13 jan namib times e-edition

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Walvis Bay Gymnasium opens its doors

The Dolphin Schools at Walvis Bay on Wednesday, 11 January welcomed the management, staff, parents, and learnersfortheneweducationalyearundertheschool'snew identity,theWalvisBayGymnasium.

Walvis Bay Gymnasium is operating at the current facilities where The DolphinSchoolsissituatedfromwheretheywillgraduallyintroducenew subjectsandthenewcurriculumintotheschool.

TheWalvisBayGymnasiumenvisionsaNamibianschoolestablishedby NamibianpeopletoimpactandempowerNamibianlearners,parentsand thebest-qualitystaff,toachievethehigheststandardsofeducationaland interpersonalexcellenceinthecountry

Curro Namibia believes in top quality academic standards with the CambridgeInternationalEducation(CIE)curriculumtobephasedinfrom 2023. Primary school learners receive mother tongue education while phasingintoEnglishastheonlymediumofinstructioninthesecondary phase.

ManagingDirectorofWindhoekGymnasiumColetteRiekkertsaidatthe opening that they celebrate the birth of a new beacon in education in Namibia, Walvis Bay Gymnasium Private School, as they are bringing

Strydom murder case postponed

The murder case of Conraad (Coenie) Strydom (46), accused of having shot and killed his newly wed wife, EngelaStrydom,whowas48-yearsoldatthetimeintheir MeersighomeatWalvisBayon4November2021,waspostponedto23FebruaryforfurtherinvestigationonWednesdaythisweek.

The family of the late Engela Strydom was unhappy they were not informed that there was no magistrate available at court this week, as somefamilymemberstravelledfartobepresentattheMagistratesCourt ofWalvisBay Strydom was charged with Murder Read with the Provisions of the DomesticViolenceAct, after a preliminary investigation by the police revealedstrongevidencethedeathofEngelaStrydomwasnotsuicideas thehusbandclaims,butrathermurder

The late Engela Strydom's family grieves the loss of their beloved daughter, mother and sister and are trying to stay positive in the emotionallydrainingandstressfulongoingcourtcase.


Strydom was granted N$10 000 bail at the Walvis Bay Magistrate's Courton7September2021.StrydommustreporttotheMarientalPolice

Continues on page 2

The site lay-out of Walvis Bay Gymnasium

internationally acclaimed high-quality education to the children of this region.

Rieckert stated, “the reason why The Dolphin Schools was selected is becausethequalityofeducationtaughtattheschoolishighlyrespectedall

Continues on page 2

Narib pleads not guilty

ThebodyofEisebwas discovered half buried in the dunes near the 'Welcome to Walvis Bay' by a passer-by, who notified the police.

Narib who showed no emotion, at his first courtappearanceinthe Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court on Monday 9 January, faces three charges, namely murder, obstructing the course of justice andkidnapping. Hewasdeniedbailand thecasewaspostponed to22Marchforfurther investigation.

Continues on page 2

Earthquake recorded close to Lüderitz Happy faces of first graders

/ +264
/Fax: +264
/ 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6998 FRIDAY 13 JANUARY 2023 N$4 inside Sports News Page12 Page 4 Page 2
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RiddickNarib(29),themanwhoallegedlymurderedhisfiveyearoldstepsonWilfred(Dantani)EiseblastFriday6January inWalvisBaypleadsnotguilty. Riddick Narib who allegedly murdered his five-year old stepson Wilfred (Dantani) Eiseb in Walvis Bay Photo contributed. Rudi Bowe Eileen van der Schyff
Page 3 Namibia in desperate need of O-type and B-type blood

Walvis Bay Gymnasium

over,andbytheministryofeducation.Curroloves the multi-racial and multi-cultural community of theschool as thatis what we work toas we don't want to start in an environment that is not everyone'sconviction.

“The Dolphin Schools fitted like a glove as they havethesamephilosophyofeducationthatIhave.

The coastal community can look forward to this great new opportunity that will be here for your children. We will offer something different that otherschoolcannotpresent”Rieckertfurthersaid, She added that the management and staff of The DolphinSchoolhavebuiltastrongfoundationasa multi-cultural school in Walvis Bay and sharing the same principles and love for children and optimal education of Curro Namibia. “The management, staff and parents will be proud of the future into which you have handed your School. Together with you we will take this foundation and truly build it into a beacon of hope for the Erongoregion.”

AccordingtoRieckert,theconstructionofthenew school will commence with the ground-breaking laterthisyear,withthestartofthebulkserviceson the new erf that were bought from the municipalityofWalvisBay

“The construction of the first phase will commence with the building of the boundary walls, entrancegateandsecurityhouse,thehighschool blockwithoneauditorium,acomputerlab,nineteenclassrooms,fourlabs,aculinaryclass,anadmin office with a reception, and sports facilities like anAstro hockey field, two hard surface netball courts, a basketball court, a volleyball court andasportstadiumforrugby,soccer,cricketand athletics,”Rickertsaid

She explained that with the start of 2024 the commencement of the Primary School will start with labs (Robotics, Science, Physics, and Computers), twenty-two classrooms, a culinary and a receptionwithastaffroom.


willconsistofnineclassrooms,anafter-careroom, and a reception. The assembly hall, including a cafeteriaandadminblockaswellasasecondsports fieldwillalsobeconstructedbeforetheendof2024, whichwillalsobethetimethattheconstructionof theschoolwillbefinalised.

Walvis Bay mayor, Mr Trevino Forbes said that schoolsareessentialforcommunityinvolvementas it is the main point where families and children interactandlearnhowtobesuccessfulmembersof society

Forbesstatesthatschoolcommunityrelationshipis a link in the school that should not be overlooked. Walvis Bay Gymnasium cannot exist in isolation. “Therefore, I ask that both the school and the community should always strive to ensure there is nocommunicationgapbetweenthem.”

“ItisclearthatWalvisBayGymnasiumisbuiltona strong religious foundation.Any institution with a foundation based on God can only prosper against anyadversities”Forbessaid.

Forbes further said that as a country, town, and community, our priority should be improving the qualityofoureducationsystem.“Itisbyexpanding educationalopportunitiesthatwecanhopetobury poverty because we all know that Education is the greatestequalizer.”

