15 oct namib times e-edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6935 FRIDAY 15 OCTOBER 2021 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Explosives to deliver the end-blow to the wreck of the Fukuseki Maru 7 Floris Steenkamp

The wreck of the Japanese fishing vessel Fukuseki Maru 7, which ran aground off the coast near the mouth of the Ugab River in midMarch 2018, will be subjected to a wreck reduction with commercial explosives next month. Unlike the spectacular site of the vessel being blown apart in a controlled explosion, a wreck reduction quite oppositely entails weakening the vessel’s structure with explosives. Key areas of the vessel’s structure will be weakened by a series of controlled explosions. In doing so it would enable the sea to enter the hull structure and allow the harsh marine environment to fast track its course to break down the vessel. Fukuseki Maru 7 settled on a rocky reef approximately 1 200m off the coast. There was minimal damage to the vessel and no danger that it could sink. The crew was rescued and in the weeks and months that followed the vessel was cleared of all substances and materials that could harm the


Court Report Inside

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Namport goes big on World Food Day

Continues on page 2

“Minibus of traffic horrors” Eileen van der Schyff

As the festive season is steadily approaching, road users should start to revive their road safety conscience and ensure vehicles are roadworthy and that the rules of the road are followed properly. In an incident earlier this week which ticks none of the road safety boxes, a minibus was pulled over by the Namibian Police's Traffic Unit on the MR44 (road behind the dune belt) from where a staggering 35 passengers emerged. No one wore safety belts including the driver. If not enough, fuel containers were found on the passenger's side containing diesel. Pictures herewith: the vehicle, the fuel cans and the staggering number of people that emerged from the minibus which is sure to give any traffic official sleepless nights. Note: on a very alarming note, the workers who were in the minivan are allegedly given no choice. It is a matter of getting to work with this vehicle, even overloading, or risk losing their jobs.

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Coastal Maths Challenge

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Sports News Page 16


15 OCTOBER 2021

Filthy GRN house officially Walvis Bay’s embarrassment Eileen van der Schyff Walvis Bay residents say they had enough, and the Ministry of Works and Transport as a matter of urgency needs to clean up the mess at this vacated Government residence in the harbour town's 5th Road. For many years now, calls fall on deaf ears as embarrassing for Walvis Bay to say the least,” the house is left in an embarrassing mess by said a senior police officer this week. vagrants and often the premises is used by bur- Adding the fight against crime is not only the glars and other criminals as staging posts. responsibility of the Police, but owners and ten“We cannot get someone to take responsibility. ants of premises need to do their part. The house is either the responsibility of the Pictures herewith show the messy situation at this Ministry of Finance or Safety and Security. Government house where residents, tourists and Despite calls both ministries ignore our plight other visitors have to pass each day. and the rubbish only piles up and the site is

On the pictures herewith: The top right picture shows the close proximity of 5th Street which is frequented every day by hundreds of motorists. The house is an embarrassment for the town’s people, all the while as Government officials are twiddling thumbs and shift blame. Other pictures show the house is dilapidated, vagrants are taking trash bags there to empty to scavenge for food and valuables to sell, criminals are making it a hiding place and graffiti possibly indicates drug peddling activities in the area.


Japanese fishing vessel Continued from page 1

Hiermee wil Mev. Poulton baie dankie sê aan die verpleegspersoneel van die Covid-19 afdeling by die Cottage MediClinic vir hul puik diens. ‘n Spesiale dank aan die dokters en fisioterapeute wat so mooi agter haar gekyk het. Aan Manie en sy vrou, baie dankie vir die suurstofmasjien en ‘n spesiale dank aan almal wat vir my gebid het. Ek waardeer dit vreeslik baie.

Van: Hildegard Poulton

marine environment. The vessel was stripped to its metal core, and in the years that followed the sea started its process to break it down. Recent pictures, however show the process is rather slow, as the vessel’s hull remains surprisingly intact. The vessel is listing heavily to port side though, not the original position in which it stranded in 2018. Early in November, a team comprising of rope access specialists, blasting specialists,

and salvage experts would set up camp on the shore near the wreck. Access to the wreck will be by semi-rigid inflatable boats and a rope access team will secure safe access points onto the deck. Scaffolding will be set up, and the blasting experts can then start the work to pack the explosives and connect it to the detonator system. “Our work depends on the weather”, said the project leader Mr Bresler de Beer of B-

Four Diving. B-Four Diving is the project leader on behalf of Subtech South Africa. What makes this project unique is that the majority of work and expertise come from Namibia. The blasting expert is Mr Elvin Hangula of Landsberg Blasting, and the explosives and accessories supplied by Enaex Namibia under the leadership of Mr Tobi van der Linde. Rope access work will take place under the team leadership of Mr. Ethan van Rooi.

Let us all help find Lizette Fritz Lizette Fritz (18), last seen on Sunday 5 September, is missing. Fritz is light in complexion, slim and speaks KhoKhoegowab, Afrikaans and English. She is a grade-10 student in Walvis Bay. Contact Detective Chief Inspector Daniel Gurirab at 081 233 3745 or Detective Warrant Officer Amamub at 081 763 8188 or contact your nearest police station.

The South African consultant Joe Brinkmann (Jet Demolition South Africa) will supervise the project overall. Added de Beer: “We have received our environmental clear-ance certificate to carry out

the work, and we will be finalising our blast plan next week”. According to de Beer the project was preceded in recent weeks by trial blasts to ensure it has sufficient strength to take the wreck apart.

15 OCTOBER 2021



Music teacher convicted of rape Another alleged child rapist’s case referred to regional court Sharlien Tjambari A 26-year-old former teacher will spend five years in prison for the rape of a boy. Jerome Cloete was convicted in the regional court in Swakopmund on three counts of rape, following his sexual abuse of three boys between 2018 and 2019. Magistrate Gaynor quarantined for Co- her and raped her. P a u l t o n h a n d e d vid-19, will go be pro- During the rape he Cloe-te an eight secuted in the regional allegedly told her she years sentence, but court in Swakopmund. was the youngest girl sus-pended three A decision is this re- he has ever had sexual years of the sentence, gard was made by the intercourse with. After mean-ing Cloete will Office of the Prosecu- his heinous deed, Leisbe spending five tor-General. ter allegedly forced his years in prison, and Glenn Clifford Leister victim to ensure the should he again be (27) will make a first hallway was clear of convicted of the appearance in this anyone, so he could s a m e c r i m e , h e court on 29 October. flee the scene undetectwould have to serve Leister appeared in the ed. the suspended three Swakopmund Magi- Leister at the time was years as well. strates Court on Wed- employed as a driver Cloete raped an 11- nesday this week. He is for the Ministry of year-old boy on se- accused of having rap- Health and Social Serveral occasions dur- ed the minor girl at the vices, and was stationing 2018 and 2019 beginning of Septem- ed at the Swakopmund and was arrested in ber last year. bungalows which as October 2019. The victim alleges mentioned earlier at He would call the Leister confronted her the time served as a vic-tim into an empty in her room at the Covid-19 quarantine classroom, where he facility, overpowered facility. Mean would first force the boy to stimulate him sexually, before sodomising his victim. The rape victim did the right thing by taking another teacher into his confidence and report what was happening to him. It led to Cloete's arrest, trial and conviction. At the time of the crimes, Cloete was a music teacher and Mondesa Your Opportunities, an afterschool program that assists learners between Grade 4 and 8 with their school sub-jects, life skills and music Meanwhile, a 27year-old man who allegedly raped a 15year-old girl at the Swakopmund municipal bungalows last year, where she was

Jerome Cloete

Glen Clifford Leister

Replacement of sewer line soon to conclude.......... The Swakopmund Municipality is in the process of replacing a section of the main sewer line that collapsed at the Kühnast/ Aldridge/Möwen junction of the town. This sewer line runs under Kühnast Street and ends at the start of Vrede Rede Street. According to the spokesperson of the Swakopmund Municipality, Ali Gebhardt, the municipality will be replacing at least 60 meters of pipeline, 6 meters underground as well as two concrete manholes. In the last months, a sink hole developed next to one of the sewer manholes before the entire line section collapsed. The work is being done by municipal staff, assisted by an SME-contractor, who is dealing with the pipe laying and general construction work related to the project. The cost of replacing the line is around N$150 000, and is at an advanced stage and should conclude towards month's end.


