15 september namib times e edition

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6488 TUESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2015 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net


"No!" For Storage Facility

Foto deur Liesl Losper

Page 3

(lnr) Willie en Beverley Botha, Chrysander, Damian, Valery en Collin Stevens, 'n paar uur voor hul vertrek

Twee Walvisbaaiers op pad na Rugby-Wêreldbekereindtoernooi

“Alle Oë op Nommer 9 en Nommer 15”

Rugby-unie vroeër gesê, “Ons span, elkeen van julle, verdien die trui. Maak ons ​​ trots,

speel jou hart uit, maar moenie vergeet om die spel wat ons almal so liefhet te geniet nie.”

Allister Carolissen, ondervoorsitter van die Kudus Rugbyklub waar Chrysander en Damian

briljante spelers was, het hulle ook sterkte toegewens. “Kudus Rugbyklub het

die afgelope naweek afskeid geneem van ons twee voormalige spelers wat vandag na Londen Vervolg op bladsy 2

Nationhood and National Pride in Focus in Henties Bay “Politicians should understand that their actions can be a threat to Peace and Unity” Sharlien Tjambari Community members from all walks of life gathered at the Municipality of Henties Bay, yesterday, for a two-day workshop focusing on the establishment of the Nationhood and National Pride (NNP) Forum. This forum will work in coordination with all government agencies as well as NGOs in the region to promote unity among all Namibians. The workshop aims at training members of the community who will form part of the NNP regional forum in Erongo.

According to the Deputy Mayor of Henties Bay, Wilhelmina Mapanka, members of the forum will play a critical role in promoting national


pride among our communities. “Nationhood and National Pride imply that we identify ourselves with the aspirations of

Page 17

Duneside Private High School wins Gold

Tragedy strikes on B2 Madelaine Laubscher

A well-known businessman of Walvis Bay died yesterday morning after he allegedly had a heart attack while he was driving to Swakopmund to visit his doctor. Nampol Commissioner, Ottilie Kashuupulwa, confirmed the incident to the newspaper. “He passed away and his body was brought to the police mortuary for a postmortem to be conducted,” she said. The deceased, Mr Christopher Julie (58), was a

well-known resident of Walvis Bay. The newspaper spoke to a relative of Mr Julie, Angelo Julie, who said his uncle’s identity could be made known to the public, as his nextof- kin had already been informed. “Uncle Chris started a business, Exit Garage,

Continues on page 2


Page 14

Liesl Losper

Twee bekende rugbyspelers van die kus, Chrysander Botha en Damian Stevens, wat opgeneem is in die Namibiese Nasionale rugbyspan, die Welwitschias, het gisteroggend uit Walvisbaai vertrek na Windhoek. Hulle het hulle gaan aansluit by hul spanmaats in Windhoek, waar hul vandag op ‘n straatparade vereer sal word, voor hulle vertrek. Hulle vlieg vandag na Johannesburg en van daar na Engeland, waar hulle in hulle groep, Groep C, aanvanklik sal meeding teen Nieu-Seeland,Tonga, Georgië en Argentinië. In ‘n boodskap van ondersteuning, het mnr Bradley Basson, president van die Namibiese

De Duine Matric Farewell

Page 18

Female Karateka excells at AAG Mr Christopher Julie who passed away yesterday with my father many years ago. In May this year, the Continues on page 2


Page 25

BUTCHERY Garlic Bread

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Food Lover’s Market Centre, 50 Moses Garoëb, Swakopmund, Tel: 414 400 • Fresh Produce Market, 69 Moses Garoëb St, Walvis Bay, Tel: 207 152 • Valid: Tuesday 15 - Sunday 20 September 2015 ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY! • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 140915 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE • WHILE STOCKS LAST



Welwitschias honour Alfred John Ward


Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 wvb@namibtimes.net ADVERTISING sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net MARKETING/SALES Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 coenita@namibtimes.net sales@namibtimes.net Desiree Jooste Cell +264 81 576 9555 desiree@namibtimes.net lolla@namibtimes.net CLASSIFIEDS smalls@namibtimes.net NEWS DESK Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net JOURNALISTS Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 SPORT sport@namibtimes.net

Swakopmund Office Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824 ADVERTISING shene@namibtimes.net MARKETING/SALES Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na mikkie@namibtimes.net Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net JOURNALISTS Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net


Familie en vriende saam met die rugbymanne om hul sterkte toe te wens

Twee Walvisbaaiers op pad na Rugby-Wêreldbekereindtoernooi vertrek om aan die Rugby Wêreldbekertoernooi deel te neem en hulle sterkte toegewens. Chrysander Botha neem aan sy tweede wêreldbeker deel terwyl dit die immergroen Damian Stevens se eerste deelname sal wees. Die Klub is sonder twyfel geweldig trots op die twee spelers se prestasies en hulle is bewyse dat harde werk, dissipline en nederigheid beloon word. Hulle toewyding en gedrag op en van die veld af, is ’n voorbeeld vir menige jong man.” Nommer 9 (Damian) en 15 (Chrysander) se truie moet stip dop gehou word wanneer hulle 24 September (20:00) speel teen Nieu-Seeland, 29 September (16:45) teen Tonga, 7 Oktober (20:00) Georgië en dan laaste teen Argentinië, 11 Oktober (12:00). Sondagaand in Narraville het die ouers ’n afskeidsete gehou vir die twee families en was namib times ook deel van die spesiale geleentheid. Ons kon oor ’n lekker koppie tee met die ouers ‘n onderhoud voer, en getuie wees van die goeie wense wat die twee spelers vergesel. Chrysander Botha se ouers, Beverley en Willie Botha, het in die onderhoud gesê dat hul harte swel vir hulle seun. “Ons is trots op hom en ons sal sê die wenresep is ondersteuning en aanmoediging – ons het elke tree van sy rugbyloopbaan saam met hom geloop.

Afstand was nog nooit in ons pad om by ons seun se wedstryde te kon wees nie.” Sy pa sê ook dissipline het ’n groot rol gespeel. “Dissipline was altyd deel van sy grootwordproses en ek het altyd vir Chrysander geleer dat spanwerk baie belangrik is in rugby. Ek het hom ook van kleins af geleer dat om te wen, nie alles moet oorheers nie, en dat hy dit wat hy doen, tot die beste van sy vermoë moet doen, en met sy hele hart,” sê Willie. Sy ma, Beverley, glo ook motivering is een van die grootste faktore wat deurentyd daar moet wees. “Ek motiveer hom altyd met die woorde dat hy nie moet terugkyk nie, maar moet vorentoe mik. Ek het altyd gesorg dat ek by al sy wedstryde was, tot nou toe - ons vlieg ook Engeland toe om drie van sy wedstryde by te woon en die feit dat hy weet dat sy ouers ook daar gaan wees is baie motivering vir hom om sy beste te gee. Chrysander is baie lief vir rugby van ’n jong ouderdom af. Tog het ek dit duidelik gemaak aan hom dat sport nie alles moet oorheers nie – dit moet 50/50 wees, met ander woorde, vir die akademie en vir sy sport, moet hy dieselfde deursettingsvermoë hê - om in albei sy beste prestasie te lewer,” sê Beverley. Damian, die 20- jarige jongman wat al op nege met sy rugbyloopbaan

begin het, se ouers, Valery en Colin Stevens sê, “Ons was baie betrokke by Damian se wedstryde, selfs ook as hy in Suid-Afrika gaan speel het. Toe Damian in die Junior Wêreldbeker gaan speel het was hy nog baie jonk, en vir ’n ma is dit maar ’n swaar saak om jou seun so ver te laat gaan sonder jou. Maar, dit hou ’n mens biddend te alle tye. ’n Gevoel stoot altyd so op in my binneste as ek my seun op die sportveld sien, en weet ek dat dit harde werk is wat hom daar gebring het.” In ons onderhoud met die twee pa’s het ons hul gevra of hul al trane gestort het van trots oor hul seuns se prestasies. “Ons het ja, ons het, baie keer, veral wanneer jy as vader rondom jou kyk en sien hoeveel aanhangers langs die rugbyveld jou seun se naam skree, en ook veral as jy sien hoe hy sy liefde vir sy sport met elke tree uitleef.” Toe ons hulle vra, hoe voel hulle as hulle die twee op televisie sien en duisende kyk na hulle, was albei se antwoord, “Onbeskryflik, en dis waar daar tog ’n traan uit selfs ’n vader se oë skiet.” Die eindstryd van die Rugby-wêreldbeker word op 31 Oktober op Twickenham gespeel – en almal wens dat dié twee Walvisbaaiers daardie dag saam met die Welwitschias een van die finale spanne sal wees.

WALVIS BAY Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@namibtimes.net


He had been awarded a rugby bursary, but he chose to be a paramedic, and come and serve Namibia, Ward said on Saturday, when namib times visited him and his wife, Alida, at their home in Tamariskia.

Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1

SWAKOPMUND Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net

e-book edition @ http://issuu.com/ namibtimes

The late Afred’s father, coastal Paramedic, Terence Ward, said it was a very special moment, and it touched them deeply, since Rugby had been one of the options for his son when choosing a career.

Robyn Haupt, Damian's girlfriend, "I am extremely proud of him. I wish him all the best of luck. You must enjoy, but most importanly, stay focused"

Beauretta Britz, "Ek wens hom net alles van die beste toe. Dis altyd moeilik om hom so te laat gaan maar my hart is saam met hom in sy rugbyloopbaan"

Photo by Maria Davel-Wallis

namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Maria Davel-Wallis The Welwitschias have unexpectedly honoured the E Med Res 24 Namibia paramedic, Alfred John Ward, last week, when they handed a signed Welwitschia World Cup jersey to his parents.

The World Cup Jersey the Welwitschias gave Aflfred John Ward’s parents in honour of his life and work. Ward and his son watched the Welwitchia’s game against Zimbabwe together on the Saturday before his death. That was the last time Ward saw his son alive. On the photo, Alida Ward, Brandon Smith and Terence Ward hold the special jersey Ward last night confirmed to namib times, that the remains of his son, Alfred John Ward (23), and that of the two Namibian pilots, Steven Naudé (53), and Amore Espag (23) will arrive in the capital tonight. “My son will be home on Wednesday,

and we are thankful for that.” Ward’s funeral service will be held on Saturday morning at 9:00, in the AFM Church in Francisca van Neel Street, Tamariskia.

Nationhood and National Pride in Focus in Henties Bay Continued from page 1

our nation on the basis of shared values that are contained in the Namibian Constitution” said Wilhelmina Mapanka. The NNP Forum campaign was officially launched by Former President Hifikepunye Pohamba, on 27 April 2011 in Windhoek, under the theme “A United nation is a proud nation”, with the logo “My Namibia, My Country, and My Pride”. The Governor of the Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua, said in a keynote address, which was delivered on his behalf by his Special Adviser, Bobby Kandjala, the implementation of that government programme at all le-

vels within the country, would help in mobilising the masses to vigorously get involved in the development of the country with a sense of pride and unity, in order to achieve Vision 2030. The governor in his message also warned, “Politicians who are guilty of repeatedly playing the tribal card should be made to understand that their actions are a threat to the peace and unity of our people”. Through the NNP campaign all citizens should be encouraged to embrace the principles of One Namibia One Nation, and to become the campaign’s ambassadors, said Governor

Mutjavikua. Topics that will be discussed today, day two, are: How NNP regional forums and activities will be funded, they will also look at the personal views of the people at the workshop, and the way forward. The workshop is an open event and community members, who still would want to be part of this forum are more than welcome to attend and to share their ideas, views and opinions, was the message yesterday. The workshop will conclude today. The NNP is a campaign under the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology.

Tragedy strikes on B2 Continued from page 1 business was 38 years old. That is how long Uncle Chris had been a businessman in Walvis Bay. He was my father’s righthand and assisted him in everything my father did. He was very well-known and loved. His personality always remained the same. He was

never angry and he was a pleasure to have around. He also enjoyed playing darts for many years and the people loved him very much. He never wronged anyone and was always joyful,” Angelo Julie said. According to him the family is still not certain about

the funeral arrangements at this stage. E-Med was on the scene yesterday morning. According to a trusted source, the deceased was on his way to Swakopmund to see his doctor. “While he was driving he had a heart attack. He veered off the road.”




Land-a-Dollar Drum 'Lands' in Swakopmund On Wednesday, 9 September, a Land-a-Dollar drum was placed at Fruit and Vegetable City and Shoprite Swakopmund.

The Land-a-Dollar Drum is a campaign initiated by young individuals from the University of Namibia's council and campus at large, with the aim to get more youth involved to contribute their effort to the nationwide, diversified and community-driven program of the national government regarding the massive urban land servicing program. The campaign is essentially a plea for every student and member of society, to pledge at least a dollar to the government plan. The theme of the campaign is “Setting a Foundation for your Home”. Drums are placed all over the country. They've started appearing in Windhoek, Walvis Bay and Oshakati, but now they are going from town to town, dropping off the drums at shopping malls/centres. You can contribute to this campaign by finding a nearest designated point where a drum is placed, make a contribution of a dollar or more towards the nationwide mass land servicing project. Once collected, all revenue will be presented to the office of the President as a pledge, support and contribution of the nation towards the national project.