Themayorswishfortheschoolissuccessinmoulding God- fearing, respectful, compassionate decenthumanbeingswhowillsucceedinchanging theircommunity,thistown,andourcountryforthe better

Forbes wishes that all teachers and parents all the patience and wisdom to guide all learners children to always push themselves to become a better version of themselves, while showing compassion tothenextperson.“IamsureyouallnotedthatIdid notsay"bestversion"but"betterversion"because eventhebestcanbebetter.”

“IwishWalvisBayGymnasiumallthebesthereon forth and to the students, teachers, and staff, may 2023beaproductiveyearoflearningandgrowing” themayorconcluded.

Narib pleads not guilty

Continued from page 1

Hewillconducthisowndefence. Adevastated Memory Eises (33), the mother of thedeceasedboywhonarratedherpainfulordeal to a daily news paper the New Era, said she blamesthepoliceforthedeathofhersonasthey failedtoprotectbothherandherchildrenfroman allegedviolentandabusivehusband,Narib. ShesaidthatshelefthersononFriday9January in the care of her sister Her sister gave her son and his two cousin's money to buy chips at the nearby tuck shop just metres away from their house in Tutaleni Suburb in Kuisebmond.“Wilfred was thus lured away by the suspect while at the tuck shop. Her cousins shortlyafterwardstoldtheirmotherthattheboy hadleftwithhisfather.”

Eises said when her sister called and informed her that Narib took her son, her heart sank. She then immediately called police officers to help her search for her son. “My phone can prove all theattemptsImade.”

Shewaseventoldbyoneoftheofficerstogoto the police station. Despite her desperation, she wasnotattendedtoimmediately “They only took me seriously after a message came in from my husband, the accused, “to go andfetchmyson'sbody.”However,Ihadtowait again as there was no police vehicle to look for them,”Eisessaidwhilefightingbacktears. “A police officer finally arrived, and they used thatvehicletosearchforthesuspectandherson. They could not find them, and went back to the policestation”shesaid.

“Backatthepolicestation,Iheardoverthepolice radio that the body of a child was found in the dunes, knew that it was my baby,” a distraught Eisescontinued.

The accused was found by his family members, and handed over to the police shortly after the killing.

“Last Wednesday I begged, pleaded and sat for hoursattheKuisebmondpolicestationforhelp, but left without being taken seriously I told the police that my life is in danger, and my blood would be on their hands if anything happens to

me or my children”


She said her husband of three years has been making her life a living hell,butthingsescalated last week to such an extent that he almost burnt down their shack.

That incident was reportedtothepoliceas well.

According to Eises, the suspect last year hit her


“Wehaveanongoingcaseincourtduetothat.He, however, did not show up for his last court appearance, and I even thought he would be rearrested so that he can leave me in peace,” she lamented.

Eises said she went to the police station around 06:00onWednesdayforassistance.Shewastold towaituntil08:00forashiftchange.

“They wrote me a paper and said to go to the gender-basedviolenceunitintownaround10:00 forhelpastheirvehicledidn'twanttostart.

“I was even told to go and look for him, but the policefailedtofollowuponasightingofhimthat Icommunicatedtothem,”Eisescontinued.

Shenowfeelsthatherson'slifecouldhavebeen sparedifthepolicehadtakenherpleasseriously Instead, she said she was sent around from the Tutaleni to the Kuisebmond police stations days beforethetragedyplayedout.

Ironically, after her son's death, there were enough vehicles to take them around for the investigation.

“I feared for my life and that of my two boys as my abusive husband has been tormenting me sinceJulylastyear Ifonlytheytookmeseriously andrespondedtomypleas.Theyshouldhavejust helpedme.Mysonwouldhavebeenherewithme today”.

ErongopolicespokespersonIleniShapumbatold theNewErathattheaccusationsareserious,and thatthepolicehavesanctionedaninvestigation.

Strydom murder case

Continued from page 1

Stationtwiceaweekbetween08:00and15:00. Alltraveldocumentsof Strydom were confiscated. Magistrate John Sindano ordered the machineusedforthetestingofgunresiduemustberepairedbeforethe following court hearing, which was on 31 October However, the situationremainedthesame.Aftersomeequipmentbroke,theforensic department still awaits parts from the UK, before investigations formulated through forensic- and ballistic evidence can continue. Strydom'sdefence,AdvocateEvertGous,focussesonthisfact.Thecase waspostponedto11January2023.

The family of Engela Strydom revealed to the Namib Times their greatest fear is the case being dismissed because of broken forensic equipment. “The trace evidence section of forensic labs has the equipmentandexpertisetoanalyseinvestigationsusinggunshotresidue (GSR),yetduetobrokenequipment,investigationsareinfluenced,and this creates a ripple effect throughout the country, not only in the Strydom murder case,” a family member of the late Engela Strydom explainedtothenewspaper

Earthquake recorded close to Lüderitz

The Ministry of Mines and Energy's Geological Survey of NamibiaconfirmedtheNamibianSeismologicNetworkrecordedanearthquakeregisteringapreliminarylocalmagnitude (ML)of3.3ontheRichterScaleapproximately184kmsoutheastofLüderitzand41kmnorthofRoschPinahonSaturday morning,7January.

AccordingtoastatementfromtheMinistryofMinesandEnergy,theshallow earthquake(depthoflessthan15km),at6:48onSaturdaywasrecordedbyfive seismic stations of the Namibian Seismology Network, namely Windhoek, Kamanjab,Karibib,AriamsvleiandAus.




·Ifyouareoutdoors,findaclearspotwellclearofbuildings,trees,andpower lines.




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Eileen van der Schyff Ms Ilse Palomba, Principal at Walvis Bay Gymnasium, Walvis Bay mayor, Mr Trevino Forbes, Colette Rieckert, the Managing Director of Windhoek Gymnasium and Ms Carmen Meyer, Director of Operations at Walvis Bay Gymnasium at the opening ceremony of Walvis Bay Gymnasium Wilfred (Dantani) Eiseb Walvis Bay Mayor, Mr Trevino Forbes at the opening ceremony of Walvis Bay Gymnasium Colette Rieckert, the Managing Director of Windhoek Gymnasium at the opening ceremony of Walvis Bay Gymnasium

Happy faces of first graders

Swakopmund Municipality's social media engagement platform is ready

The Swakopmund Municipality in a notice said this year's first social mediaengagementplatformbycouncilisready

The “Wednesday Suggestions, Questions and Answer Segment” is a platform that welcomes questions, suggestions and possible solutions on various pressing issues pertaining to municipal services and the townofSwakopmund.