15 OCTOBER 2021

Walvis Bay Court Report

Court Swakopmund Court Report Magistrate Court Chairmain Ortiz Aloysia Letts (45), appeared on a charge of corruptly using officed or position for gratification – theft by false pretences. The accused was found not guilty with evidence and acquitted. Pinehas Tangeni Amunyela (33) and Mika Mika (21), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 6 December for legal aid. The accused remain in custody. Jeremiah Augustinus (28), appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft and possession of suspected property. The matter was postponed to 22 November because the trial was partly heard. The accused is on bail. Karlin Naidoo (25), appeared on charges of resisting a member of the police, assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 27 October for plea. The accused remains in custody. Simeon Teofelus (23), appeared on a charge of possession of suspected property. The matter was postponed to 2 March 2022 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Heiko Dedig (42), appeared on two counts of rape charges. The matter was postponed to 15 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Simson Kandolo (33), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal. The matter was postponed to 28 October for continuation of trial. The accused remains in custody. Michael Nowaseb (41), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 28 October for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Erasmus Paulus (41), appeared on a charge of immigration- entry into Namibia at any place other than a port of entry. The matter was postponed to 27 October for plea. The accused remain in custody. Stefan Erich Fischer (29), appeared on a charge of reckless of negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 18 October for fixing of trial date. The accused is on bail. Mohamed Abouelazn (38), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 22 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Lukas Langenhoven (32), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 21 October for plea. The accused remain in custody.

Gideon Aludhilu (35), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 7 December for lab results. The accused remain in custody. Innocent Hunibeb (26), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 11 November for mental observation report in terms of section 79. The accused remains in custody. Jan Gowaseb (30) and Laurencia Oe-Amses (36), appeared on charges of dealing in dependence producing substance and resisting a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 17 November for fixing of trial date. The accused are on bail. Elzaan Vercuil (32), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 8 December for prosecutor general's decision. The accused have been warned. Jana Kiesewetter (24), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 31 March for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Ricardo So Oebeb (27) and Cantona Goagoseb (27), appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 7 December for prosecutor general's decision. The accused are on bail. Allen Adonis Fredricks (26), appeared on a charge of murder read with provisions of the domestic violence act, Act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 8 December for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Catherine Cloete (30), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 November for legal representation. The accused is on bail. Marchell Hoeseb (32), appeared on a charge of culpable homicide (vehicle accident). The matter was postponed to 6 December for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Yvab Guim (27), Ziggy Nawaseb (26), Bongani Tsuseb (30) and Collen Losper (18), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 18 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Desmond Desderius Uwuseb (21), appeared on charges of rape, kidnapping and robbery. The matter was postponed to 29 October because the case was transferred to the regional court. The accused remains in custody. Ngarukure Mureko (33), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Maaka Van Der Merwe (47), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 25 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody.

Uuwanga Elifas (28), Robbery (October 2020) The matter is postponed to 7 March 2022. Trial Partly Heard – Continuation of trial. Anton Rafeal (20), Malicious damage to property read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003 (October 2021) The accused was sentenced. Mentjies Luwelline (29), Possession of drugs (October 2021) The matter was postponed to 17 January 2022. Further investigation Johanna van der Merwe (51), Negligent driving, Refusal to provide breath specimen (March 2021) The accused was sentenced. Lucas Shipwe (31), Theft (March 2021) The case was withdrawn. Shipiki Ericson (26), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, Attempted Murder (August 2021) The matter was postponed to 25 October 2021. Further investigation. Rivaldo Kahebeb (23), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (September 2021) The accused was found guilty with evidence. Ficbard Stanley Kanao (46), Monica Mokhutu (62), Dealing in drugs, Possession of drugs (August 2021) The accused was found guilty with evidence. Fibard Stanley Kanao (46), Possession of drugs (September 2021) The matter was postponed to 23 November 2021. Plea and Trial. Simon Ananias (23), Robbery with aggravating circumstances (October 2020), Trial Partly Heard – Judgement. Immanuel Kalitenda (57), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003. (March 2021) The matter is postponed to 27 September 2021. Trial Partly Heard – Continuation of trial. Underaged boy (17), Possession of drugs (April 2021) Nemushi Amandus Imanuel (30), Rape (June 2021) The matter is postponed to 29 November 2021. P.G. Decision. Vernon Visagie (38), Assault common read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003. (July 2021) Sentenced. Irma Kanao (30), Crimen injuria (August 2021) The accused was found guilty. Solassie Anamab (22), Ben Rooinasio (31), Alex Kootjie (22), Johannes Uirab (39), Fanuel !Kharusab (30), Elton !Narib (19), Fanuel !Khuriseb (30), Illegal Hunting (September 2021), The matter was postponed to 28 October 2021. Further investigation. Filipus Nuuyoma (39), Furnishing False Information. (August 2021) The case is postponed to 18 October 2021 for further investigation. Benjamin Kafe (39), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (September 2021) The accused was found guilty with evidence. Justus Erasmus (43), Breech of Protection Order (May 2021) The matter is postponed to 22 November 2021. Plea and Trial. Wilna uman Malapi (32), Drunk Driving (October 2021) The matter is postponed to 16 November 2021. Further investigation.

15 OCTOBER 2021

Namport goes big on World Food Day The Namibian Ports Authority earlier this month donated one hundred 'basic dry food' parcels to the Office of the Governor in Erongo, as part of the commemoration of World Food Day tomorrow, Saturday 16 October. As part of the commemoration, the parcels will be handed to members of the community at the Utuseb settlement on the banks of the Kuiseb River southeast of Walvis Bay. In fact, one hundred households in the seven regional Constituencies in Erongo will benefit from this gesture by the Ports Authority. The theme of year's commemoration of World Food Day is “Our action; Our future; Better Production; Better Nutrition; a Better Environment trade through its ex- frameworks of the cellent customer ser- United Nations Susand a Better Life.” “The donation is a co- v i c e , s u s t a i n a b l e tainable Development operative and robust growth and social res- Goals known as SDG's, action from the Ports ponsibility, to contr- Namibia's Vision 2030, Authority, to collect- ibute to the transfor- Namibia's Fifth Natioively join hands with mation of Namibia as a nal Development Plan Government's efforts logistics hub. Parts of (NDP5) and the Hain reducing existing the profits generated by rambee Prosperity food gaps, protect and the Ports Authority is Plan. restore livelihoods dedicated to social res- Receiving the donawithin local commu- ponsibility and to tion, Governor Andre nities,” says Namport plough back in the thanked Namport and communities where it described this effort as in a statement. The food parcel’s, operates. Since 2006 a “continuous commitwhich were received Namport already spent ment to play an active by the Governor of N$35 million on social role in alleviating hunErongo, Neville An- responsibility projects ger amongst the nadre who selected Utu- in all fourteen regions tion's communities.” He called upon other seb as one of the be- of Namibia. corporates to follow Speaking at the handneficiaries of the parthis example. over, Namport's Chief cels. It will be handed Executive Officer, Mr. “Namport remains out at Utuseb today. World Food Day Andrew Kanime, said steadfast to its values which was first com- Namport cannot exist of being committed, memorated in 1979, in isolation and cannot connected and caring is commemorated to operate as an island of and pledges to support empower all the ele- prosperity in an ocean as far as resources permit to join hands with ments of an agri-food of poverty. systems – “from farm “It would be a short- the Namibian governlived success,” he said. ment's relentless efto table.” Adding, the Namibian forts of ending hunger Namport is commitPorts Authority is in Namibia,” the stateted to providing world-class port ser- aware of the role it ment by the Ports Autvices to all seaborne needs to play in the hority concludes.



