12 june namib times e edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6759 TUESDAY 12 JUNE 2018 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

N$1,2 billion road building projects in the coastal region completed by October 2019 Sharlien Tjambari The construction of all three major roads in the central coastal region are expected to conclude by October 2019, according to the CEO of the Roads Authority, Mr. Conrad Lutombi. Lutombi paid site visits to the MR 44 (the road behind the dunes between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund), the MR 36 (Swakopmund to Henties Bay) and the TR2/1 (Henties Bay to Uis) on Friday and expressed his satisfaction with progress with the projects which in total has a price tag of over N$1 billion. “I am very impressed and happy with the progress made by the contractors. There has been a great improvement since the last visit from the Minister (of Transport). I must also say, last year we had issues of outstanding invoices and I am happy that we do not have the same problem this year”, said Lutombi during one of the site visits. Lutombi further said that the MR36 and TR2/1 are key road projects as it will raise the profile of the port of Walvis Bay as a key port linked by well developed networks

with markets in all of Namibia’s neighbouring countries and even the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lutombi admitted the construction of the MR36 was challenging. With all difficulties over now, he looks forward to the completion of the road and expectations the road will also increase the influx of tourists to Henties Bay and the hinterland as it would make towns like Uis, Khorixas and Kamanjab more accessible from the coast. Wolfgang Hundemer, the engineer in charge of the construction of the Mr36, confirmed there are some of the sections of the road which are completed and open. He further said in about four weeks, the Henties Bay bypass will be open for use. In briefing Lutombi, Hundemer explained the only challenge they have is funding. “We only have 150 million on the new budget and so far we have spent N$208 million. Completion

is at the 45% mark”. Heiko Klink the engineer for VKE Namibia Consulting, who is in charge of the MR44 and MR52, confirmed the Swakopmund MR52 interchange is almost complete and they have started with the surfacing of the road. Construction of the road bridge over the Swakop River is in full swing. The costs involved in the MR44 road and the Swakopmund interchange is N$969 million. The MR44 road will have three bridges. Lutombi added that detailed designs for the B2 upgrade are ready and the upgrade of the B2 main road will commence as soon as Roads Authority gets funding. “This project is part of the Harambee Prosperity Plan and it is vital that we complete it too without delay”. All projects (excluding B2) are expected to be completed by October 2019. Albeit, that no delays occur. In the meantime, Lutombi also called on all road users to Continues on page 2

Nuclear imaging facility now open at the coast


Tulonga Honoured after rescuing baby

Page 3

Illegal hunters arrested The Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Juliet Kavetuna, inaugurated the facility of Namibia Nuclear Imaging Swakopmund on Thursday. See report on page 2

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Winter Man found dead in his Nights flat after freak accident 2018 Sharlien Tjambari A resident of Swakopmund, Absalom Haikali (48), was found dead in his garden flat at house no. 5 in the town's Molen Road on Friday morning at around 11:00. It is suspected that Haikali died of a head injury he sustained earlier when apparently jumping over the wall of the premises and in the process hit his head on a wooden water meter box. The Erongo region's H a i k a l i ' s w h e r e - When Haikali did not respond to the friend's crime investigations abouts. coordinator, Deputy The friend observed knocks and calls, the Commissioner Eras- blood stains on the in- friend became suspitus Iikuyu, confirmed terlocks on the premi- cious and phoned the the incident and ex- ses. The blood stains Police. When the poplained a friend of lead to the garden lice arrived at the sceHaikali tried several flat's entrance. It was ne, the door of the flat times on Friday to an indication Haikali was broken down and reach him by phone. was already injured the deceased was He then went to the before he entered his found dead. house to inquire about flat. Continues on page 2

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Coastal Sport News

Pages 18, 19 & 20


12 JUNE 2018

namib N$1,2 billion road Nuclear Imaging now available at the coast building projects in times Sharlien Tjambari

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

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the coastal region Continued from page 1

obey traffic signs, avoid becoming frustrated and to refrain from exceeding speed limits. He expressed sadness at the latest wave of road deaths that hit Namibia. “We have good roads. However, our good roads are not good if we do not change our attitude when we are driving. I must say that once the MR44 is completed, the heavy goods vehicles will be recommended to use this road. It would therefore divert heavy vehicle traffic from the B2 coastal road between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay”, explained Lutombi.

Man found dead in his flat after freak accident Continued from page 1

The death was believed to have been caused by severe blood loss as a result of the head injury. It is further alleged Haikali was last seen alive on Wednesday, 6 June at 20:00 by neighbours. He was seen jumping over the wall. Haikali was living in the garden flat of the premises, looking after the house on behalf of the owners who reside in Germany.

The late Basie Steenkamp

Floris Steenkamp Cell +264 81 220 6090 newsdesk@namibtimes.net

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Water Cube

MARKETING/ SALES Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na

Journalist Sharlien Tjambari Cell: 081 169 2123 sharlien@namibtimes.net

Swakopmund is now home to Namibia’s fourth Nuclear Medicine Facility. Namibia Nuclear Imaging officially opened in the holiday town on Thursday. Nuclear medicine is a Oshakati. According to service provided for branch of medical the Governor of Eron- them here at a more imaging that uses small go, Clr Mutjavikua, reasonable cost, with amounts of radioactive who attended the open- less inconvenience to material to diagnose ing as a guest of ho- the families and withand determine the se- nour, this facility raises out having to be abverity of or treat a the bar for medical ser- sent from work for variety of diseases, in- vices in Erongo and al- many days as before” cluding many types of so complements plans said Kavetuna. cancers, heart disease, for a University Hospi- She further added that this facility has an gastrointestinal, endo- tal at Arandis. crine, neurological dis- Patients in Erongo now economic advantage orders and other abnor- has this facility close to for the region and the malities within the home, as opposed to families. In the past body. the previous situation cancer patients norBecause nuclear medi- where patients needed mally had to travel to cine procedures are to travel to Windhoek Windhoek or South able to pinpoint mole- and even to South Afri- Africa for diagnoses. cular activity within ca for nuclear imaging This facility also the body that causes a for diagnosis and treat- offers thyroid scan and uptake, infection number of the above- ment. mentioned diseases, it The facility was offi- and inflammation also serves as an early cially opened and inau- scan, testes scan, bone detection mechanism gurated by the Deputy scan and much more. and can establish how Minister of Health and According to Kavetupatients react on cer- Social Services, Juliet na, the National Cancer Control Plan is Kavetuna. tain treatments. There are two Nuclear “This facility here will nearing its finaliMedicine Facilities in enable residents of this dation and that will Windhoek and one in area to make use of the accord the Ministry and other stakeholders, who provide cancer care, to build the necessary capacity through the continuum of care ranging from cancer information and registry of early cancer detection, diagnostic and treatment, and comforting and rehabilitative services. Namibia Nuclear Imaging is situated at Unit 5, the Water Cube. Juliet Kavetuna

The death occurred late on Sunday night of Mr Basie Steenkamp (59), in life a well known video surveillance and automation specialist of Walvis Bay. Basie Steenkamp was diagnosed late last year with a progressive brain tumor which left him severely incapacitated in the last months of his life. He leaves behind Mrs Jenny Steenkamp (Mynhardt), a well known local photographer.

12 JUNE 2018



Tulonga Neputa Honoured at Coast Rudi Bowe

The State- Owned Enterprises (SoE) Forum on Saturday honoured Tulonga Neputa for her bravery act on Thursday when she put her own life in danger after the horrific accident between Windhoek and Okahandja that claimed the lives of five people. Tulonga, without any thought for her own safety, picked up the eight-month-old Dex Geiger, still strapped to his car seat on the ground next to the mangled wreckage of his grandfather's double cab pick-up. The SoE's Forum Chairman Audrin Mathe said: “The Chairman Trophy is being renamed to the Tulonga Neputa trophy. The trophy is reserved for a sports teams or individuals who show commitment and resilience.” Mathe added that they found it befitting to rename and award the trophy to Tulonga Neputa because of her heroism. She also received a fully paid weekend for two at the Popa Falls Resort, including plane tickets and pocket money from the Namibia Wildlife Resorts. Tulonga Neputa said on Saturday after receiving the award, she felt blessed and honoured to receive the award as the she did this to save Dex Geiger and not for the fame and fortune. Tulonga said: “I would like to thank everyone for their blessings and kind words”.She also thanked the SoE's for the awards. She further pleads to all vehicle drivers to stop driving fast as speed kills. Tulonga Neputa telephonically spoke to the parents Jürgen and Nadja Geiger to hear how Dex was doing. The Geiger's thanked her and promised to get back to her after the burial of the baby's grandfather.

Tulonga with the SoE's Forum

Tulonga with Audrin Mathe

Tulonga and her family with the Mayoral Family of Walvis Bay


12 JUNE 2018

Two arrested in Henties Bay for dealing in drugs


Last week Friday, at around 23:55, Xolani Zweni (41), a South African citizen was arrested in Anton Lubowski Street in Henties Bay for dealing in drugs.

