14 oct namib times e-edition

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Walvis Bay Waterfront and Marina Development / Namport Walvis Bay Waterfront Development

Eileen van der Schyff

Two separate waterfront development projects, complimentary to, but not to be confused with one another are anticipated at Walvis Bay First, of which is a joint venture betweenAfrikuumbaandtheWalvisBayMunicipalCouncil, the 'Walvis BayWaterfront and Marina Development', and the second, the Namibian Ports Authority's 'Walvis Bay Waterfront and Marina Development'. These two developments will be integrated in and around the Port of WalvisBaySouthPort,andoncompletion,willsoftenandat the same time compliment the adjacent heavy industrial activities within the port, and give the public a unique port waterfront and marina experience in its aim to become the mainlocalandtouristattractioninWalvisBay.

Dismembered remains confirmed to be that of missing 6-year-old

Woman claims nurses injured her during labour

Upgrade of road intersection completed

The Namibian police is investigating a caseofmurder,violationofacorpseand defeating the course of justice, after it was confirmed, the dismembered humanremainsthatwerefoundindifferentlocationsaroundKaribibthisweek, infactisthatof6-year-oldAdrianMyne Oswyn that went missing on Tuesday, 4 October. Four people have been identifiedasPersonsofInterest.

On Tuesday, 11 October, at around 12:00, Karibib Police members, community members and a K9 security team assisted by Chief Inspector Urib, searched the sewage dam on the outskirtsofKaribibwhentheysawabagfloating

Apatient at theWalvis Bay State hospital contacted the newspaper this week, after, according to her, got injuredatthehandsoftwonurseswhile givingbirthontheeveningofTuesday, 4October.

Thewomanisstillinhospital,andherbabyis doing well and being cared for by a family memberathome.“Thetwonursesseemedlike they were in a hurry and were very impatient withme.TheytoldmeIamnotparticipating,” the woman told the newspaper According to her everything went well with the birth of her baby; it was after the birth that things went terriblywrong.'Thenursesstruggledtoremove theplacenta,andintheprocess,hurtmebadly Theycandenyalltheywant,Ihadtoendurethe painattheirhandsandknowfullwellwhathappened,” the woman told the newspaper The day after the birth, the patientwas discharged,

Community members scared to take a stand against drugs

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6986 FRIDAY 14 OCTOBER 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 7 Pages 18 - 20 Page 2
Murder, among other cases, under investigation
Continues on page 2Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2
Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff Navy commemorates 18 years of existence
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Woman claims injury during labour

Continued from page 1


X-Rays on Thursday showed a traumatic pelvic ring injury with complete pubic symphysis diastasis, a very rare but a debilitating condition. This leaves new mothers with debility and extreme pain whichaffectscarefortheirnewborn.TheNamibTimes,afternumerous telephone calls and visits to the hospital, could not get an answer from the hospital. As a last resort, the newspaper contacted the Regional Health Directorate, Anna Jonas, but she had no knowledge of the

Dismembered remains

Continued from page 1

in the dam. The team recovered the bag from the dam and found it to contain the dismembered remains of a young child. According to the missing person's report, Adrian went missing when he visited his grandfather'shouseintheHarambeeLocation,Karibib.Itisallegedhis grandfatherescortedhimhalf-waybacktohismother'shouseduringthe afternoonofTuesday4October OnFriday,7October,Adrian'smother tookfreshclothesfortheboytothegrandfather'shouse,anditwasonly thenthattheyrealisedtheboywasmissing.

Adrian was reported as missing late on Friday evening, 7 October, whereafterpolice,familyandcommunitymembersengagedinsearching forhim.Thelittleboywasallegedlystayingwithhisfather'sfamilyinthe northuntilthebeginningofthisyearwhenherelocatedtoKaribibtostay withhismother

Walvis Bay Waterfront

Continued from page

Multi-disciplinary project teams and experts are involved in the establishment of the holistic design, development, and operation of this prospectivemodernAfrikuumbaandWalvisBay Municipal Council joint venture, Walvis Bay Waterfront and Marina Development, with the integrationofwater,aworkingharbour,heritage, urbanrenewal,andtourismdevelopment.Oneof whichisMrDerickvanderMerwewhomanaged and coordinated the development of the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town and holds various executive roles culminating in Chief Executive OfficeroftheV&AWaterfront.

Walvis Bay Waterfront Development Company facilitates the development of the joint venture between theWalvis Bay Municipal Council and Afrikuumba Construction at the present waterfront area. The intention is to develop municipal owned properties, erven 4939 and 4941, presently a public open space that accommodates a cricket oval, tennis courts, jukskeicourts,themunicipalswimmingpooland playparkwithchildren'ssplashpool.


· “High end Hotel development with 128 rooms ofwhich37willbeluxurylivingunits.

·Plus-minus110residentialunitswhichwillalso bephasedasperdemand,amixofaffordableand standardunits,28luxuryunitsandplus-minus10 penthouses.

· Plus-minus 8 000 square meter retail area with restaurants, anchor, line shops and offices (tourismandlocalorientatedretail).

· Large multi-purpose conference facility with exhibitionspaceandmeetinghalls.

·Marinaforsmallcraft,touroperatorsandwater sports.

· Public square, arcades, terraces, amphitheatre, walkways,andpublicbeachfront.

·Ampleparkingareasforpublicandprivateuse with drop-off areas and facilities for public transport.

Upgrade of road intersection completed

The upgrade of the Hanna Mupetami and Sam Nujoma Avenue intersection in Walvis Bay that commenced in July thisyearhasbeencompleted.

Theupgradingoftheintersectionwasdelayedfromearliercompletion, duetothediscoveryoffaultypipelinesinthisarea.

The mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes, provided an update on a numberofroadmaintenanceprojectscurrentlybeingconductedinthe harbourtownonFriday9October2022.

Forbes said the two bypasses that were created due to the ongoing worksaddedalotofstrainontotheroadsurfaceinthearea.“Wearenow going to do repairs on that area as well, which are Hidipo Hamutenya and Circumferential Road as well as Sam Nujoma and Hanna Mupetami.

The total cost of all the work amounts to about N$4.2 million.We are busy fixing everything,” Forbes added. Forbes further expressed his gratitude towards the contractors and the internal team of the municipalityforajobwelldoneandannouncedthatheintendstohosta stakeholdermeetingwithallroadusersintheharbourtown.“Iwillcall onallthetruckingcompanies,Namportandourfisheriessectorinorder for us to find a way to maintain our roads going forward. We need to worktogetherinthisregard;theroadsarenotdestroyedbythecarsof ourresidentsbutbythetrucks.”

ThemayorthankedtheresidentsofWalvisBayforbringingtheseissues to their attention and urged residents to continue alerting the municipalityaboutproblemsandissuestheyareexperiencing.“Letus knowabouttheproblems,butdoitinamoresensitivematter “Ifyouletusknow,wewillworkonthemistakes.Nooneisperfectbut we are trying our best. If we are not informed, we will not know” he added.

According to Forbes, the internal team from the Walvis Bay municipality is busy attending to matters related to the painting of the roads and the fixing of potholes. “The Walvis Bay road maintenance projectsareprogressingwell.”

The current acting Chief Executive Officer of the Walvis Bay municipality David Uushona, said that the municipality is busy to organiseameetingwiththeCEO'softheRoadsAuthorityandtheRoad FundsAdministration.“Wehaveagreedtomeet.Wejustneedtosetthe dateforustopavethewayforwardasstakeholders.

Ibelievethisroad,wherethereisconstanttrafficbytrucksisanational issue, and it would be unfair for local authorities with their minimal resources to undertake and carry the burden of the required maintenance.We'lllookatstrategicdiscussionsconcerningourroads,” Uushonasaid.

