15 sep namib times e-edition

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Constituencies Face Water Shortages

Rudi Bowe

Serious water supply issues persist in the Daures constituencies and parts of Karibib, particularlyintheWalvisBayRuralareas,wherewatershortagesarestillaconcern.Erongo Governor Neville Andre highlighted this during a courtesy visit by Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhilatohisoffice.

HeexpressedgratitudetotheOfficeofthePrime Minister for donating a water tanker truck, a crucialassetforprovidingwatertothedryrural areas in the Daures Constituency, such as Omatjete. GovernorAndre emphasised that due to high demand, the constituency requires additional trucks to effectively respond and assistcommunitiesintheruralareas.Moreover,

someareasinKaribibandWalvisBayRuralhave recently joined the list of constituencies experiencing water shortages. "I am pleased to report progress in securing a reliable and costeffectivewatersupplyfortheOmatjeteareainthe Daures Constituency with the recent commissioningoftheOzondatipipeline.

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AEC Reports Strong Growth in Oil and Gas Exploration for Namibia in 2023

Starvation is a Serious Problem in Walvis Bay

Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor

Florian Donatus made a heartfelt plea to Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila during a courtesy call at the Erongo Governors Office joined by all the regional politicalleadershipinSwakopmund.

Local Charity Feeds Children

Call to Cancel Construc tion Projects

Sanlam Invest ments


The year 2023 has been particularly noteworthy, building on the momentum generated by massivediscoveriesinNamibiain2022.Todate,Africanexplorationeffortshaveyieldedan impressive half a billion barrels of oil equivalent (bboe) in recoverable oil and gas reserves acrossthecontinent.

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Donatus urged the Prime Minister to provide drought relieftothoseliving in informal settlements in urban areas. Donatus revealed that starvation is a severe issue in his constituency Hestated, "Officials in my office frequently use their salaries to buy food for residents affected by

According to Donatus, his office is often visited bypeoplesufferingfrom extreme hunger He added,"totheextentthat wearegivingupourown salariestofeedthem,and sometimes I am disturbed. I don't even want to gototheofficebecauseif I help out today and tomorrow, how is it sustainable?

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namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7033 FRIDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2023 N$6 inside Pages 17 - 20 Page 5 Page 3 Page 2 Sports News
Rudi Bowe Erongo Governor Neville Andre with Prime Minister, Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila during the Prime Minister's courtesy visit in theErongoregion. Eileen van der Schyff Photo: The Brief

Water Shortages


AEC Reports Strong Growth in Oil and Gas Exploration for Namibia in 2023


This project cost N$17 million and was executed through the Erongo Regional Council," Governor Andre stated. Benitha Imbamba, Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council, revealed during a regional council meeting that approximately N$236 thousand from the 2022–23 budget was allocated for consultation fees to expedite the Ozondati Pipeline project Imbamba noted, "The project is currently 35% complete, with the contractor ahead of schedule.Fundingforthisprojectis provided by the Regional Council,



It's hightimethatthe drought relief must also maybe come back. There are people that, if we don't provide them with a bag of maize as a regional councillor, they have nowhere else to go to eat," he said. Donatus indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated urban starvation as residents in the constituency lost their jobs and businesses. Hefurthermentioned that while the budget for drought relief is substantial and can bring relief, constituency offices are overwhelmed by hungry people, "to theextentthatweare giving up our own resources to feed them. How are we going to accommodate those vulnerable people who find themselves in urbanareas?” Donatus asked

the Ministry ofAgriculture, Water, and Land Reform, as well as the OfficeofthePrimeMinister."Asa long-termsolutiontoaddresswater challenges, both the regional council and the governor are relying on the construction of a second seawater desalination plant near Swakopmund to meet the water demands of residents and industries. Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila acknowledged the appeal for an additional watertruckandpledgedtoconsider therequest.

drive local economic growthtoensurepeoplehavejobs.

According to a recent media release from Africa Energy Chamber, one of the highlightsofthisexplorationsurge is the continued significance of Namibia's Orange Basin. Shell, in a partnership with QatarEnergy and NAMCOR (Namibia's national oil company),recentlyannouncedthe successful completion of drilling for the Lesedi-1X well, marking their fourth explorationwellintheregion. Thisachievementsignifiesthe presenceofhydrocarbonsand highlights Namibia's growing importance in the oil and gas industry The media release further reveals Shell's ambitious plans in Namibia include drilling two more exploratory wells by the end of the year, with government

approvalforanadditionalten exploration and appraisal wells in the future. These developments,combinedwith discoveries at the nearby Graff, La Rona, and Jonker1X wells in Namibia's Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) 39, amount to a substantial 1.7 bboe. France's TotalEnergies has also made significant strides in African exploration, with their Venus wellinPEL56boastingatotal of 3 bboe, as estimated by Barclays With promising developmentsinNamibiaand beyond, the African Energy Chamber anticipates further growth and exploration opportunitiesintheregion. Despite global calls for divestment from fossil fuels and environmental respon-

sibility, international oil companies(IOCs)continueto investinAfrica,recognisingit as the next frontier for exploration.According to the African Energy Chamber's latest report, "The State of African Energy Q2 2023 Outlook," the continent has seenrobustactivityinoiland natural gas exploration. "The call heard 'round the world commanding the global businesscommunitytodivest from fossil fuels and shrink their carbon footprints in the name of net zero, internationaloilcompanies(IOCs) still recognise Africa as their nextfrontier,"notedNJAyuk, Executive Chairman of the AfricanEnergyChamber Source: African Energy Chamber

Local Charity Feeds Hundreds of Children

Leandrea Mouers

Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor Florian Donatus

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said the food bank program, primarily concentrated in urban areas, needs to be expanded The current drought aid would include assisting those in need in urban areas, she said.

According to Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, the cabinet has approvedtheinclusion of vulnerable urban people in the drought reliefprogram.

However, she emphasized the need for local authorities and the regional council to

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said, "Our strategiesmustalsobe homegrown; growth mustbedrivenbyour own people because thatistheonlywaywe are going to ensure that growth translates intoimprovedwelfare conditions." "Besides that,ifwecannotpromotethedevelopment oflocalentrepreneurs, if we cannot promote jobcreation,andifwe cannot ensure that thereisalivingwage, thenitmeansthatyou have to resort to donationsforbasicshelterandjobcreation.It is not only important that they earn their income; it is also important for their dignity,"shesaid.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila added that the food bank program can provide a shortterm solution, but foodsecuritycanalso be promoted by creating backyard gardens in urban areas.

The Home Away from Home Charity Organisation, founded by brother and sister, Gerson Seiseb and Tanya Seibes, feeds about 300 to 550 children on a Saturday morning from the TutaleniHighSchoolpremisesinWalvisBay.

Seibes explained that the Soup Kitchen was startedin2017,whenagroupof'caringandlikeminded individuals came together after seeing the need to assist hungry and marginalised childrenlivinginKuisebmond.”

“What started as a small group of around 60 children back in 2017 has now grown into anywhere between 300 to 550 children every Saturdaymorning.”

She added that the project is sustained through committedandcompassionatevolunteersaswell as through the generous contributions of donors from the local business community like CMA CGM Namibia, the Rotary Club of Walvis Bay, Woolworths,DHLNamibia,VectorSecurityand many other open-hearted members of the community

“ThechildrenwhovisitourSoupKitchencomes from the marginalised surrounding community of Kuisebmond with ages ranging anywhere frominfanttoearlyteens.Ourmissionissimple andsincere,andthisistofeedchildrenregardless of their age or circumstances. We strive to providehealthyandnutritiousmealstoasmany childreninneedaspossible.”

Seibesaddedthattoremainsustainable,ahealthy cash-flowwillalwaysbeneeded.

“We are appeal to any individual or local businesses that are willing and able to help to please contact me, my brother or Amando Legner Other than this, all in-kind donations such as food parcels, clothing items and even children's toys are welcome. Members of the community can also join us on a Saturday

morning to meet the HAFH team and to spend sometimewiththewonderfulchildrenweserve. Wevalueyourtimeandweknowthechildrendo too.”

Additionally, the organisation has in the past hostedyouthgroupstoshareamessageofhope andencouragementwiththechildren.

“We also often host a small traditional dance groupthatentertainsthechildrenaswellasour visitors. This year we are also working on an exciting new project that will focus on information sharing around matters concerning Mental Health, especially in our youth. One of ourannualhighlightsiswhen,throughtheaidof international donors like the Good Samaritans Purse we are able to hand out Christmas gift boxesforthechildrenattheendoftheyear.”

“We invite any member or group in the community that feels they have a positive message to share with the children through speech, song or dance to please make contact withtheorganisersoftheSoupKitchen.”

Childrenlininguptoreceiveahotmeal,juice andafruit. Photo:LeandreaMouers

Fish Consumption Gala Raises N$410 000

The Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) raised over N$ 410 000 (Four HundredandTenThousandNamibiaDollars)incashandinkindatthe11thannualNational Fish Consumption Day (NFCD) gala dinner held in Walvis Bay in the Erongo region last weekend.