Did You Know? World Food Day is an international day celebrated every year worldwide on 16 October to commemorate the date of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 1945.


15 OCTOBER 2021

Dolphin School Grade 12's say farewell Rudi Bowe

The grade 12's of The Dolphin School were quite busy the last few weeks of their school year that unofficially ended on Tuesday 12 October with their Valedictory day at the Walvis Bay Community Church in the harbour town.

The end of a chapter

Twelve or so years ago these sweet little innocent children started school. They became less innocent but sometimes still sweet young people who are now prepared to go into the world. The world waits in darkness and need you. Go out there and be the light. You were taught all you need, it is now time for you to go out there and live the lessons gifted to you. The guest speaker, Mr Willem Derks, told the grade twelve's to not look for joy, create it and that happiness should not be their goal in life, it should be a lifestyle. Derks said, “Your habits create happiness as we shape our habits and then our habits shape us.” “Happiness based on events is temporary and happiness based on habits is long-term and happy habits are just as addicted as bad habits but they are much more satisfying” Derks added. He says “You do not need other people's permission to be happy and you cannot control what other people say or do to you, but you can choose how to respond. It is your choice to rejoice.” The outgoing Head Prefect of The Dolphin School, Mickhael Fourie said in his last word to his fellow grade twelve's to choose their friends wisely, fine people who want to be the best for you and spend your precious and valuable time with them. He further told them, “Stop comparing yourself to others, we're all too different from each other and none of us are equal. Nothing is made perfect so neither are you. We should stop trying to change the world.” Fourie added, “We are still kids and we should embrace it, but it does not mean we should pursue expediency but pursue something that is meaningful.” The Dolphin School Principal, Mrs Ilse Palomba said that we live in a world of instant gratification and immediate responses and many people become irritated if the responses are not immediately. Don't be like that, slow down and take time and wait for it with patience. Palomba said, “Peer pressure is all about insecurity. Be confident in who you are and you will never have to fit in.” At the event, the prefects for the year 2022 was introduced. The Elementry School prefects for 2022 are: Lia Kufuna- Head Prefect, Lloyd Jansen – Deputy Prefect, Daniella Stauder, Jo-GeaShatika and Kauthar Heuvel. The Dolphin Secondary School's prefects for 2022 are; Nadine Willemse – Head Prefect, Zea Summers – Deputy Head Prefect, Xavier Croza, Tanaka Kimbini, Delano Muller, Amore Mupetami, Stefan Roux and Sunsunet van Blerk. Alicia Jankowitz received the Dux Learner Trophy with an average of 75.3% through her Secondary School Career. Sunsunet van Blerk, Zea Summers, Amore Mupetami and Liam Allen accompanied by Mr Erwin Adams attended the Arbor Day last Friday in Kuisebmond. The Hospitality class of 2021 hosted a Restaurant evening for their final Hospitality Practical Examination. The Hospitality Regional Moderator was present while the learners prepared and presented their food. The evening with some special guest was a big success. Last Friday 8 October the grade Twelve Farewell was held at the Rustic Pearl in Walvis Bay. The learners looked stunning as they arrived with new special or vintage cars.

The grade twelve's of The Dolphin School received their farewell invitation

Port Log Alicia Jankowitz from The Dolphin School received the Dux Learner Trophy from JP Kouwenhoven from FCS

15 OCTOBER 2021



Namibia Community Affairs and Human Rights Advocacy cc now in Walvis Bay Namibia Community Affairs and Human Rights Advocacy cc, whose focus is on human rights advocacy, community affairs solutions, conflict counselling, court matters, labour, domestic violence, translation, interpretation, and consultancy, recently opened their Erongo branch office in Walvis Bay. The organisation mandate as a affairs advocate is to provide administrative and financial guidance assistance to town councils, if possible, community development organisations, businesses, and individuals to improve the quality of life in Namibia. The also partner with communities to create a climate of success for Namibia's families and businesses through community and economic development, town councils' assistance, develop and implement the community affairs programme (Schools link, classroom activities, work experience internships, mentoring and team building) in line with the national community programme. The organisation supports the development and implementation of the programme communications strategy regarding the community affairs programme, to name a few. The organisation also aids domestic violence victims by offering advocacy, encouragement, and support services, such

as preparing victims for court. They work closely with law enforcement and attorneys and encourages clients to participate with their organization's activities. In collaboration with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, the firm currently conduct weekly group counselling meetings in which domestic violence victims can speak freely, without fear and individual counselling sessions are provided, when necessary, after the group sessions. Therefore, their mandate as Human rights advocates, they are responsible for ensuring fair and equal treatment for all citizens. The organisation serves as a consultant to government agencies which show the presence of their advocate to courts where they operate as Legal aid to provide assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. The office is located on Langer Heinrich Crescent, Industrial Area.


15 OCTOBER 2021

Coastal Maths Challenge concludes The 2021 Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge concluded on Wednesday, 29 September at the Namib High School in Swakopmund.

Grade 10 winners - Benjamin Bailey (PSS, Bronze), Amit van Wyk (PSS, Silver) and Laura Damster (ISWB, Gold)

Learners writing

Website: www.namibtimes.net

The event saw grade 8 to 10 learners from the Swakopmund Secondary, and the Walvis Bay Secondary Schools clusters compete in mathematics skills challenges. Liam Nasilowski from Pro-Ed Akademie won the grade eight categories. Stefan Lotriet from Walvis Bay Private High School and Benjamin de Wet, also from Pro-Ed Akademie, came in second and third place. Cesar Fernandes from the International School Walvis Bay was the top performer in the grade nine category. Stacey Damster from The Dolphin Schools came second, while Walvis Bay Private High School's Hendrik Viljoen and Flamingo Secondary School's Turee Perestrelo shared the third spot. International School Walvis Bay's Laura Damster was the top learner in the grade ten category, followed by Amit van Dyk from Private School Swakopmund. Benjamin Bailey from Private School Swakopmund scooped third place. The Best Performing School, based on the average mark of all school learners, went to International School Walvis Bay with a score of 47.86 percent. Pro-Ed Akademie reached 45.38 percent, while Walvis Bay Private High School scored 42.74 percent overall. Based on the average mark of all participating learners from the cluster, Walvis Bay won with a narrow marginof 41.6 percent compared to Swakopmund's 40.1 percent. Challenging learners' mathematical skills On the final day, a total of seventy-three learners from grades 8, 9, and 10 gathered for an afternoon of problem-solving comprising three mathematical papers. The first paper tested the learners on mental mathematics proficiency and number sense. In contrast, the second paper consisted of multiple-choice questions focused on understanding and logical thinking over ten questions. The third paper consisted of open questions that required insight and knowledge without the advice of solutions but with permission to use a calculator.



