Partners With DOT
The Daures Green Hydrogen Village, the largest constituency in the Erongo Region, recently signed a letter of intent with Netherlands-based company, Delft Offshore Turbine (DOT) to deploy wind turbines within the Daures GreenHydrogenVillage.
The project was initiated with a grant of N$220 million from the German government. It is being implemented in phases, with the first phase focusing on research and development, while phases two, three, and four will
scaleupproductionfor international markets. While ammonia fertilizer production is envisionedtobegininthe second half of phase one,startingfromJune 2024 to 2027, it is during phase two that ammoniafertilizerwill be exported to inter-
national markets. The project is expected to produce 18 tonnes of green hydrogen and 100 tonnes of green ammonia per year.The Daures Green Hydrogen Village with a population of approximately 11 350 people,
Continues on page 2
Rössing Uranium’s Solar Plant Construction Site Prompts Investigation and Operational Halt
On Wednesday afternoon around 13:00,afatalincidenttookplaceatthe Rössing Uranium's Solar Plant ConstructionSite,whichledtothedeathof UnotjariKaurimba(26),anemployee of one of the contractor's subcontractors.
According to Police Spokesperson in Erongo region Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba it was alleged that the forklift loaded with a box containing solar panels, weighing 1 308 kg shook while in movement as a result of the unlevelled surface,causingoneboxcontainingsolarpanels tofallonKaurimba,whowaswalkingnexttothe forklift. Kaurimba succumbed to injuries on the scene.
Daylight Ekandjo, the Manager of Corporate CommunicationatRössingsaidtheconstruction of the solar plant started early this year (2024),
AccordingtothestatementofRössingUranium's Acting Managing Director, Martin Tjipita, the operationattheSolarPlantconstructionsitewas suspended until further notice. The authorities were notified and were at the scene to conduct inquiries.
Details of the deceased cannot be released until the next of kin has been informed.According to Ekandjo,individualdataremainsconfidentialunless the independent investigation team clears it forrelease.
All operations for that afternoon and night shift werehalted,andnormaloperationsresumedyesterday(16May).Asafetypause,addressedbythe seniorleadershipteam,wasarrangedforallshifts beforeoperationsresumedon16May
Chief Inspector Shapumba said the police will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death.Thedeceasedandtheforkliftoperatorare employedbyacontractorfromWalvisBay
Rape Suspect Commits Suicide Following Assault
InadisturbingseriesofeventsinNarraville, a man accused of rape was founddeadbysuicideshortlyafterthe alleged crime. The incident began on Monday,13May,around19:00,when the suspect allegedly assaulted a womaninhishome.
According to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo police, the suspect lured the 31-year-old female victim into his house under the pretense of needinghelptoclosea stuck window Once inside, he locked the door, grabbed the victim by the neck, and forced her into the bathroom where he sexuallyassaultedher “The victim was sub-
jected to acts of force and coercion,” stated Chief Inspector Shapumba “After the assault, the suspect threatened to kill himselfifthevictimreportedtheincident.”
Terrified and traumatised, the victim returned to her flat and informedsomeoneofthe assault, who then contactedthepolice.
Responding officers found the victim in a Continues on page 2
Erongo Regional Council Clinches Top Customer Service Charter Award for third Consecutive Year
Technical Difficulties Force Ocean Row Expedition to Abort in Walvis Bay
Daures Partners with DOT
Continued from page 1
alsoknownasamodern carbon-free estate, intends to develop Africa's first Green Hydrogen Village that profiles hydrogen use and interrogates the feasibility of the village on a semiindustrialscale.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Daures Green Hydrogen Village, Jerome Namaseb,
said Daures is a groundbreaking project aimed at producing green hydrogen and ammonia The projectisanticipatedto produce nearly a third of Namibia's fertilizer during its first phase. AccordingtoDOT,the turbine is unique in that it can provide pressurised clean water and generate energy
The Mayor of Rotter-
dam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Africa, Joanne Doornewaard, and theAmbassador of the Republic of Namibia in Belgium, Mekondjo Kaapanda-Girnus, witnessed the signing. In the meantime, Namasebsaidduringa courtesyvisitwithPresident Nangolo MbumbathattheDau-
res GreenVillage Pilot Project is 80% completedandisontrackto finish by July The project will be executed in four phases, with the first two phases focusing on the proofofconceptforthe production of green hydrogen and ammonia as an efficient resource for nitrogen fertilisers in green schemes. Phases three and four will focus on providing industriallevel production for local consumption and international export
President Mbumba expressed appreciation for what has been achieved and for the accomplishments by Daures Green Hydrogen Village and commended them for their excellentworkandfora jobwelldone. The Chief Sagarias Seibeb,ChiefofDaures Daman Traditional Authority, who also attended that meeting invited the president to visit the Daures Constituency and witness the progress of the project.
Rape Suspect Commits Suicide Following
Assault Eileen van der SchyffContinued from page 1
distressed state and took her to the hospital for a medicalexamination.Despiteimmediateeffortsto locate the suspect, he was not found at the house and remained at large. The following day, on Tuesday, 14 May around 15:00, police responded toareportofasuicideatthesameresidencewhere theallegedrapeoccurred.Thedeceased,identified as38-year-oldHermanDeKlerk,wasfoundhanginginthegarage.DeKlerk,recentlyreleasedfrom prison after serving a 10-year sentence for a previousrapeconviction,wasthesuspectintherape case reported the previous night. “Police investigations are ongoing,” Chief Inspector Shapumba said.
Walvis Bay International Airport Makes History
Rudi Bowe
Walvis Bay International Airport located 15km east of Walvis Bay, one of two international airports in Namibia recently made history by welcoming anAirbusA340-300 (A343) which is a code 4E aircraft with a wingspan of 65m, marking the largest aircraft the airport has accommodatedthusfar
The aircraft touched down from Hosea Kutako International Airport with the King of the Belgians, King Phillipe, accompanied by a businessdelegationonboard.TheBelgium'sKing Phillipewasonafive-daystatevisitinNamibia. According to the Walvis Bay Airport Manager Chrizelda George, this is a Code 4E aircraft, and the airport's runway was originally designed to accommodate larger code 4F aircraft such as the Airbus380whichisthelargestpassengeraircraft
Georgesaid,“thisisthelargestcommercialaircraft that has landed at Walvis Bay in the past two decades. The significance of this landing is that it potentially opens the Walvis Bay airspace to other operatorswhowouldliketouselargeaircraft.”
She emphasised that with various industries booming,suchasoilandgasandgreenhydrogen,as wellasexistingindustriesliketourismandfisheries, there is a need to meet the requirements of these
Erongo Regional Council Clinches Top Customer Service Charter Award for Third Consecutive Year
The Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council, Benita Imbamba, last week announced that the regional councilhasonceagainsecuredthetop achieverspotinthedevelopmentstage ofthecustomerservicecharter,aposition they have now held for the third consecutiveyear
During the announcement,Imbambastated, “for three consecutive years, the Erongo Regional Council has been rated as the best
performeramongallotherRegionalCouncils inthecountry Itrustthatwewillmaintainthis momentumintheyearstocome.Restassured that the Regional Councillors are immensely proud of your performance, and we pledge once again our unwavering support and guidanceinourpursuitofgoodgovernance.”