Storage Facility for Dangerous Goods a “No-No!” Liesl Losper

Residents are still up in arms over the possibility that a Safe Storage Facility for the handling of dangerous goods might be erected at farm 43, Walvis Bay. A meeting was held recently by Ecolab Environmental cc regarding the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the development of the planned facility. The meeting was attended by around 20 residents of Walvis Bay of whom quite a number did not want this to be constructed. The residents said, “one of our main concerns is, they will be transporting 8 000 tons of material and will require around 1 600 containers and 20 trucks, which means

the road will be even busier than normal, and it will also be way more dangerous. The increase of trucks on the roads will result in congestion and affect other road users adversely. The movement of the dangerous goods through town also is of great concern to us.” One of the people at the meeting said, “The residents feel that shareholding is top secret, why? And the shareholders were not at the meeting.” “A huge amount of public money will be spent.”

A similar project's proposal was turned down before an EIA could even be done. The namib times contacted Ecolab Enivronmental cc and had an interview with Thomas Jonas, the proponent. We wanted to know the following: 1. What is the way forward on the project for the Development of the proposed Safe Storage Facility? The 'Safe Storage Facility' will be constricted after consultation with the public , the communities in the surrounding area and all stakeholders

Residents at the meeting in the Walvis Bay Town Hall

such as the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The facility will ease the burden on the lack of such a facility in the area, to ensure the region complies with national and international safety regulations. 2. Why do you think is it necessary for us to have such a storage facility? The current increase in the mining and industrial sector created the need for such a facility. Hazardous material is used in the mining and agricultural sectors. The safest means of transport of hazardous mate-

rial is not by road on long distance which is the current situation. The safest means of transport of such goods are through the port, which makes the distance by road shorter. Such a facility will reduce the high risks on the road. 3. If we look at the meeting and how the people reacted, were you prepared for their reaction? The meeting was positive in regard to the project because a lot of valuable input was received which will be considered and facilitated in the report. It is also evident it is imperative for such public meetings to make sure the community is not only consulted, but also educated why such a project is necessary.

4. Previously, how were these goods stored, while we do not have a storage facility here? Or, what is the normal process followed in handling this? Namibia does not have such an authorised industrial storage facility, and due to the lack thereof, it leaves clients with no choice but to make use of unauthorised common warehouses/storage facilities to cater for such

goods. The industrial sector, such as the mines, have smaller facilities to cater for their limited operational needs on their premises. The mines are awarded licenses to construct such facilities on the mines, however, they are limited in terms of storage capacity. Jonas says more meetings will be held, and the community will be kept informed of due process.



High treason Sambona got weapons from Unita: Judge

Judgement handed down by High Court Judge Elton Hoff here yesterday in a high treason trial of 65 people, showed that Samboma was one of the commanders of the secessionist Caprivi Liberation Army (CLA) and was instructed by the top leadership of the Caprivi Liberation Movement (CLM), which was headed by former DTA of Namibia president and Member of Parliament, Mishake Muyongo, to go to neighbouring Angola and purchase weapons of war from Unita, a pro-Western organisation in Angola formed in 1966 by Jonas Savimbi. According to the ruling, prosecution has presented prima facie evidence that Samboma had met with Unita rebel members on several occasions at a place in the Kwando River area where he exchanged an unspecified amount of diesel for weapons between 1998 and 1999.

“Accused John Samboma had been busy moving between Namibia and Zambia, and visited several Unita rebel camps in Angola. He had entered the Unita rebel camps in Angola via Zambia during 1998 and 1999. “John Samboma was also seen at a village on the Namibian side of the border on 30 July 1999 carrying a Russian-made AK-47 assault machine gun (rifle) and other weapons, which he had acquired from Unita rebel members,” said the judge, noting that the prosecution has established a prima facie case against the CLA commander. Hoff said there is prima facie evidence that Samboma was the CLA leader who was in charge of a number of secret military training camps the CLA had set up in the former Caprivi Region (now Zambezi) during 1999. He (Samboma) also played a leading role in the deci-

(Photo by Simon Kopper Endjala) NAMPA

WINDHOEK, 14 SEP (NAMPA) - High treason accused John Samboma had played a crucial role in the procurement of weapons from Angola’s former rebel movement of Unita (Union of the Total Independence of Angola) in southern parts of that country, the court heard yesterday.

WINDHOEK, 24 August 2015 - The 65 remaining suspects in the main Caprivi high treason trial being informed in the High Court that judgement on their case will be handed down on 7 September 2015 by High Court Judge Elton Hoff. sion that led the 92 alleged CLA members to cross over the Namibian border into neighbouring Botswana with weapons of war. It was further established that between 1991 and 1999, Samboma was heavily involved in the conspiracy to secede the Caprivi Region from the rest of Namibia and had attended a number of clandestine meetings and gatherings where the intention

to separate the region from Namibia was discussed. The 65 accused men are facing 278 charges, including a count of high treason, nine charges of murder and 240 counts of attempted murder in connection with an alleged plot to secede the Caprivi Region from the rest of Namibia. The presentation of judgement continues on Tuesday in the presence of defence lawyers - Patrick

Court Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report 8-10 September 2015 Victoria Mweuta (32) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 15 September for the docket to be brought to court. The accused is on bail. Alfeus Ndalumbuma (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 17 November for legal aid. The accused is on bail. Wilma Garises (29) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 5 November for

trial partly heard-typing of record. The accused is on bail. Gabriel Emvula (37) appeared on a charge of receiving stolen property. The matter was postponed to 16 September for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Nestor Amukoto (23), Mateus Indongo Mateus (45) and Menhas Shineva (46) all appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 15 September for trial. All three suspects are on bail. Elias Shanyenga (33) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily

Kauta, George Neves, Clive Kavendjii, Profysen Muluti, Jonathan Samukange, Victor Kachaka, Percy McNally and Hennie Kruger. The prosecution is being represented by Deputy Prosecutor-General Taswald July. In total, 122 people were arrested and put on trial in connection with the alleged August 1999 Caprivi secession. However, 14 of the alleged separatists died while awaiting finalisation of the trial and 43 were released on 11 February 2013 after there was no evidence linking them to the trial. All 122 men were separately charged with taking part in the attacks at Ka-

tima Mulilo, or providing support to the so-called CLA. The accused persons allegedly took part in the bloody attacks on the Katima Mulilo Police Station; the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation’s (NBC) regional office; Wenela Border Post; and Mpacha Military Base and Airport on 2 August 1999. They were said to have been under the leadership of Muyongo. Muyongo and many other alleged leaders of the CLA fled to neighbouring Botswana before the attacks and after the Namibian security forces discovered their underground movement and tightened security measures in the Caprivi

harm. The matter was postponed to 22 October for legal aid. The accused is on bail. Fillemon Muhamba (36) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 26 October for trial. The accused is in custody. Tjinomuinjo Kandee (32) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 15 October for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Magdalena Kirsten (52) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 14 October for further investigation. The accused is on bail.

Region. Muyongo and Mafwe Chief Boniface Mamili are now exiled in Denmark after Namibia pressured Botswana to send them back home to stand trial. Defence lawyers Kauta, Neves, Kavendjii, Muluti, Samukange, Kachaka, McNally and Kruger - who represented the 43 discharged men - are representing the remaining 65 accused men. All 65 men remain in custody at the Windhoek Correctional Facility (former Windhoek Central Prison)’s holding cells with no option to post bail. The delivery of the judgement continues today. NAMPA

Nangolo Laurence (26) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 8 October for plea- final remand. The accused is on bail. Leena Mwelihangela (29) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 18 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Stevens Coetzee (56) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 26 October for legal aid. The accused is on bail.






Obtaining Fishing

Permits Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905éOpen hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Fish consumption promotion dinner generates thousands OUTAPI, 13 September – A gala dinner held by the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) at Outapi on Friday generated more than N$400 000. The gala dinner raised N$419 660, which will be distributed amongst disadvantaged rural schools in the Omusati Region to cater for pressing educational needs. The Omusati Region hosted the 2015 NFCPT National Fish Consumption Day at the Olufuko Festival Centre at Outapi on Saturday. The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernhard Esau told those in attendance at the dinner Namibia has some of the richest fishing resources in the world thanks to the productive eastern ocean boundary upwelling system (the Benguela ecosystem). “We have been victim to exploitation of our fishing resources, and we must ensure that these fish stocks remain to benefit our future generations,” Esau said. He went on to say his ministry will endeavour to en-

(Photo by Mathias Nanghanda) NAMPA

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?

Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Bernhard Esau (R) pictured with his deputy Samuel Chief Ankama (L) and chairperson of the board of directors of the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust Katrina Sikeni during the National Fish Consumption Day gala dinner held at Outapi on Friday. sure the sustainability of the country’s fishing sector through research, administration and strict enforcement of fishing laws. “The Namibian fishing sector has a flourishing story to tell; it remains unsubsidised compared to what is happening globally,” the Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister said.

Where to Fish Om



Swakopmund Tides

Riv er

Mile 72

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand


Port Log



Walvis Bay Tides

Mile 33

The local fishing sector employs over 15 000 people and is the third largest contributor to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Esau said Namibia’s fishing sector is globally ranked amongst the top 10 for its production and Africa’s leading production and export value. He pointed out that the

Namibian Government remains committed to the NFCPT’s engagement in fish consumption promotion and the celebration of National Fish Consumption Day. The NFCPT last week also had a road show within the constituencies of the Omusati Region, where community members were informed of the value of fish. They also

received fish and were shown how to prepare it. The last road show was held for the rural community of the Omusati Region’s Ruacana Constituency on Friday. During the gala dinner, the Oshana Region was selected to be the host region of the fifth National Fish Consumption Day next year. NAMPA




Bank Windhoek Announces Appointment Of Executive Officer: Corporate And Executive Banking Bank Windhoek has announced the appointment of Lukas Nanyemba as Executive Officer: Corporate and Executive Banking in Bank Windhoek, with effect from 11 September 2015. Nanyemba has 21 years of extensive banking experience of which nine years are with Bank Windhoek. He has had exposure in Retail Banking as well as in Corporate and Executive Banking in various senior posi-

tions during his banking career. Nanyemba holds a National Diploma in Marketing, a National Higher Certificate in Sales Management and an MBA (General and Strategic Management). He is currently enrolled

in the CIH Leadership Development Programme. “We wish Lukas success with his new responsibilities as a member of the Bank's Executive Management Team and with his leadership role of the Corporate and

Executive Banking Division. His extensive knowledge and wealth of experience in the banking sector will no doubt add value to the Executive Management Team of the Bank,” Bank Windhoek's Managing Director, Christo de

Vries, said. “Good luck with the challenges ahead and may your new position be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for you. We look forward to your contribution to the group in your new capacity,” De Vries said.

Artisanship, vocational training Shiimi's death great loss for Namibian nation: Namfisa The Namibia Financial Institutions' Supermean more employment: Venaani visory Authority (Namfisa) says Namibia Poverty can only be addressed through artisanship, vocational training and reprioritising vocational training certificates so they can have value and allow people to access jobs.

DTA of Namibia president and Member of Parliament, McHenry Venaani made this call during the opening of the DTA Youth League (DTAYL) congress in Windhoek on Saturday. Venaani said while political leaders are quick to call on the youth to realise their potential and ripen the country's development agenda, the youth have largely been left to their own devices in this en-deavour. He said the edu-cation system has failed the country and remains nothing more than a pipe dream for the majority of those exiting secondary education. Venaani said the DTA wants to advise President Hage Geingob, who has been holding consultations around the country on poverty that “you cannot fight and push back the frontiers of poverty if you do not create artisanship for people to do things with their hands.” You cannot push the frontiers of

poverty if you do not create employment for our people,” the DTA president said. He further noted that the DTA's suggestion for the fight against poverty is to lend more emphasis to vocational training. Venaani said the party has observed government buildings across the country lying idle. These should be used to establish massive vocational training centres so that Namibians who are trained in areas like plumbing and electricity can have access to tenders within their communities as opposed to awarding them to people from outside the country such as the Chinese. Venaani further stated that some Namibians cannot find employment because they lack the necessary training for them to be able to do work with their hands. “One thing that is failing vocational training is that when you get a certificate from the Katutura Youth Enterprise Centre (KAY-EC) or a vocational training centre elsewhere in this country, it is not as valued as a diploma from the Polytechnic of Namibia,” he added. He referred to Germany as being the largest European economy which was built on the foundation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), artisanship and apprenticeship, saying it is

lost a visionary leader and creative genius in Phillip Shiimi.

