15 April 2014
namib times
Italian style page 3
Quality Bricks page 4
Tile Mania
page 6
page 8
Planning of building or setting up a family home?
Always opt for quality. After all, you may be building for future generations.
The fully sculptured Veka FS system is the latest generation of quality, highly engineered systems in PVC-U with sculptured sightlines designed to emulate traditional timber windows. The sculptured looks and rigid profile design make this 70mm system ideal for replacement, new-build, commercial and the conservatory market. Available in white, oak foil and rosewood foil - both sides or exterior only - the system features low sightline and rolled-in welded gaskets to prevent shrinkage, with sculptured 28mm beading to reflect lines on the main profiles. The highly accredited Veka
sculptured system is the product of choice for discerning home owners, architects, and house-builders alike. The full range of residential and french doors, casement windows, tilt & turn and top swing windows are available, manufactured to the highest standards using the latest CNC automated production
machinery. uPVC Veka Windows Add character and style to homes to complement or blend in with its existing appearance. Veka sash and casement windows add that traditional style to homes, while vertical sliding sash windows add a more
vintage character to buildings. uPVC Residential Doors Veka quality uPVC doors keep homes warm, draught free and create a solid deterrent to intruders. Available in a white or a variety of wood grain finishes and decorative finishes to suit the character of any home.
15 APRIL 2014
Sun Valley Development
The Sun Valley Development Team
15 APRIL 2014
Choosing tiles for your Sanitile cc Swakopmund home More than ever, magazines are packed with beautiful ideas and unique combinations of what effect tiles can have on a space. We have the power to choose and experiment with colour and style. When starting a new building project or your dream house, prepare yourself. Nothing is worse than being told that by next week, the builder wants to start tilling. In many cases, choosing colour and effect is the single most exhausting experience of building a dream house, because the choices made will be seen by friends and family and reflect more than just style and preference. It reflects personality. Why buy a tile that is on stock or on sale, when with a little preparation and enough time, you can have the tiles you want. Many tile outlets today are non-stockist of the tiles on display. Normally meaning that the variety is big and changes regularly to keep on trend. With a little time and patience, you can have what is on display. Normally 3 weeks is the time required to deliver. Some tips for your upcoming project. - Come prepared. Have pictures and ideas you like with you so you can show the sales assistant what you like. Know what you are willing to negotiate on and what not. For the sales team this is a huge help. - Know what you can spend and inform your sales consultant of the budget. This will help them ”move” the finances around to ensure you get what you absolutely want and give you a more budget friendly option on the more flexible areas of your house. - Advice is for free, ask questions and inform yourself why this costs that and something else has a different price. Remember that quality has its price, as has colour. The newer the trend, the higher the price. - As for a specified quote. So you know what you get and what you will need additionally. - Be aware that everything you see, is not always affordable. In most cases a style can be copied for less and still look very nice. Magazines are made for the wow effect, being sponsored by companies wanting to showcase their products. - Do not get forced to make a decision. Give yourself enough time to decide without pressure. - Do not be afraid to do what you want. Copy and paste rarely reflects one’s own style. Ask for help in achieving what you want to see and do not get intimidated by what the sales staff say is available or trendy. - Last but not least: limit the amount of friends you are going to ask if they like your choice. Style is widely different and asking for someone’s opinion is inviting in criticism. Be prepared to have friends who will not like your choice. Remind yourself that you are living in this house, not them. Write-up by Alexia, Design consultant for Sanitile cc.
Plain and simple. But never boring. Our tiles make you want to use the bathroom. In our showroom we will assist you with finding that perfect tile, creating that perfect look. All while enjoying a cup of coffee. Don’t put us on your bucket list. COME VISIT US! Sanitile showroom: 23, Manume Ya Ndemufayo str Swakopmund. Tel + 264 64 405 347
Phone us for an in-store design consultation. Let us help you take the hassle out of making a decision.
15 APRIL 2014
BAARD GROUP Te l + 2 6 4 6 4 2 7 4 8 0 0
+264 64 274 810
We produce quality bricks that are daily tested by Adcon according to SABS standards. Our clients range from big building contractors to engineers. Quality and service is our common goal.
