TheBulkCarrierGLOBALBRAVE(IMO:9434606)sailing under the flag of Panama discharged the largest recorded consignment of Petroleum Coke (Petcoke) destined for the RepublicofZambiaatthePortofWalvisBaylastweek.
Theconsignmentof42,000tonnesofPetcoke,receivedfromthePortof Houston in the United States of America (USA) was discharged over a period of three days before the bulk carrier departed for its next destination,Lüderitzon8December ThePetcokewillbetransportedintrucks to the Republic of Zambia where it will be used in a limestone factory Executive of Commercial Services at the Namibian Ports Authority (NamPort),EliasMwenyosaidthissignificantmilestonespeaksdirectly totherelentlessworkofmarketing,thePortAuthority'scapabilities,and infrastructuretohandlesuchvolumes.
ThefirstrecordedconsignmentofPetcokeattheWalvisBayPortwasin February of 2019. “Since this trial run in 2019. this consignment of PetcokeatthePortofWalvisBay,ithasbeenproventobeasuitableand capablenoduleinhandlingthiscommodity,”Mwenyosaidandexplained Petroleumcokeisamaterialrelativelylowincostandhighinheatvalue andcarboncontentwithgoodchemicalstability,makingitanefficientand cost-effective fuel for producing metal, brick, and related products.
MwenyosaidtheWalvisBayBulkTerminalishandlingthecargoonbehalf oftheWalvisBayCargoTerminal. ThenextconsignmentisexpectedtobeoffloadedatthePortofWalvisBay inAprilnextyear
On 9 December the Namibian Police in the Erongo region launchedanoutreachcampaignonillicitdrugsintheregion, inSwakopmund.Thecampaignwasaimedatcurbingthehigh prevalenceofalcoholanddrugabuseamongstyoungpeople.
ThecampaignkickedoffwithabriefingbytheSwakopmundPoliceStation CommanderRubenShapumbaattheMondesaPoliceStationandproceeded with community engagements which started in Mondesa, DRC and other locationsinSwakopmund.
During the campaign, the Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes said the safety of residents and visitors remains a crucial priority on Council's agendaand,“itisindeeddishearteningtohaveobservedthehighprevalence ofalcoholanddrugabuseamongstouryoungpeople.Becauseofthis,the majority of Swakopmund citizens have been affected by drug and alcohol abuse,aswellasothercriminalactivitiesthatareassociatedtoit.”
Last week Swakopmund council launched the Swakopmund Against AlcoholandDrugAbuseEngagementwiththeaimtocreateawarenessand seek solutions and intensified law enforcement activities in the battle againstalcoholanddrugmisuse.
Namubessaid:“wehaverealizedthatwecannotachieveourobjectiveto curb the increase in alcohol and drug abuse in isolation as it requires concertedeffortsofalltherelevantstakeholders. Today'sgatheringisamanifestationofNampol'scommitmenttocombat the abuse of alcohol and drugs and its detrimental effects of it. It is imperative that we recognize the destructive causes of the illicit drugs, especially amongst our young people and that we join forces as a communityandsoldieragainstthesesocialills.”
During the last ten months, the Namibian Police in Erongo region confiscated 2935.2 grams of cannabis (majad) valued at N$15830, 16990.87 grams of cannabis (skunk) valued at N$845839, 1637 full tablets and 1 half mandrax valued at N$196450. The police also confiscated 54,83 grams, 92 doses and 7 half doses of crack cocaine powder valued at N$79265, 477 units, 03 blocks and 7 moons of crack cocaine valued at N$61700, 77 units of crystal myth with the valued of N$3000 and 1 capsule of MDMA valued at N$500. The total value of drugsconfiscatedintheErongoregionwasN$1202584. Thepolicearrested13peopleagedbetween0-18years,85aged19-25,76 aged 26-35, and 43 people aged 36 and older in connection with drugs duringthelasttenmonths.
Usakos town council recently elected renowned businesswomanIreneSimeon-KurzasthenewMayorofthisErongo town.
Simeon-Kurz of Swapo party replaces Wilfred Wiese of independent patriot for change (IPC), whilst Cllr Katiti Sem was elected as Deputy Mayor Cllr Clerance Katorab retained his position as Chairperson of ManagementCommittee.
Simeon-Kurzsaidinheracceptancespeechlocalauthoritycouncilsisan essential element of the system of democratic local governance. “It provides a continuous link between council and the electorate, and the communitiesofdifferenttown. Thisyearmarksthebeginningofthethird year as we continue to make strides and efforts to delivery services to Usakos and improve the quality of livelihoods of our people. We are elected by the people to serve, and not to be glorified. Therefore, irrespectiveofourpoliticalparties,let'sputourdifferencesasideandunite in the delivery of services to the people of our local authority,” SimeonKurzsaid.
Itisthebelieveofthenewlyelectedmayorthattheycanovercomealotof obstaclesandachievealotascouncilorsandcommunity,iftheyunite,for common goals, which are in the best interest of their beloved town. Accordingtoher,Usakosdeservesonlythebesteffortsfromeverybody, whethertheyareinthepoliticalleadership,inengagement,inallpositions within the administration and across the spectrum of their partners in business, TraditionalAuthorities, Labour, the faith-based organisations, communityandcivilsocieties. Simeon-Kurzaddedthatascouncilthey need to restructure the town and settlements to reflect the priorities and principlesofthedemocraticgovernment.Simeon-Kurzsaid,“ourbiggest struggle is the housing and unemployment issue. Therefore, we as Councilors need to provide support and enforce monitoring systems to ensuresuccessfulimplementationoftheseservices.” Shesaidtheyasthe council, will continue to seek support from government, and engage the international community, donor agencies and embassies to address and transformallchallengesinUsakos. She expressed her willingness to work together with all political parties andstakeholders.“IamnottheMayorforSwapo,UDForPDM.Iamthe mayorofthepeopleforthepeopleirrespectivewhereyoucomefromor fromwhichpoliticalpartyyouare,mydoorsarealwaysopenforyou. Collaborating with all political parties will enable us to find workable solutions for the diverse range of developmental challenges facing Usakos as we move towards our vision. We want to give the people of Usakostheassurancethatwewillnotletyoudowninoureffortstohelp createabettertownthroughthebuildingofbettercommunities.Wethank ourcommunityfortheircontinuoussupportandpatiencewhenitcomesto servicedelivery.”
In preparation for the Festive Season, theSwakopmundResidentsAssociation (SRA) in collaboration with the SwakopmundMunicipality'sParksand Gardens Division, recently beautified the gardens at the Swakopmund Police Station.
The Executive Committee member of the SRA who oversaw the project, said, “just as we care about our residents, we warmly welcome all visitors to our beautiful city and trust that they willleavewithonlygoodmemoriesandpositive experiences.”
All Swakopmund Service Clubs and organisations share the same sentiment and throughout the year have made selfless contributions towardscommunityupliftment.
TheSRAhascontributedfinanciallytowardsthe SwakopmundNeighbourhoodWatchinsupport of their vital role towards security in our town.
Via the Neighbourhood WatchAssociation, the LionsClubhasdonatedasumofmoneytowards the cost of repairing several Nampol vehicles which received mechanical attention, ensuring that they are able to render their services effi-
The SRAwishes residents and visitors of Swakopmundpeaceandsecurityathomeandagood festiveseason.Forthosetravelling,wewishyou asafejourneyandasafereturnhome.
Afire started on one property in Kuisebmond's Tutaleni, destroying five shacks before spreadingtotheadjacentpropertyandburnttoashesanothertenshacksonWednesday thisweek..
AccordingtoErongopolice,itisallegedatthetimeofthefire,notenantswereathome. The causeofthefireisunknown.Noinjuriesorfatalitieswerereported.
LocalAuthorityhasinpreviousattemptsusedland allocation as a means of decreasing the mushroomingofshacksinthetown,withthemostrecent masshousingprojectsasanexample,butinacomplete turn of events the opposite was observed. There has been a rise in informal settlements over the years, Twaloloka as a result being the worst informal settlement reported in the towns history SohowistheallocationoflandatFarm37anydifferent we asked to which the Deputy Mayor responded,“itistruethattraditionalhousingpolicies have failed to properly address the housing issue and only seemed to have prolonged it, and with more people migrating to Walvis Bay in search of betterjobprospects,localauthoritymightfinditself perpetually scrambling for exhausted resources to meet the housing demands of an ever-growing population.” She added, even though government housing policies focus on the promotion of homeownership, that a different approach may be required.Shesuggestedtheideaofapartmentcom-
Eliphas Sheepoplexes as an alternative for catching up with the growingnumberoflandlessresidents.
Kuisebmond is the biggest recipient of migrants seeking better employment prospects, and expected to increase with the recent oil discovery, many of them on arrival find themselves unable to find these jobs or exploit the opportunities that arise.
Shacks serve as a cheap accommodation, and it is the informal rental market that houses many poor householdsandprovidessmall-scalelandlordswho supply this kind of accommodation with a regular sourceofincome.
Forbes agrees that most of these migrants have a ruralorientationwhichtheycan'tapplyinthisurban setupandthatthisisakeyareathatneedstobeaddressed.“Weneedtoinvestinourresidents,instead of just giving handouts we need to equip these individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge for navigating urban living, so that instead of becoming dependent on Local Authority they use theirowntalentstoaddvaluetothetown.”
The October 2022 Draft Urban Structure Plan (USP) for Walvis Bay has been finalised and prepared following consultation with the Walvis Bay community, utilityproviders,andlineministries.
The Walvis Bay Council is reviewing its approved Integrated Urban Spatial Development Framework (IUSDF), the Council's long-term urban development plan which was approved by the Walvis Bay Councilin2014forimplementation.
TheIUSDFwillbereplacedbytheUSPandis being prepared in accordance with the Urban andRegionalPlanningAct,2018(U&RPAct) andU&RPActRegulations.AUSPisaspatial planningtoolforguidingdevelopmentwithin a town for a period ranging between 15 to 30 years.
TheaimoftheUSPistoinformtheWalvisBay community, local and foreign investors, and any other interested and affected party of the Walvis Bay Council's long-term vision as to howurbandevelopmentwillbeguidedinWalvisBayoverthenext20years.
UrbanDynamics,togetherwithBigenKuumba, Enviro Dynamics, Urban Design Studio Namibia, and Stewart Planning, have been appointed by the Walvis Bay Council to prepare the WBUSP which will guide urban developmentoverthenext20years.
The 2022 Draft USP has been finalised and prepared following consultation with the WalvisBaycommunity,utilityproviders,and line ministries. Once the WBUSP has been
approvedbytheMinisterofUrbanandRural DevelopmentthiswillenabletheWalvisBay Council to be anAuthorised LocalAuthority fortownplanningdecision-making.
