namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6499 FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER 2015 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
NIMT-uitslae laat studente in duister
inside Erongo Expo Page 2
Lof vir die polisie
Argief Foto: Ter illustrasie Bladsy 3
Marshallino Beukes Die koerant het vandeesweek vertroulik verneem dat studente by die Namibiese Instituut vir Mynbou en Tegnologie (NIMT) op Arandis met die hande in die hare sit, nadat baie van hulle blykbaar hul Augustus eksamen gefaal het, as gevolg van onreëlmatighede wat glo in Suid- Afrika ondervind was. Volgens ons bron is vyftien tot twintig punte per sou kry, maar het dit eers Maandag onder oë gekry Vrydag hul uitslae ontvang het, waarop aangedui leerling afgetrek, nadat dit aan die lig gekom het en moes tot hul skok en ongeloof waarneem dat was dat hulle die eksamen geslaag het, maar dat van die vraestelle in Suid-Afrika, in die hulle gedruip het. “Ek, myself was in trane, want Maandag weer ander uitslae, waar die punte verkeerde hande beland het. Die vraestelle het my ouers werk baie hard om my hier te onderhou afgetrek was, ontvang het. Die woordvoerder by glo ook in Namibië uitgelek. “Die kinders is en ook my skoolfooie te betaal. Hoe gaan ek dit die eksamenafdeling het dít as “nonsens” verward, moedeloos en in 'n 'toestand', aangesien aan hulle verduidelik?” was die student se vraag. afgemaak. Hy het egter bevestig dat daar wel geen amptelike verduideliking aan hulle verstrek Die student het voorts aangedui dat, indien onreëlmatighede in Suid-Afrika was, maar wou was nie,” het die bron aangedui. Die koerant het daardie punte nie afgetrek was nie, 'n slaagpunt nie daarop uitbrei nie. Voorts is daar aangevoer een van die studente telefonies gekontak en die beskore sou wees. Die koerant het Woensdag die dat die onreëlmatighede slegs vyf vakke geraak beweringe is bevestig. Die student het genoem Instituut se eksamenafdeling gekontak, nadat die het, en in NIMT Namibië se geval slegs twee dat hulle oorspronklik verlede Vrydag hul uitslae oorspronklike gerug was dat die studente laas Vervolg op bladsy 2
Traditional healers in crossfire Page 4
Etosha Fishing Tops
Sexual abuse victim wants justice to prevail Page 6
Madelaine Laubscher
“We only handle important cases” – police allegedly tells victim the police up to now. Dragan already has four pending cases of rape of minor children against him. In his last court appearance in Swakopmund, it was decided that the Prosesed that she had to do it cuter General will in person, but allege decide in which court that she has had no Continues on page 2 further response from
Mrs Lucy Witts (41) who claims she was sexually abused by her then stepfather, Dragan Vujicin (64 – currently living in Mondesa, Swakopmund) has, since September, not been able to lay a charge against him, as the police have up to now allegedly not provided her with a case (CR) number, even though she provided them with her signed statement and video footage where Vujicin admits to sexual relations with children. Lucy Witts when she visited Swakopmund to proceed with her documentary, Dragan's Lair.
Witts told the namib times that she (currently residing in South Africa) travelled
all the way to Swakopmund to lay a charge a g a i n s t Vu j i c i n , because she was advi-
Inline hockey success
Page 36
23 OCTOBER 2015
NIMT-uitslae laat studente in duister
Sexual abuse victim want justice to prevail Continued from page 1
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
vakke, wiskunde (vlakke 2 en 3) en ook wetenskap (vlakke 2 en 3). Die uitslae van die vyf vakke was dus hangende tot Maandag. Die koerant is gister ingelig dat studente blykbaar gewaarsku was om nie met enigiemand, insluitende die media, te praat aangaande die situasie nie. “Moet ons dus nou maar stilbly en net so aanvaar? Dit is onregverdig dat
studente wat niks met die blykbaar gesteelde vraestelle te doen gehad het, onder dieselfde kam geskeer moet word. Ons soek ons regverdige punte,” het die studente aangedui. Die koerant het gisternamiddag weer probeer om die NIMT woordvoerder telefonies te kontak, maar die telefoon het onbeantwoord gebly.
Fisheries Ministry warns public not to consume molluscan shellfish Staff reporter The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, on Wednesday, sent out a stern warning to the general public, not to consume and/or harvest molluscan shellfish (oysters and mussels) from the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund areas. As per the Ministry, the cause severe illness Symptoms of PSP: reason for this drastic and death. It's normal Early symptoms inmeasure is due to a f o r b i o t o x i n - p r o - clude tingling of the Harmful Algal Bloom ducing algae to be pre- lips and tongue, which event, which has been sent in marine water. may begin within detected and mollus- They are usually at minutes of eating toxic can shellfish is cur- very low concen- shellfish or may take rently unfit for human trations and pose no an hour or two to consumption, due to problems. However, develop. Symptoms the presence of bio- w h e n t h e a l g a e may progress to tingtoxin producing algae "blooms" the concen- ling of fingers and toes and high level values of tration increases dra- and then loss of control Paralytic Shellfish matically. The increa- of arms and legs, Poisoning (PSP) in s e d a l g a e s i m p l y followed by difficulty oysters and mussels as becomes a greater in breathing. determined during rou- food source for shell- Some people feel tine testing, conducted fish. nauseous or expeb y t h e N a m i b i a n The more algae the rience a sense of Standards Institutution shellfish eat, the more floating. If a person (NSI). biotoxin they accu- c o n s u m e s e n o u g h Paralytic shellfish poi- mulate. Biotoxins toxin, muscles of the son (PSP) is naturally don't harm shellfish, so chest and abdomen occurring toxin, called the level in their tissue become paralyzed, a “biotoxin,” which is continues to climb including muscles produced by some until the bloom sub- used for breathing, and species of microscopic sides. the victim can suffoalgae. When the number of cate. PSP can concentrate in toxin-producing algal Death from PSP has shellfish and, when cells returns to normal occurred in less than eaten, can cause illness low levels, the shell- 30 minutes. in humans. This bio- fish eventually flush (Source: http:/www. t o x i n a f f e c t s t h e the toxin from their doh.wa.gov/Communit nervous system and systems. It can be yandEnvironment/Shel paralyzes muscles, several days to several lfish/BiotoxinsIllnessP thus the term "paraly- months or longer revention/Biotoxins/P tic" shellfish poison. before they're safe to a r a l y t i c S h e l l f i s h High levels of PSP can eat again. Poison)
the matter is to be heard, magisterial-, regional- or high court. This decision is due on 17 November. Witts decided to lay an additional charge against Vujicin for supposedly sexually mollesting her over many years in order to ensure that justice will definitely prevail for these young girls. “I do not know what is going on. I reported the case for the first time at the police station on 6 September. I was told that there was no one from the women and child protection unit available and that I should come back the next day at 11:00. I told them I could not go that time, but I would come later that day. When I went there again, the women on duty were apathetic. They did not explain what they were doing. They kept me waiting without explaining that they had already called the detectives. When the detectives arrived I waited 30 minutes before I was spoken to. Two young male detectives read through my lengthy statement. After they were finished, they told me that “they do not actually deal with these things and only handle important cases like murder and theft.” They told me to return the following morning at 8:00. I did as I was told, but was then informed that they would only be available at 11:00 / 12:00 thus I should come at 14:00. Once again I did as they requested. But alas, nobody could take my statement. I gave them the address that I would be at and in the afternoon of 9 September, the two women from the Gender-Based Violence Investigation Division arrived at my friend's house, just before they were due to knock off duty. They started reading my statement and after reading about a third of it, said I should just print it out and sign it and they would finish reading it at the station. I was quite offended. I told a certain official that I have been struggling for three days to simply open a case but it felt like they are not interested in the case. I thus showed the officials video footage of an interview I had with Dragan in which he admitted to molesting me and also speaks about the four current counts of rape against him involving four minor girls. When I started playing the video, the police official said that this video was about me and my case. She said she wanted to see other information involving the other case. It was handled very badly. When they left, one of the officials assured me that she would handle the case personally and keep me in the loop. I provided her with contact details of relatives. I explained to her that my mother was immigrating to Cape Town by the end of September, so she should get in touch with her before then. I travelled back to South Africa on 10 September. That evening I contacted her to get my case number. She said that her superior requested that I make changes to the closing paragraph of my statement. I made the changes, re-signed it and scanned it and sent it back the following morning of 11 September. On 17 September, this official said she printed my revised statement, because she had been very busy in court. I spoke to her on the phone another week later when she told me that the case hadn't been opened yet, because she was waiting for the regional coordinator to decide if it should be combined with the ongoing rape charges. I explained again that I was not laying down a charge of rape, but molestation as explained in my statement. I know Dragan is an active paedophile. I have seen numerous very young girls who live within 50 meters of him. I fear that they are in danger every day. I provided the evidence I have in order to have him arrested. I would have thought that this would be any detective's dream case. I thought that they would want to lock away a serial paedophile, but obviously not. I am at a loss. I spoke to the Erongo Regional Commander Commissioner Samuel //Hoebeb who referred me to another police officer, who claimed to have been on leave and in the wrong department, she gave me yet another person's details,” Witts informed namib times. Vujicin was arrested in March 2014 after being charged with four counts of rape on allegations that he had raped several pre-school children (aged between seven and nine) in the Mondesa neighbourhood of Swakopmund, where he lived over an unspecified period of time. He was in custody for approximately one year and was subsequently released on bail this year, during March.“He is surrounded by young girls, just metres from his house in Mondesa. How can this be allowed?” she asked. According to her, she, along with her older sister, were sexually molested by him for several years which was underway 38 years ago. “He abused me from the age of two to the age of 12,” she said. Witts is currently working on a documentary, namely Dragan's Lair. In this documentary she will unravel the journey of the grooming and the effects being a victim of sexual abuse. In an audio clip (which the namib times has a copy of), Vujicin admitted to molesting her and admitted to letting minor girls touch his private parts. Here is a part of exactly what Vujicin said in the audio clip when he spoke to Witts.“The relationship like yours never happened in my life again. The longest and most intense sexual orientation was towards you. The rest were mostly like flashes, just a fling, I would say. You are the longest sexual relationship I had with anyone for a long time, because we were close family and it also went for ten years or so. It never repeated itself in the family. It just happened on the outside in situations where it was… like a fling. I build trust by accomodating children with the things they need and want. It is a grooming process of how a pedohile operates. It starts with acting and keeping the young person or whatever it is on the same level. That means not distinguishing the difference… you treat the person the same as you would treat a grown up or a child. It is the same thing… And of course showering them with things they like.” Witts wants Vujicin put behind bars so that no other girl will suffer sexual abuse under his hands again. “I decided to lay a charge of molestation to ensure that the rape charges that are already against him, will go to trial,” she concluded. The newspaper contacted Nampol Chief Inspector Iikuyu and Commissioner Kashuupulwa for comment over the progress of the situation but could not be reached for comment. According to a trusted official, they are aware of the matter and will provide the newspaper with feedback from the police soon.
Erongo Expo going bigger this year “This year we have more international clients than last year and the demand is greater also. We have been fully booked since beginning September and are looking into getting more exhibition housing due to the high demand,” said Vanessa Erasmus from the Expo offices.
The NAMPORT Erongo Business and Tourism Expo opens on Wednesday for invited guests and Exhibitors and from Thursday at 10:00 it will be open to the public. The Namib Marimba Band and the Flamingo Primary School choir will be performing to complement the opening of the Expo on Wednesday. In the evening there will be a Gala dinner at the Town Hall at 19:00 with NAMA Award Winners Star Dust, Vernice Plaatjie and Salvador. There are still tickets available at a cost of N$800 and pledges will be taken towards the development of the SME training fund, heeding the Governor's
call for SME training/ development. On Thursday night visitors can enjoy a Karaoke night from 20:30 till late. On Friday there will be performances by Unknowns dancing Crew, Alwar Uys (langarm dans), followed by musi-cians and artists George van Straten , Papa Nelly, Titus Cloete, Atushe and the “Female Donkey - Damara Punch.” On Satur-day, visitors can watch the Rugby World Cup from 17:30. They will have a big screen set up in the enter-tainment tent for visitors and exhibitors to watch the semi-finals of the world cup. Some of the com-panies that are also having stalls are the N a m i b i a F i l m
Liesl Losper
Commission, NHP, Nampost, NIP, Parliament of Namibia, Multichoice Namibia, Development Bank of Namibia, Electoral Commission of Namibia, NASRIA, Standard Bank Namibia, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Payment Association of Namibia, Office of the Attorney-General, Standard Bank Namibia, Road-Guard, Think Safety First, Rio Tinto, Walvis B a y M u n i c i p a l i t y, NIPAM, Erongo Red and Fastfind.me. On Saturday evening from 21:30, House of Araffath will give a live performance and afterwards music will be provided by a DJ.
23 OCTOBER 2015
Gebroke de Klerk het lof vir die polisie Misdaadverslaggewer
Die Walvisbaaier mnr Willem (Wimpie) de Klerk, 'n hardervisser en algemene handelaar van beroep, het vandeesweek sy tevredenheid uitgespreek daaroor dat die Namibiese Polisie die verdagtes vasgetrek het in die moord op sy bejaarde pa.
Wyle mnr Willem de Klerk Snr
Wimpie de Klerk
Mnr Willem de Klerk (senior), self 'n oud-Walvisbaaier, is Sondag of Maandag op sy plaas Villa Rosa, sowat 60 kilometer suidwes van Usakos, vermoor. Vier verdagtes is binne ure na goeie speurwerk deur lede van die polisie op Swakopmund en in Windhoek in hegtenis geneem. Hulle sou gister vlugtig in die Usakos landdroshof verskyn. Borg sou geweier word. Daar word vermoed die verdagtes het de Klerk, wat alleen op sy plaas was, Sondag of Maandag oorval en vermoor. Daarna het hulle met gesteelde goedere in een van sy voertuie gevlug. ‘n Papwiel het hul geen keuse gelaat as om te voet verder te vlug nie. Die verdagtes sluit 'n egpaar in, en ten minste drie van die verdagtes is voormalige plaaswerkers. Nadat de Klerk se verlate motor gevind is, was dit nie lank voordat gesoute speurders hul eerste
deurbraak kon maak nie. Alle gesteelde goedere is ook intussen teruggevind, aldus die polisie se segsman in Erongo, Kommisaris Otillie Kashuupulwa. 'n Gebroke Wimpie de Klerk het aan namib times gesê dat die moord op sy bejaarde pa 'n daad van uiterste lafhartigheid was. “Hoe moeilik kan dit nou wees om 'n ou man te oorval?” Hy het bygevoeg dit is onbegryplik dat jy iemand kan vermoor wat vir jou geen lewensgevaarlike bedreiging inhou nie. “Roof dan, maar waarom moet jy moor?” De Klerk kon net met groot lof van die flinke optrede van lede van die Namibiese Polisie praat. Hy wil nou sien dat die gereg sy verloop neem, en dat die skuldiges vir hul dade boet. Die saak teen die verdagtes sal na verwagting na die Swakopmundse streekshof oorgeplaas word, waar hulle sal teregstaan op 'n moordklag, roof met verswarende omstandighede en diefstal.
GRN institutional workers give Napwu the boot Marshallino Beukes Government institutional workers in Swakopmund are fed-up and expressed their dissatisfaction with the recently announced salary increment of 6%. The more than twenty disgruntled workers officially withdrew from their labour
union, Napwu, on Wednesday. According to them Napwu negotiated on
the 6% increment without consulting with them first. “This 6% salary-hike is a slap in the face and a drop in the ocean. We want at least 12% or N$5 000 per month,” the workers fumed. They accused
“Two months without a salary” – Madelaine Laubscher fisherman alleges A local fisherman working on a vessel for a company in Windhoek complained of being one of 23 fishermen, whom apparently have not received their full salaries for August and September and alleges that upon request, empty promises have been made up to now. This fisherman, who wanted to remain anonymous, claimed that the 23 fishermen, working on a certain vessel, have received only half of their salaries for July, and never again, up to now. “Our salaries have not been paid for August and September up to now. They owe us a lot of money and we are really struggling. We have to pay accommodation, we have children to feed and we need to eat. I myself do not even have money for a taxi to go to work now. We bring the fish, but we are not getting paid. When we contact the owner of the vessel in Windhoek, he told us, 'tomorrow you will get paid', but we have not received our salaries up to now. The last time I contacted the owner of the vessel was last week Tuesday. He said we will get our money on Friday (last week), but it did not happen,” he alleged. The newspaper tried to contact the owner of the vessel who could not be reached at the time. He was thus informed via a message to contact us regarding the allegations, but it proved futile at the time of going to print.
Napwu of not doing anything for its members and only want their monthly contributions, which apparently range from N$28 up to N$68 per month, per member. They did not go to their working stations since last Wednesday and according to the workers there was no sign of any Napwu representative, at least trying to give an explanation, or consult with them. The workers include cleaners employed at the Ministries of Health and Social Services, Erongo Regional Council, Fisheries and Marine Resources and Sport, Youth and National Services.
Some of the disgruntled workers
23 OCTOBER 2015
Fireworks in municipal area against the law Madelaine Laubscher A trusted source provided the namib times with video footage of two persons who seemed to be playing with fireworks (flares) in the vicinity of Spur Walvis Bay on Friday night and according to a police spokesperson it is against the law and could have serious consequences. The video (posted on the namib times facebook page) was sent to us by a reader and shows how, what seems to be flares, are thrown up in the air by two persons. “We were alerted about the incident and tried to catch them, but to no avail. Everyone
knows that making use of fireworks in town is against the law. No fireworks are allowed in town. Anyone who want to make use of fireworks, should do so far out of town. If caught using fireworks in town they will be fined,” the source said.
