Proposed Ammonia Terminal at Walvis Bay
·Public Review Period Announced
Cleanergy Solutions Namibia (Pty) Ltdhasproposedtheconstructionofa greenammoniaterminalattheWalvis Bay Port. The draft scoping report and preliminary environmental management plan (EMP) for the project are now available for public review andcomment.
According to a notice from the Environmental ComplianceConsultancy(ECC),apublicreview and comment period of 14 days, from 10 to 24 June, has now been made available for the draft and scoping report and preliminary environmental management plan for the proposed constructionofagreenammoniaterminalatthe Walvis Bay Port area. The proposed ammonia terminalwillincludea40000metrictonstorage tank, nitrogen and instrument air units, fire/ servicewatertanks,pumps,anemergencydiesel generator, and a wastewater unit. The project aims to bolster the renewable energy industry
takingadvantageofNamibia'shighsolarpotential and strategic location. The Environmental ComplianceConsultancy(ECC)hasbeencontractedas the independent EnvironmentalAssessment Practitioner to oversee the Environmental and Social ImpactAssessment (ESIA) process.The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism will make thefinaldecisionontheproject,whichrequiresan environmental clearance certificate under Namibia's Environmental Management Act. Namibia's unique strengths, such as political stability, supportive policies for green hydrogen, and robust infrastructure at Walvis Bay, make it a prime candidateforthisrenewableenergyinitiative.The Port ofWalvis Bay, strategically located on internationaltrade routes, is expectedto play a crucial role in the shipping industry's decarbonisation by providing bunkering for green hydrogen and
Tariff Hikes for 2024/2025 Financial Year
The chairperson of the Walvis Bay Management Committee, Richard Hoaeb presented the 2024/2025 budget, whichtotalsN$566million,duringarecentcouncilmeeting inthetown.
Continues on page 2
ammonia-powered ships. Public input is essential for this project's approval, and stakeholders are encouraged to review and comment on the draft scoping report and preliminary EMP during the designatedperiod.
ThereportscanbeaccessedviatheECCwebsiteat thelinkbelow: https://eccenvironmental com/download/theproposed-construction-of-an-ammonia-terminalat-the-walvis-bay-port-area-erongo-regionnamibia/ Reviewsandcommentariesareopenuntil24June, viaemailat:info@eccenvironmental.com.
“All comments and concerns received from the stakeholders(IAPs)duringthereviewperiodwill be recorded and addressed in the updated report thatwillbepreparedforgovernmentsubmission.”
Swakopmund Municipal Council Announces 5% Tariff Increase in 2024/2025 Budget Meeting
During the recent council meeting held this Tuesday, the SwakopmundMunicipalCouncilannounceda5%increase on all service-related tariffs. The council's budget for the 2024/2025 financial year was tabled by Cllr Blassius Goreseb,ChairpersonoftheManagementCommittee.
While delivering the budget speech, Goreseb said, “when this currentcouncilsetout on this journey nearly two and a half years ago, we affirmed that this council would serve Swakopmund
with a clear sense of higherpurpose. Goreseb said that with the current administration, this council pavedastructuredplan to identify potential socioeconomic opportunities for enhancing
the growth and development of Swakopmund, creating a vision to move towards sustainable growth in terms of the standard of living and environmental sustainability
Continues on page 2
Tariff Hikes for 2024/2025
TheWalvisBayTownCouncilhasapprovedthe 2024/2025budgetthatincludestariffhikesof5% for water and 2.5% for sewerage, refuse, rates, and taxes after the town's budget for the upcoming financial year is subsequent approval by the Minister Hoaeb said that the tariff increases were necessary to account for the average annual inflation rate of 5% and anticipated increases in service provider tariffs. “These adjustments were vital for maintaining service delivery standards amid rising operationalcosts.”Hoaebstatedthattheyhadnot yetsetadateforthebudgetconsultationmeeting withtheErongoRegionalCouncil,asrequiredby Section 83(1)(a) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992. “The council has paid N$113 million to NamWater for water purchases and pipeline charges, N$15 million to Erongo RED for electricityusage,andN$5milliontotheErongo RegionalCouncil,”hesaid.
Hoabeb said that the budget outlines both expected revenue and expenditure for the new financial year, with each amounting to approximately N$566 million. “This balanced approach adheres to the line ministry's requirementthatthebudgetshouldnotresultina deficit or surplus.” Hoaeb said the Total Capital projects with a value of N$887 million will be executed over periods of more than one year “Thetotalamountonthecapitalbudgetwhichis anticipated to be spent during the ensuing financialyearamountstoN$461millionandthe remainingN$426millionduringtheyearending June2025andbeyond.” AccordingtoHoaebthe Land Development Projects budget is N$173 millionformorethanonefinancialyear “Atotal of N$11,1 million has been budgeted for the developmentofFarm37(Main),N$21,8million for Portion 11 and N$22,8 million Portion 10. Bothportions10and11ofFarm37willyield727 erven of which 677 are residential with about N$48 million been budgeted for, for the development of Narraville extension 8 and is expected to yield 225 erven of which 194 erven are residential erven and N$10 million has been
budgeted for, for the development of extension 3 Meersig and is expected to yield about 96 erven of which 86 are residential erven. He added that the Service Delivery-related Projects budget of N$ 42 m
implementation, upgrading and replacement of water and sewer infrastructure, planning and constructionofaNewWastewaterTreatmentPlant.
“A total of N$104 million is budgeted for Infrastructure Repair and Replacement which involvestarringofstreet,resealingandrebuildingof streets and intersections. Hoaeb stated that the SocialProjectsbudgetofN$35millionisprimaryor main individual projects under this category that includes upgrading of Ekutu, Narraville Cemetery, Build Together Programme, Farm 37 Fire Station.
N$91,5 million is budgeted for Vehicle Replacements and Additions. N$ 46 million for replacement and the remaining N$45 million for acquisition.He added that the operating budget, whichalsostandsatN$566millionforbothincome and expenditure, excludes non-cash items such as depreciation, estimated at N$116 million for the year ending June 2025 with the utility services and related charges account for about 70% of the estimatedrevenue,underscoringthesignificanceof theproposedtariffadjustments.”
“Thenewbudgetwillfocusonaddressingpressing communityneeds,particularlyinfrastructurerepairs and service delivery enhancements,” Hoaeb stated and assured residents that the council remains committed to land delivery, which is crucial for investment, prosperity, and job creation. “The council's ongoing public-private partnership (PPP) initiatives aim to drive economic growth and enhance the quality of life for the community.”
Hoaebexpressedhisgratitudetothemunicipalstaff for their dedication in consistently paying annual fees on time, thereby maintaining the council's reputationforfinancialreliability Henotedthatthe town council has evaluated priorities, with one of the most significant areas requiring attention being infrastructure repairs and replacements. “Pothole repairsandmaintenance,aswellastheresealingand refurbishment of streets, need attention,” Hoaeb said.
Swakopmund Municipal Council
Continued from page 1
The council approved the Capital Budget of N$111 766 000 and N$578 282 000 is going towards the OperationalBudget. Goresebsaidthatmost of the budget expenditure is allocated to investment projects that were initiated in previous fiscal periods. These projects, having already commenced, require continued funding to reach completion.
According to Goreseb, ensuring the finalisation of these investments is crucial for achieving the intended economic and social benefits, and any disruptioninfundingcould lead to increased costs and delayed outcomes. Thus, maintaining consistentfinancialsupport for these continuation projects is a priority within the budget to secure their successful completion.
According to the Municipal Spokesperson, Linda Mupupa, this budget's priorities are designed with a clear focus on the main areas of expenditure that are pivotal to Swakopmund's development, with the major areas that are crucial for any growth and development.
