NO 6461
Another alleged police brutality
Labour unrest lurking at Walvis Bay Salt Holdings
Photo Contributed
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Marshallino Beukes
Page 2
Safety Minister visits Coast Tension is looming at Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, with employees accusing the company’s management of a discriminatory salary structure, illegal reduction of leave days, illegal reduction of medical aid and also changing of shift hours. In a letter addressed to the company’s Managing Director, Mr Andre SnyPage 3 man, the Mine Workers Union of Namibia (MUN) at Walvis Bay Salt Holdings expressed their dis-
Bedrieër loop dokters in
Bladsy 3
Walvis Bay revamped
appointment in the way the company conducted itself at a meeting between the two parties, last week Friday. At the said meeting they had discussions, in order to attempt to resolve
Kinzzo making his mark
lary adjustments per grade should be made. It was also supposedly concluded that a wage increment of 6.5% as the bargaining unit for this year should be instigated.
According to the MUN, additional conditions were proposed by the company’s management, including a change of lunch time periods, whereby employees will be obliged
Voetganger opslag dood in ongeluk Marshallino Beukes Bekende regsgeleerde blykbaar agter stuurwiel
Page 5
the dispute of interest by Monday (8 June). According to this letter (in namib time’s possession) the parties in principle agreed unconditionally on among other, that sa-
‘n Vyf-en-vyftigjarige dame, Hettie Husselman, is opslag dood nadat sy Woensdagaand omstreeks 18:00 deur ‘n voertuig op die B2 pad gestamp is.
Volgens Hoofinspekteur Erastus Iikuyu het die oorledene en ‘n vriend ‘n saamrygeleentheid vanaf Swakopmund na Walvisbaai gehaal en is buite die dorp afgelaai. Hulle was blykbaar besig Page 13 om die pad oor te steek die rigting van KuisebDolphins gereed in mond, toe die voertuig vir Jaguars haar getref het, met noodlottige gevolge. Daar is vasgestel dat die bestuurder van die voertuig blykbaar ‘n bekende prokureur van Walvisbaai Bladsy 36 was.
Die polisiewoordvoerder dui aan dat die bestuurder nie gearresteer is nie en dat die saak ondersoek word. Volgens hom gaan ‘n dossier, na afloop van die ondersoek geopen word en die Staatsaanklaer sal dan moet besluit of daar voortgegaan word met ‘n saak van strafbare manslag, aldan nie. Die prokureur se naam is bekend, maar word weerhou aangesien geen kriminele klag tot hede aanhangig gemaak is nie.
to have their lunch time in different time-frames, to ensure continuous production. According to the workers union, they do not have a problem with this, but can however not acContinues on page 2
Narraville Uitbreiding 7 soos dit tans daar uitsien
Nuwe Walvisbaai dorpsuitbreidings gekniehalter Bernabé Blaauw
Die infrastruktuur-ontwikkeling van drie nuwe dorpsuitbreidings in Walvisbaai is vertraag deur verskeie faktore maar te midde van beweringe van kontantvloei probleme en onbetaalde rekeninge het die betrokke kontrakteurs na vore getree en gesê dat hulle vasberade is om wél hulle projekte te voltooi en dat dit die belastingbetaler niks ekstra sal kos nie. Die namib times het vroeër vanjaar berig dat inwoners van die dorp die koerant genader en navraag gedoen hoekom die dorpsuitbreidings te wete Narraville Uitbrei-
ding 7, Walvisbaai Uitbreiding 14, Meersig Uitbreiding 2 en Kuisebmond Uitbreidings 5 en 6 se infrastruktuur-ontwikkeling nog nie afgehandel is nie aangesien dit, volgens
hulle, baie lank vat en al klaar moes gewees het. Die munisipaliteit was genader en het op daardie stadium gesê dat hulle tevrede is met die vordering en nie bewus was van
enige ernstige vertragings of probleme nie en indien daar wel oponthoude was, was die nodige uitstel wel verleen en is daar ooreengekom oor nuwe voltooiingsdatums. Vervolg op bladsy 2
12 JUNE 2015
Labour unrest lurking at Walvis Bay Salt Holdings Continued from page 1
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grades, due to various factors such as race, ethnicity and favouritism in this modern Namibia at Walvis Bay Salt Holdings,” declares the MUN letter. “As much as we want solutions and are willing to compromise, as workers we are not in a position to be party to the violation of the Condition of Employment in the form of a collective agreement as suggested in some of the Company conditional positions,” it is stated. The MUN (Walvis Bay Salt Holdings branch) demands that the discriminatory practices be rectified and warn that they will not allow the “illegal” suggestions supposedly made by the company to disadvantage worker’s benefits further in “an attempt to correct a system they never benefited from.”
The newspaper contacted the Managing Director of Walvis Bay Salt Holdings, Mr Andre Snyman, for comment. He noted that at this stage, all he is able to say, is that the company is discussing the matters with the workers in order to find a solution which will benefit both parties. Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, through its various subsidiaries, is the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa. The group process 50 million tons of seawater to produce in excess of 700 000 tons of high-quality salt per annum. The total operation covers an area of 4 500ha. The Group exports to various countries, including Nigeria, Cameroon, South Africa and Europe.
Another alleged police brutality -Erongo Regional Commander respondsMadelaine Laubscher A Swakopmund resident, Mr Petrus Ernst Doeseb (29) alleges that two police officers stationed at the Mondesa police station, assaulted him without reason on Monday and claims that the Swakopmund police department refused him to lay a charge against the two officers.
The complainant, Mr Petrus Ernst Doeseb
According to Mr Doeseb he was also arrested without reason. “My girlfriend moved out. When she wanted to collect her belongings at my house, I was at work. She asked the police to assist her, as she was apparently afraid I would assault her. The police contacted me to inform me that she wanted to collect her belongings. I explained I was at work and would have called them when I got home, so she could collect it. However, the police came to my work and arrested me,” he said. “They accused me of hiding from them the night before, but I was unaware that they were at my house. At the charge office they ordered me to wait at the back. It was cold that morning, thus I put my hands in my pockets. One officer ordered me to take my hands out of my pockets and I said I was not doing anything wrong and that it is very cold. After he locked me inside the holding cells, he told me to stop leaning against the wall. I asked the officer what problem he had with me. It was then that he slapped me. Another officer said ‘what will you do to us’ and
shoved me. I fell and they kicked me in my ribcage, they beat me and even tried to kick me on my genitals, but I managed to keep my legs closed. Afterwards, they said I must be released to go collect my girlfriend’s belongings,” Mr Doeseb said. According to him, he asked the officers to first see the Station Commander, to lay an assault charge against the officers. “The officers referred me to the department where I could lay a charge, however that department said they could not help me. I thus went to the police station in town. The officers there simply told me that this matter is for the Mondesa police station and did not help me. What am I supposed to do? This is why I came to the media. These two officers arrested and assaulted me for no reason. No charges were laid against me. Why was I arrested and assaulted?” he fumed. In a previous article (last week), the namib times reported on a similar incident involving Mr Andy Goliath, who was also allegedly assaulted. He had visible injuries of assault. Mr Goliath managed to lay a
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 Die munisipaliteit is weereens genader om kommentaar te lewer maar was slegs bereid om te sê dat hulle eers die nodige verslae van die kontrakteurs moet bestudeer ten einde ‘n ingeligte besluit te kan neem. Daar is wel genoem dat die werk aan Meersig Uitbreiding 2 en Walvisbaai Uitbreiding 14 volgens plan verloop en dat geen probleme ondervind word nie. Mnr Ringo Nuwuseb van Rinu Construction aan wie die kontrak van Narraville Uitbreiding 7, noord van Tamariskstraat, toegeken is, is genader en hy het gesê dat hy nooit die terrein verlaat het soos beweer word nie en dat werk nog steeds voorgegaan het tot in Februarie vanjaar. Die vertraging het wel ontstaan toe sy tegniese vennoot, wat ook die projekbestuurder was, die projek verlaat het maar dat hy reeds alternatiewe voorstelle aan die munisipaliteit gemaak het ten einde werksaamhede
te hervat en die tender af te handel. Hy het ook genoem dat sy tender ‘n bedrag van N$18 miljoen beloop waarvan N$12.2 miljoen uitbetaal is en nie N$30 miljoen waarvan N$23.6 miljoen uitbetaal is soos beweer word nie. Die eienaar van JJD Investment Group, mnr Johnny Doeseb, is ook genader vir kommentaar en hy het gesê dat hy tevrede is met die vordering wat tans gemaak word aan Kuisebmond Uitbreidings 5 en 6 en dat die werk in Augustus voltooi sal wees. Hy het ook genoem dat die meeste van sy krediteure klaar betaal is en dat wat ook al gebeur, daar nie sprake is daarvan dat enige probleme wat opgeduik het, of nog mag opduik, die belastingbetaler ekstra geld sal kos nie. Hy het ten sterkste ontken dat hy kontantvloei probleme ondervind het maar dat die omvang van sy tenders van so aard is dat dit sin gemaak het om ‘n sterk groep soos Lewcor te betrek om te verse-
ker dat alles volgens plan verloop. Lewcor is ‘n multi-dissiplinêre groep met hul hoofkwartier in Okahandja en het hul werksaamhede in Walvisbaai op die eerste van die maand begin. Beide die betrokke kontrakteurs het erken dat vertragings wel onstaan het maar dat dit hoofsaaklik te wyte is aan eksterne faktore soos leweransiers wat nie altyd op tyd kan aflewer nie en die onvoorspelbare weersomstandighede soos wind en die gepaardgaande sand sowel as mistigheid in Walvisbaai ‘n beduidende rol speel, veral tydens die teer van strate. Beide het verklaar dat hulle verbind is om hulle projekte te voltooi en nooit tou opgegooi het soos beweer word nie. Hoe dit ook al sy, vertragings het wel voorgekom, vrae word gevra en dit sal in almal se belang wees indien die projekte so spoedig moontlik voltooi word en onsekerhede uit die weg geruim word.
Erongo Red proposed tariffs for 2015/16 charge and the court case is scheduled for 24 June. The newspaper asked Deputy Commissioner Kashuupulwa if Nampol was aware of the allegations (of Mr Goliath) and whether the matter will be investigated, however there was no response. After the second incident (of Mr Doeseb), the newspaper spoke to the Erongo Regional Commander, Commissioner Samuel //Hoebeb, who stated that, “Any member of the public has the constitutional right to lay a charge, whether it is against a member of the public or against the police. If the complainant was refused to lay a charge, he can speak to the Station Commander. If the Station Commander cannot help him, it must be reported to the Regional Commander. An internal investigation will thus be instigated. If the complainant/complainants can give us all the particulars, we have a unit that will investigate the matter to verify whether these allegations are true. I will direct the Mondesa Station Commander to give this complainant the full attention he requires,” he concluded.
Erongo RED’s proposed average increase for 2015/16 is 8.3%, which is still to be approved by the Electricity Control Board (ECB). If this proposal should be approved by the ECB, residents of towns in the Erongo Region will perceive the following average hike in their electricity tariffs: Walvis Bay – 8.6% Swakopmund – 7.3% Henties Bay – 5.7% Arandis – 6.5% Usakos – 8.3% Karibib – 8.0% Omaruru – 8.7% Uis – 9.0%. Furthermore, pensioners’ tariffs are also to increase with 3%
Office for pensioners
The Pensioner’s Support Organisation opened their offices yesterday at the previously known Planet Entertainment Centre, owned by Mr Ivan Marshall, in Narraville. This office is open for all pensioners and serves as a platform for them to bring forth all their problems and queries. The Pensioners Sup-
port Organisation will also be establishing a trust fund, where the pensioners can donate N$10 each month. They held a meeting, prior to the inaugura-
tion of the premises, at the Narraville Primary School to discuss the way forward. A full report of this meeting will be in Tuesday’s edition of namib times.
Photo by Leandrea Louw
cept any conditions, which might affect the workers negatively, on their behalf. Another of the company’s alleged conditions is the reduction of leave days from an average of 30 days per year to 25 days. The change of current shift hours is supposedly also a condition and the letter states that this change is to convenience management and inconvenience the workers who are putting the salt in the market. One of the employee’s main concerns is the fact that the company allegedly aims to reduce their medical aid benefit by changing it to a fixed amount. This will crush the current medical aid benefit of 65:35 contribution ratio, the letter reads. “It is common cause and admitted that the discrimination does exist in all
Nuwe Walvisbaai dorpsuitbreidings gekniehalter
12 JUNE 2015
The minister and his deputy greeting police officers while the commissioner looks on
Safety & Security minister hands-on with Coastal police Leandrea Louw
The Minister of Safety and Security, retired Major – General Charles Namoloh and his Deputy, Mr Daniel Kashikola undertook a familiarisation visit at Walvis Bay and Swakopmund on Wednesday and Thursday. The minister kicked off his visit at the Police Headquarters in Walvis Bay, where a briefing by the Erongo Regional Commander, Commissioner Samuel //Hoebeb was conducted. Shortly thereafter he had a meeting with the police members at the Immanuel Ruiters Primary School in Kuisebmond. Due to time constraints, he could not visit the police barracks and the Walvis Bay Correctional Services. He addressed numerous issues when he spoke to the police members. The first issue was the numerous vacancies at both the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund offices. He encouraged the police officers to step up and do more, to fill
these vacancies. “One of the numerous challenges we are facing is accommodation for the police members. We are going to look into the matter to provide more accommodation for you, for both single and married police officers. It is not right for our uniformed officers to live in unsafe conditions,” the Safety and Security Minister remarked. He also acknowledged and thanked the police members of the Erongo Region for the reduction in crime statistics in the region. “We thank you for dedicating your efforts to fight crime in the region, but if we fill the open vacancies I am sure of it that the crime will decrease even more.” Namoloh also encour-
aged the police members to build good standing relationships with the communities. “We must be hand and glove with the community. They are the ones who hear and see who has done what and where. If you are to bully them with that uniform you are wearing, you will get nothing in return. Those uniforms are the ones who are supposed to protect the comm u n i t y. ” H e a l s o reprimanded the police members that they are not here for just the sake of being employed, but that their job is to serve and protect the community, and to keep the law and order intact. “You must have passion to do the job!” was his message to the members of police.
He also commented that his ministry will look into the matter of the long, and sometimes unfruitful disciplinary hearing process in the police force and that he will make sure that these cases are handled in a minimum time-frame. The minister further-
more urged the police members to work together as a team and to shape up and do different things each day to make a difference. He also called on the police members to always look their best. “We have a budget for you to look your best. A
police officer is always a gentleman and a gentle lady”. “Until this region and nation is crime free only then we have won the war!” The Deputy Minister, Daniel Kashikola, concluded the meeting, saying that police officers must see to it that they bring forth ini-
tiatives towards preventing and combating crime, as well as towards the protection of the citizens of this country. “You must be a disciplined person, think in a disciplined manner and act disciplined. We are here to protect the people of this country.”
Bedrieër doen “fonds-insameling” Liesl Losper namens Kinderhuis Die bestuur van Jonah Home, 'n kinderhuis in Walvisbaai, moes onlangs tot hul skok uitvind dat 'n dame besig was om sonder hul medewete geld vir die kinderhuis in te samel. Die betrokke persoon was werksaam by 'n mediese sentrum in die dorp en het volgens ons bron, hoofsaaklik plaaslike mediese praktyke met haar slap riem gevang. “Ons was by 'n private funksie en het met 'n dokter wat ook 'n huisvriend is gesels. Hy het my gevra waarheen die kinders gaan vir hul uitstappie? Ons het hom gevra waarvan hy praat, aangesien ons geen uitstappies in die pyplyn gehad nie. Die dokter het blykbaar aan haar verduidelik dat hy 'n donasie aan die dame oorhandig het wat spesifiek vir Jonah Home se “uitstappie” bedoel was. Ons het aan hom verduidelik dat Jonah Home geensins deur-tot-deur fondsinsamelings doen nie, vertel die bron. Ons het later ondersoek ingestel en het op 'n hele paar ander instansies afgekom wat ook aan die dame geld gegee het. “Nadat sy in 'n hoek gedryf was om antwoorde te gee, het die dame blykbaar probeer om by Jonah Home se kantoor 'n briefhoof te bekom, ter versterking van haar pleidooi vir donasies,” “sê een van die bestuurslede van die kinderhuis wat graag annoniem wil bly. Die publiek word streng gewaarsku om onder geen omstandighede geld vir donasies te oorhandig, indien daar nie konkrete bewyse is dat dit wel vanaf die betrokke instansie kom nie. Volgens ons bronne was die dame die afgelope 2 jaar al besig met hierdie onwettige fondsinsameling en 'n groot bedrag geld is ter sprake. Sy het intussen by haar werk bedank. Die dame se naam is bekend aan die koerant, maar word weerhou aangesien geen kriminele klag teen haar aanhangig gemaak is nie.
