson0812017556
TRADITIONALMOZAMBIQUEAN:DOCTOR: DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirsttime withstrongandpowerful medicinespecialisingin variousproblems& diseasestomentionafew: (a)Bringingbacklostlover in4daysonly,bindingyour loverandtobeyoursonly; andtostophim/herfrom cheating.(b)Removalof badluckndtowintough andchallengingcourtcases. (c)togetaman/womanof yourchoice.(d)jobsand promotions.(e)pregnancy problemsandwinning tendersandcontracts, protectionofbodies,house ofwitchcraft,revengeand rapasule,rejuvenatepower duringsexandboostweak erection.Paints,headache, epilepsy,swollenlegsand feet,manhoodenlargement, recoveringofstolen propertyandmanymore othercomplicatedproblems anddiseasesyoumighthave beenletdownbyother doctorsnthepast.“Stop Crying”nowit’syourtime tocomeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracle happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.For anyappointmentcall DoctorChinomba081767 7045 DrAtwabi:Payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanora womanofyourchoice,stop yourpartnerfromcheating andmakehimorhertolove youonly,getattractedtoa richmanorwoman,all pregnancyproblems,hips andbreastenlargement, financialproblems,magic wallet,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhood enlargementStoXLand muchmore. CallDrAtwabi 0812337274 * 0813487979
DRCHIEFMANGOCHI WitchdoctorPractisingas DRMangochiAfrican TraditionalHealing methods.Heisthe strongest&expertpowerful Dr,mymuthi istheanswer 100%guar-anteed.Stop yourloverfromcheating. Bringbacklostloverin2 days.Openyourgoodluck. Makemenspenisprivate partbigandstrong.Control earlyejaculation.Make moreroundduringsex. Promotionatwork. Pregnancyin1day Winall courtcasesbigorsmall. Helpstudenttopassexams. Wingambling&lotto. Solveanyfinancial problemsetc.Cometome youwon’tregret. Contact:0814307440
DRZANIAPayafter success, spells, spiritual healing solutions to assist you with any challenges you might be facing. reconciliationwithlostlove(lover) Attracttherightmanor womanforlove&marriage. Strongluckycharmsfor work&promotionGetthe jobofyourchoice& qualification(youwillbethe favoritecandidateamongst allshortlisted.Wintenders, getloansapproved,startyour ownbusiness& epilepsychroniccustomers/clients.attractHealingdiseasessuchas,asthma,highbloodpressure,sugardiabetesandmore.Usingpurelyorganicherbs.IndegenousSouthernAfricanmixtures&ancienthealingmethodologies,willalsoassistyouwithlifestylehabitschangestodealwithaddiction&weightlossGuguda-menenlargementin3sizes,medium,Prayers,healing,fortunetelling,dreaminterpretations.Finance,pregnancies&more Visithimintown,nextto ChoppiesSupermarket Call,text,whatsapp 0817407321
MAMASINDI AwellknownSouth Africanfemaledoctor SangomafromKwazulu natal(Durban)ishereto heal,treatandsolveyour problems.Lostloverswill bebacktoyou,women problems,work,lucky charms,protectionand manymore.Located Lagoon,WalvisBay 0813274512
DRBABAKAREEM Luckymeansbeingin therightplaceatthe righttime Thinkabouthowmuch youlosttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash.LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologise andbeunderyourfeet forever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupile oil)*pregnancyproblems *Manhoodenlargement inallsizesandstronger inbed*Clearyour debts/Loansquickly*Fix financialproblems,get moneyinyourbank accountusingchida *Wintenderswinlotto andgamblingand contracts*promotionat work*Iamgoodin makingawomantobe excellentinbed,tobe sweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingfor thosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist, finishunfinishedjoband manymore.MailOrder AvailableCallNow Baba
Interlock, layingandpaving *BuildingConstruction *YardConstruction *Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting. SwakopmundWalvisBay Contact:
ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmany bringingcountries,SADCsuchasbacklostlovers in4days.Removalof badluck,verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyour enlarfrom/smoking,&feet,headache,shortwalletpowerkapsule,andthieves,kraalswitchcraft,bodiesbusiness,jobsPregnancychoice.problems,andpromotions,protectionofandhousesfromprotectionoffarmsfromwiningtenders,contracts,revengerejuvenatemensduringsex,magicandgetrichwithinnotice.Chestpains,swollenlegsepelipsy,drinkingtobereleasedprison,manhoodgement.Hips/breast.Iknowyouhavebeenletdownbyothersbutnowyourtimehascome.Comeandexperiencethewonderfulmiracleshappeninginyourlifeandyouwillneverregret.