President of the DTA of Namibia McHenry Venaani speaks during the opening of the party's Youth League Congress. (Photo by: Pearl Coetzee) NAMPA a thriving economy, as is Japan, because people can work with their hands. “What we need to do in our vocational training is to ensure that priority is given to vocational training so that we ensure that a certificate from vocational training has value in the job market,” he said. Venaani also stressed that if this is not done, more and more Namibians will languish in poverty. He re-emphasised that the need for strong vocational training is critical because there is a need to develop knowledge and skills in infrastructure development in all corners of the country. (NAMPA)

The Chief Executive Officer of the Namibia Financial Institutions' Supervisory Authority (Namfisa), Phillip Shiimi. (Photo: Contributed)

Shiimi, Namfisa's chief executive officer, died in an accident on the Otjiwarongo-Otavi road on Saturday. The authority confirmed his death in a media statement issued by Namfisa's Board Chairperson Estelle Tjipuka. The statement described Shiimi as a “humble, amazing human being”. He died instantly when his Toyota double cab drove into the trailer of a truck that was parked on the side of the road after it experienced engine failure. “It is with great shock and deep sorrow that we inform the Namibian nation and all stakeholders on the passing of Shiimi,” the statement said. It further said those who were fortunate enough to have known and worked with him have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor and national leader. Shiimi and his wife Eli were driving to northern Namibia when the accident occurred on the B1 road 68 kilometres from Otjiwarongo at around 05h30 on Saturday. Eli Shiimi was rushed to the Otjiwarongo State Hospital and has since been discharged. (NAMPA)


15 SEPTEMBER 2015 The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.

newsdesk@namibtimes.net Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times readers’ comments


Shiimi’s death great loss for Namibian nation: Namfisa WINDHOEK, 13 September – The Namibia Financial Institutions’ Supervisory Authority (Namfisa) says Namibia lost a visionary leader and creative genius in Phillip Shiimi. Piteimo M Hainyanyula Condolences to the wife, children, family, colleagues and to the nation. May the Lord to with you and consoul us. Coretta van Rooyen R.I.P. Quinzell van Wyk So terrible may he R.I.P. may God

heal his wife nd give her and his family strength through this difficult time. Bianca Katlego Dax Ae togh. May God be with the wife.

Eclipse over Swakop! Do not look into the sun with your naked eye/bare eyes! A photo was taken towards the end period of the eclipse. see later posting by namib times.what a wonderful world and universe we live in! Bertha Olile Tegiindje Wow I so wanted to see that. Ockert Mouton Trust Namib Times to inform us beforehand. Natalia Nawatises Mother land. Land of brave Lorraine Fransman I also saw it in Walvis Bay. Danel van Rooyen Nice, here in Windhoek the sun is not sharp but very dull, but i could not see the eclipse

Annette Boesch I was outside and saw it! awesome. Wekies Uek Swakop is blessed. Simon Kalahari Shilongo Me too Naemi Haiduwa I saw it here in the north too. I thought it was just a cloud covering it..beautiful! Sethos Uwanga East-weather on its way.

Welwitschias honour paramedic The Welwitscha Rugby team is on its way to the Rugby World Cup Tournament. The team had one of its rugby shirts signed by all its members, and presented it to the family of the late E Med Res 24 Namibia paramedic, Alfred John Ward Chris Engels I will be looking out for the team this side of the world. GOOD LUCK.

Quinzell van Wyk So sweet Good luck.

Kanker-fondsinsameling op sy Beste Vanoggend was een van daardie oggende in Walvisbaai, waarop mens maar liewer binnenshuis moes gebly het, en buitemuurse aktiwiteite glad nie so ‘n goeie idee was nie nie om te gaan stap, fietsry of hardloop nie. Maar, tog het die inwoners die gure weer, koue wind en nattigheid getrotseer om vir die Kankervereniging te help geld insamel. Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp Awesome stuff! Thanx guys!

Magano Katrina Shiimi Ásmundsson Awesome! My home town, proud Namibian.

Tip-off leads to arrest Three suspects were arrested last week Thursday after the police received a tip off that two employees of a well-known service station in Walvis Bay allegedly worked in collaboration with another suspect to steal a large amount of money from the service station over a period of time. Kangama Simon Service stations pay your workers the living wages, otherwise you the price other way around. Gerrit Carter Qualification is the norm, Kagama, also, Shell could easily install machines to do the work but they don’t for a reason.

Woman desperate for help Madelaine Laubscher

A local woman, Mrs Moya Davids (52) has been diagnosed with what seems to be an unknown skin disorder (a type of eczema) and up to now, has allegedly not been treated succesfully. It is evident that she is in a lot of pain and she is desperate for any assistance to help her go to South Africa for further treatment.

Moya Davids before her condition started

Her medical aid is exhausted thus she has to pay for her medication herself. She told the namib times that her condition started approximately a year ago. “I saw a strange spot on my arm that almost looked like a ringworm. When it made a blister I went to the doctor who was unsure of what it was and the doctor gave me a lotion. Two days later I returned to the doctor as it got worse. He still did not know what it was. I was subsequently given cortisone, but it only made it worse. In no time my whole body was red and

covered with blisters. I went from one doctor to the other. Blood tests were carried out, but the doctors found nothing wrong with my blood. I have been hospitilised twice because of this condition. It is believed that I have some sort of eczema. I am in so much pain and can hardly move as my skin breaks open when I move. I get the shivers and have no energy left. I am cold all the time and my skin is pealing and cracking. My hair has fallen out. I also find it difficult to sleep. None of the medication prescribed have worked

Bro Imms Shigwedha Many ways to kill a cat Mshengu El Paso I call it reposition. Cashtro Kadafi Justice is there waiting fr dishonest people lyk them.

Motor vehicle accident claims a life A motor vehicle accident occurred yesterday about 12 kilometres out of Swakopmund, on the B2 road, when the driver of a VW Polo Vivo travelling from Arandis to Swakopmund lost control of the vehicle. Matheus Salmon Roads are too narrow.. roads should be constructed in a way tht even a four wheel bike can fit on the road side after tht yellow line like in S.A, Botswana, Zimbabwe n Zambia. i think we only have one wealthy road and thts between Okahanja and Karibib Kwagga Hendrik Burger Nope. Driving at highspeeds is not narrow roads. Its wreckless driving. Matheus Salmon Kwagga Hendrik Burger are you a driver, if yes do you know how hard it is to pass a track evn driving at 100Km/h? mybe im saying this because i know how easy it is to pass or overtake a heavy vehicle on south african roads. drive btween swakop and arandis and drive between okahandja and karibib you il see th difference if you are a driver. Jackson Ndakola Emmanuel The roads are fine. driving at high speed is very dangerously.100km/h is safe as the vehicle’s torque is high and you can control the car unless a head on collision. Even on that Karibib-Okahandja road, overturning can occur if the vehicle is at high speed. Ignoring traffic rule is the cause of all this unwanted accidents. Matheus Salmon We all know the relationshp btween speed and torque is inverserly proportional.. tht has nothing to do with overturning. im nt saying once roads are widened accident wont happen but the likelyhood of them happening will decrease. Soraia Dos Santos Lucas Its not the roads or the cars that we must fear but the drivers. RIP. Prica Mayumbelo Instead of speculating let’s remem-

ber a family has lost a son, brother & dad. May God comfort the family during this difficult time, indeed SWK particularly Mondesa township has lost someone who was known & loved by many. Brethren let’s pray for travel mercies before embarking on a journey, cause no one is immune to road accident it can happen to anyone. Jackson Ndakola Emmanuel People, the roads are fine. It’s our behaviours, our attitudes wen driving. not respecting our fellow drivers. Not obeying traffics rules... ignoring roads signs. Showing off other drivers that you can drive 200 km/h, not considering your own safety. Natangwe Iipinge-Shikongo Is it the roads or our attitude on the roads, overtaking at blind spot, overspending, we the drivers must change our attitude on the road. May his soul rest in peace. Yolande Freygang Koning I also lost my dearest sister Carike Freygang... and I blame bad roads also and of course the drivers... cause I know my sister was a very safe driver and never allowed any one of us to drive without a seatbelt and if you can’t drive according to prescribed safety rules... I promised myself on the very tragic 8th of December that I will try to make a difference in road safety. RIP Marichen Martins Newspapers an lies one was rushed to Whk. Morne Visser Heard the car was full of alcoholic drinks, sad if its true.

Mrs David’s current state

for me and I am desperate for help. I am willing to go to South Africa for treatment as I have not been succesfully treated in Namibia. I have even seen a homeopath, but it also did not help. I feel depressed and even feel shy to be in public. I cannot do my work as I used to and it seems that some people are even becoming iritated with me because of my condition. I really need help,” she said. Anyone who is willing to help Mrs Davids can contact the namib times.




A Partial Solar Eclipse - Sunday 13 September

The partial solar eclipse was visible from South Africa, Antarctica and locations in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The eclipse was also visible at the Namibian coast, from 7:25, for more than an hour. Began: Sun, 13 Sep 2015, 06:43. Maximum: Sun, 13 Sep 2015, 07:25. Ended: Sun, 13 Sep 2015, 08:10. Duration: 1 hour, 27 minutes. “Partial Solar Eclipses happen when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, but they don’t align in a perfectly straight line. Because of this, the Moon only partially covers the Sun’s disc. The Sun looks like the

Moon has taken a bite out of it. This is because the Moon casts the lighter, outer part of its shadow, the penumbra, on Earth. During a partial solar eclipse, the Moon’s umbra completely misses the Earth. Everyone in the Moon’s penumbra gets to see a partially eclipsed Sun. There are 3 distinct stages of a partial solar eclipse: Partial solar eclipse begins: The Moon starts moving over the Sun’s disc. Maximum eclipse: The Moon partially covers the Sun. If you’re somewhere in the eclipse’s path,

you’ll see that the Moon appears to take a bite out of the Sun. Partial solar eclipse ends: The Moon stops covering the Sun.” About 35% of all solar eclipses are partial solar eclipses. This is because the Moon’s distance from Earth is irrelevant for partial solar eclipses. The larger size of the Moon’s penumbra compared to its umbra also means that more places on Earth get to experience a partial solar eclipse. Protect Your Eyes! Never look directly at the Sun, eclipsed or otherwise, without any protec-

tive eyewear. The Sun’s UV radiation can burn the retinas in the eyes leading to permanent damage or

even blindness. The only way to safely watch a total solar eclipse is to wear protective eclip-

se glasses or to project an image of the eclipsed Sun using a pinhole projector.

Source: http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2015-september-13

Nuwe Namibiese Film Bekendgestel

‘n Nuwe film - Wild Jobs Namibia - is die afgelope naweek deur Namibië Brouerye in samewerking met die Namibiese Uitsaaikorporasie in die hoofstad bekendgestel. Die film fokus op Namibië se natuurlike skoonheid en wild sowel as die mens en die wild se naasbestaan.

Die bemarkingsbestuurder van Namibië Brouerye, Rosemary Shippiki, het Namibiërs by die geleentheid geprys wat alles

in die stryd werp vir die bewaring van die land se wild en wilde diere. Sy sê hierdie mense het dit hul missie gemaak om die

natuur, die land se kulture en wild te be- Wild Jobs Namibia gaan deur NBC TV waar en spesies wat deur ‘n voortdurende gebeeldsaai word. krimpende habitat bedreig word, te red.



Celebration event “unexpectedly, abundantly blessed” Liesl Losper

Their intention with this event was not at all to get sponsors; it was to celebrate their second anniversary with members of the community. But, after Walvis Bay Mayor Uilika Nambahu gave her speech, and ended with a pledge, the hall exploded with joy. The mayor pledged N$10 000 to the project on behalf of the Mayoral Relief Fund. Mr Bisey Uirab who attended the function in his own capacity also pledged N$10 000 for the project, saying “I am impressed with what the women are doing, fighting poverty through their charity events. They are so full of energy and I applaud them for that and I encourage them to continue.”

After his pledge, his wife Wilhencia Oumama Uiras also went to the stage and pledged from her own pocket towards the charity group. The pledges received amounted to N$37 500. Money was also pledged by other guests who attended the event. Some of the pledges were from a local artist. He gave the women 50 CDs of his latest album and they intend to sell it and use the money for their projects. The Founder of the charity group, Erna Reuters, says she respects single mothers more. “I see myself as a single mother of nine, even though six of the kids are kids from my late sister. Through this project I

The atmosphere after the pledges started rolling in

want to empower women, because a woman is the best tool to fight poverty and with all of us, together we can do it.” “Our second anniversary was planned to be a celebration. We just wanted to celebrate and launch our book as members with a few invited guests. In the end it turned out to be a wonderful event filled with joy and blessings - an unexpected gesture from our invited guests. Therefore, I thank our Heavenly Father from whom all blessings come. There is a clear indication that, from the beginning till now, God is behind our growth, our prosperity, and that he is guiding us. To my invited guests,

The Founder of the charity group, Erna Reuters

Photos by Liesl Losper

The women of Aitsama Khaibasen had their second Birthday Celebration recently - and to mark the occasion, they decided to launch a book. The book is a detailed record - with photos - of all the projects done for the year. The members, on a monthly basis, contribute out of their own pockets to organise community events to help the less privileged. They also received support from the United Evangelical Mission of Germany in May 2014, but those funds are now depleted.

