Golden Visa Programme clarification
Residence by Investment and The President's Links Estate
The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board(NIPDB)revealedthey[NIPDB]areworkingwiththe MinistryofHomeAffairs,Immigration,SafetyandSecurity (MHAISS)tofinalisetheGoldenVisaprogrammeenvisaged in the Harambee Prosperity Plan II (HPP II) and are in hopestosubmittheframeworkoftheprogrammetoCabinet assoonasithasbeenpresentedtoandendorsedbytherelevantministers.
Inthemeantime,NIPDBhasadvisedtheprojectpromotersofthePresident's Link Estate development inWalvis Bay to attract investors based on the existing laws and regulations as applied by MHAISS. NIPDB is alsoworkingwiththeMHAISSontheprocessofcraftingaconceptfora Namibian Residence-by-Investment (RBI) framework called the Desert VisaProgramme. AmediareleasebyNIPDBreads: “Residence-by-Investment (RBI) programmes (also known as Golden Visaprogrammes)havebecomeincreasinglypopularacrosstheworld,as waystoattracthighnet-worthindividualsintoacountry,andasameansto strategically revitalise national economies. Globally, more than 100 countries have targeted RBI programmes, with most regimes offering theseinvestorspermanentresidencethatallowsthemandtheirfamiliesto live,workandinvestinthecountry,inaccordancewiththeconditionsset byeachcountry ForNamibia,thepotentialofusingsimilarprogrammes todriveeconomicgrowthisconsideredintheHarambeeProsperityPlan II, in which one of the stated activities under the Economic Competitivenesspillaristo“Designandoffercompetitiveinvestmentincentives tofacilitatelocalandforeigndirectinvestmentattractionandretention.”
Inthisregard,HPPIImandatesthattheNamibiaInvestmentPromotionand Development Board (NIPDB) “in conjunction with the Ministry of Home AffairswillformulateatargetedGoldenVISAprogrammelookingtoincentiviseandattractinvestorswithskills,discretionarycapitalandambitionsto setupbusinessesandresidencyinNamibia.”Inthisregard,theroutetaken byMauritiusisastrongcaseinpointandapositiveexampletofollow
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Councellor Ryan Gordon makes a difference
WalvisBaycounsellor,RyanGordonexpressedhisgratitude towards the Principal of the Karibib Private School, Mr VincentHokkieforatenderofN$21562.50 madeavailable by the school for the making of desks and chairs for the learnersafterthecouncellorheardthechildrenmuststandin classbecauseofthelackofdesksandchairs.
ThetenderfromMrVincentHokkieenabledCouncellorRyanGordon,his son Mr Bryan Gordon and a trainee, Mr Petrus Petrus to make fifteen chairs,sixschooldesksfortheGrade3learners,thirtydesksfortheGrade 6learnersandfifteendesksfortheGrade9learnersattheKaribibPrivate
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Farm 37 public meeting
ResidentsofKuisebmondflockedinmassestoapublicmeetingconcerningFarm37andillegalregistrationoflandheldby the Office of the Mayoroutside the Kuisebmund Stadium on Wednesdaythisweek.
Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes made it clear that the council will move forward with relocating people to Farm 37, which will include backyard shack tenants, residents of Twaloloka and Naraville. “We can't move everyone immediately because there will be chaos, since the necessary services have not yet been put in place,” Forbes stated and elaboratedthatthefirst50peoplewillbesentthereasasamplegrouptosee howtheywillmanageamorelarge-scalerelocation.Preference,thispointin
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First Namibian Female General surgeon, homegrown
Peaceful demonstration outside Swakopmund Municipality
Arandis B-Two Truck Port Official Opening Ceremony
“Our learners deserve to learn in comfort just as they deserve quality education”
“We can't move everyone immediately”Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff Eliphas Sheepo
Golden Visa Councellor Ryan
In catalysing the attainment of this goal, the NIPDB is in the process of crafting a concept for a Namibian RBI framework called the DesertVisaProgramme,whichcoversvarious categoriesofinvestment,andproposescertain conditions for each category Amongst the various categories conceptualised under this framework, is one on RBI through real estate investments.The NIPDB is currently working closely with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security (MHAISS) to ensure that all aspects and potential gaps in the programme are well considered, and that the criteria for the approvals for real estate developments qualifying for RBI are well set out before submitting the same to Cabinet for approval This activity, which has an underlyingobjectiveofraisingN$50billionin investments during the HPPII period, was due for implementation during the second quarter ofthe2021/2022financialyear
At its inception in 2021, the NIPDB was familiarised with the President's Link Estate development in Walvis Bay The project promoters sought the assistance of the Board with provision of several investor services in line with our mandate to render investment facilitation services to potential investors. In accordance with the above-mentioned HPP II objective, the project promoters further requested an update and have been following up on the status of the Golden Visa program. Thetotalinvestmentvalueofthegolfestateis set to be over N$4 billion. It is also envisaged
that the project will create over 2 500 temporary jobs, 1 300 permanent jobs, and build over 700 low-costhousesforNamibians(inadditiontothe homesconstructedontheEstate).
One of the marketing angles for this project includes a RBI through real estate component. However, in the absence of an approved Golden Visaprogrammesandwhilethemodalitiesofthe type of residency offered through these programmesandtheconditionsattachedthereto, are still being worked through and pending approval by the relevant authorities, the NIPDB has advised the project promoters to attract investors based on the existing laws and regulationsasappliedbyMHAISS.
Namibia is faced with challenges of poverty, inequality, and unemployment. In order to effectively address these challenges, the Namibiangovernmenthascommittedtoaprivate sector led growth and has embraced investments as an important part of the solution to these challenges.Inthisregard,theNIPDBisworking collaborativelywithvariousOMAstoensurethat we attract investments that will bring Namibia closer to achieving our national priorities and economicdevelopmentobjectives,inaccordance withournationallawsandregulations.
In line with this perspective, the NIPDB is working with MHAISS to finalise the Golden VisaprogrammeenvisagedinHPPII.Wehopeto submit the framework for this programme to Cabinet as soon as it has been presented to and endorsed by the relevant Ministers (i.e. the Minister of MHAISS and the Minister in the OfficeofthePresident).”
Farm 37 public meeting
themove,willbegiventotaxidriversandthose with means of transportation so that residents will have mobility while the council makes servicesavailableatFarm37.
Deputy Mayor, Saara Mutondoka reassured residentsthatFarm37isnotadumpingsitelike theinformalsettlementsofWindhoekandSwakopmund. “This land is yours, and we the councilwillassistyouinbuildingproperstructures on this land,” said Mutondoka. SuggestingthatthefutureresidentsofFarm37will
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beallowedtobuildshacksontheirpropertywhile they save up enough money over time to furnish theirhomesontheirland.
With regards to the illegal registration for land, the council has decided to start their own registration process and will be sending representativestobackyardshacksandcollectingdatathat willbecompiledandusedforfairlydecidingwho getstogo.
Thecouncilwillholdanothermeetingnextweek toanswerallthepublicsquestionsonthemoveto Farm37.
school.Gordonsaidtheprofitofthetenderinturnenabledthem,through their social responsibility, to help the Flamingo Primary School at WalvisBaywiththerepairthirty-fiveoftheirschoolchairs,andtwelve desks, and expressed his concern that some pupils must stand in class.
“Wemustaskthequestion,'howwecanassistandempowerourfuture leaders'.Ourlearnersdeservetheworld.Thoughtheyarestudentsnow, one day they will become the leaders and decision-makers in our communities.Theyrepresentthebeautifuldiversityofcultures,beliefs, abilities,andgiftsthatcomewiththeknowledgeandappreciationofour histories. Our learners deserve a quality education as much as they deservetolearnincomfortandflexibility.”Therepairofasingleschool chaircostsN$170andrepairingaschooldeskcostsN$264.50.
GordonalsothankstheteamofSilverEngineeringfortakingtheleadin the repair of ten chairs yesterday at Kuisebmond Secondary School. “Thismorningtenstudentshadtheopportunitytositonadecentchair and study hard,” Gordon said and concluded by encouraging more companies to get involved, “even the repair of five to ten desks and chairsatanyschoolinanyareaatatimewillmakeahugedifferencefor learners.”Gordonthanksthosewhoarealreadyinvolved.
r d ear, the 33 ndence Day is celebrated at Outapi in the region under the People united for prosperity”. President Hage Geingobwillbedelivering keynoteaddress.
First Namibian Female General surgeon, homegrown
DrKrystleAnnSaundersonisaboardcertified and registered General Surgeon. In 2005, Dr Saunderson graduated from S.S De Duine High School. She pursued her dream to become a medical doctor and enrolledfortheBachelorofMedicineand Surgery (MBChB) at Stellenbosch University in SouthAfrica. She graduated in 2012, whereby upon her return to Namibia,shecompletedhertwo-yearinternship atKataturaStateHospital.Sheremained, working as a Medical Officer in the surgerydepartment.
