GovernoroftheErongoregion,Honour able Neville Andre, said the Erongo region, particularly Walvis Bay, provides us with several opportunities that weareexposedto.
Accordingtothegovernor,manypeopleonlysee opportunities in having a fishing right but we needtobeinnovativetoaddvalueandbepartof the value chain of our natural resource Namibia andErongoregionisrichinnaturalresourcesbut wehavemorethan40%unemploymentratewith 79% of the population are economically active and about 20% of the household in Erongo are
FisheriesMinister,DerekKlazensaid duringhisannualaddresstothefishingindustryatWalvisBay,duringthe 2021/2022 fishing season, fishing companies continue to contribute towards Corporate Social Responsibilities(CSR).
Klazen emphasised that Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) is the way for fishing companiestovisiblycontributetothesocietal structure of the communities to make a longlastingandmeaningfullimpactinthelivesof the beneficiaries. “The essence of CSR is for entities to build relationships with communities for the shared good and demonstrate theircommitmentbygivingbacktothepeople for being allowed by Government to exploit marine resources on behalf of the Namibian people.” According to the minister, most of the donations were directed toward educationalprograms,fooddonations,sportsactivities, the construction of classrooms, and
classifiedaspoor “Wethereforeneedtobeinnovative and add value to our natural resources by diversifying our operation citizen must support locallyproducedproductifwewanttochangeour socio economic status Namibian companies mustsupporteachotherbytradingtogetherifthey wanttomaximizethebenefitwecangetfromour naturalresources,”Andresaid.
The governor expressed his gratitude to the Fishing Sector in the Erongo Region, for their responseduringthedifficultdaysofCovid-19,in terms of adhering to the regulations, support to our Covid-19 response, through the provision of foodparcelsandothervaluableequipment. He added that the sector has also been key in the Continues on page 2
The sector accounted for over 14% of export earningsthatweresourcedfromfishandfisheries products valued at N$10 billion and fisheries' contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 4.5% (NSA, 2022). Fisheries minister, Derek Klazen stated during the period 2021/22, the total marine capture landing for various fisheries was 421,471 MT, translating into an increase of 19 % in catches as compared to the 2020/21fishingseason.
The fishing industry faced a serious impact of
COVID-19duringtheperiodof2020/21which negatively affected the volume of catches. The minister said that a worrying trend of over catching has been observed within the fishing industry “I wish to point out that over-catches shouldbediscontinuedatallcostsasiterodesthe principleofsustainability.”
Hewarnsthosemakingthemselvesguiltyofover catches that they will be visited with punitive force, including but not limited to deducting the over caught quota from successive quota allocations.Theministeralsoalludedthatlikeall othersectors,fishingsectoralsohaditsfairshare of challenges, among the major challenges it is the cost of fuel which had fishing companies digging deeper into their pockets. “Fuel prices represent the second highest expenditure after salaries and wages for most companies in the industry.”
Klazen explained that an increase in fuel prices increased fixed costs such as depreciation and salaries. “Another cost hike to consider is the transportcostofinputtofishproductionaswellas the fish end products to the markets Consequently,thehighproductioncostoffishis
medical supplies. “However, let me start by sayingthatfisheriesareanaturalcapitalgoodthat needs to benefit the wider population in Namibia.”
KlazenemphasisedanewdirectionofCSRthatis inlinewiththeprincipleofsocialinclusivenessas contained in the development of Namibia's sustainable Blue Economy Policy He commented those that are taking this initiative very seriously and do honour their Corporate Social Responsibilities. “I believe the benefits accrued from CSR policies show the companies positive impact to the communities, which in return will improve companies' brand image, enhance better employee morale, attract top talent, enhance employee productivity and increasecustomerloyalty.”
TheministeralsohighlightedonNamibia'sFifth NationalDevelopmentPlan(NDP5)incorporated theBlueEconomywiththedesiredoutcomethat
by 2022. Klazen said that Namibia will have implemented a Blue Economy governance and management system that sustainably maximizes economic benefits from marine resources and ensure equitable marine wealth distribution to all Namibians. “Blue economy activities include fisheries, marine mining, marine energy, marine andcoastaltourism,maritimetransport,andinland waterbodies.” Heexplainedthatduringthecourse oflastyear(2021),theInter-MinisterialTechnical Committee on Blue Economy Committee undertookregionalstakeholderconsultationsinall fourteen regions to seek inputs in Namibia's Sustainable Blue Economy draft Policy “It is expected that the draft Policy will be finalized withinthecurrentfinancialyear(2022/2023).”
Klazenaddedthatwithintheblueeconomyspace, NamibiaisoneofthemembersoftheHigh-Level Panel(HLP)foraSustainableOceanEconomy
Namibiadraftedapolicythataimstoprotecttherights ofolderpersonsandensurecomprehensivehealthcare while enhancing their quality of life. The draft will inform the implementation of public health priorities forolderpersons,particularlyfortheirphysicalhealth, reduce and address the risk of disability, and mental healthaswellassetprioritiesfortheprovisionofsocial welfare services. The workshop brought together partnersfromdifferentsectorstoreviewthedraftpolicy andmakerecommendationsforitsfinalisation.
During this official opening of the consultation meeting,inhisspeech,readbytheDirectorofHealthin theErongoregion,AnnaJonas,theGovernorofErongo region,NevilleAndreItopesaidoldpeopleareabastion of knowledge and wisdom and as such, they, like everybody else, need protection and care. Itope said, “weshouldthereforelookatareaswhereoureldersare subjected to immense suffering and struggle, such as; Standing in long ques, both public and private spaces should offer the necessary services such as chairs for ourelderly,whilstwaitingtobeattendedto,thosewho cannot access office should receive the required serviceseitherattheirdwellingsorincloseproximity, withinthetransporttheymakeuseoff,oureldersshould equally not be sent from post to pillar just to access
services,helpthemthereandthenifitneedsthatyouneed tomakethecall,makethecallandgettheanswerswhilst theyarethereandweneedtolookatawayforelderstoget assistants,especiallythosethataredisabledandnotinold agehomes.”
Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, World Health Organisation Representative to Namibia, said every person in every countryintheworldshouldhavetheopportunitytolivea long and healthy life, a long and healthy life. “Yet, the environments in which we live can favour health or be harmful to it. Environments are highly influential on our behaviour and our exposure to health risks, our access to services, and the opportunities that ageing brings.”
AccordingtoSagoe-Moses,thenumberandpopulationof people aged 60 years and older in the population is increasing. In 2019, the number of people aged 60 years andolderwasallegedly1billion.Thisnumber,according to Sagoe-Moses, will increase to 1.4 billion by 2030 and 2.1billionby2050.Thishistoricallysignificantchangein the global population requires adaptations to the way societiesarestructuredacrossallsectorswithinandacross countries.
Sagoe-Moses said WHO defines healthy ageing as the process of developing and maintaining the functional abilitythatenableswell-beinginolderageandfunctional
Continued from page 1
organisationoftheWorldOceansDay,whichwasheldinourregionthisyear “I would therefore like to extent my sincere appreciation for a superb exposition of the sector and ensuring a successful World Oceans Day The sectorhastremendouslycontributedtotheemploymentandre-employmentof fisherman, there is room for improvement with regards to addressing the challengesofemploymentcreationinthesector,”Andresaid.Accordingtothe governor, “employment creation, value addition, recognition of Namibian captainsandsalarydisparitiesofNamibiansversusforeigncrewaresomeof thechallengeswithinthefishingsectorthatneedstobelookedat.
He added, many fishermen still live in back yard shacks, and we want companiestoassisttheirworkerswithproperanddecentaccommodation.“I would like to call on municipalities to make available land to prospective fishing companies that want to build houses for their staff and the representationofworkers.Unionsshouldreallyadvocateforworkers'rights, providetrainingandprovidingsupporttoworkersthatarefindingthemselves atthewrongsideofthelaw,”Andreadded.
Continued from page 1
likely to negatively impact the fish price in the markets.” The minister also acknowledges the industry for honouring their statutory obligation with respecttopayingtheirquotafeesandrelatedleviesasmostofyouhavedone so towards the State. “For those few defaulters that are still outstanding are warnedthattheMinistrywillnotissuelicensesuntilarrearshavebeensettled orsettlementplanshavebeenapprovedbytheMinistry TheStateneedsthese fundstoimplementitsprogramsandprojects.”Klazensaid.
ability is determined by the intrinsic physical and mental capacities. Sagoe-Moses said, “the decade of healthy ageing was adopted by the seventy-fifth United Nations GeneralAssembly as a UN Decade. It is framed around four action areas as follows: change how we think, feel and act towards age and ageing, ensure that communities fostertheabilitiesofolderpeople,deliverintegratedcareandprimaryhealthservices responsivetoolderpeopleandlastly,provideaccesstolong-termcareforolderpeople whoneedit.Nationalhealthandsocialsystemsthatshouldfosterhealthyageinginthe Africanregionarebesetbyvariousissuesandchallenges,includingageismandother formsofdiscriminationtowardsoldpersons,shortageofresources,poororganization and management, weak governance, limited capacity for data and information, inadequate medicines, health commodities and supplies and limited health and social servicepackages.
According to Sagoe-Moses, Namibia has made very good progress in some respects, suchastheprovisionofpensionsforallolderpersons,andtheavailabilityof17longtermcarefacilitiesregisteredinthecountry However,asthenumberofolderpersons increases, these facilities will not be sufficient and hence there is a need for a more sustainable approach to the care for older persons. Sagoe-Moses said, “It would be important that as a country, we move from the centralised approach to a more decentralisedapproach,withmorepromotiveandpreventioninterventionsatthelevel ofthecommunityinlinewiththeprimaryhealthcareprincipals.”
Sewerabusecontinuestobethenumberonecauseofsewage blockages. Residents are urged to dispose of unwanted material in the correct way and avoid unpleasant outcomes forotherresidents.
Often the Municipality's Liquid Section spends a dispro portionateamountoftimeaweek clearing sewer lines These blockages often result in over flowsofsewagematterinstreets and sometimes in the yards of otherlaw-abidingcitizens.
Items such as nappies, sanitary towelsandwipescreateimmense havoc due to the characteristics of these materials Sanitary
Picture right: Here staff members from the Liquid Section are seen removing items that do not belong in the sewage network in Sandwich Street in Kuisebmond
towels,nappiesandtamponstendtoincreaseinsize when they come into contact with water and this intensifiestheproblem. Bepartofthesolution,nottheproblem Whattodoincaseasewerlineisclogged
It is essential for homeowners to know how to respond to cases of clogs to avoid backups into houses. The following are several steps one can followtoavoidbackups:
· Avoid using chemical drain cleaner; it does not
work on the sewer line and further damages the pipes
· Shut off all water to your home immediately; further use can cause water to back-up into the house
·Contactalocalplumberforinspectionorthelocal authorityincaseofblockagesinthemainsewerage network.Sewagestandbynumber0811220810
Scientists around the world caution sufficient hard-based scientificinformationisavailabletosaythatmarinemining has no harmful effects and warns no mining should take placeuntilaclearpictureemerges.
This was said by chairman of the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations (CNFA), Matti Amukwa at the ministerial address to the fishingindustryonFriday,11NovemberatWalvisBay
CNFAreiterateditsoppositiontomarinephosphatemininginNamibian waters,assertingthatNamibia'svaluablefishingindustrycannotbeused asa'casestudy'toseeifsuchminingisharmfulornot.
Amukwa said the possibility of marine phosphate mining in shallow waters close to the 200-metre contour line, and Namibia's nursery areas for hake monk and horse mackerel, again looms, after Namibia Marine Phosphatereleaseda276-pageEnvironmentalandSocialImpactAssessment (ESIA) suggesting the fishing industry and marine phosphate miningcouldco-exist.
