Taxi Drivers Ask for Traffic Fine Amnesty for All Road Users
Leandrea MouersWalvisBaytaxidrivershandedovera petition to the Walvis Bay Municipality, highlighting a number of grievances, one of which is poorroad conditions,leadingtohightrafficfines.
Gustav Kandonga, a taxi driver and Namibia EconomicFreedomFightersrepresentative,read thepetitiononbehalfoftheworkersandsaidthat they have been observing, from a close distance, the handling of previous petitions by the Walvis BayCouncil. “Wecanconfirmthatsuchpetitions werehandledinalessfavourablemanner Weare made to believe that the poor attention to Taxi Drivers' plight cannot be blamed solely on the municipality but also on the Namibia Bus and Taxi Association (NABTA). NABTA has a full
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Police Seize Drugs Worth Thousands in Walvis Bay Project Shine Cleaning Campaign Launched
Henties Bay Residents Fed Up With Municipality
Sharlien TjambariIt is in the opinion of Henties Bay residents, the Henties Bay Council is failing at deliveringservicestothecommunity,especiallyattheOmdelLocation.Thecommunityhasbeenrequestingmeetingswiththecouncilformonthstodiscusspertinentissuesaffectingthecommunity,withoutsuccess.
The Namib Times received numerous complaints from the Henties Bay community regarding the sewer works currently taking placeatOmdelPhase1/ OmdelProper
According to the community,theHentiesBay Municipality hired a contractor to replace septic tanks with waterborne sewerage systems.Itisintheopinion of the community, that the contractor, em-
ployed by the Henties Bay Municipality, digs holes for the placement of the sewerage pipes, but fails to close and level the ground after their job is finished. This, according to the community is causing serious problems, especiallyforminorsaround theseareas.Whencommunity members approached the contractorsaboutthisissue,the contractors’ response was that this respon-
sibilityisnottheirs,and thatitisnotstipulatedin their contract with the municipality Another issue raised was the issue of the upgrading of the main road on Jackalspitz Street. The road was interlocked about roughlysevenyearsagoand was never maintained. The interlocks are falling apart, with some being destroyed The roadisnotinacondition forvehiclestodriveon,
this especially applies tosmallvehicles.
High-Level Meeting on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources
Emails sent to the Acting Chief ExecutiveOfficer(ACEO) of the Henties Bay Municipality about a week ago, remain unanswered and the Head of the Engineering Department withinthemunicipality said he could not comment on the issue because matters need togothroughthe
Taxi Drivers
mandatetorepresentTaxiDriversintheWalvis Bay local authority However, they have been absent in the two previous petitions.” The drivers in the petition said that NABTA has chosen to distance itself from this petition. “They also attempted to block this event for reasons only known to themselves. We would like to commend the Inspector General of the Namibian police force for his leadership and respect for the people's right to assemble without arms, by disregarding the bogus objections of NABTA against this peaceful demonstration as far as its approval is concerned.” In a previous petition, the taxi drivers alleged that money allocated for Kuisebmund road maintenance is negligible comparedtotheTownsideofthelocalauthority “That is clear discrimination. The drivers expectedananswerwithfiguresastohowmuch will be allocated in the budget for road maintenance in Kuisebmund and factory side roads.Kuisebmondisthemostpopulatedareain the local authority, with vehicles moving day and night due to the population. Hence, we propose that roads must be given necessary attention.”Thedriversdemandedthereduction ofspeedhumplevelstolevelonespeedhumps. “Drivers have experienced damage to their vehicles' exhausts caused by high-speed humps.”
Furthermore, the drivers added that because of bad road conditions, their vehicles are being damagedonadailybasis.“Driversarespending all their hard-earned profit on their vehicles' maintenance.Somedriversareunabletorenew their taxi operation permits due to the road unworthinessoftheirvehicles,andtheyarenow forced to operate illegally to put bread on the
Continued from page 1
table.”Theyaddedthattheyarewellawareofthe Walvis Bay Mayor's statement on the roads and potholesthatwillbefixed.“Wehavelittlefaithin thecontentofhisstatement.Itiscuriousthatsuch statementsaremadeafewdaysafterweannounce that we intend to hold a peaceful protest. We are made to believe that there are certain councillors who are questioning the modalities and criteria used to identify the contractors referred to in the mayoral statement. We do not want squabbles on thismatterbecauseattheendoftheday,thosewho willsufferthemostarethemotorists.”
The demands made by the drivers are that all councillors of the Walvis Bay Municipality organiseabriefmeetingtoaddressalltaxidrivers and affected stakeholders as well as concerned membersofthepublicontheprogressorplansof roadrehabilitation,includingthepre-allocationof fundstoroadrehabilitationfromitssavings.
“Furthermore, the council of Walvis Bay municipalityshouldgrantaTrafficFineAmnesty to all road users within the local authority for the period until all the roads are rehabilitated. Councillorsshouldbepresentatabriefmeetingto confirm whether they are in agreement with the grantingofTrafficFinesAmnestytothemotorists inthelocalauthority.”Thedriversalsodemanded that the council allocate sufficient funds for road rehabilitation in the next budget to reduce unforeseen unemployment in the taxi industry caused by road unworthiness of taxis. “At the proposedmeeting,weaskthatalltaxidriversand concernedmotoristsbegivenafairopportunityto airtheirgrievancesandthatthismeetingmusttake placebefore2April.Failuretomeetourdemands, we will be left with no other option but to take reasonable but radical unspecified steps to force themunicipalitytoheartheplightofmotorists.”
Project Shine Cleaning Campaign Launched
Project Shine 2023/2024, a project aimed at creating a platform where communitymemberscantakeownershipoftheirenvironment,undertheslogan “our environment, our responsibility”, was recently at the Swakopmund MunicipalChambers.
Project Shine has been successfully managed since its first launch in 2007,whichoccurred on World Environmental Day Today, the project has been running for more than 15 years, promoting cleanliness, recycling, and contributing to the social upliftment within the Swakopmund community Cllr Claus Goldbeck,anAdditional Member of the ManagementCommittee at the Swakopmund Munici-
palCouncilsaid,“it's no secret that our surroundings have suffered from neglect and misuse. Piles of litter, plastic waste choking our waterways, and pollution tarnishing our air these are not the characteristics of a community we wish to pass on to future generations.”
According to Goldbeck, the Swakopmund Municipality, through organised clean-up efforts, aims to reclaim parks, streets, and water bodies from the grip of pollution.
Each piece of trash pickedupisnotjusta mere inconvenience removed; it's a step towards revitalising the environment, restoring its beauty, and safeguarding its health for generations to come Goldbeck said that every individual's effort counts, “together, we can transformourcommunity into a beacon of cleanliness and sustainability.”
Through educational programs, workshops, and outreach initiatives, the Swakopmund council
Police Seize Drugs Worth
Thousands in Walvis Bay
Inaseriesofcoordinatedoperations,theWalvisBaypolice havemadethearrestofseveralsuspectsandtheseizureofa substantialquantityofdrugs.
Accordingtoapolice report,duringapolice operation,aresidence located on Sam Nujoma Avenue in Walvis Bay was raided. The operation Targetedindividualssuspected of dealing in illicitsubstances,specificallyMandraxand Cannabis. During the operation the police apprehended a 28year-old woman who was found in possession of a significant quantity of drugs. “A
total of 80 full Mandrax tablets and 1 336 grams of cannabis, with an estimated value of N$76 400 wereconfiscated. However, a male suspectmanagedtoevade arrest and is currently at large.” said Warrant Officer Tashiya Fernando, spokesperson fortheErongopolice.
In a separate incident earlierthatsameday,a targeted police operation in the Kalahari Courts flats in Narra-
ville,Walvis Bay, led to the arrest of a 34year-oldman. The suspect was apprehended for possessionofavarietyof illicit substances, including Mandrax, crack cocaine, and cannabis.Theseizure included seven full and four halves of Mandrax tablets, 23 units of suspected crack cocaine, and 113 grams of cannabis, valued at N$9 030.
