23 June namib times e-edition

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Walvis Bay Municipality Unveils Budget for Financial Year Ending June 2024

Councillor Richard Hoaeb, Chairperson of the Management Committee oftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay,deliveredthehighlyanticipatedbudget speechforthefinancialyearendingJune2024attheCouncilChambers, Civic Centre in Nangolo Mbumba Drive on Thursday, 15 June. The speech highlighted the Municipality's plans and allocation of funds for variousprojectsandservices.

AddressingtheHonourable regional councillors of Walvis Bay Rural and Urban Constituencies, the Mayor of Walvis Bay, fellow councillors, management and staff members, distinguished guests, ratepayers, and members of the media, Councillor Hoaeb emphasised the significance of the budget in

accordance with the provisions of the Local AuthoritiesAct,ActNo. 23 of 1992. The budget presentation, originally scheduled for 19 May 2023, was postponed to 16 June 2023 to allow for consultations with the Erongo Regional Council. The engagement proved fruitful, with no objections raised during the dis-

MSC Washington Lowers Its Anchors at the Port of Walvis Bay on a Maiden Voyage

Measuring an impressive335metersin length, this behemoth of the seas made a grand entrance as it arrived at the port Laden with potential, the vessel aimed to discharge a staggering 1392containerswhile simultaneously loading 397 containers.

With a total of 1 789 moves conducted on board, the MSC Washingtonmadeitsmark onWalvisBay Namport reports,

freshlybuiltin2022,the MSCWashingtonboasted a remarkable gross tonnage of 138, 121 tons. Operating under the flag of Liberia, it embodies the cuttingedge advancements in maritimetechnology Having departed from thePortofPointe-Noire in the Republic of the Congo, the MSC Washington embarked on a remarkable journey to reach Walvis Bay This strategic call not only strengthened the port's

global connectivity but also signified its growingimportancein international trade Following its eventful stayatWalvisBay,the MSC Washington was scheduled to continue its voyage to the enchanting Port Louis in Mauritius.

On Monday, 19 June, thevesselsetsailonce again, leaving behind an indelible impression on the shores ofWalvisBay

cussions. Highlighting the capital budget, Councillor Hoaeb announced that a total of N$609millionwouldbe allocated for capital projects spanning multiple years. For the up-coming financial year, N$312 million is ear-marked for spending, while N$296 million will be utilised

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Transformation Ahead: Dune 7 Receives New Management and Promises Exciting Changes

Rudi Bowe

Dune7,oneofNamibia'spopulartouristattractions,issettoundergoa significant transformation following the awarding of a 25-year concessiontender.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism(MEFT)initiatedthetender process on 16 November 2022, which concluded on 27 January 2023. Out of the 18 companies invitedtotenderforthemanagement oftheDune7recreationalareainthe Dorob National Park, near Walvis Bay, Sandwich Dune Tours and Safari emerged as the successful bidder,receivingtheconcessionon7 Februarythisyear

According to Romeo Muyunda, spokesperson for MEFT, Sandwich DuneToursandSafariisexpectedto assumemanagementofDune7soon. The company plans to employ 45 workers as part of its operations.

Muyunda stated that the ministry invited bids to address the poor condition of the area, which was plagued by littering, vandalised ablution facilities, and damaged waterinfrastructure.Theselectionof SandwichDuneToursandSafariwas based on the strength of their proposal.

To enhance visitors' experiences, SandwichDuneToursandSafarihas exciting plans for Dune 7. They intendtoconstructtenluxurychalets for overnight accommodation, establish a daily restaurant with a swimming pool, and create a latenightbar

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namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7021 FRIDAY 23 JUNE 2023 N$6 inside Page 18-20 Page 5 Sports News Page 8 Page 6
The Port of Walvis Bay welcomed the majestic MSC Washington ContainerShiponitsmaidenvoyageon16June. Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff
All Inclusive Fishing Investments Kraatz and MANWU sign agreement
Training equipment to enhance skills
Photo: Namport

Walvis Bay Municipality Unveils Budget

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beyond June 2025.Thecapital budget breakdown includes land development projects (39%), infrastructure repair and replacement (15%), service delivery projects (16%), social projects (11%),vehiclereplacementandacquisition(18%), and operating capital-related expenditure (1%). The chairperson emphasised the Municipality's commitment to land delivery projects, which are crucialforinvestment,prosperity,andjobcreation. Notable ongoing land development projects includeNarravilleExt8,KuisebmondErfBuss& Industrial land for SMEs, Meersig Ext 3, and MeersigExt2.

Furthermore, Councillor Hoaeb encouraged residents and businesses to take advantage of the interestamnestyprogram,whichwillconcludeon 30 June 2024. Since its inception in 2014, the interest amnesty has already written off N$6.4 millionagainstcapitalbalancesettlementsofN$31 million.

Turningtotheoperatingbudget,estimatedrevenue forthenewfinancialyearstandsatapproximately N$577 million, aligned with projected expenditure.Non-cashincomeandexpenditureare estimated at N$64 million and N$214 million, respectively The budget maintains a balanced income and expenditure, excluding net non-cash items of N$150 million, as per the requirement of thelineMinistry

Regarding tariff adjustments, utility services and related charges account for 69% of the total estimated revenue, primarily derived from water sales services, property rates and taxes, refuse removal services, and sanitation services. Tariffs fortheseservicesremainedunchangedforthepast two consecutive years, considering an average inflationrateof4.56%.However,fortheupcoming financial year, a 5% increase in water, sewerage,

and refuse tariffs and a 3% increase in rates and taxesareproposed.

In conclusion, Councillor Hoaeb expressed gratitude to the municipality's staff for their commitment and timely payment of annual fees. The payments included N$113 million for water purchasesandpipelinechargestoNamwater,N$15 million to Erongo RED for electricity usage, and N$5milliontotheErongoRegionalCouncil.With the budget speech delivered, Councillor Hoaeb handedovertheCapitalBudget,OperatingBudget, andTariffstructurechangesfortheyearendingJune 2024toHisWorshiptheMayorofWalvisBay

Dune 7: Exciting Changes await

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Tutaleni Police Station Inaugurated,


Policing Service Delivery in Walvis Bay

The company aims to hostspecialeventssuch as weddings and corporate functions as well. In addition, they will offer various adventure activities, including paragliding, dune climbing, stargazing, and tours to Walvis Bay.The ministry has granted permission for the tour company to erect and operate a tethered hot air balloon. While entrance to the restaurant will be free of charge, the company will implementdifferentlevies foractivitiesatDune7, which will be communicated once operationsbegin.

Kenneth Kapitako, the owner of Sandwich Dune Tours and Safari,

highlighted that MEFT will be responsible for maintaining Dune 7 untilthedevelopmentis completed. Afterward, the ministry's involvement will cease, and Sandwich Tours and Safari will assume full operation of the site. Kapitako emphasised the need for park fees and urged people to view this positively He explainedthatthefunds generated through park feesarecurrentlyutilised by the ministry to cover security guards' salaries, cleaners' wages, running water, and maintenance of the Dune 7 area. The park feesforentranceareset at N$50 for Namibians, N$100forSADCmembers, and N$150 for

foreigners Kapitako believes that this development not only benefits his tour company but also creates indirect job opportunities for other stakeholders. He called for a broader perspective, encouraging people to view these developments as progress and growth in a positive direction.“Gobacktwo years ago, and see the condition Dune 7 was in. People complained about the run-down condition of the area. Now that something is being done about the issue, and now includes park fees, people are still negative. We as Namibians like to complain, but what do wedotohelptheminis-

Lt.Gen.J.S.Shikongo,Inspector-GeneraloftheNamibianPoliceForce, delivered a speech during the inauguration ceremony of the Tutaleni Police Station in Walvis Bay, Erongo Region, on Wednesday, 21 June . The event marked an important milestone for the people of Erongo Region,specificallytheTutalenicommunity.

In his remarks, Lt. Gen. Shikongo expressed his gratitude to HonourableDrAlbertKawana,Ministerof HomeAffairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, for taking the time to officiate the inauguration. He also acknowledged the presence and support of Honourable Neville Andre Iitope, Governor of Erongo Region, Trevino Forbes, Mayor of Walvis Bay, and other local authorities, community leaders, and religious leaders who welcomed them warmly Lt. Gen. Shikongo emphasisedthesignificanceofconstructing facilities like the Tutaleni Police Station, as they not only improve policing services but also enhance the living and working conditions of police officers. He expressedappreciationonbehalfof the men and women in uniform for the government's efforts in prioritising the budget of the Namibian Police Force, despite economic challenges.

