12 may namib times e-edition

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RFA Namibia

commits N$248 million towards road upgrades in Walvis Bay

The Road Fund Administration (RFA), the Walvis Bay Municipality, and the Roads Authority Namibia (RA) signedaMemorandumofAgreement(MoA)onWednesday thisweekinWindhoek.

The RFAthrough the MoAcommitted N$ 248 million over a five-year termtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfortheupgradeandexpansionof theroadnetworkleadingintothePortofWalvisBay Thesefundswillbe derived from the Road User Charges (RUCS) funding. The Chief Executive Officer of RFA Ali Ipinge said the initiative that will commence construction within the current financial year will increase cargo volumes through Walvis Bay which will in turn drive economic activitiesanddevelopment.

Ipingesaid,“asNamibiaseekstostrategicallypositionitselfasagateway to the Southern Africa economic market, through the deepened and expanded of the Port of Walvis Bay, more cargo volumes will pass throughWalvisBaydestinedtoneighbouringcountries.Akeyaspectof theMoAistoensurethecontinuouslong-termupkeepoftheroadsused bycargotrafficdestinedforlocal,regional,andinternationalmarkets,”

Continues on page 2

Revving Up Road Repair: Walvis Bay Municipality Tackles Potholes Head On!

After months of deteriorating road conditions, the local councilhastakenactiontoaddresstheissueofpotholesinthe city.Fourcontractorshavebeenappointedtoundertakeroad maintenance works in various areas of Kuisebmond, Narraville, Meersig, Lagoon and the Central Business District.

Themaintenanceperiodwillinvolvesomedisruptiontonormaltrafficflow, anddriversareurgedtoadherestrictlytotrafficsignageandspeedrestrictionsaroundconstructionareas.AccordingtoareportontheMunicipality ofWalvisBay'ssocialmedia,itishopedthattheworkswillhelptoaddress the problem of potholes and improve driving conditions for motorists. In addition to the pothole repairs, a contractor has also been tasked with rehabilitatingtheintersectionof6thStreetEastandHannaMupetamiRoad. There are also plans underway to rehabilitate other major intersections in the town. A list of the streets that will undergo maintenance during this period has been released.The same report indicates in Narraville, several streetswillberepaired,includingNamibStreet/MeeuStreet,CeasarMartin Street,andEvergreenStreet.InKuisebmond,IndependenceRoad(circle), NathanielMaxuilili,JohannesNampala,andKatrinaIhuluAvenuewillbe repaired, along with several other streets. In the town area, Hanna Mupetami Street, Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Moses Garoeb Street, and HageGeingobAvenuewillundergomaintenance,aswellasseveralothers. Finally, in the Meersig, Lagoon, and town areas, several roads, including KovamboNuyoma,2ndStreetNorth,andNangoloMbumaDrive,willbe repaired.

The council apologises for any inconvenience caused during the maintenanceperiodbutassuresresidentsthatitisnecessarytoaddresstheissue of potholes and improve road conditions.The hope is that the road maintenanceworkswillimprovethedrivingexperienceforallroadusersinthe affectedareas.

Xinfeng mining licence revoked

Walvis Bay Municipality's electricity bill paid Swakop Municipality To Host Nalasra Games

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COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7015 FRIDAY 12 MAY 2023 N$6 inside Page 16 Page 2 Sports News Page 3 Page 5
Trevino Forbes (Walvis Bay Mayor), Conrad Lutombi (CEO, Roads Authority), Ali Ipinge (CEO, Road Fund Administrator), John Esterhuizen (Acting CEO, Municipality of Walvis Bay) and Buddy Bramwell (Councillor of Municipality of Walvis Bay) Rudi Bowe Eileen van der Schyff

Roads Authority


According to Ipinge the RFAre-emphasised the significant role it plays in the Namibian road network development and expansion “Our mandate extends to the provision of financial support to the Local Authorities for the maintenanceoftheirurban,rural(orvillage)and settlementsroads.” Hesaidthefundingallocated isdeterminedandappliedbasedontheprinciples of economic efficiency, safety, equity, and transparency, within the Road User Charging instruments. “Through the joint MoA the RFA, RA and the Municipality of Walvis Bay will ensure added support to the national vision of promoting the national road corridors and logistical hub ideals as enshrined in Namibia's Vision2030,”Ipingesaid.

He explained that the Erongo region being the mining and industrial hub of the country has benefittedfrommajorcapitalroadworksprojects, such as the upgrade of the MR44 and TR2/1 WalvisBaySwakopmunddualcarriagewaysand MR44 and MR76 Swakopmund-Henties BayUis-Kamanjabroads.

Ipinge said that the RFAhas equally invested in the light rehabilitation of 65km section of Truck Road 2/3: Omaruru-Karibib at a cost of N$60 millionandwithloanagreementwithKfWbeen concluded with MFPE they are now looking to commencewiththereconstructionoftheKaribibUsakosroadinthesecondhalfofthisyear2023. Ipinge has call on all Local Authorities to also play their part in complying to the provisions of the Procedures Agreements and the Public Procurement Act and move towards the developing of basic Pavement Management Systems and proper budgeting. The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes, said the MoA

represents a significant step forward in ensuring that our roads are properly maintained and upgraded to improve the safety and accessibility ofourcity

“Through this partnership, we will be able to coordinate resources and expertise to address the challenges facing our road network and ensure that our citizens can travel safely and efficiently throughoutourtown,”Forbessaid.

Forbesnotedthathehasfaithintheexpertisethat and technical support the Municipality will receive from the RA and RFA in bringing this developmenttolife.

Forbessaidthatthiscouldn'thavecomeatabetter time “With the agreement signed the Municipality needs to become pro-active Therefore,Iwouldliketocallonallstakeholders like trucking companies to come onboard, for as alltoseehowweallcanfixtheotherroadsinthe town.”