The General Manager for the department of Water, Waste & Environmental Management at the Walvis Bay municipality Johan Esterhuizen, said a request was made to central government to have, Hanna Mupetami from Diaz circle to the harbor be recognised or receivethestatusofnationalroadorfreeway "Thereisquiteanumber oftrafficonthisroad.Wewantthecentralgovernmenttohelpus.”

“Thisisnottheonlyroadheadingtotheportandthereareotherroads thatneedthesameattention,”Esterhuizenstated.

In an interview with the owner of Afrikuumba, Mr Titus Nakuumba and the architect, Conrad SchefferofWalvisBayWaterfrontArchitectson Wednesday this week, it was revealed to the Namib Times, they are awaiting an Environmental Clearance Certificate from the MinistryofEnvironmentbeforetheconstruction of the first phase of the two-phase waterfront project will begin. “We are looking at starting with construction closer to 2024.” Nakuumba said. Duringtheinterview,MrScheffersaidthe sport facilities will be moved to the Jan Wilken Stadium and Kuisebmond respectively “The tennis courts, jukskei courts and municipal pool will most probably be moved to the Jan Wilken Stadium, and the Cricket Oval will be moved to an allocated site at Kuisebmond close to the KuisebmondSoccerStadium,”Scheffersaidand went on to explain in more detail the phased

· A second Hotel is planned for future phases whichwillbemorebusinessorientated. TheNamportWalvisBayWaterfrontandMarina Development, complimentary, but not to be confused with the Walvis Bay Waterfront and Marina Development, consists of a completely undeveloped prime waterside land, covering an areaofapproximately30mx1.5kmlong,located atthebackofNamport'snewContainerTerminal inthePortofWalvisBaySouthPort.TheWalvis Bay Marina will feature an extended continuationofthepublicEsplanadewalkwayof 2.5km. The Namport side of the project will feature wooden or brick restaurants and tour operator businesses (similar to the current waterfront);recreationalandSportsClubhouses; Arts and Crafts; Curious; informal and street vendors; Fresh fish market; fish landing and cleaning facilities; Take-Aways; Water sports; small boat jetties and yachting activities, small boat repair facilities; public beaches and parks; openmarkets;helicopterlandingpadforairtours andgaragesforsmallboatsandtrailers.


Navy commemorates 18 years of existence

The Navy has been commissioned into a fullyfledged Navy as the third arm of service of the NamibianDefenceForceon7October2004.This incorporation of the Navy into the Namibian Defence Force made the composition of the Namibian Defence Force complete -comprising theArmy,AirForceandNavy.

Addressing the parade Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Alweendo Paulus Amungulu said the history of the Namibian Navy started in 1994, whentheagreementonnavalcooperationbetween Brazil and Namibia was signed. “The agreement provides for the training of both officers and ratingsindifferentfields.”

According to Rear Admiral Amungulu, “the commissioning of the Navy has expanded its role ofdefendingNamibia'smaritimeinterests.Inthis connection,theDefencePolicyclearlystatesthat, "the development and professionalization of the Navyshallbepursueduntilitsdesiredcapabilityis achieved. Necessary resources shall be made availabletoexpandtheNavy'scapabilityfromthat of coastal patrol, to that of maritime deterrence withforceprojectioncapability

To date the Navy has grown in leaps and bounds expandeditsroleinlinewithourDefencePolicy

ThegrowthanddevelopmentofourNavyhasbeen made possible through the assistance of our foreign friends and partners, especially the BrazilianNavythatintheexistencehaveplayeda pivotalroletotrainusandsecondpersonneltothe NamibianNavy,”statedRearAdmiralAmungulu.

Rear Admiral Amungulu said “as part of our SADC and international commitments, the Navy continues to participate in regional and international events as either observers or active participants. Currently, we have our presence in MozambiqueaspartoftheSADCcontingent.”

Headdedthatthemainaimofthenavyistodefend Namibia's territorial waters, conduct naval operations in defence of the Republic of Namibia and conduct operations other than war in support ofnationalinterests.

RearAdmiralAmungulusaidaspartoftheSADC and international commitments, the Namibian Navy continues to participate in regional and internationaleventsaseitheractiveparticipantsor observers.

He added that the post cold era threats to the national security have become varied and complex, though most of these threats are nonmilitaryandnon-conventionalinnatureandoften transcend national borders making it increasingly important for the Namibian Navy to undertake collective actions on national and multi-national level to provide adequate and coordinated response.

Admiralsaid“inthisregardtheNamibianNavyis always conducting maritime patrols within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and rivers. We

continue availing members to partake in joint maritime patrols with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and we constantly engage inanti-poachingoperationsinareaspronetosuch activities.

In fulfilling our secondary tasks, we continue availing members to partake in joint maritime patrolswiththeMinistryofFisheriesandMarine Resources.Moreover,weareconstantlyengaged inAnti-PoachingOperationsintheareasproneto such activities. These are indeed remarkable chievements recorded over the period under review despite limited financial and human resourcesatourdisposal,”Admiralsaid.

As part of the celebrations Chief of the Defence Force Air Marshal Martin Kambulu Pinehas awarded the Southern Cross Medal to R ADM (JG) Sacheus Randy !Gonteb, R ADM (JG) Erustus Shiyelekeni Lazarus and R ADM (JG) Naftal Shuumbwa for their exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstandingserviceandtoanyonereachtherank of Admiral and the Namibian Navy Foreign Service Medal to R ADM (JG) Sacheus Randy !Gonteb, Rtd Capt(N)Aalberto Haufiku Sizario, Rtd Capt(N)Kasper Kanime lita, Rtd Capt(N)RichardTumbakuKopano,CdrGebhard Ishidhimbwa Amadhila, Cdr Jeson Saumbwa Markus and Lt Cdr Lidwina Kaunanghenda Angula for representing the Namibian Navy in a foreign country during a period of twelve accumulatedmonths.

Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Alweendo Paulus Amungulu awarded ten years of Service Medalto169members.

14OCTOBER2022 NAMIBTIMES3 14 - 15 October 2022 08 - 09 December 2022
NamibianNavycommemorated18yearsofexistencelastFriday7Octoberat theNavalBaseCaptainPNSacharia,WalvisBay
Defence Force Air Marshal Martin Kambulu Pinehas with Navy Commander, Rear AdmiralAlweendo PaulusAmungulu and MsAmungulu catting the birthday cake Defence ForceAir Marshal Martin Kambulu Pinehas with Navy Commander and Rear AdmiralAlweendo PaulusAmungulu. Former Rear Admiral Peter Vilho, Former Admiral Sinsy Nghipandua and Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Alweendo Paulus Amungulu Rudi Bowe


Swakopmund Court Report


Ambrosius Muheua (24), appeared on a chargeofassaultonamemberofthepolice. The matter was postponed to 17 January 2023forcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedis onbail.

PatrickWells(50),JurgenWells(23),a17year-old boy and Melvin Fisch (25), appeared on charges of kidnapping, assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and assault by threat.The matter was postponed to8Decemberforcontinuationoftrail.The accusedareonbail.

RichardGoliath(42),appearedonacharge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 10 Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedison bail.

MaakaVanDerWesthuizen(47),appeared onachargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponed to 13 March 2023 for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.