Bisey Uirab who also pledged N$10 000 The women received certificates in their different project catogories

The artist that pledged 50 cd's

Wilhencia Oumama Uiras who also made pledge

the Mayor of the Oasis of Opportunities, our peacekeeper, the Commissioner of the Erongo Region, Mr Bisey Uirab, the CEO of Namport, and the list goes on…thank you all for the contributions you made and will continue to make in the future towards the growth of Aitsama,” Ruiters said. From 16 – 18 October

they will be reaching out with their Helping Hand Project to Spitzkoppe and part of the donations they received will be utilised to assist the needy and vulnerable, especially the senior citizens, of Spitzkoppe. “We are blessed to be a blessing to those in need”, the Aitsama group said.




Celebrating Ten Good Years Andreas Munkelwietz, well-known hotelier and chef of Swakopmund, celebrated his 10th year at Hotel Deutsches Haus on 6 September. “At the time we came here as owners, it was a ‘privat’ hotel, run more or less as a B&B, they did a little bit lunch, they did not do dinner. We changed that – we threw open the doors, we changed the light, in German the saying goes, ‘Licht lockt Leute’, or ‘Light attracts people’, so that was the name of the game… we modernised it a bit, changed the colour scheme here and there, and over the years we took it from a rather unknown place that did not play a major role, to a well-known, loved establishment - on the hospitality and tourism website,

Tripadvisor, we are still no 1 in Swakopmund – and have been for many years. Andreas, as everybody calls him, came from Europe to Southern Africa in 1982 to work in Swaziland for a private company – but he soon joined the Holiday Inn Group, which shortly after that became Sun International. He was part of the opening teams of many of the brightest stars of that Group – Sun City, Lost City, the Thaba’Nchu Sun, Swaziland – and was part of the Hotel Group until 1995, when he was asked to join the team opening the then new Station Hotel Swakopmund, as head chef.

He then moved on to the Windhoek Country Club he helped open half a year later. He was supposed to go and open the Michaelangelo in Dar es Salaam, but he met his wife Cynthia, and decided Namibia was his place. He had a stake in the Brauhaus in Swakopmund for a year, moved back to Windhoek where he opened the Windhoek Brauhaus. After a heart attack, he decided to make a change – he got a very good offer to move to Germany, but in the end decided to stay in Namibia, moved back to Swakopmund end eventually bought Deutsches Haus.

The new owners, Mr and Mrs Ehbrecht

Cynthia and Andreas Munkelwietz Andreas believes it is the team inside a place that makes it – he says his wife, Cynthia, has been his rock,

and together they’ve built a great team in Deutsches Haus and they became very popular because of

Andreas Munkelwiets with Head Chef, Savier Hipangua They have extended the hotel’s capacity to what it offers now – 2 single, 19 double, and 8 family rooms – guests rave about the staff and the hands-on approach, calling it “A wonderful venue for pro-

fessional and travelling people” Andreas says when he looks back over the ten years, he can definitely call Hotel Deutsches Haus a success story.

the hands-on approach they have followed – and are still following.

He has recently sold the hotel and moved to Walvis Bay, where he and Cynthia are planning their next project, but he’ll still be involved in the hotel towards the end of the year – he has chosen the man who’ll from now on manage Hotel Deutsches Haus: “Bernd Böhmker, and his wife Barbara, they make the perfect team for Deutsches Haus – I’m happy and at peace to leave it in his hands. He knows the industry, knows the region, and has been a chef and manager in the hospitality trade for decades.” Andreas says he’s looking forward to the new phase in his life – more about what he’s planning, will be revealed at a later stage. Bernd was born and grew up in Swakopmund – but he has lived in the Namibian inland most of his life. Trained as a chef in South Africa, he’s been in

the hospitality industry for almost 4 decades, and has been managing lodges the last more than 2 decades. His team mate and wife, Barbara, is a Malmesbury girl. They got married 36 years ago and, although a trained nurse, Brabara has been his right hand in the industry the last three decades. Both their children are also in the same industry. Bernd says he is happy to be back in Swakopmund, and looks forward to his new position – he’s officially taken over from Andreas, on 17 August. He says it is clear that the German spirit, culture and cuisine of Deutsches Haus, and the hospitality and professionalism of service are some of the special traits that people adore. Also the fact that German is spoken, is appreciated by many tourists.

Bernd Böhmker, his wafe Barbara, and the Front-ofhouse manager, Emmy Mbarandongo Bernd and Barbara live on the premises and they have a house in Uis. He says they’ll “go there often, to get some sun!” His favourite dish is pork – and it must be served crispy, says Bernd. The crispy Eisbein of Hotel Deutsches Haus is one of the favourite dishes it is

known for….and the past weeks, in namib times’s Incooknito column we were looking for the best Eisbein at the coast – well, readers chose Namib Restaurant at Hotel Deutsches Haus as their favourite – Brauhaus in Swakopmund came second.

The man who was the lucky winner, Mario Arab McNab, met us at Hotel Deutsches Haus on Saturday. He also met Bernd, and was officially awarded his prize of two Eisbeins at Deutsches Haus


Tydens die Kankervereniging se pret stap en fietsry het ons op die toeriste afgekom en natuurlik gaan dit oor ons pragtige Kleinflaminke

Huis Palms skenk 31 Hamburgers aan Kuisebmond Ouetehuis geborg deur 'n anonieme skenker

Kayla Ndafapawa Maria Nghipuilepo on her baptism day

Fotos deur Liesl Losper


Enjoying a wonderful trip to Sandwich thanks to Pieter from Mola-Mola and John from Photo Ventures

The Sandwich Harbour Lagoon

Lubbe Motor Group Going Big at the Coast Lubbe Motor Group CC opened another branch in Walvis Bay on 29 January 2015 and are boasting excellent service delivery to clients here at the coast. According to Lubbe Motor Group Manager, Hannelie Wasserman and Sales Executive, Daantjie

Louw, they are committed to giving their all - the best of the best - to their customers, as customer ser-

vice is their priority. “We shall be at your beck and call when you need us.

We are proud of all the awesome products we are selling and if there are any hiccups, we’ll solve them as soon as possible.” Lubbe Motor Group assures clients they will never let you stand alone and will always be there fast to solve your problem, whether you need a new product or have a problem with another. “We strive to make this branch the best at the coast with the friendliest and most efficient staff! We invite you to please come into our office at c/o Leevi Nathaniel Rd and 3rd street West.” At Lubbe Motor Group, clients will experience well-known brands instore. They will offer their esteemed customers the very best products at the right price, with the promise of a full range of genuine spare parts, quality after-sales service, and 14 qualified workshop-and-repair centres all over Namibia. “Whilst boasting with service centres in 14 major towns in Namibia, we also have in stock a large variety of spare parts for all our franchises at all times. We also promise to always have all the fast moving parts on hand.” Lubbe Motor Group also

is committed, in a case where customers are looking for a product and they are out of stock, to fly their non-stock items in and have the specific part within 24 hours, thus guaranteeing maximum downtime. “A promise very little other franchises can offer.” Lubbe Motor Group specialises in selling heavy machinery and is also an agent for various big brands, such as FAW Trucks, Doosan Forklifts and earth-moving equipment, Kubota, Bobcat, Kipor forklifts and Gensets, with various KVA outputs and Venter trailers, to name but a few! “Our range can offer everything you need. If we don’t know you yet, do come in and see what great products we have. We would love to meet you.” In-house finance: Lubbe Motor Group is approved with all the financial houses in Namibia and can accommodate their customers’ every need. “We will do all the banking issues on his/her behalf, saving our customers valuable time by not having to stand in any queues at any bank.”

Our shop

Lubbe Motor Group Sales Executive, Daanjie Louw, and Branch Manager, Hannelie Wasserman


Lubbe Motor Group delivering excellent service to a client in Swakopmund




“Straatligte in die Mis”

dalk binnekort op die rakke Madelaine Laubscher


Koster Cronje (47), ‘n digter van Walvisbaai, het ‘n bundel geskryf getiteld ‘Straatligte in die Mis’ en hy hoop om dié versameling binnekort op die rakke te hê - as hy genoeg borge kan kry. Publishing World SA het Cronje se aansoek vir publikasie goedgekeur en oorweeg dit sterk om sy werk te publiseer. Die algemene bestuurder van Publishing World SA het aan hom gesê sy werk is van hoë gehalte en as alles goed verloop, sal dié bundel versprei en bemark word deur al hul agente en boekwinkels sowel as deur ander verskeie winkels. “Ek benodig N$17 900 om by Publishing World SA te

kan publiseer. Dus vra ek vir borge om my te help om my droom te bewaarheid,” het hy gesê. Cronje het in 1985 in sy matriekjaar begin belangstelling toon in gedigte skryf. “Ek was op ‘n stadium maar stil, maar van 2001 af het ek weer ernstig begin dig. Ek het sangeresse ook genader wat gebruik maak van my lirieke. Die reaksie wat ek van mense kry is taamlik goed.

Ek is op die stadium op soek na borge om my eerste boek te publiseer. Daar verskyn 17 gedigte in dié boek. Ek kan besluit of ek ‘n drie jaar kontrak met Publishing World SA wil hê, en of ek 1 000 boeke gaan laat publiseer. Daar is iets van alles in die boek. Ek skryf wel graag oor liefde, die natuur, Namibië en musiek. Ek is totaal en al verlsaaf daaraan om te skryf.

Ek wil graag die bundel, nadat dit gepubliseer is, inskryf by die ATKV Pluimpie Toekennings. Die boek is gerig aan alle ouderdomme en vir enige een wat gedigte geniet,” het hy gesê. Cronje is ‘n veiligheidsopleidingskoördineerder en in sy vrye tyd luister hy na musiek, maak tuin of skryf natuurlik gedigte. “Ek kry my inspirasie deur die natuur of prente wat ek sien en verwerk alles oor

Koster Cronje van Walvisbaai in gedigte. Ek het ‘n blad op sosiale media waar mense ook na my gedigte kan kyk,” het hy vertel.

4th EUNIC Film Festival features films from 12 countries

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month: Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204 877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * 25 Sept: Mr and Miss NPS at School Hall. * 28 Sept - 10 Oct: WAC Fest - Yearly arts and craft exhibition at the Lagune Café - wbartsandcraft @gmail. com * 30 Sept: walVIS fees se Wynveiling Walvisbaai Stadsaal om 18:00. * 2 Okt: walVIS fees Jakkals & Leo 19:30 Jan Wilken Stadion. * 3 Okt: walVIS fees 2015 Jan Wilken Stadion * 6 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Katolieke Kerk. * 14 Oct: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole. * 15 & 16 Oct: Narraville Primary School Prize-giving Ceremonies. * 28 - 31 Oct: Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Walvis Bay Municipality.


The EUNIC Cluster Namibia is unveiling its lineup for the 4th EUNIC Film Festival 2015, bringing exciting eleven * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. contemporary documentaries and feature films from Europe and one from Namibia under the theme A Beat of Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. Europe. The official opening of the festival is on 16 September, 18:00 at Diogo Cão Language Centre (Windhoek International School) with live performance by Lize Ehlers and Steffen List (TONETiC). The annual festival starting on 16 September till 23 September will take place at the Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC), Goethe Centre Windhoek and Diogo Cão Portuguese Language Centre (Windhoek International School) between the hours of 18:00 and 20:00. Festival goers can look forward to a versatile and entertaining program of feature and documentary films from Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Netherlands, Spain and of course Namibia. The festival presents European creative diversity and provides a forum to promote and contribute to cultural diversity and strengthen cultural dialogue. It is the first time a Namibian film will be screened at the festival, as a way of promoting cultural cooper-

ation between the EU and Namibia. This year, the festival will also pay tribute to the Namibian music scene, with music videos from well renowned Namibian artists that will be shown at the beginning of each film screening. As in previous years, all screenings are free of charge. Detailed programmes will be available at festival venues and can be downloaded from www.fncc.org.na EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) is the network of the international cultural relations institutes from the member states of the European Union. Formed in 2006, it has 34 members from 28 countries. The EUNIC Cluster Namibia is composed of the British Council, Diogo Cão Portuguese Language Centre, Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre and Goethe Centre as well as the Embassies of Finland and Spain. For the 2015 festival, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Flanders and the Netherlands are also present through their diplomatic missions in South

Africa. The EUNIC Film Festival is facilitated with the collaboration of

the European Union Delegation to Namibia.

* Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 12:00. * 26 Sept: DELK Gemeinde Fest. Ab 10:30 Uhr Haus der Jurgend. * 27 Sept: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Li bertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. * 7 - 10 Oct: Swakopmund International Trade Expo. For more info contact 064 - 406687 or 081 476 9304. * 25 Oct: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Li bertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. * 7 Nov: Rotary Day at SFC - Lots of family fun. Be there.