She managed to gain a wealth of practical experience, which fueled her passion for givingbacktothecommunity Sheonceagain, in2017enrolledattheUniversityofStellenbosch to begin her training as a specialist in General Surgery General Surgery has been historically identified as a male-dominated specialty in Namibia, South Africa and aboard.Theunderrepresentationofwomenin thesurgicalacademia,wasoneofthemotivatingfactorswhyDrSaundersonpursuedthis field. She had a short break in her studies in 2020, when she assisted during the COVID 19 outbreak in the Erongo region. She was part of a team that was instrumental in the facilitation and establishment of the first COVID High care ward at the Walvis Bay State Hospital. In 2022, she completed her finalexaminationsandonthe15March2023,
is a board certified and registered General Surgeon
during a graduation ceremony, held in Cape Town, received her FCS – Fellowship of the collegeofsurgeons.
Through sheer resilience and steadfast determination, she managed to succeed in her pursuitandhasbecomethefirstNamibianfemale GeneralSurgeon.Sheremainshumbleandcite her family and loved ones, as her biggest supportandhavingunwaveringfaithinGod'sever presenceinone'slife. She will be joining the Surgery department at the Katatura State Hospital, in Windhoek. Where she endeavors to put her skills to good use in serving the Namibian community at large.Indeed,sheisarolemodeltotheNamibian girl child, showcasing that through hard work,anythingcanbewithinyourreach.
Peaceful demonstration outside Swakopmund Municipality
Eileen van der SchyffSwakopmund residents expressed their belief around concerns about their request for affordable land to construct homesandregaintheirdignityamongothers,havenotbeen addressed, in a peaceful demonstration outside the Municipalheadquartersyesterdaymorning.
TheSwakopmundMunicipality'sChiefExecutiveOfficer,MrAlfeus Archie Benjamin addressed the crowd, “We are here to accept a petition from the community members.We understand that you have taken the time and effort to gather and submit this petition, and we appreciate your dedication to improving our community.” Public relationsOfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmund,LindaMupupa toldtheNamibTimesthatalltheresidents'issueshavebeenmentioned in the Council update sent out a few weeks ago.” In light of this, Mr Benjaminfurtherstatedtothecrowd,“weareequallyheretostatethat mostoftheissues(ifnotall)raisedarebasedondecisionscouncilhas already taken and started implementing since last year We look forward,aftercouncilhasdiscussedthepetition,tofurtherengageeach otheraswecontinuetoimplementthesedevelopmentaldecisions.”Mr Benjaminthankedthemembersofthecommunityonbehalfofcouncil and stated appreciation for their efforts and commitment towards the developmentofSwakopmund.
Mupupa said the Municipality of Swakopmund is committed to the deliveryofsafe,efficientandaffordableservicesandinfrastructureto allitsresidentsandhasthusadoptedafive-yearstrategicplantoensure keyprojectsanddecisionsareimplementedaswellastofindmethods to combat the challenges the town is faced with. The Swakopmund council will hand over ownership documents to the owners of 850 servicedervensintheDRCbeforeMaythisyear,andisintheprocess of electrifying the DRC and Wagdaar Informal settlements. “These decisions have been resolved at recent council meetings”, Mupupa said.TheSwakopmundTownCouncilurgesallmembersofthepublic to attend the monthly council meetings as to remain informed and updated on all council projects and decisions. Council meetings are held in the Municipality Council Chambers every last Thursday of everymonthat19:00.
Court Swakopmund Court Report
Martin Koto Shikongo (29), appeared on a charge of robbery 1stg alternativetocount1-theft.Thematterwaspostponedto25Aprilforlegal aid.Theaccusedisonbail.
Fillipus Simon (34), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 20 March for continuation of bail application. The accused remainsincustody
Michael Michael (28), appeared on three counts of housebreaking with intenttostealandtheftcharges.Thematterwaspostponedto5Mayforlegal aid.Theaccusedremainsincustody
Mbinao Kenahama (25), appeared on a charge of contravening section 4 (1)(b)readwithsections1,2,4,5,8,and9ofthecontrolledwildlifeproducts and trade act 9 of 2008 as amended- dealing in wildlife products 1st alternativetocount1.Thematterwaspostponedto12Aprilforfixingoftrial date.Theaccusedisonbail.
Sheree Klein (37), appeared on a charge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matterwaspostponedto5Mayforlegalaid.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.
Michael Nawaseb (41), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievousbodilyharmreadwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 28April for sentence. The accused remainsincustody
Katende Mulumba Fiston (34), appeared on charges of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs and defeating or obstructingthecourseofjustice.Thematterwaspostponedto6Julyforplea andtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Gabriel Gabriel (37), appeared on a charge of murder The matter was postponed to 29 May for prosecutor general's decision. The accused is on bail.
NangoloNepolo(25),appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintentto stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto22Juneforpleaandtrial.The accusedremainsincustody
Josef Kalenga (29), appeared on a charge of forgery and uttering a forged instrument.Thematterwaspostponedto9Maybecausethedocketwasnot atcourt.Theaccusedisonbail.
Fransisco Wedeinge Frans (26), Immanuel Nailoke Kandjambanga (35) and Simeon Benhard (34) appeared on charges of fraud and possession of suspected stolen property The matter was postponed to 31 Maybecausethedocketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned.
Ashley Schalk Van Wyk (22), Nazeem Schalk Van Wyk (26) and DonovanVanWyk(22),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodo grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23 May for further investigations.Theaccusedareonbail.
EsterVenokulavo(28),appearedonchargesofroadaccident-recklessor negligent driving, and failing to ascertain injuries. The matter was postponedto9Maybecausethedocketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedison bail.
QuintonOuseb(31),appearedonthreecountsofrapechargesandacharge of kidnapping.The matter was postponed to 29 March for continuation of bailapplication.Theaccusedremainsincustody
Elton Naus Oab (45), appeared on a charge of assault by threat read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponedto3Mayforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody
GeromeMouton(35),appearedonachargeoffailuretopaymaintenance. Thematterwaspostponedto29Mayforotherreason.Theaccusedisonbail.
Nestory Naftal (24) and Teodor Kanime (23), appeared on a charge of robbery with aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponed to 19 Juneforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
LazarusStephanus(32),Christian Shipandeni(29)andMartinKasita (33), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Thematterwaspostponedto21Juneforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedis onbail.
Marius Coetzee (29), appeared on charges of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs and possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 20 April for legal representation.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.
Leonard Kashiru (21), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponedto13Juneforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Ivan Nowaseb (33), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 18 April for further investigations. The accused remains in custody
OscarTsuseb(48),appearedonchargesofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharmreadwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4of2003, and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 10 May for trial. The accusedremainsincustody
MartinAbner(29), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto12Aprilforfixingoftrialdate. Theaccusedremainsincustody
Namutenya Rosa Shilyatukeni (38), appeared on a charge of reckless driving.Thematterwaspostponedto17Aprilforfurtherinvestigation.The accusedremainsincustody
Elderly man commits suicide at Mile 4
74-Year-old Mr AdalberAugust Rudolf Klosecommittedsuicidewithagunshot totheheadinanopenareaclosetoMile 4,SwakopmundonMondaythisweek.
According to the Spokesperson of the Erongo police, Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the body of Mr Klose was discovered by a community member whonotifiedtheSwakopmundpolice.
“Preliminary evidence shows the deceased could have shot himself in the forehead using a short gun,” Inspector Shapumba said. No foul play is suspected,andnosuicidenotewasfound.
Is Usakos on the brink to be downgraded to village status?
Usakos'sresidents,particularlyplotowners areupinarmsabouttherun-downstatethe town,propagatedtohavealotofinvestment possibilities, is currently in. At the same time, the Usakos Town Council is trying to do their best despite the financial and human capital resources constraints they areexperiencing.
One resident, who spoke to the newspaper on condition of anonymity, said in his opinion, the Usakos Town Council does not have the capacity andtechnicalsavvytogetthetownoutofthemessit isin,anditistimetheMinistryofUrbanandRural Development intervenes and assesses the entire situationofthetown.
Photosrevealthetown'sseweragepondsareempty, andaccordingtoresidentsithasbeenforacoupleof months already “Broken sewerage lines are observed all over, and sewerage water does not reach these ponds. The foundations of these sewerage ponds are cracked. Overspilling of seweragewaterrunsintotheKhanRiver,thetown's mainsourceofwater Pumpstationsseemtobeout oforder,andabout80%ofallmanholesarewithout lidsnotonlyonthemainsewerageline,butintown too,”theresidenttoldtheNamibTimesandsaidthis hasbeenaproblemtheUsakosTownCouncilcould not solve for a couple of years already “Proper maintenanceandrepairsarelacking,andpropersite inspections are not being carried out. Instead of repairingproblemswhentheyarestillsmall,timeis wasted until it becomes a national disaster and a national problem. The new mayor promised to polish Usakos, but after two months nothing is yet seen.”