JamesUirab(24)andRonaldoGaseb(22), appearedonachargeoftheftofamotorvehicle. The matter was postponed to 15 November for prosecutor general's decision. Theaccusedremainsincustody Roy James Simpson (41), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 15 November for further investigations. The accusedremainsincustody GodfriedGariseb(32),appearedonachar geofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm. The matter was postponed to 17 November for further investigations The accusedremainsincustody George Veldskoen (39), appeared on a chargeofmurder.Thematterwaspostponed to21Octoberforcontinuationofbailapplication.Theaccusedremainsincustody.

Jaques Jacobs (26), Bosny Loyallen Cloete (26), Hendrick Frederick (29), appeared on charges of attempted murder, kidnappingandassaultbythreat.Thematter was postponed to 1 November for fixing of trialdate.Theaccusedareonbail. Keanan Keanu Klein (21), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 28Novemberforlegalaid.Theaccusedison bail.

BerniceMoalusi(35),appearedonacharge ofarmsandammunitionact-possessionofa firearm without a license. The matter was postponedto9Novemberbecausethedocketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedisonbail. Inda Kandjimi (26), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 21 November because the docket was not at court.Theaccusedisonbail.

Assani Morisho Ramadhani (35), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent drivingandfailuretoascertaindamagessustained. The matter was postponed to 19 Octoberforplea.Theaccusedisonbail. Kiewiet Oor (55), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 3April 2023 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.

Mbeurora Hangara (18), appeared on a charge of combating an immoral act with a

female. The matter was postponed to 3 Novemberforpleaintermsofsection119.The accusedisonbail.

Demo Gaseb (36), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto27October becausethedocketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedisonbail.

Russel Engelbrecht (18) and a 17-year-old boy, appeared on a charge of robbery The matterwaspostponedto16Novemberforjuvenile screening. Russel Engelbrecht has been warnedandthe17-year-oldboywasreleasedin careofguardian.

Uatona Kavetutjo (20), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 7 Novemberforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedison bail.

Herbert Narib (45), appeared on a charge of suspected stolen property The matter was postponedto3April2023forpleaandtrial.The accusedhavebeensummoned.

Leon Clarke (54), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain damages sustained. The matter was postponed to 21 February 2023 for plea and trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Lucas Kinda (27), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 20 October for tracingofaccused.Theaccusedisatlarge,anda warrantofarrestwasissued.

Jessica Gugowas (26) and Maldon Brandon Stramiss (26), appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine and possession of dependence producingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponedto 25 November for further investigations. The accusedremainsincustody Ndemwoongela Hisindveni (20, Felicio Mwashakenange (26) and Pombili Ndapewoshali (28), appeared on a charge of immigration control act- entering into Namibia at anyplaceotherthenaportofentry Thematter was postponed to 26 October for plea. The accusedremainsincustody

Claus Gregory Gomachab (26), appeared on chargesofassaultonamemberofthepoliceand possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 14 November because the docket was not at court. Theaccusedisonbail.

EddiesonAuxab(26),appearedonachargeof dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 24 January 2023 for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.

AnthenyDoeseb(32),appearedonachargeof assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm. The matter was postponed to 14 November because the docket was not at court. The accusedisonbail.

Matheus Kasheta (26), appeared on a charge offraud.Thematterwaspostponedto6December for further investigations. The accused remainsincustody Ruaan Mbarandongo (20), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 March2023forpleaandtrial.

SoeretesMuyumba(33),appearedoncharges of theft and assault by threat read with the provisionsofthedomesticviolenceact-act4of 2003.Thematterwaspostponedto7November for mental observation report in terms of section79. Theaccusedremainsincustody

Walvis Bay Court Report

Dolin Kamee Mbazuvara (34), Uttering a forged instrument (November2021)Thematterispostponedto8March2023.Plea andTrial.Onbail.

Joseph Tjiharuka (37), Drunk Driving (January 2022) The matter is postponed to 7 December 2022. Trial Partly Heard –MagistratenotAvailable.Onbail. Klemens Dikuwa (44), Drunk Driving (October 2022)The matterispostponedto12October2022.

Romario Buys Mario (18), Possession of Drugs (October 2022)The matter is postponed to 24 October 2022. Trial Partly Heard.ContinuationofTrial.Onwarning. Festus Erastus (26), Failed to display licence disc issued in respect of motor vehicle (October 2022)The accused was found guiltyandwassentenced.



More than one year after the unbelievable efforts of our communityresultedintheestablishmentofafullyequipped COVID care-facility, in July 2022 the decision was taken to dissolvethefacility

Consequently,itwasdecidedtodissolvetheaccountaswell.As onlyabout50%ofthefundswerespend,itwasagreedtocontact the as many benefactors as possible and offer them a pro-rata refund.Alternatively,theremainingfundswillbedonatedtothe followingorganizationsinequalshares:

· MYO (Mondesa Youth Opportunities) (Mondesa Youth Opportunities is a non-profit trust which offers intensive education intervention for students from underprivileged schoolswhoshowabilityandpromise.)

·NamibianWomeninSport(Fundstobeusedtohelpyoungless privileged women to have access to sport and enable them to competeandfindthelovetogrowtheirtalents.Thisprojectaims tonotonlyassisttopathletesbutabroadspectrumofexposure andsupportinsportinvolvementforwomenofallcultures)

· Rotary Club Swakopmund (international organization that is involvedwithcharityinthelocalcommunity)

·SPCA(TheSwakopmundS.P.C.A.contributesimportanthelp forabused,abandonedandhomelesspets.)

·Steppingstones(aPreschoolandaPrimarySchoolforchildren withAutismorotherlearningdifficulties)

During the month ofAugust, the small team made the effort to contactasmanydonorsaspossible,andwecanreportthatmost agreedthatthemoniesshouldbegiventoagoodcause.Butsince wedidnothavecontactdetailsofeverybodyandsomedonations didn't reflect a name on the account, we would hereby kindly wishtoinformallthosethatwedidn'treachyet:

If you have donated and weren't contacted yet but prefer to receiveapro-ratarefundofyourcontribution,pleasecontactus. Wewillrequireaproofofpaymentthoughsincetheverification againstthebankstatementisnotalwayspossible.

By the end of October 2022, we will submit the financial documents and report to an auditor to verify that all has been properlydocumentedandutilizedfortheintendedpurpose. WefromtheCOVIDTASKFORCEwouldliketoagainthankall volunteers and donors who contributed to this unique communityproject!


NAMFISA hosts first-ever legislative and supervisory reform conference

The Namibian Financial Institutions

Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) hosted the first of its kind Legislative and Supervisory Reform Conference thataimstodiscusstheregulatoryand supervisory transformation that is taking place in the financial services sectorinpreparationfortheimminent promulgation of the NAMFISA Act and the Financial Institutions and MarketsAct(FIMA).

The conference was held over two days in the coastal town ofSwakopmundand commenced on Wednesday, 12 October2022.Theconference brought together board of directors, senior executives, princi pal officers, and captains of industry from the non-banking financial services industry and other key stake holders.

Over the two days, presentations on experiencesinRiskbased Supervision, Corporate Gover nance reforms, the role of provision/

savingsforretirement as a social security, anchoring relation ships between regulator and industry in terms of general reforms, market conduct reforms and supervisionofMarket infrastructures were presented.