Bank Windhoek's Swakopmund Branch Sales Manager, Sonja van der Merwe, who handed over the winning medals and trophies, congratulated the learners for a job well done. The Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge exposes learners to problem-solving in a challenging and fun context since 2014. It regularly motivates teachers and learners to engage in problemsolving activities periodically. "I wish mathematical problem solving would receive more attention in schools because problem-solving can lead to an appreciation for the power of mathematics," said the Challenges' Organiser Courtney-Clarke, from Orison Educational Services. Courtney-Clarke added that the support of all the mathematics teachers and the learners at Swakopmund and Walvis Bay secondary schools had carried the event forward. "However, the support of a sponsor is indispensable. Our gratitude goes to Bank Windhoek for recognising the importance of promoting mathematical problem solving among our Namibian learners and for the support this event enjoys," she concluded. The following are participation details: Number of learners · Total number of learners: 73; Grade 8: 26; Grade 9: 27; Grade 10: 20 Participating Schools: 12 schools Swakopmund Cluster: 7 schools · Pro-Ed Akademie · Private School Swakopmund · Namib High School · Swakopmund Secondary School · VredeRede Combined School · Kolin Foundation Secondary School · Riverside Private School ·Walvis Bay Cluster: 5 schools · Walvis Bay Private High School · International School Walvis Bay · The Dolphin Schools · Flamingo Secondary School · Kuisebmond Secondary School

15 OCTOBER 2021




PRESS RELEASE MUNICIPALITY OP SWAKOPMUND POSITION ON APPLICATIONS FOR LAND IN SWAKOPMUND Namibia is experiencing rapid urbanisation in most major towns and Swakopmund has been no different. Municipalities cannot keep pace with the increased migration due to a combination of factors. The result has been uncontrolled growth of informal settlements and an acute increase in demand for serviced land for residential and business purposes. Local authorities cannot overcome these challenges without the assistance of the private sector and the intervention of Government. Swakopmund Municipality has been inundated with requests for large parcels of land from the private sector for the development of townships. Processing and considering applications is time consuming and places a high demand on Council's human resources meaning there is less time for planning and execution of strategic objectives. Many such applications have been approved; however, the results have not always been satisfactory for different reasons. Developers who have been allocated land (for eg township development, Urban Agriculture, Tertiary purposes and housing) by Council and have not completed them yet, will be kept strictly to the agreed time frames and terms and conditions applicable to their projects.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Homebased Business (Barber Shop). Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 5 November 2021. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Mr Jonathan Dean Smith, P O Box 8094, Narraville email: snoepie7777@gmail.com

Council also requires monthly updates from these developers to avoid developmental bottlenecks. Council has now decided to re-establish control over all facets of urban growth in pursuit of its objective of providing a continuous supply of affordable serviced land for all purposes, eg residential, commercial/industrial, agricultural and aquaculture. In furtherance of the stated objective, Council has decided that it will no longer entertain unsolicited bids/proposals/requests for land from the public for the foreseeable future as per the resolution below. (a)

That an advert be placed in the newspapers informing the public not to submit unsolicited applications for land since all land will be advertised. (b) That Council approves the following transparent and easily implementable process for the allocation of land for private developers in terms of section 7 of the Property Policy as follows: (I) Council directs what type of development it plans in the different unplanned areas for a given period. (ii) Council identifies land which it intends to reserve for itself to ensure that Council can make good on its mandate to control the development and sale of affordable land and housing. (iii) Council identifies land in specific areas to make available for private developers. (iv) The size of the portions to be awarded to developers be confirmed in each area. (v) Council sets out the qualifying criteria (e.g. the relevant experience of the entity in similar developments, the skill and ability of the professional teams, the content of their proposal, the cost of the housing and the ability of the developer to raise the required finances) that developers need to meet in order to participate in any call for proposals. (vi) Council confirms what form the application or proposal should take and the manner and method to be used to objectively assess and select successful candidates. The public is therefore requested to refrain from seeking audiences with Council and submitting applications to purchase or develop land for housing or townships. All land which Council intends to lease or sell to the public will be advertised to ensure that everyone has an equal and fair opportunity to compete. Council is developing a framework to ensure a steady and reliable supply of satisfactorily serviced residential and commercial erven, so that Swakopmund remains an enabling environment for its citizens and prospective investors equally. The framework consists of a Development Manual, Town Planning procedures as well as criteria and conditions for the sale of and development of land. These will be amended from time-to-time to suit each project or special objectives eg reduced prices or rates & taxes to encourage investment. The public will also be clearly informed of relevant conditions applicable to transactions and the reasons for those conditions. Council will identify land and advertise for sale/call for development proposals based on the criteria and considerations stipulated below: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Location Purpose eg a) Complete township, or b) Business c) Agri/Mari/Aquaculture and mixed urban agriculture d) High density/General Residential e) Public entertainment/Parks/Public amenities f) High/Middle/Low Income Residential g) Religious, Medical, Educational, Social welfare h) Small Industrial large or Noxious Industrial Size Price Conditions Minimum standards of services Compliance conditions for completion of the project Qualifying criteria for developers (e.g. the relevant experience of the entity in similar developments, the skill and ability of the professional teams, the content of their proposal, the cost involved and the ability of the developer to raise the required finances). Form the application or proposal should take, and The manner and method to be used to objectively assess and select successful candidates. A Benjamin Chief Executive Officer

Notice No: 72/2021

NOTICE OF THE CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Institutional Building (Medical Lab) ON ERF NO: 5071 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: 75 Moses Garoeb Street. In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Institutional Building (Medical Lab). Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 29 October 2021. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: J Wolfaardt, P O Box 1694, Keetmanshoop email: hannes1332@mweb.co.za


15 OCTOBER 2021

15 OCTOBER 2021


Hi Step Hydraulic Services CC offers the positions of HYDRAULIC TECHNICIAN, HYDRAULIC FITTER and STOREMAN at our Walvis Bay Offices. Minimum Qualifications 1. Grade 12 2. 5-10 Years' Experience as Hydraulic Fitter / Technician; 3-5 Year's Experience as Storeman 3. Code BE Driver's License Applicants should be of sober habits & be able to work unsupervised. Hydraulic Positions – Applicants should be able to do hydraulic fault finding, pipe bending, have an in-depth knowledge of all types of hydraulic pumps, motor and valve repairs. Storeman Position - Applicant should have a good knowledge of how to effectively run a store, be computer literate & have knowledge of Pastel. Market Related remuneration will be offered. Completed CV's to be forward to heidi@histep.com.na or hand delivered to Rössing Street New Industrial Argon Properties Unit 1 Closing dates for CV's 15 NOVEMBER 2021




Industrial Acid Proofing Namibia cc requires the services of an In-house Accountant Bookkeeper Swakopmund Applicants must meet the following require-ments: - Qualification – Diploma or degree in accounting/bookkeeping - Minimum 10 years' experience working in a reputable accounting auditing firm - Knowledge, skills and experience in all accounting computer software and MS office For a full detailed Job description and working conditions applicants should submit CV's to the following E-Mail address: lorenzo@iapsa.co.za


Friday, 29 October 2021


15 OCTOBER 2021

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net


JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL: Want to get your drivers license before the year ends? We are here to save you!! Call us today and book 10 hours and get 2 FREE hours.. Contact: 081 237 6355 for bookings!!

