19 april namib times e-edition

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Construction of New Desalination Plant

The was revealed by the Minister: Agriculture, Water and Land R e f o r m , C a l l e Schlettwein during the launch of NamWater's groundbreaking of the 10km section Kuiseb collector 2 Schwarzekuppe-Swakopmund pipeline projects last Friday in Utuseb. The desalination plant was inthepipelineafterthe government opted not to buy the Orano desalination plant at Wlotzkasbaken in The : , Water and Land Minister Agriculture Reform, Calle Schlettwein

Continues page 2

The groundbreaking ceremony marks the replacement of the 10 km Kuiseb- Collector 2 – Schwarzekuppe –Swakopmund pipeline, with a total investment value of N$75 million, which will enhance NamWater's water supply capacity in the ErongoRegion. The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Hon Calle Schlettwein said that water supply is a key enabler for development and elaborated on the ministry's plans to enhancewatersupplyin theErongoandKhomas Regions Schlettwein

said the material used to construct the pipeline and contract labour was sourced locally, particularly in the Erongo Region “We must underscore the necessity for continuous innovation and adaption in our approach to water supply and resource management, ” he added The Deputy Mayor of Walvis Bay, Saara Mutondoka said at the groundbreaking marks not just the continuation of a vital infrastructure project, but also the strengthening of their

Continues page 2

Visas to be Issued Upon Arrival at Walvis Bay Habour Sharlien Tjambari

To simplify travel logistics for both tourists and business visitors as iteliminatestheneedfor prior visa applications, thereby reducing bureaucratic obstacles and waiting times According to the Ministry's Executive Director, Etienne Maritz, this strategic move underscores the significance of streamlining entry procedures, enhancing accessibility, and fostering economic growth through tourism and

trade. By issuing visas at the point of arrival, the Ministry aims to bolster convenience for travellers while sustaining securitymeasures. According to Maritz this initiative positions Namibia as more welcoming and touristfriendly destination, poised to attract a broader spectrum of both visitors and investors Maritz said: “As a crucial entry point for maritime trade and tourism, Walvis Bay harbour's role in driving

economic prosperity cannotbeoverstated.” Travellers can also applyforvisasonarrival at Hosea Kutako International Airport, Walvis BayAirport and the border posts Trans Kalahari, Katima Mulilo, Ngoma, Impalila Island, Oshikango, Mohembo, Ariamsvlei, Noordoewer and Oranjemund.

The visas upon arrival cost N$1200 and are validfor90days.

Coast Future Industrial Hub

Luxury Cruise Liners

Boost Tourism

Rössing Commits to Upkeep

Tatekulu Barbershop Opens Doors

Maternity & Newborn Synposium

N$6 namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7062 FRIDAY 19 APRIL 2024 Page 2 Page 4 Page 5 Page 3 ages 10,
& 12 inside Sports News The
NamibianWaterCorporation(NamWater) held a groundbreaking ceremony at Utuseb outsideWalvisBaylastFriday
government, through NamWater, will partner with Swakop Uranium to construct a new desalination plant at the coast at a cost of morethanN$3.5billion.
MinistryofHomeAffairs,Immigration,SafetyandSecurityissueda statementthatithasintroducedvisasuponarrivalatWalvisBayHabour withimmediateeffect.
RudiBowe RudiBowe
Major Pipeline Upgrade for Erongo

Major Pipeline Upgrade for Erongo

Continued from page 1

commitment to securing water resources for the future generations. According to Mutondoka the pipeline to be replaced has served us well but is now in need of modernisation to meet the increasing water demands and ensure resilience against the various challenges we face. “The significance of this project goes beyond the immediatebenefitsofimprovedwatersupply The initiative is crucial for our communities, and for the sustainable growth of our region” she explained.

New Desalination Plant

Continued from page 1

2016duetoitscost,ispoisedtobeagame-changer not only for the country, but also for the droughtstricken Erongo region, which is constantly grappling with water shortages. According to Schlettwein the joint venture will see the construction of a 20 million cubic metre desalination plant. The minister indicated that NamWater shall develop a second modular plant withatleastacapacityof20millioncubicmetres, in cooperation with Husab mine, which is still upgradable by adding additional modules as the need arises.” Schlettwein explained that the feasibilitystudiesandfinancingoptionshavebeen concluded, and the project is envisaged to be constructed in 2025. “The challenges we face in ensuringreliablewatersupplyarecompoundedby agrowingeconomyandagrowingpopulation.Our population has grown to over 3.3 million and is growing around 4%.” Schlettwein said, “the fishing and mining sectors have also grown over the years and all these factors are good, but they need to be supplied with the water they need as a keyenablerfordevelopment.”

Port of Walvis Bay Should be a Destination for Passenger Liners

AllpassengercruiselinesusetheWalvisBayPortasastopoverandnot asadestination.

Some of the local tourism operators waiting for possible clients

This was revealed at stakeholders meeting heldbytheMinistryof Environment,Forestry and Tourism on Monday, 15 April at theharbourtown. The Erongo Tourism Forum is making deliberate efforts to boostpassengercruise liner tourism by setting its sights on growing the cruise liner industry, aiming to leverage more

passenger's cruse liners calling at the port of Walvis Bay each year Namport in the past targeted 25 passenger cruise liners to dock at the harbour annually This number has however increased since the devastating impactofCOVID-19on the industry This year 25 cruise liners, includingQueenMary2 and Viking Neptune, have already docked at

Coast Poised as Future Industrial Hub

Sharlien Tjambari

Thecoastwith hugepotentialfordesalinationwill bethefuture forindustries its certainly location becauseofthe 's . T ocean unlimitedsourceofwater hiswassaidbyCalleSchlettwein,Ministerof Agriculture,WaterandLandReformduringtheGround-breakingCeremonyfortheHentiesBay PipelineUpgradeProjectlastweek.