Addressing the officers and members who will utilise the new facilities, Lt. Gen. Shikongo urged

them to demonstrate commitment andresponsibility,takinggoodcare of the premises for future generations The Inspector-General acknowledged the prevalence of heinouscrimesintheErongoregion andassuredthepublicthatthepolice forcewoulddoeverythingpossible, with limited resources, to ensure their safety and security He called for a joint effort between law-abiding citizens and the police, encouraging the establishment of neighbourhood watches, networks against crime, and participation in thePoliceReservistsprogram. Lt. Gen. Shikongo emphasised the importance of maintaining the reputation and integrity of the Namibian Police Force to garner support and cooperation from the public. He urged all police officers to remain disciplined, loyal to the system, and to avoid any form of discrimination based on tribal, ethnic, regional, or racial backgrounds.

try? These developmentsshouldbeseenas progress and evoke positivity,” Kapitako saidandexpressedhope that instead of complaining, individuals would appreciate the efforts being made by the ministry and the tourism sector to improveDune7.

As Sandwich Dune Tours and Safari preparestotakethereinsof Dune 7, visitors can anticipate a revitalised experienceatthisiconic Namibian landmark The upcoming transformation promises to address previous challenges and create a vibrant, sustainable tourism destination for alltoenjoy

Striving towards a clean Swakopmund

TheSwakopmundMunicipalityHealthDepartment'sHealthPromoters aretakingproactivestepstomaintainSwakopmund'sreputationasone of the cleanest towns in Namibia. In line with this goal, they recently launched a health education program aimed at addressing the issue of illegaldumpinginvariousareasofthetown.

On 10 and 17 June, residents of the DRC sub-locations,including Seaside, Proper, Airport,andWagdaar,were engagedinahealtheducation campaign. The campaign focused on emphasising the value of good waste management and highlighting the negative impacts of illegal dumping within communities. During the health education meetings, particular attention was given to the challenges facedbyDRCresidents

regarding illicit dumping. The goal was to raise awareness and instillasenseofresponsibilityamongresidents regarding proper waste managementpractices.

The Swakopmund Municipalityrecognises that a clean environment is crucial for maintaining the overall healthandwell-beingof its residents. By promoting education and community involvement, the municipality aims to encourage a cleaner and healthier


With the continued efforts of the Health Promoters and the active participation of the community, Swakopmund is striving towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

It is a collective responsibilitytorealise the importance of proper waste management and work togethertowardscreating a clean and healthy environmentforall.


Walvis Bay Gymnasium Takes Flight

W a l v i s B a y Gymnasium has taken flight at the beginning of a transformative journey committed to pursuing educational excellence, marking an important milestone for future generations.

OnWednesday,WalvisBayGymnasiumwasfilled withexcitement,anticipation,andcelebrationasit broke ground on a construction project. This projectwillbringallclassesandactivitiestogether in one modern building, with a total committed investment estimated at N$204.4 million. The investment is divided as follows: N$72.9 million from the Development Bank of Namibia, N$62.4 million/N$104 million from the Namibian InvestmentFund,N$41.6millionfromtheRickert FamilyTrust,andN$27.5millionfromCurroSA. This cutting-edge school has been meticulously designed to showcase exceptional programs that willprovideamoderneducationalenvironmentfor futuregenerations.Itwillbeaplacewherechildren willhavethetoolstorealisetheirdreamsandreach their full potential. Ms. Colette Rieckert, the Managing Director of Curro Namibia, expressed her excitement at the groundbreaking ceremony

After four years of planning and overcoming challenges, they have reached this significant milestoneforthenewschooltobebuiltforWalvis Bay Gymnasium Private School. Rieckert stated, "inanerawhereeducationisrapidlyevolving,we have chosen to embrace a holistic approach to learning. Our aim is to nurture young minds, not only in academic brilliance but also in character, resilience, creativity, and kindness. We firmly

believe that education should go beyond the confines of textbooks and classrooms. Our holistic approach encompasses the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development of each student,"

she added According to Rieckert, Walvis Gymnasium, along with its sister schools, WindhoekGymnasiumandOshanaGymnasium,is much more than just another school. It is a place where they deeply care about the optimal growth anddevelopmentofeachchild'scharacter

Rieckert outlined the construction plans for this year, which include the boundary wall, entrance gate,securityhouse,highschoolblock,auditorium, computer labs, 19 classrooms, four other labs, a culinaryclass,personnelofficewithareception,and the pre-primary school with nine classrooms, an after-care room, and a reception.Additionally, two hard surface netball courts, basketball and volleyballcourts,willbebuilt.

She further explained that in 2024, the primary school with labs (Robotics, Science, Physics, Comps), 22 classrooms, a culinary area, reception, staff room, and assembly hall, including cafeteria andadminblock,willbeconstructed.Theplanalso includes more sports fields such as the Global International Astro hockey field and a sports stadium(rugby,soccer,cricket,athletics).

Harvest of 86 000 Seals Approved

The Namibian Cabinet has endorsed a submission by the Ministry of FisheriesandMarineResources(MFMR)toharvest80000sealpupsand 6000sealbullstobeconductedatthetwosealcolonies,TerraceBayand Cape Cross this harvesting season. The harvesting season runs from 1 Julyto15November

The current population of seals distributed along all 26 colonies of the Namibiancoastlineisestimatedat1.6million.Thisindicatesthesealstockis healthy and thriving. Harvesting will be conducted at two seal colonies at Terrace Bay and Cape Cross. Ministry of Fisheries' Spokesperson, Uaripi KatjiukuasaidCapeFurSealsareanimportantpartofthemarineecosystem andtheministryacknowledgestheirroleinthefoodchain.“Wedon'tcull,we harvest!Ourmandateisforasustainableutilisationofmarineresourcesand notpopulationcontrol,”Katjiukuasaid.Accordingtoher,theTotalAllowable Catch (TAC) has remained the same over the years, despite the population growth and emphasised the difference between culling and harvesting. Katjiukuasaidsealharvestingisasubsectorthathaseightrightsholderswith 86 Namibian beneficiaries, employing 105 people. “The sector is 100% Namibian and contributes directly to Namibians.The perception that seals consume more fish is not always correct with studies in the past two years indicatingthatsealshavebeenfeedingonnon-commercialspecies.Thereis noconflictbetweenthefishingindustryandtheseals,”Katjiukuasaid. AccordingtothespokespersonoftheMinistryofEnvironmentandTourism (MEFT), Romeo Muyunda, there is a need for the management of each species.“Anoverpopulationaffectsanyspecies,andintermsofseals,thereis aneedtobemindfulofthefishstockthesealsconsume.”Muyundasaid,“the seals need to be harvested in order to keep the acceptable number We understandtheneedfor harvestingthemandwe do this in con-junction with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Re-sources ” Seal products include the skin, meal, oil, dry genitals, and capsules, which are demanded both in the local and internationalmarket.






















Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe


The Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) and the University of Namibia (UNAM) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU)toboostfishconsumption.

The MoU that is worth N$3 million, signed at Unam'smaincampusin Windhoek, seeks to conduct a comprehensivenationalsurvey and implement effective strategies to promote per capita fish consumption throughout the country The NFCPT, well-known for its dedication to promoting fish consumption in Namibia, will work closely with Unam's Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research

Centre (SANUMARC), which is equipped with expertise in marine and coastal studies The research centre is located at the Sam Nujoma Campus in Henties Bay and will play a pivotal role in collection of accurate data and the provision ofvaluableinsights.

By evaluating consumption patterns, the surveywillidentifythe preferred types of fish

indifferentregions,and assess the value of fish consumed locally, annually Thefindingswill enable the NFCPT and relevant stakeholders to develop strategies to increase fish consumption, contribute to povertyeradication,and build a healthier Namibianworkforce.

NFCPT's Chief ExecutiveOfficer,VictorPea, saidthemainobjectives of this survey, that startedinAprilthisyear, are to determine Namibia's per capita fish consumption, the value of fish consumed locallyonanannualbasis, the preferred type of fishattheregionallevel and to identify regional fish consumption patterns in each region.

According to Pea, the significance of the survey findings cannot be overstated, as they will help in assessing the contributionofthefishing sector to nutritional value addition, food security, and efforts to

address hunger and poverty within communities. “These findingswillalsoguideusin conducting rigorous education campaigns and formulating effective sales strategies, thus will be a very important planning tool.

