Strong Winds Claim Life
TragedystruckonTuesdaymorningwhena fatal accident occurred on the B2 road, approximately three kilometers fromArandis in the direction of Swakopmund. The incident occurred at around 9:15 and was believed to be caused by the strong eastern winds.
According to a report released by the Erongo policethisweek,aMahindra pickup truck allegedly rear-ended a Toyota Quantum. The Toyota Quantum was in the process of pulling off the road behind other vehicles aspartofaconvoy Due to the impact of the collisionandthestrong wind conditions, the Mahindra vehicle veered over the road into the oncoming traffic lane and subsequently collided head-on with a Scania truck.
Tragically,thedriverof the Mahindra vehicle, identifiedas48-year-
old Morne Gareth Openshaw,succumbed to his injuries at the scene. One passenger intheMahindrapickup sustained minor injuries.
The driver of the Scania truck was alone at the time of the accident, while the Toyota Quantum had nine passengers.
Fortunately, all the passengers in the Toyota Quantum escaped without visible injuries.
Police investigations arecurrentlyunderway to determine the exact circumstances surrounding the accident.
Preliminary findings suggest that the strong wind conditions played a significant role in causing the collision
Sharlien Tjambari
The Daures Green Hydrogen Consortium is constructing the Daures Green Hydrogen Village,anammoniaproductionfacilityinthe Erongo region. This was confirmed by the GovernorofErongoregionduringhisStateof theRegion'sAddress(SORA)thisweek.
According to the Governor of the Erongo Region, NevilleAndré Itope, the project will showcase the sustainable production of green hydrogen and ammonia from renewable sources, demonstrate green hydrogen applications, and pilot a green hydrogeneconomywithexportpotentialforhydrogen derivatives while creating research opportunitiesforlocalandinternationalstudents.
Itope further noted, the project aims to produce Namibia's first green hydrogen and ammonia in 2023 during its pilot phase. The project will also produce Namibia's first carbon-free agriculture. In subsequentphases,thevillageisexpectedtohouse
over2000residents,generateover1GigaWattsof clean energy and produce over 350 000 tons of green ammonia. Itope said the Daures Green HydrogenVillageislookingtocreateadatabaseof eligible Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from the Daures Constituency to participate in its construction and other related items at the Daures GreenHydrogenVillage.
Itope further said, “if you are an SME from the DauresConstituency,andwishtoparticipateplease watch out at notice boards and adverts for the opportunities that will come your way This is a massive project with many potential spin-offs for the local communities. I will just implore the Regional, Local and Traditional Leadership to support this project and make sure that our communitybenefitsfromtheendlessopportunities theprojectoffers.”
The Daures Green Hydrogen Village will provide employmentfor200citizens. “Iampleasedtonote thatthelocalcommunitieshavebeenprovidedwith shareholdingintheprojectthroughtheconservancy andthetraditionalauthority”Itopeconcluded.
Tumas Project’s Feasibility Study Targets
million Tons of Ore
Beifang Takes Over Rössing Uranium Mining Operations
Sweep the Coast: East Weather Conditions Explained
Pages 13 - 16
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7024 FRIDAY 14 JULY 2023 N$6 inside Green Hydrogen:
Making its Mark in Erongo
Eileen van der Schyff
Walvis Bay Nominated Full report on page 2 as Namibia's Kwêla Town of the Year Finalist as Namibia's Kwêla Town of the Year Finalist
Photo by Walvis Bay Tourism Centre
Late Morne Gareth Openshaw
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Page 3
WalvisBayNominatedasNamibia's KwêlaTownoftheYearFinalist
Eileen van der Schyff
Walvis Bay is in the spotlight as the nominated town representing Namibiaintheexciting2023editionoftheKykNET"KwêlaTownof theYear"competition.
The Kwêla Town of the Year competition serves as a platform to showcasetheuniquetourismopportunities of the nominated towns.
WalvisBay,agemalongNamibia's coast, boasts a rich heritage and stunning natural beauty The town has much to offer visitors seeking adventure, nature experiences, and culturaldiscoveries.
The 2023 winning town of Kwêla will receive the following prizes. Firstly, a cash prize of R1 million from Lottoland. Each finalist town will be asked to indicate which project they would allocate the money to if they win. Kwêla will carefully audit the project and revisitthetowntoseehowthefunds wereusedtoenhancethetown. Additionally, the winner will receiveairtimeworthR1millionon kykNET This will take the form of
an advertisement produced by Kwêla and aired on the channel. It will help promote Walvis Bay as a popular tourist destination and attractvisitors.
Tocelebratethevictory,afestivalin the form of a music concert will be held in the town. This event will serve as a celebration of Walvis Bay's achievement and successful participationinthecompetition.
Everyone is encouraged to vote for WalvisBayandawardthisbeautiful townthetitleofTownoftheYearby texting the town's name to 33157.
The final voting lines will be open from 16 July, 20:00, until 21 July, 12:00 noon. The cost per text is R1.50. Free texts will not work.
Each number can vote a maximum of 30 times. The announcement of thefinalwinningtownwillbemade onSunday,6August,onKwêla.
Rudi Bowe
RössingUranium'sManagingDirector,JohanCoetzee,affirmedon Friday,7July,thattheboardofRössingUraniumLtdhasapproved theextensionoftheLifeofMine(LoM)from2026to2036.
Mine extension to 2036 through the Phase 4 pushback of the existing SJ Pit. This expansion fully utilises the 15-year mining licensegrantedbytheMinistryof MinesandEnergyin2021.
TumasProject'sFeasibilityStudy Targets
Sharlien Tjambari
In its Definitive Feasibility Study completed on its Etango-8 Uranium Project released in December2022,BannermanMiningResourcesNamibiaconfirmedthestrongtechnicaland economic viability of a conventional open pit mining and heap leach processing operation withathroughputof8milliontonsperannum.
The Governor of the Erongo region, Neville André Itope, mentionedintheState of the Region's Address on Monday this week that a positive Pre-Feasibility Study for Reptile Mineral Resources and Exploration's Tumas project was completed in 2021, and was followed by thecommencementof a Definitive Feasibility Study. He said the study targets an annual production capacity of 3.6 million tons of Ore per year with a mine life ofmorethan22years.
