PlansareunderwaytorefurbishthefuelrailwaylinkatWalvisBayasportionsofthelinkthattransportsfuelviatankers fromNamporttovariousdepotsatWalvisBayhavereached theendoftheirlifespanandhavebeendeemedunsafe.
TheMinisterofWorksandTransportJohnMutorwaonMonday12September met with stakeholders to discuss the upgrading of the Walvis Bay Railway Line,whichisinlinewiththeNamibiantransportpolicythatleadstowardsan
TheWalvisBayresidentisaskingquestionsaboutwhooversees the maintenance of the hospital. The resident in disgust told the Namib Times to take a drive past the hospital to see the terrible state it is in. “Just driving past the hospital is an eyesore, never mindtheconditioninside.Oldtiresandrubbisharestrewnallover theplace.Thekerbstonesarewastingawaycausingtheinterlocks ofpavementstodropawaywithoutthatshoulderingstrengththat keptthemintact.Insidethehospital,apartfrombeingdirty,chairs andceilingsarebroken,rubbish,thatincludescondoms,decorate pot plants in the waiting area. This is inside a hospital where hygieneisofutmostimportance.Howcanthisevenbeallowed?” exclaimedtheresident.
Continues on page 2
Plans underway to refurbish fuel railway link
Eileen van der Schyff
AREADERsentin photosrevealingtherun-downcondition oftheWalvisBaystatehospital.
Africa's first hydrogen power plant
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6982 FRIDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 4 Pages 18 - 20 Page 2
Two thickcollidevesselsinfog Local sidelinedTBoarderCrossruckDrivers Page 3 swornreplacementKativa'sin
Continues on page 2
Rudi Bowe
Walvis Bay State Hospital decaying away
Rudi Bowe
HDFEnergyanticipatesitsgreenhydrogenpowerplantinNamibiawillbegin producing electricity by 2024. Once completed, the N$3.1 billion (R3.1 billion)Swakopmundprojectwillprovidecleanenergypower24hoursaday, 365daysayear,improvingelectricitysuppliesintheSouthernAfricannation thatimportsalmost40%ofitspowerfromSouthAfrica. Namibia, one of the world's sunniest and least densely populated countries, wantstoharnessitsvastpotentialforsolarandwindenergytoproducegreen hydrogen and position the country as a renewable energy hub in Africa. Hydrogeniscategorised"green"whenitismadewithrenewablepowerandis seen as key to help decarbonise industry, though the technology remains immatureandrelativelycostly HDFEnergy'spowerplantusesnofossilfuels,chemicalsortoxicsubstances. Theprojectfullyreliesonrenewableenergyresourcesandhydrogenstorage and operates using minimal water in a closed loop system. HDF Energy directorforSouthernAfricaNicolasLecomtesaidthattheprojectwillsee85 megawatts(MW)ofsolarpanelspoweringelectrolyserstoproducehydrogen that can be stored. "Yearly we can produce 142 gigawatt hours, enough for 142,000 inhabitants and that is conservative.This important step in the permittingprocessconfirmsafavourablecontextfortheproject.Asaresult, HDFEnergyisonestepclosertoconstructingthefirstgreenhydrogenpower
Frenchindependentpowerproducer,HydrogènedeFrance (HDF Energy) will construct Afica's first green hydrogen powerplantinSwakopmund,Namibia.
Two vessels collide in thick fog
integrated, sustainable and inclusive transport Thesystem.Ministry of Works and Transport has been implementing its Transport Infrastructure Improvement Project (TIIP) since 2020, which includestheupgradingofHoseaKutakoRoadand the railway line between Walvis Bay railway stationandKranzbergstationnearUsakos,which is approximately 210km long, is expected to be completedduringthefirstquarterof2023. Theministersaidthattheimprovementoftherail infrastructure from the port into the hinterland is
ANamibian-registered company, Hyphen Hydrogen Energy, is in talks with the country's government to secure an implementation agreement for its planned $10 billion green hydrogen project that will produce some 350,000 tonnesofgreenhydrogenayearbefore2030forglobalandregionalmarkets.
HDFEnergyisalsointerestedinnewprojectsinAfricaandelsewhereinthe world. Lecomte stated that, “soon after SouthernAfrica, you will see HDF implementing projects in East Africa.” With the recent acceptance of the Scoping Report by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, HDF Energy Namibia can now proceed with finalising the Environmental and Social ImpactAssessmentreport.
Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1
Hesaidtherefurbishmentofthefuelrailwaylineis thekeycontributortoTransNamib'srevenue,since fuel has been the largest contributor for the past threeyears.
“It's critical that we maintain and upgrade this network for maintaining that market share and improvingonthat,”Bestersaid.
AndreOlivier,thecountryrepresentativeofBigen Kuumba Infrastructure Services, at the meeting announcedthatastudyhasbeenconductedwhich hasfoundthatanadditional1000truckswouldbe addedtoWalvisBay'sroadsby2023. These, he said, were as a result of new mining activitiesanticipated.
“Theobjectiveofupgradingthefuelrailwaylineis to boost the economic growth of the country by addressing bottlenecks in the transport infrastructure”Mutorwasaid.
Rudi Bowe
AccordingtoMutorwathereisaneedtobringiton par with the ongoing rail network. The proposed upgrading of the line fundamentally aims to prioritise upgrading of ancillary back of port railwayinfrastructureatWalvisBayandwillatthe sametimeimprovethelinkagetofueldepots.
Hitula said the Tutungeni, which is the bigger vessel, accompanied theEricatotheporttoensurebothreachitsafely O&Lspokesperson,Roux-CheLockealsoconfirmedthattheirvessel theEricawasinvolvedinanincidentthathappenedwhileoutatsea. “Ourfirstprioritywasthesafetyofourcrewandcaptain,andweare pleasedtoconfirmtheyarealldoingwell.”
Plans are underway to refurbish
Mutorwa said “The railway fuel line not only connects the national oil storage but is also an integralpartofTransNamib'srevenuestream.”
“However, the condition of the rail is currently unsafe, especially in the industrial area. There is also a mismatch of material and poor drainage systems in the area. The sleepers are mostly wooden and deteriorated. Currently, a portion of the line is totally unsafe and most of the line has reachedtheendofitslifespan,”hesaid.
part of the transport network upgrade to ensure reliability, safety and efficiency in the movement ofvariouscommodities.