12 JUNE 2015
Welcome donation to family of shack fire victim Madelaine Laubscher
After a shack fire recently claimed the life of a resident of Mondesa, Swakopmund, Pastor Khachab offered to assist the deceased’s family with the funeral costs by donating N$1 000 yesterday. The namib times asked Mrs Shirley Gases (sister of the deceased), for comment after receiving the donation. “My sister, who was originally from Otjiwarongo, passed away last week Thursday in the fire. She left behind her three children and
family. We do not have the finances to cover the funeral costs. It is still unclear when the funeral will take place,” she said. “I want to thank God who have brought this pastor on our path. Thank you to the church. May God bless you all, may he double
your blessings,” Mrs Gases added. Pastor Khachab handed over the money yesterday and explained that he did so out of heartfelt compassion for those in need. “I decided to help the family of the deceased, because I usually see
what transpires after a shack fire. I see how the families are left in pain, suffering and loss. I try to put myself in their shoes in such hard times. This is the second family I am helping financially. I do it out of love and empathy. I am from Prayer
Court Walvis Bay Court Report 11 June 2015 Kaandowa Rehabiam (41) appeared on a charge of fraud (cheque) and the 1st alternative to count 1 being theft. Matter is postponed to 16 July. Petrus Kornelius (37) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 8 September. Doeseb Romanus (45) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 28 July. Krohne Henry (42) appeared on a charge of assault – assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 19 August. Nakaleke Epafras (33) and Sakaria Hamukwaya (37) both appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 18 June. Andreas Mutjida (41) appeared on a charge of rape. Matter is postponed to 8 September. A charge of robbery has been withdrawn against Naftali Shimbonge (32). Christian Mwaetako (35) appeared on a charge of theft – theft of a motor vehicle. Matter is postponed to 13 July. A warrant of arrest has been issued for Revival Pollman (21) on a charge of assault – assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Accused is
at large. Rudolf Johannes Botha (46) appeared on a charge of failing to give name or address or furnish false name or address to the police read with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act. Matter is postponed to 25 June. Johannes Hainana (35), Barabas Iipinge (24), Asser Jafet (27), all appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. A sentence to pay a fine of N$5 000 or 12 months imprisonment were imposed on Maria Shilongo (32) on a charge of theft. Fabianes Endjala (40) appeared on a charge of assault – assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 30 June. A sentence to pay a fine of N$2 500 or 12 months imprisonment were imposed on Marcelino Mwenyo (33) on a charge of negligent driving read with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. Matheus Simon (40) appeared on a charge of murder – attempted murder (assault). Matter is postponed to 14 July. Risio Mpingana (35) was sentenced to pay a fine of N$500 or 50 days imprisonment on a charge of police – resisting a member of the police.
Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court report 9-11 June 2015 Sagaria Seraun (27) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 8 July. The accused is on bail. A 17-year-old boy appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 5 August for further investigations - final remand. Fanuel Shilongo (35) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 8 July for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Derick Quinton Brockerhoff (36) appeared on charge of drugs - dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 24 September for plea and trial. The accused is out on bail. A 15-year-old boy, Maxwell Jantjies (20) and TryWorld Kamutjete (22) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 1 July for fixing of a trial date. The minor and Jantjies are at large and Kamutjete remains in custody. Marvin Manuel Seibeb (37) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 1 August for the suspect to gain legal aid. Daniel Likius (38) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 13 July for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Johannes Shilongo (39) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter
was postponed to 4 November for plea and trial - final remand. The accused is out on bail. Cynthia Van Staden (40) appeared on charges of assault - assault common and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 5 August for trial - final remand. The accused is out on bail. A 17-year-old boy appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 1 July for juvenile-pre-community service. The accused was released in the care of his guardian. Sakaria Hailaula (41) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 21 July for further investigation - final remand. The accused is in custody. A 16-year-old boy appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 4 August for plea and trial. The accused is in custody. Gregory Titus (36) appeared on a charge of theft - theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 31 August for further investigation - final remand. The accused is out on bail. Stephan Francis ven der Berch (72) appeared on a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 31 August for plea and trial. The accused has been warned. Leonard Jacobs (51) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 17 September for lab results. The accused is out on bail.
Pastor Khachab handing N$1 000 to Mrs Shirley Gases, sister of the deceased House Ministries where we also run a soup kitchen and occasion-
ally help people pay off their debts if they have lost everything. The
reason for this remains that we care about those in need,” he said.
No bail for CHEC cable theft suspects Mavourlene Gaes The two employees of China Harbour Engineering Company, Markus Sakaria (29) and Mateus Sakeus (31) who, along with two other suspects, stand accused of theft of electrical cables belonging to the company, appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court on Monday and was denied bail. The two suspects ap- were arrested during ported the stolen capeared before Magi- the weekend in Kuiseb- bles in a truck the strate Andre Matulich, mond after they were company uses to transwho postponed the suspected to have sto- port its unwanted mamatter until 8 July for len electrical cables terials. the tracing of the other from CHEC, amount- The stolen cables were two suspects who are ing to the value of located in Kuisebmond and returned to still at large and for N$800 000. further investigation. The suspects are al- the rightful owners. Sakaria and Sakeus leged to have trans-
Man shoots himself in bathroom Mavourlene Gaes
Jonas Amutenya (48) allegedly took his own life at his home in Kuisebmond on Monday at around eight in the morning. According to Nampol’s Detective Chief Inspector Erastus Iikuyu the incident took place in Unis Street at house No 3. “It is alleged that
Amutenya turned the gun on his head and shot himself on his forehead in the bathroom and died on the spot” Iikuyu said. His lifeless body was
discovered by family members who he shared the house with, no suicide note was left and his next of kin have been informed.
Taxi driver allegedly abducted, raped 13-year-old Mavourlene Gaes
A 13-year old girl was allegedly raped by a 38-year old taxi driver in Kuisebmond on Tuesday night at his home. It is alleged that the minor, who is originally from Rundu, decided to leave her home in Kuisebmond and return to her hometown. According to Nampol’s Detective Chief Inspector Erastus Iikuyu the incident took place on Tuesday night, in Dassie Street, after the minor packed her bags during the day and left for the Rundu taxi rank. “The minor allegedly took a lift on a taxi to the taxi
rank, where she could get on a bus to the North. However, when they arrived at the taxi rank, no busses were available,” Iikuyu stated. He added that when it started to get late the victim allegedly told the driver she had no other alternative but to go back home. “The suspect supposedly forced her to go with him to his residence and had sexual intercourse with her in the middle of the night,
while she was allegedly asleep. He dropped her off at the taxi rank the following day (Wednesday),” he further added. The suspect was arrested on Wednesday in Kuisebmond at around 15:40 in the afternoon and a case of rape and abduction has been opened against him. He is set to appear in the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s court today.
12 JUNE 2015
Walvis Bay revamped Leandrea Louw
Municipality announces Capital Projects and progress The Municipality of Walvis Bay hosted a budget progress meeting on the Capital Projects for the financial years of 2014/15 at the Narraville Primary School on Tuesday evening. Other community meetings were scheduled in the same time-frame, and thus this meeting was not as well attended as was catered for. Kuisebmond: An amount of N$3 841 668 was budgeted for the industrial stalls next to the old Swakop Road on the way to Independence Beach. Five industrial stalls have been constructed so far and construction is 95% completed. The amount of money spent so far is N$3 210 278. An amount of N$6 920 932 has been allocated for the renovation of the Kuisebmond Stadium. Renovations include that the current pavilion be transformed into a VIP sitting facility, plus two additional pavilions. The design process is currently being attended to by external consultants. When the designs have been completed, tenders will be called for the construction process. Additional funds will be needed to implement this project and the Government will then be approached for funding. The amount of the planned spending thus far is N$2 592 983. A contractor has been allocated for the construction of 10 more new units at the Single Quarters. Building activities are in progress and completion thereof is expected during July 2015.Once completed, 10 of 34 tenants from the Otto Gwanab Flats will be relocated to the new units. The budget allocated is N$4 000 000, the amount spent so far is N$2 543 446. Narraville: The budget for the Narraville Community Hall is N$18.5 million and a contractor has been appointed for the project. Site establishments will take place in June 2015 and the expected completion date is June 2016. The ground breaking is expected to take place during this month. The money spent so far is N$520 729 and has been spent on consultancy and architectural design.
Town area: Work is in progress for the upgrading and maintenance of the Jan Wilken Sports complex and clubhouse. Budget allocated is N$600 000 and the amount spent so far is N$ 595 028. Roads: A number of roads have been identified by the Council for tarring in the new financial year. In this regard an amount of N$17 897 537 has been set aside for this purpose. From this amount, expenditure amounting to N$633 921 was spent on paving Mandume Ndemufayo Street in Meersig. During the current financial year, two attempts were made through a tendering process to implement this project. However, no competent entity could be sourced at both attempts. A tender is currently running on this project in a third attempt to find suitable contractors. The roads/ streets earmarked for tarring in the different suburbs are as follows: Kuisebmond: Love Bird Street, Lepelaar Sreet, Volstruis Street, Frankie Abrahams Street, Swael Street, 14th Avenue, Fisant Street, Dolfyn Crescent, Harder Street. Narraville: Evergreen Sreet, Ashrafi Street, Tamarisk Street, Pelser Street, Raja Street, Pikkewyn Street, Kalahari Street, Bonita Street, Meeu Street, Firefish Street. Meersig: Vaughan Webster Street, 4th Street North, Auob Street, 2 nd Road West. Light Industrial Street: Gamsberg Avenue, Rooibank Avenue, Gobabeb Avenue, Green Valley Avenue. An amount of N$7 327 907 has been allocated for approximately 400 000 square meters of street surface to be resealed under this contract. The amount spent so far so is N$2 950 426 and will be carried through to the new financial year and funds are
expected to be fully spent by September 2015. A budget of N$2 973 487 has also been allocated for the resealing of sidewalks in various suburbs. Funds spent so far is N$474 372. An amount of N$1 266 286 has also been allocated for the rebuilding of gravel roads, this is an ongoing project and implemented as per the needs and available resources. The street identified are the road to the landfill site, gravel road to the prisons, Khomas Hochland Street and all gravel streets between Kabeljou and Agaat Street in Kuisebmond and Firefish Street, Evergreen Street, and Meeu Street in Narraville. An amount of N$1 500 000 has also been allocated to the rebuilding of intersections. Water: Mile 7 Reservoir: The budget for this project is N$ 14 050 000 and consultants have been appointed for the implementation and supervision of this project. The project is under progress ad upon completion and obtaining the clearance certificate, the constructing tender will be advertised in June 2015. Amount spent so far is N$135 485. For the new module Long B e a c h R e s e r v o i r, a n amount of N$2 850 000 has been allocated and the internal design is being finalised. Tenders will be advertised during June 2015. A budget of N$1 250 000 has been allocated for the Kuisebmond Bulk Water Supply Line. The construction of a bulk water supply line form the Narraville Bridge to Extension 5 and 6 has been completed. The project will continue in the next financial year to connect to newly developed extensions. An amount of N$725 000 has been allocated for the new meters and their installation. Sewerage: In this regard, an amount of
N$544 821 has been allocated. Some recommendations contained in the Sewer Master Plan have already implemented. These recommendations include: the need for additional pump stations for Kuisebmond and Narraville and the tender has already been awarded. The Fairways rising main size has been increased from 160 mm to 250mm. For the upgrade of sewage pumps stations and replacing pumps, an amount of N$850 000 has been allocated. For the increase treatment capacity at Langstrand, an amount of N$2 950 000 has been allocated. The internal design is currently being finalised and the tender is expected to be advertised in June 2015. An amount of N$1 840 000 has been allocated for the assessing and implementing upgrade priorities as per Master Plan including: upgrading of inlet works, refurbishment of thickness system, improving of the digested working method and relocation of the electric switch gear. The Hermes Pump Station has been completed. The boundary wall for protection against vandalism and
illegal access is still to be built by October 2015. The money spent so far is N$ 5 995 909. The Kuisebmond cemetery and the new Narraville Pump Station tenders were awarded and the sites were handed over on 18 May. The estimated cost is about N$10, 6 million. An amount of N$1 260 000 has been allocated for the repairing of major line and manhole defects and collapses. This budget is also allocated for the system renewal. Dolphin Beach: The area has been surveyed and construction will commence in early 2015/16 financial year. The existing camping site at Long Beach is still in use until early 2016. The budget allocated is N$3 350 000. The project commencement of the new units at Dolphin Park will be in 2015/16, after completion of camping sites. The amount budgeted is N$4 067 000. An amount of N$1 200 000 has also been allocated for the conference facilities at the Dolphin Park. The two above mentioned will first have to be completed before the commencement of this project. The Youth Centre is still in phase one. The project has been shelved pending the agreement to be reached with the Dutch Funding Organisation, Young Africa. The amount allocated for this project is N$4 000 000.
Cemeteries: New Naraville Cemetery: Extension of current cemetery investigated, once power lines from adjacent portion has been relocated extension of cemetery will be commenced with. Budget allocated is N$2 974 151. Kuisebmond: It was initially anticipated that space would not be sufficient at this cemetery. The latest evaluations show that the Kuisebmond cemetery has only sufficient space for the next 2 – 3 years. A new cemetery is planned to be located behind the Tutaleni Area. The amount allocated is N$ 1 million. Project also to be implemented during the 2015/16 financial year. Tutaleni Fire Station: The site for this project has been located next to Tutaleni School and Tutaleni Pump Station. Funds allocated is N$2 500 000. Old Age Home Narraville: Erf 259 has been identified for this project. Pledges from the fishing industry is currently being followed up and awaited. Amount allocated is: N$2 000 000. Residents at this meeting asked the Municipality to look at the open space opposite the Police Station for this project, as it is close to Nampost, the shops and the Clinic. The budget for the beautification of the town is N$1 7772 582. Four hundred refuse bins were bought during December 2014, and 3 252 refuse bins were received during May 2015.Amount budgeted was N$ 2 million.
Housing: Build Together Programme: The total number of houses for Kuisebmond to be completed is 40 and 31 for Narraville. The completion date is June / July this year. M a s s H o u s i n g P ro gramme: A total of 209 houses has been completed in Kuisebmond and only 89 has been handed over. In Narraville 61 houses are to be constructed. Land Development: Kuisebmond A total number of 749 erven has been allocated for extension 5, 6 and 7. Total estimated budget is N$77 799 618. Walvis Bay (Town): A total number of 355 erven has been allocated for Meersig Golf area, Meersig extension 2 and 14. Total budget is N$110 339 960. A total number of 246 erven has been allocated for extension 7 in Narraville. Estimated budget is N$31 595 133. A total of 1 350 erven has been allocated in all three suburbs. Chairperson of the Management Committee of the Walvis Town Council, Immanuel Wilfred noted that this is a record compared to the other towns in the country. A member of the community requested a time frame to bring forth their recommendations. A follow-up meeting will be conducted next Tuesday, where these recommendations will be submitted to the Municipality on, or before next week Friday. The time and venue will still be communicated through to the public.