Acting Town Clerk of the Usakos Town Council, Mr Manfriedt Weskop told the Namib Times in a telephonic interview, the council is aware of the rundown sewerage system “The Executive Management Team (Acting Town Clerk, Manager of Technical Services and Manager Finance) is updatedbyboththeTeamLeaderofWaterandthe TeamLeaderofSewerandDrainageonthestateof water and sewer infrastructure.The update takes a form of reports and discussions on blockages, leakagesandbreakdowns.Thatexerciseputsusina situationwherebywekeepabreastonthosematters. So,weareawareoftherundownseweragesystem.”
Mr Weskop said the council is also aware of the concerns of the residents. “There is a section of residents that resides peripherally from the main
sewer line leading to the Oxidation Ponds.”
According to Mr Weskop, the Usakos Town Councilhaveacompetenttechnicalteamtoattend to matters related to the sewer system (Upgrading of sewer lines, ponds, pump stations and manholes) “We submitted our Project IdentificationForm(PIF),throughtheMinistryof Urban and Rural Development, to the National Planning Commission for funding of N$ 28 005 210.94 for over a period of three financial years.
According to Mr Weskop, the funding was requestedfortheupgradeofthesewerreticulation system, and to construct two additional boreholes forwatersupplysecuritypurposes.“Ourestimates are based on the Master Sewer and Water InfrastructureMasterPlanthatwasdevelopedbya consultantthatthecouncilcontracted.Onaskingto commentabouttheconcernsofresidentsaboutthe overflow of sewerage into the Khan River, Mr Weskopsaidthecouncilhasnorecordedincidentof aninflowofeffluentintotheKhanRiver “Whenit is apparent, effluents are suppressed with constructionofbarrierstodivertthesametoavoid inflow into the river.” Mr Weskop told the newspaper it has been reported by the council's technical teams that residents deposit objects into thesewersystem,especiallywheredraincoversare removed trough another problem, theft. “These reportsincludephotosoftheperpetrators,”saidMr Weskopandsaidtheproblemsectionofthesewer line is the section that passes through the Erongo Hostel. “ Our technical teams remove pieces of mattresses, fabrics, stones and plastic from the sewerline.Thedepositingoftheseobjectsarewhat iscausingblockagesanddamagestothesewerline. Communitymembersmustdesistfromdepositing objects into the sewer lines, especially where manhole caps have been removed through deliberatesabotageortheft. blockages and damage to the sewer line.” Mr Weskop said in conclusion, the Usakos Town Council is in the process of accelerating the land deliveryprocessandthedevelopmentoftheUrban Structure Palan and the Zoning Scheme. “Having these instruments in place will assist Council to deliverymostdesiredservicestothecommunityof Usakos The most important aspect is that community members must be more supportive insteadofbeingjudgmental.Wearetryingtodoour best despite the financial and human capital resourcesconstraintsweareexperiencing.Weneed supporttosucceed.
Arandis B-two Truck Port Official Opening Ceremony
Arandis - gateway to a modern logistic hub
Eileen van der SchyffThe 100 % solar powered ARANDIS B-TWO TRUCK PORT, is a landmark development forthe region, the local communityandthecountry,anditsopeningmarksamajor milestoneforallinvolved.
TheopeningceremonyheldonFriday,10MarchwasattendedbytheArandis Mayor,HisWorshipRistoKapenda,WalvisBayMayor,HisWorshipTrevino Forbes,Total Energies Namibia's Mr Jacobus Nortje, Development Bank of Namibia's Investment Manager, Ms Heroldine Carstens, the Chairperson of theRegionalCouncil,Hon.BenithaImbamba,MinisterofWorksandTransport, Hon John Mutorwa and Swapo Party's Secretary General, Hon Sophia Shaningwa.
In his speech, owner of the ARANDIS B-TWO TRUCKPORT, Mr Cedric Lucassharedtheprojectjourneyofthetruckport.LucasexpressedhisgratitudetowardsTotalEnergiesNamibia,theDevelopmentbankofNamibiaand theArandisTownCouncil.Lucassaid,“Theywerepartoftheteamwhostood behindusandmakethisideaareality.”AccordingtoLucas,theideabehind thetruckport wastobringinfrastructureandemploymentopportunitiestothe townofArandis,atownwithmuchpotential.“Wearehonouredtobeableto makeapositivesocio-economicimpactinourcountrytobepartofthedifference. We hope to assist in the revitalisation of the mining sector and other formsofindustryhereonthisinternationalgatewaylinkingtheErongoregion inNamibiatotherestoftheworld.”
Inhisopeningspeech,onbehalfoftheGovernmentofNamibia,MinisterJohn Mutorwasaidthethemeofhismessageisshortandtothepoint,“Theimportant and indispensable role of transport infrastructures and related logistical facilities in driving and facilitating cultural-socio-economic-political development. Regional (SADC) Continental (AU) integration cohesion and unity.”TheministerspokeaboutImpalaIslandthatpermanentlyconnectsthe four sovereign countries, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe and Namibia. “Transportinfrastructures,betheyair,road,railormaritime,mustsoonconnectthatpartofNamibiatotherestoftheMotherlandandbyextensiontoits neighbouringcountriesintheSADCregionandbeyond.”MutorwasaidtheBTwoArandisTruck Port is situated in a town surrounded by mines, situated approximately 70km from Swakopmund and 100 km from the Walvis Bay harbour “AharbourorseaportwhichH.EDrSamNujoma,Namibia'sFoundingPresident,duringtheRe-integrationCeremony,in1994;characterisedas : 'Not only Namibia's harbour, but also SADC's harbour and indeedAfrica's harbour'–tobearwitnesstotheofficialandpublicopeningoftheArandisBTWOTRUCKPORT Itisourexpectation,asgovernmentthatthetruckport willefficientlyandcosteffectivelysupportseamlessandregulatedmovement of truck and goods, along and on the Walvis Bay – Ndola – Lubumbashi DevelopmentCorridor; ontheTrans-KalahariDevelopmentCorridor;toand fromNamibiatoAngolaandvice-versa.”Theministerwentontosaythatitis also the government's expectation that facilities will add value through warehousingandotherinter-modelfacilities,forproperstoringofgoods.“It goeswithoutsayingthatthedevelopmentofweighbridges,atcarefully,well selected strategic placers, will also most certainly allow for more efficient processingoftrucks,goodsandservices.
Fat, Oils and Grease cause sewer blockages
The Walvis Bay Municipality appeals to residents not to misuse the sewerage systemandrefrainfromdischargingfatandforeignobjectsintothedrainsofthe town,afterlargeamountsoffatanddebriswereobservedinthemainpublicsewer linesalongHageGeingobAvenuenexttoChoppies.
Anotice by the municipality reads: “The mainculpritofsewerblockagesisfats,oil andgrease(knownasFOG)thatissimply poured down a kitchen sink or drain. In liquid form, fat, oil and grease do not appeartobeharmful,butwhenitcoolsin the sewer network it congeals and hardens. Over time it sticks to the inner lining of drainage pipes and restricts the waste water flow causing the pipes to block. Cleaning these blocked sewers is an expensive and time-consuming exercise.
Homeownerscanhelppreventcostlyand unsanitary overflows by following a few simplesteps:
· Do not pour grease, fats and oils from cookingdownthedrain.
·Scrapeexcessgrease/ftinacontaineror baganddisposeofitinthegarbageprior towashing.
·Placefoodscrapsinwastecontainersor garbage bags, promote use of scraping warepriortowashing.
·Disposablediapersandpersonalhygiene productsdonotbelonginthesewersystem. Checklist for managing fat, oil and grease inhouseholdkitchens:
· Collect waste oil in a suitable, secure container
· Use strainers in sink plug holes (and emptycontentsintothebin).
· Do not pour boiling hot water down the sink to try dissolve fat and grease, it does notwork.
World Kidney Day celebrated
Rudi BoweWelwitschia Hospital at Walvis Bay conducted a special programtomarkthe18thWorldKidneyDaycelebrationon Thursday,9March.
The hospital celebrated the day with various medical campaigns withafreekidneydiseasescreeningclinicwhereabout50children wereseen,testedandnecessaryadvicegiven.