Schlettwein said the pressure on freshwater resourcesisnotonlyevidentinthedesertalongthe coast, but also in the central part of the country, especiallyinthecapital,“thecenterofthecountry has its limits and there are ceiling that cannot be surpassed,sothecoastanditswaterinfrastructure will play a vital role in our progress in industrialisation and our progress towards prosperity HentiesBayanditssistertownswillbe the home of those workforces who work at industriesandaroundthesebusinesses,that'swhy this significant milestone is so crucial for us to emphasi e.”AccordingtoSchlettweintheproject s is funded out of Namwater's budget which generates money by selling water, “but of course the government supports infrastructure developmentliketherestofthelargerprojectsthat is linked to this component. Abraham Nehemia theChiefExecutiveOfficerofNamwatersaidthe launchofthiscriticalphaseisNamwater'smission tofortifythewaterinfrastructureinHentiesBay,a missionthatunderscoresNamwater'scommitment to ensuring the long-term sustainability and reliability of water resources in the town, particularlyduringpeakdemandtimes. Phaseone of the project of the project will deal with the replacementofavitalfive-kilometresectionofthe water supply pipeline which is the lifeline of Henties Bay Nahemia said this initial phase is crucial,layingthegroundworkforenhancedwater securityandaddressingtheimmediateneedsofthe community It marks a significant step towards Namwater's goal of providing a stable and dependablewatersupplyforbothresidentsandthe numerousvisitorswhogracethetown. According to Nehemia, the next stage of the project is the constructionofanewbulkwaterstoragereservoir The reservoir will allegedly serve as a key componentinbolsteringthewatersupplysystem, enhancingthecapacitytomanageandstorewater more efficiently, “and ensuring that we are better

prepared to meet the challenges posed by fluctuating demand and the impact of climate change.” Nehemia further said, Namwater has developed an integrated water infrastructure approachatcoastalareaswiththelinkagebetween water from the Omdel and Kuiseb groundwater schemes as well as the desalinated water from the sea.The aim is to ensure water security for all the water users at the coast. Schlettwein said a sustainable and secure water supply situation in Namibia, especially at the coast can only be achievedthroughthedevelopmentofinfrastructure that links all available viable freshwater resources into an integr ated network of pipes, reservoirs, pump stations, purification plants, distribution networksandfinallysanitationfacilities.

Schlettwein said in the national budget that was approved earlier last week, the water vote (38), received an allocation of just over N$ 1 billion of which 76% is for infrastructure development. The minister further said water has reached its full capacity of sustainable abstraction and very soon weshallmovetowardsthedesalinationofseawater to subliming the groundwater resources and close the water supply security gap. The Governor of ErongoRegionNevilleAndréItopesaiditiscrucial to recognise the paramount importance of responsible water usage and infrastructure maintenance. “As we embark on this journey to enhance water accessibility within the Erongo Region,letuscollectivelypledgetosafeguardour precious water resources and infrastructure. By ensuring their proper upkeep and sustainable utili ation, we guarantee their longevity for the s benefit of both present and future generations.” Itope said the upgrade of this five-kilometre pipelineisestimatedataboutN$14million.

The construction contract for this project was awarded to Strydom Construction, a Namibianownedcompany

the port, with 45 others are still to come Namport have been engaging owners of passenger liner vessels to enhance the hospitality industry provided to tourists as they arrive at the harbour Thus far Namporthasclincheda deal that will see six passenger cruise liners spend more days at the Port of Walvis Bay in October this year, to boostthetourismindustry

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourismrevealedthatplayersintheprivateand public tourism sectors are collaborating to ensurethatabout200cruiselinerscallatthePort of Walvis Bay per year The delays in immigration services offered to tourists on board cruise liners, local tourism operators stated that they are losing out on lucrative revenue.TheExecutiveDirectoroftheMinistry ofEnvironment,Forestry,andTourism,Teofilus Nghitila,afterhewitnessedfirst-handthedelay in processing of passports and visas said that Namibianeedstoupitsgameandstreamlinethe immigrationprocessofpassengerstoensurean efficient process that will allow tour operators and entrepreneurs to capitalise on tourists arriving on cruise liners. “We really need to workhardandimproveourprocessessothatwe introduce some efficiencies in the way we are processing our visas for the port, as this is an opportunity that we cannot miss as a country Therefore, the quicker we process, the faster people disembark and the more money they spend,” the executive director said. Nghitila observedthatprocessingthepassportsandvisas faster would eliminate long queues and encourage more people to explore the coastal towns.Atthecurrenttrend,localswillmissout astouristswillnothaveenoughtimetotakepart inactivities.“Icameheretoexperiencethisand willconsultwithmycounterpartsothatwecan seehowquicklywecangetasmanypassengers aspossibleoutoftheshipsothattheycanvisit our country, and they spend more money and more time,” he added. “This is really a niche market that we need to explore, this is a huge market,andwemustcapitaliseonit,”hesaid.

Luxury Cruise Liners Boost Coastal Tourism

The PostofWalvisBayoverthepastfewdays rewasahypeofactivityatthe asabout3000passengersdisembarkedfromtwoluxurycruiseliners,the QueenMary2andtheVikingNeptunetoexplorethehospitalitythatthe twocoastaltownsWalvisBayandSwakopmundcanoffer

The Queen Mary II

The Queen Mary 2, flagship of Cunard Line and one of the largest passenger liners in the world, as part of its annual world cruise, docked for the second timethisyearatthePort ofWalvisBayyesterday The Queen Mary 2 'Triple the size of the Titanic'isamonumental vessel that brought not only maritime prestige but also a significant boost to local tourism. The cruise liner hosts 2 691 passengers and 1 173 crew members Visitors explored the beautiful shores and vibrant community, and the best of Namibia's hospitality Her next destination is Gran Canaria,CanaryIslands.