Themayorsaidthattheharbourtownneedstoget a truckport as soon as possible. “I am not happy with the overflowing trucks inWalvis Bay in the absenceofatruckport.Weunderstandthatthisisa major concern for our residents, and we are workingtofindingasolutionbyexploringvarious options, including the establishment of a dedicated truck port, to help alleviate this issue and ensure the safety of our residents. The agreement that was made for the truck to park in the town will become a social problem in the town.”

The mayor said that his dream is to have a big truckportinUsakos.Trainsshouldthenbeusedto transportthecargotoandfromWalvisBay ForbesapplaudedRFAanRAforwhattheydoto upgradeandmaintainthecountriesnationalroads.

Water Security of Walvis Bay: Balancing Legal, Regulatory, Institutional, and Technological Aspects

ThewatersecurityofWalvisBay,includingDolphinBeach,LangstrandandExtension1 AfroditeBeach,isadelicatebalancethatisaffectedbyvariousfactors,suchaslegaland regulatory frameworks, institutional capacity, climate change, and technological innovations. To improve water security, NamWater has been assigned to undertake a feasibilitystudyforthedevelopmentofaDesalinationplantandWaterCarriageSystem, tosecureWaterSupplytothecoastalandotherareas.

AreportbyURBANGREENCCofNamibiareveals The Rooibank Freshwater Scheme has been supplying water to Walvis Bay and its coastal suburbs since 1857, and it is still the main source of potable water The system was run by South African Railways and Harbours Administration (SAR&H), and later taken over by the Walvis Bay Municipality In the1990's,itwasrecommendedtophaseinseawater desalinationtomeetfuturewaterdemandwhileusing groundwaterabstractionfromtheRooibankareaasa bridging source. Namwater requested an Environmental Impact Assessment Report in 2020, which identified challenges such as the current scheme's inabilitytomeetcurrentandprojecteddemanddueto frequent pipe breaks and maintenance difficulties. Thereportdiscussespossiblesolutionsandemphasises the importance of implementing and monitoring sustainable practices. According to the report by Namwater, the primary objectives of the feasibility studies, is to establish feasible and affordable comprehensivewatersupplythatwillconsiderexpanding the conventional water resources or a climate-independentsupplyofwateroracombinationthereofto contribute to increased resilience in the project area up to the year 2050. The objective of the proposed Desalination Plant and Water Carriage System is to supply potable water derived from seawater desalinatedatthecoast,throughapipelinesystemconnectingtoexistingNamwaterCoastalareasbetweenthe coast and central Namibia with support infrastructure,includingamongstothers,waterreservoirs, booster pump stations along the pipeline route and hybrid of existing grid and Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply plants and infrastructure to supply electricitytothedesalinationplantandthebaseand boosterpumpstations.Recommendationsfollowing a report of a Public Engagement meeting that was heldattheProteaHotelinWalvisBayinJuneof2019 stated that from a legal and regulatory perspective, bylaws need to be updated to confirm the authority andextentoftheWalvisBaymunicipalityregarding all water services of all consumers in the municipal area. Consumers' ability to develop external water sources should also be controlled as it could impact the financial viability of the Walvis Bay Municipality Regulations and standards pertaining to grey water use, direct potable reuse, and sea water

desalination need to be developed. Institutional capacity needs to be strengthened to unlock technological andfinancialresources.Themostsuitableinstitutional arrangement needs to be selected during subsequent projectstages.“Thereportreads,“GiventheuniqueenvironmentofWalvisBay,frequentrealitychecksareessential. Water quality, water use, and effluent quantity data need to be frequently collected and analysed.An accurateaspossiblewaterandsaltbalancealsoneedsto be developed and updated frequently.” The Municipality of Walvis Bay does not currently have an integrated water information system that systematically collects, stores and analyses data for emerging trends that could be used to update planning assumptions. Expandingontherecommendationsthereportexplains othermeasuresthatshouldalsobeintroducedinWalvis Bay are separating waste streams at the origin, including separation of industrial and domestic effluent, sealing of outfall sewers, and controlling bad rinsing/ washingpracticesinharborareas.ThePublicEngagement report states: “It is also essential to monitor the Kuiseb aquifer and its abstraction rate in strict compliance with its rate of recharge to prevent seawater infiltration. Direct Pottable Reuse (DRP) is a feasible andcost-effectivewatersecurityimprovementstrategy, butitisalsoimpactedbyseawaterinfiltration.Adesalinationprocessunitwillhavetobeincludedtomitigate suddenspikesinsalinity.”SignificantfinancialresourceswillberequiredbytheWalvisBayMunicipalityto meetfuturewaterdemand,whichmayhavetoberaised through project finance. However, the relatively small size makes project finance a potentially expensive funding mechanism. The Walvis Bay Municipality should consider means to prepare consumers for an imminenttariffshock.Inarecentstatement,MrBuddy Bramwell, Councillor for the Joint Walvis Bay Residents Association, emphasised the importance of a stable water supply for Walvis Bay and the coastal towns to accommodate investors and grow into the "SADCLOGISTICSHUB."MrBramwellstated,“the regionisreliantonSouthAfricaforelectricity,andany interruptionsinthesupplycanleadtoawatercrisisdue to the pumps in the Kuiseb and Dorop aquifer stopping.” Mr Bramwell suggested bringing the small powerstationatRooibankbacktofulloperationalstatus to serve as a backup power source to keep all the pumps running and the reservoirs full.The report also

Xinfeng mining licence revoked

Minister of mines and energy Tom Alweendo has revoked the lithium mining licence issued to Xinfeng Investments on 6 September last year that was set to run until 2024 for exclusiveprospectingnearOmaruru.