The Draft USPis available for formal public consultation to all interested and affected partiesintermsofSection34oftheU&RPAct andintermsofRegulations2,3,and5ofthe U&RPActRegulations.
ThedraftUSPisreadyforthepublicatTown Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre,WalvisBay,NangoloMbumbaDrive, and at Stewart Planning, First Floor, CLA Building,84Theo-BenGurirabStreet,aswell as at the Narraville, Kuisebmond and Head Office Libraries during normal working officehours.
Any person having comments, representations, and/or objections to the Draft USP must lodge such comments, representations, and/or objections, together with grounds thereof,withtheGeneralManager,Roadsand Building Control (Town Planning Section), PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay(0642013229 or, and StewartPlanning,POBox2095,WalvisBay (064 280 770 or, in writing, on or before 17:00 on 20 January 2023.
SwakopUraniumdonatedprefabricatedunitsvaluedatN$1.79milliontotheMinisterof Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, Albert Kawana, for the upgrade of accommodationandofficefacilitiesatvariousborderpostsofNamibia.
During the handover ceremony, the Chief Executive Officer of Swakop Uranium, Qiu Bin, said SwakopUraniumrecognisesthegoodworkofthe MinistryofHomeAffairs,Immigration,Safetyand Security for the protection of Namibian borders, and thus ensuring the safety of Namibia and its people. Bin said, “this donation is thus our proud contributioninsupportofyoureffortsinstrengthening homeland security, economic prosperity, and nationalsovereignty Wewillalwaysstrivetocontributetowardsinitiativesaimedatnation-building foraprosperousNamibia.”
KawanasaiduponhisappointmentastheMinister ofHomeAffairs,Immigration,SafetyandSecurity, hetookituponhimselftoappreciatetheconditions ofthepoliceofficersinuniformandthosedeployed along the borders. Kawana had the opportunity to
tour the border areas, together with the former inspectorgeneraloftheNamibianpolice,Sebastian Ndeitunga, where in some instances he found the accommodation of police officers, particularly the specialfieldforceinanunacceptablecondition. Kawanasaid,“Iamveryhumbledtobeheretoreceive these prefabricated panels.” Kawana said he is still going to knock on the door of the CEO of SwakopUraniumbecauseofthedirechallengesof accommodation of police officers. According to Kawana, he was assigned to build a police village by the president because police officers have been strugglingwithaccommodationfortoolongandhe willstartwiththatprojectinWindhoek. In addition to the prefabricated units, the ministry alsoreceived50setsofbedsandmattressesforthe accommodationoftheofficersatborderposts.
Vemuna Kahere (42), appeared on a charge of possession of dependenceproducingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponedto5April 2023fortrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody
A 17-year old boy, Alfredo Eixab (19) and a 15-year old boy, appearedonchargesofassaultonamemberofthepoliceandassaultby threat.Thematterwaspostponedto20January2023forcontinuationof trial.Theaccusedremainsincustody
JonasNuuyoma(33)andDanielLeonard(30),appearedonacharge oftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto17April2023forpleaandtrial. Theaccusedremainincustody
Francois Petersen (34) and Client Pietersen (29), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 6 February 2023 for plea.Theaccusedremainincustody
Hermanus Ganuseb (33), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 1 March2023forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody
Gerhardus Bouwer Daniel (33), appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor 1st alternative to count 1 of the Road TrafficAct- driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 15 February 2023 for further investigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody
PressleyJagger(28),appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponedto15February2023forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccused remainsincustody
KevinGaoseb(22),appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponedto15February2023forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccused remainsincustody
Kevin Gaiseb (24), Alvero Willemse (27), and Moses Petrus (27), appeared on a charge of escaping common law The matter was postponed to 15 February 2023 for plea. The accused remains in custody
J appearedonchargesofassaultcommonread osephAmutenya(46), with the provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003 and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponedto17April2023.Theaccusedisonbail.
Titus Braneo (32), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.The matter was postponed to 27 December for tracingofaccused.Theaccusedisatlarge,andawarrantofarrestwas issued.
Lawrence Desney Goraseb (33), appeared on a charge of suspected stolenproperty Thematterwaspostponedto26Aprilforpleaandtrial. Theaccusedhavebeenwarned.
Ambrossius Uirab (30) and Hendrik Gariseb (30), appeared on a charge of stock theft. The matter was postponed to 24 April 2023 becausetheaccusedwereabsent.Theaccusedremainsincustody
George Veldskoen (39), appeared on a charge of murder The matter waspostponedto27March2023fortrial.
Paulinus Haimbondi (34), appeared on a charge of theft.The matter was postponed to 20 March 2023 for plea and trial. The accused remainsincustody.
JerryShaalukeni(41),appearedonachargeoftheft.Thematterwas postponedto18April2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Timoteus Uushona (32), Iipinge Isai (24), Tobias Iyambo (24), TimotheusAlweendo (36), and Keshiwo Titus (30), appeared on a chargeofrobbery Thematterwaspostponedto27February2023for bailapplication.Theaccusedremainincustody
JermeineMarvinManuel(34),appearedonachargeofassaultwith intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 16 January2023becausethedocketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedremains incustody
SamuelGom-Khaeseb(38),appearedonachargeoftheft.Thematter was postponed to 27 December because the accused was absent. The accusedremainsincustody
SimonHamutenya(44),appearedonachargeofassaultbythreat.The matter was postponed to 27 December for tracing of accused. The accusedisatlarge,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.
Namibia has a lack of schools forthe hearing impaired, especially in the Erongo region. Swakopmund Constituency Councillor Louisa Kativa, last week emphasisedtheimportanceofhavingaschoolforthehearing-impairedchildrenin Swakopmund.
Kativa said she feels that the hearingimpairedcommunityisforgotten,andthis problem is not only in the Swakopmund constituencybuttheentirecountry.Kativa said, “this is our brothers and sisters. We only have one school in Ongwediva, the Eluwa Special School, which is far away frommyconstituency Idecidedtohandin aproposalsothatwecanhaveaschoolfor the deaf community in our constituency, which will belong to our children. This will be a special school, even for children withdisabilitieswhichwillbefromgrades 1 to 7. At least if they complete grade 7 then they can go to Eluwa to continue grade8-12.”Kativafurthersaideducation isthekeyandwithouteducationthereisno success in life, and this is the reason why she wants the hearing-impaired community to be educated and hold any other qualification or position in governmentlikeanyotherNamibianchild as they have the right like other children. AccordingtoKativa,thehearing-impaired
community faces a lot of challenges, as theyareleftoutofmanyeventslikesports, and they are left out of job opportunities.
Kativa acknowledged Build It for having employedtwohearing-impairedpeoplein their shop Kativa is encouraging stakeholders to recognise the hearingimpaired whenever there are vacancies, especiallyincleaningjobs,etc.
Kativasaidherdreamofbuildingaschool for the hearing impaired will only come true with the help of stakeholders and the governmentofNamibiaandtheministryof education. “Without them, I will not be able to do it alone, together we can make it.”
Theproposalwashanded-ininNovember thisyearandawaitsapproval.Accordingto the Namibian NationalAssociation of the Deaf(NNAD),thereareonlythreeschools forthehearingimpairedinNamibia,onein Windhoek, one in Ongwediva, and one in Ohangwena;andtherearetwounitsforthe deafcommunityatOpuwo.
The Namibian Ports Authority continues to achieve operationalmilestonesasitissettohandletheexportationof 110,900tonnesofsaltconsignmentoverthenexteightdaysat itsWalvisBayPort.
TheBoldMariner,whichloaded45,000tonnesofbulksalt,was the first of four vessels that docked at the Port last week Thursday,08December2022andsailedoffintheearlierhours of today, 13 December 2022 heading to its next port of call in Lagos,Nigeria.
TheMariaDaPazandtheCarlotaBoltenarecurrentlydockedat the Port of Walvis Bayloading 4500 tonnes of bagged salt and 30,700bulksaltrespectively.
Towardstheendoftheweek,thePortsAuthorityisexpectingto receive another vessel LILA which will load another 30,700 tonnes of bulk salt, bringing the volumes of salt consignment handledto110,900tonnes.
The above achievement among others is due to the dedicated staffmembersofNamportfortheirunwaveringcommitmentto rendering world class services to their clients. More than ever before Namport remains committed to making the Namibian PortsAuthoritytheportofchoicefortheinternationaltradeasit continues to work towards attainingits vision of being the best seaportsinAfrica.
Namport is proud of these achievements and believes that the organisationisheadingintherightdirectiontowardsdelivering excellentcustomerservice.
BulkCarrierTRAMMOBAUMANN(IMO:9762883),sailingunder theflagofLiberiadockedatthePortofWalvisBaytodischarge37000 MT Copper Concentrates. The Bulk Carrier arrived at the port on 23 November, and departed on Wednesday, 14 December Her carrying capacity is 38635 t DWT and her current draught is reported to be 10.2 meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is179.93meters,andherwidthis32.06 meters.
Bulk Carrier SUNLIGHT (IMO: 9551351), sailing under the flag of LiberiawilldockatthePortofWalvisBaytomorrowtoload10000MT Copper Concentrates. The vessel is set to depart on Monday, 19 December Hercarryingcapacityis28346tDWTandhercurrentdraught isreportedtobe6.9meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is169.37meters, andherwidthis27.2meters.
PassengerlinersexpectedatthePortofWalvisBay OverthenextfewdaysMSCSINFONIA(IMO:9210153),sailingunder theflagofPanamawilldockattheWalvisBayPorton21December Her carrying capacity is 65542 Gross Tonnage and her current draught is reportedtobe6.6meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is274.9meters,and herwidthis28.8meters.
IDAAURA(IMO:9221566),sailingundertheflagofItalywilldockat the Walvis Bay Port on 22 December Her carrying capacity is 42289 GrossTonnageandhercurrentdraughtisreportedtobe6.3meters.Her lengthoverall(LOA)is202.85meters,andherwidthis28.1meters.
SEVEN SEAS VOYAGER (IMO: 9247144), sailing under the flag of the Bahamas will dock at the Walvis Bay Port on 23 December Her carrying capacity is 42363 Gross Tonnage and her current draught is reportedtobe6.9meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is206.5meters,and herwidthis28.83meters.
December is here with all the joys of Christmas with decorated trees everywhereyoulook.
Christmas is one of the most important Christianandculturalholidaysoftheyear Formanypeopletheworldover,thistime of year is a time for finding joy in celebratingthebirthofJesusChrist. Itisalsoatimethatbringsfriends,neighbours, and family members together, decorations hanging around our homes and indulgent feasts in the works, there is no doubt that Christmas is a time of celebrationwithourlovedonestocherishour blessingsandtheyeargoneby.
On the other hand, Christmas time isn't always happy It creates reminders of the oneswe'velost,theoneswhocan'tbehere. For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow,astheydon'thavetheextramoney to buy presents for their children, family, andfriends.