HENTIES BAY * 16 Des: Geloftefees te NG KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.


Winter Wonderland


Imagine a white, picturesque room, hints of crystals, touches of silver and the best company‌ Well, for the class of 2015 at De Duine Secondary, this was not a far-fetched idea. On 15 August, these matriculants were dressed to impress at the auspicious occasion that marked a milestone in their lives, their Matric Farewell dance. The annual event, which is deemed a necessity to almost all grade 12 learners across the country, was well attended by all learners despite the costs and various constraints that made the event possible. The community of Walvis Bay turned up in large numbers at the entrance of the event, at Protea hotel, to witness this unforgettable evening. Mr Cordom, a former teacher, played the role of announcer and MC for the evening and his wife Avril, also a former teacher, delivered an astonishing speech that evening. Other highlights included the speeches by the Head boy, Mark Jack-

son and the Head girl, Dyna-lee Theron, entertainment by the talented brother and sister duo Ayden and Tamaryn and the crowning of the Prom King, Ricardo and Queen, Meriam. This event will be going down in history as it sought for a well balanced evening, just a pity that it had to end. Now, it’s time for hard work and we wish all the best to the class of 2015 with their external examinations. Next on the calendar is the prize giving on the 17th of September and thereafter the Valedictory on the 18th of September.

The school wishes to thank the principal, teachers and parents who contributed through cash donations and other sponsorships, Protea Hotel and staff, the Walvis Bay Traffic, Ms Natasha Lombard, Wayne Coetzee, Flowerbox, Rolls Royce, Omukwetu Investments cc, Novagate (Ms Eiman), Coastal Import and Export, Mrs Savva, Jacguar Clearing Services, Mr Michael Angula, Ms Stella Van der Colff, Mr Jonathan Cordom, Mrs Avril Cordom, Community Against Crime and the entire community of Walvis Bay.


Photos by Liesl Losper

Big walk in aid for Cancer was well attended on Saturday at the lagoon






Tamariskia Primary receives Trophy

Sharlien Tjambari

On Tuesday, 9 September, Tamariskia Primary School received its award for winning the OYO (Ombetja Yehinga Organisation) Social Engagement Competition 2015. The school drew very clear messages on their boards and collected the record number of 653 commitment forms. The runner-up is Namib High School whose learners created outstanding boards, but they only collected 72 commitment forms. Tamariskia Primary School received a computer and a trophy from OYO on Tuesday. Fourteen Schools in the Erongo Region

Lopez Richter, Joseph Jason, Tadhiwa Tjoola and Harangue Neshuku, with Ms Cecilia of PUP, Ms Ellitson, a lifeskills teacher plus the school principal Ms L Kooper

Joseph Jason

Mr Amandio Sardinha (middle back) with staff members of various schools when they received the donations

We believe in education Madelaine Laubscher

A donation of N$147 000 was given to various schools in Walvis Bay on Friday by three local businesses in order to encourage the students and to provide for the prize-giving events. Mr Nardo Sardinha, a co-owner of the companies, Walvis Bay Self Service (Multisave Superstore), Kuiseb PowerSave Cash & Carry, Joint Properties cc and Kuiseb Shop 4 Value Supermarket, said that they believe it is their social responsibility to donate to the schools. “We donated money to eight schools this year. The schools will use the donations to encourage the students. I believe in education. If you start right with education, you invest in the future. We have been donating N$150 000 to various schools annually for approximately 14 years. This year we donated N$147 000,” he said. The money was handed over to the schools at

Kuisebmond Secondary School in Kuisebmond. A spokesperson thanked the donators for the generous donation. “We really appreciate what you are doing. Your hands are always open for the schools and the community. We appreciate the effort and steps taken by these businesses. May the Lord bless you. On behalf of the principals of these schools I would like to express my gratitude,” he said. Mr Sardinha's brother, Amandio, handed over the envelopes and said it is their pleasure to donate money to the schools. “We do a lot of sponsorships for sports but our main focus lies in schools. We will keep doing what we do if it is possible,” he concluded.

participated in the competition and were visited three times by the OYO dance group and once by the Keetmanshoop Youth Group. The first show focused on the roots of gender based violence and the second one looked at the role of counsellors, while the last looked at services available to survivors of violence, and how to prevent violence.




Young Ones in Chess Challenge in Swakopmund

So, what do many young Swakopmunders do many a Saturday afternoon? Play chess! The namib times visited the bright ones at play this afternoon in the midst of the quest for the beautiful trophies up for grabs in the Royal Schools Chess Challenge.

Photos by Maria Davel-Wallis

The organiser-coach-Namibian National Chess Champion, Charles Eichab, told namib times it was the first individual and team tournament for schools today - and 155 young ones participated... those in the pics with their hands up?.. Well, that means -checkmate! “The weekend's tournament called Royal Schools Chess Challenge was a tournament organised by my Academy-Royal Chess-Minds Academy. Firstly, it's to give learners an opportunity to exhibit their chess by introducing an additional tournament on the chess calendar and second it's to let it serve as a qualifier for the Nationals in the future. We at the Academy started to coach at the coast (Walvis Bay and Swakopmund)in 2009. We have a presence in those two towns and Windhoek. We coach on several levels- chess as a subject in the classrooms, chess as an extra-mural activity after schools as well as private coaching classes in both Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. We are coaching over a 1 000 kids per week. Children are very excited to play chess because it's a healthy, competitive activity which grows them cognitively. We can through chess lay the foundations of proper thinking from an early age. Chess helps children to think logically and creatively. It develops their concentration, heightens their focus, elevate their calculation ability as well as teach them to see things through the others' eyes. Chess has a lot of affinity with mathematics and since the game is an excellent number grid, the children learn key mathematical concepts without realising it. I'm a qualified FIDE Instructor and Chess Master (FIDE is French acronym for the World Chess Federation) and a multiple Namibian Chess Champion. Chess is the oldest sport in the world. Over 2 000 years old. I'm constantly using this old sport to build new strengths in children. Regards, Charles Eichab”

At the table on the stage, where the trophies are also waiting, Namibia's National Chess Champion, organisor and chess instructor, who drives to Swakop from Windhoek to train and play chess with all the bright chess minds of the coast EVERY WEEKEND, is Charles Eichab. That's 800 kilometers per weekend for the sake of Chess.... that's passion and dedication! He wrote to us to

explain everything…

Parents were watching from the gallery

Wales Ndlovu, Maths teacher and chess instructor at The Dolphin Schools, Walvis Bay, with his team




Duneside Private High School wins Gold at National Science Fair Liesl Losper At the NamPower Namibia National Science Fair held in Windhoek from 7-11 September, students from all corners of Namibia came to compete and exhibited their projects based on: Environmental Engineering, Human Science, Mathematics, Animal Science, Chemistry and many more fields of scientific research and investigation.

Christon Gude and Eusebio Omar van Reenen with the winning prize of N$10 000 for their school

All 14 regions had students representing them, and the Erongo Region eventually walked away as 3rd best performing region in the country. Three students from Duneside: Eusebio Omar van Reenen (Gr

Gaironeeza Maclobo (back) with Christon Gude and Eusebio Omar van Reenen, proudly represented their school

12), Christon Gude (Gr 11) and Gaironeeza Maclobo (gr 11), who had each won gold at their regional science fair, were selected to be part of the Erongo Regional team, and to participate at the national science fair. Their projects comprised of investigations into finding organic, un-carcinogenic forms of ripening fruits faster with a gas; the neurogical phenomenon behind

epilepsy and a robotic model made completely out of recycled material. Two of the Students Eusebio Omar van Reenen (Gr 12) and Christon Gude (Gr 11) each won Gold at the National Science Fair. Eusebio Omar van Reenen won the award for the Best Project in his category of Plant Science, and Christon Gude, too, was awarded with Best Project in his category of Electrical Engineering. The 3 students, whose performance was outstanding, contributed this way, to be awarded as the best performing school in Namibia. This was the first time in 24 years that Duneside won the title at the NamPower National Science Fair. As part of the award the school received N$10 000 for the learners' excellent performance. Eusebio Omar van Reenen said “I have been taking part in Science Fairs for my school for 9 years this year, and to end it on this note is extremely commendable. It is utterly difficult to win Gold on these National bases, as all young scientists each with their very own unique discovery, and marvellous inventions portray science at its utmost best. These 2 students have worked extremely hard on their projects, all on their own, and were ambassadors for their school with pride. And how proud I am indeed of them. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I got to take part in the international, national and regional fairs. It has allowed me to prosper as an individual and pioneer in science. Though it may be my last science fair I have taken part in, finding new scientific breakthroughs will never end for me.� The Valedictory of the children organised by the parents, takes place today at the municipality hall.




MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY An equal opportunity Employer

DEPARMENT OF FINANCE DATA PROCESSOR (PATTERSON GRADE LEVEL B1) Purpose of the Job To capture financial data onto the Municipal Information System (SEBATA) correctly and as assigned. Key Performance Areas 路 Capturing of financial and meter related data 路 Filing of journals Minimum Qualifications and Experience 路 Grade 12 (minimum 23 points) 路 1 Year experience in a position which involved capturing data and information Remuneration The remuneration package will be market related, inclusive of competitive service benefits. Further information is obtainable from the Assistant Human Resources Practitioner, Mr Absalom Iiyambo at telephone number 064 2013231. Applications must be accompanied by a cover letter, a comprehensive CV and certified copies of qualifications and any other relevant documents and should be delivered at the Security desk, Civic Center, Walvis Bay Municipality or by Post to: The Manager: Human Resources Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Attachment of the relevant documents is a must and applications without these will not be considered. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Closing date: Tuesday, 29 September 2015 Notice No. 81/2015





MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NOTICE: 82/2015 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: SALE OF REDUNDANT VEHICLES AND ASSETS 1. Registered Suppliers of Auctioneering services are hereby invited to submit their proposal to sell redundant vehicles and assets on behalf of Council. 2. The following documentation shall accompany the tender proposal document: · Certificate of Fitness (Municipality Registration) · Certificate of Good Standing with Social Security Commission · Certificate of Good Standing with Receiver of Revenue 3. Tender documents are obtainable from the Cashier Hall, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264–64–201 3314. Tender documents shall be issued against a payment of N$115.00 per set, (15% VAT included). Any further information can be obtained from Dries van den Heever at telephone 064-201 3314 during office hours. 4. Faxed Tenders will not be accepted. 5. Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documents must be delivered to the Tender Board before 11h00 on Friday 2 October 2015. All tender documents shall be deposited in the Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. 6. Tenders will be opened directly after the closure of tenders in the presence of tenderers' representatives who choose to attend in the Dolphin Conference Room at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. JAJ KRUGER SECRETARY LOCAL TENDER BOARD

Expression of Interest China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) is a state owned Chinese international contractor specialising in marine and infrastructure construction, including ports and harbours, dredging and reclamation, roads, railways, bridges, airports and complete turn-key plants. CHEC is a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), a global Fortune 500 company, employing over 100,000 staff in over 80 countries worldwide. China Harbour Engineering Company has been contracted to construct the New Port of Walvis Bay Container Terminal by Namibia Ports Authority (Namport).

INVITATION TO SUPPLY EQUIPMENTS CHEC, hereby wishes to invite reputable companies with the required expertise, skills and capacity to provide the following equipment, goods and services for the Port of Walvis Bay New Container Terminal on Reclaimed Land Project. 1. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of two (2) Personnel Lifts: For technical specifications on requirements, kindly contact: Mr Gunther Angermund or Mr Zhangzhongxue Cell: +264 81 407 6522 Cell: +264 81 694 4342 Email: gangermund007@gmail.com email: 996755089@qq.com 2. Supply and Installation of Heating, Ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Thirty nine (39) Heat pump air-conditioning units and one (1) heat recovery evaporator units should be supplied and installed. Minimum Requirements: • The HVAC installation sub-contractor should be a single entity responsible for installation and maintenance of such on entire project • The HVAC installer should have at least ten (10) years experience of such installations and management within the Swakopmund, Walvis Bay areas • The HVAC installer should have permanent premises within the Swakopmund, Walvis Bay areas and be able to respond within three (3) hours of being called in case of a breakdown. For additional technical specifications, kindly contact: Mr Gunther Angermund or Mr Zhangzhongxue Cell: 081 4076522 Cell: +264 816944342 Email: gangermund007@gmail.com email: 996755089@qq.com 3. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Overhead Bridge Crane Minimum Requirements: • The tenderer must have installed similar required cranes worldwide during the past five (5) years. • The crane shall be supported and serviced by a local Supplier, or Agent being in existence in Namibia for at least 10-years as an agent of the specific offered crane. • The Supplier or Agent shall be able to supply spare parts for the crane within 1-month from date of order. For additional technical specifications on requirements, kindly contact: Mr Gunther Angermund or Mr Zhangzhongxue Cell: 081 4076522 Cell: +264 816944342 Email: gangermund007@gmail.com email: 996755089@qq.com Closing Date: The Closing Date for all the above is Monday, 28 September 2015. For additional information, including technical specifications, kindly contact the above.