According to him, income generated through the fuel lines was the largest revenue generated by TransNamibforthelastthreeyears.
Henk Bester from Bigen Kuumba Infrastructure Services, the company consulting on the project, saidaportionofabout5kmlongisunsafeandhas reachedtheendofitslifespan.
“Most components have reached the end of their lives. In most cases it is unsafe for the passage of trains. There could be low derailment cases because of the slow speed of trains, but it's very unsafe,”hesaid.
Mob: 081 272 6707
Bester said the upgrading of this portion of the railway, which is estimated to cost of N$150 million, presents an opportunity to strengthen the networktoserveandsupportindustries.
2 NAMIBTIMES 16SEPTEMBER2022 BroughtBrought to you by Veteran’s Pub @ the MOTH Centre Stalls available Please contact David @ 0817803196 or Marianna @ 0813379572 for more information. Saturday 1 October 2022 Entrance fee N$50. Children under 16 free Come and have a fun filled day for old and young with lots of activities and live music. In support and aid of children's welfare and animal care. Miss Oktoberfest Competition Inviting all Ladies over 18 to enter Contact Marianna - FREE entry Starting @ 10:00
Both companies have since launched an investigation into the incident.
Give me a call at BEUKE DESIGNS. I draw up existing and new plans, submit where necessary, and offer some 3D models for presentation or design ideas.
“Allthosetruckshavetocrosstherailwayline.Itis becoming necessary to do something with truck movements,”hesaid.
A hole in the Tutungeni caused by the collision that occurred in thick fog Photo: Contributed
About 140 fishermen onboard the vessel, Tutungeni that belongs Tunacor Fishing, and about 28 fishermen onboard the hake trawler Erica,thatbelongstoHanganaSeafood,asubsidiaryoftheOhlthaver and List (O&L) group of companies narrowly escaped death when theirvesselscollided.
TheChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO)ofTunacor,PeyaHitulaconfir med the incident. “It was an unfortunate accident that happened at slow speed in the thick fog of the dark of night. The crew on both vessels are okay, and we are fortunate that they are all safe and we havenocasualties.Thedamagedvesselcanberepaired,”hesaid.
plantinAfrica,amongthefirstthatHDFEnergydeploysglobally Itcomforts thecapacityofNamibiatobecomeatrailblazeringreenhydrogenpowerthat others will emulate. This step is also one of many that ensures compliance withtheNamibianlawsandforthebenefitoftheNamibianpeople.” Furthermore, the project is expected to create 300 direct jobs during its construction phase and 45 during the operational phase with more jobs anticipated to be created indirectly across the value chain.According to the HDFwebsite,theprojectalsoaimstocontributetoNamibia'sknowledgebase anddevelopmentofthegreenhydrogeneconomythroughpartnershipswith universitiesandtraininginstitutions.
InanefforttominimizeitsrelianceonRussianenergy,theEuropeanUnionis also planning an agreement with Namibia to promote the country's nascent greenhydrogensectorandincreaseitsownimportsofthefuel,accordingto EUandNamibianofficials.
Need some building plans or “as built” plans drawn up and submitted at the Municipality for your house or company?
Mutorwa appealed to the stakeholders to thoroughlyinterrogatetheinformationaroundthe upgradesharedtoformulateawayforwardforthe upgrading of the lines before the Transport Infrastructure Improvement project comes to an endasperthecontractualagreement.
Africa's first
“We are community members based in Walvis Bay and we are disturbed by the way locals are being sidelined in terms of the transport industry,” Chairperson of the Cross Boarder truck Drivers,MrKaitjindiKavetunastatedinthelettertotheErongo governor Kaventuna argues Namibian truck drivers should get preference to drive these trucks or light vehicles to the border, when in fact it is the foreign truck drivers who get these jobs. Kavetuna,duringaninterviewwiththeNamibTimes,explained thegroup'sconcernastruckdrivers.”Wehavelearntwithgreat concernZambian,ZimbabweanandBotswanatruckdrivers,are driving their tucks from their countries to Namibia delivering and collecting various types of goods. The same foreign truck driversalsocometoNamibiatocollecttrucksthathavearrived at Namport from overseas and drive these trucks to their countries.” Namibian truck drivers can collect the trucks from the Port of Walvis Bay and drive them to the borders where foreigntruckdriverscantakeoveranddrivethemfurthertothe respective countries. The truck drivers are unhappy that the NamibianPortprovidesworktoforeignerswhileNamibiansare starving,”Kavetunasaid.
Local Cross Boarder Truck Drivers sidelined
Eileen van der Schyff
INHOPEtoseethelightattheendofthetunnel,agroupof Walvis Bay-based unemployed cross-border truck drivers, in a letter addressed to the Office of the Erongo Regional Governor,GovernorAndreN.
Itope,expressedtheirconcernaboutthewaylocalcross-border truckdriversarebeing'sidelined',whileforeigntruckdriversare takingovertheir[localtruckdrivers]jobs,whichnowresultsina highunemploymentrateamongNamibiantruckdrivers.
In a statement by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Secu-
Visit our Namib Times Swakopmund office at c/o of Otavi and Wasserfall street at Ané Court No. 13 September Eileen van der Schyff
AfterbeingsworninasthenewLocalAuthorityCouncillorforthe Swakopmundcouncil,IndependentPartyforChange's(IPC)Dina Namubes,willreplacetheformermayor,LouisaKativa'sseatinthe council.
rity, Minister Albert Kawana said Namibia undertook a process led by the MinistryofHomeAffairs,Immigration,Safety and Security to ensure its full implementation. The statement further reads: “The public is, therefore, called upon to participate, once again in this rare opportunity which is granted to them by the government from 1 to 30 September, to surrender all illicit and unwanted firearms, and ammunition and related Formaterials.moreinformation, Deputy CommissionerJosiaShikongocanbecontactedon +264811273869.”