Swakopmund Court report Regional Court Petrus Nicolae (23), Robert Wellem Van Wyk (38) and Clive Uvanga (19) appeared on charges of murder and robbery. The matter was postponed to 15 June for judgement. Robert Van Wyk remains in custody while his co-accused are on bail of N$3 000 each. Reinhard Kati (18) appeared on charges of rape and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 July for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Phillip Amunyela (37) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 29 June for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$500. A 17-year-old boy appeared on charges of attempted murder and rape. The matter was postponed to 12 December for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Titus Jacob (24) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 22 August for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Joseph Kalenga (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 22 August for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Jeremia Hunibeb (38) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 20 August for legal representation. The accused remain in custody.

Magistrate Court Ryno Kubas (33) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 36 month imprisonment term of which 12 months are suspended

for a period of five years. Cedric D Haraseb (35) appeared on a charge of failure to pay maintenance. The matter was postponed to 26 June because the case was transferred to Outapi Magistrate court. The accused remains in custody. Fillipus Ndalinoshishonaune (49) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 16 July for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Shown Van Wyk (23) appeared on charges of suspected stolen property and possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 1 October for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$600. Ralf Uiseb (25) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 July for trial. The accused remains in custody. Timoteus Shaanika Shiimbi (25) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 30 July for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Salatier Nambahi Nehale (32) and Efraim Mathias (30) appeared on charges of using of a vehicle without the owner's consent and reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 10 July for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Terrence Sydney (28) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 25 July for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Michael Mborero (30) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 5 July for judgement. The accused is on bail of N$1 500. Twahn Kafiamali (25) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 20 August for record to be transcribed. The accused is on bail of N$3 000.

Five carcasses recovered in illegal hunting Eileen van der Schyff

Uis – Man arrested for illegal hunting of five springboks in Farm Reikeil, Uis area. Another escaped. It is alleged that on Friday, 8 June, Joseph Festus (38) was arrested for illegal hunting of five springbok valued at N$17250 at Farm Reitkeil. Festus and another suspect who ran away, hid the meat in the field near their

house when they saw he police approaching. The search for the other suspect is on. All five carcasses were recovered. The suspect appeared in Omaruru Court yesterday.

Zweni was found with 152x full mandrax tablets, 12x half mandrax tablets, 44x quarter mandrax tablets and 55g (26x) ballies of cannabis all valued at N$17 450, during police drug operation. Zweni was expected to appear in the Swakopmund Magistrate Court yesterday. Adriano William Diergaardt (34) was also arrested at house no. 45 Hage Geingob Street in Henties Bay the same night and was found in possession of 1xhalf and 5x quarters of suspected mandrax tablets valued at N$175. He also expected to appear in the Swakopmund Magistrate Court yesterday.

Car collides head-on with bike Eileen van der Schyff

Usakos – Man on bike escaped with a broken leg when a white Nissan Sentra collided head – on with his black Kawasaki motor bike, while the man was overtaking a truck behind another bike, also overtaking. The Nissan swerved out not to hit the first bike, but hit the Kawasaki behind it, when he tried to bring the car back onto the road.

According to the spokesperson of the Namibian Police in Erongo, Deputy Commissioner Erastus Ikuyu, the accident occurred when the driver of the Nissan was travelling towards Arandis from Usakos on the B-2 road on Saturday, 9 June at around 7:15. The driver of the Nissan, with his other three passengers escaped with no injuries, but the rider of the motorbike, Mr Leon de Klerk (26), was taken to Usakos State Hospital, and then was transferred to Windhoek hospital because of a seriously broken leg.

Man impersonating a police officer, caught in Police ambush after demanding money from a suspect’s family to destroy docket Eileen van der Schyff

After the arrest of a suspect in Walvis Bay, on Friday, 8 June, Ricardo Reginald van Wyk contacted the family of the suspect and impersonated himself as a police officer, demanding money to destroy the case docket. Police moved in after being informed by the family members. According to the spokesperson of the Namibian Police in Erongo, Deputy Commissioner Erastus Ikuyu, the police was notified that van Wyk told family members of the suspect, that he is Warrant Officer van Rooyen from the Namibian Police Force, and demanded N$3 000 in order for him to destroy the case docket of the suspect. The police set up an ambush in Kuisebmond, and detained van wyk, when he came to collect the money. The suspect appeared in Walvis Bay Magistrates Court yesterday. Deputy Commissioner Ikuyu stated: “I would like to warn the community in the Erongo Region to be vigilant at all time, and not fall victim and lose hard earned earnings to people faking their identities as police officers.” The community is urged to immediately report to the Police when someone phones demanding money for cases to be done away. Deputy Commissioner Ikuyu goes on by saying that under no circumstances will a Police Officer demand payment from a suspect or from the family members of a suspect, as all cases are dealt with in the court of law.

12 JUNE 2018



Drums of Diesel and Petrol stolen and recovered from Engen depot Eileen van der Schyff

Walvis Bay – All three diesel drums and the one Petrol drum, already half, which were stolen by an employee from the Engen depot in Walvis Bay, has been recovered. According to the spokesperson of the Namibian Police in the Erongo region, Deputy Commissioner Erastus Ikuyu, Samson Gawiseb (43), an employer of the Engen depot, stole three drums of diesel and one drum of petrol from the said depot amounting to N$9 000. He hid the drums at a family residence in Kuisebmond. All the drums were recovered and the suspect appeared in Walvis Bay Magistrates Court yesterday.

12 JUNE 2018


Port of Walvis Bay sees increase in cargo handling for the week ahead The port of Walvis Bay experiences an upswing in cargo handling activities this week. Three container vessels are calling, two general cargo vessels and three multi-purpose vessels. The container vessels are Maersk Cubango (13 June); Border (14 June) and Conakry (15 June). The General cargo vessels expected are Arslan (15 June) and Kota Bistan (16 June). The multi-purpose vessels are Silverfjord and Cold Stream (both on 14 June) and Bright Horizon (15 June).

Tuesday 12 June High Tide: 02:02 Low Tide: 08:11 High Tide: 14:36 :Low Tide 20:24

Thursday 14 June High Tide: 03:32 Low Tide: 09:38 High Tide: 16:05 Low Tide: 21:58

Wednesday 13 June High Tide: 02:47 Low Tide: 08:54 High Tide: 15:20 Low Tide: 21:11

Friday 15 June High Tide: 04:19 Low Tide: 10:23 High Tide: 16:51 Low Tide: 22:47

Port Log

12 JUNE 2018




BoN, Nampol investigate 'investment' schemes The Bank of Namibia (BoN) has warned the public against participating in dodgy investment schemes, which it said are “ i n c re a s i n g l y becoming popular in Namibia on social media and other online platforms”. BoN said it and the Namibian Police were investigating a number of suspected illegal financial schemes and would reveal the outcome once the investigations were completed. In a statement on T h u r s d a y, t h e BoN emphasised that the taking of deposits from the public without authorisation from the central bank is prohibited in terms of section 5 of the Banking Institutions Act of 1998. “The Bank of Namibia cautions and urges members of the public to refrain from conducting and /or participating in illegal deposittaking activities that are currently operating in Namibia. “The country has of late seen an increase of online and offline financial schemes, which ask members to 'invest' their money with promises of high returns.” It emphasised that these socalled investment schemes were not authorised by the central bank to take public deposits or to conduct business. “The business involves an investment scheme whereby members are promised high returns within a very short

period of time,” said the bank. These schemes achieve rapid growth of membership through promotional messages via

social media platforms, most commonly WhatsApp groups, the central bank statement read. “The business does not sell any products

but the principal feature of the business is a financial scheme, which involves enticing members of the public to invest and

enjoy high returns,” the central bank further said of the features of these illegal schemes. It warned anybody involved in such

business activities without authorisation to stop immediately. “The bank is empowered to take action

against members of the public who participate in illegal financial schemes,” the central bank said.


12 JUNE 2018

Woman seen as hero after she runs to save toddler out of the wreck of a vehicle while others take photos A woman only known as Tulonga at this stage, has attained the status of a national hero after her heroic rescue yesterday of a toddler from the wreck of a vehicle that was involved in a horrific head-on collision on the Windhoek-Okahandja road. At 13:00 today, the death toll in this collision was 5. The Namibian Police will issue more information on the accident over the weekend. Gabez Uunona I'm I the only one who is wondering what exactly she does to qualify a heroine accord... Just literally picking the child...? Arnold Kangeama Gabez it's was a dangerous situation she encounter, leaking fuel everywhere, toxic smoke, possibility of car to explode in flame. Who will risk her life to do that. You must surely have something in you that the rest of us don't have. Gabez Uunona Well, one can acknowledge that, however, deeming it as as an act worth heroic status at the level it is being preceived would be regarded as off the edges by someone. Esther Magret Nestor-Ivula She risked her life. Did you not see how many people they found there and none had attempted to even help that poor baby? If that's not heroic enough for you well then. West Dakar I am with you on this Gabez. The kid was on the road, all you she did is pick it up.... Tamaryn Ann Lombard Baby was not on the road, baby was in a car seat strapped in the car. Dayne Braine Gabez Uunona who is this someone you refer to, shed some light you wise one you! Dayne Braine Gabez Uunona you are the one I am glad was not there, because you would have driven past anyway, brave one you are. Tunino Haskell Gabez why do you burst this beautiful bubble? People are seeing this as a symbol of Namibian kindness so if you see it otherwise and of course you're welcome to your opinion, so be it. Be positive in life my friend. Christa Mulder Look at the video again there are people standing there but she ran for the baby. Welldone mam. Gabez Uunona She did a good job, no doubt about that. The point that seems to be difficult for many to analyze and intenalize is whether it fits heroic

