Erongo Region Awarded for Best Pharmaceutical Performance
The Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Esther Muinjangue third front the left and the Executive Director at the Health Ministry Ben Nangombe
the award winners.
The Erongo Region has received the award for the best performance in the country regarding public pharmaceuticalservicesattheAnnualNational Pharmaceutical Service Forum held recentlyinWalvisBay.
The Erongo region scooped the best regional pharmacistawardforthesecondconsecutiveyear for their exemplary service and commitment to healthcare excellence with Oshana second and |Khomas ranking third in the country The SwakopmundDistrictHospitalsecuredthirdplacefor the hospital's consistent delivery of quality healthcare services in the best hospital pharmacy category, while Onandjokwe Intermediate Hospitalhasbeenacknowledgedasthebestpharmacy
Continues on page 2
Namibia Enforces Telecom Equipment Type Approval
van der Schyff
The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) oversees the Type Approval process to ensure telecommunications equipment meetsregulatorystandards.
Thisprocess,mandated by Section 80 of the Communications Act (No.8of2009),aimsto prevent harm to electronicnetworks,public health, and safety The Continues on page 2
Armed Robbery at Local Kuisebmond Meat Market
Eileen van der Schyff
In a daring daylight robbery, four armed suspects targeted a local Meat MarketinKuisebmondatapproximately 08:45 on Wednesday morning this week.
The assailants, wielding a pistol, entered the shop as the manager was preparing the daily banking receipts According to Chief Inspector Ileni
Continues on page 2
Completion of 119 Homes Marks Milestone in Swakopmund's Housing Delivery
N$6 namib
Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE
COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7071 FRIDAY 21 JUNE 2024 Page 2 Page 3 Pages 14 - 16 inside Sports News
the right
third from
Rudi Bowe
Over 366 000 Voters Registered Namibia Greenlights Space Port Project ******
Erongo Region Awarded
in the country with Oshakati Intermediate Hospital in second place. Grootfontein District Hospital was selected as the most improved hospital for its significant strides in enhancing healthcare provision, while the Hardap region was selected as the most improved region for theseremarkableprogressinadvancinghealthcareservices.TheMinistryofHealthandSocial Services (MoHSS) presented awards to topperforming regions and hospitals at theAnnual National Pharmaceutical Service Forum. The awardsaimtoencouragehealthprofessionalsat public health facilities to go the extra mile in making Namibians access and receive quality healthcareservicesintheirhourofneed. AccordingtotheDeputyMinisterofHealthand Social Services Esther Muinjangue, it has become a tradition to reward best-performing regionsandhealthfacilitiesfortheirexemplary effortstoprovideservicestoNamibians. Muinjangue a social worker by training said, “your dedication and hard work do not go unnoticed.
Continued from page 1
Let these achievements serve as both recognition ofyourhardwork,andmotivationforeveryfacility to aspire to the highest standards in delivering quality services to the Namibian population. Let these achievements serve as both recognition of yourhardworkandasmotivationforeveryfacility to aspire to the highest standards in delivering qualityservicestotheNamibianpopulation.” She added,“byleveragingthecollectiveexpertiseand commitmentofallstakeholders,challengesfacing pharmaceuticalservicescanbeovercometoensure that every Namibian has access to high-quality healthcare.” MoHSS Executive Director, Ben Nangombe commended the winners and encouragedotherhealthcareproviderstoreflectandstrive for improvement. Nangombe stated, “we have hard-workingandcommittedstaffmembers,assistant pharmacists, pharmacists and managers serving at our facilities across the country and managingoursystemsatdistricts,regionsandnational levels.Therearemanybrightsparks,raysofhope acrossthispharmaceuticalconstellation.”
Completion of 119 Homes Marks Milestone in Swakopmund's Housing Delivery Efforts
The last batch consisting of 119 houses from the 319 incomplete houses built undertheNationalMassHousingDevelopmentProgrammeinMatuturaExt.9, andtobecompletedbyNewEraInvestments,werehandedovertonewownerson Mondaythisweek.
A total of 505 incomplete housing units at the MatuturaExtension9sitewasleftuntouched for years due to a legal dispute between the main contractor and its subcontractors. In October 2022,workresumedonthe319incompletehouses that were handed over to New Era Investments(Pty)Ltdforcompletion.Ofthe319housingunits,89houseswerehandedovertoowners by the late President, Dr Hage Geingob, on 14 December 2023. Prior to that, in July 2023, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, handed over 108 houses. Later thatyear,inSeptember,three houseswerehandedovertonewownersinMatutura.Ofthe505 incomplete housing units, only 186 await completion. Uutoni said he has directed his team to workveryhardtoresolvethedisputethatisstill holdingupthecompletionoftheremaining186 housesinSwakopmund.TheGovernorofErongoRegion,NevilleAndréItope,saidthecompletionofthe119housesisatestamenttothecollaborative efforts among various stakeholders, including the government, NHE, private sector, andcommunitymembers.
Despite the challenges faced, including delays and contractor disputes, houses have successfullybeenhandedover,bringingjoyandstability to 119 families. Itope said, “the housing backlog in Erongo remains substantial, and we must continue to work diligently to meet the growing demand.” The Deputy Chairperson of
the Board of Directors of the National Housing Enterprise (NHE), Hasting Tjipueja, said the housingbacklogcanonlybesignificantlyreduced ifallactorsinthehousingfraternityjoinhandsand pull in one direction.According toTjipueja, NHE has developed a blueprint anchored on increased housingoutput.Partofourstrategicfocusoverthe next five years is the Informal Settlement Upgrading Project (ISUP), which has proven successful in Windhoek after the launch of the pilot project back in 2020. Over 700 houses have been built jointlybyNHEandtheCityofWindhoekunderthe stewardship of the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development. The intention is to roll out this concept to other parts of the country, and we have prioritisedthisundertaking.Thisapproachwillsee a significant reduction in informal structures in urbancenters.Tjipuejaurgedthenewhomeowners to take good care of their properties and to honor their repayments without fail, enabling NHE to gather and reallocate resources to other projects thatwillbenefitotherNamibianswhodonothave shelter
Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Paul Ndjambula said he applied for a house in 2011 at theSwakopmundMunicipalityandNHE,sowhen he received a call last week he was overwhelmed, “fromusasbeneficiaries,Iamconfirmingthatwe are happy, overjoyed and feeling joy to be one of the luckiest ones to receive these houses.We promisewewilltakecareofthesehouses.”
