CONCERNED WALVIS BAYresidents sent in photos of at leastthreeopenmanholesatthetown'sEsplanadePlaypark this week, complaining about the threat these open hazards posetonotonlychildrenplayinginthepark,butalsoadults.
The manholes are wide open without any barricades or safety signs, making this a potential accident waiting to happen. “With the play area very close to these manholes, chances are good someone might fall into one of them while running or walking aroundinthearea.Howcarelesscouldourmunicipalitybetoleave themopen?Aretheywaitingforsomeonetofallintooneofthese andgetinjuredorlosealifeduetotheseneglectedopenmanholesand then only act in covering these death traps?” One resident exclaimed during a telephonic interview with the Namib Times. Another concerned resident told the newspaper, “The manholes
Date set for Fishrot trial
THE TEN Fishrot defendants appeared in the Windhoek High Court before Judge Kobus Miller for pre-trial proceedingsonWednesday21September.
The accused include Mike Nghipunya, Sacky Shanghala, Bernard Esau, James Hatuikulipi, Ricardo Gustavo, Tamson Hatuikulipi, Otneel Shuudifonya, Pius Mwatelulo, Phillipus Mwapopi and Nigel van Wyk. The suspects, arrested between November 2019 and January 2020 are facing several criminal charges of allegedly receiving bribes amounting to more than
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6983 FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 6 Page 20 Page 3 Page 5
Safety Hazard! Open manholes at popular Walvis Bay playpark T20 Cricket World Cup trophy touches down in Walvis Bay Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2
Namibian navyparti cipates in Unitas LXIII Top social media fans get water safety training N 200 000$ for annual -elderly Christ mas lunch
Noble and Azhar drug case sentencing scheduled
OnFriday,thepartiesappearedintheHighCourt in Windhoek for final arguments before sentencing,duringwhichNobleandAzhar'slegal representative presented arguments to mitigate thesentence.
NobleandAzhar,whoin2018attemptedtosmuggle 412 kg of cocaine worth an estimated N$206 million into the country with a cargo container from Brazil, were found guilty on 19 August on one count of dealing in cocaine andone count of money laundering but were acquitted on that charge as the judge found it constituted a duplication.
State advocate Timo Itula on Friday asked the High Court to sentence drug dealers to the maximum allowed under the Drugs Act, namely 15 years direct imprisonment and that the court shouldnotbedeterredfromhandingdownasentence which is deterrent, preventative, reformativeandretributory
Thesocietymustbeprotectedfrompeoplesuchas the accused therefore the court must send out a clear message that drug smuggling will not be tolerated.Themerevolumeofthedrugsinvolved –morethan400kg–wouldhavehadadevastating effectifitwasletlooseonsociety,Itulastressed. Hefurthersaidtheduodidnotshowanyremorse fortheirconductandanypleaforclemencyonthe basisofremorseshouldbeseenforexactlywhatit is,aployclearlyaimedatevokingsympathyfrom thecourt.Itulaargued.
AccordingtoItula,theconvictsoptednottotestifyinmitigation,therebynottakingthecourtinto theirconfidenceandanyattemptfromthedefence counseltoprofferremorsefromthebarshouldbe disregarded. He further said that it is unknown if anykindofpunishmentwillrehabilitatetheaccused persons, but what is certain though, is that if they become rehabilitated in prison, they might qualifyforareductioninsentence.
Itula said that the drugs were concealed in the same type of boxes the papers were in and that it
wouldflyinthefaceofthejudge'srulingthatstates that the copy papers were used as a disguise and thatthetwomenusedtheirbusinessentity–Zeeki Trading-asafronttosmuggledrugsintoNamibia fromBrazil.
"Iftheydonotreceiveafine,wesuggestthatprisonsentencesshouldbesuspendedforatleastfive years on the condition that they do not commit similarcrimesagain,"hefurtherargued.
Itula referred to another case where a person was caughtwith28kgofmarijuanaandwassentenced to10years,ofwhichfouryearsweresuspended.
"Thiscasedealswithasignificantlylargeramount of drugs, as well as a different type of drug and therefore requires a similar or harsher sentence," arguedItula.