PROPERTY TIMES TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 7 500 – Upmarket 2 Bed, 2 Bath with single garage N$ 8 500 – Offices in central town N$ 4 500- 2bed,1Bath flat N$ 4 200 – 1Bed flat incl w&e N$ 3 500 – 1 bel flat incl w&e HERMES N$ 6 900 – 3Bed,1bath townhouse with single garage incl w&e N$ 6 050 – 2Bed,1bath with single garage incl w&e MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage LAGOON N$ 4 800- 1 bed flat with garage KUISEBMOND N$ 2 950 – 2Bed,1bath flat N$ 2 560 – 1Bed flat with own bathroom N$ 3 150 – 2Bed,1bath flat N$ 4 700 – 3bed,2bath house with single garage INDUSTRIAL N$ 10 440 .00 excl VAT – New 174m² warehouse with 1 offices N$ 12 500 – office 145m2 near syncrolift N$ 33 000 excl Vat – Modern office block 500m² N$ 12 240 excl VAT – 272m² Warehouse Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669

TO RENT: Kuisebmond Two bedroom flat available N$ 3 000.00 p/m Pre paid electricity Garage available on request. Hot water In a very safe yard. Call Papa G - 081 149 8749 Mama G - 081 170 0511 TO RENT: Narraville Walvis: Bachelor flat to rent. N$2500rent + N$1500deposit. Pre-paid electricity, water included. Contact: 081 231 6666 TO RENT Narraville - Walvis: Bachelor flat to rent. N$2500rent + N$1500deposit. Pre-paid electricity, water included. Contact: 081 231 6666 Three bedroom house for rent in Narraville. Phone 0813419969 or 0812489531. No missed calls and sms's. TE HUUR: Narraville Bachelor flat N$ 2 700.00 p/m vooruitbetaalbaar + deposito N$ 1 500.00 W/L ingsl. Kontak: 081 452 6408

Rooms to rent in a house in Walvis Bay Town. Single room for one lady only @ N$ 2000/month. W&E included. Near Dune Side High School. Contact Bonita: 081 573 8349 Bachelor flat in Hermis, Walvis Bay Bedroom, Bathroom, kitchen. No Garage, only Safe, fenced parking space W/E included. N$ 2850.00 pm + full deposit. 081 473 7325 TO LET Swakopmund Central: 2 Bedroomed fully furnished and serviced flat, 1x bathroom and tandem garage. Rent N$8250.00p.m plus deposit (payable in advance) W/L Excluded. Available as from 1 October 2015. References required. Contact: 081 256 2328 PROPERTY FOR SALE 895 JABULANI STR. MONDESA SWAKOPMUND CONTACT: 081 270 9534

TO LET SWAKOP VOGELSTRAND *Sea View* Complex has 24 hour security guard*indoor swimming pool* gym and laundry. Apartment with 2 Bedrooms 2 bathrooms*large balcony. Single garage Fully furnished N$9500.00 CBD Charming, expansive 5 bedroom Apartment Double volume living areas, 3 Bathrooms Double Garage. VERY SECURE. N$ 16 000.00 MILE 4 Double storey 3 bedroom semidetached house * double garage * garden area Modern kitchen N$9 900 MILE 4 SUNNY AND LARGE SEA VIEW ALL AROUND 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHROOMS LARGE OPEN PLAN KITCHEN AND LIVING AREA DOUBLE GARAGE FURNISHED N$10 000 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033

Walvis Bay TO LET - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr house, 2 x bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$14 000.00 - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$12 000.00 - Central – Fully furnished 3 bedr flat, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen/lounge, 1 garage. DSTV, water included up to N$500. N$9285 - Fairway – Fully furnished 2 bedr flat, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage, N$8800 - Central – Fully furnished 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, 1 garage. Water included up to N$300. N$7000 - Fairway – 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, guest toilet, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage, small garden. N$8250 - Lagoon – 3 bedr, 3 bathr, study, open plan kitchen lounge, dining, entertainment area, double garage, N$15 000.00 - Lagoon 1 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Meersig – Townhouse - 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Hermis 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan kitchen / lounge. N$5500 - Hermis 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan / kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5900 Narraville - 1 bedroom flat, 1 bathr. N$2700.00 - 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen/lounge. N$3850 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2200 (water & electr incl) - 3 Bedr house, 1 bathroom, kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 WAREHOUSES Light Industrial 131m² N$10 500.00 incl vat 272m² N$18 975.00 incl vat 172,86m² N$10 970 incl vat 1000m² N$49 500.00 excl vat

300m² N$18 000.00 excl vat

4140m² N$176 000.00 excl vat

1000m² Warehouse with 200m² Office space, 200m² extra storage, 3 standard garages, + 1000m² open erf, N$72 618.00 excl vat Office space – 127m² – N$6485.00 excl vat FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 / Lydia – 081 241 8980 Office – 064 272580

For Sale Swakopmund, Venita: 5 Rooms, kitchen, scullery, 2 full bathrooms, extra + outside toilet, Double garage, Two Braai areas TV room many extras, N$ 1.99 all inclusive, Contact Bronwynne on 0814151867

TO LET LONG BEACH Spacious 2 Bedroom House Guest Toilet, Open Plan kitchen large living area with Cosy Fire placeOutdoor bbq and lovely garden. Double garage N$ 9 000.00 LONGBEACH 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT SINGLE GARAGE N$5 500 LONGBEACH 2 Bedroom fully furnished apartment with single garage N$8500.00 LONGBEACH BACHELORS APARTMENTS FULLY FURNISHED N$5500 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.na


Storage / workshop

Industrial storage or light workshop. 40m² for N$ 1800 p.m. High door, high roof, good location.

TO LET SWAKOP Workshop / Store 75sq @ N$ 75 per m² INDUSTRIAL Workshop to let. 98m² N$ 7 500.00 COMMERCIAL SPACE TO LET CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION N$ 16 100.00 INDUSTRIAL Warehouse, Workshop 180m² separate Office, 2 Toilets and shower. N$ 9 345.00 INCL.VAT SPACE AT THE DOME! N$18 800 FOR 171m² TAMARISKIA BACHELORS FLAT N$2750 JABULANI 3 Bedroom house with double garage 2 bathrooms large open plan kithcen and living room N$8 800 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 FOR SALE: Swakopmund - Ext 15 600m² well situated vacant erf with building plan N$ 750 000.00 Contact: 081 485 1377

Henric Estates: 064 40440 Johan: 081 1284678

WALVIS BAY - Central All furniture included!!!! 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen/lounge Double garages, alarm & pavers. ONLY N$ 1 180 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Meersig Brand new unit is looking for an owner!!! Spacious 2 bed, 2 bath corner unit offers beautiful open plan kitchen b.i.c. and stove. Indoor braai & garage. Only N$ 965 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Fairways 760m² Very well situated vacant erf Can be sub-divided ONLY N$ 895 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 Walvis Bay Central Situated near Huis Palms Spacious 2 bed flat with one huge bathroom Kitchen, lounge, balcony and garage N$995 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518

SWAKOPMUND INDUSTRIAL 311m² Warehouse with Approx. 20m² mezzanine. Registered in a CC. N$ 1 690 000-00 NEG GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND NEAT AND SPACIOUS 4 Bed, 4 bath double storey with open plan living, Awesome kitchen, laundry, Scullery, double Garage, Patio and lots of paving. N$ 3 850 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND RETIRE IN PEACE 2 Bed, 2 bath apartment in Secure retirement village. Open plan kitchen/ Living & balcony. N$ 850 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 APHRODITE BEACH 3 x Vacant seafront plots. Situated next To each other Ranging from 692m² to 740m², N$ 2 150 000-00 EACH GOGGA 0818709950

Plot for sale in Henties Bay Extension 10. Price: N$310,000 Contact: 081 128 6439

P.A.M TREE VILLAS SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 205 Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre On the road to Swakopmund. Choose your own design & plot! Selling out fast! Selling from N$ 615 000-00. Claudia 0811696227 Walvis Bay Industrial SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Prime Warehouses for sale! Ranging from 165 – 412m² Selling from N$ 1 505 000-00 Don't hesitate! Call Now! Claudia 0811696227 Walvis Bay Industrial 1530m² erf with 300m² warehouse N$ 4 850 000-00 2790m² erf. Filled up with boundary walls all around. N$ 4 950 000-00 3820m² of which 2080m² is under roof. Last valuation N$ 15 000 000-00 and Selling for N$ 13 000 000-00 – Sale of CC Claudia 0811696227 Kuisebmond 4 bed house Plus 2 bed flat. A rare find at N$ 875 000-00 Claudia 0811696227

WALVIS BAY FOR SALE FAIRWAYS Good Return on Investment 2 Bedr Unit in complex, 1 bathr, open plan Kitchen/ Lounge. Single garage, small garden. Lease contr N$5500 p.m in place N$ 914 000 MEERSIG In a Quiet Area. 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, house with large living areas. Double tandem garage (4 cars), BONUS: Built in Cold Room. Urgent sale, make offer N$ 2 850 000

Harrold Page 081 575 7162

ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR RENT Ocean View: To rent for short or long term. Partially furnished. Available immediately. Contact: 081 316 5626

KAMANJAB OWN A PIECE OF HEAVEN!! 8,000 Hectare of Sound & Silence. Lodge with animal & Plant life, 8 Stone & thatch bungalows, Manager's house, storage rooms, 2 guides bungalows, honey-moon Suite, Staff quarters, stables, Swimming pool, guided drives And more, and more, and more! U$1 65 0000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND BRAND NEW BEST BUY!! Awesome 3 bed, 3 bath, open Plan with beautiful kitchen – lots Of cupboards, indoor BBQ, Scullery, Double garage, VERY spacious. N$1 680 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 DEVELOPERS DREAM! 1500m² General Residential Situated in CBD - zoned 1:100 N$2 980 000-00 NEG GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND PERFECTLY LOCATED Awesome 2 bed, 2 bath, apartment, extra outside room, lounge, dining, double garage, walk to the beach and shops. N$2 350 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND INDUSTRIAL 311m²- Warehouse With loft of 25m² N$1 710 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND EVERYTHING YOU NEED Beautiful 4 en suite bedr. double storey, open plan kitchen / living, double garage, balcony, patio, in & outdoor BBQ, scullery, laundry, lots of paving. Huge erf. N$3 850 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

TO LET 2 x 250m² ware-houses for N$ 12 000.00 Contact Andre at 081 128 2043



In Walvis Bay we have great deals: · Double storey 4 bedroom house and 2 tandem garages - 2.7million · Meersig 2 erven - 814 & 864m² - 1.050 million · New Industrial area a new warehouse - 17.5 million · Meersig - 2 Bedrooms, bathr, garage - N$730 000.00 · Tamariskia - 3 Bedrooms, open-plan kitchen, bathroom, garage - N$930 000.00 · Arandis-ervens from N$130 000.00 · Swakopmunt – 341m² 3 bedroom penthouse fully furnished – 2.5 million · Swakopmund – 210m² 3 bedr apartment furnished – exquisite sea view 2.2 million · Henties Bay – various lots and homes in Sun Bay and North Dune For any enquiries regarding rentals or sales In Walvis Bay, Arandis, Langstrand, Swakopmund, please contact the office Walvis Bay or Swakopmund – 064 221417 / 064 462741 or speak to our agents: Hannelie – 081 1242292 / 081 2115082 Johann – 081 6200930 Emma – 081 1228067 Glenda – 081 1475143

Swakopmund Industrial Area 2 offices, 2 toilets, kitchenette with mezzanine flooring. 239m². Very small levies. CC Registered N$ 1 695 000.00 Rosa 081 122 2159


Rossmund Phase 2 erven - Prices range from N$ 714 000.00 (912m²) to N$ 1 428 000.00 (1429m²) Ready to build! Rosa 081 122 2159


Kramersdorf Various erven available and ready to build from N$1 050 000.00 to N$1 260 000.00 Rosa 081 122 2159 /


Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 /


TO LET BY OWNER: Office/Shop TO LET 90m2, Ground floor N$ 7500.00 per month (excluding VAT and amenities) Call: 081 712 8571 House with business rights TO LET (1250m2 PLOT) Walvis Bay Central Call: 081 712 8571 Office Container TO LET/FOR SALE 6m Container with power points, toilet and airconditioning Call: 081 712 8571

Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are buying, selling or renting!. Give us a call! North Namibia 065 238 342 / 081 128 9388 Swakopmund Walvis Bay/Longbeach 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 064 212 440 / 081 169 6227 Walvis Bay CBD Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 2 bath townhouses. Each with courtyard & garage. A rare find at N$ 905 000-00 each! Claudia 0811696227 Joey 0812780518 TO RENT: Tamariskia near Cottage Hospital: 3 bedroom, 1½ bad room, single + tandem garage N$ 1 200 000.00 negotiable. Contact: 081 808 7188 1 bedr flat in Swakopmund N$ 3 200 incl w/l Working in Swk and staying in Usakos/Hentiesbaai/Walvi sbaai ? this flat is tiny, 1 person only. Bed-sitting room, kitchenette, bath, stoep, carport , braai area. Centre of swk. Available 1st October Gaby 081 127 5442 Falcon Real Estates and Insurance Property For Sale / To Let Contact us to for any rental or sales of properties at the coast. For sale: Plot and Plans: Swakopmund. Prices starting at N$ 1000 000. Neville: 081 250 4808 Shamelle : 081 4788 499 Email: falconrei@iway.na RENT: 2 bedroom flat, one bathroom, BIC, open plan kitchen, indoor braai, garage W/E incl. N$ 7 000.00 p/m Available immediately Deposit negotiable 2 bedroom flat, one ensuite, one separate bathroom, small kitchenette, open plan lounge, BIC, garage flat has two separate entrances Available immediately Deposit negotiable W/E incl. N$ 7 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 748 5802


WALVIS BAY 20 4505


Our Walvis Bay and Swakopmund offices are urgently looking for properties for sale or for rent.