The Annual National Fish Consumption Day is held in two parts: a Gala Dinner to raise funds for addressing educational needs in the Zambezi region, which is hosting the school netball and football tournaments from 18-29 September, followed by an educational road show from 20 to 29 September within the various settlements in theregionandthemarket day on 30 September in Katima Mulilo The market day will feature va-rious exhibitions, in-

cluding a fish cooking competition, live music, a kiddies' corner, as well as a street parade. The Hardap region has been selected as the next host of the revolving fish promotion day, covering all 14 regions. So far, N$5.5 million has been raised since the maiden edition in 2012, excluding last Friday's pledges. These funds have been investedinschoolneeds, such as mattresses, bunk beds, chairs, desks, lockers, fridges, computers, printers, school uni-

forms, bags of cement, frozenfish,utensils,etc., for the host regions. The National Fish Consumption Day is a celebration of Namibian fisheries, promoting fish products and emphasising the nutritional and economic benefits of eating fish. It isadministeredunderthe government parastatal, the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust(NFCPT).The11th Fish Consumption Day festivities, including school Netball and Football tournaments, fish sale promotions,

Call for Cancellation and Re-advertising of Construction Projects

The Construction Industries Federation (CIF) and the Metal and AlliedNamibianWorkersUnion(MANWU)havejoinedforcestourge the Namibian Government to cancel construction projects that exclude majority Namibian-owned contractors due to stringent financial prequalification requirements. The two organisations have calledfortheseprojectstobere-advertisedwithrevisedcriteria.

The CIF and MANWU are calling for the cancellation of several projects due to stringent financial and technical criteria that exclude local contractors. These projects include the rehabilitation of a road between Karibib and Usakos, water treatment plants, the construction of the NAMFISA head office,andasolarproject inRoshPinah;aswellas the building of classrooms and ablution blocks for the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture. The organisations argue that the criteria for these projects are unrealistic and hinder local contractors from participating The CIF and MANWU call for governmentintervention to ensure a more inclusive and supportive environment for local contractors.

During their appeal to President Dr Hage Geingob, the CIF and MANWU emphasised that these projects were detrimentaltoNamibia's construction sector, hinderingitsoptimalperformance.Theyarguedthat after cancellations, the financial and technical criteria should be reviewed for each project, whichshouldthenbereadvertisedinsmallerlots with realistic technical standards Apart from being a procurement concern,thisissueraises questions about how grants and loans are acquired and negotiated and as well as how Namibia'sforeignpolicy and international re-

lationships might impact this.

BärbelKirchner,CEOof CIF, expressed disappointment, stating, "Namibian contractors, fromsmalltolarge,arein desperate need of work. There seems to be no understanding or deliberate effort to support our local industry This not only includes SMEs but also mid-size and large-sizecontractors."

Ms. Justina Jones, Secretary-General of MANWU, emphasised the need for the government to prioritise local contractors and ensure they are awarded mega projects, rather than being subcontractorstoforeign firms, which leads to precarious employment conditions. The CIF and MANWU also highlighted the need for the governmenttoestablisha construction council to regulate the sector, address poor workmanship, and ensure projects are completed satisfactorily, as without a

cooking competitions, and a market day, will takeplaceinthelastweek of September in the Zambezi region Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Derek Klazen stated that this noble occasion aims to raise funds for schools in the Zambezi region as partofthe11theditionof the National Fish Consumption Day celebration under the theme “Celebrating our Oceans Reward ” Klazen said, “This special day is a result of the NFCPT's efforts to popularise a cultureofconsumingfish through consumer education and adding value beyond the primary mandate of the NFCPT.” Klazen added, “You may recall that the National Fish Consumption Day waslaunchedinSwakopmund, Erongo Region, andhassincebeenhosted by 10 regions. Happily, onlythreeregionsremain to host the NFCD, namelyHardap,Kavango

East, and Ohangwena Re-gions.” “Having said that, I wish to underscore that the National Fish Consumption Day and the rest of the activitieswillbecelebrated in Katima Mulilo,” Klazen concluded Zambezi regional governor, Lawrence Sampofu, expressed gratitude for the support from the Erongo region, saying, “We really value your support in assisting our region to develop and grow The funds will be

put to good use.” Zambezi regional governor Lawrence Sampofu stated that the funds will be used to improve the academicand sports performance of pupils from the region's 105 schools. Sampofu said, “We are thankful that the proceeds will impact the Namibian child in the Zambeziregion.Wehave dilapidated schools, classrooms, and traditionalstructuresofsticks and mud. Some pupils are still learning in tents,

and the learning environment is not conducive.”

Chairperson of NFCPT BoardofTrusteesSuzan Ndjaleka said that the theme, "Celebrate our Oceans' Rewards," for Namibia Fish Consumption Day resonates profoundly with their mission. “It underscores the vital role our oceans play as a source of sustenance and prosperity.”

Ndjaleka said, “This theme not only calls for recognising the abundance of nutritious seafood our oceans providebutalsoemphasises their ecological significance. It invites us to celebrate the wealth of marine life and the myriadbenefitsitbe-stows, from sustaining livelihoods to preserving the delicate balance of our planet's eco-systems ” “National Fish Consumption Day, with this theme, inspires us to cherish and safeguard our oceans, ensuring theirbountiesendurefor generations to come,” Ndjalekasaid.

council procurement officials would find it difficult to effectively select contractors that have the appropriate capacityalignedwiththe sizeoftheprojects. Both organisations believethatexcludinglocal contractors harms the Namibian construction sector, goes against efforts to reduce unemploymentandpoverty, and disrupts optimal revenue collection and economic flow within Namibia. In their appeal, the CIF and MANWU addressed multiple government authorities and stakeholders, including President Geingob, Cabinet Ministers, and executive directors of line ministries, urging them to reevaluate and address the issues affecting the construction industry This joint plea aimstoencourageafairer and more inclusive approach to construction projects,ultimatelybenefiting the local economy andworkforce.

ErongoregionalgovernorNevilleAndreand Zambezi regional governor, Lawrence Sampofu at the Namibia Fish Consumption PromotionTrustgaladinnerinWalvisBay

Court SwakopmundCourtReport


Riwaldo Nawaseb (21), appeared on two counts ofrapechargesandachargeofassaultwithintent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 11 October for continuation of trial. Theaccusedisonbail.


HansJagger(38),appearedonachargeofassault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued.

Jacques Jacobs (26), Bosny Luyallen Cloete (26) and Hendrick Fredrick (29), appeared on charges of attempted murder, kidnapping, and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 4 June 2024 for plea and trial. The accused are on bail.

George Veldskoen (39), appeared on a charge of murder The matter was postponed to 22 November for prosecutor general's decision. The accusedisonbail.

Daryan Sinden (31), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto6May2024for pleaandtrial.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned.

David Ihuema (25), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 8 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody

NatangweThomasKapingana(43),appearedon two counts of theft charges and a charge of contraveningofsection4(b)(i)readwithsections 1, 5, 6 and 11 (1) of the Prevention of Organised crime act, act 29 of 2004. The matter was postponed to 20 September for bail application.


LorenzoMorkel(24)andRicardoArnold(25), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponedto8Novemberforfurtherinvestigation. Theaccusedremainsincustody

Lensie Tota (45) and Nelson Kheimseb (36), appeared on charges of dealing in dependence producingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponedto 26Octoberforlegalaid.Theaccusedareonbail.

Zerolda Nanuses (24), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto25Octoberfor fixing trial date. The accused is at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.

Demachio Regue Wagner (31), appeared on charges of culpable homicide and reckless or

CRAN Provides Progress Update on SIM Card Registration

negligentdriving.Thematterwaspostponedto18 March 2024 for plea and trial. The accused has beenwarned.

Kleophas David (40), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto26March2024 forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Harry Herman Haoseb (54), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 25 Octoberforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

Carl-Heins Brockerhoff (34), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 23 October for legal aid. The accused remains in custody

Armando Chris Auchab (27), appeared on a charge of attempted murder The matter was postponedto26Octoberforlegalaid.Theaccused isonbail.

CharigaduriBlessing(27),appearedonacharge ofrape-attempted-contraveningsection2(1)(a),2 (2)(a)oftheCombatingofrapeact9of2000. The case was transferred to be heard in the regional courtinSwakopmundon19October Theaccused remainsincustody

Bonifasius Shakunu (33), appeared on a charge oftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto24October forfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedisonbail.

Hondi Kambara (20), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to commit a crime unknowntothestate.Thematterwaspostponedto 23 October for bail application. The accused remainsincustody

RuanGurirab(27),appearedonachargeofrape. The matter was postponed to 25 October for bail application.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Kleophas David (41), appeared on a charge of animals protection act- causing suffering to animals. The matter was postponed to 25 March 2024forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Dean De Waal (26), appeared on a charge of marine resources regulations- assault/obstruct/resist/hinder/threaten or intimidate a fisheries inspector/honorary fisheries inspector/fisheries observer/staffmember Thematterwaspostponed to6Octoberforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccused isonbail.

GordenGrandwill(30),appearedonachargeof housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 3 October for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody


TheCommunicationsRegulatoryAuthorityofNamibia(CRAN)issueda press release this week detailing the progress made in the National SIM RegistrationConsumerAwarenessCampaigninitiatedinJune2022.This campaign was launched in anticipation of the mandatory SIM card registration, which became obligatory in Namibia in January 2023, in accordancewithSection77oftheCommunicationsAct(No.8of2009)and relatedregulations.

monitoring committee will engage relevant stakeholders to streamline theregistrationprocess.