Ituladidagreewiththedefensethattheperiodthat Noble and Azhar had already spent in custody shouldbeamitigatingfactorandcouldcontribute toasuspendedsentence.
NobleandAzhardidnottakethewitnessstandto testify in mitigation of sentence and only apologised through their legal representative and requestedthecourttoshowmercy
JudgeOrbenSibeyaaskedItulatostatehowmuch weight should be given to their remorse, as they chosenottotestifyinthisregardthemselves.
"It is common knowledge among legal practitionersthattestimoniesweighmuchmoreheavily thansubmissionsfromlegalrepresentatives,"Itula believes.
Grant Noble and Dinah Azhar's legal representativeMbushandjeNtinda,standinginforSisa Namandje suggested that these two convicted cocainesmugglersshouldonlybefinedinsteadof jailtime.
Ntinda, argued that the pre-conviction incarceration of the accused should be seen as punishmentenough.
“The court should impose a fine of N$20 000 on eachaccusedwithanoptionoftwoyearsimprisonment on failure to pay the fine plus an additional whollysuspendedfiveyearsimprisonmentterm."
He further argued that the judicial system has moved away from the “backwards looking retribution theory of sentencing which is associated with revenge as a justification for punishment, and which is deeply ingrained in human experience. Therefore, courts are reminded and cautioned not to deploy a sentencing mind which goesbackasfarasthedictumofaneyeforaneye,a toothforatoothandalifeforalife.
BothNobleandAzharareincustodyinthesection fortrialawaitinginmatesattheWindhoekCorrectionalFacility,
Date set for Fishrot trial
Continued from page 1
N$150millioninreturnforgivingpreferentialaccesstoNamibia's fishing grounds to Samherji, one of Iceland's largest fishing companies.
They are also facing multiple counts of fraud charges, bribery, corruptlyusingtheofficeforgratification,moneylaundering,and conspiring to commit corruption. These charges emanate from allegationsthatthemendefraudedtheMinistryofFinancewhen they made misrepresentations to the Directorate of Inland Revenue that Nengomar Pesca Namibia generated revenue of N$14.1 million from 2014 to 2019, while the company had generatedrevenueofaboutN$40.1million.
The suspects are being represented by Windhoek-based defence lawyers Florian Beukes, Appollus Shimakeleni, Richard Metcalfe, Florian Beukes, Lucious Murorua, and Trevor Brockerhoff.
HighCourtJudgeMillerpostponedthecaseto19 October.Allthe accused except Gustavo remain in custody. Gustavo's bail applicationwasgrantedlastyear
Safety Hazard! Open manholes
Continued from page 1
arequitedeepandarenotevenbarricadedordemarcated.These pits can lead to accidents during daytime with all the children running around in the area, however, these open pits become more dangerous during night-time and an accident is almost guaranteedtothosewalkingintheareawhileitisdark.
Namib Times raised questions in an email to the Walvis Bay MunicipalityonTuesdaythisweek.Bythetimeofgoingtoprint, no answer has been received. The newspaper drove out to the parkbeforegoingtoprinttoseeifthematterhasbeenresolved, butthemanholeswerestilluncoveredandwideopen.
CONSENT: Beauty Salon ON ERF NO: 5259 TOWNSHIP/AREA: FairwaysSTREETNAME&NO:TecomariaStreet,50A.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:BeautySalon.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 30 September2022.
WINDHOEK High Court Judge, Orben Sibeya has scheduled 6 October as the datethathewilldeliverasentencetodrugdealersGrantNobleandDinathAzhar
Grant Noble and Dinath Azhar Photo: FB
Rudi Bowe
Namibian navy participates in Unitas
NS Elephant a Chinese-built multipurpose warship of the Namibian Navy is on her maiden voyage across theAtlantic Ocean in the Federative Republic of Brazil, to participate in themultinationalmaritimeexercisecodenamedUnitasLXIII.
Thecrewofabout120maleandfemalemilitarypersonnel,supportpersonnel and military observers sailed from Walvis Bay's naval base under Captain Simon Kombada to Rio de Janeiro on 24 August where they have been participating from 10 September until tomorrow, 24 September in the Unitas LXIII.
The distance travelled was approximately 3 200 nautical miles, which is equivalentto6000km,andittooktheship10daystoreachitsdestination.