ARANDIS NEW DEVELOPMENTS Why pay rent? Buy your Own house – several different Plans & perfect location. FROM N$ 562 500-00 GOGGA 0818709950

PLOTTE TE KOOP Usakos: 7 Reeds verkoop. Geen Agente betrokke. Kontak: 081 246 9198 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE

Fine & Country International - Coastal

Classi fieds


LAGOON AREA Lovely 3 Bedr family home, study, 2 bathr, 4 garages. Just minutes away from Lagoon!!! N$ 2 100 000 FAIRWAY ESTATE Modern double storey family home. 4 Bedr, outdoor en-suite room Quality finishes throughout! Gas hob with electric oven. N$ 2 300 000

Olga 081 853 1654


Mondesa Free standing House With own Erf 3 Bed, Bath, Kitchen, Big Yard. N$ 690 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Mondesa 2 Bedroom townhouse(Apartment) Main bed en-suite, kitchen(Bic and stove), lounge, Garage N$ 650 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Mondesa Newly Build Family home 4 Bed, 2 Bath, open plan kitchen, lounge; indoor Braai, Garage + 2 Bachelor Flats N$ 1 250 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Tamariskia 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Open Plan Kitchen, Double Garage. N$ 1 320 000-00 IIyambo- 081 3995955 Tamariskia 3 bed, 2 Bath, Lounge, Entertainment Area with Bar, Double Garage. N$ 1 390 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Tamariskia 2 Bedroom townhouse( Apartment), Bath, Lounge, Garage N$ 850 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 TO RENT 42m² 2 rooms: Beauty salon / offices/small shop at Otto Günther Courtyard Cell 081-202-7810. TE KOOP GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na ‘n bachelor flat met ‘n garage of ‘n een slaapkamer woonstel met garage of ‘n twee slaapkamer met garage. Enkel persoon. N$ 700 000.00 Monica: 081 337 6893

To let Swakopmund central 3 bedroomed, furnished flat, 2 garages, close to jetty. N$ 8800:00/pm Kramersdorf 2 bedroom flat, with garage N$5600 pm Town center 2 bedroom flat,2 bathrooms garage. N$5600.00 pm Mile 4 3 bedrm,2 bath, duplex, 2 garages, small complex, small pets N$8000.00 Pet friendly, 2 bedroom, duplex, garage, small yard N$5600.00 For sale ! ! Town centre Investment opportunity!! center of town, fully furnished, 2 bed apartment, 2 bath, bbq, single garage. 200 m from beach N$ 1.3 mil Vogelstrandt This is it ! 3 bedroom,3 bathrooms, open plan 2 garages,50 m from beach, Also in complex, gym, pool and laundrette, 24 hr security N$8000.00 Mile 4 Excellent investment ! Duplex, 3 bed, 2 bath, bbq, dble garage. N$ 1.3 mil Vacant erf – vineta, ext 22 - 3250m² erf zoned for apartments Kramersdorf ext – 2 lovely erven – bargain – price negNote: we also require, houses, flats, apartments and Town houses for approved clients. Jp van der Walt Capricorn Estates 081 127 2736

Fine & Country International - Coastal Our Walvis Bay and Swakopmund offices are urgently looking for properties for sale or for rent. In Walvis Bay we have great deals: · Double storey 4 bedr house 2 tandem garages 2.7million · Meersig 2 erven - 814 & 864 sq meters - 1.050 million · New Industrial area a new warehouse - 17.5 million · Meersig apartment - 2 Bedr, bathr, garage - N$750 000.00 · Kuisemond – 5 bedroom, 2 bath house, lounge / kitchen open plan – N$ 640,000.00 · Dolphin Beach – 3 bedr, 3 bath, double storey, 4 car garage – N$ 2,9 million · Arandis-erven from N$130 000.00 · Swakopmund – 341m², 3 bedroom penthouse fully furnished – 2.5 million · Swakopmund – 210m², 3 bedroom apartment furnished exquisite sea view 2.2 million · Henties Bay – various lots and homes in Sun Bay and North Dune For any enquiries regarding rentals or sales In Walvis Bay, Arandis, Langstrand, Swakopmund, please contact Walvis Bay or Swakopmund – 064 221417 / 064 462741 or speak to our agents: Hannelie – 081 1242292 / 081 2115082 Johann – 081 6200930 Emma – 081 1228067 Glenda – 081 1475143





Love & Passion 3 October 2015

GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685

Rubbish + refuse removal Prune shrubs, prune trees prune palm trees, shape palm trees, clean yard + garden. For quotation + prompt service sms your house + street no 081 335 6901

Couple Gala Evening Formal Municipality Hall, 18H30 Buffet, drinks incl N$395 per couple Jonathan & Avril Cordom 0813578441/2140780 ITS PRAYER TIME!!! Swakopmund Lunch Hour Prayer & Fellowship Time: Monday - Friday (weekdays) 13h10 - 13h50 (daily) Venue: Believer’s Center opposite Fruit & Veg Swakopmund “ If there is man to pray, There is God to answer” (James 5:17-18) Contact: 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759

CLASSES BEATACCMATH Presents: Extra classes for High School Accounting and Maths Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail.com

www.beataccmath.com BEATACCMATH PRESENTS PRIVATE ONE-ON-ONE TUTORING High School Accounting and Maths WALVIS BAY TO BOOK CONTACT 081 497 2195 or beataccmath@gmail.co m FOR MORE GO TO www.beataccmath.com

TRAINING CATERING TRAINING Do you want to start your own business in catering and event planning? Butterfield Investments CC Offering a 1 day workshop The Contents of course Basic hygiene in the kitchen Preparation of snacks and bites Decor of platters Basic planning of events How to work out costing. When: 19 September, Saturday Where: NAMSOV Kuisebmond Cost: N$ 500.00 per person Time: 09:00 - 17:00 Contact Jan: 081 711 9683 Catharina: 081 672 4403

SERVICES RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE We offer: Construction Painting Paving Slasto Lapas Plumbing Tiling Electrical and all types of roof structures Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 744 7457

M & L Accounting Services We offer bookkeeping services up to balance sheets VAT returns Budget forecast Year end financial statements. You can contact us on 081 576 8778 Marianne or email: mariannesaulse01@gm ail.com WANT TO GO ON HOLIDAY?? I can look after your house, animals and garden. Please call for further information: 081 258 2519 A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning. com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erection for men, vagina tightness, house problems. All types of STDs but not with Aids. Headaches, pain, chest pain, changing of bad luck, spiritual, Job problems, business improvement, any type of good luck. Never give up your lifeyour Doctor is there for you. Call DOCTOR MOYO 081 339 5913 House Number 471 Mandume Yandemfayo Str Mondesa Swakopmund.

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..


For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.




E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net


Vehicle License Assist

FOR SALE: 1x iPhone 4S excellent condition N$1650.00 1x Samsung 34”inch LCD TV N$2750.00 1x LG Home theater 6 months old N$1250.00 1x Trallies to fit L.W.B Bakkie N$950.00 1x Kelvinator 280Lit. Fridge N$950.00 1x Whirlpool build-in oven & glass/porcelain HOB N$1250.00 1x Fridge General Electric 210Lit. N$1250.00 44x Oregon Pine rafters 114x38x6meter length. (neg) 1x 3 Door Professional bar fridge stainless steel N$3850.00 1x 2 door professional bar fridge stainless steel N$2850.00 Contact: 081 567 4522

We have a vacancy for a SENIOR CHEF at our residence (50 People) in Swakopmund: Previous working experience will count as a definite advantage. Please send a current CV to: 3105benedikt@ gmail.com Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

No queues, no stress

License Renewal, Roadworthiness, change of ownership, personalised number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a pricelist from: vla.namibia@gmail.com

CARS TE KOOP: Walvisbaai Volvo s40, power shift 2009, wit, baie netjies Kontak: 081 236 8241 FOR SALE: 2006 Ford Ranger Supercab 2.5 TDI 134 000 km N$ 130 000.00 Contact: 081 418 2035 CAR FOR SALE: 2007 Toyota Land cruiser single cab, 4.5 EFI, 210 000km on clock. Car in great condition, Trallies, towbar, ARB bumper and winch. Inland vehicle with a unique colour. Great work horse. N$250 000.00neg Contact: 081 261 8487

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ROOFRACK FOR LANDROVER DEFENDER 133cm wide, 320cm length with 2 supports on roof 50% for rooftent, 50% for baggage/wood holder for gas bottle extra strong, made for Kaoko tours N$ 1 500 ono Gaby 081 127 5442

WERK GESOEK: Betroubaar en hardwerkende dame is opsoek na huiswerk vir 2 dae ‘n week. Dinsdae en Donderdae. Was en stryk of skoonmaak. Contact: 081 699 3199 JENNEY: A young lady is looking for domestic work, such as cleaning, washing and ironing. Am very

hardworking lady and is really in need of work. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 485 8858 081 429 2317 Reynecke De Klerk: Looking for a job as a driver. I have grade 12 and a valid drivers licence. Contact: 081 224 3257 I am a young man looking for work as a driver. I have experience in Reception & Administration and also 4 years experience ind driving. Contact: 081 382 5907 I am a 24 year old looking for house work in Swakopmund for 3-5 days a week. I am ready to start any time.

SITUATION WANTED Contact: 081 801 9764 Nancy (23): I am looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. I have 4 years experience. I am hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 214 7738 I am looking for Carpentry work and Form work even Sub or per hour as well. Very urgently. I am also renting out my Concrete mixer, the large one. Contact: 081 5523 9810 Ek is opsoek na 2 of 3 dae huiswerk in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Ek kan was en stryk of skoonmaak. Ek kan onmiddelik begin. Ek is baie betroubaar. Kontak: 081 239 6599

2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na

FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma str Walvisbaai

FOR SALE: 1x Freestanding metabo planer and thickener 260mm (ADH 1626) N$10 000.00 1x 2Ton Mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4000.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2000 1x 500litre plastic tank used for rainwater storage. new price: N$1667.50 asking: N$800 Contact: 081 373 7614 COMPOST made from kelp,seagrass, mussles, ashes, camel-horse-and guineapig manure. Plants, lawn and veggie leaves. Matured for 18 months, ideal for our coastal gardens. N$ 145 for 35 kg, N$ 35 for 5 Kg 081 127 5442

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.

Thought of the day Tuesday, September 15 To Act With Integrity I will persevere in the way of integrity; When will you come to me? I will walk with the blameless of heart within my house Psalm 101:2 Wednesday, September 16 Missing Gods Presence Great are the works of the Lord, exquisite in all their delights. Psalm 111:2 Thursday, September 17 At the Foot of the Cross So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven hence, she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little. Luke 7:47 Friday, September 18 The most Authentic Life Jesus journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. Luke 8:1


Specialized Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call Lida Coastal Hygiene for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na

I am looking for 2 guys in Walvis Bay who can work in a mobile carwash, fluent in Afrikaans and English, preferably both having a code B driver's license. Contact: 081 147 9305 / 081 374 1213

WERK GESOEK: Betroubare 30-jarigedame is opsoek na kantoor skoon maak werk, vir 2 dae, Dinsdae en Donderdae. Vrydae enige skoonmaak na een of strykwerk. Lagoon, Dorp, Meersig geen Narraville. Mina: 081 388 5073



TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..