Armed Robbery
Continued from page 1
Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo police, the security gate had been briefly unlocked to allow two customers to leave when the suspects forced their way inside. They ordered the manager to lie on the floor and proceeded to steal cash and personal items, including a Rossi 38 Special revolver, N$8 500 in cash, a Samsung Galaxy A54, and the company vehicle'signitionkey Additionally,the robbers took two cellphones from employees before escaping in a maroonHondaFit,withregistration N17024WB. The total value of the stolenitemsisestimatedatN$107044 40,includingN$88844.40incash,the revolver valued at N$4 500, and variouscellphones.Thepolicehavedetained two persons of interest for further investigation but have not yet made anyarrestsorrecoveredthestolenproperty The Erongo police are urging anyone with information about the
robbery to contact Detective Chief Inspector Johannes Mwatongwe at 081 246 1121 or Detective Senior Inspector Johan Geiseb at 081 262 9842. Chief Inspector Shapumba in anupdateonthecase,saidyesterday, the police have made significant progress in the case. “Two suspects were arrested at the mall in Walvis Bay on today [Thursday]. One of them was said to have similar cases pending in Oshana and Khomas regions.Thepersonsofinterestsheld in Police custody for Investigations yesterday were released in the processofinvestigations.Wesaluteour communitiesforcontinuoussupport, andweareproudofourmembersfor a great job. It's critical that we call upon our business communities to continuouslyimprovesecuritywhen handling money,” Inspector Shapumbasaid.
Namibia Enforces
current Type Approval Regulation, effective from 21 August 2023, requires manufacturers, importers, distributors, and individuals to seek Type Approval Certificates for equipment that transmits or receives radio frequencies. This includes cell phones, laptops, computers, and digital settop boxes. The certificationprocesstakesup to40days.InFebruary 2023, CRAN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
with the Namibia Revenue Agency (NAMRA) to harmonise laws governing telecommunications equipment importation. This MoU promotes cooperation, capacity-building, and a working committee to address regulatory challenges. Applicants must submit complete documentation and fees before importing equipment,asCustoms will not clear uncertified items CRAN offers various appli-
cation methods, including standard, simplified, renewal, temporary importation, and reconsideration methods. Some equipment, like laptopsandsmartTVs without SIM slots, are exempt from Type Approval. For more in-formation, visit the CRANwebsiteorcontact their TypeApproval Team at ta@cran. naor061222666. Namibia's regulations align with internationalpractices.
Over 366 000 Voters Registered
The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) revealed this weekthatduringtheperiod3Junetodate,atotalof32371 eligible voters in the Erongo region have registered so far Thisisoutofthetotalpopulationof240206inhabitantsofthe region,accordingtothe2023censusresults.
A statement issued byPeterShaama,the Chief Electoral and ReferendaOfficeron 19 June, stated that the Commission is pleased to inform stakeholders and members of the public that since the commencementofthe General Registration of Voters (GRV) on 3 June to 15 June, a cumulative total of 366 036 eligible Namibians have registered as voters insidethecountryandat all Namibian Diplomatic Missions abroad. This figure representsanaverageof 29 918 registered votersperdayduringthe period from 10 to 15 June The Khomas region has seen the highest number of eligible voters regis-
tered, with a total of 77 098; Ohangwena region with 40 122; Omusatiwith35804 registered voters; with the Erongo region following The GRV continues across the country and at all Namibian Diplomatic Missions abroad until 1 August, Monday to Saturdayfrom08:00 to 19:00. The Commission is urging all eligible Namibian citizens who have not yet registered to dosoassoonaspossible.
Continued from page 1
Sharlien Tjambari
Sharlien Tjambari
BOOKYOUR STAYWITH US! 20% off the best available rate For bookings: 061 296 2990 Valid till 31 July 2024 T&C’s apply
Namibia Greenlights Space Port Project
Namibiaissettomakesignificantstridesinspacetechnology with the approval of the Namibia Space Port project, a groundbreakinginitiativespearheadedbyQ-KONNamibia andgreen-litbyEosCapital.
This project, part of the Namibia Infrastructure Development and Investment Fund (NIDIF), marks amonumentalstepfor Namibia's satellite communications.
Minister of Information and Communications Technology, Honourable Emma Theofelus, hailed the project as a "monumental stride towards harnessing the vast potential of space technology for the growth of Namibia and Africa's communication capabilities."
She emphasised that the Space Port aligns withNamibia'sNationalSpaceScienceand Technology Policy, launched in June 2021. Frederico Van Wyk, Chief Investment Officer of Eos Capital, said, “this landmark initiative
aligns with Eos Capital'smissiontofacilitate strategic investments thatpropelNamibiainto thefutureandearnpositive returns to investors.” Q-KON Namibia,
a CRAN licensed satellite service provider, will lead the development, positioning itselfasamajorplayerin the rapidly expanding Low Earth Orbit (LEO) industry Dr Dawie de Wet, Group CEO of QKON, said, “we are honoured to lead this transformative initiative thatwillnotonlyelevate Namibia's technological prowess but also play a roleinthegrowthofthe LEO industry in subSaharan Africa ” The NamibiaSpacePortwill serveasacrucialhubfor satellite communication networks.Itwillprovide ground infrastructure andadvancedservicesto global satellite opera-
tors. Key services will include:
Ground Gateway
Terminal Hosting: Offering infrastructure for hosting LEO constellation Ground Gateway Terminals, including antenna farms, civil works, fibre connectivity, power, facilities monitoring, and first-line support services.
Earth Observation
Downlink Services: Enabling satellites to download vital data and images,advancingearth observation capabilities and providing highresolution images for educational purposes, allowing students to study changes in land use, deforestation, and climatechangeeffects.
Tracking, Telemetry, and Control (TT&C): Becoming a part of the African network of TT&C stations, the
Space Port will support effective global satellite operations, enhancing communication networks worldwide. The project promises to deliver always-on connectivity through LEO technology and will offer reduced latency and high data transfer
rates,whichcouldhelp bridge the digital divideinAfrica.NIDIF,a N$ 540 million infrastructure fund, aims to develop economic and social infrastructure assetsinNamibia.