Namibia Airports Company Launches Air Connect Namibia Project
In a landmark event held in Windhoek, the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) Chief Executive Officer, Mr Bisey /Uirab, announced the official launch of the Air Connect NamibiaProject.
seekstoigniteasense of environmental stewardship within itscommunity Goldbeck further said, “by raising awareness about the impacts of pollution, the importance of recycling, and the significance of conservation, we aim to empower individuals to make informed choicesandtakeproactive steps towards a greener future. It's not just about cleaning up the mess – it's about preventing it from happening in thefirstplace.”
The occasion marked a significant step forward in enhancing connectivitytoNamibiaandadvancingthe country's aviation and tourism sectors. Addressing the audience, Mr /Uirab emphasised the importance of collaboration among key players in the aviation and tourism ecosystem in driving economic growth and development in Namibia.“ThepurposeoftheProjectisto increasedirectairaccessin-and-out of Namibia to the rest of the world, particularly via its international airports,withinitialfocusonHosea Kutako International Airport,” Mr /Uirab said. By improving connectivity, the project seeks to enhance the country's competitiveness, attract foreign direct investment, andstimulateeconomicgrowthand job creation. Mr /Uirab highlighted the key objectives of the project, which include establishing new international routes at the airport and fostering partnerships with airlines and other stakeholders. He emphasised the importance of cooperation and collaboration in achieving these goals, citing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)signedbetweentheNACand
variousparties,includingtheCityof Windhoek, Gondwana Collection, NamibiaTourismBoard,WalvisBay Corridor Group, Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board. “We are pleasedtobesigningthisagreementand weplacegreatvalueandimportance in maintain and exchanging knowledge and experience on efficient, sustainable, and economic development of our respective portfolios. Throughcontinuouscooperation,the parties involved aim to create prosperity in Namibia's aviation and tourism markets and drive sustainabledevelopmentinthecountry,”Mr /Uirab said and concluded, “As NAC,wedeemitnecessarytobring these parties together in the interest of creating property in our aviation andtourismmarketsandsharingthe achievementsofdevelopmentinour cooperation.Thisagreementlooksat continuous cooperation and collaboration between the parties as a necessity to maintain and develop a compatibleandefficientairtransport system and reciprocal destinations experience for the passengers, for leisureandbusiness.”
High-Level Meeting on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources
Namibia, through the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA), in collaboration with theWorld Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), is hosting a three-day Cross-Regional Technical Meeting on the Diplomatic ConferenceonIntellectualProperty,GeneticResources,and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources from12to14MarchthisweekinSwakopmund.
The Meeting is in preparation for the Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the International Instrument for Protection of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge associated with the use of Genetic Resources, to be held in May 2024 The meeting was attendedbymorethan60 delegates comprisingGroupCoordinators plus five other delegates from each regional group in WIPO, namely:theAfrican Group, the AsiaPacific Group (APG), the Group of Latin America and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC), Central Asian, Caucasus and Eastern European Countries Group (CACEEC), the Central EuropeanandBalticStates Group (CEBS), Group B, and China.Themeeting was meant to build on the work done during the Preparatory Regional Meetings of the six regional Groups in WIPO and the Special Session previouslyheldinChina.Theobjectiveof the Meeting is to
provide an opportunity for Member Statesfromallgroups to discuss the Basic Proposal. During the official opening, the Executive Director of theMinistryofIndustrialisationandTrade, Sikongo Haihambo, on behalf of the Minister of Industrialisation and Trade said, “the wealth of genetic resources on our respective continents, but in specific here in Africa, holds immensepotentialfor not only scientific discovery, medical advancements, and agricultural innovation, but equally so to excel our economies.”
The delegation intentionally gathered in Swakopmund, in the heart of the Namib Desertwhichisrichin genetic resources According to Haihambo, for centuries, many communities have co-existed with and deeply understoodthepropertiesof these resources.Their traditional knowledge systems hold invaluable insights into the medicinal properties of plants, sustainable agricultural practices, and the complex web of life that sustains our ecosystems. Haihambo said it is now clear that the current
global framework for intellectual property often fails to recognisethecontributions ofthesecommunities.
“I am happy to see that we were finally able to convene and work towards this critical conference, forthebenefitofall,” Haihambosaid.Chief Executive Officer, Vivienne Katjiuonguasaid,“Namibiais privileged and proud tohostthissignificant meeting on African soil,atestamenttothe commitment we share in fostering collaboration and understanding in the protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge
Our collective presence here as WIPO member states, underscores the importance of addressing thecomplexinterplay between intellectual property and genetic resources, and the need for a robust international instrument that strikes a balance between promotinginnovation and safeguarding the rights of indigenous communities. As we prepare for the upcoming diplomatic conference in May this year, our deliberations must be not only insightful but also constructive,
fostering an environment conducive to reaching a fruitful outcome.”
Established in 2000, theWIPOIntergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources,TraditionalKnowledge and Folklore (IGC) is currently undertaking text-based negotiations to finalise anagreementononeor more international legal instruments that would ensure the balanced and effective protection of genetic resources, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expres-
sions (the terms “traditional cultural expressions” and “expressions of folklore” are used interchangeably in WIPO discussions).
Such an instrument or instruments could range from a recommendation to WIPO members to a formal treaty that would legally bind countries choosing to ratify it. Namibia became a member of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) through its accession to theWIPO Convention, on 23 December 1990.
Walvis Bay Wetland Summer Count 2024
According to a statement by the Chairperson of the Namibia Bird Club, Gudrun Middendorff,atotalof118947 birds were recorded at the Walvis Bay lagoon during the wetlandsummercountfrom25 to26February.
The Walvis Bay lagoon, an important wetland is a feeding ground and stop-over for countless migrants, waders, terns, gulls, flamingosandpelicansisoneoffive areas designated as Ramsar sites or wetlands of international importance in Namibia The Ramsar wetland site stretches from the guano platform north of Walvis Bay all along the coastline to PelicanPointincludingthelagoonsandsalt workpondstotheareaknownasPaaltjies. Each year members of the Namibia Bird Club and many volunteers gather to count the birds over a weekend. This year's bird count took place in pleasant weather
conditions and a reasonably low tide also assistedinmakingtheexerciseasuccess.
The birds counted consisted of the following: Little Grebe 0, Black-necked Grebe 1649, Great White Pelican 378, White-breasted Cormorant 151, Cape Cormorant 1477, Bank Cormorant 0, Grey Heron 33, Great Egret 1, Little Egret 10, Cattle Egret 0, Greater Flamingo 55813, Lesser Flamingo 7623, Unidentified Flamingos 31602, SouthAfrican Shelduck 10,CapeTeal425,CapeShoveler0,
AfricanBlackOystercatcher78,Blackwinged Stilt 577, Pied Avocet 1472, GreyPlover464,CommonRinged196, Kittlitz'sPlover5,Three-bandedPlover 0,White-frontedPlover665,Chestnutbanded Plover 174, Bar-tailed Godwit 992, Common Whimbrel 71, Eurasian Curlew4,MarshSandpiper0,Common Greenshank 113, Wood Sandpiper 0, TerekSandpiper0,CommonSandpiper 1, Ruddy Turnstone 375, Sanderling 3595, Little Stint 2423, Curlew Sandpiper 8981, Unidentified Small Waders 10567, Ruff 109, Unidentified waders Charadrii spp 0, Unidentified large waders5001,KelpGull1049,Grey-headed Gull 2, Hartlaub's Gull 481, Unidentified gulls 0, Black Tern 5, White-winged Tern 117,CaspianTern19,CommonTern2590, DamaraTern127,LittleTern1,SwiftTern 460, Sandwich Tern 517, Unidentified Terns1712,Osprey0,GreaterSandPlover 1, Red-necked Phalarope 43, Red Phalarope 2, Brown Skua 1, Parasitic Jaeger1,AmericanGoldenPlover0,
Greater Sand Plover (Photos: John Patterson)
Appreciation and a special thank you goes toWalvis Bay Salt Holdings for the use of thehide,StevenLouwfromNamibMarine Services for the boat and his able Skipper Petrus. Bill Wilson from Binnacle Marine Consultancyandvolunteerswhomadetheir vehicle available. Probst Bakery donated therollsforSaturday,Gudrun,Jannetteand Bill for the food preparation. Another big roundofapplausetoallthosewhotravelled fromfarandwidetotakepart.
