18 oct namib times e-edition

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Top Swakopmund Municipality Official's Anti-Corruption Case Referred to Regional Court

MrAndrePlaatjie,theCorporateServicesManageratthe Swakopmund Municipality, along with one of his two coaccusedinanAnti-Corruptioncase,datingbackfrom2019, Precious Kasika, appeared in the Swakopmund Magistrate'scourtlastFriday.

Plaatjie and his coaccused are facing charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification, conspiracytocommit an act of corruption and obstructing the course of justice. A statement issued then bytheAnti-Corruption Commission, which was reported on by Namib Times, stated that on the night of the incident a vehicle drivenbyPlaatjiecollided with another vehicle occupied by a certain Becker family “It is alleged that traffic officerKasikaarrivedatthe scene,butasopposedto what her duties pre-

Manica Group Namibia Celebrates 100 Years of Logistics Excellence with Bold Rebranding

Manica Group Namibia marked its centennial milestone in spectacular fashion, hosting an event that was anything but typical for the corporateworld.

HeldinWalvisBay,thecelebrationresembleda lively street carnival, complete with scattered sofas,floatingfoodtrays,popcorn,candyfloss, fire dance performances, and live music by RiaanSmitandTheElls.

The relaxed and vibrant atmosphere perfectly reflected the company's journey over the past 100 years. “It's not every day a company turns 100yearsold,buthereweare,”saidRalphRuiters, Managing Director of Manica Group Namibia, during his address. He credited the company's longevity and success to its loyal customersandsuppliers.“Inthelasttwoyears, WalvisBayhasexplodedwithbusinessactivity, andwiththatcomesnewopportunities.

Continues on page 2

scribe paid little attentiontotheBeckers'and insteadremovedPlaatjie and an unidentified female from the scene in her patrol vehicle,” thereportreads. It was further reported that officer Kasika allegedly took Plaatjie to the traffic offices where a breathalyser test confirmed he was over the legal alcohol limittodriveavehicle. Instead of recording the data as evidence and arrest Plaatjie, a

breathalyser test was apparently taken from Epenetus Tertius du Toit (Accused number 3) who also arrived at the traffic offices shortly after Kasika and Plaatjie. Du Toit's reading was zero and that reading was then captured as evidence under Plaatjie's identity,saysthereport. Magistrate Asie Gariseb last Friday postponed the case to 15 Novemberwhenatrial datewillbefixedinthe


Santorini Drillship Visible at Walvis Bay, Preparing for Galp's Namibia Exploration

The Santorini drillship, which recently arrived off the coast of Walvis Bay, can now be seen from shore between Walvis Bay and Langstrand as it prepares for GalpEnergia'soffshoreexplorationcampaigninNamibia.

The state-of-the-art vessel, owned by Saipem, is gearinguptodrillasinglewellinNamibianwaters aspartofGalp'scontinuedupstreaminvestmentsin thecountry Thedrillshipwaspreviouslyengaged inCôted'Ivoire'sBaleinefieldandwassecuredby

GalpunderasubletfromEni. Itsarrivalmarksa new chapter in Namibia's growing oil and gas sector,withGalphavinginvestedN$2.1billionin Namibian upstream projects in the first half of Continues on page 2

Inauguration of ODEC in Swakopmund Offers Hope to Disadvantaged Youth N$5 Billion

Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff

Manica Group Namibia

We,asManica,andotherlocalbusinesses,must seize these opportunities to drive Namibia's economy forward,” Ruiters said. The event, attended by prominent figures including Erongo Governor, Neville Andre Itope and Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes, was met with praise, with guests calling it “a memorable evening” and “an exceptional celebration.” A Legacy of Logistics Innovation Founded in 1924 as Maertins & Woker, the company was the brainchild of Theodor Woker and Walter Maertens.Overtheyears,Manicaplayedavital role in Namibia's logistics sector, overcoming challengessuchasWorldWarII,andemerging asaleaderincopperexportsandcoalimports. ThecompanyeventuallyevolvedintoSturrock & Woker and later, in 1995, was rebranded as ManicaGroupNamibia. Thischangemarkeda new era for the company, as it diversified into

Santorini Drillship

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2024. The campaign follows earlier successes in the Mopane Complex, where oil discoveries were made at the Mopane-1X and Mopane-2X wellsearlierthisyear TheSantorinidrillshipis well-equipped for ultra-deepwater operations and can handle harsh environments, making it an essential asset for Galp's exploration in the region. The vessel's large payload capacity reduces the need for frequent supply trips, optimising operational costs. In addition to

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marine services, materials handling, and logistics.Theintroductionofcontainerisedshippingin the 1950s, along with the development ofWalvis Bayasalogisticshub,furtheracceleratedthecompany's growth, aligning its fortunes with Namibia'sboomingminingindustryandregionaltrade. As part of its centennial celebration, Manica unveiled a modernised logo that symbolises a fresh chapter for the logistics giant. According to Ruiters,thenewlogonotonlyreflectsthevarious service pillars of the company but also embodies its commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets. “It was time to renew andre-energisethecompanyforthenext100years by modernising our brand,” Ruiters stated. The rebrandingsignalsManica'sreadinesstoembrace the future of logistics while maintaining its dedication to customer service and solving logistical challengesefficiently

Galp'sactivities,PumaEnergyNamibiaisexploring waystosupporttheburgeoningoilandgasindustry Thecompanyispositioningitselftosupplyfueland lubricants to drilling operations and is looking into partnershipsthatcouldfurtherenhanceitsroleinthis expanding sector Meanwhile, EcoAtlantic Oil & GasLtdplanstoconduct2Dand3Dseismicsurveys within the Walvis Basin, focusing on identifying potentialhydrocarbonreservoirsindeepwater The surveyispartofEcoAtlantic'songoingexploration efforts in the region and will adhere to strict environmental guidelines to minimise impact on marinelife.


Inauguration of ODEC in Swakopmund Offers Hope to Disadvantaged Youth

Lastweek,theOpenDoorEducationCentre(ODEC)wasofficiallyinaugurated in Swakopmund, serving as a beacon of hope and opportunity forchildren and young people from financially disadvantaged backgrounds. Operated by the Tangeni Shilongo Namibia Association, ODEC is the first private school dedicatedtochildrenfromtheDRCinformalsettlement.

The centre provides a morning program for approximately 155 learners and an afternoon program for around125additionalstudentsfromstateschools.The afternoon sessions focus on homework support and project assistance, guided by experienced tutors. ODEC features a range of facilities designed to enhance the learning experience, including an outdoor chessarea,anindoorplayspace,acomfortablelunch area, a large playground, a multi-purpose hall for events, sports, and music, a fully equipped training kitchen, and a workshop with ten industrial sewing

machines.Inaspeechdeliveredonherbehalf,Ministerof Education,Arts,andCultureAnnaNghipondokaemphasisedtheimportanceofODECinpreparingstudentsfora competitive, interconnected world. She noted that the school follows the Namibian curriculum while integrating specialised subjects such as computer science, music,andsecondlanguageslikeGermanandAfrikaans. “Theintegrationoftechnologyineducationisnolongera luxury;itisanecessity,”Nghipondokastated.Byoffering afullydigitalprimaryschool,ODECensuresthatyoung Namibiansareequippedtothriveintheglobaldigitalage.