Traditional MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR GOGO DIMBA The name that carries weight. Is in Walvis Bay with over 40 years experience. And is specializing in various problems and diseases such as! Bringing back lost lovers in 4 days, binding your lover to be yours only and to stop him/her from cheating. To get a man or a woman of your choice Removal of Badluck Cleaning out your complicated and challenging court cases Jobs and promotion pregnancy problems Winning tenders and contracts. Rejuvinate mens power during sex and to boost weak erections Penis enlargement – revenge. Recovering your stolen property. To stop woman from prolonging menstruation and many more complicated problems and other diseases. experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Come and visit a doctor with a difference for appointment call 081 327 4510



DR FAMBA WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU Well experienced traditional Doctor who destroys all types of witchcraft power that is happening in people's life and he brings back all your luck which is taken through witching he genuinely helps with the following problems: 1. Removing bad luck completely 2. Brings back lost lover 3. Destroys tokoloshi in your life 4. Restoring birth rights lucky 5. Stop bad dreams 6. Breaking the chains of family problems and diseases 7. Provide powerful protection against your enemies 8. Blocking your partner not to cheat on you 9. Cure all witchcraft diseases 10. Brings back financial happiness 11. Job opportunities 12. Customer attraction boost your business 13. Promotion 14. Tracing stolen properties 15. Winning gambling 16. Winning love partner 17. Cure weak erection 18. Treating cancer, TB, diabetes, Epilepsy, stroke, Bp, womb pain, joint pain, gout. 19. Hip and manhood enlargement 20. Removing black spots on your skin 21. Stimulate sexual desire and long lasting in bed. Don't hesitate to contact him now to witness the end of your problems. Contact: 081 396 1919

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti - Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get ten-ders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back - Pregnancy Problems - Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses Men’s power sexuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

DR KAMUZU 081 777 4547 Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, diseases, man power. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547 MAMA SINDI A well known South African female doctor Sangoma from Kwazulu natal (Durban) is here to heal, treat and solve your problems. Lost lovers will be back to you, women problems, work, lucky charms, protection and many more. Located Lagoon, Walvis Bay Mama Sindi 081 327 4512 Dr Dube. Lowest consultation fee of N$50. Will tell you all your problems before you ask him anything. Powerful muti for manhood enlargement (Kuzakuza). Strong on relationship & marriage matters. Fix broken relationships. He will show and explain your future and fortune telling. Diseases like Asthma, Epilyps, minor stroke, Cancer in early stages. Weight loss. Love felihle kakhulu. Women tightening. In Both Walvis Bay & Swakopmund and also in Arandis on Appointments. Call 0817647849

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Af-fairs Marriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inesses Protection at Home Removal of Toko-loshi Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887 Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street. Dr Vuyo Mukwena. A very powerful Traditional & Sangoma. Free Consultation. He deals with all relationship problems: lost lovers, attract the right man/woman of your future. Sexual boosters and male enlargement & enhencement. Size matters, sweet women. Issues of luck and jobs, promotions, salary negociations. Financial miracles, short boys, unfinished jobs. Healing of diseases and many more. Call for appointments on 0817645932

Traditional DR ABU YAKEN DR LOVE Dealing with only love problems Expert in lost lovers Marriage problems Call love line 081 862 1832 MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR “Doctor Nalilo “The Great” has over 40 years experience and treats various diseases and problems such as: Bringing back lost lovers in a very short time Removal of bad luck Winning very tough and challenging court cases Binding your lover to be yours only, and to get a man of your choice, and to stop him / her from cheating on you. Pregnancy problems, protection of body and house from witchcraft, removing out tokoloshes, stop bad dreams, winning contracts & tenders, weak erections on men during sex, penis enlargement, chest pains, headache, swollen of feet, recovering stolen goods, and many more complicated problems & diseases. Please call Doctor Nalilo “The Great” on 081 495 2159 the only name to remember MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Doctor Bomba Bazuka – the name is enough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102 INTERNATIONAL TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr. Oupa Chimeza the Giant, stop suffering and crying There is hope, Oupa Chimeza is in Walvis Bay with very strong medicine from Malawi, he has 23 years experience in various problems and diseases. He is professional in bringing back lost lovers within a short time, pregnancy problems, court cases, job problems, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Hips enlargement, debts, BP, stroke and many more, come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life. Call Oupa Chimeza 081 558 7112

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Traditional NYASA HERBALS AFRICAN CLINIC Dr Banda 081 740 7321 Specialist in various forms of African Traditional healing, spells, spiritual healing solutions to assist you with any challenges you might be facing. reconciliation with lost love (lover) Attract the right man or woman for love & marriage Strong lucky charms for work & promotion Get the job of your choice & qualification (you will be the favorite candidate amongst all short listed Win tenders, get loans approved, start your own business & attract customers/clients Healing chronic diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and more. Using purely organic herbs. Indegenous Southern African mixtures & ancient healing methodologies, will also assist you with lifestyle habits changes to deal with addiction & weight loss Guguda - men enlargement in 3 sizes, medium, large & extra large, with proven results & testimonies Prayers, healing, fortune telling, dream interpretations. Finance, pregnancies & more Visit him in town, next to Choppies Supermarket Call, text, whatsapp 081 740 7321

AUCTION Auction on behalf Sheriff of the Court Swakopmund Online Bidding Auction Weekly Register & View here: venduehost.net/246 AUCTION ENDS MONDAY @ 10h00 WE COLLECT FOR AUCTION JOIN WHATSAPP GROUP 0811434368

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Lagoon area One bedroom flat N$ 4 700.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 216 5758 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat for single person or couple Built in cupboards in bedroom, fully tiled Build in stove with extractor fan fully tiled Aluminium windows, DSTV Dish, outside braai, outside braai interlock yard. Alarm system. W/E incl. N$ 3 800.00 p/m No deposit Rent payable upfront No garage + no pets Available 1 November 2021. Contact: 081 247 5248 TE HUUR: Narraville, Aalwyn Str nr 13 2 slaapkamer woonstel sitkamer, oop plan kombuis. Toilet & shower. N$ 4 700.00 p/m W/E ingsl. Deposit N$ 2 000.00 (motorhuis uitgesluit vanaf huur) Kontak: 081 578 2854 One Bedroom Flat to Rent in Hermes One Bedroom flat to rent in Hermes, Walvis Bay, with built in oven, stove and cupboards, fan, DSTV connection, very neat and cozy. N$ 3,700.00 per month (Water & Electricity included), not pet friendly and no garage. Available: 01 November 2021 Contact details: 0811248112 To rent in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Kabeljou Suburb One bedroom flat, sitting room, kitchenette, shower and toilet. Price: N$ 3,500.00 per month (water and electricity included) Immediately available – life time rental opportunity!!! Contact details: 0811248112 TE HUUR: Lagoon area Klein vol gemeubileerde bachelor woonstel te huur Veilige omgewing. Water krag en tv ingesluit. Ongelukkig nie geskik vir kinders of troeteldiere nie. Geen binne parkering Beskikbaar 1 November N$ 3 200.00 p/m Vir enkel persoon Plus deposito afbetaalbaar indien nodig Kontak: 081 247 1687

