Willi Probst Boulevard Café is celebrating their 65th anniversary tomorrow. Since the opening in 1957, thecaféhasbecomeoneofWalvisBay's iconicsocialmeetingplacesknownnot only all over Namibia, but as far as SouthAfricaandEurope,foritsdelectable baked goods, famous 'belegte Brötchen',breakfastsandwidevariety ofpastries. OnSaturday,20thAugust 2022, this last standing old German style café, bakery and restaurant will kickoffthecelebrations. They invite everyone to come and enjoy the daywiththemstarting8:00andendingoffat Willi Probst Boulevard Café is celebrating 65th Anniversary
Ambulance sideswiped in attempt to avoid head-on collision on B2
Theabnormalloadsandescortvehicleswilldeparttwotrucksatatime fromWalvisBay,startingonMonday Continues on page 2
Mega-load trucks to lumber across Namibia to Ruacana
Fivemassivemega-loadflat-bedtrucks,carryingcoilstoNamPower's Kunene substation at Ruacana, is expected to start their long, slow journey through Namibia next week, and motoristsarecautionedtoexpectsignificanttrafficdelaysasit moves.
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6978 FRIDAY 19 AUGUST 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 3 Page 5 Page16Page5
Eileen van der Schyff on page 2
A truck that was overtaken by another truck sideswiped a state ambulance from Arandis after the 38 year old ambulancedriver,MarthaShaliswervedouttoavoidaheadon collision on the B2 highway about 10km from Arandis towardsSwakopmundonWednesdaynight. According to the spokesperson of the Erongo police, Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the ambulance's two occupants, the driver and a nurse escapedwiththeirlives.The29-year-oldnurse,FidelisUisessustained head injuries and was taken to the hospital in a stable condition. Shali and the truck driver escaped unscathed.According to a police report, thetruckthatcausedtheaccidentproceededwithoutstopping.
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff Kativa taking office today
striknationwideengageemployeesNamibTransine Omdel settlement populatedover-
Accordingtothespokespersonofthepoliceinthe Erongo region, Inspector Ileni Shapumba, security guards alerted the 65-year-old farmer about suspected poachers on his farm. The farmer observed three suspected poachers with meat, armedwithspearsandanaxe.Itisallegedinthe poachers' attempt to attack the farm owner, the farmer,inhisdefenceshotoneofthepoachersin theleg.Accordingtoapolicereport,theothertwo suspects fled. The injured poacher was later found with a spear and an axe in his backpack and was identified as a habitual poacher with previous convictions. The poacher was taken to the Karibib state clinic for medical treatment under police sur veillance.An Oryx carcass was found close to the B2 Highway Inspector Shampumba said, “Police arepursuingthematterwithconfidencetotracethe poachers who are on the run. Investigations revealedthesuspectsweredroppedoffatthefarmwitha white pick-up and it is believed they were to be pickedupaftertheirhuntingexpedition.
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Continued from page 1
The Municipality of Walvis Bay developing an Urban Structure Plan for the next 30 years
According to a police report, it is alleged the security alarm of the shop went off on the complainant'scellphone.Thecomplainantcontacted G4S Security who responded to the shop within15minutes.Thesuspectsgainedaccessto theshopbyforcingthemaindooropenandstole various ostrich belts, buffalo belts, ostrich leg belts, two ostrich handbags and ostrich wallets allbrandedwiththeletter“V”. Thetotalvalueof thestolenpropertiesisN$480000. SpokespersonoftheErongopolice,InspectorIleni Shapumba confirmed no arrests have been made yet,andurgesanyonewithinformationthatwould lead to arrest of suspects, or to the recovery of stolen goods, to contact Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu at 0812464757 or Detective War rantOfficerAuchab0812766844.
14:00. There will be ample space allocated for parking on the big erf on the cornerof12thRoadfacingtheMunicipality 12thRoadwillbesectionallybe blockedoff,AuasMotorswillshowcasetheirnewesteditionstotheirsalesfleet inthemorninghours. Afestivaltentwillbesetupinthemiddleofthestreetto createaGermanFestivalatmosphere. HelmuthKriessandGertMeyerwillbe entertainingthecrowdwithlivemusic. Outsideseatingisavailable.
Walvis Bay SPCAreceived a call from the Municipality of WalvisBaytoassisttheMinistryofEnvironment&Tourism and the Namibian Police to trap and euthanise a jackal showingrabiessymptoms. The assessment was done by a representative of the municipality's animal control department and the animal was euthanised by a member of the NamibianPoliceforce.METhascollectedthecarcassandsentitforfurther testing.AreportwillbeissuedbytheMETassoonasresultsareavailable.
Urban Dynamics, in cooperation with Bigen Kuumba, Enviro Dynamics, Urban Design Studio Namibia and Stewart Planning, has been appointed by the Municipality of Walvis Bay to prepare an Urban Structure Plan for Walvis Bay whichwillguidedevelopmentofthetownoverthenext20years.
Mega-load trucks to lumber across Namibia to Ruacana
Eileen van der Schyff
Policeinvestigationsrevealedtwosuspectswithhoodiesbrokeintoanexclusive Ostrich leather shop at Swakopmund before fleeing in a silver seven-seater getawaycarintheearlyhoursofMondaymorning.
Euthanasia of Jackal at Walvis Lagoon
Eileen van der Schyff Gelukkige80steverjaarsdag!AsMamaoor80lewensjare terugkyk,hooponsdatmamaseherinneringewarmen innemendis.Enwanneermamahierdiemylpaalvier hierdieweek,hooponsdatmamasehartgevulismet liefdeenvreugde.Onsbegeerteisdatmamaomringis metliefdeenvrede,enonsbidvirgoeiegesondheiden sienuitnanogmeertydsaam.
WalvisBaySPCAwouldliketourgethepublictobeexercisecautionaround wild animals displaying excessive aggression or lack a natural fear of Kindlyhumans.report any suspected cases of rabies to Walvis Bay SPCA, MET, Nampolorthemunicipalanimalcontrolofficer
The appointed consultants together with the Town Planning Section recently held public consultation meetings present the Walvis Bay Urban Structure Plan Consultation Draft for publicinput. An Urban Structure Plan or Integrated Land Use Plan is a spatial planning tool for guiding development within a town or a region for a periodrangingbetween15to30years. Residents who did not a chance to attend the consultation can still download the presentation from the municipal website on www.walvisbaycc.org.na and contact Bruce PersonsSteward.interested to register as an 'Interested and Affected Party' or for any further infor mationpleasecontact: BruceStewart–StewartPlanning E:bruce@sp.com.na T:064280770/M:0811700960 ContactAnitaKaihiva@thePublicRelations Section on 064 2013381, if you have challengeswithdownloadingthepresentation. Willi Probst Boulevard Café
ThetrucksmovedfromtheWalvisBayharbourtoWalvisBayPlantandTool Hire on Tuesday afternoon, where they are waiting for clearance before departure.Anotherfivemega-loadflatbedtruckswiththesameloadwilldepart fromtheWalvisBayharbourtwoweeksfromnowonthesameroute. The coils are intended for the 400kV line from Kunene to the existing Omatando substation to substantially increase the power supply capacity to Oshakati, Ondangwa and surrounding areas. This line forms part of a bigger futureprojecttocreateaNorthernringat400kV Thiswillensureredundancy of evacuation of power from the Ruacana Power-station, redundant power supplytotheNorthernregionsandcaterfortheintegrationofthefutureBaynes PowerStation.
Two suspects wanted for Ostrich leather shop break-in AFarm owner in the Karibib District shot and injured one of three armed poachers after they [poachers]allegedlyattackedthefarmeronSundaynightataround23:45. Habitual armed poacher shot in leg by farmer
Comeandenjoythedaywithus! SeeyouSaturday
Therewillbeabeerstand,gamesinthetent,somethingtoeatandpancakes–all ataffordableprices. Take-Awayshoptherewillbe'popaballoon'witheverytake-awaypurchase, where you can stand the chance of being the lucky one to win the 100% Indiscount.theRestaurantyoucanenjoythefreechampagnetastingwithyourbreakfast.
ThetrucksarecarryingcoilstoRuacana's400kiloVolt(kV)AircorReactorat theKunenesub-station25kmsouthofRuacanatoOmatando,nearOngwediva.