Eileen van der Schyff
Telecom Namibia Enhances Network with Huawei Partnership
Telecom Namibia has announced a transformative five-year partnership with Huawei Technologies Namibia to enhance the tn mobile network. This collaboration aims to revolutionise network capabilities and coverage across Namibia.
The partnership involves substantial investments in modernising and expanding the tn mobilenetwork,including rolling out new
and upgrading existing mobile base stations nationwide Huawei will provide advanced mobile radio access equipment to support
4G, 4.5G, and 5G technologies, bringing faster, more reliable mobile broadband services to Telecom Namibia's customers,
particularly in underserved areas. Telecom Namibia's CEO, Dr Stanley Shanapinda said, "as a committed
provider of reliable and high-speed mobile servicesnationwide,we are excited to join forces with Huawei to bring transformative solutions to our customers This collaboration underscores our dedication to delivering unparalleled mobile connectivity and bridging the digital divide in communities across our country." The integration of Huawei's stateof-the-art equipment will enhance Telecom Namibia's network,
enabling faster data speeds and improved reliability. The expansion will also ensure seamless connectivity in both urban and rural areas Telecom Namibia aims to accelerate its network footprint and deliver enhanced services by leveraging Huawei's expertise and innovation. Michael Zhang, Managing Director of Huawei Namibia said, "atHuawei,wearefully committed to supporting Telecom Namibia inachievingitsgoalsby
providing cuttingedge technology, innovative solutions, and unparalleled support. This partnership not only underscores our strong relationship with Telecom Namibia but also demonstrates our dedication to advancing the telecommunications infrastructure in Namibia " The formal cooperation agreement was signed byMichaelZhangand TelecomNamibia.
Joey Dwayne Tourob Makes First Court Appearance After Fatal Mondesa Stabbing Incident
According to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, Unit Commander of Community Policing in the Erongo region, Katjatako was stabbedwhilehewason his way home after escorting his girlfriend to DRC. It is further alleged that Katjatako was with his friend when the incident occurred. Chief Inspector Shapumba stated that at the time Katjatakoandhisfriendwere walking home, they wereconfrontedbytwo men (one of them suspected to be Tourob) who stopped and demandedtospeaktoKatjatako. Katjatako allegedly declined. During the confrontation, Tourob reportedly yelled and approached Katja-
tako, leading to a fight between the two of them. It is further alleged that Tourob's companion tried to intervene. Chief Inspector Shapumba said during the altercation, the suspect who is now identified as Tourob allegedly drew a sharp object and struck the victimonceintheupper chest near the neck, causing a deep wound. Tourob and his friend fled the scene while Katjatako stumbled 50 meters towards his residence before collapsing. He was declared dead at the scene of the incident The murder weaponwasnotfoundat the scene. The next of kin were informed Tourob was arrested on Sunday afternoon after
being handed over to the police in Swakopmundbyhismother He appearedbeforeMagisrate Conchita Olivier and Regional Public Prosecutor, Tresia Hafeni.Hafeniopposed granting bail to the accused due to the seriousness of the offense and stated that investigationswerestill at an early stage, and granting bail would not be in the interest of publicadministrationof justice. Tourob will be applying for legal aid, and his case was postponed to 7 August for further investigation. He will be remandedincustodyuntil his next court appearance. Investigations are ongoing.
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Eileen van der Schyff
Joey Dwayne Tourob (23) made his first court appearance in the Swakopmund Magistrate's Court on Tuesday this week on a charge of murder after allegedly fatally stabbing Fimaneka Muningandu Katjatako(29)ontheeveningof16JuneinWaterbergStreetnearMondesa Clinic.
Sharlien Tjambari
Walvis Bay Businessman Barely Escapes Poachers Attack
Well-known Walvis Bay businessman Steven Louw barely escaped with his life last week Thursday when he set off in hot pursuit of a suspected Walvis Bay poaching ring whose fresh vehicle tracks were found on the family farm near Solitaire.
Thepoachers,believedtobefourmenwithakey suspect in the Walvis Bay poaching ring, a one Fanie Uirab, allegedly believed to be the driver andamongthisgroupthatgotaway Thepoachers wereforcedtostopatasectionoftheC14under construction. Louw, blinded with dust couldn't stop in time, and crashed into the back of the poacher'svehicle.Thecrashcausedhisvehicleto
endupinaditch,wherehewasattackedwhilesitting inside his vehicle by three of the poachers armed with stones and hitting Louw with the stones on the head. Louw's life was saved by the arrival of a tourist bus packed with tourists who witnessedthethreemenpeltingstonesatLouw as he tried to escape his vehicle. The poachers fled the scene when tourist allegedly snapped photos of the scene that unfolded in front of them. One suchphotocaptureda poacherinpossessionofa gun.
Accordingtoa reportfromthepolicetwoofthe suspectswerelaterflushedoutofthesurrounding hills and arrested for attempted murder, trespassing, illegal hunting and transporting game meatwithoutapermit,breachingthelawofnature conservation. Furthermore, a hunting rifle was foundatthescene.
AccordingtoLouw,theincidentstartedtounfold whenhesawanunknownpick-updrivingaround onthefamilyfarmnearSolitaire.Aftersometime inpursuitofthisvehicle,Louwcaughtupandwas close enough to catch a glimpse of the suspects loading an Oryx onto the back of their pick-up. Louw said, “I only saw the one carcass, but they loaded three into the vehicle, already with their heads cut off and intestines taken out. I realised
they were poachers and immediately started calling for help. They pulled away and drove through the farm, over the wires they knocked down. I followed,overthewire,anddownthe dirtroadalongtheKuisebcanyon. I kept asking for help on my phone because it was never my intention to catchthemalone.”Nottoo longafter thecallsforhelp,peoplewerewaiting the suspects in on the C26. “It was easy to follow them through the Kuisebcanyonasyoucan'tdrivefast there, and they left a trail of dust,” Louw said and went on to say, “they started throwing the carcasses of the pick-uptotrytoforcemeofftheroad. I stayed behind them and when we came out of the canyon there were roadworks ahead, but I didn't realise theyhadtostopbecausethedustblindedme.”ThisiswhenLouwcrashed intothebackofthesuspects'vehicle.