Thenoticefurtherreads:“The'WednesdaySuggestions,Questionsand Answer Segment' is a segment that allows you, our valued Clients to engage with us.With that said, we kindly ask you to note that the answerstothemostfrequentlyaskedquestionsineverysegmentwillbe pinned to the top and answered in detail on our website (www.swakopmun.com). The most notable queries will also be addressedbytheCEOoftheSwakopmundMunicipalityduringtheQn Awith the CEO.For complaints on roadworks, waterworks, or public sewerageproblems,pleaseinboxapicturealongwiththestreetaddress and a mobile number (if possible) for our teams to access the site/ location immediately.Thank you once again for your endless support andconsistentfeedback.Feelfreetodropyourposts!”

ThelearnersandteachersofTamariskiaPrimarySchoolandNamibPrimarySchoolwere very excited on their first day of school. Namib Times had an opportunity to snap a few photosoftheirhappymomentsattheirschools. Grade 1 A Ms Waterboer Grade 1C of Mrs Van der Riet at Namib Primary School Grade 1A of Ms Izaacs at Tamariskia Primary School Ms Ewalda Lingongo the teacher of Grade Per-Primary B busy teaching her learners Grade 1D Ms Mahua

Swakopmund Court Report


Prince Tia Kharuchab (18) appeared on a chargeofrobbery Thematterwaspostponed to 27 April for plea and trail. The accused remainsincustody

Tjikaravi Tjavara (27), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 27 February for further investigation. The accusedremainsincustody.

PrimusLongeniAngula(25)appearedona charge of attempted murder (assault). The matter was postponed to 27 February for furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsin custody

PieterSenekal(51)appearedonachargeof possession of potentially dangerous dependance-producing drugs. The matter was postponedto22March.Theaccusedhasbeen issuedawarning.

Clarence Campbell (28) appeared on a charge of drugs possessions of potentially dangerousdependance-producingdrugs.The matterwaspostponedto6Aprilforpleaand trail.Theaccusedhasbeenissuedawarning.

Andreas Byl (25) appeared on charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed 10 May for plea andtrail.Theaccusedisoutonbail.

Suniel Pallais (34) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.Thematterwaspostponedto20March for further investigations The accused remainsincustody

Lien Somaes (21) appeared on charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto20March for further investigation The accused remainsincustody

David Edward (28) appeared on charge of drivingwithanexcessivebreathalcohol.The matter was postponed to 23 March for sentencing.Theaccusedremainsincustody CantonaGoagoseb(27)appearedoncharge of robbery The matter was postponed to 25 January for further investigation The accusedremainsincustody

Joseph Goabab (46) appeared on charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The accused was sentenced to 6 months


Andreas Josef (58) appeared on charge of falsifying/ counterfeiting license number or license mark. The accused was sentenced to 12monthsimprisonment.

Collin Boois (36) appeared on charge of assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm. The matter was postponed to 27 March for furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsin custody

ChrisleyGowaseb(25),appearedonacharge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.Thematterwaspostponedto15March for further investigations The accused remainsincustody

Inzacky Naobeb (20), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 15 Marchforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccused remainsincustody

Theodor Namiseb (33) and Magnus Naruseb (29) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 15 March for furtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainin custody

CostaNashuku(32)appearedonachargeof theft.Thematter was postponed to 13 March for further investigations The accused remainsincustody

JupiterMapiya(37)appearedonachargeof arms and ammunition act-possession of firearm without a licence, assault common and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 23 February for further investigations The accused remains in custody

Quintin Hangula (24) appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 27 February for further investigations The accusedremainsincustody

DenzilMooi(22)appearedonachargeofpossession of dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 14 March for plea.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Hasho Sandu (24), appeared on a charge of recklessornegligentdriving.Thematterwas postponedto14Marchforplea.Theaccused remainsincustody

Courtesy visit to Walvis Bay Mayoral Office

Namibia in desperate need of O-type and B-type blood

The Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia (NamBTS) said theyobservedasignificantdropinbloodreservesforpatients in hospitals since the new year started. This is despite NamBTS's efforts to ensure sufficient blood and blood product availability countrywide during the festive season andrecentprecedingpublicholiday.

“We have observed a significant drop in the blood reserves for patients and hospitals after the turn of the new year The blood types that are currently in reduced supply are the O-type and Btype blood groups and we appeal to all blood donors to donate withinthecourseofthisweektoensurethatlivesaresaved.”To meetthedemandforbloodandbloodproductsgiventopatients, NamBTSneedstocollectanaverageof160blooddonationsdaily Currently only one percent of the Namibian population donates blood annually “We need assistance of more Namibians of all bloodtypestodonatebloodregularlythisyear.”











NAMBTS provides free transport for blood donors on request, arrangementsoranyotherqueriescanbemadewithSalmivia081 1221265.AlldonorswillreceiveacomplementaryN$30airtime asatokenofappreciation.Yourassistanceinhelpingspreadthis message is highly appreciated and potentially lifesaving. “We cannot wait to host you and have fun with you, while donating bloodandsavinglives.”

Commissioner N.K Kupembona, accompanied by his Deputy, J.C Ngitutukah, Divisional Commander: Special Field Force (Erongo region) and Sergeant B.M Marbord paid a courtesy visit to the Office of the Mayor on Tuesday this week. Eileen van der Schyff

How our journey led us to Walvis Bay

A full time traveling Portuguese family of six, living a nomadic life of discovery, shared with the Namib Times this week, how their remarkable travel journey led them to experience Namibia, and more specifically, Walvis Bay - in their view, a beautythatisimpossibletodescribe.

The family's journey started many years before they started traveling Joao Pisco and his wife, Ines would dream of a different way of living while on their dinner dates. When the couple's fourth child was born in January2018,theystarted toseriouslylookintotheir dream of traveling and bought a sailboat in April of 2019. “When we had our fourth child, Teresa, the final decision to quench our irresistible passion of sailing around the world was made. The maincharactersofouradventures are our children, Alice (13), Manel (10), Francisco (7) and Teresa whojustturnedfive.”