accord...or maybe I do not know the new definition of heroin. Kimberly-ann De Kock Gabez Uunona this is what she is and even more. Piquet Eiros Jacobs Tamaryn Ann Lombard which was thrown out of the car. Mari-Linda Jeftha whats happening with the baby. can someone please update us? Bonita Hendricks Thank God for this Angel thank you for her quick action and disregard for her self-preservation. I am so inspired. Thank you for this life saved may He grow up to be someone that brings good changes Tulonga you tought us bravery today may you be profoundly blessed. Thank you for prayers let us cling to God always. Also may those lives lost be at peace may God be with there families and God bless us as a nation. Amen. Frans Konrad S Darnok God always uses simple people to rescue others. thanks Tulonga. no one could do that if u were not there. Ndinelago Petrus Shiimi We thank The Almighty for strength you ma to save the life of the boy. May the Lord be with you and bless you. To us who are watching the video please let's take any example from mee Tulonga, in any of the situation a person in need of help let's assist. Dingles Swartz God will bless you, brave woman!!! Roswitha Zahrt So proud to read this about an amazing strong woman. Livia Miller Ai die video roer my hart elke keer‌ wat konie met daai baba gebeur het nie..Tulonga jys n yster vrou. Elsabe Snyman Thanks Thelonka u were very brave to put your life in danger to safe the baby. Sonja Krems Thank you Tulonga. This make all people of Namibia so proud. You are a hero. Desmore Kaempffer Well done Tulonga, you are a great example for all Namibians, thank you. Mari-Linda Jeftha is this the 8month old baby whos the sole survivor?

Betina Sibold I thank you as well, God bless you. Connie Viljoen Land of the brave! Nailonga Daniel My God bless this woman. Kronsbein-Bellchambers Good Namibians. There are many of them. Namasiku Chitengi Tulonga! You are so brave God bless you..just seen the video and am touched.. Erwin Smith May God send you help when you are in need. Have a blessed live. Pehovelo LoUunyuni God bless this woman. Messie N Nakale God bless you mam Tulonga.

Sharmine Livingstone Tulonga jy maak mens trots om Namibian te wees! Tangeni Batholomeus God bless you all time. Nelao Nelly Tuhemwe Well done Tulonga. Johnny Bredenkamp God bless you. Mariette Brand haar naam is: Tulonga Neputa. Magda Keyser May God bless you brave lady. Manfred Pro She did well and as I said... The word Land of the Brave is about risk & sacrifise! Mariette Brand the baby is safe with his mother.

Reader’s Letter:

Chairman Asser Stainley !Aibeb

Youth Speak out on Shebeens As Walvis Bay constituency youth forum chairman, I'm totally surprised by the Municipalities of major towns giving shebeen trading licences to people, particularly towns like Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. The situation is totally out of hand, it creates alot of havoc. Crime increased, as those leaving bars at night become victims of muggers. There is a big problem with public urination, as it creates health hazards. Shebeens cause underage drinking and low school performances. Our forum proposes that licences should be given to specific areas meant for businesses. Shebeens in residential areas causes noise, pollution, and endangers lives as Sheebens are operating in main streets with door's facing pavements & roads, and thus, the clients coming out of sheebens, become victim of car accidents. We want municipalities to regulate laws, which will keep sheebens clean, especially toilets, so that elders visiting sheebens, must stay away from urinating in the street. We want health inspectors from Municipalities to revisit sheebens. Please help us to save lives and keep our coastal towns clean and admirable. Chairman Asser Stainley !Aibeb

12 JUNE 2018



Coastal Communities Support Boys Rudi Bowe

Jullian Rittman

The communities in the two coastal towns of Walvis Bay and Swakopmund, opened their wallets and hearts for Chrisander Brits (6) and Jullian Rittman (12) at charity events which were held in the two towns.

Chrisander Brits

Team Spider from Swakopmund in collaboration with the Windhoek Spin City and Drift Spin Drags hosted the “Save a Kidney Charity Spin-show” at the Swakopmund Spin City. Spinners from all over Namibia flocked to the coastal town to give their support. All proceeds went to Jullian Rittman (12), who is known to be the only child in Namibia suffering from Denys Dash Syndrome. Rittman was diag-nosed with this syndrome at the age of one. Denys Dash syn-drome is characterised by kidney disease that begins within the first few months of life. According to re-search, the affected individuals have a condition called diffuse glomerulosclerosis, in which scar tissue forms throughout glomeruli, which are tiny blood vessels in the kidneys that filter waste from the blood. Due to the abnormal kidney function in his case, both his kidneys were removed in December 2016, and he since then has been receiving dialysis at Windhoek at the Kidney and Dialysis Centre three times a week. Rittman lives with his family in Rehoboth and they would travel to Windhoek every time for treatment. Team Spider further confirmed that Rittman has found a suitable donor and is being prepared for a kidney transplant in the meantime. A trusted fund have been opened in his name to provide financial assistance for the transplant and all the costs involved and this is why Team Spider decided to come on board and raise funds for Rittman. Bay Area 064 and DJ's in Walvis Bay held a Car Wash and Braaivleis and an Old School dance night where all the funds that were raised were given to Chrisander Brits. Chrisander aka “Chri” Brits, a six- year-old boy from Narraville, was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer in August 2017. Doctors in Namibia said that there is nothing they can do for Chri, and that his parents Jacques and Chrissie Brits should prepare themselves for the worst. Chrisander is on medication which just prolongs his time on earth. The parents of Chri would like to have a second opinion about the condition, but they cannot afford to do so. The father is the only bread winner in the family and with his salary they can barely survive. The mot-her is at home as she needs to take care of their boy. The Brits and Rittman family appreciated the effort of Bay Area 064 and Team Spider is happy that there are people out there that support and opened their heart for their children. Bay Area 064 will host a Show and Shin event at the end of June. The Walvis Bay Archery Schools Program will have an Archery shoot out in August with the proceeds been donated to both the Brits and Rittman families.


12 JUNE 2018

Round Table Winter Knight does it again Sharlien Tjambari

The Round Table Winter Knights gathered at street corners in Swakopmund, this past Friday to collect donations for the needy.

This is the Winter Knights from Alexander Forbes Services.

The Round Table has this event every year where companies buy street corners where they then stand from 06:00 am until 08:00 and anybody can drive/walk up to them and give them money, blankets or old clothing etc. which Round Table then distribute to those in need. Some of the participating companies who bought street corners this year were Swakopmund Woermann Brock Supermarket, Woermann Brock Hardware and Alexander Forbes Services. The Property Manager of Woermann Brock Properties Gamma Faul confirmed with namib times that the Woermann Brock Hardware team collected blankets and non-perishable foods in-store for this project beforehand and on the morning of the Winter Knights collection, the Woermann Brock Team collected funds on the corner of Hidipo Hamutenya and Henties Bay roads. “We really enjoyed being part of this project and will definitely be taking part next year again�, added Faul excitedly. This event takes place annually in Windhoek, Walvis Bay and Swakopmund.

Property Manager of Woermann Brock Properties Gamma Faul collecting money for the needy.

The team from the Swakopmund Woermann Brock Hardware consisted of Danie Janden (not in picture), Gemma Faul, Bernice Kisting, Jodie Burger, Christian Oosthuizen, Wendy Eichas, Chamelle Cloete, Nadia Sechogele and Franco Areseb

12 JUNE 2018



Promiseland Centre Attracts Uae Charity Funding Walvis Bay – Thanks to a generous donation by Sharijah Charity International, the Promiseland Trust is able to expand its feeding scheme and will now be able to provide a daily meal to even more underprivileged children in Walvis Bay's Tutaleni community. The sponsorship of this international charity based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) consists of a 40 foot container which has been converted into a soup kitchen as well as 150 food parcels. The total value of the donation is N$ 300 000. The Promiseland Trust on a daily basis provides approximately 2,500 meals to disadvantaged children in Walvis Bay through two feeding schemes – the one being a soup kitchen at the Promiseland Centre in Tutaleni where about 300 preschool children are given a hot meal once a day; the other is a school feeding scheme where approximately 2,200 meals consisting of fish and bread or pap are prepared by volunteers during weekdays at seven schools in Walvis Bay's poorest communities. “Thanks to this donation, we are now able to relocate our current soup kitchen to the Tu t a l e n i P r i m a r y School premises, which will allow us to increase the number of meals served daily as the space available at the Promiseland Centre has become limited. Furthermore, we will be able to use the current soup kitchen hall at the Centre to double our current forming project by introducing more classrooms,” said Mr Pieter Greeff, Chairperson of the Promiseland Board of Trustees at the handover ceremony on Saturday. Operating from its centre in the Tutaleni neighbourhood in Kuisebmond, the aim of the Promiseland Trust is to improve the quality of life of the community's most vulnerable children through education, feeding and character building. The Trust is fully reliant on donor funding and sponsorships. The Trust's partners in the feeding scheme are Etosha Fishing and Merlus Seafood Processors. Other main sponsors that provide ongoing funding to ensure the running of the Centre include Engen Walvis Bay Convenience Centre, Fruit & Veg Walvis Bay, Hantunga Fishing, Langer Heinrich Uranium, Namib Mills, Seawork and Walvis Bay Ship Chandlers.