Raymond further said, “we are not exclusive, beingentrepreneurialisnotamatterofstarting or having a business, it is the way of thinking and that is why we wanted to be open to everybody Wewanttoencouragetheyouthto becomeeverythingthatGodwantedthemtobe, please join us, start your journey and we will walkwithyou,wewillchallengeyourthinking andhelpyoutostartacting.” Raymond said they wish to make this summit anannualeventonthecalendar Someofthespeakersattheyouthsummitwere Dr Martha Uumati, Cliff Shikwambi, Paul Ndjambula,andDinoBallotti.
Unleashing potential
Kativa taking office today
NOTICEOFCONSENTAPPLICATIONINTERMSOF THEWALVISBAYTOWNPLANNINGSCHEME CONSENT: Pre-school and Day Care Centre ON ERF NO: 2047 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Topaas InStreet.termsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:Pre-SchoolandDayCare PlansCentre.maybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan:9September2022.
Many young Namibians have business ideas but putting them on paper and into actionisquitehardwithoutsomeformofguidance,thusthefirsteverUnmatched YouthSummittookplaceinSwakopmundfrom15-17August,tounleashthetrue potentialofyoungentrepreneursandthoseaspiringtobecomeentrepreneurs.
IndependentPartyforChange'sLouisaKativahaswonthe Swakopmund by-elections for the position of the Swakopmund constituency councilor and will be sworn in this afternoon(Friday),attheErongoRegionalCouncilChambers. Kativa,whohasbeenservingSwakopmundasmayorresignedfrom hermayoralpositionearlierthisweek.Aftertheannouncementofher victory,Kativasaidsheisenteringthenewchallengeunderthetheme “love,careandfaith”,andthatherdoorwillbeopentoallresidentsof Swakopmund.KativafurthercalleduponresidentsofSwakopmund tojoinhandstofurtherdevelopthetown,“Iwillnotbeabletodoiton my Kativaown.”mentionedthatshedoesnotwanttomakeanypromisesyet,as she will only be able to determine what needs to be done once she takesuphernewroleastheSwakopmundConstituencyCouncilor Kativa won the elections with 3625 votes in her favor, she was followedbySWAPOParty'scandidatewith3122votesandHilariaMushekooftheLandlessPeople'sMovement,whoobtained1362votes. PDMcandidateLelaniPaschekaobtained672votes,ZeroldaDantu ofUDFhad465votes,UPM'sKurzbachVonSeydlitzobtained309 votes,RodgerDausabofNEFFgot307voteswhiletheIndependent Candidate,WillibardNaribonlyobtained56votes. Out of 37406 registered voters in the Swakopmund Constituency, only9918peoplevoted.
Throughtheirinteractionsinthebusinessboxes that they have established in Swakopmund, Oranjemund, Windhoek, and Ongwediva, Etienne Raymond the Founder of Entre preneurCo and his team found out that there is nothing done specifically for the youth, and he felttheyneedtostartactivelyengagingtheyouth and that is when they decided to organize the youth summit.
The summit aimed at creating an environment where the youth are exposed to and are taught about world class entrepreneurial thinking
Raymond said: “a lot of young peopleknowwhattheywantbuttheyarenotsure how so this summit is just a kick-off to teach them some tools and show them that they can, and also to invite them into the movement to form a community where we can keep helping themunlockingtheirpotentialsbecausetheyare the future and if we don't help them and if we don't start doing something it's a ticking time bombinmyopinion.”
Sharlien Tjambari
According to Nelago Johannes who is the Face of the Summit, there was no selection process because the organisers wanted to create a space where every young Namibian would feel accepted and given an opportunity, “because I believethatsometimesintheselectionprocess we keep putting people that could potentially have the answer to our innovative spaces, so withthatinmind,therewasnoselectionandit wasratheranopenstageforeveryyoungperson from 18 to 35 years old willing and open to participate.”
Sharlien Tjambari
Victor Nekongo (38), appeared on a charge of the anti-corruption actcorruptly using office or position for gratification. The matter was postponed to 15 June 2023 for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody
Walvis Bay Court Report
Samuel Theofelus (34), Martin Kavela (38), Ismael Thomas (45) and MartinGustav(26),appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintentto steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 4 November for tracing of accused.SamuelTheofelusandIsmaelThomasareonbailwhiletheircoaccusedareatlarge.
RegionalCourt David Davido Kamati Shikongo (28), appeared on a charge of rape 1st alternative to count 1-Combating of immoral practice act- committing an immoral act with a girl under 16 years. The matter was postponed to 31 Octoberforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Underagedboy(15),Assault–AssaultwithintenttodoGrievousBodily harm (December 2021) The matter is postponed to 29 September 2022. PleaandTrial.Releaseincareofguardian. Paavo Amokoto (28), Drunk Driving (February 2022) The matter is postponedto23August2022.Plea.Onbail. JohannesAngula(38),MurderReadwiththeProvisionsoftheDomestic ViolenceAct,Act4of2003(March2022)Thematterispostponedto27 September2022.FurtherInvestigation.Onbail.
Victoria Shikongo (29), appeared on charges of murder read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003 and defeating or attemptingtoobstructingthecourseofjustice.Thematterwaspostponedto 12 September for mental observation report in terms of section 79. The accusedisonbail.
Sylvester Duiker (27), appeared on a charge of murder The matter was postponedto19Augustcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail. SamuelEixab(41),appearedonachargeofrape1stalternativetocount1Combating of immoral practice act- committing an immoral act with a femaleidiot.Thematterwaspostponedto29Septemberforsubmissions. Theaccusedisonbail. VanTonderCgris(28), appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodo grievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto16March2023forplea andtrial.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned. Magistrate NdemupandulaCourtJonas (29), appeared on charges of culpable homicide and reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to9 March 2023forcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail. MessiasNdishishi(31),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodo grievousbodilyharm.Theaccusedisatlarge,andawarrantofarrestwas issued. Dunwille Van Wyk (38) and Tangeni Nambinga (2), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 12 September for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody Olivia Van Wyk (40), appeared on a charge of possession of dangerous dependenceproducingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponedto19October forlegalrepresentation.Theaccusedremainsincustody IsaiIipinge(24),appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal andtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto24Augustforprosecutorgeneral's decision.Theaccusedremainsincustody ShikongoImmanuel(39)andAnnaShipahu(29),appearedonacharge ofdrugs-Tobaccoact.Thematterwaspostponedto7Novemberforlegal aid.ShikongoImmanuelisonbailandAnnaShipahuhasbeenwarned. Pika Sekela (30), appearedon a charge of maliciousdamageto property Thematterwaspostponedto20Septemberforplea.Theaccusedremains incustody Daryan Sinden (31), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponedto19Septemberforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremains incustody Iileni Ndawendwa Shitaleni (36), appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine, possession of cocaine and dealing in dependence producing substance.Thenmatterwaspostponedto25Augustbecausethedockerwas notatcourt.Theaccusedisonbail.
Lucas David (35), Ruben Nakuafila (30), Moshen David (42) and GideonHafeniTomas(44),appearedonachargeoffraud.Thematterwas postponedto25Novemberforlegalaid.Theaccusedareonbail.