The men then stormed Louw's vehicle."Themenwereontopofmeand hitmeovertheheadwithstones.Iwas almost unconscious, but I fought them, even though they beat me so
hard.Igotastoneinmyhandsandjust decidedIhadtofight,thenthebusgot there. The arrival of the bus at that moment saved my life," he said and went on to explain, "We have to portray how the legal system lets us down. You don't realise how dangerousthesepeopleare.Itwasfrantic.I almost lost my life. These poachers are now threatening our lives," he says. AccordingtoLouw,itisalleged that the well-known poacher, Fanie Uirabwasoneofthefourmeninvolvedintheincident, believedtobethe driver and one of the men that got away Uirab has recently landed behindbarsforpoachingandwasgrantedbailbytheRehobothcourt.
“Questions should be asked why he was granted bail,” Louw said and wentontosayit isallegedUirabwas arrested recently outside Windhoek along with poaching kingpin, Brockerhof and was being held without bail, pending their next appearance. “Ifthisistrue,thenthereisamassive problem in our lower courts justice system that will need urgent investigation.”
Photos: contributed
Rudi Bowe
Telecom Namibia Acknowledges Recent Technical Issues and Announces Continued Network Improvements
TelecomNamibiaacknowledgesthatsomecustomersrecentlyexperiencedtechnicaldifficultieswithbothourbroadband and mobile services (TN mobile). We understand the frustration this can cause and apologise for any inconvenience.
The technical issues have been resolved; however, some sporadic disruptions may still occur We encourage customers who experienceanyissuestocontact our Customer Care Center on 11000 for assistance Telecom Namibia remains committed to providing reliableandhigh-quality mobile services across thecountry Weareactively engaged in several initiatives to improve our network and bridge thedigitaldivide:
We are upgrading mobile network sites from 2G and 3G to 4G and 4 5G technology, offering significantly faster internet speeds and enhanced connectivity Fiber Optic Expansion: Leveraging our extensive national fiber network exceeding 13 000 kilometers, we are rolling out fiber-optic connections to communities, further reducing thedigitaldivide.
Addressing Rural Connectivity Challenges:
We recognise the challenges of connecting remoteareas.Highcosts of replacing outdated technologies and maintaining infrastructure hinder service delivery
We are actively seeking solutions, such as replacing WiMAX with wider-reaching LTE technology Strategic Investments: Our five-year Integrated Strategic Business Plan includes significant investments. We aim to achieve80%4Gand5G coverage in key regions within three years and buildover500newbase stations nationwide by 2027.
Collaborative Partnerships: We are exploring partnerships with government agencies and research institutions to leverage combined resources for efficient and cost-effective infrastructure development, particularly in underservedcommunities. As a recent example of this commitment, Telecom Namibia partnered with Sparkle to deliver enhanced connectivity for Namibia's digital transformation Read more here. We are also working on a 5-year partnershipwithHuawei to further improve the TN mobile network Readmorehere.
Telecom Namibia is
committed to ensuring that all Namibians have access to the transformationalpowerofthe
internet Through network modernisation, strategic partnerships, and exploration of innovative technologies, we are working towards a more inclusive and connected future for Nami-
bia.Additionally, we are pleased to announce the recent activation of 3G/ 4G services at numerous sites across the country, bringing enhanced mobile connectivity to residentsinthoseareas.
Walvis Electric (Pty) Ltd Branches
Will be closed due to stock take as from 27.06.2024 @ 13:00 until 29.06.2024
We will be open for business again on Monday 1 July 2024
Stock Take Notice
Walvis Bay Student Selected for Prestigious Exchange Program in Germany
Heidi-AnnMöllerfromWalvisBayhasbeenselectedforthe prestigious Youth for Understanding (YFU) high school exchangeprograminGermany. Atjust14yearsold,HeidiAnnissettobecomenotonlythefirststudentfromNamibia, but also the youngest to participate in this program, startinginmid-August2024.
YFUGermany anonprofit organisation facilitating high school exchange programs between South Africa, and partner countries worldwide, whichhasextendedits programstoNamibian participants in 2023, has confirmed HeidiAnn's acceptance for the three-month program. Although there are still some hurdles to overcome, such as settling the program fee,theinitialandbiggestquestionmarkhas beenresolved.Despite being younger than the usual minimum age of 15 for the program,Heidi-Ann'sexceptional academic performance and maturity have played a crucial role in her acceptance.Sherecently achieved a stunning 97%rankontheCPM Language Free, visual IQ Test, demonstrating superior logical thinking and analysisskills.
Furthermore, a test conducted by a local psychologist on 11 August 2021, confirmed that although Heidi-Ann has dyslexia, she has the potential to be an Astudent with proper assistance. InOctober 2023, a psychologist's assessment revealed that Heidi-Ann ranks amongthetop21%of students in Namibia. These evaluations have been instrumental in motivating YFUGermanytoconsider her application despite her age. The exchange program offersauniqueopportunity for cultural immersion, academic growth, and personal development Heidi-
Ann will study at a German high school, experiencingthelanguage,culture,andeducational system firsthand. The total program fee is N$125 000, but YFU Germany has generously offered a partial scholarshipvaluedatN$40 000 This reduces the remaining amount to N$85 000 on the final scholarshipvalue.The Möller family has already covered the first non-refundable instalment of N$20 000, securing HeidiAnn's place in the program. The remainingfeemustbesettled in monthly instalments before the programstarts. However, to make this dream a reality, Heidi-Ann is
seeking financial support to cover essential expenses, including pocketmoneyforpersonalexpensessuchas clothing, local transport,schoolmaterials, and cultural activities. The total remaining amount to be paid is N$65000,withinstalments of N$16 250 due on 20 June and thereafter the 20th of eachmonthleadingup tomid-August2024. “EverygrainofsandI received; builds the dune I wish to climb. Thank you for your guidance.”Heidi-Ann For more information or to offer support, please contact Heidi's mom, Carol-Ann Möller at 081 209 8169 or via email at
Eileen van der Schyff
CONSENT: Self Catering AccommodationHarbours View ON ERF NO: 183 TOWNSHIP/AREA:DolphinBeachSTREET
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringAccommodation Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan5July2024 NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:KR PropertiesInvestmenttenCC, POBox26546,Windhoek,cell:0818774468 Email:,
Tickets Available for Trio Feminale's Second 20th Anniversary Concert “Our Legacy"
Music enthusiasts in Swakopmund can now secure their tickets for Trio Feminale's highly anticipated second 20th Anniversaryconcert,titled"OurLegacy”.