Speaking at the official opening cere mony of the con ferencetheChiefExecutive Officer (CEO) of NAMFISA Kenneth Matomola said it is of utmost impor tance that stake holders touch base as the regulator, regu lated entities and industry experts to align on the new way

of working Mato mola said, ”the transition to RBS and legislative transformation requires buyinandinvolvementof the regulated entities andkeyroleplayersin the financial services sector. This is pertinenttoavoidunintended outcomes such as changeresistanceand collapse of confi dence in the process of regulatory change.”According to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of NAMFISA, Erna Motinga, frequent global economic shocks, chang-

ing financial land scapes and more recently the COVID19Pandemicelevated risks that industries face daily This begs the question of readiness to deal with the same as participants and as a regulator in the financial sector and specifically in this case the Nonbank Financial Institutionssector Motinga said, “it is outofthesequestions that NAMFISA has taken the first step to ensure that our legislation is in tandem with our challenges

and risks through a regulatory reform focused on the promulgation of the NAMFISA Act and the Financial Institutions and Markets Act (FIMA). At its core, the intention of these reforms is to ensure the industry's ability to adjust to changing financial landscapes, streng thenprudentialsuper vision and to introduceanimportantbut often neglected as pect of financial services, which is consumer protection. As it is always the

case in any regulatory reform, we expect natural friction be tween us as a Regulatorandtheindustry However, the continued cooperation and close consultations over the last few years, I believe, will assist in ensuring alignment of expectations between the two parties,becausethatis essential.”

The Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) exists to supervise financial institutions and finan-

cial services, and to advise the Minister of Finance on mattersrelatingtofinancial institutions and financial services in terms of the NAMFISAAct,2001(No. 3of2001). NAMFISAisfurther responsible for supervising and en forcing compliance with the Financial Intelligence Act, 2012withrespectof all accountable and reporting institu tions supervised by NAMFISA in terms of the NAMFISA Act.

Sharlien Tjambari

Swakopmund COVID Care-Facility dissolved


after the unbelievable efforts of


of a fully equipped


like to again thank all volunteers and donors who contributed to this unique community project! It was an outstanding achievement, and while it was never utilized for its intended purpose it proved what can be achieved if we all come together with a common goal!


availedtheTamariskiaHallforsuchaprolonged period. Since the whole initiative, funding and work was done solely by volunteersandnosupportwasreceivedby thestate,wedecidedtodonateallmaterials and machines back to institutions known forservingthecommunity So,theentireequipmentwasdistributedto: LIONSSwakopmundandWindhoek JOHANITERSwakopmund(buttheyalso distributed machines and bedside tables countrywide)



Wetrustthatthiswaytheoxygenmachines and medical devices will be utilized for a good cause. We still have a significant amount of funds left in our account and willapproachthedonorstoestablishhow thosefundsshallbeused.

Either we can refund pro-rata or donate thesemoniestoprojectsorinstitutionsthe donorsagreeto.

THANK YOU again for all the support received from within Swakopmund, all over NamibiaandfromGermany!

Port Log

If you have donated and would like to receive a pro-rata

please contact us. A

the bank

the end of October 2022, we

of payment

submit the financial

auditor to verify that all has been properly

intended purpose. The remaining funds

a good cause

all volunteers

be donated





refund of your contribution,
required since
verification against
statement is not always possible. By
documents and
to an
documented and utilized for the
to five organizations that serve
in equal shares. We thank
who contributed to this unique community project. SWAKOPMUND's “COVID TASK FORCE” account to be dissolved CISKE’S COVID TASK FORCE #NAMIBIASTRONG @CiskeTaskForce +264 85 658 9008 ciske@hh.na Contact details:
resulted in the establishment
COVID care-facility in only three weeks, the decision was taken to dissolvethefacility

Community members scared to take a stand against drugs

AccordingtostatisticsfromtheNamibianPolice,drugstothevalueofmorethan N$40 million were confiscated in Namibia, while about 2000 Namibians were arrestedinaperiodfromFebruarylastyeartodate.

In light of this, a few members of the Walvis Bay community pitched to a community demonstration to take a stand against drugs organized by local councilor and community Activist,RyanGordon.

The march started in Narraville with only a handful of people from the community showinguponSaturday8Octoberinanaimto take stand against drugs and to encourage residents to unite against this unlawful trade that are destroying lives and families, in not onlytheharbourtown,butthewholecountry

If one looks at the comments residents made when the news broke on social media that Grant Noble and Dinath Azhar received effective jail terms of seven years each, you wouldthinkthatthewholetownwillbeupin arms against drugs, but instead of joining the march, residents opted to peek through their windows and stood outside their homes, watching the small group march through the harbor town street to take a stand against drugs.

Gordon expressed his disappointment in the lowturnoutwhendrugsareaknownproblem in the community“The march was not politically motivated, but was supposed to encourageresidentsofWalvisBaytouniteand say no to drugs that are destroying so many families in our community Sadly, nobody joined, apart from the Landless People's MovementYouth.”

According to Gordon, Narraville is infested withmandraxsoldforascheapasN$20,while crack can be bought for about N$100 and cannabisforaslittleasN$10. “Werecentlyarrestedagroupofdealerswhile theywerebusysprayingcannabiswithdoom. Other drugs are also laced with deadly substancesandcankillourchildreninstantly. That is why we are taking a stand against drugs. We are tired of drugs in the Erongo region and are here for those parents who are suffering. I will continue to fight against drugs, even if I have to do it alone,” Gordon saidduringthemarch.

Gordon added that the police and the community know exactly where the drug dealers operate and exactly who the drug dealersare.“Thepoliceknowwhotheyare,the drug squad, the neighbourhood watch and the community know them. I don't know why we areafraidofthesecriminals.TheyarenotGod. It was sad that the community did not pitch. Despitethis,Iwillnotstop.Wewillcontinueto fight this fight. Where are the churches? We need our church leaders to get involved, the police, drug squad, the reservists and the neighbourhoodwatches,”Gordonadded.

AccordingtoGordon,therearemore'runners' (delivery boys) than dealers in the harbour town. “Cocaine, mandrax, marijuana and the useofrocksarerifeinWalvisBay “Wehavea lotofdealers,whoaremakinguseofrunners. These are children as young as 10 years old transportingparcelsofN$20orN$50worthof drugs. When we arrest these children, they refusetotelluswhothedealersare.”

According to him, many families suffer in silence, as their children are being used as runners by drug dealers and some are using drugs.

LMP youth members also expressed their disappointment towards residents, saying some are claiming they are Christians, yet are partofthedrugtrade.

Theyouthmemberssaid“wewantedtomakea statement that we are tired of drugs in Walvis Bay Wearehereforthosekidsusingdrugsand the parents suffering because of the drugs. Somebody needs to stand up against the drug dealers.”

“Wehavetotakeastandasacommunity Ifwe don'tstandupnothingwillhappen.Evenifwe have to demonstrate alone, or if we are only five, we will not stop until the drug dealer's drugsstop,”thememberssaid.

The Narraville Community Against Crime, startedwithoperationsearlierthisweekwitha number of dealers and runners arrested for dealingandinpossessionofdrugs.



· Roadactivitiestocommence17October2022

· ConstructionperiodfromOctober2022–November2022

Please adhere to all temporary roads, signs and beware of road workersandConstructionvehicles.

The intersection will be closed off completely residents and clients to nearbybusinesseswillbegrantedaccess.

We appreciate your understanding, patience and co-operation and apologise for any inconvenience caused during the period of construction.

Rudi Bowe
Website: www.namibtimes.net

Qatar Minister of State for Energy Affairs pays courtesy visit to Namibian Mines minister

TheMinisterofStateforEnergyAffairsintheStateofQatar, H.EEng.SaadBinSheridaAlKaabi,paidacourtesyvisitto his counterpart, Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo where matters pertaining to the importance of skillsdevelopmentintheNamibiangasandoilsector,shareholding structures and time lines and activities before possibleproductionwereaddressed.