What is the true meaning of Christmas to you?Isitthegiftsunderthetree,thelights inthewindows,thecardsinthemail,fancy dinnerswithfamilyandfriends,stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "MerryChristmas"tothosewhopassusin thestreets?IsthisreallyChristmas?
We should look back at past Christmases andrememberhowGodshowedHisgreat loveforus,bygivingHissontothisworld. Let us join hands and share the true meaningofChristmas,giveone'sveryself andtothinkofothersandhowtobringthe greatest happiness to them, forgive one another, take stock of what is important and strive to become better versions of ourselves.
It should also be a time of healing and renewedstrength.
Let's respect our men and women in uniform and their respective families. We needtovoiceourgratitude,knowingmost of them will be on duty To those in hospital, let's wish them a speedy and completerecovery Tothosewhohavelost lovedones,ourprayersarewiththem.
On Monday this week, the Erongo Business and Tourism Expo handed over, to the office of the governor, a generous sponsorshipthattheyreceivedfromalltheregionalstoresof MR Price, to be donated to a Charity organisation of the governor'schoice.
The sponsorship consists of clothing and shoe items worth N$30 000 collectedfromallregionalstoresofMRPrice.TheGovernoroftheErongo region,NevilleAndréItopesaid,“withthisdonationthatwereceivedfrom MrPrice,wewanttothankthemforthesupporttheygiveandthegestureto themembersofthecommunity Trulywehaveseveralchallengesinterms ofpeoplewhocannotaffordtobuythemselvesclothesandsoon,andweare going to ensure that the donation we are receiving today on behalf of the peopleoftheErongoregion,wearegoingtohanditovertothevulnerable societyinourcommunity Thistimeoftheyear,peoplewouldwanttohave a gift but cannot afford that, this will surely go to the most vulnerable membersofthesocietyinalltheconstituenciesofourregion.”
ItopethankedtheErongoBusinessTourismExpofoundersandMRPrice forbeinggeneroustothecommunityandsaiditisgoodthatMRPricedid not think of disposing of the items but thought of giving them to the vulnerable people in the society “We have informal settlements in towns livinginshacks,surelythisdonationwillmakeahugedifference.Wehave people staying on farms in the Daures Constituency and so on, these are peoplethatareveryvulnerable,andwewillwanttosharethisdonationwith them.”
Desire Stevens, Founder of Erongo Business and Tourism Expo and her partnerCeaserKandunduthoughtitwasonlyrighttohandovertheitems which MR Price sponsored them, to the office of the governor for further distribution.
This is the time when many travel to see their loved ones and share in a time of givingandcelebration.
It is with this in mind, that I urge all Namibianstoembracethespiritofgoodwill and share something with those in needs. Thisfestiveseason,spreadthefestivecheer by sharing your previously loved items, giftingsomethingnew,giftingyourtimeor anactofservice.
ThisyearIhavehadtheprivilegeofserving as Mayor for a second consecutive term. When reflecting on a similar message I wrote back then after being inaugurated makes me realise how much we can be thankfulfor As we approach the end of 2022, I would liketothankeveryindividualorinstitution
The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes hosted a Mayoral Christmas gettogetherwith
The municipal hall was packed to the brim in this lively event with joyful dancing and singing. Struggling to keep up with the energetic dancing of the elderly crowd, Forbes said, “I suspectsomeofyouaremuchyoungerthanyou claim.”
Tunacor provided transport from various locations in Kuisebmond and Narraville which allowedmorepeopletotheeventthanprevious years. Corporate entities like NAMDOCK, Namport and Unitrans jumped at the
opportunity to support this get-together with donations of lunch packs. The Office of the MayorthroughFreddieFishProcessorsdonated1 000 grocery vouchers valued at N$300 at MultisaveandShop4,andasabonus,1000units ofwatervaluedatN$5313.
The mayor said at the event,” 'It's through the prayers of our elderly thatWalvis Bay continues tomakesuchgreatstridesintothefuture.”
who has assisted me in any way to serve theresidentsofourbeautifulportcity The year 2023 may come with many challenges but rest assured that Council willcontinuetoactinthebestinterestsof allourresidents.
Let us continue in the spirit of hope and optimism, as there will be better times ahead,butnomatterwhatthefutureholds, as a community we can only make a difference if we combine efforts for a bettertomorrow.
On behalf of the staff members of the MunicipalityofWalvisBayandmyfellow councillors, I wish you Merry Christmas andaHappyNewYear.
Please stay safe and act responsibly at all times.
Riptidesareusuallytheculpritwhenitcomestodrownings while swimming in the sea. By being aware of them, know what they look like to avoid them, and what to do when caughtinaripcouldsavelives.
Alotofexcitementisintheairwiththeholidaysthatisfinallyhere,andmany people will be heading to the coast for fun filled family time at the beach. Althoughthefestiveseasonisatimetorelaxandforgetaboutthestressesof theyear,wemustneverforgettoputourguarddown.Riptideeducationisof utmostimportance.Educatechildrenandmakethemaware.Teachthemhow tospotariptide.Theyareeasytoidentify Whenswimminginthesea,cautionneedstobetaken,andsafetymustalways beputfirst.Riptidesorripcurrentsarelongnarrowbandsofwaterthatpull anything caught inside them away from the shore out to sea. Rip tides are dangerous,butrelativelyeasytoescapeifyouunderstandwhattodoandif youstaycalm.Mostriptidedeathsarecausedbecausepeoplepanicandtryto swim against the current. This causes exhaustion and eventually drowning. The important thing if you do get caught in a rip tide is not to panic. Relax, floatonyourbacktosaveyourenergyandraiseonearmasadistresssignal. Noteinwhichdirectiontheripistakingyou,isitstraightoratanangle?Tryto swim to the right or left of the direction of flow, but never against it. If you can'tswimouttoeithersideoftherip,justgowithit.Mostripswon'ttakeyou outfarandwillusuallyspityououtnotlongaftertheytakeyou.Thekeyisto staycalmandsaveyourenergyfortheswimbacktoshore.
Whatappearthesafestandcalmestplacetoswimisusuallyaripasthisisa bodyofwaterwithnowwaveactivity Allthewatercomingintoshoremust gobacksomehow,andthisiswhatcreatesarip.Alwaystakeafewminutesto observesurfconditions,especiallywheretheseconditionsarepresent.Speak tolocalsaboutsafeareas.Riptidesareatitsworstathightide,springtideand verywindydays.Thebestandsafesttimetoswimisduringlowtidewhenthe seaiscalmer
With much anticipation on 28 November 2022, Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL),asubsidiaryoftheOhlthaver&List(O&L)Group,launchedtheirlatest responsible drinking campaign – “Take a Second” – designed and executed by full-serviceagencyandfellowO&Lsubsidiary,O&LBrandX.Thelatestedition to NBL's longstanding commitment to responsible drinking, the new campaign was announced alongside the company's online learning platform, EduDrink, beinglaunchedtothepublicaswell.
Atthelaunchevent,O&LBrandXManaging Director (MD), Patricia Hoeksema, took the audience through NBL's past responsible drinking campaigns, including the “It's the Beer that should beDrunk–notyou”campaignin2003; “Welcome to your new life”; and more recently the “#TAKES A NATION” AND “#BE THE ONE” campaigns during the years of the pandemic. From drinking and driving to underage drinking, Hoeksema noted how NBL's campaigns have evolved over the years with a greater range of stakeholders joiningtheseefforts.Hoeksema:“Aswe began to adapt and evolve with the times, our approach began to include a variety of options that spoke to our consumersdifferently
“With the support of the National Road Safety Council, NAMPOL, City of Windhoek, RoadsAuthority and Motor VehicleAccident Fund we continued to roll out messaging aimed at reversing the socially acceptable behavior of drinking and driving with awareness of theconsequencesoftheseactions.”
NBLMD, Marco Wenk, introduced the
new campaign, stating that all it takes is a second to make the right decision: “Our 'Take a Second' campaign will focus on a straightforwardandsimpleapproachanda mainmessage:Takeasecondtothinkabout theeffectsofyouractions.Bycapturingthe attentionofouraudiencewiththismessage, weintendtoensuretheconsumerbecomes aware of their actions and contemplates whether their behaviour is acceptable, or places them and those around them at possiblerisk.”
“To complement this campaign, today we are also excited to launch EduDrink to the public. Following its success within the O&LGroup and a few corporate partners, and our desire to spread the responsible drinkingmessageasfaraswecan,wewant to equip as many people as possible with the right information to make the right decisionsaboutalcohol,”Wenkadded.
Noting that NBL's educational initiative will support the National Road Safety Campaignlaunchedon22November2022, guest of honour, Lt Gen Joseph Shimweelao Shikongo, Inspector-General of the Namibian Police, further said: “You may be all aware, experience has shown
that when laws are not accompanied by an effective system of education and enforce-ment,theywouldfail tohavetheirdesiredeffector out-come.
“It is a fact that some drivers andotherroadusersareoften unawareoftheriskstheyrun, when drinking, and tend to undervalue the protective effectsoflegislation.Thus,it is important to understand
why people fail to follow these rules, in order to plan and implementappropriateaction.
“Therefore,enforcementismore effective when accompanied by publicawarenesscampaignsthat make potential violators believe they are likely to be stopped, leading to a rapid decline in the number of traffic law violations.”
For more information on EduDrink:
Thereisanoldsayingthatgoes,“Itisthethoughtthatcounts.” If you think about it, spending time with loved ones really is betterthanreceivingaphysicalgift.Thiswayyouaddvalueto yourtimeandnotaddstresstoatimeofyearthatissupposed tobepeacefulandcalmbyrunningaroundfromshoptoshop inafrenzyhuntingforgiftsforeveryone.
Another very big advantage is you save money in an already difficult economic time by choosing time over money If you do decide to do Christmas shopping, do so throughout the year by hunting sales. Being mindful of our list throughout the year will save you from stress in the holiday and will be friendlier on your wallet. If you missed the early shoppingtrainthisyear,startyourChristmasbudgetalreadyinJanuaryof thenewyear
Another waytogoaboutsavingratherthanspendingistohaveakindchat withfamilymembersaboutskippingpresentsforasharedmealandstocking up of stockings. It might be a very welcoming conversation for everyone,aseveryonewillsavemoneyintheend.
It is also ok to regift.The brand-new slow cooker your grandmother gave youwhenyoualreadyhavetwocouldeasilyberegiftedtosomeoneelse.Be smart,itsavesmoneyandkeepsagiftfromgoingunused.
Anothergreatideaistogetcraftyandgiftsomethingmemorableandoneof a kind. Even putting together a gift basket of favourites says merry Christmas.