TheaimofthevoyagewastohonourtheinvitationextendedtotheNamibian government, in particular the Namibian Navy, to participate in the annual UnitasLXIIIwhichwasconceivedin1959,andhastakenplaceannuallysince itwasfirstconductedin1960.
Brazil is hosting this year's exercise coincided with the 200 year commemoration of their independence, The anniversary of Brazil's navy's founding brought together 19 nations from across Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, andAfrica to train forces in joint maritime combatoperations,marinepollutionandmaritimesecurityaspects,likepiracy, the trafficking of people and illicit goods, and illegal unreported and unregulatedfishing.
Gardening project for DRC Clinic patients
Avegetablegardenthatwillcaterforpregnantwomen,patientswithTuberculosis, HIV/AIDSanddayvisitorswashandedovertotheDRCClinicintheDemocratic Resettlement Community (DRC) by the Municipality of Swakopmund this week Wednesday.
In 2021, through her annual strategic plan at the Swakopmund Municipality, the recentlyelectedConstituency Councillor Louisa Kativa proposed the implemen tation of an urban agricultural project at the DRC clinic
Kativa said, “this came after I realised the dire need of my community of the DRC for basic fooditems.Afterapproval from the management committee, we wrote letters to the Ministry of Health and Social Services for the approval of a backyard
gardenattheclinic.”As a former health worker, Kativa said she could not help but notice how patients visited the clinic and hospital with a hungry tummy and that is when she decided to find a permanent solution to the problem instead of only the
temporary solution of foodparcelhandouts.
Swakopmund's urban agriculture project aims to promote urban agriculture by encouraging residents to produce their own food and stimulatefoodsecurityand economic growth. Kativa said, ”thus, in line with this vision, the office of the mayor initiatedprovidingfoodfor the less privileged patients at the DRC clinic. Our focus group is the pregnant women be cause when you are expecting, you need nutrients for the baby that is growing, and unfor tunately, those living in DRC do not have the necessarymeanstohave nutritiousmeals.”
According to Kativa, this project commenced in July 2022. the soil preparationwasdoneby thevolunteersandbythe urban agriculture pro-
This exercise will enhance tactical proficiency and increase interoperability and help develop and sustain relationships between maritime partners and achieve common goals. t also guarantees freedom of navigation to enhance trade between the countries, and also fosters military-to-military exchanges, cooperationandunderstandingbetweentheparticipatingnations.
Theexercisewillhelpimprovetheprofessionalismandoperationalreadiness oftheNamibiaNavyandotherparticipatingnationsthatincludeBelize,Brazil, Cameroon,Chile,Colombia,DominicanRepublic,Ecuador,France,Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Korea, Spain, United Kingdom,andUruguay NSElephantisexpectedtoarrivebackinNamibiain early October
jectproducers,aspartof the team community outreach program. the compostandseedswere donated by the urban agriculture project. The shade net house was donatedbytheSwakopmund municipality, and they are grateful to the carpentry section for this.
The project is expected togrowvegetablessuch as spinach, beetroots, cabbage,onion,andcar rots.
Therearecurrentlythree volunteerstakingcareof the garden who will continue to take care of theproject,buttheurban agriculture project team will be available for adviceandassistance.
Kativasaid,“aswehand over this project to the ministryofhealthtoday, I would like to request
thattheytakeownership of this project and ensure that it becomes sustainable.
Furthermore,Ialsourge the community of the DRC and the patients here at this clinic to makeuseofthisfacility but also, volunteer and provide your assistance onhowyoucancultivate crops here as it will benefit you. let us not vandalise this project as itsaimistoprovidefood foryourcommunity.”
The DRC Clinic caters for expecting mothers and babies, TB, and HIV/AIDSPatients.The project is expected to growvegetablessuchas onions, cabbage, spi nach, beetroot, carrots, and peppers Kativa stressed on the impor tance of starting a backyard garden, she said eachresidentwithback-
yard space to start a backyardgarden.
According to Kapande Kaputene,theladywho willbetakingcareofthe garden together with Albertina Cleopas, she started volunteering at the garden in 2014 Kaputene said, “this is not the first time the municipality is setting upthisgarden,thisisthe second one. The first one was destroyed duringthelockdown.