NAC Holds Successful AGM for the 2023/2024 Financial Year

The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 30 September 2024 in Windhoek, as required by the Public Enterprises Governance Act.

TheAGMprovidedan overviewoftheNAC's performance during the 2023/2024 financial year and was attendedbykeystakeholders, including governmentofficialsand the NAC Board of Directors. The AGM marked a significant achievement for the NAC,asitisnowfully uptodatewiththesubmission of its audited Annual Financial Statements.

According to NAC BoardChairperson,Dr Leake S Hangala, the company recorded a profitaftertaxofN$40 million for the financial year, demonstrating resilience and commitment to growth This represents an increase from the N$19 million profitrecordedin2023.

Among the key achievementshighlightedat the AGM were Pas-

senger volumes at Hosea Kutako International Airport and Walvis Bay InternationalAirportreturning to 92% of pre-COVID levels. Theissuanceof long-term operating certificates for these airports, valid until 2025andbeyond.

New airline routes introduced, including FlySafair's connection betweenWindhoekand Cape Town and Air Botswana's upcoming Windhoek-Gaborone route NAC's Chief Executive Officer, Mr Bisey /Uirab, expressedprideintheorganisation's efforts toovercome challenges while charting a clear strategicdirection. Henoted that the company had successfully maintained a clean audit for three consecutive years. In addition to financial success, the AGM touched on

She highlighted that early exposure to technology fosters innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for theworkforceofthefuture.Nghipondoka also pointed to the significance of the Youth Development Program, which equips unemployed youth with entrepreneurship and technical skills to secure jobs and contribute to the Namibian economy Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope, shared his personal connection to the struggles faced by the students at ODEC. “I grew up in a shack andlivedwith15peopleinatwo-bedroom house. I understand the backgrounds of these children. Many come from vulnerable situations, including homes marked by gender-based violence and other hard-

future infrastructure developments, such as the construction of new terminal buildings at various airports and the establishment of a solar power plant at several locations. These projects are aimed at supporting Namibia's broader development goals,includingtheoil and gas industry and green hydrogen initiatives. Looking ahead, theNACisfocusedon improvingairportfacilities and services to ensure Namibia remains a key player in the region's aviation industry

The AGM concluded with commendations fromboththeMinistry of Finance and the Ministry ofWorks and Transport for NAC's achievements and commitment to continuousimprovement.

ships,”heremarked.Itopestressedtheimportance of community involvement in education, urging parents and community members to actively participate in nurturing the next generation. He also highlighted the need for police protection to safeguard the centre against vandalism. “WithErongobeingrichinnaturalresources,thebusinesscommunitymustinvestin institutionslikeODEC,ratherthanrelying solely on donors,” Itope added. Mr Berne Erkes,alongwithhisdelegationfromGermany, attended the inauguration. Volkan Sazli, Founder and Director of Tangeni Shilongo Namibia, revealed that Erkes donated N$20 million to establish ODEC and is collaborating on plans for a new schoolintheDRCarea.

Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari

N$5 Billion Required Annually for Roads Maintenance

The Road Fund Administration (RFA) needs about N$5 billion annually to effectively maintain the national roads network. This was said by the Chief ExecutiveOfficerofRoadFundAdministration(RFA)AliIpingeatthelaunched of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of 17 access roads to the value of approximately N$248 million that is allocated, is not sufficient to address all the roadissuesinWalvisBay.

“The question we need to ask ourselves as citizens and road users is how we are going to maintain our roadsifwedon'tcontribute our fair share to the road user charges.”Ipinge stated that roads maintenance is quite a challenge due to limited available funding.

RFA currently gene-rates around N$3 5 billion annually,whichresultsina significant shortfall, comparedtowhatisneeded for roads rehabilitation

“We generate revenue primarily through fuel levies, whicharechargesaddedto everylitreoffuelsold.This revenue constitutes the RFA'slargestsourceoffunding, directly supporting the maintenance and rehabilitationofnationalroads” Ipingeadded.

“Earlier this year, we requested a N$1 increase on our fuel levies to support the effective maintenance of our roads, which would generate roughly N$1 billion. People say it's a lot ofmoney–anditis–butto maintain our national and

urban roads properly, we needaboutN$5billionper year

Currently, we are generating around N$3.5 billion, so there's a massive shortfall in meeting our needs. Two weeks ago, a 25-cent adjustment was made to the fuel levy Without adequate contributions, towns and cities across Namibia will continue to struggle with deteriorating roads, making it difficulttomaintainessential infrastructure ” He notedthatpeoplesaiditisa lot,buttoeffectivelymaintain our national urban roads and streets, the cost of roads rehabilitation, especiallyintownssuchas WalvisBay,isexacerbated by the lack of a maintenance plan. Ipinge added, “the maintenance of roads is a challenge not only in Walvis Bay, but countrywide. We are looking at alternative ways of supporting local authorities with effective road maintenance strategies, and to collaborateonhowwecan

ensure that our urban roads and streets do not deteriorate due to the lack of effective maintenance strategies.”

According to him the situation of potholes and deterioratingroadsisalack of proper planning and effective maintenance which has culminated over the years in Walvis Bay “WeatRFAarecommitting to ensuring that there is an effective maintenance strategyforurbanroadsand streets country-wide,” he said. Ipingeremindedroad users of their duty to contribute towards the maintenance and rehabilitation of national roads, andtolocalauthorities.The Chief Executive Officer of Roads Authority (RA), Dr Conrad Lutombi, said, “as accounting officers, we cannot fail to deliver services, and local authorities play a crucial role in this process. They are the ones providing services directly to the people. If we fail the localauthorities,wefailthe communities.”

Homeless Narraville Residents Evicted

Homeless families residing at the Narraville rugby stadium clubhouse at Walvis Bay were evicted from the place they called home for some years now, and relocatedtoFarm37onMonday.

This drastic action from the Walvis Bay municipality was executed by the municipality's Protection Services Section. According to one of the evicted residents, AlbertTagub,theyonlyreceivedaletterfromthemunicipalitylastFriday,givingthemnoticetovacatethepremisesthefollowingday(Saturday).“Weinformedthem that we have nowhere else to go and should we go, we don'thavematerialtoputuphousingstructures.Wealso pleadedwiththemtogiveusalittlemoretimeasawellknowncompanyhasindicatedthattheyarepreparedto assist us with material to construct houses or at least shacksatournewlocation,buttonoavail,”Albertsays. Hecontinuednotingthattheywereevictedinaveryrude manner,withmembersofthemunicipality'sfirebrigade, assistedbyaprivatesecuritycompanyapparentlyordering them around and shouting on them to hurry up and load their belongings.As perAlbert the 14 evicted persons, including children, were dropped off at Farm 37 withoutanyshelterandhadtocopewithwhattheyhadto put up structures for protection against the elements. “Some of the people even slept in the open with only blanketstocoverthemwith.Theschool-goingchildren had to stay out of school, as there is no transportation available,”headded,alsocomplainingthatsomeoftheir

properties were damaged during the evacuation. The municipality's spokesperson, MsAnita Kaihiva confirmed the eviction and noted that all the evicted persons are beneficiaries of erven at Green Valley (Farm 37). Accordingtoher,theprimaryreasonfortherelocationis toensurethesafetyandproperuseofsportsfacilities,as thesespacesarevitalforcommunityengagement,youth development, and promoting healthy lifestyles. She furtherstatedthat,unfortunately,thepresenceofunauthorised persons has led to significant safety concerns, includingdamagetothefacilitiesandalackofmaintenance that jeopardises future use for sports and recreational activities.Additionally, occupation of the buildingwasalsohamperingongoingeffortstorenovatethe clubhouse,whichisnowinadelipidatedstate,Kaihiva remarked.SheemphasisedthefacttheMunicipalityhas aresponsibilitytoupholdthelawandensurethatpublic spaces are utilised for their intended purposes. “While we recognise the challenges many individuals face, we must create a balance in upholding the integrity and functionality of facilities that serve the entire community, Kaihiva concluded. Namib Time's question on whether an eviction court order was issued went unanswered.