The Mines Minister told Xinfeng Investment in a letter dated 28April that he resolved to revoke the licence243 under the EPL7228withimmediateeffect.

This follows a recent heatedtownhallmeeting where member of the Daures Constituency of the Erongo Region alleged that a Chinese Mining company, Xinfeng was mining Lithium while their licenses were approved to mine semi-precious stones intheConstituency

Thecommunitystated in the town hall meetingthataChinese mining company, Xingfeng, only has a pending exclusive exploration licence (EPL) application for claim 8843, which is intheUisarea,aswell as an active mining licence on EPL 243 andapendingrenewal EPL for 7228 in the Okombahe/Omaruru area.

At this meeting the Community has requestedtheMinesand Energy Minister to revoke the mining licenses of all operatorswhoaresuspected

ofdodgydealings. Theministerkepttohis word“Itdoesn'tmatter who it is I don't supportillegality,butit has to be proven Government and the community are on the samesideandasecond investigation will be carried out to give answers to the issues raised.”

Namibia has restored a Chinese company's lithium export permit despite an ongoing investigation into allegedcorruption.

InOctoberlastyearthe Namibia's mining authority banned Xinfeng Investments from exporting lithium ore until the investigation by Namibia's AntiCorruption Commission was finished. The company is accused of buying a mining licensefromamanwhohad acquired it illegally while the true owner washospitalizedwitha brain injury However, in November the mining authority restored a Chinese company's lithium export permit despite an ongoing investigation intoallegedcorruption.

Alweendoexplainedin the letter that his deci-

sion was made after Xinfeng was found to have deliberately included misleading, untrue, and incorrect informationduringthe applicationprocess. Alweendo said, is despite having been given the opportunity to explain the misleading information Xinfeng's explanations have failed to prove the information was truthful, correct, andnotmisleading,he said.

Theministersaid,“the explanations given by Xinfeng in both their writtenandoralrepresentations have not shown that certain information was indeedtruthful.”

According to a letter by the minister, XinfengInvestmentsmust return all documents for the mining licence by 31 May to the mining commissioner IsabellaChirchir Xinfeng Investments did not comment on thematter

In the meantime, Xinfeng Investments has brought an urgent application before the high court in Windhoek, to set aside the MinisterofMinesand Energy, Tom Alweendo's revocation of mining license 243 outsideOmaruru. Xinfengischallenging the minister's right to revoke their mining license and is asking the court to set aside the decision until a verdictisrendered. According to the court's online system, the parties will make their first appearance on May 23 before Judge Ramon Maasdorp.

Water Security of Walvis Bay: Continued

includesaparagraphonadesalinationstudytosecurealong-termwatersupplyfor theErongoandKhomasregions.Thestudyinvestigatedthefeasibilityofassuming controloftheOranodesalinationplantatWlotztkasbakenorinvestinginanewplant thatincorporatesthelatesttechnology Theresultsofthestudyarecurrentlywiththe Cabinet, which will deliberate on various options and choose the best financing model for execution. The Namwater Corporation is preparing to respond to the Cabinet's directives relating to the implementation of the "government-owned" desalinationplantcarefully AccordingtoMrBramwell,thedelayinbuildingmore desalinationplants,startingatWalvisBayandthenSwakopmundandHentiesBay,is alreadytoolate,andtheCorporationmustconvincetheauthoritiestoprioritisetheir construction.MrBramwelltoldtheNamibTimesinaninterview,“themaintenance of the existing infrastructure should also be given the Namwater Corporation's undivided attention.” In summary, Mr Bramwell stressed the urgency of taking actiontoavertanotherwatercrisisintheregion.Inconclusion,thewatersecurityof Walvis Bay is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach that balances legal, regulatory, institutional, and technological aspects. The implementation of a Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO) DPR facility at the new Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) is a viable solution, but it requires a detailed project preparation plan and activity program, as well as regular progress reports to the council.Itisalsoessentialtonominateandassignasub-committeeofcouncilorsto guide the project development process and nominate a political project champion.


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Minister of mines and energy Tom Alweendo
Eileen van der Schyff Rudi Bowe



Toivo Kashihalwa (23) and Patrick Macralle Cook (22), appeared on charges of possession of dependence producing substance and possession of cocaine.Thematterwaspostponedto3 July for legal representation The accusedareonbail.

Josef Kalenga (29), appeared on a charge of forgery and uttering a forged instrument.Thematterwaspostponedto 5 July for further investigation. The accusedisonbail.

Antheny Doeseb (32), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponedto2Augustforpleaandtrial. Theaccusedisonbail.

Ester Venokulavo (28), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failing to ascertain injuries sustained.The matter was postponed to 24Augustforpleaandtrial.Theaccused isonbail.

Kevin Gaoseb (24), Alvero Willemse (27) and Nangolo Mateus Likius Sheehama(24),appearedonachargeof escaping common law The matter was postponed to 19 July for plea and trial. Theaccusedremainincustody

MichaelEphafrasEitaAukongo(42), Fillipus Nghifindaka Weyulu (32), Elago Shoombe Leana Mwaala (25), Juopolang Getrude Makoal (47), appeared on charges of robbery and possession of a firearm without a license. The matter was postponed to 5 July for legal aid. The accused remains incustody

John Salon (26), appeared on a charge ofhousebreakingwithintenttostealand theft.Thematterwaspostponedto3July for further investigations. The accused remainsincustody

Johannes Petrus (20), appeared on a charge of assault common. The matter waspostponedto30Augustforpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

FransiskaGeises(50)andJoasGeiseb (54),appearedonachargeofpossession ofdependenceproducingsubstance.The matter was postponed to 14August for continuation of trial. The accused have beenwarned.

John Shikomba (30) and Eino Elia Kombanda (33), appeared on a charge oftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto11 Septemberforpleaandtrial.Bothofthe accusedareonbail.