Members of the community broke in and took all of it because they were hungry with all the lock downs. I thank the municipality forsettingitupagain.”
Robeam Ujaha, the Environmental Health Practitioner Health Services is the one who oversees the urban gar dening projects in Swakopmund.
Namibian Navy vessel the NS Elephant
Sharlien Tjambari
Swakopmund Court Report
Innocent Hunibeb (26), appeared on charges ofassaultbythreatreadwithprovisionsofthe domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003, and attempted murder The matter was postponed to7Novemberforotherreasons. Theaccused remainsincustody
HesterSteenkamp(39),appearedonacharge oftheftbyfalsepretences.Thematterwaspostponedto9Novemberforlegalaid.Theaccused isonbail.
HendrickVanWyk(44),appearedonacharge of theft. The matter was postponed to 16 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.
Pieter Fischer (27), appeared on a charge of arson.The matter was postponed to 27 February 2023 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.
Stephanus Jacobus Daniel Jordan (40), appearedonachargeofdrivingwithanexcessivebreathalcohollevel.Thematterwaspostponedto15February2023forbail.
IlanzaKlein(31),appearedonchargesofdrivingundertheinfluenceofintoxicatingliquor and escaping before being locked up. The matterwaspostponedto1March2023forplea andtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
DelvinGeingob(19),appearedonachargeof robbery The matter was postponed to 16 Novemberforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccused isonbail.
Alistina Goses (30), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto9November forlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.
Melvin Fisch (29) and Izette Matroos (24), appearedonachargeofdealingindependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 17 October because the docket was not at court. Melvin Fisch remains in custody andIzetteMatroosisonbail.
DuoSong(35),appearedonchargesofdriving withanexcessivebreathalcohollevelanddisplaying a licence disc not applicable to motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to 21 Novemberforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedisonbail.
Jason Ockhuizen (21), appeared on a charge ofhousebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft. Thematterwaspostponedto21Novemberfor
further investigation. The accused remains in custody
RicardoSo-oabeb(27)andCantonaGoagoseb (27),appearedonachargeofmurder Thematter was postponed to 14 October to be heard in the regionalcourt.Theaccusedareonbail.
Reginald Bryton Januarie (29), appeared on a chargeofrobbery Thematterwaspostponedto22 February2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedison bail.
HepeniMwetukaage(55),appearedonacharge ofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm. Thematterwaspostponedto3Octoberfortracing of the accused. The accused is at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.
DerrickGrahamCampell(22),DennisBenson Garoeb (22), Reinold ShaunTourob (21), Shikongo Nauta (22), appeared on a charge of murder-attempted murder The matter was postponed to 27 September for further investigation. Theaccusedremainsincustody
Daryan Sinden (31), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponed3Novemberfor furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody
Godhard Goseb (18), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.
The matter was postponed to 3 October because the accused was absent. The accused remains in custody
Melvin Howoseb (44), Charlie Geiseb (25), Epifanus Geiseb (33) and Fillipus Uwukhaeb (37), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter waspostponedto15Marchforpleaandtrial.Melvin Howoseb and Fillipus Uwukhaeb are on bail and Charlie Geiseb and Epifanus Geiseb are at large,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.
Aldo Timbo (36) and Timbo Thulisa (39), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to20Octoberforpleaintermsofsection119.The accusedisonbail.
JosefLazarus(34),appearedonchargesofrape and kidnaping. The matter was postponed to 5 October for continuation of bail application.The accusedremainsincustody
Joanpier Katu (32), appeared on charges of assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharmand theft by false pretences. The matter was postponedto16Novemberforfurtherinvestigations. Theaccusedremainsincustody.
Walvis Bay Court Report
Lucky Khaebeb (21), Assault – Indecent assault read with the ProvisionsoftheDomesticViolenceActof2003(July2021)Thematter ispostponedto20September2022.Section55Enquiry Incustody
Underaged boy (17), Assault – Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (July 2022) The accused is at large. Warrant of arrest issued.