In warranting Namibia's development of a national Petroleum Development Stra tegy, the country not only aims to acquire assistancefromQatar and to have the best policies to ensure effective manage ment of capital that willberequiredform oil and gas exploration and produc tion, but also look at Qatar for the assistance in areas of environmental management. The Qatar Minister touched on theimportanceoffast andeffectivegovernment processes and systems and the importance of EPC contracts, in which close management would be required whenrealisingexploration and ultimately production The Qatar Minister also paid a visit to the President, Dr Hage G. Geingob at the StateHouse.

Eileen van der Schyff

Girls remembered on International Day of the Girl Child

Behind Project', aimed ataddressingtheneeds of the most vulnerable group. “We feel that a girlshouldstartalifein a dignified way, as an openbookinwhichshe writes her own story and as she moves through her life chapter, she needs to be nurtured, encouraged, and supported so that she has a greater chance of recognizing and realising her potential and oppor tunities ” Amkongo encouraged the girls to take up their space in theworld.

Fifty adolescent girls at Hanganeni Primary School received dignity kits from the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA)ontheInternationalDay of the Girl Child, which is commemorated annually on 11 October and aimed at empowering girls and amplifyingtheirvoicesaroundtheglobe.

The United Nations General Assembly declared 11 October as InternationalDayofthe Girl Child after adopting Resolution 66/170, torecognisegirls'rights and the unique challenges girls face around theworldon19December2011.

The International Day oftheGirlChildfocuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls' empower ment and the fulfilment oftheirhumanrights.

In the dignity kits/bag contains a face cloth, toothbrush and toothpaste,underwear,washing powder, bath soap, sanitary pads, a dignity book consisting of all information regarding a girl's dignity and a multipurpose wrapping material or cloth called “oshitenge”.

According to Loide AmkongotheOfficerin Charge at the UNFPA, UNFPA is a sexual reproductive agency that is operating in Namibia, it is an inter national agency, their head office in is Windhoekbuttheyoperatein the regions, supporting the government and partners to end unmet need for family planning Amkongo said, “we want to make sure thatyounggirlswhoare sexuallyactiveandwant contraceptives can accessthem.Wewantto ensure that we end preventable maternal death-if somebody gets pregnant intentionally or unintentionally, we want to make sure that you deliver that baby safely We also aim at ensuring that we end gender-based violence, thosearethethreeareas in which UNFPA in Namibiaoperates.”

AccordingtoAmkongo, UNFPA received about US$7.4 million to fund the “Leaving no one

In an acceptance speechonbehalfofthe region, read on his by the Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council, Benitha Imbamba, during the handover ceremony, the Governor of Erongo region, Neville Andre Itope said this support is made possiblebytheUNFPAwith the financial support from the government of Japan through a project called 'Leaving nooneBehindProject'. The speech read: “Today we are reminded to show solidarity with adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers and show support through theprovisionofdignity kits. This may seem to be a small gesture but for the beneficiaries, it isalifesaver Weknow some girls and women continue to accept gender-basedviolence, contract HIV, have unwanted pregnancies, and get raped because they have no basic, personal and hygiene items.”

Itope in his speech reminded the learners of Hanganeni Primary school about the importance of edu cation, “Always remember that no matter your back ground,youarevalued, youmatter,andyouare a diamond to this region, Namibia and theWorld.”

The governor also emphasised the impor tance of including and engagingmenandboys as they are sometimes unabletocopewiththe demands of this world andresorttosuicide.

UNFPA donated about 350 dignity kits girls andpregnantwomento the Erongo region, and it is said that they will reach areas such as Karibib, Omaruru, and Usakos.

Sharlien Tjambari
More pics on pg 11


of the



remembered on International Day
Girl Child More pics from pg 10
Campus Tel: +264 64 270 900 Fax: +264 64 203 112 P.O. Box 3228 Walvis Bay
Campus Tel: +264 63 202 800 Fax: +264 63 202 678 P.O. Box 470 Lüderitz NAMFI is inviting prospective students to apply for training programs starting in the First semester The programs are to be offered in January 2023 for the duration as indicated. The programmes offered are as per the table below Important Notice to all Candidates: st1. AllformswithsupporteddocumentsmustreachNAMFI'sofficesnotlaterthan21 October2022. th2 Therewillbeacompulsoryentrancetestforallclass6applicants.Thefirsttestwillbewrittenonthe28 October2022and2ndtestforthosewhowereunabletoattendthefirsttest,willbegivenan stopportunitytowriteon01 November2022 3. Anon-refundableapplicationfeeofN$150.00mustbedepositedinNAMFI'sBankAccount,asfollows: BankName: BankWindhoek AccountNumber: 1108380902 Accounttype: NDP Branch: WalvisBay NB:PLEASEATTACHACOPYOFYOURDEPOSITSLIPWITHAPPLICATIONFORMASAPROOFOFPAYMENT 4. LimitedHostelaccommodationisavailabletosuccessfulcandidates;thehostelispayable3monthsinadvanceatthefeeofN$3,267.00 5. Successful Level 1& 2, candidates will be asked to pay a non-refundable registration fee of N$2,000.00 before the commencement of the course. 6. Forfurtherinformation,pleasedonothesitatetocontacttheREGISTRATIONUNITatTel:064-270900or064-270928 CLOSINGDATEFORALLAPPLICATIONS:21stOctober2022

The Namibian Maritime & Fisheries Institute (NAMFI) was formally established in 1996 by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) as a Trust. NAMFI's primary responsibility is to provide training to the maritime and fisheries industry.

Suitably qualified and highly motivated candidates are invited to apply for the position:

Deputy Director

HOD of Safety

Closing Date for application 21 October 2022

Kindly visit: for detailed information.https://nieis.namibiaatwork.gov.na/


Home for Children


Jonah Home for Children is a registered children's home and provides all manner of care services to 14 children between the ages of 8 and 18. The house mother is the primary caregiver to the children and the central role model and authority figure in their lives. The position calls for a person of exceptional maturity and emotional intelligence.


· Build & maintain a relationship of trust and safety with the children.

· Take a personal interest in each child to promote his/her development process.

· Act as the primary role model and “parent” to children. Be consistently engaged in and on top of what's happening in the children's lives.

· Assume primary responsibility for the routine and discipline in the home.

· Apply the house rules in a consistent, flexible & mature manner

· Drive children to and from school and extracurricular activities.

· Prepare and serve meals.


· Grade 12 – Must be able to assist children up to Grade 8/9 with homework.

· Code BE Drivers' License & PDP

· No criminal record

· Excellent communication- & coaching skills.

· Experience: At least 45 years old and should have raised children of their own.

· Must be able to live in without other dependants.

· Exceptional emotional intelligence.

· Some training in education / social work / counselling a distinct advantage

This is a full time live-in position and will appeal to persons with a passion and calling to care for children, as salaries are not market related. Interested persons may apply by forwarding their CV to: jonah.home@iway.na.

Closing date for applications: 31 October 2022 VACANCY


External Job Vacancy Summary


Westmed,anequalopportunityemployer,seekstoexpanditssalesforcewith a strong, self motivated, charismatic applicant to fill position as: PharmaceuticalSalesRepresentative(Avalife)(basedinWalvisBay).

Avacare Health is an integrated healthcare group serving theAfrican region and beyond through the distribution and supply of pharmaceuticals, medical consumables,consumerhealthandmedicalequipment. Foundedin1996by anesthesiologist, Dr Vikramkumar Naik, with a vision to make a difference to thepeopleofAfrica.