Kativa's sworn in
DinaNambusesofIPCwassworninasthenewLocalAuthorityCouncillorby MagistrateNelaoBrownonMondaythisweek.Duringheracceptancespeech, Namubes urged her fellow councillors to unite and work together to build a long-lastingrelationshipthatpromotessustainablepartnershipforthebenefit of the community through honesty, transparency and integrity as justified by theroleoflaw Namubessaid,“myobjectiveissimpleandthatistorepresent our people via my party as the LocalAuthority Councillor, and to provide a bridge between the council and the community at large in fulfilment of the Local Authority Act and indeed through collective approaches. My role as councillorisnothingmorethanthatofthedutiesofLocalAuthoritymandates, further on partisan of patriotism to deal with the people in my community, understandtheissuesandconcernstheyfaceandtakethenecessaryactionto make a difference and bring about change, providing equitable service as per the Local Authority Act.”Namubes also mentioned they are committed to creatingmeansforallequality,andrealisetheirtruepotentialasacommunity Pointing out, referring to Article 10 of the supreme law, the optimisation of service delivery for the benefit of all residents, irrespective of political affiliation,ethnicorigin,colourorstatus.
Sharlien Tjambari
As part of the AU Master Roadmap of PracticalStepsforSilencingtheGunsin Africa 2030, the Namibian police is encouragedtoundertakeactivitiesonthe collection of illegal owned weapons throughoutthemonthofSeptember Regional Commander, Commissioner Kupembona of the Erongo police, in a statement to the Namib Times said they encourage the public to surrender illegal firearms/ammunition and parts in their possession without fear of prosecution duringthisgraceperiod.
NAMIBIA,throughitscommitmenttotheAfricanUnion(AU)Agenda2036'aim forapeacefulandsecureAfrica,joinsotherAUmemberstatestocommemorate African Amnesty Month in September, for the surrendering to police stations nationwide,allUnlicensedFirearms,Ammunitionandrelatedmaterialsintheir possession,withoutthefearofprosecution. Amnesty
Surrender Small Arms & Light Weapons Without Fear Of Prosecution This
Council will conduct a series of consultative public meetings with residents in different residential areas. These meetings will present a platform for the council to give feedback on ongoing projects and hear suggestions and concerns from residents.
SWAKOPMUND: Cottage Mediclinic
WALVIS BAY: Welwitchia Private Hospital
School News
· Chronic Sinus Problems
WBPShetop8Septemberdievreugdegehadom’nN$10000 skenkingstjekaanHisHouseteoorhandig.
· Stop breathing while sleeping
"Dis ‘n groot voorreg om terug te ploeg in die gemeenskap. Na aanleidingvandiesuksesvanonswynveilingsaammetWorcesterLaerskoolhetonsbesluitomN$10000vanonsskoolsewins aandietehuisteskenk.Onshoopommethierdiebydrae'nverskil te Wmaak.”oes-TV
MnrWillievanZyl,watdieWoes-wynveilinggedryfhet,hetook dieoorhandigingnamensdieskoolgedoen.
· Ear Problems
· Blocked Nose
· Ongoing Tonsil Problems
· Snoring
LET US HELP : Book a 061224349consultation…
SPECIALIST… at the Coast
M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS (SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada)
het tydens die grendeltyd ʼn projek begin waar hulle bekendepersoonlikhedeinspanomskoleenorganisasiestehelp omfondsinsamelingsgeleenthedeteskep.WBPSisbaiedankbaar omdeelvanhierdieinisiatieftekonwees.
Sukses by Woes-wynveiling maak skenking moontlik Walvisbaai Privaat Hoërskool nuus
It is against this background that Namport humbly extends an invi tation to all the residents and all schools within the Erongo region to visit the Port of Walvis Bay during thefestivities.
The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) will be joining the
international community in celebratingWorld Maritime day from Thursday29SeptembertoSaturday1 OctoberatthePortofWalvisBay. This year the event will be appreciating
“New technologies for greener shipping”, the theme reflects the need to support a greentransitionofthemaritimesectorintoa sustainable future. The theme furthermore provides an opportunity to focus on the importanceofasustainablemaritimesector and the need to build back better and
Rudi Bowe
greenerinapostpandemicworld. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) actively supports a greener transition of the shipping sector into a sustainablefuture,andshowcasemaritime innovation,researchanddevelopment,and the demonstration and deployment of new
World Maritime Day at the Port of Walvis Bay
• Monitor personal hygiene of production food handler personnel in plant.
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday, 27 September 2022 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone(064)2013232duringofficehours.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:BeautySalon.
•To ensure adherence to Food Safety procedures and protocols.
•To ensure that QAchecks are carried out on time at specified intervals.
Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd is a fully integrated broiler production operation established in 2012 and situated 30 km north of Windhoek on the A1 Highway on the farm Klein
DESCRIPTION AREA PURCHASEPRICE 2Erf6190WalvisBay 64,924m N$1,947,720.00
NamibOkapuka.Poultry (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer with the following vacancy available at our state-of-the-art Processing Plant. Interested and suitably qualified candidatesaswellascandidatesfromthedesignatedgroupsareinvitedtoapply
• Ensure product temperature and cold chain is maintained.
• Grade 12 (NQF 4) passed with minimum requirements.
• Monitor condition and temperature settings of delivery vehicles for loading.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the LocalAuthorities Act,1992(Act23/1992),asamended,thattheCounciloftheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay intends to sold by private transaction erf 6190 Walvis Bay to InternationalUniversityofManagement(IUM)forthesatellitecampus.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 30 September2022.
MunicipalOffices CivicCentre NangoloMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017 WALVISBAY Fax:(064)209714
• Follow-up and investigation of customer complaints and product returns.
The company offers a competitive salary and market related employee benefits. Candidates who qualify for above position, should send a short CV to the HR department. Email:
CONSENT: Beauty Salon ON ERF NO: 5259 TOWNSHIP/AREA: FairwaysSTREETNAME&NO:TecomariaStreet,50A.
• Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills.
• On-line monitoring of processing and product inspections against Quality Standards.
• Monitor housekeeping practices in all work areas and report deviations.
The main purpose of this job is to ensure that adequate on-line process Quality Control andFoodSafetyisperformedintherespectiveproductionworkareas.Thisincludesthe monitoring of carcass inspection points and product returns as well as Halaal Compliance.
POULTRYMEAT EXAMINER [Processing Plant / QualityAssurance]
•Testing of incoming raw materials and packed finished goods.