Telecommunications service providers in Namibia have been given until December 31, 2023, to completetheregistrationprocessfor all existing customers. After this deadline, unregistered SIM cards will be deactivated. Katrina Sikeni, Executive Communication and Consumer Relations at CRAN, shared insights into the progress made in SIM card registration by mobile operators. As of June 15, 2023,therewereatotalof2760804 active SIM cards across all licensed networks in Namibia. Of these, 795 991SIMcardshadbeensuccessfully registered, marking a 29% registrationrate.Sikeniacknowledgedthe challengesfacedbymobileoperators during the SIM card registration process. These challenges include resistance from local authorities in permitting registrationpoints,poweroutagesin remote areas disrupting automated registration,slowcustomeruptakeof SIM card registration, inaccurate information provided by customers, and customers lacking national identificationdocumentsorproofof residence. To address these challenges, an industry SIM registration

In May 2023, CRAN issued a directive to all concerned operators, stating that the mandatory capturing ofbiometricdatawouldnolongerbe necessary for SIM card registration purposes. Operators will now only require information outlined in the regulations, such as the customer's name,addressofordinaryresidence, and government-issued identity documents, such as a Namibian ID, passport, or another official document.

Customers who wish to voluntarily provide their biometric data are encouraged to do so. Sikeni confirmed that all licensed operators have complied with this directive, and biometricdataregistrationduringthe SIM card registration process is no longermandatory

SIM Card Registration is a national initiative aimed at facilitating investigations of crimes involving mobile devices Additionally, it offers benefits and use cases facilitated by the registration of digital identities. With the growing use of digital and online services, including virtual teaching and learning,mobilebanking,andonline shopping, it is crucial to maintain a secure digital environment. CRAN urges the public to actively participate in the SIM registration processtoavoiddeactivationoftheir SIM cards. CRAN reiterated that all un-registered SIM cards as of December 31, 2023, will be deactivated, and affected consumers will lose access to telecommunicationsservices.

Mrs. Katrina Sikeni, Executive: Communication & Consumer Relations, CRAN

Sanlam Investments Pioneers Inclusive Growth in Namibia

Namibia has long faced significant challenges concerning youth employment, income inequality, and low levels of productivity. Recent research by Statista and Piketty highlights the country's high Gini coefficient, indicating that Namibia's income inequality is among the highest globally only second to South Africa. However, Sanlam Investments,akeyplayerinthenation'seconomy,istakingproactivesteps topromoteinclusivegrowthandeconomicopportunitiesforallcitizens.

According to JohnMorgan Bezuidenhout, an Investment Analyst at Sanlam Investments, theprimaryobstaclefor ordinary Namibians to participate in local financialmarketsliesin the lack of opportunities rather than finance.SanlamInvestments aims to change this narrative by focusing on inclusive growth through its innovative approach

Despite being blessed with abundant natural resourcesandattracting foreign investment, Namibia has struggled to attract capital for projects that could lead to inclusive GDP growth Many companies,especiallythose from disadvantaged backgrounds, have faced funding challenges, hindering economic progress In response, Sanlam Investments launched the Sanlam Namibia UnlistedDebtFundduring theheightoftheCovid19pandemic.Thisfund is designed to provide funding to small and medium enterprises, supporting economic growth in Namibia

Moreover, it meticulouslyfinancesbusinesses operating in sectors that have the potential to stimulate inclusive growth.

The Sanlam Namibia

Unlisted Debt Fund provides offshore and local investors with the opportunity to earn

annual returns that target prime plus two percent. The fund not only benefits investors with attractive returns but also helps talented Namibian entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses. With aninitialN$150million already deployed into Namibian companies excluded from traditional banking, Sanlam Investments actively manages risks to offer investors favourable return dynamics and unlisted asset exposure. Namibia's pension fund assets account for 75.2%ofitsGDP,ranking the country in the top ten globally (OECD, 2019). As one of the custodians of these pension fund assets, Sanlam Investments recognises the significant responsibility the corporate bears in being a valueaccretive force for both investorsandNamibian citizens. This responsibility is of immense magnitude, and the company is committed tofulfillingitdiligently Overthelasttwoyears, SanlamInvestmentshas funded projects that promote low-cost me-

dicalcare,enhancefood sustainability, adopt renewable energy sources, and provide affordable housing. By closely working with the management teams of these projects, San-lam Investments ensures robust working capitalmanagementand profitability The company's contribution to the private sector extends to targeting key sectors in the economy ripe for funding. The success of the Unlisted Debt fund is underpinned by Sanlam Investments' internal due diligence processes and the ability to recogniselucrativeopportunities. With an ambitious goal of growing the fund to multiples of its initial size, Sanlam Investments aims to furtherunlockinclusive growthforNamibiaand itscitizens.

Financial innovation, driven by Sanlam Investments' team of experts, holds the promise of a brighter economic future for Namibia by fostering job security and empowering local entrepreneurs to operate confidently in their respectivearenas.

As the company remains dedicated to its ethos of ensuring economic opportunities for all, it stands at the forefront of driving positive change in Namibia's economic landscape.


TEA-METALLURGICAL LABORATORY Launches First Multi-Million Namibian Owned Laboratory Facility

News Release

Swakopmund, Namibia - September 11, 2023 - Trace Elements Analysis Laboratories Holdings (Pty) Ltd. proudly announces the launch ofTEA-METALLURGICALLABORATORY, the first multi-million Namibian-owned laboratory facility of its kind. The laboratory was first softly launchedinWindhoekonAugust30,2023,coincidingwiththeinauguraldayoftheMiningExpo, and subsequently in Swakopmund on September 9, 2023. TEA-MET is jointly owned by two dynamicyoungblackAfricans,WensiaRuiters,aNamibianresidentfromWalvisBay,andKevin Mwashuma,aKenyanwhoresidesinNamibia.

At both launch events, Wensia Ruiters emphasised the importance of collaboration within Namibia's scientific community "Namibia is too small for fellow laboratories to be in competition with each other; our real competitors are outside our borders South Africa, France, Australia, and Germany are our competition. I believe that wearecapableenough to service Namibia. I believe thatAfrica can

service Africa," she stated Ruiters highlighted the limited market size, explaining that many scientists lack a platform to apply their skills "So, what we basically did was create a platform for scientists whohavegonetoschool for a very long time to come and practice their trade and create industry-specific solutions that will grow and developourmarket,our mining industry, the country, and the economy."

Hon.NevilleAndre,the GovernoroftheErongo Region, commended TEA-MET for its pioneering efforts, stating, "This laboratory will serve as a vital hub for collaboration between industry, academia, and government It will facilitateanexchangeof ideas, expertise, and resources, fostering a culture of cooperation and synergy." He urged fellow Namibians to utilise the country's resourcesandnolonger sendsamplesabroadfor


Hafeni Hamukoto, a seniorassociateatBusiness Financial Solutions, emphasised the need to increase investment in African startups that provide unique solutions to challenges. "We have so many mines in Namibia, and they contribute to our GDP,yetallofthemstill send their samples abroad and to South Africa. I look at the concept, and it makes sense,butwhyhasitnot been done before?"


Hamukoto called for more funding for startups to bring innovative ideas like TEA-MET to life.

Founded in 2008, TEA Laboratorieshasplayed a pivotal role in the Namibian mining industry, specialising in radiation biomonitoring for uranium mine workers. Their services include testing for trace elements in urine and water With the establishment of TEAMETALLURGICAL LABORATORY, the laboratory now offers a comprehensiverangeof analyses for explora-

tion, mining, and environmental samples

TEA-MET's cuttingedge facilities and expertisepositionitasa prominent player in the Namibian mining industry

TEA Laboratories has always been dedicated toprovidingpreciseand reliable analyses. The launch of TEA-Met underscores their commitment to advancing scientificknowledgelocally through innovationwhilesolidifying their position as a market leader in the laboratory service industry

FormoreinformationaboutTEALaboratoriesandTEAMet,pleasevisit https://tea-labs.com/ orcontact:





Phone:+26481247 2489,


Address:Unit6, Swakopmund

Medical,CentreCottageAvenue, Swakopmund

Experiment Ongoing in 200m Isobath Restricted Fishing Zone

Leandrea Mouers

The Ministryof Fisheriesand MarineResourcesis currentlyconducting experiments within the 200m isobath restriction zone, to ascertain whetherhorsemackereltravelintothisareaduringwinter

The horse mackerel industry players asked for a special request to fish in this area, stating that they believe this where the horse mackerel travels to during the winter seasons Executive Director of the Ministry, Annely Haiphene, explained that the 200 meters isobath restriction on trawlingandlonglining is one of several management and control measures enforced in Namibia to regulate fishing activities. “In 1990, the government through the fisheries ministryintroducedthis measure to protect juvenilehakeandhorse mackerel and limit sardine by-catches that occurinthiszonebythe mid-water trawl fleet, as well as to protect bottom habitats, some of which are biodiversityhotspots.”She added that the restriction has been challengedonseveraloccasions by some players in the fishing industry but

more recent by the Wet LandedHorseMackerel Association. “They stated that climate change and lower water temperaturesareexperienced earlier than before, andthatthelarger-sized horse mackerel fish move to shallower water closer to the shore.Intheirrequestto theministrytheindustry sought for a special consideration to be granted; a trial concession to conduct fishingwithinthe200m isobath during the winterinordertoensure continuous operations

andtoavoiddisruptions in the operations which may affect employment.” Haiphene stated that the ministry could not overlook or ignore the request from the industry but could also notagree,toensurethat the necessary precautionsareputinplace toensurethesustainable utilisation of the resources. “The Ministry approached Cabinet to seek authorisation to conduct an experiment inordertocollectscientific data and advice appropriately The objective of the ex-

periment to determine the effectiveness of the 200m isobaths in protectingjuvenilefish. Thisisnotthefirsttime such experiment is being conducted A series of experiments were conducted by the ministry in the past, the first was done in 1995; second in 2002 and the last one in 2006/2007. Theseexperimentswere

done in collaboration withthemidwatertrawl industry on board the midwater trawlers, one inshore and the other offshore of the 200m isobaths,afterwhichthe composition of their trawls were compared in terms species composition, catch rates, length frequencies and other biological indicators.Theresultsofthe

experiments found no justification for the relaxation of the regulation ” She explained that two vessels are currently undertaking the experiment. “The one vessel is inside the 200misobathzone,and theotheroneoutside,at only150metres.Thisis so that the two vessels can compare data. The experiment will be

undertaken over two years, because the claim is that the fish migrate into this zone in winter, so the experiment will thus be done; three months in winter and three monthsinsummer,and again next year Thereafter, we will have enough data on thewayforward.”