Our greatness lies in our commitment to bring affordable healthcare to the people ofAfrica, and for our products and services to be accessible in every partofAfricaandbeyond.Operatingacross3continentswithpresencein22 countries,ourinnatepassionandcommitmenttodelivertimeouslyhashelped us make our mark in the pharmaceutical and healthcare arena. Achieving success is about having vision and belief that “Yesterday we were good, todaywearebetterandtomorrowweshallbegreat”









·Abilitytoquicklydevelopin-depthknowledgeaboutapplicableproductsand markets







Validdriver'slicenseessential.Pleasedonotapplyifyoudonothavea validdriver'slicense.


·Presents,promotesandsellsproductsusingconvincingargumentsto existingandprospectivecustomers

·Preparesactionplansandschedulestoidentifyspecifictargetsandtoproject thenumberofcontactstobemade

·Identifiessalesprospectsandcontactstheseandotheraccountsas assigned


·Maintainsprofessionalandtechnicalknowledgebyattendingeducational workshops;reviewingprofessionalpublications;establishingpersonal networks;participatinginprofessionalsocieties

·Keepsmanagementinformedbysubmittingactivityandresultsreports,such asdailycallreports,weeklyworkplans,andmonthlyandannualterritory analysesplusclosingstatus,follow-upcommunicationactionsand adherencetogoals

·Coordinateswithcompanystafftoaccomplishtheworkrequiredtoclose sales


·Provideshistoricalrecordsbymaintainingrecordsonareaandcustomer sales


·Servicesexistingaccounts,obtainsorders,andestablishesnewaccountsby planningandorganizingdailyworkscheduletocallonexistingorpotential salesoutletsandothertradefactors



·Resolvescustomercomplaintsbyinvestigatingproblems;developing solutions;preparingreports;andmakingrecommendationstomanagement

·Takeschargeoftheresolutionofcustomerproblemsandcomplaintsto maximizecustomersatisfaction

·Communicatesnewproductsandopportunities,specialdevelopments, information,orfeedbackgatheredthroughfieldactivitytoappropriate companystaff

·Monitorscompetitionbygatheringcurrentmarketplaceinformationon pricing,products,newproducts,deliveryschedules,merchandising techniques,etc.andreportssaidinformationbacktothecompany



ClosingDateforApplications:21October2022(CVswithqualifications to be sent to with subject line “Avalife Repre-hr@erongomed.com sentative”).

Avacare Health Group (Avacare) cares about your privacy Avacare and other subsidiary or affiliated companies of Avacare are committed to protecting your privacy Avacare is an equal opportunity organization thatpridesitselfonitsdiverseteamsacrosstheglobe.

If you have not heard from us within one month of your application, pleaseregardyourapplicationashavingbeenunsuccessful.





·EngagewithFSSCregardingthefollowingtransactions:onetimevendor payments,earlypayments,blockedinvoices,blockedpaymentsandreversal APpayments

·Obtainandensurecompletionofcustomercreditapplicationdocumentsand submitforapproval


·Managethesubmissionof bankstatementstoFSSCwhererequired







·Ensurethat invoicesaresubmitted tocustomersintime



·Prepare,coordinateexternal/internalauditrequirementsandassistwith addressingauditqueries







The incumbent should have the following:







AECI Namibia offers a competitive remuneration package with benefits


candidates who meet the above requirements need apply enclosing

currentcurriculumvitaeandcertifiedcopiesofcertificatesto: Kago.Mmolawa@aeciworld.com & Christel.Stergiadis@aeciworld.com

Closing Date: 20 October 2022

Only short listed candidates will be responded to.


In the Consolidated Estates of the late: 1 Daniel Hendrik Welgemoed who died on 19 June2021; 2. Susanna Jocina Welgemoed who died on 20 June 2021 residing at No 159 Libertina Amathila Avenue, Swakop mund,Erongo,Namibia.

Notice hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distri butionAccount lyingforis inspectionattheofficesof the Master of the High CourtatWindhoekandthe Magistrate’s Office at Swakopmund for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication hereof for all interestedparties.

If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodged within the period stated, the Executor will proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.

PIETERHAMMAN Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund

(Ref:MAT1 -PH/ )8500 ta


Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998,particularsofwhich appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of theDistrictof

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Burning Shore Investment(Pty)Ltd,POBox 40194,Windhoek.

2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: The BurningShore.

3 Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 152, Long Beach, Walvis Bay, Erongo, Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application: Application for Special Liquor Licencetosellallkindof liquor on licensed premises. Application operates in the Hospitality industry and related business.

5. Where application will be lodged: Magistrate, District,WalvisBay

6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 14 October2022.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the MagistrateoftheDistrict, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the applicationislodged.


Shack Fires Spark Questions About Farm 37

WalvisBayRuralConstituencyCouncilorFlorianDonatus says,“fornowthereisnothingtheycandobutpatientlywait forlocalauthoritytobeginrelocatingpeopletoFarm37".

Thiswasinresponsetoaquestionposedwithregardstotheshackfirethat tookplaceonSunday,inKuisebmond,ravaging12shacksand2cars.Farm 37 has been a long alluded solution for congestion in the coastal town, but some residents are becoming restless because of the lack of progress being communicatedaroundit.

Whenaskedwhytherelocationhasnotyethappened,Donatusstatedthatthe regional council is sitting with a back log of potential candidates for the relocation, but they are sifting through them so as to give precedence to residentsthathavebeeninWalvisBayforalongerperiodoftime,waitingfor landtobeallocatedtothem.

He addressed the risk of fire outbreaks, especially regarding the congested informal settlement of Twaloloka, stating the rural constituency council is awareoftheplightoftheirpeoplewhosufferunderpoorlivingconditions, some still living in tents ever since the infamous Twaloloka Fire that took theirhomes.

For now, he says we have been able to provide them with communal taps, portable toilets, and spaced out the shacks in order to reduce potential damagefromafireoutbreak.

NAPWU 10th National Congress ends tomorrow Sharlien Tjambari

The Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) 10th National Congress was officially opened under the theme “Workers demand job security, affordable services and promote high productivityintheareaofCovid-19andbeyond”,inSwakopmundon Thursdaythisweek.

NAPWU congress members from central, northern, and western regions gathered to reflect on the battles they have waged on behalf of workers collectivelyoverthepastfiveyears,tocelebratetheirvictories,tolearnfrom theirdefeats,torejuvenateNAPWU,andtostrategizeforthestrugglesahead.

TheGovernoroftheErongoregion,NevilleAndreItopeinhisremarksatthe official opening of the congress said, “workers have faced countless socioeconomic crises since your last Congress.Yet you have survived.You have scars and wounds. You have lost painful battles and you have won historic victories.Youhavelearnedfromyourmistakesandarewiserforthem.What we cannot afford to do is to divide workers, fight over positions, or destroy unions.Todosoisafailureofleadership,itisabetrayalofworkers.”

AccordingtothePresidentofNAPWU,SarafinaKandere,NAPWUalways has strived to be a vibrant avenue for collective bargaining and sound communicationbetweenitsmembersandemployers,andotherstakeholders. Kandere said, “the aim was and continues to be striving to encourage and promotethespiritofunityandsolidarityamongallworkersbasedonitsmotto andphilosophyoftheindivisibilityoftheNamibianworker'smovement.”

InaspeechreadonhisbehalfbytheMinisterofPresidentialAffairs,Christine //Hoabes, the President of Namibia Hage Geingob said, “the 10th national congressofNAPWUprovidesusanopportunitytostrategizeonhowwecan work together to ensure Namibia's economic revival and continued path towards prosperity Since independence, government has always prioritized theinterestsandsafetyoftheNamibianworkers.Aspeoplewhofoughtforthe freedom,liberty,andjusticeofallNamibians,webelievethatthewelfareof Namibianworkersissacrosanct.”