Snapshot of the persons throwing the flares up in the air in town
Traditional healers in crossfire Mavourlene !Gaёs
Nampol Unit Commander for Community Affairs, Sergeant Ileni Shapumba, sent out a stern warning to traditional healers to refrain from cheating people out of their hard-earned money. According to Shapumba, a Walvis Bay resident, Petrus Haimbodi, reported a traditional healer last Friday, after he (Haimbodi) visited the healer for assistance to trace his stolen firearm. The stolen firearm was also reported to the police, the previous day. “Haimbodi went to the traditional healer in Kuisebmond's Theo Ben Gurirab Street to find out who stole his pistol. Apparently, when you go to the traditional healers, you do not say what your problem is, you just go there and sit. The traditional healer then examines you to check what problems you have,” Sergeant Shapumba noted. He added that during the process of scrutiny, the healer Brighton Phiri, better known as Dr Zivango by his clients, supposedly detected that Haimbodi had a problem with his business. “He was also told that one of his ex-girlfriends is visiting a Zimbabwean witchdoctor to curse him and that one of his family members, an old lady, is practising witchcraft and also wants to curse him,” said Shapumba Haimbodi was then allegedly instructed to go and buy a bag of maize meal, eggs, a blade and a mirror. Apparently he did what he was told and before he went back to Dr Zivango, he asked his brother to accompany him and be the witness. When they got there the healer supposedly threw the items on a mat in the room and part of the maize meal spilt on the mat. Shapumba added that, when Dr Zivango apparently checked in the eggs, one of the eggs were broken and allegedly had an impact on the success of the witchdoctor to cure the problem. He was then instructed to go back home and return at 18:00. On his arrival he was allegedly given an herb-mixture to drink by Dr Zivango's assistant herbalist Blesings Nkhulungo. Haimbodi was apparently also given a mirror and instructed that, on arrival at his home, he should put the mirror upside down, boil and drink the herbs and then cover himself with a blanket for 15 minutes. He was told to put the mirror in a plastic bag after he was done, not to look at it and return the next morning. Haimbodi apparently returned the following day (Friday) at eight in the morning and was told there was a problem and his ritual may not be effective because of the maize meal that fell and the broken eggs. Shapumba noted that, at this stage, Haimbodi already paid the traditional healer N$500, N$100 as consultation fee and N$400 for the identity of the person who stole his pistol. After his last visit Haimbodi apparently smelled a rat and demanded his money back. He also told the traditional healer the problem he came for was not that of a business, but for the tracing of his pistol. Shapumba further said the traditional healer then suggested that he give Haimbodi a tube from a bicycle's wheel which he should put air into. He was apparently told that while putting air into the tube, the stomach of the culprit who took his fire-arm will experience a severe stomach ache and return the pistol. Haimbodi, however, still stood firm and demanded his money back. “He was given the money, but it had been taken out of a calabash and was wet. That is apparently where they put the money every time they cure people.” Haimbodi reportedly refused the wet money and threw it on the floor, subsequently reporting the matter at the police station. At the station, Haimbodi supposedly challenged the traditional healer by telling him he will pay him N$3 000 if he unmasks the person who took his pistol. The traditional healer said he will not continue with Haimbodi anymore, because he does not have trust in him.” Although Phiri was not charged and there is no law stopping traditional healers from operating, Shapumba has warned them (traditional healers) to stop making fabricated statements which can result in family feuds and destroy relationships. “The community members are also not innocent, as they are the ones going to the people (traditional healers). They are the ones that expose themselves to this cheating,” Shapumba concluded.
“Private person to assist in arrest when called upon” Contributed by Sergeant Shapumba the Community Affairs Officer at Nampol's Regional Headquarters in Walvis Bay On a daily basis, during Police operations, we came across members of the public unwillingly and willingly refusing to assist the Police when requested or instructed to do so. It is civic duty for us all as citizens to condemn illegal activities and make sure that those that are committing crimes are arrested, detained and undergo criminal procedures. We wish therefore to bring under the attention of our community the provision in terms of Criminal Procedure Act, 51/1977 as amended, Sec. 47 (Private person to assist in arrest when called upon). 1. Every inhabitant of the Republic of Namibia of an age not below 16 and not exceeding sixty years shall, when called upon by any police official to do so, assist such police official to: 1.1. Arrest any person; 1.2. Detain any person so arrested. 2. Any person who without sufficient cause, fails to assist a police official as provided in subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offense and liable on conviction to a fine or imprisonment. Further reference can be made to Section 29 of the same Act (Search of arrested person/premises to be conducted in a decent and orderly manner). It is fundamental human rights of any person, that any search to be conducted on a person or premises shall be done with strict regard to decency and order. Therefore a woman shall be searched by a female police officer only and a man by a police man. If there is a police officer of the same sex as that of the person to be searched, a police officer may designate a private person of the applicable sex for that purpose. The laws suggests that, any person who refused to comply with instruction of the police officer without valid cause will make himself guilty of the contravention of these sections.
Swakopmund Magistrate’s Report Ralf Conrad (73) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 30 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Harald Sadlacek (54) appeared on charges of common assault and breaching of protection order. The matter was postponed to 23 February 2016 for legal representation. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Libertine Somaes (40) appeared on a charge of concealment of birth. The matter was postponed to 4 April 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Fransiskus Tomelo (29) appeared on a charge of common assault. The matter was postponed to 23 November for legal representation. The accused have been warned. McDonald Gariseb (21) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 17 March 2016 for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Endjala rekeido Mwinoma (21) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 25 January 2016 for Prosecutor General's Decision. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Mweenda Paulus (36) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 28 October 2016 for mental observation report in terms of section 79. The accused remains in custody.
23 OCTOBER 2015
Swakopmund Matters “Deep Sea Mining a New Ocean Threat” by Prof. Richard Steiner Below is the text of Prof. Steiner's thought-provoking article. In it he makes serious points which are most compelling and valid. These are some of them: · Clearly we need to avoid such ecological damage. Before any deep sea mining moves ahead, we would need much more extensive scientific research species identification, community ecology, distribution, genetics, life histories, resettlement patterns, resilience to disturbance, and at least a 10-year continuous time series of observations to understand dynamics of proposed mining sites overtime. In addition, we need more robust management regimes at the ISA and in coastal nations, royalty-sharing and liability agreements, stakeholder engagement, and significant advancements in subsea technology. Until this is achieved, the only wise policy is a global moratorium on all deep sea mining. · This emerging industry would result in serious impacts to our oceans, so it is critical for civil society to engage now, in the early stages of exploration and development. It would be truly unfortunate if we allow the same industrial paradigm that destroyed much of the terrestrial ecosystems of our home planet to do the same in the deep sea. It is time to change this model. This is a very big deal, and we need to pay close attention. Groups such as the Deep Sea Mining Campaign, MiningWatch Canada, Greenpeace, Earthworks, and the Center for Biological Diversity are doing great work on the issue. The future of our oceans, and thus our planet, may depend on their success. On 20 October, Prof. Richard Steiner, Professor and conservation biologist, Oasis Earth (www.oasis-earth.com)
published the following in The Huffington Post Adding to concerns about the disastrous decline in ocean ecosystems, now there is another emerging threat deep sea mining. While shallow water mining for sand, gold, tin, and diamonds has been conducted for decades, commercial deep sea mining has yet to occur anywhere. But that's about to change. Extensive deep sea mineral exploration is currently underway in international waters governed by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), under the U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and within Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of many coastal nations. There are currently three main types of deep sea mineral deposits of interest to industry and governments: 1. Polymetallic nodules (also called "manganese nodules") are potatosized metal nodules found on the abyssal plain from 4,000 m 6,000 m deep. These nodules are rich in manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper, lithium, molybdenum, iron, and Rare Earth Elements. Nodules grow slowly over millions of years, to diameters from 5 cm - 50 cm, and host unique invertebrate communities. Currently, 13 national consortia operate exploration leases on 4.5 million km2 of the Clarion-Clipperton (Fracture) Zone (CCZ), between Baja and Hawaii. The U.S., as a nonparty to UNCLOS and ISA, issued exploration leases on its own to Ocean Minerals Company (OMCO), a subsidiary of defense contractor Lockheed Martin, to explore for nodules in the CCZ. The only nodule deposits
being seriously considered within a national EEZ at present are in the Cook Islands in South Pacific. 2. Seafloor Massive Sulphide (SMS) deposits are found beneath deep sea hydrothermal vents along the 67,000 km of volcanically active midocean ridges and back arc basins, between 1,500 m 5,000 m deep. These contain high-grade copper, gold, silver, zinc, and other trace metals. Deep sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems were first discovered in 1977 at the Galapagos Rift, and stunned the world of science, as these vent systems rely entirely on chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis - the first ever known. Over 300 deep sea vent systems have been discovered so far, and it is estimated that perhaps only 500 - 5,000 may exist in the world ocean, making this one of rarest ecosystems in Earth's biosphere. China and Korea hold contracts to explore SMS deposits in international waters of the Indian Ocean, and Russia and France hold exploration leases on the MidAtlantic Ridge. Other SMS deposits being considered are in waters of Papua New Guinea (PNG), Vanuatu, Palau, Niue, Fiji, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and New Zealand. The Nautilus Minerals "Solwara 1" project in PNG waters is fully permitted, the mining ship and equipment are being built, and mining is scheduled to begin in 2018. This would be the first commercial deep sea mining project in history. 3. Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts are found on summits and flanks of seamounts at 400 m - 4,000 m depth. There are some 10,000 seamounts in oceans
rising at least 1,000 m above the seabed (and perhaps another 90,000 smaller seamounts). Many are in EEZs of central Pacific islands (Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Hawaii, Johnston Atoll), and in international waters of the tropical Pacific. Metal crusts form on shoulders of seamounts, rich in cobalt, nickel, copper, iron, manganese; rare metals such as tungsten, platinum, bismuth, tellurium, etc.; and Rare Earth Elements. Crusts grow slowly, 1 mm - 5 mm per million years, and can reach total thickness of up to 260 mm. Seamount crusts are currently being explored by China and Japan in international waters of the western tropical Pacific, but many feel actual mining of seamount crusts would be by far the most problematic and least feasible. Marine phosphate (fertilizer) and methane hydrate (energy) resources found in shallower waters, 100 m - 500 m deep, are often discussed in context with deep sea minerals. Marine phosphate mining is in consideration off Namibia (currently under moratorium), New Zealand (the environmental permit was denied earlier this year, but the developer is considering reapplying next year), and off Baja Mexico, where Odyssey Marine has submitted its EIA for mining the Don Diego phosphate deposit in 70 m water depth, 1225 miles offshore. Japan has successfully tested methane hydrate, or "fire ice," extraction from its offshore waters. But here's the problem. The deep ocean, where mining is proposed, constitutes the largest and least understood biological habitat on Earth. It's an Alice-inWonderland world of extremes, extraordinary adaptions, bizarre orga-
nisms, beauty and mystery. The region is characterized by darkness (infused with sparkling bioluminescence), extreme pressure, cold temperatures, high biodiversity (perhaps millions of species, most yet to be identified), slow growth and reproductive rates, and high sensitivity to disturbance (low resilience). Given our poor understanding of deep sea ecosystems, growing industrial interest, rudimentary management, and insufficient protected areas, the risk of irreversible environmental damage here is real. Environmental risks and impacts of deep sea mining would be enormous and unavoidable, including seabed habitat degradation over vast ocean areas, species extinctions, reduced habitat complexity, slow and uncertain recovery, suspended sediment plumes, toxic plumes from surface ore dewatering, pelagic ecosystem impacts, undersea noise, ore and oil spills in transport, and more. Due to the global rarity of deep sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems, the impact of vent mining would be disproportionately high relative to terrestrial mining. Fullscale nodule mining on the abyssal plain would affect thousands of square miles of ocean floor, kill attached invertebrate communities, and create huge subsea sediment plumes that would flow and settle over thousands of square miles of seafloor. Such sedimentation would smother seabed habitat, reduce habitat complexity and biodiversity over vast areas, and post-mining recovery would be extremely slow. Mining of cobalt crusts on seamounts would cause enormous, possibly irreversible impacts to unique, productive seamount ecosystems. Clearly, we need to avoid such ecological damage.
Before any deep sea mining moves ahead, we would need much more extensive scientific research - species identification, community ecology, distribution, genetics, life histories, resettlement patterns, resilience to disturbance, and at least a 10-year continuous time series of observations to understand dynamics of proposed mining sites over-time. In addition, we need more robust management regimes at the ISA and in coastal nations, royaltysharing and liability agreements, stakeholder engagement, and significant advancements in subsea technology. Until this is achieved, the only wise policy is a global moratorium on all deep sea mining. The need for more deep sea Marine Protected Areas is paramount. New Zealand established its Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary this year on over 620,000 km2 of the islands and submarine volcanoes northeast of the main islands; Cook Islands established a marine reserve on 1.1 million km2 (over half) of their EEZ; the U.S. established a 1.2 million km2 Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument; and the ISA established Areas of Particular Environmental Interest (APEIs) over about half (or about 2.3 million km2) of the area currently under lease in the CCZ. This is a good start, but still insufficient. Industry and governments recognize the huge challenges in mining the deep ocean, but are resolved to move forward anyway. As justification, they invoke the "peak minerals" argument, depletion of land-based minerals, and a projected increase in mineral demand in the world economy. But mining proponents habitually avoid discussing the opportunity to reduce mineral demand by increasing the efficiency of metal use in the global economy, cradleto-cradle design, recycling, and landfill mining.
To build a sustainable economy, we will have to break the "economy of waste" - mining raw minerals, using them once or twice, discarding them, and continuing the demand for mining raw minerals. Surely at some point, with smart renewable metal use, we will have enough minerals already up into the global economy and won't need to keep digging holes for more. The sooner we get there, the better. The Nautilus Minerals "Solwara 1" vent/SMS mining project in PNG waters will likely be the first deep sea mining project, with others following elsewhere in PNG, Tonga, and Fiji. Others projects to watch in national waters include Odyssey's Don Diego phosphate mining project off Baja, and manganese nodule mining in the Cook Islands. Mining on the international seabed is likely 5-10 years off, but there is intense political pressure to do so. This emerging industry would result in serious impacts to our oceans, so it is critical for civil society to engage now, in the early stages of exploration and development. It would be truly unfortunate if we allow the same industrial paradigm that destroyed much of the terrestrial ecosystems of our home planet to do the same in the deep sea. It is time to change this model. This is a very big deal, and we need to pay close attention. Groups such as the Deep Sea Mining Campaign, MiningWatch Canada, Greenpeace, Earthworks, and the Center for Biological Diversity are doing great work on the issue. The future of our oceans, and thus our planet, may depend on their success. Swakopmund Matters (34 – 21 October ) (For Swakopmund Matters the environment of the Namibian coastline and its ocean matters)
23 OCTOBER 2015
Etosha Fishing tops again at NSI Quality Awards 2015
Etosha Fishing staff proudly celebrate their achievement of receiving top honours at this year's NSI Awards. Pictured here are some of the Etosha Fishing staff with the coveted trophies.
For the second year in a row Etosha Fishing Corporation managed to walk away with top honours at the NSI National Quality Awards Ceremony, being awarded first prize in the Large Enterprise Company of the year 2015 category. It also won in the Large Enterprise Product of the year 2015 and Large Enterprise Exporter of the year 2015 categories. “With the right team one
can achieve great things,” MD of Etosha Fishing Pieter Greeff said at the event held in Windhoek on 15 October. He praised his staff for
their commit-ment and hard work in making Etosha Fishing a top Quality Company. Etosha Fishing broke ground in recent years with the
introduction of Namibia's first canned horse mackerel product range c a l l e d “ E F U TA Maasbanker”, the first Namibian canned product to receive the NSI Standard Mark of Conformity pro-duct endorsement. It also carries Halaal Certification and is a proudly Namibian product displaying the Team Namibia logo. It was successfully introduced to the Namibian retail market, now available on the shelves of all major retailers, and con-tinue to achieve huge success as an export product to other southern African markets. EFUTA Maasbanker was first canned in 2013 in response to repeated calls by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources for employment creation and value addition in this sector, which is directly in line with the Government's Vision 2030 and NDP4 policy framework. Moreover, the venture allowed for a more sustainable business operation with longer term employment for more Namibians. It also materialised Etosha Fishing's vision of putting the country's most valuable
fish resource in a can, offering the nation an affordable, nutritious meal from the sea. The NSI National Quality Awards is aimed at recognising industries, enterprises and individuals who perform excellent on quality. The awards seek to motivate producers to put quality as the central focus of all their productions and to put quality at the forefront of their marketing agenda. According to the NSI, the Quality Company of the Year Award is bestowed on registered companies which best reflect full commitment to applicable local and international high quality production practices and standards/norms. The Namibian Exporter of the Year Award relates to a company or organisation that has made significant progress in commencing or expanding exports to new or wider markets by introducing quality in their company. Etosha Fishing will now challenge the other winners from the SADC Region at the Annual SADC Quality Awards later one this year.
23 OCTOBER 2015
23 OCTOBER 2015
Liefde, honger, hartseer Ek het drie boerboele, staan bekend as my babas. Die seuns verwys na hulle as sussies.
Urgent warning to general public! “The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine resources herewith warns the general public to not harvest and/or consume molluscan shellfish (oysters and mussels) from the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund areas. Koos Blaauw Please note that oysters supplied to the public via licenced farms is safe for human consumption.
Anita Schneider De Vries This is obviously only applicable if you eat them off the beach!! Not in shops! Please people, think before responding! Pewah Ndemuweda Lol Emilia Nordström, ocean basket. Thanks for the info. Ashleey Given Dappy Pls tell us the symptom aftr eating fish, tell us nw so tht we mst go vst our doctor fr check up vry soon befr we die Genesa Lübkert Oh ha en wat nou?