The survey anticipates havingthesurveyreport bytheendofSeptember 2023, and will cover all regions at household levels to identify socioeconomic benefits derived from fish consumption,” Pea stated.

Peasaidthecurrentfish consumption per capita stands at 16.59 kg, an improvement from 11.4 kg in 2018, but still below the world average of20.4kg. “Weanticipate a significant increase after the completionofthesurvey,as required by our line Ministry, the Ministry ofFisheriesandMarine Resources Achieving ourtargetof20.4kgfish consumptionperperson peryearnecessitatesthe

consumption of approximately 51,000 MT offish,valuedataround N$787 million, within various towns in Namibia,”heconcluded.

UNAM's Vice Chancellor, Prof Kenneth Matengu, said the Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre, in collaboration with the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust, is well-equipped and capable of conducting this survey According to Prof. Matengu, “the University of Namibia has a strong research pedigree, and UNAM's expertise in marine and coastal studies will ensure the collection of accurate and valuable data for informed decision-making regarding fish consumption inNamibia.”

The Director of

UNAM's Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre in Henties Bay, Dr Samuel Mafwila, said, “we are proud to affirm that SANUMARC has established

itselfasaprominentand reliableresearchCentre, andplayeringenerating scientific, social, and economic knowledge for the benefit of the fishing industry and the Nation at large Our dedicated team is fully prepared to undertake the survey With our expertise and experience, we are confident in our ability to deliver accurate and comprehensivedatathat will contribute to the advancementofthefish consumption landscape inNamibia.

NamPowerDebtCollectionPlanCauses PowerDisruptionsandEconomicConcerns

In a recent press release, Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) announced its Debt Collection Plan aimed at recovering outstanding debts exceeding N$1 billion. As part of the plan, power supply interruptions were implemented on June 5, 2023, affecting electricity consumers in the areas of defaulting distribution licensees. During a four-hour window between 17:00 and 21:00, residents experienced disruptionsintheirpowersupply

Following public backlash and concerns regarding the economic impact, NamPower issued a subsequent communication on June 12, 2023,revealingthesuspensionofthe plan until the end of August 2023. Thismovewasintendedtoallowthe government enough time to implement interventions to assist NamPower in recovering the owed funds from its customers. The issue at hand originates from two main sources: NamPower's failure to strictly implement its own credit controlpolicyandtheconsistentdelay in settlement of NamPower invoices by distribution licensees over an extended period.Thepotential consequences include a risk to the country's power supply security, hindering NamPower's ability to purchase or generate sufficient electricitytomeetnationaldemand.

TheElectricityControlBoard(ECB) holdstheresponsibilityofbalancing the interests of all stakeholders within the Electricity Supply Industry ECB-approved tariffs provideenoughrevenuefordistribution licensees to settle their NamPower bills and ensure a safe and reliable electricitysupplytotheircustomers. However, interruptions caused by NamPower's Debt Collection Plan havehadsevereconsequencesforthe

economy, including disruptions to critical services like medical care and hardships for electricity consumers.TheECBemphasisedits refusalto support any debtrecovery plan that compromises essential services or disrupts customers in goodstanding.

Acknowledging the positive intervention by the government, which led to the suspension of the DebtCollectionPlan,theECBhopes for a lasting solution by the end of August2023.TheECBhasalsobeen invitedtoparticipateinacommittee establishedbytheMinistryofUrban and Rural Development to address theissuesathand.

In conclusion, the ECB urges all customers to pay for the electricity they consume and advises distribution licensees to implement strict credit control policies. This would ensure immediate discontinuation of electricity supply to non-paying customers, prompt payment by all customers, and the proper allocation of revenue to NamPower The ECB also plans to engage with NamPower and other licenseestooptimisecoststructures, improve operational efficiency, and ensure the reliable and affordable supply of electricity to customers in futuretariffreviews.

UNAM's Vice Chancellor Prof Kenneth Matengu and NFCPT Chief Executive Officer Victor Pea shacks hands on the signing of the N$3 million MoU fltr Ms E. Stephanus, UNAM's Vice Chancellor Prof Kenneth Matengu and NFCPT Chief Executive Officer Victor Pea and Dr Samuel Mafwila at the signing of the N$3 million MoU
TheAge of 18.
Persons Under

AllInclusiveFishingInvestmentsEmpowersNamibiansand SupportsEducationInitiatives

All Inclusive Fishing Investments (Pty) Ltd, a company owned and operated by a group of previouslydisadvantagedNamibianmenandwomen,ismakingsignificantstridesinbreakingthe cycle of poverty and promoting empowerment in rural areas of Namibia. Comprising twenty-one individualsfromdiversebackgrounds,thecompanyiscommittedtoinclusivityandhasreceivedthe "Harvesting Right of Exploitation of Hake" species and an allocation of Hake Quota for the 2020/2021FishingSeasonfromtheMinisterofFisheriesandMarineResources.

With a strong focus on women empowerment, youth engagement, disability inclusion, and the representation of different social groups, All Inclusive Fishing Investments (Pty) Ltd is making a notableimpact.

Thirteen female shareholders,includingthree whoserveontheBoard ofDirectors,contribute to the company's success.Additionally, four shareholders represent the youth, five are elders, and two individuals have disabilities, showcasing the company's commitment to diversity

The company's dedication extends beyond business operations, as itstrivestobearesponsible corporate citizen of Namibia All Inclusive Fishing Investments (Pty) Ltd supports the Vision 2030, National Development Plans, and Harambee Prosperity Plan of the NamibianGovernment.

Through its long-term legacy program, the company aims to share the wealth created with

vulnerable groups and communities across Namibia In a short period of time, it has already invested over N$450,000 00 in various sectors, including education, support for theelderly,assistanceto disabled individuals, small business owners, tertiarystudentfunding, and infrastructure development. Onenoteworthyproject undertaken by All Inclusive Fishing Investments (Pty) Ltd is the construction of various structures in three phases at Katora Primary School in Spitzkoppe, Erongo Region. The completion of the first phase, which included an office, kitchen, and ablution facilities for teachers, was handed over to the Directorate of Education, Arts, and Culture on 6 June 2023. The project's total cost amounts to N$248 000 anduponcompletion,it will be recorded as a significant contribution to education in the ErongoRegion.

The Erongo Regional

Council, Directorate of Education, Arts, and Culture expressed their gratitude to All Inclusive Fishing Investments(Pty)Ltdfortheir generosityandacknowledged them as a stakeholder in the Friends of Education Initiative in Namibia Their commitment to uplifting education in the region is recognized and appreciated.TheKatora Primary Fraternity as well as Spitzkoppe

Village Community conveyed their heartfelt gratitude towards the All-Inclusive Investmentsfortheirgenerous donationofanAdministrationBlockasthefirst phase. The Principal of Katora Primary School, Mrs A Goachas said, “we regard this first buildingandtherestthat will still come as an historicoccasionasitis a first extension to the building that was build 47 years ago. We are

very much thankful to the company with its stakeholders for adding value to where the education of a Namibian childistakingplace.We received an office, a kitchen and ablution facilities for both male and female teachers in thetoneofN$248000. Youhavebroughtmuch needed development to the people of Spitzkoppe and in particular,

the Katora Primary School.

By actively empowering individuals and investing in education initiatives, All Inclusive Fishing Investments (Pty) Ltd is making a positive impact on Namibia's societyandcontributing to the country's overall development.

As part of a Joint Venture with other fishing

companies, namely Bendito Fishing (Pty) Ltd, Bukalo Fishing (Pty) Ltd, Walvis Bay Consolidated Cold Storage (Pty) Ltd, and Ondjongo Fishing and Products (Pty) Ltd,All Inclusive Fishing Investments (Pty) Ltd aligns its operations with the directives of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.



As part of their commitment to their Purpose, “Creating a future, enhancing life”, Kraatz, a subsidiaryoftheOhlthaver&List(O&L)Group,signedasubstantiveagreementon6June2023 withtheMetalandAlliedNamibianWorkersUnion(MANWU)inWalvisBay.

The substantive agreement will be effective as of 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 and applies toall47bargainingunit employees of Kraatz. The substantive agreement stipulates the bargaining unit employeesaretoreceivea basic salary increase of 6.5% and a transport allowance increase of

N$220 to equate to a totalofN$520.