Machery Meyer (42) and Michael Bakkies Vellem (41), appeared on a chargeofdealingincocaine.Thematter

waspostponedto4Julyforlegalaid.The accusedareonbail.

Romanus Ganaseb (39), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 22 May because the accused was absent. The accused is at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.

LikiusIikola(29)andSimonShikongo (27),appearedonachargeofroadtraffic act- failure to ascertain damages sustained. The matter was postponed to 29Augustforpleaandtrial.Theaccused areonbail.

Francois Isaaks (33) and Danson Isaaks (37), appeared on a charge of attempted murder. The matter was postponedto17Augustforpleaandtrial. The accusedareonbail.

TheopaltimeTanises(40)andChrisley Awaseb (37), appeared on charges of children's act-treatment or neglect of children and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the provisions of the domestic violence act. The matter was postponed to 28August forpleaandtrial.Theaccused onbail. are Elwin Du Plessis (23), appeared on a charge of marine resources regulationsharvestrocklobstersbetweensunsetand sunrise. The matter was postponed to 4 July for further investigation The accusedisonbail.

Moses Ndumba Matende (38), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producing substance. The matterwaspostponedto4Julyforfurther investigation.Theaccusedisonbail.

HeinzWernerGalant(19),appearedon charges of possession of dependence producing substance and possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 4 Julyforlabresults.Theaccusedisonbail.

AndyRooi(25),appearedonachargeof possession of dependence producing substance. Thematterwaspostponedto 22 June for further investigation. The accusedremainsincustody

Josef Naameombili (20), appeared on chargesoftheftandmaliciousdamageto property Thematterwaspostponedto15 August for plea and trial. The accused remainsincustody

Martha Sheehama (34), appeared on a chargebyfalsepretences.Thematterwas postponed to legal representation. The accusedisonbail.

Wilhelm Tuyoleni Iputa (22) and Lionel Afrikaner (24), appeared on a charge of possession of dangerous dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 4 July for legal aid.Theaccusedremainincustody.

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EliaHaoseb(29),Assault.Thematterwaspostponedto7August2023. PleaandTrail.


Moses Nghinyamukulwa (39), Fraud.The matter is postponed to 19 July2023.Furtherinvestigation(FinalRemand).

SwakopmundCourtReport Walvis Bay Court

Walgidro Morkel (19), Housebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft. Thematterispostponedto24May2023.Plea.

MarthaHamukoto(31),Concealmentofbirth.Matterispostponedto 26July2023.Onbail.

Petrus Natangwe Nambundunga (44), Robbery with aggravating circumstances and Money Laundering.The matter is postponed to 25 July2023.FurtherInvestigation(Finalremand).

SeunKapembe(31),AssaultandTheft.Thematterispostponedto11 October2023.PleaandTrail.

ElinaAlberto(38),Maliciousdamageofproperty Thematterispostponedto31October2023.Pleaandtrail.

Hage Ruiters (33), Rape. The matter is postponed to 25 July 2023. FurtherInvestigation.

Junias Mapadhi Julius (26), Neville Paulus (29), Lakemeni Silvanus (25), Lazarus Hanghome (30), Kennedy Seblon (27), Murder and Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter is postponedto19July2023.Furtherinvestigation.

Wilbard Sakaria (36), Reckless or negligent driving. The matter is postponedto26June2023.Plea.

LincolnWilliams(38),Theft.Thematterispostponedto25July2023. FurtherInvestigation.

Paulus Shilunga (38), Driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor Thematterispostponedto9May2023.Plea.

KroneliusLaudikaThomas(26),Robbery Thematterispostponedto 4July2023.FurtherInvestigation.

EliseShaduka(37),Maliciousdamagetoproperty Thematterispostponedto27July2023.Furtherinvestigation.

Jeremia Uugwanga (44), Rape. The matter is postponed to 17 July 2023.FurtherInvestigation(Finalremand).

DonsieJayJaySheehama(21),Assault.Thematterispostponedto18 July2023.FurtherInvestigation.

Ikela Michael (34),Assault. The matter is postponed to 6 November 2023.PleaandTrail.

CevinElredHarding(30),Theft.Thematterispostponedto26June 2023.Pleaintermsofsection119.

Mandume Zolomin (28), Robbery The matter is postponed to 6 November2023.PleaandTrail.

Junias Afrikaner (23), Theft. The accused was found guilty and chargedafineofN$2000 ortwomonthsimprisonment.



Swakopmund Municipality To Host Nalasra Games

A major boost to the town's economy

The Swakopmund Municipality is buzzing with excitement asitpreparestohostthisyear'sNamibianLocalAuthorities Sports and Recreation Association (NALASRA) Games, under the theme "Local Authorities Employees' Mental HealthMatters",thelargestinter-municipalsportseventin Namibia scheduled to take place between 22 and 26 of May 2023.NALASRAwaslaunchedinOkahandjathismonthasa response to local authorities recognising the importance of creating a networking and cooperative platform among themselves and intended to promote an environment of friendship,goodwillandcooperationthroughlocalauthority sportsandrecreation.