Closure of NWR camping sites during upcoming holiday season On the eve of the upcoming holiday season, Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) yesterday announced that Jakkalsputz, Mile 72, Mile 108 and also Mile 14 will be closed to the public.
Coetzee Van Zyl Stupid. It should have been completed now, ready for the holiday season. Renthia Kruger Typical Africa Time Attitude! Shame on you NWR! Chrisilda Rausch This is Africa what do you except things are very slow indeed.
Double Murder Suspect dies Ananias Kamati, the Augustineum Secondary School teacher accused of killing two sisters on 9 October 2015 has died. Namibian Police Force (NamPol)'s Chief Inspector, Kauna Shikwambi confirmed to Nampa
upon enquiry that the 32-year-old suspect died on Wednesday morning in the Katutura State hospital where he was receiving treatment after drinking battery acid in an apparent attempt to commit suicide. Dandago Geingos Maybe it was for th best.
I just want justice to be done…”
Hulle slaap op hul eie bedjies met teddy-kombersies en kussings. Boudjies, die spesiale baba het ek ge-abba teen my bors vanaf geboorte omdat die ma haar bly begrawe het. Ek het haar grootgemaak met 'n tietie-bottel. Ek het met die moeder natuur ingemeng en daarom het ek nou 'n duur prys betaal. Sy het 'n heup- probleem ontwikkel en artritis in die voorbene gekry na baie mediese kostes en duur diëte was ek verplig om haar leiding te beëindig. Ek het 'n afspraak gemaak en eerste gevra wat word van die liggaam omdat ek haar nie in ons erf kan begrawe nie, want die huis word verkoop. Hulle het my verseker die honde word langs die munisipale stortingsterrein begrawe. Ek het nie vrede gevind nie en het Saterdagmiddag stortingsterrein toe gery nadat ek Maandagoggend die instansie geskakel het en gevra het of die liggame reeds begrawe is. Die persoon was baie verontwaardig en is duidelik onkant gevang. Sy het gevra “Why, is there a problem?” 'n Man by die stortingsterrein wys my toe waar die honde begrawe word. Daar is 'n bordjie op die regterkant “abbatoir waste”. Intussen verseker hy my ek moet nie 'worry' nie, die week het hulle nog net een hond geëet, 'n grote wat in die dorp gestamp is, hulle eet nie graag honde wat van die dokter af kom nie want hulle is vol medisyne.” Wat 'n vertroosting? Hy sê hulle word daar tussen die gemors afgelaai en dan stoot die laaigraaf alles toe. Praat die waarheid wanneer ons hartseer troeteldiereienaars voor julle staan. Hoekom skaf julle nie verbrandingsoonde aan nie, dit is mos nog 'n manier om geld te maak? Almal sal betaal vir daardie gemoedsrus. Ek wens ek kon 'n stukkie grond bekom waar ek die diereliefhebbers se diere kan begrawe soos dit hoort. Met gebed en genade het ek my hond se liggaam teruggekry en self gaan begrawe. Diane Le Roux
“Binnelander en “Sub-kontakteur” My kommentaar met betrekking tot “Binnelander en “Subkontakteur.” Maak die naam van die “Sub-Kontrakteur” bekend. Ons wil weet wie die mens is wat so optree. Ander mense so te verneuk. Aai, nee man, mens maak nie so nie. Mnr Uirab gaan voort met jou klag.
Haurumbu Antonios Sirumbu (29), a resident from Walvis Bay, wants justice to be served and the correct procedures to be followed, after he was allegedly wrong-fully imprisoned.
Sean Wolf Competent police work comes into question once again ! Llewellyn Denzil Bjorn Jeneke So sorry bro. Sirka Katuye Feeling Very Sorry for you my Bro. Silvia Ringhofer OMW
I would like to bring something to you that I don't think is right and it just does not work!
Youth goes one-on -one with Nampol
What are we to do ?
important questions to Nampol on Thursday, during
-“If police officers want to drive around for a meeting at the Walvis Bay Town Hall. private reasons, they must buy their own Hilma Takatsu Give them good salary and stop promoting ur brother and sisters only. vehicles” - police spokesperson. Members of the Constituency Youth Forum, which was established eight years ago at the coast, posed
Vic Grant Remember the saying, " It takes a thief to catch a thief ".
Confusion over treatment of patient by doctor in local hospital An incident that occurred recently raised the question whether a patient, who is hurt and wants to lay a charge with the police after treatment, can be assisted by a private doctor or not. Sean Wolf The hospital was suppose to help the guy, but obviously lately there is more incompetent, than competent staff! Another matter which is concerning , how long does it take some for these nurses to get a doctor to in ? Some times the doctor asks 100 questions before he decides to come in ! Why isn`t there a doctor 24 / 7 at the hospital ? That is one of the main reasons why so many people prefer going to Swakop! Egon Jankowski My advice. Get hospital to provide you with there patient rights policy. If you
have a claim doctor and nurse did not act in regards to the oath they swear to treat every patient the same get legal action lodge a complaint at the health professions council. Toni Timo Lange Yes and no, here and there, up and down, does not matter how you see the matter, fact of the matter remains, it was a matter that needed urgent medical assistance and the hospital turn there back on the pour man. U know what, im of the opion that it is disgusting af a help centre to always ask, what medical aid sir/madam, credit card number please sir/madam.Sick sick sick.
Binnelander en “sub-kontrakteur” trek tou oor geld - Werker uit binneland moet glo N$1 000 per nag opdok vir blyplek by werk. Die koerant is Saterdag inderhaas na 'n woning in Swakopmund se Vineta woonbuurt ontbied, nadat omstredenheid rakende die betaling van 'n bouer van Rehoboth en die persoon onder wie hy teël- en reparasiewerk gedoen het, ontstaan het.
Clarice Simoné Theys My wêreld. van wanneer af kan 'n persoon nie vir homself besluit of hy nog werkers wil aanstel nie? Dis 'n ou gewoonte om tilers en arbeiders in die geheel so in te loop! Jy sal maar net moet opdok, dame! Daai Kanadees het hoeka klomp dollars betaal! Lenhert Plaatjies Elistare Van Rooyen jy is omtrent besig in Swakopmund.
My name is Hannelie Wasserman (Visser). I am a born Namibian have all the documents to prove it. I am married to Johan Wasserman, SA Citizen. So we saw the newspaper clip that said if I as a Namibian citizen is married to SA citizen he can work here with no problem (still have the article kept safe) Also consulted with Fishmar only to learn that he indeed needs Domicile papers. Which is still ok, we got everything ready for them to start with that 2 years ago already. My husband is a Truck driver and working locally in Swakopmund. Natis always used to take in prove of admission forms from Home Affairs to transfer the South African licence to Namibian licence. As you know he needs his licence to work in Namibia. Then only for us to learn about a month ago NATIS has changed this and you have to show your certificate of domicile BEFORE you can convert your licence! So the end result is this: He can work here no problem but you have to go to SA every 2 years to do your PDP until your domicile papers are ready? He will probably not get his domicile papers for the next 2 years the way that Home Affairs is working! So what are we to do with this? You cannot say you can work here and then they do this? When u apply for your licence in SA you wait at least 1-2 months for it. No other person can pick it up for you, in result that we would have to go down there again to pick it up?? This does not make sense to me and I feel it a very impulsive move from NATIS to do so in changing the rules without thinking it through. I cannot see was the problem with the Prove of Acknowledgement of receipt, it is being done by a Fishmar who does this every day. And now here we sit and the licence expiry date is 11/11/2015! What to do now? If you have any info on this it would be greatly appreciated! Kind regards Hannelie Wasserman LMG - 081 150 1858
23 OCTOBER 2015
Discordant couple share their story “I decided to play a game of Russian roulette with my life…” Marshallino Beukes
Living as a discordant couple for almost a decade now, a Swakopmund couple shared their true life-story of faith, hope, love and also tears. “I have an extraordinary life-story of something that I'm living with, which only Jehovah God can prescribe to mankind, because he is almighty. It is almost a decade that I'm in this life. We are still going strong through faith and generating a healthy family. My partner and I are living as a discordant couple for almost a decade now. A discor-
dant couple is when a couple are having different HIV statuses, with one being positive and the other negative. I met my partner in July 2005. On 23 July 2006 we went for a couple test, and at that stage my partner was 4-5 months pregnant. We got our pre- and postcounselling and afterwards the results. My results came out negative and my partner's was positive. This was
REZONING NOTICE Take notice that RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS (TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS) on behalf of the owner of Erf 1127 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay, is applying to the Walvis Bay Municipality for: REZONING OF ERF 1127 FROM “SINGLE RESIDENTIAL” WITH A DENSITY OF 1:300 M2 TO “LOCAL BUSINESS” WITH A BULK OF 1, FOR A MIXED LAND USE DEVELOPMENT. THE MIXED DEVELOPMENT WILL CONSIST OF ACTIVITIES SUCH AS: OFFICE/ BUSSINES, COFFEE SHOP, RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. Erf 1127 Theo-Ben Gurirab, Walvis Bay is zoned as “single residential” with a density of 1:300 m2 and it is approximately 1250 m2 in extent. The owner of Erf 1127 intends to rezone to “Local business” with a bulk of 1 for a mixed land use development. The bulk will allow the owner to construct a business building consisting of activities such as: offices/ business, coffee shop and use part of the building for residential purposes. The number of vehicles for which parking will be provided on-site will be in accordance with the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. Further take notice that the locality plan of the Erf lies for inspection on the town planning notice board in the Customer Care Centre, Municipality of Walvis Bay Offices, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the Municipality and with the applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. APPLICANT: RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS P O Box 22543, Windhoek Fax: 061 – 213158 or 088614935 (fax to email), Tel: (061) 225062 or Cell 0815788154 Email Address: rkhiba@gmail.com
the first time I heard about “discordant couples”. Our first kid was born on 27 December 2006. He was born positive and passed away, due to HIV related illness on 11 April 2007. Due to the love I have for my partner I decided to play Russian-roulette with my life and continued to try and build up a family for me with her, because she also has the right to live a full life, as any
other woman deserves to. She fell pregnant again and gave birth to a baby girl on 20 November 2008. She was also born positive and passed away after 3 months due to HIV related illness, like pneumonia. My baby passed away during February 2009. In that same year I found myself on the wrong side of the law. I was in custody for 2 years and 2 months. After I was released
from jail, I got back together with my partner. Through endurance, which I received from Jehovah, I continued the Russian-roulette life. I impregnated her in 2012 and our third child was born on 24 March 2013. He was receiving Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) and his results came out negative. We agreed to conceive another child and my partner again fell pregnant in 2014, where after she gave
birth to our fourth child, which is also a boy. He is also on PMTCT. He was tested and his results came out negative, too. I had also changed my 3 to 6 months window period for a year's time, by managing a window period time frame of 3 months. I was last tested on 8 January 2015. What really bothers me, is that there is no available statistics of discordant couples in the world and I want to challenge the Guinness book of world records for me and my partner being the longest
living discordant couple in the world. What's more to it is, do I not maybe have the DNA that researchers can use to cure people with these disease? I read about the one and only person that was cured from this disease. He was dubbed (named) the Berlin patient. I am willing to sacrifice my life for the sake of my partner to proof to those who didn't believe me, that Jehovah really live through those who love and cherish the love for their fellow human, especially for a life partner.”
23 OCTOBER 2015
The Brewer & Butcher at Strand Hotel Swakopmund
Namibia's First Micro-brewery Restaurant, Bar, Terrace and Beergarden The exciting new Brewer & Butcher in the Strand Hotel Swakopmund, situated on the Swakopmund mole, will be a rich blend of Namibian and German culture. It will be a first rate Restaurant specialising in beef and game with an authentic German beer garden and a huge sea facing terrace and lounge, housing Namibia's first in-house micro-
brewery, the Skeleton Coast Brewing Company, which will brew three different beers right there on site. The beautiful brass and steel brewing machinery especially imported from Germany and
manufactured by Kaspar & Schultz, will be pumping away in the spacious, open plan restaurant while you dine on Namibia's finest beef and game. In the other two main restaurants located at
Strand Hotel Swakopmund, the Ocean Cellar and the Farmhouse Deli, you can watch the chefs at work, while at the Brewer & Butcher you can watch the brew master ply his craft. The Brewer & Butcher is not all about the beer, though! It will also be an excellent steakhouse. Continuing the tradition of the Strand Hotel Swakopmund's commitment to freshness, the environment and to Namibia, nearly all cuts will be from free range, authentic Namibian beef and game. Executive Chef Dallas Orr is bringing his world-wide experience to bear on the restaurant, incorporating our genuine Namibian animal proteins into German, Namibian and other amazing worldly recipes. Hearkening back to Namibia's roots as a German colony, the Brewer & Butcher interior is part industrial and part contemporary German interior design. At the center of the restaurant is a sunken dining and lounge area with a roaring fireplace, creating a cozy space in the midst of
this active venue. Beautiful brass and steel beer vats are like a huge centerpiece sculpture marking the passage from the main dining area to the beer garden on the south side, a refreshing space full of greenery. A wall protects patrons from the prevailing southwest winds, but it will still be open to the fresh ocean air, offering the perfect compliment to the large outdoor sea facing terrace on the north side of the restaurant with its two fire pits at the lounge terrace and an additional fireplace to warm patrons in the cool sea breeze. The outdoor seating is wonderful in Swakopmund, but on at least one of your many visits to the Brewer & Butcher, you will surely want to sit in the dining area and obser-
ve the brewing process. Stephan Koepp from Namibia Breweries, who operates the Swakopmund Brewing Company will be supervising the on site brewing process, and either he or one of his assistants will normally be on hand, tending to the beers and answering questions from guests. There will be two standard flavours of beer brewed year round on site, and a third, seasonal beer which will change for the occasion or the season, be it Christmas, Oktob e r f e s t , s u m m e r, winter or whatever whim takes hold of Stephan! All of these beers can also be ordered in mini draught kegs for the table to share! The Brewer & Butcher is one of the most
exciting new venues at the Strand Hotel Swakopmund and a one of a kind experience in Namibia. It offers a wide range of quality steaks, plus more than a few innovative recipes, and features a microbrewery, a beer garden, a bar, a lounge with an open fireplace and a sea facing terrace with two “boma� fire pits. In Namibia, beef and game are not only a part of the diet, they are a part of the culture. This fine aspect of Namibian culture comes together with Swakopmund's traditional German culture at the Brewer & Butcher. by John R Wheeling | L e i s u re Ti m e s Namibia | for O&L Leisure Hotels & Lodges
23 OCTOBER 2015
NSI Rewards Quality To Namibian Businesses The Namibian Standards Institution held its third National Quality Awards on 15 October in Windhoek. The National Quality Awards aims to recognise and appreciate industries and enterprises, including the service sector and individuals who perform excellently on quality. It also honours those who contribute to quality advancement in all sectors of the Namibian economy, by having measurements and quality systems, procedures and processes that are in line with local, regional and international practices. In addition the programme recognises individuals who use quality advancement to support national economic development and growth. The Namibian Standards Institution's Chief Executive Officer, Chie Wasserfall said the application of standards and the consumption of products and services that are produced based on sound standards should not be a privilege but rather a right. “Consumers have the right to buy and use products and services that are safe, healthy and are fit for purpose” Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development, the Ministry's Deputy Minister Piet Van Der Walt said that Namibia has a particular challenge of outdated regulations especially those related to the protection of health and safety of people, the environment and trade facilitation. “This is a challenge that I am informed the NSI in consultation with key government ministries is busy addressing as a National Technical Regulations Framework.” The Deputy Minister further congratulated all participants that took part in the National Quality Awards. Emphasising the importance of standards and quality to the stakeholders, the Namibian Standards Council Chairperson, Dr Martha Kandawa-Schulz said not only are standards good for trade, they
also make it easy for people around the world to work together. “In a world without standards, routine activities we take for granted, like making a call, surfing the Web or using our credit cards when we travel, would be much more complicated and nearly impossible.” The National Quality Awards recognises and rewards the Namibian business large or small in five categories, these are: 1. Company of the Year Award 2. Quality Product of the year 3. Quality Service of the year 4. Namibian Exporter of the year 5. Quality Individual Award Representing the large enterprise businesses Etosha Fishing Corporation received first place in three awards namely Company of the Year, Product of the Year and Namibian Exporter of the Year award. Representing the
Receiving the reward for Large Enterprise Company of the year, Large Enterprise Product of the year and Large Enterprise Exporter of the year 2015, Etosha Fishing MD Pieter Greeff (centre) is seen here flanked by Etosha Fishing Quality Manager Estelle van Dyk (on his left) and Assistant Quality Manager Gisbertus Nakale (far left). The awards were handed over by Deputy Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development, Mr Piet van der Walt (right) and NSI CEO Chie Wasserfall (far right). Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Fabupharm received first place in the Company of the Year category while construction company MPP Civils came in second place. Sanlam Namibia received the first prize for Service of the Year award in the large enterprise while MPP Civils received first prize for the small and medium enterprise category. Ruth Shifugula, the Quality Assurance Manager at United Fishing Enterprise
received the first prize for the Quality Individual award category while Frans Nghandi of Nghandiza Investments came in second place. The winners selected automatically qualify to participate in the lucrative SADC Regional Quality Awards scheduled to take place in Lesotho in March 2016. At the same occasion the NSI also rewarded the Technical Committees on Quality Management Systems, Food Safety
Management systems and Metrology on their continued voluntary participation and offering of expertise and time in the adoption of Namibian standards. The National Quality Awards programme is a brainchild of the Cabinet approved National Quality Policy document of 1 June 1999. The programme was officially launched on 4 September 2012 and is observed annually on the Namibian national quality calendar.