On our Quality stocklist: • 7 & 14 M.P.A. Bricks • Super Bricks • 6” Blocks • 9” Blocks & U Blocks • 40 M.P.A. Rockface • 60mm Pavers • 60mm Interlocks • Kerb Stones • Linthols • Dune Sand • Gypsum • 19mm Building Stone • Unsifted Building Sand • Sifted Building Sand • River pebbles • Hiring of Earth Moving Equipment • Dewatering
15 APRIL 2014
Die Begin Dae Van
Baard Groep
Ons gesin het na Walvisbaai verhuis in 1992 vanaf Windhoek met 2 trokke om by die Munisipaliteit te begin werk. Gou het ek besef daar is ‘n behoefte om erwe op te vul met duinsand. Omdat ek ‘n kontrak gehad het met die munisipaliteit moes ons alle “privaat” werke na ure en naweke doen. Die ou trokke was oud en oorwerk en vele nagte het ons die son sien opkom oor Walvisbaai soos ons gesukkel het om die twee trokke aan die loop te hou, MAAR ELKE DAG WAS DAAR 2 TROKKE BY DIE MUNISIPALITEIT wat geld verdien het. ‘n Afnaweek was ongewoon, maar met die ekstra inkomste kon ons uitbrei en begin bou aan ‘n toekoms vir ons in Walvisbaai. In 1997 het Baard Groep omtrent 60% vir die Munisipaliteit gewerk en 40% privaat grondwerke gedoen. Elke jaar as die Munisipaliteit se begrotingsgeld uitgegee was het ons vir twee tot drie maande sonder werk gesit en ek het besef met die twee maande sonder werk sal ons nie vorentoe gaan nie. Ek het vir Herlé Riool gekoop by oom Robert Herlé en begin met ‘n nuwe afdeling, naamlik dorps riool. Daardie jare was daar baie tenders en gou het ons die meeste riolering in Walvisbaai gedoen. Ek het gesien daar was ‘n behoefte vir meer grondverskuiwings masjiene en het begin om tenders te doen waar ons die paaie asook die rioolwerk kan doen. Die firma se inkomste was nou meer versprei en ons arbeidsmag het geklim na 30 persone voltyds in diens. April 2005 het ek by Wesbank vir Block & Brick gekoop by die Van Rooyens en nou was ons steenmakers ook. Skielik het ons arbeidsmag geklim na 55 permanente persone. In November 2006 het ons die Enduro Melkery se gronde gekoop. So kon ons begin bou aan die firma soos wat dit vandag is. Ons twee seuns werk ook saam met ons en wat ‘n voorreg
is dit nie. Ons permanente arbeidsmag is 115 persone en dit groei steeds elke jaar. Met ‘n spoggerige en lojale span gee ons ‘n vinnige en flinke diens aan Walvisbaai se gemeenskap. KWALITEIT Die dag toe ek Block & Brick by Wesbank gekoop het, het ek besef dat kwaliteit stene die sukses van ‘n steenmakery is. Ongelukkig kos kwaliteit geld, want hoe meer sement jy in ‘n steen sit hoe sterker raak dit. Sement is die duurste komponent van enige steen. Ons doen daagliks toetse by Adcon om te verseker ons stene voldoen aan die SABS standaard soos voorgeskryf deur die wet. Om ‘n goedkoop steen te maak is maklik. Jy verminder net die sement, gee geen bewyse van druk sterktes en jy maak meer geld. Daar is niemand wat jou verplig om druksterktes van stene voor te lê aan die publiek nie. Ons grootste kliënte is bouers wat gesteld is op hul naam en kwaliteit. Ingenieurs, argitekte, bourekenaars en die privaat persoon wat gesteld is op kwaliteit stene is ook van ons grootste ondersteuners. Onthou, ‘n gebou staan maklik 100 jaar plus. Dit is maklik jou grootste uitgawe, maar is ook een van die beste beleggings wat jy kan hê. Om
geld te maak kos geld. Die engelse spreekwoord van “if you pay peanuts you get monkeys” is nogal baie waar. Dring aan by u bouer dat hy vir u ‘n druksterkte sertifikaat voorsien van die stene wat hy gebruik. Dit kos u geen geld nie, maar gee u gemoedsrus dat u geld nie vermors word nie. Walvisbaai is seker een van die dorpe in die wêreld met die strafste natuur elemente teen geboue. TOEKOMS Tans het ons 3 steenmasjiene met ‘n kapasiteit van ongeveer 120 000 standaard stene per 9 ure skof. Ons is huidiglik besig om nog ‘n VB 4 masjien te installeer wat ons kapasiteit sal opstoot na 200 000 standaard stene per 9 ure skof. Die VB 4 masjiene is die nuutste tegnologie wat beskikbaar is vir steenvervaardiging en kan ons ons kwaliteit nog verbeter, alles net tot voordeel van ons kliënte. Baard Groep is ‘n gevestigde familie besigheid in Walvisbaai wat met die hulp van die Hemelse Vader, lojale bouers, huiseienaars, argitekte, ingenieurs, bourekenaars, ouditeure, banke, diensverskaffers, staat en semistaat instellings ens. ‘n steen te verskaf aan die publiek van hoogstaande kwaliteit en uitsonderlike diens. René Baard
Find the tools you need at T&M Machine Tools T&M Machine Tools is Namibia’s premier tool and machine supplier serving the local industries, as well as many reputable businesses in Southern Africa. T&M Machine Tools was opened in 1996 when owner, Tunino Haskell, saw the potential in Walvis Bay and decided to break away from Namibia Machine Tools, his previous employer, to start his own business. T&M Machine Tools specialises in Machine Tools, Pneumatic Tools & Accessories, Engineering Supplies, Welding equipment & Consumables, Hoisting & Material handling equipment, Pneumatic Tools, Airless spray equipment & Accessories, Shot & Sandblast Equipment & Accessories and Industrial Hardware. These products range from a number of quality brands including, Karcher and Metabo. They also provide servicing and repair of their products, and have a convenient workshop on their premises.