According to Itope, Elevate Uranium has made four uranium discoveries in Namibia in the last three
years and increased its JORC-compliant uranium resources at its KoppiesProject.
“Zhonghe Resources (Namibia) Development's activities focus on the evaluation of their resource, a diamond drilling programme that started in August of 2022, and a series of geological and geophysical surveyscarriedoutonsome anomalies. The parent company, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is currently implementing a 20 000 meters drilling programme on both, neighbouring RössingandZhonghe's mining licence areas,” saidItope. CommentingonNavachab Gold Mine, Itope
saidtheminehasspent over N$ 2 billion on expanding its mining and processing operations.
The mine has completedtheexpansionof itspro-cessingplantto in-crease production by 70% The processing plant makes use of innovative milling technology for goldprocessingforexample, the Argo and towermillwhichisthe first of its kind in the world for gold processing. According to Itope, the expansion saw Navachab increase its permanent workforcefrom362to the current 716 employeesandanticipates increasing the workforce to 796 by the end of2023.
In addition, the number of contractoremployeeson site increased from 118 to the current 350 employees. The majority of those employed at Navachab Gold Mine are from the local surrounding areas of Karibib, Usakos, Otjimbingwe, and the greater Erongo region.
According to Itope, the life of mine enabled job security for hundreds of employees and creates new peripheral opportunities for the socio-economic development of Karibib and surrounding areas and the Erongoregion.
Coetzee revealed that this extension will provide Rössing with a new lease on life and will continue to generate various macroeconomic benefits for its stakeholders. He further noted that the objective of the LoM FeasibilityStudywastoevaluate and document the technical, practical, and economic feasibility of extending the Rössing Uranium Life of Mine beyond2026.Thestudyaimedto issueaFeasibilityStudyReportto informaninvestmentdecisionby the Rössing Board of Directors. According to Coetzee, this extension grants Rössing a new lease on life and ensures the continuation of various macroeconomic benefits for its stakeholders. He mentioned that two years ago, Rössing initiated a Feasibility Study for the Life of
Rössing aims to continue its contribution to the economy at both the national and regional levels, working in the best interests of the mining industry, the region, and Namibia as a whole, in line with its slogan of "Working for Namibia " The company expresses appreciation for the support received from its board, employees, and other stakeholders throughout the process of extending the Life of Mineto2036.
Rössing, Namibia's first commercial Uranium mine that commenced production in 1976, initiallyhadaplannedLoMuntil 2025.
However,in2021,Rössingbegan a study to evaluate the feasibility of extending the LoM beyond 2026.Thisextensionissupported byanenlargementoftheopenpit knownasthePhase4push-back. Itwillbeaccomplishedunderthe 15-year extension of the Rössing Mining License, which was approved by Namibia's Ministry ofMinesandEnergyin2021and willnowcontinueuntilJuly2036.
N$223millionpaidforOldAgeGrants inErongoannually
Sharlien Tjambari
During the report on the State of the Region's Address (SORA), on Monday this week, the ErongoGovernorNevilleAndréItopesaidthegovernmentpaysatotalofN$223millionper yearforOldAgeGrantsintheErongoregion.
Itopesaid,that14300people are on OldAge grants and a total amount of N$18,5 million is paid to the elderly monthly totalling about N$223millionperyear
The number of children on the grant system stands at 11261 and a total amount of N$2,8 million is paid monthly to the beneficiaries which adds up to about N$33.7million.
Itope further said, 3178 people are receiving Disability grants at an amount of N$4,1 million per month, amounting to N%49.6 million a year. These numbers are accumulative numbers and vary from month to month, as new registrations are added to the system as they are being approved.
TheNamibianGovernmentthroughtheDivision of Gender Equality Poverty Eradication and socialwelfareensuresthecareandprotectionof allchildren,empowerscommunitiestotakecare ofOrphansandVulnerableChildren(OVC),and strengthenstheimplementationandcoordination of OVC According to Itope, the Division of Gender Equality and Child Welfare through the sub-division of Community Development PovertyEradicationhasbeensupportingvarious
income-generating Activities (IGAs) in the communities. The main objective is to reduce poverty and uplift the living standard of community members in rural and urban areas. Itopesaidviableprojects are selected from the seven constituencies in Erongo region where beneficiaries receive materials or equipment fortheirprojects. DuringhisaddressItopesaid,duringtheperiod under review materials for nine projects were procuredatavalueofN$68,000.00.Inaddition tothissupport,thedivisionalsopaysanallowance to Early Childhood Educators. These are Educators serving in rural and peri-urban communities. “The subsidy is given to remove sometypeofburdenonEducators.Thisisinline with Cabinet Decision No.4th/27.03.12/006 to make sure that the greatest possible opportunitiesforqualityearlychildhoodprogrammes areavailableforallchildrenandtheirfamilies.”, Itope mentioned that currently, the division is paying70EducatorsatacostofN$1,2Million. And monthly N$107,500.00 is paid out as an allowancetocaregivers.
Erongo Governor Neville André Itope
Visit our Swakopmund Branch at Ané Court no. 13 opposite Namib High School or call064-461866 Call Sharlien Tjambari for all your news at our Swakopmund Branch, at 081 325 9372 or email it to
Rössing Uranium's Managing Director, Johan Coetzee
Rudi Bowe
Rössingemploysapproximately900workers,with98.8%Namibians. ThecompanyhasawardedaN$12.8billionminingcontracttoChinese contractor Beifang Mining Services to take over the responsibility of theoperationsatthemine.
China National Uranium Corporation (CNUC), a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), owns 68.6% of the company, with other shareholders including Iran's foreign development enterprise (15 3%), South Africa's Industrial Development Corporation (10.2%), independent shareholders (25%), and the Namibian government (3 4%) They have signed the mining contract agreement, which spans a duration of 13 years and allows the company to secure the necessary resources and expertise to sustain and enhance Rössing Uranium's miningoperations.