WorldKidneyDayisaglobalhealthcareeventcelebratedonthe2nd Thursday in March every year since 2006, intending to bring together the patients suffering from kidney diseases and promote awarenessof“amazingkidneys”byeducatingthepeopleabouttheir roleinmaintaininghealth.
The 2023 campaign with the theme "Kidney Health for AllPreparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable" focus on raising awareness about disastrous events, natural or man-made, internationalorlocal,andtheirimpactonpeoplelivingwithkidney diseasewhoseaccesstoappropriatediagnosticservices,treatment, andcareishindered.
On World Kidney Day, apart from educating the people en masse, alsohelpsbringtheattentionoflocalandnationalhealthauthorities and other stakeholders in controlling the chronic kidney disease epidemic.
Paediatrician at Welwitschia Hospital, Dr Makanda-Charambira saidtheywouldliketoencourageparentstobeproactiveaboutthe healthoftheirchild'skidneys.
Yearly kidney screening is a wonderful way to monitor kidney functionandwewillbeconductingFREEscreeningsforlittleones inhonourofthisawarenessday”DrMakanda-Charambirasaid. Importantsevenchronickidneydiseasepreventivetipsare:Keepfit andavoidasedentarylifestyle.Haveahealthybalanceddiet.Check and manage the blood sugar levels. Check and maintain the blood pressurelevels,Drinkappropriatefluid(eightcups,nearlytwolitres per day). Abstinence from tobacco consumption. Avoid regular intakeofnon-steroidalanti-inflammatory(NSAIDS).
Puma Energy to extend solar energy
ThisyearwillseePumaEnergyNamibiaintroduceitssolar energy solutions, amongst others, to customers in the mining,fishing,manufacturing,andagriculturalindustries.
Mrs Adell Samuelson, General Manager of Puma Namibia, said the company aspires to energise communities, providing a range of energysolutionsbeyond traditionalfuels.
Speaking at a media event inWindhoek on 3 March, she said, “Puma Energy is helping support the energy transition. We want to lead and grow in Namibia in this dynamic, fastmoving sector putting our customers’ needs first.” This follows on PumaEnergyNamibia's launch of its 25 solar projects operating at its retail stations, depots and terminals in Namibia. With a combined capacity of 781 kWp it can generate an estimated 1,337 MWh annually This volume of solar energy will reduce CO2 emissions by an estimated 1 044 tons per annum
Namibia's effort contributes to Puma Energy's wider plans to roll out over 200 solar projects around the world. “This project demonstrates P u m a E n e r g y ' s commitmenttodeliveringlowercarbon,renewable energy solutions andenergizingthecommunities that we serve. As responsible corporate citizens, we are taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Harnessingthepowerof the country's natural resources is advantageousforthe environment, makes Namibia less dependent on electricity imports andiscost.competitive. The solar projects at Puma Energy's assets are just the first step. Now we aim to use the expertisewe'vegathered to offer lower carbon and renewable energy solutions to our larger commercial and industrial customers. We are planning two events for this year to meet with potential clients and explain our solutions, after having established byconsultingwithcompanies,thattheywantan all-inclusive service catering for all their energy needs. Partnershipsshouldprovidefor renewable energy solutions in addition to the traditional fuels and lubricants.
Other service offerings, which demonstrate Puma Energy's commitment to Namibia, include an integrated fuelefficiencysystemePuma, which enables customerstoconductall their fuel business online - placing orders, accessing statements and invoices; a solution for customers in the transportation and logistics sector with
fleets of vehicles, which offers/ enables high-tech, real time digital data updatesonrefuellingwhen refuel-ling at our stations. This safe option makes carrying money or fuel cardsredundantandoffers a cross border fuelling
solution. Puma Energy is fullycommittedtosupporting energy security in Namibia The company suppliesamajorportionof fuel to the Namibian market. Our Walvis Bay terminals have a storage capacity of 130 600 m2
and are dedicated to supplying our downstream operations – our 61 retail fuel stations across the country Puma Energy Namibia supplies aviation fuel 24/7 to airlines flying to and from Hosea Kutako Inter-national, Ondangwa andErosairports.
PumaEnergyworksclosely and constructively with the Government of Namibia,especiallytheMinistry
of Mines and Energy and the Namibia Oil Industry Association to find solutionstogethertostrengthen the security of fuel supply andmitigatethechallenges facingthesector,including towards achieving a balancebetweentheprices paid at the pump and the needtopaythemarketrate for the fuels required. We havebeenworkingclosely with the relevant autho-
rities to ensure Namibia has reliable and affordable access to energy given the current market dynamics andgeopoliticallandscape. Given the market's volatility it is important that pricing mechanism take into consideration and corelate closely with international market prices to ensure security of supply and sustainable economics for
everyoneinvolved. In serving its communities, Puma Energy Namibia has upgraded its retailsitesinanambitious pump replacement programme, is developing its conveniencestoreoffering and is training service station staff to deliver the bestcustomerservice,Mrs Samuelsonsaid.
As Namibia prepares to celebrate another year of freedom and independence, Hopfast Management & Staff would like to wish the entire Namibian Nation a happy and safe 33rd Independence Day on Tuesday 21 March 2023.
Children's Prayer Day
A Childrens' Prayer Day was hosted by the Journey and Faith Academy targeting youth trapped in social evils like drugs, alcohol abuse and crime while commemorating by lighting candles, those children that fell victim because of theseillsattheImmanuelRuitersSchoolHallonSaturday,11 March.
Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes, marched alongside the learners of the various primary schools in the town, from the fire brigade station up to the schoolhall. “Justrecentlyweheardofafive-year-oldthatwaskilledbyhis stepfather, someone he trusted, it saddens me to see our kids suffering so gravely at the hands of those they are supposed to put their faith in,” Forbes saidinhisspeech.
Individualcounsellingsessionswerealsoheldaftertheeventwithcommunity educatorHubertMukosho.“Wemusttakeastandagainstthesesocialillsthat plagueourcommunity,”Mukoshocommented.
The ceremony was colored with adorable performances by the learners who evenledapowerfulprayertorounduptheevent.
Arainbowisoftenasignofhope,thebeautyafterthestorm,apotof goldandgoodfortuneattherainbow'send.Formany,arainbow carriesapersonalsymbolicmeaning–representinginclusivityand diversity,anall-embracingimageofloveandfriendship.
Validation that Promiseland touches lives daily and that we play a fundamental role in our vulnerablesociety
Acryingmotherrecentlybroughtusaheart-feltlettertothankusfortheincredibleandlifechangingworkwedo.ReadingherwordsabouthowPromiselandprovidesherchildrenwith theopportunitiessheneverhad,remindedusthatwearedoinganimportantjobinourlocal community
Besidesraisinghertwochildren(herdaughtergraduatedlastyearandiscurrentlyattending grade1andheryoungersonwhoisintheprocessofcompletinghisthree-yearPromiseland schoolcareer),shealsocaresforherdisabledchild.
Pre-primaryschoolisconsideredaluxuryinvulnerablecommunitiesandPromiselandEarly ChildhoodDevelopmentCentregivesthesechildrenafightingchancewhentheyembarkon their school career Most children struggle in school because they are not well educated in Englishanddon'thavethenecessaryvocabularytofullyunderstandandexecutetasks. MostchildrenstruggleinschoolbecausetheyarenotwelleducatedinEnglishanddon'thave thenecessaryvocabularytofullyunderstandandexecutetasks.
It'snotuncommonforchildrentospeakbetterEnglishthantheiroftenless-educated/literate parents.FundamentallythisiswhatPromiselandisinvestingin-thefutureofourchildren,to break the cycle of poverty and empower the next generation with a solid educational foundation.
''Mostofuswanttheproductofdisciplinewithoutthepainofdiscipline.Butwecan'thavethe rewardswithouttheprocess.''
AtthePromiselandSoupKitchenourMISSIONissimple:feedthemostvulnerablehealthy andnutritiousmeals-accesstonourishingmealsisafoundationforeverychild'sabilityto learn.Poornutritioninchildrenislinkedtoslowerprogress.
Mostchildrencanbenefitfromhealthyfoodthatimprovesacademicperformance,butwhen you volunteer, you practice important life skills used in the workplace such as teamwork, communication,problem-solving,projectplanningandtaskmanagement.Besidesbuilding characterandgivingasenseofpurposetheylearnhardworkethicandgaintheconfidence theyneedtobecomeleadersamongtheirpeers.
ThankstoSeaworkCareswewereabletoblessalleightofourvolunteerswithstationeryand schoolbackpackstothankthemfortheircontinuedcommitmentatthesoupkitchen.
122childrenreceivedschoolclothessupport-schoolsocks36-schoolshoes43-graypants/ skirts16-Schooljerseys6-whiteshirts21
A special thanks to everyone who participated - You are the special type of person that changes lives, lifts people up, and makes the world a better place. Thank you for your donationandyourassociationwithourcause.