Rudi Bowe
Marshallino Beukes

Walvis Bay Streets to be Rehabilitated

TheMunicipalityofWalvisBay,incollaborationwiththeRoadsAuthority(RA) and Roads Fund Administration (RFA), launched the reconstruction and rehabilitation of 17 access roads at the value of N$250 million in the harbour town.

The ground-breaking ceremony held recently in Walvis Bay, follows an agreement signed between the RA, the RFA and the Municipality of Walvis Bay in May 2023. The reconstruction and rehabilitationofabout190km of tarred roads, and 50km of gravel roads are scheduled to be rehabilitated in three

phases over a five-year period. The RA will be responsible for the overall project management with OtesaCivilEngineering,a Namibian-owned company that constructed the road between Windhoek and Okahandja who won the bid to reconstruct and rehabilitate the roads in Walvis Bay, will employ approximately 120 temporary local employers

during the construction phase, while Tulipamwe Consulting Engineers will be responsible for supervision. The Deputy Minister of Works and Transport Veikko Nekundi says roads around the town of Walvis Bay are in extremelypoorconditionasitis over-trafficked and neglect. According to the deputy minister, the poor roads has resulted in in-

creased travelling times, pollutionfromtrafficjams, androadsafetyrisksatthe town were not designed to sustain the current heavy traffic. Nekundi said that reconstruction and rehabilitationoftheroadswillreduce congestion and accidentsonWalvisBayroads. He added that once this project is complete, road safetywillundoubtedlybe improved because of the

Pasgebore Baba Lykie In Tamariskia Ontdek

Inwoners van Swakopmund en in besonder die Tamariskia woonbuurt van die dorp is in skok gehul, nadat die ooskot van 'n pasgebore babaseuntjie verlede Saterdagoggendin'nvullishouerinFransicaVanNeelstraatontdekis. Volgensdieamptelikepolisieverslag,soosweergee deurAdjunkkommissaris Kauna Shikwambi, hoof van Nampol se publieke verhou-dinge divisie,worddiebabatussenseweenagtmaandeoudgeskat.

Die skokkende ontdekking is ongeveer 08:00 Saterdagoggenddeur'nmanspersoonwieindie vullishouer vir afvalmetaal en leë drankbottels omteverkwanselgeskarrelhetgemaak. Shikwambiduivoortsaandatdieliggaampiein

tweeswartplastieksakkevasgebindwasentoegedraaiin'nbloedbevlektegeelpolo-nektrui. Volgens die persoon wie die ontdekking gemaak het,hethyaanvanklikgedinkditisvleiswatweggegooiwas,maarmetnadereondersoekhethydie skok van sy lewe gekry en onmiddellik die Mondesapolisieinkennisgaanstel.'nKlagvanmoord, alternatiewelik verberging van geboorte word ondersoek. Geen arrestasie is tot hede uitgevoer nie.

upgraded intersection layouts.“Roaduserswillalso enjoy reduced congestion andasignificantreduction in the likelihood of accidents ” He emphasised that the long-term objectiveoftheprojectistoprovidesafeandreliableroad infrastructurewhileupholding the national vision of promoting national road corridors and logistical hub ideals as enshrined in Namibia'sVision2030.

“This initiative underscores our collective responsibility to maintain andenhancetheroadsthat connect our communities, foster economic growth, andsupportthemovement of goods to and from the PortofWalvisBay,oneof the busiest and most vital portsintheregion,” Nekundi said. According toNekunditheprojectwill provide project workers with temporary work

to its completion and its positive impact on our dailylives,”Nekundisaid.

Colour Walk & Wellness Day

roads will facilitate better access to key services, enhancesafetyforallroad users, and promote efficient transport, will bring numerousbenefitstoWalvis Bay which is crucial for our local businesses.”

“The construction activities will also create muchneeded employment, as I have been informed that approximately 120 temporaryjobswillbecreated for Namibians during the construction period of all threephases,”hesaid.The deputy minister appealed to all road users, residents andbusinessesintheWalvis Bay to offer their support to the contractor and exercise patience at all times. “This project is the beginning of a brighter, safer future for Walvis Bay, and we look forward

The Governor of the Erongo Region, Hon, Neville André, emphases the crucial role that good roads play in facilitating business,enhancingtransportation efficiency, and bolstering trade Andre said, “roads that are in good condition enable the smoother transit for goods, enhance access to markets, and ultimately contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of our people. According to Andre the critical role of Walvis Bay's infrastructure is noting that the rehabilitation project would benefit residents and the broader national economy “The rehabilitation ofourstreetswillnotonly improve the daily lives of our citizens, but also strengthen our position as a key player in the trade corridors that connect us to the world,” he said.

Walvis Bay Mayor Cllr Trevino Forbes said that the rehabilitation of the designated roads, marks a pivotal step forward for our community, enhancing not only the infrastructurebutalsothequality of life for all who reside in and visit our beloved port town. Forbes said that the rehabilitation of the designated roadswillbringnumerous benefits to Walvis Bay Forbes said, “improved

He added that as a port town, the health of our roads directly impacts our economic vitality, attracting investment and fosteringtrade.“Thisprojectis not just about paving our streets, it is about paving the way for new opportunities and progress,” said Forbes. According to Forbes, the street in other parts in the harbour town will be maintained by the inhousemaintenanceteam from the municipality “This will be done by municipal funds.” Mayor Forbessaidthatthereason forthedeterioratedconditionsoftheroadsinWalvis Bay is due to negligence. The projects will see the rehabilitation the following streets and roads in Walvis Bay: Third Street and Third Street East, Fifth Street East, Railway Street,RikumbiKandanga Road, Allan Dean Martin Street, Ben Amathila Street, Hanna Mupetami Road, Sixth Street East, Hidipo Hamutenya Drive, Theo-Ben Gurirab Avenue, Curcumferential Road, Grand Avenue, Puma Fuel Depot Access Road,NamcorFuelDepot Access Road, Fifth Road and Kovambo Nujoma Road.

Rudi Bowe
Marshallino Beukes

Erongo Donates Oxygen Concentrators to State Hospitals RED

NAMCOR's Interim Managing Director Outlines Strategic Vision for Energy Sector Growth

InaliveinterviewthispastTuesdayattheGovernmentInformation Centre, NAMCOR's Interim Managing Director, Mr Ebson Uanguta, provided a comprehensive insight into the company's current operations and its forwardlookingstrategies.