Johan Coetzee, the Managing Director of Rössing Uranium Limited, said that Rössing recorded a recordprofitofN$840 million last year and paid out dividends of nearlyN$50millionin A u g u s t 2 0 2 2
Managing Director, the partnership with Beifang Namibia will allow Rössing Uranium to commence Phase 4 of operations, which will be fully operational in 2027, withoperationscarried out by Beifang. Coetzee added that, to evaluate the best course of action, the company explored multiple options to continue operations "We obtained quotations from equipment suppliers to assess the cost of purchasing our ownfleet. Simultaneously, we approached various mining contractors in themarket,sharingour mine plan and requestingcostestimates for their services," Coetzeesaid. Coetzee saidtheprimaryreason forBeifangtakingover the mining operations is the necessity for a fleet of smaller machinery to extract ore. He explained that the fleetupgradewouldbe required after the mining operations reacheda410-metre-deep
pit, with an additional optional 600-metredeep pit being the deepest the company could go due to its aging fleet Coetzee further explained that Rössing's current fleet consistsof15Komatsu 730E 180-tonne trucks, which are too large to operate efficiently at a depth of 410 metres. Beifang, meanwhile, will purchase a fleet of 100tonne trucks for deployment, and the savingsfromacquiringa new fleet are earmarked for the processingplant.
Rössing's SJ open pit mineisalready3.5km long and 1.5 km wide and will be excavated approximately 60 metres deeper in the future.Coetzee further said that subcontracting the mining operations will see the uranium miner offering attractive separation packages and employmentsupporttoits around 400 mining personnel. He added that there is a high possibilityforworkers
to be employed by Beifang as they are currently conducting the process. "What is crucial is that the agreement with Beifang stipulates that theywillhire95%Namibians, although, becauseBeifangisaChinese company, their top management will include Chinese citizens,"hesaid.Rössing
also updated the closureplanforthemine.
Without approval for theextension,themine would have had to close in 2026, accordingtoCoetzee.
“Namibia currently does not have legislation in place to regulate the closure of a mine, so Rössing's management has approachedthe
government to approveitsplan.Sinceits inception in 1976, Rössing has been placingfundsinatrust tobeabletopayforthe closure plan We worked strictly with thetenderpolicytosee iftheywillemploy
Namibians, and they actually have an agreement with the mine workers union, so we felt comfortable with them, and that's how we ended up with them," said Coetzee.
TheAtlantic Hotel - Mr & Mrs Savva Charlies Meat Market The Dreyer family Gifts Direct - Mrs I Binneman Guans Packaging Mpact Corrugated Multisave Namibia Ship Chandlers Vihasco's Investments CC Volker Paulsmeier The International School of Walvis Bay INTERNATIONALFOOD FAIR ISWB would like to thank the following sponsors who contributed to our International Food Fair on Saturday 1 July 2023 Thank You
onThursday,17August 2023 at 18h00 in the Lectue Hall of the Museum.
heartly welcome.
Contact Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or email it to
Rössing's SJ open pit mine
Court SwakopmundCourtReport
Neddy Hansen (19), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 29 August for continuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Stefanus Jacobus Joordan (40), appeared on a chargeofdrivingwithanexercisebreathalcohol level. The matter was postponed to 5 December forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
The matter was postponed to 1 November for continuation of trial. The accused remain in custody
Adriaano Modise (22), appeared on charges of possession of cocaine and possession of dependenceproducingsubstance.Thematterwas postponed to 29 August for lab results. The accusedisonbail.
Mwalundilange Hafeni (48), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 19 Octoberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Jason Crowley (23), appeared on charges of assault- indecent assault and two counts of rape charges The matter was postponed to 28 September for plea in terms of section 119. The accusedisonbail.
HendricoKooitjie(20),appearedonachargeof assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Thematterwaspostponedto24Augustforfurther investigations.Theaccusedisonbail.
David Shikongo (33), appeared on charges of assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharmand assaultbythreat.Thematterwaspostponedto30 Augustforlegalrepresentation.Theaccusedison bail.
Fillipus Ndjiwahe (25), appeared on charges of assault common read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003, and assault bythreat.Thematterwaspostponedto24August forlegalaid.Theaccusedremainincustody
Moses Benisia (31) and Robert Tuhafeni (25), appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponed to 1August for further investigations. Theaccusedremainincustody
Selma Kamati (23), appeared on a charge of culpablehomicide.Thematterwaspostponedto2 Octoberforrecordtobetranscribed.Theaccused hasbeenwarned.
Vilho Kalifani (29), appeared on a charge of refusing to comply with the demand made in termsoftheliquoract.Thematterwaspostponed to 7August because the docket was not at court. Theaccusedisonbail.
Yambeka Werner (26), appeared on charges of murder-attempted murder (assault) read with provisionsofcombatingofthedomesticviolence act 4 of 2003 and a charge of kidnapping. The matter was postponed to 27 September for the prosecutor general's decision. The accused is on bail.
Eric Hoaeb (18), appeared on charges of maliciousdamagetopropertyandassaultbythreat readwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 12 Octoberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Paulus Ndengu (46), appeared on a charge of assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matter was postponed to 29 August for further investigations.Theaccusedisonbail.
Karn Rosemund (29), appeared on charges of fraudandutteringaforgedinstrument.Thematter was postponed to 28 August for further investigations.Theaccusedisonbail.
A 17-year-old boy, Linden Duwe (27), Sidney Jooste(24)andJohnMeriri(25),appearedona chargeofmurder Thematterwaspostponedto30 August for juvenile-screening The accused remainincustody
Mingeli Ngavetjitale (34), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Thematterwaspostponedto22Augustforfurther investigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody
Denville Van Wyk (36), appeared on a charge of escaping- Prisoner The matter was postponed to 28 August for further investigation. The accused remainsincustody
Ethan Mark Hendricks (21), appeared on a charge possession of dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 7 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.
Michael Ephafras Eita Aukongo (42), Fillipus Nghifindaka Wayulu (32), Elago Shoombe LeanaMwaala(25),JuliaNeitaKayele(43)and Hopolang Getrus Makosi (47), appeared on chargesofrobberyandarmsandammunitionactpossession of a firearm without a licence. The matterwaspostponedto19Julyforotherreasons. Theaccusedremainincustody
Jacobina Pineas (29), appeared on a charge of assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matterwaspostponedto7Novemberforpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.