“According to the report, various mitigation measures are, however, needed to ensure a smooth transition and interaction between the industries, and should have been incorporated into the Environmental ManagementPlanoftheproposedprojects.
The276-pagereportthatwasmadeavailabletothepublicalsostatedthat no adverse impacts remain high after mitigation and, therefore, all assessedimpactsarewithinacceptablelimitsandcanbemanagedeffectively “ThebiasESIAisbasedonthesame,weakandsuperficialstudies, slightly updated from the previous EnvironmentalAssessment Report,” Amukwasaid.
According to Amukwa, countries like New Zealand and Mexico have either said no or put on hold prospective marine phosphate mining
projects.“However,thedubiousstudiesproduced for Namibia Marine-Phosphates, carried out by scientists paid for by the mining company find that, in contrast to world opinion, mining for phosphates in Namibian waters carries no dangers to the environment while downplaying the heavy metals such as cadmium and uranium whicharefoundwiththephosphatedeposits.”
Amukwa explained the Namibian Fishing industry employs15478 people directly The SocialAccountingMatrixusedbyeconomistsin Namibia,tellsusthatonejobinthefishingsector supports3,8jobsinothersectorsoftheNamibian economy
“Thismeansthat74293peoplearedependentone way or the other on jobs provided by the fishing industry, and 298 000 people or 11.9% of the Namibian population are directly and indirectly dependent for their income on the fishing sector,”Amukwa stressed and stated Namibia Marine Phosphates in its initial Scoping Report on the land-based operations sets out that it will mine5milliontonsofphosphatebearingsandsto produce three million tons of commercial phosphateutilizingonly135people.
“Itisevidentthatnominingformarinephosphate should take place before independent, hard, scientific evidence is produced. The fishing industry, directly and indirectly, contributes N$66.2billiontotheNamibianGD,Pandistoo
important for us to allow Namibia to be the test casetoseewhethermarineminingispotentially harmfultofishingornot,”Amukwasaid.
According to him, the studies produced for Namibia Marine Phosphate were carried out by scientists paid for by the mining company Hence,anindependentstudyneedstobecarried outastherestoftheworld'sopinionontheissue isnotpositive.
ThomasAkwaake(20)andBenhardBdangiNangolo(24),appearedona chargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto29Novemberfortheco-accused toberearrested.ThomasAkwaakeisonbailandBenhardBhandiNangolois atlarge,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.
SamHalupe(59),appearedonachargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto 1February2023forpleaintermsofsection119.Theaccusedisonbail.
Calvin Stramis (23), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 2 February 2023 for further investigations.The accused is on bail.
Olivia Van Wyk (49), appeared on a charge of possession of dependenceproducingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponedto1Decemberforplea.The accusedisonbail.
JamesUirab(24)andRonaldoGaseb(22),appearedonachargeoftheftof amotorvehicle.Thematterwaspostponedto23Julyforpleaandtrial.The accusedremainincustody
RoyJamesSimpson(41), appearedonachargeofdealingindependenceproducing substance.The matter was postponed to 1 February 2023 for lab results.Theaccusedisonbail.
StevenTsaeb(34),appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal andtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto6February2023forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody
ElinneTitus(27)andEitaTitus(27),appearedonachargeofkidnapping. Thematterwaspostponedto2Decemberforjudgment.Theaccusedareon bail.
Michael Nawaseb (41), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto25January2023because thetrialwaspartlyheard.Theaccusedisonbail.
AnthenyDoeseb(32),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto18January2023forfurther investigations.Theaccusedisonbail.
Bernard Mwalundange (26), appeared on a charge of theft from a motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to 18 January 2023 for further investigations(finalremand).Theaccusedisonbail.
RhienGoseb(27),appearedonchargesofassault-commonreadwithprovisions of domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003, and violating a formal warningsection23(1)ofthecombatingofdomesticviolenceact4.Thematter was postponed to 24 January 2023 because the docket was not at court. Theaccusedisonbail.
Shatiwas Elago (26), appeared on a charge of using a vehicle without the owner'sconsent.Thematterwaspostponedto25January2023forlegalaid. Theaccusedremainsincustody
LorenzoGeiseb(29),appearedonchargesofmaliciousdamagetoproperty readwithprovisionsofdomesticviolenceact,act4of2003,andassaultby threat.Thematterwaspostponedto5Decemberforotherreasons.Theaccusedremainsincustody
Theodor Saal (32) and Riaan Sonn (34), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 7 February2023forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainincustody
Patrick Mushimba (31), Ismail Shigwedha (34), Paulus Shikongo (32), TheftbyFalsePretences(September2021)
CorneliusShipanda(30),Refusaltogiveabreathspecimen(April2022)The matterispostponedto19April2023.PleaandTrial(FinalRemand).
Erastus Immanuel (48), Housebreaking with intent to commit a crime unknowntothestate(July2022)The matterispostponedto29March2023. PleaandTrial.Incustody
Dione Cloete (29), Hope Cloete (29), Theft (August 2022) The matter is postponedto19January2023.Furtherinvestigation(FinalRemand)Onwarning.
RiddickNarib(29),AssaultcommonreadwiththeProvisionsofCombating DomesticViolenceAct3of2004(September2022)Awarrantofarrestwas issued.AtLarge.
Ranwi Uirrab (40), Hunting in a game park or nature reserve (November 2022)Thematterispostponedto6February2023.Furtherinvestigation.In custody
TheWescoGrouphascomeofageastheyrecentlyinauguratedtheirnewhead officeatWalvisBay.
Itisastartofanewdawn,simplybecausemoving from a property owned by someone else into one whichyouownisagreatsignofgrowthandasignal that this is precisely what happens when a seed germinates into a new plant. Wesco Group started asameredreamwaybackin1986whenitfirstopeneditsdoorsfromitshumblebeginnings,navigated through several teething problems to come of age by saying goodbye to its rented premises of 36 years and firmly planting themselves at a new address in a spanking new building which they own.