samedayresults. Bringingbacklostloverthe sameday,getaloverofyour choice,getmarriedquickly tomanorwomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orherloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhoodenlargement 5cmto30cm,hipsand breastenlargementandmany more. DrZania: 0812549875 NyasaHerbalsAfrican ClinicDrBanda081740 7321 Specialist in various forms of African Traditional healing,
Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102 100%DrKOIKOIand ProfessorGONONDO Wipe your tears and stop suffering. Iamold enough,Idon'thavetime toplaywithpeoplewho haveseriousproblems,I workwithexperience,I don'trushforpeoples moneywithouthelping themfirst.Don'tlose hopebecauseanotherDr failedyou.Cometo Theme!!!onlyMiraclewater fromtheVolcanoes Areyoustressingof MensUnhappyrid/remove*cases*properties**moneyLove/relationshipLost&buildingJobsearching*CourtPregnancy*Badluckevilspirits/getofenemies*marriage*penisenlargement*Spiritpowersforpastors/Sangomas/political/leader*Finishunfinishedjobwith69yearsofexperiencedZamba&JososephOnlymanyoucantrustforquickandeffectiveresults.100%guaranteed. CallDrKoiKoiand Prof.Gonondo:081732 6899 PROPERTIESTORENT PROPERTIESTORENT TungstenConstruction and ManagementPropertyCC 1bedroomflatwithopen plankitchen,showerand toiletforrent.Available from1August2022at Namport,Kuisebmond, WalvisBay,Water included,Electricityis prepaid,forN$3000.00 permonth. Call:0812095555 TO MondesaRENT:NHEext10 nearTamariskia. 2bedroomhouse,lounge, kitchen,withspacious spacetoparkandagarage N$5000.00p/m Waterincl. N$2000.00deposit slightlynegotiable. Contact:0811487970 0812340425 WalvisBay:ToRent: TwoBedroomflat. Nr4–55,SamNujomaSpaciousandsunnytwo bedroomwithbothensuitebathrooms.Lotsof BIC,openplankitchen, sittingroom.Stove.Big outsidebraaiwithseating. Alarm.Singlegaragewith remotedoor.Prepaid electricity. Sorry–No pets.Pensionersfriendly Nomunicipalconnection fees.NS6500.00p/m plusdeposit Contact:immediatelyAvailable0812504694. TO SwakopmundRENT: Bachelorflatimmediately availableverysafeand secure Oppositearea.Pathcare,behind CottageHospital Safeparking. BICinkitchen. W/E incl. Freewifi N$2600.00p/m N$1000.00refundable Contact:deposit0812832564 TorentinMeersig: 2xbachelorflatswith sharedkitchen,Bicin kitchen,ownshowerand toilet,largeparkingarea. WaterandWifiincluded. Prepaidelectricity N$2800p/m. N$Deposit1500 T0813235163Contact:required.0812587211/ORENT:Tamariskia housefor 3immediatelyrentbedroomwithbic Kitchenwithbic living garagebathroomdiningroomroom Pre Paid Electricity Water Excluded N$6800.00p/m DepositN$3000.00 Nopetsallowed. Ifinterestedcontact 0816687388 FORRENT:Bighouse forrentinOceanView, Guest44SwakopmundBedroomHousebathrooms.StudyToiletOutsidebraaiOpenplankitchenandloungeDoublegarageBigerf Contact:0814574526or Narraville,T0812953744ORENT:Koraalstreet 1bedroom,separate kitchen,separatelounge, parkingspace N$3900.00p/m W/E incl. N$1500.00deposit Availableimmediately Contact:0811487970 WalvisBay:ToRent: TWOBedroomflat@ BlockofFlats. Nr7–172,Theo-Ben Gurirab -Duplex-Sunny twobedroom,BIC. Bathroom,openplan kitchen&sittingroom. Stove.Alarm.Single garage.Prepaidelect. Municipalwater.Sorry–Nopets NS5500.00p/mplus Adeposit.vailableimmediately. 0812504694. PROPERTIESFORSALE INVESTMENTCOASTLINEHOUSE 1.BusinessplotforSALE in 2.SingleN$450000.00Kuisebmond.Residentialplot forsalein Swkforwithbickitchen,house,5.BrandN$790000.00sale4.138N$598000.00for3.SingleN$100000.00ARANDISResidentialPlotsaleinMEERSIGm²WarehouseforinSwakopmundnew2bedroom2baths,lounge/singlegarage,stove,chestfreezerdoubledoorfridgeSALEinMatutura,N$690000.00 Call:0816375060 NoAgentsplease ERFFORSALE: Arandis, Erf 133 Withsquaremetersof 450,locationArandis property.3bedroom houseplanandflat approved. N$85 Contact:000.000818240302 12AUGUST2022 NAMIBTIMES 15
SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES C l a s s i f i e d s CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication OFFICE&HOUSEHOLD REMOVFURNITUREALSPECIALISTSNamibia-SouthAfricaHousehold&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email: @gmail.comnktransportnam DOCTTRADITIONALORKALENGA: Hecanhelpyouthrough: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inessesProtection at HomeRemoval of Toko-loshiMens’Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay&Swakopmund Cell: 0812017887
DRRINGAZI:Payafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice,stop yourpartnerfromcheating andhimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,all pregnancyproblems, financialproblems,magic ringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementmto xl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.0812049299
PROPERTIESFORSALE OmukumoProperties Freestandinghousefor sale(Kuisebmond) Afree-standinghouse with3xbedroomswith BIC,kitchenwithBIS, lounge,andasingle garage.Idealfora Extras:familyThreeoutside bedroomssharingan outsidebathroomwitha rentalincomeof N$5400.00permonth, interlocked,and boundarywall. gN$850,000.00(ExcludinPrice:transfercosts) Pleasecallforviewing:4FOR0811553130SALE:Bedroomhousefor saleinSwakopmund HageHeights 4Bedroom 4 InsideGuestbathroomsToiletandoutsidebraai, Openplankitchenand lounge,Scullery Doublegarage 21000m PriceN$1.79million Contact:0814574526 or0812953744 Swakopmund–ForSale N$1Tamariskia450000(neg) 3Bedrooms,2 OpenBathroomsPlanKitchen,Big LoungeandTVroom DoubleGarage Erfsize:576m2 House:173m2 Tamariskia–Ext3 3Bedrooms,2 N$1GarageOutsideSculleryOpenBathroomsPlanKitchen,Inside&BBQ,Double720000 Matatura–New ExtensionBrandNew BuiltHouse,3 Bedrooms,2Bathrooms, OpenPlanKitchen, DoubleGarage,AProof 2BedroomFlat N$1150000 Matutura–Ext1 Erfsize485 N$1440000 ForviewingCall: Muggie0811294121 VACANCIES:Weare hiring! Walvis LookingBayforChef(Line ComeWcook)aitressinforinterview VlooisNest,Hage Geingob77 064220157 D'ExpertVACANCY:HealthCare Institute Lookingfortwo registerednursesfulltime andtwoparttimenurses thatwilleducatenursing classesinWalvisBay urgently Emailyourcvto: officedexpertwalvisbay@ or druwaynebotha1994@gm orcall0816909979 0812881266 0812459893 Male picked up in Matatura Male found at WB Vineta PETALERT FOUND Please contact the SPCA Swakopmundin to claim your dog 064 - 404419 F O L L O W T H E N A M I B T I M E S O N I N S T A G R A M 16 NAMIBTIMES 12AUGUST2022
JOBWANTED: Ladylookingfordomestic work,inWalvis. Readyto immediatelystart Contact:0814683932
JOBWANTED: Tiaisa27yearold urgentlylookingfor domesticwork.Ihave2 yearsexperienceand another2yearsexperience workingforFastronsa cleaningserviceprovider, Iamreadytostartupon request. Contact:0818132744 FORHIRE: 4TonTruck,suitablefor refuse/rubbish transportationremoval,andmoving. N$ 450.00 per trip within Walvis Bay Negotiable toother towns. Contact:0812746504 0817483901