According to Geingob, to concretise this sentiment, government through arrangements at the labour advisory council passed the LabourAct of 2007 which establishes a comprehensive labour law which governs all activities and the relationship between employers and employees. “This includes the entrenchmentoffundamentallabourrightsandprotections,theregulationof basictermsandconditionsofemployment,theassuranceofhealthandsafety, theprotectionofemployeesfromunfairlabourpracticesandtheregistration ofemployerandemployeeorganizations.”

Geingob further said, “it pleases me to note that although we have faced dauntingchallengesandwillfacemoreinthefuture,wearegalvanizedbyour unityasprogressivesocialpartners. Governmentandtheunions,theNamibia PublicWorkersUnion,andtheNamibiaNationalTeachersUnionarenotonly social partners, but revolutionary partners who always worked together in a spiritofharmony,intheinterestofnationhood.”

Eliphas Sheepo

C l a s s i f i e d s



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Pleasecontacttheoffice ofLudwigSchröder EstateAgentsCCon064 402349forfurther information.


E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netORsmallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication
house,palm treesandthatchroofs
companiesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting. Contact:0812748447
FLATTORENT INMORSE ROAD–HERMESNO.13 2slaapkamer woonstel N$5800.00p/m W/Eincl. Underroofparking Tel:0811426948.
FORSALE FOR SALE Pre-cast shop complete with interlocking paving as floor and asbestos roof with 2 x selling windows with burglar bars as well as a lockable entry door, Shelving on inside, 200Ltr Deep freezer( 1 yr old), counter top, separate buildin pizza oven, 2 outside tables with benches. Size of shop itself is 3mtr x 2mtr Must be dismantled and removal will be on new owner's cost after purchase. Total Price N$36000.00… Call 081 659 1689 ISUOPSOEKNA‘nHUIS tekoopinNarraville 3slaapkamers ingeboudekaste sitkamer,eetkamer,tvkamer, studyroom,kombuis,garage Plus2xwoonsteleagterin yard Koopkrag(prepaid) Pryonderhandelbaar Kontak:0814528679 14OCTOBER202216NAMIBTIMES

C l a s s i f i e d s




Traurig aber dankbar geben wir bekannt, daß mein geliebter Mann und unser Daddy, nach kurzer Krankheit, friedlich einschlafen durfte

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1.Meersig under construction freestanding

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EstateLate HansThomass

EstateNo: E1734/2022

In the estate of the late Hans Thomass, Id nr: 32011300134, un married, who was ordinarily resident at Flat No.3,MiraMar,Vineta, Swakopmund and who diedatSwakopmundon 6December2021.

All persons having claimsagainsttheabove estate are hereby called upontofiletheirclaims with the undersigned within30daysfromthe date of the publication hereof.

RobertPohl (Executor)

JanOlivier&Co OfficeNo1,CafeTreff Plaza

25SamNujoma Avenue




CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self-Catering)ONERFNO:412TOWNSHIP/ AREA:LangstrandSTREETNAME&NO: 17 KuisebStreet,Langstrand.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an:Accomodation Establishment (SelfCatering).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 4 November 2022.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Mareza Schutz, representing Swallow InvestmentsEight(Pty)Ltd,POBox3058,Walvis Bay,Namibia email:fritz.schutz@gmail.com

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Peake Old Man River

Last week was the third and final leg of the OLD MAN RIVERchallenges,whichwasthenewformatofmedalless Stableford points were played recently at the Walvis Bay GolfClub(WBGC).

Winner on the day was David Peake winning a count out on 16 points, with AntonvanRensburgalsoplaying16pointsinsecondplace. Thirdplace,also winning a count out on 17 points was Nardo Sardinha, pipping Shane Westerdale.

HoweveritwouldnotkeepingupwiththetrendifShanedidnotwinaprize, andsohedid–44StablefordpointssawhimwintheStablefordprizeanda newhandicapthreelowerthanwhenhestartedtheround.

Therewasonlyone2clubonthedayandthiswasbyKevindeReuck. Well donetothegreenteamongettingthecourseupandrunningafterthecoring. Greatworkguysandthanksfortheefforts.

Therewereafewbigmedalscores,nonehigherthanthe13[nett12]onthepar 3secondhole–nonamesnopackdrill–whichobviouslyspoiltagreatround, andtooksaidplayeroutofcontention.

OurclubjuniorsplayedintheOmeyajunioropenoverthepastweekendand performedwithgreataplomb.TheAdivisiongrosswinnerwasKyleJohnson, BdivisionoverallwinnerwasChristiaanSangenberg,Bdivisiongrossrunner stupJPJohnson,CdivisionoverallwinnerwasAshleyMartins,Cdivision1 stplaceRiegoJulieandDdivision1 placeEmelioMaboh. Welldonetheteam andwelldonePoenaJohnsononagreatsetofresults.

WBGC announce the passing of legend at the club in years gone by Aunt Mavis Panton last Friday The road to the club is called the Mavis Panton Drive. The club and all its members extend their sincere condolences to Buddy,Anaandthefamilies.Maysherestinpeace.


The Rossmund Week of SAGES will be played from 31 October to 4 November

th th

The leg of the WBGC national SAGES will be played over 10 and 11 December

Annual General Meeting


Notice is hereby given of theAGM of Kudu Rugby Club that will take place on Thursday 27 October 2022 at 18:00 at Lutheran Church Hall Narraville

The Club invite all members and those interested to the meeting.

Bikers roar in harbour town

Kingsandthepricegivingwithachurchservicethat concludedtheeventonSundaymorning.

The 1313 Mac's Familia Namibia a family oriented motorcycle club that are the FamiliawingofMac'sSouthAfricaheldthe 21steditionoftheFishEagleRallyfrom7to 9OctoberinWalvisBay.

About 300 bikes from all over Namibia and South Africaroaredintheharbortownastheycelebrated their fellow brothers and sisters at the largest motorcycle rally in Namibia. This year the Fish Eagle Rally brought together hundreds of motor cycleenthusiasts.

The President of 1313 Mac's Familia Namibia, Rassie Erasmus said this year's rally was the best, and is pleased with the number of bikers that attendedtherally Thethree-dayrallykickedoffon Friday, 7 October with the Barrel Rumble, an aged traditionwherebythefallenbikersareremembered andhonourandthecrowningofasMissFishEagle Rally

OnSaturday,amassridemovedthroughthestreets ofWalvisBay,whereafterbikerspushedtheirbikes tothelimitonthedragstripatWalvisBay Afterthis was games and fun with Burnout and Doughnut

TheBravestBikersaccoladewasawardedtoHerbet &DorisBucheggeraAustriancouplethathasbeen traveling across theAfrican continent for the past fivemonths.Thecouplewhotraveled18500km,by chance,enteredthe21strally

The 1313 Mac's Familia was the best represented club, with Ricci Nichle the Burnout King while PierreGroblertheDoughnutKingandJohanOosthuizenWheelieKing.

South African legend biker Oros, who travelled 2613 km, was named as the male biker who travelledthelongestdistancetotherallywithAnneMarie Le Roux named as the lady who travelled 1982km,thelongestdistancetotherally Pierre Grobler was the fastest biker over a quarter mile with a time of 10:10 seconds in the 950 cc+ class with EdsonAlmeida in 10:13 seconds in the Open class, Marius Hendricks on a 950 cc third in 11:45 seconds and Allan Jenne on a 350 – 950cc fourthin12:46secondsintheCruiserclass.

In the ladies category Geraldine Botha was the fastestinthewomen'scategoryinatimeof11:16secondsandAmandaKotzesecondin17:25seconds.