The Viking Neptune, a hotel at sea that accom-

modates 930 passengers and over 400 crew members as part of its world tour docked on Saturday,13April.The visibly excited tourists were welcomed by locals with cultural dances and singing, with the Ministry of Ministry of Environment andTourism's top management appreciating their arrival and

what it signifies for tourism and economic opportunities presented. The passengers on board the cruise liners undertook varioustouractivitiesin andaroundWalvisBay, including shopping, dining, and sightseeing (dunes, lagoon, etc.), making the most of theirday'svisit.

RudiBowe RudiBowe The Viking Neptune

Training on Trade Policies

OfficialsinthetradeandinvestmentsectorgatheredinSwakopmund thisweekforthe -dayTrainingontradepolicyandcompetitiveness five analysis,tradestatistics,tradenegotiationsskills,investmentandtrade promotionstrategiesaswellasEPAmonitoringandevaluation.

During the Official Opening of the training, the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade (MITs) Executive Director, Mr Sikongo Haihambo said this training marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to strengthen Namibia's Trade and Investment related capacity and to enhance expertise in the realm of international trade and investment as whole. Haihambo said, “the training, organised by the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade underscores our commitmenttonurturing Namibia's skills development, economic growth, contributing to the promotion of sustainable development and advancing regional integration ” The training's focus included Trade Policy and Competitive Analysis, Trade Statistics, Investment and Trade Promotion Strategies, as well as EPA Monitoring and Evaluation In addition,theparticipants received information on statistical methods used in policy and investment analysis such as the

Harvard Atlas of Economic Complexity by theHarvardGrowthLab, ITC Trademap, WITsWorld Bank, ABRAMS worldTradewiki,aswell as a presentation by the Namibia Statistics Agency on local sources/databases on Namibia Trade Statistics. Haihambo said, “these topics are essential pillars upon which our collective efforts to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace and also lie at the very heart of our mission to create anenablingenvironment fortradeandinvestment, thereby catalysing economic prosperity and improving the livelihoods of our citizens.”

AccordingtoHaihambo, Namibia relies on foreign trade and foreign direct investment to sustainandaccelerateits economic growth, “External markets absorb products that we produce in surplus to local requirements (our minerals, beef, fish, etc) while through imports we satisfy demands for products in short supply locally Inthisregard,we areactivelyseekingnew

investmentopportunities and enhanced foreign market access by participating in various regional and international trade agreements ” Haihambo furthersaid,tomaximise benefits from this engagement participants need to enhance their capacity and skills in trade policy and competitiveness analysis, trade statistics, trade negotiations skills, investment and trade promotion strategies, monitoring and evaluation of these trade arrangements Accordingly, the expected outcome posts this trainingisforparticipantsto use acquired knowledge and skills to enhance Namibia's export and investment competitive. Officials in attendance were from the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT), Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB), and line ministries working on trade and investmentrelated issues and select representatives of privatesectorstakeholders.

Rössing Commits to the Upkeep of Police Vehicles

TheNamibianPoliceintheErongoRegionreceivedadonationofN$750000fromRössingUranium onWednesday,whichwillbechannelledtowardstheservicingandupkeepofpolicevehiclesinthe townsofSwakopmund,WalvisBayandArandis.

Rössing Uranium's Edwin Tjiriange, General Manager for Asset Management and Projects at the mine's corporateofficeinSwakopmundmentionedthatforthe pasttwoyearsRössingassistedthePolicewiththesame donation and has this year moved to solidify the agreement for a three-year term starting in 2024. This translatestoN$250000perannumstretchinguntil2026.

TjiriangesaidRössingUraniumwillcontinuetosupport the Office of the Regional Commander, “it about eight vehiclesthatwillbeidentifiedandselectedbytheoffice of the Regional Commander, that will be part of this program to ensure that we have a reliable fleet.”Amid calls for police to attend to crime reports timeously, upholdingthismandateisoftencutshortbythestateof policevehicleswhichareofteninasorrystateduetothe dailyusetokeepcommunitiessafe.

While addressing the Police Regional Commander Nikolaus Kupembona, Tjiriange said, we place high

regardtothecooperationbetweenRössingUraniumand your office and this donation of today signifies that commitmentofRössinganditisreallyourhopethatthis donationwillensurethatyoucankeeptheErongoregion safeandwillbeabletoassistyouinthedeliveryofyour mandate to keep the region safe. Kupembona said, as Erongo Police Regional Commander I witness the first hand, the importance of having reliable and a wellmaintained vehicle to carry out our duties effectively ThesupportprovidedbyRössingUraniumhasnotonly helped us in assuring the operational readiness of our fleetbutalsoboostedthemoralofourofficersknowing thattheyhavethenecessaryresourcestocarryouttheir mandate effectively and efficiently” Kupembona expressedhisgratitudetotheRössingUraniumfortheir unwavering support and generosity, “your contribution will have a lasting impact to our ability to serve and protectourcommunity.”

Van Jaarsveld the New CEO at TransNamib

TheBoardofDirectorsofTransNamibispleasedtoannouncetheappointmentofDesmondErnstVan JaarsveldasthenewChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO)ofTransNamib,effectivefrom17April2024.

Van Jaarsveld brings extensive experience in business andleadershiptohisnewroleatTransNamib,withover 30yearsprofessionalexperienceinvariousindustries, including over 25 years which has been at senior executive leadership level within the transportation, logistics and distribution sectors within the Southern Africa region. His most recent position was as ManagingDirectorofDPWorld.VanJaarsveldholdsa Master of Science and Bachelor of Science (Honours) degrees from the University of Stellenbosch. He has completed a Management Development Programme withtheUniversityofStellenboschGraduateBusiness School, amongst other various management and coachingcertificates.