Wesco Group comprises of two entities offering Engineering and Hazardous Waste Management and has been a permanent feature within the businesslandscapeinWalvisBayrenderingservicesto both the Marine and Mining Industries countrywide with branches in Windhoek, Tsumeb, Oranjemund and Lüderitz, remaining one of severalcontributorstotheeconomyofWalvisBay
The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Derek Klazen said at the launch of the company's new premises that as Minister responsible for Fisheries and Marine Resources whose roots are firmly planted in this Town, “it is always a heartwarmingeventwhenIseebusinessgrowthbecause every such growth comes with great opportunities andwaystoimproveservicedeli-veryandproduct choice. “Klazen said, “these opportunities present themselvesasmuchneededjobs,theabilitytosend children to school and general cashflow streams intothistown,whichremainsakeycatalystforthe growthofNamibiaastheonlydeep-seaportinour country Geographically, Walvis Bay is in a very good location, especially for global trade. It remains a critical base for offshore oil and gas explorationactivitiesinsouthernAfrica,andakey player in the oil and gas industry This is perhaps
why the Wesco Group of companies strategically taps into the strategic advantage and potential on offerbytheirlocationinWalvisBay.”
Klazen added that the port town of Walvis Bay remainsanimportantassetforNamibia,sea-linked countries and the Southern African Development Community(SADC),notonlybecauseofitsproximity to SouthernAmerican and other markets, but because of its ability as a logistical hub that offers sea access to countries like Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, to mention a few “It also remains an important maritime and marine servicing centre, given its well-developed infrastructure, skilled manpower and ability to offer quality services and goods.”
TheministercommendedtheMunicipalCouncilof Walvis Bay for its continued efforts to maintain a conducive environment for private enterprises to grow,allowingthemtoprovideseveralproductsand services options to the clientele, not only from Walvis Bay, but also those clients coming from furtherafield.
WescoGroupDirector,GeorgeFransmansaidthey plan to remain committed to creating opportunities in the communities they operate in."According to Pillar 2 of the Harrambe Prosperity Plan for 20212025,theprivatesectorisencouragedtoassistwith Namibia'sunemployment.Webuyintothattocreate opportunitiesforgrowth.“Wealsoputemphasison skillsdevelopment,"hesaid.
Fransmansaid,“itssixdepotsarelocatedinWalvis Bay (main branch), Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, Tsumeb,LüderitzaswellasOranjemund. Suchgrowth andexpansionspeakvolumesintermsofthevision, mission but most importantly, the manage-ment of thiscompanythatwasestablishedintheearly80's.”
TheWescoGroupdirectorsaidthattheEngineering section services the Marine and mining industries
Haiyambo Jeremia (32), an aspiring young professional visual artist created a brand-new image forAnkerplatz square in Swakopmund. Jeremia started working on the image, which displays ocean/river waves, about two weeks ago.
Ankerplatz square is situated in the heart of Swakopmundandisoneofthetouristattractionsin town.WoermannBrockcreatedtheveryfirstmallin Swakopmund in 1998 to connect all three banks (StandardBank,BankWindhoek,andFirstNational Bank) with the famous Woermann Haus, Namib Primary School and the ocean. According to Mrs Woermann,unfortunatelytheopeningofWoermann Haus from the back side to relief the entrance into theuniqueinneryardfortouristswasneverrealised back then, therefore in 2000, the Ankerplatz was created with the main pur-pose of combining shoppingwithtouristattractions. Originally,theAnkerplatzdisplayedaboatstranded onabunchofbeachpebbleswithpebblesallaround it. Mrs Woermann said the idea of this image with pebbles originated from Hundertwasser, an wellknownAustralian/ Vienna artist, however over the years it became more and more questionable, mainlybyolderpersonsbecause,forthem,itwasa challengetowalkonthepebbles,althoughtheyare healthy for the feet. Mrs Woermann further said: “We also installed an anchor with a fountain. The idea again came from a German artist based in GoettingenandthepebblesinthebasinwerecollectedbytwoartistsfromSwakopmund,aswellasthe bicycleonthebicyclestand.Finally,thepebbleroad was replacedby a localyoung artistfrom Swakopmund, Jeremia. He worked very hard to create the image of the Swakop River or even the ocean at a sunnyday.”
Jeremia is originally from Ohangwena region, he studiedvisualartsattheCollegeoftheArtsinKatutura,Windhoek.AftergraduatinghemovedtoSwakopmund in search of greener pastures. During an interviewwiththeNamibTimes,Jeremiasaidartis his passion since childhood and a friend of his advisedhimtogotostudy Whenaskedhowhegot
the tender to paintAnkerplatz square, Jeremia said, “thisprojectwasjustasurprise.RecentlyIattended an exhibition, we were painting and doing some artwork and that is how I met Mrs. Woermann, she askedmeifIhadanyartworkthereandifIwasanart painterandthenIsaidyes,Iamapainter Shetoldme sheneedtoshowmesomethingoutside,sowecame out and she showed me this square. She said she wanted me to do something here and we came up withtheideaofpaintingoceanwavestobringlifeto thecentreoftown.”
Jeremia said he wants to encourage fellow visual artistswhohavegivenuporwhowanttoquittoget out of their comfort zone and allow people in the outsideworldtodiscovertheirtalent.“Guyslet'snot justlookforajob,letscreatesomethingandbringto peopletoseeit.Themoreyoupushthemoreyouwill getconnectedtotherightpeople.”
According to MrsWoermann,Ankerplatz will soon have a restaurant and wine bar She said this very unique place with a pizza oven, a herb garden, a historicin-room-seatingwithitsspecialwinebarand a more country-like-outer-seating is hoped to open its doors to the public during the first week of December should everything go according to plan. Mrs Woermann said, “for Woermann Brock, it is a greathonortobeinvolvedtoservelocalsaswellas tourists. Please have a look on the outer side of the boat,asagain,itwasdecoratedbyanartistaswellas sculptor,bothbyAfricanartists.”