The NALASRA games will feature various recreational sports games, includingteamandindividualsports,topromotephysicalandmentalwellness among local authority employees. The Swakopmund Municipality, in collaboration with the NamibiaAssociation of LocalAuthorities Sports and Recreation Association (NALASRA), is inviting all local authorities to participateintheevent.Toregister,allparticipatinglocalauthoritiesmustdo sobefore15May2023.ThegameswillbeheldattheVinetaCentral,Vineta North, and Mondesa Sports Stadiums, providing participants and spectators withampleopportunitytoenjoythevarioussportingevents. Duringthissession,officebearerswilldiscussthepossibilityofbestpractices and twinning agreements. A day will be identified whereby the Mayor of Swakopmund, Her Worship Dina Namubes, is expected to host other office bearerstoagaladinner ThefirstnationalgameswereheldinOtjiwarongoin April of 2009, and the 10th anniversary of the games was celebrated by the Otjiwarongo Municipality in May 2018. The event promises to be a significantboosttoSwakopmund'sreputationasasportstourismdestination.Swakopmund is already known as the "Centre of Adventure" and hosting the NALASRA Games will only enhance the town's reputation as a place for visitors to enjoy various recreational activities while taking in the town's unique natural beauty "We welcome all the Municipalities,Town Councils, VillageCouncilstoSwakopmund,theCentreofAdventure,"saidPublicRelationsOfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmund,LindaMupupa. TheSwakopmundMunicipalityhasurgedresidentstotakeadvantageofthis opportunitytogenerateincomeduringtheweek-longeventbyapplyingfora stall. The local community is excited to showcase the town's culture, hospitality,andvibrantlifestyletothevisitorswhowillcomefromdifferentparts ofthecountrytoparticipateinthegames.Mupupasaid,“Thisdecisionwas welcomedbythemunicipality,whichisexpectedtodrawinparticipantsand spectators from around 36 out of 57 local authorities across Namibia, thus significantly contributing to the town's economic growth and promoting eventsandactivities.”

Mupupa said the town's accommodation establishments, including the Municipal Bungalows are expected to reap substantial benefits during the NALASRA Games, estimated to generate a revenue of NS555 000. “This event will also provide a significant boost to local businesses and small and medium enterprises (SME's). As the largest inter-municipal sports event in Namibia,theNALASRAGamesdemandthatthemunicipalitybeadequately prepared in terms of infrastructure (sports and recreation facilities), accomodation, security, health, and emergency services to successfully host theevent,”Mupupaconcluded.

Overall,the2023NALASRAGamesinSwakopmundpromisestobeanexciting event for all involved, promoting physical and mental wellness among local authority employees while showcasing the town's unique charm and vibrancy


Urgent Attention required for pressing issues in Walvis Bay

Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes in his statement at the council meeting held on Tuesday 9 May said there are pressingissuesthathavebeencausingconcernfortheWalvis Baycommunity.

The Mayor of Walvis Bay said at the meeting, he is c o m m i t t e d t o ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens,andspokeof on a few topics of concern.

The Walvis Bay mayorsaidtherehave been far too many devastating shackfires in the towns informal settlements, resultinginthelossof homesandlives.

Forbessaid,“wemust takeactiontoprevent these tragedies from occurring in the future. We are working closely with our fire department to ensure that they have the necessary resources, to respond quickly and effectivelyto fire emergencies.”

According to the mayor they are also exploring ways to improve the living conditionsofthosein informal settlements and provide them with safe and secure landtenureoptions. TheIllegallandgrabbing that has been occurringinourtown isnotonlyaviolation of the law, but also puts people's safety and health at risk. “Weareworkingwith our law enforcement agencies to address this issue and ensure thatthoseresponsible are held accountable.

Atthesametime,we are committed to deliveringlandtoour citizens in a fair and transparent manner in order to provide themwithsecureland tenure and access to basic services, Forbessaid.

The Mayor further emphasised their commitment to land delivery, including the relocation of residents to Green Valley.“Threeweeks ago, Council embarked on an exercise to register all back yard shacks in Walvis Bay,”hesaid.

The mayor said that they do understand, this has been a difficult process for many residents.“ We believe that it is necessary to ensure that everyone has

accesstosecureland and basic services. The process might take longer than anticipated, but we are working closely withthoseaffectedto ensure that the process is fair and transparent and that their needs are taken intoconsideration.”

The mayor reiterates his commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of everyonethroughthe delivery of secure landtenure,accessto basic services, and proper maintenance of our road network. “We understand the complexity of these issues, but we are committed to working tirelessly to find solutions and make our town a better placeforeveryone.”

Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes Rudi Bowe

We Care organisation tackles social ills

The youth, especially school-going children had the opportunity to attend a Youth Empowerment engagement on 27 April, organised by the 'We Care Organisation', a non-profit organisation founded in 2020 to inspire youth to be independent, purpose driven and proactive.

The mission of the organisation is to empower and transform the youth in recognising their values and abilities. The Founder of the 'We Care Organisation', Shannen Blaauw said, “the slogan ofWe Care Organisation' is 'We are the change we wanttosee',Idonotwant the youth to wait for someone to give them a

job, but to be the change they want to see”. Themed'Beingeffectiveinan era of crisis', the organisation also aims at promotingopportunitiesthat effectively engage young people in sectors challenging them to develop skills, resources and gain critical awareness and participate in opportunities to be the change



M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS

(SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada) DO



theywanttosee. Blaauw said she has several young people she is mentoring, and shewantstopassonher knowledge and skills to theyoungpeople.Skills such as baking, decorating, how to do nails etc. “I want to pass my skills on to them voluntarily because I am working with unemployed people so I can't expect money from them.” Blaauw said she is very aware of the challenges she will face along the way as she is also an unemployed youth herself. Blaauw also aims to inspire the future generation about the importance of education because without education, the youth will not know how to tackle social ills. The 'We Care Organisation' dependssolelyonsponsorshipanddonations. The event saw many speakers tackling issues of Women and Child Abuse Domestic Violence, Teenage Pregnancies, Baby Dumping, Discipline, Importance of Education, and lack of self-esteem amongtheyouth.

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Swakopmund Junior Town Council promotes mental wellbeing

Mental health affects each and everyone inonewayoranother,somehaveevenlost their lives because of this. Considering this, in efforts to contribute to the fight against mental health related illnesses amongst the youth, the Swakopmund Junior Town Council (JTC) hosted the one-day mental health seminar at SwakopmundonTuesday,9May.