GottliebAwiseb(30),Possessionofsuspected stolen property (December 2019) At large. A warrantofarrestwasissued. Joseline Madona van Wyk (25), Assault –Assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm (February2022)Thematterispostponedto25 October2022.PleaandTrial.Onwarning. Stephanus Kondjeni Polycarp (32), Theft, Malicious damage to property (March 2022) Thematterispostponedto6October2022. P.G Decision. Jeconia Iyambo (53), Assault – Indecent Assault(May2022)Thematterispostponedto 17November2022.PleaandTrial.Onbail. Uahumisa Tjisa Kavendjii (23), Rape (May 2022) The matter is postponed to 27 October 2022.Furtherinvestigation. Incustody Jamiel Cloete (20), Gertidino Mbaendavi (20), Underaged boy (17), Theft (July 2022) The matter is postponed to 12 October 2022. JuvenilePre-Trialcommunityservice. Gabriel Imene (35), Theft (July 2022) The accusedwasfoundguiltyandsentenced. ArmandvanderBerg(32),Theft(June2022) The matter is postponed to 8 September 2022. Furtherinvestigation(FinalRemand) LidiaGerises(38),Theft(June2022)Thecase was withdrawn against the accused, No evidenceagainstaccused. Elifas N Akwaake (50), Culpable Homicide (vehicleaccident)(August2022)Thematteris postponed to 27 September 2022. Further investigation.Incustody Filipus Shimanda (25), Attempted murder (Assault) (November 2019) The matter is postponedto21November2022.PleaandTrial (FinalRemand) Romeo Katiti (25), Jeremia Schoombe (26), Robbery(September2021)Bothaccusedwere foundnotguiltyanddischarged. GregoryHoeb(30),Rape(October2021)The matter is postponed to 16 August 2022. Bail application–Continuation. Angula Daniel (49), Assault Assault Common, read with the Provisions of the CombatingoftheDomesticViolenceAct,Act4 of 2003, Malicious damage to property The casewaswithdrawnagainsttheaccused. Blessing Boois (21), Shazam Boois (26), Attempted Rape (May 2022)The case was withdrawn against both of the accused. PP requests withdrawal. State has insufficient evidence. Timo R Ganaseb (35), Ndeitumba Miutumbjukwa (32), Theft (July 2022) The case was withdrawn against both accused. PP Requests withdrawal. Complainant has filed a withdrawalstatement. RobertTMusua(41),DrunkDriving(August 2022) The accused was found guilty and was sentenced. Elifas Kankolo (32),Assault on a member of the police (August 2022) The matter is postponed to 19 September 2022. Further investigation.Incustody Petrus Hafiku (28), Failure to comply with instructionofdirectionofanauthorizedofficer (August 2022) The matter is postponed to 19 September 2022. Further investigation. In custody JacoJansen(21),Housebreakingwithintentto steal and theft (September 2021)The matter is postponedto27September2022.LegalAid.In Custody Hendrik Mouers (58), Malicious damage to property (August 2021) The matter is postponed to 26 September 2022. Trial Partly Heard.ContinuationofTrial.Onbail. Andreas Amutenya (40), Drunk Driving, Refusal to provide a Blood/Breath specimen (November2021)Thematterispostponedto28 November 2022 Plea and Trial (Final Remand).Onbail. RodrickDauseb(27),Assault–Assaultbythreat readwiththeProvisionsoftheDomesticViolence Act,Act 4 of 2003. (January 2022) the matter is postponedto7December2022.PleaandTrial.In custody ReginalCRNeidel(44),Failuretocomplywith instruction or direction of an authorized officer (April 2022) The matter is postponed to 6 December 2022. Plea and Trial (Final Remand) Onwarning. Heinrich Kooper (26), Assault – Assault with intent to do Grievous Bodily harm read with the ProvisionsoftheDomesticViolenceAct,Act4of 2003.(August2021)Thematterispostponedto5 December2022.PleaandTrial.Onbail. Alfeus Hanunyela (26), Arson read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003 (May 2022) The matter is postponed to 8 December 2022. Bail application. On bail. UnderagedBoy(17),RobberywithAggravating circumstances (May 2022) The matter is postponedto22September2022.Juvenile–Pretrialcommunityservice. Loudy Elton Goagoseb (28), Theft (July 2022) Thematterispostponedto12September Further investigation.Onbail. Joel Nicodemus Hamunyela (30), Robbery (July 2022) The matter is postponed to 12 September2022.FurtherInvestigation.Onbail. Barnabas Erastus (31), Falsifying Counterfeiting license number or license mark (August2022)Theaccusedwasfoundguiltyand wassentenced. AndreasIita(32),Drunkdriving(August2022) Theaccusedwasfoundguiltyandwassentenced. Tulani Mclanie (20), Malicious damage to propertyreadwiththeProvisionsoftheDomestic ViolenceAct,Act 4 of 2003 (August 2022) The matter is postponed to 26 September 2022. FurtherInvestigation.Incustody Romanus Makanga (21), Richard Reid (50), Fraud(February2021)Thematterispostponedto 24 October 2022. Plea in terms of section 119. Bothaccusedisonbail. Annaline Danel Ellis (43), Theft, Money Laundering – Disguising unlawful origin of property(January2021)Thematterispostponed to26October2022.Onbail. TomasSimeon(24),Robbery(February2022)At large–AWarrantofArrestwasIssued. Beaurin van Staden (18), Attempted Rape (December 2021) The matter is postponed to 17 August2022.AccusedAbsent.Onbail. Eureka Montgomary (55), Reckless or negligentdriving(March2021)Atlarge.Warrant ofArrestwasIssued. Ricardo Tsareb (34), Assault – Assault with intenttodoGrievousBodilyHarmreadwiththe ProvisionsoftheDomesticViolenceAct,Act4of 2003. (July 2022) The case was withdrawn against the accused. PP requests withdrawal. Complainantnolongerinterestedinpursuingthe matter Johannes Maseka (23), Housebreaking with intenttostealandtheft(July2022)Thematteris postponed.Incustody RonaldoEichab(26),DenzelEichab(18),Axel Kootjie (24), Robbery (July 2022)The case was withdrawnagainsttheaccused. Ali Magano Paulus (36), Fraud (March 2022) The matter is postponed to 26 October 2022. Accusedabsent.Incustody Moses Vries (50), Failure to pay Maintenance (August2022)Incustody Cindy Beukes (53), Assault – with intent to do GrievousBodilyharmreadwiththeProvisionsof the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (August 2022) The matter is postponed to 22 September2022.Legalaid.Incustody PatrickGaeseb(27),CrimenInjuria(July2021) Atlarge–AWarrantofArrestwasissued.
Andre FrancoisTshibola (27) and Elisha Ndorichimpa (24), appeared on a charge of dealing in dangerous dependence producing drugs. The matterwaspostponedto4Novemberforlegalaid.Theaccusedhavebeen warned. Marley Anamab (22), appeared on charges of murder and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. The matter was postponed to 25 Novemberforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail. A17-year-oldboy,appearedonachargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponed to4Novemberforlegalrepresentation.Theaccusedisonbail.
Swakopmund Court Report
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff
TransNamib employees engage in nationwide strike
TheOmdelsettlementatthecoastaltownofHentiesBay,built in the late 1970's, with over 3 000 erven and about 170 informalstructures,isbecomingoverpopulated.
Omdel settlement overpopulated
On grounds of a certificate of unresolved dispute, NamibiaTransportandAlliedWorkers'Union(NATAU),assolebargainingagent for grade A1 to C5 TransNamib Holdings employees, through a mandatebyitsmembersbyhavingsecretballots,decidedtoengage inIndustrialActionintheformofastrikethatstartedon12August aftersalarynegotiationsreachedadeadlock NATAU,throughitsRecognitionAgreementwithTransNamib,inthefinancial year2020to2022 salarynegotiationswiththecompany'smanagementwere futileandthepartiesreachedadeadlock. Amongstothers,theroleoftheunion throughitsRecognitionAgreementwithTransNamib,istonegotiateonimproving working conditions for the workers and negotiate on salaries and substantiveissues.
Erongo Regional Organiser of NATAU, Matuundje King Kavala told the NamibTimesthedurationofstrikeisnotknown.“Wehopethatthecompany and its stakeholders will change its stance and at least meet the workers' demandhalfway.”Kavalasaid,andaddedasaunionandgoodlaw-abidingwor kers,theywillmakesuretherewillbenoviolationofstrikerules.“Theworkers have been patient enough with TransNamib, they have tightened their belts during the Covid-19 pandemic with no salary hikes for the past five years. Workersarehithardbytherisingofinflationandtherecenthikedreporateby theBON,”Kavalasaid. The work stoppage will likely cause disruptions such as delays to freight and passengerservicesthroughoutthecountry GatheringlocationsincludeTransNamibofficesandmajorstations.