•Minimum5years'workingexperienceasaPoultryMeatInspector/Examiner/Quality Controllerinahigh-throughputpoultryprocessingfacility
• Ensure process data is recorded and remedial action taken as required.
Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be receivedbytheundersignedbeforeorat12:00*Friday,30September2022.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
For more information on these vacancies and how to apply, please visit our website at
4) Marine refrigeration engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
No 8, 6th Street East, Walvis Bay PO. Box 5981, Walvis Bay
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 63 (2) of the Local Authorities Act, (Act 23 of 1992), as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund intends to renew the lease agreement for Messrs Masadi Trading Five Three Eight CC for the pavement area measuring 18 m² adjoining E rf 267, Swakomund for open air seating The lease shall be for 5 years period
4) Marine refrigeration engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
Closing date: Friday 30 September 2022
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.
3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 7707 Volstruis Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay
3) Marine electrical engineers with at least 8 years seagoing service experience
Please take note that NO objections via e mail will be accepted. Objections must be made by delivering a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number
transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday,7October2022.
2) Class 1 and 2 marine engineers
7) Ship's doctor
(c) written comments and/or objections must be submittedbeforeoron17:00Friday,14October2022.
7) Ship's doctor
MunicipalOffices Civic NangoloCentreMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay Fax:(064)209714 thNo 9, 4 Street East, Walvis Bay PO. Box 3915, Walvis Bay
4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence.
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 11 November 2022.
Take note that any person having objections or comments to the proposed rezoning and consent use application must lodge such objections or comments, together with the grounds thereof, in writing with the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Authority and Stewart Planning within fourteen (14) days of the last publicationofthisnoticetotheaddressprovidedbelow
6) Production managers
6 Date on which application will be lodged:1October2022.
15%VAT N$436,827.00 N$436,827.00 N$436,827.00 N$442,395.00
7) Ship's doctor
General EconomicCommunityManager&Development
Contact person: Ms Margaret Sheehama ((064) 4104213
Cavema Fishing (Pty) Ltd is an established Namibian fishing company operating in the Mid-water pelagic sector The company was created as a joint venture between two Namibian quota holders, namely Camoposatu Investment (Pty) Ltd and Vernier Investment (Pty) Ltd, in an effort to optimize efficiencies and fishing capacity through the pooling of quota resources. The shareholding structure of the firm reflects Namibian beneficial ownership, which is in line with the national drive for industry Namibianization and demonstrates commitment towards empowering previously disadvantaged Namibians. As a proud equal opportunity employer, we would like to invite suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following vacancies:
3) Marine electrical engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
Full particulars of the above lease transaction will lie for inspection in Room BO 22 A, between 07:30 16:00 weekdays until Friday, 23 September 2022
Noticeisherebygivenin termsofsection63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/ 1992), as amended, that theCounciloftheMunicipality of Walvis Bay intendstosellbyprivate
StewartApplicantPlanningP.O.Box2095,WalvisBay T13013el:+26464280
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Haihambo Erasmus Hilimunhu.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Friday Special Lounge.
2) Class 1 and 2 marine engineers
5.ClerkoftheCourtwith whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay
thNo 8, 6 Street East Walvis Bay PO. Box 5981 Walvis Bay
Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested per sons until *Tuesday, 4 October2022 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
5) Trawl masters
LocalAuthority: Applicant: ChiefExecutiveOfficer StewartPlanning Municipalityof Town&Regional WalvisBay Planners PrivateBag5017 POBox2095 WalvisBay WalvisBay 0642013339 064280773
5) Trawl masters
Anyobjectionorwritten submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the appliation mustbesentordelivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the applicationwillbeheard.
AREA LightIndustrial 5021 LightIndustrial 5021 LightIndustrial 5021 LightIndustrial 5085 PURCHASEPRICE N$2,949,300.00N$2,912,180.00N$2,912,180.00N$2,912,180.00
2) Class 1 and 2 marine engineers
4) Marine refrigeration engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
Written objections or comments must be submitted before17:00Friday,14October2022.
Scombrus is a proudly Namibian fishing company in the Midwater ScombrusFisheryFishing (Pty) Ltd. is an established player in the Namibian Midwater Fishery with proven record of sustainable and efficient fishing operations. The company owns and operates a Midwater Freezer vessel with sufficient capacity to produce more than 25,000 tons of final product per annum. Scombrus Fishing aims to create maximum employment opportunities for Namibians and to contribute to the economic and social well-being of the Namibian nation. It is therefore our pleasure to invite suitably qualified Namibians to apply for the following positions.
1. Subdivision of the Remainder of Erf 4611 Walvis Bay into Portion B and the Remainder of Erf 4611 WalvisBay;
3) Marine electrical engineers with at least 8 years seagoing service experience
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018), the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme, and the LocalAuthorities Act,1992(ActNo.23of1992),asamended.
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses of Namibia, for the rezoning of Erf 858 Omdel Extension 2 from General Business to Institutional with consent to operateaPlaceofWorshipwhiletherezoningisinprocess.
6) Production managers
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the owner, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay, the UrbanandRegionalPlanningBoardandtheMinistryof Urban and Rural Development for permission for the following:
TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand Regional Planning Act, 2018 (No. 5 of 2018) and in terms of the Henties Bay Zoning Scheme. The full application is available to download from or can be inspected at the Town Planning Section of the Henties Bay Municipality,HeadOffice/CivicCentre.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofHentiesBay P.O.Box61,HentiesBay T13005el:+26464502
For more information on these vacancies and how to apply, please visit our website at
Closing date: Friday, 30 September 2022
8) International sales consultant
Erf858,OmdelExtension2issituatedbetweenErongo and Changwena Street and is a vacant property measuring 940m². The property is situated near the northern periphery of Omdel Extension 2, close to the mainentranceroadtoHentiesBay Thepurposeofthe application is to establish a Place of Worship (church) on the property in accordance with the development parameterssetoutintheHentiesBayZoningScheme.