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Meersig 2x Bachelor flats with shared kitchen, bic in kitchen, own shower and toilet. Large parking area. Water and wifi included Prepaid electricity N$ 2 800.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 500.00 required Room only available end October. Contact: 081 258 7211 081 323 5163 TE HUUR: Narraville 1 slaapkamer woonstel Oop plan kombuis en sitkamer W/K ingsl. Vir 1/2 persone Onmidellik beskikbaar Kontak: 081 477 1477 Flat to rent: Central Walvis Bay Spacious 2 bedroom flat with separate living area. Built in stove and built in cupboards with single garage. With bath and shower. Security with remote to enter. Monthly rental: N$ 5400.00 Deposit: 5400.00 Deposit is payable in 2 instalments No pets allowed Contact Ultra Travel properties to view at: Landline: 064207997 Cell phone: 0811297997 Email: pamela@ultratravel.net To rent in Walvis: 3 Bedrooms with build-in cupboards. Big kitchen with lots of build-in cupboards and stove. Sitting room with own reception entrance and 2xbathrooms. Very big yard fully interlocked with tenderm garage. This house is located in town and walking distance to shops and Duneside High School. N$ 8300.00 per month WATER/ELECTRICITY INCLUDED.. Deposit N$ 6500.00 Can be arranged over 2months.Available from 1 November or 1 December as you wish. Contact me 0813762436 TO RENT: Neat & private one bedroom backyard flat Spacious open with built in cupboards, bathroom & kitchen. W/E incl. Extras: camera & detector for security. Aluminium windows & door. N$ 3 600.00 p/m single N$ 3 900.00 p/m for a couple. No pets. Serious and sober people only. Available immediately. Walvis Bay, Narraville Contact: 081 229 7390


15 OCTOBER 2021


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Swakopmund – Pelican Village 2 One small room in three bedroom flat for rent. Payment direct to Swakopmund municipality for water and rates @ N$ 850.00 p/month or less depending on your water usage. Deposit N$ 1 300.00 Only working lady. Call 081 122 9080 – Jones TO RENT: 1bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, BIC, BIS, prepaid elec, water & wifi included. Safe parking. Meersig,W/bay N$ 3 600 plus deposit (2months installments) contact 0812281319. To Rent: Kabeljou/Walvis Bay - One bachelor flat available, bedroom and open plan kitchen and sitting room, free wi fi and secure parking N$3000.00 only (Water and electricity included) 0812867210 / 0812059653 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, close to Welwitchia Hospital and town centre Available: 01 November 2021 - Spacious 3 bedroom Townhouse unit. 1 garage, consists of main bedroom ensuite, BIC, 2 bedrooms BIC, separate bathroom with shower, toilet and basin, open plan kitchen BIC, and spacious living room, small courtyard, alarm system, no pets allowed, prepaid electricity, water exclusive. N$ 6 550.00 p/m + N$ 6 550.00 deposit. Contact: Alwyn 081 124 3119 / Anelien 081 128 6008

PROPERTIES TO RENT Walvis Bay Office space to rent N$ 6 000.00 p/m Water included Prepaid electricity Contact: 081 124 3904

Pelikan Platz Narraville To Let - Special Sign lease agreement for 12 months and get: 1 month rent for FREE Water incl, Full Deposit payable, Admin Fees

Units price from N$4500.00 Cell: 081 1505020 TO RENT: Three bedroom house, in safe complex in Swakopmund, available from 01st of October 2021. N$ 6 800.00 p/m Call: 081 278 3338

PROPERTIES FOR SALE For sale: 2 Bedroom flat centre of town, Walvis Bay near all schools BIC, BIS, aircons outside braai blinds burglar bars alarm N$ 800 000 0812220783 Walvis Bay FOR SALE 3 Bedroom house Olympia 2.7 Mil 2 Bedroom flat Klein Kuppe N$ 1.1 mil 3 bedroom flat Otjomuise with parking N$ 695 000 2 bedroom flat Swakop N$ 620 000 Swakop erf 5 minutes to the sea 745 m² N$ 850 000 Plot and Plan Okahandja 3 bedroom & Garage N$ 998 000 Call 0812154506

PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED TO RENT: Looking for a Bachelor Flat or Room to rent in Walvis Bay. Place must be in Town, Meersig, Fairways. Preferably with a garage & very quiet area. Range 2500-3500 p/m Call 081 122 4735


WANTED BEST CASH PRICES PAID ON THE SPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF YOUR GOLD RINGS BANGLES, CHAINS COINS, ETC EVEN FOR THE BROKEN ONES WE ALSO BUY CUT DIAMONDS Please visit DESERT JEWELER & CURIOS Prior calls are essential Cell: 081 408 1550 We have moved to 85 Hage Geingob str Walvis Bay OPPOSITE International School of Walvis Bay *** If you don’t want to sell your items, YOU CAN PAWN your gold and diamond jewellery or even a car WANTED: BEST PRICES PAID FOR BROKEN AND UNWANTED GOLD JEWELLERY 9ctN$ 250/g 18ct N$ 500/g CONTACT: 081 330 2041 081 714 8936

TO HIRE CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 36 year old lady looking for housework Mondays to Fridays or any other days in a week. Contact: 081 227 2748 WERK GESOEK: Ek is 38 jaar oud en is opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 5 dae ‘n week. Huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak, kan bejaardes ook versorg. Het kennis daarvan. Het ook my Covid spyte. Kontak: 081 654 7173 JOB WANTED: A 27 year old lady looking for domestic work from Mondays to Saturdays. Walvis Bay, I can start as soon as possible. I have 3 years experience. Contact: 081 805 8869

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

JOBS WANTED WERK GESOEK: Elizabeth is opsoek na dringend huiswerk in Walvisbaai. Ek kan ook kinders opas en kan enige dag begin. Kontak: 081 848 9409 / 081 459 6498 WERK GESOEK: Beverley is opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Ek kan enige dag begin, ek is ‘n hardwerkende jong dame. Kontak: 081 284 5247 JOB WANTED: I am a 36 year old woman looking for drivers work or any work in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay. I have 12 years experience, I have a code B drivers license and a PDP. I am willing to start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 695 2213

JOB WANTED: A 32 year old lady is looking for domestic work from Mondays to Saturdays in Walvis Bay. I have 5 years working experience and can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 368 1473 / 081 565 1161 JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Meersig or Langstrand. For a whole week, I can start immediately. Contact: 081 490 8872 081 271 5654 JOB WANTED: I am a 26 year old lady looking for domestic work such as washing and ironing and also cleaning or packing in store. I can work everyday. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 583 8643 081 825 8532

JOB WANTED: I am a 29 year old lady looking for domestic work, cleaning, guesthouse or babysitting work in Swakopmund. Monday to Friday, I have 4 years experience and can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 809 6329 / 081 447 0561




Needed to manage and maintain a garden and a herb & vegetable garden on a Lodge in the South of Namibia. Only experienced people to apply Email CV to gm@flamingovillana.com

NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No.: 990/19 In the between:



Female found in Kunene street Swakopmund

JOB WANTED: I am a 36 year old woman looking for any kind of work, hotel, restaurants, domestic work, office cleaning, bed and breakfast. If you have this following the positions please don’t hesitate to call 081 771 0195 JOB WANTED: We are two girls respectfully looking for work such as office cleaning, houses, day care. I have grade 12 certificate in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 274 6190 081 359 3067


Female found in Diamant street Vineta


Municipal Council Of Swakopmund Plaintiff and Raymond E Inichab Defendant In execution of a Judgment against the above defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on 17/05/2021, the following goods listed hereunder will be sold in Execution at the following address: Erf No 4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street Swakopmund, auction starts online 12 November 2021 at 10h00 and ends 15 November 2021. 1 x Panasonic Sound System 1 x Defy Twintub Washing Machine 1 x Sleeper Couch 1 x Coffee Table 1 x Wooden Book Rack 1 x Wooden Counter 1 x Defy Silver Fridge 1 x Defy Microwave 1 x Zero Gas Stove 1 x Wooden Table Conditions of Sale: Vo e t s t o o t s - C a s h t o highest bidder.