12 JUNE 2015
Esau asks for untapped Permits resources to be explored Obtaining Fishing
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Mavourlene Gaes The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR), Bernard Esau seemed optimistic when he spoke about significant untapped resources within the coastal and marine environment at the opening of the three-day annual research meeting in Swakopmund on Tuesday. The Minister’s speech was presented by Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources’ Acting Permanent Secretary, Graca Bauleth-D’Almeida. In his speech, Esau informed delegates that it is his desire that the yearly research meetings’ platform continues to grow and bring more stakeholders on board, as the platform is one of the few science fora in the country. According to the Fisheries Minister a large proportion of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is derived from natural resource based industries, of which the coastal and marine environment is one. “Our coastal and marine resources, if used sustain-
ably, can lift many of our people from the shackles of unemployment and poverty. In fact, it is estimated that the coastal and marine resources contribute approximately US$269 billion per annum to the Benguela Large Marine Ecosystem (BLME),” he noted. The fisheries minister further added that the fisheries resources are one of the leading contributors to the country’s economy and is providing over 13 000 Namibians with employment. “As the Minister of MFMR, I am also very cognizant of the fact that our coastal and marine environment is not only consistent of fisheries resources, but also other re-
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Om
Walvis Bay Tides
Riv er
Mile 72
Swakopmund Tides
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33
Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com
Mile 30 Hoboomsgat
Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Port Log
sources and subsequent industries that make a substantial contribution to our economy,” Esau stated. Using as examples the centuries old diamond mining, port and harbour facilities, coastal tourism and other significant development activities along the coast, Esau says they have also made and continue to make a large contribution to both local and National economies. He also touched on the subject of renewable and non-renewable, and remarked that he strongly believes and is convinced that there are still significant untapped resources within the coastal and marine environment. Esau urged the marine
MFMR Acting Permanent Secretary Graca BaulethD' Almeida scientists to discover and bring to the fore the hidden treasures of the Benguela to build the Namibian economy, because he predicts that they will discover new resources in the near future be it for medical use or other purposes. He admitted that the multiple uses of the ocean and coast could create conflicting or comprising situations which could pose a dilemma to the decision makers. “Yes, we want to create employment for our people and improve their living standard, yet we cannot afford to compromise
the integrity of our environment to sustain us and our future generations, that is where you as scientists come into the equation to do quality scientific work and advise the decision makers accordingly” he stressed. Adding that the traditional sector approach to coastal and marine resources management is not adequate, Esau says his ministry has and will continue to have various multiple ocean users, some of which may potentially co-exist, while some may be detrimental to others.
12 JUNE 2015
Project Shine – time to call a spade, a spade Madelaine Laubscher Namibian Breweries boosted their financial contribution towards Project Shine from N$40 000 to N$80 000 at the Swakopmund Municipality, last Friday. This project is in support of keeping Namibia clean. The Managing Director of Namibian Breweries, Mr Wessie van der Westhuizen, noted that he would much rather have wanted to donate money to vulnerable children or education, than donate it to pick up other people's litter. “Unfortunately we are where we are. When driving down from Windhoek to the coast, the origin of Project Shine became very clear. Calling it Project Shine is almost like putting make-up on it. Any-
thing that shines is usually associated with something beautiful and good. I am not too sure whether what we see along the road is beautiful. It is definitely not. Cigarette buds, soda cans, coffee cups, beer bottles, plastic bags, gum wrappers etc, are seen all over. Why do people litter? They feel no sense of ownership and believe this leads to job creation. People feel that the Municipality is responsible. They litter because littering has already accumulated. It
is also a lack of self-discipline and self respect. I think it is time to call a spade a spade,” Van der Westhuisen stated. He further expressed his confusion on why people would simply litter outside, but yet when their children do it at home, they get a hiding. “We need to bring awareness to all Namibians that this is not just our country, but our home,” he said. He noted that Namibia was recently voted as the 5th or 6th most popular place in the
Swakopmund Matters 18 - 2015:
NOSEWEEK labels marine phosphate mining DEEP TROUBLE” The South African publication, NOSEWEEK, devoted an extensive article on the issue of marine phosphate mining in its May 2015 edition. For Namibians these two sentences sound familiar: “Against all expert advice and international best practice and with close to zero public scrutiny the Department of Mineral Resources (in S.A.) has given the go-ahead for phosphate prospectors to drill holes all over the West Coast's most sensitive marine habitats and riches fishing grounds”. “No other government has been reckless, greedy or stupid enough to allow the large-scale destruction of its marine ecosystem by mining companies chasing a fast-buck from the global fertilizer squeeze”. Namibians have heard most of them already, but maybe they will have a greater impact in the quarters where they are supposed to count now that they are being made by others who also see red flags all the way. What is most revealing is the statement that the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) has “commissioned the not-for-profit law clinic, the Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) to work on a legal and, if necessary, constitutional case for a moratorium”. (For Swakopmund Matters the environment of the Namibian coastline and its ocean matters)
Vrede Rede Primary Traditional Dancers performing a traditional dance at the launch world for tourists to visit. He urged Namibians to take responsibility towards the country. The challenge to the organisers of Project Shine is to identify the culprits and take some serious action. On an annual basis the country lose between seven and ten million dollars in all the bottles lying around, and that, according to him, is money in the water. “Having said all this, it is time to take it to the next level. The Project has done a lot over the last years. I can
only thank the team for their work. It is a pity though to clean up after others. It is time to act and hold people responsible,” he said. Councillor Louise Tlhabanillo, spoke on behalf of the Mayor Juuso Kambueshe. “Our tour guides, taxi drivers and local communities must be well trained at national and local levels so that we can continue to create exceptional experiences for visits to our town. Swakopmund is the cleanest town in Namibia thanks to the cooperation in Swakop-
mund. I am very proud of you. We all have a responsibility towards the cleanliness of our environment. That is why we urge citizens to join the municipality in making Swakopmund a world-class clean city which we can be proud of. It begins with you. Encourage others to become an ecomate to the environment,” was Kambueshe's message. After the launch, Mr Clive Lawrence from Eco-Mate received the good news that Namibian Breweries have commited themselves to
double the financial contribution of N$40 000 to N$80 000. Project Shine is aimed at mobilising environmental education that will result in sustainable practices in Swakopmund that will promote Swakopmund as a sustainable city. The project also wants to encourage environmental friendly behaviour within organisations, schools and the local community and to encourage adaption of the best practices to improve the environmental acceptablitity.
12 JUNE 2015
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namib times
readers’ comments
A Scania truck overturned in Railway Street Walvis Bay
Witnesses on the scene told namib times the driver lost control of the truck, while trying to make a right-turn to enter Railway Street. It almost drove into the premises of Le Club Fisherman’s Inn, close to of Rio Copa. No injuries were reported. Toni Timo Lange Trucks are the war lords on our streets to be honnest, investigate also 2 yellow tipper type trucks at night between 18th Road and 6th and Railway street. They always opperate after sunset, driving up and down all the night. Elijah Saushini Overturning a truck in the street, surely tructs do less than 60km/h in a build up street.... how dd it overturn? Sean G Oberg No injuries were reported. Wait till the boss finds out. Mike Muronga Speeding,U-turn,mobile phone, unexpirience, fake licence, i am a the best driver, care-
less, not to know what am doing and reasons goes on. Aili Kaawetendje Mwandingi Yog buying of licence? I knw the driver quite well, he had been driving fr years, mistake can be dne, thanks God my best friend “ my son” is well, no injury... keep on preaching your sillyness, fault can be dne, driving is just driving, one nver say is a good driver, recover the shock son.. Ricardo Weyer Consequences of a bought driving licence... am sorry if I have offended anyone. Martin Mateus M’forzy We thank God that no injury, other wise a car is material
thing which can be fixed. Coetzee Van Zyl Spoed, coupled with stupidity. Richard Klein Dis waarskynlik spoed want die lories jaag op daar die stuk pad probeer om so veel vragte te ry as moentlik. Dirk J Greeff Hulle ry te vinnig, dis hoekom die treine ook teen vragmotors bots by crossings. Hulle ken nie veantwoordelikheid nie, kannie bepaal of dit veilig of onveilig is nie. Lydia Duncan Inexperienced Driver and use of mobile while driving. This is shocking. Neville Kenneth Baker Dis reeds op daii draai
waar hull ry soos hul wil of sonder om te stop. Jong trok drywers meen dis karitjies. Petro Harmse Watter firma se vragmotor? Loyiso Daniels Good driver. Ngatupahe Tjiuru Monday blues maybe bad. Eddie Tsowaseb Buying of licences wil come out one way or another. Leandro Hendrick Seriously I would like to know as well, what caused the truck to overturn? Alleta Johanna De Celestino Accidents is now to mch vakwetu why?
Oscar Pistorius to be released on parole in August Oscar Pistorius, the Paralympic athlete who shot his girlfriend dead after mistaking her for a burglar, will be released under house arrest after 10 months in prison, it has been confirmed. Buys Werner South Africans is crazy. public outcry has condemn Oscar. however in Namibia public outcry don’t count.justice has to take course in our courts. Oscar must try to request time off at a private ranch and to report at nearest Police station as requested by the magistrate. If not. ...that South Africans will be his nightmare. what funny is, those bi##hing and moaning is not even the deceased relatives but those who hated h8s wealth. Christo Van Niekerk That is wrong! He should have been jailed as a murderer. Roger Stryeski Heard he will have his own line of shower curtains. Paul Banchek You day
will come my friend i told you before you went to jail. Hendrik Dewet Oosthuizen Betaal hierdie vrou n klomp geld dat sy haar mond n slag kan hou en op hou om simpatie te soek! Al wat sy oor kla is hoe swaar sy kry want dit lyk my al wat Reeva goed was voor is die geld wat sy blykbaar vir haar gegee het en hulle aan die lewe te hou! Sy is wat my aan betref nie soseer oor Reeva se dood ontstel nie ,is liewer n bysaak as wat die gans wat die goue eier gele nou nie meer daar is nie! Sy moet net sy se wat het sy en haar man sedert Reeva se dood gedoen om hulle self te onder hou,byv te gaan werk soek of iets doen om hulle self aan die
lewe te hou,behalwe om simpatie te soek en te ....... en kerm! Sy moet haar nie bekommerd nie,gelukkig hoef sy nie vir Oscar te straf nie,en miskien word hy deur die reg stelsel te lig gestraf! Sy dag sal kom dat hy soos almal van ons rekenskap sal moet gee voor die Groot Man! Die straf kom haar nie toe nie,is God se plig en Hy sal besluit! Is n jammerte oor die kind wat dood is maar nou hou sy aanhoudend en openlik wraak soek en bepleit! Jy is n regte pyn in die ......... (agterent)! Henriette Coetzee Disgusting. Charmaine Erasmus Jordaan Nee hy betaal niks vir niemand nie hy het sy
tyd gekry nou hoop ek die mense los hom uit.Laat sy op staan en vir haar geld gaan werk daar is niks met haar hande verkeurd nie. Calvin Amako Araeb This world where money bribes justice just disgusts me...its a shame that the courts hev fallen victim 2 to this thing calld money justice. Norman Best Varke behoord ina hok! Olivier Es Al hierdie hoohaa is nes die royels toe Di oorlede is dit gaan nooit end kry nie. Frank Boye What a total disgrace! He belongs in Jail! Terry-Lee Unterhorst Unless we know the true story we should just be quiet.
Natis asks for patience A new calling system for learners and driving licence bookings have been effective at Natis (Walvis Bay) since 2 June, whereby bookings can be made via a phone call. Uatii Terence Rodrigues Why is the number of applicants so less,while in other towns are taking up to 100 to 120 but in walvis is just 40-70?
Can somebdy tell me Ludien Assvoels Browns With the call system there will be corruption Coetzee Van Zyl Everything shouldv’e been in
place before 2 June - you knew beforehand how much applicants there is! Leonese Brookies Bugan Line engage since 8:00 in the morning... Plz xplain
that... Marcellino Caesar Martin Another money making scheme.
Well known paramedic dies in accident Mr Ian Booysen (29), a renowned paramedic and esteemed member of the community, passed away early Sunday morning after a motor vehicle accident in Walvis Bay. Miriam Madisia May his soul R.I.P. He was a people’s person, always friendly with a smile on his face! Charmian De Klerk May his beautiful soul rest in peace. Helen Colwyn Adams A tragic loss - may his soul be blessed and rest in peace! To his family and friends - know that God is with you at this sad time! Erastus Kashimba May his soul rest in eternal peace. Ian J Izaacs RIP, what a
loss to his family and the general public. Anthéa Ilana October RIP to Ian’s family in this tragic time. He was a wonderful person... He will be deeply missed. Leandro Sitler RIP my dear friend, we will surely miss you. May God bless your wife kids and family with comfort and strength that only he can provide. Selma Smith R.I.P Ian May God comfort and strengthen your family and friends. It is indeed a great lost for those who
knew you. So Sad. Stella Maris Morao He will be missed! Winnie Koopman Rest in peace Ian gaan jou mis. Lungisani Ndhlovu Sad news. May your soul rest in peace. Brenda Williams R.I.P. May the comfort his family nd friends. Nicolene Isaacs great loss to the emergency services R.I.P Ian. Jackie Woker How very, very tragic. Condolences to his family. Urte van der Watt Rus
in vrede, dis hartseer om Elke oggend deur die venster te kyk en te weet hy het voor ons huis verongeluk, sterkte vir sy geliefdes. Riette Van Zyl Rus in vrede Ian! Sterkte aan sy mense. Christine Cookson He helped me once R.I.P Kind soul. Rellyn Fainsinger Detlof-Wismer Tragic. thoughts and prayers to family and friends. RIP.
Grootbek op Vrydag Onbevoegdheid is ‘n euwel Marshallino Beukes Swak kliëntediens, uitbuiting van die wat alreeds niks het nie en korrupte staatsamptenare is dinge wat my bloeddruk laat styg, maar iets wat my behoorlik die josie in maak is onbevoegde werknemers! Kyk, as jy nie die werk kan of wil doen nie, bedank asseblief binne 24 uur, as om kliënte en jou werkgewers se geld, tyd en gesondheid in die gedrang te bring. Ek redeneer mos nou die dag met ‘n vooraanstaande bank se konsultant, rakende die formule om ‘n persentasie te bereken. U moet weet, ek is nog van die Standerd-jare (nie Graad nie) se mense en dalk het die formule intussen verander, maar ek kan my kop op ‘n blok sit dat ek nie verkeerd was nie. Die werknemer wou my so wraggies probeer oortuig dat 25% van 23 000 gelyk aan 18 000 is! Mooi
praat, verduidelik en selfs die pen op papier sit, kon nie hierdie werknemer van haar standpunt laat wyk nie. Met ‘n gekners van tande moes ek maar later die aftog blaas, en het met ‘n verdwaasde uitdrukking op my gesig die kantoor verlaat. Het die ouderdom my nou ingehaal, of het my kennis van wiskunde dalk met die verloop van jare so agteruitgegaan, het die werknemer my laat wonder. Nee, besef ek later, toe die ergste skok en verdwasing wegkwyn, ek was reg. Hoedat hierdie persoon haar persentasie bereken
het, gaan tot vandag my verstand te bowe en hoedat sy in daardie posisie by die bank geplaas kan wees, is ‘n groter raaisel… Nee wat, dan kan ek mos ook maar in ‘n lekker ruim kantoor, met lugversorger de lot gaan sit en somme maak vir derduisende dollars… Dit bring my tot die slotsom. Finansiële instansies buit kliënte daagliks met miljoene dollars uit en die minste wat hulle kan doen is om ten minste bevoegde werkers aan te stel om mens se swaarverdiende geld te steel!
Bogus training There is great concern about training in Namibia, particularly First Aid training. Some companies are unaware of the rules etc. surrounding First Aid Training in Namibia, and might be unhappy to read this article, they should be relieved that they are finding out such information this way, as opposed to legal action... In Namibia the first aid that companies should source for their workers/ staff is called “Class A” First Aid. If you have another first aid like Level 1, or Basic First Aid, then this is not to the correct standard. If you (as a company for instance) have used the services of an unregistered first aid trainer/company, and an incident happens, your company is open to MASSIVE liability! It’s “your” responsibility to ensure service providers are correctly/fully registered.