Educational and other partners include Headstart Montessori Training College, Hand of Hope Ministries, The ELMA Philanthropies Services (U.S.) Inc. and volunteers from the German Red

Cross Society. Should anyone wish to contribute to the Promiseland Trust feeding schee or find out more about the Trust they can visit the website at www.promiseland.com.na.



12 JUNE 2018

Reviewing archival news media for information on Namibia’s marine life Article by Titus Shaanika In a data poor area such as the Namibian coastline, archived newspapers can be a priceless source of information. In search of historical records about the marine life off the Namibian coast, especially recordings of whale and dolphin strandings, the Namibian Dolphin Project (NDP) took to the archives of the namib times newspaper held at Walvis Bay Municipal library. Newspapers from 1965 to 2012 were reviewed by then University of Namibia student Titus Shaanika, who highlights the value of archives for science research. Whaling, cetaceans and stranding's: Since the inception of namib times newspaper, articles on whales and dolphins (cetaceans) have occurred intermittently and reflect the change in popular attitudes towards this charismatic group of animals. We found three articles on commercial whaling. On the 15 January 1965, an article reported the poor whaling season, stating that the 36 Norwegian catchers (whaling vessels) had lower catch results compared to the preceding year. Another article on 20 January 1967 reported about the banning of blue whale harpooning around Antarctica, mentioning that blue whales had been nearly hunted to extinction in these waters by Norwegian, Japanese and Soviet Union

(Russia) whalers. On 17 January 1971 there was a report of sperm whales being caught off South West Africa (Namibia's colonial name) by 3 whalers Oom Kappie, Run and Sao Nicolau (a Danish factory ship), with the author recognising that “whales are seldom seen in the bay nowadays but outside, at various places along South West Africa coast there are an increasing number of sperm whales…”. These articles reflect some of the modern history of whaling where Walvis Bay is linked. Southern right whales were once a common sight in the bay where they were thought to breed, hence the name Walvis Bay (Afrikaans for Whale Bay). Southern right whales were decimated in Walvis Bay from 1788 to 1803 by “open boat whalers” operating from sailing vessels, while the faster baleen whales including

the humpback, sei and blue whales were decimated during uncontrolled hunting in the 20th century from 1919 to 1979. Reports from the public and in the media on stranding's and rare sightings can be a useful source of information for researchers. Since 1965 the Namib Times has frequently reported sightings and stranding of several marine species, these included a basking shark, frill shark, pygmy right whale, humpback whales, sperm whales, straptooth or Layard's beaked whale, fin whale, killer whale, Cuvier's beaked whale, southern right whale, Heaviside's dolphin, dusky dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, elephant seals, leather-back turtles and rock-hopper penguins. Many of these records were not known through other sources and are a useful addition to the long-term data-

base of strandings within Namibia. Unknown to many people, several of the dolphins held in the dolphinarium in Durban, South Africa were caught in Walvis Bay in the late 70's and early 80's. During this time, wild capture of dolphins was more commonplace than seen today. An article on 12 July 1983 reported that bottlenose dolphins were first caught off Walvis Bay in 1976, and the act was publicly criticised. Plans to capture two more dolphins in 1983 were also not well received and were opposed by the Cape Town based Dolphin Action and Protection Group, in two articles on 02 and 18 August 1983. However, at this time a dolphin expert was quoted saying “although there would be a certain amount of disturbance to the remaining family of dolphins off the

Walvis Bay coast, the value gained from research to be carried out on these mammals would atone this upset,”. The animals that were captured, were later reported to be happy and settled on 25 November 1983. Two dolphins are alive in the dolphinarium till this day, Kelpie was born to one of the captured females and Gambit who has fathered many offspring while in captivity. The NDP's research in Namibia has shown that despite these early concerns, the Walvis Bay bottlenose dolphin population, although remaining small (less than 100 animals), continues to be stable over 30 years later. However, this population is facing growing human impacts in the area, including boat-based tourism, harbour expansion, pollution and even a threat of further capture for the live trade industry in 2016. Most of the recent articles have either been about stranding events or mostly refloating of stranded cetaceans, showing a clear shift in public engagement with these animals over the last few decades. For instance, two stranded bottlenose dolphins and pygmy right whale were rescued on 1st March 2002 and 08th February 2005 respectively by the members of the public in the Walvis Bay lagoon, while on the 13th February 2009 over 60 people unsuccessfully attempted to rescue a stranded humpback whale at Paaltjies beach on Pelican Point. The sighting of killer whales (6 June 2006) and even the birth of a humpback whale (10 July 2010) was reported in Walvis Bay, both very rare occurrences. The humpback whale birth is especially rare as most whales off the East Atlantic coast only breed and calf in the warm waters north of Namibia. Fisheries, Jellification and Sealing Walvis Bay is primarily a fishing town and since 1965, the Namib Times has through its' reports, documented the decline of one of the major industries in the country the small pelagic fishing industry which focuses on sardines (pilchard) and anchovy. In the 1960s, the pilchard fishery statistics and

reports appeared frequently highlighting their interest to the general public of the town. One fisherman even reported the incredible sighting of a pilchard shoal of about 46 km wide between Swakopmund and Henties Bay on 2 June 1967. The pilchard fishery was highly productive in its early years, with figures regularly above 200 000 tons per season and catches peaking at over 800 000 tons for the 1968 season. These figures, however, declined rapidly to below 50 000 tons per year by 1977. An article on the 24th January 1978 blamed the collapse of the fishery on overexploitation - a combination of the local industry, 70 plus Russian trawlers operating in Namibian waters and environmental anomalies, while an article on the 25th of April 1980 blamed the decline on mismanagement, greed and a lack of research. By the 28th August 1990, the entire Namibian pilchard stock stood at 750 000 tons (estimate by the Norwegian fisheries research vessel the Fridtjof Nansen), less than the annual catch of 1968. During this period (1990-1995) catches averaged over 90 000 tons per year. In 2017 pilchard stock is estimated to be 183 000 tons, and the total allowable catch (TAC) is set at 25 000 tons, just 3% of the 1968 catches. In an effort to help pilchard stock to recover, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) recently (12 December 2017) announced it will not allocate pilchard quota for the following 3 years (2018 to 2020). These days, the Northern Benguela ecosystem off the coast of Namibia is characterized by massive numbers of jellyfish and they are a cause of concern as large catches can cause mechanical problems for fishermen, such as breaking fishing nets and blocking pumps. The leading theory is that jellyfish have taken over the role in the ecosystem formerly occupied by small pelagic fish such as anchovy and pilchard, so large numbers of jellyfish are often assumed to be a sign of major changes in the ecosystem. This 'Ecosystem shift' may be

irreversible. Historic data on actual jellyfish numbers is very poor, however an article in the namib times as long ago as 3 March 1967, reported that a fish load of 50 tons had 30 tons of jellyfish among it. This report suggests that the increase in jellyfish numbers may have occurred prior to the collapse of the sardine fishery, as the article further reads “however there is no scarcity of pilchards off the coast”. Additional anecdotal reports such as this may help scientists shed light on historic patterns. The interaction between fishermen and seals is nothing new, on the 16th October 1970 the controversial topic of seals versus fishing industry first appeared in the namib times, with seals being reported as a menace to the fishing industry and sealing was carried out to restore a “favourable balance in the seal population off the coast”. However, just days later (25th October 1970) sealing was criticized by Mrs Irene Kleyenstüber, “for thousands of years seals have been catching fish in the area without overfishing, the extermination of seals cold upset a balance of nature”. Although an emotional subject, seal harvesting happens seasonally in Namibia, providing much-needed employment and foreign currency through exports. More recently, on 15 June 2007, the Namib Times reported on marine life that is unintentionally killed during the fishing process. Thousands of untargeted (bycaught) seabirds, turtles and sharks are killed every year by the longline fishery. This figure can be reduced significantly by implementing mitigation measures and educating the fisherman about the importance of conserving Seabirds. The Albatross Task Force, funded by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and supported by the Namibian Nature Foundation, has since 2007 made significant inroads into solving the problem of seabird by-catch in Namibia. Today it is a must for fishing vessels to deploy bird scaring lines or pay fines of up to N$500 000.