At the signing of the agreement, Eugene Louw, Kraatz Managing Director (MD) recognised employees for their role in the strides made by the company and those still to come: “The financial year for 2024 holds the promise of countless

newopportunities,andI am confident that as a Kraatz team we will unlockallofthem.With this we acknowledge our commitment towards you, our beloved Kraatzemployees.Iam excitedforustoachieve our EBIT target and other goals that are in line with our Group Visionfor2025.”

Port Log

TanyadeWittManager: Human Capital at Kraatz also shared her enthusiasm for the futuretobeenteredinto by the Kraatz team: “Kraatz is dedicated to the livelihoods of its biggest asset – our beloved employees and we trust that this agreementshowsthat.I am excited to embark

on yet another year of teamwork and camaraderie.”

Kefas Shangala, Shop Steward Chairperson, also shared his sentiments at the signing: “The bargaining unit

office [represented by Dudley Fourie, O&L Group Manager: Employee Relations] and that the negotiations wereconcludedpeacefully and in a short periodoftime.”

Back: Andreas Pandekeni (Shop Steward), Dudley Fourie (O&L Group Manager: Employee Relations), Nelson Muhepa (O&L Manager: Employee Relations) and Kefas Shangala (Shop Steward Chairperson) Front: John Hinyekwa (MANWU Organiser) and Eugene Louw (Kraatz ManagingDirector).
employees are happy with the 6.5% and that the wage negotiations wentwelloverall.Itwas great that all sides were taken into consideration.Itwasgoodtoalso have input from head Email all your harbour news to Eileen van der Schyff newsdesk@namibtimes.net


Deep Yellow Limited and its subsidiary, Reptile Mineral Resources and Exploration(Pty)Ltd(RMR),havemadeagenerousdonationoftraining equipmenttotheNamibianInstituteofMiningandTechnology(NIMT)in Arandis.

ledge, and the use of compressors as training toolsenablesstudentsto gain hands-on experience in fluid dynamics, thermo dynamics, and industrial applications Through practical exercises and simulations, students will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

This equipment, includingacompressoranda table saw, will greatly enhancetheeducational experience for students in various mechanical

engineering courses offeredatNIMT NIMT recognises the importance of practical training in conjunction with theoretical know-

Mr Ralph Bussel, the Executive Director of NIMT, has reiterated their dedication to equippingstudentswith the necessary skills for practical careers across different industries. He emphasized, "Our goal is to offer hands-on experienceandtheoretical knowledge that prepares students for employment in any practicalindustry Thegenerousdonationofacompressor and table saw willgreatlyenhanceour

ability to meet the industry'sneeds. Additionally, having a compressor available

willsignificantlyreduce expenses,aswecurrently spend N$60,000 annually on purchasing oxygen for the plasmacutter in the BoilerMakingWorkshop."

Dr Katrin Kaerner, Exploration Manager at RMR, emphasized the crucial role of NIMTas a National Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)center,addressing the skills gap in the job market and offering diverse career opportunities for lifelong learning and professionalgrowth.

The handover ceremony,heldattheNIMT campus inArandis, was

attended by representatives from RMR and NIMT personnel. The donation, valued at N$54,100.00, will provide students with essential equipment for theirtraining.

Mr Willie de Klerk, PrincipalofNIMTBuilding and Civil Trades Campus,expressedgratitude for the donation andrecognizedthepositive impact it will have on students' skills development.

He remarked, "We are gratefulforthegenerous donation and the support from RMR. This equipment will enable us to improve the skills development of many


He remarked, "We are grateful for the generous donation and the support from RMR This equipment will enableustoimprovethe skills development of manystudents."

RMR remains dedicatedtosupportingeducationaldevelopmentin Namibia and continues to seek new opportunities to make a positive impact on the community The handover ceremony at NIMT is just one of the many initiatives undertaken by RMR to fulfill this overarchinggoal.

AtthehandoverofagenerousdonationoftrainingequipmenttoNIMTaref.l.t.r.:JaniceBussel(PAto NIMT Building & Civil Trades), Hendrik Koekemoer (Principal: Artisan Training), Eliaser Iilonga (SeniorTrainingOfficer-Carpentry),DawidItta(SeniorTrainingOfficer-Boilermaking&Welding), Steyn van der Merwe (Senior Training Officer - Carpentry) and Randy Erkana (Principal - NIMT Engineering Trades). Front: Willie de Klerk (Principal: NIMT Building & Civil Training), Ralph Bussel (Executive Director), Dr Katrin Kaerner (Exploration Manager RMR) and Domingos Sachikela(Principal-Examination).
namib times


NFCPTaredonatingthe Infrastructural development, including electricalworksforboththe

boys'andgirls'quarters, valuedatN$107600.00 Donate horse mackerel quarterly (four times a year), providing 90kg per quarter and 360kg per annum, totalling 1 080kg over three years and used furniture, including cabinets, shelves, office desks, fourdrawer pedestals, tables, couches, and deep freezers. Furthermore, NFCPT commits minimum, support to the orphanage value at N$100 000 per year towardstherenovations for the remaining two years of the agreement.

The Chairperson of the NFCPT Board of Trustees Hon. Suzan Ndjaleka said that the MoU which formalizes NFCPT's corporate social investment (CSI) commitment to the Children's Home, is our response to the need to address the challenges facing the Namibian boy and girl child Ndjaleka said their aim is to promote fish consumption, address hunger and nutritional

security,andensurefish is accessibility to all Namibians, particularly the orphans and vulnerable children at NCH. Ndjaleka said, “through thisdonation,weaimto support the Government's efforts to improve access to basic education by investing in infrastructure, equipment,andmaterialsthat benefit children's learning ” According to Ndjaleka, “corporate Social Investment is an integral part of our business conduct, addressingsocioeconomic challenges, enhancing our corporate reputation,andcontributingto the morale of our people. It is important to note that NFCPT has previously invested in supporting vulnerable children and schools nationwide We have donated fish, computers, textbooks, and otherstationeryitemsto help children with learning needs and provide foodindifferentlocalities across the country.” shesaid.

According to Ndaleka the Trust has since 2012, consciously decided to raise funds yearly during the National Fish Consumption Day (NFCD) gala dinner “These funds are invested in basic education initiatives nationwide. NFCD is dedicated to raising awareness about the health benefits of consuming fish and celebrating the fishery sector” She added 'By raising awareness, we focus on school-going children, engaging them through plays, music, and sports to promotefishconsumption.Withthesupportof thefishingindustryand ourpartners,wehaveso farinvestedoverN$5.7 million in ten regions across the country We firmly believe that education is the most valuable gift we can give children, as it empowersthemtobecome productive citizens and shape a brighter future. We hope this donation will inspire our young scholars and help them realize their dreams,” Ndjalekasaid.

TheNamibiaFishConsumptionPromotionTrust(NFCPT)joinedforces by signing a three-year Memorandum of Understanding with the NgatuvevatereChildrenHome(NCH)inKalkfeldonFriday,16June. Rudi Bowe Owner NCH Ms Jennifer Kamunu and NFCPT CEO Mr Victor Pea sealing thedonationagreementsigned At the MoU signing event were fltr: NFCPT Board of Trustees member Mrs Charlene Hartung, Chairperson NFCPT Board of Trustees Hon Suzan Ndjaleka, Chairperson of Otjozondjupa Regional CouncilHonMarlaynMbakera,Ms.JenniferKamunu,GovernorofOtjozondjupaRegionHon.James UerikuaandNFCPTCEOMrVictorPea.


Applications are invited for the following position:


for a Shop in Swakopmund

Closing date: 14 July 2023

Send CV to: The Box Holder


1. Bids are invited through Open National Bidding (ONB) bidding procedures for the Annual Perway Maintenance in the Port of Walvis Bay; and

2. Bids are invited through the Request for Proposals (RFP) bidding procedures for the Provision of Consultancy Services to migrate the SAP ERP Environment from SAP ECC 6 (EHP5) to SAP S4-HANA

3. The bids are open to all Eligible Namibian Bidders.



(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional LiquorLicencingCommittee, Region Erongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Horn Brothers Trading (Pty)Ltd. PO Box 2917, Swakopmund.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Horn Brothers Trading(Pty)Ltd.


premises to which application relates: 202 Sam Nujoma Avenue Swakopmund.

4. Nature and details of application: Retail, Application for groceryliquorlicense.

5. Clerk of the Court with whom application willbelodged:Clerkof the Magistrate’s Court,Swakopmund.

6 Date on which application will be lodged:23June2023.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard:9August2023.