When companies source First Aid training institutions, they should ask for proof of registration. The “company” offering training and the actual instructor should be registered; it should also state “for CLASS A” on all (proof of registration) documents. They should be registered with BOTH the Ministry of Health and Social Services (certificate) and the Ministry of Labour (an Approved Inspection Authority number/certificate). At the moment there seems to be a few “operations” going on of unregistered first aid classes, from freelance medics; a Swakopmund ambulance service to a Walvis Bay safety consultant. If you have received training using a South African first aid manual, level 1, even if you get a certifi-
cate, the training you received is unfortunately NOT valid. The South African companies were likely not aware their material was being used. If you have had first aid training in the past year or so you should demand certificates of registration from the people who trained you. If they cannot supply correct documentation immediately, then you are should report them to the relevant Ministries, so the Ministry of Labour (AIA section) can take action against these “bogus trainers”. You should also be able to ask for a refund on the amount you paid for training, as this is basically fraud!! Please lets work to get rid of bogus trainers, it bad for us as a nation! From a concerned resident, anon.
Moenie jou bekommer nie
Moet oor niks besorg wees nie, maar maak in alles julle begeertes deur gebed en smeking en met danksegging aan God bekend. Filippense 4:6
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
(Condom) Size does matter Liesl Losper Condoms protect both the wearer and his/her partner from sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies. However, one should make sure to use the right size condom, in order to prevent the condom from bursting, or slipping off, while making love, as this could have catastrophic consequences. made equal - but in very different shapes and sizes when it comes to the
trouser department. Condoms are available in different types and sizes and it’s a good idea to try out different types, in order to find the ones that work best for you and your partner. One of the important things you should keep in mind, when getting your protection, is to always try and make sure the condoms are latex or polyurethane. “A condom which does not stay on during sex, is not going to provide protection from pregnancy or STDs. However, when condoms are used correctly every time, they can be up to 97% effective. If the condoms should be used incorrectly, their effectiveness can be as low as 86%,” a representative of the Walvis Bay Multipurpose Centre commented.
At the Centre, two types of condoms, Smile SuperDot condoms (normal size fits all), and also condoms for gay partners are available. Furthermore, some private pharmacies commented that they do have a wide range of condoms with all the different sizes. Journalists, Madelaine Laubscher and Mavourlene Gaes, also visited health facilities in
Swakopmund and established that two types of Smile condoms for men are available there, namely the 49mm for smaller penises and the regular one (52mm) most people are common with. Femidom condoms for women are also available at these institutions. Government institutions only provide the Smile-range of condoms. According to wikiHow, condoms come in many sizes and textures, but
most condoms fit the average size male. If a regular size condom is either too big (if it slips off or feels loose) or too small (looks like it will tear or causes pain), one can try out a smaller or larger condom until the right fit is established. Regardless, while it may not be the measure of the wave which makes your boat floats, when picking a condom, size does make a difference.
Share your status with those you love SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958
this should also apply when getting hold of a condom. Yes, all men are
p ai
If you want to buy a dress or trousers, you have to buy the correct size and
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
NWU-PUK Choir will be visiting the coast of Namibia
Soprane Informeel School of Music at NWU Potchefstroom, completing his final year of formal music studies. The choir will be presenting two concerts at the coast. On Sunday 28 June the NWU-PUK Choir will be performing at 17h00 in the German Lutheran Church in Swakopmund. Tickets, at N$60, are available at NamibI (Tel: 404827, Sabine). On Monday 29 June the NWU-PUK
Soprane Informeel
The NWU-PUK Choir of Potchefstroom, South Africa will be visiting the coastal towns of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay at the end of June as part of their 2015 Namibia Tour. One of the PUK choir's most recent achievements is an extended July 2014 tour of Europe and other countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Estonia, and
Latvia. In Latvia the NWU-PUK choir were awarded two gold medals at the 8th World Choir Games in Riga. The conductor of the choir, Mr Kobus Venter, qualified with
the degrees B.Com Chartered Accounting and B.Com Hon Financial Accounting at NWU in 2010 and 2011 respectively. In 2012 he received master classes in conducting in K책re
Hanken (Norway). After Kobus had completed his qualifications in Accounting he realised that his passion for the music world was too strong to resist. He is currently at the
Tenore Informeel
Choir will be performing at 18:00 in Walvis Bay in the Town Hall. Tickets, at N$60, are available at F l o w e r b o x ( Te l : 202733). On both occasions the Cgals Chamber Choir of Namibia under the direction of Wilna Liebenberg will be involved in the concerts and will be performing a few songs. The Cgals are in the process of th preparing for the 9
World Choir Games in Sochi, Russia. Of their latest achievements are 4 silver medals at the 8 t h World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia, in 2014, and 97% for the Advanced Choir Examination of UNISA, an achievement which places the choir on the Honours list of the University of South Africa. The opportunity promises to be one of the musical highlights of 2015!
12 JUNE 2015
Kinzzo going strong with Ikwatelela Mavourlene Gaes
Kinzzo Whatkind is back with a 15 track album, titled Ikwatelela. The Swakopmund-born artist guarantees that this album is going to get everybody addicted to the dance floor, even long after the song is done playing. He is known as Nelumbu Gideon in his professional life, but when it comes to the entertainment scene, his fans across the country know and love the ambitious entertainer as Kinzzo. In our last interview Kinzzo said he was signed under the Welwitschia music production label, but has now revealed that he has since then started his own production label known as “Whatkind
Music Production”. He launched the Ikwatelela (meaning 'hold on' in Oshiwambo) an afro house album on 4 April this year and plans on hosting two more CD launches for his fans in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay next month. “I am featuring artists like Boet, Mbuku, Sman, Msamane Niihana, Nakale Ya Nakale, DJ Sebby, Grace, Pythorn, Mama D, Lil Mex and Ronny on the album” Kinzzo noted.
Whatkind music productions, currently produces for three artists, Skilla Boy, Mama D and Maria & Marcho. The young, vibrant and confident artist boasts that he is an excellent producer, especially when it comes to producing African beats and House beats. Aside from running his own studio, Kinzzo is also assisting with producing for artists like The Dogg and Chester, and he is also the mas-
termind behind Nakale Ya Nakale’s house remix. Kinzzo remarked that the response to his album has been great, which is a positive motivator for him. “I am busy producing the Whatkind mix with different artists across Namibia and the mix will hopefully be completed by September this year,” he added. The straightforward artist is set to start shooting his third music
video, “I don’t know”, from a track on his album in July. Kinzzo was born and grew up in Swakopmund where he discovered his love for music and started his career by doing Kwaito music in 2008 when he joined an organisation called Ondangwa Music Artist Organisation (OMAO).
20 JUNE 2015
This is a friendly reminder that your investment in the VET Levy for May 2015 is due on, or before, the 19th of June 2015. Pay before the deadline and avoid penalties and interest.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.nta.com.na For more information, contact us at:
Toll Free Number: 0800 2078550, or levyclaims@nta.com.na
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 26 June: Donkey Derby at Town Hall. * 26 June: Narraville Primary School Talent Show at School Hall. * 27 Junie: Huis Palms Basaar by Huis Palms Gronde 10:00. * 29 Junie: NWU-PUK koor besoek die kus. Tree op in Walvisbaai in die Stadsaal om 18:00. Vir kaartjies kontak (Tel: 202733). * 3 July: Narraville Primary School Mystery Walk. * 7 Julie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Harvest Time Community Church. * 8 July: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at 19:00. * 11 July: Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H. Mo nument Usakos at 11:00. * 12 July: Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade. * 1 Aug: St Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerk, Narraville Bazaar op kerkgronde vanaf 09:00. * 4 Aug: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Temple of Truth Kerk. * 1 Sept: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by VGK Kerk. * 25 Sept: Mr and Miss NPS at School Hall. * 6 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Katolieke Kerk. * 15 & 16 Oct: Narraville Primary School Prize-giving Ceremonies. * 3 Nov: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lutherse Kerk.
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * 28 Junie: NWU-PUK koor besoek die kus. Tree op in Swakopmund in die Duitse Lutherse kerk om 17:00. Vir kaartjies kontak (Tel: 404 827, Sabine).
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.
12 JUNE 2015
Monthly Monitor: May 2015 Ever heard of the saying: 'sell in May and go away? There is a reason for it. Since 1995, global markets have stumbled between May and October, on average. This does not mean that investors should sell off all their financial securities, but rather lower expectations for the next two quarters. Equity markets do not necessarily make a loss in this period, but are so volatile that upward movements counter downward movements, and vice versa. Market Review: In the second half of the month, both South African (SA), and United States
(US) equities began to slip, keeping 2015 on the average trend of sell-offs in May. Wo r r y i n g a b o u t foreign investors leaving their offices to hit the beach is not exactly justified. However, there are real reasons for concerns, such as interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve (Fed) expected at some point later this year, and the perception that equities are no longer cheap. Even bonds have been
experiencing volatility with yields spiking. SA showed concerns about the country's sovereign rating update by Fitch together with electricity cuts, whilst the Eurozone (EU) continue to stress about Greece not repaying its debt, illustrated in the weaker Euro versus the US Dollar (USD). The US has continued to add jobs to its economy (280 000 jobs added in May), boosting the USD. A stronger Dollar
weighs on emerging markets, making it difficult for their equities to continue outperform those of domestic markets. Asian markets, however, have managed to outperform other regions in terms of equity index returns. Local property has continued to outperform other asset classes over the past 12 months. See Table 1 below for asset class returns over various periods:
returns ending May 2015 of our six managed portfolios. The returns are
calculated based on gross internal rates of return (IRR's) from actual client data:
Table 1: Asset Class Returns (in N$):
Portfolio Performances: Although markets move in random ways over shorter
periods like a month, they become more predictable given enough time. Table 2 shows the 1-year
Table 2: Portfolio Returns over a 12 Month Period:
S o u rc e s : A c t u a l Client IRR's off Sanport The pull-back by equities in May is evident in the riskier portfolios (Moderate+ and Assertive), whilst bond volatility weighed on the safer portfolios (Conservative+, Cautious, Cautious+). However, all portfolios except for the
Conservative+ have managed to beat their benchmarks despite the current challenging investment climate. Va l u a t i o n s a n d Risks: 路 US An increase in US consumer demand and increased expectations of a rate hike in 2015 by the Fed have added to USD
strength. An increase in interest rates would hurt the bond market and add a burst of volatility into equity markets as well. 路 EU Worries over a default by Greece has not been able to hamper German spirits, as their economy continues to impress. The Eurozone GDP expanded in the first
quarter of 2015 and is continuing in the right direction, assisted by a weaker Euro and more monetary assistance by the European Central Bank. 路 SA Consumer Price Inflation has risen since the start of the year, reflecting increased electricity prices, and incremental increases in
the petrol price. Consumer confidence is relatively low for the economy struggling with power cuts, a restless labour force, xenophobic attacks, etc. For now, Fitch rating agency has kept South Africa on negative watch to see if the outlook worsens. 路 ASIA Japan has received a boost to the economy by the weaker Yen, and the unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level since the 2000's. China's equity performance has taken first place in the global competition.
Both China and Japan continue to receive monetary stimulus from their central banks. In Conclusion: Poor expectations for equity markets for the next three to four months does not necessarily mean that investors should climb out of the market. On the contrary, good buying opportunities are likely to start presenting themselves for patient, long-term investors. However, considering the numerous fundamental risks mentioned in this article, diversification
amongst asset classes as well as geographical regions is advised. Hendrie Scheun, MSc (Financial Economics) (London) is a qualified economist with wide international and local experience. He is a financial adviser at the Namibian coast focussing on savings and investments and can be reached on 081 127 2244. Investment Consultant, Michele Arnold, BCom (Honours in Risk Management) (North-West University) contributed to this article.
Website: www.namibtimes.net
12 JUNE 2015 ESTATE NOTICE Estate no: 814/2015 In the Estate of the late Josef Heinrich Gretenkord, born on 17 June 1928, who died on 20 April 2015, resided at 57 Omeg Street, Vineta, Swakopmund, and who was married out of community of property. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims against or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days as from date of publication of this notice. H E AHRENS, EXECUTRIX c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 SWAKOPMUND (Ref: HEA/AW EST 128/0001-50)
ESTATE NOTICE Estate no: 815/2015 In the Estate of the late Ingeborg Hedwig Therese Gretenkord, born on 27 August 1930, who died on 15 December 2014, resided at 57 Omeg Street, Vineta, Swakopmund, and who was married out of community of property. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims against or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days as from date of publication of this notice. H E AHRENS, EXECUTRIX c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 SWAKOPMUND (Ref: HEA/AW EST 127/0001-50)
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
Get your life back
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at 18:30 at the Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund. Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.
Contact: 081 606 7743
12 JUNE 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Die Worte dieser Woche Keine Kinder?! Und wer soll mal später unsere Renten finanzieren?
Kinder?! Haben wir denn nicht schon genug arbeitslose Jugendliche?!
,,Niemand klagt an ohne den Hintergedanken an Strafe und Rache zu haben - selbst wenn man sein Schicksal, ja sich selber anklagt. Alles Klagen ist An-klagen, alles Sich-Freuen ist Leben: wir mögen das Eine oder das Andere tun, immer machen wir jemanden verantwortlich.” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844 - 1900), deutscher Philosoph, Essayist, Lyriker und Schriftsteller Weg mit der Erbärmlichkeit, die sich wimmernd unter das Unglück schmiegt und, mit dem Schnupftuch in der Hand, dem Schicksal Loblieder singt, daß es nur nicht härter werde. Nur aus dem Athleten, der ringend den Riesen des Jammers umarmt, kann der Riese werden, der zuletzt eine Stirn von Kälte und erhabener Verachtung dem Koloß des Elends entgegenwendet. Karl Christian Ernst Graf von Bentzel-Sternau (1767 - 1849), deutscher Schriftsteller und Herausgeber ,,Jeder hat eine Selbstfolterkammer mit Neid, Eifersucht und Jammer.” Erhard Horst Bellermann (*1937), deutscher Bauingenieur, Dichter und Aphoristiker ,,Ganz Deutschland scheint auf den Buch-Ratgeber zu warten: "Richtig Jammern leicht gemacht!“ Wolfgang J. Reus (1959 - 2006), deutscher Journalist, Satiriker, Aphoristiker und Lyriker
Der Lügendetektor
Einem Arbeitgeber wird ein Lügendetektor-Roboter angeboten. Mit diesem könnte er im Zweifelsfalle kontrollieren, ob seine Mitarbeiter ihn bei Fehlzeiten, bei fehlendem Material oder falschen Abrechnungen belügen. Bevor er den teuren Roboter kauft, möchte er ihn zuvor zuhause testen. Als der Sohn am späten Abend nach Hause kommt, fragt der Vater: ,,Wieso kommst du so spät nach Hause?” - Sohn: ,,Ich war noch in der Schule. Wir haben dort eine Aktionsgruppe gebildet.” Der Lügendetektor-Roboter gibt dem überraschten Sohn eine Ohrfeige.
Murmelt der Sohn: ,,Okey, ich war bei einem Freund. Wir haben uns einen James Bond Film angeguckt.” Der Lügendetektor-Roboter gibt dem Sohn erneut eine Ohrfeige. Der Sohn ruft mit rotem Kopf: ,,Okay, ich habe dort einen Porno-Film angeguckt.” Der Vater empört sich:,,In dei-
nem Alter wusste ich überhaupt nicht, was Porno bedeutet.” Der Roboter gibt dem Vater eine Ohrfeige. Die Mutter lacht laut: ,,Er ist eben dein Sohn!” Der Roboter gibt der Mutter eine Ohrfeige.
Möchten Sie die Dummheit der Menschen bekämpfen? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 081253880; Mail: susann kinghorn @gmail.com
Kranke Frauen! Kranke Männer!
Personenführung ist die Kunst, den Mitarbeiter so schnell über den Tisch zu ziehen, dass er die Reibungshitze als Nestwärme empfindet.
Locker vom Hocker “Afrikaaners is plesierig...