Motion to Remove Old Mulderene Street Cemetery
Walvis Bay Municipal Councillor, Ronald 'Buddy' Bramwell tabled a motionatarecentcouncilmeetingtoclose the old Mulderene Street Cemetery situatedwithintheheartoftheindustrial area near the fishing factories in Walvis Bay
Thiscemeterywasestablishedinthemiddleof nowhere in the apartheid era.At this deserted cemetery are the graves of Edith Helen Newham, the wife of the founder of Walvis Bay'sharbourandthefatherofthefirstrailway line to Plum, John James Cleverly, the very firstpersontobeburiedtherein1898,almost 125yearsago.Plumisatypeofstation18km outsideof Swakopmund.
The grave of Walvis Bay's former chief constable,HenrySimpsonwhodiedin1903isalso at this cemetery What was unique at the time, is that people from all groups were buriedhere.Mostofthegravesareunmarked with only a few with any headstones as most had wooden crosses without names on them.
In the early 1960's, with the planning of the constructionofthecurrentTownHallandCivic Centre,itwasdecidedtoclosetheceme-teryand movealltheremainstoanotherarea.
Councillor Bramwell motivated that the old MuldereneStreetcemeteryintheindustrialarea isnolongerinuseandthatitissituatedonprime propertywhichissurroundedbythrivingindustries. Bramwell explained that most of the youngergenerationsdonotknowthatpartofthe northernwingoftheCivicCentreuptoanarea withintheHuisPalmsoldagehomeusedtobe the town's main cemetery Bramwell said that many of the unmarked graves had to withstand the onslaught of nature. “Winds blow some graves open and shifts sand so that, at times, some of the remains are left in the open. It has beenobservedthatdogschewonhumanskeletal remains there, and some children were even found to be playing with the skulls of people longdead.Ascouncillors,tonotactandreacton this, means that we condone the situation, and the disrespect for the dead, known or unknown tous,doesnotmatter.”
2.Exhumealltheremainswhicharestillinthe ground and inter them in a single grave in the presentcemetery
3. Remove all surviving tombstones and place theminalineagainstthewalltotherightofthe entrancetothecemetery
4.Erectasingletombstonewiththenamesofall thedeceasedwho wereburiedintheoldcemetery and maintain it along with all the other tombstonesinthepresentcemetery
“Foremost, the intention of my motion is the preservationofourhistoryandthepreservation ofwhatisstillthereoftheremainsofthosewho havegonelongbeforeus”councillorBramwell
concluded. Councillor Ryan Gordonopposedthemotion,stating the, “We just had Cassinga day in remembrance of those who lost their lives fighting for this country Theywereburiedandmostofthem forgotten. Now we stand at a crossroad where we want to dig up graves and build a factory because it's the only place left in industrial area. Do we know how much moneyitwillcostthemunicipality, andhowmuchpainwewillbringto some people?' Councillor Gordon said, “the attention needs to be in the building of houses for our people and yet we want to fight over
land that was earmarked for that purpose.”GordonaddedthatCouncillor Buddy in a previous motion wantedtosavemoneyforthetown and in this motion, he wants to spendmoneyforotherpeopletoget whattheywant. Aftermuchdebate, a suggestion was made among the councillors that the cemetery be turned into a heritage site to preserve the graves at the Mulderene Street cemetery Only two councillors were in support of the motion, with the rest not supporting it. The matter was referred to the managementcommitteeforfurtherdeliberation
Happy 50th Birthday
Happy 50th Birthday
May Gods love and grace shine upon you on your birthday and always.
Happy Birthday Nana We love and appreciate you Family & Friends
Walvis Bay Celebrates World Ocean Day
Namibia marked World Ocean Day under the theme “Ocean Climate Action” with a vibrant celebration at Walvis Bay Independence Beach on Friday, 7 June. The event featured addresses by Namibian President, His Excellency Dr Nangolo Mbumba, and the Honourable Derek Klazen, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources.
President Mbumba's address set the tone for the day, highlighting the critical importanceoftheocean
to Namibia and the world."Theoceanisthe foundation of life. It supplies the air we breatheandfoodweeat.
It regulates our climate and weather," Mbumba said, quoting the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres. In his address, he spoke abouttheocean'srolein producing more than 50% of the Earth's oxygen, likening its significance to that of lungs to the human body "Thehealthofour oceansdirectlyimpacts thehealthofourplanet, and in turn, our own well-being," he said Mbumba noted that
fishingcontributes5% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and generates revenues of 10 billion Namibian Dollarsannually,creating thousands of jobs and enhancing food security However, he also warned of the threats posed by climate change and human activities, including rising sea levels, ocean acidification, plastic pollution, and illegal, unreported, andunregulated(IUU) fishing. "It is imperative that we take urgent action to address theseissuesbeforeitis too late ” Mbumba highlighted Namibia's active role in internationaleffortstoprotect the ocean, includingitsmembershipin
the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy and the United Nations ConventionontheLaw oftheSea(UNCLOS). "These organisations are crucial for creating a peer review mechanismtoassessprogress made in achieving sustainable developmental goals ” The president mentioned the Ocean Panel's Transformation Document, which commits members to sustainably manage 100% of their ocean areas by 2025 President Mbumba also announced progress on Namibia's Blue Economy Policy, which includes a Marine Spatial Plan and aims to ensure sustainable, integrated development of the ocean economy by 2025. "The blue economy stands on three pillars: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and social inclusion," he stated and added how important the need to safeguard the ocean from adverse impactsis,andtoapply a precautionary approachtoactivitiesthat could harm biodiversity
Following President Mbumba, Honourable Derek Klazen, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, reinforced the national commitment to sus-
tainable fisheries management. He explained Namibia's rights-based fisheries sector and the critical role of periodic fisheries surveys and stock assessments in setting the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) "By setting and enforcing TAC limits, we aim to prevent overfishing andsafeguardthelongterm health of our marine ecosystems," Klazen said Klazen also addressed the challenge of combating IUU fishing, which threatens marineresourcesandcon-
"Through our dedicated monitoring, control, and surveillance programs, we are working tirelessly to combat IUU fishing and ensure that those who flout our regulations are held accountable. Both leaders called for collectiveactiontoprotect Namibia's marine resources. "The important role the ocean plays in all our lives is extremely indisputable," Mbumba said. "Let us stand together today and in the days ahead to safeguard our oceans,fortheyarethe lifeblood of our planet."Klazensaid.
Walvis Electric (Pty) Ltd Branches
Will be closed due to stock take as from 27.06.2024 @ 13:00 until 29.06.2024
We will be open for business again on Monday 1 July 2024
Nedbank Kapana Cook-off 2024: Celebrating a decade of culinary excellence and entrepreneurship
This year's competition marks a decade of culinary excellence and entrepreneurial empowerment.
Speaking at the launch was Nedbank Namibia Head of SME, Sam Ikela, who said: 'SME is a crucialacceleratorof our nation's economic growth, and our investment in the competitionservesas a beacon of hope for buddying entrepreneurs, providing them with a platform toflourish.'
Whatbeganasamodest local gathering to celebrate the openingofthenewNedbank Ongwediva Branch in 2014 has evolved into a showcase of a proudly Namibian delicacy –the beloved kapana
street snack – and a thriving commercial venture The competition now stands as a cornerstoneofNedbank Namibia's commitment to supporting the informalmarketandsmall and medium enterprises (SMEs), with the bank having invested an impressive N$8 million sinceitsinception.
'The Nedbank Kapana Cook-off Competition has grown beyond the mere concept of cooking. This competition is aboutempoweringindividualstoturntheirpassion for food into thriving businesses,' says Selma Kaulinge, Communications and public relations Manager at
'But more than being just a business opportunity or a growing industry, this competition at its heart is something uniquely Namibian and draws everyone together around a fire,' adds Kaulinge. 'Kapana is a Namibian culinary jewel born of the desire to provide a community with affordable, bite-sized bits of this country's world-class beef. Kapana is more thanadish–itisasymphony of flavours, a dance of spices, and a celebration of our nation'ssoul.'
This year the competition will continue its
traditionofspotlighting the finest kapana-grillingtalentsfromacross the country The northern round will sear and sizzle in Oshakati, the coastal Round will bringtheheattoWalvis Bay, and the central round will spice things upinWindhoek.