The family started their journey in the summer of 2019,andexperiencedthe full reality of living a nomadic sailing lifestyle sailing around Portugal. “It was obvious dreams aren't reality as we faced immensetroublesbutalso pleasures, especially with four young children. At that time the youngest, Teresa was learning to walk on a sailboat,” Joao told the newspaper in an interview Apart from this challenge, the family had to use a dinghy to go to shore for supplies, sometimes in severe weather they had to navigate the dinghy through rain and bigwaves.

InSeptemberof2020Joao carried his family in a small nutshell into the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean,onafive-dayjourney to Porto Santo, Madeira Islands. A journey whichwouldturnouttobe the most challenging crossing the family has ever made “The huge swell of the ocean made the boat feel like a washing machine”, Joao explained and continued,” after that experience, we felt like we could do anything. From there the family's journey took them southwards through the Atlantic circuit to the Deseras and Selvagens islands, then the Canary Islands, from where they kept going south to Cape Verde from where they crossed the Atlantic to Martinique “Eventually the hardness of sea life was making a dent in our family Maintaining the boat, raising and schooling the children, stocking the groceries and uncomfortableanchoragesledus tothedecisiontotravelin a different way” The family grabbed their children and started their backpacking journey through Asia, then Cambodia andVietnam.When the now exhausted family eventually got back to theirhomecountry,Portugal,andcontemplatingthe termination of their wandering days, they got a proposal from TAAG, the

Angolan national airways who looked for an influencer family to promote traveling in Africa “TAAGofferedtosponsor our travels around Africa. We arrived in Cape Town on 1 December, and after

some road trips and a journey to Botswana, we arrived at Husao Kutako Airport in Windhoek, Namibia on 1 January, promoting TAAG Airways,” Joao told the newspaper and continued, “we found Anna from a local car rental who gave us a great deal to help us keep traveling ” Gondwana offered the family accomodation and meals for all their time in Namibia.“Namibiahadsomany surprises for us. We had the opportunity to explore Sossusvleiwithitsimmen-

sity and beautifulness of the dunes and pans. We crossed wonderful scenic roadsthroughthedesertto WalvisBaywherewewere received by Langholm Hotel. A restaurant in the town's waterfront by the nameofAnchors'stookus back to our own country withtheirmenufilledwith Portuguese dishes. Walvis bay was a great surprise, the nice temperature, the oceandrivesfullofflamingosandtheindustriallook of the salt mines – all a very interesting mix and somehowbalanced.”

Eileen van der Schyff

Writing portrayed through a local lens

SwakopmundAuthor,HermanEverson paints the town of Swakopmund in a gruesomeanddeliberatelysatiricalway through his short stories that he fully portrays through a local lens, unlike manyauthorsthattranslatetheirwork orawesternaudience.

This he says in his short story, “ABaby's Cry,AfricansthroughtheeyesofAfricans. Our culture on display”. As an Author, Everson tackles topics of rape, baby dumpingandeventheoccult. Ifyouhave walked around in Swakopmund, you will

come across posters written by Everson reading, “Gossip, Rumours from Swakopmund.”Inpreviousyears,Everson explored the darker side, with works around topics like the illuminati, the occult,satanismandsatanicsexrituals.In his book, 'A Baby's Cry', Everson deals withbabydumpingandrape,andhisshort stories include topics about Abortion. Whatisrefreshingabouthiswork-heputs forward questions, without taking a personal stance, allowing readers to form their own conclusion. Everson can be found on most days along the path that leads up to the Strand selling his book, “The Nightlife of Oshikango” to tourists andlocals.

Port of Walvis Bay News

BulkCarrierJERVISBAY(IMO:9610688)sailingunderthe flag of Hong Kong arrived at the Port of Walvis Bay on Wednesday this week to discharge 12500 Bagged Sugar The Bulk Carrier will depart onTuesday, 17 January Her carrying capacityis36728tDWTandhercurrentdraughtisreportedto be7.1meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is179.9meters,andher widthis30.04meters.

Passenger liners are incoming

This year promises a parade of cruise ships. The Port of WalvisBaywillwelcomeanothersevenincomingpassenger linersinJanuaryandnineinFebruary.

Starting with Pacific World, a Sun-class cruise ship built in 1995 and operated by Peace Boat. At the time of her construction,shewasoneofthelargestcruiseshipsintheworld. PacificWorldwilldockatthePortofWalvisBayonSunday,15 January Listedaretherestofthepassengerlinerstocallatthe WalvisBayPortinJanuary:







Port Log

www .namibtimes.net
Eliphas Sheepo



Noticeisherebygivenin termsofsection63(2)(b) of the LocalAuthorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, a Portion of the old hostel kitchen situated o n E r f 5 6 5 4 Kuisebmond for the establishment of a Youth and Vocational TrainingCentre.


Portion of Erf 5654 Kuisebmond AREA 1659m²


N$1,277.43 plus 15% VAT (escalating with 10%perannum)

Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *24 January 2023 at room 29, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond.

For more information MrsSTSatchpiacanbe contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.

Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersignedbeforeorat 12:00 *27 January 2023.

ATVictor GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development

MunicipalOffices CivicCentre NangoloMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714


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The Factory Manager will be involved with the planning, coordination, and control of the production process. He/she will make sure that goods and services are produced efficiently and effectively by ensuring that the correct amountisproducedattherightcostandlevelofquality Thefactorymanager will be responsible for contributing to and carrying out production strategy decisions.


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PleaseforwardyourCVto: TheHumanResourceManager OmualuFishProcessorsPtyLtd P.O.Box747,WalvisBay Email:beatha@omualu.com.na Tel:064285600


isanequalopportunityemployerandpreviouslydisadvantaged personsareencouragedtoapply
date: 20 January 2023 Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted

C l a s s i f i e d s

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ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days.