...dit kan julle glo, hulle hou van partytjies en dan maak hulle so...” heißt es in einem der vielen Volkslieder der ,,Boere”, einer Nation, die, wie wir wissen, von den zumeist niederländischen, aber auch deutsch- und französischsprachigen Siedlern abstammen, die sich seit 1652 in der Kolonie der Niederländischen OstindienKompanie (VOC) am Kap der Guten Hoffnung niederließen und heute vor allem in Südafrika und Namibia leben. Wie sehr die Worte aus dem Volkslied der Wahrheit entsprechen, habe ich vergangenen Samstag in Henties Bay erneut erfahren müssen, als unser Trio Feminale bei einer Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung für die Pflegestation auftrat. Etwa 150 Menschen waren im Sportklub zusammengekommen, vorwiegend älteren Semesters und natürlich Nachkommen der ehemaligen Kapholländer - wie es sich für eine Ortschaft gehört, die h u m o r v o l l B o e re Bahamas genannt wird. Schließlich ist Hentiesbaai bis heute eine der beliebtesten Ferienorte des Afrikaanervolkes. Es war auch ein Boer namens Erasmus, der dort an der Quelle im Lauf des Omaruru riviers im Jahre 1920 als Erster sein Camp aufschlug, weshalb der
bescheidenen Anfängen genießen die Afrikaaner ,,ihr” Hentiesbaai zum Angeln und Entspannen als Feriendomizil und heutzutage immer häufiger auch als permanenten Wohnort. Das alles kann man übrigens in einem kleinen, lustigen Heftchen ,Die Geskiedenis van Hentiesbaai’ von Abie van Wyk nachlesen. Zurück zu unserem herzlichen Völkchen der Afrikaaner! Gleich
sisters, tertjies und bolletjies zu biegen scheinen. Die Stimmung im Saal ist so herzlich, dass einem das etwas trostlose Gebäude des Sportklubs kaum mehr auffällt. Ein kleiner Seniorenchor singt mit Inbrunst mehrstimmi-
Kotie van Zyl tritt mit der Henties BayGesangsgruppe in einem lustigen Lied auf, das Carika Keuzenkamp in den 70iger Jahren gesungen hat: ,,Iemand het ‘n lappop op die ashoop weggegooi.” Foto: Susann Kinghorn zur Begrüßung beim ge Lieder wie ,Lustig Sportklub in Henties ist das Zigeunerlewird man an den ben’und ,La Montanagroßen Busen einer ra’. Tannie gedrückt, so- Der Geschichtenerdass einem gleich zähler aus Henties Bay, warm ums Herz wird. Dirk van Schalkwyk, Schaut man über ihre bringt die Zuhörer
Vor etwa einem Jahr eingesandt von Gunter und Ester Sacha
Get your life back
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday and Wednesday at 19:00 at the Indoor Sport Centrum in Swakopmund Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.
Your Coastal contact: 081 233 2525
Die Gesangsgruppe aus Henties Bay. Von links: Gisela Kramer, Retha Strydom, Willem und Marietha van Vuuren, Dollie Els, Aldred Brink, Annebel Visser, Ingrid Puvogel, Martie Cilliers, Solly Strauss und Kota van Zyl. Foto: Stefan Jakobs Platz ursprünglich Erasmus-rus hieß. Zwei Jahre später entdeckte ein Major Henty van der Merwe, nach dem der Ort schließlich neu benannt wurde, das verlassene Camp von Erasmus. Seit den
zum Trost einladenden Schultern, an der sich sicherlich schon so manch einer anlehnen durfte, bleibt der Blick auf den liebevoll dekorierten Tischen haften, die sich vor lauter Leckereien wie Koek-
zwischendurch mit lustigen Zitaten zum Lachen. Ich kann nur bestätigen: Afrikaaners is plesierig! Ihre Susann Kinghorn
12 JUNE 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Kunstschüler der Namib High School zeigen ihr Können
Swakopmund (sk) Vor knapp zwei Wochen wurde die jährlich in der Sporthalle der Namib High School stattfindende Kunstausstellung ,Art of Many Hands’ von Duif Keyser mit zwei Fragen eröffnet: ,,Was sagt man zu einer Ausstellung von jungen Künstlern, die nicht unbedingt Künstler von Beruf werden möchten? Was kann die Kunst einen lehren, außer, wie man zeichnet, malt oder bildhauert?” Die Antworten hatte der junge Bildhauer aus Tsumeb gleich parat: ,,Kunst ist keine Zeitverschwendung, sondern es geht hier um Leben. John Gardner, ein amerikanischer Autor, hat gesagt: ,Das Leben ist die Kunst, ohne Radiergummi zu malen.’ Ich bringe meinen Studenten bei, dass sie die falschen Linien nicht auslöschen können, bevor sie nicht die richtigen Linien gefunden haben. Wie weiss man sonst, ob man denselben Fehler
Zwölfklässlerin Janka Mosig: ,,Zum Thema ,Rhythmen des Lebens’ habe ich dieses junge Mädchen gemalt, das sich i n d e r Wa s s e r schüssel als alte Frau sieht. Altern gehört zum Leben, aber ich kenne viele Menschen, die damit Probleme haben.” Anschließend fügt sie hinzu: ,,Und bitte erwähnen Sie auch, dass Frau Remmert eine ganz tolle Kunstlehrerin ist.”
Die beliebte Kunstlehrkraft Urte Remmert: ,,Ich widme diese Ausstellung meinem Mann Dieses herzzerreißende Bild zum Thema Heinz, der mich in meinem Vorhaben immer ,Tradition’ stammt von Adelheid Asheeke aus der 12. Klasse. ,,Unserer unterstützt hat.” Tradition nach muss die Frau alles tun”, nicht ständig wieder- rig, die wässrigen Re- äußert sich die Kunstschülerin. ,,Und holt. Der Karikaturist geln der Kunstwelt in die Männer schikanieren sie nur.” Der Scott Adams hat ge- einer realistischen, kleine Hoffnungsschimmer in diesem sagt: ,,Kreativität er- starren Welt einzu- Bild des Schmerzes ist die im Töpfchen laubt Fehler. Kunst ist setzen.” Duif Keyser in der Ecke stehende Kerze. das Wissen, welche beendete seine EröffFehler man beibe- nungsrede mit einem hält.” Kunst ist ein Zitat: ,,Ich möchte Wegweiser fürs Leben. euch mit dem folgenWie lebe ich? Wie den Zitat des einzigverwende ich meine artigen Künstlers PabEnergie im Leben. lo Picasso auf eure Kunst wird die Regel Lebensreise schicken: dessen, wie du lebst, ,,Lerne die Regeln, wie liebst, lachst und es sich für einen weinst. Es ist schwie- Professionellen geziemt, und brich die Regeln, wie es sich für einen Künstler geziemt.” Die Kunstausstellung von Schülern der Namib High School ,,Art of Many Hands” ist leider nicht mehr zu besichtigen. Es bleibt nur zu wünschen, dass die Leser dieser Zeilen dazu angeregt werden, diese Ausstellung jedes Jahr zur Eröffnung zu besuchen.
Der Matrikulant Axel Koepp hat den bekannten Ausschnitt aus dem Deckenfresko des Malers Michelangelo Buonarroti in der Sixtinischen Kapelle modernisiert. Bei Michelangelo ist es Gott, der Adam erschafft. Hier hat die bekannte Persönlichkeit der Computerindustrie, Steve Jobs, die Rolle von Gott übernommen, und seine Kreation ist ein Roboter. Die gestellte Aufgabe verlangte, dass man das Original-Kunstwerk noch gut erkennen kann, und das hat der Kunstschüler durchaus realisiert.
Der beim COSDEF-Kunstzentrum tätige Bildhauer Duif Keyser: ,,Kunst ist ein Wegweiser fürs Leben: Wie lebe ich? Wie verwende ich meine Energie im Leben?”
Axel Koepp
Die Zwölfklässlerin Kady Bernstein hat Michelangelos David modernisiert: ,,Die Skulptur wird ohne Tiefe von allen Seiten hastig in Handy und Netz eingefangen”, meint die Schülerin. ,,David hält eine Maske in der Form eines Spiegels in der Hand. Der aus Facebook, Twitter und Instagram bestehende Spiegel verzerrt die Realität.”
Adelheid Asheeke
Die Achtklässlerin Nicole Philander vor ihrem Lieblingsbild bei der Ausstellung: ein buntes Stillleben mit Obst. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction Day-Care Centre ON ERF: 6178 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Fisant Street No.41. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Day Care Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 26 June 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Promise Land Trust, P. O Box 4022, Walvis Bay
12 JUNE 2015
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution accounts
(FIRST and FINAL, unless otherwise stated) the estates specified below will lie open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or longer if specially stated) from the date specified from the date of publication hereof, whichever
may be the latest at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the Executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts.
Estate No: I 717/2008 Master ’s Office Windhoek. Surname: Smith Christiaan Names: Jeanette Juliet Id no: 46110800228 Last address: Cnr of Peter Mushihange and Alex Forbes Road No.66, Walvis Bay, Republic of Nami-
bia. Magistrate’s Office: Walvis Bay M a s t e r ’s O ff i c e : Windhoek Dated at 28 May 2015 FOUCHEVANVUUREN LEGAL PRACTITIONER P O Box 2549 Walvis Bay
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
Live To Ride MCC, Walvis Bay donates to J.P. Brand School at Utuseb - Rooibank area
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
12 JUNE 2015
Classifieds NAMIB TIMES
12 JUNE 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Ha n 21deli :14 ng e
Ons nooi u hartlik uit na die Grafsteenonthulling, Saterdag, 13 Junie 2015 om 07h00 by die Tamariskia begrafplaas. Navrae: Elsabé - 081 455 3870
NOTICES BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP CENTRE SWAKOPMUND: COME AND ENJOY!!! The Worship, The Fellowship, The Embrace, The Word, The Prayers, The Love and His Presence. Venue: opposite Fruits & Veg Complex (Spar raod) by Reliance Motors / Commercial Marine Swakopmund. Time: 08h30am Contact: 081 236 9028 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759 Join us this Sunday. “Jesus is Lord”
AANDAG: Benodig u die dienste van ‘n Plumber en die seël van dakke, teen bekostigbare pryse. John: 081 794 7214
HERCON PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT For all your construction & renovations needs We do: Roof seal, Construction Additions, Painting Tiling,Paving and much more Contact us for a free quotation Johan 081 445 7444 Email: herconprop@gmail.com
RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE We offer: Construction Painting Paving Slasto Lapas Plumbing Tiling Electrical and all types of roof structures Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 744 7457
Chief Antonio Phiri: From Milanje Islant (Malawi). Very powerful, see results same day. Bring back lost lovers. Business attractions (Chinyambata). Revenge evil spirits (tokoloshi body and homes). Manhood enlargements and empowerment in bed. Multiplicaiton of livestock to have triplets. Court cases, promotion at work, bad luck, body protection from witch craft, financial problems (magic stick), binding homes, kraals, shops, cars from thieves. Unfinished jobs, done without pay. Women problems, womb, discharge , periods. Pregnancy problems, swollen legs, BP, cancer, asthma, pneumonia, sugar, diabetes. NB Consultation fee is free. Contact 0818433509
EXTRA CLASSES!! High School Accounting and Maths GET THAT HEAD START RESULTS DON’T LIE PROUDLY NAMIBIAN Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail.com
COURSES NAHOTA HOTEL SCHOOL: Receptionist Waiters / waitress Cleaner Chef / Cook Events Decor Full Basic Computer Walvis Bay & Swakopmund NAMSOV - Kuisebmond Morning or evening class open Register anytime & start Sms Your Name, The Course and Town. Contact: 081 462 8224 085 553 1910
JUSTINE Groot Specials in Junie Katalogus Ekstra Specials 30% afslag op alle parfuume en produte nie op special nie. Boekie by J+J Cash Loans Dolphin Shoppe Lagoon Chalets Restaurant Swakopmunders ek is elke Dinsdag n Swakolp. Skakel vir ‘n boekie en bestelling. Aflewering maand eind. ALLE VOORRAAD MOET GAAN
DAY CARE WVB Affordable and reliable day care available for full and half day. Contact Sonja: 081 127 8966
S BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CC We specialise in the following * Painting * Building * Interlocks * Roof repair * Electrical * Extension * Plumbing * Gardening Contact: 081 624 5801 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CONSULTANCY SERVICES We do: Company registrations (cc, pty, trust, etc) Company profiles Business plans Feasibility studies & project proposals Marketing (promotions, banners, flyers etc) Bookkeeping (management accounts financial statements etc) Tax registrations & management Staff training (customer car, computer skills, basic accounting) Tender document filing SME loan applications (DBN, SME bank etc) Let our qualified team help you grow your business. Contact: 081 144 2738 064 207 897 Business Solution Trading CC 108 5th Street Walvis Bay Namibia Contact : 081 8532 464 Business plans, Feasibility and Marketing studies, project performance assessment, strategic and marketing planning, organizational growth and strategies, career guidance, company registration, clearing and forwarding, SME mentor ship, Company logos, assignment at all levels of study (certificate, diploma, degree, and masters), loan application procedures and website design.
CLASSES POPEYES DAY CARE AND EXTRA HOMEWORK CLASSES IN WALVIS BAY We offer day care full day and half day. We offer extra homework classes. Monday to Thursday. We also offer night time baby sitting, Please feel free to phone for more information. Charmaine: 081 341 3833
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Liquidation Auction Wed 17 June 2015 11h00 Green Valley str, Opposite Pirtek Industrial area Walvis Bay 357 X pallets cement bricks (Super & Standard size) Everything must go! Open for Viewing
Contact Auctioneers
0811434368 064220387
Handyman in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, elekrisiteit For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 081 682 6126 JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL: We are now halfway into the year!!! JOSEBING DRIVING SCHOOL is here to assist you to get your licence in no time. Contact: 081 237 6355
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR - PHIRI: Powerful doctor with spiritual powers. helps with witchcraft problems, helps remove evils, tokolosh. Helps diseases. Pregnancy problems. Brings back your lost lovers, Marriages, Court cases, Penis enlargement, Business booster, Customer attraction, protection of property. revenge and send back the witches to the owners. Call Dr Phiri: 081 716 4758
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS In Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: D a i l y / We e k l y / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleanin g.com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision
DR EL Kareem Traditional healer who will solve your problems which you had been experienced for such a long time physical and spiritual by using traditional African medicine and ritual prayers and free yourself from witchcraft Contact: 081 661 6732
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia on facebook Website: www.namibiavapes.com The most effective STOP SMOKING device on earth (PROOFED). We stock a wide variety of Flavor Bursting E-Liquids for all vaporizers and spares for almost every type. Our products are from the most well know manufacturers. Affordable for everybody. Take a look at our website namibiavapes.com on facebook Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia Visit Largo Video in Walvis Bay Tel: 064 205525 Cell: 081 407 5773 Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call Lida Coastal Hygiene for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
TOP DRY CLEANING SERVICES Services we provide: Cleaning of houses inside/out newly build etc. Contract work, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, upholstery, curtains, blinds & mattress cleaning, car valets, stripping, painting & sealing of floors, refuse bin cleaning & laundry services. Please contact or Email: Chene de Vos 0813643875 (accounts@topdrynam.c om)
SERVICES DR BANDA Powerful Traditional Doctor withna Difference: Court cases - complete matters Luck charms - Win gambling Lost lovers in days Rats, Short boys, Sendawana Catch thieves - Protection Remove witchcraft revenge Pregnancies - Business matters Both Swakopmund and Walvis bay only on request. Contact: 081 331 8007 DR DUH-AZIZI Now in Swakopmund Expert in African Traditional Medicine and Healing: Are you tired in a relationship and want to get married? Is the support weak? Do you want to keep a lover to yourself and no sharing? Ever wonder why others progress and your are struggling with no success? Are you troubled at night, no sleep, things move in the house or on your body? you have unfinished job? Turn to DR DUH-AZIZI for all lost lovers, luck, removal of demons and tokolosh. Contact: 081 344 8959
L & F CLARKE INVESTMENT CC 201408587: * For all your building and renovation needs. * Garage cleaning services. * Wooden gates. Contact Leon: 081 128 6397 081 149 6407 ALBY'S EASY SHUTTLE CC: Whk na Swk/W/bay N$200,00 W/bay/Swk na Whk N$200,00 Vertrek vanaf Whk 7h00 Vertrek vanaf W/bay 14h00 Besprekings @ 0811299811 (whatsApp/sms) albyeasy12@gmail.com KAMO WELDING AND FAB CC We do: *Welding and metal fabricating *Burglar bars *Security gates or sliding gates *Roofing *Trailer build and repair *Fencing *Painting Contact us for all your welding and metal works needs 081 034 5484 Find us on facebook: Kamo Welding and Fabricating
DR LULE Is challenging everyone who has been trying to get help but without success. Spiritual healer using ancestors powers to show Solves bad luck, financial problems, body pains, lost lovers, marriage problems, infertility, enlargements, weak erections, get loans quickly, debt cancellation, bad dreams, protection from jealousy, lucky charms, win tenders, gambling, addictions, business boosting and all forms of sickness. There is always a second chance! 100 % guaranteed results. Contact: 081 273 5194 Walvis Bay Eyelash specials, incredible prices with your pack you only pay N$80,with our pack only N$130. Please call and make your bookings in advance. Services available in Swakopmund and Walvis bay only. Contact: 0815621617
12 JUNE 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..
TO HIRE: Tents, Chairs and Tables for hire. Outside Swakopmund??? We can make special arrangements. Containers also for hire. Contact: 081 323 9402
2GETHER CONSTRUCTION CC t/a A. Nghiyavala Trading Enterprises CC, REG No. CC/2012/95 We do the following: Bricklaying ( Building Construction) Plumbing work Ceiling work Tiling work Tiling work & interlocking Painting work Carpentry (BIC) Contact: 081 148 9348 081 280 6249
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick
Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.