Any objection or writtensubmissioninterms of section 28 of theAct in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the SecretaryoftheCommittee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meetingoftheCommittee at which the applicationwillbeheard.




(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional LiquorLicencingCommittee, Region Erongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Adari Game Conservation & ManagementServicesCC

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates:TsaobisNature Park-RestCamp

3. Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates:

Tsaobis Nature Park Rest Camp - Karibib Constituency.

4.Natureanddetailsof application: Bar license to sell alcohol beverages in varietyspecialliquorlicense.

5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court,Karibib.

6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 28June2023.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard:9August2023.

Any objection or writtensubmissioninterms ofsection28oftheAct in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the CommitteetoreachtheSecretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committeeatwhichthe application will be heard.


Applications for the above position are invited from suitably qualified interested parties. However, preference will be given in line with our Employment Equity Plan. Interested parties should apply online and attach the following Cover Letter, CV, copy of ID and driver's license, Matric certificate and any other qualification certificates.

What is on offer?

We have an exciting opportunity for the FinanceAdministrator to join the team based in Namibia, Walvis Bay

The primary functions of your role, in line with the Responsibilities are outlined below:

· Partner the Financial Accountant / Controller and HR Manager, to provide accurate & timely financial data recording & support. Ensuring internal Controls are being followed, to ensure sound financial integrity accurate & timely processing of all accounting transactions.


· Day to day capture of various financial transactions.

4. The Bids are open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”) who wish to respond. Bidders may only associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or under a sub-contractual agreement to complement their respective areas of supply to enhance their capacity to carry out the supply of goods and provision of required services and so long as any association is formed or sub-contract is entered into in accordance with the bidding document associated with this IFB.

5. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport. com.na/Procurement/ for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (non-refundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.

6. Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled as follow:

· The Provision of Consultancy Services to Migrate SAP ERP Environment from SAP ECC 6 (EHP5) to SAP S4-HANA (CS/RFP/NAMPORT/3570/2023) and a non-compulsory virtual prebid meeting is scheduled for 29 June 2023 @10h00AM

· Annual Perway Maintenance in the Port of Walvis Bay (W/ONB/NAMPORT/3580/2023) for 30 June 2023 at 10h00AM

7. The last day for the submission of clarification requests is:

· The Provision of Consultancy Services to Migrate SAP ERP Environment from SAP ECC 6 (EHP5) to SAP S4-HANA(CS/RFP/NAMPORT/3570/2023) is 17 July 2023.

· Annual Perway Maintenance in the Port of Walvis Bay (W/ONB/NAMPORT/3580/2023) is 18 July 2023.

8. Bids must be delivered to the address below before:

· 31 July 2023 at 12h00 pm Local Namibian Time for The Provision of Consultancy Services to Migrate SAP ERP Environment from SAP ECC 6 (EHP5) to SAP S4-HANA (CS/RFP/NAMPORT/3570/2023)

· 01 August 2023 at 12h00 pm Local Namibian Time for the Annual Perway Maintenance in the Port of Walvis Bay (W/ONB/NAMPORT/3580/2023)

Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.

9. The address referred to above is: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road

10. Bidders should take note that the pre-bid meeting and bid opening ceremonies will be conducted in person and virtually, and the links are available on the Namport website.

· Effective management of the Accounts Payable function. Including Maintaining supplier database, processing of Supplier Orders, Delivery Notes and Invoices; Performing Monthly Supplier Reconciliations; Supplier payments and Filing.

· Requesting Quotes and assisting with SupplierAccountApplications

· Assist Department Heads with management of Fixed Assets. Including maintaining a Fixed Asset Register, ensuring assets are numbered, safekeeping ofAssets and assisting with CAPEX requests.

· Capturing Petty cash and Credit card Schedules and ensuring purchases are in line with company policies.

· Prepare various monthly schedules and Financial Reports.

· Ensure month end timelines & tasks are adhered to.

· Work closely with the other departments to ensure internal controls are being followed.

· Assist theAccountingAdministrators' to ensure timely data capture.

· Assist Finance Function with cost controls

· Advising the Financial Controller of any issues or potential issues that may impact the business or financial results.

· Ensure timesheets are received for all respective staff. Performing checks on timesheets to ensure completeness & overtime calculations.

· Ensures all supplier and cod payments are loaded for approval on the banking platform and are in line with company policies.

· Maintaining a professional standard and appearance during office hours and while promoting the company when on company business.

· Other ad hoc duties as may be requested by the FinancialAccountant / Controller and HR Manager from time to time.

About us

Alfred H Knight are an independent provider of inspection and testing services. Established in 1881, AHK operates in more than 40 countries with a well-earned reputation for providing reliable, professional services.

We provide specialist services for a wide range of commodities within base and minor metals, steel raw materials, ferroalloys, precious metals, platinum group metals, industrial minerals, solid fuels and fertilisers. Our clients include miners, smelters, refineries, traders, financial institutions and government bodies.

We maintain rigorous quality standards to ensure that our operations provide the highest level of services to our clients. We achieve this through compliance with industry standards and regulations for laboratory, inspection and quality management, including ISO: IEC 17025, 17020, 9001, 14001 and 45001.

Our people are our finest asset and as a truly global company, we value diversity, and respect people from all backgrounds.

Do you have what it takes?

To be successful atAlfred H Knight, you will need to display the following:

Required Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

· Ability to demonstrate literacy and be numerate

· Computer Literate (Microsoft Office Suite)

· Adaptable

· Good attention to detail

· Team player

· Ability to work with minimum supervision

· Good timekeeping

· Can orchestrate multiple activities at once

· Effective interpersonal skills

· Must have sober habits

· No criminal record

Required Qualifications

· TertiaryAccounting Qualification

Required Work Experience

· Highly proficient in English (verbal and written)

· Must be computer literate - Microsoft Office Suite, Gmail

· Excellent Excel ReconciliationAbilities

· High attention to detail

· Commitment to safe work practices

· Must have own transport and a valid driver's license

· Must have sober habits

· No criminal record

Required Languages

· Highly proficient in English (Verbal and written)

What are the benefits?

We are offering an excellent opportunity with a salary and benefits package to match.

CLOSING DATE: 30 June 2023

Please submit all CV’s to: ahksa.hr@ahkgroup.com



This vacancy will be filled taking into consideration the Legacy Hotel Employment Equity policy

POSITION: FoodandBeverageHostess



























▪Welcomeincominganddepartingguestswarmlywithagenuinesmileandeye contact;accompanythemtoassignedseatingarea;presentmenus; announcewaiter'sname.


▪Understandingtherestaurantseatingplanandabletoshowgueststotheir seats.

▪Mustbeabletomanagereservationsconfidentlytelephonicallyaswellas written.

▪Ensurethattherearesufficientmenus,winelistsinacleanandusable condition.





▪Respondstoguestinquiriesandrequestsinatimely,friendly,andefficient manner ▪Helpsfellowteammembersandotherdepartmentswherevernecessaryto maintainpositiveworkingrelationships.

▪Usevisualcuestoseatguestsineitherthebarordiningareadependingon theirpreference.

▪Informguestofcurrentpromotionandwhowillbeservingthemtoensurea smoothhandofftotheservicestaff.

▪Managetheflowofguestsintothediningandbarareas,provideaccuratewait timestoincomingguestsifappropriate.


▪Observanttoguests'needsthroughoutfeastingexperiencetoensurethey receivehighqualityservice(i.e.,noticeadrinkrefillisneededwhileseating anotherguestandensuringthedrinkisrefilledpriortogettingbacktothedoor) ▪Protectestablishmentandpatronsbyadheringtosanitation,safety,and alcoholcontrolpolicies.


Characterandpersonalitymustplayamajorroleinthisposition.AlotofGuest Relations is involved, therefore consistent friendly and efficient service is essential.



Shouldyouwishtoapplyforthisposition,andyouareconfidentthatyouqualify intermsoftheinformationsetoutinthisadvertisement,pleasedraftaletterof application,andsendittogetherwithaCVto:





Closingdateforapplications: 30JUNE2023


Oshana and Erongo to benefit DevelopmentBankfinancestwonewGymnasiumschools

DevelopmentBankofNamibia(DBN)hasannouncedthatithasprovidedN$72.9millioninfinance fortwonewGymnasiumprivateschools.OnewillbelocatedinOngwediva,Oshana.Theotherwill belocatedinWalvisBay,Erongo.