12 JUNE 2018


N O T I C E S & V A C A N C I E S

N O T I C E S & V A C A N C I E S

NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF BUSINESS Ta k e n o t i c e t h a t Swakop Indoor Sports Centre Restaurant CC intends to alienate and dispose of the restaurant conducted under the name “At The Dome’’ at The

Dome, Erf 5371, Swakopmund, to and in favour of the Swakopmund Indoor Sports Trust, and this publication shall serve as due notice having been given in terms of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act No.24 of 1936. Dated at Swakop-


mund on 6 June 2018. KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Legal Practitioners for Parties Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Swakopmund (REF: HEA/AV/ FR17/ 0003-50)

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Pre-Primary) ON ERF: 1541 TOWNSHIP: Meersig Ext 2 STREET: Corner of 8th Road West and Dialogue Street No.51. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Pre-Primary School on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 26 June 2018. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): James Richards, John Muafanjelo Street No.2, P O Box 2226, Walvis Bay


12 JUNE 2018

PROPERTY TIMES Swakopmund Central N$6400 – 1 bed, 1 bath, kitchen, lounge, and single garage, no animals, and no smoking, imm avail N$7000 – 2 bed, open-plan kitchen / lounge, sunroom, 1 bath, 1 garage, avail imm N$7300 – 1 bed, 1 bath, o/p kitchen / lounge, basic furniture, with basement parking imm avail N$8500 – 3 bed flat, 2 bath, o/p kitchen / lounge apartment with double garage, imm avail, no animals Vogelstrand N$7900 - 2 Bed flat, 2 Bath, open-plan kitchen / lounge, balcony and BBQ, 1 garage Avail 1st of July 18 Vineta N$13 500 – 3 bed, 2 bath, guest toilet, open-plan kitchen / dining, lounge, double garage, imm avail Ocean View N$13 000 – 3 bed, 2 bath, o/p kitchen / lounge/dining, indoor BBQ, double garage house, with 2 bed flat, o/p kitchen/lounge and 1bath, imm avail N$ 15 300 – 3 bed, 3 bath, open-plan kitchen / lounge, indoor BBQ, double garage, Imm avail Tamariskia N$8300 – 3 bed, 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, dining, double garage, indoor BBQ (No Yard), avail 1st July 18 N$8900 – 3 bed, 1 bath, kitchen, dining, lounge with double garage, Langstrand N$7150 – 2 bed, 2 bath, open-plan kitchen / lounge, tandem garage, BBQ on deck imm avail N$7000 – 3 bed, 2 bath, open-plan kitchen/lounge, double garage, indoor BBQ, avail 1st July 18 Henties Bay N$6900 - 3 bed, 1 bath, open-plan kitchen / lounge, double garage, laundry, avail 1st of July 18 Arandis N$ 3650 - 2 bed, 1 bath, open-plan kitchen/lounge, imm avail Call Lucille 081 169 6216, Erika 081 158 3464 or 064 464 033

TO RENT: Narraville, Evergreen Street. 2 Bedroom flat with BIC, bathroom, kitchen, lounge / diningroom, outside BBQ. W+E included. Monthly rent: N$4750.00 + deposit. Immediately available. Contact: 081 142 6755 / 081 222 0235 TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent in Mondesa Swakopmund, Tjiuovye Street. Water and Electricity included. Price: N$2500.00 p/m, deposit to be negotiated. Contact: 081 611 6902 TE HUUR: Walvisbaai 900m² Erf, sentraal, hoë mure, 4m hek, besigheidsregte Skakel: 081 169 6640 4 Bedroom House to rent in HAGE HEIGHT 4 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms (3 en-suite), lounge, Kitchen, indoor braai area, outside braai area, big yard, pet friendly, with garden, outside toilet, double garage, prepaid electricity and water excluded. N$8500, deposit required. Contact: 081 295 3744 TO RENT: 2 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, garage and kitchen / lounge with boundary wall and alarm system, at New NamportKuisebmond (interlocks side), up for rent as of 1st July. For N$5500. W/E excluded! Contact 081 376 6560. TO RENT Walvis Bay behind Laerskool 1 Bedroom flat with own entrance, kitchen and shower room, 1 garage, own pet friendly yard. Water and electricity included. To rent for N$5200 per month, N$5000 - deposit required! Available immediately For more info message 081 277 9268 TO RENT: One bedroom flat to rent in Namport, Kuisebmond. With own bathroom, open-plan kitchen for N$3000.00 + deposit of N$2000.00. W+E included. Omuguluombashee Circle Street available. Contact: 081 286 2506 / 081 856 8528 TO RENT: 2 Bedroom house to let in Matutura, Swakopmund. N$4000.00 p/m Water included Deposit - N$4000.00 Contact: 081 124 8739 / 081 294 9278

KUISEBMOND WALVIS BAY Newly built houses ~ 2 Bed, 1 bath without garage from N$ 630 000.00 ~ 2 Bed, 1 bath with garage from N$ 690 000.00 ~ 3 Bed, 2 bath without garage from N$ 750 000.00 ~ 3 Bed, 2 bath with garage from N$ 825 000.00 Located within Walking Distance from beach Each house on its own 300m² to 525m² plot Call Claudia at 0811696227 to book viewing or for more information!

TO RENT: Walvis Bay Industrial Area Syncrolift 2nd Street East Office space and warehouse available. Contact: 081 124 3904

FOR SALE TAMARISKIA REDUCED PRICE!! LOVELY 3 Bed, 2 bath 3 garages & 2 bedroom flat N$1 658 000-00 ARANDIS VACANT ERVEN 450m²- N$100 000-00 each OR 2 bedroom houses with own plot from only N$ 410 000-00!!! MILE 4 SWAKOPMUND VACANT ERF REDUCED PRICE!!! CLOSE TO THE SEA!! 586m² - N$650 000-00 ROSALIN 081 412 4246 BUSINESS FOR SALE: Small take-away business in industrial area for sale. Please contact: 081 297 0354 (after hours only

WALVIS BAY 4 Bedroom, 3 full Bathroom Double Storey house, with open plan Kitchens & Garages, with Floor Size 283m², Fully Furnished, Indoor BBQ, Dressing room, Scullery. N$ 2 200 000.00 Bargain not to be Missed!! Claudia 081 169 6227

TE HUUR: Baie netjiese, moderne, ruim 2 slaapkamer, eenheid in goeie area, naby privaat skole te huur. Verkieslik langtermyn kontrak en goeie huur verwysings sal voorkeur kry. Prys p/m N$7500.00, water ingesluit. Vanaf 1 Julie 2018. Skakel: 081 271 4188 TO RENT: Walvis Bay New 1 Bedroom flat, BIC, kitchen cupboards + stove, built-in braai, 1 garage, small garden, central, near W.P.H School. N$5500.00 + deposit - N$5500.00 Water + electricity included. 1 July 2018 Contact: 081 151 4488 / 081 732 4946 TO RENT: 64 Mermaid Str, Narraville Bachelor flat to rent. 1 Bedroom, kitchen and toilet. N$3000.00 + N$1000.00 deposit. W+E included. Immediately available. Contact: 081 231 7492 TO RENT: Meersig 2 Bedroom house, sun room, sitting room, openplan kitchen, double garage & big yard (fits 8 trucks). N$10 000.00 p/m + deposit. Water excluded & prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 333 3625 TO RENT: Kruis Str, no 10, Narraville, Walvis Bay Semi attached house. 2x Bedroom, spacious open-plan sitting room, kitchen with bathroom. Nearby Woermann Shopping centre. Electricity included. N$4500.00 p/m Contact: 081 140 6655 FLAT TO RENT: Kuisebmond 1x Bedroom flat, 4m big, open-plan kitchen, living room, big bathroom & toilet, warm water free. New NHE, erf 5583, Kuisebmond. Prepaid electricity, DSTV disc. Deposit required N$3000.00 Rent: N$3000.00 Contact Moureen: 081 392 8175 / 081 220 6677 TOWNHOUSE TO RENT: 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big sitting room, automatic garage, fitted kitchen with oven and cooking plates, built-in braai, built-in cupboards in the rooms, G4S alarm, prepaid electricity. Available immediately. Deposit: N$5000.00 (can be paid in 2 months) Rent: N$7000.00 Call for viewing: 081 347 6088

KUISEBMOND Newly-built 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with open-plan kitchen, dining / lounge with garage & stoep. Own 300m² erf. N$925 000.00 Claudia 081 169 6227 FOR SALE 2 Bedroom free standing townhouse in Hermes, very quiet area. Open-plan lounge, dining area and kitchen, single garage, built-in cupboards, one spacious bathroom, newly renovated interior, spacious yard, pet friendly, alarm installed. N$1,100 000.00 Only serious buyers, please contact: 081 200 6543 USAKOS HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER Erf no 221 Rogan Str, 639m² - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, enclosed stoep room, lounge, diningroom, kitchen & outside porch with single garage, outbuilding with toilet, fully fenced. N$550 000.00 neg Contact: 081 129 8848 FOR SALE: Residential plot for sale in Arandis. N$128 400.00 Contact Tupavali: 081 382 0277 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE Hermes Beautiful property with ample space for a large family. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room, guest toilet, double garage plus 2 bedrooms flat. N$ 1 650 000.00 all inclusive Emma: 081 122 8067