While addressing the regional councillors in attendance, Imbamba emphasised the importanceofalwaysbeingmindfulofthepromises they made to themselves and to those they serve.Shestated,“weshouldbecommittedto delivering our services effectively and efficiently,withatleastasmile.Nooneshouldbe left out. The efforts of the Customer Service Charter Implementation Team are duly acknowledged.”Imbambafurthernoted,“times havechanged,andifwewanttobeeffective, we need to change our mindset and start thinking'outofthebox'tomaketheCouncila leadingregionalcouncilinNamibia.Thisisa pricelessmomentumthatwecannotaffordto lose.”AccordingtoImbamba,whiletheERC is performing exceptionally well as an insti-
large types of aircraft to increase load and minimisecost.
“It indicates that these large aircraft are able to safelylandatWalvisBay InternationalAirportand that we are ready to accommodate them,” sheadded.
George said that the WalvisBayInternational Airport connects the Namibian harbour town andregiontonotonlyto the rest ofAfrica but the alsotheworld.
AccordingtoGeorgethe airport, one of the country's International designated airports, serving holiday travellers, and mining and fishing industries which wasconstructedwiththe intent to efficiently handle cargo, due to its proximitytotheharbour She added that during January to March 2024 2023 the airport handled 3 853 passengers and 117aircraft movements.
WalvisBayInternational Airport operates daily regionalflightsfromand tobothCapeTown,twice
daily and once daily Johannesburg. Technical fuel stops to/from St. Helena as well as chartered or unscheduled flightsregularlymaking use of our airport regular flights to a number of destinations inthecountry,including Wi n d h o e k , J ohannesburg and Cape Town.
The airport meets the international standards in terms of functional e f f i c i e n c y a n d operational safety and security with a terminal building which was upgraded between 2011 to 2016 which would enable the airport with thecapacitytohandle70 passengers an hour and onemillionpassengersa year. She also emphasised that Walvis Bay International Airport runway was designed for precision approach category 1 (CATI)forrunway9and precision approach category 2 (CATII) which was installed
tution, there are areas where improvements are needed. She remarked, “in the recently concluded Annual Review for the 2022/23 FinancialYear,itwasevidentthatERCneeds toaccelerateourmonitoringandevaluationof service delivery, particularly in reference to capital projects.We should bear in mind that thepopulationoftheErongoRegionisgrowing rapidly, and we need to adjust our activities accordingly to meet the demands of theseelectorates.”Imbambaalsohighlighted that, according to the Performance Management Policy for Public Service of Namibia, severalattemptshavebeenmadetotransform the public service of Namibia into a highperforming public institution. The Performance Management System is one of these reforminitiativesandstrategictoolsdesigned to manage organisational, individual, and team performance to realise organisational goals. On that day, Mupenzi Ntelamo, the ChiefRegionalOfficerandAccountingOfficer of the institution, demonstrated his commitment to upholding the mandate and ensuring effective service delivery by signing his Performance Agreement for the 2024/25
during in 2006, the airportthushasastateof-the-art landing system, once ready for useitwillallowaircraft movements even during poor weather conditionsthatmakesit oneofafewairportsin Southern Africa to feature such technology, which is much useful for coastal airportswhereovercast conditions often prevail.
Besides the terminal and runway facilities, theairportalsofeatures facilities for restaurants, both Jet A1 and AVGAS aviation fuels, giftshops,carrentals,a ground handler and a firestation,”sheadded.
“TheWalvisBayInternational Airport complieswithInternational Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and Namibian Civil Aviationstandards,”George said.
Swakopmund Council Approves Noise and Nuisance Policy and Regulations
Sharlien TjambariThe Swakopmund Council recently approved the Noise and Nuisance Policy and Regulations to regulate and control noise nuisance arising from socio-economic factors experienced by the publicwithinthemunicipalarea.
According to the council agenda, noise and related nuisances are among the common health concerns prevailingamongresidents in Swakopmund. This has resulted in numerous health-related complaints received regularly, necessitating action in accordance with relevant regulations.
Addressing complaints of this nature has not been effective in recent years due to the absence of application regulations, as noted by the Swakopmund Council The Health Service and Solid Waste Departmentregularlyreceive complaints, highlighting the importance of developing andadvocatingforthe
draft Noise and Nuisance Regulations as part of the council's control measures to respond to these noise and health nuisancerelated complaints
The Noise and Nuisance Policy and Regulations further aim to measure and ensure that any discomfort,annoyance,or inconvenience due to nuisance is avoided. Where compliance is impossible or impractical, efforts will be made to minimise and manage it, with pe-
nalties established for breaches of its provisions.
According to Swakopmund Municipality's Public Relations Officer,LindaMupupa,the Draft Noise and Nuisance Policy and Regulationswereapproved by the council in April and will be submitted to the Ministry of Justice's Legal Drafters Division for gazetting The draft will be made available tothepubliconceithas been gazetted and finalised.
Walvis Bay Salt Operational requirements For the Period May – July 2024
Since 3 May 2024 Walvis Bay Salt has been usingextendedhourstodriveinsaltdestinedfor exporttothePortofWalvisBay
The reasons for this, and the background factsare:
On8AprilaPublicMeetingwasheldregarding the EIA Public Participation Process for the Municipality of Walvis Bay's intended SeweragePumpInstallationProjectatthecorner of5thRoadandNangoloMbumbaDrive.
On10AprilWalvisBaySalthadameetingwith the Walvis Bay Traffic Department, where claritywasobtainedwhichroadsshouldbeused during the duration of the Sewerage Pump InstallationProjectatthecornerof5thRoadand Nangolo Mbumba Drive, because the normal routeswillnotbeavailableforacertaintime.
A Public Notice was further shared by the MunicipalityofWalvisBayon25Aprilthatthe following routes should be used for salt bulk transport: Kovambo Nujoma Drive via the Esplanade,viaPaulVincentStreet,via5thRoad totheport.ThisPublicNoticeindicatedthatthe durationoftheNewSewerLineProjectwillbe from30April2024to26June2024.
On 2 May 2024 Walvis Bay Salt informed all stakeholdersofitsintentionofextendedhoursof drivingbulksalttotheport,thereasonsbeing 1.RoadsAuthority'supgradeofthemainaccess road to Paaltjies (NEXUS Construction being themaincontractor).Thisprojectisestimatedto reachcompletionduringJune2024.
2. Municipality ofWalvis Bay Sewerage Pump InstallationProjectatthecornerof5thRoadand NangoloMbumbaDrive.
3. Construction of a new salt warehouse in the
port of Walvis Bay to prevent dust pollution and contamination of product destined for export. This projectwillbecompletedbyendof2024.
4. A bottle neck of vessels arriving for loading of bulk commodities (not only salt). This is a temporary situation that is expected to be resolved duringthefirstweekofJune2024.