·Promoteeducationalactivitiesthatusefoodasateachingtooltoconnectclassroomsand communities.
Help children to break free from behavioural challenges. Through the purposeful farming taskstheydevelopnewskills,learntocopewithrisks,overcomefears,becomeincreasingly independent,andbuildadeepsenseofconfidenceintheirabilities
Even though children graduate and leave our EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTRE, many vulnerablechildrenremainPromiselandfamilylongafterthey'veleftourschoolandcontinue tovisitoursoupkitchenafterschoolorformpartofourschoolfeedingscheme. Our School feeding program is important for the physical, mental and psychosocial developmentofchildrenandthisgivesthemafairchancetoobtainasuccessfuleducation. Children who receive regular meals are more likely to perform better in class tasks and activities,astheyhaveenoughenergyfortheirbrainstofunctionproperly
TheboyswentaroundTutaleniandTwokalokatohandoutsoapbars,whichwasfirstcutinto usable sizes by the boys as it was originally packaged as huge 10-15kg blocks.They came acrossmanyofthekidsthatcometoourschoolandweremetwithscoresofgratefulsmiles.
Without the invaluable support of our partners we would not have been able to reach these milestonesin2022:
Giving promotes social connection. Studies show that when you give to others, your generosityisoftencontinueddownthelinetosomeoneelse,orreturnedtoyou.
Intention to Sell Erf 4874 and Erf 4901 (zoned
“General Industrial”) Extension 10, Swakopmund
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 63 (2) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund intends to sell by way of private transaction Erf 4874 and Erf 4901, zoned General Industrial” situated in Extension 10 Swakopmund through private treaty as follows:
IntentiontoSellIntentiontoSellaportionofland measuringapproximately4.1halocatedadjacentto Portion180(belongingtoRosendalFarmingCC)to RosendalFarming CC
Full particulars of the above sales will lie for inspection by interested persons at the Main Municipal Office Building, Room BO-22A, between 07:30 – 16:00 weekdays until Friday 31 March 2023
Contact persons:
Ms N Gustaf at ( 064 - 4104214
Any person objecting to the proposed sale may lodge such objections in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday, 04 April 2023
Take note that no objection via email will be considered
The objection must be made by a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number
NOTICE NO 16/2023
Swakopmund Municipality
Procurement Management Unit
DESCRIPTION : ConsultancyServicesfor the Design and Supervision of a Stormwater Management System in Vineta and Ocean View
SCOPE : The purpose of this assignment is to investigate, recommend and design a Stormwater System in Vineta to reduce flooding.
PREREQUISITES : Bidder shall demonstrate to havecompletedsimilarscope of works within the last three (3) years
PRE-BID MEETING : Tuesday, 28March 2023 at 09:00 in the Engineering Boardroom of the Swakopmund Municipal Building, c/oRakotoka Street & Daniel KamhoAvenue, Swakopmund
CLOSINGDATE : Monday, 15 May 2023 at11:00
DOCUMENTS : Available at the Cashiers at the SwakopmundMunicipal Building c/o Rakotoka Street & Daniel KamhoAvenue, Swakopmund
LEVY : N$ 300.00 (Non-refundable, VAT Incl )
ENQUIRIES : L Williams
TEL : +264 – 64 – 410 4407
Thebids(1original+1copy)mustbeinsealedenvelopes and clearly marked on the front CR/RFP/SM-001/2023Consultancy Service for the Design and Supervision of a Stormwater Management System in Vineta and Ocean View and addressed to the Head of the Procurement Management Unit Bidder’s name & address must beclearly marked on the back ofthe sealed envelopes Bids mustbeplacedinthe RED bidbox onthe Ground Floor of the Swakopmund Municipal Offices, c/o Rakotoka Street & Daniel Kamho Avenue Swakopmund or posted to the Head of the Procurement Management Unit, P.O Box 53, Swakopmund.
Notice 13/2023
Mr A Benjamin Chief Executive Officer
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 63 (2) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund intends to sell by way of private transaction a portion of land measuring approximately 4.1 ha located adjacent to Portion 180 (belonging to Rosendal Farming CC) to Rosendal Farming CC through private treaty The additional portion will be consolidated with portion 180 and be zoned “agricultural”
Full particulars of the above sales will lie for inspection by interested persons at the Main Municipal Office Building, Room BO-22A, between 07:30 – 16:00 weekdaysuntilFriday31March2023
MsNGustafat ( 064-4104214
Any person objecting to the proposed sale may lodge such objections in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday, 04 April2023
Take note that no objection via email will be considered. The objection must be made by a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number
CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day Care Centre) ON ERF NO: 4760 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme,noticeisherebygiventhatI/we,the undersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establish on the site a/an: Place of Instruction (Day CareCentre).
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of t h e L o c a l Authorities Act 1992(Act23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease by private transaction a portion of Remainder Farm38WalvisBat to Manale Trading EnterprisesCC.
Description: RemFarm38
Area: 15.000m² Rental
N$13,200 00 Plus 15%VAT
Swakopmund Municipality Procurement Management Unit
DESCRIPTION : Surfacing of Ondjamba Streets (Phase 1)
SCOPE : The upgrading of existing gravel road in Swakopmund
PREREQUISITES : Bidder shall demonstrate tohave completed similar scope of works within the last three (3) years.
PRE-BID MEETING : Friday, 31March 2023 at 09:00 in the Training Room of the Swakopmund Municipal Building, c/oRakotokaStreet & Daniel KamhoAvenue, Swakopmund
SITE INSPECTION : Afterthe pre-bid meeting
CLOSINGDATE : Monday, 15 May 2023 at11:00
DOCUMENTS : Available at the Cashiers at the SwakopmundMunicipal Building, c/o Rakotoka Street & Daniel KamhoAvenue, Swakopmund
LEVY : N$ 300.00 (Non-refundable, VAT Incl )
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.
Any person having any objection to the approvalofthisapplication,mustlodgesuch objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing,notlaterthan7April2023.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme that the Municipal Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services
1. Erf 6276 (Huab Street) Swakopmund Ext 22: Special consent for a Resident Occupation- Administrative Office.
2. Erf 1108, (Libertina Amadthila Avenue) Swakopmund Ext 3: Special consent for a Resident OccupationBiokenetics Practice
3. Erf 109 (Baumgarten Laan) Tamariskia Ext.1: Special consent for a Resident Occupation- Administrative Office.
4. Erf 3354, (Monica Geingos Street) Mondesa Ext 7:
Special consent for a Resident Occupation-
5. Erf 3399(Waterberg Street) Mondesa Ext 7: Special consent for aPlaceof Ammusement
Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interestedpersonsuntil *Tuesday, 28 March 2023 at room 29, Municipality Offices, Kuisebmond For more information MrsSSatchipiacan be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersignedbefore orat12:00*Friday, 31March2023.
MunicipalOffices CivicCentre Nangolo Mbumba Drive PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay Fax:(064)209714
: L Williams
TEL : +264 – 64 – 410 4407
The bids (1 original + 1 copy) must be in sealed envelopes and clearly marked on the front W/ONB/SM-001/2023Surfacing of Ondjamba Streets (Phase 1) and addressed to the Head of the Procurement Management Unit Bidder’sname&addressmustbeclearlymarkedontheback ofthesealedenvelopes. Bidsmust beplaced intheREDbid box on the Ground Floor of the Swakopmund Municipal Offices, c/o Rakotoka Street & Daniel Kamho Avenue, Swakopmund or posted to the Head of the Procurement Management Unit P.O Box 53 Swakopmund.
Notice: 14/2023
6. Erf 9004 (Sagittarius Street) Swakopmund Ext 35:
Special consent for a Resident OccupationAdministrativeOffice
7. Erf 3956, (c/o Edison & Einstein Street), Swakopmund Ext.10: Special consent for aShop: General Dealer.
8. Erf 3938, (Gottlieb Uaaka Street), Mondesa Ext. 9:
Special consent for a Resident Occupation-
9. Erf 2153, Esegiel Guiseb) Matutura Ext.10: Special consent fora resident occupation-AdministrativeOffice
Contact Person: Mr J Heita (Manager: Town Planning)
Tel: +264 (64)4104403
Any person having any objections to the proposed activities may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer before or on 5th April 2023
Mr A Benjamin Chief Executive Officer
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities
Act 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of WalvisBayintendsto lease, by private transaction,aPortion Farm 38 to Kuisebmund Investments CC.
Description: aPortionofFarm38 Area(m²): 20000m²
LeaseAmount: N$19 200 00 per monthplus N$2880.00 (15%VAT)
Full particulars pertainingtothesalewill lie for inspection by interested persons until *Wednesday,
29 March 2023 at room 29, Municipality
Offices, Kuisebmond For more information Mrs Merinda /Keis can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 duringofficehours.