Male, found at paddocks Vineta

Please contact the SPCA in Swakopmund to claim your dog 064 - 404419

Dated at Swakopmund on 12 October 2021. Attorneys for Plaintiff KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2-6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Swakopmund

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992 as amended), that the Council of Walvis Bay intends to lease the Tennis Courts as well as a portion of land situated on Erf 2188, Kuisebmond, approximately 3788m² in size, to Playtime Sports Development Trust for a period of five (5) years. Description Tennis Courts as well as a Portion of land situated on Erf 2188, Kuisebmond, Area 5084m² Rental Amount N$7557.03 plus 15% VAT (escalating with 10% per annum) Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 2 November 2021 at room 230, Municipal Offices, Walvis Bay. For more information Mr Daniel Mouton can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3239 or 081 124 0401 during office hours. Written objections, duly motivated to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 on *Friday, 5 November 2021. Agosthino Victor General Manager: Community & Economic Development Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Fax: (064) 2099714


15 OCTOBER 2021

A first for Swakopmund Rudi Bowe

The first ever Festival of Movement and Music with Rhythmic Gymnasts and Ballet dancers was recently staged with a live strings orchestra from Strings Attached and the Young Strings at the Dome in Swakopmund. The festival was held over two nights with Rhythmic Gymnasts from Oceanview Rhythmic club and Ballet dancers from Ballet Tuition in Swakopmund. According to Leonie Botes, the Director of Strings Attached and the Young Strings, Christa Lambrechts come up with the idea to use different music pieces for all the dancers coached by Leonie Botes and Heather Kittel. Leonie Botes said “Within two months the gymnasts and the ballet dancers prepared their routines on new music and the orchestra had to learn new pieces for the performances.” “We had two evenings of dress rehearsals with extra training and two evenings of performances.” “We prepared a 75 seat theater at the Dome and to our surprise both nights were sold out,” Botes said. “It was a wonderful experience for all and hopefully it will not be the last. All the participants enjoyed it very much and thank you to the coaches and parents for their support”, Botes said.

On-form Lawrence kicks Kudus II to semi-final Rudi Bowe


Ulriato Lawrence of FNB Kudus II kicks four penalties and converted two tries for a 26-5 win against host FNB Grootfontein on Saturday, 9 October in a Namibia Rugby Uinion (NRU) Reserve Rugby league in the Northern town. On-form Lawrence scored 16 points with his boot and Lesardo Williams and Codey Naholo scored the tries for place in the semi-final tomorrow against FNB UNAM II at the Unam Sports Field in Windhoek. The FNB Kudus II that played against FNB Grootfontein were Zane Williams, Daniel Jeneke, Revaldo Strauss, Micheal Tjezerua, Lesardo Williams, Ulratio Lawrence (v/c), Luwellyn Koopman, Alexander Jansen, Gregory Namaseb, Cassio Schombe, Codey Naholo, Lezardo Vos (c), Tjino Tjirare, Athony Hoabeb and Lorenzo Calaza with Ashwin Nash, Sydney Haulupe, Ziam Alie, Hiahombo Zicco, Jovino Polster, Le Roy Stevens and Algernon Kolz as the reserves. In the NRU Premier League game in Grootfontein the host FNB Grootfontein I, who led 29-12 at half time, ran in a total of eight tries to collect maximum bonus points to beat FNB Kudus I 46-22. FNB Kudus end the 2021 NRU Premier league on sixth place on the log standing with 10 point as they won two and lost 5 games. The scorers: FNB Kudus I (4 tries): Benito Bezuidenhout, Ernesto Bampton (2), Gino Isaacs. Conversions: Bevin Koetzee 1. Grootfontein (8 tries): Johan Luttig, IrongwaAtshivudhi, BuruxaGeiseb, Ian Malan (2), Ronald Deck, Willem Enslin, Wikus Jacobs. Conversions: Potgieter 2, Deck 1. The premier league semi-finalist is FNB Wanders, FNB Unam, FNB Western Suburbs and FNB Rehoboth Weekend standings. The Kudu Bokkies also lost their NRU Womens League game 17-10 againts their counterpart and host Grootfontein.

The victorious FNB Kudus II. Photo Contributed

The fly-half of FNB Kudus II Ulriato Lawrence. Photo file

15 OCTOBER 2021



The popular WBM FLAGS were played at the Walvis Bay Golf Club over the past weekend with a large field of 38 players in near ideal weather conditions to see who could carry their flag the furthest. Sadly it was Wynand Breytenbach who planted the first flag and won the Boobie prize. Then the procession started on numbers 16 and 17 where one flag then the next one lined the fairway. The format to cut each player by six shots made sure that no one was able to carry their flag into the club house. When the dust [or lack thereof as there was none] had settled it was Jaco de Witt who planted his flag on the apron on the 18th with Kevin de Reuck and Shane Westerdale on the tee box of 18, coming in second and third respectively, obviously rueing one shot or the other during their round to see what might have been. Chris Bothma was 4th and Tangeni Mpupa was 5th. The 6th place went to Nardo Sardinha. At the prize giving Wouter van Wijk not only handed out the prizes but committed to being back next year. Thanks to the partners from WBM, Wouter van Wijk, Kurt Brits and Kurt Brits and Sue-Allen Mans for their continued support and sponsorship, see you next year. On the photo is Wouter van Wijk, Jaco de Witt and Kurt Brits The committee have relooked at the Race to Cape Town following the failure of our previous sponsor which left last year's winner David Peake without a prize. The past Sunday the juniors were out on the course and were divided into three groups, advanced, intermediate and beginners. The overall gross winner was Kyle Johnson, runner up Emile Vilbert with the overall nett being won by Connor Gibson with Theuns Albert the runner up. In the intermediate division, it was Rudi Auseb winning the day with Justin Auseb in second place with Jordan Rossouw third. In the beginners group it was Ethan Johnston winning with Lembi Niilenge second and Ashly Martins in third spot. Well done to the winners and to those who did not make it there is always a next time and with a bit of practice you can be in the prizes. It was great to see there were a few girls in the groups and they are coming on

in leaps and bounds, watch out guys they are coming to get the prizes. Thanks to Grant Mather for taking the time out with the juniors and to all the parents a big thank you for your input and support for the kids playing golf. On the photo is Kyle Johnson with Grant Mather. Andre Burger and Piet van Niekerk travelled to Okahandja for the Okahandja Golf Club leg of the Sages event. 44 points won the day with both our players [lets say] ending a bit lower down the field. Thanks guys for taking the time to travel away and represent the club. Following a suggestion we received [thanks Kurt] we have agreed as follows: · There will be a competition similar to the RTCT, but now known as Race to Club Fees [RTCF] · The prize will be annual subs and annual green fees currently about 10 000 bucks · The commencement date this year will be 1 November but will be 1 August going forward · The competition will end on the last Saturday of July. · We have given David a refund of his subs and given him green fees for the rest of the year So it is game on, and we will circulate the full set of rules soonest which will include the count out, qualification etc processes so watch this space. Just a reminder that the CONCORD YELLOW BALL is a 27 hole event, with one each of better ball, one score and both scores to count on each of the nine holes. Tee off will thus obviously be earlier, probably about 10h00 so watch this space. The calendar for the rest of the year is as follows until the end of November 16 October Jakkie/Boel/Pieter par 3 22 October CHAIN fund raiser 23 October Club comp 30 October CONCORD YELLOW BALL 5 November NGK fund raiser 6 November Club Comp 7 November Sages 13 November NAMIB MILLS 19 November WBPHS stadium golf 20 November MULTI-SAVE