TransNamib Chairman Theo Mberirua expressed his congratulationstoVanJaarsveldonhisappointmentas CEO.“DesmondVanJaarsveldisanexcellentaddition toTransNamib,andonbehalfoftheboardofdirectors,I extend my congratulations to him for taking on this importantrole.TransNamibandrailinfrastructureplay a critical role in positioning Namibia as a logistics leaderintheregion,andweareconfidentthatMr Van

Jaarsveld will lead TransNamib towards sustainable growth,”saidMberirua. "Heprovedhisfitfortherole for the current time and current challenges that TransNamib faces. He comes with an impressive history of success leading major national and international companies in demanding times. “I am confident that his leadership of TransNamib will further strengthen our industry and benefit the company”Mberiruaadded.

Mberirua also expressed gratitude to interim CEO Webster Gonzo, who has served in the role since last year “I would like to extend our gratitude to Webster Gonzo for his tremendous work with the Board to ensure the continuity of TransNamib's operations during this period. His efforts have been invaluable, and they have positioned our new CEO to lead an organization that is well-prepared to represent the interestsofourshareholderandtheNamibiannation.” TransNamiblooksforwardtoanewchapterunderthe leadershipofDesmondVanJaarsveld,asthecompany continuesitsmissiontodriveNamibia'slogisticssector


Tatekulu Barbershop Opens Doors in Walvis Bay

This is a place not just tohaveyourhaircutor yourbeardshaped.Itis all about the experience itself. When at Tatekulu, time slows down - you can read the newspaper, have a coffee – even a Jamesonwhiskeyifyoulike. Chat with your barber, enjoy a hot towel shave, banter with other patrons – all in a male only environment. B o o k i n g s o n www.tatekulu.com or phone0814740174 Wetrustthatthecoastal community will embrace our new baby in 12thstreet. Comeandhavealook, be bold – experience theTatekuluway.

Tatekulubarbershop,atrulyNamibianstory, withthreebarbershops inWindhoek,hasdecidedtoopenabranchinWalvisBaynexttoProbst Bakeryin12thstreet. Photos: Tatekulu barbershop and Eileen van der Schyff

5th Annual Erongo Region Maternity and Newborn Symposium

Sharlien Tjambari

Observed to reflect upon annual maternity and neonatal Intensive Care Unit(ICU)datafromSwakopmundMediclinicandWelwitschiaPrivate Hospital, the 5th Annual Erongo Region Maternity and Newborn SymposiumwhichtookplaceinSwakopmundlastSaturdayhasbecomea cornerstone event aimed at enhancing the quality of antenatal, delivery, postnatal,andnewborncarethroughoutthecommunity.

Thisyearmarkedapivotal expansion of the symposium from a singleeveningeventtoa full-day program attended by 120 delegates in the morning workshops and 90 at the evening gala dinner The event featured 10 CPD-accredited lectures delivered by local experts in newborn and obstetric care. A member of the Organising Committee of the Maternity and Newborn Symposium Pediatrician Dr Sebastian Gericke said, “this year we extended our welcome to more practitioners from Swakopmund and Walvis Bay District Hospitals ”

Some of the key statistics shared at the Symposium indicated that Swakopmund Mediclinic reported a 5%carrierstatusofGBS (Group B Streptococcus) in pregnant women Group B Streptococcusscreening is useful to direct preventive efforts to avoid serious bacterial infections in newborn babies For Neonatal ICU Admissions, statistics indicated a significant portion of term, normal birthweight babies required ICU admission, with one-third needing treatment for low sugar levels This is likely associated with the concerning rise in maternal diabetes. It was further reported that from February 2021 to April 2024, 488 new mothers were screened using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, with approximately one-third identifiedashavingpostnatal depression This number is much higher than those reported by most other countries Gericke said, “we found that the mothers in the postnatal depression group were much more likely to have had previous depression, rate their support network as poor, and interestingly also more likely to find theirbabiestobedifficult tomanage.” Overhalfof the women screened at a private laboratory were found to have low iron levels, a concern given the impact of maternal iron deficiency on fetal brain development and the increased likelihood ofpostnataldepression.

According to Gericke, some of the quality improvement initiatives alreadyestablishedareas follows: Universal congenital heart disease screening, Neonatal

hypoglycaemia prevention and management protocols, Non-invasive transcutaneous bilirubin screening, Enhanced breastfeeding support protocols,Pretermlabour management protocols, Family-centredC-section practices, Establishment of Swakopmund Milk Bank in 2019, Routine screenings for GBS, postnataldepression, and ferritin (iron) levels during pregnancy, and Regular neonatal resuscitation drills. The symposium highlighted several areas needing attention, such as improved emergency transport for sick, ventilated newborns and more specialised equipment to manage conditions like birth asphyxia. Training in newborn resuscitation for nurses and doctors remains a critical need, alongside increased corporatefundingtosupport broader surveillance and quality improvement initiatives This event continues to play a vital roleinidentifyingtrends, directing quality improvements, and fostering a collaborative environment among healthcare professionals dedicated to elevating care standards in the Erongoregion.


Come and join us for a delicious lunch (Fish) and dinner (Chicken-Schnitzel), coffee & homemade cakes, stalls, books, fresh market stall, mechanical bull, evening entertainment with music & dance, fun and games and so much more!

West TheWild

Friday, 26 April 2024 from 12h00 til late

Kühnast/Aldridge Street, Vineta, Swakopmund T E L. 0 6 4 - 4 6 3 2 8 0
Dr. Sebastian Gericke

Block 9 Properties Breaks Ground for Tama Estates

In a quest to help eradicate the housing backloginSwakopmund,onthe12thof April 2024 Block 9 Properties held a groundbreaking ceremony of the Tama Estates residential development for 87 free standing residential homes, which covers5,2887hectaresofland.

This estate is undergoing development in two phases. The first phase, which began last month, aims to construct 87 single residential homes.The second phase is scheduled to commence in September Ms SarahLeigh Elago, the master of ceremonies, emphasisedinherwelcoming remarks the importance of providing affordable, modern, and move-inreadyhouses.