The discussion centred around NAMCOR's transformative steps towards establishing itself as a leading force in Namibia's energy sector Mr Uanguta spotlighted NAMCOR's Trading CompanyTurnaroundPlan,acriticalstrategy designed to increase operational agility byrefiningthecompany'sinternalstructures.Theplanseekstobolsterthecompany's upstream exploration initiatives while integrating essential departments, whichUangutabelieveswillresultinenhanced operational efficiency He stressedthattheseeffortsarepivotaltopositioning NAMCOR as a key player both locally and internationally One notable aspectoftheinterviewwasthesovereign guarantee that NAMCOR has secured for financial restructuring. This guarantee is aimed at strengthening the company'sfinancialfoundation.MrUanguta also touched on the Chevron farm-out agreement in the Walvis Basin, which positions NAMCOR at the forefront of Namibia's oil exploration ambitions.

ThispartnershipwithChevronisseen asasignificantmoveinexpandingthe country'soilexplorationcapacity Looking ahead, Mr Uanguta reaffirmed NAMCOR's vision for sustainable growth, noting that the company is aligning its operations to not only meet Namibia's domestic energy needs but also seize opportunities in the international market. He highlighted the importance of innovation and sustainable practices. The path forward, as outlined by Mr Uanguta, reflects a commitment to ensuring NAMCOR'scompetitivenessinanincreasingly dynamic and demanding energymarket.

ErongoREDdonatedsevenoxygenconcentratorstostatehospitalsintheErongo regionaspartoftheircorporatesocialresponsibility.

Speaking at the handover ceremony on Tuesday this week, Chief Executive Officer Mr Immanuel !Hanabeb expressed his gratitude to Dr Kabongo and Dr Gawab, the Acting Director of Health and Social Servicesfortheregion,for their commitment to improving healthcare services. Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr !Hanabeb reminded attendeesofthecriticalrole oxygen therapy played during the global crisis. “Many of us lost loved ones, friends, andcolleagues. During the pandemic, oxygendemandsurged

dramatically,leadingto shortages in many regions. Inresponseto the heightened risks faced by employees during the pandemic, Erongo RED's COVID Task Team had procured seven oxygen concentratorstoassiststaff suffering from severe COVID-19 symptoms. Fortunately, only one machinewas used, and no further requests were made, leaving six unused concentrators in excellent condition.

Understanding the ongoing shortage of oxygen concentrators in Namibian state hospitals, Mr !Hanabeb emphasised the importance of these devices

for individuals with respiratory issues. In response,ErongoRED has donated the seven unused concentrators, distributing them across four hospitals:

WalvisBayStateHospital (three), Swakopmund State Hospital (two), Usakos State Hospital (one), and Omaruru State Hospital (one) The machines, valued at N$225 400, will provide life-saving care for patients in need.

“Thisdonationreflects one of the core pillars of our Corporate Social Responsibility, which emphasises health and wellbeing,” !Hanabeb

said.Inadditiontothis donation, Mr !Hanabeb announced that Erongo RED recently assisted Swakopmund State Hospital with electrical connections and plans to repair and replacestreetlightsoutside the hospital to improve nighttime safety The streetlight project is expected to cost N$35000.

“We are deeply rooted in our community, and our commitment to improving the wellbeing of our people is unwavering,” concludedMr!Hanabebas he handed over the oxygen concentrators toDrJonas.

“My Reputation and Integrity are Not for Sale” – Walvis

Bay Mayor

Following claims from some Walvis Bay councillors at last week's ordinary council meeting that the Walvis Bay mayor, Trevino Forbes were undertaking trips without their input, Forbes noted that he will never put his position, reputation,norintegrityinjeopardybyactingirresponsiblyorunlawfullyinhis positionasmayor

Inresponsetotheallegationsthemayorduringthe meetingsaidthatthetripindisputewascondoned by the management committee and nothing was doneillegally Hefurtherclaimedthathistripsare toraisemoneytothebenefitofthetown,making an example of a previous Dubai-trip when he returnedwithN$1million.Thismoney,according tothemayorwasutilisedforyouthprojects.Some of the councillors were however adamant that, despite evidence of the trips showing positive results, they (Councillors) should be included in the decision-making process before any official tripsareapprovedandexecuted.

Meanwhile,rumoursthatForbes,whoalsoserves as vice-president of the Independent Patriots for

Change(IPC)politicalparty,mightfaceexpulsion fromhisPartywereaxedbytheIPCpresident,Dr Panduleni Itula. In a media response Dr Itula describes the rumours as “wishful unsubstantiated untruths.”

Hecontinuedbystatingthat“Noconsideration,no complaint, no meeting ever took place in any of IPC organs in respect of the unfounded allegations. Our Vice-president Patriot Trevino Forbes, unequivocally and untarnished, will continue to deliver critical services to the citizens of Walvis Baywithhisteamofalltencouncillorsandremain the Vice-president of the IPC Government in waiting.”

Mr Hanabeb, Mrs Yvonne Ngilumbwa ( SHEW Specialist), Dr Kabongo
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes

NCCI Strengthens Business Vision in Walvis Bay

The Namibia Chamberof Commerce and Industry (NCCI) held a key meeting on Monday this week at the Protea Hotel Walvis Bay Indongo, introducing members and the newly appointed CEO,MsHelenaMootseng,andinterimexecutivemembersoftheWalvisBayChamber

The event aimed to foster stronger ties between NCCImembers,newmembers,andstakeholders, whileoutliningtheorganisation'sfuturestrategies for driving business growth in Namibia. Ms Mootseng, alongside NCCI President Mr Bisey Uirab, shared their collective vision for the Chamber's development Uirab highlighted NCCI's vital role in advocating for solutions to challenges within Namibia's business environment,ensuringthatthecountry'seconomy remains competitive. Mootseng emphasised her commitment to bolstering collaboration across sectors, supporting SMEs, and ensuring sustainable growth Attendees, including members of the Erongo police, engaged in discussions about upcoming initiatives, and overallsafetyofbusinessesandtourist.Withover 2 500 members across various industries, includingprominentcompaniesandSMEs,NCCI remains a leading business advocacy body, committed to promoting trade, commerce, and industryforthemutualbenefitofitsmembers.

Lions Walvis Bay Launches Movember 2024 Cancer Awareness Campaign

Lions Walvis Bay has announced an exciting initiative for Movember 2024,encouragingcompanies,organisations,sportsteams,andmembers ofthepublictoparticipateinraisingfundsforcancerawareness.