20 OCTOBER 2015
23 OCTOBER 2015
MultiChoice Namibia announces Top Agents of 2015 within MultiChoice Namibia outlets and maximise our worldclass offering of new innovations in the video entertainment industry to serve our purpose of enriching lives.”
The agents received indepth briefings from MultiChoice Namibia's respective divisions on its world-class subscriber management services and digital satellite television and DTT platforms, as
well as training on the new Clarity System which was pioneered in Namibia last year and subsequently being rolled out across other territories within MultiChoice Africa.
Join us at the M.O.T.H. MCN General Manager Roger Gertze with first place winners Tommy and Louise Rocher MultiChoice Namibia (MCN) hosted an Awards Ceremony in Swakopmund on 15 October to honour its top achieving agents for 2015. The criterion for the awards is based on the percentage of subscriber growth per outlet. To this end, the following winners were announced: · Tommy and Louise
Rocher of Rocher Transport in Katima Mulilo who walked away with the top prize of N$15 000; · Ciska Hayward of Aspasia Agency in Mariental took the second prize of N$7 000; and
· Kalla and Olla van Wyk of Mutron in Outjo were awarded with the third prize of N$5 000. The Awards marked the highlight of MultiChoice Namibia's two-day Annual Agents Confe-
rence held in Swakopmund, whereby 13 agents from across the country convened with MCN employees to strategise on how to optimise service levels in their respective regions to ensure DStv and GOtv subscribers continue to enjoy the very best in video entertainment. Roger Gertze, General Manager of MultiChoice Namibia commented: “The focus of the conference was to re-ignite the entrepreneurial spirit
Bring your braai packs and come watch the RWC semi finals and
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If you love shots there will be a promotion on
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Rössmund Golf Course Executive Breakfast
Photo by Friedrich Nauhaus
23 OCTOBER 2015
The coastal ensemble Trio Feminale, seen here in the green Kalahari, will be performing in support of Namibia's Rhinos.
Coast in aid of for N$4 000.00. R h i n o c o n s e r - Clients/colleagues are to be invited to vation.
The Rössmund Golf Course takes hands with prominent Business Women along the
The team of the Rössmund Golf Course is hosting an Executive Breakfast on 12 November 2015 at 09:00. Business women are invited to purchase a ticket for a table of 10
GA CONSTRUCTION Do you need a quote for your new home
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attend a five star breakfast hosted in the Club House at Rössmund. 15 tables are available, which adds up to 150 women in total. Miss Namibia 2015, amongst others, is going to attend this high profile breakfast. Special guests Bobby-Jo Bassingthwaighte, Sandy Le Roux and Ulla Gossow-Büttner, who recently crossed the English Channel to create awareness of the pollution of the precious world of oceans, are going to share their experience. Our coastal ensemble Trio Feminale will be entertaining with back ground music. All proceeds go to the Save the Rhino Trust of Namibia. Contact Dr. Gert Cloete for more info and for the purchase of tickets (081 129 1955).
23 OCTOBER 2015
ERONGO EDUCATION FUND · Grade 12 candidates for 2015 in Erongo Region are invited to apply for financial assistance through the Erongo Education Fund. · The application forms are available at the Regional Office in Swakopmund, Omaruru TRC, Walvis Bay TRC, Swakopmund TRC and at schools. Candidates are requested to attach the following certified documents on the application form: · Grade 12 August results · Full birth certificate · Identity document (self, parents or guardians) · Letter of acceptance at Institution of Higher Learning (if available) · Proof of parents/guardians income or declaration from the Commissioner of Oath when parents are unemployed. Closing date for the application form is 30 November 2015. For enquiries, kindly contact Ms. Guriras at +264-4105109 / +264 81 284 1667
20 OCTOBER 2015
23 OCTOBER 2015
The need for dwellings below one million dollars. If you're like most firsttime home buyers, your biggest concern remains the financial aspect (affordability). When viewing the current prices of property it could often make one feel that it's totally out of reach causing one to become miserable in thinking that owning your own home will most probably remain a “pipedream”. Fact is, if you can associate with these sentiments, you're not alone as most of us in the “working class” not only try to make ends meet but desire to “move forward” in life. What does this mean? In general it concludes that we would like to achieve success in our jobs and be remunerated to the extent that we soonest achieve a financial position allowing us to own property. As an Estate Agency we've dealt with these scenarios many times and it is sad that the market does not allow us ample available properties as remedy to solve these situations. A couple of years ago, for example, a house worth N$800,000 was considered a reasonable and achievable price for a fairly new house in a “good” location. Nowadays however, the prospective firsttime home buyers find that the scenario has changed drastically and a similar house will sell for N$1,4 million – being considered “reasonable” under current market conditions. But, during the time lapse between these two eras, various variables contributing to this difference in value, came into force. Besides the effect of inflation, there was increases in cost of material, transport cost, higher demand, etc. compounded by world recessionary conditions. Nevertheless, this did not deter some developers to slack down but rather put them in a position to explore opportunities to provide dwellings in a “high demand” scenario which, according to basic economic principles, attract higher prices and obviously yielding a much better “Rate Of Return”. With all the potential of economic vibrancies due taking effect at the coast, it is concluded that the rapid increasing demand for dwellings in the “lower” end of the market can no longer be ignored. To this end, our Agency do every effort in our consultations with developers to capture the potential in this “niche market” (below N$1 million) which has proven to render appreciable returns for them and turn “dreams” of property ownership, into reality. Therefore, soon some upcoming developments are about to meet these demands and the “early bird catches the worm” – if you can relate to the essence of this article, we advise you don't delay and contact us soonest to record you on a waiting list of potential buyers. It is all a matter of timing – don't force yourself into a possible unbearable financial situation. Home ownership gives you and your family a sense of stability and security. It's making an investment in your future. Although real estate moves in cycles, sometimes up, sometimes down, over the years, real estate has consistently appreciated. This article does not bear significance to those parties active in the middle to upper ends of the market but will certainly, in general, give some food for thought. Should you require any further or property information please contact us on Tel: (064) 221000 or, E-mail: anjo@iway.na
23 OCTOBER 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Zum Hundert Jahre wilde Pferde in Namibia
Schmunzeln 1. Kondome sind auf keinen Fall sicher. Mein Freund hat eins getragen und wurde vom Bus überfahren. 2. ,,Hier ist mein Zeugnis, Mutti.” - ,,Watt? ‘Ne 6 in Deutsch? Das kann doch nich den Lehrer sein Ernst sein. Ich hab doch imma mit dich geübt!” 3. Montag ist nichts für mich. Ich bin eher so der Wochenendtyp. 4. Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort sind sie tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.
Seit 100 Jahren gibt es sie schon, die wilden Pferde der Namibwüste oder Namibs, wie sie inwischen oft genannt werden. Ihr Ursprung geht zurück auf die turbulenten Zeiten des I. Weltkriegs, als sie in der Wüste zurückgelassen wurden. Befreit von allen Zwängen zogen sie der Weide und dem Wa s s e r h i n t e r h e r. Schließlich erreichten sie die Wasserstelle von Garub, eine ehemalige Pumpstation für die Versorgung von Dampflokomotiven und einzige zuverlässige Wasserquelle dieses trockenen Land-
In der Trockenzeit, wenn es kaum Weide gibt, müssen die Pferde für ihre Ernährung hart arbeiten. Sie legen lange Strecken zurück, fressen bei jeder Gelegenheit und spielen kaum. Besuche bei der Tränke werden so lange wie möglich herausgeschoben. Fotos: Gondwana strichs. Vermutlich deutschen Schutz- gebiet bot ihnen einen trägt. bilden Pferde des frü- truppe bombardiert gewissen Schutz; es Einst geheimnisumheren Gestüts Kubub, wurde. wurde 1986 in den wittert, standen die das 35 km von Garub Die Pferde fanden sich Namib Naukluft Park wilden Pferde in den entfernt lag, den Kern in einer unwirtlichen eingegliedert. 100 Jah- v e rg a n g e n e n z w e i der wilden Pferde. Gegend im Osten der re leben sie nun schon Hinzu kamen Tiere des Namib wieder, die in den weiten, rauen nahegelegenen Stütz- selbst für die härtesten Ebenen um Garub, hapunkts südafrikani- unter ihnen eine He- ben ihr Verhalten den scher Unionssoldaten, rausforderung darstell- kargen Bedingungen als dieser 1915 von der te. Das 1908 eingerich- angepasst und ihre eiz u r ü c k w e i c h e n d e n tete Diamantensperr- gene Sozialstruktur entwickelt. Zehn Generationen, die sowohl Zeiten der Dürre als auch Zeiten des Überflusses erlebten. Die immer wiederkehrenden Dürreperioden begrenzen ihren Bestand auf durchschnittlich 200 Pferde (derzeit 170) und gewährleisten, dass die Tragfähigkeit des Ge- Gerd Kessler vom Lüderitz 4x4 Club bietes nicht überschrit- überreicht die Spende an Piet Swiegers von ten wird. Hinzu kom- der Namibia Wild Horses Foundation. men Unfälle, wenn Jahrzehnten im Mittel- schauende und sanfte Pferde nachts beim punkt intensiver wis- Eingriffe für ihren Überqueren der Straße senschaftlicher Stu- Erhalt, unterstützt wisvon Autos erfasst wer- dien. Die Biologin Dr. senschaftliche Studien den, sowie Fleckenhy- Telané Greyling hat im und verwaltet Spenänen, die vor allem Rahmen ihrer Doktor- dengelder. neugeborene und ältere arbeit das Verhalten der Wegen der anhaltenPferde angreifen. Pferde und ihre Aus- den Dürre hat die StifHinten (v.l.): Riaan van Rooyen (Direktor für Unternehmenskom- In Trockenperioden wirkungen auf das tung nun alle Pferdemunikation und Sozialinvestitionen bei Bank Windhoek), Irene van müssen die Namibs Wüstenökosystem un- liebhaber zu Spenden der Walt, Christiane Berker (Organisatorin der Musikwoche) und weit wandern, um Wei- tersucht. Dabei fand sie aufgerufen, um im BePeter Steinkopff (Vorsitzender der Musikwoche). Vorne (v.l.): de zu finden. In der heraus, dass der Le- darfsfall das ÜberleJanice van Rooy, Carmen !Haoses und Megan Alberts. Ganz vorne: sengenden Sommer- bensraum der wilden ben der wilden Pferde hitze kommen sie ein- Pferde sich auf nur sichern zu können. Der Jerome Cloete, letztere sind alles Teilnehmer der Musikwoche. mal täglich zur Tränke 0,5% der geschützen Lüderitzer 4x4 Club November. von Garub und stillen Gebiete - sprich des reagierte prompt. Er Sie können sich ent- ihren Durst. Bei kühMöchten Sie weder auf der Website lerem Wetter nur alle Namib Naukluft- Na- spendete N$ 50000,für zeigen, was tionalparks und des die sich die Stiftung der Swakopmunder drei Tage. Tsaukaib-SperrgebieFreundschaft ist? Musikwoche anmelden In ergiebigen Regen- tes - beschränkt und ganz herzlich bedankt. 100 Jahre wilde Pferde jahren, wenn sie reichMelden Sie sich (www.musikwoche. der Namib – wir freuen dass sie keine anderen com) oder aber die An- lich Weide haben, bleiuns auf ein weiteres Tiere verdrängen. Die bei Susann meldeformulare im ben sie häufig für länPferde haben sich in Jahrhundert mit ihnen. Büro der Deutschen gere Zeit in der Nähe Kinghorn; Tel. Evangelisch-Lutheri- der Tränke und des den vergangenen 100 Namibia Wild Horses 405183 oder schen Kirche in der Ausgucks, sehr zur Jahren nahtlos in die Foundation namibische Natur ein- First National Bank of Otavistraße abholen. 0812538850; Begeisterung der BeNamibia; Current Acgefügt. Das Büro ist wochen- sucher. Mail: count 62246659489; In den Reiseplänen tags zwischen 9h00 Die AussichtsplattBranch: Klein Windvieler Touristen sind susannkinghorn und 12h00 Uhr ge- form, 1993 errichtet hoek (code 281479); sie einer der Höheöffnet. und 2012 rundum er@gmail.com punkte bei der Er- Swift: FIRNNANX; neuert, bietet einen kundung Südnami- www.wild-horsesgrandiosen Blick auf bias, ein Muss, wenn namibia.com/foundati die Tränke von Garub, man unterwegs nach on; P O Box 21, Aus, 20 km westlich von Lüderitzbucht ist oder N a - m i b i a ; E m a i l : Aus. Vor der beeinauf Durchreise vom telanie @namibhorses. druckenden Kulisse Fischfluss Canyon zum com der weiten Ebenen, die NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH in der Ferne von rauen Sie können Bergzügen umschlossich das neue sen werden, sieht der Telefonbuch Beobachter vorbeigaloppierende Familienbeim Teleshop gruppen, die sich an abholen! der Tränke am leBringen Sie benspendenden Nass den Buchdeckel laben, umgeben von einem Geist der FreiIhres alten heit, den der BeobTelefonbuchs achter noch lange nach mit. seinem Besuch in sich
Bank Windhoek sponsert 50. Musikwoche Swakopmund (sk) “Bank Windhoek ist nicht nur ein Geldinstitut, sondern wir sind obendrein ein Geschäft, das mit Menschen und ihren Emotionen zu tun hat deshalb fördern wir die Künste”, begründete Riaan van Rooyen, Direktor für Sozialinvestitionen bei Bank Windhoek, die großzügige Finanzspritze von N$ 200 000,- für die diesjährige 50. Musikwoche Swakopmunds. Ganz wichtig: Anmeldeschluss für die musikalische Aktivität und Krönung der Weihnachtssaison an der Küste ist der 22.
Sossusvlei. Sie sind der Kern zahlreicher Marketinginitiativen, denn sie verkörpern die raue, wilde und natürliche Schönheit Namibias. Im Jahr 2012 wurde die „Namibia Wild Horses Foundation“ ins Leben gerufen, um das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit für die Pferde zu wecken und zu fördern. Ferner beobachtet die Stiftung den Bestand, koordiniert bei Bedarf voraus-
Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch
085 999 Your direct line to report crime!
23 OCTOBER 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Frühstück für Geschäftsfrauen zugunsten von Save The Rhino Trust mit Trio Feminale Swakopmund (sk) Das Team um den Rössmund Golfplatz wird am 12. November um 9h00 Uhr ein Frühstück für leitende Geschäftsfrauen zugunsten der Nashörner in Namibia anbieten. Führende Geschäftsfrauen sind eingeladen, einen Tisch mit zehn Sitzplätzen zum Preis von N$ 4000,- zu erwerben. 15 Tische stehen zur Verfügung. Die Frauenwelt ist aufgefordert, an diesem Luxusfrühstück teilzunehmen. BobbyJo Bassingthwaighte, Sandy Le Roux and Ulla Gossow-Büttner sind Ehrengäste, da sie
Locker vom Hocker Geier: groteske Schönheit
Liebe Küstenleser! Beim Morgenspaziergang auf der Gästefarm Otjohotozu am Ostende des Erongogebirges blinzel ich in die grelle Sonne und sehe einen Adler fliegen. Welch ein Anblick! Der stattliche König der Lüfte zieht stolz und bedächtig auf phosphoreszierenden Schwingen seine graziösen Kreise. Mein Blick folgt ihm, die Augen mit der Hand gegen die helle Sonne abgeschirmt, bis der gigantische Raubvogel sich im Blau des Himmels verliert. Beim Abendspazier-
meinem Standplatz, sodass ich sie mit meiner Kamera optisch vergrößere. Aufgeregt stelle ich fest, dass es sich um ein Geierpaar handelt. Welch ein faszinierender Anblick, und doch sind die Greifvögel noch zu weit entfernt, als dass man sie als Laie und etwas verträumter Vogelnarr identifizieren könnte. Vorsichtig versuche ich, mich an sie heranzupirschen, aber vergebens. Den wachsamen Geierblicken entgeht nichts, und sie fliegen auf und davon. Aufgeben ist für mich ein Konzept, das quasi
Somit laufe ich unermüdlich unter den schattigen Bäumen am Omarururivier gleich nördlich des Farmhauses von Otjohotozu entlang, schaue fortwährend nach rechts und links und suche die Baumspitzen ab, in der Hoffnung, dass ein Wunder geschieht, obwohl ich weiss, dass die Chance, solch eine Vogelrarität ein drittes Mal zu Gesichte zu
Das Küstenensemble Trio Feminale, hier in der grünen Kalahari, wird zugunsten des Nashorns auftreten. Foto: Friedrich Nauhaus kürzlich für die Umweltlobby ,Strokes for Earth’ den Ärmelkanal durchquerten, um auf die Verschmutzung der Meere aufmerksam zu machen. Die drei Damen werden von ihren
Erfahrungen berichten. Das Trio Feminale wird zum FünfsterneFrühstück zugunsten des ,Save the Rhino Trust’ auftreten. Alle Einnahmen gehen an den ,Save the Rhino
Trust. Setzen Sie sich zwecks Buchung und weiterer Infos mit Gert Cloete in Verbindung (0811291955).
Kinderspruch Wir gingen mit unserer Lehrerin im Park spazieren. Gegenüber dem Park war ein Haus, wo die Mütter ihre Kinder gebären. Eine Gebärmutter schaute aus dem Fenster und winkte uns
zu. Meine Eltern kaufen nur das graue Klopapier, weil das schon mal benutzt wurde und gut für die Umwelt ist.
Werbung wagen und gewinnen! Schützt unsere Nashörner!
Worte der Woche Ja, mei..., was ist denn hier passiert? Die Enkel waren zu Besuch da.