RiaanMatinSmith(55),appearedonachargeof drivingwithanexcessivebloodalcohollevel.The matterwaspostponedto30Augustforlabresults.
Theaccusedisonbail. Festus Johannes (24), appeared onchargesofarsonandassaultby threat read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 30 August for further investi-
gations.Theaccusedremainsincustody AbrahamShifiyona(45),appeared on a charge of robbery The matter waspostponedto21Augustforlegal aid.Theaccusedisonbail.
Athirty-nine-year-oldman,identifiedasRonnieRodney//Hoëbeb, tragicallylosthislife afterbeingrunoverbyatrainneartheEngen servicestationinKaribibonFriday,7July. Theincidentoccurred intheearlymorninghours.
According to a police report, it is believed //Hoëbeb was sleeping on the railway tracks when the train passed through the area.
Tragically, he was struck by the train Erongo region's Unit Commander for Community Affairs,InspectorIleniShapumba said, “he was hit and briefly dragged along with the front-end steelpartofthelocomotive.”
The train operator was able to bringthetraintoastop.According to Inspector Shapumba, the
operator discovered an injured // Hoëbeb, but unfortunately, his conditionrapidlydeteriorated,and hepassedawayatthescene. //Hoëbeb was employed at the Shellservicestation,wherehehad reported for duty the previous evening. However, it is alleged thatheleftshortlyafterward,supposedly to return home for some rest The exact circumstances surrounding his presence on the railway tracks during the incident remainunderinvestigation.
FiresRavageMondesaand DRCInformalSettlements
The Unit Commander of Community Affairs of the Erongo police, Inspector Ileni Shapumba, has released a report detailing two separate fire incidents that occurred in the Mondesa and DRC informalsettlementsthisweek.
The first incident took place in Tulinawa, neartheintersectionof Monica Geingos and Stefanus Shipanga Streets, on Tuesday at approximately 7:55 According to the report,thefireoriginated in one erf and quickly spread to two other properties. Around 12 ghettos were reduced to ashes. Fortunately, therewerenoreported casualties or injuries. However, the fire left approximately 16 victims,includingfour children.
In addition to the Tulinawa fire, the report also mentioned anotherfirethatbrokeout onthesameday,inthe DRC informal settlement on Andimba Toivo Yatoivo Street. One ghetto was destroyedbythefire,but no lives were lost, and no injuries were reported. According to theowneroftheaffected property, he was cooking outside when he briefly went to his neighbour's house Upon returning, he noticed smoke billow-
ing from his own place, which was already engulfed in flames.Themanlives withhisgirlfriendand theirthreechildren. Local emergency service providers, along with members of the community forums, promptly responded to the incidents, and fought the fires in the strong eastern wind conditions in efforts helped mitigate the further spread of the fires.
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
FromShacktoHome: WalvisBay'sHometoJohny
Rudi Bowe
Johny Hamutenya at his house with Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor Florian Donatus and his family
TheMunicipalityofWalvisBayhasallocatedathree-bedroomhouse toJohnnyHamutenya,an18-year-olddisabledboywholiveswithhis motherandotherfamilymembers.
Johnny and his family were evicted from a backyard shack in 2021 and have since been living in a shack and two small tents in anopenspace.
Johnny's mother, Justina Hamutenya, sought help fromWalvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor Florian Donatus. JustinaHamutenya,aseasonalworkeratEtosha fishing, said that over the past ten years, she has sought help from the previous Erongo region governor, the previous Walvis Bay municipalcouncil,and the mayor, but to no avail."Wehadtomove from one shack to another." On behalf of her family, Johnny's mother expressed gratitude to God,Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor Florian Donatus, the Minister of Disability Affairs Hon Alexia Manombe-Ncube, the office of the Mayor of WalvisBay,theWalvis Bay Local Authority, and the Walvis Bay Municipal staff for their assistance in the process of obtaining a house for Johnny She also appealed to the businessandcorporate community to provide help with a bed, diapers, and food for Johnny
WalvisBayRuralConstituency Councillor
Florian Donatus initiated the process of acquiring a house for Johnny and his family after hearing his mother's plea. "I request the municipality of Walvis Bay, through thecouncil,tocomeon board and help the family of 11 with a suitable house," Donatussaid.Afterconsultations between his office, the Minister of Disability Affairs, and the Walvis Bay Local Authority, a three-bedroom house was allocatedtoJohnnyandhis familyattheendoflast month Due to the inclement weather in the harbor town, the Walvis Bay council decidedatanexecutive municipal meeting on Tuesdaythatthefamily can move into the house while logistical details regarding paymentaresortedout. Donatus urged the family to take care of the house, just as they takecareofJohnny He expressed gratitude to theofficeoftheMinister of Disability Affairs,theofficeofthe Mayor of Walvis Bay, the Walvis Bay Local Authority, and the Walvis Bay Municipal staff for their efforts in securingdecentaccommodationforJohnny
andhisfamily Donatus emphasisedthatpeople with disabilities should notlivemiserablelives andshouldbetreatedas humanbeings.Donatus called on the business community to not only assist those who can help themselves but also to help those who cannot,likeJohnny He highlighted that there are many individuals like Johnny who require assistance and assured that his office would tirelessly work to support people with disabilities.
The funds for the N$452 000 house will come from the Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Development Fundsandtheavailable Erongo Regional Emergency Funds. Donatus stated that negotiations with the municipality are ongoing,andhehopesthe municipalitywillfulfill its social responsibility towards Johnny "We would also welcome a decision to donate the housetoJohnnyandhis family," Donatus concluded.
Johny Hamutenya with Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor Florian Donatus
The house that belongs to 18-year-old disabled boy Johny Hamutenya
Sharlien Tjambari
Thedeliveryofurbanlandandhousingiscrucialforthewell-beingofresidents,anditrequires urgent attention, involving multiple stakeholders, markets, and legal systems to access land, finance,andessentialserviceslikewater,electricity,sewerage,andconstruction.
On Monday, the Governor of the Erongo Region,NevilleAndré Itope,emphasised the need for increased investment in housing to alleviate overcrowding in urban areas Itope highlightedthattheWalvis Bay Municipality has allocated erven to the NamibiaUniversityof Science and Technology (NUST) and the International University of Management (IUM) for the establishment of educationalfacilities.
