12 january namib times e edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6519 TUESDAY 12 JANUARY 2016 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

inside “SS Nujoma” launched in Norway Shack Fire

N$20 000 reward for pole thieves A reward of N$20 000 was issued by Telecom Namibia this week for information that can lead to the arrest of those responsible for the recent theft of 32 poles of the company’s overhead fibre line along the B2 between Arandis and Karibib.

Debmarine Namibia's latest innovation, the MV SS Nujoma, a 113 metre long diamond sampling and exploration vessel was successfully launched at the Kleven Verft AS shipyard in Ulsteinvik, Norway over the weekend. Months of painstaking design, high precision capability in producing this unique, highly vessel module construction and part assemblies innovative, mineral exploration vessel. from around the globe proved successful, when This adventure is still in the making as much the 12 000 tonne diamond sampling vessel was work still needs to be done prior to the vessel's launched ahead of schedule to the applause of the maiden voyage to Africa. The loyalty, dedication ship owner, shipbuilders and the Ulsteinvik and commitment of the project team thus far, is commendable,” said Debmarine Namibia CEO community. “It was a pleasure to witness the successful Mr Otto Shikongo. Now that the vessel is launch of the mv SS Nujoma. Debmarine floating, its outfitting will be completed prior to Namibia with De Beers Marine South Africa, sea trials and final delivery from Kleven to Kleven shipbuilding Group and Marinteknikk Debmarine Namibia. Debmarine Namibia is in Naval Architects have demonstrated world class Continues on Page 2

In a statement yesterday Telecom Namibia said fresh cut marks to the remains of the poles show the thieves used a chainsaw to cut the poles. Despite the theft of the poles no internet or voice services were interrupted, according to a statement by Head: Corporate Communications and Public Relations, Oiva Angula. Poles were cut and stolen in a sixty kilometer stretch between Arandis and Karibib. A charge was laid at Karibib by a representative of Telecom Namibia and an appeal was lodged for the public to come forward with information that can lead to the arrest of the thieves. Both the Usakos and Karibib police stations can be contacted with information. According to Angula in his statement, the theft of the poles are the second similar incident in a matter of five months. Angula pointed out the theft of the poles could have serious consequences for communications, not only in Erongo, but also for internet communications abroad and to neighbouring countries to Namibia. “The theft is symptomatic of a growing problem - people stealing and selling copper wire, including poles for whatever purposes,” the statement reads.


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Skote klap en messe flits

Bladsy 3

Second chance for Grade 10's Page 5

Birds killed

Cyclist hit by vehicle Sharlien Tjambari A cyclist was hit by a vehicle in Swakopmund's Nelson Mandela Avenue near the Mondesa taxi rank yesterday morning, leading to some traffic disruptions as emergency services had to gain access to the accident scene. According to Inspector Nghaamwa of the Mondesa charge office, the accident occurred around 07:30

during the morning commute. The cyclist was hit by a vehicle belonging to the Community Skills Develop-

ment Foundation (COSDEF). The only information that was available by

Continues on Page 2

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Dakar News

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

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SS Nujoma Continued from Page 1 the process of recruiting and selecting Namibian skilled and licenced seamen who will undergo training and vessel familiarisation prior to the vessel handover. The second part of this N$2.3 billion project, the subsea sampling system and treatment plant, has been developed in parallel by De Beers Marine South Africa and will be installed onto the MV SS Nujoma in the Port of Cape Town in the second half of 2016. The MV SS Nujoma - proudly named after the Founding President and Father of the Namibian Nation, Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma – is the first of its kind and incorporates numerous innovative technologies. The MV SS Nujoma is diesel electric powered, and can accommodate up to 80 crew members. The MV SS Nujoma is the most advanced marine diamond sampling and exploration vessel in the world and will be the sixth vessel in the Debmarine Namibia fleet. The vessel is scheduled to start commissioning in Namibian waters in the first half of 2017. Debmarine Namibia is a joint venture marine diamond prospecting and mining company, owned in equal shares by the Government of the Republic of Namibia and De Beers. Debmarine Namibia became operational in January 2001 and mines in the off-shore mining licence area off the southern coast of Namibia at water depths of up to 140 metres. The company operates five diamond mining vessels, namely Debmar Atlantic, Debmar Pacific, !Gariep, Grand Banks and Mafuta. Two mining technologies are deployed, the airlift-drill and the crawler mining technology. The mining vessels mine diamonds off the ocean floor using highly advanced drill technology and supported with sophisticated tracking, positioning and surveying equipment. Debmarine Namibia currently charters the MV Coral Sea and MV The Explorer for sampling and exploration.

Continued from Page 1 the time of going to press is that the vehicle was driven by a female employee of COSDEF. The injured cyclist was rushed to the Swakopmund State Hospital. Nghaamwa explained he only got slight injuries and was treated before being discharged. He is expected to provide a statement to the Swakopmund police this week for the purposes of filing an accident report to the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVAF).

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Photos by Bernabé Blaauw

Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na

WALVIS BAY Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@namibtimes.net

Volgens mnr Haskell het die inbreker of inbrekers presies geweet waar die brandkluis was. “Die kluis was gelukkig leeg. Hulle het eers 'n venster oopgebreek, maar ons vermoed die diefwering het hulle gekeer. Hulle het toe deur die dak ingebreek, die alarm drade geknip en die kluis uit 'n kas waarin dit versteek staan gehaal. Hulle het die kluis gelos. Iemand het my vroeg gisteroggend gebel en ingelig oor die inbraak. Ek het my na die besigheid gehaas en met my aankoms 'n lid van G4S op die dak van my gebou gekry. Volgens hom het hy verbygery en gesien dat die alarm se gidsliggie nie brand nie. Aanvanklik is gedink die diewe skuil nog in die

gebou. Na 'n spanningsvolle soektog is gevind dat die booswigte reeds weg was . Haskell sou gister nadere ondersoek na die voorval instel deur onder andere na beeldmateriaal op die sekerheidskameras te kyk. Hy is ongelukkig oor die fisiese skade wat die inbraak hom berokken het. Na afloop van die gebeure het 'n sekerheidstegnikus gesê dit is raadsaam om 'n bykomende sensor tot alarmstelsels te voeg. Die sensor word in die dak bygevoeg en werk net soos die ander sensors op beweging. Die sensor hou letterlik 'n ogie oor die alarm se sentrale stelsel. Die inbreker sal dus die alarm aktiveer nog voordat enige drade geknip kan word.

Foto's dui op die inbraaktoneel en die skade wat aangerig is.

According to the owner of one of the shacks that were destroyed, Festus Shipangela, they have no idea how the fire may have started. He suspects electricity as the cause though. “We do not know what could have caused the fire because it started in one of the shacks belonging to a woman who has not even been here for days. She is visiting relatives at the North.” There were no injuries reported and some of the shack fire victims managed to rescue some of their belongings.


Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net

‘n Inbraak oor die naweek by T&M Machine Tools op Walvisbaai, 'n bekende handelaar in gereedskap en werksmasjinerie, los die eienaar mnr Turnino Haskell met verskeie vrae. Inbrekers het hom groot skade berokken, maar baie vreemd is dat niks op die ou einde gesteel is nie.

Mavourlene !Gaёs Three shacks were totally destroyed in a shack fire in 12th Avenue, Kuisebmond yesterday around lunch time. Two more adjacent shacks suffered substantial water- and smoke damage.



Madelaine Laubscher

Destruction and loss in lunch-hour shack fire

Swakopmund Office

JOURNALISTS Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net

Inbraak los meer vrae as antwoorde........

Cyclist hit by car

SPORT sport@namibtimes.net

Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net

12 JANUARY 2016


12 JANUARY 2016



Walvisbaaiers boos oor droë beton op strate Madelaine Laubscher Lesers kla dat vragmotors wat beton op Walvisbaai aanry die strate daarmee bemors. As die betoon boonop verhard, word die probleem erger. Die groot sondebokke is glo betonvragmotors wat konstruksiewerk in die hawe van Walvisbaai van beton voorsien. “Ek wil weet wie se verantwoordelikheid dit is om die sement wat nou al droog geraak het op te kap, want dit is 'n probleem. Die vragmotors ry na die hawe en mors sement soos hul ry, maar maak dit nie skoon nie. As gevolg daarvan het die sement nou al opgehoop en droog geword in die pad. Wie gaan dit skoonmaak?” het 'n verergde leser gevra.

Volgens die leser is dit nou al 'n geruime tyd dat betonvragmotors 'n gemors veroorsaak en dit blyk niks word daaraan gedoen nie. Die los gruisklippies en ook die betonklonte stel padgebruikers in gevaar en beskadig motors. Motorfietsryers word bedreig, deurdat hulle kan gly of val indien motorsfietswiele daaroor ry.

Coastal residents warned against scam involving sale of vehicles Mavourlene !Gaёs NamPol Community Policing Officer, Sergeant Ileni Shapumba has urged community members in the Erongo Region to question the motives of people first before rushing into second hand vehicle sales agreements. This stern warning follows after several cases were reported to the police were people apparently advertise sales of motor vehicles and scam unsuspecting buyers out of their money. Equally it is also common knowledge that criminals scan newspaper advertisements or even online advertisements for people wanting to

sell their vehicles. They have an array of very convincing tricks up their sleeves to part you either with your vehicle or of your hard earned cash. “These scammers have also recently developed another trait where they pretend to be police officers, mostly using the names and titles of senior police officers to scam peo-

ple.” According to Shapumba, the police have already received to complaints regarding this scam. “The first one was where a person allegedly deposited an amount of N$55 000 and the second incident was when another unsuspecting victim deposited N$35 000 into a bank account of a Rehoboth

residents to buy cars. The vehicles were never delivered and soon the depositors had to learn the hard way that their money was stolen. Although three arrests stemmed from these incidents it is unlikely the victims would ever recover their stolen money. “The female whose bank account was being used to make

Skote klap en messe flits naby die strandmeer Die rus en vrede van inwoners van die strandmeer woongebied (Lagoon) op Walvisbaai is gister erg versteur toe sekuriteitswagte op ‘n vermeende inbreker moes skiet. In die daaropvolgende gebeure het die vermeen- gekruip en ‘n sekuriteitsmaatskappy het twee de inbreker verskeie eiendomme betree, op skote op die man geskiet. dakke gehardloop, in erwe weggekruip ten einde Verskeie inwoners het saam met die sekuriteitsten laaste probeer om twee lede van die publiek maatskappy na die man gesoek. Twee het hom wat hom wou aankeer met ‘n mes te steek. opgemerk en hom probeer vang, waarna hy eers In die omgewing van Lagoonstraat het ‘n huis- met die mes na hulle gesteek en daarna van die bewoner hom eerste in die man vasgeloop. Hy wapen probeer ontslae raak het deur dit oor ‘n was glo gewapen met twee skroewedraaiers en ‘n tuinmuur te gooi. Okapi-knipmes. Foto’s wys die man kort na sy inhegtenisneming. Toe die huisbewoner die man konfronteer het hy Daar sou gistermiddag verskeie klagtes teen die weggehardloop. Hy het in verskeie erwe weg- verdagte aanhangig gemaak word.