Face of Namibia Project
FaceofNamibiaProjecthasbeenupandrunningforthepastnineyearsonaplatformof an exhibition. Late last year we decided to change the name toAtusheni WomenYouth SMEEntrepreneursandStartupOrganisation.
Atusheni means all of us. We make available freestallstovulnerable women, youth, SMEs and mostly Entrepreneurs and startups to show cast their products or market their upcoming business We also give access to fee vocational and training in various fieldstoalltheparticipants who are interested accept the corporates. The Exhibition normallyrunsfor4to6 days annually in Kuisebmond Walvis Bay Our Organisation is an NGO and solely relay from sponsorship this will be the 9thAnnual show organised by our organisation. Our Project Assist Women
Youth SMEs Entrepreneurs and Start-ups in the following way (Trainingisforall)
Access to formal education(AdultLiteracy/ MatureAge) for under privileged women and training in various fields like agriculture, carpet making, perfume making, baking andotherfields.
Assist /Counsel for pregnant women before&afterbirthfocus teenage mothers and adolescent Boy/ Girl –PersonalgrowthTraining for teenagers aged 15-19 (Theme- Personal Growth exploringandrelating.Weekly food packs for undernutrition children under the age of 5
years, empower women youth and encouragetheuseofprep and condoms, identify violence / abuse, and providepossibleinformationthatwouldhelp awomen/manleavean abusiverelationship.
Create a platform to retain and attract new customers which is critical to long-term success (Training)
EntrepreneursCreatea platform to connect with other entrepreneurs and engage in innovation of marketing their products (Training)
We create a platform and assist with guidanceonhowtoregister a new business links to training and howtoattractandkeep customers.
Woman,PregnantMothers, Youth, Teenagers, abused young male / man, undernutrition child underage of 5, Abused woman/girl, and adolescentgirlsfromtheage of15-19,SME,EntrepreneursandStartups.
To provide a free service to both male and female of any age group and unbiased counselling / benefits foreveryone.Pleasebe apartofthischangeby supportingourcauseif you say NO, you are not saying no to me youaresayingNO. To thehungrychildandor
What we want from youroffice Sponsorship
What we offer in return (with your approval)Publicityfor1 year, Branding with your company logo, Flyers displayed at prominent places during events and on all social media platforms, logo on all printedmaterial.Mentions during marketing and Television and radio interviews. Freeopenspaceatour event for demos and marketing.
Whatwegivebackto thecommunity
Free stalls, Free Entrance for the general publictotheEvent,we employ 20x youth volunteers and the community will have free access to various counselling,likeHIV/ Aids testing, free Covid Vaccine, free covid testing, condoms will be distributed for free, free advice and encouragingthegeneral public to take the HIV prevention tool kit PREP free Counselling to expecting andbreastfeedingmothers.
Bay: BranchCode:481872
TotalEnergies Partners with Vantage Drilling International
· Potentially Enhancing Namibian Drilling Operations
Eileen van der SchyffTotalEnergies has forged a partnership withVantage DrillingInternationaltoestablishajointventure(JV)aimedat acquiringtheTungstenExplorerdrillship.Undertheterms of the agreement, TotalEnergies will invest NAD3.7 billion for a 75% stake in the JV, with Vantage retaining a 25% interest.
The joint venture will see Vantage operating the Tungsten Explorer for a period of 10 years, contributing itsexpertiseindeep offshore drilling to support TotalEnergies' exploration and development activities in Namibia Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership, emphasising its potential to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of deep offshore drilling operations in Namibia. Pouyanné highlighted the importance of collaboration in
leveraging technological advancements and operational expertise to drive sustainable energy development in the region. Ihab Toma, CEO of Vantage Drilling International, echoed Pouyanné's sentiments, emphasising the transformative impact of the joint venture on the company's operations Toma highlighted Vantage's commitment to supporting TotalEnergies' exploration efforts in Namibia, citing the value of collaboration in driving innovation and maximising resource potential in the country's offshore
The Tungsten Explorer,astate-of-theart offshore drillship built in 2013, is currently engaged in explorationactivities in Namibia, operating on the Mangetti-1X well Equipped with advanced drilling technology and capabilities, including Managed Pressure Drilling equipment and specialised fuel additives developed byTotalEnergies,the TungstenExploreris well-suited to support TotalEnergies' exploration objectives in Namibia's offshorewaters.
SOURCE: To t a l E n e r g i e s BusinessWire
Dawn of a New Era for Schoemans Walvis Bay
Schoemans Walvis Bay recently celebrated the transition from long-serving Coastal Branch Manager, Theo Schoeman, to welcoming Lucretia Fourie as the new Coastal Branch Manager. This milestone was marked by a Business Breakfast event hostedbySchoemans.
Establishedin1960by Theo's parents, Petrus and Joey Schoeman, the company has flourished over the years. Theo embarked on his career at Schoemans aftergraduatingwitha degree in social sciences. Reflecting on his journey,Theorecalled, "Iinitiallyappliedfora social worker position atthestatehospitalbut wasofferedN$185per month My parents thenofferedmeN$200 per month to join Schoemans,providedI do sales. And that's whereitallbegan.I've remained with Schoemans since then, retiring at the age of 78."
Expressing gratitude towards Theo, Schoemans Chief Operating Officer Johan Engelbrecht said, "I've had the privilege of workingalongsideTheofor thepast28years,andI can only express our deepest appreciation for his invaluable contributions."
Duringthesameevent, Lucretia Fourie was formally introduced as the new branch manager Having been with the company for five years, Fourie's promotion was met with confidence. Engelbrechtremarked, "It's a significant role to step into, but we havefullconfidencein Lucretia's capabilities. Her previous experience in our finance department has showcased her potential to makeapositiveimpact inWalvisBay."
Beyond the personnel transitions, Engelbrecht also shed light on the diversified facets of Schoemans. The company operates under three main business lines: Schoemans Office Solutions, Schoemans Technologies,andSchoemans DigitalSolutions. Schoemans Office Solutions focuses on enhancing office efficiency through machinery and software tailored to diverse client needs, including Printing Solutions, Audio-Visual Equipment, and Finishing Equipment. Schoemans Tech-
nologies specialises in ITSoftware and Hardware, as well as SecurityandSurveillance systems.
Schoemans Digital Solutions encompasses Digitisation, Automation, Systems Integration, and Data management.
Engelbrecht further emphasised the company's commitment to Corporate Social Initiatives. This includes the Impactlab partnership with NUST and MTC, an annual challenge encouraging students to innovate solutions addressing socio-economic challenges.
Additionally, initiativeslikeSunPrint,in collaboration with the Education Ministry, aim to provide solarpowered printing facilitiestoruralschools lacking electricity
The Digi Watch initiative, in collaboration with local law enforcement, seeks to install surveillance cameras in high-crime areas to enhancesecuritymeasures.
Schoemans continues to make strides in the ICT sector, dedicated to "bringing enabling technology that improveslives.”
Quality Service at Rumaisa Investments
Established in 2022, Rumaisa Investments is your one-stop-shop for all your automotive needs:sales,rental,orlease.Itsowner,ShamsTabrez,bringsover30yearsofexperiencein theautomotiveindustrytothetable,ensuringthatcustomersreceivetop-notchservices.
Before establishing his own business, Shamssuppliedcarsto various dealerships across the country, including Select Cars, Steenbras Swakopmund, Reliance Auto Windhoek, Standard Motors Windhoek, and Weskus Motors Swakopmund.
Shams, ensures quality by personally inspecting each car he imports. "We deliver
only the best. There is nocommissionagent–nomiddleman.Webuy andselldirectlytoour customers."
Shamsaddedthatthey pride themselves on their reputation for providinghonest,quality service to each of its clients. "We make surethatwhenyoubuy acarwith10000kilometres, you receive a car with 10 000 kilometres."