Elagorevealedthatthe visionaries behind Tama Estates drew inspiration from the latePresidentDr Hage Geingob'sstrategicinitiatives for Namibia's economic recovery andinclusivegrowth. Particularly, they were

driven by the third pillar of social progression, which emphasisesenhancingthe quality of life for all Namibians, especially those within the middle-income bracket, who often find themselves in a limbo without adequate support.

Tama Estates, a brainchild of Mr Shivute AlfeusAngula and Mr Silvanus Kathindi, founder of Block 9 Properties, was acquiredinJanuary2012 through the Eddy Angula Trust Their aim is to narrow the gap between social classes with a specific focus on empowering the middle-income segment.

Mr Charm Midzi, the

Project Manager of Block 9 Properties, emphasised that the land for Tama Estates will be fully serviced, ensuring the provision oftop-qualityhousing. Everyhomewillboast LED lighting, solar systems, and premium built-in cupboards and wardrobes,withprices starting from N$900 000.

An integral stakeholderinTamaEstates

i s MortgageMarket.com.

na, which recently launched as a subsidiaryoftheSouthAfrican parent company, MortgageMarket co z a. This collaboration has marked the inception of the first residential developmentpropertypartnership with Tama Estates.


na has partnered with

bankstostreamlinethe homeownership process for ordinary citizens through their user-friendly online platform This platform facilitates access to Namibia's leading banks with a single application, free of charge. Mr Tim Akinnusi,theCEOofMortgageMarket com na, expressed his confidenceinTamaEstates, stating,"Wearepoised to establish a new benchmark for quality

housing, especially for first-timehomebuyers, enabling them to build long-term wealth. We believe in the nationbuilding efforts of Mr Angula and Mr Kathindi, and the Namibian government's leadership, which are vital for the prosperity of the Namibian people.”

Akinnusi emphasised the commitment to providing comprehensive homeowner education as an integral part of the Tama Estates experience. He stressed that when individuals understand homeownership, they can leverage their assetstocreatewealthfor their families and futuregenerations. Additionally, he pledged transparency and customer-centricity in the home loan process, ensuring access to the best mortgage options through Namibian banks, benefiting both property developers and customers.

The Honourable Go-

vernor Neville André Itope of the Erongo Regionacknowledged the significant housingchallengesfacing the region, particularly in Swakopmund,amidstitsrapid economic growth. He underscored the necessity for collaborative efforts between publicandprivatesectors to address the housing backlog and cater to the growing population'sneeds.

The Honourable GovernoroftheErongoRegionhighlighted the staggering housing backlog in Swakopmund, which exceeds 30,000 units, with the 2023 census reportingapopulation of 75,921 people. He emphasised the urgency for synchronisedactiontomatchthe pace of infrastructural development with the town's burgeoning population, calling for a united front in tack-ling housing delivery challenges.

Sharlien Tjambari

DHL 2024 Global Connectedness Report

DHL,incollaborationwiththeNewYorkUniversitySternSchoolofBusiness,hasreleased its 2024 GlobalAnnual Connectedness Report.According to Dirk van Doorn, Managing Director of DHL Namibia, the report has revealed key insights regarding global connectedness,withspecificemphasisontheGlobe,Africa,andNamibia.

The report indicates that global connectedness reached a record high in 2022 and maintained a similar level in 2023. This resilience and growth in international flows of trade, capital, information, and people challenge the notion thatglobalizationisin decline Singapore has been identified as the most globally connected country, followed by the Netherlands and Ireland. Singapore boasts the largest international flows relative to domestic activity, while the United Kingdom demonstratesthemost broadly distributed flows worldwide


U.S. and China continue to diminish, with both countries experiencing a decrease in flows involving each other since 2016. Despite this trend, the U.S. and China maintain significant connections compared to most other countries.

Russia and Europe have undergone a decoupling process, leading to a shift in trade patterns and a collapse in foreign investment in Russia.

Notably, Russia ex-

periencedasubstantial drop in global connectedness in 2022 among major G20 economies. According to the report, there are no clear split of the world economy into rival geopolitical blocs. Trade between U S -aligned and

China-aligned blocs increased during the Covid-19 pandemic butdeclinedfollowing Russia's invasion of Ukraine, returning close to pre-pandemic levels excluding Russia. Corporate globalisation is on the rise, with companies

generating more sales abroad and announcing international expansion projects at a high relative to world GDP. The share of mergers and acquisitionsandglobaloutput producedoutsidecompanies'homecountries remains steady

Although the share of global trade in world GDP reached a record high in 2022 before a modest decline in 2023, trade growth is expected to accelerate in 2024. Information flows globalisation hassurgedoverthelast two decades, but recentdatashowsastall, partly due to U S -

China tensions and restrictions on internationaldataflows.

Namibia has made significant progress in global connectedness, moving up 27 spots to rank 102 out of 181 countries globally in 2023 Within SubSaharan Africa, Namibiaispositioned6th out of 43 countries,

surpassing nations like Senegal,Angola, Nigeria,andKenya.

Dirk van Doorn emphasises that while Namibiaisadvancing in the Global Connectedness Index, more efforts are neededtothriveinthe competitive global landscape.

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AND CONSOLIDATION OF PORTIONS A AND B OF ISMAEL ABRAHAM AND/OR MOSHITILA STREET WITH ERVEN 3209 AND R1797, MONDESA, SWAKOPMUND. SandSea Consulting hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commiss oner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the abovementioned activity PROJECT LOCATION: Ismael Abraham and/or Moshitila Street, Mondesa, Swakopmund. REGISTRATION OF I&APsAND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All Interested & Affected Parties are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions as part of the consultation process. All comments and concerns should be submitted to the details below: Email: sandseaconsulting@gmail.com Mobile: 085 639 0738 on or before 26 April 2024. SandSea Consulting For all advertising: mikkie@namibtimes.net or marketingswk@ namibtimes.net

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3927158 19APRIL2024 NAMIBTIMES 9

Coastal Teams Qualified

Coastal football teams, Swakopmund Sport Club (SFC) and Eleven Arrows FC last Sunday qualified for the PstBet NFACUP2024round of32.