Sement wat droog geword het in die pad cash deposits was arrested in Rehoboth and was given bail of N$4 000. We arrested the two male suspects in Windhoek; they were released on bail of N$10 000 each. We suspect that these proceeds of crime are being used to fund other criminal activities too,” said Shapumba. Shapumba said the culprits allegedly take pictures of random vehicles and advertise them in the local newspapers. He further said the scammers are very experienced and appear to know what they

are doing and how to handle themselves. “When the unsuspecting people phone them on the numbers provided in the advert, they respond to the calls by telling them there are many people interested and that in order for the vehicle to be kept for them, they need to deposit money into a bank account.” Shapumba adds “the person just deposits the money without even bothering to verify to see if the car really exists. They do not even know if the person in whose account they are depositing the money is reliable or if

they can be trusted.” He further warned the public to be on the lookout for these sorts of criminal activities and not fall prey to easy opportunities to make money. “If something seems too good to be true, then it is probably too good to be true,” explains Shapumba using this very familiar saying. “Do not believe it and if you wish to believe it, first verify the facts and double confirm before you lose all your money. We encourage them to report these types of cases to the police without delay.”


12 JANUARY 2016


B2 claims another life Madelaine Laubscher A fatal accident ocurred on Friday on the B2 road approximately 15 kilometres from Arandis in which a 33-year-old woman died and a 12-year-old girl was transported to Windhoek for further medical care. Nampol Deputy Commissioner Kashuupulwa said that “the Erongo Region is reporting a culpable homocide case which ocurred between Usakos and Arandis at approximately 16:35. A silver Polo with a Windhoek registration number, driven by a woman, overturned after the driver lost control of the vehicle. There were five occupants in the vehicle including the driver. One passenger, Anna Nelago Shiimi, died at the scene while two passengers and the driver sustained serious injuries. Shiimi's next of kin had been informed,” she said. It is understood that the driver was allegedly forced to leave the road to avoid a head-on collision when another vehicle was approaching while overtaking. This apparently caused the driver to lose control while veering off the road. The injured occupants were stabilised at the scene by Eagle Ambulance and Rescue Services before being transported to the Cottage Private Hospital for further medical assistance. According to a source, due to the nature of the injuries sustained by a 12-year-old occupant, she was transferred to Windhoek.

Fatal accident which ocurred on the B2 road 15 kilometres from Arandis

Less drunk driving leads to domestic violence at home Madelaine Laubscher After the road accident statistics rose from 2014 to 2015, police officials say that it is due to negligent driving and added that domestic violence have increased due to partygoers rather staying at home in fear of being caught for drunk driving. An accident ocurred Saturday morning at approximately 01:00 in Walvis Bay and according to a police official, both drivers sustained injuries, but it is fortunately not critical. “One of the drivers involved in the accident allegedly skipped a stop sign which resulted in the collision. Both drivers could not be tested for alcohol at the scene as they needed immediate medical assistance. The matter is still being investigated. The accident statistics rose

tremendously from 2014 to 2015 due to negligent driving. We noticed that there have been less drunk driving incidents as we are very strict in catching drunk drivers. This however raises a different concern. As more people rather stay at home instead of going to clubs, domestic violence has increased in Walvis Bay as troublemakers now make trouble at home. We have seen many women and children complain about domestic violence recently.”

21-year-old Facing Charges of Culpable Homicide Granted Bail Mavourlene !Gaёs The scene of the accident that ocurred Saturday morning

Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report 7 January Silvanus Ganases (32) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 16 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Natan Shivute (29) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$4 000 or eight months in prison. David Paulus (25) appeared on a charge of robbery. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$3 000 or six months in prison. Kamenye Mathias Kandjimi (37) appeared on a charge of contempt of court. The matter was postponed to 15 January for the accused to be brought to court. The accused is at large. Hofeni Kautondokwa (32) appeared on a charge of theft attempted theft from a motor vehicle which was properly locked. The matter was postponed to 25 April for plea and trial. The accused is in

custody. Gabriel Kamati (31) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 9 May for plea and trial. The accused is in custody. Toivo Oscar (22) appeared on a charge under the Road Traffic Act for carrying a driver's license for which he was the holder. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$1 000 or four months in prison. Samson Nashongo (20) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 29 February for trial partly heard - typing of record. The accused is on warning. Hofni Nestor (24) appeared on a charge of attempted robbery. The matter was postponed to 16 May for plea and trial - final remand. The accused is on bail. Ta l e n i J o h a n n e s ( 1 8 ) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 2 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody.

Phillipus Armas (21) who was admitted in the Walvis Bay hospital as a result of the accident in Khomas Hochland Street, in which he allegedly hit and killed Amalia Johannes (42) was released from hospital and appeared in court on 5 January. Armas, who made his first appearance at the Walvis Bay Magistrate court, appeared before Magistrate John Sindano and made of bail of N$4 000. The case was postponed to 1 March for the accused to gain legal representation. According to NamPol Deputy Commissioner, Ottilie Kashuupulwa, the driver who is alleged to have been speeding at the time of the accident hit Johannes who was standing next to a wall and

celebrating having made it through to the New Year. Amalia Johannes (42) died on 1 January at around 00:20 in Khomas Hochland Street after Armas who was the driver of a motor vehicle allegedly lost control over the vehicle and hit her. Johannes was taken to the Walvis Bay hospital where she succumbed to her injuries.

Scammer using newspapers to get to victims Madelaine Laubscher An advert that was placed in the newspaper for trainee drivers is allegedly a scam as B2 Gold Mine, confirmed to the namib times that they have no association with the person who placed the advert. We received numerous phone calls from various persons claiming that the advert which was placed in the namib times on Friday is a scam.

The advert that was placed in the namib times

It reads “Trainee Drivers – Nicco truck D riving S chool at Otavi. We are attending training for Heavy Duty / CE /Licence. Application forms available for 20 men age 21-25 years to be trained and employed at mines. We have 10 years renewable contract with B2 Gold Mine. Registration free. N$7500 including Natis service and accommodation plus food. Contact Mr Nicco.” The number advertised was unreachable for comment from the suspect person. According to the public relations department of B2Gold Mine “it is most definitely a scam. B2Gold Mine will never operate in such a way as the advert reads.

The matter was reported to the police in the North various times and the advert was published in many national newspapers as well. We have warned the public in the past many times and we warn once again that this is a scam,” she said. “It has come to the attention of B2Gold that unscrupulous individuals and companies are using our company name to solicit money from prospective job seekers with the promise of employment at the B2Gold Namibia Otjikoto Mine. Members of the public are solicited either through personal contact or through newspaper adverts “to be trained and placed” if cash is paid upfront. One such fraudster is “Nicco Truck Driving School in Otavi” who has repeatedly placed classified adverts in

Namibian newspapers, and who is now targeting readers of the namib times. Through his adverts he aims to defraud unsuspecting applicants of N$7 500. We would like to warn the public that B2Gold is in no way associated with any of these individuals or companies, and that employment at B2Gold can only be obtained through a standard application and interviewing procedure. We adhere to fair and transparent recruitment practices, and the payment of cash to any company or individual will not secure employment at B2Gold. Note that our vacancy advertising will always appear on a branded B2Gold vacancy template, and will never be placed as small adverts in the classified advertising sections of any newspaper.”

12 JANUARY 2016



NSSC results on Thursday The National Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) Ordinary Level results will be released on Thursday. A media statement issued by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture yesterday said last year, 47 832 candidates registered for the Grade 12 examinations, of which 20 301 were full-time candidates and 27 531, part-time. The Ordinary Level results can be accessed as from 00h15 on Thursday, 14 January 2016, on the website of the Directorate National Examinations and Assessment at www.dnea.gov.na, or the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture website at www.moe.gov.na. The results are also accessible via text message. Candidates can send a text message to 2929 or

99099 containing the name of the examination, in this case NSSCO, followed by their surname and first name. Alternatively, they can send the name of the examination followed by their full examination number to the same numbers. The ministry's regional offices will also supply the results to candidates. NAMPA Inspector Slogan Matheus

Foreigner found dead on fishing vessel A 63-year-old Ukrainian national was found dead aboard the vessel Frio Ionian at Walvis Bay last week Thursday. Namibian Police Force (NamPol) spokesperson Inspector Slogan Matheus informed a media briefing on Sunday that the deceased was discovered unconscious on the ship's deck by fellow crew members at around 07:30. The crew notified seniors on board and after first aid was administered to him, he was pronounced dead at 07:45. The cause of his death is not yet known. The man's name could not be released as his next of kin are yet to be informed. NAMPA

Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Ms Katrina Hanse Himarwa

Second chance for Grade 10’s Liesl Losper The percentage of Grade 10 learners who passed their national examinations last year increased from 54.1 per cent in 2014 to 54.3 per cent last year. That is according to Education Minister Katrina Hanse-Himarwa. Hanse-Himarwa noted that the 2015 Grade 10 results show a slight decrease in the perfor-

mance of candidates at Grades, B, C and F, with a slight improvement at Grade A, D and G can-

didate performed the same at Grade E as in 2014. She added that the gra-

ded entries have also slightly increased from 6.6 per cent in 2014 to 6.7 per cent in 2015, saying it indicates a slightly poorer performance of the 2015 Grade 10s, and this is supported by a slight increase of 0.2 per cent of the ungraded entries from 2.7 per cent in 2014 to 2.9 per cent in 2015. The Education Minister further informed the media that about 2 501 candidates for the 2015 Grade 10 examinations who are 17 years and younger, will be allowed to repeat the grade in 2016. All grade 10 failures of Walvis Bay who are 17 years and younger who has 18 to 22 points, that want to repeat grade 10 should report to the office of the Inspector, Miss Gawises from Monday 11 January to Wednesday 13 January with the results and a certified copy of the birth certificate or ID. Those who did NAMCOL and qualify for grade 11 and are still looking for space are requested to report at the new school with all the results and certified copy of birth certificate or ID from Monday 11 to 13 January.