Any person objecting totheproposedlease, may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/ motivation thereof, to t h e M a n a g e r : Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Monday,3April2023 at12:00.
Jack Manale Manager: Housing and Properties
Tel: (064) 201 3338
Email: jmanale@walvisbay
Notice is hereby given in terms of the Model Water Supply Regulations and the Model Sewerage and Drainage RegulationsoftheLocalAuthorities ActthattheMunicipal Council considers the following registration of plumbers and drain layers, details of which are obtainable from the GM: Engineering & Planning Services:
1. W.Shilomboleni–OnanyomePlumbingandConstruction
2. T N. Katukutuku – Namdev Trading Enterprises
3. A. S Erasmus - Namdev Trading Enterprises
4. S Ipinge - Gwanowa Trading Enterprises cc
Contact Person: Mr A. Louw Tel.: (064) 4104402 Mrs V. Reischauer-Buchert Tel.: (064) 4104400
Any person having any objections to the proposed registration may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 11April 2023
NOTICE NO: 18/2023
Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Tennacky Investment CC c/o Even Everlast Shipanga.
2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: TopasRestaurant.
3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application
relates: Erf 1024, WalvisBay
4. Nature and details of application: Change of Trade name FROM: Quinton Tapas Restaurant TO: Elounge Restaurant & Car Wash.
5 Where application willbelodged:Clerkof Court WalvisBay
6 Date on which application will be lodged: 17 March 2023.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reachtheMagistratenot later than 7 days after the date on which the applicationislodged.
Large Shipping Company seeks SalesDevelopmentManager for their Namibian operation. The role entails Sales, Sourcing, Developing and Managingnewbusiness.
Experience required - 5 -7 years Sales, Shipping, Landside Logistics and valid Driver'sLicense.
Applicants can email their CV th
ClosingDate:24 ofMarch2023
Only Short-Listed candidates will be contacted.
ABenjamin ChiefExecutive Officer
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:Engineering&PlanningServices.
AS Desert Investment cc herewith intends to apply to theMunicipalityofSwakopmundforspecialconsentto operateanAdministrativeOfficeonthepremisesofErf 5693, (Dr Kuaima Riruako Avenue), Swakopmund Extension18.
Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal businesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is 17 April 2023.
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
Responsible for the smooth running of various deliveries and collections, submission and follow up of customs/ clearance documentation.
Responsibilities and Duties:
·Tomakesurealldocumentsareinorderand acquitted
·Ensurealladministrationisconductedeffective andefficiently
·Problemsolvinginconsultationswiththe coordinator
·Bookorarrangecustomsinspectionwithall relevantparties
Minimum Requirements:
· Grade 10 or 12
·Oneyears'experienceinfreight/logisticsor similarenvironmentwillbeadvantageous
Closing date: 23 March 2023
C l a s s i f i e d s
DoctorBombaBazuka–the nameisenough
Landscaping&plant doctor
Originalpalm&tree trimming
Painting:house,palmtrees andthatchroofs
Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.
Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving
*Demolishingwalls,tiling andpainting.
Walvis Bay
Building,tiling,painting, stastostones
Pregnancy - Education -
Court Cases - Love Af-
fairs - Marriage Pro-
blems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc.
WalvisBay& Swakopmund.
Cell: 0812017887
DoctorOupaMulewaThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice.
Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.
Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome.
ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs&feet, epelipsy,drinking/smoking, tobereleasedfromprison, manhoodenlargement. Hips/breast.Iknowyouhave beenletdownbyothersbut nowyourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.
Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102
DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwomanof yourchoice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandhimorher toloveyouonly,getattracted toarichmanorwoman,all pregnancyproblems, financialproblems,magic ringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts,manhood enlargementmtoxl,hipsand breastenlargement,badlucks andmanymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299
DRBABAKAREEM Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattherighttime, Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctorswithout success.Hereisapowerful Doctorwhoisafteryourfast reliesnotcash.LOVE
ISSUES:*Ichallengeto bringbackyourbacklost loverandmakehim/her apologiseandbeunderyour feetforever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil)
*Manhoodenlargementinall sizesandstrongerinbed
*Clearyourdebts/Loans quickly*Fixfinancial problems,getmoneyinyour bankaccountusingchida,* Wintenderswinlottoand gamblingandcontracts
TheGoodNewsStop CryingTraditional Healer
Powerfulisheretohelp anykindofproblems
ContactNumberDr AzulaWhatsapporcall 0812248966
5.Stopyourpartnersfrom cheating
6.Bringbacklostlovers quick
9.Penisenlargementall stress
15.Protectingyourhouse properties
17.Hipsbreastand buttocksenlargements
19.Getmanorwomanof yourchoiceyouwant
20.Sendwanaoil,wallet andmoney
DrAzulaContact081 2248966/0857795317 Callformore information
Modernupmarketfully furnished/applianced
2bedroomflatforlong termrent.
Largeopenplankitchen, dining-room,lounge combo.Includesfireplace andunderfloorheating.
1fullbathroom+guest toilet
North/westfacing Verandawithbraai
Longgaragewithelectric gate
Buildinglookedafterby HausLüderitzbody corporate-includedinrent N$9000/month negotiable
Veryneat2bedroomflat torentinWalvisBay, walkingdistanceto DunesideHighSchool andWelwitschiaHospital. CornerunitwithBIC’s andstove,openplan kitchenandloungearea, balcony&undercover parkingforN$4950p.m. (Water incl & Electricity excl).
Modern3bedroom,2 bathrooms,bigkitchen, lounge,2garages,big privatecourtyard. Blinds,G4SandN$200 freewater.Dishwasher/ stove.Noanimals.Strict selection
Availablefrom1March 2023
N$7800.00p/mDeposit N$7800.00
Bachelorflatforrent 1bedroomnewlybuild toiletandshower
Kitchen/loungewithbic Garage
Water included
Prepaid electricity. AvailableatMatutura, Swakopmund
Contact:0812949278 0811248739
Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret.
(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,topass exams,topassdriving,to protectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751
*Iamgoodinmakinga womantobeexcellentinbed, tobesweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingforthose peoplethatotherdoctors failedtoassist,finish unfinishedjobandmany more.MailOrderAvailable
Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage
Sexualsatisfactionbothmen andwomen
Doyouhavepiglice problems,Passexams
Badluck,Finishunfinished jobsbyotherdoctors
DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults
Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorawoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand makehimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore....Call DrAtwabi 0812337274
1slaapkamerwoonstel beskibaarinLagoonarea, Walvisbaai.Ingeboude kastemettoesluit motorhuis.Baieveiligen geskikvireenpersoon metsobergewoontes. Beskikbaar1April2023. Geentroeteldiereof kinders.N$4500.00p/m W/L ingsl.
Skakel:0812439987 0812290730
Central, 265m property ² features.
Newly renovated , 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge and single garage. PLUS detached flat of 2 bedrooms with 1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge and single garage. Property has high boundary walls. Generates good rental income.
WalvisBaycloseto WelwitschiaHospital andTownCentre
Price N$ 870 000.00 (excluding transfer costs).
Singlepersononly availableasfrom 1.03.2023
TORENT: Swakopmund Tamariskia
Three-bedroomhouse (N$8350.00)andonebedroomflatwithanopen plankitchen(N$3500.00) forrentwaterand electricityincluded. Availableonthe31st March2023. Contactus: 0812898668or 0814351012
spacious3bedroomunit incomplex consistofmainbedroom ensuite,bics
Openplankitchenbics andspaciouslivingroom
Photos available on request or to view on coastal property finder facebook
TORENT:Modern apartment2xbedroom, garage,sunroom,open plankitchen.2minute walkawayfromLagoon
N$6500.00p/m Plusdeposit.
ContactRyno: 0811403477
Price slightly negotiable. Only bank pre-approved or cash clients.
Contact: 0813772781.
Narraville central, Walvis Bay, close to shops and schools.
4bedroomswithBIC,2 bathrooms,openplan kitchenwithBIS, spaciouslivingroom,2x bachelorflats,high boundarywall.Selling belowvaluation
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access.Officeor ablutionalterations. Cowboys. 064418150or 081
Vacancies Vacancies
assistantandPlant& Stockclerk
Scaleofsalary: N$7,000.00–N$12,000.00depending onsuitability
Grade12 Certificate/diplomain officeadministrationwill beanadvantage.
Experiencein constructionindustrywill beanadvantage.
5years'experiencein administrativeand processingduties.
ExperienceinPlantand stockadmin/ managementwillbean advantage.