General Cargo, GREEN PEARL (IMO: 9210323) sailing under the flag of Gibraltar,withacarryingcapacityof7644DeadweightTonnage(DWT),dockedat thePortofWalvisBayonWednesday,8Novembertodischarge1500Breakbulk(BB) Baritebagsandload6000MetricTons(MT)Granite.Thevesseldepartedyesterday at8:00.
General Cargo, FWN SOLIDE (IMO:9321093) sailing under the flag of the NetherlandsdockedatWalvisBayonTuesday,8Novemberaftera5dayand22-hour voyagefromPortDoula,Cameroon.TheCargovessel,withacarryingcapacityof10 574 Deadweight tonnage (DWT) is loading 9 500 Metric Tons (MT) of bagged sulphur
GeneralCargo,HERSHELWOODYWILLIAMS(IMO:9804306),sailingunder theflagofUSAdockedatthePortofWalvisBayonFriday,11Novemberfora15day stay for repairs. The WOODY WILLIAMS has a carrying capacity of 71 955 Deadweight tonnage (DWT) and her draught is reported to be 9 meters. She has an overalllength(LOA)of239.33metersandherwidthis50meters.
BulkCarrier,SEAAQUARIUS(IMO:9364706)sailingundertheflagofPanama docked at the Port ofWalvis Bay onThursday, 10 November to load 55 000 Metric Tons (MT) Lithium. The Bulk Carrier with a carrying capacity of 53 468 tons DeadweightTonnage(DWT)willdepartonMonday,21November
BulkCarrierAURORASB(IMO:9478810)sailingundertheflagofCyprusdocked at the Port ofWalvis Bay for 15 days on Sunday, 13 November to discharge 38 000 MetricTonsofBulkSulphur TheBulkCarrierwithacarryingcapacityof56119tons Deadweighttonnage(DWT)willdepartonMonday,28Novemberat16:00.
The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has upgraded its Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) to incor porate a Vessel Automatic Identification System (AIS) as Themis RadarImagery forthe identification of vessels that switchtheirAISoff.
AccordingtotheFisheries Minister, Honor able Derek Klazen, his ministry has put these measures in place to ensure that Illegal, Unreported, and Un regulated(IUU)fishing activities are prevented and eliminated within our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and to further improve the Ministry's capacity in itsfightagainstIUU.
He explained that the ministry has further changed the VMS reporting frequency from two-hour intervals that cameintoeffectinJune 2021 to hourly inter vals, effective from 1 November “By doing so, Namibia is in line with many countries, and Regional Fisheries Management Organi sation has done the same.Itisworthnoting that, the Ministry ratified the FAO Port State MeasuresAgreementin 2017,andasaPortState will continue the fight against IUU fishing vessels calling on our ports, including those who are supporting such vessels, Kla-zen said and added,“the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) is another conservation measure that reduces the chances of IUU fishing.”
Klazen stated that his ministrytakesitsactivities of patrolling the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) seriously “Therefore, I am happy to inform you that the level of compliance with national fisheries legislations by licensed fishing vessels is at an acceptablelevel.
Moreover, the ministry would like to highlight that detection of IUU fishing vessels during 2021/2022 improved in part because of joint patrol efforts with relevant law enforcement agencies and international partners,” Klazen explained. He added that their efforts will continue around the clock to apprehend IUU fishing vessels, including fishing vesselswhotrytoenterour EEZ without the required authorization. “The goal is to protect and enforce the fisheries legislations both on capture fisheries and inlandfisheries.”
Klazen commends and thanks those who acted as whistleblowers by particularlyalertingour law enforcement Officers on IUU fishing vessels that were sigh-
ted fishing around the northern maritime border as well as vessels fishing within the restricted 200depthzone.“Theministry would like to caution those that are dismissing
Namibian crew members on their vessel, who reported those that conduct illegal fishing activities and contravene fisheries legislations,” Klazensaid.
ItisthattimeoftheyearagainandtodayRemembrance Sunday is commemorated as an inter nationalopportunitytoremembertheserviceand sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life. We remember theArmed Forces, and their families, weRememberourfellowcomradeswhopaidthe ultimatesacrifice,thosewhoreturnedwithscars, wounded and maimed and we remember those civilians who have lost their lives as a result of war or terrorism. We must also remember and include here today the vital role played by the emergencyservicesduringtimesofconflict. We remember the Fallen on the eleventh hour of theeleventhdayoftheeleventhmonth,when,in 1918,themurderousgunsfellsilentandtheGreat War,laterknownastheFirstWorldWar,cameto anend.
This morning, we commemorate Remembrance Sundayunderthedarkshadowsofaworldthatis still at war and our act of Remembrance is to all thesoldiers,themenandwomenwho,onthisday, must suffer and endure because of conti-nued conflict.We think especially of the people in the Ukraine where one of the most severe con-flicts sincetheWorldWarsrageson.
Currently there are at Least 27 live conflicts, classified as Wars, according to the Council on Foreign Relations's Global Conflict Tracker Of those worsening are the conflict in Ukraine, the war inAfghanistan, political instability in Lebanon, the war in Yemen, the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, the conflict in Ethiopia and renewed warthatbrokeoutthisweekintheDRC.
The sad reality of these wars are the fact that 2 Billion people currently live in conflict-affected areas. A quarter of the entire global population lives in conflict-affected areas. This year, it is estimated that at least 274 million people will needhumanitarianassistance.
In the Ukraine the latest estimates of war casualtiesare200000soldiersonbothsidesofthe conflict. General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, also suggested that around 40,000 civilians had died after being caughtupintheconflictandRussiaiscontinuing its campaign of terror attacks on Ukraine as it targets civilian infrastructure never before seen duringarmedcon-flictsintheworld.
Asof5Maythisyear,morethan5.5millionUkranians had fled the country, seeking refuge predominantlyinPoland,butalsoinHungary,Slovakia, andotherEuropeancountries.