Please note: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
6) Production managers
Rezoning:GeneralBusinessToInstitutional ConsentUse:PlaceOfWorship(church)
Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday, 27 September 2022
1) Class 1 and 2 marine navigation officers
Closing date: Friday, 30 September 2022
4. Consolidation of Portion B with Erven 4888 and 5721WalvisBayintoPortionX.
(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building Control DepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBaysituatedatCivic Centre, Walvis Bay or can be downloaded from;(b)anypersonhavingcomments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis BayandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelast publicationofthisnotice;
Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended
NOTICE: 55 / 2022 ABenjamin Chief Executive Officer
For more information on these vacancies and how to apply, please visit our website at
1) Class 1 and 2 marine navigation officers
Hodago Fishing (Pty) Ltd was formed in 2015 as a joint venture between Kuiseb Fishing Enterprises (KFE) (Pty) Ltd and Gendev Fishing Resources (Pty) Ltd. We operate as a mid-water trawling company in the Horse Mackerel fishing industry Hodago Fishing (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to provide as many opportunities to Namibians as possible. As a proud responsible fishing company in the HM sector we invite suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following positions:
The purpose of the above application is to assemble a single site for the proposed expansion of the existing WelwitschiaHospitalinWalvisBay
transaction Light IndustrialErven52245227 Walvis Bay, Extension 14 to UnitransAfrica.
1) Class 1 and 2 marine navigation officers
NB: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for follow-ups
5) Trawl masters
For more information Mrs ST Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
3. Rezoning of Erf 4888 Walvis Bay from “Special” (MedicalFacilitiesandAncillaryPurposes)to“Institutional”;and
Please note: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
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Comeandseethebest doctor!Youwilllivea healthyandsuccessful lifein2018andbeyond!
and winninginlife 11.Improveshigh
*Finishunfinishedjobwith 69yearsofexperienced Zamba&Jososeph
DR SexualZANIAProblems
C l a s s i f i e d s
12.Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome
DRCHIEFMANGOCHI WitchdoctorPractisingas DRMangochiAfrican TraditionalHealingmethods. Heisthestrongest&expert powerfulDr,mymuthi isthe answer100%guaranteed. Stopyourloverfrom cheating.Bringbacklost loverin2days.Openyour goodluck.Makemenspenis privatepartbigandstrong. Controlearlyejaculation. Makemoreroundduringsex. Promotionatwork.
Thereishope,OupaChimeza isinWalvisBaywithvery strongmedicinefrom Malawi,hehas23years experienceinvarious problemsanddiseases.Heis professionalinbringingback lostloverswithinashort time,pregnancyproblems, courtcases,jobproblems, stopdrinkingalcoholand smoking.Hipsenlargement, debts,BP,strokeandmany more,comeandexperience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife. Oupa Chimeza0815587112
TORENT: Availabletorent 2-bedroomflat 01October2022 W&Eincluded N$4500.00p/m No NeptunegaragestreetNarraville Contact:0811240711
are alsodoneatafee.
Pregnancyin1day Winall courtcasesbigorsmall.Help studenttopassexams.Win gambling&lotto.Solveany financialproblemsetc.Come tomeyouwon’tregret. Contact:0814307440
Underroofparking Tel:0811426948.
:Payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostloverthe sameday,getaloverofyour choice,getmarriedquicklyto amanorawomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orhertoloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmoreCallDr Atwabi0812337274
TheonlyMiraclewaterfrom the AreVolcanoesyoustressingofmoney
DRBABAKAREEM Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattherighttime Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctorswithout success.Hereisapowerful Doctorwhoisafteryourfast reliesnotcash.LOVE
Can'tseeperiod Swollenbodies/BP/Drop Skinproblems,longperiods HIV otherFinishBadluckBewitchChaseCarsFixWWRemovesymptomsbaddischargeombcleaningitcheshouses&shopsawaytokoloshepeopleunfinishedjobsbydoctors
5.dysfunctionWorkandpromotion relatedmatters 6.Business&customer
Repairroofs Place&replaceasbestos &rooffell
14.Thingsthatmovesonthe roofsofhouses 15.Catchthievesandbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholandsmoking 17.Unfinishedjobs
M-S the
AwellknownSouthAfrican femaledoctorSangoma fromKwazulunatal (Durban)isheretoheal, treatandsolveyour problems.Lostloverswill bebacktoyou,women problems,work,lucky charms,protectionandmany more.LocatedLagoon, WalvisBayMamaSindi 0813274512
following repairs: üGeysers + Geyser timers electricity)(saves üWashing Machines + Servicing üAir Conditioners üGas refill ( cars and fridges) üCompressors üInstallation of CCTV cameras üRepairing of all electrical and electronic appliances üRefill air con in cars and trucks üInstallation of intercoms üAuto garage doors üMicrowaves üStoves üRepairing of WAP machines üRefrigerators üGenerators üSecurity alarm system üHouse wiring üElectrical gates üTV mounting on the wall and dstv insallations üElectrical motor 3 phase, single phase üAny equipmenelectricaltwecan fix. Taking all your electrical needs Allseriouslyrepairs have 3 months Guarantee!! Contact: 081 299 9960
Mobile:+264814093522 email: @gmail.comnktransportnam
Callyour inspect,techniciansrefrigerationnowtoserviceorrepairit atthemostaffordable price.WalvisBay, Swakopmund,Henties BayandArandis. Contact:0812265788
TraditionalDrHerbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (Theoldman)FromMalawiis in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringingbacklostlover,toget a new job, to win court cases, tocleanoutbadluckfromyour body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small businesstobebigbusiness,to be liked with people, to win contractors,towinawomanor man of your choice, to stop smokinganddrinking,alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lovertobestingywithmoney, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, & many more.. Come & experience wonderfulmiracleshappening in your life, you will never regret. Sms or call:081 643 1482 find the Old man in Kuiseb,MassHouses,atNHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.
TOLET:WALVIS BAY 3bedroomhouse Hobbyroom IndoorStudybraai&bar 1BathroomKitchenLoungebedroomflat 3 Petgaragesfriendly Prepaid electricity Available1October N$11000pmexclwater &elec Depositrequired Contact: straat,T0812475040LiezelORENT:KoraalNarraville
Callorwhatsapp+26481 2549875
3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant)
the roofsofhouses 15.Catch
Foranyappointmentcall DoctorChinomba081767
N$5800.00p/m W/Eincl.