The Bank has developed a track record of finance for schools, health facilities and environmentally beneficialinitiativessuchas recycling.

Talking about the development benefits of the schools, DBN

CEO Martin Inkumbi mentioned that in addition to the Bank's commitment to finance

largersocialenterprises, theschoolswillprovide 160 temporal employment opportunities during construction and several permanent jobs thereafter Headdedthat the schools would also have their needs fulfilledbyregionaland nationalSMEs.

Hewentontoelaborate on specific regional benefits.

Describing the impact for Oshana, Inkumbi expressed hope that the school would instil in learners a love and appreciation of the region and its potential.

This he hoped would lead them to complete their educations and return to Oshana to participate in and grow theregionaleconomy

said Walvis Bay will become a hub for Namibia's future energy andindustries.Thiswill require engineers, managers, scientists, technicians, project planners and leaders

th 58,6 StreetErf564WalvisBay POBox4131,WalvisBay, VATNO.336619701-5


Tel(+264) 221134



Miller Refrigeration Suppliers an equal opportunity employer invites qualified, dynamic candidates to apply for the following position


Key PerformanceArea

•Be able to manage orders from customers (must have 5 years experience).

•Ensure uninterrupted operation.

•Perform necessary repairs when breakdowns occur

•Keep record of maintenance/repairs carried out.

•Report to workshop engineering.

•Perform any duties as required by immediate supervisor

Qualifications, skills and competencies:

•Be a Namibian Citizen

•N2 qualification/RefrigerationTechnician

•Eight (8) years experience in the operation of an ammonia refrigeration plant, experience

•Should include maintenance of ice machines, compressors, plate freezers and trio skinning machines

•Sound understanding of Health & Safety

•Excellent English language skills (Portuguese will be an advantage)

•Experience in supervision and leadership

•Ability to work independently, under pressure and work after hours and weekends should it be required

•5 (Five) years experience on screw compressors

•Electrical N5 plus minimum 5 years experience in PLC and electronic devices.

NB: Willing to show experience in advance before start working.

Interested persons should submit a comprehensive CV with relevant documents to:

The Human Resources Department

Miller Refrigeration Supplies

P.O. Box 4131, Walvis Bay

Walvis Bay

Or Email: admin@millersuppliers.com

Closing Date: Friday 30 June 2023

NB: Only short listed candidates will be contacted

He added that the availability of additional places in private sector schools would make Oshana an attractive residential locality for parents of schoolgoing children, thereby adding to the pool of professionalsandmanagers, participating in growing the regional economyofOshana.

On the topic of impact forErongo,Inkumbi

By shaping young minds,theWalvisGymnasium will become part of the future of ErongoandNamibia. Hewentontochallenge the Gymnasiums to extendtheirinfluencein theirregions,bysharing knowledge and best educational practices with educators in the regions. Youwillalsocontribute meaningfully to the shared outcome of our common Namibian future.

He also challenged- the schools to spread the n

Charting a course for academic excellence. Development Bank of Namibia has announced that it has provided N$72,9 million in finance for two new Gymnasium private schools in Oshana and Erongo.

Pictured, an architect's rendering of the Oshana school.

education to learners from lower income households by providing educational scholarships to gifted learners that ordinarily would not have the means to attend private schools.

Inkumbi said Bank has recently inaugurated its Sustainable Finance Framework and added

that in the near future the Bank will launch its firstsustainabilitybond. This will represent an opportunity for investorstoearnreturnsfrom finance for environmentally and socially beneficialenterprises.

The Gymnasiums in OshanaandWalvisBay, he continued, are examplesofthesortof

projectsthatwillbenefitfromthebond. Inkumbi concluded that the Bank returns a portion of its earnings to provide schools that do not qualify for financewiththemeans to repair and improve theirfacilitiesasapart of its corporate social investment. He concluded by giving the assurance that a portion of the Bank's earnings allocated to CSIwilladdtothesum ofbenefitsavailableto education.


C l a s s i f i e d s







We here by give you notice that if you do not come and collect your belongings at our workshop at Waltechnics Walvis Bay by the st31 August 2023 we will sell the items to cover the rent on the workshop.


Express Services is offering a reward of N$20 000.00 for any positive leads that could cause the arrest of burglars involved in the stealing of a tent, stainless steel barbecue unit and a vehicle roof top tent from our warehouse.


Cell: 0811241837

Penguin AnglingClub: AGMMeeting onthe1stJuly 2023

AtthePenguin ClubHouse Swakopmund

*Construction *Painting

*Paving *Slasto

*Swimming Pools

*All electrical work

*Building and renovating all types of buildings

*Sealing of any kind of roofs

Call: 081 211 6686

Anywhere along the coast



Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com




ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days.

Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice.

Pregnancyproblems, jobsandpromotions, business,protectionof bodiesandhousesfrom witchcraft,protectionof kraalsfarmsfrom thieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret.




Landscaping&plant doctor

Originalpalm&tree trimming


Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs


Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.



Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywherebut notachievingyourrealgoals, hereisyourdoctortoprove everythingforyou.Hehelps withdifferenttypesof problemssuchascourtcases, loveaffairs,marriage problems,weakerections whichisunabletosatisfy yourwoman,vaginatightness formantofeelalways attractedtoyouhouse problems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoploverfrom cheatingyou[manorwoman] Businessimprovements,all typesofgoodluck. pregnancyproblems,have protectedlife,nevergiveup yourlife,yourdoctorishere tocleanseandliftyouup. Comeat471MandumeYa NdemufayoStreetMondesa

Swakopmundorcall: DrMoyo0813395913


Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctorwhodestroysall typesofwitchcraftpower thatishappeninginpeople's lifeandhebringsbackall yourluckwhichistaken throughwitchinghe genuinelyhelpswiththe followingproblems:

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DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhoodenlargement mtoxl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299

DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorawoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand makehimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore....Call DrAtwabi 0812337274


Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattheright time,Thinkabouthowmuch youlosttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhoisafter yourfastreliesnotcash.

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TraditionalHealerin Namibia.Forquickinstant results.Callhimtoday: ExpertinHealingusing naturalremedies

Highbloodpressure, diabetes,strokes,asthma, epilypsy.Mentaldiseases, wounds,chronicheadache

Bodypains,swollen legs/stomach.Menstrual problems.Manpower,extra strength,morerounds,strong andharderections.Healso performspowerson:Lost loverstocomeback immediately.Protectionof propertyandpersons,work matters.Unfinishedjobsand manymore.Heisherein town,WalvisBay Callforappointmentand consultation0817407321


DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirst timewithstrongand powerfulmedicine specialisinginvarious problems&diseasesto mentionafew:(a) Bringingbacklostloverin 4daysonly,bindingyour loverandtobeyoursonly; andtostophim/herfrom cheating.(b)Removalof badluckndtowintough andchallengingcourt cases.(c)togeta man/womanofyour choice.(d)jobsand promotions.(e)pregnancy problemsandwinning tendersandcontracts, protectionofbodies,house ofwitchcraft,revengeand rapasule,rejuvenatepower duringsexandboostweak erection.Paints,headache, epilepsy,swollenlegsand feet,manhood enlargement,recoveringof stolenpropertyandmany moreothercomplicated problemsanddiseasesyou mighthavebeenletdown byotherdoctorsnthepast. “StopCrying”nowit’s yourtimetocomeand experiencethewonderful miraclehappeninginyour lifeandyouwillnever regret.Forany appointmentcallDoctor Chinomba0817677045







Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage

Sexualsatisfactionboth menandwomen














Doyouhavepiglice problems





Skinproblems,long periods










Finishunfinishedjobsby otherdoctors




Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc.

WalvisBay& Swakopmund.

Cell: 0812017887


ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice.

Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.

DoctorOupaMulewa 0817662947


TORENT: Swakopmundtwo bedroomflatfor N$5300.00(reduced amount)water includedandprepaid

electricity.Garageto share-storage.


Contact:081289 8668/0814351012


Available1July singleorcouple singleperson







Callorwhatsapp 0812406293



Modern3bedroom, 2bathrooms,bigkitchen, lounge,2garages,big privatecourtyard. Blinds,G4SandN$200 freewater.Dishwasher/ stove.Noanimals.Strict selection


Availablefrom immediately




TORENT: WalvisBay,Town 2bedroomwithbic kitchen,withbic&stove hobonly

Lounge Laundryarea


Water incl.