Hundreds,ifnotthousands of people stay in Omdel, known as the 'location'. Here you find the poorest of the poor with many of them suffering from hungerHenties Bay municipality is concerned over shack fires and the health of residents, as the area is becoming overpopulated. Therefore, the town council is planning to relocate some residents from the Omdel settlement to decongest the area in extension6ofthiscoastaltown. The process that will cost the municipality about N$3 to N$4 million is expected to commence within the next two months. Residents can buy an erf with sizes ranging from 310 to 450 square meters forN$5persquaremeter
The chairperson of the town's management committee, Paulus Iimbamba said,”council has already earmarked 32 erven at the new extension that is not too far from the Omdel settlement,whereplotsfor schools and churches are also bambabusinesswfavourwhichcommunity“Councillorsexplained.mwouldwhileaErongoprocesscooperate.setcanalreadycreateplanningtheircomfortabledentsdecongestthinkingAccordingearmarked.”toIimbamba,“thecouncilstartedgettingworried,andwehavebeenalotaboutwhatwecando.Wedecidedtoandputtheresi-ontheirownplotsasitwouldbesaferandmoreforresidentstohavespacebetweenhouses.Wehavebeensincelastyeartoerven.Theplanisout.Theresidentsbuildtheirhousesorupproperstructures.WeonlyneedpeopletoCouncilisintheofnegotiatingwithRedonelectricitytthenewextensions,waterandseweragebehandledbytheunicipality,”Iimbambahavealreadydiscussedtheissuewithmembersofthemajorityareinoftheplan.Thisillpavethewayforpeopletostartnewbusinesses”Iimsaid.
Sharlien Tjambari
Paul & Edith Stroh, the owners of Ice and Spice Cafe said they moved because they wanted to extendtheiricecreamtakeawayareaandalsohad tocutdownonrunningcosts. “So, when they started with construction at AtlantaArcade,weapproachedthemanddecided to move here. We also wanted to go modern, spacious, and wanteda friendlyenvironmentfor the Thechildren”.newplace seats more than 30 customers insideoroutsideatatimeandhaveabeautifuland safeplayareaforchildren. Onegoodthingaboutthenewlocationisthefact that their factory is one side and not interfering withcustomersmovement.
SoonIce &Spicewillbehosting KidsBirthday parties and they can't wait to make memories withtheirloyalcustomers. FindthematAtlantaArcade,rightnexttoBeares Furniture. Coffee shop opens Monday-Friday, 10h00-17h00 and Saturday from 10h00 to 14h00, the Ice Cream Parlor opens Monday to Saturday from 10h00-17h00 and Sunday from 11h00 17h00 and 11h00 16h00 on Public Holidays.
“Since we moved in on 1 July we had more visitors and new faces than we had on the other Yside.”oucanpurchaseyourfavourite Gelatoina500 ml tub, available in store. The Blackberry Yoghurt flavoured Gelato is currently trending, andtheBlackchocolateflavourisalsoapopular Strohchoice.further said, “We are busy with the new menu,wewanttoaddanewedition,whereyou can order Gelato flavor in the form of spaghetti with the choice of having it in a cup, cone or WaferBasket. Be assured we will always be busy with somethingnewtotreatourcustomers. We also serve Coffee, Breakfast, Soups and Lightmeals,WafflesandIcecreamSundaes” Ice and Spice staff and management would like toseealltheirloyalcustomersonthisside,“our Gelato still tastes the same and our service still friendly,asalways.”
6 NAMIBTIMES 19AUGUST2022 HOMEMADE ARTISAN GELATO Visit us on Nathaniel Maxuilili Street for some Homemade Gelato, Light meals and great coffee. Public Holidays 11h00 - 16h00 Yes, you can even purchase our gelato in tubs! Contact us via or 081 443 5002info@iceandspice.netOperatingHours:Coffee Shop: Mon - Friday 10h00 - 17h00 Sat 10h00 - 14h00 Ice Cream Parlor Monday - Fri 10h00 - 17h00 Sat 10h00 - 17h00 Sun 11h00 - 17h00 Follow us! @iceandspiceswakop #icespicecafee
Ice and Spice recently (1 July) moved to their new, spacious, and breathtaking locationattheAtlantaArcadewheretheyservetheirwell-knownrangeofflavoured Gelato,deliciouscakes,andcoffee toitscustomers. Ice and Spice Café now at Atlanta Arcade
8 NAMIBTIMES 19AUGUST2022 Sien uit om die hele Walvisbaai daar te sien. Ons die NG Moedergemeente gaan 2023 weer 'n WALVISFEES saam met Hangana Hake Run aanbied... CANCELLED Website: www.namibtimes.net
To register: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu at or mnelumbu7@gmail.comMr Eric Xaweb at or +264 tsisebconservancy@gmail.com813479255.
Abstrakt Design herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for a Resident Occupation special consent to operate an “Administrative Office” on the premises of erf 4755,(PloverStreet)SwakopmundExt11. Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,during nor-malbusinesshours. Closing date for objections or comments is 5th September2022.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Kwetu, PO Box 244, Okahandja 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates:KwetuGeneral Dealer 3. Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates: FarmKwetuPortion6 (aportionofportion1 of portion A) of the Farm Wilhelmstal no.8 Nature and details of application: Restaurant liquor license Clerk of the court with whom application willbelodged: Karibib 6 Date on which application will be lodged: 1 September 7.2022Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard:12October2022 Any objection or submission in terms of section 28 of theActinrelationtothe applicationmustbesent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which application will be heard. Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 18h00 in the Lectue Hall of the Museum. The Public is heartly welcome.
Contactperson:MrHLouw,Cell:0817194144 Email:abstraktdesign@iway.na
The Proponents for this proposed project are Tsiseb Communal Conservancy and Brandberg White Lady Lodge, operating as a JV The Proponents intend to construct and operate a Private Air-strip for landing and take-off of light aircrafts. Notice is hereby given in terms of Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner Project location and description: Brandberg White Lady Lodge is located in Dâures Constituency in Erongo Region near the Ugab River The Proponents intend to construct and operate a Private Air-strip for Light aircraft landing and take-off at an identified area measuring 1.5 km x 45 m, located near the Brandberg White Lady Lodge. Environmental Assessment Practitioner: Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions CC.
Or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
Invitation to participate: By this notice Interested &Affected Parties (I & APs) are requested to register in order to participate in the public consultation process. Public meeting date: 02 September 2022. Venue: Uis Town Community Hall at 9:00. Due date to register as I &APs: 31August 2022.
NoticeisherebygivenintermsofClause6ofthe Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that theTownCouncilconsidersthefollowingconsent uses,erectionofbuildingsanduseofland,details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
10 NAMIBTIMES 19AUGUST2022 NOTICE WebbingEngineeringccherewithintendsto apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for a Resident Occupation Special Consent, to operate an “administrative office” on the premises of Erf 56, Unit 24 Swakopmund, (Daniel Tjongarero Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:Engineering&PlanningServices. Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours. Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis: 5thSeptember2022. Contact Person: Mr E Haipindi, Cell: 081 1462346,Email:webbingeng@gmail.com or Mr. J. Heita (Manager:Town Planning) Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 VACANCY VESSELOPERATOR (Based In Walvis Bay) · Vessel / Port Operations ·Co-OrdinatingWithPort+AuthoritiesForAll Vessels ·AdministrativeFunctions/SystemUpdates ·ManagingDeadlinesAndReporting ·ProblemSolvingSkills/AbilityToWorkUnder Pressure ·AfterHourAvailabilityRequired ·ProvenExperienceInSimilarRoleIsEssential Please ForwardADetailedApplicationTo: waldi.schickerling@msc.com Closing Date: 25/08/2022 Only Short-Listed Candidates Will Be Contacted.
MINISTRYOF TRADE INDUSTR&Y LIQUORACT,1998 NOTICEOF APPLICATIONTOA COMMITTEEIN TERMSOFTHE LIQUORACT,1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo,Swakopmund.