You can also decide to save on costs for family presents and rather as a family come together to donate to a charity Or give them a gift that can make a real difference in their life, something an ornament just can't do. Thatway,everyoneisblessed.
Namib Rage, a Namibian prestigious event organising company has presented the successfulSoundofSummereventforthepastsixyears.
Savanna, Namibia's most loved cider has partnered with Namib Rage to headline the SAVANNA SOUND OF SUMMER this year on 28 December attheLangstrandTidal Pools.
Carel Rautenbach, coowner of Namib Rage said during a recent site visit: "It is a pleasure for this established event to partner with Savanna to present an epic Summer party Our artist line-up includes seasoned Namibian and South African DJs, bringing twelve hours of music to the beach.
Furthermore, we are proud to be in a position toemploymorethan200 staff at our events and supportlocalbusiness”. "Savanna is a modern, bold and fun cider and wewanttomakesurethe event reflects this by offering a truly Namibian experience. It is importantthatlocalsuppliers are supported and the catering, production, equipment, set up and othersuppliersaremostly from Walvis Bay, SwakopmundandWindhoek." said BeverlyJandrell, Distell Namibia Trade Marketing Manager
to deliver a safe and incident-free event which is why the organisers have been working closely with NAM-POL, local authorities, varioussecuritycompanies, local lifeguards and first-response teams This will ensure that public safety is wellkept.
Security will be very strict with various checks before entry and definitely, no under-18s will be allowed regardless of whether or not theyareticketholders.
Howler, an event payment system will be in place, where each attendee has a wallet
attached to their access bracelet. Preevent topupsthatlinkatickettoa unique bracelet will be available, thus event goers can mitigate standing in long queues or taking any cash to the event.
Sound of summer provides free bus transfers to and from the event andwillbeavailablefor all revellers so that they can enjoy themselves without having to drive home.
"It has been a pleasure working hands-on for the past eight months with the professional team at Namib Rage to ensure that the event is
aligned with the brand ethos of Savanna," Jandrellcontinued.
Various tickets includinggeneralaccess,VIP and VVIP are being
released in phases on Howler Phase one VIP tickets sold out in five hours.Phasetwowillbe available from 18 November More infor-
mation is available on Namib Rage's website and social media platforms as well as Savanna Namibia's Facebookpages.
TheWalvisBayMunicipalSwimming Pool is open for lots of fun in the sun duringthisfestiveseason.
NamibTimesvisitedtheswimmingpool this weekend, and found the facility packed with youngsters enjoying themselves. A lifeguard team from the Namibian Navy sits at the edge of the poolforthesafetyoftheswimmers.The swimming pool is open between 10:00 and 17:00 during the week and on
weekends the facility opens at 11:30 and closes as 17:00. Children (under 16 years) pay N$23 entrance fee and adults pay N$36.80. Entrance for senior citizens is free.
Remember to take extra precaution with sun exposure between 12:00 and 15:00 whenthesunisatitshottest.Getthefamily together, pack the sunscreen, hats and towels and enjoy a day at the swimming pool.
His House Care Centre, a non-profit organisation at Walvis BayrunbyInavanHeerdenJonesthankedtheorganisation's donorsfortheirsupportthroughouttheyearinacelebration of thanksgiving with much festive cheer on Thursday, 8 December.
Walvis Bay Mayor, Cllr Trevino Forbes joined the celebration where the dedication and commitment of staff members of the CareCentrewerehighlighted,andstaffmemberswerepresented with certificates for the training they underwent during the past year Jonesthankedallthedonorsof2022,andeveryonethatmade thecelebrationpossibleandsuccessful.
Dune7AdventureslocatedclosetoDune7,isabusinessonits own, and is separate from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism'snowprotectedDune7.
The new rules around the entry fees to access Dune 7 are only applicable to the dune itself, and information on this can be obtainedbycontactingtheMinistryofEnvironmentandTourism. The gate where entrance fees must be paid to go to the dune is locatedclosetoDune7anddoesnotaffectcustomerswhowantto visitDune7Adventures.
Dune7Adventuresareopendailythroughouttheyear,from8:00 untilthesunsets.
“Bringyourfamilyandenjoythedaywithus.Wehavecleantoilet facilitiesandahugeLapatohidefromthedesertheat.Relaxwhile enjoying a boerewors roll. We have a kiosk with cold beverages andsnacks.Dune7Adventureslooksforwardtoyourvisit.”
Ingredients: Candy canes, lolly sticks, white choc sprinkles.
·Heatovento180degreesCelsiusandline2baking sheetswithbakingparchment.
· Arrange the candy canes in pairs on the trays, to makeheartshapes.
·Putalollystickbetweeneachone,wheretheymeet atthebottom.Putthetraysintheovenandcook
Thecandycanesshouldnowbesoftenoughforyou tocarefullypinch together where they join at the top and the bottom, aroundthestick.
Be careful as the canes will be extremely hot, but workquicklyorthey willsetandyouwon'tbeabletopinchthemtogether
·Melt the chocolate in a pan over a bowl of barely simmering water, or in the microwave. Spoon the meltedchocolateintothemiddleoftheheart lollies, pushingitouttofillthespaces.
·Scatteroveryourchoiceofsprinkles,thenleaveto cool completely When set, peel off the baking parchment, wrap in cellophane bags and tie with a ribbontogiveasagiftoruseasdecorationsforyour Christmaslunchtable.
As the central coast is expected to be flooded by holidaymakersthisfestiveseason,visitorsareonceagainreminded of the municipal regulations relating to the control of the seashore,theseaanditsenvironment.
VisitorsplanningoncampingatLangstrand,shouldremembertonot;camp ontheseashoreovernight,orstartabraaiorbonfireiftheydon'tusesuitable andremovablecontainers.PetsandQuadbikesarePROHIBITEDfromthe campsites.
Forthosewho'dratheroptfortheDolphinParkChalets,therulesaresimple. Notentsareallowedongrass,nosmokingofanykind,nobraais,nofires,no pets, no loud noise, and under no circumstances are any children allowed (wellthatisunlesstheirparentsarearound).
And for the rest of the visitors, destination unspecified;ifyoulitterorvandalisebewarethe finesofuptoN$1000oreventhreemonthsjail time.
Ifyou'refishing,getapermitattheMinistryof Fisheries and Marine Resources in either Swakopmund or Walvis Bay You can contact Swakopmund at 064 – 410 1000 or in Walvis Bay at 064 – 201 6111 if there is anything you want to ask or simply to wish them a merry Christmas.
The MunicipalTraffic Division and NAMPOL Trafficwillexercisestrictcontroloverroaduse, soadheretotherulesoftheroad,wearasafety belt, don't exceed speed limits, don't drink or textwhileyoudrive.
No fireworks! Permission to shoot fireworks must be obtained from the Namibian Police (Chief Inspector Explosives) and the MunicipalityofWalvisBay Andrememberwhenbuyingstreetfood,dosoat yourownriskalsokeepyourpetsonaleashand theirpoopoffthestreets.
Acruise is not only about where you are going or howmanydolphinsyousee,butalsoabouttheboat you are on that really gives you a whole new experience. Namibia Dolphin & Seal Catamaran Cruises’ Yacht Manatee is one of the best catamaransinoperationtoday
Their tours are narrated in English, German and Afrikaans.
The catamaran is wheelchair friendly, and guests get personal attention with never more than 12 passengers to one crew member Morning and afternoon cruises are on offer as well as sunset cruisesandprivatecharters.
Don’t miss out on an unforgettable experience, call Captain Carol-Ann Möller on : +264 (0) 81 2098169
WalvisBayisabouttogetalittlesweeter.Thetownisgettingawelcometreatwith theanticipatedopeningoftheIceCreamHutintheheartofWalvisBayinHage GeingobAvenue next to the Biltong Café. The new Ice Cream Hut will open its doorsforthefirsttimeonSaturday,17December.
Forowner,RudiKober,theopeningisclose to his heart. Rudi returned to Namibia, the countryofhisbirthafter29yearsoflivingin South Africa. A short visit to Walvis Bay convinced Rudi he had found the right town for this venture. After many hours of researching every ice cream available in the country,andsatisfiedwithtrackingdownthe best quality, best flavours, and the largest selectionimaginable,Rudidecidedtotakea leapoffaithandmakethemovefromSouth AfricatoNamibia. Whatcamewiththatleap isafull-serviceIceCreamHut.“Itwasnotan easy decision, and it took a year of soul searchingandplanningbeforeIfeltreadyto undertake the big move,” Rudi told the Namib Times and said it took a lot of creativity and decerning knowledge to
purchase the best quality equipment required for the new business. Finally, after hours of hard work, Rudi is ready for an exciting and uniqueopeningdayoftheIceCreamHut. The hut offers much more than just ice cream. The shop offers daily six unique soft serve flavours which will change daily Customers can choose from 30 plus different flavoured milkshakes, 10 different frappes, 10 different Sundaes, 14 different flavoured scoop ice creams are available, and waffles of different kinds.
Apart from sweet treats for the whole family, the shop also offers the only one of its kind at the coast, specialised coffee Seating is availableinsideandoutsideoryoucanpopin foratake-away.
from which the visitors can observe the animals and immerse themselves in the unique atmosphere of the Omaruru GameLodgeorrelaxbythepool. Both the leopard and the cheetahs are situated on the lodge site. Join the daily feeding at 18:00 and experience those beautifulwildcatseyetoeye.
The Junior Town Council (JTC) donated about 300 Christmas gift boxes to children living in Swakopmund recently.The Christmas gift box project aims to help underprivileged children, especially during the holiday season, by giving themearlyChristmaspresents.
Thegiftsnormallyincludetoys,toiletries,and clothing for younger children between the ages of five and 14. This year's theme was inspired by a quote that reads, “It only takes one person to change the world, let it begin withyou".
Annually, the JTC hosts various types of socialactivitiesthatareaimedtowardscontributingtotheupliftmentofthecommunityof Swakopmund with a specific focus on the youth. These projects include the Christmas
in a box project where the JTC collects various items from donors and prepare gift hampers which they further distribute to the less privilegedchildren.
The JTC's Coordinator/supervisor, Delinda Hanessaid,“weareawarethatchildreneagerly anticipate receiving gifts over the holiday season, but some of them are unable to do so because of their financial situation. Our goal has beentofillthegapbetweenindividualsinneed andthosewhowanttohelp.”
Hanes further said, “as a result, thanks to the support of numerous organisations and individuals, this project has been a success as we work to brighten every child's holidaythroughthegenerosityofothers. Weherebywishtoacknowledgeand extend our gratitude to our various stakeholders around Swakopmund
who extended their hand toward theproject.Yourvaluableandkind assistance ensured that we put a smile on the faces of these children.”
The Junior Town Council wishes the residents of Swakopmund a joyousfestiveseason.