Inaddition,theWalvis Bay Municipality has allocated industrial land on Farm 58 to Cleanergy, a joint
venture between Ohlthaver and List Group (O&L), and a Belgian partner,forthepiloting oftheGreenHydrogen Project on a lease basis. They have also leased a portion of Farm38foracharcoal packaging project
Furthermore, land has been allocated for the Narraville Development, the construction of the Narraville SeniorCitizenVillage,and housingforemployees of Tunacor and Seaworks Fishing Companies.
TheWalvisBayMunicipality has also designated land for Aquaculture Projects and allocated land on
the remainder of Farm 37 to the National Housing Enterprise (NHE) for housing development.
The report further indicated that during the review period, the Swakopmund Municipality allocated 805 erven for housing in the DRC Proper area, 501 erven at Wagdaar for housing, and 16 erven to the Shack Dwellers Federation Additionally, 50 erven were allocated to the Mupupa Project, and Swakop Uranium received 62 erven for employee housing
Under the Social Housing Project in DRC, approximately 3 000
RayneSadlerShines inNewYork
ervenwereallocated. The Henties Bay Municipality allocated 180 residential erven and 14 business erven, whiletheUsakosTown Council surveyed and sub-divided 230 residentialerveninthe OnghulumbasheInformal Settlement and 270 in the Saamstaan receptionarea.
The Usakos Town Council also allocated land to the NHE for housing development. Finally, the Arandis TownCouncilreceived N$6.1millionfromthe Ministry of Urban and RuralDevelopmentfor the servicing of 29 lightindustrialerven.
The fourteen-year-old Namibian singer, Rayne Sadler from Swakopmund recently won three gold medals at the 50th "Talent America"competitioninNewYork.
Sadler, a student at SongbirdVocal Studio in Swakopmund, owned by singer Savannah Collins received first place for all three; 'a Country song,PopandGospel'entriesandwasnamedthewinnerinherdivision andcrownedastheoverallwinnerforheragecategory
Shereceivedthree"callbacks"whereagentsand"scouts"didinterviews with the participants. She was called back by the famous scout Barry Shapiro, agent Kat Hollander and the "Entertainment Lawyer", Terry Camp.
Sadlersaidthathernextstepistomakearecordingofhersongsandsend ittoscouts.
Dolphin Rugby Club will hold a Glorious Homecoming for this incredible singer that has conquered the hearts of America with her extra-ordinary talent at Tamariskia Stadium on Saturday, July 15th, from 14:00to15:30. Photoscontributed.
Port Log
TASK Soup Kitchen Provides Nutritious Meals to Walvis Bay's Impoverished Children
"But what can I do, I'm just one person," said 7 billion people
The Twaloloka Aid Support & Kindness (TASK) soup kitchen, a fully registered non-governmental organisation (NGO),hasbeenabeaconofhopeforimpoverishedchildren in Walvis Bay since its establishment in March 2020. Namibia's nationwide lockdown in response to the COVID19 pandemic left many individuals in the informal sector joblessovernight,withfamilieshavingnosavingstorelyon.
In Twaloloka and Narraville, some of Walvis Bay's poorest areas, young children faced severe food and nutrition insecurity,aswellaslimitedaccesstowaterandsanitation.
Toya Louw, the director and founding member of TASK, described the humble beginnings of the initiative: "We would prepare big pots of soup and I would collect the soup with my Landi bakkie and deliver it to the most impacted areas in Twaloloka and Narraville to feed hungry children with meals to help our Namibian community throughthehardtimes of Covid " The devastating shack fire in the Twaloloka area in July 2020 further intensified the need, prompting TASK to step in and provide support With the assistance of friends, local organisations, and overseas supporters, TASK has operated consistently for over three years. The soupkitchenprovides
over a thousand wholesome meals per week to vulnerable and impoverished children in the township. Louw emphasised the importance of these meals: "Each child deserves a warm meal every day so that they can perform well at school and grow into healthy human beings without disorders and illnesses " The meals consist of a thick and nutritious soup, a slice of bread, and occasionally,apieceoffruit.
Reflecting on the impact of TASK, Louw shared her joy with the Namib Times in seeing the children's improved health and strength: "It hasbeenmygreatestjoy and pleasure to see an improvement in the health and strength of the kids since we started feeding them." The project has garnered attention from local newspapersandtelevi-
sion, attracting volunteers from various schools and organisations who choose TASK for their projects Louw emphasised the long-term consequences of malnourishment:”
Currently, one in five Namibian children show signs of stunted growth due to malnourishment. We cannot afford another legacy of povertystricken hungry children." The goal is to expandthefrequencyof mealsfromthreetofive times a week. Louw toldthenewspaper;itis important to get the children to help others.
“Oneofthegoalsofthe project is to get the children to help each other and get them involved in the project,”Louwsaid. While public sector assistance is limited, Louw encourages individuals to get involved and make a difference throughdonations.
"Donations are very welcome. There's only oneway,andthatwayis todoitourselves,so
please get involved, please helpTASK, and help us make a difference,” Louw concluded.
To get involved contact Toya Louw and the TASK team at 0 8 1 3 8 6 6 7 7 0 (WhatsApp only). Alsovisitthe
Facebook page, Task Twaloloka Aid Support&Kind-ness and the organisation's Instagram accountattask.toya.
In accordance with the requirements of Regulation 5(3)(a) and (b) the following information is specified:
Applicant: Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd
Country of Registration: Namibia
Registration Number: 2007/0100
Postal Address: P.O Box 90140, Klein Windhoek
Business Address: Paratus Namibia Head Office 104 -106 Nickel Street, Prosperita, Windhoek, Namibia.
Nature of Application: Issue of a Licence
Type of Application: Generation licence
Installed Capacity: 0.9 MWp
Technology: Diesel Generator
Location of Generation Station: Brakwater, Khomas Region, Namibia
Plant Co-ordinates: 22°24'52.46"S 17°04'05.36"E 17.0677323003 -22.4147922288
The following information will be available to any interested person to inspect the complete information in respect thereto at the physical address of the Electricity Control Board (ECB), No. 35 Dr Theo-Ben Gurirab Street (former Burg Street) Klein Windhoek, Windhoek:
1. Identity of the applicant, including certified copies of its constitutive documentation in the form of memorandum and articles of association, certified copy of certificate to commence business and signed resolution of board approving the submission of the application;
2. Map showing the proposed location where Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd intends to erect the plant;
3. Description of the technical design including a one-line diagram of the proposed plant and its surrounding electrical system.