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Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102


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TORENT WALVISBAYFLAT IMMEDIATELY AVAIABLEnear WelwitchiaHospital. Lounge,kitchen,onebig bedroom,buildin cupboards,bathroomand toilet. Waterincluded, prepaidelectricity.Single N$3500.00orCouple N$4000.00. Call:0812527474


Aspacious3bedroom houseonbigerf 1100m²forrentalor purchase 1garage&1bathroom Hugekitchen,diningroom Onbigerfwithlotsof potentialformore structures Location:Hermes,Walvis Bay Formoredetailscontact: 0817552813

ForSale:SectionaltitleWalvisBayKuisebmond 3bedroom 2bathroom Openplankitchen Garage Tenantinplace N$605000.00 Contact:0815544888or 0812957837

FORSALE; Kuisebmond 2bedrooms,2bathrooms,2 garages

Openplansittingroom/ kitchen Doublegarages Buildinbraaiplace Boundarywall BONUS:2xrentaloutside roomswithown shower/toilet 1xopenoutsideroom N$850000excluding costs.Seriousbuyers Bankapproved/cashare welcome Toview0814301904 Salebyowner


WERKGESOEK: Ekis40jaarenisopsoekna huiswerk.Maandaetot Vrydae. Kontak:0818109315

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknawerk, skoonmaakofstrykwerkvir 3of2daeperweekin Swakopmund,ekkanook Saterdagwerk.Ekkan onmiddellikbeginwerk. Kontak:0812112303/ 0812396599

JOBWANTED: Iama34yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork, orcleaning,officecleaning, guesthouseorbabysittingfor 4days(Tuesday,Thursday, FridayandSaturday).Ihave experienceandcanstartas soonaspossible. Contact:0813411357

JOBWANTED: Iama3 yearoldlady 2 lookingforoffice Administrativeworkin Swakopmund,Ihave experienceandcanstartas soonaspossible. Contact:0815501655

JOBWanted: Iama37yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork, hotelworkoranykindof workinSwakopmund,Iam willingandabletostart immediately Contact:0815681201

JOBWANTED: young Iama ladyurgently lookingfordomesticwork orcleaningwork,foreven3 daysperweekanywherein Swakopmund.Icanstart anytime. Contact:0817671852




Namibia-SouthAfrica Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com

TraditionalDrHerbalist DrLovemoreBenBanda (Theoldman)From MalawiisinWalvisBay with30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,toclean outbadluckfromyour body,topassexams,to passdriving,toprotect yourbodyfromwithcraft, toboostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret.0816431482find theOldmaninKuiseb, MassHouses,atNHE 6751JohannesNakuafila Street

Swakopmundtowncenter N$3 500.- p/month excl. water&prepaidelec-tricity

Haus Meereslust – CBD, Swakopmund

Newly renovated 2-bed flat on first floor, single garage, tolet1Feb'23.Nosmoking, nopets. N$ 6 000.00, excl. water & electricity

Forfurtherqueries, kindlycontactouroffice on064402349

TORENT: 2bedroomflat Openplanlounge,kitchen, bathroom Prepaidelectricity Waterexcl. N$3600.00p/m

Depositnegotiable Contact:0812442284

TORENT: 1BedroomFlattorentplus garageWalvisBay N$4500-00inclWaterexcl prepaidelectricity Immediatelyavailable. Contact0813335230

TORENT:Bachelorflatin Narraville

N$3000.00p/m W/E incl. Available1Feb2023 Contact:0816951122 0812963660

TORENT:Narraville singlepersononly,no childrenorpets. Kitchenwithbic&double sink.Floortiled,nostove Bigbedroom,withbicfloor tiled.Shower/toilet/wash basin-fullytiledupto ceiling.Separateentrance Nogarage-parkinginside mainyard,safetylights Depositrequired N$3000.00 N$3000.00permonth W/E incl. Nopictures-viewingonly CentreofNarraville,near Doctorsandshops Immediatelyavailable Contact:0812441320

TORENT:Kuisebmond Containerhouseinasecure complexwithsomeflats around.Boundarywalls, warmwaterMax:2Adults +1child. W/E incl. N$3000.00p/m DepositN$1000.00 Available1February2023 Contact:0812409800

TORENT:Cozy3 bedroomhouseforrentina safecomplexin Swakopmundcloseto Dome.N$7000.00p/m Call0812783338


CHEFWANTED:The SeafoodRestaurant underHai-shun InvestmentCompany lookingforaChefto hireacandidaterequired tomeetlevel11Chef Certification Musthaveexperiencein cookingchinesecuisines WalvisBay,Namibia ContactLu081668 2180

We're Hiring

Looking for Sales reps/consultants at Le Morgan Direct Marketing If interested please call for an interview or hand in your CV at our office in Walvis Bay Call Kashna 0818114808


JOBWANTED: A41yearoldwomanis lookingforanykindofwork inWalvisBay,Meersig, LagoonandNarraville.Have experiencemorethan20 years.Cleaning,washing, ironing.For5daysaweek.I canstartimmediately Contact:0814136628


Ekisopsoeknahuiswerkvir driedae‘nweekofkantoor skoonmaak. Kontak:0816693910

JOBWANTED: Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomesticworkor babysitting.Ihave experience.Iamwillingto startimmediately Contact:0813435711 0818150139

JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordriverswork IhaveC1driverslicense,I am37yearsoldveryreliable andhonest.Ihavemorethan 10yearsdrivingexperience. Contact:0817107213 0813091912

WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘n47jarigedame opsoeknahuiswerkvirdrie dae‘nweek.Ekhet verwysings.Dringend. Kontak:0813030863

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerkin Walvisbaai.Maandaetot Saterdae.Ditkanook kantoorskoonmaakwerk wees.Ekkanenigetyd begin.Kontak:081442 2460/0812086451


CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access.Officeor ablutionalterations. Cowboys.