Additionally, the competition will expand its reach to include the vibrant diamond town of Oranjemund, which willjointhelineupasa new contender A total of3contestantswillbe selected from each roundtocompeteinthe finalsattheprestigious 2024 Ongwediva AnnualTradeFair
Prizes await those who daretogrillwithgreatness. The winner will receive a kapana kitchen trailer worth N$100 000, N$10 000 that will be deposited into a Nedbank account,andaN$5000 Bakpro Vetkoek voucher Therunnersupwill also be handsomely rewarded with Nedbank accounts and Bakpro Vetkoek vouchers. Previous winners ofthecompetitionhave transformed their triumphs into thriving enterprises, exemplifying the mission of this competition to empowerself-starters.
Ester Silas from Windhoek has become an inspiration to aspiring business owners nationwide, having launched her own business just a month after she had won the competitionin2023. She has stationed her kapana kitchen trailer inGreenwellMatongo, a suburb in Windhoek where she caters to her
community and plans to growheroperation.
'I am still new to the market. I am aware that this will be an intense job,' Silas remarked at thelaunchofherkapana kitchen trailer in September last year 'I plan on hiring someone to assist me on busy days and with after-hours sales. I will also employ the use of different channels to market my businesstothepeople.'
Kristy Shomongula, the 2021 winner and the ownerofNdafimanekwa Kapana, has also successfully transformed her victory into a thriving business. Despite her business's success, she acknowledges the challengesposedbyeconomicfluctuations.
'Food business owners must study the market and have a solid plan in place,' Shomongula advises.
Eli Abel, the 2017 winner, was unemployed at
the time of the competition and a friend who was aware of his culinary talent encouraged him to enter Today, he owns the coffee shop Mad Chef & Chillar in Ongwediva.
AccordingtoAbel,what sets his business apart from those in the same industry is 'honest food and service, as well as hardwork'.
As money experts who do good, Nedbank Namibia takes pride in offering a platform for business owners as they navigate the unpredictable terrain of entrepreneurship.
'At Nedbank Namibia, we believe in the transformative power of enterprise,andtheKapana Cook-offCompetitionis a testament to that belief,' says Kaulinge. 'By partnering with likeminded organisations, weaimtoelevateNamibian cuisine and celebrate the entrepre-
neurial spirit that definesournation.’
This year the competition'sproudco-sponsors and partners include Bakpro, Oranjemund Diamond Festival, Omulunga Radio, NamibianChefsAssociation, AGRA, and AGRAProVision.
As the Nedbank Kapana Cook-off Competition celebrates its 10-year anniversary, Namibians countrywideareinvitedtojoin the festivities of culinary excellence, business enterprise, and the irresistible flavoursofkapana. Kapana masters 18 years and older are invited to bring their flair for flavour and taste for entrepreneurshiptothecompetition. To enter, aspiring participants may visit their nearest Nedbank branch or apply online at nedbanknamibia.com.na
Traffic Chief Puts His Career ‘in park’ After Four Decades
Well-known Chief Traffic Officer of the Municipality of WalvisBay,EbenPlattputhiscareer‘inpark’ashewenton earlyretirementafterfourdecadeson31May
Chief Platt started his career on 1 March 2009 at the Municipality Walvis Bay as theChiefTrafficOfficer Plattbeganhis trafficcareerinearly1980asaProvincial TrafficOfficerunderthethenDepartment ofTransportandtransitionedtotheNamPolTraffic.Hethenservedforseventeenand-a-half years at the Windhoek City Police before he moved to Walvis Bay
ChiefPlattsaidthathistimeafter15years at the Walvis Bay Municipality has been trulywonderfulandnowit'stimeformeto leavethedepartmentandthemunicipality “Yes, there have been many challenges, but I believe we can still achieve much.”
together and do your best. By working together,youcanachievesuccess. Remember, other law enforcement officials, including the NamPol Traffic andtheRoadsAuthority,arealsotraffic officials. Although our resources are limited, working together will allow us to make a significant impact.” He also urgedallroaduserstoovertakewhereit is permitted, stop at stop signs or red trafficsignalsintownandobeyalltrafficrulesandregulationstostaysafe. He expressed his gratitude to the Walvis Bay community for their support over the years. “Without you, our achievements would not have been possible. And to my colleagues, thank you for alwaysbeingthereforme.Together,we made significant changes, supported eachother,andpromptlycompletedour tasks.” The Municipality of Walvis Bay's Acting CEO, John Esterhuizen saidPlatthasshownaclearpassionfor road safety that has left a definite mark on Walvis Bay “We extend our immenseappreciationtoChiefPlattforhis selfless service and wish him a welldeserved and peaceful retirement. We are eternally grateful for his dedication to, and passion for, road safety “There really are no words that can adequately describe the immense contribution that the Chief has not only made to the service, but also public safety But we will be forever grateful and commit ourselves to building on the very solid foundation that he has laid. Therefore, Municipality Walvis Bay thanks Chief Plattforhisservice,andwisheshimwell onhisnewjourney,”Esterhuizensaid. Chief Traffic Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Eben Platt hand his office keys to the acting Chief Traffic Officer Clifton Jacobs with the
ChiefPlattsaid,“Mymissionhasalways beentoservethepublictothebestofmy ability.I'vealwayswantedtoshareinformation so the public would understand thatweonlyhavetheirsafetyasourmain concern. It has been an honour to have been allowed this opportunity to make a difference to my community's safety I want to thank each and every staff member for helping to build this traffic service into one that is recognised as a leaderbothnationally,andinternationally Furthermore,Iwanttoencouragethemto continue striving for their dreams, and to keep the flag flying high Remain professionalatalltimes,butalsoflexible and innovative - in other words embrace technology and change. Do not be afraid to ask questions, take the risk – he who doesn't gamble, can't win. Remember, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from progressing to the highest levels possibleinthistrafficservice,”headded. Chief Platt urged his colleagues to be strong and support the leadership of the WalvisBaymunicipality “Youmustwork
Port of Walvis Bay News
Liquefied Natural Gas Tanker Passes
Walvis Bay en route to Angola
LNG Tanker SONANGOL ETOSHA (IMO 9482299, MMSI 311027800),sailingundertheflagofBahamasiscurrentlydocked atthePortofWalvisBay,visiblefromLangstrand.Thismassive ship,builtin2011andnow13yearsold,isenroutetothePortof Soyo,Angolaandisexpectedtoarrivethere on17Juneataround 5:05.
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) carriers like SONANGOL ETOSHA are complexvessels,similarindifficultytobuildasaircraftcarriers.Theytypically take about 30 months to construct. These ships have four to six tanks alongthecentreline,surroundedbyballasttanksandvoids,creatingadoublehull design for safety Inside each tank, there are usually three submerged pumps: twomaincargopumpsandonesmallerspraypump.Thespraypump cancoolthetanksorhelpremovethelastbitofcargo.Ifbothmainpumpsfail, anemergencypumpcanbeusedtodischargethecargo.BeforeloadingLNG, thetanksmustbefreeofoxygentopreventexplosions.Aninertgasisusedto makethetankssafe,followedbyaprocesscalled"gassingup"toremovethe inert gas. The tanks are then cooled down with LNG before bulk loading begins.Oncefullyloaded,theshipcansailtoitsdestinationport,wherethe LNGispumpedashore.AsmallamountofLNG,knownastheheel,isoften keptonboardtohelpcooldownthetanksforthenextload.Thetransportation ofLNG,whileefficient,doescontributetogreenhousegasemissions,mainly from the liquefaction process and the ship's propulsion. However, advancements in technology continue to improve the environmental footprint of LNGshipping.
Source: Wikipedia
Early Construction Works in Full Swing at Bannerman's Etango
EARLY construction activities at Bannerman Mining Resources Namibia's EtangoProject,locatednearSwakopmund,areprogressingswiftlyfollowingthe grantingofthemininglicenceML250inDecember2023.