Playtime soccer tournament Playtime Namibia Sports Development trust Academy in Walvis Bay and Atlantis F.C hosted a 5-A-side and a 7-A-side soccer tournaments for the under 9, 11, 13 and 15 players on different dates at Atlantis sports field at the harbor town. The events were attended by a big number of the parents that provided a tremendous and remarkable supports for the kids. The soccer tournaments were extremely successful and well organized with the kids, parents and spectators have fun and enjoyed themselves big time. All kids are all from Kuisebmund, Narraville and town from various schools and formed part of Playtime Namibia Sports Development trust Academy in Walvis Bay were divided in 4 pitches where they played in their respective age groups and the field. All kids as well as the first, second and third places also got medals and trophies. Playtime Namibia/ Atlantis F.C. thanked all the parents that attended the event, Hydroweld, Atlantis Sport Club management, Playtime management/ Trustees, Atlantis F.C. management/Trustees, Cavema Fishing, Namibia Ship Chandlers, all Walvis Bay Schools and all the coaches. Under 9 (3-4 years) Players were divided in two teams namely, Inter Milan and AC Milan. The winner: Inter Milan Second place: AC Milan Under 9 (5-9 years) were 17 kids, divided in three teams namely, Real Madrid, Man United and Liverpool. They all played trials and preparation for upcoming soccer tournament which will be arrange and make known in due course. The winners: Man United Second place: Real Madrid Third place: Liverpool. Best goal keeper trophy: Ezekiel Negongo Top goal score: Francois Le Roux, Christopher Muller and Elbaldo Koci. Under 11 were 45 kids, divided in 9 teams namely, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Man City, Liverpool, Man United, Blue Waters, Arsenal, Everton and Chelsea. The winners: Barcelona Second place: Man City Third place: Blue Waters Best goal keeper trophy: Elias Mwenyo Top goal score: Jayden The first, second and third places also got medals and trophies. Under 13, with 20 kids, divided in 4 teams namely, Man United, PSG, Liverpool and Man City. They all played trials and preparation for upcoming soccer tournament which will be arrange and make known in due course. U13 were 98 kids, the teams were divided in four (4) groups, A+B (cup) namely, Everton, Man United, Leeds, Crystal Palace, Wolver, Chelsea, Aston Viler, Arsenal and C+ D (shield) namely, Man City, Westham, Norich, Liverpool, Leister City and Tottenham. The Cup The winners: Leeds United. Second place: Chelsea. Third place: Tottenham. The Shield The winners: Crystal Palace. Second place: Leister City. Third place: Everton. The first, second and third places also got medals and trophies. Under 15 were 42 kids, the teams were divided in two (2) groups, A (cup) namely, Man City, Liverpool, Tottenham. Group, B Chelsea, Man United, Aston Villa. The Cup The winners: Man United. Second place: Aston Villa. Third place: Tottenham. The first, second and third places also got medals and trophies.

Under 9 year old, Christopher Muller donated his soccer boots to Playtime Namibia


15 OCTOBER 2021

namib times Sport

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The J&P Hydraulics Skoda R5 fastest at NAMCOR Swakop Rally Rudi Bowe

Allan Martin and his navigator, Maretha Olivier in the J&P Hydraulics 4×4 Skoda R5 won at theNAMCOR Swakop Rally held in the Swakopmund area on Saturday, 9 October. The event, the second leg of the 2021-2022 Namibian Rally Championships was sponsored by NAMCOR and hosted by the

Walvis Bay Motor Club. The spirit has been revived and despite the economic crunch is gaining traction again a line-up of an impres-

sive 18 vehicles that made it to the start with teams all fired up to chase title points early in the season. The official start of the one-day rally was held

The Skoda R5 in action at the NAMCOR Swakop rally

Jannie and George Coetzee with their Compass Walvis Bay 2.0l Polo A7

at the new Swakopmund NAMCOR Service Station (to open at the end of November 2021) positioned on the Henties Bay Road, where the vehicles were on display for inquisitive spectators, before heading off and ending at the Swakopmund Go-Kart track. The rally route which was described as “fast and furious” comprised a total 95 kilometres of challenging desert and gravel terrain in and around Swakopmund outskirts, further testing the team's driving and navigating skills through the stages. Jannie and George Coetzee in their Compass Walvis Bay 2.0l Polo A7 not only won the S2 class, but finished just 22 seconds ahead of Jaco Redelinghuys for an overall second position. Jaco Redelinghuys and Derek Jacobs in the S4 class got lost in the first

stage with their Gobabis Toyota 4x4 Yaris S2000 and thus lost more than eleven minutes to finish third overall. Jandre Dippenaar and n a v i g a t o r, D e r e k Jacobs, in their V8 PZN 4x4 Ford pulled out equally skilled in 1 hour 1 minute 15 seconds to palm the field class category (CR2). Oswaldo Mendes and navigator Cecil Koorts, participated in the S4 class ended during stage 4 with Gino Meyer and navigator Riaan Hennop in the S1 class also give-up after stage 3. Dirk Redman/Flippie Liebenberg (CR2), Wi d o B a r t c h / R a y mond Fourie (CR1) and Morné Oosthuizen / Ettiene van den Heever (CR1) did not finish after stages 5 and 4 respectively due to mechanical setbacks. Walvis Bay Motor Club thanked NAMCOR,

Sky-way, J&P Hydraulics, Seal Consulting Engineers, Swakopmund Go Karts, Hardap Freight Services, Novel Ford Walvis Bay as well as Malan's Meat Market for their excellent support and sponsors who contribute generously to rallies throughout to host events successfully and the Namibian Motor Sport Federation as well as the Namibian Sport Commission for allowing them to host the event. Walvis Bay Motor Club will host the third leg of the Namibian Rally Championships on 26 and 27 November in Swakopmund. The Rally Class results: Overall: 1 Allan Martin /Maretha Olivier (55 minutes), 2 Jannie and George Coetzee (1 hour 6 minutes 10 seconds), 3 Jaco Redelinghuys/Derek Jacobs (1:06:32).

S4 class: 1 Allan Martin/Maretha Olivier, 2 Jaco Redelinghuys/ Derek Jacobs. S3 class: 1 Dewet du Plessis /Willem Hugo (1:38:39). S2 class: 1 Jannie and George Coetzee, 2 Jan Everson /JP Robinson (1:10:54). S1 class: 1 Steven Marnewick/Jodine van Zyl (1:15:53), 2 Paul Oosthuizen/ Johan du Plessis (1:31:07). The Challenge Class results: Overall: 1 Jandre Dippenaar /Cicel Gous, 2 Ewald and Hein Bisschoff (1:13:26), 3 Rolf and Kai Pretorius (1:16:31). CR2 class: 1 Jandre Dippenaar/Cecil Gous, 2 Rolf and Kai Pretorius. CR1 class: 1 Ewald and Hein Bisschoff, 2 Jacques Kruger/ Roche Louw (1:16:45), 3 We r n e r B a r t s c h / Christel Fourie (1:22:16).

The overall winner at the NAMCOR Swakop rally from left to right, Jannie Coetzee, George Coetzee, Allan Martin, Maretha Olivier, Jaco Redelinghuys and Derek Jacobs

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