TORENT: Fullyfurnishedsharing
2.MentalDiseases 3.Barrenness(Problemsin failing
Painthouses,shops, stores,warehouses,paint roads&roadmarking lines
pressure,sugar/diabetesand heartdiseases 12.Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome 14.Things
Paints,headache,epilepsy, swollenlegsandfeet, manhood
STUDENTROOMS in Academia.Walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi, waterandelectricity includedN$2800.00
DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirsttime withstrongandpowerful medicinespecialisingin variousproblems&diseases tomentionafew:(a) Bringingbacklostloverin4 daysonly,bindingyourlover andtobeyoursonly;andto stophim/herfromcheating. (b)Removalofbadlucknd towintoughandchallenging courtcases.(c)togeta man/womanofyourchoice. (d)jobsandpromotions.(e) pregnancyproblemsand winningtendersand contracts,protectionof bodies,houseofwitchcraft, revengeandrapasule, rejuvenatepowerduringsex andboostweakerection.
Heisanexpertand experiencedTraditional medicinesandpractitioner ofherbsofdifferenttypes Heisanexpertand experiencedin:Natural andartificialdiseases, witchcraftandmagical diseases,weatherand createddiseases,african andforeigndiseases,love issuesandproblems, marriagesandfinancial issuesandproblems,court cases,farmandhome protection, protection,protection,developmentlivestockandbodyconfiningand catching employmentthieves,andbusiness opportunities,luckand luckycharms,gambling andlotto,charmsofany kind,talismanicringsand belts,sea protection,!workerssealagdiseases andmanymore...
Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving
DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist&Traditional DoctorishereinErongo Specialisinginhealing, treating&helpingwiththe followingusingpurely indigenousAfricanRoots& Epilepsy tofallpregnant) Manpower&Erectile & Luckycharms blood thatmoveson thieves School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino Badsmellandunhealed mattersandmany manymore. DrMajoroneformore information
Controlearlyejaculation Increasemenspenis Abnormalmenstruation
N$ consultationcounselingcounseling,stressMarriage100.00counseling,anddepressionbusinessandandplans
*Pregnancy*Badluck /removeevilspirits/getrid ofenemies*Unhappy marriage *Menspenis enlargement*Spiritpowers forpastors/Sangomas/ political/leader
7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems 8.Improvesandboostbody 9.immunitySpiritualillnesses
UnwantedInfertilitypregnancy& Sexualmiscarriagesatisfactionbothmen and PregnancyControlTBringFindingRelationship/lovewomennewlovebacklostloverroubledrelationshipcheatingloversproblems
TEHUUR: Woonsteltehuur MeersightHeights, Walvisbaai.2slaapkamers,2badkamers,oopplan kombuis,leefarea.Enkel garage.Alarm,pet friendly. BeskikbaarPlusN$geplaveideGrootagterplaas.6200.00p/mdeposito1Oktober‘22
*YardConstruction *Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting.
CalltodayDr.Jericothe witchdoctorofalltimes 0814307446
CallDrKoiKoiandProf. Gonondo:0817326899
5.dysfunctionWorkandpromotion relatedmatters 6.Business
Wipe your tears and stop suffering. Iamoldenough,I don'thavetimetoplaywith peoplewhohaveserious problems,Iworkwith experience,Idon'trushfor peoplesmoneywithout helpingthemfirst.Don'tlose hopebecauseanotherDr failedyou.Cometome!!!
customer 7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems 8.Improvesandboostbody 9.immunitySpiritualillnesses 10.
andbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholandsmoking 17.Unfinishedjobs 18.
WALVISBAY 0817492654
DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorisherein ErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines:
100%DrKOIKOIand ProfessorGONONDO
10.Luckycharmsand winninginlife 11.Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetesand heartdiseases
Call for free quotation
Bringbackstolenproperty Attractcustomers Stop PassproblemsDoFindingCourtsmoking/alcoholcasesajobyouhavepigliceexams
CallAdelléforany NatisInquiry Adelléwillassistyou withall
Rent:36.N$2800permonth andwaterisincluded.A depositwillberequired. Prepaidelectricityis installed.
14 NAMIBTIMES 16SEPTEMBER2022 WANTEDPROPERTIESTORENT PROPERTIESTORENT JOBS WANTED JOBS WANTED TOHIRE TOHIRE Vacancies CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access.Officeor ablutionCowboys.alterations. 064418150or0811464770 FORHIRE: 4TonTruck,suitablefor refuse/rubbish transportationremoval,andmoving. N$ 450.00 per trip within Walvis Bay Negotiable toother towns. Contact:0812746504 0817483901
Iamlookingforworkin WalvisBay,office cleaningorworkin tuckshop. Contact:0818954280
JOBWANTED: Lydiaisa40yearold womanlookingforany typeofdomesticworkin Swakopmund,Ihave experienceincleaning andironing,andIworked asanofficecleanerfor pastyears.Please
Iama24yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay
Tamaraiskiaveryquiet neighbourhood. Bachelorflatforasingle person,IbedroomwithBIC andopenplankitchenanf loungewithBICandBIS. N$3500.00permonth, waterincludedandprepaid electricity.Depositrequired butNegotiable. Noanimals,garagecanbe arranged. immediatelyAvailable
Iamlookingfordomestic workfor2-3daysa week.Ihave15years experience,Iamwilling tostartanytime.