5.Thearrivalofsaltvesselsisnotalwayspredictable as it is determined by customer needs and the dynamicsofinternationalshipping.
During a meeting held on 14 May 2024 with representatives of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, the Traffic Department, the contractors responsible fortheseweragepumpproject,andmembersofthe public, it was explained that UNITRANS is contracted by Walvis Bay Salt for the bulk salt transport, and that the extended hours of driving producttotheportwillbeuntil31May2024.
AnewPublicNoticewassharedbytheMunicipality of Walvis Bay on 15 May 2024 that the following routes should be used for salt bulk transport: Kovambo Nujoma via the Esplanade, via Sam Nujoma,via5thRoadtotheport.ThePublicNotice also indicated that the duration of the New Sewer LineProject(“RisingMainInstallation”)willbe21 May2024to17July2024.
Thecurrentneedfordrivingsaltduringtheextended hourswillberequireduntiltheendofMay2024.
Walvis Bay Salt wants to apologise to all stakeholdersforanyinconveniencecausedduetoits currentoperations.
Weareprovidingourcooperation,commitmentand best efforts to satisfy as best as possible all stakeholdersduringthisperiod.
Technical Difficulties Force Ocean Row Expedition to Abort in Walvis Bay
Eileen van der Schyff
An ambitious ocean rowing expedition aimed at reaching Brazil has been halted prematurelyduetotechnicaldifficulties.AdventurerDimitriKieffer,whoembarkedona solojourneyfromLüderitz,encounteredinsurmountableissuesthatledtohisrescueinthe openseas.
Kieffer, aboard his ocean rowing boat
Rannoch 20 "Hope," was rescued on 2 May by the Namibian fishing trawler
"Erica," which was returning to Walvis Bay after a weeklong hake fishing expedition. The rescue took place approximately 152 km west of Walvis Bay, where, by then, Kieffer had covered 523kmin14days.
"The primary reason forcallingforhelpwasmyinabilitytochargethe boat's batteries with solar panels," Kieffer explained to the NamibTimes. "Without power, I could not activate theAIS/VHF system, essential for avoiding collisions with other vessels, especiallyatnightorindensefog.
Moreover,thelack ofelectricalpower meant my solarpowered desalination unit for fresh water was non-functional, posing a significantrisk.”
Kiefferiscurrently working with a marine electrician in Walvis Bay to identifyandrectify the issues with his solar power system to prevent future occurrences.Additionally, the physical structure of "Hope" sustainedseriousdamageduringtherescue,leading KieffertoconsultwithafiberglassexpertinWalvis Bay for necessary repairs. Reflecting on the setback, Kieffer remarked, "you could call this a 'rehearsal,'butIwascertainlyhopingtosucceedon my first attempt. It's frustrating, especially since I amaccustomedtocompletingmyplans.However,I need to learn from this and move forward. I am thankfulfortherescueandthatmyboatwasbrought backsafely."
Kieffer'sjourneyispartoftheNexusExpedition,a human-poweredcircumnavigationoftheglobethat beganinFebruary2005.StartinginAlaska,Kieffer hastraveledover40000kilometersthroughvarious terrainsandcountries,includinganinitiallegacross Alaska, the Bering Strait, and Chukotka, Russia. Joined by his wife, Gulnara Kieffer, they cycled through numerous countries in Asia, the Middle East,andAfrica.
TheabortedrowtoBrazilwasmeanttobethelatest leginKieffer'sextraordinaryjourney Theplanisto row across the Atlantic Ocean with the goal of cycling back toAnchorage,Alaska, upon reaching Brazil to complete his circumnavigation. "At this stage, it's too early to say from where and when I will start my second attempt," Kieffer said. "I will sharethatinformationwhenitbecomesavailable."
Kieffer expressed gratitude to everyone who has supportedhim,bothbeforehisdepartureandupon his return to Namibia, stating, "the support from people in Walvis Bay and Lüderitz has been invaluable."
4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/Procurement/ for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.
5. A Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 24 May 2024 at 10h00 am. Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site.
6. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi
Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217 E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na or
BayMedAestheticandGeneralMedicinepracticeopeneditsdoor inSwakopmundbyDrJ.A.RudolphandDr YanaLyeshchuk.Doctors whoarepracticingmorethan20yearsinNamibia,primarilybasedin WalvisBay Expandedserviceduetohighdemand. Servicesincludes:anti-agingtreatments,skincareaswellpediatric medicine, antenatal program, management of chronic illnesses, assistancewithdailylivingactivitiesby improvinggeneralhealth. They are situated next to Molenzicht Pharmacy in town. Call 085 659 6969 for bookings.
Namport Sets New Cargo Handling Record
The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) has achieved a historic milestone by successfullyhandling8milliontonnesofcargoduringthefinancialyearendingon 31 March. This achievement marks a notable increase from the previous year's cargovolumeof7.7milliontonnes,demonstratingaremarkable4%surge.
According to Elias Mwenyo, Executive: CommercialServicesat Namport, the surge in cargohandlingwaspredominantly fuelled by robustexports,withkey commodities including Salt, Copper Concentrate, Bagged Salt, Frozen Fish, Manganese Ore, Zinc/ Lead Concentrate, and Marble witnessing substantial growth across various sectors. Mwenyo elaborated on the notable increases, remarking, "The exportationofBulkSaltsawa commendable growth of 10%, while Copper ConcentrateandFrozen Fish experienced increasesof12%and29% respectively Additionally, Marble exports surged impressively by 41%, reflecting the diversity and strength of Namport's exportportfolio. Furthermore, the financial year 2023/2024 witnessed significant risesinimportvolumes, with Petroleum leading the charge with a substantial 26% increase. Other imported commodities such as Copper Concentrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Wheat, Ships Spares, and Steel also experienced noteworthy growth, contributing to an overall 7 9% increase in importation compared to the pre-
vious year.” In addition to cargo handling achievements, Namport recorded a remarkable 29% increase in vessel calls, with a total of 2 115 vessels docking at Namibian ports during thefinancialyearunder review, compared to 1 636 calls the previous year “This surge in vesseltrafficwasdriven by heightened activity across various vessel categories, including foreign tugs, dry bulk vessels, containerised vessels, foreign fishing vessels, petroleum vessels, Namibian fishing vessels, research vessels and general vessels,” Mwenyo said
Reflecting on the success of Namport's operations, Mwenyo emphasised the importance of collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders. "Our successisaresultofstrong relationships with stakeholderssuchasthe Walvis Bay Corridor Group, shipping lines, cargo owners, government agencies, and the wider port community This collaboration is crucial for the longterm success and sustainability of the port.” Mwenyo reiterated Namport's commitment to becoming the bestperforming seaport in Africa.
Embracing Roots - !uru Henties Bay Horokhoes Culture Festival Launch
In a remarkable effort to preserve and revive the rich cultural heritageoftheKhoekhoepeople,the!UruHentiesBayHorokhoes aremakingstridestowardsensuringthatthetraditions,medicines, songs,tales,andwaysoflivingoftheirancestorsarenotlosttotime. This initiative is driven by a deep-seated commitment to pass on theseinvaluableaspectsofKhoekhoeculturetofuturegenerations.