TO RENT: Swakopmund, Tamariskia One bedroom, bgic, ceramic tiles Kitchen, bic, ceramic tiles Shower N$ 2 500.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity No deposit required Contact: 081 334 3464 TO RENT: Walvis Bay in Town: 2 Bedroom backyard flat with built-in cupboards, open-plan sitting room with kitchen and bathroom. In town and walking distance to shops and Duneside High School. Price: N$6500.00, w+e included. Deposit: N$5000.00. Available from 1 July 2018. Contact: 081 376 2436 TO RENT: Walvis Bay: Two bedroom flat from 1 July. Great location! Neat and spacious two bedrooms, BIC, kitchen with stove, bathroom, open-plan sit / lounge, indoor braai, remote garage and gate. Alarm system. Prepaid electricity. Water excluded. WIFI & DSTV available. Sorry, no children and pets. Furnished: N$6000 Unfurnished: N$5500 + deposit. Contact: 081 250 4634 / 064 203 342 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, 69B, 6th Street Spacious 1 bedroom flat, open-plan kitchen / living room, full bathroom, single garage, alarm, prepaid electricity. N$5500.00 p/m + dep Water excluded. Immediately available, not pet friendly. Contact: 081 653 7990 HOUSE TO RENT IN MEERSIG WALVIS BAY - Address: 33 7th Road east Meersig. 4 Bedroom with BIC, 2 toilet / bath / shower, office room, open-plan kitchen / lounge with BIC / stove, double garage. N$8500.00, water included, prepaid electricity. Deposit required: N$8500.00 Available immediately. Contact: 081 454 1947 / 081 247 2717

KUISEBMOND Brand new 3 bed, 2 bath house, open-plan kitchen, living room, 1 garage Only for N$970 000.00 Florian 0814600045

TO LET: TAMARISKIA, SWAKOPMUND Two bedrooms flat with bathroom, kitchen with stove, oven, all cupboards, one automated garage, in secure complex available immediately. N$6100.00 p/m Including water Contact Via Whattsapp : 085 124 9826. Accommodation available for : I am looking for a single lady with sober habits : To share a two bedroom flat in Narraville It's an open plan kitchen with build in cupboards in the kitchen and main bedroom, and own back yard. Price: N$3 000.00 p/m (Water & Electricity included) Available from: 01st July 2018 Contact: 081 579 4065 / 081 306 5880 To rent: Walvis Bay Meersig: 3 Bedroom house with open-plan kitchen, 2 bathrooms, big tandem garage, indoor braai, pet friendly. Water and electricity excluded, to rent for N$8500 per month, deposit required, available immediately For more info message 081 277 9268

COURSES 2018 NDT INSPECTION COURSE RATES & DATES: Course: Magnetic particle testing level l - N$9500.00 02/07/2018 - 5 days. Magnetic particle testing level ll - N$9500.00 09/07/2018 - 5 days. Magnetic particle testing levels l & ll combined N$17 000.00 02/07/2018 - 7 days. Liquid penetrant testing level 1 - N$9500.00 23/07/2018 - 5 days. Liquid penetrant testing levels ll - N$9500.00 23/07/2018 - 5 days Liquid penetrant testing level l & ll combined N$17 000.00 23/07/2018 - 7 days. Ultrasonic wall thickness - N$11 000.00 13/08/2018 - 5 days Please Note: Some courses require a minimum student enrolment for the course to continue. Course fees must be paid in advance and in full before attendance will be allowed. Enquiries: jurie.pieterse@ wavetec.com.na


12 JUNE 2018


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net





PLEASE! We are in need of your unused Building materials / half tins of paint / unused interlocks / bricks. We will come and collect it at your home. We thank you in advance. NAMIB PRIMARY SCHOOL 081 208 5331


Female brindle staffie with white patch on her chest, 2 months old, last seen in Diamant Street Vineta Reward of N$ 5000-00 offered for her safe return. Contact 081 128 4661 / 081 619 6797

EDUCATION GRADE 8 – 12 ONE ON ONE PROGRAM WITH A CERTIFIED BUSINESS ACCOUNTANTS (CIMA) Accounting: Private lessons, extra classes, home teaching Colleges, University's & Technicons: Financial accounting Call: 081 403 7925 Walvis Bay

4 BEDROOM HOUSE ON AUCTION VINETA SWAKOPMUND 06 JULY @ 18H00 Duly instructed by the Executor, JJ Meuwesen as Nominee of F M Oehl Trust CC and as such Executor in the Estate of the Late HH Van Wyk, will Namagri Properties sell, by means of Public Auction: Erf 4064 Vineta. Property Description: Erf 4064 Tsavorite Street 997m² GROUNDFO: Lounge, Dinning / BBQ / Entertainment Area Family Room, Kitchen, Scullery, Guest Toilet & Basin, Attached double Tandem Garage 1ST FLOOR: 2 Full Bathrooms, 1Toilet, 4 Bedrooms & Study Nook OUTSIDE FLAT: Entrance Hall, Kitchen / Lounge, Shower, Toilet, 2Bedrooms, Attached single garage Special conditions: Property will be auctioned to the highest bidder. 10% Deposit & 7% Buyer's commission payable on close of bid. For Enquiries Please Contact: Alex McDonald +264 81 128 6821 Mara-lee Doiseb +264 81 142 0137 Email: property@namagri.com

TRAINING HILCRIA’S DRIVING SCHOOL We offer the following packages: Students: N$400.00 for 8 lessons, Non-students: N$550.00 for 8 lessons Student passing out: N$120.00, Non-students: N$150.00, Hourly lessons: N$80.00 Contact for more info: 081 712 0168 / 081 719 4361

SERVICES OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




CAR KEYS: We program & supply new & spare keys, program 2nd hand ECU’s & air bag ECU’s, all cars make & models. For a free quote contact: RDJ SERVICES & SUPPLIES. SMS / CALL WHATSAPP: 0813746444

DIERKING ELECTRICAL & MAINTENANCE Don’t DIY Call The Electric Guy Need someone to check your electrical needs? Faulty geyser Power tripping? New installments? Call Michael Dierking Now 081 317 2914

DR BALA Pay after success Bring back your lost lover the same day, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love only you, pregnancy problems, financial problems, get job and promotion, win gambling and casino, hips and breast enlargements, put attraction to your business and many more. Call: 081 326 7804

Dr. Jumah The Witchdoctor Practising as: Jumah African Traditional Healing Methods He is an expert and experienced Traditional medicines and practitioner of herbs of different types He is an expert and experienced in: Natural and artificial diseases, witchcraft and magical diseases, weather and created diseases, african and foreign diseases, love issues and problems, marriages and financial issues and problems, court cases, farm and home protection, livestock development and protection, body protection, confining and catching thieves, employment and business opportunities, luck and lucky charms, gambling and lotto, charms of any kind, talismanic rings and belts, sea workers protection, sea lag diseases and many more... Come in Walvis Bay town centre close to Multi save Shopping centre at Berani court in Hage Geingob street Consultation fee is N$ 100.00 Marriage counseling, stress and depression counseling, business counseling and consultation and plans are also done at a fee. Call today Dr. Jumah the witchdoctor of all times 081 880 5300 / 081 640 9818 Come and see the best doctor! You will live a healthy and successful life in 2018 and beyond! BRIAN FORD PIANO SERVICES: (Factory-trained piano rebuilder / technician / tuner) Hire, rental, repairs, regulating, tuning. Contact: 081 296 4154 Email: pianoworkford@ gmail.com DB AGENCIES: Swakopmund Roadworthy, police clearance registrations, renewal of vehicle licences. N$ 350.00 Danie Murray: 081 336 2599

DR CHITAMBE Traditional doctor with a difference with a difference, he is in Walvis Bay, but can also be found in Windhoek, he travels all over Namibia upon invitation. Lost love, jobs, removing witchcraft, cleaning bad luck, lucky oil, lucky charms, broken marriages and love, cases, diseases plagues, sleepless nights, nightmares, translating dreams and bringing good life, stopping accidents, magic and bad omen. Call now Dr Chitambe: 081 259 5465 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149 DOCTOR MATHO My services 100% guaranteed pay after success, I challenge to bring back your lost lover and make him/her apologise, be under your feet, get married quickly to anyone you want and love more fix unsettled marriage and stop divorce and cheating, enlargement all sizes within 24 hours, gambling and casino, to boosting your business, win tenders, powerful ring magic wallet, get job of your choice, pregnancy problems, bring back loved ones and many more unfinished job come for help. Call Dr Matho: 081 623 0082

DOCTOR MASANGO Pay after success, love problems with 24 hours, penis enlargement all sizes, the same day, gambling, boosting your business, to win tenders, powerful ring, stop cheating and get married quick, get a job of your choice, pregnancy problems, bring back loved ones, unfinished job come for help, my medicine is 100% guaranteed. Call Dr Masango: 081 381 8900 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887 Traditional doctor Traditional Doctor Banda Registered healer in Walvis Bay. Under nyasa herbals cc - He cast out spells: he heals diseases, instant results guaranteed, work calling back, lost lovers, work, promotion, attraction protection. He is very powerful. Get the job of your choice, get married keep your relationship faithful. Remove bad luck, chase away tokoloshes, pregnancy, win in life financial intelligence And business expansion. Size in men, women matters. Fortune telling. Call for appoinment +264 81 740 7321 JV INVESTMENT CC We offer: I looking for tenders of welding & fabrication like trailer doors, window frames in houses or any jobs for welding. Contact: 081 616 8327 / 081 719 4361