The purpose of the seminar was to raise awareness on the detrimentalimpactofmentalhealthamongstyouth;to educatetheyouthonwheretheycouldseekhelpandto make them aware of symptomatic behavior which couldindicateamentalhealthcondition. Theseminar alsoaimedatdiscouragingthecurrentmechanismsof coping with mental health conditions which include drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, and self-harming in generalamongsttheyouth.

TheCoordinatorfortheJuniorTownCouncilandPersonal Assistant to the Swakopmund Mayor, Delinda Hannes, said mental health does not only affect the schoolgoinglearners,itaffectseveryone.Evenatthe workplace.Thereiscorporatebullying.“However,the goodnewsis,thereishelpandtodaywewilllearnand seekhelpattherightplaces.Whoknowssomeofyou mightjustendupinthespecificfieldofstudy.” Hannes further said, “our main aim is to ensure that thoserepresentingtheirdifferentschoolswillbecome youthambassadorsattheirschoolsandtofurtheradvocate for youth empowerment and promote the importanceofmentalwellbeing.” TheJuniorTownCouncil strivestomakeadifferenceinthelivesoftheyouthof Swakopmund, and to give back to the community through donations to the less fortunate young people, and thus, have made it their mission to urge the community to recognise the way mental illnesses impact theirlives.Thiswillbeanongoingefforttoreducethe stigmaaroundmentalhealthconditions.

Hannes said, “as the JTC we have learnt the positive impact that peer-to-peer education has on the young people. This is also a platform where we equip our youngpeoplewithskillsthatareindeedbeneficialfor theirgrowthanddevelopment.”

Members of the JTC also had a panel discussion on mental health and how it affects an individual. Pastor Francois Koch discussed how church is involved and church can help in fighting mental health illness. Ms Uandja also shared people's experiences, the symptoms of students with mental health illness and what theschooldoestohelplearnerswithmentalhealth.Mr FaceofNamibia2023andtheChiefExecutiveOfficer of Miss Teen Swakopmund, Jonathan Harris touched on the social skills among young people and how it affects mental health. Dr Manane, a Senior Medical Officer at the Ministry of Health and Social Services shared some information on what the health ministry offertheyouthintermsoffacilitiestoaddressmental health,MarcellaKatjijovaasocialworkertouchedon theimportanceofcareerguidance,MarieneLaubscher who is a clinical psychologist discussed the importanceofaddressingmentalhealthissuesintheyouthat an early stage and Inspector Ileni Shapumba touched ontheconsequencesofnotdealingwithmentalhealth issuesatanearlystage.

While addressing the youth, the Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes said, “We have programmed an informative programme for you where each speaker shared very important aspects relating to the topic. However,thechoicerestsuponustomakeadeliberate decisiontobreakthewallsofmentalhealthissues.”

Namubes further said that there is help for everyone suffering and it is important that people speak out about their mental health issues, “avoid judging and name calling as this also has contributing factors leading to mental health breakdown as people do not speakoutasaresultofthefearofjudgment.”

Namubes said there is so much help there and yet

people choose to resort to harmful practices, she urged young people to take ownership of their lives. “Your futureisgolden,andwecanonlyattainitifweworkhard, and we are focused on positive things. Seek help and do notsufferinsilence.”


Drug &AlcoholAddiction Treatment Centre



E 356/2023

In the estate of the late EDWARD HOWARD JENKINS, USA Passport Number 531189317, who died on 26 May 2022, resided at 7 Robert Blanc Street, Vineta, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was unmarried. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.



P O BOX 1455 SWAKOPMUND (REF. HEA/AW EST 298/0001-50)


E 3587/2021

In the estate of the late Thomas Richard Williamson, Id no. 350518 0013 0, of Swakopmund Retirement Village, 5855 Ocean Queen Street, Ocean View, Swakopmund, Namibia, who died on 1 August 2021, and who was unmarried.

Master’s Ref:

E 35872021

In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.


Haus Altona

2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street

P O Box 1455 Tel: (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AW EST 287/0001-50)


IntermsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct(Actno. 7 of 2007) as well as the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (Government Notice No.30 of 2012),noticeisherebygiventoallpotentiallyinterested and affected parties (I&APs) that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) will be madetotheOfficeoftheEnvironmentalCommissioner forthefollowingactivities:

Project Description: Proposed Small Scale Mining Activities for Quartz On Mining Claims: 72880, 72879 and72878,ErongoRegion,Namibia.

Site Locality: Mining Claims lie approximately 30km eastofCapeCrossintheErongoRegion.

Proponent: ThikameniThikaKashonaUlenga

EnvironmentalAssessmentPractitioner:IngaMetals andCommoditiesCC

All interested and affected parties are hereby invited to register with Inga Metals and Commodities CC. The Background Information Document (BID) can be requestedandanycomments,issuesorconcernsrelated to the project can be submitted to Inga Metals and Commodities CC. All comments/concerns must reach Inga Metals and Commodities CC by close of business on2June2023

Telephone:+264816453900 E-mail:info@ingametals.com

For more info contactArno Engels Cell: 081 860 8326 email: mountsinainamibia@gmail.com

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NKF hosts Namibia Fight Championships

The Namibian Kickboxing Federation (NKF) will host the Namibia Fight Championships on Saturday 13 May at the SwakopmundHotelandEntertainmentCentre.

Both junior and senior Kickboxing participants will battle it out in points, lightcontact,K1andfullcontactstylesunderthefightingrulesoftheWorld Association of Kickboxing Organisations (WAKO) whilst the Jiu-Jitsu fighterswillbattleitoutinGIandNOGIfights.