The !Uru Henties Bay Horokhoes recently organised a successful fundraising Gala dinner
tosupporttheirmission. The event garnered enthusiastic support and generous pledges from
attendees who share a passion for preserving indigenouscultures.The organisers extend their
heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed and pledged their support towards this meaningfulcause.
Looking ahead, the !Uru Henties Bay Horokhoes are now gearing up for an exciting one-day cultural festival scheduled for May 31. This festival promisestobeavibrant celebration of Khoekhoeculture,featuringtraditional dances, storytelling sessions, displays of indigenous crafts, and culinary delights. The festival aims not only to showcase the richness of Khoekhoe heritage but also to foster greater appreciationandunderstanding among attendees from diverse ethnicbackgrounds. Furthermore, a key highlightofthiscultural revival effort is the launch of the Horokhoes on June 1. The Horokhoes represent a revival of traditional Khoekhoe practices, focusing on ancient healing methods, ceremonies,andcommunity rituals This launch symbolisesasignificant milestoneinthejourney of reclaiming and preserving Khoekhoe identity
In addition to these exciting events, the !Uru HentiesBayHorokhoes have initiated a unique project known as the "PotGiftingProject.”
This initiative encourages children to embrace and participate in Khoekhoe customs by purchasing pots and gifting them to their parents. Through this act, children not only connect with their cultural roots but also contribute to the continuation of age-old traditions within their families.
The !Uru Henties Bay Horokhoes extend a warm invitation to all members of the community, as well as individuals from diverse ethnic groups, to join them in celebrating Khoekhoe culture and heritage at their upcomingevents. Together, they aim to createawareness,foster cultural pride, and ensurethatthelegacyof the Khoekhoe people endures for generations tocome.
For further enquiry Contact Mrs Loraine Sjini and Grace Noarises 081 140 1157 /0812591128
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registeredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofSwakopmund,theUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoardandthe Environmental Commissioner for permission for the following:
Rezoning of Erf 651 Swakopmund from “General Residential”(1:100m²)to“GeneralBusiness”with a bulk factor of 2.0 with consent to proceed with development while the rezoning is in progress. ApplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatefortheaboverezoning.
Theaforementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5of2018)andtheSwakopmundZoningScheme. The rezoning of land from residential to commercial use is a listed activity, and an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 2007 (ActNo.7of2007).
(a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat theTownPlanningDepartmentoftheMunicipalityof Swakopmund situated on the corner of Rakotoka Street and Daniel Kamho Avenue; or can be downloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects;
(b)Potentialinterestedandaffectedpartiesareinvited to register with Stewart Planning, and any person havingcommentsorobjectionstotheapplication,may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief ExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmundand withStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice;
(c) Registration and written comments or objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Thursday, 6 June2024.
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773
LocalAuthority ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund P O.Box53 Swakopmund Namibia jheita@swkmun.com.na
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanning–Town & Regional Planners intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality and/or Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, and/or the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism for the following statutory approvals:
[1] Township establishment and layout approval on Portion 18 of Farm No. 37 (comprising of 648 land portions),intermsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanning Actof2018.
[2]ApplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatefortheproposedtownshiponPortion18ofFarm No.37intermsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct of2007.
October Seafarers United Land and Housing Federationaimtosecurelandfortheservicingofervenfor its community-saving scheme members. To meet this objective, they have applied to purchase Portion 18 of FarmNo.37(GreenValley)fromtheMunicipalCouncil of Walvis Bay to establish a new residential townshipforitsmembers.
Portion 18 is a 482,588 m² surveyed but unserviced portionoflandsituatedabout10kmeastofWalvisBay and 2500 metres west of the D1983 Road, at coordinates-23.026349,14.578819.
(a) the planning application and township layout plan are open for inspection during normal office hours by interested and/or affected parties at Room 101 of the TownPlanningSectionoftheWalvisBayMunicipality, Civic Centre and Stewart Planning, 122 Sam Nujoma Avenue,WalvisBay AnelectroniccopycanalsoberequestedfromMrJNOtto:otto@sp.com.na
(b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiesareencouragedto registerwithStewartPlanningandtosubmittheirwrittencomments,representations,inputand/orobjections totheplanning,sale,and/orenvironmentalapplication. (c)thedeadlinetoregisterwithStewartPlanningandto submit written comments, representations, input and/ orobjectionswillbeonorbeforeFriday,7June2024.
StewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na
+26464280773 +264857544740
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanning–Town & Regional Planners intends to apply to the Walvis BayMunicipalityand/orMinistryofUr-banandRural DevelopmentonbehalfofPortiaPropertiesTrustasthe registered owner of Farms No. 75 and 76 (portions of the Farm Wanderdunen No. 23) for the following statutoryapprovals:
[1] Township establishment and layout approval on FarmNo.75(comprisingof196landportions).
[2] Township establishment and layout approval on FarmNo.76(comprisingof196landportions).
[3] Minister exemption to create erf sizes less than 300m²intermsoftheNationalHousingPolicyof2009.
Farms75and76arelocatedabout1kmnortheastfrom the urban edge of Narraville, Walvis Bay, at coordinates -22.938953, 14.552619. The land is currently zoned “Undetermined” and has been earmarked to becomeafuturetownshipextensionthatwillformpart ofNarraville.
(a) the planning application and township layout plan are open for inspection during normal office hours at Room101oftheTownPlanningSectionoftheWalvis BayMunicipality,CivicCentreandStewartPlanning, 122SamNujomaAvenue. Anelectroniccopycanalso berequestedfromMrJNOtto:otto@sp.com.na
(b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiesareencouragedto registerwithStewartPlanningandtosubmittheirwrittencomments,representations,inputand/orobjections totheplanningapplication.
©thedeadlinetoregisterwithStewartPlanningandto submit written comments, representations, input and/ orobjectionswillbeonorbeforeFriday,7June2024.
StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners
POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na
CONSENT:HomeBasedBusiness(HairSalon) ON ERFNO: 4606TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: 14 Agaat Street.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:HomeBasedBusiness(HairSalon).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7June2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ToiniNashama,POBox6575,WalvisBay email:toinitaatsu21@gmail.com
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:DExactLoansCC.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7June2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: DannVanZyl,POBox5950,WalvisBay email:dexactloans@gmail.com
Etosha Fishing Corporation (Pty) Ltd based in Walvis Bay, Namibia has a fixed-term (Seasonal) vacancy for four (4)
If interested, please visit our Blog on the following website for more information. www.ppm.com.na
The closing date is Friday, 24 May 2024.
CONSENT: Self Catering and rental ON ERF NO: 193
TOWNSHIP/AREA: Lagoon,WalvisBay STREETNAME & NO: SJ SimpsonandSamNujomaAvenue,No.33.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:SelfCateringandrental.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7June 2024.
NAMEANDADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: Jason Nani, PO Box 3040, WalvisBay email:jasonnani4@gmail.com
Invites suitably qualified individuals to apply for the position of:
Key Performance Areas:
- Assist with day-to-day operations of the HR functions and duties
- Assist with employment contract administration
- Payroll processing and administration
- Compile, update and maintain accurate confidential HR/Payroll records
- Maintain and update timesheet records on the Jarrison clocking system
- Deal with Payroll and HR related queries
Competency Requirements:
- Grade 12
- Microsoft Office Literacy
- Qualification in Human Resources/Payroll will be an added advantage
- Knowledge of the Namibian Labour Law and other related legislations
- Experience in an HR/Payroll environment will be a distinct advantage
- Experience working in the Fishing Industry a distinct advantage
- Experience with SAGE VIP Payroll & Jarrison Time clocking system a distinct advantage
- Be able to work independently and take initiative
- Be able to handle sensitive information in a confidential manner
- Excellent interpersonal skills
In exchange for a proactive and an enthusiastic professional approach, the Company offers a competitive remuneration package which commensurate with the position and the candidate's experience; and a progressive, rewarding and stimulating work environment. Interested and suitably qualified candidates are to submit a CV with certified copies of ALL relevant supporting documentation to Vacancies@abromafishing.com
Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply
CLOSING DATE: Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted and that no documents will be returned. Shortlisted candidates must be willing to do a pre-employment assessment.
CONSENT:Self-CateringUnit(x1)2Bedroom ON ERF NO: 4152 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Fairway Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: 5thRoad,No.89.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-CateringUnit(x1)2Bedroom.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan31May2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: AlsheOlivier,57WalvisBay email:finance@gpg.com.na
Zephyr Investment CC is an equal opportunity employer with offices located in Walvis Bay The CompanyislookingforasuitablyqualifiedClearing Clerk.
·FramingofCustomsBillofEntriesforbothImport, export,andtransit
·FreightManagement:Arrangingandcoordinating theshipmentandtransportationofgoods,both domesticallyandinternationally
·CustomsClearance:LiaisonwithCustoms,Port, forwardingagentsandotherrelatedAuthoritiesto facilitatetheefficientclearanceofgoodsatportsof entryorexit
·Recordkeepingandreporting:maintainaccurate recordsofimport/exporttransactionsandall administrativerequirements,i.e.shipping documents,customsdeclarations,quoting, invoicing,anddailycommunication
·Proveninterpersonalandwrittencommunication skills
·2-3yearsfreight,cargo,customsandforwarding experience
·Computerliteracyisessential(MSOffice,Asycuda Word,Excel,OutlookandPowerPoint)
·KnowledgeoftheCustomscomputersystems; AsycudaWorld,CSS,andcargoonlinetracking
·Onlyshortlistedapplicantswillbecontacted. ContactDetails.Finance.zephyr@iway.na Phone:+264818316694
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HouseNr.(79)3191D. JohannaBensonStreet Kuisebmond,WalvisBay Cell:0813033149
Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs
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Thegoodnewsfrom DoctorProfessorKangais heretohelppeoplewith anykindofproblem,donot hesitatetocalldoctor Kangaandseewhatis happeninginyourlife situation
*specialiseinmenand womanproblems
*enemies&jealousyand manymore.. Donothesitatetocontact asyouwillnotbe disappointed 0816627702
TraditionalDrHerbalist DrLovemoreBenBanda (Theoldman)From MalawiisinWalvisBay with30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklostlover, togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduringsex, awomantohavefeelings foraman,headaches, swellingofyourbody, madness,epilepsy,joints pain,pregnancyproblems, ifyouneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751
ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret.
Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102
M-S Electrical Services
We specialize on the following repairs:
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üRefill air con in cars and trucks
üInstallation of intercoms
üAuto garage doors
üRepairing of WAP machines
üSecurity alarm system
üHouse wiring
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üAny electrical equipment we can fix.
Taking all your electrical needs seriously
All repairs have 3 months
Guarantee!! Contact: 081 299 9960
Removeofbadluckin yourbody.Promotionat work.Towinthecourt cases.Boostingofyour business.Chaseawaybad spirit.Towinthedivorce.
Saleyourproperty quickly Wingambling. ANDMANYMORE
1bedroomflat,openplan area,showerandtoilet
Hotwater forsingleperson
W/E incl.
DepositN$1500.00payable in2months.
Onlyseriouspeople Contact:0812409800
TORENT:WalvisBay, Kabeljoustreet
Onebedroomflatwithopen plankitchenandlivingroom withprivatebathroomina veryneatandsecurearea.
Builtincupboardsinkitchen andbedroom.Highfenced wallsandfullyinterlocked. Nogarage.Idealforasingle personorayoungcouple. N$3950.00p/m
Water & Electricity included.
Availableimmediately Contact:0811278229
Walvis Bay House to rent
Immediately available spacious
3BedroomHouseinHermes closetoDunesMall. BIC, living room, kitchen, bathroom, garage.
DepositN$6500payable over3months. W/E excl.
Forviewingcontact 0817552813
TORENT:Swakopmund, Mondesa,Helaostreet
2bedroomoutsideflat availablefrom01June2024. N$4500.00p/mNeg N$4000.00deposit
Formoreinformationand viewing Contact:0814455261
EQicecreammachine forsixmonths
Availableimmediately Termsandconditions apply.Swakopmund
Forfurtherdetails +264817568956
MalakiaProperties Forsale
2bedroomsbic, 2bathrooms,Kitchen, Lounge,Plustwo bachelorflat,Double, Garage
2bedrooms,bathroom, Kitchen,Loungeplus bachelorflat,Single Garage
3bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen,loungeand singleGarage,Erfsise: 612m²N$1.05mil
Transfercostincluded OLWETWENI
4bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen,lounge,Bachelor flat2bedrooms,kitchen &bathroom,N$1.4mil
MONDESA-House N$300000cashonly
Email:malakiapropertie s@yahoo.com
TEKOOP: MitsubishiDelica.1995. 2800ccturbodiesel,5speed,4-WD.N$55,000. Voetstoots.
Volkswagen Amarok D/C 2.0 TDI Model: 2016 Milage: 187 000km
Condition: Good Price: N$300 000
Contact: 0812831161
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations. Cowboys.
064418150or 0811464770
JOBWANTED: Ahardworking38yearold ladyislookingforanykind ofworkihavepassedmy grade10with24pointsandi havenationaloffice administrationlevel1and2. IworkedatMunicipalityof WalvisBayasacleanerfor6 months.
JOBWANTED: Acommittedyoung hardworkingladyinWalvis Bayislookingforanykind ofworkespeciallydomestic work.Ihaveexperiencein cleaningfor4years.Iam readytostartassoonas possible.
Contact:0818514613 0816464886
JOBWANTED: Iamayoungladylooking fordomesticworkfora wholeweekor 3-4daysa week.
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingforbabysitting work,domesticworkorany othercleaningworkin restaurantsorguesthouses.
TEKOOP: Gazebo3mx3m
JOBWANTED: Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork, receptionist,privateschools inWalvisBay.Iam hardworking,honest, trustworthy,committedand selfmotivatedperson.Ihave adiplomainJuniorPrimary Educationandacomputer fundamentalslevel1&2.I amreadytostartassoonas possible.