12 JUNE 2018

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net




PROFESSOR DR KANANJI I am here to solve and help people’s problems whoever has been disappointed from others, don’t give up, you still can make it. I solve all problems without fail and don’t delay, just come to me. You will be happy in all your life. I am a specialist in stopping divorce and make peace in your family. Menhood enlargement, results and more rounds in bed. Bring back lost lover and make him / her to marry you no matter what. Get luck charms for gambling, casino, lotto, betting and horses. Love powder to get the love, of your choice same time. Make your lover to think and dream about only. Stop your lover from cheating you and be honest. Come and borrow magic stick, wallet, rats, chikupi for bringing money in you life, get kalunga, Ngungusi to bring money in your house, account. Short boys to make you house. Chase away your bad luck, enemies and tokoloshes from your house. Get the job you want, promotion & double salary every time. Cleasse your money and become profitable in business. Contact: 081 758 2274


DR VICTOR MZWIRE OSMAN For the first time ever, Dr Victor from Kirimanjaro Tanzania. If you tried and failed and you wanted to give up - here is he answer, love & relationship, business, work, lucky, difficult matters. Call for appointment and consultations. Call Dr Victor: 081 277 9626

TRADITIONAL HEALER POWER FROM KASUMBA ISLAND EAST AFRICA Mr Luwichi Mochidao I am here to help with all daily problems. Bring back lost lovers, no matter for how long you break up was, remove bad evils or tokoloshis in your house, protection of your body from enemies, or witch craft, boosting of your business, to have more customers, protection of your place, e.g business places farms and many more, court cases, promotion at work, family problems, selling your property quickly, clear your debt account using senduwana oil, bad dreams, pregnancy problems, alcohol and drug problems, luck to win in gambling, manhood enlargement, premature ejaculation, weak in bed to strong in bed, ladies in herbs hips buttock enlargement, pains in womb, women who don’t produce and many more. Call: 081 638 6071 NEED CASH?? Apply for a loan now! Quick and easy! Employed only.. Swakopmund, Walvis Bay & Windhoek Contact: 081 122 8067


CROCS Get 50% Discount on 4 Selected Styles 4 Hour Speed Sale Everyday from 11am-15pm 1 Week only… Offer Valid th 11 - 16th Jun 2018 Klimas Building Shop # 9

Tel: 064-404955 VERSATILE BUSINESS SOLUTION CONSULTANCY CC Business plan (ordinary): 1 week - N$5000.00 2018 Fish quotas & fishing rights applications: N$7000.00 NGO’s, PTY, trustees registrations: N$6500.00 4 days only. Loan application DBN, SME, FNB (can assist without collateral) etc: 1 week - N$3500.00 Company registration Cc1 N$2000.00 including TAX registration certificate letter of accounting officer, close corporation and social security etc - N$2000.00 Marriage dominical application: N$7000.00 Tax registration and good standing: 1 day - N$200.00 TAX consultant, TAX / VAT returns & penalty waving / revisions / resubmision / refunds, financial statements - N$3500.00 per financial year provisional - N$500.00 Social security good standing & registration: 1 day - N$200.00 Work permits from 3 months up to 2 years - N$7000.00 Assignments all levels of studies - N$550.00 & projects and researches N$1000.00 Tendering: Variable: N$1500.00 Logo designs: 1 day N$450.00 Contact: 081 853 2464 / 081 790 3998 WE OFFER TIP TOP MASSAGES: 1/ Swedish full body massage 2/ Indian head massage 3/ East massage and so on. Contact: Ester 081 415 4547 Petrol: 081 653 7744 SERVICES Easy pass driving school is offering driving lessons in Swakopmund. Book 5 hours and get 1 lesson free Book 10 hours and get 2 lessons free N$ 100.00 per hour and call us anytime during the day 081 576 7274

WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tax solutions !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897 DR RINGAZI Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement m to xl, hips and breast enlargement, bad lucks and many more. Call Dr Ringazi: 081 204 9299 DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Call Dr Zania: 081 254 9875

PRODEL RENOVATIONS: For all you Renovation and Construction needs

JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



FOR SALE: 2008 Volvo Truck + 3 axel trailer. N$260 000.00 excluding VAT Contact: 081 285 9657

JOB WANTED: I am looking for work in hotels, restaurants and bars, as a waitress, bar lady or cooking. Can also do cater and decorate for any events. I have experience in hospitality industry with contact able reference. I can start immediately. Week days at 6 o'clock until close and weekends and holidays. Queen: 081 293 0296

FOR SALE: Yamaha DT125 2010 MODEL motorcycle Roadworthy 2100 KM NAD 8000.00 Contact: 081 122 5228

TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL cc your Multichoice installer winner 2017 at the coast we do DSTV Installations, Televisions Mounting, Fault Finding, Surround Sound Connections, CCTV Installations, Electric Fencing, Camera Cleaning, Hotel Distribution, TV's Sales, RC Airplanes & helicopter Phone 064 406032 cellphone 081 7479191 27 Libertina Amathila st, Swakopmund

Tel: 064 220 004 Fax: 064 202 441 petsparadisewbay@gmail.com c/o Nangolo Mbumba & 10th Rd Walvis Bay (Old Parade)

Your ONE STOP Pet Shop for all your Pet’s needs Seagull's Laundry Services, we make your laundry our business. Open Mon-Fri, 8H00 to 17H00 Close on Saturdays Open on Sun 9H00 to 14H00 We are just a tinkle away Call us at 081 170 1546 We will gladly pick up and deliver free of charge dus die nuwe ad wat nou moet run tot einde Oct.

CARS CAR FOR SALE: Toyota Verso Sedan (Corolla) Local 7 seater, 2008 model 173,000 km excellent condition, new tyres full house. Service book up to date. N$ 65 000.00 Neg Contact: 081 355 0005


JOB WANTED: I am a 40 year old lady, looking for work, washing, looking after children and cleaning. I am hardworking. Contact: 081 301 6359 / 081 327 2651


LE MORGAN URN Features: *8 Litre / 32 Cup *Variable Temperture *1800 Watt Concealed Water *Easy-View water level window *Cool touch - two way flow tap *Secure locking lid *Boiling dry protection. Price: N$1000.00 Contact: 081 200 4126

TO HIRE CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT Converted into anything you want from fullyfunctional kitchens to luxury accommodation. The sky's the limit on the container homes we modify. Door to door delivery. Best prices! Also available: Swakopmund's storage yard with 24/7 access. Cowboys 081 146 4770

HUUR ‘n TROKKIE 3,5 t / 4t Ek verwyder bou rommel / vullis / huistrekke / kantoor trekke. Enige tipe vragte. Bel my gerus. Ek laai self. Eugene: 081 611 1111 FOR HIRE: PARTY KIDZ SWAKOPMUND Jumping castles and water sides to hire. Contact: 081 242 7787


JOB WANTED: I am a 28 year old young lady, looking for domestic work for 2 days, Monday and Thursday’s. I am very hardworking and can even babysitting. Contact: 081 349 8535

JOBS WANTED WERK GESOEK: Ek is n middel jarige vrou opsoek na huiswerk vir n hele week of drie dae. Ek is lief vir ou mense, kan na hulle kyk in Swakopmund en kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 218 0139 HEDDY: Ek is baie dringend opsoek na huiswerk van Maandag tot Vrydag in Swakopmund, Langstrand, Mondidas plotte, Gaste huis, Bejaardes omsien, Dolfyn strand, en Walvis. Het verwysings en kan eenige dag begin. Skakel: 081 287 2658 WERK GESOEK: Ek is n 34 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk vir Dinsdag, Woensdag en vrydag in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Skakel: 081 329 4029 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir Maandag, Woensdag en Vrydag in Swakopmund. Skakel: 081 227 4691 / 081 838 2258 JOB WANTED: I’m 39 years old looking for a driver job. I’m having a code B drivers license, from 2003 - current. Very hardworking from Swakopmund. Contact: 081 324 5254 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for domestic work or babysitting, office cleaning or any other type of work. I’m a very hardworking person and can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 823 2963 / 081 785 3158

JOB WANTED: I am a 35 year old lady, looking for any kind of work, such as washing, ironing and cleaning in Walvis Bay. I have 6 years experience in cashiers. I am ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 613 3932 JOB WANTED: I am a 20 year old male, looking for any kind work or companies. Contact: 081 482 7979 JOB WANTED: I am a 23 year old Namibian citizen. I am currently in Walvis Bay and I am looking for domestic work, starting from Monday to Friday. I can do cleaning, washing but not that much ironing. Must be in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. I am ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 374 2335 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk en kinders oppas. Ek kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 846 0592 JOB WANTED: 28 Year old lady, looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday’s. For reference call: 081 263 1012 WERK GESOEK: ‘n 39 jaar oud dame is dringend opsoek na einige werk, huiswerk, was, babas oppas. Kan enige tyd begin, Maandag tot Vrydag in Ocean View, Vineta, Kramersdorp of Langstrand. Het ook Verwysings. Kontak: 081 818 5244

12 JUNE 2018



Tombstone unveiling of Ouma Emma Cloete (Poppielyn) * 15-08-1945 + 04-06-2018 Openbaring 21:4 “Hy sal al die Trane van julle oë af droog. Die dood sal daar nie meer wees nie.Ook leerd smart en pyn sal daar nie meer wees nie die dinge van vroeër het verby gegaan” Matt:11 vers 28 “Kom na my toe almal wat vermoeid en belas is en ek sal julle rus gee.”