The TEALabs team The Govenor of the Erongo Region Hon. Neville Andre officially inaugurated the TEA Metalurgical Laboratory in the new industrial Area in Swakopmund. him Mr. Kevin Mwashuma (Operations & Technical Director) and Mrs. Wensia Ruiters (Managing Director) of TEALaboratories. The Executive Director of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Annely Haiphene. Photo Leandrea Mouers

ErongoGovernor Emphasises Importance ofCollaboration inTourism

Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville Andre recently shared the vision he has for a thriving and sustainable tourismindustry,withaspecialfocusonWalvisBay

He stated that tourism plays a vital role in supporting the local economy while providing opportunities for both cultural exchange and environmental conservation. “Collaborative efforts from various stakeholders can further enhance the attractiveness of this region, ensuring its continued growth and prosperity.”ThefutureofNamibia'seconomicprosperityhinges on the untapped potential of the Erongo Region, particularly in Walvis Bay, which he considers to be a hotspot for burgeoning industries. "The new industries have bigger potential here in Walvis Bay, and we must prepare ourselves before these industrieskickoff.TheErongoRegion,situatedalongNamibia's mesmerizingAtlanticcoastline,boastsatreasuretroveofnatural wonders.Fromtheawe-inspiringsanddunesoftheNamibDesert totherichmarinelifeteeminginWalvisBay,thisregionoffersan irresistiblearrayofattractionsfortourists.Itisessentialthatwe capitalizeontheseuniquefeaturesandworktogethertocreatean

environment where tourists are attracted to visit and experienceallthatthisregionhastooffer.”

He explained that in line with the Government's national strategy for Tourism Recovery Plan, the Erongo Regional Tourism Forum was established in 2022 with the aim to provide information and address issues that are hampering thetourismgrowthanddevelopmentinErongoregion.“As a result, we had our first stakeholders' workshop which developedaroadmaptoaddressissueshamperingtourism growthanddevelopment.Headdedthatasfromgovernment being a stakeholder in ensuring the success of the tourism industry,hehighlightedthatlocalmunicipalitiesalsoplaya critical role. “Local Authorities play an important role in boosting the local economy by investing in what it terms “the basics”. These could include providing good quality cost-effective services; targeted assistance to a particular sectorintheeconomywhichhasthepotentialtoexpandand create jobs; simplification of municipal procedures; marketing and investment support and small business

support services. This also includes investing in infrastructure such as roads, and accommodation facilitiestocatertotheneedsofvisitors.”

Andre furthermore added that the private sector, particularly those in the hospitality and transportationindustries,alsohaveacrucialroleto play,especiallynowwiththeintroductionofcruise liners. “By providing world-class services and facilities,stakeholdersinthesesectorscanenhance the overall tourist experience. Collaborations betweenhotels,restaurants,andtouroperatorscan offer attractive packages that cater to the diverse interests of visitors, whether they are adventureseeking explorers or those in search of relaxation bytheseaside.”

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) strongly condemns the recent wave of violent attacks targeting internationaltouristsinthecountry

The increasing incidence of attacks, including robberies and assaults involving various weapons, is a matter of grave concern for the entiretourismsectorandthenationasawhole. Theseincidentshavebeenparticularlyprevalent in the Windhoek and Okahandja areas. As Namibians, we must demonstrate zero tolerance forcrimescommittedagainsttouristsoranyother criminal activity where vulnerable members of society and innocent tourists fall victim. The safetyofourcountryandourinternationalvisitors has always been our unique selling point, giving Namibiaadistinctadvantageasapreferredtourist destination. The Ministry, in collaboration with the entire tourism and hospitality sector, is workingcollectivelytoestablisharobustsecurity networktosafeguardNamibia'sreputationasone of the safest destinations globally Additionally, the Ministry is engaging with law enforcement agenciestoenhancethepolicingofcrimesagainst tourists. We have observed a shift in criminal gangs targeting tourists Therefore, our discussions with the Namibian Police aim to develop a comprehensive surveillance and intelligence strategy to apprehend these criminals.TheMinistryexpressesgratitudetothe Gondwana Collection, which has introduced a reward system for those who can identify criminals targeting lodges. This initiative is commendable and worth emulating.Assaults on visitors and international tourists in the country have a severe and detrimental impact on the growth and recovery of Namibia's tourism economy and sector, which is still in the early stagesofrevivalfollowingthedevastatingeffects oftheCovid-19outbreak.TourisminNamibiahas a significant multiplier effect, contributing substantially to the country's Gross Domestic Product,theestablishmentofnewbusinesses,job creation, and income generation, particularly for rural communities, leading to social and economic empowerment We call upon all stakeholders to condemn these barbaric actions and coordinate efforts to eradicate this unwelcome threat It is our collective responsibility to protect the vital tourism sector, which symbolizes our pride and identity as a peaceful people. Over the years, Namibia has built a reputation as one of the most peaceful countries, known for upholding safety and security Ourlawenforcementagenciesareurged to develop specific initiatives aimed at tourism protection.


Protea Hotel by Marriott Indongo Refurbished

This is the second refurbishment since the hotel openedalmost2 yearsago projectisgeared 6 The to improve the hotel's offering through the renewalofthedécorinthebedrooms,bathrooms and the restaurant. Protea by Marriott Hotel Indongo a 3 tar otel which is S H with 59 rooms, offers quality accommodation and conferencing facilities, in a relaxing atmosphere enjoys a that mix of both business and leisure for travellers, withapredominanceofguestsvisitingtheareafor businessreasons.

Frans Indongo Group's Chief Executive Officer, Jeremy George said Frans Dr Indongo and the Frans Indongo Group have and still believe in Namibia and her potential in various sectors within the Namibian economy and one of these sectors is that of hospitality and leisure. George said, “the Frans Indongo Group's relationship startedwiththeProteaBrandsome26yearsago, on 1 April 1997 During these years, milestones were achieved (which, amongst others, included addingmoreroomsandaconferenceCentre) “A milestoneofmovingfromHotelIndongoWalvis Bay to the now rebranded Protea by Hotel Marriott Indongo. The hospitality and leisure sector are one of the key strategic sectors the Group has investedin and continuesto invest in, withtheErongoregionhavingbeenidentifiedas animportantregion,”Georgesaid

TheGeneralManagerat Hotel , Protea byMarriottIndongo AmaliaPeakesaidthehotelanditsteamhavebeenthrough manychangeslately “Wearestillrecovering,adaptingand evolvinginthisnewnormalpostCovidera.”Peakesaid,“I can comfortably state that Hotel Protea by Marriott Indongo in Walvis Bay is the safest hotel in Namibia. We are talking 4-hour rating fire retardant doors, one of only twoUL300suppressionsysteminNamibiawhichmeansa kitchen fire is contained to the kitchen, 24-hour CCTV surveillance,gasleakdetectors,bestfirealarmsystemand a solar installation that are already in the position that we arefeedingbackintothegrid.”

Thegeneralmanagersaid,“withthesloganoftheFransIndongo Group 'SHAPE TODAY, TO OWN TOMORROW', we are alreadybusyplanningournextproductandserviceenhancements such as an onsite gym and shuttle service as we believe this can really add value to our long staying and corporate guests.” She concluded by saying, “Going forward, please just call us the Indongo Protea - no more “the Protea in town” please. We are proudtobeknownasindependentProteaownedbytheIndongoAnameyoucantrust.”

T Protea Hotel by Marriott Indongo in Walvis Bay was recently of 4 million he , owned by leading local holding company, the Frans Indongo Group, refurbished at a cost Namibiandollars The Protea Hotel by Marriott Indongo in Walvis Bay
ErongoGovernor,NevilleAndrewithFrans IndongoGroupChiefExecutiveOfficer, JeremyGeorgeattherebranding celebrationsofProteaHotelbyMarriott IndongoinWalvisBay
TheGeneralManagerat HotelProtea by MarriottIndongo,AmaliaPeake

Junior Mayor to Focus on Youth Empowerment

Berry Kawana who was elected as the Swakopmund Junior Mayorforthe2023/24 tenure,saidshewillbe focusingonyouthempowerment. The inauguration of the JuniorTown Councilors took place recently at the Swakopmund Municipality

In her acceptance speech, Kawana, a learner from Namib High School, said youth empowerment will be the cornerstone of her reign as Junior Mayor “Ibelievethattheyouth needeachother,andwe are the only ones who can truly serve ourselves and save ourselves.Theideas,innovation, and energy of our youth can drive positivechange.