Tools were previously imported from South Africa, but Haskell decided to cut out the middle man and now imports directly from China, which led
to better prices for clients. From date of ordering, the delivery process takes approximately 40 to 45 days until products reach the Port of
Walvis Bay. On their website they showcase a few of the vast array of tools and machines that they supply.
However, if you need more information about certain tools or machines, please don’t hesitate to contact them.
15 APRIL 2014
Intruducing IsoBoard IsoBoard is a rigid, high-density, extruded polystyrene thermal insulation board, having 100% closed cell structure!
IsoBoard is manufactured in different thicknesses and lengths to meet almost any thermal insulation requirement in the temperature range -30 to +600C. The advantages of IsoBoard are in its effectiveness and a thermal insulator, ease of installation, high compressive strength, resistance to moisture and excellent performance in fire situations. The board is extremely durable and will last for the life of the building,
and can be painted with water based paints when used in exposed application. IsoBoard can be washed to clean and wiped with a softened water solution to remove static electric charges. IsoBoard thermal insulation is available in standard lengths of 8, 6, and 4.8m, and halves thereof. Thickness range from 25mm, 30mm, 40mm, up to 08mm, with board thicknesses above 55mm made to order. IsoBoard can be ordered with
the Isopine surface finish, which looks similar to a tongue and groove pine surface, having grooves at 100mm centres down the length of the board, or, believed edge with the edge of the board beveled to achieve a panel finish. IsoBoard is always 600mm in with, and has a tongue and groove edge profile so adjacent boards interlock. The Thermal Conductivity (k value) of new IsoBoard is 0.024 W/m°C, and the aged value at
90% Relative Humidity is 0.03 W/m°C. IsoBoard offers different thicknesses of product there-
fore, the thermal resistance, or R vcalue, can be calculated by dividing the thickness of the Isoboard.
Your Timber Roofing Specialist Pro-Trusses is a Timber Roof Truss manufacturing company designing and manufacturing under the Systems License of MultiNail Africa (Pty) Ltd. Our aim is to design and manufacture Timber Roof Trusses of superior quality and service our customers within a limited time frame. Our vision is to provide the best service, quality and products to the customer’s satisfaction. With all this in mind, we will continue striving to help improve the current building regulations and the building industry by means of superior quality, prompt & professional service and adhering to all current National Building Regulations and SANS (SABS) codes. Our skilled staff is highly experienced in the designing, manufacturing, erecting and installing of Timber Roof Trusses. With our highly skilled staff and roof erectors we can only but offer and deliver the best quality for your dream house.
Tel: 064 - 463 969 • Cell: 081 129 4776 29 Rakotoka Street • Waterberg Park
15 APRIL 2014
Pallets manufactured by Waterbay Woods
Tel +264 64 205-377 • Cell +264(0)81 146-2171 • Fax 0886 21006 PO Box 2938 Walvis Bay • waterbay@iway.na
COMPANY / PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Waterbay Woods was founded and initially started its very small operation in July 2008 by Fritz, but gradually, through hard work and dedication we became known for our product and service and have grown to the extent that we can now proudly call ourselves one of the leading pallet manufacturers in Namibia. The prime objective of the Company is the supply and manufacture of timber pallets (we only make use of kiln dried timber) of all sizes and crates with lids for a vast majority of exporters based in Namibia etc. We also have a Heat Treatment Facility for the treatment of all wooden products, crates, pallets, wooden containers etc. (for countries requiring heat treatment) in accordance to ISPM No.15. We will do your treatments even if the product was not manufactured by Waterbay Woods.
Outdoor Furniture
We also make various furniture, benches, table/chair combinations, doggy houses, and lots more. For your quote please do not hesitate to contact us.
Table with 6 chairs N$2 000
Bedroom chair, table with drawer N$700
Bench N$ 900, coffee table N$550
1.2m (4 Seater) N$850, 1.5m (6 Seater) N$1 100
Doggy Houses School table with chair N$450
Pallets made to your request
Inside/Outside Benches N$900
Inside/Outside Benches N$900
Timber for manufacturing pallets
FRITZ 081 146 2171 • RHETA 081 461 5319 • PIETER 081 754 8032
Big N$1 050, Medium N$800, Small N$450
Boxed crates before they are sealed.
15 APRIL 2014
N$60.67 per m2
N$79.90 per m2
N$85.02 per m2 each
N$111.14 per m2 each
N$139.50 per m2 each
N$199.95 per m2
HWC Prisma Under Basin System 10 Litre
N$2 062.50 N$1 452.14
Geyser 100 litre Combislim with TP and DC (Dual Fitment) Franke
Tops & Boards
N$2 187.50
Geyser 150 litre Combislim with TP and DC (Dual Fitment) Franke
Formica Lifestyle Tops
Stockist of PG Bison Lifeseal worktops from N$ 736.00 incl VAT And Melawood Coloured Boards (1830mm x 2750mm x 16mm) starting from N$ 685.25 incl VAT.
* All Prices are VAT Inclusive
Melamine Colour Boards