* 14-05-1970 + 16-06-2017 Date: 16-06-2018 Time: 17:00 Place: Kuisebmond Cemetary Contact: Francis: 081 216 9151

Psalm 116 verse 15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” It’s Precisely one year ago when you left us. Dad, sometimes I wish for you to come back, but I dont want you to suffer again. God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So He put His arms around you and whispered “come to me”. I know you are with me and I will always Love and miss you with all my Heart .Untill we meet again.

Happy Birthday from your Lovely Daughter Gabby Dausas

Troosdiens Donderdag 14 Junie 2018 uit Shalom Parogie Oornagdiens sal op Ururus wees in !Khuiseb Distrik. Die oorskot sal vrydag om 18:00 op Ururus ontvang word. Begrafnisdiens Saterdag, 16 Junie 2018 op Dawebdraais wees, in !Khuiseb distrik, die diens sal om 09:00 wees. Navrae: Hermanus Naweb-081 2010951/Ellie Cloete-081 3777 226 Ou Vrou Petrina Swartbooi-081 3486789



12 JUNE 2018

De Duine on winning Track Rudi Bowe

The NSSU under 15 and 19 Rugby league started on the weekend of 26 May. De Duine's U15 and U19 teams played their first g a m e s a w a y against HTS and Okahandja School in Windhoek. The first games for the De Duine U19 team stared at a high as they beat Okahandja School under 19 team 31-13 and the under 15 team started their first game with a lost against HTS the final score was 31-0. On 2 June both teams of De Duine played at their home ground against the U15 and U19 teams of HTS. De Duine U19 beat HTS 33-24 and for the U25 team it was sweet revenge as they beat the boytjies from HTS 65-0. On Saturday, the U19 scored 10 tries in there win against Okahandja School. The final score was 61-12. The U15 team run in 11 tries as they beat the U15 team of Okahandja School 68-0 in a one sided game. The U19 Team has played 3 games and won 3 with the U15 played 3 and won two. The next games for De Duine is away against HTS and Okahandja this coming weekend in Windhoek. The coach and school management are inviting the Narraville community to their next home in two weeks time against Jan Mohr.

12 JUNE 2018




Media Release

Five coastal teams through to the National Finals The Neymar Jr's five maiden qualifiers kicked off over the weekend in Swakopmund, where the coastal teams made it through to the finals. Themed 'Outplay Them All', registered teams turned up to outplay each other in the midst of a misty day. Teams competed in the round robins stages, as skills and class turned out to be the game changers. In the end, SFC Welwitchia emerged victoriously, after it dominated the qualifiers and was crowned the coastal top team. SFC Atlantic took the second spot while SFC Namib, followed. Tika-Tika was placed fourth and NY Galaxy from Walvis Bay, secured the last spot as the fifth coastal team to qualify for the National Final to take place in Windhoek at the UN Plaza on Saturday, 30 June 2018. “The search for that one exceptional five-a-side team to represent Namibia at the World Final on Saturday, 21 July in Brazil, has begun. The Oshakati qualifier will be as exciting as the one we witnessed in Swakopmund, and we wish all the participants the best,” said Bank Windhoek Head of Corporate Affairs, Hayley Allen. Northern registered teams are encouraged to turn up prepared as the second tournament qualifier is set to take place at the Oshakati Independence Stadium this coming Saturday. “We are excited to have finally brought this international tournament to Namibia. This was an icebreaker, and June is going to be an exciting month for everyone involved with this

tournament,” said BKK Sports head, Harald Fuelle. Namibia's most successful professional soccer player, Collin Benjamin from BKK Sports, is part of the project committee, says that he is impressed with the talent and flair witnessed at the coast. “The coastal teams have grasped this concept which gives them a little bit of an advantage over the other teams. I am looking forward to one of the best tournaments ever staged in this country,” said Benjamin. The Neymar Jr's Five, a Brazilian soccer star's signature five-a-side soccer contest, is a Red Bull initiative co-sponsored by Bank Windhoek. The Snickers, the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and Fresh FM are also sponsors of the event. The third and final qualifiers will take place on Saturday, 16 June 2018 at Dawid Bezuidenhout Sports Fields in Windhoek. Only one Namibian team is eligible to win the main prize; an allexpenses paid trip to the World Final in Brazil and the potential to play against Neymar Jr's team. For more information, log on to www.neymarjrsfive. com.

Five coastal teams are ready to 'Outplay Them All'.

Swakopmunder leads Netball

SFC Welwitchia

Back: Conny Samaria, Turky Ndashiiva, Imelda Nerongo, and Wency Ndjitaviua. Front: Rebecca Goagoses, Lydia Mutenda and Isadore Nel Photo Contributed

LYDIA Mutenda, a resident from Swakopmund, was unopposed re-elected as the President of Netball Namibia. Ms Mutenda will be at the helm of the Association for another five years. She was re-elected during the Netball Association's annual general meeting, which was recently held in Windhoek. Rebekka Goagoses, who was the Public Imelda Nerongo remains in her position as Relations Officer, was elected as the Vice Secretary General with Connie Samaria, elecPresident responsible for marketing, spon- ted as the new Public Relations Officer. The sorship, public relations and competitions. Treasure of the Association for the next five Isadore Nel was re-elected as the Vice Presi- years will be Turky Ndashiiva. Wency Ndjitadent responsible for development. viua was elected unopposed as the Technical Director.


12 JUNE 2018

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Kudus victorious Kickboxing Grading over United in Swakopmund Rudi Bowe

KUDUS rugby club moved to the fourth position on the log, after the men from the coast beat United 40-31 in a Rugby Premier League match at Trustco United Park on Saturday. At half time, the Kudus were trailing 21-20. The four tries of the Kudus were scored by JR Jacobs, Percy Nash and a brace by Gilad Plaatjies. Percy Nash added two conversions and Lloyd Jacobs converted three penalties and a conversion with substitute Ivo Croza, who added a late drop goal.

The Swakopmund Fight Club held their grading for Kickboxing on the 2 June and Krav Maga on 9 June. The Swakopmund Fight Club offers Kickboxing & Krav Maga classes, seminars and workshops, specialist selfdefence courses and personal training. The classes are safe and user-friendly, and while they take their training seriously, the culture is one of fun, community, responsibility, mutual respect and camaraderie. Krav Maga will feature at the annual Desert Storm Championships, which will be held 28-29 September 2018. This championship will be the National Qualifier for Martial Arts in Namibia, whereby the National teams will be selected. There are currently three qualified Elite Defence Academy Krav Maga instructors in Namibia – Martin Günther (Swakopmund), Lesley !Hoaeb (Walvis Bay) & Andre Huisamen (Tsumeb). The President of the Namibian Kickboxing Federation, Ms. Anita De Klerk, was present at the grading and she was very satisfied with the progress of each student and instructor. The following students were graded: Brown belt: Duan Oppermann James-Dean Goagoseb Darren Nell Blue belt: Lisa Oppermann Rohan Kotze Ryan Oppermann Nathan Oppermann Green belt:

Marek Lautenbach Orange belt: Arnett Nolte Yellow belt: Rebecca Mitchinson Krav Maga grading – 9 June 2018 Brown 2: Jaco Conrad Brown 1: Marchell Vermaak Orange: Theresia Matheis Ricku Mans Martin Nandu Meldin Nolte Cadet level 1: Nathan Oppermann Joselin Owoses Paul du Plessis Stiaan Hefer Aidan v/d Westhuizen Jay Dee Olivier Zayden Arendse DJ Malan Daniel van Wyk Benjamin van Wyk Cadet level 2: Luke Kotze Damian van Wyk Xander Burger Hendro van Zyl Caitlyn Smit

Kus Knobel Kompetisie De Duine wen die Bobby Horn wissel trofee, en Deon Nel was die beste speler by verlede Saterdag se Coastal Knobel kampioenskappe by die Generals Club. 5 Spanne met 8 spelers elk het laas Saterdag se kus knobel kampioenskap meegeding. Daar was wel meer spanne genooi, maar hulle kon toe nie 8 spelers bymekaar kry nie. Die pryse ter waarde van altesaam N$10 000 was uitmuntend en so was ook die begeerte van elke span en speler om een of te wel twee pryse los te slaan. Goeie pryse en goeie bydraes het tot die suksesvolle kompetisie gesorg. De Duine het as die beste span na vore getree. Hulle prysgeld was onder andere, N$1000, die gesogte Bobby Horn wissel trofee, een 4.5 liter Wellington en 5 “Flachmaenner”. Elke span het 'n prys gekry en die uitslae was soos volg Beste span, De Duine 2de beste speler, Anelle Serfontein Plaat afdeling, Generals 3de beste speler, Peet Horn Bowl afdeling, Pirates Beste spangees, Misty Bay Cafe Niks (4de), Misty Bay Cafe Beste drag, De Duine Pottekrappers, Vintage Meeste “Aus,se”, Barno Swarts Beste speler, Deon Nel Meeste “Julies”, Jaco Serfontein Met die wissel trofee in die hande van De Duine het hulle ook die verantwoording oorgeneem, om volgende jaar se kus kampioenskap aan te bied.

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