According to Chamber of Mines Namibia, twocrucialearlyworkscontractshavebeen awarded: the construction of a temporary water pipeline and the development of an access road. Namibbeton (Pty) Ltd, a local Namibian contractor, is overseeing the construction, which is supervised by CREO Engineering Solutions (Pty) Ltd. CommencingattheendofJanuary2024,theconstructioneffortshaveadvancedsignificantly The temporary water pipeline, spanning 24 kilometers from the B2 highway to the SwakopRivervalleyuptotheEtangosite,is a key infrastructure project. Constructed from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe sections welded together, the pipeline willterminateatasteelreservoironsite.This installation ensures uninterrupted construction activities at the processing plant site while the permanent water pipeline is being built.Currently,thefirsthalfofthepipeline is nearing completion, with performance testing scheduled for May. The entire installationisontrackforcompletionbythe endofJuly2024.
Additionally, a 4-kilometer engineered gravel access road is under construction to
connect the Etango site to the C28 road. Utilisingmaterialsfromselectedsitesonthe Etangomininglicense,theroadbedandcutto-fill work have been completed, with subbase and base layers currently being installed. The road construction is on schedule to meet its end-May 2024 deadline Meeting Environmental and Social Impact Assessment guidelines has been a priority, involving careful demarcation of sensitive environmental and archaeologicalareas.
Theconstructionworkhasproceededwithout any lost time injuries, reflecting Bannerman's commitment to high safety standards. Andre Alberts, Bannerman's Etango Project Technical Manager, said, “good collaborationbetweentheBannermanteam, CREO,andNamibbetonhasbeenthekeyto successthusfar.”
Bannerman's Managing Director, Werner Ewald, expressed satisfaction with the progress. “Having a reliable water supply, a safeaccessroad,andelectricalpoweratthe Etango site prior to the main construction startingwillensureasafeandorderlystartto theProject.”
Telecom Namibia and Sparkle Partner to Deliver Enhanced Digital Connectivity
Eileen van der SchyffTelecom Namibia has partnered with Sparkle, a leading global telecommunications operator, to leverage the Equiano subsea cable. This partnership is set to revolutionise Namibia's connectivity, providing a robust, low-latency route between Africa and Europe.
According to a press release by Telecom Namibia, this alliance willseeTelecomNamibia utilising capacity servicesontheEquiano submarinecable,which connects Portugal to South Africa, thereby ensuring a diversified and resilient network infrastructure.Telecom Namibia, which serves over619000customers with a comprehensive portfolio including voice, text, data, and video solutions, will now be able to deliver significantly enhanced digital services. Leveraging the advanced capabilitiesoftheEquianocable,thecompany aims to bolster Namibia's digital development,meetingtheescalating demand for data from both local and neighbouring regions.
DrStanleyShanapinda, CEOofTelecomNamibia, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership: "We are
thrilled to partner with Sparkletoleveragethe Equianocable'sadvanced capabilities. This strategic alliance underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional connectivity solutions to our customers and fostering Namibia's digital transformation.
The Equiano cable's high-speed, low-latency connection will serve as a catalyst for innovation and economic growth across the nation " Enrico Bagnasco, CEO of Sparkle said, "we are very pleased with this agreement with Telecom Namibia, which confirms our shared vision on the importance of international connectivitytosupport the digital growth of the country We are also proud to see how our infrastructure on theEquianosubmarine cableisprovingcrucial fortheevolutionofthe telecommunications sector in the African continent." The press releasefurtherexplains that the Equiano cable, known for its high capacity and low latency, will significantly enhance Tele-com Namibia's net-workresilienceand data transmission capabilities.Thiswillnot only support the country's economic growth by empowering businessesandgovernment institutions but will also propel Namibia towards becoming a knowledge-based economy The cable's redundancy capabilities will ensure uninterrupted service continuity,evenintheevent of outages on other submarine cables like SAT-3orWACS.
Sparkle's network spansover600000km of fiber, reaching across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas,andAsia.
Walvis Bay Municipal Workers Labour Into Late Hours
Capturedinthesephotos,ateamfrom the Walvis Bay Municipality has been tirelessly working into the late hours of Tuesday night to address the water interruption affecting the Walvis Bay community
Community Engagement Session Held for Sewerage Infrastructure Upgrade in Kuisebmond
Acrucialcommunityengagementsessionwasheldthisweekatthe ImmanuelRuitersPrimarySchoolHallinKuisebmond.
Thesessionaimedtoinformresidents of Khomashochland, Mautamanene, andMarsStreetsabouttheupcoming sewer line upgrade and rerouting project. The primary goal of the engagementwastosensitisethelocal communityabouttheintendedworks and gather feedback from those who will be directly affected. The project involves replacing old asbestos cement (AC) sewer pipelines and manholes, spanning a total upgrade length of approximately 1 35 kilometers. The first phase of this initiative began inAugust 2023. "We value community engagement as a vital tool in good governance," a project spokesperson emphasised during the session The event highlighted the importance of transparent communication and active resident participation in municipal projects, ensuring that the community is well-informed, and their concerns are addressed promptly Residentswereencouraged to attend the session, voice their opinions, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope andtimeline.
Promiseland Bingo Evening a Great Success
Promiseland had a very successful evening, filled with laughter, excitement and lots of winning moments at the Promiesland Bingo Evening held recently at GodenFang in WalvisBay.
Promiseland thanks all their sponsors for their wonderful contributions as well as all the participants who took part in what they call, “a night to remember”.
“The energy in the room was electric, witheveryoneeagerly waiting for their numberstobecalled.
The joy and camaraderie shared by all
truly embodied the spiritofPromiseland,” said Jenny Esterhuizen, Project Coordinator forPromiseland The generous donations from sponsors for prizes of the eveningwerevaluedat an astounding N$57 100. “Aspecial shoutout to our amazing sponsors for their incredible contributions.
or any
Your prizes added so much fun and anticipationtotheevening, making it a hit with all ourparticipants.
Promiseland raised a fantastic amount of N$41 331. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! Your support helps us continue with our mission of making a difference in thelivesofthechildren weserve.”
cricket ball just a new project needing installation If it’s broken glass
member of the Deamaru Group
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owner, to the Municipal Council of Swakopmund and the Urban and Regional PlanningBoardforpermissionforthefollowing: Rezoning of Erf 4058 Swakopmund Extension 7 from LocalAuthoritytoGeneralIndustrialwithconsenttooperate a Noxious Industry while the rezoning is in progress. ApplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificate. Itistheintentionoftheownertoformalizeandlegalizethe existing land-use that has been trading as Swakopmund Abbatoironthesite.
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018)andtheSwakopmund Zoning Scheme. The proposed land use is a listed activity, and an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of SwakopmundsituatedonthecornerofRakotokaStreetandDaniel Kamho Avenue; or can be downloaded from www sp.com.na/projects;
(b) any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive OfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmundandwithStewart Planningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice.
(c) Registration and written comments or objections must be submittedbeforeoron17:00Thursday,4July2024.
StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773
Applicant: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanningintendstoapply totheMunicipalityofWalvisBay,and/orMinistryofUrban andRuralDevelopmentforthefollowingstatutoryapproval: Rezoning: Erf 1400 Kuisebmond Proper (20 Kingklip Street):RezoningfromSingleResidential(1:300)toGeneralResidential1(1:150)withconsenttoproceedwithdevelopmentwhiletherezoningisinprogress.
Erf 1400 Kuisebmond Proper is developed with a dwelling house and related outbuilding. The owner wants to convert theexistingdwellinghouseinto2dwellingunits(flats)and addanother3moredwellingunits(flats)asprovidedforby theWalvisBayZoningScheme.
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018), and the WalvisBayZoningScheme,asamended.
(a) the planning application lies open for inspection, during normalofficehours,atRoom101,TownPlanningSectionof Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, and at Stewart Planning,122SamNujomaAvenue,WalvisBay Anelectronic copy can also be requested from Mr M Mberira: mario@sp.com.na
(b) interested and/or affected parties can register with StewartPlanningandsubmittheirwrittencomments,representations, input and/or objections to the planning application
E 635/2022
In the estate of the late Renate Hecht, Id No. 450403 0016 6 of No. 24 Palm Gardens, Daniel Tjongarero Avenue, Swakopmund, Namibia, who died on 29 June 2021 (Master's Reference E 635/2022), and who was unmarried.