Thedealershipoffersa variety of cars, including Jeep, Jaguar, Honda, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Mini Cooper, Ford, Mitsubishi,andToyota. Prices start as low as N$75000andrangeup toaboutN$500000. Soon,RumaisaInvestments will also offer leasing services and provide a lay-buy option for clients. "We can also assist with
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 69 of the LocalAuthoritiesAct, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992), that:
1. The corrected provisional valuation roll of site and improvements of unmovable properties within the municipal area of Walvis Bay for interim valuations for the period July 2022 to June 2023, lies open for inspection during ordinary office hours at the offices of the local authority council of Walvis Bay in the Office of the Manager: Corporate Services (Room 201), Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay for a period of twenty-one (21) days from Monday 18 March 2024.
2. All owners of rateable properties in respect of which a valuation is contained in the provisional valuation roll for interim valuations may lodge objections thereto and the grounds for such objections shall be lodged in writing to the Secretary: Valuation Court at the undermentioned address before or on 12:00 on Monday 8April 2024.
3. A Valuation Court will be held at the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay on Thursday 11 April 2024 at 11:00 to consider the valuations contained in the provisional valuation roll for interim valuations and to hear any objections lodged in respect of any valuations contained in such roll and determine its validity
bankfinancing.Weare here, ready to always go the extra mile for ourclients."
Shams added that a company's reputation
and satisfied."
Room 201, Civic Centre Municipality of Walvis Bay
Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay
Tel: 064-2013206
Game On: Igniting Passion Through School Athletics
GreenRoadsEngineeringNamibiaherewithintendsto apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, to operate an“administrativeoffice”onthepremisesofErf5783, Swakopmund Extension 18 (Unit 8 Desert Sands, Nossob Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme details of which are obtainablefromtheGeneralManager:Engineeringand PlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 8 April 2024
Contact person: Mr D van Schalkwyk, Cell: 081 140 5899Email:danie@osino.africa
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)
Duneside Media Team and Leandrea Mouers
TheDunesideInterhouseAthleticseventlastweekendwasa convergenceofpassion,performance,andboundlessvictory Learnersshowcasedtheirundeniabletalentsbothonthefield and on the track, kicking off with long-distance and field eventsonFriday.
Saturday saw a vibrant celebration of sportsmanship The official opening featured the inaugurationofnewtuck shop and ablution facilities, marking a significant milestone for the school. This initiative, spearheaded by the Governing Body under theleadershipofMrCliff Shikuambi as chairperson, included equippingthetuckshopwitha fully-fledged kitchen, ablution facilities for
boys and girls, refurbishing the old garage, and adding additional garagesaswellasstorage space, with the project costing close to N$1 million. Following the opening, the groundbreaking for new netball courtsalsotookplace.
An exciting addition to the event was the "Relay Challenge" between two of Duneside's teachers, #teamscholtz and #teamcoraizin,withlearners, parents, and the
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erectionofbuildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhich are obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringandPlanningServices.
OndjambaSafarisNamibiaccherewithintendstoapply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for a special consent to operate a Resident occupation: AdministrativeOfficeonthepremisesofErf3747No.4 RössingStreet,Swakopmund.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours. nd
Closing date for objections or comments is 2 April
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)
community pledging fundsforthenewnetball courts to be constructed.
Team Alexander, Dixon, and Scheppmann's performances ignited the track with energy and excitement, setting the tone for the day The sprinters took center stageondaytwo,starting with the 200m sprints.
The young athletes showcased their talents in sprints, pendal relay, andanobstaclecourse.
Thehighlightoftheevent was the relay, where teams competed in each age group to showcase their top sprinters. In a thrilling prelude, parents challenged teachers in a race, with parents emergingvictorious.
The main event featured TeamBlack(MrScholtz, Curtis Martin, Daniel Kuzatjike, and Armas Uusiku) against Team Blue (Mr Coraizin, DuWayne Finck, Azanio Goeieman, and Josephat Iipinge), captivating the audience.
Before the relay, Mr CliffShikuambiopeneda bid where pledges poured in for both #teamscholtz and #teamcoraizin, totaling approximatelyN$8000.
Team Black emerged victorious, sparking cheersfromthecrowd.
The winning teams were Alexander in first place, followedbyTeamDixon in second place, and Team Scheppmann in thirdplace.
Awards included Daniel Kuzatjike receiving the Senior Victor Ludorum award, Senior Victrix Ludorum awarded to Ellen Shatilwapo & Uilika Ashimpunga, Kaleb Beukes receiving the Junior Victor Ludorum award, and Skylar Raubenheimer awarded the Junior Victrix Ludorum.
Anro Soars to Higher Heights
AnroBouwer(14)isaforcetobereckonedwithontheathleticsfield.AttheZonal athleticsmeettwoweeksago,hesurpassedtheWalvisBayZonalAthleticsRecord, clearingaheightof1.80meters.
This past weekend, at the Namibia Private Schools Organisation (NAPSO) athleticsmeet,hesetyetanotherrecord, reachingaheightof1.87meters.
The current National Athletics record stands at 1.86 meters, but Bouwer's height of 1.87 meters is not recognised since it occurred at a NAPSO athletics
meet. Nevertheless, he still has the opportunity to further improve upon it at the Regionals or Nationals. Bouwer's coach, Hennie Horn, is preparing him for theYouth Olympics of 2026. "By the end of the year, the goal is a height of 1.95 meters."
New Kid on the Block
The brainchild of “I Am Child” of Natalie Endres recently opened its doorsinSwakopmund.
Endresiswell-knownforhercharitableprojectslike 'Warm 'n Lyfie' a soup kitchen project she establishedattheinformalsettlementinSwakopmund's DRC. When she resided for a few years in Fürth, Germany, she was a volunteer at the Fürther Tafel where her role was to sort out 'lebensmittel' (groceries)forthenot-so-fortunateandhomelesspeople inthattown.
She continues sharing her love, compassion and kindnesswithpeoplefromallwalksoflifewhenshe returnedtoNamibiaandnowondersheestablished her very own 'kindergarten'. This time however, it has become a full-time job, inspired by her two grandsons and the urgency to be involved in children'sdevelopment.
TakingonthechallengeofbeingaGuidanceCounselor,Endresrecentlycompletedanonlinecoursein EarlyChildDevelopmentwithdistinctionfromthe UtrechtUniversity–German/DutchviaCoursera. “Iconsidermyselfasachangedriverandwillcontinue my studies and research within this vast and naturalprocessoflife,”sheadded.
Localpsychologicalcounsellorandtrainerfromthe Ministry of Works and Transport, Marcella Katjihova, stated that powerful affirmations are needed to build and strengthen growing children. She further elaborated that the 'I AM' affirmation is powerfulbeyondmeasure.
“IAM growing. IAM learning. IAM proud, IAM Child are all affirmations and reflect the passion Natalieisputtinginthisproject.”
Endres' Assistant Guidance Counselor, Berenice Goeieman, is just as passionate about the mission of changeforIAmChildandtogethertheyareaperfect duoinmakingahugesuccessofthisfacility
The daycare is open from Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 until 17:00 and is in Ocean View, Erf 5544, Agulhas Str Contact Natalie Endres via email iamchilddaycare@gmail.com or phone her directly on0813922760.
Etosha Fishing Corporation (Pty) Ltd is a Namibian owned company operating in the small pelagic sector We specialize in quality value added fish products and take great pride in our use of world class operating practices and our commitment to value addition for all. We are based in Walvis Bay; Namibia and we are an equal opportunity employer We invite applications for the below mentioned opportunity:
You possess the following knowledge / abilities / skills:
· Grade 12
· Atertiary qualification in Bookkeeping/Accounting will be a distinct advantage
· Minimum four (4) years in a similar position in a manufacturing environment
· Experience in creditors reconciliations, supplier payments & cash book processing
· High proficiency in Microsoft Excel
· Knowledge of VAT and Income Tax
· Listening, reading comprehension, speaking, and writing
· Decision making and judgment, problem solving, deductive reasoning, coordination, critical thinking
· Influencing others, relationship building, teamwork, valuing diversity
You wish to execute the following responsibilities:
· Reconcile creditors' ledger accounts
· Liaise with suppliers and with key staff members
· Prepare supplier payments
· Prepare cashbook payment batches
· Prepare online banking batches
· Load new supplier banking details.