JOBWANTED: Iamaoldwomanlooking fordomesticwork,ironing, babysitting,Ihave experiencewithbabiesand elderly.MondaystoFridays. Readytostartimmediately Contact:0814672376

WERKGESOEK: EkisPaul40jaarouden opsoeknayardskoonmaak werkinWalvisbaai.Ekkan vee,venterswasenookgras sny Vir1-2dae‘nweek. Kontak:0816673648

JOBWANTED: Iamlookingforanytypeof workasageneralworker, chef-cookingandstock takinginSwakopmundfor MondaytoFriday,Ihave6 yearsexperience. Contact:0817912014

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknakinders oppasofhuiswerk,stryk werkinSwakopmunden Langstrand.Ekhet ondervinding,ekis40jaar oudenkanenigedagbegin. Kontak:0817732031

WERKGESOEK; Ekis50jaaroud,ekis opsoeknahuiswerk,ou menseofkindersoppas,was enstryk,skoonmaakwerkin Swakopmund,Langstrand enWalvisBay Kontak:0813456084 Selma

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerkin Walvisbaaivir‘nweekof3 dae.Bereidomop Langstrandooktewerk. Kontak:0817911916

JOBWANTED: Iama32yearoldwomanin WalvisBaylookingfor domesticworkor babysitting.Mondaysto Fridays.Iamreadytostart anytime. Contact:0814356343

JOBWANTED: Iamaladylookingfor domesticworkinWalvis Bay.MondaystoFridaysor 3daysaweek.Iama hardworkingandavailable anytime. Contact:0815933921

JOBWANTED: Ayoungdecentladyis lookingfordomesticor housekeepingworkorold agehome.Readytostart immediately Contact:0817083718

JOBWANTED: Iama24yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay Contact:0812792772

since 1991
WIKI’S FLORIST venue & 12th Road, Cell: +264 81 320 2319 wikis.florist@outlook.com Visit us at the
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floor in
kitchenette, electric stove, shower & WC and balcony
064418150or 0811464770
Institute Looking for 3xregisterednurses 1xLibrarian TostartinMarch2023at theWalvisBaycampus Closingdate: 18January2023 Emailcvto: dexpertwalvisbay@ gmail.com 0818555782 0812881266 CARS
FOR SALE: ToyotaAuris 2009
litre D4D RS. 6m Hatchback Diesel, Manual N$ 95 000.00 Contact: 081 298 7664
CARFORSALE: basedinWalvisBay FordRanger3.2TDCI wildtrakp/u D/C2007model Milerge95700 Contact:0812499168 JOBS WANTED
REDUCED!!Sale: WalvisBayKuisebmundUnit 3bedroom 2bathroom Openplankitchen Garage Tenantinplace N$605000 Call:0811635000 13JANUARY2023 NAMIBTIMES 9

SWK 145 making a change

The2022yearwasalotmorelenientthanthepreviousyearsthatallowed the members of Round Table 145 Swakopmund (SWK 145) to do what theydobestbymakingachangeinthelivesofcommunitymembers.

RoundTableisanorganisationthatmouldsyoungmenbetweentheagesof18-40into gentleman,cultivatingthehighestidealsinbusiness,professionalandcivictraditions. They are passionate about serving the community and making sure, they make a differencewhereverwego.

SWK145startedthelastyearoffbyintroducingtheirnewChairmanMrWillieVenter andcouncilfor2022.TheyoungvibrantandenergeticChairmanwasexcited.Ventera manwithmanyideasmadeitclearthatwiththesupportofallthemembersRoundTable 145Swakopmundmightjusthaveoneofourbestyearsyet.

SWK145kickedofftheircommunityprojectswithfundraisingforVanessaa16-yearold girl from Swakopmund with a catastrophic electrocution injury that resulted in a burntypeinjurycripplingbothofherhands.

VenterandhismembersatSWK145raisefundsmorethanN$80000,fromaMiniGolf Dayaswellaspublicdonations.Thefundswereusedtocompletethe1stsurgeryand assistthis16-year-oldgirlandherfamilywithadditionalmedicalexpenses.Vanessais doingverywellandlookingforwardtohernextsurgery

Continuingwithcommunityservice,SWK145startedtheN$5project.Theysetupin frontofSparinSwakopmundwheretheyaskeachshopperanN$5cointobuyanyfood item.TheydidtwoeventswheretheyraisedanamountintheexcessofN$16000worth of food items. This food item was donated to vulnerable community members in Swakopmund.

The annual Winter Knights campaign was again a huge success, with the entire NamibianArearaisedmorethanN$1000000incashandgoodsinkind.Variousfood packages and blankets were donated to the Welwitschia Old Age home the SwakopmundRhenischChurchaswellasprivateindividuals.

SWK145communityoutreachcontinues.Thistimetheystartedcreatingawarenessand raising funds for Pehovelo. When he was 4 months old, burglars threw a burning substance/flammable object through the window of their home. This unfortunately landedonPehovelowhowasasleeponamattressonthefloor Hesustainedthirddegree burns to his face, left sided scapular region, left arm and both hands. He spent four months receiving extensive treatment at the state hospital in Windhoek. This little fighter still has a long way to go and will need assistance once he is old enough to undergofurthertreatment.

SWK145managedtoraiseN$37000throughaMiniGolf day, a breakfast run with the support of Desert Dawgs @desert mustangs 1313 Mac's Familia Namibia @Harley-Davidson as well as all bikers that joined and donations fromthecoastalcommunity

TheSWK145feelverypassionateaboutcaringfortheelderly,thereforetheystarteda newprojectcalledthe'WilsonProject'.Thisprojectaimstoassisttheresidentsofthe WelwitschiaOldAgeHome(Phase2).Theyplantohelpeachresidentwiththeirdental care, be it new dentures or just a routine procedure. The aim is to have each of them enjoya'Wilson'toffeeoncetheprojectiscomplete.TheymanagedtoraiseN$23000.As youcanimaginethisisquiteacostlyventureandwewillrelyonthepublicsupportto getthisdone.

In support of the Wilson project, SWK 145 also have the Can Project, they placed donationcansatvariousretailersinSwakopmundtogeneratemorefunds.

SWK 145 urges all corporate and private individuals to please contact us and get involvedwiththeseprojects.SWK145isalwayswillingandeagertoteamupandmake theseprojectsasuccess.

SWK145areimmenselyproudofwhatwewereabletoachievein2022,theyhowever alsorealisemanyhardworkstillliesahead.

InthewordsofHellenKeller'Alone,wecandosolittle,together,wecandosomuch,'’ FormoreinformationorhowtoassistRoundTable145Swakopmund,pleasecontact MrWillieVenter


Traurig nehmen die Familien Walter, Kerber, Putzler, Kollmitz, Kleiner, Botha und Kölling Abschied von unserer Mutter, Schwiegermuter, Grossmuter, Urgrossmutter, Schwester, Tante, Schwägerin und Freundin,



*15.10.1932 in Glogau, †6.01.2023 in Walvis Bay

Einen letzten Gruss von Jörg und Aleta mit Sybille, Simone und Jörg Jnr; Fritjof, Ruth und Melissa mit Birgit, Rahka und Kadin; Annegreth, Andreas, Jeanne; als auch alle Angehörigen der obengenannten Familien und Freunde, zu viele um bei Namen zu nennen.