Drive PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714 CHIEF ENGINEER (FREEZER LONGLINE VESSEL) · Required for fishing vessel in local and high seas waters · Require Certificate of Competency as Chief Engineer - EO Class 5 or equivalent · Required to do freezer trips of approximately 35 – 50 days · Required to have extensive experience as Chief Engineer on similar vessel · Required to have extensive experience with refrigeration systems Submit CV's to email: admin@castrobros.com.na
lease willlieforinspection
until *Tuesday
PurchasePrice N$1919250.00 Full particulars per taining to
must be
MunicipalOffices CivicCentre
CONSENT:Home-basedBusinessCashLoanON ERF NO: 5391 TOWNSHIP/AREA Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Tutaleni Uugwanga InKuisebmondtermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an: CashLoan Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,First Floor,Room101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than: 7 September NAME2022.ANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: Benisiu Nghiikovali, PO Box 4538, Walvis Bay, email:nkabenny1234@gmail.com
can be
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the LocalAuthorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended,thatthe Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sold by transaction WalvisBay establishment of 63975m² the by persons 6 September 2022 at 29, Municipal Kuiseb Satchipia contacted at telephone (064) 201 3232 office transaction received by the before or at 12:00 9 September CommunityManager:&EconomicDevelopment Nangolo Mbumba
mond. Formoreinformation Mrs Selma
hours. Written objections, dulymotivated,tothe intended
to Earth Giants Investment for the
a Vocational Training DescriptionCentre. Erf6191WalvisBay Area
2022. AVictor General
DRZANIAPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbacklostloverthe sameday,getaloverofyour choice,getmarriedquickly tomanorwomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orherloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financialproblems, magicringformoney, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargement5cm to30cm,hipsandbreast enlargementandmanymore. DrZania: 0812549875 NYASA youyouhealinghealing,ofSpecialistDrAFRICANHERBALSCLINICBanda0817407321invariousformsAfricanTraditionalspells,spiritualsolutionstoassistwithanychallengesmightbefacing. reconciliationwithlostlove (lover)Attracttherightman orwomanforlove& marriage.Stronglucky charmsforwork& promotionGetthejobof yourchoice&qualification (youwillbethefavorite candidateamongstallshort listed.Wintenders,getloans approved,startyourown business& customers/clients.attractHealing chronicdiseasessuchas epilepsy,asthma,highblood pressure,sugardiabetesand more.Usingpurelyorganic herbs.IndegenousSouthern Africanmixtures&ancient healingmethodologies,will alsoassistyouwithlifestyle habitschangestodealwith addiction&weightloss Guguda-menenlargementin 3sizes,medium,large& extralarge,withproven results&testimonies. Prayers,healing,fortune telling,dreaminterpretations. Finance,pregnancies&more Visithimintown,nextto ChoppiesSupermarket KOIKOIand ProfessorGONONDO tears and stop suffering. amoldenough, havetimetoplay withpeoplewhohave seriousproblems, work withexperience, don'trush forpeoplesmoneywithout helpingthemfirst.Don't losehopebecauseanother failed
CallDr Atwabi0812337274
SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES C l a s s i f i e d s E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netORsmallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication M A L A W I A N
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR:Dr SJeke (TheBest). BadLuck-Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems - Promotions - To getten-dersandtoboostyour business - People don’t want to pay you back - Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshifrom bodies,housesMen’s power sexuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr (79) 3191D
Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond,WalvisBay Cell:0813033149 DRBABAKAREEM Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattheright time Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash.LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologise andbeunderyourfeet forever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil) *pregnancyproblems *Manhoodenlargementin allsizesandstrongerinbed *Clearyourdebts/Loans quickly*Fixfinancial problems,getmoneyin yourbankaccountusing *chidaWintenderswinlottoand gamblingandcontracts *promotionatwork*Iam goodinmakingawomanto beexcellentinbed,tobe sweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingfor thosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist, finishunfinishedjoband manymore.MailOrder AvailableCallNowBaba Kareem0812528744 DRFAMBAWILLNOT DISAPPOINTYOU Well Doctortraditionalexperiencedwhodestroysall typesofwitchcraftpower thatishappeningin people'slifeandhebrings backallyourluck whichistakenthrough witchinghegenuinely withhelpsthe ofhimDon'tand21.on20.enlar19.gout.Bp,diabetes,,TB,Epilepsy,stroke,wombpain,jointpain,HipandmanhoodgementRemovingblackspotsyourskinStimulatesexualdesirelonglastinginbed.hesitatetocontactnowtowitnesstheendyourproblems. Contact:0813961919 DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorisherein ErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines: 1.HealsAsthma&Epilepsy 2.MentalDiseases 3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant) 4.Manpower&Erectile 5.dysfunctionWorkandpromotion relatedmatters 6.Business&customer 7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems 8.Improvesandboostbody 9.immunitySpiritualillnesses 10.Luckycharmsand winninginlife 11.Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetesand heartdiseases 12.Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome 14.Thingsthatmoveson theroofsofhouses 15.Catchthievesandbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholand 17.smokingUnfinishedjobs 18.School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino 19.Badsmellandunhealed 20.woundsWealthmattersand manymanymore. CallDrMajoronefor moreinformationand appointmentson DOCTTRADITIONAL0812017556ORKALENGA: Hecanhelpyouthrough: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Pro-blemsBad Luck - Bus-inessesProtection at HomeRemoval of TokoloshiMens’ Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. Walvis&Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887
DrAtwabi:Payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorawoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand makehimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore.
TRADITIONALDOCTOR DoctorBombaBazuka–the nameisenough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice Chest pains, headache,swollenlegs&feet, epelipsy drinking /smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happeninginyourlifeandyou will never regret.
DRRINGAZI:Payafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financialproblems, magicringformoney, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementmto xl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.CallDrRingazi: 0812049299
Call,text,whatsapp 0817407321 100%Dr
Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102 TraditionalDrHerbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (Theoldman)FromMalawiis in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringingbacklostlover,toget a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win contractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking,stopyourlovertobe stingy with money to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a mantobestronginbedduring sex,awomantohavefeelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness,epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancy problems, if you needanewbaby,periodpains, torecoverstolenproperty,BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, & many more Come & experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Smsorcall:0816431482find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet.
Wipe your
you.Cometo me!!! TheonlyMiraclewater fromtheVolcanoes Areyoustressingofmoney *Love/relationship *Lost&buildingproperties *Jobsearching *Courtcases *Pregnancy *Badluck/removeevil spirits/getridofenemies *Unhappymarriage *Menspenisenlargement *Spiritpowersforpastors/ Sangomas/political/leader *Finishunfinishedjobwith 69yearsofexperienced Zamba&Jososeph Only man you can trust for quick and effective results. 