4. Description including the site layout of the area within which Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd intends to carry out activities authorized under the licence;
5. Calculation of the net present value of the proposed plant;
6. Complete list of tariffs which the applicant intends charging to be specified in the schedule of approved tariffs;
For interested the ECB of publication of this advertisement lodge a written objection against such form Regulations.
Eileen van der Schyff
Sandstorms Sweep the Coast: East Weather Conditions Explained
This week,thecoastisexperiencingarelentlessonslaughtof sandstorms,leavingathickhazeandalayerofdustoneverything.Residentstooktosocialmediatosharephotosdepicting thedamagecausedbythepowerfuleastwindsthroughoutthe week.
Motorists were advised toexercisecautionwhile drivinginthehighwind speeds and sandstorms thataffectedWalvisBay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay, and Lüderitz and surroundingareas. East weather, also knownasbergwindconditions is driven by the formation of cold fronts over mainland South Africa, which subsequently results in colder
weatheracrossmuchof the interior Bergwind conditions develop as thesecoldwindswarm up.
As "Berg winds," descend towards the coast, Mean Sea Level Pressures (MSLP's) drop,leadingtotheformation of either lowpressuretroughsorcutoff lows along the coastline. These coastal lows, which are weather systems trapped by the region's topography, exhibit cyclonic (clockwise) circulation patterns influenced by the Coriolisforce.
“Coastal lows are initiatedbytheinteraction of large-scale weather systems such as the quasi-permanentSouth Atlantic and South Indian Ocean Anticyclones (high-pressure systems), the cold frontsthatapproachthe subcontinent from the South Atlantic Ocean, as well as the pressure systemsontheplateau, causing air that has been warmed on the plateau by 2-3 days o
sunny weather to flow down the Great Escarpment onto the coastal plain ” Wikipedia.
As the descending air moves down the escarpment, it undergoes adiabatic warming, heating up the coastal plain. Simultaneously,ittriggersan offshore wind that displacessurfacewater from the land, causing coldwaterfromdeeper oceanlayerstoriseand replace it. This upwellingofcoldsubsurface water intensifies the temperature difference between the ocean and land, resulting in an onshorewind. The onshore airflow is further intensified by the "stretching" of the berg wind due to the abrupt change in topography as it moves below the escarpment. This stretching lowers the atmospheric pressure on the coast, creatingalow-pressure area that draws moist maritime air from the ocean, reinforced by theoffshorebergwind.
Eileen van der Schyff
Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intendstoapply,onbehalfoftheregisteredownerofErf 2839 Walvis Bay, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development for the following:
Erf2839WalvisBaymeasures±832m²andissituatedon thecornerofPeterDixonStreetand3rdRoadWest. The purposeoftheapplicationistoenableSeventy7Consultingtocontinueoperatingitsofficesonthepropertyona permanentbasis. Theapplicationissubmittedinterms oftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(No.5of 2018) and in terms of the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme.
The rezoning of land zoned residential to business (which includes an office) is a listed activity, and application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(No.7of2007).
(a)Thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive or;
(b) Any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the ChiefExecutiveOfficerattheWalvisBayMunicipality and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice.
(c) Written objections or comments must be submitted before17:00Thursday,3August2023.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017, Tel:+264642013339 WalvisBay13013 townplanning@walvisbaycc.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, erf 6215 Walvis Bay Extension19(LeaseNo.2 onPortion196ofWalvis Bay Town and Townlands) situated alongGertrudRikumbi Kandanga-Hilu-
kilwa Road, nearby to the Waste Water Treatment Works for industrial purposes (batching and brick making plants) to the BaardGroup.
Description: Erf 6215 Walvis Bay Extension 19 (Lease No. 2 on Portion 196 of Walvis Bay Town and Town-lands)
Area: ±15,625m ² (1 5625 Hectares)
Zoning: LightIndustrial
PurchasePrice: N$468,750 – excluding VAT (N$30.00/m²) or N$539,062 50 –includingVAT
Anadditionalamountof N$46,875.00 – excludingVAT(N$53,906.25 – including VAT) is to be paid to the Council's Landscaping/Green BeltFund. Full particulars pertaining to the intended sale by private transaction willlieopenforinspection by interested persons until Tuesday
25 July 2023 at Room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information, Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3232 during normalofficehours.
Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale may, in writing, lodge an objection together with the grounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or
MSCNamibiaseeksan forImportController ourWalvisBayoffice.
The role entails Vessel Documentation, Customs documentation registration, Import releases, Documentation Processing, Customerreceptioncounteretc.
Applicant StewartPlanning P.O.Box2095, Tel:+26464280770 WalvisBay13013
Minimum of 3 years' experience in shipping/forwardingrequired.
Applicants can email their CV to :
Closing Date: 25 of July 2023 th Only hort-isted andidates ill e ontacted. s l c w b c
JackRobertManale Manager:Housingand
Nangolo Mbumba
PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay
Telephone: (064) 201 3232
E-Mail: ssatchipia@
An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industry
Location: Walvis Bay
Your Responsibilities:
• Coordinate and oversee packaging activities in the warehouse, ensuring timely and accurate completion of tasks.
• Monitor inventory levels of packaging materials and coordinate with the suppliers to replenish supplies as needed.
• Implement and enforce quality control procedures to ensure packaging meets or exceeds the established quality standards. Conduct regular quality control inspections to address any quality issues.
• Collaborate with Production Manager and COO to optimize efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline operations.
• Manage supplies, including ordering, receiving, and distributing packaging materials.
• Maintain accurate documentation of packaging activities and stock, including inventory records, and quality control reports.
• Ensure compliance with safety regulations, company policies, and industry standards related to packaging. Identify and address any non-compliance.