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfora domesticwork,2–3days aweekinWalvisBay Contact:0812928165 WERKGESOEK: Ekis'n33jarigejong dameopsoeknaskoon maakwerk,kantore,karre orhuiswerk.Maandaetot Saterdae,Dorp,Meersig ofLagoon.Bereidom enigetydtebegin. Kontak:0814203291
JOBWANTED: Ladylookingfordomestic work,inWalvis. Readyto immediatelystart Contact:0813058479
JOBWANTED: Iamaladylookingfor domesticworkaround Walvisbay,Icanwork MondaystoFridays.Very reliableandhardworking. Contact:0812173063
WANTED VACANCIES VACANCIESPROPERTIESTORENT C l a s s i f i e d s CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication TOHIRE TOHIRE BESTCASHPRICES PAIDONTHESPOT FORALLKINDSOF YOURGOLDRINGS BANGLES,CHAINS COINS,ETC EVENFORTHE BROKENONESWE ALSOBUY CUT DESERPleaseDIAMONDSvisitTJEWELER&CURIOSPriorcallsareessentialCell: 0814081550 Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay *** Ifyoudon’twanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryoreven acar CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeor alterations.ablutionCowboys. 064418150or 0811464770 JOBS WANTED JOBS WANTED VACANCYSEAMSTRESS Namibiancitizen FluentinEnglish& AbilityAfrikaanstolearnfast Honest Pleaseforwardcv Theto:Manager P.OBox4032 WalvisBay
JOBWANTED: Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inNarravilleorMeersig. MondaystoFridaysor3 daysaweek. Contact:0818542975
JOBWANTED: Iama36yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork orcashierjob.Ihave experienceinallthose fieldsand references.goodWalvisBay, readytostartimmediately Contact:0814499096 WERKGESOEK: Ekisopseknahuiswerk vir3dae‘nweek, WalvisbaaiofLangstrand. Kontak:0812549716
JOBWANTED: Iamayoungladylooking fordomesticworkor officecleaningin Swakopmundform MondaytoFridayor3 daysperweek. Contact:081368858 JOBWANTED: Iama43yearoldwoman lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmundI haveexperienceand readytostartassoonas possible. Contact:0818531476
JOBWANTED: Iama26yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,cleaning,working inRestaurantortake away SwakopmundaroundorWalvis Bay.Ihaveexperienceas wellasmygrade10and 12. Contact:0813070522 JOBWANTED: Iama27yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workoranyworkin SwakopmundandWalvis Bay.Icanstartassoonas possible. Contact:0818740255
JOBWANTED: Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workoranygeneralwork inSwakopmundorLong Beach. Contact:0816363210
JOBWANTED: Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund,I haveexperienceandIam willingtostartassoonas possible. Contact:0813674348 JOBWANTED: Morienisa36yearold ladylookingfordomestic workorchildcareplease inSwakopmund. Contact:0812973094/ 0815817971
12AUGUST2022 NAMIBTIMES17 Radio Electronic (Pty) Ltd Management & Staff We extend our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolence to LSS and the family of Duane Sanders May the soul of your loved one rest in peace. Management & Staff DHL Express Namibia Duane Sanders We just wanted to let you know that our thoughts are with you. We wish you courage and peace during this time of sorrow On behalf of our entire team, our deepest sympathies go out to the family of FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: Epson 081 129 9577 /Alex 081 304 5738 In loving memory of our Son, Father, Brother, Uncle, Family & Friend Rest In Peace Christian Nesilie !Hoaeb *29.04.1987 +01.08.2022 SERVICE: Friday, 12August 2022 18:00 at erf no.1980 Cemetry Cresen str, Mondesda FUNERALSERVICE: Saturday, 13August 2022 09:00 at the ELCRN Immanuel Congregation, Mondesa Psalm 18:3 Liefdevolle Ma, Ouma & Oumagrootjie *22.07.1944 + 04.08.2022 Psalm 23:2 Hy laat my rus in groen weivelde, Hy bring my na waters waar daar rus is. ROUDIENS: 13AUGUSTUS 2022 Om 09h00 by huis no.29, Lark WNarraville,straat,alvisbaai. 