Movember, known for promoting men'shealththroughthegrowingof facial hair, will take on an added community-drivenspinthisyear,as allproceedswillgotosupportCAN Erongo (Cancer Association of Namibia, Erongo branch) Participants are invited to join the campaign by paying a small entry fee: Bearded buddies who choose nottoshave-N$350; Clean-shaven participants starting fresh on 31 October - N$250; Ladies supportingthecause-N$150 All funds raised through the event will go directly to CAN Erongo to assist with cancer support and treatment efforts in the region. The eventwillculminateinacelebratory gathering on Saturday, 30

Novemberat14:00attheLionsClub inWalvisBay Attendeeswillenjoy a fun afternoon of photos, prizegiving, and the official handover of thefundsraised. Abraaiwillbeheld at N$95 per plate, with a cash bar available for refreshments

Participantsareencouragedtoshare aclean-shavenphotoon31October and a bearded selfie on 30 November There will be a WhatsAppgroupsetupforeveryone taking part. For those looking to make a meaningful contribution to cancer awareness while having fun, thisisafantasticopportunitytorally colleagues, friends, and family For more information reach out to the LionsWalvisBayorvisittheirsocial mediapages

Puma Energy Energises 2024 Namibian Vulture Survey

Thisyear'saerialsurveyofthevulturepopulationinthewesternNamib, fromtheSwakopRiverinthenorthtotheNamibrandareainthesouth, willbeconductedlateinOctober.PumaEnergyNamibiaissponsoring theaviationfuelfortwoaircraftforthisimportantscientificstudywhich takesplacealongplottedroutesforatotalof22hoursoverthefourdays ofthesurvey.

Mrs Adell Samuelson, General Manager of Puma Energy Namibia, at the handingoverofthefuelsaid,“Thevulturepopulationsurveyisimportantfor theconservationofNamibia'swildlife. Itisthroughsurveyslikethisthatthe endangeredvulturepopulationcanbetrackedandstudied. AsPumaEnergy wearepleasedtobeabletosupportwildlifeconservation.”Sheexpressedher hope that this effort will raise further awareness of the threats to, and conservation of, these majestic birds. Mr Peter Keil, Managing Director of Skycore Aviation, sponsoring the use of the two surveillance aircraft, said Puma Energy has been an invaluable partner over the past five years, contributing significantly to the efforts of the Vultures Namibia project, which is a totally private initiative. Puma Energy's sponsorship, given the

highcostofaviationfuel,makesitpossibleforthe projecttocoverhugedistancesbyplane. The survey, undertaken with a research permit of theMinistryofEnvironmentandTourism,willbe supervised by officials of the Ministry Mr Peter Bridgeford,aretiredNatureConservationofficial, wasakeyinitiatoroftheVulturesNamibiaproject in 1991. He said the project started its aerial surveillance in the early 2000's. In good years between 80 and 100 breeding pairs could be detectedintheareabutsincethedroughtin2021, only about 40 breeding pairs have been counted peryear Thisisduetotheabsenceofenoughfood, such as carcasses of oryx and zebra which means thebirdsmustflyveryfarforfood.Vulturesplaya major role in and a critical part in Namibia's wildlife system but the bird numbers have dwindled drastically due to poaching, poisoning and other threats from commercial farming. The Lappet Faced Vulture is particularly endangered. Thisspeciesisimportantasthesebirdsarecapable of opening carcasses of deceased animals with theirlargebeaks,sothatsmallerbirdsofpreycan alsoreachthefoodsource.LappetFacedVultures' breeding areas are concentrated in the targeted area. They occupy existing nests and build new nestsintheareaeveryyear Thefledglingsremain intheirnestsforaboutfivemonthsafterhatching until they are ready to fly themselves. Female


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 333 STREET NAME & NO: 8 Ugab Street, Langstrand.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan1November 2024.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: LilanieLiversage email:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com

adults only lay one egg per year and both parents support the youngster in turn. Because vultures mustflyfarforfood,suchasoverfarmlandwhere they unfortunately get caught in the 'crossfire' betweenthefarmerswhotrytogetridof'problem animals' such as jackal, Mr Bridgeford said. Poisoning remains the main threat and current research focuses on the different types of poisoning.

Thesurveyiscarriedoutbyaircraftinitiallydueto thevaststretchesofthetargetedarea.Whileflying at a safe altitude chicks in nests in trees are identified.Thenestsarealwaysintheupperpartof trees and are easily identifiable. The locations of the occupied nests are logged by means of their GPSpositions.Usingthisinformationtheground team can reach them by vehicle to carry out their research. Scientific data is collected from the young vultures. The birds are tagged, ringed and bloodsamplesarecollected.Afterthis,thechicks are placed back in their nests carefully Some largervulturechickswouldbefittedwithsatellite trackers, which would provide very valuable scientificdata. Taggedbirdshavebeenidentified andreportedbytourguidesandtouristsfromasfar afield as the Okavango Region, which adds additional valuable information to the research data.


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 417 STREET NAME & NO: Praia Longa 16, Langstrand.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan1November 2024.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: LilanieLiversage email:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com

Photos: Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff


CONSENT: Hotel - Atlantic Edge Boutique HotelONERFNO:2151TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: State HouseCresentStreet,WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Hotel - Atlantic Edge Boutique Hotel.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan1November 2024.


CCoetzee,POBox2031,WalvisBay email:management@atlantic.com.na


CONSENT:TumengeCashLoanCCONERF NO: 4715/24 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Bagan Street, Kuisebmond,WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality ofWalvisBayforpermissiontoerect/establish onthesitea/an:CashLoan.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not laterthan1November2024.


JustinaFrans,POBox4168,WalvisBay email:justinafrans802@gmail.com


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERFNO: 333 STREET NAME & NO:8UgabStreet,Langstrand.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan1November2024.


LilanieLiversage email:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com



Donation of 124 erven to residents in Extension 37. Noticeisherebygivenintermsoftheprovisionofsection(30)(1)(z)(ii)oftheLocalAuthorities Act,Act23of1992asamended,thatCouncildonates124singleresidentialerventothelisted residentsinExt.37,asperitem11.1.24oftheCouncilmeetingheldon3September2024.

Full particulars of the above transaction will lie for inspection at the Municipal Head Office situated at the corner of Rakotoka Street, and Daniel Kamho Avenue Swakopmund, Room BO-09 (Mr C Awaseb), ground floor, between 07:30 – 16:00 weekdays until Friday, 25 October 2024.

Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday, 29 October 2024.

Please take note that NO objections via e-mail will be accepted. Objections must be made by delivering a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number

Only enquiries at the email address below will be considered: Enquiries: Mr CAwaseb


Tel: 064-410 4231

A Benjamin Chief Executive Officer


Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested andAffected Parties (I&APs) that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) on behalf of Reload Logistics Namibia (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent) for the following Project:

PROJECT NAME: Proposed Bulk Storage and Warehousing Facility on Plots 1 & 2, Portions of Erf 1920 South Port, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

PROJECT LOCATION: Plots 1 & 2, Portions of Erf 1920 South Port, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

PUBLIC MEETING: A public consultation meeting will be held in Walvis Bay on Friday, 25 October 2024 at the Walvis Bay Town Library Hall at 10:00 – 11:00

REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: In line with Namibia's Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and EIA regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012), all I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing, Kindly contact: Email: colin@environam.com Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 01 November 2024.


TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners intendstoapply,onbehalfofregisteredowners,totheMunicipal Council ofWalvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board and the Environmental Commissioner for permissionforthefollowing:

Rezoning of Erf 1122 Walvis Bay (Nangolo Mbumba Drive) from “Single Residential” (1:300m²) to “General Business”withabulkfactorof2.0.

Rezoning of Erf 2047 Walvis Bay Extension 6 (C/o of Twelfth Street and Conradie Street) from “Single Residential”(1:300m²)to“Institutional”.