Battle deaths, after all, tell just a fraction of the story Yemen's conflict kills more people, mostly women and young children, due to starvation or preventable disease than violence. Millions of Ethiopianssufferacutefoodinsecuritybecauseof the country's civil war Fighting involving Islamists elsewhere in Africa often doesn't entail thousands of deaths but drives millions of people from their homes and causes humanitarian devastation.
The world only recently moved out of the dark shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic which has exacerbatedtheworld'sworsthumanitariandisasters and propelled the impoverishment, rising living costs, inequality, and joblessness that fuel popular anger Thus the pandemic's worst symptomsmayyetlieahead.
Therefore, it is very important that we continue withourproudtraditiontocommemoratetheWar Dead, not only of our own comrades, but also the bravesoldiersontheopposingsideofthetrenches and in battle.This is our national duty and oppor tunitytorememberandcommemorateinaformal and solemn way the service and sacrifice of all thosethathavedefendedourfreedomsandprotectedourwayoflife.
OnthisdayweRemember,butwealsogrieveand honourthosewhohaddied,thosewhowerewounded and those who remained behind to cope with thedeathsoftheirlovedones.
We honor the deceased, acknowledging that they hadnotsacrificedthemselvesinvainbutforinstitutionsandvaluessuchascountry,God,freedom, justiceandhumanity
In the past and even in some countries today, Remembrance Day is also used to protest against war in general. Some mourners and veterans refused to attend official comme-morations. In doing so, they showcased their anger at the statesanctioned carnage that the first world war had been.
War and strife around the world shall always remainoneofthefailuresofourhumanity
Butnothingcanstopusfrompray-ingforthedawn ofworldpeace,alastingpeace.
diedsowecouldhavethefreedomto be here and to enjoy a free life. We are forever in their debt. Because they lost so much and because they gaveeverything,Wethankthem.We willalwaysremember
Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & RegionalPlannersintendstoapply,onbehalfof registered owners, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Developmentforthefollowing: Erf 4449 Walvis Bay Extension 12 (C/o C14/M36 Road, Langer Heinrich Crescent, and Rossing Street): Rezoning from “Light Industrial” to “Institutional” with consent for a “Residential Building” and consent to proceed with development while the rezoning is in progress.
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme.
Takenotethat–(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building Control Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, or can be (b)anypersonhavingcommentsorobjectionsto an application, may in writing lodge such commentsobjections,togetherwiththegrounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay and with Stewart Planningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationof thisnotice. (c)Written objections must be submitted before oron17:00Friday,09December2022.
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay 0642013339
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay 064280773
NOTICE EstateNo: E1480/2021
In the estate of the late Margarete Martha Elizabeth Trümer, Id No:34081700117of 1. Unit No.14 Lions Village, Rhode Allee, Swakopmund, Repu blicofNamibia,and 2. Susanne Grau Heim, Winhdhoek, Republic of Namibia, who died on1October2020,and whowasunmarried.
Master’sRef: E1480/2021
In terms of Section 35(5)ofAct66of1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days f r o m d a t e o f publication hereof at theofficeoftheMaster of the High Court Windhoek.
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance withtheaccount.
HausAltona 2-6TobiasHainyeko Street POBox1455 Tel:(064)-405051
Swakopmund (Ref:HEA/AWEST 219/0001-50)
Senior Primary: General teacher – all subjects
Teaching Diploma – minimum 4 years
Professional qualification
Teaching Junior and Secondary Primary (Ages: 9 – 12)
· Minimum of 4 years of professional teaching experience
· Namibian citizen or Namibian residence
· Only short listed applicants will be notified
· Closing date for applications: 15 December 2022
· Applications to be e-mailed to:
CONSENT:AccommodationEstablishment(Self-Catering)ONERFNO: 129 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: No.11 FrankGuthrieStreet.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:AccommodationEstablishment (SelfCatering).
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan9December2022.
Overview f the position: o
To prevent accidents, respond to emergencies and evaluate the effectiveness of the company's safety programs, the Safety Officer should also identify safety hazards, investigate them thoroughly, and control them before any employees are harmed.
Competencies: Minimum of 5 years' experience in this position.
SAMTRAC Health and Safety Course. Training A Proficient in all Microsoft pplications.
Possess excellent interpersonal skills to relate effectively with workers and managers.
Excellent coordination and organizational abilities.
In-depth knowledge of safety and pr legislation ocedures / processes.
Basic knowledge of data reporting processes.
Must have the relevant safety management certification that is required to work as a safety officer
Strong communication skills.
Keep record of safety-related accidents within a particular time frame.
· Supervise the installation of potentially harmful equipment and the disposal of hazardous substances.
Stop the continuation of processes that are deemed harmful to the health of workers.
Review existing safety policies and update them where necessary
Carry out or organize important safetyrelated training within the company or organization.
· Conduct an assessment of possible risks and ensure that preventive measures are taken.
Compile safety programs.
· Practice safe working techniques.
· Implement and maintain health and safety standards.
Maintain compliance with all safety regulations.
Conduct regular staff meetings to share best practice techniques.
Promote safety initiatives.
Compile and maintain relevant registers to ensure compliance.
Document staff information, minutes of meetings, and reports compiled for management.
· Regularly inspect equipment.
Suitable candidates please send CVs to
Closing date: November 2022 25
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Pre-School & Day Care) ON ERF NO: 4369 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: FrankAbrahamStreet.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Place of Instruction (Pre-School &DayCare).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 2 December 2022.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: MonicaUugwanga,POBox7058,WalvisBay
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Newly build, spaciousThreebedroom house with BIC. Openplanlivingwithkitchen (built-instove)&loungearea, 2 full bathrooms and single garage. House fitted with an alarm.Approvedplantobuild aflat.Erfsize400m². Price:N$1.050m.