12 JANUARY 2016

Man spotted killing off marine birds

Members of the public who visited the beach area between the parking area and Donkey Bay, south of Walvis Bay, spotted a man over the weekend with a Tata-pick up vehicle, deliberately running over and killing marine birds. Pictures were taken of these three terns, two Common Terns and one Crested Tern, that fell victim to this act of human cruelty. One of the Common Terns had a ring around one of its legs, and was ringed in Estonia in the Black Sea region, making the loss of such a bird even more devastating for conservation- and scientific purposes.

12 JANUARY 2016


Samaria off to Tanzania Liesl Losper

Former Mayor and Ambassador, Theresia Samaria (pictured) have been assigned by President Hage Geingob to represent Namibia in the United Republic of Tanzania. This Mission is concurrently accredited to several East African countries. Diplomatic postings are usually for a period of four years. The High Commission of Namibia in Dar-esSalaam, Tanzania was established about seven years ago. “I will therefore be builing on an already laid down foundation of historical and political links. I will be working together with the team at the High Commission to promote trade between the various countries that the Mission is accredited to and Namibia” Samaria said. She said she will particularly focus her efforts to explore opportunities in specific areas such as education, tourism, agriculture, health, trade, fisheries, cultural and institutional exchanges, and in general at areas of common interest and mutual benefit to Namibia and the countries that the Mission is accredited to. She further commented that the Mission will act as an extension of the “Namibian House” in Tanzania. “We will therefore facilitate business exchanges and visitations by Namibians to Tanzania for business or simply as tourists. We will also provide useful information about Namibia to business people in Tanzania and other accredited countries

who wish to explore business opportunities in Namibia, or merely

wish to visit our country for holidays,” she said. Samaria will

be leaving in the course of the week for Tanzania.


12 JANUARY 2016


Walvis Bay continues to battle fly problems The municipality of Walvis Bay explained this week that high temperatures and higher volumes of domestic waste, produced during the festive period are main reasons for fly infestations. Helen Nieuwoudt The smell of fish is a good smell for Walvis Bay.... that is the smell of money! (as my late father used to say). Wikus Oberholster What about the mosquitos also from the waste and heat haha. Vincent Charles Its cause the whole place smells like rotting fish! Do something about the fish smell and the flies will go away. Iileka Isak Zuma Petrus Flies are in Windhoek and Oshakati as well. Meneer Van Shaanika So the flies went for festive season to the coast too. Tj Mupetami Not just flies even mosquitoes. Silvia Ringhofer They must do recycling.

Bestuurder wurg werker na argument oor toemaaktyd Die takbestuurder van 'n bekende klerekettingwinkel op Walvisbaai bevind hom in 'n kriminele saak, nadat hy na bewering op Oujaarsdag een van sy personeellede aan die keel sou gegryp het. Mnr Pinehas Nambahu, die takbestuurder van Dunns Walvisbaai, is reeds aangekla (CR122/12/ 2015), en sal na verwagting binnekort in die landdroshof op die hawedorp oor die voorval moet verskyn. Sethos Uwanga As n mens sy punt wil mak op n platform soos d ene, kom ons kyk altyd verby d kleurgrense en stamgebondenheid asb. Jy sal nt slapende honde onnodig wakker maak en dan is d hel weer los. Lanny Boois O mdt hy swart man kan hy nt ind hof verskyn sonder dt hy toegesluit is en

ergste van ales sak is al verlede jar gemak en hy s ng buitekant o namibia ht baie doen dinge. Michael Brink Thank God it was not a white man strangling a black man. It would have made global news and God knows how many race riots would have broken out. Tjakuna Ngavee Harry soek n man om mee te box gaan net daar en los di mense asb! Menette Bernice Daarsy. Mario Punzel Sterkte ou maat - verstaan jou optrede! Suanne Ogiez Daniels ..... hom terg. en dan sal ons kyk wi kla vi wi.

Long Beach clean-up completed Long Beach has returned to its usual scenic state after the heaps of rubbish that littered the area was cleaned up. The 15 kilometre beach is situated between the coastal towns of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay.

plastiek vallei! Benefits Gene Eugene Maybe a way of job creation, I personally will submit my tender docs to the municipality be4 the end of this year to keep the beach or shud I say lang strand clean, the municipality doesnt hve to pay me,I got another idea of paying myself, wont mention it here otherwise salit gesteel word. Charlotte DeKlerk Strachan I am so happy for you. People are so careless. Littering really annoys me. I am pleased it is looking good again. heart emoticon Maamberua Undamuje Joel Maamberua Keep Namibia clean at all times! Michael Brink Maybe if bins were more plentiful and not a route march to reach, it would be less of a problem. Estelle van Urk Dit is die enigste skip wat ek op die lang strand van ons sien. Fillemon O'nes JOB creation.

Kan dit of kan dit nié? Carola Krämer Let them party at their homes where they have to clean their own mess agree fully that the overnight camping must be stopped. Adolf Lori Pamo Shikongo It's human practice to litter. With all the products which humans have invented and consume, it is unavoidable to litter and/or pollute. The question is how to manage that. For example, at our homes we have, addition to other means, domestic workers and gardeners who manage that for us. Corporates have staff and departments and contractors to manage that. Towns and cities have professionals to manage that. Etc. However, globally the human race is failing. It's our own doing that it is so hot. It's our own doing that it's not raining or that it's flooding elsewhere. It's our own doing that outer space is cluttered with junk. Mario Punzel Jip - die laaste paar maande kan n mens opmerk hoe mense al hoe meer mors. Gaan kyk hoe lyk ons woestyn by die nuwe pyplyn wat aangele is van die "see water Ontsouttings" aanleg! Een

Die publiek het gister met gemengde gevoelens gereageer op hierdie foto wat op sosiale netwerke en whatsapp gesirkuleer is, van sekere plaaslike vissermanne wat die galjoene inryg by 'n visskoonmaakplek. Tertius Meyer 10 Vis per persoon, sien niks verkeerd daarmee nie! Langs ons kus gebeur dit min dat hengelaars hulle kwota vol vang, en om dit met jou aas en petrol vergelyk is dit ni meer die moeite werd om te gaan visvang ni! Dan raak vis per kilo duurder en restaurante lig hulle prys!! Dan kla almal weer. Lorenzo Julie Well Done Gents! Lekker man Lekker, Lanklaas sulke bielies saam gesien, jy sien dit maar min veral aan ons kus like emoticon like emoticon like emoticon good 4 U. en die wat glad nie vis vang nie SAL NIE VERSTAAN NIE! Nico Holtzhausen Bog man dit wat ek kon tel is nog minder as hulle 4 se kwota saam so stywe lyne manne vergeet die sensasie jagters hulle ruk maklik die dam

onder die eend se gat uit Helena Thiart As hul so aangaan val jul dalk eersdaags in die kategorie van die Kaapse Weskus waar 'n galjoen as 'n see diamant gesien word. Uitgeroei dat ons nie eens meer die smaak van daai heerlike vis kan onthou nie. Kreef natuurlik volgende op die lys teen die tempo wat klein kreef gevang word vir net die sterte en die res in die water gegooi word. Hennie van Vuuren Moet nie ons toeruste bedryf benadeel met sulke sensasie nie Namibia het toeruste nodig en almal baat tog. Daar is mos niks verkeerd om jou kwota vis te vang nie. Bly net volgens die reels en regulasies. Stywe lyne. Michael Brink Dont be pathetic. You are just stirring for sensationalism. The fish caught by anglers is a miniscule fraction of a percentage of the fish consumed by the seal colonies. Tourist fishermen spend a huge amount of money in the local business community. Supermarkets, Hotels, Camp grounds, Lisences, Motor spares and hardware shops, gift shops, Restaurants and Bars all benefit to name but a few, and this trickles down to local employment and local taxes. Each angler pays a fee to have his car use the roads. Do not kill a major cash cow with some sensationalist nonsense. Richard Raymond Forbes Ag ... die GRN steel so baie geld die is nou nie eens n groot issue nie. Nothing to write a book about. Theres bigger .... going on in this country then a few fish out of the sea. Joh rerig. Ilse Jansen Iemand slag iets gevang. yummie lekkerste vissie ook nog. As jul wil kla, kla bietjie oor sekere buitelandese visser bote wat ons waters so stroop. Louise DuPlessis Van Zyl Probleem is. Almal hou nie by die regulasies nie. Hierdie 4 manne het dalk, maar wat van die ander wat oor Desember FB vol was wat 150+ vis per dag gevang het. En ander manne wat die vis gefillet het om terug aan die kus. Raymond Dutchman