Die Nachsichtigkeit der Großeltern von den eigenen Kindern zu den Enkeln ist phänomenal. (Franz Schmidberger) Enkel sind Vorwand für Großväter, sich eine elektrische Eisenbahn zu kaufen. (Unbekannt) Die größten Energiespender im Alter sind die Enkelkinder. (Franz Schmidberger) Als Opa merkt man erst, dass man zu wenig Vater war. (Unbekannt) Erst bei den Enkeln ist man dann so weit, dass man die Kinder ungefähr verstehen kann. (Erich Kästner)
Weihnachten steht vor der Tür!
Ein Weißrückengeier (Gyps africanus) auf der Otjohotozu Gästefarm. Das Verbreitungsgebiet dieses Greifvogels aus der Unterfamilie der Altweltgeier umfasst große Teile Afrikas südlich der Sahara. Allerdings ist der Weltbestand zum Teil bis zu 90% eingebrochen. Foto: Susann Kinghorn nur im äußersten Notbekommen, schon fast gang halte ich wieder Ausschau nach ihm. fall realistisch einge- an ein achtes WeltwunUnd dort, hoch oben setzt werden sollte, und der grenzt. am Firmament, kreisen hier handelte es sich Und da...ich schaue in nicht ein, sondern zwei ganz bestimmt nicht Ehrfurcht zu ihm hinoder auf. Der prächtigste Adler mit weiten, um ein SOS Mayday, höchstens um Weissrückengeier, eigezackten Schwingen eine Aufregung andener bedrohten Spezies im strahlenden Licht unseres Sonnenpla- rer Art, die das Herz zugehörend, sitzt auf neten. Mit wahrer höher schlagen lässt. einem toten Ast und Wonne lassen sie sich Ich muss die Aas- beobachtet seine Umgebung intensiv. So lange von der Thermo- fresser wiederfinden! dynamik treiben, bis Das knallgelbe Ei am gespenstisch-makaber sie langsam hinab- nächsten Morgen, ganz sieht er aus, und gleichgleiten und sich auf frisch aus dem Po eines zeitig umgibt ihn eine dem dicken Ast einer Farmhuhnes und Teil seltsame Schönheit, Akazie am Ufer des von Ester Fellners lie- diesen Staubsauger der Omarururiviers nieder- b e v o l l g e d e c k t e m Umwelt, dieses Symlassen. Ihr Landeplatz Frühstückstisch im bol eines gesunden ist weit entfernt von Wintergarten von Otjo- Habitats und dem Zykhotozu, wird zwar in lus des Lebens. Wie aller Seelenruhe und unantastbar und stolz genüsslich verzehrt, a- sitzt er da, seine Augen ber dann gibt es kein auf Hunger und Tod Halten mehr. Ich muss fokussiert. Welch eindiese Urvögel wieder- zigartige, seltene Befinden. Also laufe ich gegnung mit diesem direkt zu dem Platz, wo ästhetisch herausforich sie am Abend zuvor dernden, majestätientdeckt hatte. Selbst- schen Prachtexemplar verständlich werden aus der Familie der Hasie mir nicht, wie beim bichtartigen. Einschalten des Fernsehers, auf einem Ta- Ihre blett serviert. Nein, ich Susann Kinghorn muss mich auf die Suche begeben, mich auf die Vellies machen (wer trägt schon Socken im Inland?!).
23 OCTOBER 2015
VACANCIES China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd. (CHEC) is a state owned Chinese international contractor specialising in marine and infrastructure construction including ports and harbours, dredging and reclamation, roads, railways, bridges, airports and complete plant. Established in 1980, we operated as a group company until 2005 when we merged with China Road & Bridge Corporation to create China Communications Construction Company Ltd (CCCC). CCCC is ranked 165th in today's Fortune Global 500 listing and 9th amongst ENR's Top 250 International Contractors. We have over 70 overseas offices with business activities covering more than 80 countries and regions in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, North & South America and Australasia. We employ more than 15,000 domestic and international managerial staff and undertake over 16 billion USD worth of projects.. CHEC has been awarded the contract to construct the New Port of Walvis Bay Container on Reclaimed Land by Namibian Port Authority, and also as a JV with RCC and BabyFace to construct the National Oil Storage Facilities Project: Walvis Bay, Namibia by MME.
VACANCIES All vacancies will have a contract for one year Dredger Crew x 25 Responsibilities * Good English communication skills. * Be familiar with the process of dredging work. * Can be familiar with the H2S protection skills. Requirements * Certificate in Dredger Operator. * 10 years working experience in trailing suction hopper dredger. * Have the knowledge of H2S protection. Bathymetric Surveyor x1 Responsibilities * Good English communication skills. * Can do the survey work independently. Requirements * Certificate in bathymetric survey * 10 years working experience Machinery Manager x1 Responsibilities * Good English communication skills. * Can do the survey work independently. Requirements * 10 years working experience in trailing suction hopper dredger * Have the knowledge of dredger instructions
H2S Senior Engineers x3 Responsibilities * Good English communication skills. * Can live on dredger and make maintenance to H2S devices. Requirements * Certificate in H2S protection. * 15 years working experience. * Have the knowledge of dredger working HSE Manager x1 Responsibilities * Good English communication skills. * Be familiar with trailing suction hopper dredger. Requirements * Certificate in HSE management. * 15 years working experience. * Have the knowledge of dredger working. * Drivers Licence Code 08
During the course of this project, CHEC need to recruit Namibians for the project. We are in need of skills and experiences of Namibians for the above vacancies. Enquiries: Ms Charlotte Solomons HR Manager Cell: 081 625 7055 Tell: 064 221416 Fax2Mail: 088 64 2893 Email: Chec.NamibiaRecruit@afrisaygroup.com Address: CHEC Head Office, 196 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay. Previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified, neither documents nor CV's will be returned. Closing Date: 28th October 2015
23 OCTOBER 2015
Wellco Truck and Trailer Repairs Walvis Bay VACANCY Stores Assistant/Driver to start soonest Minimum requirements: - Valid Driver's license - Must have knowledge of vehicle parts - Must be Computer literate - Work well under pressure and willing to work long hours - Physically fit and healthy - Namibian citizen - Proven track record and contactable references Submit CV's and certified copies of Driver's licence, ID and qualifications to wttr@iway.na or deliver to Wellco Truck and Trailer Repairs, Trekkopje Street, New Industrial area (behind Weighbridge). Closing date Monday 26 October 2015 Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews.
Elgin Brown & Hamer Namibia (Pty) Ltd An equal opportunity Employer Elgin Brown & Hamer Namibia (Pty) Ltd is Namibia leading marine repair company operating three floating docks in Walvisbay. This company consists of various divisions geared to perform large ship repair works and other related projects.
POSITION: SUPERINTENDENT MAINTENANCE POOL JOB GRADE: D2 Main purpose of the positions: This position is to ensure efficient coordination of human resources during normal operations that include allocation/coordination of workforce during peaks and lows and to provide guidelines of what is expected from such employees during any period of operation and Maintenance time. Key Performance Areas: · Plan, Coordinate and ensure that work tasks are defined and scheduled accordingly. · Evaluate area of work performance to identify hazardous conditions/safety precautions. · Ensure that accurate maintenance pool administration is conducted and employees are assigned efficiently to different projects in line with pre-set objectives. · Ensure that continual improvement is practiced. · Manage and control movement of staff allocated to the maintenance pool. · Coordinate soft skills and technical training to the employees in the maintenance pool. · Manage and control the maintenance pool budget. Qualifications, Skills, Competencies and Experience Requirements: · A Degree in Industrial/Marine/Mechanical Engineering plus 8 years' experience of which 5 years should be at Management level. · Project Management skills · Experience in Key performance indicators for Marine Repair · Experience in coaching and training · Advanced knowledge of the Namibian Labour Legislation · Advanced knowledge of Marine Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality Standards · Strong leadership and management skills · Excellent consultation and communication skills · Excellent Planning and Organizing skills Closing Date: 06 November 2015 ONLY SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE NOTIFIED. NO DOCUMENTATION OR CV'S WILL BE RETURNED POSITION: TECHNICAL TRAINER JOB GRADE: (CU) Main purpose of the positions: Responsible for conducting technical training to EBH Namibia Employees, enhance employee broad utilization and skills upgrading. The Technical Trainer will ensure that course materials and technical training courses are reflective of current and future needs of the company by working closely with other departments. Key Performance Areas: · Ensure that EBH technical training policies are compliant to legislation and advice managers including staff on matters related to technical training related policies. · Manages; plans, organizes and schedules work assignments for Technical Training and Monitor training costs to ensure budget is not exceeded. · Conduct in-house skills evaluations and in-house technical training courses in order to improve trade theory understanding and knowledge of employees. · Screen the employees in the Idle pool and assign/allocate to projects as per request from Foremen based on qualifications/expertise/skill. · Coordinate and administers Welders Certification and Recertification programs in conjunction with the Quality department. · Assist the Training & Staff Development Superintendent in compiling training Levey documentation and reimbursement forms. Qualifications, Skills, Competencies and Experience Requirements: · Grade 12 (or equivalent). · Technical Trade Diploma (N3), preferably in Welding & Fabrication (or equivalent). · Vocational Instructor Qualification. · Minimum of five (05) years technical training experience, preferably in shipyard/marine industry or industrial engineering sector. · Proven experience in training coded welders. · Good command of English language. · Ability to communicate at all levels. · Good knowledge of safety and quality standards and practices will be an added advantage. · Good knowledge of welding procedures will be an added advantage. · Computer Literacy as well as a Code B/08 Driver's licence Remuneration: EBH will provide remuneration and benefits relevant and appropriate to the positions. Should you meet the above-mentioned requirements, kindly submit your CV and all supporting documents at the Human Resource Department, Elgin Brown & Hamer Namibia, Walvisbay or forward them via e-mail to recruitment.hr@ebhnamibia.com Closing Date: 06 November 2015 ONLY SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE NOTIFIED. NO DOCUMENTATION OR CV'S WILL BE RETURNED
23 OCTOBER 2015
MUNICIPALITY OF HENTIES BAY NOTICE OF ALIENATION SALE OF ERF 2965 HENTIES BAY (EXT 12) ZONED RESIDENTIAL BY WAY OF PRIVATE TREATY In terms of section 30(1)(t) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992), as amended, read in conjunction with section 63 of the mentioned Act 23 of 1992 notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of Henties Bay is of the intention to alienate Erf 2965, Henties Bay (Ext 12), in extent 722m² and zoned residential, by way of private treaty at a purchase price of N$252, 700.00 to Mr Onesmus K Upindi. Further take notice that the locality plan of the area lies open for inspection during office hours at the offices of the municipal council situated at the corner of Jakkalzputz Road and Nickey Iyambo Avenue. Any person(s) having an objection(s) to the intended alienation of the property may lodge such objection(s) together with grounds thereof to the Municipal Council of Henties Bay within 14 (fourteen) days after placement of the second advertisement at the following address: The Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay P. O. Box 61 Henties Bay or The Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay C/o Jakkalzputz Rd & Nickey Iyambo Ave. Henties Bay
Inchcape Shipping services Namibia(PTY) LTD a Leading Maritime agency has the following vacancy available.
Financial Manager Minimum Requirements - Relevant Degree or Diploma - At least 3 years Accounting or Financial Management experience - Experience in the Maritime industry will be an advantage. Job Description 1. Run and Manage all Financial processes within the Branch. 2. Attend to Weekly Forecasts and Account updates. 3. Attend to VAT/PAYE/SSC/VET 4. Attend to yearly Budgets 5. Follow month end procedures and reporting to ISS Regional Finance 6. Attend to all year-end functions CV's can be submitted to: gusta.vanzyl@iss-shipping.com or Armando.calaca@iss-shipping.com Closing date: Monday 26th October 2015 Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
23 OCTOBER 2015
PUBLIC NOTICE Narraville Ndume Trading cc are hereby informing the residents of Evergreen and Asrafi Street Narraville, that as from 26 October 2015, we will be commencing with road works. The abovementioned streets will be available to residents only. Therefore we are requesting the motorists to make use of alternative streets. We are urging the residents to please adhere to the road Traffic Signs that will be in place. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Enquiries: 081268 3785 /085 366 6800
Applications are hereby invited to fill the vacancy of:
Operations Manager (National and Local Transport) Purpose of the Positions: · To coordinate all operational activities surrounding local and national trucking operations. · Take responsibility for all assets being utilized under this operational scope with specific focus on roadworthiness, maintenance schedules and general cleanliness and state of assets. · Take responsibility for all staff and related matters involved in this scope that reports into the operations manager position. · To manage the section against set budget targets Essential Requirements: · Namibian Citizen · Grade 12 Certificate · Qualification in Supply Chain Logistics will be advantageous. · Minimum 5 Years' experience in the transport industry with leadership experience. · Solid back ground in general supply chain logistics including C&F and Port regulations. · Technical skill and mechanical back ground will be an advantage. · Must have a good knowledge of the Namibian Road Transportation Act, load restrictions and experience in abnormal loads. · Must be computer literate. · Accounting and Mathematical background to analyses and control cost. Person Specifications: · Good analytical skills · Excellent communication skills in both Afrikaans and English · Ability to work under pressure · Must be motivated and results driven · Strong history of reliability and attention to detail A remuneration package commensurate with the qualifications and experience will be negotiated and offered.
In Touch Cargo is an equal opportunity employer and Individuals from previously disadvantage groups are encouraged to apply. Please submit your updated curriculum vitae and proof of qualifications with a covering letter to: recruitment@linkservices.com.na Closing date: 27 October 2015 Please note: Only short listed candidates will be contacted .
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo . 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Rodrey Shafuda, P. O. Box 4498, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Oryx Bar Nr.2. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 5828, Mica S t re e t , K u i s e b m o n d , Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be l o d g e d : M a g i s t r a t e ’s Court, Walvis Bay. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 26 October 2015. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 9 December 2015. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo . 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Matuiitjo Agatha Tjuzumaue. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Kepepo Shebeen/Mini Shop. 3. Address/location of premises to which applica-tion relates: Omatjete Okomize. 4. Nature and details of application: Selling of alcohol and groceries. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be l o d g e d : M a g i s t r a t e ’s Court, Swakopmund. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 28 October 2015. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 9 December 2015. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region ERONGO 1. Name and postal address of applicant: ALEXANDER NGHISHIILE, P. O. BOX 5211, MONDESA, SWAKOPMUND. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: THE BEST SHEBEEN 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: DRC, STREET 618, SWAKOPMUND 4. Nature and details of application: LIQUOR LICENCE 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: MAGISTRATE COURT 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 23 OCTOBER 2015 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 19 DECEMBER 2015 Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
23 OCTOBER 2015
One of the world's foremost emerging uranium companies, Swakop Uranium, is focused on developing and operating the world's third-largest known primary uranium deposit near the town of Swakopmund in Namibia. We need energetic, self-motivated and confident people to apply for our roles and we regard you as our “Employee of Choice”.
VACANCY: MINING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Location: Husab Site Reports to the Load & Haul or Drilling Mine Overseer MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB:
To operate mining equipment in a safe and productive manner in order to achieve the required production targets safely, at the required quality and with due regard to the environment.
Key Performance Areas:
· Operate mining equipment safely and productively · Compliance to all standard operating procedures · Avoid negligent damage or abuse to equipment · Execute tasks as directed by supervisors and the mining fleet management system · Report any unsafe acts or unsafe conditions · Contribute to continuous improvement in your areas of responsibility
Requirements and experience:
· Code B driver's license · Grade 10 with a minimum of 3 years' experience (per equipment type) in operating any of the following mining equipment: Haul trucks, electric rope shovels, hydraulic face shovels, front end loaders, electric single-pass rotary drill rigs, multi-pass rotary/percussion drill rigs, track and wheel dozers, motor graders, hydraulic excavators and mobile rock breakers. · Grade 12 is required where the applicant has no experience. · All resume's to detail years of operating experience per equipment type. · All resume's to detail preferred and secondary equipment choices to operate. · Good command of English language (spoken and written) · Physically fit and healthy Through its commitment to its people, the company offers a competitive remuneration package and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the industry. Send your cv's and other relevant documents to psujobs.min@cgnpc.com.cn by 30 October 2015
Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting the above criteria are encouraged to apply. Clearly indicate the position you are applying for as well as your name and surname in the subject line of your application email. Applications received that do not meet this criterion will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within two weeks of the closing date of this advertisement and no documents will be returned.