FounderoftheNamibianMarshallRangers(NMR),SeanNaudemadeavailable asadonationfromtheprivatesector,abrandnew,fullyequipped4x4ambulance totheMunicipalityof WalvisBay.
Naude handed over the ambulance which was sponsored to NMR by M+Z Motors as partoftheircontributiontowardcommunity servicestotheMayorofWalvisBay,Trevino ForbesonWednesdaythisweekafterNaude learnt the Walvis Bay Municipality has no
ambulance services. “We were told there is no municipalambulanceinWalvis Bay, so on behalfofM+ZMotorsandtheNamibianMarshall RangersEmergencyRescueServices,wehave decided to help by donating a Mahindra 4x4 ambulancetothemunicipalitywithfullcrewat theirservice.”
The NMR will be operating and manning the ambulanceandmergewiththeWalvisBayFire Department to provide emergency services to themunicipaldistrictofWalvisBay Naudetold the Namib Times the ambulance will be permanently stationed in the district of Walvis Bay “NMR decided to sponsor our 4x4 ambulance for this service because of the Walvis Bay District's tough terrain. A 4x4 ambulanceisneededwiththedunesandallthe gravel roads”, Naude said and emphasised the ambulance is provided with the intention to complement existing ambulance/emergency services.
The mayor, who received the ambulance on behalf of the municipality and residents, said the donation comes at a perfect time, as we approachthefestiveseason.
The ambulance is now available with a medicalteamonstandbyandcanbecontacted byanyoneonthetoll-freenumber,919.
Aswelookbackattheyear2022,wedosowithprideasaMunicipality Prideinthe progresswehavemadeintermsofservicedeliveryaswellasthedevelopmentof key strategic goals and projects which will serve as beneficial to ourvisitors and residentsalike.
Not only have we reached many milestones suchastheupgradeoftheDRCFirestation, theconstructionofoutdoorfitnessequipment and the revamping of the DRC soccer field, but we have managed through different activitiestorestorethedignityofmanyofour residents.
2022 was not free of challenges, trials, and tribulations, however, as Council we have implemented a 20-year strategic plan which will serve as a pathway to the development
andfruitionoffutureendeavours.Wethuslook forward to a better and brighter future for Swakopmundasthecityofadventure.
Thetimehasarrivedtorelax,dipourfeetinthe sand and possibly roll down from the dunes. Swakopmund is home to many exciting activities ranging from quad biking, ocean dips, fishing, and several other recreational activities.AstheMayorofthisbeautifultown,I would like to implore you to explore and experience the best we as residents and businessownershavetooffer
Do not shy away from visiting our restaurants andbeautifulcoffeeshopsasIcanconfidently recommend them all. We have a recreational beacharearefurbishedjustintimetoofferyou a pleasurable and safe beach experience and whileyouareatit,Irecommendyoumakeuse of our outdoor gym facilities installed specificallytoensureyourfitnessneedsaremetwhilst onholiday
Andonthatnote,Iwouldliketowishyoualla safefestiveseason,filledwithlaughter,joyand familytime.
We look forward to offering improved service delivery in 2023 but until then, Merry ChristmasandaHappyNewYear!
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It is that time of theYearagain, the time families and friends come togetherand reflectontheachievementsmadeandthechallengesfacedoverthelast12months. AtimetoshowourimmensegratitudetoGodforthemerciesHebestowedonus throughouttheyear.
2022 was quite a year and we only have God, our stakeholders, and community members to thank for the substantial supportwehavereceivedthroughoutthe year We clearly couldn't have overcome most of our challenges if it was not for yourinvolvementinourvariousprojects. OneofthebiggestlessonsIhavelearned this year is that “Happiness comes from helpingothers”.
Thus, I would like to urge those that are able to lend a helping hand - to please open their hearts and share with those whoarelessfortunateinourcom-munity andmaketheholidayseasonjustasgreat for them. This is the best time to show love and compassion and look after our neighbors.
AsCouncil,ourdoorsareopenasperthe schedule shared on all our social plat-
forms in our quest to bring and deliver quality services to our community.
However,Iwouldstillliketourgeourprepaidwatercustomerstoensuretheirtokens are charged to avoid any inconveniences duringthepublicholidays.
Weareallquiteawareoftheexcitementthe holidayseasonbrings,thusIwouldliketo appealtomotoristsandpedestrianstotake extra caution on the roads to avoid road fatalities.
LetusalltakeapledgetomakethisChristmasspecialbyreducingroadfatalities.Let usallensuresafetyonourroadsbyalways obeying the traffic rules. Let us all aim to arrivealive.
ItisinthisspiritthatIwouldliketoextend mywarmestwishesfortheFestiveSeason andfurtherwishyouaprosperous2023.
As the holiday season approaches, we find ourselves 2022 has been quite a year for us all!! and we are grateful to We trust that this year has been just as memorable for you, our community members and stakeholders.
During the holiday season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have helped in building our community.
It is in this spirit that we say thank you and send best wishes for the holidays and New Year.
TheSwakopmundcouncil,introducestheBeachAccessPlanthisfestiveseasonascouncilreceives countless applications from residents and visitors forthe hosting of a variety of events along this well-known coastal resort that attracts many recreational users on both a casual and organised basis. Furthermore, the Swakopmund Municipality will be launching the refurbished Northern Beachfacilitieson16December.
The Swakopmund Beach, Parks and Jetty Regulations which seek to safeguard and preserve the beach,recreationalparks,andjetty,whileindividuals still enjoy themselves when visiting the beach, are being updated by Council. This Swakopmund Beach Access Plan is in line with the Swakopmund Beach, Parks, and Jetty Regulations which gives Council the authority to declare,restrictorcloseoffanyareaforaparticular use.As a result, this plan will therefore complement Council's Beach Regulations. “When residentsandvisitorswishtohostactivitiesalong the beach, they will be subjected to follow the eventapplicationguidelinesthatwillbereviewed and approved by the Events Committee.” The MunicipalityofSwakopmund'sPublicRelations Officer,LindaMupupasaid.
Applicants often compete for the best sites encouraging conflict and disagreement. Mupupa says in the past, allegations of favouritism were madewhencouncilallocatedsitesforevents.The situationisfurtheraggravatedbytheabsenceofa Beach Access Plan that designates zones where certain recreational activities are permitted, restricted,prohibitedorregulated.“Thepurposeof this plan is to effectively manage and control recreational activities that individuals choose to refresh and recharge their bodies and minds and make their leisure time more interesting and enjoyable ” Mupupa said These activities include triathlons, swimming, beach soccer/ netball,kayakingandsurfingamongothers.
“Tocontrolcrowdingatonevenuefornumerous activitiesandtoclearlyidentifywhichlocationis designatedforacertainactivity,thisplanwillbe utilised as a guide for decision-making. The
document will significantly simplify the applicationandapprovalprocessesforbothresidentsand staff members. Transparency, consistency, and prompt decision-making will eventually be enhanced,” Mupupasaidandexplained,“thisplanis applicable to the beach area stretching from the Swakop river to the northern most beacon of the caravanpark,knownasMile4.Itincludestheland between the low tide mark and first proclaimed streetorsurveyederfor100meterseastwardsfrom the low tide mark, whichever is the nearest to the lowtidemark.”
The recreation facility situated at the Northern Beach Development area was recently completed anditisnowreadytobeusedandenjoyedbythepublic.Thefacilitycomprisesofakiosk,ablutionand shower facilities, life savers room, braaiing stands andafencedplayground.
The recreational facility provides a conducive environmentwhereresidentsandvisitorscanrelax andenjoywhatSwakopmundhastooffer Thefacilityfurtherprovidesneededamenitiesandservices to the residents such as braai facilities, open green area, a playground and a space for social interaction.
Since Swakopmund is a tourist and holiday destination, the facilities will provide the public a safe space to relax and have fun especiallyduring peak holidayseasons.
The BeachAccess Plan makes provision for but is not restricted to various activities in designated areasofthecoastlinenamelyBoatlaunching,Freestyle jet skiing, Kayaking, Picnicking/Sunbathing, Sailing,Surfing,Swimming,Waterskiing,Treasure Hunting,Beachvolleyball,Beachsoccer,Triathlon, WeddingsandKiddiesentertainment.
Looking for excitement? Planning a fantastic holiday with loadsofmemoriestolookbackon?
Then The Strand Hotel Swakopmund will be the place to be this festiveseason.
May it be a special and beautiful Christmas Eve Dinner, a traditionalfamilyChristmasLuncheonoravibeystartto2023. It isallhappeningrighthere.
TotopthattheStrandHotelSwakopmundwillbeshowcasingthe most amazing artists, LIVE, as from 10 December and will continue all the way through to 25 December We want you grooving,singinganddancingalongto,amongstothers,TheEll's, Lin Marie, Momo, Monique English and so many more at the AtlanticBeatsEventattheStrandHotel. Let'srockthisholiday! Christmas Eve will be a very memorable and special event at the FarmhouseDeli.Youwillneedtobooksoonestifyoudon'twantto missoutonthemostdelectableChristmasEveDinnerwhichwill includemouthwateringdishessuchasCanapeswithChampagne, PepperCrustedSalmon,CrispyDuckandlet'snotforgettosatisfy that sweet tooth with a variety of desserts such and Swiss Cream andmanymoredishestochoosefrom.
Sharing their talents and creating Christmas spirit will be the SwakopmundAcapellaSingers.
Would you rather go out for a family lunch on Christmas Day? Well,TheFarmhouseDeliisheretomakeyouandyourfamilyfeel right at home with a scrumptious Christmas Day Buffet that will satisfy the fussiest of palates. On offering will be a carvery, different scrumptious pots, loads of salads and veggies, a live pancakeandwafflestation,achocolatefountainandsomuchmore.
The Farmhouse Deli is ready for 2023 and we hope you are too. ComeandjointheteamforadeliciousNewYearsEvedinnerwith livecookingstations,ahugevarietyofmeats,salads,slowbraised Oxtail,andmanymoremouth-wateringdishes. Hello2023! JointheteamattheBrewerandButcheron1January 2023. Ahugeamountofefforthasgoneintoplanningafunmenu, greatvibesandgoodspiritforyou,yourfriends,andyourfamily Thebestplacetobe,forsure,onthefirstdayof2023!TheBrewer andButcherattheStrandHotel Don't miss out on these fun activities during the month of DecemberandnotethatwealsoofferascrumptiousSundayBuffet at the Farmers Deli with a little something special to keep you comingbackformore.
Book now to avoid disappointment!All menus and performances can be found on the Strand Hotel Swakopmund website.
Seniorcitizens,residinginSwakopmundhadtheprivilegeof enjoying an early Christmas with the Mayor of Swakopmund, Dina Namubes, the Governor of Erongo region NevilleItopeandotherdignitarieslatelastmonth.