Iama24yearoldlady lookingfordomesticworkin WalvisBay,Lagoon, Meersig,Langstrandor Narraville.Iamveryactive, hardworkingwith experience.Readytostart anytime.Reference:Mev XaniaMaritz:0818144440 Mycontact:0815584406
JOBWANTED: A26yearoldladyislooking fordomesticworkinWalvis Bay,Lagoon,Meersigor Narraville.Ihave2years experience.Readytostart anytime. 0814588949
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopoekna2tot3dae huiswerkinSwakopmund,ek ishardwerkendenhet verwysings,ekkanenigedag begin.KontakErika: 0812863510
JOBWANTED: A25yearoldladylooking fordomesticworkinWalvis Bay,Lagoon,Meersigor Narraville.Ihave3years experience.Readytostart anytime.
Ekis‘nouerigevrouopsoek nahuiswerkvir3dae huiswerk,Dinsdae, WoensdaeenDonderdae. Kontak:0818692347
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopseokna5dae huiswerkekis48jaaroud eerlikenbetroubaar,drinkof rooknie. Kontak:0813940910
WERKGESOEK: EkisLucia35jaaroudenis opsoeknawerksooskinders opas,bejaardesofhuswerk. Ekrookofdrinknieekpraat goedAfrikaansenEngels. WalvisbaaiofLangstrand. Kontak:0815556125 0817533055
JOBWANTED: Iama45yearoldmale lookingforcleaningwork, yardcleaning,Ihave6years experience,Ilivein Swakopmundandcanstartas soonaspossible. References064462503 MrsRucy:0812028557 /MyContact:0813761457
JOBWANTED: Iama37yearoldlady lookingforhotel, housekeeping,reception, officeadministration,sales Representativeand promotionclerkworkin Swakopmund.Icanstart immediately Contact:0813770035
WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘n50jarigedame opsoekna2of3dae huiswerk,strykwerk, betroubaarenhardwerkend, ekhetookverwysings. Kontak:0816967309
In loving memory of Maria Magdalena Carolina Coetzee (Ria)
* 5th February 1947 + 13th May 2024
We love you very much and will miss you! But know that you will forever live in our hearts Your Children
Francoinvestments CC (Or the Proponent) intends to apply for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) through the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) to mine industrial minerals (mica) from mining licence claims numbers: 75286, 75287, 75288 and 75251 in the Dorob National Park,Arandis Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia.
APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The Proponent has appointed Portal Research and Engineering CC to facilitate public consultations and prepare reports required to support an application for the ECC at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT).
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: The appointed Consultant extend an invitation to the public and all Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) to register their interests in receiving further information regarding the proposed activities. This registration should be completed by and can be done at the following May 31, 2024, address:
Portal Research and Engineering CC P. O. Box 3826, Vineta; Email: connecttoportal@outlook.com; Mobile: +264 81 637 5489
visitourwebsite@www.namibtimes.net NOTICES
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing
Committee, Region Erongo.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Beate Raith, POBox458,Windhoek.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: OysterBoxGuesthouse.
3 Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates:52Cnr Esplanade & 2nd Street, WalvisBay
4. Nature and details of application: Application fornewLiquorLicence
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 17 May2024.
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 10July2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registeredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvis Bayforapprovalforthefollowingapplication: Erf264Meersig:
RezoningfromGeneralResidential1(1:500m²)to SingleResidential(1:300m²),and Simultaneoussubdivisionoferf264Meersiginto4 portions:portions1to3andRemainder
Thesitehasanareaof1,500m²andiszonedGeneral Residential1withadensityof1/500m²intermsofthe Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. Currently the site has theoretical subdivision potential for 3 new erven of 500m² and larger, but this is not practical or possible duetotheexistingbuildingsonthesite.Intermsofthe recently approved Walvis Bay Residential Density PolicythesiteisinDensityZone3Awhichpermitsa maximum density of 1/300m² allowing the site to be developed for a maximum of 5 units – 1,500m² @ 1/300m²=5.
Thereare4existingsinglestoreydwellingunitsonthe siteandwhichareinaccordancewiththeWalvisBay ResidentialDensityPolicy.Duetothepositionofthe existing single storey dwelling units it is possible to subdivide the site into 4 portions, each portion ≥ 300m².Theaveragewidthofthepanhandledriveway, withminorbuildingalterations,willcomplywiththe minimumpanhandledrivewaywidthof4.0m.
Portions 1 and 2 obtain direct street access and portions3and4obtainaccessviaa“new”±20m.long ≥4.0m.panhandledrivewayprovidingasharedreciprocalright-of-wayaccessservitude.
These development proposals require to rezone erf 264 Meersig to Single Residential: 1/300m² and to simultaneously apply to subdivide erf 264 Meersig into4portions,eachportion≥300m².
Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018, the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme and the Walvis Bay ResidentialDensityPolicy
a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat the Town Planning Section of the Walvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive. The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects.
b) any person having comments, representations or objectionstotheproposedapplication,mayinwriting lodge such comments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief ExecutiveOfficeroftheWalvisBayMunicipalityand withStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron 17:00Friday7June 2024totheaddressesprovidedbelow
Municipalityof WalvisBay PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na
Town & Regional Planners
P O.Box2095, WalvisBay bruce@sp.com.na
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owner, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bayforapprovalforthefollowingapplication: Erf11andErf12Meersig:
Rezoning Erf 11 Meersig from Single Residential: 1/500m²toGeneralResidential1:1/500m²,andconsentuseforaHotel
The deletion and alteration of the title deed conditionsoferf11Meersig
Simultaneous consolidation of erf 11 Meersig and erf12MeersigintoconsolidatederfX Erf11Meersigisvacantandundevelopedandiszoned Single Residential in terms of the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme.Erf12MeersigisoccupiedbyFlamingoVillas Boutique Hotel, a 3-storey hotel comprising 27 bedrooms,supportingserviceareassuchasapublicrestaurantandancillarykitchenarea,apublicbarandlimited conference/meeting rooms and is zoned General Residential1intermsoftheWalvisBayZoningScheme. Due to the growing demand for business and tourist accommodationinWalvisBay,erf11Meersighasbeen purchasedbytheapplicanttoprovideforanextension to the Flamingo Villas Boutique Hotel to increase the number of bedrooms. The existing buildings and the newbuildings(upto3storeys)willbejoinedtogether asasingleintegrateddevelopment.
These development proposals require to rezone erf 11 MeersigtoGeneralResidential1,toapplyforconsent for a hotel in the proposed zoning and consent to proceed with construction while the rezoning is in progress.Simultaneouslyitisnecessarytoconsolidateerf 11 Meersig and erf 12 Meersig into a single, consolidated erf. The consolidated erf will have an area of 2,988m². The deletion and alteration of the title deed conditions of erf 11 Meersig is also part of this application.
Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5of2018)andtheWalvisBayZoningScheme.
a) the complete application lies open for inspection at theTown Planning Section of theWalvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive. The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects
b)anypersonhavingcomments,representationsorobjections to the proposed application, may in writing lodge such comments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of theWalvis Bay Municipality and withStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Friday 7 June 2024totheaddressesprovidedbelow
Municipalityof WalvisBay
MTC Vollyball National League Launched
Three months after securing an MTC N$3million sponsorship deal, the NamibianVolleyFederation(NVF)hasonSaturday11Maylaunchedthe firsteverMTCVolleyballNationalLeagueinWindhoek.
Sitting with the mandate to administer, manage, and coordinate the league, and receiving an injectionaidofN$1millionannuallyforthenext three years, NVF, is entrusted with the responsibility to grow and transformtheleagueinto
a top tier professional leagueinthecountry
Giving an overview of the league, Namibia Volleyball Federation President, Hillary Dux Imbuwaenthusedthatthe launchsignifiesanewera and genesis of growth and development for volleyball as a sport in Namibia.
“The MTC Volleyball National League stands as a pinnacle of excellence in Namibian volleyball, bringing together the finest talents from across the nation to competeinaspiriteddis-
An equal opportunity client of ours who operates in the fishing industry is in need of a JuniorAccountant to join their finance team. The ideal candidate shouldbealogicalthinker,haveasoundknowledgeofaccountingprinciples andgreatattentiontodetail.
• Monthly payroll calculation, administration, and subsequent statutory submissions.
• Accounting processing (up to Trial Balance level), journals, and intercompanyreconciliations.
• Implementingbasicinventorymanagement.
• AssistancewithNamRAcorrespondenceandITASsubmissions.
• Providingsupporttotherestofthefinancedepartmenttoensureoptimal functionality Adhocdutieswhichmaybeexpectedoftheposition.
• Accountingqualification–eitheradegreeorhigherdiploma.
• Shouldbeabletocommunicateclearlyandwiththenecessaryetiquette verballyandinwritinginEnglish.
• Beabletoworkunderpressureatmonth-endandbeateamplayer
• Atleast7years’experienceintheaccountingfield.
• Highly proficient in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook.
• SoundSAGEVIPknowledgeandPASTELknowledge.
• Exceptional attention to detail and logical thinker Be able to interact professionallyandpatientlywithcrewmemberswhenanysalaryinquiries arise.
Shouldyoumeettheaboverequirements,sendyourCurriculumVitaeto Masadiatadminwvb@fcsnam.com
Onlyshort-listedcandidateswillbecontactedandreferenceswill befollowed-up.
Green Earth Environmental Consultants have been appointed to attend to and complete an Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate as per the requirements of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 in GG 4878 of 6 February 2012) to construct and operate a green energy complex (including a 300,000 BPSD Oil Refinery, 500MW Renewable Energy Power Plant and related Storage Tank Farms) on Portion 46 of the Remainder of Farm 58 Walvis Bay, Erongo Region. Name of proponent: ISF Trading Enterprises (Pty) Ltd
Project location and description: It is the intention of the Proponent to develop a Green Energy Complex which will include a 300,000 BSPD Modular Oil Refinery, 500MW Renewable Energy Power Plant including a BESS (Battery Energy Storage System), related Storage Tank Farms, Warehouses and Offices on Portion 46 of the Remainder of Farm 58, Walvis Bay Erongo Region. Walvis Bay Town Council conditionally allocated Portion 46 (±305,2795 ha) to the Proponent for the proposed project. The final transfer of the portion to the Proponent is subject to obtaining an Environmental Clearance as well as other statutory approvals. A locality plan of the site is displayed at the Walvis Bay Municipal Notice Board or available from the offices of Green Earth Environmental Consultants at Bridgeview Offices, No. 4 Dr Kwame NkrumaAvenue, Klein Windhoek.
Interested and affected parties are hereby invited to register in terms of the assessment process to give input, comments, and opinions regarding the proposed project. A Background Information Document will be available to the I & AP's who registered. A public meeting will be held on 24 May 2024 at 10h00 at the Narraville Community Hall. The last date for comments and/or registration is 31 May 2024. Contact details for registration and further information: Green Earth Environmental Consultants
Contact Persons: Charlie Du Toit/Carien van der Walt Tel: 0811273145
E-mail: carien@greenearthnamibia.com
play of athleticism and sportsmanship With 8 male and 8 female teams representing various regions, this league promises to showcase the diversity and vibrancy of Namibian volleyball Importantly, this initiative aligns seamlessly with the strategic vision outlined in the Namibia Volleyball Federation's current strategic plan, reinforcing our commitmenttoadvancingthe sportatalllevels.”
Imbuwa added that “the league will traverse through multiple towns, includingKatimaMulilo, Rundu, Ondangwa, Otjiwarongo, Swakopmund, Mariental, and culminatinginthecapital city, Windhoek This extensive reach ensures that volleyball enthusiasts from all corners of the country will have the opportunity to witness top-tier competition firsthand, fostering a deeper sense of community and engagement.”
In the remarks delivered on his behalf, MTC's Chief Human Capital, Corporate Affairs and Marketing Officer, Tim Ekandjo commended the leadership on the MTC VolleyballLeagueforthe invaluableworktoensure that the league kicks off in record time of receivingthesponsorship.
“We recognize and commend the work done by theNVFleadershiptoget us here. Additionally, I want to remind the leadership and the players how this sponsorship came about It was because of the sheer commitment and passion displayed by the players for the love ofVolleyball even when they knew theyplayedforaslittleas N$1 500 as prize monies at the end of the season andcoveringallexpenses themselves.
“Thisisthesamepassion that we want to see throughout this league even now that MTC is onboard. That fire must continue to burn as this
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owner, to the Municipal Council of SwakopmundandtheUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoard forpermissionforthefollowing:
Rezoning of Erf 4225 Swakopmund Extension 13 fromSingleResidentialwithadensityof1dwelling unitper600m²(1:600m²)toGeneralResidential1 with a density of 1 dwelling unit per 250m² (1:250m²) with consent to operate a Residential GuestHousewhiletherezoningisinprogress. Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5of2018)andtheSwakopmundZoningScheme, asamended.
(a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat theTownPlanningDepartmentoftheMunicipalityof Swakopmund situated on the corner of Rakotoka Street and Daniel Kamho Avenue; or can be downloadedfrom ;www.sp.com.na/projects
(b) any person having comments or objections to the application,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsand comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of SwakopmundandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysof thelastpublicationofthisnotice;
(c) Registration and written comments or objections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00Thursday, 6June2024.
StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095 WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na
league commence today with 8 women teams and 8 male teams representing the very best of Namibianvolleyball.”
Ekandjo urged NVF and playerstoplaytheirparts in making the league attractive. “Have a good marketing strategy, stay committed to your craft, remain professional and always protect your brand. The MTC team willbetheretoassistyou everystepoftheway,but you must bring your part by protecting the integrity of the league through fairness and transparency We are excited to walk this journey with you, hope-
fullyforthenext3years. We will evaluate the performance of this league on an annual basis and if it does not deliver,wewillhelpyou deliver.”