We Can Sew It!!!Attention all Lodges, Restaurants, Caterers, B&B's and General Public !Table Cloths !Overlays !Runners !Placemates !Curtains !Napkins Alterations Embroidery: Names on clothing and overalls; Towels; Nappies (SpoegDoek). . . Contact: Nela 081 245 9116
PROPERTIES TO RENT NEAT MODERN FAMILY HOME IN SWAKOPMUND! A neat 3 Bedroom Family Home with 3 en-suite Bathrooms, open plan Kitchen with beautiful built in cupboards, stove and oven. Scullery. Dining Room. Lounge. Indoor Braai for entertainment with family. Guest Toilet. Outside. Double Garage. Pet and child friendly. Water, Electricity and Alarm services are excluded. N$11,000 p/m Contact: 081 423 2985 (Martha) or 0812406686 (Paul) EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES To Let - Walvis Bay Hermes - 2 bedroom flat, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, water incl, pre paid electricity N$ 5 000.00 p/m Meersig - 1 bedroom flat, kitchen, lounge, stove, washing machine, toilet, garage W/E incl. N$ 4 000.00 Long Beach - 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, tanderm garage N$ 6 500.00 p/m (neg) FOR SALE Bachelor flat close to the lagoon N$ 600 000.00 Emma: 081 122 8067 BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop: Backyard bachelor flat. BIC. N$3300, water included, prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 295 5914 To Rent – small office in centre of town ( Walvis Bay) to rent Available 1st of June 2015 Contact: 064-204745 / 0813420000
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TE HUUR Beskikbaar 30 Junie, Bachelor flat in Walvisbaai Alarm, koopkrag. water in gesluit met garage. N$ 3 380.00 p/m Deposit van N$ 3 380.00 Kontak Nr 081 712 9603
TO RENT: Kabeljou Street, Harder Cresent One bedroom flat with own shower and toilet available, for rent ASAP. N$ 1 400.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 243 9609 081 124 1188
To let in Swakopmund Ocean view. Spacious 3 bedroom (all with BIC), 2 bathroom house with very big double garage AND a 2 bedroom (all with BIC), 1 bathroom flat, single garage with separate entrance. N$13000 per month, deposit of N$13000 required, excl water and electricity.
TO RENT: Open plan bedroom flat with an open plan kitchen to rent in Narraville W/E incl. N$ 2 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 258 2746
TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Ocean View – Eureka flat 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and a garage for N$6000.00 water & electricity excluded. Tamariskia 6 bedrooms house, two bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room and dining room with a tandem garage for N$9200.000 water and electricity excluded. Mondesa 2 Bedroom house, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen and a garage for N$4800 water included and electricity excluded. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.co m Website: tukaproperties.com
TO RENT: New NHE, Kuisebmond Bachelor flats, big rooms, contains small kitchen and toilet and shower with hot water. Pre paid electricity. N$ 2 500.00 N$ 1 700.00 deposit Water incl. Contact: 081 480 1120 081 427 1954 TO RENT: Fairways Estate, Walvis Bay 1 bedroom, bathroom Open plan kitchen with stove. 1 garage. N$ 4 100.00 p/m + deposit W/E excl. Contact: 081 242 9604 TO RENT: Bachelor flat, Narraville NHE House No 5481, Walvis Bay And an inside room for N$ 1 500.00 p/m Preferable no kids Water included. Pre paid electricity Available as soon as possible Contact: 081 207 7464 To Rent: In Ocean view (Swakopmund) 1 Bedroom flat available from the 01 July 2015 it Includes: Open Plan Kitchen , built in oven , built in cupboards , an alarm system as well as a garage Amount- N$4 000.00 per month + N$ 2 000.00 (Deposit) Preferably -(Single person / Couple with no kids/ pets Contact detail: 081 287 7547 / 081 444 2009 TO RENT: Fairways 1x2 bedroom flat with build in cupboards 2x bathrooms Open plan kitchen to lounge, built in stove Garage, alar system W/E incl. N$ 7 500.00 p/m Available July Contact: 081 147 7626 FAIRWAYS One bedroom flat Built in cupboards W/E incl with alarm system. No garage Available immediately. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Contact: 08 147 7626 TO RENT: Bachelor flat available anytime, Walvis Bay. Own shower/toilet. Fully furnished kitchen. N$ 2 300.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Water incl. New NHE houses, Kabeljou, Kuisebmond Contact: 081 791 5570
TO RENT: Narraville, Palm Str. Bachelor flat, 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen Water included. Suitable for one or two persons only. N$ 2 800.00 p/m + deposit. Available 1 July Contact: 081 250 7641 081 247 6112 BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT: NO GARAGE. Available immediately, situated near Duneside High school & CBD. W & E incl. N$3500.00 p/m. CONTACT NO AFTER 5H00/17H00 OR SMS081 122 0727 1X BEDROOM FLAT TO RENT: NO GARAGE. ST Available 1 August 2015, situated near Duneside High school & CBD W & E included @ N$4000.00 p/m. CONTACT NO AFTER 5H00/17H00 OR SMS081 122 0727 3x BEDROOM HOUSE TO RENT: Available 1ST July 2015, situated near Duneside High school & CBD W & E included @ N$10'000.00 p/m. CONTACT NO AFTER 5H00/17H00 OR SMS081 122 0727 TO RENT: MEERSIG 2 bedroom apartment, bathroom, open plan kitchen with lounge, BIC incl. stove, indoor braai, garage, alarm. Prepaid electricity, water included. Deposit payable. N$6000 p/m. Available from 1 July 2015 Contact: 081 293 6073 / 081 149 0144 TO RENT: Bachelors Flat with garage. Open plan kitchen in Venita N$3300 plus deposit , water & electricity included Available 15 June 2015 Contact details: 0812587126 or 064-461025 A bachelor flat to rent in kuiseb namport A huge bedroom with Open plan kitchen Very neat and safe. For viewing call 0812440044
Also to let separately house N$8500 and flat N$6000. House available from 1 August 2015 and flat immediately. No agents. No commission. Contact: Christa 0812596206 or Nelise 0811493461 TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop: 2 Bedroom flat. N$4200.00/month. Water included, prepaid electricity. Available from 1st July 2015 Contact: 081 223 5111 MALAKIA PROPERTIES TO LET TAMARISKIA 2bedrooms, 1bathroom Kitchen and Garage N$3800.00 W/ Incl MAHETAGO 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms Kitchen and Lounge, Alarm system N$5200.00 W/L Excl Avble 1 July 2015 MONDESA 3bedrooms, 1bathrooms Kitchen , Lounge Boundary wall And Garage N$6650.00 W/L Excl Avble 1 July 2015 All Deposit –required Malakia 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah oo.com TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop Sinden Ave: Bachelor flat with seperate kitchen + bathroom. N$3500.00 W/L Incl Marcell: 085 122 2429 Dorothy: 081 285 3431 TE HUUR Walvisbaai: Kamer aan enkellopende persoon. Water en ligte ingesluit. Geen plek vir motor nie. Huur en deposito vooruitbetaalbaar. Huur N$1600.00 en deposito N$600.00 Skakel: 081 351 3225 TO RENT Oletweni - Swakop: 1 bedroom flat, bathroom, kitchen with BIC and mini lounge. N$3000.00. No pets, preferably for a person with sober habits. Contact: 081 673 2664
TE HUUR: WVB THE DOCKS STERN 2 Ruim moderne veilige kompleks 3 slpkamer, 2 badkamers + 1 gaste toilet. Oop kombuis, sitkamer, eetkamer. BAIE KASTE + matte. Binnebraai afgeskort met glas, binnetuin. 1 garage + 1 tanderm Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus N$ 7 250.00 p/m Deposito betaalbaar oor 2 maande W/E ingsl. Streng keurig Skakel Hannah: 081 124 2151 TO LET VOGELSTRANDT Cute one bedroom flat with, lounge, kitchenette, Bathroom, garage, prepaid elect rental : N$4200.00 pm OCEAN VIEW Three bedroom house, inside braai, two bath/r, alarm, two garages, pet friendly. N$11000.00 pm VINETA warm, cosy, fully furnished, two bedroom flat, one garage with full security and pet friendly. N$6300.00 Jp van der Walt Capricorn Estates: 081 127 2736 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, 7th Road near Indongo Toyota 2x bedroom, kitchen with BIC Bathroom with shower 1x garage N$ 5 500.00 p/m N$ 5 500.00 deposit W/E incl. Available immediately. Contact: 081 247 2717 TE HUUR: Narraville Twee slaapkamer woonstel Aalwyn straat met motorhuis N$ 4 500.00p/m vooruitbetaalbaar + deposito. Kontak: 081 452 6408 TO Rent: Walvis Bay, Hermes, Edelweiss Heights 2 bedroom apartment with communal under roof parking. Prepaid electricity, water excluded. Immediately available. N$ 4 500.00 p/m (Brand new and private) Contact: 081 125 5288 To Rent – small office in centre of town ( Walvis Bay) to rent Available 1st of June 2015 Contact: 064-204745 / 0813420000
COASTAL ESTATES To let Swakopmund: Ocean view 4 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms, 2 garages N$16 000.00 Vineta: 3 Bedroom house plus furnished 1 bedroom flat N$13 000.00 Call: Jan: 081 270 8005 Hannes: 081 149 8777 Irma: 081 368 4469 TO RENT Walvis - Central Town: 1 Bedroom flat, living room, open plan kitchen and bathroom. Rent N$3500 + deposit N$2000.00 payable in 4 installments. W/L Incl. Available 15/06/2015 - 1 year contract. Contact 252 9876 HOUSE FOR RENT Tamariskia - Swakop; 3 Bedrooms, 1 ½ bathrooms. BIC. No garage. N$8500.00, deposit negotiable. Available immediately. Contact: 081 320 2007 081 248 9044 HOUSE FOR SALE Arandis: One (1) x 4 bedroom house now available to buy. It has a kitchen and big sitting room. The house is neatly tiled and has a geyser. Total size of the yard is 517m² and has enough space to extend. Do not miss this opportunity. Selling price N$360 000.00 Contact: 081 360 7641 TO RENT: Walvis - Hermes 3bed, 2bathr, lounge, dinning room, kitchen, indoor braai. Garage park 4 cars NS11500-00 p.m+ Deposito W/E incl Contact : 0812561560
12 JUNE 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Swakopmund To Let Seagull Haven Double Storey Townhouse 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen Dining room, Living room inside braai, Guest toilet Single garage N$ 7500.00 excl water, prepaid 1 July 2015 Brückencourt CBD Ground floor townhouse Private entrance, 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Living & dining room, Kitchen open plan, Outside entertainment area, Inside braai, Private courtyard, Double Remote Garage N$ 8500.00 excl water, prepaid NO DOGS 1 July 2015 Myl 4 Silver Sands First Floor, 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen open plan Living room, Enclosed balcony, Inside Braai Single remote garage N$ 5000.00 excl water, prepaid NO PETS Ocean View House Delphinium, 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen open plan Dining area, Living room Inside and outside braai Outside WC N$ 12 000.00 excl w&L 1 July 15 Longbeach To Rent Seafront house BEST OF THE BEST 4 Bedr, 4 Bathr, Entertainment area, Inside braai, 2 x living room, Gorgeous kitchen, Scullery, 3 Garages. Right on the Sea! N$ 16500.00 excl water & lights 1 July 2015 Praia Longa 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen, open plan living, inside braai, 1 remote garage, 1st floor N$ 5500.00 excl water, prepaid Dolphin View FULLY FURNISHED 3 Bedr, 2 Batht, Kitchen open plan, Living room Balcony, outside braai Third Floor. Endless views over the ocean. Double volume ceilings. N$ 11000.00 excl water and lights 1 July 15 Contact : Ansu 081 242 9198 or 413400 or email rent.acp@gmail.com
Flat to Rent in Hermis Walvisbay. Bachelor flat for a single person, with small living and kitchen area. 1 Bedroom with bathroom. No garage. Private entrance with small courtyard. Walking distance from Welwitchia Hospital. W/E included. Immediately available. N$2800 pm + N$2000 deposit. Contact: 081 207 7651
To let House in Oceanview 3 Bedrooms 2 ½ Bathrooms Open-plan kitchen and living area. Small courtyard. Double Garage Rent N$ 7 000 per month, excluding water and electricity To let as from August Seafront groundfloor flat 2 Bedrooms 1 ½ Bathrooms Open-plan kitchen and living area. Double Garage Rent N$ 7 000 per month, excluding water and electricity. To let Office in centre of town 40sqm with 40sqm garage Rent N$ 5 000 per month, excluding water and electricity Contact Namib Estates: Tel 404267
Zu vermieten In meinem sicheren, doppelstöckigen Haus, Fischeiher 53, Vineta, Strandnähe, ist die ebenerdige Zweischlafzimerwohnu ng mit angeschlossener Garage langzeitig zu mieten Bitte keine kleinen Kinder. Kleiner Hund möglich N$4000.00 Licht und Wasser eingeschlossen. Tel: 064 461 274 081 270 9502 TO RENT: A fully furnished one bedroom flat to let in Tamariskia. Preferable matured people. Wat & Elec. Included. 50% deposit. T's & C's apply. Available 1June 2015! Contact number: 064 461454 081230 4966 0811473020
TO LET SWAKOP LONG BEACH FULLY FURNISHED Lovely 3 Bedrooms,2 Bathrooms, Open Living Area, Double Garage N$ 8 800.00 LOCK UP & GO FURNISHED 2 Bed, 2 Bath S/Garage, very secure complex. N$ 8 500.00 Ocean View Family perfect Huge 4 bed house, pet friendly own yard Doulbe Garage N$ 15 000.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za
PROPERTIES FOR SALE SWAKOPMUND BRAND NEW!!! Sunny 3 bed, 3 bath, open Plan with built-in BBQ, 3 garages, Stunning sea view! Near private school. N$ 2 050 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 ARANDIS NEW - PLOT & PLAN 7 X Different house types Each on own erf House size between 98m² to 158m². FROM N$ 604 500-00 TO N$ 850 600-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND – MONDESA PERFECT INVESTMENT! 3 Bed, 2 bath, kitchen Lounch and garage PLUS 3 x bachelor flats. N$ 1 370 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 HENTIES BAY SELLING BELOW VALUATION!!! Huge 3 bed house, 2 bath, In & outside BBQ, Double garage PLUS 2 bed flat with 2 garages. 793m² Erf N$ 1 350 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND OLD WORLD CHARM Very spacious 2 bed house, 2 bath, open plan kitchen/living, Double garage, 3 X outside rooms, PLUS independent 2 bed Flat with garage. N$ 3 740 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 PRIVATE SALE: Erf in Tamariskia Ext. 3 plus approved plans Contact: 081 270 7865 HOUSE FOR SALE (Plot and Plan) House in CC Big 3 bedroom, 3 bathrooms, 3 garages, scullery. Drawing on request. House 235m² Erf 6059 Ext 19 600m² Swakopmund - adjacent to mile 4. Price N$1 900 000 (neg) Contact owner: 081 127 6049 FOR SALE Henties Bay - Omdel: 2 Bedroom house for sale. Erf 1160 413m² Contact: 081 497 3068 081 665 0110