Coetser En as hul oplet, san Nam kleure wat daar staan, hul sal legit gewees het, of hoop so. Leigh Westerdale It seems Namib Times is casting a line and seeing who is biting. Len Nel As daar 40 Galjoene is is eelkeen se kwota reg. Corne Kruger Eerstens, moet julle as die Namib Times eers uitvind hoeveel voertuie en hoeveel mense was hier betrokke - julle sal verbaas wees. Dis gevaarlik, oneties en teen die wet om mense se foto's te gebruik sonder toestemming wat hul in n slegte lig kan plaas. En natuurlik is daar sensasie hengelaars wat suur sal wees. Irna Viviers Jip. Hier was 12 hengelaars betrokke by hierdie vangs. So.. die jaloerse kritiseerders..... koop n 4x4 en gaan vang jul eie galjoene. Hierdie vis sal beslis nie vrot in die vrieskas nie. Hierdie mense se harte is so groot. hul deel hul vangste met almal wat vir hul lief en dierbaar is.....ek ingesluit. Geniet die see julle en vergeet van die paar bitterbekke. Meme Kandali Sha Lucas Ek sou verkies dat geen foreigners in Namibia Vis vang veral daai van SA want hulle het hulle eie, kyk net wat het gebeur toe hulle hier gejag het. Bly uit! En deursoek al die trailers by die grense! No more fishermen and game hunters, I am tired! Greg Dickman Ek neem aan as jy n namibiese baadjie dra dan mag jou visskoon maak tafel mos do lyk. Wat van die bote wat ons see leeg trek met hulle nette. Wat van die robbe toe die smerikaners praat tie staan ons op aandag wat die vis verwoes. Die helle namibia man vrou, kind hond budgie kan almal gaan vang ons sal in ons leeftyd en die vilgende drie leftye na ons die vis nie van die kant af op vang nie al probeer ons hoe hard. Susan Magrietha Ag die mense hou van moun maar laat dit nou hul self was dan sou hul niks se nie die mense is baie jaloers op ander bly tog net stil en los die mense uit. Werner Voigt Snr Ai mense..... Die dorps idiote wat kla oor rots en

strand hengel is duidelik verstandelik verward.. Een groot vissersboot vang op n goeie dag meer as die al die manne/vroue met hul visstokke vir n hele jaar langs die Namibia kus. Miskien het die wat kla ma net n groen mannetjie op hul skouer. Stywe lyne julle. Angelien van Wyk Ek raak so woedend oor die media wat so desperaat is vir nuus dat hul nie dink aan die nagevolge nie..... dan kry elke storie nog ñ stertjie ook... arme mense... Natasja Vdb Schultz Soos ek die Namib Times verstaan, gee hulle net BERIG oor die foto wat die omgang gemaak het, glad nie 'n OPINIE nie. Hulle openingstelling is juis "Kan dit of kan dit nié?" Met die stelling "daar is opnuut gevra" beteken dit nie dat dit Namib Times is wat vra nie, maar eerder 'n algemene groep persone. Moenie die Namib Times aanval vir hul verslaggewing nie; hierdie berig is heel onpartydig geskryf. Kobus Jansen van Vuuren Ek dink dit is pateties! Galjoen is soos shad! Minder lekke as hy eers gebries is! En ja los iets vir more en die nageslag! Heinie Rika Franken Klink vir my hier is n paar manne wat jaloers is. Da is geen wet geootreë nie. Stywe lyne manne! Sean Wolf Namib times

gee aandag op die vis. This pic with comment was posted to you , but simply ignored? WHY? Gerco van Zyl Haal my hoed af vir vissermanne wat so goed kan vang geluk manne en weet daai visse is almal wettig gevang so moet jul nie steur an die mense nie hul is net jaloers Barney Smithdorff Klomp suurgatte wat kla, n man wat kan visvang mag sy kwota vol vang. die robbe eet die vis klaar langs die kus en daar word niks aan gedoen nie. trots op n man wat sy 10 galjoene kan vang hou so aan. Jasmien Brown Ag .... Die vis is gevang nie gesteel nie en die hengelaars het goed gedoen. Pragtig. Wens ek kon enetjie vang. Dis heerlik en deel van die samelewing of ons nou vis vang of bokke en skape of hoenders vang.. ons moet eet om te lewe. Rerig n klomp suur gatte wat eerder n verkoue vang as hulle hengel en nou is hulle suur oor ander wat vis gevang het. Jealousy makes u nasty and if u nasty u ugly. Marc Dunster How many thousands of guys come up to Namibia to catch fish? Now think if all of them keep their quota of 10. how many 10s of thousands of galoen is that?

This is a rip-off! I just had the worst experience every in a cell phone shop in Walvis Bay. I will not mention any names, as I belief this is a general practise now among cell phone shop owners. I took on international tourist there to purchase a sim card. The standard micro sim was still too big. The sales lady used a special cutter to cut the sim and then charged them N$ 30 for this service. When I questioned this the shop owner/manager said "okay N$20". I still question it and receive a arrogant answer of " I paid for the clipper" . I really think this is a tourist/public rip off. Do these people have NO idea on adding value to service? Yes they paid for the clipper and this is not supposed to be seen as a money making scheme. Unhappy

12 JANUARY 2016



Groot dag vir kleinman WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month: Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Centre. ***************


Liesl Losper

Nicolais Mostert het sy eerste vissie op 3-jarige ouderdom gevang. Ons het die petalje op Langstrand van 'n afstand aanskou. Hy het 5 klipvissies gevang, wat elk omtrent 20-25cm lank is. Pieter Mostert woon in Windhoek en het sy seuntjie op 'n jong ouderdom reeds begin leer om vis te vang. Dit was eers met 'n vangnet, maar Saterdagmiddag was dit klein Nicolais se groot dag om met sy eerste visstok te gaan visvang. “Dis nodig dat hul op so 'n jong ourderdom al begin visvang. Ek het hom eers net geleer om met die net te vang, waarna ek gesien het hy is gereed en het ek vandag vir hom sy eerste visstok gaan koop. Alhoewel pappa later die kraaineste moes uitsorteer, was dit nog steeds wonderlik om op sy gesiggie die blydskap en trots oor 'n eerste volwaardige vis te sien. “Dit was iets om te aanskou, en 'n mens kan dit vir niks verruil nie,” sê Nicolais se ewe trotse pa, Pieter (Pa en seun verskyn saam op die foto regs, heelonder). Ons het klein Nicolais gevra of hy van visvang hou . Hy antwoord toe: “Ja tannie ek hou ook van vis eet. Nou kan ek my eie vissies vang.”

* Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. * Up to 16 Jan: Historical Buildings and Wildlife by Barbara Siedle. Mrs Gabi Woermann will open the exhibition at Die Muschel Brauhaus Arcade at 18:00. * 10 Jan - 10 Feb: Woermannhaus - Gallery Exhibition of paintings by Barbara Pirron titled “Wahr-Nehmung.’’ Opening Sunday 10 Jan at 17:00. * Tues. 19 Jan.: Vortrag: “Von Odysseus bis Tsipras – Heldensagen, Abenteuergeschichten, Lügenmärchen – 3000 Jahre Griechenland.” Presentation by Dr Gustav Obermair at 19:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. Donations welcome. ***************

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.


12 JANUARY 2016

12 JANUARY 2016




Mother ready to face the rocky road with her toddler For so many times in the past few months I tried to bring up the strength to thank so many people in person, for all their support, their prayers, their accompaniment in the past three years. But the emotions are over and let Damian us, giving us a future, absolute high, I want still too much at the lead me.... but also accompanied to give you some little surface and the trau- The first time in by pain and anger wisdom on your way: ma of seeing your Johannesburg in ICU, about decisions been Do not postpone anyown child die four all alone with my made which increased thing to tomorrow. times, is just too child and the incre- Damian’s suffering. Create clear condimuch to take. Four dible closeness of And gratitude, that tions with people who times, the Lord sent God, the presence of God has sent us so are important to you. h i s A n g e l s a n d His Angels, were m a n y w o n d e r f u l Try to live intense and decided, Damian responsible for my people on our journey, c o n s c i o u s l y, f e e l shall live. decision not to let who hold us and carry every moment, beDamian turned three Damian die. I started us. cause it can happen so years only a short fighting for his life, in Unfortunately, fear is fast.....that a tomorwhile back. Three the end for mine as my constant compa- row will never come. years, which have well. nion. I try so hard, not I am proud and happy been a roller coaster Day by day I looked in to be ruled by it, not to to tell Damian’s story, ride of feelings. the eyes of the doctors be overwhelmed, but because in it there are Three dreadful years, and saw no hope there, fear won´t loosen it´s miracles and hope. but at the same so only pity. But I don´t grip on my heart. We would like to give wonderful. Not one need pity, I have an Sometimes I have the hope to them who are day I would want to extraordinary and feeling fear crushes lost, so that they do miss, because these special child, only me, tears me apart not despair. years changed me. u n d e r s t a n d i n g i s until I stop breathing. In very hard times I Today I see the world important to me. I am well aware, that prayed to God, that with open eyes. Understanding for an Damian is not the only He gives me the The first few months exceptional situation. sick child in the strength to let my with Damian, I had Not once I asked the world, but he is MY child go in dignity and the feeling God question: Why did this only sick child. in peace when the touches me through happen to me? Why And I will do every- time comes to say this little creature. thing, so that Damian Goodbye. me...? After the first ope- I just accepted my may be part of this Now I pray, that He ration, Damian was mission, my fate and world for a very long gives me the strength blind for quite some try to master it with all time. We have already to raise my child in time, but every time I my power. reached for the stars dignity and love, to looked into his eyes, A lifelong mission. once, and we touched from Damian into a they were so full of Because our journey one. person who will reach life and wisdom. Miracles happened, out a helping hand to will not be over yet. My little baby, only a A journey accom- and I will go on them in need – just few months old, had panied by deepest believing that any- like the hand that has the face of an old grief, that my child thing is possible.... been given to us. man, but I loved and had to suffer so much, As a mother who has Roswitha Hoffmann trusted this face. by hope and faith, that seen the deepest deep (mother of Damian Without fear I gave the Lord will be with and experienced the Sagner)

12 JANUARY 2016


12 JANUARY 2016

MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo . 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Rina Brigitte Gaoses, P. O . B o x 3 0 , Omaruru. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: R B Green House. 3. Address/location of premises to which applica-tion relates: Erf 101 House no.120 S I !Gobs Street, Ozondje, Omaruru. 4. Nature and details of a p p l i c a t i o n : Restaurant Liquor Licence. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Omaruru. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 13 January 2016 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 13 January 2016. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

Get your life back VACANCIES Expanding our footprint in the horse mackerel industry, this exciting opportunity has arisen for an energetic Namibian citizen, to join our proudly Namibian fishing operation.