Foxa Kanizemba (28), Theft (September 2022) The matter is postponedto7December2022.PleaandTrial.Incustody
Cevin Harding (42),Theft – Theft by False Pretences (August 2022) The case was transferred to the Windhoek Magistrates Court on 13 September2022.Incustody
Wayne Magobe (18), Assault – Assault with intent to do grievous bodilyharm(December2019)Thematterispostponedto27September 2022.PleaandTrial.Onwarning.
Israel Shipepo (25), Dealing in and Possession of Drugs (February 2021) The matter is postponed to 29 September 2022. Trial Partly Heard–Submissions.Onbail.
ThomasJohannes(41),MaxMoalusi(58),Possessionofgamemeat (September2021)The matterispostponedto15December2022.Both accusedareonbail.
Helmuth Nuxub (34), Assault – Indecent Assault (November 2021) Thecasewaswithdrawnagainsttheaccused.
Joseph Mathias (54), Murder (December 2021) The matter is postponedto17January2023.P.GDecision.Onbail.
KondjeniMicheal(28),Assault–IndecentAssault(December2021) Theaccusedwasfoundnotguilty
JulianeNaobes(39),Murder(2001/2002)Thematterispostponedto 31October2022.FurtherInvestigation.Onbail.
Awiseb Bradley (25), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (January2022)Thematterispostponedto7December2022.Pleaand Trial(FinalRemand)Onbail.
Moses Elifas (35), Theft (April 2022) The matter is postponed to 19 October2022.FurtherInvestigation.Onbail.
Kananya Kananya (29),Theft from a motor vehicle (July 2022)The matterispostponedto8December2022.PleaandTrial.Onbail.
Top social media fans get water safety training
MONARCHLifeguardandEmergencyServicesconducted afreewatersafetyandfirstaidtrainingtotheirtop10social mediafansatWalvisBaylastweekend.
OwnerandFounderofMonarchLifeguardandEmergencyServices, MartinMuyengasaidthetenindividualswereshowingkeeninterest inthepreventionofdrowningandlifesavingprogramsontheirsocial mediaplatforms.“We'vebeensharinglifesavinginformationandwith this hands-on free presentation, we hosted we want to achieve our goal, where every household is equipped with the necessary water safety knowledge. Now it will be easy for our top fans to spread the messageofdrowningpreventionandlifesavingwithunderstandingin their communities.” Muyenga explained that the fans were selected fromacrossthecountry
“Weencourageeveryonetosupportwatersafetyprogramsthisisthe only way we can prevent drowning which is increasing in our communities. We are urging the public, especially parents to equip themselvesandinturneducatetheirchildrenonhowtobewatersafe, especiallyovertheholidays.”
Old Mutual donates school sweaters to two coastal schools Sharlien Tjambari
otherschoolswithinourtown. Branch Manager of Old Mutual Swakopmund, ManfredKaanjosa duringthehandoverceremony at Hanganeni Primary School said, “we trust that our contribution will boost the children's efforts toward educational prosperity, especially when hinderingfactorssuchasthecoldcanberemoved. Allow me to note the inspirational educational ranking of JP Brandt and Hanganeni Primary
schools, which has remained one of the highest ranked academic primary schools in the Erongo region. I commend the teachers and all auxiliary staff for their perseverance and determination in extending assistance to the children and in upholding such a high quality educational standard.The work you do is truly admirable and setsanentiregenerationofstudentsonthepathof success.”
AS PART OF its community development efforts, Old Mutual NamibiadonatedschoolsweaterstothevalueofN$35000totwo coastalschoolsonWednesday,14September
Hangeni Primary School at Swakopmund and JP Brandt Primary School outside ofWalvis Bay benefited from the donation.Atotal of 63 learners at Hanganeni Primary school , and 44 learners at JP Brandt Primary School receivedsweaters.HanganeniPrimarySchool'sHeadGirl,PetrinaKanjungu, inhervoteofthanks,expressedherappreciationtoOldMutualforhelpingher fellowpupilswithschoolsweaters. Kandjungusaid,“asschoollearners,we need to be in uniform always at school and this is important as it bestows confidenceinus. Italsohelpsustobeidentifiedwhenwearewithlearnersof
Please take note that a section of 18th Street East (UnionStreet)fromthecircleuntilthe4waystopat the cemetary will be closed from 09:30 am until 12:00onSaturday8October2022fortheyearlyFish
Eagle Rally Mass Ride and Drags through Walvis Bay.