Erongo Second Division side SFC qualified after beating Celtics FC 3-1 on penaltiesaftera0-0draw in the final earlier today in the PstBet NFACUPpreliminary round at the Modesa Stadium Field in Swakopmund whilst Southern Stream First Division side Eleven Arrows FC from Walvis Bay secured their spot in the round of 32 after beating Swakopmund Blue Boys2-1inthefinalof the preliminary round attheMarientalShowgrounds.

Erongo Second Division side Swakopmund Sport Club LIQUOR

Southern Stream First Division side Eleven Arrows FC

4. Nature and details of application: Shebeen

(Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappearbelow, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Sishao Boyson Masikilo, P O Box 7620,WalvisBay

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: TruethLoungeBarno.2.

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 6860, Tutaleni Uugwanga Street, Flat No.3 Kuiseb-


4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence

5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’sCourt,WalvisBay

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 8 March2024.

7 Date of meeting of Committeeatwhichapplicationwillbeheard:8May 2024.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstolease,by private transaction, a portion of land on Farm38toRicherville Logistics’ CC for transport and Logisticsfacility

Muni-cipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information

MrJackManalecanbe contacted at telephone (064) 2013338 during officehours.

Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may in writing

Round of 32 fixtures forthecoastalteams; SFCwillbeupChampionsCivics ElevenArrowswillbe up against Mighty Gunners Blue Waters will play ChulaChula Namib Daughters will be up against Unam Ladies

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress ofapplicant:EllieElia,PO Box1597,WalvisBay


7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 12June2024. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.

We are seeking a skilled and motivated professional with a passion for Continuous Improvement and Lean Methodology to join our team as TRANSFORMATION MANAGER

Your prior expertise in the food processing industry will play a vital role in developing and implementing effective programs and procedures.

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We offer a market -related salary and benefits package and you will form part of a collaborative and innovative team.

Please send your comprehensive application per-email to recruitment@catofishing.com by no later than 3 May 2024

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned.

Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 23 April


MrD.LMiljoherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Special Consent” for a “Residential , Building” 4825 on the premises of Erf , Swakopmund Extension ( 10 John Otto Nankudhu Street) as provided for in terms of Clause6oftheSwakopmundZoningScheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuch application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: th15 May2024

Contact person: .LMiljo, Cell: Mr D 081 262 9974Email:deon@leap.com.na Or

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.

Description Portion of Remainder Farm38WalvisBay Area 10 000m² Zoning Undetermined PurchasePrice N$9,900.00/month plus N$1.485.00(15%VAT)
2024 at room 27,
lodge an objection together with the grounds /motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, WalvisBay, beforeor on *Friday, 26 April 2024at12:00 JackManale ActingGeneral Manager: Community& Economic Development Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: DidilaShebeen 3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: PO Box 1597, Walvis Bay, Seemeeu Street, No.9, Erf 2546, Kuisebmond, WalvisBay
Liquor License (Expired on31March2024) 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Regional Secretary of Liquor LicensingCommittee 6. Date on which application will be lodged: Between 13.04.2024 and

SALT Showdown Captivates Audience with Spectacular Boxing Battles

TheNamibBoxingAcademyinconjunctionwithClubSALT,hostedasensational evening of boxing as fighters from Swakopmund and Walvis Bay clashed in the highlyanticipatedSALTShowdownonSaturday,13AprilinSwakopmund.

This groundbreaking social boxing event featuredatotalof11fights,with22talented fighters showcasing their skills in the ring, alongside a crowd challenge that added an extra layer of excitement to the alreadythrillingevent.

TheatmosphereatClubSALTwaschargedwithanticipationasspectatorsfilledthe venue to capacity, eager to witness the intense competition and display of athleticism. The boxers, representing their respective towns, brought their A-game, demonstrating exceptional technique and determination as they battled it out in the ring.

Addingtotheexcitementofthenightwas thepresenceoftherenownedmartialartist Delano Müller, who acted as the centre referee for the bouts. Müller's expertise andcharismaaddedaspecialtouchtothe event, drawing cheers and applause from the enthusiastic crowd who appreciated his contributions to the evening's proceedings.

Thefightsthemselveswerenothingshort of spectacular, with each bout delivering itsownuniqueblendofskill,strategy,and heart-pounding action. From lightningfastexchangestopowerfulknockouts,the fighters left it all in the ring, captivating the audience with their displays of courageandsportsmanship.

One of the highlights of the evening was the crowd challenge, where enthusiastic

spectators stepped up to the ring to test theirmettleagainsteachotherinfriendly competition. The crowd challenge added an interactive element to the event, allowingfanstoexperiencetheadrenaline rush of boxing firsthand and further engaging the audience in the excitement ofthenight.

As the final bell rang and the last fight concluded,thecheersandapplausereverberated throughout Club SALT, marking theendofatrulyunforgettableeveningof boxing action. The SALT Showdown proved to be a massive success, not only showcasing the talent and dedication of theboxersfromSwakopmundandWalvis Bay but also uniting the community in a celebrationofthesport.

With 11 thrilling fights, 22 exceptional fighters, and a crowd challenge that kept theaudienceontheedgeoftheirseats,the SALT Showdown set a new standard for social boxing events in the region. Club SALTand Namib BoxingAcademy have certainly raised the bar for future competitions, promising even more excitement and memorable moments for boxing enthusiasts.As fans eagerly await the next installment of the SALT Showdown,theycanlookbackonanight filled with fierce competition, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments that will surely be remembered for years to come.