Processingofallstock andplanttransactions;car trackreporting;plantand stockrepairsand maintenance management;stocktakes; assistanttoHRmanager Onlyshortlisted candidateswillbe contacted.Submitcvto monorbeforeclosing date.
VACANCY: RicciInteriors
Candidateswith6years experiencecanapply
MUSTBE -Abletoaccurateon-site measurements
Blinds,Awnings, RetractableSecurity
-Abletoworkwith variousaluminum productsandsystems. (Cuttingandassembling)
Deliverbyhandat Reception:23Mandume YaNdemufayostreet.
Le Morgan Direct Marketing (PTY) Ltd
Excellent opportunity fir self-motivated individuals who want to join a dynamic national sales company
Promote our product range through appointments, leads and referrals!
Call us at +264 83 341 7370
Vibrantandfriendly Namibiancitizen
FluentinEnglishand Afrikaans
Boat+trailerinperfect conditionandlicensed.
Usedforthelast14years everyholiday
StoredinLuderitz N$250000.00O.N.O
Call:0811291100 onleaveamessage
Ekis37jaaroud,opsoekna huiswerkinSwakopmund,ek kanookmooikosmaak.
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic work,officecleaningand guesthousecleaningin SwakopmundandLong Beach.Ihave5years experienceandIcanstartas soonaspossible.
ContactMelissa:081622 6071
Ekisopsoekna3daese huiswerkinSwakopmund, (Dinsdag,Woensdagen Donderdag).Ekisbaie betroubaarensalookna kinderskyk,ekkanenigedag begin.
JOBWANTED: N.Somsesisurgently lookingforanykindofjob
MondaytoFridayin Swakopmund,LongBeach andDolphinPark.Iam trustworthy,loyal,honestand Godfearing.
Iama35yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,ironing,washing, cleaningcompanies,flats, houses,guesthouses.I have10yearsexperience, readytostartimmediately Icantakecareofelderly aswellaschildren.
JOBWANTED: AgirlinWalvisBay, lookingfordomesticwork oranykindofwork.Iam trustworthyandself confidentand hardworking.Iamwilling tostartanytime.
Contact:0818514613 0812036892
JOBWANTED: Ndapandula,Iamlooking fordomesticworkin WalvisorSwakop.Ican docleaningandrestaurant work.Mondaysto Fridays.08:00-17:00
JOBWANTED: Jackyislookingfor domesticworkfor3days inWalvisBayor Langstrand.Readyto startimmediately
JOBWANTED: Youngmanislookingfor workinWalvis, SwakpmundorHenties.
ContactNakale:081843 1445
JOBWANTED: A30yearsoldlady lookingfordomestic workaroundWalvisBay
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63 (2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell by private transaction
Institutional erf 6288 Kuisebmund to Ubuntu Health Care trading as Ubuntu Dialysis Care Center (Pty) Ltd for the establishment of a Health Care Facility (Hospital).
Area: 15,774m2
PurchasePrice: N$4732200.00
Full particulars pertaining to the sale transaction will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday, 4 April 2023 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064)2013232 during officehours.
Writtenobjections,duly motivated, to the i n t e n d e d s a l e transaction must be received by the undersignedbeforeorat 12:00Tuesday11April 2023.
Nangolo Mbumba Drive PrivateBag5017
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act. 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell by private transaction Portion 233 of Walvis Bay Town and Townlands No.1 to Diabate Health Centre Namibia.
Area: 50000m² PurchasePrice: N$1,500,000.00
Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 28 March 2023 at room 29, Municipality Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information MrsSSatchipiacanbe contactedattelephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Written objections, duly motivated, to the inten-ded transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday, 31 March 2023.
CivicCentre Nangolo Mbumba Drive PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay Fax:(064)209714
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Kunene.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Teofilus Teofilus, P O Box 5985, WalvisBay
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: ChiChi’sLounge.
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Omokange.
4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence.
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Opuwo.
6. Date on which applicationwillbelodged:11Feb to1March2023.
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 12April 2023.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region ErongoRegion.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Nghilalulwa Paulus, P O Box 900, WalvisBay.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: PafriBarNo.4.
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: K2154 AgaatStreet,Kuisebond.
4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence.
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay.
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 17 March2023.
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 10May 2023.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
Namibia 33Anniversary
Tuesday 21 March 2023
73rd Archery Championships
The T.R.U.BALL 73rd South African NationalArcheryChampionshipwasheld from 10-12 March at Marks Park, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica.
FiveofNamibia'sbestarchersintheirrespective classes were part of 117 archers that registeredfortheeventthatstartedwitha72 arrowsshotintherankingroundwhichwere followed by eliminations to determine who would go through to the medal matches the nextday
The Namibians, Jannie Meuwesen form L deritz Archery Club and Hofmeyr van ü Blerk competed against 14 other archers in the Compound Men Division. Jacqueline Coetzee from Swakopmund Archery Club (SAC) competed in the Compound Woman division against 8 other Woman. Quinn Reddig from SAC competed against 5 other woman in the Recurve Woman division and Lutz Wahlers from SAC competed against 9 other archers in the Recurve Barebow Men division. Jannie Meuwesen and Jacqueline CoetzeecompetedintheInternationalMixed CompoundteameventagainstTeamUSAand TeamRSA.
Quinn Reddig improved her previous
Offers requestedfor:
"The Lifelong Right of Occupation" of Unit no. 18
situated in the Lion Retirement Village, Rhode Allee, Swakopmund
For enquiries and conditions, contact the Management at the Lions Old Age Home tel (064) 427000
Monday – Friday between 8h00 - 16h00 Closing date for offers
30th March 2023,Thursday at 12h00 noon Opening of offers 30th March 2023,Thursday at 12h05 noon
NamibianRecordforthe360roundfrom296 to300andranked1stafterthefull720ranking round.
The final result of the Namibians after eliminations were Quinn Reddig (SAC) –Silver, Jacqueline Coetzee & Jannie Meuwesen - Bronze International Mixed Compound team, Jacqueline Coetzee (SAC) –Fourth, Jannie Meuwesen (LAC) – Silver, LutzWahlers(SAC)-Gold
Cohen dominance results in world tourney national call up
Cohen Fistball Club (CFC 1) continued its dominance of the Bank WindhoekFistballLeaguewhenitwonthefirstroundofgamesbyleading theNationalALeague.
Boosted by home turf advantage, Sport Klub Windhoek (SKW 4) sailed throughthematchesresultinginanunbeatenrunintheNationalBLeague. The first league round's highlight was the men's national announcement.The trioofMichaelBaas,AndreasMinzandChristianKnoblochwerespoiledfor choicefroma16men'ssquadspreadovertwocontinents.Namibiawillcompete at theWorld Championships in Mannheim, Germany, from Saturday, 22 July,untilSaturday,29July2023.FourplayersfromCFCmadeitonthelistto representNamibiainGermany
The national team players are as follows: Karl-Heinz Traut (CFC), Thilo Wilckens (CFC), Wilko Hoffmann (CFC), Helmo Minz (CFC), Rico Kühnle Kreitz(CFC),OlafBeiter(SKW),DieterKebbel(SKW),FlorianMosich(TSV Unterpfaffenhofen Germering), Tristan Minz (TSV Unterpfaffenhofen Germering),GianRudolph(MTVVorsfelde).TorbenWinterbach(SFC)isoncall incaseofaninjury Inaddition,AndreasMinzwasappointedasheadcoachand ChristianKnoblochasmanager
TheeventalsoincludedmatchesintheUnder14and18leaguesandatournamentfortheUnder11.IntheUnder18League,SKWAwon2:0againstSwakopmundFistballClub(SFC)AandSKWBandthusledthetable.SFCAand SKWBareplacedbehindtheminthesecondandthirdpositions,respectively SKWCadvancedasthetournamentwinnerintheUnder14category Allthree teamswereequalwithfourpoints;hencetheballdifferencewasdecisive.SKW BandSKWAweresecondandthird,respectively IntheUnder11youthcategory,SKWAwonaheadofSKWBwithabetterballdifferenceoffivepoints becausebothencountersendedina1:1draw
IntheNationalALeague,CFC1remainedtruetoitsroleasfavouritesandwon all three games against CFC 2, SKW1 and SFC 1. CFC 1 only lost sets after captainHelmoMinzinjuredhimselfinthefourth.SKW1iscurrentlyplaced second in the table with seven points. SKW 1 and SFC 1 displayed the most excitinggameoftheday,whichended4:3.ThebattletookatollontheSwakopmund-basedteam,losingthematchagainstCFC2. SKW4wastheteamtobeatintheNationalBLeague.Theywonallfivegames andthusdeservedlyledthelogwith15points.CFC3wasvictoriousagainstall opponentsexceptforSKW4.SFC3,SKW2andSFC2placedthirdtofifth. SKW3comesinlastwithonepointbonus.YorkAhrensfromtheSKW'syouth team was named the Young Player of the Day The only 15-year-old Marko RussmannfromSFC1wasnamedPlayerofTheDayamongtheseniors. NextonthefistballcalendaristheinternationalCohenTournamentonSaturday, 1April 2023, where two German-based teams from TSV UnterpfaffenhofenGermeringwillcompete.Inaddition,AustriansFabianGreifeneder,Elli KalteisandJohannesJunglclaussenwillsupportSKW Junglclaussenwonthe bronze medal at the German Indoor Championships with his team TV Vaihingen.