Consentuseapplicationsforhome-basedbusinesses(Admin or Professional) and permission to proceed with developmentwhiletherezoningapplicationsareinprogressforboth sites. Application for an Environmental Clearance CertificatefortherezoningofErf1122WalvisBay Erf 1127Walvis Bay will be re-developed into a business/ officepremisesfortherentingandhiringofcars(SeaBreeze CarHireCC)andErf2047WalvisBayExtension6willbe re-developed into a double-storey medical complex, respectively

Theaforementionedapplicationissubmittedintermsofthe UrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018) and theWalvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The rezoning of land fromresidentialtocommercialuseisalistedactivity,andan applicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatewill be made in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 2007(ActNo.7of2007).

Pleasetakenotethat–(a) the rezoning pre-application draft (bid document) lies openforinspectionatRoom101oftheRoadsandBuilding Control Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay situatedatCivicCentre,WalvisBayorcanberequestedfrom mario@sp.com.na; (b) Potential interested and affected parties are invited to register with Stewart Planning, and any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay and with Stewart Planning within14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice. (c) Registrationandwrittencommentsorobjectionsmustbe submitted before or on 17:00 Thursday, 21 November 2024

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc. org.na



Namagri Properties presents onAuction:

Six Industrial Properties at Shali Industrial Estate Windhoek, Friday, 25 October 2024 @ 10:00 on site.


Situated Next to the NationalA1 Road, Farm 428 Brakwater, Windhoek, opposite Bokomo and next to Elisenhein.

GPS: S22*26'00” E17*04'26”


The Properties are registered in Pty's.



INDUSTRIALESTATE –11794 Square Meters




1158 Square Meters

ERF NO. 19


INDUSTRIALESTATE –1601 Square Meters

ERF NO. 20


INDUSTRIALESTATE –1563 Square Meters

ERF NO. 31


INDUSTRIALESTATE –5027 Square Meters

ERF NO. 33


INDUSTRIALESTATE –3939 Square Meters

Zoning: Industrial


Open day for viewing is on Saturday 21 September and Saturday, 5 October from 10:00 till 14:00. Auctioneers Note: The Property market currently offers many opportunities; this is one of them.


For Enquiries Please Contact:

Alex McDonald +264 81 128 6821




email:nktransportnam @gmail.com


DOCTORKALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887


SERVICES: Insulatedgeyserwithour 25mmthickness waterproofblanketand reducesheatloss,saving moneyonenergybills Contact:0817607158






ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADC countries,suchas bringingbacklostlovers in4days.Removalof badluck,verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice.

Pregnancyproblems, jobsandpromotions, business,protectionof bodiesandhousesfrom witchcraft,protectionof kraalsfarmsfrom thieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillnever regret.

Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102


Dr Lovemore Ben Banda

(Theoldman)FromMalawiis in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringingbacklostlover,toget a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win contractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a mantobestronginbedduring sex,awomantohavefeelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness,epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancy problems, if you needanewbaby,periodpains, torecoverstolenproperty,BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, & many more Come & experienc

ul miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Smsorcall:0816431482find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet

TraditionalDoctorMoyo Tiredofrunningupanddown, going everywhere but not achievingyourrealgoals,here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems weak erections whichisunabletosatisfyyour woman, vagina tightness for mantofeelalwaysattractedto you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasingofbadluckspirits,job problems, stop lover from cheatingyou[manorwoman] Business improvements, all typesofgoodluck.pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo StreetMondesaSwakopmund orcall: DrMoyo0813395913


Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies




Grade 12 Technical Drawings

7 years Truss Designing with MiTek Software

2 years Project Management

3 years Factory Management

It will be an advantage if you can start immediately Mail CV's to mobile@swakoproofing com


SalesAssistant Honest VibrantandFriendly Namibiancitizen Fluent in English and Afrikaans Referencerequired PastelExperience Willingtolearn Pleaseforwardcv’sto LF@BDMNAM.COM P O.Box4032 WalvisBay

VACANCY: Auto Electrician Requirements:

1.Auto Electrician Trade Certificate

2.At least 5 years relevant experience.

3. Drivers license.

4. Traceable references. Only applicants with relevant qualifications and experience need to apply Only short-listed candidates will be c o n

e d a n d n o telephonic enquiries will be attended to.

Please email complete CV with accreditations to: nadia@skrypzeck.com

Closing date

31 October 2024

VACANCY: Marine Electrician Requirements:

1. Marine Electrician Trade Certificate

2.At least 5 years relevant experience.

3. Drivers license.

4. Traceable references. Only applicants with relevant qualifications and experience need to apply

telephonic enquiries will be attended to.

Please email complete CV with accreditations to: nadia@skrypzeck.com Closing date 31 October 2024

Front Office / ReservationsSupervisor Remote location (coastalarea)


-ANamibiancitizenwith avalidNamibianIdentity Document.

- Minimum of 5 years experience in hotel reservations,ofwhichat least 2 years are in a supervisoryrole.

- Excellent computer skills(Excel,Word,etc).

-Strongsupervisoryand managerial skills with a hands-onapproach.

- E x c e l l e n t administration and reportingskills.

- Cimso Innkeeper system experience is a must.

-Driver'slicense&PAis advantageous

- Must be willing to work weekends.

- Fluent in English and Afrikaans, both written andoral.

- Attention to detail and all the above-mentioned skillswillbeassessed.

- Excellent social skills with the ability to effectively communicate withguests.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Due date: 31 October 2024

Send CV to both emails: gm@capecross.org and accounts@capecross. org

NB!! Subject line should be the position youareapplyingfor

Vacancy for cooker and cleaner.

Location:WalvisBay Experience in the hospitality industry would beanadvantage.

· Experience and training incooking.

·Workinghoursare 06:00-15:00weekly andwillingtoworkon weekendsuponrequest.



·Capableofworking underpressure. Please email CV to: desertdreamswb@outlo ok.com


Food & Beverages Manager

Remote location (coastalarea) Full-time

-ANamibiancitizenwith avalidNamibianIdentity Document.

- Minimum of 5 years

& beverageenvironment.

- Experience in stock control, stock counts, portion controls, placing orders, and general accountabilityofallfood a n


- Experience in Event & Function hosting, menu planningandcosting.

- Background training in food industry is advantageous.

- Excellent computer skills(Excel,Word,etc).

-Strongsupervisoryand managerial skills with a hands-onapproach.

- Cimso Innkeeper system experience is advantageous.

- E x c e l l e n t administration and reportingskills.

-Driver'slicense&PAis advantageous

-Mustbewillingtowork weekends.

- Fluent in English and Afrikaans, both written andoral.

- Attention to detail and alltheabove-mentioned skillswillbeassessed.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Due date: 31 October 2024

Send CV to both emails: gm@capecross.org and accounts@capecross .org

NB!! Subject line shouldbetheposition youareapplyingfor


Remote location (coastalarea)


-ANamibiancitizenwith avalidNamibianIdentity Document.

-Anymaintenancework experience (e g painting, tiling, etc) is advantageous.

-Mustbewillingtowork shifts, weekends and longhours.

-Fluent in English and preferablyAfrikaans.