MATE (Fishing) Purpose The purpose of the position is to manage the deck and factory during vessel operations to ensure achievements of stated Job Specification and legislative compliance. Minimum Requirements ∙ Minimum Grade 12 Certificate ∙ Deck Officer Class 5 or Mate 1 (STCW 95) or equivalent recognised by DMA Namibia. ∙ Minimum of 2 years' experience as an officer in charge of navigational watch of fishing trawler. ∙ At least 1 years proven experience as a 4th mate targeting ∙ Horsemackrel (BATM Meridians Vessels) ∙ Valid GMDSS Certificate issued by CRAN or equivalent recognised by DMA ∙ Valid Advanced, First Aid, PISC and Fire Fighting. ∙ Fluent English and Local languages ∙ Computer literacy, in particular of using Microsoft applications (Outlook, Word, Excel) Job Specifications ∙ Manning and personnel management ∙ Assist Captain manage, control and boost fishing operations ∙ Ensure the vessel is maintained to comply with ∙ Safety compliance ∙ Manage stores and provisions

DECK OFFICER (Fishing) Purpose The purpose of the position is to manage the deck during vessel operations to ensure achievements of stated Job Specification and legislative compliance. Minimum Requirements ∙ Minimum Grade 12 Certificate ∙ Deck Officer Class 6 or Mate 1 (STCW 95) or equivalent recognised by DMA Namibia. ∙ Minimum of 2 years' experience as a Deckhand officer in charge of Deck and or navigational watch on a fishing vessel/trawler. ∙ At least 1 years proven experience as a Deckhand officer targeting Horsemackrel (BATM Meridians Vessels) ∙ Valid Advanced, First Aid, PISC and Fire Fighting. ∙ Fluent English and Local languages. Job Specifications ∙ Manning and personnel management on the deck ∙ Assist trawl master manage, control and boost fishing operations ∙ Ensure the vessel is maintained to comply with HACCP ∙ Manage and repair nets ∙ Manager and carry out tally during discharge operation.

MOTORMAN (Fishing) Purpose The purpose of the position is to assist the engineering team to ensure achievements of stated Job Specification and legislative compliance. Minimum Requirements ∙ Minimum Grade 12 Certificate ∙ Marine Engineering Officer Class 6 (STCW 95) or equivalent recognised by DMA Namibia. ∙ Certificate of competence as Watch keeping engine rating according to STCW III/4 or III/5. ∙ Minimum 2 years' experience as a motorman (oiler) on board of sea going ships. ∙ At least 1 years proven experience as a Motorman targeting large fishing Trawler (BATM Meridians Vessels) ∙ Valid Advanced, First Aid, PISC and Fire Fighting. ∙ Valid medical inspection report. ∙ Fluent English and Local languages Job Specifications ∙ Assist the engine department with all duties in the engine room ∙ Maintenance of Main engines and auxiliary equipment's, can operate all these equipment. ∙ Knowledge of ship's systems, pipe lines and valves, operation of the valves. ∙ Keep watch under command of the ship's engineer. ∙ Carry out repair work during discharge If you think that this is a role that you would like to take on, forward your written application plus qualifications to: The Fleet Manager, Atlantic Pacific Fishing (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 658, Walvis Bay, Email:Jason.angala@apfishing.com. Previously Disadvantaged persons encouraged to apply; Only short listed candidates will be contacted Closing Date is 15 January 2016

Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at 18:30 at the Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund. Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.

Contact: 081 606 7743

12 JANUARY 2016


Get your life back Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday and Wednesday at 19:00 at the Indoor Sport Centrum in Swakopmund Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.

Your Coastal contact: 081 233 2525

BC STONE PRODUCTS (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LTD an equal opportunity employer, have a vacancy for a

DEBTORS & CREDITORS CLERK in WALVIS BAY If you comply with the following requirements: 1. Grade 12 with mathematics and accounting 2. Intermediate level proficiency in the use of Pastel Partner/Evolution 3. Computer Literate: MS Office and Excel will be an advantage 4. Minimum 3 years experience in Accounting Field 5. Excellent verbal skills in English and Afrikaans 6. Namibian citizen 7. Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines 8. Highly trustworthy, discrete and ethical 9. Efficient and well organised And wish to execute the following responsibilities: 1. Capturing data on accounting systems 2. Processing of Supplier Invoices 3. Processing of Debtor Invoices 4. Processing of Import Invoice 5. Matching of invoices and purchase orders 6. Monthly Supplier Statement reconciliations 7. Payments Requisition Preparation 8. Provide support to financial team members 9. Various Ad-Hoc accounting duties. Then kindly forward your CV to: vacancies@bestcheer.com.na or post your CV to HR at BC STONE PRODUCTS (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LTD, P. O. Box 4676, WALVIS BAY. CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: 18 JANUARY 2016 ONLY SHORT-LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE NOTIFIED NO DOCUMENTS WILL BE RETURNED A CANDIDATE MAY UNDERGO PSYCOMETRIC ASSESSMENTS


Goju-Kai Karate Do

Place: ATLANTIS SPORT CLUB, WALVIS BAY Registration for beginners is on 18 JANUARY 2016 TRAINING: MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: Juniors: 17:30 - 18:15 Cadets: 18:15 - 19:00 Seniors: 19:00 - 20:00

TUESDAY & THURSDAY Juniors and Beginners 17:30 - 18:30

“Though we train to be warriors, we are not a school of fighters, but rather Individuals developing confidence and skill to resolve problems without Physical conflict.’’

For further information please contact: LEONARD MARTIN 5th DAN SHIHAN, Namibia Chief Instructor Cel: 081 129 7015/ Tel: 064 - 204993 Email: leno@jphydraulics.com SWAKOPMUND GOJO-KAI KARATE-DO SABINA NEUMAN 4th DAN Venue: Haus Der Jugend Cell: 081 277 7522 WINDHOEK GOJO-KAI KARATE-DO RYAN GEYSER 5th DAN Venue: Cohan Fistball Club, Windhoek Cell: 081 127 6341 - Email: geserrb@gmailcom


12 JANUARY 2016



HOUSE TO RENT: 2 bedroom house, with garage in Narraville N$ 5 000.00 p/m W/E excl. House no 51, Plein Street, Narraville Contact Nelsina: 081 375 0217 TOWN CENTRE: Swakopmund 8 Brockerhoff. 2 bedroom fully furnished flat with tanderm remote garage N$ 850.00 per day minimum of 2 day booking required Contact Len: 081 210 2855


Walvis Bay TO LET Meersig: 3 Bedr, House with 1 Bedroom Flat N$ 13 200.00 Meersig (Ext 1) 3 Bedr, 2 Bathrs, Double Garage, N$ 8 780.00 Fairways: 2 Bedr. Townhouse, double garage, 2 bathrooms N$7 000.00 Kuisebmund: 3 Bedr House, Garage, Alarm, burglar bars N$4 300.00 Central: 4 Bedr. House, 2 Bathr, Tandem Garage N$13 200.00 Narraville: 1 Bedroom Flat N$3 245.00 Meersig (Ext 1) 3 Bedr House, double garage N$8 900.00 Meersig 3 Bedroom House, N$9 630.00 Office Space (Alarm system and Burglar Bars) – N$5 400.00 Light Industrial warehouse with offices from N$9 373.65 – N$16 500.00 Light Industrial warehouse with offices 1445 sqm @ N$54.00 p/sqm (VAT) incl

Magdel:081-434-2033 Lana – 081-350-1827


TO RENT: One Bedroom, Bathroom, Open plan Livingroom and Kitchen, Single Garage. Pre-paid electricity. Own entrance and yard at front of house. N$ 3500.00 per month including water and alarm. Deposito required. Immediately available. Contact Danny at 0811225182 or Lynette at 0811227878.


Whatever Your Property Needs ...

Urgently looking for Property TO SELL and TO RENT Contact our office at Tel 280 600 or agents: Ruth: 081 240 7350 - Sales Lana: 081 350 1827 - Rental www.grobbies-estates.com PROPERTY IS WEALTH

TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat available immediately in Tamariskia (Oshiyuma area) with BIC in the main bedroom, fitted kitchen, with BIC + stove with extractor fan. 1 automated garage. Secure area N$ 4 000.00 p/m Water incl. pre paid electricity. Deposit N$ 2 000.00 For viewing: 081 124 5809

TO LET SWAKOPMUND 2 BED TOWNHOUSE TANDEM GARAGE N$ 7 200.00 SPACIOUS 2 BED PENTHOUSE WITH LIVING AREA & TANDEM GARAGE N$ 8 800.00 EXTENTION 15 3 BED 2 BATH HOUSE DOUBLE GARAGE N$ 11 500.00 VOGELSTRAND FURNISHED 2 BED 2 BATH WITH GARAGE. SECURE COMPLEX N$ 9 500.00 JABULANI 3 BED 2 BATH WITH DOUBLE GARAGE N$ 8 800.00 Luise +264 81 653 0765 +264 64 464 033 FINE & COUNTRY For Sale Kuisebmond, Central 2 bedroom apartments N$ 595 000.00 Plot & Plan 6 bedroom double storey house 4 baths, kitchen, 3 lounges, tv room, dressing room, play area Entertainment area gym N$ 2 100 000.00 Tamariskia 2 bedroom townhouse, bathroom lounge, garage N$ 980 000.00 Longbeach 4 bedroom unit 2 bathroom 1 lounge kitchen 1 garage N$ 1 627 500.00 Please contact me to view plan Glenda: 081 147 5143


Karibib Sole & Exclusive Mandate 127 freestanding 2 – 3 bed houses with or without garage. Registration & completion in 12-18 months. Provide Your guarantee now and only pay in only 12 months and watch your investment grow interest free!! Selling from only N$450 000.00 each. Claudia 0811696227