TheeventistopromoteKickboxingandJiu-Jitsubutalsoforthefightersto showofftheirskillsandtobringthesporttoalllevelsofsocietyatthecoast. WAKOisaninternationalkickboxingorganisationfoundedin1977,counting over120affiliatedcountriesandrepresentingallfivecontinents.Itisamajor governing body of amateur kickboxing and is responsible for the developmentofkickboxingworldwide.

ItwillbeexpectedfromallfighterstoadheretotheWAKOrules,including thoselistinghealthandsafetyrequirements. Thepublicisencouragedtoattendtheeventandsupportthefighters.

* 18/05/2000 + 03/05/2023

Roudienste Sondag 14 Mei 2023

18:30 by die huis

262 Sam NujomaAvenue Narraville

Woensdag 17 Mei 2023

19:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk, Narraville

Begrafnis reëlings sal later bekend gemaak word

Standard Bank Tee Up With Annual Betterball

The annual Standard Bank on the tee Betterball Competitionwaswellsupportedwithafewvisitorsinthemixfrom upcountryandfromacrosstheriverattheRossmundGolf ClubonSaturday,6May.

2 Corinthians 4: 8 - 9

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplex, but not despair; persecuted, but abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Memorial Service

Wednesday 17 May 2023

19:00 HarvestTime Church, Narraville


Jennilee 081 227 3777 Bertino 081 147 3444

Gebore: 07 Sept. 1954 Gesterwe: 04 Mei 2023

Begrafnis brief: 2 Tim 4:7

"Ek het die goeie stryd gestry; ek het die wedloop voleindig; ek het die geloof behou."

U genade is genoeg vir my


Vrydag 12 Mei 2023

18:30 by die huis

22 Christiaan Eiman Straat Narraville


Saterdag 13 Mei 2023

08:00 by die huis 09:00 Bethel Congregation Kerk, Narraville

TheoverallwinnersonthedaywereFritzCoetzeeJr/JohanSwanepoelwith 45pointswithDouwvanWyk/ChrisHeunissecondwith44pointsandinthird placewasHelmutNdjendja/SebulonTsusebwinninga3-waycountouton41 points over Mario Polster/Joseph Martin and Neels Jafta/Dean Kock. In six placewasCliveLawrence/MarkJacobswith40pointsalsosurvivinga3-way count out over Rina Knight/Lynne van derWalt and Chris Magson/Achmet Abrahams.

Unfortunately, there were no 2 clubs recorded – the funds collected were donatedtotheGolfClub.NearesttothePinprizeswereawardedtoGeorge MurasikiNo.3;DeanKockNo.7;FritzCoetzeeJr No.12.

In addition to the regular prizes Karin Lamprecht,had a magic box with her full of corporate gifts – these were awarded on a lucky draw basis – which createdalotofnoiseandcamaraderieintheclubhouse.

The competition doubled as a qualifier for the 2023 Windhoek Lager InternationalPairs–FritzCoetzeeJrwithDouwvanWykfollowedbyHelmut NdjendjawithSebulonTsuseb-wereselectedtorepresentRossmundinthe RegionalFinals.

Captain George Murasiki thanked the Bank for their ongoing support and welcomedtheirrepresentativeKarinLamprecht,whoofficiatedattheprizegiving.

Thanks to Helmut and the Namibian Breweries for the cases of water and WindhoekLagerthatweredistributedamongstthewinners. Despitecoolerconditions–onecouldsaytheweatherplayedalongandagreat daywashadbyall.

Erongo Bilateral Volleyball games

The first Bilateral Youth Volleyball games were recently heldatTheMTCDomeinSwakopmund.

The games, sanctioned by the Namibian Volleyball Federation saw 190 young Volleyball players in the under 13 and under 17 age groups, from deferentregionsinthecountrycompetefortophonours. Theorganiserswouldliketomakethisanannualeventwiththehopethatit willgrowthesportnotonlyintheErongoregionbutcountrywide.Theaim istomakethisBilateralYouthVolleyballgamesthejuniorDoctournament. TheresultsofthefirstBilateralYouthVolleyball:

The winners of the Standard Bank Annual Betterball fltr Johan Swanepoel, Karin Lamprecht (Standard Bank representative) and Fritz Coetzee Jr Photo Contributed
DeltaHighschool 2 Windhoek International
Swakopmund Academy
Under17Girls 1.
4.AfrocatSportsClub -Academy Under17Boys 1.AfrocatsportsClub academy 2.KolinsFoundation 3.Duinesig(Bronze) 4. Swakopmund Academy2
SportsClub 2 International SchoolofWalvisBay School News
Under13Girls 1. Sunshine Private School 2.AfrocatSportsClub Under
Boys 1.Afrocat

Napso Securitas Winterport 2023 by Walvisbaai Privaatskool n groot sukses

DieHoërskoolWalvisbaaiPrivaatskoolhetverledeweekdielangverwagteNapso SecuritasWintersport2023,met3500leerdersvanprivaatskoleregoordieNamibië,aangebiedvir'nvier-dae-langesportbyeenkoms.Diegeleentheidhetgespog met 'n indrukwekkende reeks sportaktiwiteite, insluitende boogskiet, skaak, jukskei,tennis,en'nMnrenMejPrivaatskolekompetisie.

Henry Kemp, die hoof van sport by WBPS en hooforganiseerdervandiefees,hetonthuldatdie geleentheid 'n verbysterende aantal deelnemers getrekhet.“Onsfinaleinskrywingswas61tennisspelers,120skaakspelers,84jukskeispelers,82 boogskuts. Asook 132 netbalspanne, 84 hokkiespanneen77rugbyspanne.Ditwas'nwonderlikeavontuurvanskoolsport."Dieskoolhetomtrent 13 000 mense daagliks deur hul hekke verwelkom.