·• Grade 12 certificate
• Must have a Supply Chain Management diploma or degree
• 3-years proven experience in a similar role
• Must be familiar with packaging operations in a manufacturing environment
• Strong organisational and planning skills
• Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously
• Must be detail-conscious, methodical and structured
• Excellent verbal, numeric and written communication skills
• Excellent administration skills
• Strong problem-solving abilities
• Computer literate on an advanced level (MS Office and warehouse management system)
• Strong time management skills
• Must be analytical and data rational
• Keep to strict deadlines and follow procedures and instructions
• Must be a Namibian Citizen with a valid driver's license
Your benefits
· Market – related remuneration
· Medical aid
· Pension
· Working in a well-established factory
Please send your comprehensive application per-email to by not later than 25 July 2023
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments
Friday 28 July 2023
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JOBWANTED; Iama32yearoldman withproficiencyin OshiwamboandEnglish, hardworkingandfast learner.Ihavegrade12 andhaveacodecdrivers licensewithexperiencein generalelectrical installation,generalmine workds, tipper/water/dieseland busdriving.Lookingfor anyworkopportunity eventaxidriving.
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Kraatz Supports Rugby Training Of Young Players
On 6 July, Kraatz, a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List Group, handed overa scrum machine to theVipers Rugby Club and the rugby teams of Pionierspark Primary School (Parkies).
The handover at Parkies saw representatives from Kraatz, Vipers Rugby Club and Parkies rugby teams coming together forthehandoveroccasion.
The scrum machine valued at N$14 000 was fabricated by KraatzandwillnotonlysupportthetrainingoftheVipersRugby Club'smemberswhocomefromalloverWindhoek,butalsothe rugby players of the various age categories of Pionierspark PrimarySchool.AccordingtoHeadCoachoftheVipersRugby Club and Parkies U/13 RugbyTeam,Apie Oberholzer, it is his aspiration that his players should reach the higher divisions of theNamibiaRugbyUnion.
Oberholzer:“Weareveryprivilegedtohavepeoplewhowantto helpwiththesekindsofprojects.FromtheVipersRugbyClub and Parkies, we thank you for this scrum machine which will takeustonewheights.
Thank you to Kraatz and the O&L Group for making this possible.Weareproudtohavethisscrummachine.Speakingon behalfofKraatzwasJacobusCalitz,KraatzSiteManager,who expressedhisgratitudeforthecollaborationonthisprojectand extendedthecompany'ssupporttotherugbyplayers: “OnbehalfofKraatzCV,Iwouldliketoofficiallyhandoverthis scrum machine to Pionierspark Primary School Rugby and to the Vipers Rugby Club. Rugby is a fast-growing sport in Namibia, which invokes feelings of unity, passion, and nostalgia.Wehopethatthisnewadditiontotheschoolandclub willgrowtheteamtoreachnewvictories.”
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NAMIBTIMES 13 14JULY2023 School News
Scrum2: Back: Molifie Gomachab, Lukas Kamati, Jacobus Calitz andApie Oberholzer
Front: Lukas Lindombo, Junias Jeremia and Leonard Hollenbach
Scrum1: Kraatz team members, Junias Jeremia, Lukas Lindombo, Lukas Kamati and Molifie Gomachab; Head Coach of the Vipers Rugby Club and Parkies U/13 Rugby Team, Apie Oberholzer; Leonard Hollenbach (Kraatz); Madelyn Kruger, Parkies U/13 Rugby Team Manager; and Jacobus Calitz (Kraatz).
Swakop Beach Volleyball Winter Bash
Atotalof35teamscompetedintheSwakopBeachVolleyball WinterBashheldattheMoleinSwakopmundonSaturday8 July.
The Beach Volleyball winter bash saw 15 teams enter the men's division and 7 teams in the lady's division.
Atotalof10teamsinthesocialand under 17 boys' division that comprised of older beach players andmixedindoorteams.
Two of the younger teams showed great tenacity, Shikongo and RivaldofromAfrocatwerefiercely competitive and will be a team to look out for in the future. The 3rd place was won by the coastal team Johanna&Mattias.Thefinalswere contested by Frieda and Teo (from EVA) and Mirco Putzler pairing with Marcel Diekmann (Swakop BeachAcademy). The indoor team came out trumps, but the efforts of the boys also show great potential. The surprise package in the men's
division, the team fromAfroCAT SakeusandImmanuel,finishedin a strong 3rd place, beating Luca Kesselmann and Luca Usieto in the bronze medal match. They also played a fantastic quarter final against the coastal team of Mark&Metheutakingthegolden point27-26.Themen'sfinalsawa thriller, the Namibian beach pair, Jan Erik Sack and Fabian
Biederlack took on the experiencedindoorplayersTobias Eden and Eero Messah. In windy conditionsthefirstsetwaswonby Jan Erik and Fabi with composed plays.Thesecondsetwasdecided by awesome blocking from Messah,howeverthefinalsetJan Erik brought some of the best jump serves I have ever seen, winning his team the gold medal.
The ladies division had two teams with that were head and shoulders above the rest. The rest of the ladieswerefightingforbronze,whichtheAfrocat ladies, Mia & Katrina took, fighting cramps, but doingenoughtosealthebronze.Anna&Leatook on the young ladies from DTS Pia & Romy Lück.
TheAfrocatladiesstartedwithabangwithsuperb serving from Anna, however Pia & Romy kept their composure to seal a well-deserved gold medal, not dropping a single set Photoscontributed.
14 NAMIBTIMES 14JULY2023 School News
Namibia scoops gold
TheNamibianunder18boysandunder18girlsHockeyteamswongoldinthetest seriesagainstZimbabwelastSaturdayevening.
Both Namibia u18 boys and Namibia's u18 girls' results showed a significant mprovement as they beat Zimbabwe 2-1 and 4-2 in the boys and girls finalsrespectively
The Namibia Hockey Union's youth international out door friendly series for boys and girls against touring Zimbabwe youth teams recently held at WindhoekHighSchool'sTrustcoDavinAstroturf wassuccessful.
NamibiaU16andZimbabweU16drew0-0. Boys,ZimbabweU16beatNamibiaU162-1. Girls,ZimbabweU18andNamibiaU18drew22.