In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act
66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund.
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
H E AHRENS Executrix
c/o Kinghorn Associates Inc Haus Altona
2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel. (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (reference: HEA/AW EST 237/0001-50)
REZONING:GeneralResidentialToInstitutional CONSENTUSE:PlaceOfInstruction(privateSchool) StewartPlanninghasbeenappointed,asabove,andinterms of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme and Urban and Regional PlanningAct, for the rezoning of erf 3620 SwakopmundExtension1fromGeneralResidentialtoInstitutional. Erf3620SwakopmundExtension1isdevelopedandhasan areaof±2,560m².Itissituatedinnorth-centralSwakopmundin a well-established predominantly residential but mixed-use neighbourhoodandwedgedbetweenVinetaandTamariskia. Theintentionofthisrezoningandconsentuseapplicationisfor permissiontoestablishaPlaceofInstruction(PrivateSchool) on Erf 3620 Swakopmund Extension 1 as an extension to the existingandadjacentSwakopmundPrivateSchoolsituatedon Erven1772,1774and3622SwakopmundExtension1. The full application is available to download from www.sp. com.na/projectsorcanbeinspectedatTownPlanningDepartment: Municipality of Swakopmund, Room Number CO-12, c/oofRakotoka/DanielKamhoStreet,Swakopmund. Take note that any person that has objections to the proposed rezoning may lodge such objection, in writing, together with groundsthereof,withtheMunicipalityofSwakopmund:Town PlanningandtheapplicantonThursday,4July2024.
Municipality: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund TownPlanningSection P.O.Box53,Swakopmund T:0644104418 E:jheita@swkmun.com.na
Applicant StewartPlanning, POBox2095, WalvisBay T:064280770 E: mario@sp.com.na
Tubostrans Oil and Gas Services (Pty) Limited, based in Walvis Bay- Erongo Region, needs to have an environmental clearance certificate to secure; permits and licenses to have and store hazardous chemicals (used in petroleum exploration) classified as such under the Environmental Management Act No 7 of 2007 at Erf 2916 Walvis Bay IndustrialArea.
CENTRE FOR GEOSCIENCES RESEARCH cc has been appointed to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in accordance with the Namibian Environmental Management Act (2007) and it Regulations (2012)
Public meeting venue: Pelican Bay, Protea Hotel Time: 10:00-12:30 pm
Location: Walvis Bay
Date: 28 June 2024
The study is being undertaken in line with the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism, Walvis Bay Town Council by laws by extension of the local authorities. Additional Acts of parliament regulate the possession, use and storage of Hazardous Chemicals such as the Public Health Act Number 36 of 1919, Soil Conservation Act Number 76 of 1969. Interested and affected parties are encouraged to register via email in order to receive the Background Information Document (BID) to the email below within a period of seven days from the date of advert to the email below, and information on a possible arrangement for a Public meeting in Walvis Bay
All comments and concerns should be submitted to CENTRE FOR GEOSCIENCES RESEARCH.
Please contact: Mr Mulife Siyambango CENTRE FOR GEOSCIENCES RESEARCH cc P.O. Box 31423 Pioneerspark,Windhoek. Namibia. 128ABach Street Tel: Cell: 0856419511 (WhatsApp). Email: cegeornam@gmail.com
Notice is given that an application in terms of the
Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Sophia KakoherueTjiurutue
P O B o x 1 0 6 7 6 , Khomasdal
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: R and R Stop and Shop Investmentcc
3 Address/location of premises to which
es: Omatjete Erf 391, Main Street
4. Nature and details of application: Groceries LiquorLicence.
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Swakopmund
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 14 June2024
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 14August2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmund, and/or Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, and/ortheMinistryofEnvironment,ForestryandTourismfor thefollowingstatutoryapprovals:
1. Remainder of Erf 1440 Matutura Extension 7: Subdivisioninto14Erven(13PortionsandRemainder).
Rezoning Portions 1-12 and Remainder from General Residential2withadensityof1:250m²toSingleResidentialwitha densityof1:300m².
RezoningPortion13fromGeneralResidential2withadensity of1:250m²toStreet.
2. Swakopmund Abbatoir Rezoning: Erf 4058 Swakopmund Extension 7: Rezoning from Local Authority to General Industrial with consent to operate a Noxious Industry while the rezoning is in progress.Application for an EnvironmentalClearanceCertificate.
3.SwakopmundPrivateSchoolRezoningandConsent:Erf 3620 Swakopmund Extension 1: Rezoning from General Residential to Institutional.The intention of this rezoning and consentuseapplicationisforpermissiontoestablishaPlaceof Instruction(PrivateSchool)onErf3620SwakopmundExtension 1 as an extension to the existing and adjacent Swakopmund Private School situated on Erven 1772, 1774 and 3622 SwakopmundExtension1.
The applications are submitted in terms of the Urban and RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018),Swakopmund Zoning Scheme, as amended, and/or the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
Takenotethat: the complete application lies open for inspection at the Town PlanningDepartmentoftheSwakopmundMunicipality onthe cornerofRakotokaandDanielKamhoStreetSwakopmund,or canbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects. any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund Municipality and with Stewart Planning within14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice. Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Thursday,4July2024.
LocalAuthority: Applicant: ChiefExecutiveOfficer StewartPlanning MunicipalityofSwakopmund Town&RegionalPlanners POBox53Swakopmund POBox2095WalvisBay jheita@swkmun.com.na mario@sp.com.na 0644104403 064280773
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Plannersintendstoapply,onbehalfoftheregisteredowner,to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay for approval for the followingapplications:
Rezoning Erf 61 and Erf 63 Walvis Bay from Single Residential: 1/500m² to General Residential 2: 1/150m², andconsentuseforaHotel.
RezoningofErf62WalvisBayfromGeneralResidential 1:1/150m²toGeneralResidential2:1/150m²,andconsent useforaHotel.
Thedeletionandalterationofthetitledeedconditions. Simultaneous consolidation of Erf 61, Erf 62, Erf 63 WalvisBayintoconsolidatederfX.
All erven are developed with detached dwelling houses and theusualresidentialoutbuildings.
Due to the growing demand for business and tourist accommodationinWalvisBay,allervenhavebeenpurchasedbythe applicantforthedevelopmentofahotelofupto24bedrooms and supporting service areas such as reception, an in-house dining room and ancillary kitchen area, an in-house bar, limitedconference/meetingrooms, a gym and sufficientonsiteparking.
Thesedevelopmentproposalsrequiretorezoneerf61,erf62 anderf63WalvisBaytoGeneralResidential2,toapplyfor consent for a hotel in the proposed zoning and consent to proceed with construction while the rezoning is in progress. Simultaneously it is necessary to consolidate erf 61, erf 62 and erf 63 Walvis Bay into a single, consolidated erf. The consolidatederfwillhaveanareaof3,400m².
Thedeletionandalterationofthetitledeedconditionsisalso partofthisapplication.
Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedintermsofthe Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) andtheWalvisBayZoningScheme.
a) the application lies open for inspection at theTown Planning Section of the Walvis Bay Municipality Civic Centre, NangoloMbumbaDrive.
The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects.
b) any person having comments, representations or objectionstotheapplication,mayinwritinglodgesuchcomments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of theWalvis Bay MunicipalityandwithStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14) daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Friday 5 July 2024 to the addressesprovidedbelow
ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na
Applicant StewartPlanning TownandRegionalPlanners POBox2095,WalvisBay bruce@sp.com.na
Notice: V 14/12.07.2024
Position: Contract Mine Manager Area: Based in Swakopmund Individual must have:
1. Strong managerial experience of Staff
2. HR experience
3. Strong operation background and Stock/Admin experience
4. PDP(advantage), Driver license required (code. C1)
If you don't have the above experiences, please don't apply Email CV to Shaundp@sanitech.co.za
CONSENT: Homebased (Personal Trainer/Bootcamp) ON ERF NO: 964 TOWNSHIP/AREA: MeersigSTREETNAME&NO:18PioneerStreet.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, noticeisherebygiventhatI/we,theundersigned,have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Homebased(PersonalTrainer/Boot-camp).