10:00 vanuit die Rooms Katolieke Kerk, Narraville (St Peters) NAVRAE: Nigel: 081 273 1414 Bernieta: 085 764 4350 NOTICEOFSALE INEXECUTION IntheHighCourtOF WNamibiaindhoek Main Division CaseNo:HC-MDCIV-ACT-CON-2022/00791 In the matter between: Blaauw's(Pty)TransportLtd ExecutionandCreditor Apem LtdServicesMining(Pty)EXECUTIONDebtor InexecutionofaJudgment against the above Defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on 29 March 2022 the following goods will be sold in Execution by the Deputy Sheriff of Swakopmund, Namibia on NOTICEOFSALE INEXECUTION In the High Court of WNamibiaindhoek Main Division CASENO:HC-MDCIV-ACT-CON-2022/02384 Inthematterbetween: NicolasLeonardams Plaintiffand LeslieAmos Defendant In execution of a Judgment against the above Defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on 5 July2022thefollowing goods will be sold in Execution by the Deputy Sheriff of WalvisBay,Namibiaon 22-24 August 2022 at the following address: Premises Of Aucor RDNamibia,c/o3 Street THEast and 14 Road, Industrial Area, Walvis Bay, Namibia by online auction Auction starts online 22 August 2022 at 10:00 Auction ends 24 August2022at13:00. “VoetstootsandCash” tothehighestbidder, viz:1xRockingchair& smallfootrest 1xBrownsleeper 1xcouch2Seaterwhitesuite 1xLight mirr1x1xtablewooden/glass1xcupboard1x1x1xtelevisionBrownstandSmallcoffeetableSansuiTelevisionWooden/glassSquarecoffeeWickerchairDressingtablewithor1xGreykelvinatorfridge1xGreyUnivaBoxfreezer1xLGToploaderwashingmachine1xLightbrowntelevisionunit1xLightBrownchestwithdrawers 2xBedsidetables 1xWhitedressing table&mirror 1xSideboardwith 1xdrawersRoundkitchentable &2chairs 1xDefygrey 1xmicrowaveWickertable& 1xmirrorDressingtable 1xLightbrowntable 1xTelevisionstand DatedatWalvisBayon this9August2022. JHOlivier JanOlivier&Co LegalPractitionersPlaintifForf 131SamNujomaAvenue WalvisBay (Ref:ADA6/0001)JHO/mm/ 22-24August2022 atthe following address: Premises Of Aucor Namibia, No. 25 Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Swakopmund, Namibia byonlineauctionAuction starts online 22 August 2022 at 10h00 auction ends 24 August 2022 at 13:00. “Voetstoots and Cash” to thehighestbidder,viz: 1x Complete Screen Plant(green) Warrior1400x(ELB) DatedatWalvisBayon this8August2022. JHOlivier JanOlivier&Co LegalPractitionersPlaintifforf 131SamNujomaAvenue WalvisBay (Ref:JHO/pb/B013/1174) Walvis Bay PO Box 860 081Namibia6291190064204041
Curran&Edison * 3 Julie 1949 + 7Augustus 2022 DEATH NOTICES
18 NAMIBTIMES Please accept our heartfelt sympathy of the loss of Neville Terblanche May God be with his friends & family in this difficult time. Radio Electronic (Pty) Ltd Management & StaffJoh.10:28-30 “Ek gee hulle die ewige lewe, en hulle sal in alle ewigheid nooit verlore gaan nie. Niemand sal hulle uit my hand ruk nie. Dié wat my Vader vir My gegee het, is die belangrikste van almal, en niemand kan hulle uit die hand van die Vader ruk nie. Ek en die Vader is een.”