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Interested candidates should forward the applications to Email:
We welcome further inquirers
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Erongo Schools Rugby Kicks off
TheErongoSchoolsRugbyseasonrecentlykickedoffwiththeErongoBoardsTrophy sponsoredbySwakopElectricalSuppliesatPro-EdAcademyinSwakopmund.
Alltheschoolboysfromsixrugbyplayingschoolsintheunder13,15and19agegroupsshowedsome characterearlyintheyear
The schools that participated in the tournament were Pro-EdAcademy, De Duine Secondary School, Walvis Bay Private School, Swakopmund Secondary School, Walvis Bay Gymnasium and Duinesig HighSchool.
Pro-EdAcademybeatWalvisBayPrivateSchooltolifttheunder15trophywhilstDeDuinelostboth theirgames7-5and17-7againstPro-EdAcademyandWalvisBayPrivateSchool respectively Withonlytwoschoolsinthe nder 13agegroupitwasagreedthatbothschoolswillplaytwogames Ueach.InthefirstgamePro-EdAcademybeatWalvisBayPrivateSchool27-21and10-0inthesecond gametowalkawaywiththetrophy
The Under-19 team of Walvis Bay Private School the PSG Naartjies won all their games and walked away with the trophy Pro-EdAcademy with only one lost was second with Swakopmund Secondary Schoolthirdwithtwogameswon,onedrawandtwogameslost.WalvisBayGymnasiumendedforth with two games won and three games lost, whilst Duinesig High School won only one game and De DuineSecondarySchoollostalltheirgames.
Pro-EdAcademy 36-0 Duinesig High School, Walvis Bay Gymnasium 0-6 Swakopmund Secondary School,Pro-EdAcademy14-0SwakopmundSecondarySchool,DuinesigHighSchool12-10DeDuine SecondarySchool,Pro-EdAcademy8-0WalvisBayGymnasium, Swakopmund Secondary School 5-5 De Duine Secondary School, Pro-Ed Academy 24-3 De Duine SecondarySchool,WalvisBayPrivateSchool26-0SwakopmundSecondarySchool
Walvis Bay Gymnasium 7-3 De Duine Secondary School, Pro-EdAcademy 3-15 Walvis Bay Private School, Walvis Bay Private School 10-5 De Duine Secondary School, Walvis Bay Gymnasium 0-24
Walvis Bay Private School, Walvis Bay Private School 33-0 Duinesig High School, Duinesig High School0-17WalvisBayGymnasium,DuinesigHighSchool0-14SwakopmundSecondarySchool
Walvis Bay Private School (Under 19 winners)
Golf Challenge at Rossmund Golf Club
TheAnnualCaptainvsViceCaptainGolfChallengeinanIndividual StablefordformatforthedaywereheldonSaturday11Marchinsome excellentgolfingweather.
Onthedaythefieldwas split into two teams before tee-off – this meant that you could seewhoallwereinyour team – which of course led to lots of banter in the clubhouse –however who you actually played for was only revealed at prizegiving.
Thebestteamunderthe leadershipofthecaptain George Murasiki won the 2023 Captain vs Vice Captain Golf Challenge withAchmet Abrahams the Best IndividualGolferonthe daywith38points. Everyone went home with a prize and a fantasticdayofgolfwas hadbyall–revengewas the call and we all look
forward to the 2024 Captain vs Vice Captain Golf ChallengeatRossmundGolfClub. The weekend ahead promises to be busy with a Sundowner 9 Hole Competition on Friday 17 March and Round 1 of the 2023 Windhoek Lager International Pairs Tournament on Saturday 18 March followed by the monthly SAGES Competition on Sunday 19 March sponsored by DanieSteynandhisteamfromNamibiaToursand Safaris.
Rainhold and Armas Rössing National Marathon champions
TomasRainholdandAlinaArmaswerecrownedaschampionsoftheRössingMarathon lastSaturday12MarchinSwakopmund.
Tomas Rainhold finished the men's 42km marathon in 02:14:08.79followed by Kefas Kondjashiliin3:14withNdahangwanashoNghilyeendele3:24.AlinaArmasfinishedthefemale division in 02:44:33:24 followed by Risa Dreyer in 4:12and Ottilie Aimwata in 4:18. Both received N$ 20 000 and shopping vouchers valued at N$ 20 000 for their sports gear and equipment
RössingUranium'sManagingDirectorJohanCoetzeecongratulatedallthewinnerswhotook partinthisyear's32ndRössingNationalMarathon.“Formanyofus,todaywasalotoffun,for others,todaywasachallengelikenoother,butforallofusIbelievethisdaywasanotherstep towardstakingbettercareofourselves.”
AccordingtoCoetzee,themainaimoftheeventistoproudlyassociateRössingUraniumwith thepromotionofahealthylifestyleinthemine'sneighbouringcommunities,whilstatthesame time,fosteringhealth,safety,andteamworkexchangesamongourstakeholders.
Coetzeesaid “T heRössingMarathonisoneofourkeyannualsocialinvestmentinitiatives. , \t Alltheproceedscollectedfromover300runnerswhotookpartinthe5kmfunwalk,willbeused toaidtheCancerAssociationofNamibiainthefightagainstcancer Subsequently,theproceeds from the 10km, 21km and 42km will be donated to the Swakop Striders Athletics Club, in supportofthedevelopmentoflocalandespeciallyless-privilegedathletes".
“Formanyofus,todaywasalotoffun,forothers,todaywasachallengelikenoother,butforall ofusIbelievethisdaywasanothersteptowardstakingbettercareofourselves,”saidCoetzee. He added that the main aim of the marathon was to associate Rössing Uranium with the promotionofahealthylifestyleinthemine'sneighbouringcommunities,whileatthesametime fosteringhealth,safetyandteamwork.
Pro-Ed Academy (Under 15 winners)
Multisave Monthly Medal Golf tournament
Youcan'tkeepChrisBothmaoutof the winner's circle for long and again he came good by winning comfortablyona65Nett.Hopefully ahandicapcutwillprotecttherestof usforawhile.
Best gross was won by another inform golfer, Mario Polster, with 74 despite a handicap-protecting, six onthelasthole.Runner-upNettwas Pieter Fox on 69, edging David Peakeinacount-out.
Best Stableford went to Boel Grobbelaaron38pointsandrunneruptoThomasWolfon36points. Winnerofthe'pot'wasAttiethanks toa14ontheWPgat. 2Clubswere scored byTienie deWet, Sandro de GouveiaandKevinWentzel. TogetherwiththeMedalweplayed the second leg of the WINDHOEK
that was won by the Bothma's with EstelleassistingChristoagoodteam scoreof45points.
This coming Saturday 18 March, Dewro Transport will sponsor the firstofthreegolfer/ex-golferevents.
The idea is for a current member to bring an ex-member along (it can also be a regular, social golfer).The format is a Betterball Stableford competition. The management of WalvisBayGolfClubexpectquitea large field and it promises to be a greatdaywiththeopportunitytosee someoldfacesagainattheclub.
Ex-members must to play off their lastofficialhandicaporifneededbe a suitable handicap at the discretion oftheCommittee.
“The Rössing marathon is one of the mine's key annual social investment initiatives.All the entryfeescollectedfrommorethan300five-kilometrefunwalkersgototheCancerAssociation ofNamibiatohelpfundtheorganisationinitsfightagainstcancer”Coetzeestates.
The marathon that made a return after two years of virtual marathons due to the Covid-19 pandemicsawarecord-breakingnumberofentriesofover800runners.Entryfeesforthe10km, 21km and 42km races are donated to the Swakop Striders Athletics Club, in support of the developmentoflocalandespeciallyless-privilegedathletes.
Jeremia Shaliaxwe won the 21km marathon open men's division in 3:10 with Thomas Shigwedhasecondin3:11andMathiasSimonthirdin3:13.BeataNaigambowonthefemale division in 3:53 with Lavinia Haitope second in 3:59 and Victoria Kaliteka third in 4:04. GabrielBrezwonthe10kmmastermen'sdivisionwithRabanusShoopalasecondandRobert Kalomohthird.