FOR SALE: Erf in Swakopmund Tamariskia 802m² For enquiries contact: 081 270 7865 FOR SALE: Plot for sale Vineta extension 9 Size: 800m² Price: N$ 690 000.00 Contact Details: 081 150 1080 TO LET SWAKOPMUND 2 Bedroomed apartment, fully furnished, 2 bath rooms, garage and 200m from the beach. N$ 8000.00 p/m 2 bedroomed apartment, fully furnished, 2 bath rooms. O/plan, 2 garages, 360 deg sea view, best in town. N$ 12800.00 pm MILE 4 3 bedroomed, duplex, lux apartment, 2 bath rooms, open plan, 2 garages, balcony, small court yard, pet friendly, prepaid elect. N$ 8 800.00 p/m LANGSTRAND 1 bedroom ,furnished flat with garage, prepaid elect. N$ 4800.00 p/m FOR SALE 2 b/room luxury apartment, town center, furnished, excellent investment, N$ 1.4 mil 3 b/roomed luxury, duple apartment, large o/plan, yard, balcony, 2 garages, pet friendly, near school and shops. N$ 1.65 mil JP VAN DER WALT 081 127 2736 CAPRICORN ESTATES






To Let Mahetago flat1bedr, bathr, open plan kitchen N$ 2500.00 W/ Incl 1 person/young couple Jabulani Bachelor flat N$ 2060.00 W/L Incl 1person Bachelor flat N$ 2500.00 W/l Incl ,garage optional 1person/young couple For Sale Mondesa 2bedr house, bathroom, kitchen N$ 350 000.00 strictly cash 3bedr house, lounge, kitchen, bathroom with flat of 2bedr, open lounge kitchen single garage N$ 900 000.00 Ocean view (brand new) 3Bed house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen dinning room, double garage (remote door) N$ 1.9 mil neg Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995




Walvis Bay Meersig – FOR RENT Luxurious Double Storey 3 bed Townhouses With designer open plan Kitchen, Lounge/ Dining Area, BIC, Indoor Bbq & Double Garage. N$ 12 500-00p/m excl. W & E. Don't delay – phone today! Talitha 0813373669 / +264 64 212 440 MTE PROPERTIES Arandis - To Rent Rooms available for rent at a lodge in Arandis. Only a few left. N$800 per month. Water included. Prepaid electricity installed. Contact: 081 455 4176 MILE 4 Rent a bachelor flat with bic. Available immediately. N$4600 per month, deposit of N$2500, including water + alarm system. Pre-paid electricity, garage. Contact: 081 146 5332 / 081 122 6362

TO LET 3 Bedr. apartment Long Beach Extension 2 2 bathr, Lounge, dining area open plan kitchen, outside braai, Tandem Garage much bigger than standard dbl garage, Secure complex Furnished Deposit equal to one Month rent payable Water inclusive, Electricity Prepaid – Immediately Rousseau 0816811738

P.A.M TREE VILLAS SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre Choose your own house & plot! Selling from N$615 000-00.

Claudia 0811696227

EMILY 081 293 0335


EMILY 081 293 0335 FINE & COUNTRY FOR SALE Meersig 3 bedroom house, with a 2 bedroom flat 1350m² N$ 1 900 000.00 To let: Longbeach 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage in a safe complex, fully furnished N$ 10 000.00 (neg) Central Walvis Bay To let 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, single garage, in a safe & secure complex, fully furnished N$ 10 000.00 (neg) PLOT & PLAN For sale Meersig N$ 1 770 000.00 3 bedroom house 2 bathrooms Double garage Plot size ± 500m² Contact Emma: 081 122 8067 Hannelie: 081 124 2292

Malakia Properties FOR SALE, ARANDIS: 3bedrooms. bathroom Kitchen, Lounge and GarageN$430 000.00 HENTIES BAY, PLOT OMDEL,SIZE :700M2,N$120 000.00 PELICAN VILLAGE (TAMARISKIA): 3bedrooms, 2bedrooms and open plan kitchen single garage N$1.1mil MONDESA 2bedrooms,bathroom And Kitchen N$300 000.00 Strictly cash only TO LET MONDESA Rooms N$1700.00 w/incl 1Bedroom,bathroom and kitchen N$2000.00 w/incl Bedroom, communal kitchen and bathroom N$2100.00 W/L incl TULINAWA 2bedrooms.bathroom and kitchen N$3700.00 W/L Excl

Walvis Bay CBD – PRICE REDUCED!! Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$855 000-00 each! Selling out fast!



MILE 4 CC REGISTERED Neat double storey 3 bed, 2 bath Townhouse with openplan kitchen / living area, scullery & laundry, indoor BBQ, guest & outside toilet, double garage. N$1 985 000-00

TANIA 081 297 9704

ARANDIS Bachelor flat N$2500.00 W/incl 3bedrooms,bathroom, kitchen Lounge and Garage N$3200.00 W/Incl Malakia 081 297 7253, Email:malakiaproperti es@yahoo.com


JOEY 0812780518


12 JANUARY 2016


Swakopmund CBD Apartment 2 bedr, full bathr, separate toilet, open-plan living-/dining, built-in kitchen. double garage N$1,370,00 (neg.) VINETA Renovated House on large Erf (1,097m²) 3 bedr, 2 bathr, spacious lounge, separate modern kitchen, scullery, outside Braai double garage (automatic door) solar geyser, alarm. N$1,995,000 (neg.) Contact: Christoph 081 865 5818

FOR SALE 'Town House' for Sale N$ 582 000 Walvis BayKuisebmund Erf 2962 G Communard no 49 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Open plan kitchen with living area, 1 Garage Tenant in place 081163 5000 or 0812957837


WALVIS BAY 20 4505

CENTRAL Sole Mandate Developers Dream 5 adjacent residential vacant plots - not consolidated - can apply for business rights - sizes between 1131m² and 1148 m² the only ones left. N$ 2 350 000 per plot MEERSIG. A rare find - Vacant plot - size 846 m² situated in a quiet area build your dream house in this new area. N$ 980 000 NEG. MEERSIG Brand new, modern & sunny 3 bedr house offering 2 bathr, huge open plan lounge, dining, fitted kitchen, scullery, BBQ, double garage and outside braai – a must to view. N$ 1 800 000

Joey 081 129 3293

VACANCIES SWAKOPMUND 3 Bed, 2 Bath with Open Plan Kitchen/Living Scullery/Laundry, Indoor BBQ Guest & Outside Toilet & Double Garage. N$ 1 985 000-00 (CC Registered) SWAKOPMUND Secure 3 bed, 2 bath with kitchen/living area, fireplace scullery, laundry, 2 offices & Double garage. N$ 3 380 000-00 Tania 081 297 9704

KUISEBMUND GOOD INVESTMENT!! 2 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen, Living area with a garage. A rare find at only N$ 430 000.00! Possible rental income of N$ 3 000-00 P/M Claudia 081 169 6227


LONG BEACH Very neat 3 bed, 2 bath, Apartment with tandem garage. N$ 1 430 000-00 SWAKOPMUND Huge 3 bed, 2 bath double Storey with store room & double garage. PLUS: 1 bed flat with garage. N$ 6 500 000-00 MONDESA Complex with 11 units. 2 & 3 bedr apartments. N$ 6 400 000-00 SWAKOPMUND 2 x 2 bed apartments N$ 1 600 000-00 each GOGGA 0818709950 gogga@remaxcoastline. com

Walvis Bay This spacious 3 bed, 2 bath unit situated Centrally. Open plan kitchen to lounge Small courtyard & Single Garage Located in complex. N$ 1 530 000-00 including furniture. Claudia 081 169 6227

KUISEBMOND 2 x Townhouse for sale! 3 bed, 2 bath With Kitchen, Lounge & garage. Boundary walls N$ 675 000.00 & N$ 705 000-00 Claudia 081 169 6227

ARANDIS 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN / LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. Starting from N$445 000-00. Gogga 081 870 9950 Heidi 081 738 6315

VACANCY: Food deliver rider for well established food vendor No chancers Requirements: Age between 35 - 40 years Bicycle fit and good rider Neat and tidy person Fluent in Afrikaans and English speaking Customer friendly Be able to give references of previous jobs. Hours” 07:00 - 11:00 Mondays to Fridays Please send shortened CV with whatsapp to 081 274 1738 will contact you VACANCY: Food delivery and General worker for established Food vendor Requirements: Lady between 35 and 40 years Be able to sell food to the business door to door Good knowledge in cooking food. Neat and tidy person Hardworking Fluently in Afrikaans and English Customer friendly Reference of previous jobs Hours: 07:00 - 16:00 Please send shortened CV with whatsapp to 081 124 1738 will contact you. Job adds Brick layer and Plasters needed In SWK Sms 081 2913837 Roofing Carpenter Needed SWK Sms 081 2913837 Tiler Needed in Swk Sms 081 2913837

VACANCIES VACANCY: Company: Jack's Trading (Pty) Ltd Position: CUSTOMS CLEARING Working Address: New Industrial Area, Walvis Bay. Requirements: - Minimum three years experience as a clearing agent - Knowledge of the Icycudaworld system - Knowledge about the customs rules and regulations - Knowledge about the Ports and Shipping line operations - Reliable, hardworking - Speak English well - Driving Licence is a must. - Age 28-35 years old. Contact: Steven 085 616 1196 Please send your CV to steven@sungroupna.com or zoey@sungroupna.com Due Date: 2016/1/29

VACANCY Experienced Ships agent required. Send CV to accounts@expserv.net




2013 Toyota Hilux 3.0 4x4 aircon cruze control cd & usb radio 102132 km Very clean Bank finance accepted. N$ 290 000.00 Contact: 081 273 8963

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 P.C lounge suit. 2x Free standing professional chip-fryer. 1x Marshall guitar AMP. 45W. 1x Tek 51 inch LCD Tv new. 1x King size bed. 1x Raleigh 26 spd bike (new). 1x Supreme pie warmer. 3x Eye-level build in oven, HOB & Extractor fan. 1x Husky drinks display fridge. Contact: 081 567 4522 TE KOOP BOUERS TOERUSTING 1x Honda concrete engine 160 (nuut in box). 2x Honda concrete engines 160 (oorgedoen). 1x Hoffman concrete engine 5 pk (oorgedoen). 1x Honda poker engine (wurm ontbreek). 2x Kohler concrete engines 7 pk. 2x Yamaha waterpomp engines 50 mm. 5x Landcruiser tyres met wit rims (5 gat) 275 x 70 x 16. 4x tyres 235 x 60 x 16 (baie loopvlak) 1x Honda plaat compactor 160. Besigtig Watt straat 5 Swakopmund Tel: 064 405 282 / 081 124 4513


We BUY your car, trailer, bakkie or 4x4 for CASH! Immediate transaction. No waiting.