The tickets are available at Rogl Souvenir
The concert promises to be a memorable evening celebrating not only the trio's rich history but also their commitment to nurturing young musical talent. Integrating promising young musicians, the event will feature performances by two en-
sembles, Strings AttachedandYoungStrings, under the direction of Trio Feminale's violinist, Christa Lambrechts.Unliketheheavy classical concert held in May, "Our Legacy"willofferamixof dynamic and meditative compositions, aiming for a lighter, more relaxed atmosphere.
Trio Feminale invites all their loyal fans to join them for this special night. Seniors requiring transportation assistance can contact 081 253 8850 forarrangements. Don't miss out on this unique celebration of music and mentorship. Get your tickets now and be a part of Trio Feminale's enduringlegacy
Email all your news to or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068 Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to:
Eileen van der Schyff
Invitation for Development Proposal for theAllocation and Development of Erf 6928, Extension 25, Swakopmund from Non-Profit Entities
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63 (2) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund invites development proposals from established non-profit entities for Erf 6928, Ext 25, Swakopmund measuring 2 479m² at N$ 136 345 00.
Proposals from religious institutions will be considered.
In order to be considered the following requirements must be complied with:
∙ The applicants must provide the registration document of the institution or a conveyancer's certificate indicating that the institution is properly constituted, i.e. duly certified copy of the constitution in English.
∙ If a constitution is submitted, it must clearly indicate the assignees who are empowered to sign documentation on the institution's behalf; and
∙ The name of the entity in which ownership of the property shall vest in an acceptable form for Deeds Registry purposes.
∙ Provide proof of financial ability to purchase the erf and to develop the erf immediately after transfer Proposals from commercial entities will not be accepted.
A reverting clause will be registered against the title of the property to ensure the development of the property within 5 years from date of sale.
The proposal document and site plans can be obtained from Ms A Uushona at the Swakopmund Municipal Building, Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund.
The duly completed proposal documents in an envelope together with the required documents, clearly marked with the name of the proposer and stating “Development Proposal for Erf 6928, Extension 25, Swakopmund” must be placed in the blue wooden box, marked “Development Proposals for Institutional Erf” on the Ground Floor next to the Enquiry Desk, at the Municipal Office Building on / before Friday, 12 July 2024 at 12:00 Only proposals attached to the municipal form will be accepted. Enquiries: MrsAUushona,, 064-4104216
The Council for the Municipality of Swakopmund is not obliged to accept any proposal and reserves the right to withdraw this invitation.
NOTICE NO: 49/2024
An opportunity exists for interested and qualified candidates to apply for the mentioned position at
∙Assist with formulation of functional strategic plan, business plan, operating plan and managing Bakery performance.
∙ Maximize production potential & operational efficiency of bakery through implementation of cost-effective production processes.
∙ Prepare regular functional performance-monitoring reports for the bakery
∙ Managing performance of direct subordinates and ensuring performance management systems are systematically deployed.
∙ Contributing to continuous performance improvement and change management initiatives.
∙ Facilitating technical skills/capacity development of personnel.
∙ In collaboration with Sales/Marketing/R&D assist with effective development of new products target market based on optimal capacity solutions.
∙ Monitor and report on availability of input materials (incl. packaging) through cost effective management of raw materials inventories and liaison with suppliers.
∙ Overseeing/manage inventory by ordering and rotating ingredients such as flour, sugar, fat and premix.
∙ Ensure bakery staff comply with customer service and Food Safety policies.
Namib Mills is an equal opportunity employer
Previously Disadvantaged Namibians (PDN) and women are encouraged to apply The Company offers in return; a competitive salary and a range of employee benefits which are market related. CVs with relevant supporting documents can be forwarded to (not larger than 2MB).
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Subject line for applications should be: NMOPSBB170624 – Bakery Manager
Namib Mills (Pty) Ltd in Windhoek.
Walvis Bay
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the followingconsentuses,erectionofbuildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhich are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Town Planning Services.
Ushivi Safaris CC herewith intents to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent to operate a resident Occupation:Administration officeonthepremisesofErf47,No.36SandpiperStreet,Volgelstrand. Anypersonhavinganyobjectionagainstsuchapplicationshouldlodgesuch objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis: 26July2024
ContactPersons: AlettevanGreunen,Cell:0817398049, or MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Plannersintendstoapply,onbehalfoftheregisteredowner,to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay for approval for the followingapplications:
Rezoning Erf 61 and Erf 63 Walvis Bay from Single Residential: 1/500m² to General Residential 2: 1/150m², andconsentuseforaHotel.
RezoningofErf62WalvisBayfromGeneralResidential 1:1/150m²toGeneralResidential2:1/150m²,andconsent useforaHotel.
Simultaneous consolidation of Erf 61, Erf 62, Erf 63 WalvisBayintoconsolidatederfX.
All erven are developed with detached dwelling houses and theusualresidentialoutbuildings.
Due to the growing demand for business and tourist accommodationinWalvisBay,allervenhavebeenpurchasedbythe applicantforthedevelopmentofahotelofupto24bedrooms and supporting service areas such as reception, an in-house dining room and ancillary kitchen area, an in-house bar, limitedconference/meetingrooms, a gym and sufficientonsiteparking.
Thesedevelopmentproposalsrequiretorezoneerf61,erf62 anderf63WalvisBaytoGeneralResidential2,toapplyfor consent for a hotel in the proposed zoning and consent to proceed with construction while the rezoning is in progress.
Simultaneously it is necessary to consolidate erf 61, erf 62 and erf 63 Walvis Bay into a single, consolidated erf. The consolidatederfwillhaveanareaof3,400m².
Thedeletionandalterationofthetitledeedconditionsisalso partofthisapplication.
Theabovementionedapplicationissubmittedintermsofthe Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) andtheWalvisBayZoningScheme.
a) the application lies open for inspection at theTown Planning Section of the Walvis Bay Municipality, Civic Centre, NangoloMbumbaDrive.