Anexcitingopportunity hasarisen atMondesaPharmacyfor aPharmacist. Theincumbentshould fulfilthefollowing criteria:
-HolderofBachelorof Pharmacy(Honours)
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SwakopmundMondesa:2Bedroom houseforsale N$600000.00
Negotiable. Contact:0812582960 /0812003434
Duplex townhouse for sale in Ocean View, Swakopmund Next to Oceanview spar
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*Groundfloorapartment 2bedrooms,1bathroom, separatetoilet,single garage,prepaid electricity,largegarden area.
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ContactBirgit: 0812757827
-Soundexperiencewith RetailPharmacy dispensingsoftware
Citizen/Permanent ResidentofNamibia Suitablecandidates shouldforwardtheir CVsto mondesapharmacy@
PrimaryPurposeofthe Position
Responsibleforthe bookkeepingprocedures uptobutnotlimitedto VATsubmissionand VATaudits,aswellas completionofall administrativeduties relatedtothecompany KeyFunctionand Responsibilities
Ÿ Processingofall bookkeepingrecordsup theVATreport.
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Ÿ Fiveyearsrelevant experience
Priorcallsareessential Cell:0814081550
Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay ***
Ifyoudon’twanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryoreven acar
Defy(Slimline600)built inovenplus4platestove withextractor.Usedbut inverygoodcondition. N$2800.00(Complete) Contact:0813252393
Pastelknowledgeis critical
Strong,driven individualwillingtogothe extramilewiththeability totimemanageefficiently
CodeBdriverslicence isamust.
Candidateswhoqualify fortheaboveposition, shouldsenttheirCVand anyrelateddocumentto Onlyshortlistedcandidates willbecontacted.
ClosingDate: 23November2022
Opsoekna‘n2 slaapkamerhuis. Narravilleof Kuisebmond N$3550-4000pm Kontak:0812310703
CONSENT: Self Catering Accommodation EstablishmentONERFNO:4619TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: HidipoHamutenyaDriveNo.6.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-CateringAccommodation.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 9 December 2022.
CONSENT:SkyZoneWomen’sFitnessCCON ERF NO: 4056 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Walvis BaySTREETNAME&NO:NangoloMbumba Drive,No.82.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SkyZoneWomen’sFitnessCC.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 2 December 2022.
Bachelors Degree – Computer Science andTechnology Masters Degree - Graphic Design and or Robotics
Post Graduate qualification in teaching – level -- Diploma in SecondaryTeaching SecondaryTeaching
· Minimum of 4 years of professional teaching experience
· Namibian citizen or Namibian residence
· Only short listed applicants will be notified
· Closing date for applications: 15 December 2022
· Applications to be e-mailed to:
The MTC Dome in Swakopmund is the venue forthe third edition of the annual NamibiaSportExpofrom8to11December.
Namibia Sport Expo is where local and international sports federations and personalities will all be bestowed an opportunity to showcase their services and products under one roof to make it an inclusive, memorable, and world-class event.The year's Sport Expo is expected to benefit athletes and federations better than before after the Namibia Sports Commission(NSC)andMTCDomearecommittedto empowerandinspireallNamibiansthroughsports Director of Sport in the Ministry of Sport,Youth and NationalService,Jo-AnnManuel,saidtheexpoisset togivethoseinthesportindustryaplatformtomarket andshowcasetheirsportcodesandgoodsandservices and to bring everyone together through sport to encourage,unifyandelevateallNamibians.
NSC Chief Administrator Freddy Mwiya said they anticipatethisyear'seventtoattractmoreinternational exhibitors and five international athletes will be in attendance. “The aim is to make it one of the best eventseverwitnessed,addingthatthepartnershipwith the MTC Dome will go a long way in ensuring they achievethatgoal,”Mwiyaechoed.
Mwiya explained this year's expo will be different and unique, as they are expecting more international exhibitors.“Withourpreviousexpos,wehadabouttwoto three exhibitors from abroad but for this year, we will attract more than 21 international exhibitors and also internationalathleteswhowillallcomeandmotivateour localathletes.”
Mwiya added that The MTC Dome has a lot of partners whomtheywillalsobringonboardandthatwilleasethe financialburdenontheNSCandgovernment. Therefore thistimearound,theevent'shostingcostimplicationson the NSC will be far less than what they had spent on the first two editions of the expo. CEO of the MTC Dome, Fanus Engelbrecht, expressed excitement over the partnership between the MTC Dome and NSC has the potentialtomeanalottothefederationsandtheathletes. Engelbrecht said,“this collaboration will enable the peoplethatareclosetothefederationstomakeTheMTC Dometheirhomeandtostartusingitasitisthereforthe athleteswithitstopfacilities.”Engelbrechtapplaudedthe ministry of sport, the NSC, Namibia Breweries Limited,
New Era and all other stakeholders for making the event possible. Sports Director at TheMTCDome,UllaFinkeldeysaidatthelaunchofthe2022expo,thisyear'sexpo will be a multifaceted event, which will include a conference, workshops, and an exhibitionallrunningsimultaneously Finkeldey said, “this year's event is going to be of national and international importance, as it will bring together talented Namibians and key regional and global sports stakeholders, generating significant value for all participants. This is in alignmentwiththeNSC'sstrategicplantoensureanenablingenvironmentandhighperformancecultureamongstlocalathletes.”
“It will also place special emphasis on skills training in generating much-needed momentumforgrowthandthedevelopmentofsportatalllevels,”Finkeldeyadded.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, parti culars of which appear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee,RegionErongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Ndewoomba Paulus Ashikoto,P.O.Box52
3 Swakopmund
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates:OasisSportBetting
3. Address/location of premisestowhichapplication relates: Water burg street, Erf 3399, Unit one Mondesa, Swakopmund.
4. Nature and details of application: Appli cation for special LiquorLicence
5.Clerkofthecourtwith whom the application will be lodged: Clerk of theMagistrate'sCourt, districtSwakopmund
6. Date on which the application will be lodged: 18 November 2022
7. Date of meeting of com mittee at which applicationwillbeheard 11January2023
Anyobjectionorwritten submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the appli cation must be sent or delivered to the SecretaryoftheCommitteeto reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before thedateofthemeetingof the Committee at which the application will be heard.
