This week, the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN) held a groundbreaking ceremony for the first homes to be constructed in Arandis,signallingthestartofanewchapterfor38familieswhowillsoon haveaplacetocalltheirowninExtension7.
In her speech, Evelyn Nawases-Taeyele,DeputyMinisteroftheMinistry of Urban and Rural Development, announced that out of the 38 houses, the Ministry is funding 14, First National Bank is financing 17, and the remaining 7 will be constructed with support from the Federation.Whilecelebrating thismilestone,NawasesTaeyele acknowledged the ongoing challenges faced by many Namibians living in inadequate housing “This project represents a significant step in the rightdirection.However, there is still much work to be done to ensure everyone has access to safe and affordable housing,” she stated Nawases-Taeyele highlighted the troubling statistic that over 900 000 Namibians live in informal settlements nationwide.Sheexpressed concern about the rapid migration from rural to urban areas, noting that the government cannot tackle this issuealone.“Itisthrough
In the estate of the late Gisela Henny Kirchner, Id No. 450110 0037 0 of Frail Care Centre, Antonius Residence, Swakopmund, Namibia, who died on 16 June 2022 (Master's Reference E 2146/2022), and who was unmarried.
In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
vital partnerships, like those with the Shack Dwellers Federation and the support from the privatesector,thatwecan make meaningful progress,” she emphasised. Nawases-Taeyele said, since its inception in 2000,theSDFNhascommitted to providing affordable housing, particularly for low-income earners To date, the Federation has constructed over 8 600 homes acrossthecountry,with3 550 built with government support totalling more than N$111 8 million for the current financial year In light of ongoing housing needs, the government has increased its support to N$20 million for lowcost housing projects, facilitated through the Twahangana Fund ContributionsfromFNB, Ohorongo Cement, and the Pupkewitz Foundation have collectively totaled N$26 million, aidingintheconstruction
of over 400 houses nationwide, and providing much-needed shelter for countless families. Trefeni Mukete, representing the SDFN Arandis Network, mentioned that members inArandis began saving for this initiativeinAugust2007.
The network comprises 168 members, with 130 landless individuals: the current project benefits 38 families Mukete expressed gratitude to various stakeholders, including Arandis Constituency Councillor and Chairperson of the ErongoRegionalCouncil Benita Imbamba for her support, the Arandis Town Council for land allocation, and all contributors to the Twahangana Fund. “We are truly grateful for this assistance,” he said Risto Kapendah, Mayor of Arandis, reflected on the journey to this point.
“It has indeed been a journey for us to finally get here. From the allocationofunservicedland to the Federation, to the Council's allocation of N$440 000 in our 2022/2023 capital budget for land servicing, this project is a testament to our collectiveeffort.”
Atotalof138studentsattheNamibian Maritime and Fisheries Institute (NAMFI) graduatedatamomentous occasion in Walvis Bay last Friday. This was the institute's third graduationceremony.
These graduates have successfully completed programs in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Marine Engineering Classes 6, 5&4,andMarineNavigationClasses6 &5.
The institute's acting director, Meriam Mwiya, remarked that NAMFI's commitment not only enhances the skills of individuals, but also contributes to the sustainable management of marine resources, thereby supporting national economic growth. According to her NAMFI's strategicfocusincludesseveralkeyareas,namely enhancingvocationaltraining,promotingresearch and innovation, and fostering partnerships with industrystakeholders. Shealsoemphasisedthataparticularlysignificant highlight of this ceremony is the recognition of their first cohort graduating with diplomas in MarineNavigationandMarineEngineering.“This achievement not only symbolises individual successbutalsorepresentsahistoricmilestonefor NAMFI,”sheadded.MsMwiyafurtherremarked that by equipping graduates with essential skills
and knowledge, NAMFI is not only enhancing their employability but also contributing positively to the maritime industry “Therefore, today's celebration is not merely an acknowledgment of academic achievements, but a reflection of NAMFI's broader mission to empowerindividualsthrougheducationwhileat thesametimeaddressingtheneedsofNamibia's maritime sector,” she concluded before congratulating the graduates and their parents, guardians and families present, not forgetting to conveyhersinceregratitudetofacultiesandstaff members.
The Erongo Governor's remarks were conveyed in his absentia by his personal assistant Mr Michael Jimmy, highlighting the fact that the maritime and fisheries sectors hold immense potential for job creation, innovation, and sustainableresourcemanagement.
SPECIALIST ... at the coast
M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS (SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada)
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