14OCTOBER2022School News
The winner of the Old Man River David Peake receiving his prize from Shane Westerdale Rudi Bowe

Krähenbühl and Viljoen off to World Championships

Destination Swakopmund tees up at Rossmund

With a fair field of golfers despite many of our SaturdaygolferscompetinginWindhoek,theday wasquitechillywithacoolnortherlywind. TheOverallWinnerswereRina&BillyKnighton 45points; John Horne/Tienie van Rensburg with 43points c/o over Marco Swarts/Warren Theron.

It was great to see some new faces amongst the winners–upsettheapplecartsospeakasfarasthe MeritListisconcerned.TienievanRensburgshot theonly2-cluboftheday

Rossmund is proud of our two young/not so young golfers, Hein Lindvelt and Andrew van Schalkwyk who were successful in winning the AnnualWindhoekLagerInternationalPairs2022 final held in Windhoek over the past weekend. They will represent not only Namibia but also Rossmund Golf Club at the International Pairs FinalinSpain.

Rossmund Golf Club thanked Gerhard and his team headed up by Oliver not only for your continuedsupportofGolfatRossmundbutforall the work and effort you put in to promoting Namibiaasanumberonedestination.

Krähenbühl andViljoen are not only the Rossmund Bowling club single champions but also the Namibia Men's and Ladies Singles Champions.

Namibiawillbepartof38Countries that will each send their Bowls SinglesChampionsineachgender

The Rossmund single Bowls champions are hard at work preparingforthetaskahead.

MorenewsfromtheNamibianBowls Federation is that two men's teams andoneladiesteamwillrepresentthe country at the Quadrangular Bowls Tournament from 27 November to 3 DecemberinGeorgeSouthAfrica.

Trialsfortheselectionoftheteamsto represent the Land of the Brave in SouthAfricawererecentlyheldatthe ErosBowlingClubinWindhoek.

The following players have been selected;


Skip- MarietjievandenBerg

Third- DianaViljoen

Second-AnjuleenViljoen Lead- BiancaLewis


Skip- GrahamSnyman

Third- JohanJacobs


Lead- ChristoSteenkamp


Skip- AxelKrahenbuhl

Third- WillieEsterhuizen

Second-GideonAppollis Lead- SchalkvanWyk

Playtime develops girl’s football in Walvis Bay

Althoughwomen'ssoccerispopularandwellestablishedinmanycountries,Namibiahaslaggedbehindin thedevelopmentofwomen'ssoccer,particularlyattheyouthlevel.

Therefore, Playtime has started with a youth development programme that currently caters for girls fromunder11tounder17inWalvisBay

Playtime Namibia Trust is a charitable trust that develops the youth thru sports since 2016. Currently morethan1200childrenparticipateinvarioussporting activitiesthatincludingfootball,cricketandathleticsin WalvisBay

As part of the development of women's football programme,Playtimehostedasuccessfulunder17girls' soccertournamentbetweenPlaytimeandtwoteamfrom Otjiwarongo Secondary School on 7-8 October in WalvisBay

Otjiwarongofirstteamwalkedawaywiththegoldwhile Playtime first and second teams walked away with the silverandbronzemedals.

Pubilic Relations and Communications Manager at Playtime Namibia Trust Gareth Amos said that they weredelightedtohavehostedthetournamentandwere particularlyimpressedwiththehighstandardsthatwere on display throughout the tournament “It was phenomenaltowitnesstheskillsondisplaythroughout the weekend overall and in particular the fact that we thatgirlssoccerinontheupandupnationwide.”

“WhilePlaytimehasathrivingsoccerprogrammebased in town, the Trusts primary focus is on children from previously disadvantaged communities and as such conduct the majority of our programs “The Hub” in Kuisebmond which is a top end modern facility that includesanartificialgrasssoccerpitch”Amossaid.

Amos added “Playtime also provides PT lessons for children in a number of schools in Kuisemond Walvis Bay

According to Amos, the Trust continues to grow from strength to strength with the ongoing assistance from sponsorships from the local business in the private sectors.

“We would also like to take the opportunity to thank CarolineGruhnfromLagoonChalets,whosponsoredthe accommodationforthe17girlsthatparticipated,aswell astheWalvisBayRoadRunnersClub,whoprovidedthe teams with water bottles, tog bags and other sporting items. It only through sponsorship from the local communitythatweareabletohostthesetournamentsand our other youth development programs continuously” statedAmos.

Following the success of the tournament, Playtime is hoping to send their girl's teams to Otjiwarongo for a secondtournamentsometimeinthenewfuture.

AxelKrähenbühlandDianaViljoen,bothfromRossmundBowlingclub will represent Namibia at the World Champion of Champions Singles TournamentinNovemberinNewZealand. DestinationSwakopmundteedupRossmundGolfClubwiththeirmonthlyBetterballCompetition onSaturday,8October. Rudi Bowe Destination Swakopmund Winners: Warren Theron; Marco Swarts; Rina Knight; Billy Knight; Tienie van Rensburg and John Horne Rossmund's two not so young golfers, Hein Lindvelt and Andrew van Schalkwyk

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namib times Sport

Outdoor Hockey history at the coast

HistorywasmadelastweekendasthefirstNamibianoutdoorleaguegameswereplayedonthe MelvynvanRooyenAstroTurfattheWalvisBayPrivateSchool(WBPS)intheharbourtown.

Gone are the days that coastal and Windhoek based Hockey teams will play Outdoor Hockey onahardsandfieldinWalvisBay

Thiswassaidbythecoachesofthevisitingteams fromWindhoek.Theythanked WBPSandtheir sponsorformakingthispossible.

The Melvyn van Rooyen Astro Turf that is availableforallHockeymatcheswasopenedlast month was built to a cost of about 6.5 million Namibiandollars.

The three coastal teams are also extremely gratefultotheschoolforallowingthemtomake useofthestateoftheartAstro.



SpartabeatWanderers10-0 WestCoastWolvesbeatWanderers3-0 SpartabeatCoastalRaiders2-0 CoastalRaidersbeatWanderers4-1 WestCoastWolvesbeatSaints3-2


SpartabeatWanderers2-1 SaintsbeatWestCoastWolves2-0 WanderersbeatWestCoastWolves5-1 SpartaandSaintsdraw2-2

Coastal Boytjies in training squad

Kudus Rugby players have been selected for the Windhoek Draught Welwitschias training squad to represent the Namibia Rugby Union in the Dr Hage Geingob Rugby Cup against the Windhoek Draught Griquas at the Dr Hage Geingob National RugbyStadiumon5November.

The Kudus Rugby players selected are Captain Cameron (Cammie) Langenhoven, PJ Walters, Joshua (Jossie) Jacobs, Justin Newman andChadPlato.

The National Rugby team will also play against Spain on 12 November in Spain and against Canada on 19 November in the Netherlands.

The Dr Hage Geingob Cup was launched for the eighth year with rugby to benefit for the firsttimeinthecontinuation.

The Dr Hage Geingob Cup is a reflection of the passion the President has for sport in the country It's not just for its entertainment value, but because sport is about discipline, hardwork,healthandnationbuildingwhichis


The three main sponsors of the Dr Hage Geingob Cup will provide close to N$4 million for the tournament, with MTC contributing N$1,6 million, Namibia Breweries Limited N$1,5 million and Bank WindhoekN$500000.

Theproceedsofthiseventwillgodirectlyto the Namibia Rugby Union, to help the nationalteamtoprepareforthe2023Rugby WorldCupinFrance.

to journalist5@namibtimes.net
Sparta ladies Hockey team Wanderers ladies Hockey team Coastal Raiders

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