Deputy Director in the Ministry of Sport, JoAnne Manuel congratulated NVF and promised her office's supporttothefederation. Manuel urged for sound leadership and accountability, and professionalism for the sport while commending MTC for extending a hand for the launch of the MTC Volleyball national League in the country
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & RegionalPlannersintendstoapply,onbehalfofthe registeredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvis Bayforconsentforthefollowingapplication: Erf 3151 Walvis Bay: Rezoning from Single Residential (1:300m²) to General Residential 2 (1:300m²) with consent to operate a Guest House whiletherezoningisinprogress.
The deletion and alteration of the title deed conditionsoferf3151WalvisBay
TheintentionistodevelopaGuestHouseofamaximum of 10 bedrooms (including the existing single storeydwellinghouse)partiallyintheexistingsingle storeydwellinghouseandpartiallyinnewsingleand double storey buildings to the side and back/rear of the existing single storey dwelling house. On site parkingforthe10-bedroomGuestHousewillbeprovided on site: on-site parking requirement of 2 parkingbaysplus1parkingbayperbedroom=12parking bays.
These development proposals require to rezone erf 3151WalvisBaytoGeneralResidential2,toapplyfor consent for a Guest House in the proposed zoning. Thedeletionandalterationofthetitledeedconditions oferf3151WalvisBayisalsopartofthisapplication. The abovementioned application is submitted in termsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme,asamended.
a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat theTown Planning Section of theWalvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive. The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects.
b) any person having comments, representations or objectionstotheproposedapplication,mayinwriting lodge such comments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief ExecutiveOfficeroftheWalvisBayMunicipalityand withStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00Friday7June 2024totheaddressesprovidedbelow
LocalAuthority ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund P O.Box53 Swakopmund Namibia jheita@swkmun.com.na
LocalAuthority ChiefExecutiveOfficer
Municipalityof WalvisBay PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na
namib times Sport
to Host Indoor
Rudi BoweHockey
Africa Cup
The Namibia Hockey Union is set to host the upcomingIndoorHockeyAfricaCupfrom23to 26MayattheMTCDomeinSwakopmund.
The Namibia Men's and Women's National teams areaforcetobereckonedwithattheIndoorHockey AfricaCupthatdoublingastheIndoorWorldCup qualifiers.
TheIndoorAfricaCupservesnotonlyasaplatform forexhilaratinghockeyactionbutalsoasagateway to the Indoor World Cup, adding an extra layer of intensitytothecompetition.
The event that promises to be a spectacle with Namibian,SouthAfrica,ZimbabweandBotswana will be vying not only for continental bragging rights in the men and women sections but also for the opportunity to represent Africa on the global stage.
TheNamibiamen'steamare:DavidStrauss,Roben Kambinda, Ernest Jacobs, Dakota Hansen, David Britz, Liam Hermanus, John Paul Britz, Nico Neethling, Cody van der merve, Owen Hatton, FaganhansenandBrynnCleak.
TheNamibiamen'steamarePetroStofberg,Jamie Henckert, Suntelle Ludwig, Gillian Hermanus, Kiana-Che Cormack, Azaylee Philander, Jivanka Kruger,JerricaBartlett,AmberDercksen,Jahntwa Kruger,KylaLandsbergandDanjaMeyer
SFC Host FistBall Indoor Classics
Theonlyindoortournamentintheseason willtakeplaceonSaturdayattheSFCwith arecord-breaking11teamsfightingforthe covetedcrowninthehall.
The defending champions are the hosts SFC 1,whowereabletodethroneCFC1lastyear forthefirsttimesince2017andwontheirfirst titlein14years.
SFC 1 is one of the favourites as they know their own indoor turf like no other Without the emigrated main spiker, Torben Winterbach, SFC 1 will still be a force to be reckoned with. In addition to CFC 1, who havewonalloftheiroutdoormatchesonthe
fieldsofarthisseason,SKW1isalsooneof thefavourites.
Inadditiontothe2finalistsfromlastyear,the CFC reserve, 4 teams from SKW, 2 teams from the host SFC as well as the women's national team and the Ahrens family team willalsocompeteontheconcrete.
The encounters are played in 2 groups, in which only the 2 best teams qualify for the semi-finals The semi-final games will st nd featurethe1 fromGroupAandthe2 from Group B and vice versa. Only the final is playedaccordingtothebestoutof5sets.All other matches are played over time with 2
halves.Unlikeonthefield,thefieldlengthis only20meterspersideinsteadoftheusual25 meters.
Since this tournament falls outside the national league, unregistered players and teamsarealsoallowedtotakepart.
On Sunday, the extended male U/18 squad and the women's national team have another dayoftraining.
The Youth World Championships will take place in Chile from October 31st to November3rdwhilethewomenwilltakepart in the World Championships in Argentina fromNovember7thto10th.
SPCA Ultra Marathon
ImpactEventsandPromotions(IEP)willbethehost the Tierschutzverein Swakopmund (SPCA) Ultra Marathonon25MayinSwakopmund.
The SPCA 50km Ultra Marathon, 21km HalfMarathonand8kmrunwillstartand finishatMile4CaravanPark.
The Tierschutzverein Swakopmund (SPCA) at No 38 Windhuker Street accommodates 48 dogs and 50 cats that needshelp.
Ingrid Gürtel the manager of Tierschutzverein Swakopmund (SPCA), wholeheartedlywelcomedtheinitiative.
“It is a great opportunity to create awareness about the Tierschutzverein Swakopmund and we are challenging the whole community to get involved Participants in the 8km FunWalk who do nothavedogscangladlymakeaturnandtakeoneofour dogsalong.
supportfortheSocietyforthePreventionofCrueltyto Animals(SPCA).
Theanimalsneedblanketswithwinterapproaching,dog pellets and cat (tinned) food. The account for the vet is usuallyveryhighandcanbeanythingbetweenN$10000 and N$ 20 000 per month. We also have to do a pest control exercise four times a year and need to dip the animals. This service is also available for the public,” Gürtelexplained.
Sonata De Klerk the spokesperson for IEP said that the organisersaremotivatedbythehugeneedforfundsand
“Theanimalsneedtobefed,theyneedmedicalcareand to be looked after These are continuousexpenses.”
Sheaddedthatthegoalistoalso provide an opportunity for Namibianlong-distanceathletes to showcase their talents while supportingaworthycause. “The aim is to have at least 700 participants There will be special accommodation packages available for athletes from outsidethecoastalarea.”
The prize money will be determined for the top three athletes from each category and therewillalsobevariousluckydraws.
EntriescanbedoneattheMile4RestCampoffice,via Whatsapp0813436660oremail impacteventspromotions@gmail.com
TheentryfeeisN$50forthe“doggie”funwalkandthe 8km run events. “We are challenging companies and schools to enter teams for the 8km fun and 8km run events.Entrantsareencouragedtobringalongtheirpets forthefunwalk.”
Theentryfeeforthe21kmhalfmarathonisN$200and forthe50kmultramarathon,itisN$250.