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplication maybeobtainedatTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms 101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthis application, must lodge such objection, together with groundsthereof,withtheGeneralManager:Roadsand BuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 28June2024
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:Marieke Hamann,POBox129,WalvisBay email:mieke.d7@gmail.com
CONSENT: Self Catering AccommodationHarbours View ON ERF NO: 183
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringAccommodation
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan5July2024
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:KR PropertiesInvestmenttenCC, POBox26546,Windhoek,cell:0818774468
Email: safaricityproperties@gmail.com,
An opportunity exists for and candidates to apply for the mentioned position at the Lüderitz Waterfront interested qualified Development Company (LWDC). LWDC is not only an employer of choice but a commercial public enterprise. The LWDC is an emerging force in providing solutions and is at the center of infrastructure development.
We therefore seek to recruit an , and with a " attitude. enthusiastic dynamic, energetic self-motivated multi-tasker can-do"
Ideal candidate will have an artisan skill Reporting directly to the office of the CEO. with strong multitasking abilities.
* Oversee all maintenance works, inspect and ensure top class maintenance levels are adhered to.
* Supervise Cleaning Department and Contractors.
* Oversee all repairs and ensure that works are completed on time and within budget.
* Coordinate all operational and technical aspects.
* Providing the technical support for all events held at the premises of Lüderitz Waterfront.
* Maintain safe working procedures and efficiencies throughout the premises.
* Diploma from recognized institution in one of the following fields:
* Logistics
* Information Technology (IT)
* Code B Driver's License
* At least 5 years' experience working in property maintenance environment.
* Strong organizational skills.
* Demonstrated ability to build and maintain effective working relationships.
* Integrity and good interpersonal skills.
* Positive attitude, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in a collaborative manner LWDC offers a competitive, total remuneration package with a standard range of benefits in line with the requisite responsibilities, qualifications and experience.
Qualified applicants should submit their applications in writing, accompanied by a cover letter a detailed Curriculum Vitae, proof of qualifications as well as names and full contact details including e-mail addresses of at least three credible workrelated references via email to soraya@luderitzwaterfront.com.na
Only applicants who meet the set requirements or job specifications will be considered for further selection processes. Applications to be mailed to the Lüderitz Waterfront Office under the heading: TECHNICAL AND LOGISTICS OFFICER
Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 78
Enquiries regarding this vacancy should be addressed to: soraya@luderitzwaterfront.com.na Office telephone: +264 63 202702 Closing date for applications is th Friday, 28 June 2024
An opportunity exists for interested and qualified candidates to apply for the mentioned position at the Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company (LWDC). LWDC is not only an employer of choice but a commercial public enterprise with the vision to create a significant destination for business, tourism, education, culture and sports. The LWDC is an emerging force in providing solutions and is at the centre of development.
The successful candidate shall ensure that financial, commercial and operational best practices are implemented. A proven track record of achieving financial goals, building sustainable businesses and delivery of strategic projects will be beneficial.
We therefore seek to recruit an enthusiastic, dynamic, energetic and self-motivated candidate with a "can-do" attitude. Reporting directly to the CEO, the successful candidate shall assist our organisation in managing the commercial waterfront properties and to oversee business operations successfully
* To formulate and implement guidelines that will assist the organisation in amplifying brand visibility, enhance client and stakeholder relations, and improve organisational growth through events held at the premises that effectively communicate business strategy and branding.
* To maximise the commercial use of the waterfront rentable facilities in order to ensure the profitability of the company's business units and to achieve sustainable development and long-term success.
* Attract and retain tenants in various business units of the company
* Bachelor's Degree from recognised institution in one of the following fields:
* Business Management
* Business Administration
* Property Development
* Marketing
* Project Management
* Code B Driver's License
* At least 5 years' experience at Senior Management Level
* Demonstrated ability to build and maintain effective working relationships
* Integrity and good interpersonal skills
* MBAwill be an added advantage
LWDC offers a competitive, total remuneration package with a standard range of benefits in line with the requisite responsibilities, qualifications and experience.
Qualified applicants should submit their applications in writing, accompanied by cover letter, a detailed Curriculum Vitae, proof of qualifications as well as names and full contact details including e-mail addresses of at least three credible work-related references via email to soraya@luderitzwaterfront.com.na
Only applicants who meet the set requirements or job specifications will be considered for further selection processes. Applications to be mailed to the Lüderitz Waterfront Office under the heading: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE
Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 78
Enquiries regarding this vacancy
National Theatre of Namibia Presents “
Aoni //Aes”: A Tale of the
Aonin (Topnaar) People
Eileen van der Schyff
The National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) is thrilled to announce its upcoming theatre production, “ǂAoni //Aes,” a powerful exploration of the heritage and contemporarychallengesfacedbytheǂAonin(Topnaar)peopleofNamibia.This immersive production promises to take audiences on a profound journey through time, highlighting the resilience, culture, and history of the ǂAonin community “ǂAoni //Aes” will be performed in English, Khoekhoegowab, and Afrikaans, reflecting the rich linguistic heritage of Namibia. This trilingual approach not only enhances the authenticity of the storytelling but also highlightstheinclusivenatureoftheproduction.
Written and directed by NTN's Artistic Director, Nelago Shilongoh, the play will tour the Erongo and Khomas regions from 12 June to 20 July 2024. Funded by One Ocean Hubandco-producedwith theUniversityofNamibia (UNAM),“ǂAoni//Aes”is more than just a theatrical production. It serves as a call for reflection and action on issues affecting indigenous communities today Theplayshedslight on the ǂAonin's historical
Namibian coastline, and theirongoingstrugglesfor inclusion in decisionmaking processes related to ocean governance and landmanagement. Premiere: 12 June 2024, at Walvis Bay Municipal Hall and Narraville CommunityHall–OtherPerformances: 13 June in Swakopmund at Coastal High School, 14 JuneinUtuseb,21Juneat Katutura Community Hall,and19-20Julyatthe NTN Auditorium in Windhoek–Tickets: Free for all shows; tickets for the 1920 July performances available from 1 July 2024,attheNTNoffices. The play features notable Namibian actors Dawie Engelbrecht, Chantell /Uiras(Diolini),andHazel Hinda, who have engaged deeply with the ǂAonin community through interviews and discussions Their performances,
alongside Shilongoh's direction, promise an impactful and immersive experience that invites audiencestoreflectonthe ǂAonin's cultural heritage and ongoing challenges. The production's focus on inclusivedecision-making issupportedbyOneOcean Hub, an international research program funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) thro
he Global ChallengesResearchFund (GCRF). One Ocean Hub aims to promote fair and inclusive ocean governance, ensuring sustainable practices that benefit bothpeopleandtheplanet.
ProfessorAlexKanyimba, Country Director of One Ocean Hub Namibia, e m p h a s i s e d t h e importanceofthispartnership in enhancing transdisciplinary research and integrating marginalised voices into policy discussions. “The partnership with NTN allows us to engage non-academic actors in the ocean research process,” said Professor Kanyimba “Throughart,storytelling, andtheatre,wecanrevive spiritual and cultural connections to the ocean and inform diverse policymakers about the management of the Namibian ocean ” The ǂAoninpeople,historically displaced from their coastal homes and restricted from accessing marine resources, continueto faceexclusion
from decision-making in contemporary Namibia They now reside in 14 farmsettlementsalongthe lower!KhuisebRiverand in coastal urban centres. The Acting Chief of the ǂAonin Traditional Authority, Honorable Stoffel Anamab, expressed hope that the play would raise awareness and empower the community to fight for justice.“Wecannotletthe ǂAonin community suffer any longer without their rightfulbenefits.Wehope this play will help us regain what is rightfully ours.”Shilongohreflected on the significance of the production, noting its alignment with NTN's strategy of developing critical Namibian stories for the stage. “This is a storythatwilltouchmany Namibians, as it echoes much of our shared experience of displacement and inaccessibility Atthesametime, it is a celebratory gathering, reminding us of the rich ecological and cultural backgrounds we comefrom.”