· Keep supplier data updated and ensure that filling & record keeping is kept up to date.
· Analysis Reporting
· Reconcile General Ledger accounts
· Do stock reconciliations and stock counts on monthly basis
Etosha Fishing offers a market related package on a Cost to Company basis, including pension and medical aid benefits.
Kindly submit your CV to by not later than 22 March 2024 yvonne.roodt@etoshafishing.com
Closing date of applications: 28 March 2024
Position: Contract Project Manager
Employment period: Linked to commercial contract awarded to the company on a fixed term basis.
Place of employment: Windhoek, Namibia
Job Description
The position calls for an experienced and suitably qualified individual with operational management experience in the contract catering industry This position will be on a fixed term contract basis linked to the commercial contract awarded to the company
The candidate should have previously held a supervisory/management position with a reputable contract service organisation for at least 5 years. He/she should have above average catering, housekeeping and laundry services experience and be able to demonstrate an ability to plan, manage and develop a team of contract staff with the view of development planning.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the management of a fleet of offshore vessels where the company is contracted to perform its obligations in terms of the Service Level Agreement. Key areas of expertise should include food service, housekeeping, laundry, and canteen services.
Desirable education qualifications & experience
· A relevant tertiary qualification in hospitality/catering (Diploma or Certificate) from a reputable hotel/hospitality education institute majoring in management.
· Experience in offshore contract management and logistics.
· 5 years+ management experience in leading a team.
· Offshore management experience in working on vessels and/or oil rigs specifically in catering and hospitality
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
· Excellent knowledge and understanding of the catering, housekeeping, and laundry industry
· Above-average knowledge and understanding of health and safety associated with this field of industry
· An understanding of Human Relations & Industrial Relations principles.
· Excellent communication and customer care skills.
· Financial management skills.
· Experience and an understanding of HACCP-principles in the food industry
· Leadership qualities with a demonstrative ability in problem solving, foresight, planning & co-ordination
· Administrative abilities to manage a budget and all associated functions such as costings & forecasts and reporting.
· Suitable accreditation and ability to work offshore on-board vessels.
Key Performance Areas
- Lead and motivate a diverse team of local Namibians to develop them for future growth.
- Strive for customer & client satisfaction.
- Ensure the conformant and highest standards of service delivery of the contract SLA terms.
- Continuous and ongoing client engagement and communication to identify and address risk areas timeously
- Monitor and ensure staff training needs and development.
- Stock control management onboard vessels.
- Portion control and menu costings in line with budgets.
- Collaborate with customer service, quality assurance, health and safety and procurement plans.
- Food and associated quality control management.
- Overall responsibility of Key Account Management role.
- Reporting skills to provide accountability and forecasting.
How to apply for this position?
Forward your application comprising your CV and a covering letter to the HR Department of
Ocean Catering & Trading via email: jobs@oct.com.na
If you had not had a response by 01 April 2024, please consider your application as unsuccessful. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
CONSENT: Alphabet Pre-School & Kinder-garten ON ERF NO: Erf 2729 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: VolstruisStreet,2729/66.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an:Alphabet Pre-School & Kinder-garten
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan5April2024.
NAMEANDADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: Rakkel Shaulwa, P O Box 5738,WalvisBay rakkelshaulwa@gmail.com
Kongsberg Maritime is an international company with job opportunities worldwide. The company is a market leader in Marine Systems, Automation, Propulsion Control, Tank Gauging, Dynamic Positioning, Navigation, Deck Machinery,PropulsionSystems,SensorsandRobotics.
Kongsberg Maritime Namibia (Pty) Ltd is representing Kongsberg Maritime's businessunitsandproductlinesinAfrica.Weareactivelylookingformotivated andambitiousElectrical(Controls&Automation)Engineering Kongsberg Maritime Namibia (Pty) Ltd is representing Kongsberg Maritime's business units and product lines in Africa. We are actively looking for motivated and ambitiousElectrical(Controls&Automation)Engineering
Electrical (Controls &Automation) Engineering
Location: Walvis Bay, Namibia
·Collaboratewithcross-functionalteamstosolvecomplexengineering challenges.
·Collaborationwithvariousdepartmentsanddisciplineswithinourglobal organization
Ifyouwouldliketoapplyfortheabove-mentionedposition,sendyourCV to withthereference77Rec207in recruitment@seventy7consulting.com
For further information regarding Kongsberg Maritime please visit: www.kongsberg.com
At Kongsberg, we believe in tackling challenging problems and delivering extreme performance for extreme conditions. We do that through excellent products and services developed for delivering the greatest benefits to our customers.
WORLD CLASS – through people, technology, and dedication
Vessel Superintendent
Main activities:
· Attend to all Husbandry matters while vessel in port.
· Liaison with all Namport, Stevedores, Authorities, planning the vessel's call and ensure fast turnaround of vessels.
· Plan and oversee discharge and loading operations of containerised, break bulk, out of gauge, heavy lift, and project and bulk cargo onboard multi-purpose vessels.
· Preparing and working according to Cargo and container plans.
· Ensure efficient and cost-effective operations, check and compile all invoices related to vessel's Port call.
· Plan cargo stowage from Baplie / EDI files.
· Arranging all vessel formalities from berth space through to sailing clearance.
- Refrigeration skills will also be advantageous.
· Able to work overtime.
· Minimum Grade 12.
· Fluent in English.
· Computer literate
· Work in a fast pace, cost effective environment.
· Driver's license & own vehicle.
Please send CV to vacancynam@macship.com th by 20 March 2024.
O T I C E S & V A C A N C I E S
Oshana Repair CC (Or the Proponent) intends to apply for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) through the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) to mine industrial minerals (mica) on a state land in the locality of Goanikontes in the Arandis Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia.
APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The Proponent has appointed Portal Research and Engineering CC to facilitate public consultations and prepare reports required to support an application for the ECC at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT).