Johannaisa39yearold ladylookingfordomestic worksuchascleaning, ironing, guesthouse,washing,hotelor babysittingfor1-3days orawholeweekin Walvis SwakopmundBay,andLong Beach.Ihave8years experience,Iam hardworkingandhonest andIamwillingtostart immediately Contact:0816960155
Spacious1Bedroomflat with1bathroom,openplan roomwithcupboardanda smallkitchen.Bachelor FlatKoraalStreet44 oppositeMunicipalityin Narraville.Idealfora singlepersononly Very safeareaandcloseto
JOBWANTED: Iama26yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work. Contact:0816086671
JOBWANTED: Iama23yearoldfemale lookingforanydomestic workinWalvisBayor Swakopmund. Contact:0816995565
Ekkanbaiemooiskoon maak,strykenisbaie betroubaarenvriendelik. Ekkanenigetydbegin. Kontak:0812546097
Pleasecall 7220429085
Lidiaisopsoekna huiswerkvir3-5dae‘n week,ekis38jaarouden het10jaarondervinding. Ekisbaiehardwerkenden betroubaar Kontak:0815615850
Rent:shops.N$2800permonth Deposit:Willberequired. Prepaidelectricityinstalled Contact:0814554176
TORENT: 3bedroomtownhousein Vineta availableSwakopmundforrentfromthe1st ofSeptember2022 N$7000.00permonth Contact:0812783338 TORENT:NewLocation, Arandis.3bedroomhouse 2 N$Openbathroomsplankitchen3300.00excl.waterand electricityN$3300.00Depositrequired PleasecallourAgentat081 6413099/0811288108
JOBWANTED: A32yearoldwoman lookingforanykindof work,cleaningpharmacy orpackingthingsinstore domesticwork,washing, ironingandsoon. Langstrand Swakopmund.and
Iama33yearoldman lookingfordriveror maintenanceworkin Swakopmund,Walvis BayorHentiesBay.Ican startassoonaspossible.
Shopavailableforrent buyinKuisebmond, WalvisBay Rent:N$4,000,Water& Electricityexcluded Buy:
JOBWANTED: Iamaladylookingfor cleaningworkoroffice cleaning,readytostart anytime.Mondaysto Fridays.IaminWalvis Bay Contact:0810384794 0817591726
Contact:0812883286/ 0812349916 bedroomflatwith bathroom,openplan kitchenandsittingroom. Theflatissituatedin RomanStreet36.
PROPERTIESFORSALE PROPERTIESFORSALE ForsaleinNarraville WalvisBay 3bedroomhouse–BICall GarageOpenBathroom1BACKOutsideDOUBLEAPPROVEDGasBuildBuildscullerydiningLoungeTv2roomsbathroomsroomroomincupboardsinBraai-OUTSIDEstovePLANSFORGARAGE&ExtraRoom.Yardflatbedroom–BICplankitchen/lounge PriceN$1385000–(neg)–ValuationN$1450000 Availableforrentaswell Call0812902614/085290 2614toview VACANTERF&HOUSE FORSALE: * Mile 4, Swakopmund Erf586m² N$600000.00 * Mondesa, Swakopmund 3bedroomhouse 2 BICOpenbathroomsplankitcheninmainbedroomand kitchenN$750000.00 PleasecallourAgentat081 6413099/0811288108 CARS MISCELLANEOUSFORSALE WALVIS BAY Refilling empty printer cartridges only N$ 100 per 081Pleasecolorcall6361858 C l a s s i f i e d s CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication MTE FLANarravillePROPERTIESTTORENT 1
Direction:Turnrightat theintersectionatthe petrolstationasyoucome intoNarraville.Drive straightalongtherailway lineanddriveinRoman Street.Theflatisbehind thehouseatRomanStreet
JOBWANTED: Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,WalvisBay.Can clean,washandcook. Iamwillingtostart immediately Contact:0813435711
WERKGESOEK: Claudiasoekhuiswerkin Walvisbaai,Maandae WoensdaeenVrydae. Kontak:0814818799
Ekis30jaaroudenis opsoeknahuiswerk, kindersoppaswerkin Walvisbaai,Meersig, Lagoon&Fairways.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay P.O.Box5017, WalvisBay T13013el:+26464201
Erf177Meersigmeasures1350m²andissituatedalong EleventhStreetontheeasternboundaryoftheMeersig Proper Extension. The purpose of the application is to enable the Primary School and homework centre to continueoperatingonthepropertyonapermanentbasis, and to allow further expansions in terms of the Institutionalzonedevelopmentparameters.
Public Participation Notice in terms of Regulation No. 29, Section 21 under the Environmental Management Act (Act No. 7 of 2007)
Written objections or comments must be submitted before17:00Friday,14October2022.
PROJECT LOCATION: Erven 6230 and 6231 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Extension 19, Walvis Bay Erongo Region
REGISTRATION OF I&APsAND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing, kindly contact: Email: Fax: 061 258 470 or Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 27 September 2022
Reviewer: Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism
We thought of you yesterday and the days before that too.. We think of you in silence..
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project entails the following: The Construction of Facilities for the Storage and Handling of:
Take note that any person having objections or comments to the proposed rezoning and consent use applicationmustlodgesuchobjectionsorcomments,together with the grounds thereof, in writing with the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Authority and Stewart Planningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthelastpublication ofthisnoticetotheaddressprovidedbelow
Erongo Consulting Group
CompetentAuthority: Ministry of Mines & Energy, Namibia
We often speak your name but today more than any other day, We think of you with fond and special memories as your birthday brings us joy to know that we had a loving wholeheartedly loving, kind, generous and a virtuous woman... These are the memories we will cherish and treasure when we celebrate your birthday
Environam Consultants Trading cc (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potentially Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following:
· Email:
Forever in our hearts From your loving husband, sons and family
As salt manufacturing and mining processes continue to evolve, the industry refines and improves its environmental performance to benefit the working environment, local communities and the environment in general. As such, the proposed development may not be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) as enshrined in the Environmental ManagementAct (Act 7 of 2007) and its Regulations.
· products
16SEPTEMBER2022 NAMIBTIMES15 DOB. 15 Sept 1955 DOD. 01 Jan 2021
Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are hereby invited to register and participate in the public ndconsultation process to give input, comments, and opinions, in writing not later than the 22 of September
· +264818786676
PROJECT NAME: Proposed Development of Storage and Handling Facilities on Erven 6230 and 6231, Extension 19, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
Proposed Development: Onshore Salt Mining, Proponent: Private EAP: Erongo Consulting Group
It feels like yesterday…
* 31.07.1961 +12.09.2022 2 Tim 4v 7: “Ek het die goeie stryd gestry, ek het die wedloop voleindig, ek het die geloof behou.”
“Balancing Growth with Resilience”
Rezoning:SingleResidentialToInstitutional ConsentUse:PlaceOfInstruction
Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of Edwin and Monique Brendell as owners of Erf 177 Meersig, for rezoning from Single Residential to Institutional with consenttooperateaPlaceofInstructionwhiletherezoningisinprocess.
· Minerals
Happy Heavenly birthday to the most magnificent woman that ever lived. We know that your caring spirit is watching over all of us.