For more information, visit [www ntnorg.na](http://www.ntn.or g.na) or contact 061 374 400/0813663255.Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the history and contemporary reality of the ǂAonin people through the transformativepoweroftheatre.
Contact: National Theatre of Namibia 12 John Meinert Street, P.O. Box 3794, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264 61 374 400 Fax: +264 61 374 401 Website: [www.ntn.org.na] (http://www.ntn .org.na)
Herewith expressing our deepest gratitude for the kind and generous donations to everyone involved especially our sponsors for opening their hands and hearts in the past and present for the welfare of all our elderly persons at the Welwitschia Park for Seniors Phase One.
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DOCTOR:Dr.SJeke (TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-LoveProblems
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Vacancies Vacancies
Scaleofsalary:Depending onsuitability
Certificateordiplomain procurementwillbean advantage.
5years'procurement experienceinthe constructionindustry Strongexperiencein computersoftware
MustbefluentinAfrikaans andEnglish
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Progaz Walvis Bay has the following vacancies:
∙DeliveryTruck Driverx1
* Able to read, write and speak English, Afri-kaans will be an addedadvantage
* Grade 10 or grade 12
* A t l e a s t 4 contactable work references
* Code of conduct add-edadvantage
*Previousgasrefilling experience will be an addedadvantage
Should you meet the above-mentioned requirements please forward your CV's to progaz.mondesa@ gmail.com or Hand deliver @ Progaz Mondesa next to Mondesa Shell.
For more info contact HR 0815957583
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations.Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770
Mitsubishi Delica. 1995. 2800 cc turbo diesel, 5speed, 4-WD. N$ 48,000. One owner since 2004. Voetstoots. Contact: 0812164876.
A 35 year old lady is looking for domestic work in Swakopmund,
Langstrand and Nonidas, Guesthouses andHotels.Position: Housekeeper/Scullery orSecurityguard. Readytostartassoonas possible.
Contact: Sassie at 081 6743334/0814019791
30 Year old lady is looking for domestic work for 3 days in the week in Swakopmund. Have experience and is r e a d y t o s t a r t immediately
33 Year old lady is looking for domestic work can also babysit
and have waiting experienceasawaiteras well.
S h e i s h o n e s t , trustworthy and can startimmediatley
29 Year old lady who livesinSwakopmundis lookingforworksuchas
cleaning, house cleaning and ironing Monday to Friday - can start at 07h00 in the morninguntil17:00.
A25 year old lady who livesinSwakopmundis lookingforworksuchas cleaning, house cleaning and ironing from Monday to Friday can start from 07h00 to 17h00.
A 32 year old lady is looking for domestic work in Swakopmund forMonday-Friday She canstartimmediately
Iama40yearold lookingfordomestic workorofficecleaningin WalvisBayorLangstrand for3-5daysaweek. Contact:0817669187 0812426291
Aladylookingfor domesticworkortaking careofkidsathomeor kindergarden.Ihavea fittercertificate. Contact:0813653391
Twoladieslookingfor domesticworkinWalvis Bay.Readytostart anytime. Contact:0813497719 0814719715
Iama41yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay, Meersig,Lagoon, Narraville.Weeklyor daily,Icanstartassoon aspossible.Ihave2years experience. Contact:0812703213
WERKGESOEK: 2damesopsoekna huiswerkMaandaetot VrydaeinWalvisbaai. Kontak:0814422460 0818484857
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordriving workIhavecodeC1with 20yearsexperience. WalvisBay Contact:0812611900
Iamlookingfordomestic workforaweekor3 days. Contact:0814634294
37 Year old lady is looking for cleaning or domestic work around
S w a k o p m u n d , Langstrand and Walvis Bay Shehasexperience
over 10 years in cleaning and domestic work She is also available to clean offices and apartments. Contact: Erica @ 081 235 1375 / 081 790 2640
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Petrus Albertus Coetzee
2. Name of business or proposed business to
relates: Narraville ServiceStation
Begrafnisdiens van Wyle Willem David
3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 140 Bonito Street c/o SamNujomaAvenue
4. Nature and details of application: Grocery LiquorLicence.
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application willbelodged:Clerkof t
e’s Court,WalvisBay
6 Date on which applica-tion will be lodged:14June2024
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard:14August2024.
Anyobjectionorwritten submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the applicationmustbesent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the applicationwillbeheard.
IOGKF Namibia Students Pass Grading Sessions
Rudi Bowe
Sixty-oneKaratestudentsfromIOGKFNamibiaDojoandSonkeiDojosuccessfullypassedtheir gradingsessionsheldon6and8JuneinWalvisBay Ahigh-qualitygradingwashostedbySensei Nico Maritz, (5th Dan) from IOGKF Namibia Dojo in Walvis Bay, who was satisfied with the performance of his students and the students of Sensei Johann van Rooyen from Sonkei Dojo in Windhoek.
The Karate career of KyleClaasenthatstarted withhispromotionto1st Dan Junior Black Belt last year November has received his Junior Shodan Certificate
IOGKF Namibia's Martial Arts classes teach much more than kicking and punching. It teaches life skills like self-defence, selfesteem, concentration, confidence, stranger awareness, and improvedschoolresults. In today's world parents need extra help reinforcingrespect,courtesy, and self-discipline, this is part of everyday lessonsatourschool.
The students that passed the karate g r a d i n g ( t e s t ) successfully are as follows:
Etupewa Hamukoshi
IOGKF-20th Kyu
Children Yellow/White; Louw Brink IOGKF20th Kyu Children
Yellow/White; Olebeng Kapeng IOGKF-20th Kyu Children Yellow/ White; Ethan Kashweka
IOGKF-20th Kyu Children Yellow/White; Roberto Cham-Gaoseb
IOGKF-19th Kyu Children Yellow/ White+1; Caleb
Ambambi IOGKF-19th
Kyu Children Yellow /White+1; Tillienge
Immanuel IOGKF-18th
Kyu Children Yellow; Nicolas Robberts
IOGKF-16th Kyu ChildrenOrange/White; Daniel Klem IOGKF19th Kyu Children Yellow/White+1;Efraim
Abiatar IOGKF-16th
Kyu Children Orange/ White; Leah Sowden
IOGKF-20th Kyu Children Yellow/White; Radhiya Rodriques
IOGKF-18th Kyu
Children Yellow;
Damian Lombard
IOGKF-20th Kyu Children Yellow/White; Petrus Iwete IOGKF16th Kyu Children Orange/White; Nathan Kashweka IOGKF-20th Kyu Children Yellow/ White; Damon Biller
IOGKF-16th Kyu
Children Orange/White; Louis Rossouw IOGKF-
15th Kyu Children
Orange/White+1; Shayne Bekker IOGKF-16th Kyu
Children Orange/White; RayniërRaynardIOGKF-
15th Kyu Children
Narib IOGKF-20th Kyu
Children Yellow/White; Junior Zondy ChamGaosebIOGKF-18thKyu
Children Yellow; Isabel Robberts IOGKF-16th
Kyu Children Orange/ W h i t e ; C o u r a g e
Amungulu IOGKF-18th
Kyu Children Yellow; Eliana Brits IOGKF-18th
Kyu Children Yellow; Damien Nuuyoma
IOGKF-20th Kyu
Children Yellow/White; Lachlan Sapala IOGKF-
20th Kyu Children
Yellow/White; Nichè Viljoen IOGKF - 19th
Kyu Children Yellow/ White+1; Keanu Mostert
IOGKF-20th Kyu
Children Yellow/White; Ranely Bester IOGKF-
16th Kyu Children
Orange/White; Tyler Engelbrecht IOGKF-19th
K y u C h i l d r e n
Yellow/White+1;Ueriuka Kahorongo IOGKF-18th
Kyu Children Yellow; Zahra Schroeter IOGKF-
16th Kyu Children
Orange/White; Olavi Iipumbu IOGKF-18th
Kyu Children Yellow;
Andreas Indongo
IOGKF-18th Kyu
Children Yellow;
Chayanna De Goveia
IOGKF-18th Kyu
Children Yellow; Hillary Herero IOGKF-17th Kyu
Children Yellow+1; PeytonViljoen IOGKF-
20th Kyu Children
Yellow/White; Ian
Children Yellow; Paulus Hango IOGKF-19th Kyu
Children Yellow/ W h i t e + 1 ; L i z a
ElsIOGKF-18th Kyu
Children Yellow; Kara Robberts IOGKF-15th
K y u C h i l d r e n
Orange/White+1; Weya
Sambiliye IOGKF-16th Kyu Children Orange/ White; Lelanie Kooper
IOGKF-16th Kyu
Children Orange/White; NgongaSindanoIOGKF-
11th Children Green/ White+1; Cathryn
Claasen IOGKF-8th Kyu
Children Blue/White; Jane Husselman IOGKF20th Kyu Children
Yellow/White; Aiden
Children Yellow/
White+1; Gordianus Nauyala IOGKF-19th
Kyu Children Yellow /White+1; Eduan Naudè
I O G K F - 8 t h K y u
Children Blue/White; Addy Samuka IOGKF13th Kyu Children
Orange+1; Jesse Herero
I O G K F - 7 t h K y u
Children Blue/White+1; Izza Migambi IOGKF20th Kyu Children
Yellow/White; Kavirire
Kyu Children Yellow/ White; Tommy Manja
IOGKF-12th Kyu
Children Green/White; RyanShiyukifeniIOGKF7th Kyu Children
Blue/White+1; Anelyn
Maass IOGKF- 09th Kyu
Adults Yellow+1; Kayla
Miljo IOGKF-10th Kyu
Adults Yellow; Bianca
Burger IOGKF-08th Kyu
Adults Orange; Eliud
Ndahangwapo IOGKF09th Kyu Adults
IOGKF-08th Kyu Adults
Orange; André van Zyl
IOGKF-08th Kyu Adults
Rössing Uranium Donates Sport Training Equipment to Mondesa Football Academy Eileen van der Schyff
This week, Rössing Uranium extended a generous helping hand to the MondesaFootballAcademyinSwakopmundwithadonationofmuchneededsporttrainingequipment.