The application is also available to download from
b) any person having comments, representations or objectionstotheapplication,mayinwritinglodgesuchcomments, representations or objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of theWalvis Bay MunicipalityandwithStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14) daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice.
c) Written comments, representations or objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Friday 5 July 2024 to the addressesprovided
Date Time Venue 01 July 2024 14h00 to 18h00 Henties Bay Community Hall
Tubostrans Oil and Gas Services (Pty) Limited based in Walvis Bay- Erongo Region, needs to have an environmental clearance certificate to secure; permits and licenses to have and store hazardous chemicals (used in petroleum exploration) classified as such under the Environmental Management Act No 7 of 2007 at Erf 2916 Walvis Bay IndustrialArea.
CENTRE FOR GEOSCIENCES RESEARCH cc has been appointed to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) n accordance with the Namibian Environmental Management Act (2007) and it Regulations (2012)
Public meeting venue: Pelican Bay, Protea Hotel
Time: 10:00-12:30 pm
Location: Walvis Bay
Date: 28 June 2024
The study is being undertaken in line with the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism, Walvis Bay Town Council by laws by extension of the local authorities. Additional Acts of parliament regulate the possession, use and storage of Hazardous Chemicals such as the Public Health Act Number 36 of 1919, Soil Conservation Act Number 76 of 1969. Interested and affected parties are encouraged to register via email in order to receive the Background Information Document (BID) to the email below within a period of seven days from the date of advert to the email below and information on a possible arrangement for a Public meeting in Walvis Bay All comments and concerns should be submitted to CENTRE FOR GEOSCIENCES RESEARCH.
Please contact: Mr Mulife Siyambango CENTRE FOR GEOSCIENCES RESEARCH cc P.O. Box 31423 Pioneerspark,Windhoek. Namibia. 128ABach Street Tel: Cell: 0856419511 (WhatsApp). Email:
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an applicationintermsofthe Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Sophia Kakoherue Tjiurutue
P O Box 10676, Khomasdal
2. Name of business or proposed business to whichapplicationrelates: R and K Stop and Shop Investmentcc
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: OmatjeteErf391,Main Street
4. Nature and details of application: Groceries LiquorLicence.
5.ClerkoftheCourtwith whomapplicationwillbe lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Swakopmund
6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 14 June2024
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which applicationwillbeheard: 14August2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relationtotheapplication must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21 daysbeforethedateofthe meetingoftheCommittee at which the application willbeheard.
below LocalAuthority ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay Applicant StewartPlanning TownandRegionalPlanners POBox2095,WalvisBay
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Thank You
Thank you for the prayers, scriptures, support, condolence messages and flowers during this difficult time - your thoughtfulness has been a comforting blessing to each of us and please know that it is deeply appreciated.
D'Maria a Namibian Woman Referee Making Waves
Rudi Bowe
Namibian woman referee, Twanyanyukwa “D'Maria” Antsino recently returned from an internationalyouthfootballtournament,theMauriceRevelloTournamentthatran
D'Maria was part of twenty-seven female referees and one of two African Women Referees that were selected worldwide by FIFA to officiate the 50th edition of the Maurice Revello Tournament, an under23 men's football event inFrance.
D'Maria was make waves in the maledominated field at the MauriceRevelloTournament which paved the way for women to officiate at the matches and show-case their talent, was selected to officiate at the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2027.
This collaboration continues to grow, and the 2024 Edition of the Maurice Revello Tournament is hosting 27 women referees from CAF,AFC,CONACAF, CONMEBOL and UEFA.
D'Maria started the refereeing career in 2018 when she started to train as a referee and in 2019, she attended the FIFAworkshop and fitness test. In the same yearshewasnominated to be an international referee (FIFA Panel) and got her first appointment in Zimbabwe for women world cupqualifiersu17.
In 2020 she was appointedtotakepartat women U20 COSAFA Tournament in South Africa and in 2021 she wasappointedagainfor COSAFA Senior woman tournament where she handled more games including the finalwhenshewasa4th official.
In 2022 Di Maria was selected to COSAFA Senior women tournament,onthisyearshe was lucky to be the one to blow the final of COSAFA. On the same year after the good performance at the tournament she was invited to CECAFA
Twanyanyukwa “D'Maria”Antsino
Women Senior tournament in Tanzania
From Tanzania she was again appointed for African champion league games in Morocco. Last month nominated as a best woman Referee on our zone
C O S A FA N FA President,RobertShimooshilisaidthatitmarks a significant acknowledgment and appreciation for the great achievement by D'Maria on behalf of the Namibian referee. “We can all be given this opportunity at the same time. “We are looking forwards to seeing another referee accorded this kind of opportunity
Shimooshili said “One can only achieve this through hard work, dedication, commitment and discipline Thank you very much Twanyanyukwayouput Namibia’s name on the map and as a results Namibian football family are proud of you.”
D'Mariasaid“It'salearning curve for everyone, the atmosphere is differenttowhatweare used to back home, the matchesareintense,and thepaceishigh.Weare having classes in-
between matches, and this is helping us understandourrolesand responsibilities better.”
She further added that this initiative is step by FIFAtopreparereferees for the next FIFA Women'sWorldCup.
She stated that officiatingattheWorldCup isallrefereesdreamand that she is just a step away from that and she
doesn’t take that for granted.
“I appreciate the opportunity given to me by FIFA/CAF and the NFA”.
“There are so many talented referees here, I intend to learn as much as I can and put intheworkandIhope that I make the list,” D'Mariaadded.
Twanyanyukwa“D'Maria”AntsinowithNFA President,RobertShimooshili
Youngsters dominate National Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships
Slow and hours-long chess games took a back seat this past weekend when the Namibia Chess Federation (NCF) held the fast-paced and action-field Bank Windhoek 2024 National Rapid (15 minutes chess) and Bank Windhoek 2024 National Blitz (5 minutes chess) Championships at the Jan Mohr Secondary SchoolinWindhoek.