100 % guaranteed. CallDrKoiKoiandProf. Gonondo:0817326899 Dr.JericoThe PractisingWitchdoctoras:Jumah AfricanTraditional HealingMethods Heisanexpertand experiencedTraditional medicinesandpractitioner ofherbsofdifferenttypes Heisanexpertand experiencedin:Natural andartificialdiseases, witchcraftandmagical diseases,weatherand createddiseases,african andforeigndiseases,love issuesandproblems, marriagesandfinancial issuesandproblems,court cases,farmandhome protection, protection,protection,developmentlivestockandbodyconfiningand catching employmentthieves,andbusiness opportunities,luckand luckycharms,gambling andlotto,charmsofany kind,talismanicringsand belts,sea protection,workerssealagdiseases andmanymore... N$ consultationcounselingcounseling,stressMarriage100.00counseling,anddepressionbusinessandandplansare alsodoneatafee. CalltodayDr.Jericothe witchdoctorofalltimes 0814307446 Comeandseethebest doctor!Youwilllivea healthyandsuccessful lifein2018andbeyond! CONSTRUCTIONASHIKANGA Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving *BuildingConstruction *YardConstruction *Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting. SwakopmundWalvisBay Contact:0813487979 MAMASINDI AwellknownSouthAfrican femaledoctorSangomafrom Kwazulunatal(Durban)is heretoheal,treatandsolve yourproblems.Lostlovers willbebacktoyou,women problems,work,lucky charms,protectionandmany more.LocatedLagoon, WalvisBayMamaSindi 0813274512 PROPERTIESTORENT PROPERTIESTORENT TORENT:WalvisBay, Lagoonarea OnebedroomwithBIC+ kitchenette+bathroom withshower W/Eincl. Nogarage N$3500.00p/m PlusN$1000.00deposit Cell:0813656215 TORENT: Onebachelorflat ownkitchen,own bathroom&toiletand sleepingroom Veryquietandsafearea. N$2600.00p/m W/E Nearincl.KatuturaCar wash,newNHEhouses Contact:0813736300 TORENT: 3bedroomtownhouse availableforrentinCBD WalvisBay,c/oNangolo MbumbaDriveand17th 2road.bathrooms,garage, doublestorey,bic, 2balconies,braaistand N$6500.00p/m Waterincl. N$5500.00p/m excludingwater DepositN$6500.00 ContactHeroldGeingob (owner)0814094013 NancyGeingob081405 All0401transactionswillbe handledbyEsmereldaat Grobbies0814418186 TORENT:WalvisBay, Narraville,SunValley 2bedroomhouse available1September BIS2022&BIC Openplankitchento sittingroom,single garage,boundarywall N$6500.00p/m W&E NarravilleTContact:included0814418186ORENT: 3bedroomhousewith garagefor2cars. 3bedrooms,2bathrooms, 1guesttoilet,kitchen, diningroom. TVrom PetPreentertainment.andpaidelectricityfriendly Call0812881523 TORENT:WalvisBay, Kuisebmond,Kabeljou street onebedroomflatwith openplankitchenand sittingroomwithprivate bathroom,inaveryneat andsecurearea Highfencedandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforsinglepersonor couple. N$3700.00p/m Nodepositneeded W/E incl. Availableimmediately Contact:0811278229 WalvisBay:ToRent: TwoBedroomflat. Nr4–55,SamNujomaSpaciousandsunnytwo bedroomwithbothensuitebathrooms.Lotsof BIC,openplankitchen, sittingroom.Stove.Big outsidebraaiwithseating. Alarm.Singlegaragewith remotedoor.Prepaid electricity. Sorry–No pets.Pensionersfriendly Nomunicipalconnection fees.NS6500.00p/m plusdeposit NrBlockTWOWContact:immediatelyAvailable0812504694.alvisBay:ToRent:Bedroomflat@ofFlats.7 –172,Theo-Ben Gurirab -Duplex-Sunny twobedroom,BIC. Bathroom,openplan kitchen&sittingroom. Stove.Alarm.Single garage.Prepaidelect. Municipalwater.Sorry–Nopets.NS5500.00p/m plusdeposit. Availableimmediately 0812504694. TORENT:Koraal straat,Narraville BachelorBuiltin cupboardsandstove N$3000.00p/m N$1500.00deposit Contact:0815782854 TORENT: 2BedroomflatinMeersig immediatelyavailablefor August2022ifnotfor September2022 Flathas2bathrooms,and anopenplankitchen,bic, openareafrparkingin ownyard. Petfriendly N$5500.00p/m W/E Depositincl.N$3000.00 payableinfirsttwo Contact:months0812177959 PROPERTIESFORSALE ForsaleinNarraville WalvisBay 3bedroomhouse–BICall BACKExtraDOUBLEAPPROVEDGasBuildBuildscullerydiningLoungeTv2roomsbathroomsroomroomincupboardsinBraai-OUTSIDEstovePLANSFORGARAGE&OutsideRoom.Yardflat1bedroom–BICBathroomOpenplankitchen/loungeGarage PriceN$1385000–(neg) –CALLN$Valuation14500000812902614/085 2902614TOVIEW 12 NAMIBTIMES 19AUGUST2022
–ForSale TamariskiaN$1450000(neg) 3Bedrooms,2 OpenBathroomsPlanKitchen,Big LoungeandTVroom DoubleGarage Erfsize:576m2 House:173m2 Tamariskia–Ext3 3Bedrooms,2 SculleryOpenBathroomsPlanKitchen,Inside&OutsideBBQ,DoubleGarageN$1720000 Matatura–New ExtensionBrandNew BuiltHouse,3 Bedrooms,2Bathrooms, OpenPlanKitchen, DoubleGarage,AProof 2BedroomFlat N$1150000 Matutura–Ext1 Erfsize485 N$1440000 ForviewingCall: Muggie0811294121 FORSALE: Newlybuiltfreestanding houseinMondesafor sale,safeneighborhood. 3bedroom,master bedroomisEnSite, kitchen,livingroom, guestbathroom,single garage(drivethrough for3cars)andspacious yardwithboundary N$wall.850000.00costs included ContactKerthFrom Kerth'sRealtors 081317 SBUSINESS5424FORALE: Micro-lenderbusiness forsaleinSwakopmund. Contact:0812631580 FORSALE: Swakopmund,Mahetago,houseno 1443,315m²erf. 1bedroomhouse,open plankitchen/sitting room. Contact:0813652885 19AUGUST2022 NAMIBTIMES 13 Walvis Bay PO Box 860 spcawalvisbay@gmail.com 081Namibia6291190064204041 AmWANTED:lookingforsecond handgoods Hardboards Contact:SeatsRoofingTimberssheets(sofas)0812409840 F O L L O W T H E N A M I B T I M E S O N I N S T A G R A M Thinking of adopting... Please visit the SPCA in WALVIS BAY to meet your new best Contactfriend.them064-204-041on
JOBWANTED: Iama40yearoldwoman lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund.I canstartanytime,Ihave experienceand Iam hardworking. Contact:0816446822
JOBWANTED: Amadecentyounglady veryhardworkinglooking fordomesticworkor babysittingor Icanstartanytime. WalvisorLangstrand. Contact:0817083718
Mondesa islookingforan afternoonTeacherwith highpreparationin Mathematics,Life Scienceandmore knowledgewillbean added EducationqualificationDiplomaadvantage.orhigherinoratleast6 monthsofTeaching. PleasesendtheCvand supportingdocuments 22.08.2022Closinggmail.comhappydu.rtoecruit@date: IAMLOOKINGFORA TAXIDRIVERWITHA VALIDGP 081INTERSCHEDULECALLEXPERIENCE.&METOANDVIEW2495707
JOBWANTED: Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund only,IcanspeakEnglish andstartimmediately Contact:0814388337
WANTED WANTED WANTED VACANCIES VACANCIES C l a s s i f i e d s E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netORsmallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication TOHIRE BESTCASHPRICES PAIDONTHESPOT FORALLKINDSOF YOURGOLDRINGS BANGLES,CHAINS COINS,ETC EVENFORTHE BROKENONESWE ALSOBUY CUT DESERPleaseDIAMONDSvisitTJEWELER&CURIOSPriorcallsareessentialCell: 0814081550 Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay *** Ifyoudon’twanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryoreven acar CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeor alterations.ablutionCowboys. 064418150or 0811464770 JOBS WANTED VACANCYSEAMSTRESS Namibiancitizen FluentinEnglish& AbilityAfrikaanstolearnfast Honest Pleaseforwardcvto: TheManager P.OBox4032 WalvisBay VACANCIES:Weare hiring! Walvis LookingBayforChef (Linecook) WaitressComeinforinterview VlooisNest,Hage Geingob77 064220157 VACANCY:D'ExpertHealthCare Institute Lookingfortwo registerednursesfulltime andtwoparttimenurses thatwilleducatenursing classesinWalvisBay urgently Emailyourcv @gmail.comofficedexpertwalvisbayto:ordruwaynebotha1994@gmail.comorcall081690997908128812660812459893FORHIRE: 4TonTruck,suitablefor refuse/rubbish transportationremoval,andmoving. N$ 450.00 per trip within Walvis Bay. Negotiable toother towns. Contact:0812746504 0817483901
JOBWANTED: A26yearoldgirlanyjob especiallycleaning houses.Icanstart anytime. Contact:0818066968
JOBWANTED: A34yearoldwomanis lookingfordomestic work,Mondaysto Fridaysor2daysaweek. Icanwashandiron,clean housesorflats.Icantake careofkids,ihave10 yearsexperience.Ihave torespect,Iambasedin WalvisBay.Icanstart anytime. Contact:0814101966 WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk. MaandaetotVrydaein Walvisbaai,Langstrand ofDolfynstrand.Kan enigetydbeginhet verwysings. Kontak:0812086451
MayYournamebeexaltedforeverthroughallgenerations. youall WillemSakaira
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices. DJCarDealersAfricaTradingCCherewithintendsto apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent to operate an Administrative office on the premises of Erf 3956, (c/o Edison & Einstein Street) SwakopmundExtension10. Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours. Closing date for objections or comments is 6th September2022. Contactperson:MsDesere'NelCell:0811290668 Email:deserenel1991@gmail.com MrOr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
measureofoursuccesstothearrayofcontributionfromsomanyminds,known andunknown.Hereareafewwholabouredwithustomakethispossible.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: MinaC.Greiter,POBox3044,Windhoek mina.wolgast@gmail.com
14 NAMIBTIMES 19AUGUST2022 Funeral Notice The Nakuafila and Aluteni families are sad to announce the death of their Sunrise: 28 February 1940 Sunset: 10August 2022 Memorial Service: Friday 19August 2022 18h30 at Hosiana Parish, Kuisebmond Burial: Saturday 20August 2022 @ 07:00 from home, 3 David Hambunda Street, Kuisebmond Walvis Bay andproceed to Kuisebmond Cemetery • Psalm 23 • Ehangano 518 • "Here ek voel vandag so gedan , dis asof niks in my lewe meer sin maak nie, maar soms voel ek so eensaam en alleen. As ek die laste moet dra, bring weer berusting in my Here, dat ek weer kan leer lag en vrede kan maak met alles wat met my gebeur." Contacts: Alu Hailonga 0812512200 / Diinina Nakuafila 0812538495 Aluteni Gawases 0812540602 Shiimi Nakuafila 0811701324 Management & Staff OK Foods ortuguese Market Garden & Ship Chandlers Duane Sanders Here lies a great man who has left a wonderful legacy behind. He was larger than life and he lived it to the fullest. Now that he has gone may all the beautiful memories be a blessing to you and your children. Please accept our sympathies for losing your husband Dear Yvette & family Our Deepest Condolences Susan Hund *11/06/1942 †12/08/2022 To take place: Saturday 20/08/2022 Time: 16h00 Place: Lions Den Walvis Bay In loving memory Erwin, Anita, Tony, Lynette, Demar, Bertus, Shaun, Sonja, Nadine & MJ Celebration of life NOTICEOFCONSENT APPLICATIONINTERMSOFTHE WALVISBAYTOWN SCHEMEPLANNING CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 434ATOWNSHIP/AREA:LangstrandSTREET NAME&NO:KuisebAvenue. IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self CateringUnit. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplication may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor,Room101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than: 2 September 2022.