Valued at N$9 000, the donation includes soccer balls, training bibs, and cones,allessentialitemsthattheacademyrequiredtoenhancetheirtraining sessionsforbothjuniorandseniorplayers.ThedonationispartofRössing Uranium'songoingcommitmenttocommunitydevelopmentandsupport.
namib times Sport
Allan and Zachary Share Podium
Racingmaestro,AllanMartinoftheJ&PHydraulicsRacingTeamandhisson,ZacharyMartin ended second and third aver-all at the annualTara Rally supported by M&Z Motors and Puma EnergyheldoverthepastweekendinandaroundWindhoekandRehoboth.
Allan Martin and navigator, Maretha Olivier took secondplaceoverallintheS1toS4classaswellas intheS4classinatimeof2:03:41intheirS4J&P Hydraulics 4x4-Skoda Fabia R5 whilst his son Zachary Martin and navigator Anique Schoeman endedthirdoverallintheS1toS4classandfirstin theS2classintheirJ&PHydraulics2x4-VWPolo inatimeof2:18:33ofthe2024TaraRallythatwas won by Wilro Dippenaar and navigator Carolyn Swan in their PZN Panelbeaters 4x4-Ford Fiesta R5 in a time of 1:55:47. Wido Bartsch and navigator, Raymond Fourie ended first in the S2 classandfourthoverallintheirSafewear2x4-VW Polo in a time of 2:23:07 whilst Pieter Greeff and navigatorJPRobinsonendedsecondintheS1class and fifth over all sealconsultingengineers 2x4ToyotaCorollainatimeof 2:31:38. Loic Bathfield and navigator Johan Steyn
completelydominatetherallywiththeir7-litreV8 CR2AfricanGas2x4-CenturyRacingCR6towin the Field Class (CR1, CR2) in a time of 1:54:03 withJandréDippenaarandnavigatorGielieVisser second with their CR2 PZN Panelbeaters 4x4Hilux 5 L V8 in a time of 1:59:34, while Ekko Eisenberg Horazio Rietz and navigator took third placewiththeirCR1M&ZMotorsport2x4-JAC4 L in a time of 2:23:07. Stefanie Botha, and navigator Amanda Hugo, withdrew their S4-class 4x4-Subuaru after the eleventh Supertrajek whilst Ruaan Viviers/Cecil Koorts (CR2 CDC Solutions 4x4-RenaultDuster5LV8),EwaldBisschoff/Hein Bisschoff (CR1 2x4-Hilux 4 L V8) and Rian Kritzinger/MP Pretorius (CR2 Auto Care Center 4x4FordRanger5LV8)withdrawafterstageten.
Coastal Runners Conquer Comrades
Agroupof13coastalmarathonathletesjoinedbyabout34othermarathonathletesfromNamibia recently competed with about 20 000 in the annual Comrades Marathon between Durban and PietermaritzburginSouthAfrica.
The coastal marathon athletes, Eliza Stey; Michelle Von Stan; Milan kambini; Naude Dreyer;KatjaDreyerandWernerBachmanfrom WalvisBayRoadRunnerandWinnieMukupuki; Kirsty Britz; Hennie La Cock; Matti Kuwa; Barbara Kittel; Kevin Walter and Cassandra WalterfromSwakopStriderslinedupforthestart oftheworld-famousultra-marathonofjustunder 86km,whichtookplaceforthe97thtimesinceits inceptionin1921.
For Cassandra Walter; Hennie La Cock; Naude Dreyer;KatjaDreyerandMattiKuwaitwastheir firstComradesMarathon.
Themen'smarathonwaseventuallywonbyPiet WiersmaoftheNetherlandsinatimeof5hours 24 minutes 56 seconds, with SouthAfrica's Dan
Moselakwecomingsecond45secondsbehindand DegefaLafeboofEthiopiathirdin5:27:48. GerdaSteynofSouthAfricawonthewomen'srace forthethirdtimeinanew“up”recordof5:49:46, breaking her previous record of 5:58:53 set in 2019,bymorethannineminutes.
Theresultsofthecoastalmarathonrunnersare; Eliza Stey - 9:41:55; Michelle Von Stan-9:53:42; Milan Kambini - 10:19:58; Naude Dreyer 10:26:44; Katja Dreyer 10:39:39; Werner Bachman 10:58:01; Winnie Mukupuki - 9:46:11; KirstyBritz-10:9:58;HennieLaCock-10:28:20; MattiKuwa-11:04:40;BarbaraKittel-11:28:25; Kevin Walter - 11:15:08; Cassandra Walter11:15:08.
Overallresults: SedanclassesS1-S4: 1Dippenaar/Swan, 2Martin/Olivier, 3Martin/Schoeman, 4Bartsch/Fourie, 5Greeff/Robinson. S4class: 1Dippenaar/Swan (1:55:47), 2Martin/Olivier (2:03:41). S2class: 1Martin/Schoeman (2:18:33), 2Bartsch/Fourie (2:23:07).
S1class: Greeff/Robinson (2:31:38).
Overallfieldclass, CR1andCR2class: 1Bathfield/Steyn (1:54:03), 2Dippenaar/Visser (1:59:34), 3Eisenberg/Rietz (2:23:07), 4WernerBartsch/ ChristelFourie (2:34:27), 5Chrizelda Engels/RuandeLange (2:39:00),
6WJ Schoeman/Chané Havenga(2:43:14).
Cr2class: 1Bathfield/Steyn, 2Dippenaar/Visser, 3Bartsch/Fourie (4x4-FordCourier3L V6).
Cr1class: 1Eisenberg/Rietz, 2Engels/DeLange (2x4-NissanNP3005 LV8), 3Schoeman/Havenga (2x4-Steckel'sToyota HiluxGD6).