N$4000.00deposit upfront.Prepaidelectricity


Max: 2 adults & 1 child. Nopets


TORENT:Narraville 2bedroomflatavailable1 July2023

Openplankitchen,lounge, bathroom Water excluded.

Prepaid electricity




TORENT: WalvisBay,Kuisebmond Kabeljoustreet onebedroomflatwithopen plankitchenandliving roomwithprivate bathroominaveryneat andsecurearea.High fencedwallsandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforasinglepersonor acouple. W/E incl.





HOUSEFORRENT MEERSIG 3Bedrooms,2.5 bathrooms,kitchen,bic, bis,livingarea. Doublegarage,lawn, boundarywall,petfriendly, water excluded

Prepaid electricity



ContactTeoplina 0813736379




Iamlookingfor accommodationtorentin Swakopmundforone bedroomflat,preferable inVineta,Tamariskiaand Matuturacloseto Nampowerbuilding.

Pricerangefrom N$2000.00-N$2500.00


Attention: All Waltechnics Customers

C l a s s i f i e d s

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR swk@namibtimes.net


DebtCollecting: Field Road Tracers urgently needed with years of Experience, reliable and self-driven. Successful Candidates will be responsible for recoveringdebtsanddo repossessionsandmust have a Valid Driver's Licence Also needed is Motorbike drivers to deliver Legal Documents.

Swakopmund and Walvis Bay candidates only

Send CV with contactableReferencesdirectly t o : n a m i b i a @wwstander.co.za

Tel: 061402190/3





10 years experience in the industry

FluentinbothEnglishand Chinese

Deep understanding of the Chinesetouristmarket

EffectivelytrainNamibian tour guides who are proficient in Chinese and English e m a i l c v t o cheersnamibia@gmail. com


MalakiaProperties EstateAgents FORSALE: Walvis Bay, Lagoon

3bedrooms,1bathroom, kitchen,lounge,single garageandbachelorflat. N$1.7Million


3bedrooms,2bathrooms, kitchenandlounge


Swakopmund, Matutura

1bedroom,bathroom, openplankitchen



FORSALE: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay-apartmentcomplex forsale

6x1bedroomflatwith owntoilet,showerand kitchenarea.


PriceN$1000000 (1million)

Forviewingorextra information081240 9800/0816602105









SellingN$550000 0815544888or 0812957837


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



Sailboat“McGregor26" Boat+trailerinperfect conditionandlicensed.

Usedforthelast14years everyholiday


N$250000.00O.N.O Call:0811291100 onleaveamessage









Iama30yearoldlady lookingforworkin Swakopmund,domestic work,cleaning,taking careofoldpeopleand babysitting,Mondayto Friday.Iworkina garden.







9.3bedroomhouse, N$895000.00 Narraville

10.3Bedroomhouse, N$960000.00 Narraville Contact:0813736379

JOBWANTED: A49yearoldwomanis lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay




Elliisdringendopsoekna huiswerkvir2of3dae perweekin Swakopmund.Ekis hardwerkendenhet verwysings,ekkanenige dagbegin.


JOBWANTED: Iama35yearold respectfuland hardworkingladylooking fordomesticworkin Swakopmund,Icanalso babysit,takecareofold peopleandkidsregardless ofages,carwash,iron andcleaning.Mondayto Friday,Iamwillingto startanytime.

Contact:0815927243/ 0818894021

WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk virDinsdae,Donderdae enVrydaein Swakopmund.Ekkanook nawekewerkalisdit strykwerk,Sondaesal ookwerk,ekis betroubaaren hardwerkend.


Iama34yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,babysittingor takingcareofoldpeople. Ihaveexperienceandcan startassoonsaspossible inSwakopmund,Long BeachorWalvisBay


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The third Bank Windhoek Fistball League match day took place over the weekend at the Cohen Fistball Club (CFC) and the Sport Klub Windhoek (SKW1)sportsfieldsinWindhoek.

With a record of 18 registered teams, this leagueroundwascompetitive,asexpected and one of the best in the history of the Bank Windhoek Fistball League. CFC 1 furtherextendeditsleadintheNationalA League,whileSKW2arenowthenewlog leaderintheNationalBLeague.

In the National A League, CFC 1 kept a clean sheet in all three matches. In the game between CFC 1 and SKW 1, the reigning champions gave away a 2:0 lead due to countless mistakes in attack.They, however, recovered in the fifth set to win theduel3:2.SKW1won3:1againstCFC 2 and Swakopmund Fistball Club (SFC) SFC 1. CFC 2 also lost their encounter againstSFC1with1:3.Asaresult,SFC1 isnowtheonlythird-placedteam. ItremainsexcitingintheNationalB

League, where the table leaders changed. With the maximum score of 18 points, SKW2climbedfromthirdtofirstplace.

Club colleagues SKW 4 lost a ninepoint lead over SKW 2 and must settle for second place with seven pointsfromsixgames.SFC2slipped to third place, followed by the third team from Swakopmund, SFC 3. Host CFC 3 improved their position by one spot after not participating in thesecondleagueround.SKW3isin sixthplace,whileSKW5isbottomof theNationalBLeague.

Boosted by home turf advantage, SKW B won all three games and claimed the tournament championship title in the Under 14 category SKW D, who took part for the first time, occupied the spot, while SKW C settled for the third spot. SKW A caughtaravenblackdayandonlygot one bonus point and thus had to be contentwiththefourthspot.

IntheUnder18,SKWAagainprovedtobe thebestteambyregisteringthreewinsina row,whichextendedtheirleadoverSFCA tofourpoints.SFCAwontheirmatches

against SKW 2 and newcomers SKW 3. SKW3hadtoleavethefieldaslosersinall threeencounters.

An exhibition match between the local, nationalteamandtherestoftheleaguewas not glamorously won by the Namibian team3:1.

HannesLuxfromtheSKWwasnamedthe Young Player of the Day, while Dieter KebbelfromSKW1wasnamedtheSenior PlayeroftheDay Thenextandfinalleague round before the playoffs will occur on Saturday, 16 September 2023, in Swakopmund.

Meanwhile, the Namibian men's delegation will travel to Germany in four weeks. After the weak performances on Friday and partially on Saturday, national coach Andreas Minz invited the national squadtoanothertrainingcampinJuly The team will face the World Fistball Champion Germany in the opening th encounter of the 16 Fistball World Championships in the Rhein-Neckar Stadium,Mannheim,Germany


CricketNamibia,thegoverningbodyforcricketinNamibia,isdelighted toannouncethatithasbeenawardedthreeprestigiousaccoladesbythe InternationalCricketCouncil(ICC).

Cricket Namibia and the country have been recognised for outstanding contributions and achievements in variouscategories;The ICCDevelopmentInitiative of the Year, ICC Associate Member Men's Performance of theYear, and Cricket 4 Good Social Impact InitiativeoftheYear

ICC Development InitiativeoftheYear:

Cricket Namibia's Ashburton Mini Cricket development program, established in 2009, has played a pivotal role in creating awareness of cricket among all communities With the primary goal to inspire theNamibianchild,the

program has witnessed tremendous growth, reaching more than 100,000 children in all fourteen(14)Regionsof Namibia,during2022. The initiative has successfully introduced crickettoschoolsinless advantaged communities and fostered inclusivity within the sport. Through festivals and modified matches, Cricket Namibia has nurtured talented youngsters, some of whom have gone on to represent senior nationalteams.

ICC Associate Member Men's PerformanceoftheYear: The National Men's cricket team, known as the Richelieu Eagles, achieved remarkable

success in 2022. Their journey began with Series wins against Uganda, Jersey, Hong Kong,andUSA.

Another notable achievement came in a historicvictoryagainsta Full Member nation, Zimbabwe,ina5-match T20seriesplayedonthe opponent's home ground.Totopitoff,the Richelieu Eagles managed to cause one of thebiggestupsetsofthe ICC T20 World Cup by beatingSriLankaby55 runsontheopeningday inAustralia. This extraordinary triumph defied expectations and showcased the capabilitiesof Associate Member teams on the internationalstage.

Cricket 4 Good Social ImpactInitiativeofthe Year:

Cricket Namibia's commitmenttosocialimpact and community engagement is epitomised by its Cricket 4 Good campaign. As part of this initiative, Cricket Namibia hosted the #Pledge4Pink campaign, aimed at supporting the Cancer AssociationofNamibia. Through a series of events and activities, Cricket Namibia raised awarenessandfundsfor the cancer community The campaign gathered significantsupportfrom corporate entities and individuals, resulting in asubstantialdonationto assistcancerpatients.