The appointed Consultants would like to notify the public in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) will be launched w th the Environmental Commissioner at MEFT INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process. In order to receive information about this activities, kindly register as I &APs via following:
Portal Research and Engineering CC
P. O. Box 3826, Vineta; Email: connecttoportal@outlook.com; Mobile: +264 813193588
ZeraTrading(Pty)Ltdherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Special Consent” “bed and breakfast” , to operate an on the premises of Erf , ( ) as 84 Rossmund 6 Lizard Crescent provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund ZoningSchemedetailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe GeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: nd2 April 2024
Contactperson: ,Cell:081 MrPvanWyk 1225225
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)
We are looking for persons with the undermentioned requirements urgently:
* Higher than Engine Officer Class 2
* Multilingualism - English, Japanese & Indonesian
* +- 15 years of crab vessel experience on board
* Medically Fit
* Vocational Training
* Bachelors Degree in Marine Engineering/ Marine Science (Preferably from Maritime college or academy)
* Certificate Endorsements
* Relevant Health and Safety Certificates
* Relevant Fire Fighting Certificates
* Overseeing of engine room
* Responsible for technical operations of the vesselengineering/mechanical and electrical
* Maintenance and operation of engineering equipment onboard the vessel
* Report to Chief Engineer
* Higher than Deck Officer Class 3
* Multilingualism
*+- 25 years of crab vessel experience on board
*Medically Fit
*Vocational Training
*Bachelors Degree in Marine Engineering/ Marine Science (Preferably from Maritime college or academy)
*HACCP Certificate
*GMDSS Certificate
*Relevant Certificate Endorsements
*Relevant Health and Safety Certificates
*Relevant Fire Fighting Certificates
*Managing of vessel
*Efficiently attend to duties related to Radar, radios, pathfinders, lighthouses, navigation
*Managing and Commanding of the Crew
*Training Crew in areas of Health and Safety/Fire fighting
* Multilingualism
* +- 15 years of fishing vessel experience on board
* Working overseas experience is essential
* Skilled for Asian cuisine is essential
* Medically Fit
* Culinary school certificate/diploma
* Relevant Certificate Endorsements
* Relevant Health and Safety Certificates
* Providing 3 meals per day for all crew
* Food Provision and order per voyage
* Report to Shipmaster for food order
* Higher than Deck Officer Class 6
* Multilingualism
* +- 10 years of crab vessel experience on board
* Medically Fit
* Vocational Training
* Chief Mate Certificate of Competency (Preferably from Maritime college or academy)
* Certificate Endorsements
* Certificate of Watch Keeping
* Relevant Health , Safety and Emergency Certificates
* Relevant Fire Fighting Certificates
* Watch Keeping /Navigating
* Managing Maintenance
* Deck crew management
* Training Crew in areas of Health and Safety/Fire fighting
* Inspection and maintenance of equipment
* Loading and Storage
* Multilingualism (Japanese)
* +- 20 years of experience in vessel operation in the crab fishing industry
* +- 10 years of experience in leadership/directorship experience
* Relevant experience in interpreting and translating experience for multinational conferences
* Staff Training
* Bachelor Degree in Business Administration or higher
* Certificate of language proficiency for English and Japanese
* Thorough knowledge of overall business administration in fishing industry
* Manage and plan production
* Manage personnel (human resources)
* Manage finance administration
* Manage supply chain
* Multilingualism
* +- 15 years of crab vessel experience on board
* Medically Fit
* Vocational Training on crab vessel and crab vessel equipment
* HACCP Certificate
* Relevant Certificate Endorsements
* Relevant Health and Safety Certificates
* Relevant Fire Fighting Certificates
* Assisting to Boatswain
* Training Crew in areas of deck and fishing gears
* Higher than Fourth Grade Maritime Officer
* Higher than Maritime First Category Special Radio Operator
* Multilingualism
* +- 20 years of crab vessel experience on board
* Medically Fit
* Factory Training
* Bachelors Degree in Marine Engineering/ Marine Science (Preferably from Maritime college or academy)
* HACCP Certificate
* GMDSS Certificate
* Relevant Health and Safety Certificates
* Relevant Fire Fighting Certificates
* Managing of on board factory
* Efficiently attend to duties related to Radar, radios
* Managing and Commanding of the Crew
* Training Crew in areas of processing factory and HACCP
* Higher than Engine Officer Class 2
* Multilingualism
* +- 20 years of crab vessel experience on board
* Medically Fit
* Vocational Training
* Bachelors Degree in Marine Engineering/ Marine Science (Preferably from Maritime college or academy)
* Certificate Endorsements
* Relevant Health and Safety Certificates
* Relevant Fire Fighting Certificates
* Overseeing of engine room
* Responsible for technical operations of the vesselengineering/mechanical and electrical
* Maintenance and operation of engineering equipment onboard the vessel
* Report to Captain
Should you meet the above requirements and hold the necessary qualifications, please send a resume and cover letter, including all copies of relevant qualifications to oshimadafishing@gmail.com
Closing date:20 March 2024
Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all of the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned.
C l a s s i f i e d s
New Mission Films would like to inform the public that we will be shooting/filming at the following locations:
Independence Beach, Walvis Bay. 6th Street, Sea Pride Foods.
4th Street, Lagoon Esplanade, Walvis Bay Waterfront. No. 5
Raja Street, Narraville
19 - 22 March 2024
*Construction *Painting
*Paving *Slasto
*Swimming Pools
*All electrical work
*Building and renovating all types of buildings
*Sealing of any kind of roofs
Call: 081 211 6686 081 744 7457
Anywhere along the coast
No streets will be blocked or traffic hindered in the process. NAMIBIAGARDEN SPECIALIST SERVICES
Landscaping&plant doctor
Originalpalm&tree trimming
Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs
Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.
Professional Construction& Roofing
TheGoodNewsStop CryingTraditional Healer Powerfulisheretohelp anykindofproblems
ContactNumberDr Azula
(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourloverto bestingywithmoney,to makeyousleepnicelyin yourhouse,tostopbad dreams,amantobestrong inbedduringsex,awoman tohavefeelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,to recoverstolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma,& manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeninginyour life,youwillneverregret. Smsorcall:0816431482 findtheOldmaninKuiseb, MassHouses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet
Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattheright time, Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhoisafter yourfastreliesnotcash.
LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringbackyour backlostloverandmake him/herapologiseandbe underyourfeetforever.*Get aloverofyourchoiceor withoutproposing(using upileoil)*pregnancy problems*Manhood enlargementinallsizesand strongerinbed*Clearyour debts/Loansquickly*Fix financialproblems,get moneyinyourbankaccount usingchida,*Wintenders winlottoandgamblingand contracts*promotionat work
*Iamgoodinmakinga womantobeexcellentin bed,tobesweeterforgood, *Passexams,Iamlooking forthosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist, finishunfinishedjoband manymore.MailOrder
AvailableCallNowBaba Kareem0812528744
ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleasedfrom prison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.I knowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnowyour timehascome.Comeand experiencethewonderful miracleshappeninginyour lifeandyouwillneverregret.
Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102
DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults
Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorawoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand makehimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore.. Call
DrAtwabi 0812337274
Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage
Sexualsatisfactionbothmen andwomen.
Doyouhavepiglice problems.Passexams
Finishunfinishedjobsby otherdoctors
Jobluck Courtcases
Entrepreneurluckand idea
Knowledgeandwisdom inschool
Madnessormental disorder
Attractioninanything. Thesearetreatable. Don'tcometomefor moneymakingor ChitakaWallet.IfIknew howtomakemoneyI couldbeDr.Mintage.I couldnotbehere. Onlymedicinesnot magic.
DRRINGAZIPayafter success,sameday results.
Bringingbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoaman orwomanofyourchoice, stopyourpartnerfrom cheatingandhimorher toloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet, cleardebts,manhood enlargementmtoxl,hips andbreastenlargement, badlucksandmany more.
CallDrRingazi: 0812049299
HouseForRentIn Meersig.
3bedrooms,kitchen, livingroom,dining room, 2bathrooms,indoor braai,garden,double garage.
N$8000.00 +p/m
Walvis Bay, Close to CBD.
Spaciousopenplan 1bedroomflat.
BICinkitchenand bedroom.Built-instove andalarmsystem. Separateentrance.
N$300 Water and electricity included. Preferablysingleperson withnopets.
N$4500-00p/month plusN$4500-00deposit
Contact:0811415589/ 0813179097
No5.SUNNYtwobedroomflatwithlotsof cupboards,Sitting room,Kitchenwith stoveandBathroom. Lockupgarage. Spaciouscourtyardwith remotegate.Prepaid electricity MunicipalWater Alarm. Sorry–Nopets!c/o
TheoBenGurirab& 16thStreet. N$5500.00p/mplus deposit.Immediately available.
WalvisBay:ToRent: ONEBedroomflat@ BlockofFlats.
Nr2-Sunnyone bedroom,BIC. Bathroom,kitchenwith lotsofcupboards,stove, andspacioussitting room.Alarm.Single garage.Prepaidelect. Municipalwater Sorry–NOpets.
N$4800.00p/mplus deposit.Immediately available.c/oTheo-Ben Guriraband16th Street.
TORENT:WalvisBay, Fairways.
Backyardonebedroom flat
N$3700.00p/m Water incl. Prepaid electricity. BIC&Stove
Contact:0812373492 0811276112 TO
WALVISBAY 0811243904
2ndStreet,East officespace
Contact: 0811243904
I am looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. I do not drink or smoke. I can take care of kids and elderly, it can be 3 days a week or weekends. I am available and ready to start anytime.
Contact:0816377073 0812824642
Ek is opsoek na ‘n hele week of 3 dae ‘n se huiswerk of kindertuin. Walvisbaai, Meersig, Lagoon, Langstrand of Narraville.
Ek is 43 jaar oud.
I am a 26 year old looking for domestic work. Walvis Bay or Swakopmund.
I am a 26 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, for a week.