We think of you everyday, your presence is felt in our midst everyday…
· Fertilisers
Fuel · Alcoholic
Metal and scrap metals
Exclusive Prospecting License: 8757, 36 km north West of Henties Bay, Erongo Region
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (No. 5 of 2018) and in termsoftheWalvisBayZoningScheme.Thefullapplication is available to download from projects or can be inspected at the Town Planning Department of the Walvis Bay Municipality, Civic Centre,NangoloMbumbaDrive.
Applicant StewartPlanning P O.Box2095, WalvisBay T13013el:+26464280
· Food products
PUBLIC MEETING: A Public consultation meeting will be held on 20 September 2022 at 18:00 The venue of the meeting will be Narraville Community Hall, Narraville, Walvis Bay
· materials
& Consulting | Commissioning & Operations | Project Delivery | Energy | Research Environmental Sciences | Sustainability & Resilience | DRR | Trainings | SHEQ | Waste Management | Advisory Services
AfrocatLionsvsBlueWaters(9:00) TigersvsNorthrenFlyBallers(10:30) ElevenArrowsvsYoungStars(12:00) NamibianCorrectionalServicevsNavy(13:30)
MightyGunnersbeatGrootfontein48-37 TigersbeatNCS42-38
times Sport Send your sports news journalist5@namibtimes.netto 16SEPTEMBER2022 DOLPHINS RUGBYCLUB Date: 21 September 2022 Time: 19:00 Venue: Coastal High School Swakopmund Contact: Rathan at 081 603 9111 We invite everyone to join AGM
ThetrophywillbeattheRaftintheLagoonat 14:00 for a photo opportunity with Trophy It will then proceed thru Sam Nuyoma Street to the Hub in Kuisbemond forActive cricket and photo opportunity with Trophy from 15:00 to 16:00 before it will depart for a Night wildlife drive and visit water hole to spot Elephants in HalaliEtosha.
NamibiaCorrectionalServicevsRebels(17:00) Round12on18September
CricketWorldCupTrophyTour,drivenbyNissan,iscomingtoWalvisBayon Tuesday20September.
ThenexttworoundsofmatcheswilltakeplaceinKuisebmond. Round11on17September
Rudi Bowe
Navy NC coastal derby queens
The trophy will arrive at 11:00 at the Walvis BayAirportfromwhereitwillgotoDune7for aquickphotosession.FromDune7itwillproceed to Woermann Brock in Narraville for a short procession to the Narraville Primary SchoolHallforanofficialeventat11:45.
Both Eleven Arrows and Blue Waters are, however, well down the log with Arrowslyingseventhon12pointsandBlueWaters10thonsixpoints.
MightyGunnersbeatOtjozondjupaNampol58-24 OtjozondjupaNampolbeatGrootfontein48-37
Rudi Bowe
experience. Many of the impressive performers from the 2021 edition of the tournament have been retained as Namibia will hope to replicate theirperformancesfromtheUAEinAustralia. Namibia impressed one and all in 2021, getting outofatoughgroupinRound1thatincludedSri Lanka,NetherlandsandIrelandtomakeittothe Super12stageofthetournament. Manykeynamesfromthathistoricperformance are retained in the squad, along with a few who willmaketheirWorldCupdebuts.SkipperErasmuscouldbankonthelikesofJJSmit,Stephen Baard, Jan Frylinck, Nicol Loftie Eaton, Ruben TrumpelmannandDavidWiese,whoweremembersofthesquadfromthecampaignin2021.
NCSbeatAfrocatLions47-38 TigersbeatAfrocatLions47-31
anopportunityforfanstogetcloseto the world-famous trophy, building excitement aheadoftheWorldCup.
The tournament will feature the world's best men's cricketers from 16 countries. Namibia hasprogressedthroughtotheSuper12phasein the 2021 T20 World Cup which has been an automatic qualification for the Eagles to compete and showcase Namibian talent on the globalstageatthe2022T20WorldCup.
MightyGunnersvsAfrocatLions(12:00) ElevenArrowsvsGrootfontein(12:30) BlueWatersvsTigers(14:00) NavyvsYoungStars(15:30)
The Trophy Tour will promote the growth of cricketinNamibiabutwillhighlightNamibia's uniquewildlifeandspectacularscenery
The Navy Netball Club is the coastal Netball derby queen after beatingcoastaloppositionsElevenArrowsNetballClub57-33and Blue Waters Netball Club 62-25 in the MTC Namibia Netball PremierLeaguematchesplayedonSaturday10SeptemberatKuisebmondNetballCourtsinWalvisBay
NavyNC,thirdonthelogwith30pointsafter18games,fourpointsbehindlog leader Mighty Gunners NC with 34 points after 17 games with Namibian CorrectionalServicesNCsecondwith31pointsafter18games.NavyNCneedto wintheirremainingsixgamestowintheMTCNetballleague.
Eleven Arrows NC redeemed themselves with a hard fought 41-29 win over archrivalsBlueWatersNCinthefinalmatchoftheday Playersfrombothteams puttheirbodiesonthelineforamuchneededwinforbothteams.
ThetrophywillbeinWindhoekonWednesday 21 September with a parade in Independence Avenue at 10:00 before it will visit some schoolsforphotosessions.At14:00thetrophy will be at the Doc Jubber field for a cricket
Namibiahasalsointroducedsomenewnamesin the squad, who will make their T20 World cup debut.
Wicketkeeper-batter Lohan Louwrens, batter Divan la Cock and pacerTangeni Lungameni are the three names in the squad who will feature for the first time in the marquee tour
In the meantime Cricket Namibia name experienced 16-member squad for the upcoming ICCMen'sT20WorldCup2022inAustralia. The squad will be led by talismanic skipper GerhardErasmusandseesablendofyouthand
ICC Cricket World Cup Trophy Tour
Cricket Namibia, together with the Inter nationalCricketCouncil(ICC)commencedthe countdown to theT20World Cup inAustralia, withatrophytouracross4continents.Namibia is scheduled to host the ICC Men'sT20World CupTrophyfromthe19th–21stofSeptember whichwillmarkanimportantmilestoneforthe country in celebrating Namibia's participation intheT20WorldCup.