Namib Times


* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




Karateka Katelin Martin First Namibian Female to be ranked Top 5 in Africa Namibia's sole female karateka, Katelin Shannon Martin of Walvis Bay, did Namibia proud at the All Africa Games recently, when she became the first female karateka, to end in the top 5 for Africa. Katelin came overall 4th in her division she came very close to a bronze medal when losing in the final for the bronze medal in kata. She missed out on a bronze medal after losing to Viviane Ambani from Cameroon with a 1-4 score. Before the thirdplace play-off, Martin won against Landu Tshiaba of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in her second fight lost to Sarah Sayed, the 2011 Maputo Games' defending champion from Egypt. Despite the loss, she qualified to the quarter-finals, where she defeated Ballo Aissata from Mali to qualify for a bronze medal fight, but lost that fight. She is now one of the top 2 karatekas in Southern Africa, and has reached the highest achievements for female karatekas in Namibia. Speaking to Nampa earlier, Karate team manager Leonard Martin said it was impressive to see Namibia's only female representative at the games put on a great performance and they were hopeful she will become an example for other females in the country. “This is the first time that we brought a female representative to the All Africa Games and she did not disappoint us. She is just 17 years old and this shows that in the future, she might do better. “We are now hoping that other female athletes will look at this and start joining the sport, because we need to have more women representatives at any events that we will participate in from now on,� said Martin. (Additional reporting- Nampa)



Golf News

Congratulations to Rocco on winning the club champs on the third extra play-off hole against Gert Jnr. No more than to say well-played to both and also to all those who participated. Subs, subs, subs, please don't forget to pay these. We will try to get a list

of those still outstanding this week and try to contact each one

separately but don't wait for this, you know if you have paid or not and if

you are not sure please contact me. We will also put a list of paid-up


members on the board, so check to see if your name is there, if not please settle BEFORE end September failing which your membership will be forfeited. Mens locker room. If you have not as yet removed your clubs then please do so today, work starts this week. There is a list on the notice board together with a plan of what the lockers will look like please see this and append your name plus preferred locker of choice. The payment for the locker is as follows: Year on year N$500 Two years N$ 850 Three years N$1 200 Five years N$1 500 This weekend is the

OMSIC (previously called Mutual & Federal Sponsorship). This is the oldest sponsorship that we have at the club and thanks to them for this. Impi has come up with a format with a twist, individual s/ford with double points of two holes on the first nine and double points on two holes on the second nine. Holes will be drawn after the game. Sounds a lot like clicks double points on weekend. Also keep the members at the club for the prize-giving, which is the way it is supposed to be. The following week 27th, is the coastal open. The list is on the board. The Friday sun-

downers was a good one with 14 players and Danie romped home with 21 points to win the 280 bucks up for grabs. The winner takes all the 20 bucks entry fee. Please remember that the Friday nine is the other one than was played on Wednesday, ie if Wednesday was first nine then Friday will be second nine. Also please remember to pay before playing, not only Wednesdays and Fridays but all the time. That's about it for now. Jammer, julle ou Bulle, maar Leeus bly koning (see pic )! Regards Shane Westerdale

All Africa Games – Silver for Namibia Boxers, Mathias Hamunyela and Junius Jonas over the weekend became the first sportsmen to win silver medals for Namibia at the All Africa Games (AAG) underway in Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo.

Namibian boxer Matias Hamunyela (in blue) pictured while receiving his medal during the medal handing over ceremony at the All Africa Games (AAG) in Brazzaville on Saturday. (Photo by: Hesron Kapanga) NAMPA

PTA Tennis Series returns for sixth tournament of the season Namibia's Pro Tennis Academy's (PTA) Tennis Series will return to action this weekend (18 and 19 September 2015) on the tennis courts of the Windhoek High School. It will be the sixth of eight tournaments in the series this year.

The PTA Tennis Series is the only series of tournaments in Namibia where the participants play according to their skill level and not their age category. In the midi category, Jamilla Hungamo and Eila Kambonde have their sights set on the division win. Currently, Hungamo sits in pole position with 2 600 points but her lead could crumble as Kambonde sits in second place with a mere 200 points behind the logleader. The two are expected to contest the tournament win again. The beginners division is currently led by Faith Kahuure with 3 400 points. Another good result would put her out of reach of her pursuers, Delicia Dirkse at 2 400 points and Megano Sheeya at 2 300 points. The pair needs to step up their game to close the gap to Kahuure while keeping a close eye on each other as only 100 points separate them going into the sixth tournament. Meanwhile Mike Kambonde sits firmly at the top of the intermediate division with 2 500 points. However, he needs to be on his toes as Lorenzo Kotze is in hot pursuit at 2 000 points after a string of great results recently. Cleet Farmer is the player to beat in the advanced category. His total of 2700 points make him the favorite to be crowned the champion at the end of the year. Brandon Maasdorp at 2000 points and Godwin Husselmann at 1 800 points could very well still catch up with him. More information on the PTA Tennis Series is available from Romeo van Wyk at romeo@protennisacademy.com.na or 081 234 9523.

They won the medals on Saturday night in the finals of their respective boxing categories. Hamunyela fought home favourite Francel Moussiesse in the final. He put up a brave fight but the judges' scorecards did not read in his favour, as he lost on points after three rounds of boxing in the Light Flyweight - 49 kilogramme – category with the judges scoring the fight 2829, 27-30 and 30-27. Namibia's 2014 Commonwealth silver medallist Junius Jonas also won a silver medal at the AAG in the Light Welterweight (64 kg) category after losing his fight against Abdelkader Chadi of Algeria. The judges scored the fight 29-28, 28-29 and 2829. Namibia has so far won five medals - two silvers and three bronze - courtesy of swimmer Daniela Lindemeier and the two boxers, Jonas and Hamunyela. The games end Saturday.

West Coast Sharks-rugbyklub Hou Jaareindfunksie Sportlessenaar

Die West Coast Sharks-rugbyklub hou op 18 September sy jaareindfunksie en prysuitdeling by die SFC. Die dinee gaan 'n deftige een wees, met 'n gemoedelike atmosfeer. Die geleentheid sal ook dien as prysuitdeling vir die klub. Winton van der Westhuizen van die West Coast Sharks sê daar sal so van 21:00 se kant af

geskoffel word. Len en Joharetha Nel gaan sorg vir die musiek. Van der Westhuizen sê hulle verwag tussen 70 en 80 mense. Mense wat meer wil weet, kan vir Herman Engelbrecht skakel by 081 438 1466.




Swakop Open 2015 NVF Beach Volleyball Tour - 26 September The competition is the fifth stop on the NVF Beach Volleyball Tour 2015 and is to be held at Mole Beach, Swakopmund, the second time the Beach tour will stop at the coast this year. Interpack Winter Classic 2015 Champions; Peter Brinkmann/Achim Lueck, and Stephanie Palmhert/ Kim Seebach will be participating and looking for back to back wins. We are also looking forward to welcoming our two men’s teams from the Navy which will be their third time competing on the NVF Beach Tour 2015. With N$5 000 worth of

prize money from FABUPHARM and NVF Beach Tour Points on offer it should be another fantastic beach volleyball weekend on the coast. Games will start at 8 in the morning and go on throughout the day with the finals towards late afternoon. Spectators are welcome to join and support the athlete's attempt to become FABUPHARM SWAKOP OPEN Cham-

pions. Categories: 2-a-side Men 2-a-side Women 2-a-side Youth Girls (Under 18), 2-a-side Social Adults including Youth Boy’s (Under 18) Mixed 4-a-side (one women on court @ all times) Deadline for entries: 21:00, Friday 25th September 2015

For further details, please contact: James Verrinder, Director of Beach Volleyball – Namibia beach@namibiavolleyball.org +264 81 455 4571

RE: MTC Premiership League Fixtures of round 3-4

Swakopmund Municipality PC locked horns with Swakopmund Pool Club Sharlien Tjambari

The Swakopmund Municipality Pool Club locked horns with Swakopmund Pool Club on Saturday, 5 September at 30 Something Lounge, in preparation for the Southern Africa Inter-Municipal Sports Association (SAIMSA) Games 2015 which are taking place in Lesotho on 18 September. On Saturday, the tournament started at 14:00 until 20:00, during the first phase of the game, Swakopmund Municipality and Swakopmund Pool Club got a tie of 4/4. The Swakopmund Pool Club won the second phase of the tournament by beating Swakopmund Municipality Pool Club by six points to two. In the third phase, Swakopmund Municipality lost the game to Swakopmund Pool Club with 0/8 points. According to the Swakopmund Pool Club captain, Balero, there is a lot of talent in the Swakopmund Municipality Pool Club, which can shake up the competitors in Le-

sotho, with the likes of Johan Lawrence, Richard Beukes, Duma, Walde, Mathew, Gabes and Johnny. “It was not an easy win, Swakopmund Municipality Pool Club was very competitive. Richard Beukes, who is also a team captain of the Swakopmund Municipality Pool Club, sponsored the trophy they played for and Swakopmund Pool Club sponsored the medals they received. On 26 September, Swakopmund Pool Club will battle against Rössing Uranium Pool Club at 30 Something Lounge at around 08:00 till 19:00. The main sponsor for the tournament is Rössing

Uranium. A week after that, Swakopmund Pool Club will again pitch with Langer Heinrich Pool Club for the second round, they already played the first round. There Annual General Meeting of the Swakopmund Pool Club will take place on 20 September at 30 Something Lounge at 14:30 and Balero says everyone who wants to be part of the Swakopmund Pool Club is welcome to join.



“We need to invest in our players”- Lucky Shipanga Mavourlene !Gaës

The locally based Eleven Arrows coach Lucky Shipanga expressed his disappointment in the organisation of the Namibia Premier league (NPL). He feels a lot still needs to be done and one way to make improvements when it comes to Namibian soccer is to lay a proper foundation and help the players grow. According to Shipanga whose team contains a majority of young players, with the youngest being 19 year old, Marius Hashipala a learner from Duinesig Combined School, it is very important to invest in the young players and in clubs. “The first thing we should do to improve our soccer is to inject money into our local clubs, because our youth development is not up to standard.” He stressed some of the players are playing for

teams that are not having good coaches as some of the coaches are apparently not even qualified to coach a team. “How is a player who has not been properly trained, going to represent Namibia?” he asked. “The Premier League should go out and look for more sponsorships, get money and then go to the different clubs and find out about the players' contracts. Some of the players are getting paid N$1 000, what is that?” He urged Namibians to

refrain from pointing fingers and to start thinking realistically when it comes to the future of Namibian football. This weekend saw four NPL teams facing each other at the Kuisebmond Soccer Stadium. The first match on Saturday saw Blue Waters taking on the Rehoboth Flamingos. The match ended in a 1-1 draw. Eleven Arrows went up against Black Africa and lost 1-0 when Black Africa’s striker Emilio Martin scored

NPL action at the Kuisebmond Stadium Saturday the winning goal a few minutes into the game. On Sunday Eleven Arrows played against Flamingos. In the first half of the match, Arrows Nekongo Simon was given a yellow card by the referee. Isaak Imperth from Fla-

mingos took a penalty shot and missed it. In the second half of the game and despite several goal attempts made by Flamingos, Arrows scored a penalty. Flamingos were not giving up without a fight and

managed to score a goal in the 84th minute of the game. The game ended 2-1 in favour of Eleven Arrows. Blue Waters went up against Black Africa in a tough match that had the crowd at the edge of their

seats. The match ended in a 1-1 stalemate with goals by Katapose Muna of Black Africa and Brackies Hilarius of Blue Waters.

Many Join Cancer Fun Walk and Cycling Event Eleven Arrows head coach Lucky Shipanga observing the players on Saturday's game

Cold, Wet and Windy Weather Braved for Cancer. Liesl Losper

Close to 250 people faced the cold wind and mist early Saturday morning at the lagoon in Walvis Bay for the Cancer Fun Walk and Cycling event. With much enthusiasm from all, Some of the winners pictured with the organisers in front, Alice Freygang, Zeta van the event kicked Wyk, Shamaine Garcia-Steenkamp, Hildegard Bötcher and Zaskia Weber off just after 8:30. Small kids on their humbled by all the missed out on this be Keep on walking/cysupport they received. assured you missed cling.” bicycles, moms, “And since this is out on a very refresh- Even though they dads, and granda cause so close to ing walk along the la- wanted to give medals parents - all took our hearts, we really goon. to all participants, it to the promenade, would like to thank We really appreciate was not possible, but facing the cold each and everyone for this gesture. We, the they were able to reweather. their support, wheth- organisers of the Fun- ward the following: would 5km Walk – Lydia, er in helping out with walk/Cycle, Zeta van Wyk, Sha- securing the gazebos, hereby like to thank Cheslin, Chris maine Garcia-Steen- or at the stalls selling the community of 5km Cycle – Desiree, kamp, Zaskia Weber the much needed early Walvis Bay for their Edward, Mikayla en Hildegard Bötcher morning coffee. support in this worthy 10km Walk – Robyn, are the women be- Some entrants that cause. Hendrik, Miguel hind the organising of could not face the We sincerely hope that 10km Cycle – Christhis specific event in weather, even came this Funwalk/Cycle tine, Annaneas, Desaid of the Namibian past just to give a do- will become an annu- mond. Cancer Association. al event on your canation. They say they were Those of you who lendars. Till next year,

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