CFC Expands Lead

CFC1expandedtheirlead in the National LeagueA, while SKW 4 is the new leader in the National League B. SFC A and SKW A are fighting a bitter battle in the U/18 league.Botharetiedatthe topofthetableintermsof pointsandsets.

The U/12 and U/15 youth categories started on Friday evening. The tournament, which had to be partially interrupted by heavy rain, was won by SKWAwith4winsinthe U/15category IntheU/12 theSKWBwastheteamto beat. Robert von Flotow was named player of the dayintheU/12category SFC A and SKW A won boththeir2matchesinthe U/18leagueandarenowat thetopofthetablewith10 points. Behind them are SKW C and SKW B, also tied for third place. The last place is retained by SKW D, who are still waiting for their first point.

games were offered to the spectatorsbytherestofthe teams.Afterthefirstwinin morethan2decadesinthe 4th league round in 2023, SFC 1 repeated the feat with a 3-1 win over SKW 1. SFC 1 also won against SKW2andSFC2andthus scored 9 points on this match day CFC 2, which hadwonagainstSFC2and SKW2,alsobroughtSKW 1 to the brink of defeat. In theenditwas3:2fromthe Green Whites' point of view SFC 2 lost all matchesandmustsettlefor6th placeinthetable.

News from WBGC

TheWalvisBaySeniorGolfBranchhostedtheirfirst ever Inter Senior Branch Golf event last week over two days exactly one year after it's inauguration at theWalvisBayGolfClub(WBGC).

A sizeable field of 31 players including visitors from Swakopmund,HentiesBayandWindhoekentered.

Themedalformatdidnotdeterfromgoodscoringand eventually local Seniors Captain Tienie de Wet easily wontheoverallnettprizewithaverygoodscoreof138, andintheprocess,hewasalsocrownedasoverallGross inner with 154 (2 rounds of 77) and a new handicap Tienie. Second was John Redman on 143, followed by EstelleBothmaon146.

Averygoodfieldof36playersparticipatedinaMedal Stableford competition held on Saturday at WBGC. Havingnotplayedthisformatforsometime,itcreated quite a bit of scoring confusion and debate. After the dusthadsettled,PietieFoxwasthewinneron40points, followed by Sandro de Gouveia and Chris Bothma on 39.

Wouter van Wijk won the nearest to the pin which earnedhimatwo-clubprizeaswell.KyleJohnsonwon two2clubsenroutetoalevelroundof72.

Afieldof19playersparticipatedintheclub'smonthly SAGESplayedonSunday14AprilwaswonbyRobbie Moyceon37pointsbeatingKevinWentzelbyoneshot. Third went to Jens Paschke winning a count out from Attie van derWesthuizen on 35 points.The next sages willbeheldon12May

Ourclubjuniorscontinuetoruletheroostinjuniorgolf in Namibia, with Kyle Johnson, Connor Gibson and SamualNelaswellasCharlieLohmanfromWindhoek isbeingselectedtorepresentNamibianextweekinthe All Africa Junior Championships at Benoni Country Club.TheManageroftheteamisPietieFox.

The RN BRAMWELL and ASSOCIATES Day was playedlastweekendwithafieldof28playersbravedthe weather in a two-ball alliance with the better score to countbetweenholes1and10,2and11withonehidden holeoneachninejusttoaddspicetothescoring. Making use of the hidden holes Wilma de Wet and Hannes Crafford won on 29 points with Sandro de GouveiaandPedroFernandessecondon28points.The third place went to Tienie de Wet and Wynand Breytenbachwinningacountouton25points.Nearest to the pin on 2/11 was Kevin de Reuck while Hannes Craffordwonitonnumber7. Two clubs were registered by Tienie de Wet and Koot Potgieter

It was great to have Buddy Bramwell not only playing the day but being there to hand out the prizes. Buddy's involvement with the club goes back more than 40 years. The third round of the MULTISAVE Teams Medal


This will be the third leg and last one where only one scoreistocount.Competitions4,5and6on22June,20 Julyand21Septemberwillrequiretwoscoresfromthe fourteamplayerstocount.Itisimportanttoremember that all/any players playing away from home on the same weekend in other events [Sages, Seniors, Junior events and NAGU events] will still qualify for participationpoints.

TogetherwiththeMULTISAVEMEDALwealsohave thesecondlegoftheKINGPRICEpairsevent. th TheHIGHSCHOOLgolfdayisscheduledforthe26 anditusallsystemsgo.PleasecontactWllievanZylfor furtherinfo.

wins, it was only enough forthepenultimateplace.

Tim Lux from SKW was chosenastheyouthplayer of the day, while Arne Roesener from CFC 2 receivedthistrophyforthe adults.

CFC1keptacleanslateon home turf. Without droppingaset,theLightBlues confidently won all four encounters 3-0. Exciting

In the National League B, CFC3wasunabletomatch theperformanceofthefirst league round and lost all four games. SKW 4 took advantage of this opportunitybyhavingallbattles decided in their favour Well-deservedly,SKW4is now the leader with 23 points, 4 points ahead of theirclubcolleaguesSKW 5, who won 3 of their 4 matches. Behind them are SKW3,CFC3andSKW6 withequalpoints.

Although the guests from thecoast,SFC3,wereable tocelebratetheirfirstthree

In the evening, the women's national team was announced by national coach Olaf Beiter, which will take part in theWorld Championship in Argentina in November The following players were chosen,KirstenvanBiljon (CFC), Anika Lübbert (SFC), Nadja Schatz, Claudia Schlettwein, Sabine Hancock, Dietlind Förster (all SKW) and Sylvia Schulz (BR Beringen-Switzerland).

Furthermore, the male U/18squadwasreducedto 13 players. Together with the national coaches, the femaleU/18youthdecided against taking part in the WorldCupinChile,dueto a young average age, financial burden, and lack ofcommitment.

Next on the Fistball calendar is the indoor th tournamenton18 Mayin Swakopmund.