- Must be a great handyman/woman with knowledge of basic tools.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Due date: 31 October 2024

Send CV to both emails: gm@capecross.org and accounts@capecross. org

NB!! Subject line shouldbetheposition youareapplyingfor

RENTNEEDED: I'mLookingforaflatto rentin Walvis preferably inTownorNarraville Only.Singleladywith soberhabits.Tomovein 1stNovember 2024Price N$2000.00

JOBWANTED: I am a young lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay Ready to start anytime. Contact:0812062372


JOBWANTED: I am a young and energetic lady looking for domestic work from Monday to Friday inSwakopmund,readytostart assoonaspossible. Contact Meriam: 081 486 4943/0813697373

JOBWANTED: Iama45yearoldwomanvery honest, urgently looking for domestic work Tuesdays and Thursdays available also Saturdays, I am very hardworking and willing to s t a r t a n y t i m e i n Swakopmund. Contact:0816894338

WERKGESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir Maandag tot Donderdag in Swakopmund of kinders oppas,ekrookofdrinknie,ek isbaiebetroubaar Kontak:0815577685/ 0813905233



ExecutionCreditor and LeeTecTruck& TrailerRepairsCC


In the Magistrate's Court for the District of WindhoekheldatWindhoek. CaseNo:1076/2022

Inthematterbetween SharedAdvertisingCC t/aSharedPetroleum STAKEHOLDERMEETING

On behalf of our client, one of the largest terminal operators in the world; responsible for 70 terminals worldwide, is now also in Namibia, we are looking to fill the following vacancies, which are all permanent and located in Walvis Bay:


Responsible for the identification of suppliers by investigating prices, availability, and lead times of productsinthemarket.

Controlspendandbuildacultureoflong-termsaving onprocurementcosts.

Analyse and maintain up-to-date knowledge of market trends, pricing, availability, capacity, technology and suppliers' capability relative to the supplyofproductsassigned.


·DiplomaorDegreeinLogisticsandSupplyChainor Accounting/FinanceorBusinessAdministrationor relateddiscipline.


·Knowledgeofpurchasingfoundationsand practices,product,andservicevendorsources.


·Knowledgeoflocalandinternationalmarkets,in procuringsparepartsandservices.


The Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Administrator develops, implements, integrates and manages the information systems and associated tools that supports asset management of the terminal equipment fleet. This positionprovidesthecriticaldataneededtotrackKey Performance Indicators and analyse team performance,comparingagainsttargetsandbenchmarks.

Qualification & Experience required:


·Minimumof4yearsrelevantexperienceinformer maintenancecraftbackground



SecondExecution Debtor



Kindly Take Notice

That pursuant to a


Assistant Chef

Godenfang Restaurant - Walvis Bay, is looking for an assistant chef to help in our busy kitchen. Someone who will prepare, organize and arrange the food and their station.

Duties include: Prepping, cleaning kitchen, monitor food stock, ordering, preparing certain dishes, such as salads, desserts and some al la carte items.

The ideal candidate should have the following attributes:

- Grade 12

- Either hospitality or chefs' qualification or 2 years' experience working in a hotel or restaurant kitchen

- Good command of English, both spoken and written

- Good basic math skills

Company and employment expectations:

- Full time position

- 3 - 6-month contract to start

- Restaurant is based in Walvis Bay – the ideal candidate should either reside in Walvis Bay or be willing to relocate at own cost

- Market related salary and benefits

- Young and vibrant team

Please email a short CV, motivating cover letter, copy of ID and police clearance to wbjobs123@gmail.com

Maintenance Planner

Responsible for supporting the process for maintenance planning, technical planning of preventiveandcorrectivemaintenance,workorders, developingworkplansandidentifyingallmaterialand labourresourcesnecessaryforexecution.

Qualification & Experience required:

·DiplomaorDegreeinanengineeringfieldor equivalent.

·Minimum3years'experienceinanasset maintenanceorfacilitymanagementoperational environment,equipmentoutagemaintenance planning,personnelandresourcemanagement.



Responsiblefortheimplementationandenforcement ofHSSE(Health,Safety,Security,andEnvironment) operational requirements. Developing policies and reinforcing HSE and security control measures onsite,riskassessmentsandaccidentinvestigations.


·Bachelor'sdegreeinoccupationalhealthandsafety, environmentalscience,engineering,orarelated field.

·Minimum7yearsexperience,with3yearsona manageriallevel,inasimilarrole,preferablyina high-riskenvironmentsuchasports,logistics, manufacturing,orconstruction.

·ExperiencewithHSSEmanagementsystems,risk assessmentsandimplementationofsafety measures.

Responsible for developing and analysis methods to determine reliability of assets, components and processes. Prepares diagrams, charts, drawings, calculations and reports to define reliability problems and make recommendations for improvements. Conducts and analysis reliability problems and investigates to determine the required reliability approach for a particular situation, with consideration given to the cost limitations for equipment uptime/downtime, repair/replacement costs and weight, size and availability of materials/equipment.




·WorksundersupervisionoftheTechnicalManagerforguidanceintheuseofstandardcompanyprocedures foruseinreliabilityanalysisspecifictotheprocesses.

This recruitment is managed by Elite Employment. Please apply by visiting the following website and uploading your application to the position.

CLOSING DATE: Friday, 1 November 2024

For any question or enquiries, please contact: Antoinette Druker (Executive Recruitment Consultant)

Email address: antoinette@eliteemployment.com.na

Direct number forAntoinette: 083 723 4152 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Judgement granted by the above Honourable Courton6June2022,in the above matter the following goods will be soldbypublicauctionon 8 November 2024 at 10h00 at Unit 11, Factory Park, c/o 10th Street East and Grand Avenue,OldIndustrial Area, Walvis Bay, by the Messenger, Walvis Bay:





1xRedtwodoorsteel cabinet


1xRedSandBlasting cabinet

4x4Shelvesteel shelves

2xBigblacksteel shelves

1xBluesteelwork bench


1xWhitePanelvan withRegistration No:N24214WB VariousTools


1. The sale will be held without reserve and the goodswillbesoldtothe highestbidder 2.Thegoodswillbesold “voetstoots”

3 Payment shall be made in cash or by electronic transfer payabletotheMessengerof the Court immediately afterthesale.

Dated at Windhoek on 15October2024.

LegalPractitionerfor ExecutionCreditors HOHNE&CO No.295,Sam NujomaDrive KleinWindhoek Windhoek Ref:8SHA263/IH/SL


NO. E 2063/2023 In the estate of the late Victoria Angula, Id no. 880320 0008 9, of Erf No.2050 Matutura,

Backyard Ultra World Championships at the Coast

Namibia'sfinestlong-distancerunnerswilltakeontheworld at the Backyard Ultra World Team Championships set to takeplaceonSaturday,19October2024at14:00atbeautiful Gecko Ridge Lodge, just outside of Swakopmund on the SwakopRiverPlots.

Blast your career off to new heights

BME is one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of explosive products and services to the mining industry in varies SADC countries and expanding International Operations. We pride ourselves in providing high quality explosive products with an excellent support service to all our clients.

We are looking for competent, passionate and results - driven people to provide services to our clients in the following roles:


JuniorAccountant · National Diploma inAccounting or Equivalent

· Code B Drivers Licence

· Grade 12 or Matric Qualification

· Certificate of Conduct Police

KeyAreas Finance

· Only candidates residing in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay will be considered.