During the Inter-mines Games draw, which took place on Tuesday evening, 15 November in Swakopmund, the VicePresident:Human Resources and Office of Company, Patrick Chizabulyo said back
EstateNo: E1328/2021
In the estate of the late HansEgonBurkhardt, IdNo:36062000220of Marie Douglas Frail Care Centre, Swakopmund, Namibia, who diedon25January2021, andwhowasunmarried.
Master’sRef: E1328/2021
IntermsofSection35(5) ofAct66of1965,notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the aboveestatewillbeopen for inspection of all personsinterestedthereinforaperiodof twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at
in the days the Inter mines Games was knownastheChamber of Mines Sports tour nament, primarily dominated by soccer and netball. The last Chamber of Mines Tournament was held
the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Swakopmund.
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance withtheaccount.
HEAHRENS Executrix c/oKINGHORN ASSOCIATESINC HausAltona 2-6TobiasHainyeko Street POBox1455 Tel:(064)-405051 Swakopmund (Ref:HEA/AWEST 227/0001-50)
in Rosh Pinah Zinc in 2008 According to Chizabulyo, due to the economic downturn in the mining industry, the event was poorly attended by various mines during the period2009-2015.
Dundee Precious Metals arranged the first Inter-mines tour nament in 2016 to bring back the muchloved mining social sporting event. Chizabulyo said in 2017 the event was hosted by Swakop Uranium, followed by Rosh Pinah Zinc in 2018 and B2 Gold in 2019, who are also the defending soccer champions Chizabulyo further said, “after a two-year break, the Inter-mines Sports Competition
returns to Swakop mund and is once again being hosted by Swakop Urani um.”The purpose of theInter-minesGames istobalanceworkand life, social networking within the mining industry, and strengthencamaraderieamong workers, for mine employees to get a chance to travel and
get to know where other mines are, it is also a platform for developingtalent.
A total of 15 mining companies will be participating in the Inter mines Games 2022 next weekend and they include, Swakop Uranium, Rössing Uranium, Ohorongo Cement, Rosh Pinah Zinc,
Navachab Gold Mine, B2 Gold, Deb Marine Namibia, Uis Tin Mining, NIMT, Dusta-Site, Rent A Drum, De Beers, GMS, Beifang and Weir Minerals.
The sports codes that they will be participating in are netball, active soccer, pool, veterans' soccer, volleyball,anddarts.
TheeighthandfinallegoftheNamibianNationalRallylast weekend in and around Swakopmund was won by Zachary MartinandhisnavigatorMelvinGousintheirVWPolo.
TheNationalPetroleumCorporationofNamibia(NAMCOR)SwakopRally, hostedbytheWalvisBayMotorClub,startedlastFriday,11Novemberwith17 entriesandfinishedSaturday,12November withonlytencars.
Thetwo-dayrallyintheS1,S2,S3andS4classes,aswellasintheCR1and CR2classesconsistedof12stages,withfourstagesheldonFridayevening andeightstagesonSaturday,withatotaldistanceof132km.
Zachary Martin said after quite a few ups and downs after the last couple of weeks it all finally paid off. “Not only did we manage to win my very first outright rally and our class respectively we managed to take home multiple stagewinstoo.Aswearestillfiguringoutournewcarthereweredefinitelya few challenges but nothing my team and I couldn't overcome. It's been a rollercoasterofayear,filledwithupsanddownsbutitalldefinitelypaidoffin theend,”Zacharysaid.
ZacharyMartinandMelvinGouswastheoverallwinnerinatimeof1:02:15 with Gert Coetzee and Dalton Bezuidenhout second in a time of 1:06: 03 whilst Steven Marnewick and Jodine Van Zyl come in third in a time of 1:09:19.
TheS1ClasswinnerwasStevenMarnewickandJodine VanZylwithPieter GreefandJPRobinsonsecond.TheS2ClasswaswonbyZacharyMartinand Melvin Gous with Coetzee and Dalton Bezuidenhout second whilst Jannie CoetzeeandGeorgeCoetzeecomeinthird.ThewinnersoftheCR1Classwas EwaldBisschoffandHeinBisschoffwithWillieSchoemanandSJSchoeman second whilst Werner Bartsch and Christel Fourie. Jandre Dippenaar and Gulliame Visser were the winners in the CR 2 Class. None of the cars that enteredintheS4finishedtherally
The overall winners of the NAMCOR Swakop Rally, Gert Coetzee, Dalton Bezuidenhout, Zachary Martin, Melvin Gous, Steven Marnewick and Jodine Van Zyl
Rebecca Goagoses, born and bred in Walvis Bay, has recently emerged as the president of Netball Namibia following an annual general meeting of the sport bodyinWindhoek.
Thisharbortownlady,alsothevicepresident of NetballAfrica, previously served as vice president for marketing on the NetballNamibiaboard.Thenewlyelected president of Netball Namibia (NN), Rebekka Ndapandula Goagoses-Nekundi, said she is greatly appreciative of the
nomination and election as President of Netball Namibia by regional executives. She said, “Netball has been enjoying a newleaseofliferecentlyandthenewboss is looking forward to continue building thebrandofnetballinthecountry.”
A humbled /Goagoses said her plans for NN include the proper governance and management of Netball in Namibia, establishingadevelopmentalapproachto feeding the senior national team through increasing the participation of junior teams in regional competitions and semiprofessionalising Netball, considering its nationalsportscodestatus.
/GoagosesurgecorporateNamibia,those who are already on board and new memberstofosterapartnershipforthebenefit ofthesport.
Other board members include Juanita Witbeen from Walvis Bay who was electedasadditionalmemberoftheboardwith ConnieSamariawaselectedasvicepresidentforstrategy,whileMarvellousOchar takes over as vice president for development. Seu Gowasesis the new technical director, Rauna Haulu as regional and associatememberrepresentative.