The #Pledge4Pink campaign, through various platforms, managed to create widespread

awareness about the cause Natalia Nauyoma, marketing head of Cricket Namibia, who also headed the initiativewasextremely proudoftherecognition theinitiativereceived.

“We are happy that the #Pledge4Pink campaign and the efforts of the Cancer Association ofNamibiaarehavinga positive impact on cancer in the country,” shesaid.Shealsothanked MTC Windhoek Fashion Week, APS, Pupkewitz Motors, Richelieu and Future Media for agreeing to combinetheirbrandsto fightforagoodcause.

President of Cricket Namibia Board, Dr RudieVanVuuren, was more than pleased with the announcement

thankandrecogniseour Head Coach of the senior men's team, Pierre de Bruyn” Van Vuurensaid.

Itistrulyamazingwhen you receive these awards in front of 108 Member Countries and be recognised by the ICC,”hesaid.

Cricket Namibia Chief Executive Officer Johan Muller highlighted that receiving these awardsarebothahumbling and magnificent experience.

The company is extremely proud and in the same sense extremely humbled to be the winners of three categories on a global level. There are so many entities that we need to give credit to.

There are no words that can express such an unimaginable loss. She was a truly remarkable and special woman with a tender and loving soul. May your hearts find peace and comfort through the healing power of love, hope and prayers.

May her beautiful departed soul Rest in the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven

“When I received the message from the ICC that for the second consecutive year, we will be receiving three awards at the ICC Conference. I was totallystunned.

“I want to thank my fellow board members for the hard work and dedication behind the scenes.TheCEO,Johan Mullerandhisteam,for thehardworktheyhave put in and also want to

The national men's coach and the players, who performed exceptionally well in that match against Sri Lanka.

They made the entire country proud. All the corporate partners that support the team; Thank you! Without yoursupport,wewould not have been able to performatsuchastage.

Also,toallthefansand supporters, every Namibian, who shouted

forusduringtheWorld Cup. Your support was felt all the way to Australia,” Muller also reiterated the impact of the Development Program which won this Award forthesecondyearina row “Creditmustgoto Jona Ambuga as coordinator of this program. All the teachers, coachesand volunteers who ensure that we have a continuous impact on the lives of the Namibian child We served more than 100,000kidslastyear That means one out of every five children in primary schools had access to cricket. Our partner: Ashburton, throughtheFNBFoundation, has supported this program for many years Their funding andcontinuoussupport are the reason we can facilitate cricket in all fourteen (14) Regions of Namibia,” Muller continued.

CricketNamibiawould like to thank the unwaveringsupportofthe ICC Africa office Patricia Kambarami and her team, deserves the credit for these Awards.

18 NAMIBTIMES 23JUNE2023 School News
Our sincere condolences to the Fernandes family on the passing of your beloved Mother and Grandmother, Maria Adélia. Muchacho Nechvile and Family Sending you our love and prayers during this time of great loss.


The Dolphins Rugby Club solidified their position at the top of the NamibiaRugbyFirstDivisionWestNorthLeaguelogafterdefeatingthe Etosha Lions 24-12 last Saturday. Meanwhile, FNB Kudus achieved a record-breakingtallyofover70pointsinapulsatingmatchagainstSparta United1overtheweekend.

Rudi Bowe Dolphinssupportersare confident that their team, which returned to the NRU league this year, can claim the crown in 2023. Zinzan Steenkamp scored both tries for the Dolphins, with Nivine Nel successful with one conversionandfourpenalty kicks, giving the home team a ten-point lead in the NRU First Division West North League standings and a ninepoint lead in the NRU FirstDivisioncombined standings.

The Kudus was dominant in every as-

pect of the match at Walvis Bay's Jan Wilken Stadium, overwhelmingthedefending NRU First Division reigning champions, Sparta 1. Unrelenting from the onset, the Kudus piled on the points at will to secure their historic victory and move up to second place in the NRU First Division West North League standings with 16 points, and fifth place in the NRU First Division combined standings. TersuisArangiesscored three of the 11 tries for

Kudus, with Irong-wa Atshivudhi, Algir-non Kolz, Jaco Lootz, Ernesto Bampton, William Lottering, Thiaan Arangies, and Zwandre Viviers each scoring one try Ulriato Lawrence was successful with eight conversions.

In the Namibia Rugby Union's Women's League at Jan Wilken Stadium, Trustco United RugbyClubdemolished the host Oceans Rugby Club 71-0 United Bokkiesscored11tries, withtwotrieseachfrom Roberta Fabio, Richar-


Two long time sponsors tee'd it up at Rossmund over the pastweekend.

The third qualifier of the 2023 Windhoek Lager International Pairs was held on Saturday,17Juneatthe Rossmund Golf Club with a field of more than 30 players vying for a spot in the Regional Final and even better, an all inclusive weekend in Windhoek for the National Finals and hopefully that all elusive trip to Portugal.

OnSunday18June,not to be outdone, a field just less than 30 senior golfers headed to the fairways in their monthly individual stableford competition generously sponsored

The Sages (Senior) Golfers and Winners of the Dr Silvio Suardi Individual Stableford

byoneoftheirlongtime favorites Dr Silvio Suardi Weather conditions on both days were excellent, bit

chilly at times but once the sun came out things warmedup.

Saturday produced 2Clubs byAchmetAbra-

hams, Gert Cloete and FritzCoetzeeII.Overall st Winners: 1 : Fritz & David Coetzee 49pts; nd2 : Wim Hollander/-

Achmet Abrahams rd 44pts (qualifiers); 3 : George Murasiki/th Steven Johns 43pts; 4 : Douw Van Wyk/Zak Venter 42pts c/o over Stuart Salt/Marc Gregan. Not to be outdone theseniorsproduced2x 2-Clubs from Des D' Emiljo No.7 and Mark Jacobs No.16 - whilst NearesttothePinPrizes were awarded to Des D 'Emiljo No.7 and John Redman No.12 – Des was having a great day on the course coming home with the winning score of 45pts; second on a not too shabby 41pts was Clive Lawrd rence; 3 : Tim Botha th 38pts; 4 : Tienie van th Rensburg 37pts; 5 : Johan Joubert 36pts. In true Sages tradition Silvio made sure that everyone was a winner and went home with a littlesomething.

dine Gaya, and Fulchen Bock. Natalie Wilhelm, Tishina Basson, Mbitjita Matuzee, RhevonnedeKlerk,and

hooker Esmeralda Fuchs scored one try each. Michelle Slinger was successful with eightconversions.

Namibiatoshowcasethe2023 AfricaStatesTournament

Namibia is proud to be hosting one of the most prestigious international lawn bowls competitions on the African continent. Six nations, Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe will compete in four categories, namely singles, pairs, triples, and fours, with one to four players per team respectively Men and women will compete in separate divisions. All represented countries will ensure that world-class performancestakeplaceon the bowling greens in Windhoek, and they will be represented by very strong and prepared teams. Windhoek canlookforwardtotopclass action bowls on their home soil. The men will play at TransNamib Bowling Club, which is situated intheheartofthecapital city,andthewomenwill play at Eros Bowling Club, situated close to the country's prestigious Safari Court Hotel Namibia has brought home several gold and silver medals inpasttournamentsand

being on their home ground,theyarehoping to showcase their talents once again on the green.

TheNamibianBowling Association has diligently prepared as the hosts for the tournament and has started preparations to welcometheircounterparts to Namibia. Exciting play is expected. The sides selected to represent Namibia at the African States Tournament(AST)are:


JP Fouché (Eros BC)ASTonly

Axel Krahenbuhl (SwakopmundBC)



Christo Steenkamp (TransNamibBC)

Schalk van Wyk (TransNamib BC)WorldBowlsonly


Elzaan de Vries (NamibParkBC)

Bianca Lewis (SwakopmundBC)

Amanda Steenkamp (ErosBC)

Marietjie van den Bergh(TsumebBC)

Diana Viljoen (SwakopmundBC)

NAMIBTIMES19 23JUNE2023 School News
The2023AfricaStatesTournamentwillbeheld from June 26th to June 30th in Windhoek, Namibia. The Winners of the Windhoek Lager International Pairs fltr. Zak Venter; Douw van Wyk; Helmut Ndjendja (Whk Lager); Wim Hollander; Achmet Abrahams; John Horne; Tienie van Rensburg; with David & Fritz Coetzee (in front)

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