Palms for sale, SWK Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 30kg Cow manure bags delivered. Call Gunther 081 63 86 300

CROSSROADS CAR SALES 064 403 666 and ask for Basie Oosthuizen





for cars





MTE PROPERTIES Arandis House for sale One (1) x 4-bedroom house now available to buy. It is neatly tiled, cupboards in some bedrooms and has a geyser. Relatively large erf and situated in a good and quiet neighbourhood. Do not miss this opportunity. Cash buyers preferably. Pictures can be provided on whatsapp. Selling Price: N$450 000 Contact: 081 455 4176

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE TE KOOP Brema ysmasjien Maak 75kg ys per dag. Cell. 0813037872

Can-am Renegade 800 Quad, V-Twin 4x4 Visco-lock 100 hours on clock, as new. Mint condition. Call Gunther 081 638 6300

TO SWOP TO SWOP: Want to swop forklift for BMW or Volkswagen car. Value of the forklift is N$ 100 000.00 Contact: 081 284 1788

CLASSES Lindley Education Presents High School Math and Accounting Extra Classes 50% OFF: All GRADE 8's for JANUARY ONLY Opening 18 January 2016 We also offer PRIVATE TUTORING happytohelp@lindley education.com 081 497 2195 www.lindleyeducation .com

EDUCARE JJ's Care Centre Walvis Bay Educare for 0-5 years Grade R Grade 1-12 Impak education Homework assistance Aftercare Accommodate for all special needs children too Sign language courses Speech therapy Limited space Kim 0814790725

HEALTH HEALTH In need of Kankerbos tea ( to boost your immune system ) or cream to repair your damaged skin. Please contact the following persons. Danny at 0811225182 or Lynette at 0811227878.

TRAINING PRINELLY TRAINING ACADEMY Registration in progress till 30 January 2016. Courses offered: - Basic computer - Customer care - Tour operation - Tourism & Hospitality - Front Office / Reception - Office Administration - Food preparation - Waiter - Housekeeping Languages: - Spanish - Portuguese - French - German - English - Afrikaans - Oshiwambo P.O. Box 140 Swakopmund E-mail: prinellyacademy13@g mail.com Cell: +264 81 778 6480 Swakopmund Cell: +264 81 794 7295 Walvis Bay

COURSES NAHOTA HOTEL SCHOOL Vocational Hospitality Certificate Courses: · Waiters/Waitresses · Hotel Barmen/Bar lady · Cleaner/Housekeeper Each 2xMonths N$2000 · Events Décor (Practical) Only 1xMonth N$3000 · Chef/Food Preparation · Receptionist / Front Office Each 3xMonths N$5000 No Qualification needed open for everyone. Full time, Part time, Distance Class: Morning & Evening Register anytime: 50% deposit & I.D Copy. SMS your name and the course to 081 462 8224

HAIR / BEAUTY PPT & BEAUTY CENTER IN HAIR LOUNGE WALVIS BAY We sell 100% Virgin Hair & Indian wear on wholesale & retail. Place your order now. Nails Training N$1150.00 Eyelashes training N$600.00. Kit & Certificates. Specials till 10 Febr. Manicure - N$100.00 French Tips - N$120.00 Pedicure - N$70.00 Eyelashes - N$100.00 Eyebrow Twist & Tint N$50.00 We are opposite Tekkie Town. Call BETTY on 081 605 9205 / 064-221940


12 JANUARY 2016


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication






SERVICES If you need transport, conden or foods. Contact: 081 255 4945

JULIO INVESTMENT CC Vir enige bou, teël, verf, inhegstene, loodgieterwerk of enige werk, klein of groot in en om u huis. Voel vry om my te kontak 081 734 3552

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR. CHIMBO ANNAN. For the first time he is here in Walvis Bay (Namport) with very powerful medicine for any type of problems: Did you know that problems has an expiry date? This is your time to finish up your problems. Dr. Chimbo is challenging for penis enlargement, to win casino, love problems, to get a new job promotion, wife/husband to be yours alone, bring back lost lover, clean out bad luck, to be liked with people, to win serious court cases, protec-tion of witches, to win tenders and many more... Contact 081 305 2058 you will never regret with Dr.Chimbo BP & Diabetes welcome....

Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Wood work, gates, metal work, garden irrigation Systems, and so much more. Also selling real cow manure 30kg bags. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300

DUH AZIZI BANDA Very powerful young African Traditional Doctor in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Expert in: Calling back lost lovers Fortune telling Lucky charms Helps you get a job Business matters Customer attraction Protection of property Heals diseases like asthma, epilepsy, sugar diabetes, madness, mental disorder, pregnancy, complicated cases. Call him on appointment and treatment. 081 740 7321

RHINO TOURS RHB-WHK-WBAY Departure times RHB/WBAY *Tuesdays *Fridays *Sundays RHB/WBAY N$ 220.00 RHB/SWK N$ 200.00 Departure time Walvis Bay / RHB *Mondays *Wednesdays *Saturdays WHK/WBAY N$ 200.00 WHK/SWK N$ 190.00 Pensioners Special Prizes Children from 3 - 5 years old prize SMS for booking and we will confirm Our booking nr: 081 308 0181

PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

ROOF REPAIRS The RAIN is on the Way. Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300

Hercon Property Development We do the following: * Construction * Renovations * Additions * Plumbing * Tiling * Painting * Roof seal and much much more. Contact us for a free quotation Johan 081 708 5717 ROMMEL VERWYDERING/ RUBBISH REMOVAL Vervoer van rommel,bou rommel, tuinvullis, afsaag van bome, kantoor en huistrekke as ook enige tipe aflewering. RUBBISH / JUNK REMOVAL From your home, business, offices, rental locations, construction sites Contact: 081 595 1433 081 801 9144.

GEDRUD: Am a lady 33 years old looking for work in Walvis Bay. For 3 days, washing, cleaning and ironing. Have experience. Contact: 081 402 1402 THERESIA: A 36 year old lady is looking for domestic work. Cleaning, washing and ironing. 3 days a week, Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. In Swakopmund. Contact: 081 303 1809 WERK GESOEK: Op soek na huiswerk vir Maandae en Donderdae. Kan onmidellik begin. Geen Narraville. Skakel: 081 585 9644

AUGUSTINA: Am a 24 year old lady very hardworking and is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay no NARRAVILLE. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 826 3076 JOB WANTED: Lady 25 years looking for domestic work, cleaning houses, offices and shops. Washing clothes and ironing. Am available in both Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 718 9591

SUSAN: I am a girl looking for housekeeping work or any other work. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 321 7292 081 637 4790

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: Mrs. Hambo is looking for teaching position at any school or kindergarten in Swakopmund, having ECD certificate. Can teach pre-primary grade. 0 - 3, now registered with I.O.L for Diploma in Junior primary education. Contact: 081 692 4903 JONAS Looking for driver job e.g delivery job, have own transport. Guiding job, qualified NATH national certificate guiding level 3. In Swakopmund. Contact: 081652 4177 WERK GESOEK: Opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae n week. Swakop Vineta, Myl 4 en dorp. Kontak: 081 283 7206 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na werk, enige werk: was, skoonmaak, of stryk. Ek kan onmiddellik begin. Is baie betroubaar. Op langstrand en Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 827 9817 JOB WANTED: I am looking for work as an electrical or to work on a machine. Contact: 081 743 9175

JOB WANTED: Am a guy looking for any kind of work. Have experience in brick laying and car washing. Can work on weekdays as well as weekends. Contact: 081 422 4716 JOB WANTED: A young lady 20 years of age is looking for a job as a cleaner or any job related, i am ready to start immediately, even domestic work. Contact: 081 711 1618 LAURENCIA: Ek is 42 jaar soek kantoor skoonmaak werk, stryk of huis skoonmaak. Net vir Dinsdae in die week. Het verwysings van huidige werkgewers. Aleenlik Dinsdae. Kontak: 081 415 3119 VERNON: Is looking for Driver + General work. Contact: 081 843 3192 MARY: Am a 34 year old looking for domestic work for 5 days a week in Walvis Bay. Can speak English. Contact: 081 634 4392 NDAHA: A hardworking and trustworthy 30 year old lady in Walvis Bay. Looking for domestic work, have 4 years experience. Knows how to clean, and iron very well. Meersig, Lagoon, Langstrand and Town. Contact: 081 391 3153

Namib Times

VEHICLE ASSIST No Queues, No Stress !Natis Consultant !Vehicle Service !Rust Proofing Contact Angelo: 081 498 6051 Email: vla.namibia@gmail.com

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr Lovemore Banda The Old Man Walvis Bay, Now Oupa Ben Banda, specializing in various problems and diseases... lost lovers to come back. Protection of houses and bodies from witch craft, removal of any type of bad luck, complicated of court cases, binding your lover to be yours only. Promotion at work, to get a new job, win contracts, to have more power during sex. Pregnancy problems, all types of diseases except HIV. Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life. Your life will never regret. Contact: Oupa Ben Banda 081 764 6937 Consultation fee is N$100.00.

T KAPEMBE CLEANING SERVICES CC P.O. Box 5226 Mondesa, Swakopmund Namibia Cell: 081 333 9667 081 237 8636 Email: tkcleaningservices@gm ail.com Cleaning couches Cleaning car seats Cleaning Mall Cleaning windows Painting Insert interlocks Cleaning of Palm trees Building (construction)

PRISCILLA: Dame 29 jaar is op soek na huiswerk of enige werk. Kan ook agter kinders kyk. Lagoon, Dorp, Meersig en Langstrand. Kan onmidellik begin van Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 718 9530


We the above mentioned Barber Shop Welcome all Scholars + students in Walvis Bay for a haircut of N$ 40.00 + a coldrink of your choice (Cut to perfection) Neptune Str, 38 Narraville

WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tax solutions !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897


LYDIA: Am a 34 year old woman looking for domestic job for 3 days of sleep in work. Looking after people or disable kids. Very honest person. Contact: 081 296 6390

* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite

GATES & GARAGE DOORS For all your installation and servicing of Gates and Garage Doors. Call: 081 665 8181.