A total of 50 men and boys competed in the Open section of the Rapid and Blitz events, while 11 women and girls battled it out in the women's section on Saturday, 15 June and Sunday, 16 June 2024. The youngest players of the 61 participants were seven-year-old Jaden Katokele in the open section and eight-yearold Ndapewa Nakakuwa andAnnaMoongo.NCF Chief Arbiter McLean Handjaba said that although the matches were competitive, the young players did not allow older ones to d o m i n a t e t h e championships. “Chess b a t t l e s b e c a m e interesting from round five on Saturday when 16-year-old Pomwene Haipinge defeated the reigning champion, 24year-old Heskiel Ndahangwapo, in a tactical masterpiece that challenged him.” In the Blitz event on Sunday,
12-year-old Kaino Moongo defeated the University of Namibia's Women's Champion, Helvi Shuudifonya, in round five of the women'ssectionwhenin the fifth round in what looked like a game between peers. As the matches unfolded, both
veteran candidate masters and senior participants completed theirgameswiththebest finish of fifth place on Saturday and Sunday in the open section, which placed them below their much younger and less experiencedopponents. Ndahangwapo and Khoa score the big three National Master Heskiel Ndahangwapo, who was first crowned as Namibian National Champion in 2023, and Women's National Master Lutopu Khoa, whowasfirstcrownedas Women's National Blitz Championin2023,were registered as the highest rapid players at this year's Bank Windhoek 2024 National Rapid Championship.
Following their successful first-place finishes, Ndahangwapo andKhoawere
recognisedasthewomen's and men's national championsattheNational Championship in March 2024. Ndahangwapo and Khoa are now National Chess Champions in Classical,RapidandBlitz Chess. Handjaba said the twochampionsshowedup ready and more prepared than their counterparts in all three tournaments this year “Ndahangwapo and Khoa are now officially the best chess players in three different time controls of chess in Namibia for 2024 – a fit thatisfirstofitskind,”he said.
Grootfontein embraces chesschampionship
In a separate event, the Bank Windhoek 2024 Grootfontein Open Chess Championships, held on the first of June 2024, marked a significant milestone in the Bank Windhoek Grand Prix ChessSeries.
This prestigious event is part of an initiative featuring18legsacross18 towns in Namibia, which fosterschessdevelopment and promotes the sport throughout the country Wilhelm Nortier Primary
School hosted the GrootfonteinOpen,which brought much-needed attention to chess in Grootfontein The championship led to new chess clubs and increased local interest NCF
President Goodwill Khoa said this grassroots development is essential for the continued growth of chess in Namibia Lutopu Khoa won the
Open Section, and Cataleya Lamo won the women's section. Jimson Pohamba won the junior section, while Festus Erick won the cadet section. Gideon Neingo wasawardedthebestlocal player
The overall results are as theyappearbelow:
RapidChess Championship-OPEN SECTION
1stPlace–NM NdahangwapoHeskiel Points:7.5/9
3rdPlace–Uapingene JossyPoints:7/9
Nghipandulwa Silas Points:7/9
Best Junior (Boy U20) –Husselmann William Points:6.5/9
Best Cadet (Boy U20) –
Katokele Zandell Otto Points:4/9
Bank Windhoek 2024
Rapid Chess Championship - WOMEN SECTION
1st Place – WNM Khoa
2nd Place – Tjatindi
3rd Place – Elias Juliet Points:6/9
4th Place – Shuudifonya
5th Place – Amira
Best Junior (Girl U20) –MoongoAnnaPoints:5/9
Best Cadet (Girl U12) –Moongo Kaino Points: 4/9
BLITZ (Sunday, 16 June
BlitzChess Championship-OPEN
NdahangwapoHeskiel Points:9/11
3rdPlace–BooisIvan Points:7.5/11
NakapundaOttoPoints: 7/11
BestJunior(BoyU20)–HusselmannWilliam Points:6.5/9
KatokeleZandellOtto Points:4/9
BlitzChess ChampionshipWOMENSECTION
4thPlace–EliasJuliet Points:4/7
BestJunior(GirlU20)–MoongoKainoPoints: 4/7
BestCadet(GirlU12)–NakakuwaNdapewa Points:1/7
(From left to right) The U19 Capricorn Eagles team, along with Johan Muller, CEO: Cricket Namibia, Mbumba Erastus Haitengela, ED: Ministry of Sport, the Captain of the U19 Capricorn Eagles, Marlize Horn, Executive: Capricorn Group Brand & Corporate Affairs, Francois van der Merwe, Head Coach: Capricorn Eagles.
(From left to right) Johan Muller, CEO: Cricket Namibia, Mbumba Erastus Haitengela, ED: Ministry of Sport, Estelle van der Merwe Captain U19 Capricorn Eagles, Marlize Horn, Executive: Capricorn Group Brand & Corporate Affairs, Francois van der Merwe, Head Coach: Capricorn Eagles.
Capricorn Eagles expand to include the Under-19 women's team
Capricorn Group and its subsidiaries Capricorn Asset Management and Capricorn Private WealthproudlyannouncedtheexpansionofitssponsorshipagreementwithCricketNamibiato include the Under-19 Women's Cricket Team, further strengthening its commitment to developingwomen'scricketinNamibia.
This announcement was made at the opening ceremonyoftheUnder19 Capricorn Eagles series against Zimbabwe in Windhoek on 17 June. This sponsorship is in addition to Capricorn Group'ssponsorshipofthe Namibian National Women's Cricket Team, known as the Capricorn Eagles. Capricorn Group became the primary sponsor of Women's Cricket in 2021. With the recent inclusion of the Under-19 team this sponsorship, to date, exceeds N$1,4 million in s u p p o r t o f t h e development of Women's Cricket This demonstrates the Group's dedication to nurturing young talent and promoting sportswomen at all levels. Capricorn Group's financial support enables Cricket Namibia to host festivals, training
camps, and competitions, creating a supportive environmentforthesport's growth. Additionally, the Group contributes new equipment and essential resources for developing women's cricket. At the sponsorship announcement, Marlize Horn, Group Executive: Brand & Corporate Affairs, expressed her enthusiasm, stating,"Itisanhonourfor us at Capricorn Group to support the expansion of women's cricket in Namibia by investing in the Under-19 team. Our continued support of women's cricket in Namibia demonstrates Capricorn Group's commitment to making a positive impact on our communities We take pride in our Capricorn Eagles and are excited to be part of the journey to developyoungerplayers.”