· 5 years’demonstrated experience in accounting

· 5 years’demonstrated ERPexperience · Demonstrated experience in mining industry

·Preparingandanalysingaccountingrecords,financialstatements,andotherfinancialreportsinordertoassessaccuracy completenessandconformancetoreportingandproceduralstandards).




·BalancesheetReconciliationofcertainGLAccounts BusinessSolutions

· Preparing forms and manuals for accounting and bookkeeping personnel, and direct their work activities

·Surveyingoperationstoascertainaccountingneedsandtorecommend,develop,andmaintainsolutionstobusinessand problems. financial

· Focal point for Vendor on Boarding in Namibia Admin

· Leave processing

· Payment batch processing

· Visa applications and focal point for Fleet cards in country

· New Employees assist with On Boarding process Audit Support

·Prepareforandco-ordinatetheinternalandexternalauditstoensurecompliancetocorporategovernanceandlegislation. Established/maintainedrelevantandconstructiveinternalandexternalstakeholderrelations

· Provide support, education and training to staff within the finance team and other stakeholders.

· Effective relationships in the company and with relevant external stakeholders to deliver on the mandate of the role


1.To apply for the above positions please submit your Complete CV, Certified Certificates & ID Copy, and proof of residents to: andemfrid.kingdom@bme.co.za michaela.fortuin@bme.co.za

2.Please use the Job title as the subject of your e-mail. ONLYEMAILED CV's WILLBEACCEPTED

3.Closing Date: Thursday 24 October 2024 @ 17:00 CAT

4.If you do not hear from us within 30 days from the closing date, kindly accept that your application was unsuccessful.

This thrilling endurance event follows the classic Backyard Ultra format, where runners must complete a 6.7 km loop every hour, on the hour, until only one person remains. But this time, there's a global twist as a 15strongNamibianteam will be competing simultaneously against 15-person teams of 63 other countries in real time. It's both a team and personal battle, as each runner fights for their country, and the top 50 teams get the chance to send their national champion to theWorldFinalsinthe USAin2025.Withtop contenderslikeNaude and Katja Dreyer, fresh off the Com-

rades Marathon, and Michelle von Stein, stepping in with unwavering determination, with one of the starsofTeamNamibia, André Ross, a threetime winner of the Brandberg Backyard Ultra and current Namibian record holder with 22 laps (147 km) completed, alongside André is Corné Verwey, a fierce competitor and the women's course record holder with 16 laps as well as PC Visser, the runner up at Brandberg this yearwith21lapsTeam Namibia is poised to put up a formidable fight.They'rejoinedby ultra running talents like Erich Goeieman, well-known for his multiple podiums in national marathons,

Winnie Mukupuki and KirstyBrits,knownfor completing the Comrades Ultra Marathon multiple times, as well as Elmarie Adriaanse, an adventurer at heart with four Backyard Ultras under her belt and a wealth of ultramarathon experience. Spectators are welcome to come and cheer on our runners as they battleitoutforglory A small entrance fee will be payable at the gate, withproceedsgoingto the five non-profit conservation organisations. The Backyard Ultra World Team Championships isn't just about running the furthest: it's about strategic endurance, mental toughness, and puredetermination.


Walvis Bay Relationship Manager / Operations Coordinator & Quality Controller

SteinwegislookingforanexperiencedRelationshipManager/ OperationsCoordinator&QualityControllertooverseeandoptimize logistics in the Walvis Bay corridor This role involves managing service providers, negotiating rates, and ensuring smooth cargo handlingforimportsandexports.


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Rudi Bowe
Andre Ross Naude Dreyer
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Michelle von Stein Martin Kalwenya Hennie Lacock

namib times Sport


Go-Kart Racer off to World Championships

NamibianProfessionalGo-KartRacer,ZainBeuthinwasinvitedtoparticipateintheRotaxMaxWorldChampionshipinSarno,Italy,from19to 26October

With his record time achievements during 2023 and 2024 African Open championships, he became the first Namibian ever to represent the country at the Rotax Max World Championships Zain Beuthin started his racing career later than most of his fellow competitors, but he displays a natural skill for racing and has continued to improve witheveryrace.Hehas caught the attention of several people around the track, who all agree heisanaturalracerand can to go far in racing. With a strong track record and a commitment to excellence on and off the track, Beuthin believe that representing Namibia asanofficialathleteand

Quinton Mouton Wins Thrilling Dart Competition

The Open Singles Darts Competition held in Narraville, Walvis Bay which attracted Dart players from Walvis Bay, Windhoek and Swakopmund was won by Quinton Mouton whoclaimedthegrandprizeofN$6000.

Mouton, in a league of his own, beat Sakaria Mwahaluka8-2inthefinalofthecompetitionafter hebeatGarvinThereninthefirstsemi-finalwhilst Mwahaluka beat Roger Boon in the other semifinal The competition featured intense competition between 18 players competing in a round-robinformat,allvyingforaplaceinthetop 16.

show his skills on a global stage is a big honour and privilege. He has been racing locally and internationally and has competed against more experienceddriversand continued to improve and prove his skills since November 2022 when he first started Go-KartRacing. Beuthin said, “becoming a racer has been my dream since I was old enough to understand what the word "dream"means.Iknow that I still have a lot to learn,however,withmy determination, passion for racing, and hard work I believe will continuetosucceedand make my country proud, Charisma also helps,”saidBeuthin.He added that he has been

racingconsist-entlyand with the guidance from fellow more experienced drivers and local experts in the sport, mentors, and with a lot ofpersonalresearch,he continued to grow his skills and become an exceptional racer Beuthin said that his mission is to empower the Motorsport industry in Namibia and provide enough exposure to continue growing together “I hope to continue to inspire young individuals and encourage them to follow their dreams With some support, everyone can be a champion We don't have to shy away because we are from Namibia and Namibians have Champions too. We just have to

believe in ourselves, hard work and long hoursonthetrack,with our support system we canmakeadifference,” hesaid.

Hisachievementupto date: Namibia Rotax Max Championship 2023(1styearofracing &came3rdfortheyear) Africa Open, Zwarts-kop, SouthAfrica 2023 (1stAfricaOpen,record track times, 6th in his class)

South African Africa Open2024(2ndyearof Racing and came 10th outof25Karts) Namibia Rotax Max Championship 2024 (NamibiaChampion) Racing Class - DD2 Class Podiums finishes for 2024 - 6 out of 6 races with3wins.

Annual Bridge Tournament Brings Together Local & International Players in Swakopmund

The annual bridge tournament, held from 12 to 13 October in Swakopmund,broughttogetherbridgeenthusiastsfromacrossNamibia andbeyond.

Players from Windhoek, Omaruru, HentiesBay,Swakopmund, andevenasfarasEgypt gat

e competition. This year, the championship title was claimed by DominiqueRobertsandWael Batea,whodeliveredan impressive performance throughout the tournament. Coming in

second place were CamienLensandHellmut Wormsbacher, who also played a strong game. A notable highlight of the tournament was 94-year-old Ed Babour, one of the top bridge players in the region. He remains a dedicated participant, playing every Tuesday afternoon at the Lions Club in Swakopmund. Organisers are hoping toattractnewplayersto the game, with Camien Lens, one of the event participants, emphasisingtheneedforfresh faces to join the bridge community “We need new players desperately,”Lenssaid.

Namibian Professional Go-Kart Racer Zain Beuthin
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff

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