I am a 48 year old man, looking for job as a Plant Operator in Swakopmund, I have 13 years working experience. I can also do installation of PABE system, I have 3 years experience and willing to start immediately
I am a 43 year old lady looking for domestic work for a week. Walvis Bay or Swakopmund.
Contact:0813572746 0813437310.
Febronia, I am a 23 year old and i stay in Walvis Bay. I am looking for work to take care of my 7 month old baby. I am willing to start anytime.
I am a 36 year old lady looking for any kind of job in Swakopmund, I have a N6 Certificate in Building and Civil Engineering, Grade 12 and 4 years experience as a laundry attendant.
Ek is opsoek werk, restaurant, hotel, chef, huiswerk, skoonmaak werk, ek kan ook babas opas in Swakopmund.
Kontak:0813731294/ 0817226819
Zacharias “Ou Bob” Seibeb
Born: 1958/09/01
Died: 2024/03/02
Psalm 39 vs 10
Psalm 39 vs 10
Remove your scourge
Remove your scourge from me; I am overcome by the blow of your hand.
Memorial services as follows:
Friday 15 March - Receiving of body at Kuisebmond Taxi Rank
Time: 17H00
Continue to Seibeb residence Memorial service starts at 19H00.
All tribute messages will be done on Friday in the big tent
Saturday 16 March - At Seibeb residence
Time: 08H00
Catholic Church, Kuisebmond
Time: 09H00
Contact persons: Alfons //Areseb. 0812616263
Deseline !Auchas 0812238654
Junior Chess Championships Highlight Future Grandmasters
Showcasingtheirchessskillsandtechniques,juniorplayersfromaround Namibia recently participated in the Bank Windhoek 2024 Namibia NationalJuniorChessChampionshipsinWindhoek.
Displaying the rising interest in chess within the country, the Championships exceeded the anticipated number of youths participating in the Namibian National Schools Individual Chess Championships (NNSICC) finale. The eventsawanewrecord withover430maleand femaleparticipants.
Bank Windhoek's Executive Officer of Marketing and Corporate Communication
Services, Jacquiline Pack, said, as a partner in empowering the sportscodesince2007, Bank Windhoek has seen the establishment androll-outoftheBank Windhoek National Junior Chess Championships across 100 schools in Namibia, whichcontinuestobea success “The sponsorship aligns with Bank Windhoek's commitment to fosteringthedevelopment of critical thinking and
analytical skills By supporting this initiative, we reinforce our dedication to empowering future generationsandpaving the way for their success,”shesaid.
As the matches unfolded, the players from the participating ten zones were united by the sport while competingtoshowcase the brilliance and passion of playing chess.
Namibia Chess Federation, Goodwill Khoa, says the event saw an excellent new nationwide participationrecord,includingKeetmanshoopand KatimaMulilo.“Mostoftheplayerswereexcited to play their first tournament, and they were all well-behaved. It is common to have a few tears after a loss, but players were resilient and played alltherounds,”hesaid.
Khoaencouragesfutureparticipantstoregisterfor their FIDE IDs this year, which will act as a
player's card for the tournament “When participating in any town, you will be issued a FIDE ID.Alternatively, you can register with the NamibiaChessFederation,”hesays.
Theemergingtopeightplayerswillnowsettheir sights toward the coastal town of Swakopmund duringtheschoolmid-termbreaktobattleforthe National Junior Team spot and a chance to representNamibiainternationally
Rainhold and Haitope Crowned Rössing National Marathon Champions
Rudi BoweTomas Rainhold and Lavinia Haitope emerged victorious at the 2024 Rössing Marathon on SaturdaythispastweekendinSwakopmund.
President of the
Swakopmund witnessed an extraordinary turnout of over 2 000 athletes from across the Namibia, congregated at the 33rd Rössing Marathon, markinganewrecordforparticipantnumbers.The Rössing Marathon a collaborative effort between Rössing Uranium and Swakop Striders stands as theflagshipsportseventforRössingUraniumand is a prominent fixture on the sporting calendar of theErongoregion.Participantsengagedinvarious racecategories,includinga42kmfullmarathon,a 21kmhalfmarathon,a10kmrace,anda5kmfunwalk.
Rainhold successfully defended his Rössing Marathon title with a time of 02:18:18, closely followed by Tangeni Sakaria in a time of 2:18:38 and Matias Simon in a time of 2:23:42, while Lavinia Haitope clinching the lead and securing first place with a time of 02:43:11, with Helalia Johannes second in 2:51:00, and OttilieAimwata thirdintimeof2:59:57.
Rainhold told the media at the finish line that his bodyisintopshape,“Ifeelreallygoodandthisis good preparation for me because my next marathon will be in South Korea where I'll try to qualifyfortheOlympics.”
Winnersofthefullmarathonwereawarded20000 Namibiandollars,alongwithanadditional20000 Namibiandollarsasadevelopmentbonus.Rössing Uranium's managing director, Johan Coetzee, expressed delight in the event's success, highlighting the unparalleled challenge it presentedtoparticipants.“Itissafetosay,continue running or walking often to keep yourself fit and healthy Move more so you can live longer is the theme of this year's marathon edition,” he said. Coetzee applauded the runners who took part for the second and third time. “They came back to make sure they give last year's winners a run for their money This is entirely why we do this. Our country needs the best representation on the international track, hence the need to host his marathon,addingthatthetotalprizemoneyforthis year's event is N$162 000. “The Rössing Marathon is one of our key annual social
investment initiatives, and all the entry fees collected for over 400 5Km Fun Walkers, go directly to the CancerAssociation of Namibia in thefightagainstcancerwithwinnersfromtheset categories winning N$2 000 each, as officially sponsored by Rössing Uranium contractor company,OshitendaBusinessCC.Theentryfees of the 10km, 21km and 42km are donated to the SwakopStridersAthleticsClub,”hesaid.
Open men: 1 Thomas Rainhold 2:18:80 (N$20 000), 2 Tangeni Sakaria 2:18:38 (N$8 000), 3 Matias Simon 2:23:42 (N$5 000)
Open women: 1 Lavinia Haitope 2:43:11 (N$20 000), 2 Helalia Johannes 2:51:00 (N$8 000), 3 Ottillie Aimwata 2:59:57 (N$5000)
Veteran men 1 Pinehas Embashu (N$2 000), 2 MartinNtinda(N$1000),3ToivoFestus(N$500).
Veteranwomen:1HelaliaJohannes(N$2000),2 Ottillie Aimwata (N$1 000), 3 Harriet Knott (N$500).
Masters men: 1 Andre Ross (N$2000), 2 Alex Kanu (N$1000), 3 Brian Mclaire (N$500)
Masterswomen:1BirgitHoffmann(N$2000),2 Shani Erlank (N$1000), 3 Elizabeth Shino (N$500).
Grand master men: 1 Raimund Kintscher (N$2000), 2 Johannes Gawaxamab (N$1000), 3 JoeAbsai(N$500).
Grandmasterwomen:1AnnSwarts(N$2000),2 MarinaCoetzee(N$1000).
Open men: 1 Simon Paulus (N$6000), 2 Simon Nakale (N$4000), 3 Paulus Iiyambo (N$2000).
Open women: 1 Martha Shivolo (N$6000), 2 Beata Naigambo (N$4000), 3 Monika Kandjebo (N$2000).
Junior men: 1 Paavo Paavo (N$1500), 2 Junias Kalili (N$1000), 3 Henock Henock (N$500).
Junior women: 1 Monika Kandjebo (N$1500), 2 Elizabeth Kalola (N$1000), 3 Beata Nghilifilwa (N$500).
Walvis Bay Whales Take Flight
The recent clinic introduced the game to over 30 enthusiastic kids ranging from 7 to 18 -year-olds players laced up their sneakers and learned valuablebasketballskillsandlifelessons.