Fanie,HesterNickey Jacques,Stephanie,
The Board Members and Patron that has been re-elected to serve Cricket Namibia until 2024 Photo contributed
Namibians win at FEI Jumping Sparta secures spot in final
The defending champions of the Namibian Rugby Union (NRU) First Division League Sparta United Rugby Club, beat Vipers RugbyClub30-26inthesemi-finalatParkies Rugby Field in Windhoek on Saturday, 6 August. The victory ensures the boys from the harbour town secure a second consecutive shot at the NRU First Division League title. The final against the southern coastal team Ocean SwallowsfromLuderitzwillbeon3September in Windhoek. Ocean Swallows defeated the Easters Bull Dogs of Gobabis 35-17 in their semi-finalclash. Theroadtothefinalisnowpaved,andtheSparta boyswillbepreparingforthisfinalasifitisthe first"MustWin"gameoftheseason.
The Board Members that will serve CN until 2024 are Dr Rudie Van Vuuren (President), Polly Negongo (Vice-President), Daneel Van der Walt, Henno Prinsloo, HelgaVolschenk,Trevor Britten, and CN Patron, Francois NamibianErasmus.youngster
ThecurrentCricketNamibiaBoardMembersandPatronhavebeen re-electedatanAnnualGeneralMeeting(AGM)heldonSaturday,30 JulyatWanderersClub. The members will continue serving Cricket Namibia (CN) as Board of Directorsforanothertwoyears. TheAGMwasattendedbyrepresentativesofCN'sstakeholders,schools, clubs,umpires,scorers,women'scricketandcoaches. CNisexcitedtocontinueanothertwo-yearjourneywiththecurrentBoard Members that has been working tirelessly behind the scene in the turnaround of CN and working towards achieving the vision, “To be a globallycompetitive,professional,valuesbasedandinclusiveNamibian sportofchoice.”
JennaGilchriston“Eddy KeepCool”wontheGoldMedalinthe1.15m Farewell Competition of the FEI Jumping World Challenge Final in Bulgaria and Kate Alisonon“Kevoar“wontheBronzeMedalin the 1.20 m Final Competition of the FEI JumpingWorldChallengeFinal2022. Photoscontributed. JennaGilchrist JennaGilchriston“EddyKeepCool”
The annual Squash Club Championships will take place from18to20AugustatthecoastaltownofSwakopmund. Thetournamentpromisestobeexcitingassomeofthebestplayersinthe countryareexpectedtocompete. Big guns like Devon Savage (the winner of the Pupkewitz Open) and Brandon Grane (currently ceded number two in Namibia) with some seasoned players like Wilko Aschenborn, Torben Winterbach, Ferdi Malherbe,ArnoKok,RudiKoekemoerandWynandLabuschagnewill bepushingtoseewho'sisthebestmen'splayer Judy Savage, who clinched the top spot at the Namibian Nationals hostedatSFCinJune;CharneFourie,TessaRossouw,andSumariJans willalsobecreatingacompetitiveatmosphereinthewomen'sdevision.