PROPERTIES FOR SALE Fine & Country Coastal Contact: Hannelie @ 081 124 2292 Glenda @ 081 147 5143 Merle @ 081 726 1990 Office: 064 221 417 FOR SALE Walvis Bay – Central – Close to all amenities 3 Bedroom House 2 Bathrooms (Showers only) Double Garage Erf 348 m² N$ 1,180,000 Walvis Bay – Close to Duneside 3 Bedroom Family Home BIC. Separate Shower / Bathroom Open Plan Kitchen / Lounge Indoor / Outdoor braai Double Garage (parks 3 cars) Lovely & well maintained garden Ample space for future development Erf 1025 m² N$ 1,720,000 Walvis Bay – Close to Duneside Spacious 3 Bedroom Hous. 1 Bathroom Open plan Kitchen / Entertainment Area Indoor Braai Lounge with indoor fire place. Double Garage Erf 654 m² N$ 1,550,000 Walvis Bay – Hermis Spacious Family Home 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathroom Double Garages Erf 910 m² N$ 1,550,000 Walvis Bay – Fairway Modern Family Home 3 Bedrooms all with BIC 2 Bathrooms Open Plan Kitchen (fitted) / Lounge with indoor braai Double Garages N$ 1,730,000 Long Beach Ext 1 (Great Investment) 2 Bedroom Unit 2 Bathrooms Double Garage N$ 1,350,000 (Current Rental agreement in place) Dolphin Beach Huge Spanish Styled House 4 Bedrooms all with ensuite. Gourmet Kitchen Cigar Lounge Double Garages N$ 5,3 Mil Dolphin Beach: Modern & Spacious 3 Bedroom Town House 2 Bathrooms / Guest Toilet Open Plan Kitchen (Fitted) / Lounge with Indoor Braai Double Garage N$ 2,3 Mil Kuisebmond Business Plot for Sale 1978 m² N$ 2,1 Mil Narraville – Give away 4 Bedroom House 3 Bathrooms Open plan kitchen / Lounge N$ 1,050,000 Swakopmund: Kramersdorf New Development Only 3 Units Left POR Swakopmund Rare Find Close to Cottage Hospital Penthouse For Sale N$ 2,7 (costs inclusive) TO LET: Walvis Bay - CBD Office/ Retail / Showroom 240 m² N$ 26,000 Offices Walvis Bay N$ 25,000 (inclusive of furniture) N$ 20,000 (exclusive of furniture) Offices - Walvis Bay N$ 15,000 Walvis Bay 3 Bedroom House, 1 Bathroom 3 Garages Huge Erf N$ 11,000
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
2 Bedroom single storey townhouse Saturday 13 JUNE 2015 14.00 – 17.00 Excellently priced at N$ 1 500 000,00 LOW TRANSFER COSTS DIANA – 081 748 0001
NEW DEVELOPMENT MONDESA! IMBA VILLAGE Phase 1 selling now! 2 Bed, 1 Bath 62.2m² unit with open plan & garage N$ 668 900.00 VINOTHAN: 0811289388 IYANDA COURT – ARANDIS PHASE ONE SOLD OUT! 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN/LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. N$ 445 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 Vinothan 0811289388 MALAKIA PROPERTIES SALE Olwetweeni (Swakopmund) Good Investment: 2bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, Lounge Garage Plus: 4 bachelor flats Generate monthly income N$ 14 200.00 N$1.3mil 4bedrooms, 2bathroom, kitchen, Lounge Garage Plus: 2 bachelor flats N$1.4mil MONDESA 2bedrooms, 1bathroom, kitchen and Lounge N$650 000.00 2bedrooms, 2bathroom, kitchen, Lounge Garage and boundary wall N$750 000.00 Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com
PROPERTIES FOR SALE Walvis Bay Weighbridge SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Prime Warehouses for sale! Ranging from 165 – 412m² Selling from N$ 1 492 500-00 Don't hesitate! Call Now! Claudia 081 605 1984 Walvis Bay Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 905 000-00 each! Claudia 0816051984 SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE JANNA'S COURT WALVIS BAY Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge, Sitting room & kitchen. Not to be missed – only 2 left!! N$ 1 620 000-00 Claudia 0816051984 P.A.M TREE VILLAS WALVIS BAY SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 205 Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre On the road to Swakopmund. Choose your own design & plot! Selling from N$ 615 000-00. Claudia 0816051984 COASTAL ESTATES To let Swakopmund: Spacious Warehouse 239m² Workshop, Mezzanine floor, 2 offices, 2 toilets, kitchenette N$1 695 000.00 CC registered. Call: Jan: 081 270 8005 Hannes: 081 149 8777 Irma: 081 368 4469
Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are selling, buying or renting! Give us a call! Ongwediva 065 238 342 / 0812792525 Swakopmund 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 Walvis Bay 064 212 440 / 081 605 1984
PROPERTIES FOR SALE TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Mile 4 – 4- Shores · 3 Bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen BIC bathroom, one extra toilet, alarm system and garage for N$ 1.3 mil Mile 4 · 3 Bedrooms Apartment, 2 ½ Bathrooms, Open Plan Kitchen, Store room, Braai Area Single Garage & small court yard for N$1.21 mil Hage Heights · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room and small study room, 4 garages and 1- self containing bedroom with exterior access. N$ 3.3 mil Vineta · Various 3 Bedrooms houses, Kitchen, living and dining room with garages available from N$ 1, 355 000.00 to N$1,605 000.00 Vineta · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, living / dining room, Single garage and 1 bedroom flat for N$1.75 mil Vineta · 6 bedrooms house, sitting/lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, laundry room, 1 full bathroom, 2 shower & toilet, entertainment area, 3 garages. A 2 bedrooms flat, with open plan lounge/kitchen, bathroom. House is fitted with alarm system and solar panels, solar geyser and extra solar lights. N$2.7 mil Tamariskia - Cottage village · 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, build in cupboards, open plan kitchen with 1 garage. N$850 000.00 Long Beach · 2 Bedrooms flat, 2 Bathrooms, open plan kitchen, indoor bay & garage for N$ 1 mil (all furniture included) Windhoek – Khomasdal · 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dinning , kitchen, living room, double garage and lappa with boundary wall and electric fence with extra outside toilet for N$ 2.3 mil Walvis Bay – Industrial area · 3000 m² plot for sale for N$4 mil Plot – Ocean view · 875 m² plot sale for N$750 000.00 If you are having properties to sell, Contact us at Tuka Properties. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.co m
12 JUNE 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED: I am a single man looking for a single flat to rent in Swakopmund, Vineta, Tamariskia, Ocean View, Town or Kramersdorf, for N$2000.00/month. I am working shifts. Contact: 081 214 9329
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
FOR SALE FAIRWAY ESTATE SOLE MANDATE Cosy 2 bedr duplex apartment in upmarket complex, 1 full bathr, open plan living area, inter leading single garage with laundry. Just move in! N$1 080 000 FAIRWAY ESTATE Bargain! Modern 3 bedr family home with 1 bathr, lovely open plan living, fitted kitchen, BBQ and single garage. N$1 380 000
Joey 081 129 3293
TE KOOP: Praya Longa 4 Langstrand Veilige kompleks 2 groot sitkamer met en suite b/k ingeboude kaste. Ruim 1 moderne kombuis, oopplan sitkamer en eetkamer. Garage. Binnebraai. Balkon met uitsig oor see. Ten volle gemeubileerd, beddegoed, blinds Bring net jou tas N$ 1 250 000.00 Hannah: 081 124 2151 TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE Walvis bay - Davo Flats: 2 Bedroom house, all rooms with BIC, bathroom, kitchen with stove and BIC. Lounge and garage. N$950 000.00 Contact: 081 673 2664
Bargain! 3 bedroom brick house with knotty pine interior, dining, bathroom, kitchen and indoor braai with shower and toilet, single garage. 2 bedroom flat (newly built), open plan kitchen, spacious indoor braai, garage, shower and toilet. Stand 980 sq meter. A lot of furniture included.
N$ 875 000 Contact: 0813042572, 0812377699
Walvis Bay
Want to Buy or Sell Property contact your coastal Agents
Ruth 081 240 7350 Jackie 081 246 3590 Karien 081 250 4690
FALCON REAL ESTATES: AFRODITE BEACH & DOLHIN BEACH / ECO VILLAGE · Various erven and houses for sale. LANGSTRAND · Newly built properties ranging from N$ 1 950 000 to N$ 2.9 million SWAKOPMUND · Tamariskia Ext. 3. Plot & plans with spectacular view of Swakopmund on huge erven ranging from 800 to 1000 sqm priced @ N$ 900 000 to N$ 1.3 million · Oceanview. Various erven of 1000 sqm prices starting @ N$ 700 000. Shamelle : 081 4788 499 Neville : 081 250 4808 Email: falconrei@iway.na
WALVIS BAY LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Joey 0812780518
TE KOOP IN ARANDIS: 4 slaap kamer huis, sitkamer, eetkamer, badkamer en kombuis. Garage met groot erf. N$450,000. Eienaar: 081 270 4087
SELLING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with buyers. No agent commissions. RENTING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with tenants. No agent commissions. Contact: 081 673 2664
ERWE TE KOOP GEVRA IN SWAKOPMUND Kontak Koper: 081 127 6049 WANTED TO RENT: Private 2 bedroom flat + garage. W/L incl. Contact Niek: 081 122 0564 WANTED: Looking for a house to buy in Kuisebmond. ± N$ 100 000.00 CASH Container house please Contact: 081 384 5614 081 598 0050
WANTED CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. ZIMINA CARPENTRY & FORMWORKS: We are urgently looking for a Private Accountant for my business. Cell: 081 355 7752 Email: zimina@mtc.blackberry .com CASH FOR GOLD We buy Gold & Silver Jewelery and Coins even if it's broken. We also Buy Diamonds. We operate in Swakop, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis, Uis and Omaruru. Contact us at: 081 344 3794 / 081 315 9178 We are available 24/7
CARS FOR SALE: 2013 Jeep Compass Limited Edition with only 33,000km Perfect Family car, Balance Service/Maintenance plan, extra's Only N$ 269,000 Call 081 223 0909 FOR SALE: 2014 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D 4x4 10 000.00 km N$ 460 000.00 Colour: Sky Gold 081 149 7331 FOR SALE: Mitsubishi Triton Double Cap 3.2 Diesel 60 000 km 4x4 N$ 290 000.00 Contact: 081 230 3343 FOR SALE: Jetta 4 2002 Model Grey in colour. Contact: 081 360 3319 FOR SALE: Isuzu, 2006 Model with trellis N$68 000. Jeep, 2004 Model 4x4 3.7 V6. Automatic N$90 000 Mahindra Double cab 2x2 2.6 Diesel with Bull bar and Roll bar N$37 000 Venter Trailer for sale. White in colour. N$7500.00 Kia Rio Sedan, 2004 Model. Broken engine (Body Only) N$6500.00 Hyundai Elentra, 2001 Model. 1.6. No engine (Body only) N$5500.00 TYRES Hole set size 195-65 R 16 with rims N$4500.00 Size 195-65 R 16 with rims N$5000.00 DUNLOP Size 195-65 R 16 new N$5000.00 DUNLOP SPARE PARTS: Gearbox N$6500.00 Isuzu 2.6 petrol 4x4 engine N$9000.00 Isuzu 2.5 Diesel Dif N$6500.00 ALL PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE Contact: 081 258 5780 081 578 9989 064 406 737 FOR SALE: VW 2009 Citirox 1.4 Very good condition Full service history, Only 61 000 km N$ 65 000.00 Contact: 081 370 3905 FOR SALE: 2007 Toyota Quantum 2.7 VVTI Petrol 380 000 km on the clock. Very good condition. 12 seater N$ 145 000.00 Contact owner: 081 737 2570
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
ADULT TOYS AND EROTICS: Naughty Gifts, Quality Lubricants. Passage shrinkers for woman. Effective affordable erection tablets for men. The real McCoys, NOT FAKE From N$ 70.00 for 4 pack Single Pills N$ 30.00 New: Vigour 160.00 for 10 tablets Erection & enlargement pumps for men. A wide range of toys & vibrators for woman Visit our facebook page Adults Toys And Erotics Remember your shopping with us is fun and upgrading for your relationship. Friendly, Confidential and Private. Not for sale to persons under 18. Deliveries country wide0 (Discreet Packaging) Contact us: 081 407 5773
We buy or sell anything of value
97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai
064220387 0811475333 0811475475
Kia/Hyundai Canopy N$4500.00 Cell nr 081 124 2959
FOR SALE 3-Axle Trailer N$60 000.00 Cell nr 081 124 2959 FOR SALE: 5 Machine Gambling License Machines included N$ 2 000 000.0 Contact: 081 128 9779 FOR SALE: Sprite Caravan Gas stove Gas fridge A quarter bed A single bed / couch Available for viewing in Walvis Bay * Two shade tents N$ 25 000.00 Contact: 081 222 2102 081 310 7091 TE KOOP: 3x Tvs 1x Swembad Kontak: 081 203 3343 FOR SALE: Number plate N 515 WB For more information contact: 081 226 2506 Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay FOR SALE: 1x 2Ton Mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4500.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2800 1x 500litre plastic tank used for rainwater storage. new price: N$1667.50 asking: N$1000 For viewing only weekends contact: 081 373 7614
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good moeny on qaulity. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285 TE KOOP: Tweede handse yskas KIC N$ 800.00 Kontak: 081 231 4065 FOR SALE: 1x Defy 210Lit. fridge, white. 1 year old. Just like new N$1650.00 1x Samsung HT-E 330K DVD Home entertainment system in the box N$950.00 3x Kitchen sink stainless steel, single, double and triple (new) From N$299each 24x Flourescent light fittings with tubes 3,4,5 foot N$160.00each 1x Defy SLIMLINE eye-level buil-in oven with Thermo fan in stainless steel with 4 plate seramic-glass HOB & extractor fan, like new N$2200.00 1x Foldable pick-nic table. Good condition. N$450.00 1x Spray-gun cleaning machine stainless steel like new N$1500.00 1x AEG Dish washing machine. Good condition. N$650.00 1x Whirlpool heavy duty washing machine N$850.00 Contact: 081 567 4522
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE TREASURE CHEST (NEXT TO WBHARDWARE SWAKOP) Cell: 081 210 0800 Tel: 064 405 602 WE BUY AND SELL Quality furniture, Tools, Household goods, Appliances, etc. At Competitive prices Come have a Look!!!
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION: Situated on 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equiped rooms, free wifi & 24 hours security Mini conference also available. Contact: 061 305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway.na
TO HIRE TO RENT: Concrete mixers in Swakopmund N$ 2 00.00 per day Deliver an collection incl. Contact: 081 365 1917 081 699 2441
Hire a 5ton Skip Bin Call:081 617 7306 Omakolokoto Skip Bin Rentals & Sales
VACANCIES Workshop Secretary needed In Swk, run office, books, Quotes, PC accounts, Ect, must know perfect English. Call 081 5580558 Or CV to handyman1@iway.na ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC WALVIS BAY We are looking for selfstarters to join our team as Armed Response officers , Security Officers and a Technician. Training will be given .Minimum Grade 10. Previous experience will be an added advantage. Forward you full CV to The Operations Manager opsmanager@security.c om.na or visit our office in Hage Geingob Street No 59.No Faxed CV's.