International and Walvis Bay Basketball Coach Manuel'Lito'Carballosaidthatitwasfantasticto see so many children enjoying basketball. "We want to give them the opportunity to not only develop their skills on the court, but also learn valuable life lessons through the sport. The Academy faces a temporary hurdle: a lack of dedicated basketball facilities. However, they're taking an inspiring shot by working with local businesses to rebuild existing courts. This dedicationhasalreadygarneredsupport,withlocal businesspeople stepping up to assist,” Coach Lito explained and further said, “the Whales' vision extendsbeyondthecourt. Theyaimtoestablisha full-fledged academy that fosters not just basketballskills,butalsoimportantlifeskillslike teamwork, discipline, communication and much more.” Coach Lito added, “the Academy is actively seeking support to achieve their goals. Thoseinterestedincontributingcanfindresources on fundraising and grant opportunities for basketball facilities by searching online for "basketball academy fundraising" or "grants for
building basketball courts in Namibia." He further said that building facilities is key to development, and the Academy recognises a critical issue in Walvis Bay “A proper court is not just about basketball; it's a big contributor to the town's economic and community development The Academy's success will hinge on its ability to secureadedicatedspacefortheseyoungathletesto honetheirskills.TheWalvisBayWhalesAcademy is a shining example of how passion and community spirit can pave the way for a brighter future. Let's cheer them on as they continue to inspirethenextgenerationofNamibianBasketball stars, with the support of the community, they can turn their vision into a reality, fostering not just athletictalent,butalsoathrivingtownspirit.”
Does your child dream of becoming a basketball star while learning valuable life skills? Look no further! Contact the Walvis Bay Whales Sports AcademytodayviaWhatsAppat+264812387738 to learn from the best and become part of our winningteam.
Abig shoutout to the Municipality of Walvis Bay andallthesupportiveparentswhohelpedmakethis eventaslamdunkevent.Thiscollaborativespiritis keytoempoweringourcommunity'syouth. ThenextclinicwillbedoneinSwakopmund.
Kickboxers Compete For Top Honours
TheNamibianKickboxingFederation(NKF)recentlyhosteditsErongo regionaltrialswheretwenty-sevenkickboxerscompetedfortophonours intheirrespectivecategoriesattheSwakopmundHotel&Entertainment Centre.
Theeventthatprovided a platform for aspiring Kickboxerstoshowcase theirtalentandcompete atanationallevelwasa hugesuccess.
The Erongo regional Kickboxing trials were a testament to the dedication and hard workoftheparticipants, coaches and officials involvedinthesport.
The NKF will will host theirnationalqualifying trials for the Namibia Fight Championship on 13 April in Swakopmund.
The full results of the Erongo regional Kickboxingtrialswere:
Older Cadets – 65kg1st Taleila Sass; 2nd Jade Venter; 3rd
Younger Cadets –37kg
1st Immanuel Blessing; 2ndKayinFaber
Younger Cadets – 42kg
1st Keagan Appollis; 2ndJustinKuhn
Older Cadets – over 69kg1stNickSmit;2nd MatthewHorn
63kg - 1st Ryan Roux; 2ndJay-DeeOlivier
63 - 69kg - 1st Evan Cruys; 2nd Heinrich Redelinghuys
69 - 79kg - 1st Giandre Potgieter; 2nd Liam Blaauw; 3rd Yaron Lucas
1st Dawn Spangenberg; 2ndBiancaHellwig
30kg-1stKianHuman; 2nd Connor Champion; 3rdHJSchimper
OlderCadets,65kg-1st Taleila Sass; 2nd Jade Venter;
YoungerCadets,47kg1st Keagan Appollis; 2ndLihanBooysen
OlderCadets,47kg-1st Divan Bronkhorst' 2nd JustinKuhn
Older Cadets, over 69kg - 1st Nick Smit; 2ndMatthewHorn
63kg - 1st Ryan Roux; 2ndJay-DeeOlivier
63 - 69kg - 1st Evan Cruys; 2nd Heinrich Redelinghuys
69 – 79kg - 1st Liam Blaauw; 2nd Yaron Lucas; 3rd Giandre Potgieter
Under 70kg - 1st William Cookson; 2nd DevinHaraseb
Over 70kg - 1st Heinrich Schimper; 2nd TheronMaritz
namib times Sport Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
All Set For 2024 Swakop Rally
Rudi BoweZachary Martin in action in a previous Swakop Rally
WalvisBayMotorClub(WBMC)willhostthefirstnationalrallyunder theauspicesoftheNamibiaMotorsportFederationon23Marchinand aroundthecoastal
The short but intense Swakop Rally will count as Round 1 of the 2024 Namibian National Rally Championship with a
of 154.39 km of which 93.18km consists of special stages in and around Swakopmund.Therally will start at Steckel's Toyota, at 10:00andwillendaround 17:00 at the Paintball Centre at the coastal holidaytown.Thedifferent classes that will pull up at the starting point are S1; S2, and S4 as well as the CR2,andCR1vehicles. The 2024 Swakop Rally received sponsorship from various companies that includes Steckel's Toyota;
GUNITE POOLS; JP hydraulics Racing; Safewear Namibia; Skyway, and Seal Consulting Engineers. The organisers callonthepublictoadhere to the safety officers' and marshals' directions at all times for their own safety, while at the same time enjoying every moment alongthetracks.
Coastal Bowling Clubs Maintain their Dominance
Rudi Bowe
The Shrikes trophy remained at the coast for the eighth year in succession as the coastal clubs maintain their dominance at the annual InlandversustheCoastBowlingtournamentrecentlyhostedatthenew convertedartificialsurfaceatNamibParkBowlsClubinWalvisBay.
This annual fundraising eventpitsteamsfromall inland clubs against clubs from the coast, and this year, Inland teams consisted of four mixed teams that bring out their best in their effort to wrestle the trophy from the coastal clubs. The three topperforming teams were
awarded with monetary prizes First was the team of Axel Krahenbuhl, Julian Viljoen, Yvonne Carstens, and Francois van Niekerk withtheteamconsisting of Graham Snyman, Lynne Lindsay-Payne, Brian Nel, and Allan Langestrassen were second whilst the third
place went to Dave Gibbons, Gordon Damster, Peter Fourie, and Annelien Langestrassen.
TheNamibParkBowls Club (NPBC) open Atlantic Trips Bowls competitionissetfor23 and24March.
at Stake as NRU Club Rugby Kicks
AlotwillbeatstakeforthecoastalrugbyclubswhentheNamibianRugbyUnion's(NRU)club rugbyleaguesgetsunderwayonSaturday,16March2024.
The NRU Premier and Reserve Leagues will consist of nine teams with Swakopmund outfit Dolphins Rugby Clubthenewesteditiontothetopleagues.Newcomersto the NRU Premier and Reserve Leagues, Dolphin Sport Club'sfirstandsecondrugbyteamsisreadytomaketheir debut on the field against last year's semi-finalists RehobothRugbyClubinRehobothatTheKraal.
FNB Kudus plays in its first match of the year against FNB Reho Falcon on Saturday 16 March at 14:00 and 16:00 respectively at the Jan Wilken Rugby Stadium in WalvisBay
RehoFalconhasimprovedbyleapsandboundssincethe 2ndhalfoflastyearandboilingwaterrugbyisexpected. KudusontheotherhandlostalotofplayerswithDolphin also competing in the Premier league again Nevertheless,infrontofacrowdthatisstarvedforrugby, Falconscanprepareforarock-hardbattle SeveralKuduplayersarethrownintothedeependwith men who ran for the 3rd team last year and now find themselvesinthe1stteam.Atthebacksomeofthenew faces will go all out in the blue and white to grab their chances with both hands. Apart from the number of players who joined Swakopmund outfit Dolphin, the injuries of William Lottering, Allistair Miller, Lezardo Vos and Zander Jansen are also a sensitive blow for Kudus.
Theclubinvitesthecommunitytoturnupinnumbersand support the team in good spirit. Gate fee is N$ 30 per adult, N$ 20 for children and N$ 30 per car Coolbox is N$50.
In the NRU Women's league, coastal outfit Oceans Women's Rugby Club will be traveling to Rehoboth for theirfirstNRUWomen'sleaguematchagainstRehoboth. ThetwocoastalNRUFirstDivisionteams,SpartaRugby
Club and Oceans Rugby Club will only be in action in AprilandMayrespectively