About 1 300 registered pensioners in Swakopmund each received a hamper consisting of the basic food necessities such as sugar,coffee,maizemeal,pastapolana,sweets,andcannedfish, madepossiblebythekinddonationsfromOranoMiningNamibiaincollaborationwithSuperSparSwakopmundandtheSwakopmundMunicipality
Inherremarks,Namubessaid,“thisisaveryspecialdayonthe MayoralCalendarasitisanopportunityforustobeamongour elders.IcannotthinkofanothergreatwaytocelebrateChristmas andtoendofthisyearthanbyspendingtimewithourelders,so thankyouforallowingustobeherewithyoutoday AsCouncil, webelieveinthespiritofsharingwiththosearoundusandasa token of our appreciation, we have decided to spend time with ourelderlycommunitymembers.”
AccordingtoNamubes,mosteldersaredoingatremendousjob in the lives of many people as they look after their children, grandchildren, and relatives. Namubes said: “Some even open theirhomesandsharethelittletheyhavewithstrangersandthis tomeisreallyremarkable.”
The holidays have finally arrived, and the season of thanksgiving, happiness andfamilytimeishere.
As the CEO of this amazing town, I feel privileged to be writing this message. 2022 has been an amazing year, marked with many achievements, and on behalf of the municipality, I can proudlysay,wehavealottocelebrate!
SwakopmundwasabuzzinFebruaryaswehosted the famous WorldSkills Competition. This organisationcelebratesvocationalskillsbyorganising the world championships of vocational skills.Everytwoyearsthiseventisheldindifferent parts of the world and this year, Swakopmunddidthemostasthehost.
Our beach walkway was extended and widened in April, and from my personal experience the numberofwalkers,joggersandcyclistshasmore thandoubledduetotheimproveddesign.Along withthewinners“BoboEleven”,theentiretown celebrated the annual Swakopmund Mayoral CupfootballtournamentinMay
TheShackDwellersFederationsawthecompletion, registration, and handover of 32 houses in June, bringing us one step closer to ensuring all residents have a roof over their heads and their dignityisrestored.
130 years since its inception, Swakopmund this year saw fit to host world-class celebrations for all its residents and visitors. The celebrations were hosted under the theme “Shining Since 1892”.The Matutura Cultural Festival was held for the first time, and it was indeed one for the books.
In October, the Council and the Ministry of UrbanandRuralDevelopmentofficiallyhanded over 319 Houses under the Mass Housing Project, to New Era Construction for completion. These houses are slated to be completed within18months.Indeed,anotherreasontocelebrate!
Mostimportantly,our20-yearstructuralplanhas been approved by the National Planning
Board/Ministry of Urban and Rural Development.ThiswillpavethewayforSwakopmund's strategic development and serve as a plan of action, alongside the Strategic Plan giving a bright future for Swakopmund and continued growth.
I would like to implore all those who will be spending their holidays in Swakopmund to be alertandensuretheirpersonalsafetyandthatof their property and belongings. The outbreak of fires in the informal settlement remains a concern, I however urge residents to take precautionary measures and remain vigilant when cooking and handling flammable materials. Please ensure you always have the emergency numbers issued by the Marketing and Communication Section (064 410 4218/9) on hand foryourconvenience.
SwakopmundMunicipalitywillcontinuetoprovideefficientservicetoourresidentsandvisitors andearnyourtrustandrespect.Asmyfinalnote for this year, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the staff members and Councillors for their exceptional work and the residentsfortheirloyalcontributionoverthepast12 months,itisbecauseofyouthatSwakopmundis abeaconofprosperityandhope.
On behalf of the municipality, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous2023.Mayitbeyourbestyearyet! Andonthatnote,welcometoSwakopmund,the centreofadventure!
It'sthattimeoftheyear,wheneverybodyislookingforwardtoa remarkablefestiveseasonatNamibia'scentralcoastalregion.
Unfortunately, holiday activities can have a devastating effect on our environment if we don't stay within the rules set to protect our natural beauty and biodiversity
Thecoastalareasfallwithinaseriesofcontiguousprotectedareas,namelythe SkeletonCoastPark,theDorobNationalPark,theNamibNaukluftParkandthe SperrgebietNationalPark.Byfollowingallrulesandregulations,youareassisting in the conservation of our coast and its biodiversity thus ensuring sustainability
FamiliariseyourselfwiththeParks'RulesandRegulationsandtheregulations relatedtotheharvestingofmarineresources. AdheretoallthemunicipalBy-lawsinplace.
Obtain a written authorisation from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET)officesforenteringorcampinginallparksandadheretotheparkrules.
IntheNationalParks,remainondemarcatedroutesanddonotventureintoother areaswithoutaqualifiedguide.
ObeyanylegalorderorinstructiongivenbyaLaw-enforcementOfficers. Complywiththeinstructionsonsignboards,pamphletsorcommunicatedinany manner
Enjoy the dunes between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay with your 4x4 / quad bike / motorbike in the designated 'Off-Road Vehicle' (ORV) area (central and southernpartofthedunebelt)whereafreepermitfromMETisrequired. InsidetheORVareas,stayonthedunesandavoidslipfaces,gravelplainsand vegetatedareas.
IntheDorobNationalPark:MotocrossbikesorquadbikesareONLYallowedto be driven on the beaches between Swakopmund and Henties Bay, and on
proclaimedroadsandclearlymarkedMETtracksand roads.
Obtain your permit for harvesting any Marine Resources from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR). Ensure to respect bag limits for fish,rocklobsterandwhitemussels.
Ensurethattouroperatorswhetherinaircraft,boator carkeepasafedistancefromwildlife.
DonotdriveofftheroadexceptondemarcatedORV areas– adhere to legal requirements. Off-road driving negatively impacts on the desert gravel plains, the lichen fields, and the breeding birds and destroy the aestheticbeautyofthearea.Dunedrivingisdangerous and where allowed should be undertaken with a professional,qualifiedguide.
Off-loadingofquadbikeandmotorisedbikebetween Walvis Bay and Swakopmund is only prohibited at designated off-loading areas (the Dune Belt between LangstrandandWalvisBay).
Vehiclesandpeopleonfootarenotallowedinclosed or exclusionary areas such as the Damara Tern bree-
Noovernightcampingisallowedonthebeachesorin the dunes without permission from the Ministry of Environment&Tourism(MET).
Donotleaveyourlitterbehind-userefusebinsand skipsprovidedortakeyourrubbishhome.Thatalso includediscardedfishingline,hooks,baitwrapping, emptybottlesandtins.
Do not drive over vegetation–small animals and vegetation are essentials for the desert ecosystem, your tracks will destroy them and leave permanent scarsonmudflats.
Do not leave bait or fish on the beach: Either take it home or return it to the sea. Fish and bait left on the beachesattractsscavengerslikejackalsandgullsthat predateonotherbiodiversity
Donotfeedwildlife–fedwildlifebecomedependent on“hand-outs”andbecomeaggressivewhennofood isgiventothem.
Donotremove,collect,pick,destroy,tamperwithor damageanyegg,nestorburrow,tree,plant,mineral or any other object of botanical, zoo logical, geological,archaeological,historicalimportance.
HolyMass HolyRosary
Service BL.Bakanja,DRC
Service SanctaFamilia,MONDESA
HolyMass St.Stephanus,TAMARISKIA
Service St.John,ARANDIS
Service HolyRedeemer,HENTIES 24-12-2022CHRISTMASEVE
HolyMass HolyRosary
Service BL.Bakanja,DRC
HolyMass SanctaFamilia,MONDESA
Service St.Stephanus,TAMARISKIA
Service St.John,ARANDIS
HolyMass BL.Bakanja,DRC 09h30 Service SanctaFamilia,MONDESA 10h00 HolyMass St.Stephanus,TAMARISKIA 09h30 Service St.John,ARANDIS
31-12-2-22 18h00 HolyMass HolyRosary 21:00 SpecialWorshippingandThanksgivingEvening (Rosary,Adoration,TestimoniesandHolyMass) -SantaFamiliaParishMondesa PleasebringalongyourCandle 1January2023MaryMotherofGod 08:00HolyMass -HolyRosaryParish
TransUnion has released new findings around global e-commerce fraud during the start of the 2022holidayshoppingseason–anditmakesforsoberingreading.Theanalysisfound15%ofall globale-commercetransactionsreviewedbetweenNovember24-28werepotentiallyfraudulent. In Namibia, 6% of all e-commerce transactions during that period were suspected to be fraudulent–astaggering54%increaseonlastyear. Fraudulentactivitytendstobeparticularlyprevalentinonlineretailduringtheholidayshoppingseason. That's why it's important that online retailers find ways to ensure consumer security while also deliveringaseamlessshoppingexperience. We'dliketoofferyouaninterviewwithLaraBurger,generalmanageratTransUnionNamibia,totalk about the types of fraudulent transactions taking place; the growing trend of online fraud; and what Namibian retailers can do to detect fraud at the first warning sign, without inhibiting the consumer journey
TransUnionreleasednewfindingstodayaroundglobale-commercefraudthatoccurredduringthestart of the 2022 holiday shopping season.The analysis found 15% of all global e-commerce transactions reviewed between November 24-28 were potentially fraudulent.[1] For transactions originating from Namibia,6%ofe-commercetransactionsduringthatperiodweresuspectedtobefraudulent. These findings are based on intelligence from billions of transactions contained in TransUnion's TruValidate™fraudanalyticssolutionsuite.Theanalysisalsodeterminedthattheaveragenumberof suspecteddigitalfraudattemptsonanygivendayduringthatholidayperiodgloballywas82%higher thanduringtherestoftheyear(Jan.1,2022toNov 23,2022).FortransactionsoriginatinginNamibia, thepercentagewas23%lowerthanduringtherestoftheyearbutwas54%higherthanthesameperiod in 2021. “Fraudulent activity tends to be particularly prevalent in online retail during the holiday shopping season,” said Shai Cohen, senior vice president and head of global fraud solutions at TransUnion. “Despite the fact that consumers have begun returning in larger numbers to in-person shoppinginthepost-pandemicera,onlineretailcontinuestobethepreferredmeansofholidayshopping formany It'simportantthatonlineretailersensureconsumersecurityandprivacyprotections,whichis important to consumers, but in a way which ensures a seamless shopping experience that minimises unnecessaryfriction.”
Tope-commercefraudtypesrevealed TransUnionalsorevealedintheanalysisthetoptypesoffraudulente-commercetransactionsglobally Thisyear,promotionabuse(userabusessitepromotionssuchasrefer-a-friend,freegiveaways,etc.)and account takeover (someone other than the owner of an account uses it without permission, indicating thattheaccounthasbeenmaliciouslycompromised)werethetoptypesofdigitalfraudinretail.“Online retailersmustequipthemselveswiththepropertoolstodetectfraudatthefirstwarningsign,andwithout inhibitingtheconsumerjourney,”saidLaraBurger,generalmanagerTransUnionNamibia.“It'smore importantthaneverthattheseonlineretailersimplementholisticfraudsolutionsthatareabletoverify customer identity and authenticity at the very beginning of a transaction without resulting in false positivesthatmaycostthemlegitimatetransactions.”