Throughinitiativesthat encourage education, skillsdevelopment,and entrepreneurship, we can unlock the true potentialofouryouth.”

Kawana pledged to be an accessible and attentiveJuniorMayor “Your voices matter and I am here to listen to all your concerns, ideas, and aspirations. Together we can shape our policies and initiatives that reflect the needs and aspirations ofouryouth.”

The Deputy Junior Mayor is Preston Husselman, Chief Executive Officer is Alexander Kedding, Laura Quiram is the Public RelationsOfficer Nduwa Mwilima will serve as Treasurer, and Zene Diergardt as the Secretary

The Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes said education alone is not sufficient enough to empower youngpeople,“aswe

Applications for Green Hydrogen Scholarships Now Open

The for GreenHydrogen(Y4H2)scholarshipprogram 2024formaster's degreeandTVETapplicationsarenowopenfortheyouthintheErongo region,thiswasannouncedbytheGovernoroftheErongoregion,Neville AndréItopeduringthelaunchofthescholarshipprogramonWednesday thisweek.

need additional streams to reach out to our youth. Hence, the presence of programmes suchastheJuniorTown council should not be underestimated.”

While addressing the Junior Town Coun-

High School, Helena Kondjeni from Namib High School, Kalushu Nuujoma from Swakopmund Secondary School,IndilaAbraham from Pro-Ed Academy, Ané de Koning from Private School Swa-

Hanes said, “In light of this, we requested to change and allow for learners to be able to applyfromGrade9and end in Grade 11. This willalsoallowGrade11 learners to have ample time to prepare and study for their end of yearexaminations.”

ItopesaidtheNamibian Governmenthasopened a Scholarship Call for master's degree and Technical and Vocational Education T Appli- raining(TVET) cations for Namibian Youth. I am furth “ er happy to announce that the Erongo Region has beenidentifiedasoneof thepreferredregionsfor applicantstotakepartin this scholarship The deadlineforsubmission of the applications is 6 October2023.”

According to Itope, graduates from the

Financial Boost for Down Syndrome School

cillors, Namubes said:, “our main aim is that you become confident and that you are able to have different personality traits and communicationabilitiesthat areusefulforanyoneto learn and practice over time. Do not take this that you have learned for granted and please practice this in your everydaylife.”

Namubes implored Junior Councillors to transfer the knowledge thattheyhavelearnedat JTC to their fellow youthmembersinorder to ensure that the youth in Namibia are impactedinapositiveway Other members who will be serving as councilors are Charlern Kamupone of Atlantic High School, Franco AprilsfromNamib

kopmund and Shakira Willemse from Coastal HighSchool.

DuringCouncilmeeting held in June, it was resolved to approve the changes on the JTC Constitution and OperatingManual.

According to the Coordinator of the JTC Delinda Hanes, the Junior Town Council's Constitution and Operating Manual previously stipulated that theapplicantsshouldbe in Grade 10 and serve until their last year which was previously referredtoasGrade12. However, with the change in the education curriculum, the Junior Town Council has been experiencingchallenges regardingtheintakeand the continuation of learners.

A local foundation, the Yahweh Down SyndromeFoundation,recentlyreceivedN$20 000. The foundation is home to a school that caters for children with Down Syndrome in Narraville,WalvisBay.

The first of its kind Narraville Farmer's Market organised by Chere-Lee Diergaardt, identified the foundation as a worthy cause and donated all the proceeds from the marketaswellassome extratothefoundation.

Diergaardtsaidthat,the market was a success and it would not have been possible without the help of sponsors anddonations.

“I appreciate everyone's assistance from thebottomofmyheart. Especially, King Charcoal, Social Security Commission Walvis Bay, Maersk Namibia, Woermann Brock Narraville, Flamma Trading, Corridor Logistics,AMDHeavy Haulage, Norakka Investments, Almighty Investments, Milyn Investments, So Go Clearing, Danny Beu-

kes, Bertha Haimbili andErongoRED.”

BonitaAntonich,founder of the foundation stated that the N$20 000willgoalongway fortheschoolandwhat theyhaveplanned.

“This money will assistuswiththeinside of our container classroom. We are still in need of toilets, paint and the set-up of our playground for our learners. We are going to use this money and see what we can completeandwhatelsewe can do at our school. Additionally, we will also stretch it to see how we can assist our parents with transport and daily meals at the school.”

The Foundation recently received a 12 meter container that they are re-purposing into a fully functional classroom.

Governor of the Erongo region, Neville André Itope

ErongoRegioninterested in advancing in master's degree and Vocational Education andTraininginthefield of Green Hydrogen are urged to apply for this scholarship. The scholarshipisopentoNamibian Youth between the agesof18to35. The Scholarship will focus on the two categories (master's degree and TVET) related to the Green Hydrogen value chain Master's degree (in disciplines suchasappliedscience, renewable energy/sustainable energy system, logistics, and supply chain management) Technical and Vocational Education and Training (in trades such as boiler making, bricklaying, and plastering, plumbing and pipefitting,weldingand metal fabrication, solar andwindenergysystem installation and maintenance, and business service).

Itope stated that the scholarshipwillprovide up to N$500 000 for a master's degree and up to N$200 000 for a TVET Diploma/Certificate for the full durationofthestudy

Itope further said the prospects of green hydrogenanditseconomic potentialholdenormous potential With its abundant, world-class renewable energy resources and increasing demand for green hydrogen worldwide, Namibiahasbecomean earlyentrantinthisnew market. The future of “ Namibia is promising and we as citizens must rise to the opportunities our country is giving.

Namibia's ambitions of becoming the leading exporter of Green Hydrogen on the African continent and helping the world achieveitsquestfornetzero or low carbon emissions are fast becoming a reality

Namibiawillsoonbea producer of clean, reliable,andaffordable energy for Africa and theworldatlarge,”said Itope.

The Erongo Region with its abundant natural resources, such aswindandsunenergy, is fortunate to benefit from the Green Hydrogenprojectsthatare operatinghereandthat are planned to operate in the very near future. AccordingtoItope,the Erongo region needs a moreskilledworkforce toensurethat takethey part in the full value chain that Green Hydrogenisoffering. For the youth in the Erongo to take region advantage of this call, the of the Office Governor in collaboration with the Erongo Regional Council will assist in facilitating applicants from the region to submit their applications

Theapplicationscanbe done online, or hard copies can be submitted. identifiable An box will be availed, where applicants can submit their forms at theOfficeoftheGovernor and all Constituency Offices, Settlement Offices, and Traditional Authorities Local authorities will also be dengage to comeonboard. Itope mentioned that, o next n 18 September, week Monday, his office in collaboration withtheSouthernAfrican Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) will have a regional outreach Workshopforthescholarship, this workshop will take place at Erongo Regional Council Office from 9:00 am to 13:00 pm. The workshop is to givemoredetailsabout the application for the scholarship.

All aged young people between 18-35 in Erongo Region are invited to attend this workshop The Kunene, //Kharas, and Hardap regions have also been selected for the scholarship program.

Sharlien Tjambari Leandrea Mouers Chere-Lee Diergaardt (second from left), with the teachers and learners of the school as well as Bonita Antoncich (far left) the founder of the school. Photo contributed



RT Trading cc (Or the Proponent) recognises the lack of tourism enterprise development along the tourism routes & tracks in the Brandberg/Geopark Landscape despite the striking beauty of this part of Namibia which is unexplored. For this reason, the Proponent intends to construct and operate a Tented Campsite and Tourism Facilities in Doro!awas near Twyfelfontein along Aba-Huab River, Khorixas Constituency Kunene region.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The proponent understands these activities may not be undertaken without approval of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). This public notice is in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an ECC will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The appointed Consultant (ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING CC) shall facilitate the public participating process and prepare Reports required to support an application for the ECC.

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process.

In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as I & APs by contacting: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu



(Regulations 14,26 & 33)

Noticeisgiventhatan applicationintermsof theLiquorAct,1998, parti-cularsofwhich appearbelow,willbe madetotheregional LiquorLicensing Committee,Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostal addressofapplicant: JacoMuller P.O.Box2379Walvis Bay.

2.Nameofbusinessor proposedbusinessto whichapplicationrelates: TheGamblingDen

3.Address/locationof premisestowhich applicationrelates: Erf520,10thStreet, Mondesa, Swakopmund.

4.Natureanddetailsof application: ApplicationforSpecial LiquorLicense.

5.Clerkofthecourtwith whomtheapplication willbelodged: Clerkofthe Magistrate'sCourt, districtSwakopmund.

6.Dateonwhichthe applicationwillbe lodged: 27September2023

7.Dateofmeetingof committeeatwhich applicationwillbeheard 08November2023 Anyobjectionorwritten submissionintermsof section28oftheActin relationtotheapplication mustbesentordelivered totheSecretaryofthe Committeetoreachthe Secretarynotlessthan21 daysbeforethedateof themeetingofthe Committeeatwhichthe applicationwillbeheard.





CUTTING ACROSS ERONGO AND KUNENE REGIONS, NAMIBIA Brandberg Desert Lodge cc (Or the Proponent) recognises the lack of tourism facilities along the routes & tracks in the Brandberg/Geopark Landscape despite the striking beauty of this part of Namibia which is unexplored. For this reason, the Proponent intends to construct and operate a Lodge and Tourism Facilities at a site located along the Ugab River and about 10 KM north-east of Brandberg Mountain. One part of the site is located north of the Ugab River and the other part is located north of the River, meaning that the site cuts across two regions; viz. Kunene and Erongo regions.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Proponent understands these activities may not be undertaken without approval of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). This public notice is in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an ECC will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The appointed Consultant (ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING CC) shall facilitate the public participating process and prepare Reports required to support an application for the ECC.