TheofficeoftheErongogovernor Elite WErongoServiceRedilliamSignWriting We would like to thank all those whose suggestions and comments have helped us on this Finallyevent., to God the Creator, the ultimate Source and Supplier of all leadership potential. Thanksforhelpingusdiscoverourpurposeinlifeandtheprivilegeofworkinyourvineyard.
I stand here today happy, proud, and blessed to deliver a vote of thanks Every accomplishmentinlifeistheresultofcorporateeffort,justasittakesavillagetoraisea child, it takes a dedicated team to organize an event, I must capitulate that no one can claimfullcreditofanymeasureofsuccessinanyendeavour Therefore,thisworkisasynergisticofmanyminds.Thisisacollectivecontributionofmany mentors, supporters, friends, family members and advisors. I am eternally grateful for the inspiration, passion commitment and wisdom of many great men and women, who through theircommitmenttotheirdreams,haveleftalegacytomotivatemetopursuethedreaminmy Wgeneration.eoweevery
TheWBGCJuniorOpenheldattheclublastweekendwas wonbyKyleJohnsonon155forthetworounds. A total of 48 junior golf players participated in the open golf championship,hostedbyPoenaJohnsonandGrantMatherattheWalvis BayGolfClub. Inthe'C'division,EmeryMabohwasthewinneron96withReagoJulie the runner up on 77 with Francois le Roux third on 72, all three from WBGC.Inthe'B'divisionbestnetwenttoJPJohnsonon160withbest grossgoingtoConnorGibsonon167,alsobothfromWBGC.Inthe'A' divisionWilleElswasrunnerupinthebestgross. Wensly Haseb won the best nett on 168 with best gross being won by NelsonJohanneson166. WBGC thanked Poena Johnson and Grant Mather for their efforts and timededicatedtothejuniors.Theclubalsothankedtheparents,markers andallothersinvolvedinmakingtheWBGCJuniorOpenasuccess.
Johnson wins WBGC Junior Open
The Junior Golfers with Poena Johnson at the price giving of the WBGC Junior Open at the Walvis Bay Golf Club
ThePresidentoftheNIIHABerndBajoratsaidthat thispastyearNamibiaputitsmarkontheworldin the pro leagues of Europe, where Max Finkelday (French League) won the championship with his team. Amandus Rottcher and Christian Coetzee signed contracts with the Italian League. Sean LiechtiisplayinginSwitzerland.AltusCoetzeeis about to sign a pro deal in Europe. Christine Rottcher has moved to Canada in pursuits of ice hockey ANamibianInlineteamcallingthemselves the Sidewinders played in the Pro and 20U Divisions at Sparta Cup and won the under 20 divisionchampionshipgame9-0andcamein3rdin thePro BajoratDivision.said,“All the players as well as the Sidewinders are all products of the National Program. The work that has been done in the last decade in terms of development and growth was Accordingmassive.” to Bajorat “These players understand theroletheyplayinshapingtheviewofNamibian hockey around the world and take very seriously theircommitmenttothecountryandstayingtrueto keeping Namibia front and centre while they continuetohavesuccess.”
“Though we were quite successful in terms of gamesandresults,thebiggerpictureisthesmileson thefacesofthekidsandthefriendstheymakefrom othercountries.Theseconnectionswillhelpforge their understanding of the world and help build a brighterfuture,”saidCoachSobel.
Dolphins Rugby Club ExtraordinaryAGM Date: 24August 2022 Time: 19:00 Venue: Coastal High SwakopmundSchool Contact Rathan at: 081 603 Bowe
TheGirlsMinorteamwasabigjoytowatch.The girls from Namibia went undefeated and cruised through their games with ease. The team was comprisedof3NationalPlayers(Coetzee,Borstlap andBajorat)andgirlsasyoungas9yearsold. Itwasagreatopportunityfortheyounggirlstoplay alongwiththeoldergirlsandgetsomeexperience and see how the older girls play and handle themselvesinallsortsofgamesituations. For many of the kids this was their first “big” tournament and their first time to the America. While it could be a bit overwhelming, the players handled everything in stride and represented Namibia fantastically Oyo Hinda added the following, “I had a great time. So much fun and I learned a lot and made so many friends. I want to comebackagainandshoweveryonehowhardwe workinNamibiaandwinmoremedals.”
9111 Rudi
TheNamibianIceandInlineHockeyAssociation's (NIIHA) Development Program sent 30 kids making up 7 Federation Teams in the in the following birth year divisions: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,2011,2012andGirlsMinor(2007andunder) and 2 players in an under 8 team called Team Jedi (made up of players from America, the UK and ThisNamibia).yeartheeventwasattendedbyapproximately 300teamsfromAmerica,Canada,UnitedKingdom, CaymanIslands,Colombia,Australia,Swedenand WhenNamibia.the dust settled Namibia Girls Minor won Gold,the2012birthyearwonSilverwiththebirth years 2008, 2009 and under 8 each won Bronze Medals. The 2011 birth year lost in the Bronze Medalgameinovertime. HeadCoachoftheNationalandFederationTeams, BrianSobelsaidthatsixofNamibianteamplayedin themedalgames. Coach Sobel said, “It's very exciting and fulfilling for the kids and shows them that hard work and believing in yourself and your country makes a difference and can pay off. Our goal is, with everythingwedo,toshowthekidsthattheybelong onthebigstagewitheveryoneelseandthatputting away egos and selfish goals and sticking with and believing in Namibia and its hockey program will payoffinbigways.” Coach Sobel added, “We hope to be competitive with each tournament we go to and the results this timearoundtellusthatnotonlyareweontheright pathbutthatweareinsomeplacesleadingtheworld withoursportanddevelopment.”
According to Coach Sobel some of the young NamibiansreceivedseveralawardsfromStateWars inthefollowingbirthyeardivisions:2010All-Stars: Vigo Bajorat and Sascha Guttzeit, 2010 World Team: Vigo Bajorat. 2007 All-Stars: Leighzene Coetzee and Ania Borstlap 2008 All Stars: LeighzeneCoetzee,AniaBorstlap,GeorgeTjihaapi andHadrianDuToit.2008WorldTeam:Leighzene Coetzee.2009AllStars:VincentScholz,LuccaDe Azevedo, Hoandi Hoffman, Vigo Bajorat and Sascha Guttzeit. 2009Accuracy Winner: Tayla De Jager 2009Top Defensive Player:VincentScholz. 2011 All-Stars: Oyo Hinda and Taneka Shilongo. 2012All-Stars:MaritzLaubscher GirlsMinorAllStars:AniaBorstlap,LeighzeneCoetzee,TaylaDe Jager, Lana Bajorat and Lea Reiff. Girls Minor World Team: Leighzene Coetzee, Ania Borstlap, LanaBajoratandLeaReiff.GirlsMinorTopScorer: Ania Borstlap. Championship Game MVP: Ania Borstlap.Under8All-Stars:HendaMatyayi.