Mutter's Wunsch war, dass ihre Asche bei Pelican Point unter den Seehunden und Pelikanen gestreut wird. Daten werden später bekannt gegeben.

Sprüche 31: 10 'Eine tugendhafte Frau – wer findet sie? Sie ist weit mehr wert als Perlen! 15. Bevor der Morgen graut, ist sie schon auf. 18. Sie sieht, dass ihr Erwarb gedeiht; ihr Licht geht auch bei Nacht nicht aus. 25. Kraft und Würde sind ihr Gewand, und sie lacht angesichts des kommenden Tages. 26. Ihren Mund öffnet sie mit Weisheit… 27. Sie behält die Vorgänge in ihrem Haus im Auge und isst nie das Brot der Faulheit. 30. Anmut ist trügerisch und Schönheit vergeht, aber eine Frau, die den HERRN fürchtet, die wird gelobt werden!

Nun wieder vereint mit ihrem Sohn Michael.

Mutti, wir gönnen Dir die Ruhe und werden Dich nie vergessen.



Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.

Little Eden herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent to operate a place of Instruction Creché andAftercare on thepremisesoferf983,(MandumeNdemufayoStreet) Mondesa,Extension3.

Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.

Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis30January 2023.

Contactperson:MrsSelmaNcube,cell:0816635178 Email:selmancube95@gmail.comor Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403


CONSENT: Guest House ON ERF NO: 5548 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME&NO:MakalaniCresent.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:GuestHouse.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 27 January 2023

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SakariIiyambo,POBox7510,Kuisebmond


The need for a public meeting will be determined after the consultation and will be communicated to all registered I&APs.

For more Information contact: +264811422927 email: info@greengain.com.na website: www.greengain.com.na

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) FOR THE PROPOSED STOCKHOLDING OF GENERAL GOODS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AT ERF 3757, GOBABEB STREET, WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No.07 of 2007) and the EIA Regulations (GN No.30 of 6 February 2012) for the following proposed activities: Project: Proposed stockholding of general goods and hazardous substances Project Location: Erf 3757, Gobabeb Street, Walvis Bay Proponent: BEUCORPTRADING CC EAP: Green Gain Environmental Consultants cc Project Description: The proponent intends to operate a facility for stockholding of general goods i.e., Copper concentrate (CuFeS2) and hazardous substances i.e., Petalite lithium (AILi (Si2O5)2) at Erf 3757, located in the light industrial area of Walvis Bay In terms of the Environmental Management Act 07 of 2007 the intended activities cannot be conducted without an ECC.
are hereby invited to register request for Background
Document (BID) and send their comments to
on or eia@greengain.com.na before the 27 January 2023
Rudi Bowe

Rössing Marathon

The annual Rössing Marathon with total price money of N$150 000 will be held on Saturday 11 March in Swakopmund.

RössingUraniumiscommittedtocontinuingwiththepopularevent,asit forms part of the mine's social investment activities. “We all the runners withinthebordersofNamibiaareinvitedtoregisterfortheevent. Theeventconsistsofa42.2kmfullmarathon,21.1kmhalfmarathon,10 kmrunand10kmrelayaswellasthe5kmfunwalk. Runnerscanenterinthefollowingagecategories: Men'sOpen-20-39 Ladies'Open-20-39 VeteranMen-40-49 VeteranLadies-40-49 Masters-50-59 GrandMasters-60+ Juniors(for10kmRunonly)-ages12-19 Detailsontheeventwillbesharedinduecourse. Formoreinformationcontact: SwakopStriders:FrankSlabbert.+264(0)812403383 fatslab@iafrica.com.na Rössing Communications: Kaino Ilovu +264 (0) 813162885Kaino.ilovu@rossing.com

Timing & Entries: Charles +264(0)81 124 9471 charles.namibia@gmail.com(Seeinformationonindemnity,rules,prizes, andproceduresatbottomofform.)Racepacksmustbecollectedattherace venue from 16.00 to 20.00 on Friday, 10 March 2023. Bring your ID/ passport/ birth certificate along when collecting your race pack. No late registrationwillbedoneonthedayoftheevent.

Pedro back at Blue Waters

Blue Waters Football Club appointed Armando Pedroasitsfirstassistantcoach. Pedrojoinedthetechnicaldepartment,ofthecoastalfootballclub where he and Mekondjo Tobias will assist head coach Lucky Shipanga.

Blue Waters chairman Robert Shimooshili said that the most successful teams in the country coastal club, Blue Waters has a clear goal of returning to its glory days. This appointment is thereforeintandemtothisobjective,aswellasconsolidatingthe club'simpressivestarttothecurrentseason.

Shimooshilisaid,“Incumbentheadcoach,LuckyShipanga,will remaininhisroleandMekondjoTobiaswillnowassumetherole ofsecondassistantcoach.”

"Shipanga, Pedro and Tobias have been with Blue Waters for manyyearsanddonnedtheclub'sfamousbluejerseysincetheir youth days, winning several trophies during their playing days. Webelievetheyarewellacquaintedwiththeclub'straditionand ethosandtheycarrythewinningspiritthattheclubisaccustomed to.Weareconfidentthetechnicalteamhastherequisiteacumen to successfully steer the club in the right direction and we wish themallthebest,"Shimooshiliexplained.

13JANUARY2023 NAMIBTIMES11 School News
Armando Pedro the new first assistant coach at Blue Waters Football Club

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Founder of Kudus Rugby Club dies

Dyerswith,PatrickJoseph,AndrewCarolissen, Raymond Paulse, Bertie Langenhoven and Lokkie Ontong was part of a construction team that travelled by train from South Africa to WalvisBayin1961.

AfterbeinginWalvisBayforafewweeks,Dyers couldn't bear the fact he couldn't play his favouritesport,Rugby DougieDyerswhowasthedrivingforcebehind theestablishmentofaRugbyclubsetameeting withtherestoftheconstructionteamasmostof thembeingrugbyplayersthatplayedforLower PaarlorBluesRugbyClubsinSouthAfrica.