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process. In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as I & APs by contacting: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu



The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) hereby invites substantive and compliant proposals from entities to lease prime port property at the Port of Walvis Bay North Port on a medium to long-term basis in order to develop and operate a world class Ship Repair Yard which must include a suitably sized Graving dock, in the Port of Walvis Bay This new shipyard will be developed on land to be reclaimed in the bay


Interested entities may obtain the RFP document from the Manager Property by email.


A non-refundable document processing fee of NAD 5000.00 incl. VAT is payable, proof of payment of which must accompany all RFP submissions. Please contact the Manager Property to arrange for payment by EFT credit card etc.


Bidders are required to formally register as a bidder before they will receive the bid documents or any correspondence.


Closing date and time for RFP bids submission is Monday, 16 October 2023 @ 12:00 noon, (Namibian time). RFP bids should be submitted by depositing it in the tender box at Namport head office reception at No. 17, Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay before the closing date and time. Electronic submissions will not be accepted.


All enquiries on this RFP must be directed in writing to :

The Manager Property Ms. Justina Iiyambo E-mail: j.iiyambo@namport.com.na & Copied to elzevir@namport.com.na

No verbal telephonic enquiries will be responded to.

1. Bids are invited through Open National Bidding (ONB) bidding procedures for the Supply and Delivery of Personal Protective Clothing (PPC) and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for a Period of Three (3) years.

2. The bid is open to all Eligible Namibian Bidders and a margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding document.

3. The Bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”) who wish to respond. Bidders may only associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or under a sub-contractual agreement to complement their respective areas of supply to enhance their capacity to carry out the supply of goods and provision of required services and so long as any association is formed or sub-contract is entered into in accordance with the bidding document associated with this IFB.

4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/Procurement/ for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.

5. ANon-compulsory Pre-Bid meeting is scheduled for 20 September 2023 at 10h00 am. The meeting will be virtual and face to face, and meeting link is available on the website.

6. The last day for the submission of clarification requests is 05 October 2023.

7. Bids must be delivered to the address below before 24 October 2023 at 12h00 pm Local Namibian Time Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.

8. The address referred to above is: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road

9. Bidders should take note that the pre-bid meeting and bid opening ceremony will be conducted virtually as well as face to face, and the links are available on the Namport website.

All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:

Tender and ContractsAdministrator


Tel.: +264 64 208 2217

E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na or

Procurement Manager

Melani de Klerk

Tel: +264 208 2319

Email: m.deklerk@namport.com.na

NAMIBTIMES11 15SEPTEMBER2023 Community News
Email: nelumbu7@gmail.com Mobile: +264 816343170



NamdealAuctions herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Special Consent to operate a “shop” on the premises of Erf623,MondesaExtention1(c/oNelsonMandela Avenue & Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the SwakopmundZoningScheme.Detailsofwhichare obtainablefromtheGeneralManager:Engineering &PlanningServices.

Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the applicantandtheSwakopmundMunicipality,during normalbuisnesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: 29th Spetember2023.

Contact Persons: Ms L.Alves, Cell: 081 838 5729, email:lizete84@gmail.com

or MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403oremail: jheita@swkmun.com.na



Intheestateofthelate GERHARDUS VAN

DER MERWE, Identity Number 520821 0024 3, who diedon27June2023, resided at 7Theo Ben GurirabStreet,Walvis Bay, Namibia and who was widowed Creditors and debtors oftheaboveestateare called upon to lodge their claims or pay theirdebtstotheestate attheundermentioned address within a periodof30daysfrom date of publication of thisnotice.




– 6 T




Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the SwakopmundTownPlanningSchemeRegulations thattheMunicipalityCouncilconsidersthefollowing consent uses, erection of building and use of land details which are obtainable from the General Manager

Laaities and Ladies Daycare herewith intends to applytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmundforspecial consent to operate a Daycare Centre on the premises of Erf 2259 (Turmalin Street) Swakopmund.

Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the applicantandtheSwakopmundMunicipality,during normalbuisnesshours.



ContactPersons:MrsJulietteJudeel,Cell:081367 4940,email:claudinevisser20@gmail.com or

MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403oremail: jheita@swkmun.com.na

Mpower Community Trust an equal opportunity employer, has the following opportunity for a suitable candidate:


Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator

Duty Station: Walvis Bay

Starting date:

01 October 2023

Due date for submission: 20 September 2023 by 17h00

Interested applicants are invited to forward a comprehensive CV with supporting documents to elvishochobeb6@gmail.com

For enquiries call: Stewart Langenhoven at +264816700686


CONSENT: Home Based Business (Salon) ON ERF NO: 4374

TOWNSHIP/AREA:KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO:32Frankie AbrahamStreet.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Home Based Business (Salon).

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan29September2023.

NAMEANDADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: Teopolina Elifas, P O Box 3535,WalvisBay email:ericmowa@gmail.com


Avacancy for a Maintenance Storeman exists at Mpact Corrugated (Pty) Ltd.

Position : Maintenance Storeman

Paterson grade : B3

The incumbent will report to the Maintenance foreman

Key PerformanceAreas:

1. Compile a daily downtime report and other report for the Maintenance Foreman,

2. Maintain and update Shopware asset care program on a daily basis.

3. Manage SHE charts applicable to the workshop.

4. Issue tools and spares to workshop personnel.

5. Source quotations for maintenance parts and services and expedites deliveries.

6. Ensure that all periodic certificates are valid for lifting equipment, pressure vessels and life lines.

7. Take stock on a weekly basis and make sure, the consumables are replenished.

8. Adhere to good house-keeping practices.

9. Assist the Buyer with inspection and receipting of goods.

10. Follow-up with suppliers on expected delivery dates for spare parts that was ordered.

11. Take charge of Consumable Store in the absence of Storeman/Buyer

Minimum Qualification, Education & Experience

· Grade 12 with 25 points and a C in English

· Computer Literacy is mandatory, Excel, MS Word

· 3-year trade diploma (Auto & Diesel Mech or Fitter/Electrician).

· Valid code B Driver's License

· Must be able to work independently

· Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

· Must be a Namibian

· Good leadership qualities

Interested candidates who qualify for the position can forward their CV with certified copies of qualifications and relevant documentation to: The Human rd Resources Department, P O. Box 399. Walvis Bay Physical address: 44 3 Street East, Walvis Bay

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted and no documents will be returned.

CLOSING DATE : Friday 29 September 2023



Coming Events


*14 Sept:Women’s Health Breast Clinics at Walvis BayTownhallCivic Centrefrom09:0013:00.

* 14 Sept: Cup for C a n c e r w i t h Cordelia at Walvis Bay Town Hall at 18:30.


National Fish Consumption School sports tournament.

* 29 Sept. - 1 Oct: FishEagleRallyJan WilkenStadium

* 30 Sept: 11th

National Fish

Consumption MarketDay

* 3 O k t :

Interkerklike Gebeds biduur om 09:00 by Lewende WaterWalvisbaai.

* 14 Oct: MOTHS Octoberfest from 10:00

* 7 N o v . :

Interkerklike Gebeds biduur om 09:00 by Nazarene Kerk,Walvisbaai.

* 5 D e s :

Interkerklike Gebeds biduur om 09:00 by Anglican Kerk,Narraville.

*26-30Sept:AnnualNamportMaritimeWeekatWalvisBay 25-28Oct:ErongoBusiness&TourismExpo


*ShotokanKarate:EveryMonday&Wednesdayat17:30at theDome.ContactValdemarSwartat0812340134.



CONSENT:Self catering unit ON ERF NO: 6TOWNSHIP/AREA: Dolphin Beach STREETNAME&NO:101DamaraTern, 18AtlanticDunes

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 6 October 2023.


MrMHVanDenBerg 18AtlanticDunes meyer@vd.com.na



CONSENT: Accomodation Establishment ( B & B ) O N E R F N O : 1 4 5 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Dolphin Beach


In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon the site a/an: Accomodation Establishment (B&B)

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 6 October 2023.


Gaelle Mesnard, 145oystercatcherstreet, DolphinBeach,gaelle@divinenamibia.com




C l a s s i f i e d s




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JOBWANTED: A27yearoldladyis lookingfor babysitting, housekeepingand cleaning. Swakopmundor WalvisBay.Readyto startanytime. Contact:081714 9675



Andre Burger Wins Greenkeepers Revenge

AndreBurgerputtingbetterfromthefairwaysthanonthegreenstowin theGreenkeepersRevengewith42pointsattheWalvisBayGolfClub overthepastweekend.

Pedro Fernandes was second on 41 points with Nardo Sardinha winning a count out on 40 points. The fourth place went to JP Johnson and Johnny Borgesfinishedinfifthplace.

The committee has agreed that there will be no green fees charged for Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and for any social Golf on Sunday

There will be competition fees as normal as there will still be prizes for Wednesday, seniors and Saturday All players must please not play to the greensandifyougetontothegreenyoumusttakenormalrelieftothenearest pointofrelief.

SeniorgolfersareremindedthatthereisSeniorGolfeveryThursdayat8:30 for9:00.