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.

MATHEW & S INVESTMENT CC We offer the following Painting Road construction Tiling Interlock De - Bushing Cleaning services Garden service Beauty Salon Civil construction Carpentry Plumbing P.O. Box 7272 Swakopmund Mondesa Cell: 081 767 3063 081 758 4411



WELCOME TO PROFESSOR Dr. Ndiulula Its been a long time indeed But here is your dream and last hope Contact: 081 244 5158 We trust / manage: A. Love problems Get back your lover New herbal penis enlargement Do you want a baby? Come We help men and woman with bad luck in getting lovers Do you want your lover to be only yours? New herbal stuff for making men’s penis strong Do you want to stop your lover from cheating on you? We have got herbal therapy which can help people with HIV/AIDS Herbal stuff for speeding up your marriage process Remove bad from your body B. Business problems We help people who want success and be promoted at work Do you want to attract more customers to your business? Come now Do you have court cases? Protection on your business Farm protection C. Body problems High blood pressure All kinds of protections We trite TB, Diabetes and blood cleaning All body pains Menstruation pain to women Things moving in your body Pregnancy problems Asthma and strong cough Sleeping problems Chronic syphilis Stop drinking

EUGENE SHUTTLE & TRANSFERS Walvis Bay - Swakop Whk daily Walvis Bay - Swakop Shuttle working class Airport transfers Walvis Bay airport International airport Whk Private transfers in & around Namibia Contact Eugene: 081 705 5147 Safe, reliable, comfortable service Door to Door



12 JANUARY 2016


12 JANUARY 2016

Athletics Training Camp a Resounding Success The 23rd edition of the Quinton-Steele Botes athletics training camp has been described as a resounding success. The week-long training camp that took place at Independence Stadium in the capital attracted many sports enthusiasts. Event organiser and chairperson of the QuintonSteele Botes athletics club, Leoni van Rensburg spoke to Nampa on Saturday. “This year's training camp was one of the best organised camps. Both athletes and coaches are going back home with new knowledge and techniques,” she said. Van Rensburg further stated that there is a lot of talent amongst young Namibians. “We need to look after them and maintain our young athletes so they can be successful in their sporting careers,” she said. Van Rensburg also urged athletes to improvise when training by making use of whatever is at their disposal. “Lack of facilities in most regions should not be an excuse not to take part in sports,” she said. Meanwhile, South African high jump coach Jonathan Greyvenstein also expressed satisfaction with the training camp, saying: “It is a

great initiative and people's interest and response were overwhelming.” Although the recent festive season had an effect on participant' performances, Greyvenstein said it is better to start sooner rather than later with preparation for the new season. Also speaking to this news agency was discus, javelin and shot-put coach Christine van der Linde, who was happy with this year's training as she said amongst other things, South African coaches came up with new techniques that brought a new vibe to the camp. “It was a successful training camp which was well organised. Over 200 athletes participated and it was much better than last year,” Van der Linde said. One of the participants, the 17-year-old javelin athlete Nico Horn who participated in the training camp for the fifth time spoke about how beneficial the training camp is. “It gives young athletes an opportunity to learn from some of the best coaches and to improve their techniques. If one concentrates on the tips and advice from these coaches you can become a great athlete,” he said. About 200 athletes from the Oshana, Hardap, Erongo, Omaheke, Khomas and Kavango East regions took part in the annual training camp.

Fourteen Namibian athletics coaches and three South African coaches conducted the training, which focused on high jump, long jump, shot-put, javelin, hurdles, middle distance, long distance running and short distance running. The training camp was initiated by the late Quinton-Steele Botes, who started the training for teachers while an athletics coach and teacher himself in 1993. Botes, who became the country's top sports administrator and consultant, died of bone marrow cancer in June 2014. NAMPA

Baby Gladiators lose to Nigeria in World Cup Qualifiers The Under-17 girls national football team lost 0-4 to Nigeria on Saturday in the first leg of the 2016 International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) Women's U-17 World Cup qualifiers.

The match was played at the National Stadium in Abuja, Nigeria. The return leg is set to take place at the Sam Nujoma Stadium in Windhoek on 22 January. The 'Baby Gladiators', as the junior Namibian women team is known, beat Botswana 3-2 on aggregate at the beginning of December 2015 to reach the third round of the 2016 FIFA World Cup preliminary rounds. In the first leg, Namibia beat Botswana 2-1 away, while they drew 1-1 in the second leg in Windhoek. A media statement availed to Nampa on Sunday by the Namibia Football Association (NFA) said Nigerian captain Rasheedat Ajibade

Jukskei - nuus

Die Hentiesbaai-ope dag (30 Desember 2015) was weereens 'n reuse sukses. Vyftien spanne het deelgeneem en dit was 'n heerlike dag.

Jukskei-oefeninge begin vandag amptelik om 17:15. Die Walvisbaaiers oefen langs die krieket-klubhuis. Oefendae is Dinsdae en Donderdae. Almal (groot en klein) is baie welkom. Ons eerste liga-wedstryde vind 23 Januarie in Swakopmund plaas. Kontakpersone: Francois Boshoff (Swakopmund) 0811290022, Jurie Liebenberg (Walvisbaai) 0812872291 en Willie/Des Hanekom (Hentiesbaai) 0812147670.

opened the scoring in the 13th minute of the encounter. Cynthia Aku doubled their advantage in the 33rd minute of the first half, while Efih Peace added her side's third goal at the stroke of half-time with a wonderful effort from 32 metres on the field. The statement added that Namibian coach Mervin Mbakera's half-time talk was the game changer as the Baby Gladiators managed to hold their ground in the second half. Nigeria only managed to add a fourth goal in the 67th minute through captain Ajibade. The winner between Namibia and Nigeria on 22 January will face either Zambia or South Africa in the final round of qualifying. Jordan will host the 2016 edition of the FIFA Women's U-17 World Cup from 30 September to 21 October. Only three countries will represent Africa at the championships. Namibia's starting line-up against Nigeria was as follows: Batista Kasume, Veronica van Wyk, Anna Shaende, Sharon Pieters, Helena Shuumbwa, Ignacia Haoses, Beverly Uueziua, Asteria Angula, Yvonne Kooper, Julia Rutjindo and Kylie van Wyk. Substitutes: Selma Enkali, Ashley Solomons, Shanice Daries, Mbitjita Mungunda, Kylie Style, Vanessa Noreses and Vitjitua Tijvau. NAMPA

Kennisgewing Anè Boshoff, een van die jong klomp in aksie

Pepfar/Namib times Competition 10 Readers can stand a chance to win N$ 50.00 airtime credit each by answering this question. Please Complete the slogan

Share your status with those .................................................... You can hand deliver your entry at any namib times office (Walvis Bay or Swakopmund) Name of participant: ............................................... Cell number: ...........................................................

Kudus Rugby Klub Kennis geskied hiermee dat die AJV van Kudu Rugby Klub sal plaasvind op 23 Januarie 2016 by die Narraville Klubhuis om 14:00 Alle spelers, voornemende spelers en belangstellendes welkom.


12 JANUARY 2016

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to sport@namibtimes.net

Toyota Gazoo Racing SA in top ten as Dakar 2016 reaches midpoint

Salta, Argentina - Stage 7 of Dakar 2016 brought to an end not only the race's foray into Bolivia, but also a series of high-altitude stages that did not suit the naturally aspirated V8 petrol engines of the Toyota Hilux race vehicles.

Even so, all three Toyota Gazoo Racing SA's crews are in the top ten, as Dakar 2016 reaches its midpoint. Dakar veterans Giniel de Villiers and navigator Dirk von Zitzewitz (#301) lead the Toyota charge after seven stages, and after another solid performance on Stage 7, find themselves in 6th place overall. For them, the return to the lower altitudes of Argentina, couldn't have come soon enough. The stage from Uyuni in Bolivia to Salta in Argentina covered 336 km of racing between Bolivia and Argentina, with a border-crossing in-between. The second part of the stage, however, was shortened due to heavy flooding in the area. Despite this, all three the Toyota Gazoo Racing SA Hilux race vehicles reached the bivouac at Salta safely. For Leeroy Poulter and Rob Howie (#319), currently in 7th place, Dakar 2016 has been an eventful affair. Poulter, especially, has matured into a driver able to pace himself, and to look at the race holistically. Where frustration may have gotten the better of him in the past, Dakar 2016 has seen the young man drive a measured race, but even so the race has thrown them some curve balls already. "Most of our frustrations have come from the pace of the turbo-charged cars at high altitude, but we've also had to deal with slower traffic around us from time to time," explained Poulter after completing the first half of this year's race. "Still, we are happy to be in the top ten. And now that we've

dropped down to lower altitudes again, we will be pushing to make up some time." Poulter recorded the 9th-fastest time on Stage 7, just shy of seven minutes behind stage winner Carlos Sainz (Peugeot). He trailed their Toyota Gazoo Racing SA teammates Yazeed al Rajhi and navigator Timo Gottschalk (#305) by just 13 seconds. Al Rajhi was in 8th place overall, and keen to push during the last week of the race. Next up is the rest day in Salta, when the race crews get a day off, while the service crews go into overdrive. "For us, there really is no such thing as a rest day," said Team Principal Glyn Hall after reaching the bivouac in Salta. "Despite a liaison of nearly 20 hours from Bolivia after Stage 7, the boys will have to complete a comprehensive inspection and precautionary parts replacements on the rest day. Luckily we are blessed with some of the hardest working guys in the industry, and I'm sure they'll take it all in their stride.� After the rest day, the crews will take on six more stages, with the race coming to an end in the Argentine city of Rosario on January 16th. But six stages on the Dakar can have a significant impact on the outcome, especially with the arrival of the first dunes of Dakar 2016. At 393 km, Stage 8 will already offer a stern test, but it is stage 10, from BelÊn to La Rioja, that many experts feel may be a turning-point in the race, thanks to its massive dunes and long off-piste sections.

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