TransUnion monitors digital fraud attempts reported by businesses in varied industries such as gambling,gaming,financialservices,healthcare,insurance,retail,andtravelandleisure,amongothers. Theconclusionsarebasedonintelligencefrombillionsoftransactionsandmorethan40,000websites and apps contained in TransUnion's flagship identity insights, digital insights, omnichannel authentication,andfraudanalyticssolutionsuite–TruValidate™.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, parti culars of whichappear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee,RegionErongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: JodyLAHRaaths,P.O Box42 Uis.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates:
3. Address/location of premisestowhichapplication relates: Erf 680 Uisstreet,Uis.
4. Nature and details of application: Application for Special LiquorLicence
5.Clerkofthecourtwith whom the application willbelodged: Clerkof theMagistrate'sCourt, districtOmaruru.
6. Date on which the application will be lodged:28December2022
7. Date of meeting of committee at which applicationwillbeheard 08February2023.
Any objection or written submission in termsofsection28ofthe Act in relation to the application must be sent ordeliveredtotheSecretaryoftheCom mitteetoreach the Secretary not less than 21 days before thedateofthemeetingof the the heard.
Wouldliketothankall itscustomersthroughout 2022.Wewishyoua MerryChristmasanda Blessed2023. Weareopenduring Decemberexcept25,26 Decemberand1 January2023. Forfurtherinfocontact 064202818
Landscaping&plant doctor
Originalpalm&tree trimming Plantinggrassandflowers Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs Cuttingbigtrees Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting. Contact:0812748447 ASHIKANGA CONSTRUCTION
Namibia-SouthAfrica Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam
TORENT:Narraville Bachelorflat N$3000.00p/m Nodeposit. W/E incl. Builtincupboards Contact:0814796332
TOLET: SwakopmundJabulani
A2-bedroomhousewithone bathroom,sitting-roomand kitchennowavailabletorent atDesertflats.Itisneatly tiled.Depositwillbe required.NOGARAGE Rent:N$3800permonth (Water and Electricity included) Contact:0814554176
TORENT:Swakopmund Tamariskiahouse.Athreebedroomhousewithgarage, kitchen,diningroom,TV room,andtwobathroomsto rentforN$8000.00waterand electricityincludedfora smallfamily Deposit payable.Availablefrom31st December2022.Contact 0812898668or0814351012
TORENT:Backyardflat availableNarraville 1bedroom,openplankitchen /livingroom.Bathroomwith shower.N$3000.00p/m single.N$3200.00p/m couple.DepositN$2000.00 payableover4months W/Eincl. Contact:0813514477
ToBuy:SwakopmundBrandnew3bedroom houseforSaleinMondesa.
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1BEDROOMUNITS: N$220,000.00
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Valid Code of Conduct At least 3 years provable mining industry experience Own accommodation
Send CV's and required documents to: Indicate which position you apply for Closing date: 23.12.2022
JOB WANTED: I am a 48 year old woman looking for domestic work or babysitting in Swakopmund or Long Beach, I am hardworking and readytostartimmediately contact:0813755619
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JOB WANTED: I am a 45 year old woman looking for d o m e s t i c w o r k i n Swakopmund for 2 days in a week. I can come clean your home before Christmas, since my employer relocated to Windhoek. I have 6 years experience in cleaning and ironing My former employer Mrs Pauly: 081 488 0249 My contact: 081 3045730
JOBWANTED:Iama 27yearoldyounglady lookingforemployment inthelogisticsindustry.I holdaBachelor'sdegree inLogistics&Supply ChainManagement,in additionIhaveover2 yearsworkingexperience. Iamhard-working,works wellunderpressure, willingtolearn. Contact0816485783
JOB WANTED: A 36 year old lady and a young girl are lookingforaholidayjobsuch as to clean, wash, iron, abysit, guesthouse, restaurantandhotelworkfor1 to 3 days or a whole week in SwakopmundorLongBeach. With 5 years experience and references We are hardworkingandreadytostart immediately Contact: 081 5681201/0816960155
WERKGESOEK: EkPaulAfrikaner40jaaroud is opsoek na yard skoonmaak werk, vee, vensters was. Ek kanenigetydbegin. Kontak:0816673648
JOB WANTED: Qualified diesel mechanic immediately available with 30 years experience - trucks, trailers, earthmoving equipment tractorsandfarmimplements. Speaks Afrikaans, English & German(good) Willie:0814670040
Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof
1 Name and postal address of applicant: SamuelHipondoka.
2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: Sea WaterLifeBarNo.1
3. Address/location of
licensed premises to whichapplicationrelates: Twahangana Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay
4. Nature and details of application: Transfer of theLicence.
5.Whereapplicationwill be lodged: Magistrate, District,WalvisBay.
6 Date on which application will be lodged: 16 December 2022.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the MagistrateoftheDistrict, to reach the Magistrate notlaterthan7daysafter the date on which the applicationislodged.
The Blush Foundation team participated in the Desert Dash to raise funds to procure and distribute sanitary towels to young girls from underprivileged backgrounds, while at the same timeeducatingthemonmenstrualhealth.
The team that consisted ofAlden Strauss,Andre Diergaardt, Antony Drotsky and Rene Strauss completed the annual Desert Dash a 24-hour mountain bike race covering 393km through the oldest desert in the world from Windhoek to Swakopmund.
Theteam'sentryintothedashwasmadepossible through Nedbank's generosity with their sponsorshipofa4-manteamentryintothedash. TheBlushFoundationutilizedtheopportunityto cycle for positive change within the lives of Namibian children through establishing the “1 DollarperKilometer”campaignforthedash. After making it through the grueling yet adventurous six stages from Windhoek to Swakopmund, the team finished 68th out of 72 four-manteamsthatfinishedtherace.
Trustee and Founder of The Blush Foundation, Charlene Hartung, said The Blush Foundation team raised funds to aid their 2023 initiatives as wellasfundtheirsub-initiativetitledTheSanitary Towel Project and support 170 menstruating younggirlswithayear'ssupplyofsanitarytowels. “Wethankedeveryonefortheirdonationstoward theDesertDashcampaign,aseverydollarmakes a difference. The Blush Foundation is a none profit trust established only in 2022 for anyone
however marginalised and whatever their backgroundandcircumstance–canfindshelpthey need to build a fulfilling and productive life, while inspiring and supporting others to follow the same path.”
According to Hartung the foundation has hosted 2 fundraising events – one in Swakopmund and the otherinWindhoek.“Withthesetwoevents,wehave been able to raise funds to support the initiatives, mainlyforTheSanitaryTowelProject,aninitiative that procures and distribute sanitary towel to underprivileged girls in Namibia. The Blush Foundation has thus far already donated 15 000 sanitarytowelsacrossthecountry Itiswiththisthat we hope to create an opportunity for anyone, whetheraschool,hostel,oranyotherestablishment tofreelycontactuswheninneedofsanitarytowel.”
A special thank you is extended to their corporate sponsors:ErongoMarineEnterprises,JMRecovery ServicesccandOceanViewShell.
The public is urged to keep an eye on all social media platforms of The Blush Foundation, as they willsharemoreinformationonhowthefundsraised withthecampaignwillbeutilised.
ThisyearthePereiraSeafoodCo.NamibTrailswill be supporting The Blush Foundation by donating N$20 from every entry to their Sanitary Towel Project.
ForanydonationskindlycontactCharleneHartung at 0814461185 or Johnathan Harris at 0814910102 or email for banking details
UndertheauspicesofabrandnewsponsorGellertUnlimitedHospitality Services - the NAGU Championship was held at the Rossmund Golf Courseoverthepastweekend-inconjunctionwiththeSwakopmundPlaza HotelNALGUevent–withafieldofaround60playersfromallcornersof NamibiaincludingOranjemundintheSouthandTsumebintheNorth,not forgettingthelargecontingentfromtheCentralRegion.
Saturdaymorningsawthesuncomingoutearly-thatcanonlymeanone thing, wind in the afternoon, yes as expected the southwester did appear andplayedabitofhavocwiththeafternoonround.Unfortunatelytheday didnotyieldanyexceptionalscores.
StephanusBonifaciusendedthedayinfronton154grossgivinghimaone shotleadoverJuniorGolferKyleJohnson155grossandexproNeilTheron 156 gross; the “B” Division leader was George Murasiki on 164 gross followed by Joseph Martin 165 gross with Mr Steady himself, Helmut Ndjendja–oneshotbehind166gross.Sothingsweretightatthetop.
Achmet Abrahams had already stamped his mark on the “C” Division shootinga91gross;withWilnaBredenhannshooting83grossintheladies competition; stable ford leader with 36pts was Mariena Ludwig – 4pts aheadofnearestrivalChrisHeunis.
Sundaymorningwashotandhumidbutfortunatelyonly18holestoplay before the wind would takes its toll in the afternoon. Scores improved across the board with Walter Heibeb shooting the Best Score of the TournamentonSundaybeingaoneunderpar71gross.
ChristiaanGellertwasonhandwithMathiasHendricksentoofficiateatthe prize giving and had a few words to say about his company Gellert Unlimited.NAGUPresidentMarcoSwartsthankedhimfortheirgenerous sponsorship as well as the Swakopmund Plaza Hotel for their ongoing supportoftheladiestournament.Healsothankedalltheplayersfortaking part;theRossmundGCfortheuseofthecourseaswellasalltheground staffwhohadcontributedtowardsmakingthetournamentahugesuccess.
2022 NALGU Swakopmund Plaza Hotel – ROSSMUND OPEN CHAMPION:WilnaBredenhann168gross.
2022 NAGU Gellert Unlimited – ROSSMUND OPEN CHAMPION: StephanusBonifacius227gross.
R/U Gross: Kyle Johnson 233, Winner Nett: George Murasiki 214, R/U Nett:HelmutNdjendja220.
“A” Division Gross: Hans Naobeb 234, R/U Gross: Elias Mulombwelwa 236c/o,WinnerNett:StanleyGawanab236,R/UNett:WalterHeibeb238. “B”DivisionGross:JosephMartin257,R/UGross:MervinNangolo261, WinnerNett:RudiAuseb233,R/UNett:ToadyGurirab235.
“C”DivisionGross:AchmetAbrahams183,R/U/Gross:ClaudAbrahams 202,WinnerNett:ChrisMagson158,R/UNett:GerhardByleveld166.