JuniorslikeKaiDüvel,OleSteinsträter,CharldonFourieDanieldeWet, Jason Kolb and many others will be trouncing it out for official club Squashrankings.fanswillbetreatedtosomeextremelyfiercematchesandupset results. The entree fee is N$200 per player and includes access to a barbequeon20August.PlayerscanenterthecompetitionviaTeamApp orWhatsApp(0814345058).Acashbarandwarmsnackswillalsobe availableunderthemarqueeatSFCsquashcourts."
Sqaush Action at the Coast
Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe
Cricket Board re-elected
The try scorers for RonaldoSparta United were Britze, JeneryXamseb, Ethan Feris, Ridahwaan Mouton and Eldrich Losper with FavenVisagie and Stuart McAlpine successful with a conver sionapenaltyrespectively
12AUGUST2022 NAMIBTIMES19School News
Lanarkshire Titans' head of operations Robyn Tierney said, “we are delighted to announce exciting newsforNorthLanarkshireTitansaswewelcomeCoach Manuel 'Lito' Carballo as our new Head of Basketball DevelopmentandHeadCoachofSeniorMen'sDivision 1Team.”Tierney said, “Coach Lito has vast experience and will oversee club's developments from players to coaches. As a FIBA Coach Instructor, we are exceptionally excited for Coach Lito to work with our currentcoachestobecomethebestcoachestheycanbeas they'llbementoredclosely.”Tierneyexplainedthatasan organisation, they have always been ambitious and driventoachievegreatthingsatNorthLanarkshireTitans andthisappointmentistheepitomeofthedirectionthey want to take the club in. “I wholeheartedly believe this appointmentishugeforbasketballinScotlandaswehelp raisethebarandtakeScottishbasketballtonewheights. I'dliketotakethisopportunitytopubliclythankManuel 'Lito'CarballoforacceptingtheroleattheclubandIlook forward to working together and taking our players, coaches, and staff to the next level.” Tierney said he is extremely proud of Coach Lito, and his achievement. “You don't know how I had to search to get this pic to shareitonmywallandshouttotheworldthatthisiswhat GodplannedforyoubecauseIbelieveitandIknowthat you and your wife Deidre Carballo believe the same. Whilebusytouringtheworldanddoingyourthing,you stillhavetimetolookafterourkidsfromNamibia.”
journalist5@namibtimes.netto 12AUGUST2022
The North LanarkshireTitans announced on its website that Carballo, who has coached Namibia's U/16, U/17 and U/20 national sides, will be taking over as coach of the senior men's Division 1 team, and also as head of basketballdevelopmentattheScottishentity Coach Manuel Carballo, also known to many as Coach Lito comes with a background of Sports Psychology, SportsTrainingandaBasketballCoach,accomplishedat an International level and holds an MBA in Coaching, MentoringandLeadershipfromYorkSt.JohnUniversity plusEnglandBasketballLevelIICoachingqualification, a FIBA Licensed Coach, a FIBA-Africa Coaches InstructoraswellasCanadiancoachinglicensethrough thePAISACprogrammewherehehasbeencoachingin CanadaMontrealatUQAMUniversityasanIntern. He has attendeda coaching and mentorship programme through Delaware University which was held at the Colorado Springs United States Olympic & Paralympic Training Centre and completed his internship with the University of Penn State Basketball the Nittany Lions basketball team which is a NCAA Division I college. Coach Lito has a vast coaching experience and had the opportunity to study and coach worldwide, including Africa,USA,Canada,Europe,andAsiaandlearnedfrom the best and implemented it wherever the opportunity arose. He has been working with different National Teams and Clubs; Namibia, Senegal and most recently with Rwanda. He was the Head Coach of the Namibia Under16,Under17andUnder20Basketballwherehe FNB Kudu Rugby Club (KRC) recently raised an amountofN$500000atafundraisinggaladinnerand auctionheldatAtlanticHotelinWalvisBay
Rudi Bowe
Followingtheappointment,CoachLitosaid,“Iamavery committedpersontowardswhatItakeonandthisinturn follows over to my players, coaches, organization, and thecommunity MostofallweneedtoBELIEVEinwhat wedoaswellasbelieveintheprocess.Iamgratefulfor the opportunity to bring my experience to North Lanarkshire Titans Basketball Club in Scotland and assistwhereIcan.”