AtthefirstmeetingheldatBryceflatsin1961in Walvis Bay they establish Kudus Rugby Club. With the colours of their teams in SouthAfrica being Blue and White they decided that the colours of Kudus Rugby Club should be of the samecolours.

Onthethreedayjourneytheysawdifferentkind of animals. It was however the huge amount of Koedoes on the journey that attracted them the mostandthereforethenameKudusRugbyClub. After returning back to South Africa Dougie DyersbecameaBlackLegendofSouthAfrican Rugby Dyers, an international rugby captain, coach and administrator, had a fascinating life and played a massive part and a pivotal role in many'firsts'forSouthAfricanrugby Dougie's grandfather, Paul Samuel Dyers, moved from Bredasdorp to Parow in the early 1900s and in 1903 established the Parow and Districts Rugby Union. He became the first presidentoftheunionandestablishedRamblers Rugby Club Dougie's father, also named Dougie, and four of his brothers played for Ramblers, which was referred to as the Dyers 'familyclub'.Dougiegrewupinanenvironment dominated by rugby and was destined to follow inhisfatheranduncles'footsteps

In1971,Dyerswasappointedcaptainofthefirst colouredtouringsidetoleavetheshoresofSouth Africa and the following year he captained the firstcolouredsidetoplayagainstaninternational touringside,England,onSouthAfricansoil.He talked with pride about the achievements of his touring side, which, under very difficult

circumstances,gaveagoodaccountofthemselves inEngland.DyersalsocaptainedtheProteasteam thatplayedagainstthetouring1974British&Irish Lions.

Dyersquicklyestablishedhimselfasaverycapable coach and took charge of the Proteas. In 1979, he wasappointedcoachoftheSABarbarians,thefirst multiracial South African rugby team to tour outside the country The team consisted of eight playerseachfromtheSarb(white),Sarf(coloured) and Sara (African) unions. He coached the Barbarians again the following year for a memorable fixture against the touring Lions and later, after unity, to Fiji and Samoa. He rates this tourasoneofthehighlightsofhiscoachingcareer, as it was the first time players from the non-racial Saru had been part of a touring side representing SouthAfrica.WithCurrentNamibianRugbyhead coachAllisterCoetzeewasamemberofthatsquad.

In1983,DyerswasapproachedbyDanieCravento takeupapositionatSarb,whichheaccepted. He grabtheopportunity,ashefirmlybelievedthathe could make a difference to the future of coloured andblackrugbyplayers.

His objective was to ensure the improvement and provision of facilities in underprivileged communities received urgent attention, but, more importantly, to create opportunities for coloured and black coaches to be trained and graded as coaches.

Talentalonewillnotbeenough;ourchallengewas to improve coaching and rugby infrastructure in our communities if our players were going to be competitiveatthehighestlevel.

Better coaching, facilities and competitions breed positiveself-imageandincreasedconfidence.This recipe, he firmly believed would produce more Springboksfromtheunderprivilegedcommunities ofSouthAfrica.

Dyers also served as Springbok selector in the 1980sandrecallmanyhard-foughtbattleswithhis fellowselectorstogetplayersofcolourpicked.He relates the firm stance he had to take to get Errol Tobias selected for the Test against the English touristsof1984.

In1991hemovedtotheWesternProvinceRugby Union, where he served in the development

structuresoftheunion.Hecontinuedtoserveandonhisretirementin2002 waselectedtotheexecutiveoftheunionasjuniorvice-president. Recountingthe1972matchbetweentheProteasandPullin'sEnglandteam, hiseyeslightupwhenherelaysthatpoignantminuteortwobeforekick-off–whenthesignificanceofthegamedawnedonhim.

'Istaredatthe15Englishmentakinguptheirpositionsacrossfrommeandthe emotionsofthemomentswelledupinsideofme.Icalledmyplayerstogether and reminded them why they were there, on that day, in that moment – not onlytoplay,buttocompete,towin;forjustice!'

Dyerswerenotalwaysrecognisedfortheimmensecontributionhemadeto thetransformationofSouthAfricanrugby Inspiteofthisinjustice,hestands out as a player, captain, coach, selector and administrator who have left an indeliblemarkonthegamehelovessomuch.Itisundoubtedlythemarkofa pioneer PartofthisarticlewasdonebyGARYBOSHOFFandfirstappearedinthe SARugbymagazine.

WellfolksweareupandrunningagainwithawholeNewYearaheadof us–withlotsofgolfplannedtokeepusallbusy. Saturday7JanuarywekickedoffthenewcalendarwithaScrambleDrive BetterballMedalsponsoredbytheClub. Thedaywaswellsupportedwithalmost40players–justgoestoshowthe guys&girlsarehungryforgolf–apartfromthosewhodon'tliketoplayreal golf(medal).Scoringtheformattookabitofgettingusedto-butthankfully the weather played along for the best part of the afternoon, so a great day washadbyall.Scoreswereprettyclose–countoutswereneeded.

Finally the overall winners were none other than our 2022 Match play heroes Helmut Ndjenda andThomas Shitaleni with a 60 nett winning the countoutonhandicapoverChristovanRensburgandBertusStrausswhilst 3rd Place went to Clive Lawrence and Bertie Saunderson also winning a countouton61nett.

The Club Captain- George Murasiki , made use of this opportunity to presentthe2022MatchPlayWinnerswiththeirbrandnewfloatingtrophies sponsoredbyEngen-SwakopmundServiceStation.

Singles: Helmut Ndjendja. Doubles: Helmut Ndjendja and Thomas Shitaleni.


Saturday 14th – Betterball Stableford sponsored by the Rossmund “Ou Toppies”. Sunday15th–MonthlySagesCompetition Saturday21st–NovanamMonthlyMedal

ThefounderofKudusRugbyClubDougieDyersdiedonTuesday10Januaryat theageof79yearsinCapeTownSouthAfrica Black legend and founder of Kudu Rugby Club Dougie Dyers Singles Match Play Winner – Helmut Ndjendja with RGC Club Captain George Murasiki 2022 Doubles Match Play Winners – Helmut Ndjendja/Thomas Shitaleni with RGC Club Captain George Murasiki
News From Rossmund Golf Club
Wednesday25th–RossmundGolfClubAGM Saturday28th–BogeyPlussponsoredbytheClub Saturday28/Sunday29thHollardNamibiaNALGULadiesCoastalOpen

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