The Namibian Girls Minor Inline Hockey team won Gold at the largest inline hockey championships in the world, the State Wars Youth Inline Hockey tournamentheldfrom19to31JulyatTaylor,Michigan,USA Namibian Girls Minor State Wars 2022 champions
19AUGUST2022 NAMIBTIMES15School News
namib times
Rudi Bowe
Die FNB Kudu Rugby Klub het laas naweek geskiedenis gemaak toe hul eerste span daarin geslaag het vir 'n tuis half eindstryd in die Namibian Rugby Union (NRU)sePremierligaterwylhultweedespanvirdietweedeagtervolgendejaarvir diehalfeindstrydvandieNRUseReserweligagekwalifiseerhet.
Eventhoughtheyendedinseventhplace,theyhave issued a warning to all bowlers to “Watch out!” Theybothplayedexcellentbowlsandtheyaresure tofeatureinNamibianteamsinthefuture. Thetournamentwasenjoyedbyallandparticipants andexperiencedbowlersareinagreementthatthis is a very important tournament for developing bowlers as the experience gained here will stand themingoodsteadintheirbowlingcareers.
Die premier liga span van Kudus het die half eindstrydingeseilmet'noorwinningvan10-0 oor Western Suburbs vir ‘n ontmoeting môre 20Augustusom15:45metFNBUNAMopdie JanWilkenStadioninWalvisbaai. Die tweede span van Kudus wat die verdedigende kampieon van die NRU se Reser weligahethulplekindiehalfeindstydbevestig toe hulle laas naweek vir Western Suburbs oortuigendmet41-7geklophet. Diespannewatdiebotoonvoorlangsgaanvoer se kanse om na die 80 minute as wenner aftestap is soveel beter Harde werk onder moeilike omstandighede is deur die afrigters ingesit en hul opoffering deur die jaar kan nie misgekykwordnie. Harde inklim wedstryde word vir môre voor spel met die manne wat mekaar met mening gaan aanvat. Die strydom die losbal gaan ook deurslaggewendwees. Op Jan Wilken Stadion is dit waar die poppe behoorlikgaandanstussenKudusenUNAM. Kudus wat die kragmenting sal wil wen om weer na 15 jaar in die NRU se premier liga eindstryd te speel en om voort te bou op hul onoorwonejaarteendiestudentvanUNAM. Dietuisspanmôreweeropvollesterktenasake bietjiedeurmekaargekrapmetbeseringswatin dielaaste3wedstrydebyhullegespookhet. Kudus se gedugte vastevyf sal sonder twyfel môreweerhulstempelwilafdrukenagterlangs wemel dit van talent wat vir Unam lelik kan opdraendkangee. Unam wat tans op top vorm en volsterkte is speel in hul agste half eindstryd. Die studente sal bitter graag môre wil wen om vir 'n sesde keerdiepremierligatewen. Die fokus verskuif dan na Rehoboth Hoër skool, vir die Reseweliga se half eindstryd kragmeting tussen die verdedigende kampioene,dieFNBKudus,enFNBRehobothom Om14:00.teen Rehoboth op hul tuis veld te wen is altyd moeilik en more gaan geen verskil wees nie. Net soos Kudus staan Rehoboth se skare ookbankvasagterhulspanenalhowelKudus indieuitspeelrondtesgewenhet,hetjyalindie verledegesienkomditbyhalfeindstydisditn heelanderstorie. Kudus se sterk punt is hul pak voorspelers en mens sal graag meer dryfmaal bewegings wil Algernonsien. Kolz enAlexander Jansen is die twee spellerswatnetnetuitgemishetopseleksiemaar isgereedsouietsnoodgedwongeopduik. FNBKudusafrigterGawanEsterhuizen,hetgoed gebalanseerdespannegekiesmaarsalverwagdat die grond slag eers voorge le word voor hul blitsigeagterlynnemoetafrond. KomreenkomwindJanWilkenStadioniswaar jymoremoetweesvirdielangverwagtetuishalf FNBeindstryd.Kudus nooi sy lojale ondersteuners uit om vir die laastekeer die jaar, of ten minste op Jan WilkenStadion,tekomondersteun. Hekgeld is N$ 30 per volwassene N$20 vie kindersN$30permotorenN$50percoolerbox. Geen Hookah pype sal toegelaat word nie met strengsekuriteitwattoegepassalword.
Seven teams entered, with one team coming all the way from Namib Park Bowling Club in WalvisBay Therestwerealllocalbowlersfrom thethreeWindhoekClubs. Christo Brand and Karl Harmann, both from Windhoek Bowling Club, were leading with 8 Inpoints.second place were defending champions Claude and Monique Thorburn, from TransnamibBowlingClub,with7points.Theywould havetowinthegametoendfirst. In a very tense and exciting final round, both teamsplayedsomeexcellentbowlsand,inafair reflection of the game, the two teams drew the game with 9 shots each. Christo Brand and Karl Harmann emerged as winners with 9 points.
The MULTISAVE MEDALwas played last Saturday with a small field of 20, turned out to test theirskills on theWalvis BayGolfCourse.
Die Blou sal môre moet hou
Windhoek Bowling Club Novice Pairs
All participants of the Windhoek Bowling Club Novice Pairs
Morne Roux with Nardo Sardinha and Kevin Wentzel Sardinha wins Multisave Medal
Windhoek Bowling Club recently hosted their annual Novice Pairs competition whichisopentoallaffiliatedbowlerswhohavebeenplayingforfiveyearsorless.
Sport Send your sports news journalist5@namibtimes.netto 19AUGUST2022
ClaudeandMoniqueThorburnendedon8pointsto take second place.Third were Andre de Vries and MicheleVermeulen,bothfromErosBowlingClub.
For proof that bowls is not a game for old people only, two of the participants were Hailey and DanellevanWyk,fromTransNamibBowlingClub, whoare12and11yearsoldrespectively
Thedaybelongedtothesponsorswiththebestnettscoreofthedaygoing to Nardo Sardinha on 69, with the runner up bets nett going to David Peakeon71withthirdplacebestnettAmandioSardinhaalsoon71. The winner of the best gross was Kevin Wentzel on a good 78. The stablefordwinnerandshowingvastimprovementtohisSagesscoreslast weekendwasPaulShamon37pointswithWynandBreytenbachrunner upon36points. Thiscomingweekendwillbeaclubsponsoredcompetition,abetterball withbothscorestocountonthepar5'sand3's. Noticehasbeengiventoallmembers,onothersocialplatforms,thatthe ClubAGMistobeheldonWednesday24at18h00intheclubhouse.
DieanderpremierligahalfeindstrydtussenFNB WanderersenFNBRehobothendieReserweliga se halh eindtryd tussen Wanderers en UNAM word op die Wit Hingste se veld in Winhoek Diegespeel.FNBKuduRugbyKlubsespellervirmorese halfeindstrydeis; Premier liga span: Jacobs Lloyd, Plato Chad, Newman Justin, Walters PJ, Andrews Paolo, Plato Aurelio, Nash Percy, Jacobs Joshua, Vos Lezardo, Langenhoven Cameron (kaptein), Arangies Tersuis, White Shaun , Swartz Craig, ViviersZwandreenJoubertHenningmetHoebeb Anthony, Calaza Lorenzo, Naholo Codey, Brussel Charlton, Paulse Rayton, Wentzel Kyle en Mukwiilongo Aston op die plaas vervanger Reserweligabank. span: Williams Zane, Diergaardt Ronaldo, Tjazerua Micheal, Beukes Darren (kapein),IsaaksNathan,LawrenceUlriato,Delie Lovelle, Groenewaldt Lorenzo, Namaseb Gregory,BamptonVirgil,BesserSheiton,Wohler Fernando, Mostert Christiaan, Nash Ashwin en ViviersArmandometKoningJarren,Oosthuizen Gert, CammClayton, Koning Jarreth, Langenhoven Devon, Bezuidenhout Benito en Isaaks Giovanniopdiereserwebank.
Die manne wat alles moontlik maak vir Kudus is die afrigting span van links na regs Quinton Simon, Hauta Veii, Gawan Esterhuizen, Guiliano Lawrence en Ngumi Nguaiko