VACANCY OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR (OPERATIONS) We, as a leading international logistical company, have a vacancy for a an Office Administrator (Operations) for our coastal operations and will be based in Walvis Bay Duties and responsibilities · Prepare trip sheets and hand out to drivers · Receive trip sheets from drivers upon return to the depot and debrief drivers · Ensure that all delivery documents are received from drivers · Calculate and verify correctness of distances traveled by drivers · Calculate fuel consumption of trucks · Calculate driver's salaries for payment · Check all returned freight for correctness thereof · Effectively control the disposal of damaged and returned freight Requirements · Namibian Citizen · Grade 12 or higher education · Fluent in Afrikaans and English · Excellent administration skills and abilities · Be proficient in MS Word and MS Excel · Good communication skills · Sober habits · Punctuality · Trustworthy · Good references · Be prepared to work irregular hours and over week-ends and public holidays Contact: Jan Nel Office: 064-220 529 Mobile: 081 127 7253 Email: jan@logistixinternational.com Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted Closing date 28 October 2015
VACANCIES at Husab Mine Swakopmund INSTRUMENT TUBE FITTERS (Small Bore Tubing (1/2’’, ¼’’ , ¾’’ ) ! Must have construction experience ! Must be able to mount instruments ! Must be able to do piping as well
ELECTRICIAN ! Must have trade certificates ! 5 years experience in construction industry ! Must have relevant knowledge in regards to LV and MV terminations ! Must be able to read single line drawings CABLE RACK INSTALLER ! Experience in cable rack installation ! Must be able to work with following tools: grinding machine, drill machine, welding machine, ! Must be able to weld stainless steel and galvanized steel. ! Must be in pocession of trade papers INSTRUMENT TERMINATORS ! Must have trade certificates ! 5 years’ experience construction industry ! Must have relevant knowledge in regard to termination of multi pair cables ! Must be able to read and interpret termination diagrams, connection diagrams, block diagrams PLANNING MONITOR ! Must have construction knowledge ! Must have Primavera P6 knowledge ! Good communication skills ! Computer literate (especially excel) INSTRUMENT FOREMAN ! Report all daily activities to supervisor. ! Make sure workforce complies with health and safety regulations. ! Must do KPI for the day. ! Manage construction activities given by supervisor. ! Assist artisans with technical issues. ! Relevant experience and knowledge regarding the installation of various instruments ! Must be able to read and understand cable schedules, p&id’s , termination diagrams, block diagrams, single diagrams etc. ! Make sure material for the installation for all instruments comply with installation specifications. ! Must have at least 5 years construction experience in relevant position Please e-mail your CV to : fiina.filemon@murrob.com Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and no documents will be returned Closing date: 15 November 2015
20 OCTOBER 2015
23 OCTOBER 2015
Cosmos Mechanical Engineering – leader of the pack Liesl Losper Andreas Böttcher, a prominent Walvis Bay businessman and owner of Cosmos Mechanical Engineering, shared his success story with the newspaper. The business specialises in the manufacturing of gears, especially for older equipment, and this has proofed to play a vital part in the harbour town as well as the country's engineering industry. “Cosmos Mechanical Engineering was established on 1 September 2000, after we observed that there was a demand in the manufacturing of gears. Today, most of our work involves the producing of new gears, especially for the older equipment. Delivery of these products from abroad usually takes a lot of time and sometimes no original parts for machinery are locally available, and that is where we fit in,” Mr Böttcher remarked. According to him, they purchased a Gear Hobber during 2009, in order to curb the growing demand and to shorten turnaround time. Comments from several other businesses revealed that the experience and knowledge which Böttcher has in this specific field is of high value to Walvis Bay. Mr Böttcher further noted that they also receive work from Windhoek, as they are the only business that can provide such service. “I can remember a project we have handled, where the ring-gear collapsed on the oilrig-supporting vessel, Eddea Fjord. The
shaft was bent and most of the gears' teeth were broken, with replacing delivery time of 36 weeks and local delivery time of 8 weeks. During the conversation it came to light that Böttcher also has vast experience in firefighting. He started while he was still at school, overseas. He indicated that he was part of the junior fire fighters in his town at the tender age of 13 and when he turned 17, he became a fulltime firefighter. Cosmos Fire Fighting Technologies (CFFT) is the only Namibian company which specialises in specialised firefighting implementations and consulting. This includes specialised fire fighting vehicles, implements, hazardous material handling equipment and personal protection equipment. Mr Böttcher is also the only person in Namibia who can service and give training on the management of fire trucks for airports in Namibia. Furthermore he is the o n ly co n s u ltan t in Namibia who deals with Rosenbauer in South Africa. Rosenbauer is the world's leading manufacturer of fire fighting equipment in defensive fire and disaster protection. “This week I am leaving for Windhoek to give inservice training at the airports. “Fire fighting is my passion and I will continue to help wherever I can to keep this industry on the go,” he concluded. Cosmos Mechanical Engineering specializes in the following: Cutting of Gears, Worms & Worm wheels, Bevel gears, Straight gears, Helical gears, Spline shafts & Bushes, Spiral Flute Milling, Fire Fighting Equipment, Manufacturing of Guide Rollers, Manufacturing of small tools, specialised & general engineering works, General Engineering Cosmos Fire Fighting Technologies include: Airport Fire Fighting Vehicles, Municipal Fire F i g h t i n g Ve h i c l e s , Equipment Repairs, Fire Fighting Helmets, Jaws of Life, Oil Disaster Handling Equipment, Fire Fighting Boots, Fire Fighting Equipment Training Specialised Fire Fighting Jackets and Trousers, Portable Pumps, Fire Fighting Equipment Consulting, Stationary Fire Fighting Supressing Systems
23 OCTOBER 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Asset Disposal Auction Duly instructed by Owner (Starting @ 10h00) AUCTIONEER: Peter Rust DATE: 31 October 2015 SWAKOP RIVER PLOTS (follow the pointer boards) ITEMS TO BE SOLD: Pipe Cars, Generators, Incubator, Tyres, Furniture, TV’s, CD Players, Fridges, Water Tanks, Pots & Pans, Outboard Motors, Quad Bikes, Motor Bikes, CokeCola Fridges, Gambling Machines, Washing Machines, Tables & Chairs, Spare Parts, Clothing, Linen, Cook Ware, Terms & Conditions: N$ 500 registration fee. Payment = Cash or Cheque. No items will leave unless paid for.
EDUCATION JJs CARE CENTRE Walvis Bay Daycare for age 0-5yrs Grade R for age 5-6yrs Grade 1-12 private schooling Aftercare Homework assistance Private tutoring Also accommodate for children with disabilities, age 0 - 18 yrs Open Monday to Friday From 7am to 17:15pm Limited space. KIM 081 479 0725.
Friday 30 October 10:00 @ 130 Sixth St WALVIS BAY Items on Auction Motorised Floor / Street Sweeper 2 x Corsa Bakkies 2 X VW Jettas Ford Midge Toyota Corolla Range Rover Opel Combo Pajero 4x4 Toyota D/C 4x4 Isuzu 4ton Truck Tipper truck Nissan D/C VW Polo Chev Spark Toyota Prado Trailers, Tool boxes Industrial Compressor Generators, Wood, 2nd Hand Furniture, Office Furniture, Car Tyres, 2nd Hand Building material, Complete workshop, Tools, Welders, 12m Container, Pallets, Grinders, Drills, Scrap, loads more coming. Viewing from Wed 09:00 Refundable deposit N$5000 Terms & Conditions apply Photos on Facebook @
Bay Auctioneers 081 147 5333 081 147 5475 064-220387 EVERYTHING MUST GO!
HEALTH CARE TRAINING ACADEMY provides the following courses: - Palliative Care - Elderly Care - Basic Nursing Care - First Aid If interested contact: G.Uirab 081 472 5814 E-mail: healthtrainingacademy 69@gmail.com Zelda van Zyl 081 376 2436
NAIL TRAINING by SBN Beauty is Art. 3 Days training N$1500.00 with full kit & Certificate. UV Machine included. Start your business upon completing the course. BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW!! Quality at it’s best.... Contact: 081 233 2893.
MALAWIAN DOCTOR CHIEF DR ANTONIO PHIRI Love problems: Bring back lost lovers, to be attractive, control cheating partners, to love you more, stop and fastenings divorce, stability in relationship and marriages, have your body warm for women only, women who feel pain during menstruation, financial problems. Business problems: Find a new job and restore old one, customer attraction, job promotions, winning tenders and loans, bad luck, speed in selling uup properties, give protection against enemies, cars, homes, kraals and business, pensioners who are delayed to get their wages / payment. Court cases. Body problems: Skin diseases, vaginal tightening, woman who get long period, asthma, pneumonia, diabetes, BP, help women and men who cant produce, stop drinking and smoking, hips/breasts enlargement. Body protection from any kind of witchcraft, manhood enlargement, make more rounds, stop early ejaculation, power (hardness and strong) NB: Consultation is fee is free. Phone Dr Antonio Phiri: “THE OLD POWER MAN” 081 843 3509 081 764 4835
CLASSES BEATACCMATH PRESENTS PRIVATE ONE-ONONE TUTORING High School Accounting and Maths WALVIS BAY TO BOOK CONTACT 081 497 2195 or beataccmath@gmai l.com FOR MORE GO TO www.beataccmath.. com BEATACCMATH Presents: Extra classes for High School Accounting and Maths Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail .com www.beataccmath. com
Hire of Low Bed Transport Services Low Bed transport services for hire, extremely competitive rates offered. We transport heavy and abnormal machinery and equipment, locally and cross border. We also specializes in the supply of earthmoving plant to the civil engineering and earthmoving industries for hire.
Call us now for unbeatable prices. Our Manager: Operations Mr. Morne Viljoen @ 081 359 0027. CONCRETE MIXER FOR HIRE. Price include wheelbarrow + 2 shovels. Price: N$400.00. CONTACT: 081 289 7180
DIRK SEAS My life has been blessed by having a HUSBAND like you. You pray for me, you love me, and you're there to support all that I do. You are the man that knows all about who I am and what I am. I'm so lucky and blessed for having someone like you in my life. May every single wish of yours come true. May all your life be filled with loving memories.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Your loving wife BOKKIE
PA, you will forever be a big part of our hearts. It's because you have always been there for us and you have always done everything that you can to give our lives meaning. When we need support you are always there. When we need guidance in life you are always there. We are really blessed to have you! You are the best dad of this world.
Happy Birthday, PA! Stay blessed in life! Your loving children Cindy, Zenobia, Derick Grandchildren: Zeake, Arianna & Ava.
HANDYMAN in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, elektrisiteit. For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 / 081 682 6126.
We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures. 24/7 service Contact: 081 254 4248. VEHICLE LICENSE ASSIST No queues, no stress - License Renewal - Roadworthiness - Change of ownership - Personalized number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a price list from: vla.namibia@gmail.com
Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job too small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security. Call Gunther anytime, 081 638 6300. Specialized Carpet / Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call LIDA COASTAL HYGIENE for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 Email:admin2@lida.com. na
064 405 602 DAAN: 081 210 0800 PAINT WORK: Do you need someone for all the paint work on buildings? Give us a call for a free quotation. ONDENGU CONSTRUCTION Mariska 081 256 7327 A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail: ops@atozcleaning. com.na
COASTAL BUILDING SPECIALISTS: For all your: Building construction !Renovations !Project costing !(bill of quantities) !concrete mixer rental !(N$ 200/d) Contact: 081 365 1917 081 699 2441
Your 60 years of living have been a great blessing to your family and friends, and our lives are all enriched because of you. May you have more love-filled years ahead!
We're wishing you a great 60th birthday! With love Bennie & Baby Farmer & Children
23 OCTOBER 2015
Classifieds HAIR / BEAUTY
THE VIRGIN HAIR BOUTIQUE CC Virgin Brazilian Hair RETAIL PRICES / PER 200g 10 Inches-N$1500.00 12 Inches-N$1650.00 14 Inches-N$1800.00 16 Inches-N$2000.00 18 Inches-N$2150.00 20 Inches-N$2350.00 22 Inches-N$2500.00 24 Inches-N$2650.00 26 Inches-N$2800.00 28 Inches-N$2900.00 30 Inches-N$3000.00 4X4 CLOSURES 10 Inches-N$950.00 12 Inches-N$1050.00 14 Inches-N$1150.00 16 Inches-N$1250.00 18 Inches-N$1350.00 Available in wavy, deep waves, curly Remy brazilian hair Retail prices per 100g (200-300g for full head) 16inches-N$500.00 18inches-N$550.00 20inches-N$650.00 22inches-N$770.00 24inches-N$820.00 26inches-N$900.00 REMY 4x4 LACE CLOSURE 10inches-N$550.00 12inches-N$600.00 14inches-N$660.00 16inches-N$800.00 18inches-N$850.00 20inches-N$950.00 Marley braids N$80.00 Ombre braids N$50.00 HAIR CARE PRODUCTS (BRAZILIAN AND NATURAL HAIR) VHB argan oil Shampoo 350ML-N$100 VHB argan oil shampoo 750 ML-N$180.00 VHB argan oil Conditioner350ML-N$100 VHB arganoil Conditioner 750ML-N$180.00 VHB argan Oil Hair Serum-30 ML-N$100.00 VHB argan Oil Serum 100ML - N$190.00 VHB argan oil treatment 200ML-N$100.00 VHB argan Oil Treatment 500ML-N$160.00 Posa treatment-500MLN$120.00 Bouncy Curl Activator 280ML-N$110.00 VH silicone Hair serum 60ML-N$70.00 Gama Mini Flat IronN$280.00 VHB Brazilian Hair Treatment Package for Wavy and Straight HairN$420.00 VHB Brazilian Hair Treatment Package for Curly Hair N$510.00 Flexi Rods Large- N$90.00 Flexi Rods Medium-$80.00 Flexi Rods Small N$70.00 Paddle Brush N$80.00 Wide tooth Brush N$40.00 Head Chains N$80.00 Head Bands N$60.00. SWAKOPMUND... Shop 4 Tobias Hainjeko Street, the street of Woermann Brock in town 08128 84920 WINDHOEK Shop F3, Parkfoods Shopping Mall Khomasdal. SALON: Shop F2, Parkfoods Shopping Mall, Khomasdal. Windhoek Tell: 061 213448 Cell: 081 663 0808
virginhairboutique01@yah oo.com
Selling 100% Virgin Brazillian Hair. Retail prices / per 200g: 10inch - N$1500.00 12inch - N$1650.00 14inch - N$1800.00 16inch - N$2000.00 18inch - N$2150.00 20inch - N$2350.00 22inch - N$2500.00 24inch - N$2650.00 26inch - N$2800.00 28inch - N$3000.00 30inch - N$3200.00 Call or visit us at Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay
Cell: 081 233 2893
SERVICES THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202818 Walvis Bay. Expert service in general tailoring One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others. ROOF REPAIRS The RAIN is on the Way. Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Call Gunther anytime, 081 638 6300. COMPUTER SERVICES: Repairs, Upgrades or virus removals. Printer Repairs and Cartridges. Call: 081 898 3102. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887. BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision
SERVICES bied aan n busdiens vanaf Rehoboth na die kus en terug vir die Feestyd teen ‘n spesiale tarief: N$180.00 p/persoon, N$150.00 vir pensionarisse en N$120.00 vir kinders jonger as 12 jaar vanaf 20 Oktober 2015. Vertrektye: Rehoboth: Sondae - 13h00. Dinsdae en Donderdae 07h00. Walvisbaai: Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae - 14:00. Optelpunte: Rhb - B1- Service. Windhoek - Total Service langs Khomas Medics. Walvisbaai - Dorp Spar. Swakop - oorkant Ocean Basket. Kontak nrs: 081 565 6184 / 081 219 4757 / 081 243 9986. DR LULE Is challenging everyone who has been trying to get help but without success. Spiritual healer using ancestors powers to show Solves bad luck, financial problems, body pains, lost lovers, marriage problems, infertility, enlargements, weak erections, get loans quickly, debt cancellation, bad dreams, protection from jealousy, lucky charms, win tenders, gambling, addictions, business boosting and all forms of sickness. There is always a second chance! 100 % guaranteed results. Contact: 081 273 5194 Walvis Bay
MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.
M&L Accounting Services We offer bookkeeping services up to balance sheets VAT returns Budget forecast Year end financial statements. You can contact us on
081 576 8778 Marianne or email: mariannesaulse01@ gmail.com
BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na Website: www.baardgroup.com
TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone ·U Blocks Kerb Stones ·Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick “The Service Makes The Difference”
NB: Visit our new Kuisebmond Branch. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149. GERMAN HANDYMAN: For all home and industrial Repairs, Electrical, Plumbing, Drainage, Roof Repairs and so much more... Gunther 081 638 6300.
PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
SERVICES TRANSPORT: Dial 081 226 5788 and book your seat in advance on a 14-seater Quantum Minibus between Walvis Bay and Windhoek daily. Airconditioning and safe-ty belts. Pick-ups at home and drop off at home @ N$170.00 only.
PRO INSTALLERS Cell: 081 399 6011 DSTV & Sound Security alarms Camera installations and sales. DR EL KAREEM: A traditional healer who could solve your problems which you had been experiencing for such a long time, physical and spiritually by using Traditional African Medicine and Ritual prayers and free yourself from witchcraft. Contact: 081 661 6732. NAMIB INVESTMENTS: We offer the following services: * New dwellings * Additions * Renovations * Paving We are committed to you (Customer). For outstanding satisfaction and value for your money contact Mark: 081 836 6038 WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897
Register your own company (e.g Tate trading CC) For as little as N$ 999.00 By 3 November and stand a chance to win a FREE BUSINESS PLAN No queues, no stress. Call us Mondays - Saturdays 08:00 - 19:00 Contact Professional Business Consultants on 081 144 2738 064 207 897
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Light industrial erf 4147 N$ 1 500 p/m² neg or Erf size 4147 + 5732m² =(9879m²) N$ 1 500 p/m² neg Cell: 081 124 2480 081 351 0130 Erf te koop naby Ocean view Spar Swakopmund 600m² Prys N$640,000. Kontak Ansie Lucas 081 6940 504 081 2042 851
EMPIRE P.D ELECTRICIANS Installations Maintenance Repairs Walvis Bay: 081 801 7331 Swakopmund: 081 621 7765 Since 2010 Think Solutions!