Boys,ZimbabweU18beatNamibiaU183-2. Day2results
Boys,ZimbabweU16beatNamibiaU162-1. Girls,ZimbabweU18andNamibiaU18drew22.
Boys,ZimbabweU18beatNamibiaU183-2. Day3results
Girls,NamibiaU18beatZimbabweU166-0 Boys,ZimbabweU18beatNamibiaU165-2 Boys,NamibiaU18beatZimbabweU165-0
Fistball World Championship participation
The Namibian men's Fistball national team will depart to Germanyon17JulytoparticipateattheIFAFistballWorld ChampionshipsheldinMannheimfrom22–29July
Upon arrival in Frankfurt the team willtraveltoCellelocatedinthenorth of Germany where the Namibian legionnaireGian Rudolph resides playing for the 2nd Bundesliga team MTV Vorsfelde. The team will be joined by 2 other Germany based players Tristan Minz and Florian Mosich who tie their shoe laces for the Bavarian club TSV UnterpfaffenhofenGermering.This willbe the first time the entire team will be togetherhenceatrainingscampunder the watchful eyes of coach Andreas Minz will be held until Thursday including a test match against MTV Vorsfelde. On Friday, 21 July the teamwillbetravellingtothehostcity Mannheim.
Namibia will face the world champion Germany in the opening match ofthecampaignonSaturday,22July at14:00intheRhein-NeckarStadium providing 7 000 seats for the spectators.The following day NamibiaplaysagainstItalyat20:15while ending the group stages on Monday
against Switzerland at 16:00
Namibia aims to defend its eighth place at the last World Championship. Therefore, the match on Tuesday, 25 July will be the most crucialencounterasthewinnerwill remaininthetop8whilethelooser willhavetofightforpositions9to 16.Thesquadconsistsofamixture between experienced players and newbies,4ofwhichwillplaytheir 3rd World Championship while 4 players will get the chance to representNamibiaforthefirsttime. The average age is 27 with the oldest player only being 31 years old.The2finalmatchdayswillbe heldinthemagnificentSAPArena inwhichnaturallawnwillberolled out in the arena, a first in internationalfistball.
All matches will be livestreamed: https://mannheim fistballmwc co m/en/livestream-en/
Fixtures: https://mannheim
fistballmwc com/en/wc23/fixtures/
Female Football Makes Strides In Walvis Bay
Members of the Desert Foxes soccer team accompanied by their coach and mentors paid a courtesy visit to the mayor earlierthisweek.
Theteamconsistsof various dynamic female players aged 13 to 18 years old and was established by Baron Brown, who is also the coach.According to Brown the Desert Foxes will be the first ever female
soccer team to represent Walvis Bay intheErongoLeague. Some of the players arepicturedherewith w e l l - k n o w n Namibian footballer, Lazarus Kaimbi, MayorofWalvisBay, Trevino Forbes, Baron Brown and
Nancy Kaimbi, during the courtesy visit The Mayor applauded Coach Brown for his initiative in starting up a female soccer team at a time when most attention is given to male teams intheleague.
Girlsbronzefinal:NamibiaU16beat ZimbabweU161-0
Boysbronzefinal:NamibiaU16beat ZimbabweU163-2
Girlscupfinal:NamibiaU18beatZimbabwe U184-22-1
Boyscupfinal:NamibiaU18beatZimbabwe U18
NAMIBTIMES15 14JULY2023 School News
Photos Hockey Namibia
Namibian men's Fistball national team from left to right front: Olaf Beiter, Helmo Minz, Dieter Kebbel, Thilo Wilckens, Tristan Minz From left to right back: Andreas Minz (coach) Christian Knobloch (manager) Wilko Hoffmann, Rico Kühnle-Kreitz, Karl Heinz-Traut, TorbenWinterbach (staff). Left top: Florian Mosich and right top: Gian Rudolph
namib times Sport Send your sports news to
The cream of Namibian Rugby on show
Namibia'stopschoolboysrecentlyshinedattheunder12,13,16and18SouthAfricaRugbyyouth weekswhichwerestagedindifferenttownsintheneighbouringcountry.
The Under12 Craven week was held in Klerksdorp, the under-13 Craven week at Pietermaritzburg, the under 16 Grant Khomo week, at Hoër Landbouskool Boland and the under 18 Academyweek,inJohannesburg.
OneofthehighlightsoftheeventsfortheNamibianteamswasthetestmatchagainstZimbabwe, which was preceded by the national anthems of bothcountries.
The coach and managements of all the teams probably feel largely satisfied with Namibia's work in the past weeks, as the Namibian youth teamsdidverywellconsiderthefactthattheydid nothaveenoughtimetoprepare.
ItistobelievethatschoolrugbyintheNamibiais extremely healthy but the governing body for schools Rugby needs to do more on their developmentprogrammesinthecountry
Mpower street soccer tournament
MpowerCommunityTrustishostinga streetsoccertournamentinthestreetof the sewerage pump next to HarryVan Reenen Street in Narraville on Saturday5August.
MPowerCommunityTrust,worksinthefieldsof healthandhumanrightsinAfrica,insolidarityand partnership with marginalised and vulnerable
Netball action at the coast
Round3&4oftheMTVNamibianNetballLeaguewillbe at the Kuisebmond Netball courts in Walvis Bay on Saturday15andSunday16July.
TheactionwillseebothcoastalteamsNamibianNavyNCand ElevenArrowsNCinaction.
The tournament is part of Mpower Community Trustinitiativetogettheyouthfromthestreetand keepthembusy
Thetournamentisopenforplayersunder18.The entryfeeisN$50perteam.
More information about the soccer tournament can be obtained from Kenneth Saal at 081-7404885.
OnSaturdayat14:00theNamibianNavyNCthatisfourthwith 20 points will be up against third on the log with 22 point OtjizondjupaNampolNCandonSundayat12:30thegirlsfrom theNavywillclashagainstfifthplaceWanderersNC.
OnSaturdayElevenArrowsNCwhoiseighthonthelogwillbe upagainstTigersNConseventhat9:30andRebelsNCthatis eleventhonthelogat15:30.
The Namibian under 12 Craven week team
The Namibian under 18Academy week
The Namibian under 13 Craven week team
The Namibian under 16 Grant Khomo week team
Rudi Bowe