Stableford Division:Winner: Mariena Ludwig 66, 2nd: Chris Heunis 62, 3rd:LourinaDeWet59,4th:JustineShikulo56.
NearesttothePins:No.3:NeilTheron,No.7:WilnaBredenhann,No.12: JermiahAndreas,No.16:EliasMulombwelwa MostGolf:JustinNaobeb291gross.
ThePereiraSeafoodNamibtrailswillbeheldonSunday,18Decemberat theSwakopmundAdventureCentre.
Come and ride some of our nice trails here in the Oldest Desert the Namib Desert
See you all there. While you wait for you Rider/ Runner to return there is plentytodoattheSwakopmundAdventurecentertokeepyoubusy There's Mini Golf or Paintball or you can just relax. There will be refreshments availableanddon'tforgetthatTWOBEARDSCOFFEEwillbetherewiththe bestCoffeeintheErongoregion.SeeyouallthereonSunday.Abigthanks goes out to all our Sponsors PEREIRA SEAFOOD, SWAKOP ELECTRICALSUPPLIES, HVRAUTO, OCEAN VIEWSHELLand BE SAFEBESEEN,withoutthemthisracewouldnotbepossible.
Get ready for some great matches and good vibes at the SFC Sports Grounds.
The65theditionoftheannualSFCChristmasCupwhichhasbecomeknown tobetheoldesttournamentofitskindinthecountry,willtakeplacefromthe 26-29DecemberattheSFCSportClubSwakopmund.
SFC has been hosting the annual Christmas tournament since 1956.
TheheadofsportatSFCGeraldGüthersaidthatmorethan360playerswere inactionatlastyear'scompetition,with12teamscompetinginthe5-a-side and16teamscompetingintheXmasCupcompetition,whichdelivered36 matches(includingthetwofinals)overfourdays.“Interestfortheupcoming eventishuge,asalways.”
Bothcompetitionsareaimedatsocialandleagueteamsandofferplayersa chancetoprepareforthenextseason.
Gütheraddedthatitisnotatalleasytoplayinatournamentforfourdays. “We sincerely appreciate the players' dedication and hope they enjoy their passion for football as they always do at our competition ”
Four wonderful days of soccer as well as a chill area that including free jumpingcastles,foodstalls,bar,braaiandmorewithafterpartyonthe28th ofDecember
Please contact for registrations and questions.Lookingforwardtoseeyouallthere.
TheSFCSquashClubwillhosttheprestigiousannualWBHardwareCoastalOpen SquashChampionshipon16-18DecemberattheSFCSportClubinSwakopmund. BEERTOURNAMENT!
Connect people to People will be hosting an Inline HockeyTournament on the 20 December2022attheOutdoorSkatingRinkinSwakopmund. ThisiswhereyoucanfindtheOutdoorSkatingRink: BALABALAFISTBALL4ALL:
Thisyearthetournamentwillbeon17DECEMBERattheSFCSWAKOPMUND BELLBUOYRACE
TheBellBuoyraceissetfor23DecemberattheWalvisBayYachtClubfollowedby theoffshoreraceon26December Thisyear,juniorsailingeventshavebeenadded tobothraces.TheBellBuoyraceisopentoallclasses,withboatssailingtothebuoy about500metresfromPelicanPointandback.Theoffshorerace,whichisusually sailedfromWalvisBaytoSwakopmund,wasmodifiedwithparticipantsnowracing fromWalvisBaytoLangstrandandbacktotheWalvisBayYachtClub.
The prize-giving for all sailing events is set for 30 December 2022 at 18:00 at the WalvisBayYachtClub.
26 Desember 35th Annual Penguin Angling Club Hansa Draught fishing competitionwillbeattheHentiesBayGolfEstate.
Theoffshoreracewillbeon26DECEMBER.Theracewhichisusuallysailedfrom Walvis Bay to Swakopmund, was modified with participants now racing from WalvisBaytoLangstrandandbacktotheWalvisBayYachtClub.
The prize-giving for all sailing events is set for 30 December 2022 at 18:00 at the WalvisBayYachtClub.
The annual Touchies Rugby Tournament takes place in Henties Bay on 26 DecemberTheNedbankDesertClassic
TheannualNedbankDesertClassicGolftournamentwillonesagainbeheldatthe RossmundGolfCourseon28and29December
TheformatwillbeBetterballStablefordScrambleDrive. TheultimateAfricanKartingexperience
The ultimate African Karting experience will be on Sunday 18 December at the SwakopmundGo-KartracetrackinSwakopmund.
Let'sgetBonitaBredenhanntotheSunshineGolfTourFundraiserbeenteringfora fundraisingGolftournamentatHentiesBayGolfClubon30December Vasbyt4x4'showdown'gearsupforDune7
Theextremelypopular Weskus4x4Vasbyt,whichisatraditionalhighlightofthe Decemberfestiveseasondownatthecoast,isonceagainbeingstagedatthedesert amphitheatreon30December,behindDune7.
TheWeskus 4x4Vasbyt is sponsord by Standard Bank will start at 08h00 with 10 obstaclessetouttochallengeeventhemostresilient4x4drivers. Other than the 'mud gat' and tyre trench, there will be some extreme inclines, declinesandcliff-hangers,whichwillkeeptheteamsontheirtoes.“ EntryfeeisN$20perpersonandpervehiclewhilstitwillbefreeforkidsunder10. Beveragesandfoodwillbeonsalefortheday SummerFun101
Fromourfamilytoyours,weinviteyoutojoinusforsomecommunityfuninthesun from19Decemberto2January
The activities will include Volleyball, Beach Tennis, Soccer, Cricket, Fribee, Obstacle Course, Treasure Hunt, Sand Castle Building, Face Painting and many more.
TheJettyMile(approximatelyoneseamile(around1.9km)willstartat15:30at Tiger Reef Beach Bar and will finish at the Event Tent at the Mole on 27 DecemberinSwakopmund.
Participants will swim past the Jetty toThe Mole to finish in front of the event tent erectedonMainBeachattheMole.
TheSprinteventwithadistanceofapproximately600mwillstartat16:30attheMole. TheKiddiesFunSwimwillstartat17:00attheMole.
This is a fun event that children can participate in along with their parents or other competentswimmer.Allchildrenwillreceiveafinisher'smedal.Therearenoprizes forpositions,butchildren'scapnumbersareincludedintheluckydraw Childmustbe assisted/overseenbyacompetentswimmer Thechild'ssafetyistheresponsibilityof the parent/swimmer accompanying the child. Any flotation device may be used to assistthechild.
Allswimrouteswillbemarkedwithbuoysandparticipantswillbeinformedofswim routepriortothestartoftheswimevent. PrizeGivingwillbeatapproximately17:45
Thetwocyclistscompletedthe18theditionofthe annualDesertDash,a24-hourmountainbikerace of 397 km distance from Windhoek through the oldestdesertintheworldtoSwakopmund.
Coetzee won the man's solo race in a time of 15 hours, 17 minutes, and 8 seconds with six-time winnerSwisscyclistKonnyLoosersecondwitha time of 15 hours, 38 minutes and 53 seconds whilst part-time cyclist from Germany, Rick Steffen came third in 15 hours, 45 minutes and threeseconds.
SouthAfrica'sveteranwomen'scyclistDeVillers won the women's solo category with her time of 17hours,50minutes,and10seconds. Namibian women'scyclist,CourtneyLiebenbergsecondin 19 hours, 1 minute and 42 seconds and Belinda van Rhyn third in a time of 19 hours 19 minutes and44seconds.
The two male persons category was won by the MegatechEliteteam,withMarcPritzenandAlex Miller clocking 15:01:42 with the Sterkspan JulboteamwithNicoSterkandAdriaanMyburg second and Murray Craib and Jean- Paul Burger fromIndongoToyotathird.
The two female person's category was won the BMB Ladies that consisted of Risa Dreyer and Genevieve Weber with Nina Holtrup and Ana RaquelCaimbrafromtheAlfie'sAngelsCycles4 U team second and Cymot Raicing Team ladies GabrielaRaithandNicolaFesterthird.
ThefourpersonmaleteamcategorywaswonbyChristoSwartz,CarelPieter VanWyk,AndreVermeulanandIngramCuffraidingforHollardLifewiththe Cospharm team Phillip Naude, Massimiliano Abrosi, Theuns van der WesthuizenandAdrianKeysecondandJacquesvanZyl,JacoSnyman,Willie MacvanZylandJacquesCelliersthird.
The four person male team category was won by the Cymot Ladies Raising team consisted of Lean-Marie Mostert, Monique Du Plessis, Sandra Lippert and Binette Klein with Buid It Ladies Andra Van Staden, Ulande Viljoen, Nadine Klopper and BerthaTheron second whilst Nicole Spangenberg, Mara vanWyk,Tarien(MariaCatharina)vanZylandMalindaVisserfromthee.a.t@ LadiesTeamthird.ThefourpersonmixedteamcategorywaswonbyMannie's Bike Mecca mixed team consisting of Sike Bean, Christiaan Bean,Ada Kahl and Brandon Downe with Hollard's Commercial Lines Nelius Burger, Hester Prins, Robyn-Lee Swartz and Francois 0'Kennedy Nel second and Team Amalgamated consisting of Wanda Tattersali, Rina Engelbrecht, Jacques TattersaliandJorisHarteveldthird.
DebmarineNamibiarecentlyhanded oversports equipment toschoolsfromthethreewinningregionsof2022Bridgingthe GapInitiative,whichDebmarinehostedinOctoberthisyear in Swakopmund in collaboration with the Namibia Schools SportUnion.
The regions that benefitted from the donation are Erongo, Khomas and OtjozondjupareceivedtheequipmentworthN$720000thatwillgoto53 schools in the three regions as well as sports equipment to Athletics Namibia(AN)valuedatN$405000.ChiefexecutiveofficeratDebmarine Namibia, Willy Mertens said that the value of sports is significant and cannotbeoverlooked.Mertenssaid,“wehavemanydecoratedsportsmen andwomen,whichisatestimonytotheundisputedtalentthatwehavein thiscountry Asacountry,wedon'tdoalot,butifyoujustlookatthetalent thathascomeout,ifwejustdoubletheeffort,wewillprobablytripleour returns.”
ThePatronofAthleticsNamibia(AN),EbsonUanguta,saidreceivingthis equipment is an historic moment as it is the first time ever thatAthletics Namibia received an electronic photo-finishing system. Uanguta, said, “this will enable Athletics Namibia to host athletic events that are compatiblewithinternationalstandards."
Debmarineseniorcommunicationsofficer,AnnaIIkela,explainedeachof the53schoolsreceivedequipmentworthaboutN$10000.Shesaidschools orregionsthatdidnotmanagetoattendtherecenthandoverceremonywill havetheirdonatedequipmenttransportedtotheirrespectiveschoolsatthe beginningofnextyear.