The Group acknowledges t h e o u t s t a n d i n g achievements of the Capricorn Eagles, who have reached significant milestones, including a globalrankingof23rdand a top 3 position inAfrica. Theteam'sparticipationin international tournaments highlights their ongoing success and potential Cricket Namibia CEO Johan Muller expressed gratitude to Capricorn Group for further showcasing their commitment to women's cricket and, by virtue, women's sport. “Cricket Namibia is extremely grateful for yet another area of support from Capricorn They are official partners to our women's side and have beenthereasonforustobe able to drive and focus on the women's game, and they further that support with the Under 19 women's team This
woman's team will be known as the U19 Capricorn Eagles. They will play in the upcoming Qualifier and hopefully qualify for that 19 World Cupnextyear Wewantto expressoursincerethanks tothemasagroupandfor their continuous support towards cricket and specifically women's cricket in this country,” Cricket Namibia's leadershipisbeingpraisedforits professionalism and clear vision in developing cricket across the country for both girls and boys, men and women Capricorn Group looks forward to seeing continued growth in female participation and creating more opportunities in a safe and supportiveenvironment.
Successful Conclusion of FIVB Coaches' Course Level II
Rudi Bowe
TheNamibiaVolleyballFederation(NVF)isdelightedtoannouncethesuccessfulconclusionof theFIVBCoaches'CourseLevelII,whichwasheldfrom10to14JuneatDTSSportsClubin Windhoek.
The cours
, led by esteemed FIVB Instructor
Viateur Sibomana from Rwanda, saw a total of 34 dedicated coaches participating, with 21 of them successfully passing and being officially certified as Level II coaches.
The course attracted participants not only from Namibia but also from neighboringcountriessuch asBotswana,SouthAfrica, Rwanda, Angola, and Zimbabwe. This diverse group of coaches benefited immensely from the advancedtrainingand
knowledge shared by Sibomana, enhancing their skills and competencies to further develop volleyball in their respective regions. NVFPresidentHillaryDux Imbuwa,expressedhissatisfaction with the outcomes of the course, stating, "We are extremely proud of the commitmentandhardwork demonstrated by all the participants The certification of 21 new Level II coaches is a significant achievement for the NVF and a testament to our ongoing efforts to elevate thestandardofcoachingin
Namibia and across the region.Webelievethatthese newlycertifiedcoacheswill play a crucial role in the growth and success of volleyball, inspiring the nextgenerationofathletes."
The NVF extends its heartfeltcongratulationstoallthe coacheswhosuccessfully
completed the course and expresses gratitude to ViateurSibomanaforhisinvaluable contribution. The federation remains committed to supporting the continuous professional developmentofcoachesand looks forward to hosting more such enriching events inthefuture.
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
namib times Sport
Mr Machini (Deon Hotto's Agent), Kavendjii (Deon Hotto's Dad), Claus Goldbeck (Swakopmund Councillor), Emma Kantema-Goamas (Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service), Ricardo Manetti (Former Coach: Brave Warriors), Deon Hotto (Founder of the Foundation), Collen Benjamin (Current Coach: Brave Warriors) and Carl Pesat - (Chairperson - Deon Hotto Foundation) Contributed
Rudi Bowe
BraveWarriorsandOrlandoPirates(SouthAfrica)midfielder,DeonHottoreachedanothermilestoneasherecentlylaunchedtheDeonHotto FoundationinWindhoek.
Brave Warriors and Orlando Pirates (South Africa) midfielder Deon Hotto Contributed
The Deon Hotto Foundation, established in 2018, makes donations, give support to sports teams,oldagehomesand houses of safety The Deon Hotto charity cup officially launched the foundation in 2024, with the mission to support underprivileged children and communities through sports development. The journey of the foundation is about Hotto's football
story stretching as far backashisSwakopmund FootballClubdays,Blue Boys FC, African Stars FC into the various South African Premierships teams that he playedatOrlandoPirates FC He represented Namibia, from U17, winning the COSAFA cup in 2015, epic AFCON run earlier this year and now he is attempting to qualify for
the 2026 FIFA World Cup. The mandate of the Foundation is to complement and assist with the provision of sportinfrastructureandto uplift young disadvantaged persons and communities.Hotto,who was born and raised in Swakopmund, intends to use the funds pledged at the launch for the development of the DH Sports Facilities (each accommodating two 5-a sidefootballcourtsanda netball court) in Swakopmund, Omaruru and Okahandja. According to the 10-year outline of the envisioned projects,theconstruction of the first DH Sports Facility will commence in 2024 and could be completed in 2025. The Foundation intends to become the preferred sports agency for mentoring and managing young talent The founderofthefoundation himself, Deon Hotto and family stepped up and committed 'N$2 million towards the procuring of land which has been alreadyearmarkedbythe
Swakopmund Municipality Council. Pledges valuedatN$1millionwas made by companies and Individuals bought seats to attend the launch and with Hotto's contribution brought the total amount toN$3millionattheend of the night. The Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service, EmmaKantema-Gaomas saidthatthelaunchofthe Deon Hotto Foundation demonstrates that his contribution to the countrydoesnotstartandstop on the field of play “It starts with the communityyouarefrom,and this for me is really an example worth emulating ” KantemaGaomas said, “it's such an honour and privilege to witness another milestone and what you are going to do for a child from Mondesa is way more,andIcanonlywish youthebest.Firstly,your attitude determines your altitudeandwhatyoudo. Secondly, it's determination – we heard you give 200% on the field, whichweallcanattestto, and thirdly, to be a
humbleservantweareall called upon to be. We cannot attach a monetary worthtowhatyouwillbe doing in the lives of children in Mondesa
Thisisanexampleworth emulating and I am encouraging other athletes to follow in the footsteps of the likes of Frank Fredericks and Deon Hotto,” KantemaGaomas said ChairpersonoftheDeonHotto Foundation, Carl Pesat indicated that the next phase requires funding.
“Weaimtotransformthe township economy, unlock the spirit of the youth and build community capacity for events.Weareexcitedfor the next phase. Deon is
convincedthatmanyofthe best Namibian soccer playersarefromthecoast. He also recognises that thereismassiveinequality in the allocation of resources and due to what transpiredinthepast.This moved him to come up withcreatingopportunities for young talented players whodonothavethemeans to reach their full potential,” explained
“We want to replicate this concept in other parts of Namibia. Thefoundationwillthus drive and enable the development of sports facilitiesinNamibiaand providesupporttosoccer andothersportscodesas well as less fortunate communities,” Pesat concluded.
Send your sports news to 16 NAMIBTIMES 21JUNE2024
A r t i s t ' s i m p r e s s i o n o f t h e e n v i s i o n e d D H S p o r t s F a c i l i t y t o b e c o n s t r u c t e d i n S w a k o p m u n d I m a g e D H F