SPECIAL VDM SHUTTLE Daily Airport Transfers Between Walvis Bay & Swakopmund & Walvis Bay airport Also do private transfers from coast to Windhoek or Windhoek Airport on request. Bookings essential 081 705 5147 Safe and reliable service
PROPERTIES FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE: Modern style 3 bedroom, double storey duplex house with double garage. N$2.0mill(neg) Costs excl. Contact: 081 122 7511 Falcon Real Estates and Insurance Property For Sale Contact us to for any rental or sales of properties at the coast. For sale: Plot and Plans: Swakopmund. Prices starting at N$ 1000 000. Absolute bargain!!! Huge family home. 6 bedrooms, 2 lounges. Huge entertainment area, 4 garages. Plus 2 bedroom flat. N$ 2 730 000 – below valuation!! Hentiesbay: Omdel: Vacant residential plots. 962 sqm – N$ 160 000 660 sqm – N$ 139 000 Light industrial plots. 4 plots available can be priced individually or together. Sizes ranging from 3000m² to 6000 m² Ext 12. New area. Various plots available. 500 sqm starting at N$ 300 000. Neville : 081 250 4808 Shamelle : 081 4788 499 Email: falconrei@iway.na Private Sale in Venita : Double storey: Upstairs, 2 bedrooms, full bathroom, toilet, open plan lounge/kitchen Downstairs, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, toilet, lounge with indoor braai and kitchen. Double garage and remote gate, beams and big erf (1000m) for further dev. Price N$2.250.000 Yvonne 081 122 3004 or Deon 081 122 2291
Malakia Properties MONDESA FOR SALE 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, single Garage N$750 000.00 TAMARISKIA 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Tandem Garage N$1.3mil Malakia 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah oo.com
FOR SALE P.A.M TREE VILLAS Selling put Super-Fast! SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 205 Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre On the road to Swakopmund. Choose your own design & plot! Selling from N$615 000.00. CLAUDIA 081 169 6227 Private Sale in Venita : Double storey: Upstairs, 2 bedrooms, full bathroom, toilet, open plan lounge/kitchen. Downstairs, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, toilet, lounge with indoor braai and kitchen. Double garage and remote gate, beams and big erf (1000m) for further dev. N$2.250.000 Yvonne 081 122 3004 or Deon 081 122 2291 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CENTRAL A REAL BARGAIN near schools. Spacious 3 bedr home with fitted kitchen, lounge, entertainment room with BBQ and bar, guest toilet, bathr, double garage, SQ, and garden. N$ 1 630 000 CC Reg MEERSIG Great area – 500 meter from the sea. Modern spacious 3 bedr apartment, 2 bath, open plan living, kitchen, BBQ, double garage and relaxing court yard. N$ 1 650 000 CC Reg
Joey 081 129 3293
23 OCTOBER 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
WALVIS BAY FOR SALE HERMES Neat, correctly priced house 3 Bed, 1 full bath, Living/ braai room, lounge, dining room, lovely kitchen, double garage, corner stand N$1 666 000 NARRAVILLE Renovators/Developer's Dream. Opportunity to rebuild/renovate this 2 bedroom golden oldie. Good Area - Cash Buyer Preferred N$ 550 000.00 FAIRWAYS House with a Townhouse feel. 3 bed, 2 bath, Lounge/dining room, Kitchen with scullery, double garage, indoor braai, covered patio N$ 1.750 000.00 PROPERTIES WANTED IN ALL AREAS FOR APPROVED CLIENTS
HARROLD: 081 575 7162 SHEILA: 081 252 3083 OFFICE: 064 220028
FOR SALE WALVIS BAY CBD Fairly new unit in safe and secure complex in town centre. Offers 3 beds, 2 baths, openplan kitchen / lounge, small courtyard & garage. Registered in CC. ONLY N$1 090 000.00. JOEY 081 278 0518
PLOT FOR SALE: Vineta Ext 9 Swakopmund. Plot size - 800m² Price = N$700 000.00 (neg). Contact Owner: 081 150 1080.
HENTIES BAY VACANT PLOTS 680m² @ N$ 385 000-00 909m² @ N$ 700.000-00 NEG SWAKOPMUND VINETA 3 x 3 Bed houses on Selling from N$ 1 500 000-00 EXT 15 NEAT AS A PIN 3 Bed, 2 bath, double Garage, lots of cupboards, Scullery, fire place, outside Toilet. N$ 1 800 000-00 ENTIREMENT VILLAGE 1 Bed, 1 bath, open Plan kitchen/living & Garage. N$ 680 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE ARANDIS 2 Bed, 1 Bath house with openplan kitchen / living area, outside BBQ & parking area. Safe & secure complex. Starting from N$445 000.00. GOGGA 081 870 9950 Dream house for sale in Oceanview, Swakopmund. Spacious 375 m2 on 1300 m2 erf, located in cul de sac with sea views all on one level. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Indoor Entertainment area, Kids play room, Study, Laundry, 4 Garages, Well established garden. Fire Place, Gas & Wood Fire Braais. Private Sale. N$ 3.4 million. Contact 0811485148
Contact REMAX for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are buying, selling or renting! Give us a call! North Namibia 065 238 342 / 081 279 2525 Swakopmund / Walvis Bay / Longbeach 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 064 212 440 / 081 169 6227 TE KOOP: Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie yard. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3.5 miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie. Kontak: 081 786 0089.
FOR SALE WALVIS BAY CBD Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 Bed, 1½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$905 000.00 each! Claudia 081 169 6227 Joey 081 278 0518
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE WALVIS BAY This spacious 3 bed, 2 bath unit situated Centrally. Openplan kitchen to lounge, small courtyard & single garage. Located in complex. N$1 530 000.00 including furniture. CLAUDIA 081 169 6227 DREAM HOUSE FOR SALE IN OCEAN VIEW, SWAKOPMUND. Spacious 375 m² on 1300m² erf, located in cul de sac with sea views all on one level. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Indoor Entertainment area, Kids play room, Study, Laundry, 4 Garages, Well established garden. Fire Place, Gas & Wood Fire Braais. Private Sale. N$3.4 million Contact 081 148 5148.
FOR SALE P.A.M TREE VILLAS Selling put Super-Fast! SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 205 Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre On the road to Swakopmund. Choose your own design & plot! Selling from N$615 000.00. CLAUDIA 081 169 6227 FOR SALE Free standing House Tamariskia: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, living area. Newly built. 2 garages. N$ 1.3Mil Contact: 081 180 0909
FOR SALE SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE JANNA’S COURT WALVIS BAY Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony, lounge, sittingroom & kitchen. Last Unit!! N$1 620 000.00. Claudia 081 169 6227
HOUSE FOR SALE Tamariskia: 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, tandem garage - takes 2 cars. Open plan kitchen living area. N$ 1 220 000.00 Contact: 081 180 0909
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE WALVIS BAY INDUSTRIAL Sole & Exclusive Mandate Prime Warehouses for sale! From 178m² each and selling from N$1 505 000.00. Don’t hesitate!! Call Now! Claudia 081 169 6227 HOUSE FOR SALE Tamariskia: 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen, living area and 1 garage. N$ 1 180 000.00 Contact: 081 180 0909
Walvis Bay Central Beautiful & Spacious 2 bed, 2 bath flat with double garage. Each bedroom has its own en-suite bathroom. Monthly rental N$10 000.00 in owner’s pocket. Levies ±N$600.00 p/m. Claudia 081 169 6227 HENTIES BAY Brand new house for sale. Buy from Developer and save. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, tandem automated garage, alarm, aluminium windows + gates, roof tiles, ± 600m² land. In secure complex. N$940 000.00 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, automated double garage, alarm, aluminum windows + gates, roof tiles, ±600m² land. In secure complex. N$1 040 000.00 Contact: 085 124 9826 FLAT FOR SALE: 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 guest toilet. Lounge, dining/living room, kitchen and 2x garages. N$ 2 100 000.00 Contact: 081 180 0909
FOR SALE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY KUISEBMOND 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse with openplan kitchen / living area & garage. N$790 000.00. Emily 081 293 0335
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET: Swakopmund. 4 interleading Offices in Windhuker Street, close to Sam Nujoma Ave, Swakopmund Cell: 081 272 9736.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 1 Bachelor Flat to rent behind a residential house in Kabeljou area, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Rent: N$2700.00 p/m. W&E & WiFi included. 1 Person preferably. Contact: 081 149 4543 / 081 254 0718.
TO RENT: Walvis Bay. One minute walk to Lagoon. One bedroom outside flat with big garage @ N$4150.00 p/m. Water incl. pre-paid electricity. Available 1st November Ideal for single person or a couple with no children. Call: 081 148 6387 / 081 140 5392.
FLAT TO RENT: Walvis Bay - Hermes. 2 Bedrooms with b.i.c, bath room (shower), openplan kitchen with b.i.c, stove, carport. At the back of main residence with separate entrance. Spacious yard. W&E included - no pets. N$6000.00 p/m + deposit. Available as from 1 November 2015. Viewing after 17:00 daily. Contact: 081 399 1823 / 081 149 4669. TO LET: Walvis Bay BAY MANOR (close to SPAR) : Bay Manor Townhouse Unit No. 16. Available end of October 2015. Spacious townhouse with 3 remote controlled garages, laundry, 3 bedrooms with bic, 2 bathrooms, large openplan living area with indoor braai and modern, built-in kitchen. (200 sq.m). N$7 700.00 per month (+ 1 month's Dep). W&E excluded. Contact MARIKA on 081 127 4080. TO LET: VOGELSTRAND, SWAKOPMUND Town house, 3 bedrooms, two full bathrooms, guest toilet, big open plan kitchen with stove and oven, indoor fire place, outdoor braai, alarm system, double automated garage in secure complex and sea view. N$8800.00 /month. TAMARISKIA, SWAKOPMUND Very private, two bedrooms, bathroom, open plan kitchen with stove and oven, alarm system, two automated garages, two covered car park, burglar bars and electric gate. N$6200.00 /per month including water. Contact: 085 124 9826. CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET VINETA HOUSE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/scullery, lounge/dining, bic, spacious yard, garage, water & electricity excluded, deposit required. N$10,600-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com
BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT: in Walvis Bay - Theo-Ben Gurirab Str. Preferably for single person or couples. Bathroom (shower + toilet), Open plan kitchen. N$3100.00 p/m + N$3000.00 deposit. W/E incl. Contact: Henry Dennis 081 480 0272 / 081 280 2328. TO RENT: SWAKOPMUND. Mile 4 near Sea Side Hotel, just 50m from the sea, with maximum coastal view. A furnished two bedroom house for immediate occupation. N$9 500.00 p/m + N$9 500.00 deposit. Water inclusive. Contact 081 124 0396 / 081 246 1254. TO RENT: Narraville. Bachelor flat BIC in room & kitchen. W/E incl. N$3 500.00 p/m N$3 500.00 deposit. Available from 1 Dec. 2015 Contact: 081 281 1345 TE HUUR: Ocean View - Swakopmund. Dubbel verdieping 3 slaapkamer Townhouse, 2 bad-kamers (1 en-suite), balkon Onder: Pragtige oopplan kombuis met sitkamer, binne braai, gaste toilet, 1 groot garage. Buite: Eie ingang, klein tuin en buite toilet. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. N$8000.00 plus deposito. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak: 081 786 0089. WOONSTEL TE HUUR: in Meersig, Walvisbaai. Binne loop-afstand van Lagoon. 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer. Woonstel het privaat binne hof, 1 garage en ‘n ekstra parkeerplek. Huur: N$4500.00 p/m. Aparte water en elektrisiteit meter. Navrae: e-pos robhaswings@gmail.co m TO RENT: Free standing house to rent at Dolphin Beach. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, scullery, huge open plan kitchen, double garage, alarm, boundary walls. Rent: N$6000.00 p/m + deposit, excluding W+E. Eugene: 081 257 9172.
Walvis Bay TO LET NARRAVILLE Neat 3 bedroom house with 2 bathr, kitchen, lounge,+ 2 x 1 bedr flats for extra income. Price N$1 200 000 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 yolande@laproperties.com.na
TO RENT: Narraville, Plein Street. Inside room for rent. W/E incl. N$ 1 500.00 p/m Preferably single persons. Single room inside the house. Call: 081 427 9184 TO RENT: Edelweiss Heights 2x bedroom apartment with communal underroof garage in Hermes, Walvis Bay. Available 1 Dec. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 125 5288
23 OCTOBER 2015
TO LET SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW SAFE AND SECURE TOWNHOUSE SOLE MANDATE 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Guest Bathroom Open Plan Design Single Garage Private Courtyard No Pets N$ 7 700 p/m SPACIOUS HOUSE SOLE MANDATE 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms All En-Suite Built-In Cupboards Kitchen with Scullery Guest Bathroom Outside Toilet Outdoor Braai 3 Garages Pet friendly N$ 14 500 p/m STUNNING MODERN HOME 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Built In Cupboards 1 Bedroom Loft with own Bathroom and Garage Indoor Braai Double Garage Private Courtyard N$ 16 800 p/m PERFECT FAMILY HOME 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Guest Bathroom Kitchen with Scullery Built In Cupboards Indoor Braai Double Garage Pet Friendly N$ 14 500 p/m MILE 4 FULLY FURNISHED HOUSE 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Open Plan Kitchen Double Garages Outdoor Braai Sunny Balcony N$ 16 800 p/m WONDERFUL OFFER 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Built-In Cupboards Open Plan Design Indoor Braai Double Garage Beautiful Garden Walking distance to the Beach Pet friendly N$ 13 500 p/m VINETA FULLY FURNISHED HOUSE 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Open Plan Kitchen Laundry Room Double Garages Braai Room + 1 Bedroom Flat Walking distance to the beach Very Secure Area N$ 12 800 p/m FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL RENTAL NEEDS CONTACT RYNO 081 142 5000
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO LET Jabulani-Mondesa Flat: A 2-bedroom flat with a toilet and shower available at the end of the month. The flat is in a secure area. The flat has burglar bars and a wall around the property. The rent is only N$ 3 500 per month. Water and electricity are included in the rent. A deposit will be required. Contact: 0814554176
Malakia Properties TO LET OLWETWENI Rooms from N$1700.00 W/incl
TO RENT: Fairway 2 bedroom up market apartment with modern furnished. Secure complex guest toilet and one garage. Contact: 081 127 6792 081 122 5558
FINE & COUNTRY: We are urgently looking for properties for sale in K u i s e b m o n d , Narraville, Langstrand & To w n , A r a n d i s , Swakopmund for our approved buyers. Contact GLENDA on 081 147 5143.
TO LET Narraville, House: 4-bedroom house, 2bathrooms with a toilet each, double sitting-room and a modern kitchen with built-in cupboards, stove and microwave available to rent. The house is very spacious with a comfortable backyard to relax. The house is situated at Evergreen street 50 next to Makarios Mini Market and Take Away. The house is conveniently situated close to a mini market and easy to catch a taxi to town. Ideal for four single people to share. Prepaid electricity installed. N$ 6400 per month and water is included. A deposit will be required. NO GARAGE Contact: 0814554176 TO LET Narraville Flat: A big one-bedroom flat with bathroom, open plan kitchen with built-in cupboards and sitting room now available. The flat is situated in Roman street 36. Direction: Turn right at the intersection at the petrol station as you come into Narraville. Drive straight along the railway line and drive in Romanstreet. The flat is behind the house at Romanstreet 36. Rent is N$ 2600 per month and water is included. A deposit of N$ 2 600 will be required. Prepaid electricity is installed. Contact: 0814554176
Outside room N$1900.00 W/Incl
Ocean View: Furnished 3 bedroom town house. Available end of Sept.. N$14 000.00p/m
House with 10 rooms 4bathrooms N$17000.00 W/Incl Avble 1 Nov 2015
Spacious Town house N$8000.00p/m Available end of Sept.
3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen, Lounge, Single Garage N$5000.00 W/L Excl
Ext. 22: 3 Bedroom house with double garage. N$9900.00p/m
TAMARISKIA House 2bedrooms, bathroom Open- plan-Kitchen
2x 3 bedroom town houses. Available end of Sept.. N$10 000.00 (unfurnished) N$14 000.00 (Furnished)
N$4500.00 W/L Excl MONDESA 3bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge, Single garage N$5500.00 W/L Excl Avible 10 Nov 2015 ARANDIS 2bedrooms, 2bathrooms Kitchen and Garage N$3500.00 W/L Excl Outside Rooms N$1700.00 W/L excl All Deposit required Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:malakiaproperties @yahoo.com
TO LET SWAKOP INDUSTRIAL CLOSE TO AIRPORT LARGE INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE/ WORKSHOP 414m² BRAND NEW INDUSTRIAL UNIT 465m² P.O.R. OLD INDUSTRIAL AREA 3 bedroom apartment 600m² warehouse office space as well as garages phone to view p.o.r. CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 081 653 0765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.na
TO RENT: Lagoon Open bachelor self contained rooms for rent. N$ 2 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit needed. Contact: 081 347 6529 081 201 3724 TO RENT: Narraville Outside flat to rent. 1 bedroom, shower, open plan kitchen with BIC W/E incl. N$ 3 500.00 p/m N$ 3 500.00 deposit payable in installments Available 1 Nov. No garage. Contact: 081 555 3781
Hage Heights: Up-market stylish 3 Bedroom double story furnished house. N$27 000.00p/m Mondesa: Spacious 4 bedroom house + garage. N$7000.00p/m Mondesa: 2 Bedroom house N$4500.00p/m Centre, Town Swakopmund 2 bedr, 2 bathr N$ 6 600.00 p/m Ocean view fully furnished 3 bedroom apartment N$ 13 000.00 p/m FOR SALE NEW DEVELOPMENT Mondesa: D/storey town house 2 + 3 bedrooms. Stating price N$730 000.00 Diana Mc Clune Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com
WALVIS BAY TO LET Central: 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Dbl Garage Townhouse in secure complex (No pets) N$ 8500.00pm excl W&E Central: 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 1 Garage house. N$ 6000.00pm Central: Office space with storeroom – available 1 Dec 2015 N$ 7000.00pm incl VAT Central: Neat and spacious fully furnished 3 bed, 2 bath, double garage townhouse N$ 11 000.00pm Central: 2 bedroom, 2 Bath, 1Garage unit in secure complex. Newly built. N$ 7500.00pm Central: Close to schools, 4 bedroom house with flat N$ 16 500.00 SHEILA 064 220028 | 081 252 3083
TO LET 3 Bedr apartment Long Beach Extension 2 2 bathr, Lounge, dining area open plan kitchen, outside braai, Tandem Garage much bigger than standard dbl garage, secure complex N$ 9000 per month , Deposit equal to one Month rent payable Water inclusive, Electricity Prepaid – Available 1 Nov./1 Dec 2015 Rousseau 0816811738
TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 7 500 – Upmarket 2 Bed, 2 Bath with single garage N$ 8 500 – Offices in central town MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage N$ 9 500 – 4bed house with single garage NEW LAGOON N$ 6 500 – 2Bed,1Bath flat with single garage NARRAVILLE N$ 3 300 – 1Bed flat incl w&e INDUSTRIAL N$ 12 180 excl VAT – New 174m² warehouse with 1 office N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl w N$ 12 240 excl VAT – 272m² Warehouse Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669
503 m² Light Industrial Area Close to Port 3 Offices, 1 Storeroom, Kitchen & 2 Toilets N$27,500.00 + VAT per month Available from 1 Dec 2015 Contact: 081 128 3922
TE HUUR Tamariskia, Franciska van Neel Street: 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, oopplan kombuis met sitkamer. Water ingesluit, koop krag. Geen garage. Huur N$4000.00 + deposito N$4000.00. Kontak: 081 298 8672
WANTED TO RENT: in Walvis Bay. Looking for a Bachelor Flat with garage in Town Walvis Bay for end of November. Contact: 081 147 5115 / 081 244 2411. WANTED: I am looking for a 2 bedroom flat in Tamariskia or Mondesa Swakopmund. Price range: N$3000.00 - N$3500.00 per month (no deposit) water included with prepaid electricity. Must be available from 1 November 2015 Contact: 081 169 1911 WANTED: Looking for a residential erf in Swakopmund, (Mondesa, Olwetweni or Jabulani excluded) Erf size range 500 - 800m² Private individuals selling preffered. Contact Fillipus or Fillipine: 081 124 5764 081 305 0714 respectively if you have one available.