12 JUNE 2015
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
VACANCIES VACANCY: Car guard wanted in Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Contact: 081 837 0389 VACANCY SALES REPRESENTATIVE -HONEST -VIBRANT -NAMIBIAN CITIZEN -FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND AFRIKAANS -REFERENCE REQUIRED -DRIVERS LICENSE PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P.O.BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY VACANCY: Arnold Investment CC We have a vacancy for Technical Engineer. Must have a graduate diploma in Electronics. PLC is an advantage. Have more than 5 years experience and must be Namibian. Apply to the Manager Box 4861 Walvis Bay
Amjicaja Guesthouse has a vacancy for a Hostess. Duties & responsibilities include preparing and serving breakfast and dinner, guest service and front office duties. Requirements: Gr 12 certificate & 3 years' experience in a similar role. Send CV to reception@ amjicaja.com VACANCY: 1x Kindergarten Teacher with more than 4 years experience for age 5+6 years. 2x Casuals 1x Cleaner Applicants can deliver their Cv’s at: Smiley Kids day Care Centre Cell: 081 392 1893
SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old is looking for domestic work or office cleaning. Have 6 years experience in housework and a year in cleaning. Have grade 12 and 3 years experience in Information Technology. Can start immediately. Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Langstrand. Contact: 081 817 5693 SITUATION: A young energetic man is looking for any Agricultural work, handy work or any general work. E.g Assistant man Ready to start anytime Contact: 081 495 6338 081 576 5415
TUINWERK GESOEK Soek tuinwerk in Swakopmund. Dinsdag tot Vrydag. Kan ook verf en met klein bouwerk help. Het verwysing. Ekandjo: 081 573 4134
A Painter is op soek na iemand om vir hom 'n tender in Swakopmund of die naaste dorp aan te bied. Ek kan enige tyd te begin. Contact: 081 767 3063 SMS: 081 758 4411
JOB WANTED: A woman is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Lagoon, Langstrand. Mondays to Fridays. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 378 0459 JOB WANTED: A 27year-old lady is looking for domestic work, ironing, cleaning, washing. Have experience. Can start immediately. In Walvis 081 407 3448 JOB WANTED: A 22year-old lady is looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Has a grade 12 certificate. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 373 4341 JOB WANTED: Looking for work. Mondays to Fridays. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 408 4461 GERTRUD: Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, for Tuesdays & Fridays. Have 5 years experience. Non smoker, not a drinker as well. Willing to come with documents. Urgently looking for a job. Contact: 081 847 4812 JOB WANTED: A 30year-old lady looking for domestic work, ironing and washing. Can start immediately. Mondays to Fridays. Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Contact: 081 229 2819 WERK GESOEK: Dame van 40-jaar is dringend op soek na huiswerk vir ‘n hele week. Baie betroubaar en kan baie goed na kinders omsien. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 439 0825
Kaarina Shipa (26): Looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 611 8517 I am a 30 year old lady looking for any kind of work, domestic work, Office cleaning, cashier work or sleep in work. I have experience and can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 456 6686 I am looking for work urgently, office cleaning, cashier or any kind of work in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 714 3836 Two ladies are looking for domestic work from Mondays to Fridays in Swakopmund only in Vineta, Mile 4 and Ocean View. Both have experience of 10 years nd can start any time. Contact: 081 899 6034 081 202 9574 JOB WANTED: A 32-year-old lady is looking for domestic work, office cleaning or looking after old people. Mondays to Fridays. Swakopmund or Langstrand. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 646 2910 WERK GESOEK: Ek is 41-jaar en is op soek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai, Langstrand, Meersig of Lagoon. Maandae tot Vrydae of Dinsdae, Donderdae of Saterdae. Het 5 - 6 jaar ondervinding as nanny vir maande oue babas tot 5 jaar. Het verwysings, rook of drink nie. Kontak: 081 719 0221
SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work or office cleaning or guest house cleaning. 3 days a week. Have references and 7 years experience in cleaning services. Langstrand or Walvis Bay. Gusy: 081 228 6332 JOB WANTED: A 26year-old girl is looking for work. Washing and iron-ing. Mondays to Fridays. Ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 224 4951 WERK GESOEK: Betroubare, netjiese en hardwerkende dame is op soek na huiswerk. Het meer as 6 jaar ondervinding. Maandae tot Vrydae of 3 dae werk. Meersig, Lagoon of Lang-strand. Bereid om enige tyd te begin. Kontak: 081 726 3143 JOB: A 25-year-old man semi-skilled welder is looking fr any work in any company offering any general work that I can do. Hard work. 081 212 5100 JOB WANTED: Looking for a taxi to drive or any work as a driver. Have a valid Code 10 (C1) with PDP. 081 455 3276 SITUATION: Male adult experienced in Accounting and Auditing. Available immediately. C.I.S and Z.A.A.T Qualified with investigation experience Contact: 081 384 7403
12 JUNE 2015
Men's Singles Results Table
Results of the Final: Ladies: Monika vs Connie (21-9) Connie started off with a bang taking an early lead. Monika tried her best to fight back but was too little too late. Men's: Steven vs Dave (2120)
This was a close game with the lead changing on numerous occasions but there had to be a winner. Congratulation to Namib Park Club Singles Champions 2015 Ladies - Connie Olivier Men - Steven Peake This weekend we
Continued from page 34
welcome TransNamib on Saturday and Windhoek Country club Sunday for National League. SOCIAL The club would like to wish Absalom Hamunyela and Petro Odendaal a happy birthday. COMPETITION FOR THE MONTH
Men & Ladies Nominated Pairs 20th/21th June National League (Home) –RBC 27th June National League (Away) – RBC 28th June
12 JUNE 2015
Rossmund Golf Club News
Hi there all from a warm and sunny Rossmund - slight breeze coming up but all in all a beautiful day for golf. It would appear that the Coastal Players almost had a clean sweep at the Eastern Open - played in Gobabis on 30 May sponsored by Bank Windhoek - well done guys we are proud of you: Overall Gross Winner: G Shikodi; R/U: S Bonifatius. Overall Nett: H Ndjendja; R/U Nett: D Haimbondi. "A" Div Gross: L Nande; "A" Div Nett: K We n t z e l ; " B " D i v Gross: T Shitaleni; "B" Div Nett: S Ndalumbumo; "C" Div Gross: C Hoaseb; "C" Div Nett G Du Toit. Last Wednesday was the first of the Africaonline Competitions for 2015 with some very interesting prizes up for grabs. It was good to have Jacques Bruwer, (representing the sponsor) with us for the afternoon to share in our beautiful golf course, not to mention the nice windy weather over the back nine - I think he battled in the sand a bit. The field was reasonable but not as good as it could have been - not
sure what happened to our friends from across the river. Not to worry, the scores were close and a great day was had by all. The 18 hole competition went to Martin with 39pts; 2nd: Fanie 38pts; 3rd: Michael 37pts eventually winning the countout on the short holes over Bertie. The victor over the back 9 holes was Joggie 19pts followed closely by Cobus 18pts. Thanks guys for the support and thanks again to Africa-online we look forward to seeing them again on 26 August. Saturday saw Bank Windhoek in control with a Betterball Stableford Competition. The guys played some excellent golf and the scores were good. There were 4 x 2-clubs: M Angula; S Ndalumbumo; G Muraisiki on No.12 with A van Schalkwyk making it on No.16. The winners: S Ndalumbumo/T Shitaleni 49pts; 2nd: T Haimbondi/A van Schalkwyk
47pts (c/o); 3rd: E Uushona/F Hailenge 47pts; 4th: C Lawrence/B Saunderson 45pts (c/o); 5th: S Bonifatius/W Theron 45pts; 6th: D Haimbondi/H Ndjendja 43pts; 7th: J v/d Merwe/L Nande 42pts (c/o). The 2015 Bank Wi n d h o e k S e n i o r s Tournament was also played at WGCC - a field of 32 players took part in good golfing weather from all corners of Namibia. A great time was had by all and a big thanks to the sponsor for a fantastic tournament followed by refreshments and an excellent prize-giving party. Sounds as if the "ou manne" had a ball. Overall Champion: Navin Morar 70pts; Runner-up: Basie Engelbrecht 69pts. Navin was also the over 70's age group winner whilst Wolfie Trossbach took the over 80's trophy. The best player from the coastal quartet was Tienie van Rens-
Men & Ladies Singles Champions 2015
This year's men's and ladies singles was one of a few upsets and surprises for old and new bowlers.
See more results on page 34
A "gaggle" of winners of the Bank Windhoek Betterball Competition. Back (ltr): S Bonifatius, A van Schalkwyk, J v/d Merwe (RGC v/cpt), Front (ltr): D Haimbondi, E Uushona, F Hailenge, S Ndalumbumo, T Shitaleni, B Saunderson and W Theron burg. A new National Seniors Committee was elected: Chairman: B Engelbrecht; Vice/Chairman: T van Rensburg. We are still having problems with pitch marks and divots not being repaired - please guys leave the course as you find it. There was also a bit of car washing going on again on Saturday Reminder: the 2nd
round of the Matchplay should be completed by 30 June. Coming-up: Saturday 13 June Monthly Medal sponsored by Novanam - a bit early this month due to the Africa Jacket Tournament being held in Windhoek next week. Saturday 20 June - Club sponsored Individual Stableford. Sunday 21 June Monthly SAGES spon-
sored by Tracks and Trails/Jockel Gruttemeyer - it is also Father's Day and the Club are having a special "Beer and Cider Festival" lunch menu. Saturday 27 June - Swakop Open sponsored by Multichoice Saturday 4 July - the Sanlam Cancer Challenge Tournament Individual Stableford. "A friend who had a powerful telescope,
invited Old Tom Morris to make use of it for a view of the moon. Tom looked at the magnified m o o n a t t e n t i v e l y. "Faith, sir," he said, "she's terrible full o'bunkers." Maybe one day in the not toooo distant future we will be able to see for ourselves. Thank goodness he didn't mention seeing any springbok spores.
Walvis Bay Golf Club News:
Sanlam Cancer
Last Saturday N$22 000 was raised at the Walvis Bay Golf club on the annual Sanlam Cancer Day.
Forty-three players took part this year and taking into consideration the big schools sport that was also last weekend it was a very good field of players. Andre Barnard, Sanlam manager, attended and was very surprised at the outcome. We arranged a quick auction and our members contributed very well as auction items and prizes were given back for re-auction. In a matter of minutes N$18 000 was raised in aid of cancer. Thank you Walvis Bay, certainly a great bunch of people that are not afraid to dig deep into their pockets for such a worthy cause. In true Sanlam tradition, players competed in their respective divisions for top honours. Wi n n e r g o i n g t o Windhoek later in the year and eventually to South Africa to take part in the big finals at Sun City. The competition was fierce and one player have been trying to win this event
Kevin Wentzel (left) and Andre Barnard for 35 years, only to once again loose in a count this year. Sorry Andre, that is the way the cookie crumbles. Nearest to Pin on nr. 18 was won by Gordon Damster and we also had lucky draws for the non-prize winners. Men's A division: 1st Kevin Wentzel 2nd Willie van Zyl 3rd Gordon Damster Men's B Division 1st Percy van Zyl 2nd Andre Burger 3rd Desmond Benson Men's C Division 1st Gunter Heitmann 2nd Pieter Heunis 3rd Joa Gomes
Ladies A division 1st Wilma van Der Merwe 2nd Justine Grobler B Division 1st Estelle Bothma C Division 1st Ansie Neethling A big thank you to Sanlam for hosting such a great event country- and regional wise. We at Walvis Bay Golf Club certainly look forward to this event every year and we see you again next year. Those players that handed in a no return, expect action against you. It is not acceptable
to enter and walk off the field if you play bad. It is not sportsman like. This Saturday is EBH with individual bonus bogey plus. EBH have great prizes up for grabs, so get those entries in. It will be big! The men's bathrooms are in use again. Still minor work to be done, but we can use it. The new showers will follow soon. Sunday 14 June the club will be closed due to a long power outage in town. The course will be open for play.
12 JUNE 2015
Dolphins in aksie tydens 'n vorige kragmeting
Dolphins gereed vir Jaguars Marshallino Beukes
Rugby squad for Argentina match announced Welwitschias coach Danie Vermeulen has made six changes and one positional switch to the team that defeated Tunisia over the weekend for Friday’s Nations Cup opener against Argentina’s Jaguars in Bucharest. The Welwitschias beat Tunisia 22-14 in Nabeul, Tunisia. The national rugby team played Tunisia as part of their preparation for the International Rugby Board’s (IRB) Rugby World Cup, which takes place in the United Kingdom from 18 September to 31 October this year. Namibia is currently on a three-week tour in preparation for the Rugby World Cup. Footage provided to Nampa by Supersport
shows Vermeulen speaking to members of the media before the group’s departure to Romania from Tunisia over the past weekend. “Starting off the tour with a win is always a positive, and we should also remember we have lots of players not released by their respective clubs and provinces,” he said. The coach also told the media in Tunisia it is all about the players learning and adapting and hopefully impro-
ving and staking their claim in the World Cup squad. The team is: 15. Johan Tromp 14. Russell van Wyk 13. Danie van Wyk 12. JC Greyling 11. David Philander 10. Theuns Kotzè 9. Eugene Jantjies 8. PJ van Lill (Capt) 7. Janco Venter 6. Thinus du Plessis 5. Nico Esterhuyze 4. Uanive Tjiuee 3. Johannes Coetzee 2. DG Wiese 1. Casper Viviers
Replacements: 16. Rathony Bekker 17. Johnny Redelinghuys 18. AJ de Klerk 19. Leneve Damens 20. Thomasau Forbes 21. Eneill Buitendag 22. Shawn Kazemi 23. Heinrich Smit NAMPA
Dolphin Rugbyklub van Swakopmund ding deesdae in die Namibiese Eerste Liga mee, nadat ‘n tekort aan spelers hulle Premierliga status gekniehalter het. Volgens die Namibiese Rugby Unie se reëls en regulasies, moet ‘n premierliga-span ten minste 45 spelers hê. Dit het egter nie die Swakopmund-span van stryk gebring nie en maak hulle deesdae hul stem dik in die Eerste Divisie. Saterdag gaan Jaguars Rugbyklub al die pad uit Windhoek reis om Dolphins op hul agterstoep te takel. Volgens die Dolphins woordvoerder, meneer Francois Swartz, is die tuisspan slaggereed vir die binnelanders en gaan hulle met niks minder as ‘n sege tevre-
de wees nie. Hul vorige kragmeting, in Windhoek, het nie plaasgevind nie, aangesien Jaguars nie opgedaag het vir die wedstryd nie en sodoende gratis punte aan Dolphins afgestaan het, sê Swartz. Hy het ook aan namib times sport genoem dat die gewese Welwitschia speler, Eben Isaaks, die leisels as afrigter oorgeneem het. Dolphins het twee naweke terug die stu-
Walvis Bay Rugby Club in action this weekend The Walvis Bay Rugby Club will battle it out against the Gobabis based Eastern Bulls this Saturday on the Walvis Bay High School Rugby Field at 15:00. The Walvis Bay team has a reputation to uphold as they slaugh-
tered the Polytech Rugby Team last weekend with a score
of 75-20. Refreshments will also available at this venue.
Everyone is called on not to miss the action!
Walvis Bay scoring one of their many tries
dente van Polytech geklop en sal op hierdie oorwinningsgolf wil bly. Die Swakopmund span het alreeds vyf wedstryde agter die blad, waarvan hulle twee verloor en twee gewen het. Die vyfde wedstryd was die een waartydens Jaguars punte afgestaan het. Saterdag se wedstryd word op die Vineta Stadion gespeel en skop om 15:00 af.