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Namibia Navy NC Runners Up

The Namibian Navy's Netball Club ended as runners up in the MTC NetballPremierLeagueafterlosttheirfinalgame48-33againstthe2023 champions Namibia Correctional Services at the Khomasdal Netball CourtslastSaturday.

NamibiaNavyNCwalkedawaywithN$80000AnnaKasparwascrownedas theBestShooterfor2023.

ElevenArrowsbeatFatou36-31intheirfinalgameoftheleaguetoendnineth onthelogstanding.

Chief human capital and corporate affairs officer at MTC Namibia Tim Ekandjo said during the award ceremony that the top-flight Netball league needstotransitionintoaprofessionalleague.

Ekandjo commended the league for showcasing its immense potential and underscored the necessity of the continued support it receives. “In the next fouryears,weaspiretowitnessthetransformationofthenetballleagueinto oneofthefewprofessionalleaguesinNamibia.

Ekandjosaid,“Withintheleague,wehavededicatedwomenwhoinvesttheir heart and soul, balancing their league commitments with family responsibilities. It would be highly gratifying to witness these individuals returnhomeattheendofthemonthwithasteadyincome.”

Netball Namibia President Rebecca Goagoses echoed Ekandjo's sentiments,


Herewithapackedprogrammefortherestoftheyear: 16 September -Greenkeepersrevengev2.0, 23 September –NamopsGolf Day, 29 September – Juniors Championships, 30 September - Dial-a-meal GolfDay,1October-LocalSages,7October-StevesTakeAwaysGolfDay, 14October-ConcordYellow,21October-MultiSaveMedal,28OctoberPar3Championships,3November-NGKMoederGolfDay,4November–Heinz Golf Tournament, 5 November - Local Sages Tournament, 11 November - Namib Mills Golf Day, 18 November - Multi Save Medal, 24 November - NGK Meersig Golf Day, 25 November – Club, 2 DecemberClubChampionships,9December-RNBramwel&AssocGolfDay,15and 16December-WVSSages

affirmingtheirreadinesstotransitionintoaprofessionalleague,contingent upontheavailabilityofnecessaryfunding.

Goagosessaid,“westandreadytoelevateourleaguetoprofessionalstatus. Currently, we operate within a semi-professional framework, but our aspirationshavealwaysbeengearedtowardsachievingafullyprofessional setup.”

According to her they are already in discussions with the government to exploreavenuesforprofessionalisation.

She stated that it has been part of our long-term strategy, and we are committedtorealisingitaslongastherequisitefundingissecured.











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ShanehandsovertheGreenkeepersRevengewinningstothechampion AndreBurger.
Namibia Navy NC Runners

Martin and Schoeman Cruise Home

Rudi Bowe

Zachary Martin and Anique Schoeman won the S2 Passenger class in their J&PHydraulics 43 S2 VW Polo 2.0 at the Shell V-Power Swakop RallylastSaturday

Peer Rohm and Pieter Steyn won the S1 S2 Passenger class in their VolkswagenPoloandWilroDippenaarandCarolynSwanemergedvictorious intheS4Passengerclass. CR1Off-RoadclasswaswonbyLoicBathfieldand JohanSteynwithMorneOosthuizenandJacquesKrugersecondwhilstWillie Schoeman and Hugo Arangies ended third. Werner Bartsch and Christel Fourie won the CR2 Off-Road class with Dirk Redman and Harri-Johan Baarmansecondplace.

Zachary Martin and Anique Schoeman came second overall in the S2 Passengerclasswithatimeof1:03:38,withPeerRohmandPieterSteynthird in 1:15:07 in an S1-class Volkswagen Polo whilst Wilro Dippenaar and CarolynSwandominatedround3ofthe2023NamibianRallyChampionship inatimeof0:55:11.

Werner Bartsch and Christel Fourie were third overall in the Off-Road class withMorneOosthuizenandJacquesKrugerwhilstLoicBathfieldandJohan SteyndominatedtheOff-Roadclassinatimeof0:57:18.

Ekko Eisenberg and Horazio Rietz the final classified finishers in their 215 CR1JAC.RianKritzingerandIanStanderfinishedunderSuperRallyrulesin their919CR1NissanHardbody,asdidDirkredmanandHarri-JohanBaarman in their 88 CR2 Toyota Hilux and Madeleine Koegelenberg and Tivian von Weidtsintheir16CR1FordCourier

Jannie and George Coetzee, Berto Mostert/Chané Havenga, Issai Nhinda/Dian van der Merwe and Wido Bartsch/Raymond Fourie did not finishtherally

TheBadLuckSpoonandTrophywaswonbyJannieandGeorgeCoetzeeand WidoBartsch/RaymondFourierespectivelywhilstMadeleineKoegelenberg andTivianvonWeidtswontheTeamSpiritTrophy

TheWalvisBayMotorClubthankedJ&PHydraulics,SafeWear,OceanView Shell,Vivo Energy and PieterVan Ginkel for sponsoring the ShellVPower SwakopRally

ThefourthroundoftheNamibianChampionshipisinTsumebonSaturday,30 September

Walking Football to be Rolled Out Across Namibia

The Walking Football 4Health Namibia (WF4HN), operational in Windhoek at the Khomasdal Community Hall since July 2023, is preparing to participate in a Walking Football 4Health tournamentinCapeTownduringNovember2023.

Great interest has been received from other towns across Namibia (Oshakati, Walvis Bay, Rundu, Keetmanshoop, Lüderitz, and Rehoboth to name a few towns), prepared to start Walking Football 4Healthintheircommunities.

More details of the Walking Football 4Health National program, including the intention to establishwalkingfootballclubs,andultimatelythe Walking Football 4Health Namibia National League,willbereleasedsoon.

Thepurposeofthissportscodeistoservemenaged 50andabove,andwomenaged40andabove,with an opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle, not just physically, but also mentally and psychologicallyonthewalkingfootballfields.

We have our indoor practice sessions currently every Monday andThursday 18h00 – 20h00 at the Khomasdal Community Hall, whilst games are being played every Saturday 09h00 – 11h00 at the SpecialOlympicsStadiuminKatutura.

Walking Football is a huge phenomenon overseas, wasfoundedin2017asthefastestgrowingsportin South Africa, whilst having some 800 clubs in Englandalone,andit'sbeensuccessfullypilotedina numberofAustralianstatesoverthepast12months.

We are particularly excited by the opportunity this programwillbringforourNamibiancommunities, as Walking Football offers a great low-impact, team-based exercise, providing physical & mental health benefits and social connectedness and fellowshipforolderNamibians.

Itreinforcesfootballasthesportthateveryonecan playregardlessofabilityorwhetheryou'reagedare 50orover75.

As we all get older, the opportunities to keep fit decrease, and are often limited to isolated activity

Walking football allows the over 40's ladies and over50'smenoldergenerationtoplayacompetitive sport in a more sociable, healthy and safe environment.

If you've not tried it before and think what's the point, then believe us when we say that it can be quitecompetitiveaswellasbeingagreatwaytostay fit and healthy Of course, the sessions we run are reallyaboutgettingfitandsocanbeascompetitive or as friendly as you want – the real benefit is exercisingwithoutreallythinkingaboutit. Just think about the health benefits for a second –more muscle, harder bones that can help you build strength, lose weight and improve core stability –thinkhowmuchbetteryouwillfeelwhensinkinga pintafterallthat!

Of course, as well as being able to increase your fitnesslevelswehopewecangiveyour'emotional health' a boost by turning out for regular sessions



30 September 2023

andmeetingoldfriendsandnewpeople,aswehope lots of our supporters will join in and maybe then have a pint afterwards in the “sports bar” at the venue,orbackhome.

For those of you who used to play when you were younger,I'msureyoucanrememberhowmuchfun the'banter'inthepubwasafteragameandprobably how much you miss that friendship on a regular basis. The rules are simple, the same as seven-aside, if you can cast your memory back that far, exceptifyourun,ortackle,youconcedeafreekick –sonodangertherethen!

Wereallyhopetoseeasmanyofyouaspossible–don't worry if you haven't pulled a shirt on for 20 years, or you think you might lack a bit of confidence – it will be your center and probably everybodywillbeinthesameboat–justlookingfor a bit of a run out (sorry walk out) and a social gatheringforfellowship.

nd On Saturday, 2 September 2023, WF4HN had a demonstration at the Special Olympics Stadium in Katutura,insupportoftheFirstLady's“1Economy Foundation” social welfare organisation, themed: #WeAreEqual&Fit organised by their #BeFree movement.

WF4HN will have a demonstration at the Sports ExpotobeheldattheMTCDomeinSwakopmund from25to27October

WF4HN is fortunate to have been invited to participate in CapeTown, in an over 40 ladies and over50mensoccertournament,tobehostedbythe MultiSoccaMovement,CapeTown,SouthAfrica, from24–25November2023.

The team of 30 players will participate in the followingcategories:6-a-sidewalkingfootball,5& 6-a-side running football and 11-a-side running football.

To make our participation successful, we humbly requestforsupportinfinancesandkindtoassistour team of 30 players in one of the following items: Transport for 30 players from Windhoek to Cape Town(return),Accommodationfor30playersfor5 nights in Cape Town. Meals for 30 players for 6 days, Tracksuits for 30 players, Soccer jerseys for 30players,Golfshirtsfor30players,T-shirtsfor30 players,Trainingbibsfor30players, andTogbagsfor30players.