WANTED WANTED: Are you out of cash? Then contact us. We buy - Gold Jewellery even if its broken. Silver jewellery even if its broken. Silver and gold coins. Polished diamonds. We operate in Walvis, Swakop, Henties, Arandis and Omaruru. Contact: 081 344 3794 / 081 315 9178. WANTED TO BUY: ‘Mission’ loudspeakers offer N$ 2 000.00 each And Mission Subwoofer offer N$ 3 000.00 Contact: 081 128 8865 WAN TED: Looking for a good bakkie in a good condition to buy. Call: 081 379 2188 081 319 1710
TO SWOP HUIS TE RUIL: in Swakopmund. Vir ‘n Plot of stukkie grond Woning 200m van die see. Kyk op die see uit elke vertrek. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, aparte woonstel, 3 garages. Waarde van eiendom: N$2.5 miljoen. Skakel vir meer besonderhede 081 227 8466.
WANTED: Looking for a two bedroom place with garage / secure yard in Swakopmund (Preferably in Tamariskia, Vineta or Central) not in Mondesa, Jabulani, Olwetweni). Price should not exceed N$ 5 000.00 p/m W/E excl. Contact Fillipus or Fillipine: 081 124 5764 081 305 0714
ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway.na
I am looking for an Erf to buy in Mondesa Swakopmund. Contact: 081 222 9916
TO RENT / BUY PA PROPERTIES CC We are looking for houses to rent out for both long term and short term (Selfcatering units for our esteem clients). We are situated in Shearwater Street Vogelstrand, Vogelsicht Building office 23. Please contact us or Email: JJ Smit 0812126406 (jj@pa-coast.com) 0812246263
CONTAINERS TO BUY/ RENT and Storage Yard in Swakopmund – with 24/7 access. Office or Ablution alterations. Cowboys: 064-418150 or 081 146 4770. 6m Containers to rent. Phone: Karin / Chandre / Nicole on 064-209166
23 OCTOBER 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
VACANCIES VACANCY: SALES REPRESENTATIVE. - Honest - Vibrant - Namibian Citizen - Fluent in English and Afrikaans - Reference required - Drivers license Please forward CV’S to: THE MANAGER P.O. BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY Sales person wanted in tourism industry. Afrikaans + English. German advantage. Must live in Swakop. Grade 12. Prefer school leaver or someone who wants to gain experience. Basic Salary + commission. Must be willing to work flexible hours. Send cv's to cvswakopmund@gmail.c om.
We looking for an Estate Agent with qualifications “Estate Agent Certificate”/ must have driver's license own car would be an advantage. Candidate must be fluent in English and Afrikaans, German will be an advantage. Please email your CV to: jj@pa-coast.com Maison Champagne: Gekwalifiseerde HAARKAPPERS benodig vir ‘n gevestigde haarsalon in Walvisbaai. Stuur CV na andra@faqtraining.com Slegs suksesvolle kandidate sal gekontak word. Workshop and building site, Hands on allrounder handyman needed in SWK. SMS 081 558 0558 or e-mail handyman1@iway.na Vacancies: · CASHIERS · RECEPTIONIST Minimum requirements: - Grade 12 certificate - Experience with references Contact: 064-203204
VACANCIES WELLNESS THERAPIST VACANCY RENT A ROOM - Well groomed lady with existing clientele must have experience in massage/waxing / tinting / manicure / pedicures - Team worker, confident outgoing attitude, friendly and calming personality and passion for helping clients. - Swakopmund based. Applications to wellnessswk@gmail.com HAIR DRESSER VACANCY RENT A SPACE - Fully qualified and experienced, with existing clientele - Reliable and friendly team player - Professional who takes pride in producing quality finishes - Good communicator with excellent customer service skills Applications to wellnessswk@gmail.com Experienced Head chef needed, min 5 years cooking experience as Head chef in a restaurant. No criminal record. Please email updated CV with full working history to:recruitment.headchef @gmail.com Experienced Waiter / Waitress needed, must have a min of 3 years waitressing / waiter experience in a restaurant with POS system knowledge. Barista and Cashier experience will be a bonus. No criminal record. Must be able to speak Oshiwambo. Please email updated CV with full working history to:recruitment.fronthouse@gmail.com
Co.Reg. 21/99/271
We are inviting applications for the position of Primary School Teacher from January 2016. The ideal candidate will be a BA of Arts graduate preferably majoring in English and History, with experience in teaching and be familiar with academic self-governance. We offer the opportunity of working in an innovative & supporting school with students who are motivated to succeed. Only short listed candidates will be interviewed. Closing date for applications: 6 Nov 2015 Contact: Secretary at +264 203995 JOB VACANCY: BAR / GAMBLING HOUSE MANAGER (Walvis Bay). E-mail CV along with ID photo to:cvgamblingmanager @gmail.com
GREG'S MOTOR SPARES WHERE EVERY CUSTOMER COUNTS! NOW OPEN IN WALVIS BAY. WE ARE ALSO OPEN ON THE 1ST AND LAST SUNDAYS OF EVERY MONTH FROM 9 - 1. HANNA MUPETAMI RD OPPOSITE WESBANK TRANSPORT TEL:064-202622. FOR SALE: 2014 Chevrolet Spark Campus, 4 door. Immaculate condition Petrol 1.2L. 5 speed manual, no radio, air bags, abs, 15 200km. N$98 000.00. Contact: 081 124 3341 / 081 146 9557. FOR SALE: 2014 Land Rover Discovery 4 HSE Jaguar V8 Engine 5.0L. 44,000km. 2 Year Warranty & Full Service Plan. Immaculate Condition. For only N$675,000.00. (New N$1, 025 000.00) Contact: 081-1243341 Walvis Bay ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS FOR SALE: 2014 Chevrolet Spark Campus, 4 door. Immaculate condition Petrol 1.2L. 5 speed manual, no radio, air bags, abs, 9900km. N$98 000.00. Contact: 081 124 3341 / 081 146 9557.
2005 LANDROVER DEFENDER 110 TD5 TURBO DIESEL Good Condition - Low Kms 138,000kms - One Owner - hardly used off Road - Engine in Excellent Condition (Bomb Proof ), Rack, Bull Bar, Side Rails, Mag Wheels & Rear Spare , Namibia Reg – Can Ferry anywhere to buyer, Price: N$175,000 cash O.N.O Call : Nigel 081 4172922 Email: multisportafrica@gmail. com FOR SALE SWAKOPMUND: P&H Crane 15Ton BARGAIN OF THE YEAR N$130,000.00
Nissan Bus-51 Seated and 8 Standing N$75,000.00- Road worthy included
FOR SALE: 2007 Toyota Land cruiser single cab, lots of extras on bakkie. 210 000km, 4.5 EFI, Mag rims, bakkie in very good condition. Bargain, Silver-Gold in colour. N$200 000.00 Contact: 081 261 8487 FOR SALE: TAT 2007, diesel 2 Liter D/C needs new diesel plugs. N$30 000.00 Isuzu 2006, 2 liter petrol N$65 000.00 Jetta 2006, 1.6 maual petrol with mag rims. N$30 000.00 Landrover free lander 2007, 2.0 liter manual petrol. N$60 000.00 Polo 1.6 2008 manual N$60 000.00 Fiat stradapetrol 2010 manual N$45 000.00 1.4 Uno fiat 1999 manual top needs replacement N$7000.00 2007 Polo 1.6 hatchback manual N$68 000.00 Nissan hard body 4x4 petrol D/C 3.3 V6 2006, roll bar, bull bar and canopy N$100 000.00 Toyota kzte diesel D/C 3.0 liter 2001 N$120 000.00 In Swakopmund All prices are negotiable. Contact: 081 258 5780 081 598 9989 064 406 737
TRANSVAC SUCTION UNIT 6” Inlet In Ecellent mechanical condition For only N$75,000.00 New price exceeds N$400,000.00
Small Bus TrailerTo be used on construction site 12 Passengers Seated N$30,000.00
FOR SALE: 2002 Polo Playa N$ 34 000.00 Contact: 081 364 6567 CALL: 0817164420 FOR SALE: 2007 Yuenjin truck 4 ton with dropsides 109 490 km N$ 70 000.00 negotiable Walvis Bay Contact: 081 359 2523
CARS TE VERKOOP: Isuzu Frontier 320L V6 Model einde 1999 133,000km in goeie toestand. N$70 000.00 Kontak: 064 402 953
Can-am Renegade 800 Quad, V-Twin 4x4 Visco-lock 100 hours on clock, as new. Mint condition. Call Gunther 081 638 6300
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
FOR SALE: 2013 VW Polo 1.4 C/line. 40000km. Terra-beige. Underbody+Tectyle coated. New tires. N$ 145 000. Cell:0812804304
FOR SALE: 1x 5p.c corner lounge suit floral material, good condition N$1250.00 1x Professional polony slicer N$3750.00 1x DSTV dish only (new) N$250.00 1x Whirlpool eye-level built-in oven and glass/ceramic HOB like new white. N$1650.00 1x LG flatiron TV 54cm. one year old N$850.00 5x Fishing rods 12”foot like new N$250.00each 1x Set of trallies for bakkie N$750.00 2x Aluminum sliding windows with tinted glass just like new. N$350.00each 1x Gibson Hawaiian Electric guitar collectors item since 1940's N$5000.00 1x Fridge General Electric 210Lit. N$1250.00 Contact: 081 567 4522
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value
SWAKOPMUND Town centre Well-established boutique for SALE N$1.5mil Email: 4saleswakopmund@ gmail.com
only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay
S/Cab Landcruiser Safari Camper Excellent condition, comes complete with 2 awnings, side tent, mattresses, water and fuel bottles. N$60,000 Call Andrew 081 333 0300
GARDENING FOR SALE Fan Palms for sale, SWK Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 40kg Cow manure bags delivered.
Call GUNTHER 081 638 6300.
PROPERTY TO RENT To rent: Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond, Christiaan Street 2 Bedrooms flat with a garage, b.i.c bathroom (shower), openplan kitchen. W&E included, N$ 5000.00 P/M + Deposit N$ 1000.00 Available as from 1 November 2015 Contact: 0817791934
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality . Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.
JOBS WANTED Linekela (28): I am looking for domestic work or cleaning offices. I am hardworking lady. Contact: 081 330 5490 Tenny: I am a lady living in Swakopmund looking for any type of work, either domestic work or looking after kids. I can start anytime. Contact: 081 484 4760 SELIMA: I am a 23-year-old lady looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 477 1420 ISRAEL: Looking for work as a welder. Forklift operator, hydraulic mobile crane, dump truck, truck trailer mechanic, delivery vehicle (Code B) Safety representative or sale representative. Contact: 081 376 7733 JOB WANTED: A 24-year-old lady looking for domestic job or any kind of job in Walvis Bay. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 689 8528 PATRICIA: Soek werk vir ‘n hele week of inslap werk. Walvisbaai, Langstrand of Swakopmund. Contact: 081 040 6714 MARIA: Am a 25-year-old lady looking for domestic work or cleaning and ironing work in Walvis Bay, Meersig or Lagoon. Mondays to Fridays. Reliable and hardworking. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 298 1613 Ons Steenkamp familie is dringend opsoek na werkgewers om ons lang diens werker in diens te neem. Sy is getroud, rook en drink nie. Kan baie goed skoonmaak. Sy is lief vir kinders en kan ook na ouergade omsien. Sy het ‘n sertifikaart in tuis versorg en poliative werk. Sy is baie betroubaar. Kontak: 081 408 4479 Irmina: Has train as a palliative/caregiver and is looking for a job in that direction. Can work at private hospital or old age homes. Can also assist relative bedridden patients in their homes. Negotiable. Contact: 081 475 0822
23 OCTOBER 2015
Memories of my Van: Zarika en sister, kinders
Ronel (Pretorius) Munoz * 19.01.1964
+ 13.10.2015
Ons gun haar die Hemelse rus. Va n : M o n i c a , Linda, Miela and Verna
hold a place, That no one could ever fill.
Baie dankie ma vir alles wat ma vir ons gedoen en beteken het. Ons sal baie verlang, maar berus in Sy wil, omdat ons weet ma die mooiste engel in die hemel is. Van: Leonardo en Zaid Die dood laat wonde agter wat niemand op aarde kan heel, maar herinneringe is skatte wat niemand kan steel. Van Poppa, Lario en kinders. Jou stryd was moedig en vol geloof, God het gesien die pad word te steil en jou hand geneem en jou veilig na Hom gelei. Va n H i l a r y , Lanvrey, Geraldo and Gea.
You Never Said Goodbye You never said I'm leaving You never said goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, And only God knew why. A million times we needed you, A million times we cried. If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died. In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. In our hearts you
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn't go alone; for part of us went with you, the day God took you home. From: Peter, Claudette, Nicole, July-Ann and Arthur There will always be a heartache and often a silent tear, But always a precious memory of the days when you were here. From: Susie, Ty r o n e , E l r o y, Allison, Anthony and Eathon. We watched her suffer, day by day; It caused us bitter grief; to see her slowly pine away; And could not give relief. Her weary hours and days of pain; Her troubled nights are past; And in our aching hearts we know; She has found sweet rest at last. Some day, some time, my years shall see; the face I loved so well. Some day, some time, her hand I'll clasp; and never say farewell. Her smiling way and pleasant face; are a pleasure to recall; She had a kindly word for each; and died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet her; some day, we know not when; to clasp her hand in the better land; never to part again. From: Oupa, Las, Lessie, Neeca and Bully
I remember everything about you, your voice, your smile, your touch, the way you walked, the way you talked, the way you looked at me, meant so much. I remember all the words you said to me, some funny, some kind, some wise, all of the things you did for me, I see now with different eyes. I remember every moment we shared, seems like only yesterday, or maybe it was eons ago, It's really hard to say. You are gone from me now, but one thing they can't take away, your memory resides inside my heart, and lights up my darkest days. From: Colleen, Eugene, Denzell, Denver, Mieta and Lluwelyn
Take her in your arms, Lord, cherish her with care. Make up for all she suffer and the pain she had to be bear. Van Vera, Lani, Lee, Wardo,
Ronel (Pretorius) Munoz * 19.01.1964
+ 13.10.2015
ROUDIENS: Vrydag 23.10.2015 19:00 by huis no.3 Pelserstraat, Narraville, (Saartjie se woning) BEGRAFNIS: Saterdag 24.10.2015 08:00 by huis no.3 Pleinstraat (oupa se woning) 09:00 Vanuit VGK Kerk, Narraville
The Broken Chain We little knew that morning, God was going to call your name. In life we loved your dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, the day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories, Your love is still our guide; And though we cannot see you, You are always by our side. Our family chain is broken, And nothing seems the same, But as God calls us one by one, The chain will link again. From: Moizel, Trevor, Shakira, Alzandro and Alzandra Stil het jy ons verlaat. Rus in vrede. Van: Jessie, Juliana, Jeslynn en Ashley
Vir navrae kontak: Colleen: 081 2777348/Oupa: 081 401 9959/Hilary: 081 576 9562
Ons groet ons boeta en oom
Kola van der Post
Ons harte is seer, maar die Heer regeer. Van: Mario, Grant en Wanna Jou plek in die huis en in ons harte is leeg, maar ons gun jou die rus in ‘n beter oord. Van: Saartjie en Gerald Baie trane vloei in stilte wat net God van weet. Ons het wat jou so liefgehad
Alex, Cielie, AndrĂŠ, James & Daneal Richards Leon & Polani Jacobs Cassie, Magda & Divan Carstens Dis nie totsiens, maar net tot weersiens
23 OCTOBER 2015
Our deepest sympathy to:
Yolandy & children with the loss of your husband and father,
REINO VRIES We wish you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts.
From: Jacky, Terence and Beverley Richardts
23 OCTOBER 2015
23 OCTOBER 2015