Themoneywasraisedtoassisttheclubfinanciallythrough an auction where mementos like a big bottle Curry Cub Champagne and a bottle of wine from Jacque Calliss Winery, BoPlaas as well as Rugby jerseys of Kudus, Joost van der Westhuizen, Danie Rossouw, Bolla Conradie, Damian Stevens, Chad Plato and a Namibian National Rugbyjerseythatwerealldonatedtotheclubweresold.
rugby jerseys that was sold for NR 35 000-00
Walvis Bay native and Namibian veteran basketball gaffer,Manuel'Lito'Carballohasbeenappointedas the new head coach of Scottish side, North LanarkshireTitans'seniormen'steam.
Collin and Valerie Stevens from DS 9 Sports Wear with Alex Melani Chairperson of FNB Kudu Rugby club, Allister Carolisson with NRU President, Mr Petrie Theron Bolla Conradie, Minister of Fisheries, Derek Klazen, Rouchey “Stony”Walters and Johan Paulse
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namib times Sport news
Faithful individuals and captains of industry showed their generositytocreatethepossibilityforagoodyearforFNB KuduRugbyClub. This year KRC has four teams participating in the NRU Leaguefixturesandwilltravelmorethan6500kmtoplay games. The KRC first and second teams have thus far successfullycompletedthedifferentleagues. ForKRCtoperformwellintheNRUleaguetheclubneeds aboutonemillionNamibiandollarsforarugbyseason.The bulkofthemoneygoesfortransportandaccommodationfor theawaygamesinWindhoek,RehobothandGrootfontein. This year the club has incurred more unplanned travelling costs as the players need to travel three times a week to Swakopmund to attend practices as there are no suitable practicefieldsinWalvisBay Theh thatwasraisedwillbeusedforthelastawayalfmillion gamesandpossiblyforthesemi-finalsandfinals. FNB Kudu Rugby Club thanks their main and individual sponsors for their assistance during the current years and also thanked everyone that pledged and or took part in the auction. The club calls additional individuals and the broader business community who think their financial contributioncanhelptheclubtoprosperagainnextyearto comeonboard.
One of Joost van Westhuizen’s
Rudi Bowe wonsilverwithUnder17& Under20Teams. Picture left: Bay native and Namibian veteran basketball gaffer Manuel 'Lito' Carballo The Walvis Namibian native was recently appointed by the Namibia BasketballFederationasthe Head Coach for the Women and Men's Senior National Team as well as the TechnicalDirector CoachLitohascoachedat2 x World Cups (Women), 2 x AfroBasket (Women & Men),1xOlympicQualifiers(Men)andhewaspartof SenegalWomen'sBasketballNationalTeaminthe2018 WorldCupinSpainwheretheymadehistorybywinning their first ever game and move on to the second round. They also took the silver medal at the AfroBasket Cup 2019 in Senegal In Namibia, he worked with Tomahawks Basketball Club, University of Namibia (Head Coach of Basketball Development and Operations)for5seasons. A little closer to home in the UK, Coach Lito coached club basketball in England with Hackney Space (EastsideHeat),LondonSpartansandNASSAwherehe wasverysuccessfulandwonseveraltitleswithdifferent Northclubs.