CohenFistballClub(CFC)hostedthesecondroundoftheNationalFistballleague lastweekendinWindhoek. Dawn Dippenaar, with Seniors Captain Tienie de Wet and headline sponsor Bank Windhoek's Pieter Lourens. Andre Burger with The RN BRAMWELL and ASSOCIATES Day winners, Hannes Crafford, Wilma de Wet and Sponsor Buddy Bramwell.

namib times Sport

Namadhi Makes Young Atheletes' Dreams Come True

Through her organisation, FightingAgainst Drug Use in Our Communities and with the help of local and international donors, Martha Namadhi donated sport gearto a total of seven needy athletes from OhangwenaAthletic Club on Friday lastweek.

Duringthehandoverofthe sports gear, Martha Namhadi said she cannot take thecreditalongasthiswas a collective effort of all donors in Namibia and those from America Namhadi said the sport gearofthesevengirlswho did not come to Swakopmund will be send to them with the coach. She went on to say the reason behind her dream of helping the needy comes fromwayback.

Twenty years ago, a person from a different country assisted her and turned her into the person she is today. “He did not helpmesoIcouldpayhim back.Hejustwantedmeto win and progress in life,” she said. Because of this, sheisextendinghelptothe

next person as a way of paying back the person who helped her twenty years ago. Namhadi said the girls that were running at the Rössing Marathon earlier this year touched her heart. “When I saw them running barefoot I was like what can I do, I knewIdidnothavemoney to buy them shoes, but I thought if I can take pictures and share them on socialmediasothatsomebodywhocanbuyapairof shoes can come on board, andthatisexactlywhatthe donors did, they came on board and donated shoes.”

Namhadi expressed her gratitude towards the people that donated, motivating kids that are taking partinsportsandthosethat might want to take part in sports.

Namhadi said her organisation believes that sportsareoneoftheactivities that is taking the kids away from the streets. “If we encourage our young ones to participate in sports that will reduce the number of kids that are gettinginvolvedindrugs.”

Teofellus Moses from the Ohangwena Athletic Club said,“wecametocompete at the Pupkewitz FoundationAthleticChampionship, when we found out that Meme Martha have sourcedoutsomeitemsfor the athletes and that she is giving us the donation today, we were very overwhelmed.

When we were here at the Rössing Marathon seven of our athletes that were competing were running barefoot. The best thing is that four of them won and theyarebusytraininghard for upcoming competitions. The team is also preparing to go to South Africatogocompeteatthe Northwest University Top 30games.”

Coastal Road Runners at Two Oceans Marathons

Coastal Road Runners to take part in the Two Oceans Ultra and Half Marathons on 13 and 14 AprilrespectivelyinCapeTownSouthAfrica. Some members went for a 56 'training run' in preparationfortheComradesMarathonwhilstothers grabapersonalbastandsomefortheloveofrunning withaveryspecialgrouprunningwithpara-athlete

Therunnerswere: Michelle Wilson, Werner Bachman, Michelle Von Stein, Katja Dreyer, Christie Dukie, Claudia Fortin, Martinette van Niekerk, Gerhard Carstens, Caroline Gruhn, Bettie Mouton, Hilia Hitula, Peya Hitula, Angela Alchin, Michannette Smit, Divvie Smit, Deidre Dresselhaus, Eveline

Iiyambo, Elaine Grane, Amanda Van Zyl, Danny Beukes, Naude Dreyer, Edgar Ghomes, Janice Snyman,AnkaSteinmetz,Johnie van Niekerk, Hugo van Niekerk, Jessica Mostert, Yvette Greeff, Gerhard Synders, Nelmarie Simon, Marieke Hamann, Jacomien Kirsten, Jeremiah Hageman,EthanSnyders,Nathan Snyders, Yvonne Kayele and Colinde

Moses said his team faces challenges ranging from accommodation, transport togettocompetitions,and food because their only support comes from parents' contributions towards travelling costs Mosessaidhisteam'smain target is the Youth Olympics in Dakar, Senegal in 2026andhehopestosend at least four of his athletes to represent the country Namhadi said her journey in helping young athletes does not stop here. With the Sanlam Marathon coming up on 27 April, she is urging everyone in the community who is abletobuyapairofsports shoes for needy young athletes,tocomeonboard and make the dreams of youngathletesareality

Coastal Schools at NAPSO Blitz 7's Series

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
PrivateschoolsintheErongo regioncompetedintheNAPSO BLITZ7'sSerieshostedon12and 13AprilatWindhoekAfrikaans PrivateSchoolinWindhoek.
results: NETBAL 0/12 1.WAPA 2.Pro-EdAcademy 3.WAPB 0/13 1.WAPA 2.TsumebGymnasium 3.Elnatan 0/15B 1.WAPB 2.Pro-EdAcademyB 3.Walvis
PrivateSchoolB 0/15A 1.WAP 2.Elnatan 3.Walvis
School 0/17 1.WAP 2.WalvisBay
School 3.Elnatan 0/19
Rudi Bowe EdgarGhomesandsomewearingblackinmemoryof adearestfriendthelateLorenzoJuliewhowouldalso competeintheTwoOceans.
1.WAP 2.Pro-EdAcademy 3.TumebGymnasium RUGBY O/13 1.LaerskoolWalvisbaai 2.Elnatan 3.GobabisGymnasium O/15 1.WAP 2.Pro-EdAcademy 3.Elnatan O/19 1.WAP 2.Elnatan1 3.Elnatan2 HOKKIE HighSchoolBoys 1.Pro-EdAcademy 2.PrivateSchoolSwakopmund 3.WAP HighSchoolGirls 1.WAP 2.Pro-EdAcademy 3.WalvisBayPrivateSchool U/13Boys 1.PrivaatskoolSwakopmund 2.Pro-EdAkademie 3.LaerskoolWalvisbaai

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