Please give us a call at our WF4HN Leadership Teamat+264815765897(Mr JamesAlvinLinks–Chairperson) and +264 81 498 4134 (Mr Lance Willemse –Treasurer) and +264 81 332 4233 (Mr Mathew Haikali – Public Relations Officer) or email us at and isfamproperties@gmail com gls.nas@mweb.com.naforfurtherinformation.

N$158 000 Up for Grabs at Navachab

Half Marathon

TheninthNavachabHalfMarathonwiththetheme,“NoOneShouldBeLeftOut'isopentoathletesofall genders aged 16 to 50 or above and featuring various age categories, is set to take place in Karibib on Saturday,September16.

The popular road race, starting from the Karibib Stadium, will offer runners in the 21.1-kilometer race a combined prize pool of N$158 000 that can be claimed in the respective categories. In the half marathon, substantialprizesawaitthetopthreefinishersinbothmaleandfemalecategoriesacrossjuniors(16to19years), seniors(20to39years),veterans(40-49years),andmasters(50andolder).Forthoseseekingalesscompetitive experience, there's a 10 km route, as well as a 5 km option for fun joggers. Berthold Karumendu, the event organiser and senior sports officer in the Erongo region's Ministry of Sport, Youth, and National Service (MSYNS),statedtheiraimtoelevatetheeventtoaWorldAthletics(WA)bronze-labelroad-racingcompetition with increased prize money this year The bronze label represents the third-tier level in WA's prestige classification,andraceorganisersmustseekrecognitionwhiledemonstratingthattheirracemeetsseveralWA criteria. The event is co-sponsored by FNB Karibib,Athletics Namibia, Karibib Town Council, Coca Cola, Agra,CAA,VivoEnergy,andNammed.

Please take note that a section of 18th Street East (Union Street) from the circle until the 4way stop at thecemeterywillbeclosedfrom09:30amuntil12:00 on Saturday 30 September 2023 for the yearly Fish Eagle Rally Mass Ride and Drags through Walvis Bay.

Rudi Bowe Photoright: WidoBartsch/ RaymondFourie ZacharyMartinandAnique SchoemanwinnersoftheS2 PassengerclassattheShell V-PowerSwakopRally WernerBartschandChristelFourie withDirkRedmanandHarri-Johan Baarman On the pictured from left, Hendrik Mapele and Irvin Ndjavera from the sport ministry, Justina Kandjala of Nammed, Organiser Bethold Karumendu, ChiefAdministrator of the Namibia Sport Commission, Freddy Mwiya,PublicRelationsOfficerofNavachabGoldMineMcLynKasale,andAntonioFransatthelaunchof theNavachabHalfMarathon. Photo:Contributed

SAC Hosts Annual Target Archery Nationals

Atotalof9archersparticipatedin6 differentdivisionsintheOutdoor targetNationalswherearchersshot tworoundsof72arrowseachand eliminationstodeterminethe winners.









OpenCompound U21Men: Gold–JLduToit CompoundWoman: Gold–BabetteTaljaard, Silver–JacquelineCoetzee,SAC



Woman:Gold-KatelynnVenter, SAC


Robin-SpotWoman:IlanaMalan, SAC

Soccer Day for Better Collaboration Between Law Enforcers and Transporters

The 'Together for Safer Roads' Road Safety Soccer Day 2023 which will be hosted in Swakopmund at the Vineta Sports Stadium on 18 November 2023, aims to improve synergy and cooperation between public passenger transport (taxi and long-distance) drivers and traffic law enforcement agencies (Namibian Police Force – NAMPOL –Traffic Department, Windhoek City Police Services, Roads Authority Inspectors and Traffic Officers from thelocalauthoritiesof Swakopmund, Walvis Bay and Henties Bay) as well as to improve roaduserbehaviour

The Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes mentioned that through this event AA aimstobringasenseof harmony and to sustain the relationship between traffic lawenforcementagencies and public passenger transport providers.

Namubesfurthersaid:, “I was specifically pleased with this initiative as I believe that this interaction between the public passenger transport

drivers and law enforcement agencies will enhance and change driver behaviour and attitude as it will create mutual respect and understanding between the parties. And in turn, ensuring safer road usage and subsequently, decrease road crashcasualties.”

Additionally,thisevent is aligned to efforts to reach the objectives of the Namibian Chapter of the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety

2021-2030, specifically Pillar 4 which alludes to safer road users.

Proudly sponsored by Vivo Energy Namibia, theeventwillbehosted by AA Namibia and NRSF, in collaboration withtheNationalRoad SafetyCouncil(NRSC) and Motor Vehicle Accident(MVA)Fund.

The“TogetherforSafer Roads” Soccer Day is the brainchild of the Automobile AssociationofNamibia(AA Namibia) and sup-

ported by its partner, the Namibia Road Safety Forum (NRSF), and the road safety fraternity, notable the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) and Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)Fund. The event was first launched in November 2021 to precede the launch of the nationalFestiveSeason Road Safety CampaignandWorldDay of Remembrance for RoadTrafficVictims.

TheAutomobileAssociation(AA)ofNamibia'slaunchofitsthirdeditionofthe'Togetherfor SaferRoads'RoadSafetySoccerDay2023tookplaceinSwakopmundonTuesdaythisweek, withthemainaimofbuildingaharmoniousrelationshipbetweentrafficlawenforcersand publictransportoperators. SwakopmundArcheryClub(SAC)inconjunctionwiththerulingbody oftheArcheryAssociationofNamibia(AAN)recentlyhostedthe16th NamibianTargetNationalsattheSFCSportGroundsinSwakopmund. Mayor of Swakopmund, Dina Namubes seen at the launch with CEO of Swakopmund Municipality, Traffic Staff, CEO of Namibia Road Safety Forum, Horst Heimstädt, the Managing Director of AA Namibia Hileni Tjivikua and Staff from Vivo Energy Namibia.
Email all your sport related articles to Rudi Bowe at journalist5@namibtimes.net

Vivo Blue Waters Football Club uel Boosts with F Sponsor

Rudi Bowe

Vivo Energy Namibia

Blue Waters Football Club fuel has boosted Walvis Bay's with a sponsor worthN$150000forthe2023/24DebmarineNamibiaPremiershipseason.

The Chairman of Blue Waters Sport Club, Robert Shimooshili said today they are witnessing another historic moment in the history of Blue Waters FootballClub,“Aswell as that of Vivo Energy Namibia.”

Shimooshili in a said, “ way,whenonelooksat the history of both our entities, there are similaritiesinthatboth come from humble beginnings both as brands came from and where we are today, it bares testimony to the fact that only persistenceanddedication can deliver success hencethepartnership.”

According to the Chairperson, “Blue WatersSportsClubhas achieved tremendous success since its inception in 1936, but be that as it may, that success has not

quenched our thirst for success one bit. Today we pride ourselves as having one of the biggestsportingbrands in the country Forging ties with Vivo Energy of Namibia with its acclaimed status as a market-leading, panAfrican retailer and distributor of highquality fuels and lubricants will surely further fuel our hunger for success as a team Shimooshili e stated W hope this partnership will benefit our team immensely and ensure that our vast support base helps maintain your product's position as the preferred fuel outlet in the domestic petroleumindustry,”he added Shimooshili there said exists infinite commercial potential in Namibia's sports fraternity, which if

unlocked, can offer huge socio-economic benefits for our communitiesaswellas relieve government from this please in its quest to alleviate p o v e r t y a n d employmentcreationin Namibia. Inpursuitof “ unlocking this potential, you can rest assuredthatourvarious sportscodesintheform of football, netball, cricket, Rugby, Volleyballandathletics willhelptopropelyour brand further in the communities that we find ourselves in,” Shimooshilisaid Shimooshili further stated the 2023/2024 football season will officially kick-off on Saturday, their and soccer team is looking forward to improving on their last season second place on the long as a way of cele-

bratingtheresilienceof the fabric that bonds our Club and our 87year-old history and success.

Shimooshili assured that their respective partners and sponsors are an integral part of the resilience and strength that underpins the Club – “I'd like to extend a warm welcomeandthankyou for your consideration to come on board as a sponsor Equally,Iurge all corporate entities to follow the good example set by Vivo Energy of Namibia to support sports for the benefits of our youth and our country in general.” urged He the governmenttoconsider the sports infrastructure, particularly modern Football stadiums which meet CAF requirements for the benefits of the country Shimooshili thanked Vivo Energy Namibia once again for channelling resources towards the growth of footballinNamibiaand we look forward to a long lasting mutually beneficial partnership, “Wecanguaranteeyou that we will use the sponsorship for its intendedpurpose.”

Vivo Energy Namibia

Chief financial officer

Fernando Somaeb said that o Energy Viv is quite eager o support t programswherewecan invest the upliftment in ofthecommunity Somaeb Sport said, “ keepstheyoungonesof streetsandtohar nesta n inclusivityculture Thisis forVivo thethis Energy and therefore weinviteotheragencies to follow Suit to

improve the lively wouldofourplayers.”

T Secretary General he of Namibian Football Association FA Jochen Traut NFA said that the is 3 managing 3 leagues from Men and Women

Premier leagues, S Divisionandall econd 14regionalleagues.

The Premier and S Division econd teams will travel this season 459 kilo to meters honour their various

fixtures Therefore, NFA are so grateful for Vivo Energy” Trautstated “ Waters Blue well done – you heard our plea We encourage other club to follow suit to all and plea corporate to come onboard, lets take hands and promote football in the country” said.Traut Photoscontributed.

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