Kemp het verder gese, “omdat die NAPSO Privaatskole 'n vriendskaplike toernooi is en fokus opsportontwikkel,veralonderonskleiner/jonger privaatskole,wasgeentellinggehouofaangewys nie en geen wenner of wen-skool gekroon nie. Nog'nredehoekomditsolekkerisomvanwyden sydtekom,omnetlekkermeetteding.Onsisso dankbaar aan elke ouer wat hand bygesit het by die PTA en OSA, sowel as ons direksie wat in 2018 reeds begin het om ons sportvelde op te gradeer na Astro. Gelukkig het hulle ook lank gewerk aan addisionele parkering in Nangolo Mbumba Drive en in Tom Swemmer langs die hospitaal,anderssouonsnooitdie16deelemende skoleenhulfamilieskonverwelkomnie.”

Die geleentheid is al maande in die werke, met organiseerders wat elke aspek noukeurig beplan om die gladde verloop van die speletjies te

verseker Kemp het opgemerk dat dit een van die grootste geleenthede is wat hy gereël het, en was beloof om 'n hoogtepunt op die sportkalender vir privaatskoleindieomgewingtewees.

Deelnemersentoeskouerswasgereedvir'nweek vanintensekompetisie,sportmangeesenpret.Die geleentheidhetdiebestevanprivaatskolesportten toongestelen'ngevoelvangemeenskaponderdie deelnemendeskolebevorder

Die organiseerders van die geleentheid was te vredemetdieopkomsendiesuksesvandiekompetisie. Hulle het die belangrikheid beklemtoon om wintersport in Namibië te bevorder en jongmense geleenthede te bied om aan gesonde aktiwiteite deel te neem en nuwe vaardighede te ontwikkel. “Ons is verheug dat ons die Napso Securitas Wintersport na Walvisbaai Privaat Hoërskoolkonbring,enonsisdankbaarviraldie deelnemers, ouers en ondersteuners wat hierdie geleentheid'nsuksesgemaakhet,”hetKempgesê. DieNapsoSecuritasWintersport2023wasnienet 'n opwindende byeenkoms vir die jong atlete wat deelgeneem het nie, maar dit het ook die potensiaal vir wintersport in Namibië gedemon-streer Daar word gehoop dat meer geleenthede soos hierdieindietoekomsgeorganiseersalword,om meerjongmenseaantemoedigomsportteomhels endievelevoordelewathullebiedtegeniet.

Siblings victorious in the pairs

Siblings, Colin Peake and his brother Steven Peake and Bianca Lewis and her sister Diana Viljoen emerged victorious in the men's and ladies' pairs at the National Bowling Championships, at the TransNamib Greens in Windhoek


The National Bowling Championships drew 80 participantsfromacrossthecountryaswellasateamfrom Pretoria, South Africa. Namibia Bowling Association's (NBA) PRO Michelle Crawford elaborated on thestructureofthecompetition,explainingthatitwas a national bowls week and an open competition in which individual members entered teams. Looking ahead,theNBAwouldnowfocusonpreparingforthe upcominginternationalcompetitionslinedupforlater thisyear CrawfordsaidthattheNamibianBowlscommunity will now step up its preparations for the African States Tournament (AST) that Namibia will hostinWindhoeknextmonth,startingon9June. She added, “the bi-annualAST will see southernAfrica's topbowlingnationsinactionintheNamibiancapital, with the playing greens still to be determined.”

According to Crawford, the NBA has also opened a fundraising campaign on Facebook to try and raise fundsfortheNamibianteamtocompeteattheWorld Bowls Championships in the Gold Coast, Australia from 29 August to 10 September We have a world bowlscompetitioncomingup,whichIthinkisthenext bigeventforusthisyear,andwewillturnourattention toensuringwearepreparedenough.Thistournament was a great test for us to gauge ourselves,” Crawford said.


theircountryandthemselvesproudattheWorldIndoor BowlsChampionships.Olivieristhroughtothequarter finalsinthesinglesdisciplinewhilstbotharethroughto thequarterfinalsinthemixedpairsdiscipline. ThefullresultsoftheNamibiaNationalChampionships Men'sOpenSingles



1.MarietjieVanDenBergh.2.AmyHuman MenNoviceSingles

1.ChrisduPreez.2.ColindeBeer MensSinglesPlate

1.ClaudeThorburn.2.GordonDamster WomenNoviceSingles

1.JamieLeeLawrence.2.DanellevanWyk Women'sSingles-Plate


2.HuipievanWyk Men'sPairs

1 Steven Peake, Colin James Peake 2 Axel Krahenbuhl,ChristoKatSteenkamp Women'sPairs

1. Diana Viljoen, Bianca Lewis. 2. Huipie van Wyk, HaylievanWyk MixedPairs

1. Axel Krahenbuhl, Marinda Bezuidenhout. 2. Colin JamesPeake,AmyHuman

Women’s Pairs Men’s Pairs


1 Schalk van Wyk, Christo Kat Steenkamp.2.FreddieFouche,Andrede Vries,QuintinButcher Women'sTriples

1.DianaViljoen,BiancaLewis,Marinda Bezuidenhout 2 Lesley Vermeulen, Michele Vermeulen, Poppie Van den Heuvel Men'sFours

1. Axel Krahenbuhl, Willie Esterhuizen, SchalkvanWyk,ChristoKatSteenkamp.

2. Steven Peake, Johan Jacobs, Colin JamesPeake,PietduPlooy Women'sFours

1. Huipie van Wyk, Monique Thorburn, Haylie van Wyk, Danelle van Wyk. 2. Lesley Vermeulen, Elna Esterhuizen, MicheleVermeulen,AmyHuman Men'sSeniorSingles

1.WillieEsterhuizen2.KarlHartmann WomenSeniorSingles

1.TrudaMeaden.2.AnnelizeOpperman Carel Olivier and Petro Breedt

NAMIBTIMES15 12MAY2023 School News
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe

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