The ten 'top fans' of Monarch Lifeguard received free water safety training from Monarch Lifeguard Martin Muyenga (far left). Photo contributed
Saturday 8 October 2022
200 000 for annual elderly Christmas lunch
NAMDIA (Namib Desert Diamond (PTY) Ltd) and its partner Samir Gems DMCC, both donated an amount of N$100000eachtowardstheannualElderlyChristmasLunch thatisaimedathonouringtheeldersoftheregionfortheirimpactinthecommunity.Theannouncementwasmadeduring the unveiling ceremony of the Eumbo Star Diamond last on Thursday,15September.
During her donation announcement, Board Member of NAMDIA,LiinaMwatungasaid,“Iamthrilledandhonouredto stand here as a member of the NAMDIAboard of directors and representative of NAMDIANS to remind our community and nationofourcompany'scommitmenttowardseconomicprosperityandpovertyalleviation.TheNAMDIAfoundationonceagain would like to re-emphasise that our commitment and objective hasalwaysbeenforournation'sadvancementandnationalprovenance.Thisdonation,liketheroyaltyfromtheEumboStarwillbe asymbolofNAMDIA'scommitmenttoourwealthandourcommitmentinensuringthatournation'ssovereignnaturalresources areusedforourpeoples'advancement.”
TheManagingDirectorofSamirGemsDMCCDevangBhansali andRashilBhansalialsopledgedN$100000,whichamountedto N$200000fortheseniorcitizensChristmaslunch.
TO LET West Port Industrial
Light Industrial Warehouses
Sizes of available units range from: 329sqm – 514 sqm
This industrial Warehouse is situated in the vicinity of Dunes Mall. The property is strategically located with easy access to the port and airport of Walvis Bay and national roads leading up to the West Coast of Namibia and inland.
Sharlien Tjambari
6 NAMIBTIMES 23SEPTEMBER2022 Alexanders Private School 21 Fourth Road North | Meersig | Walvis Bay +264 81 635 2707 | AcademicYear 2023 Spaces available inYear 00 / Nursery (3 - 4 years). Spaces available inYear 0 / ReceptionYear (4 - 5 years). Limited spaces available in PrimaryYears 2 to 6. Limited spaces available in SecondaryYear 7. Ambitious for our learners! for more information. Emailopenday@alexanders-school.comto organise for your child to spend the day with us.
Eumbo Star diamond unveiled
Eiseb said, “we are now thrilled to move into the next phase of this journey of discovery with the Eumbo Star and its deployment into the downstream market, where it will be networked to market into various retailers and high net-worth individuals.
The goal is to position the diamond into direct channels to the private clients, once again gaining great provenance for Namibia and its diamonds.”
Sharlien Tjambari
Last week, 15 September, NAMDIA(Namib Desert Diamonds (Pty)Ltd) and its partnerSamirGemsDMCC,aDubai-basedcompanyrevealedandunveiledthe Eumbo Star, a 15.06 Carat with the highest colour grading of D colour flawless diamondthatrepresentsafirstofitskindinNamibianhistoryvaluedatcloseto N$26million.
During the unveiling ceremony of the EumboStardiamond,NAMDIA'sBoard Chairman, Bryan Eiseb said NAMDIA and Samir Gems DMCC entered into a joint agreement in March this year with the aim to bring an exceptional-sized rough diamond weighing 37.67 carats originatingfromNamibiaintothedown-
stream market, an initiative which he said wasafirstforNAMDIAandfortheNamibiandiamondindustry
Eiseb said, “through this agreement, NAMDIA will establish its global brand identity and bring us ever closer to discovering the true value of Namibia's diamonds in the global diamond value chain. Our expert partners in this project, SamirGems,cutandpolishedthediamond usingthefinesttechnologyandskill.”
Eiseb further said, once polished, the brilliantroundcutdiamondwasgradedbythe world's foremost authority on diamonds, theGemmologicalInstituteofAmericaand certificationindicatesthediamond'sorigin, giving great provenance to Namibia and NAMDIA.
The name, Eumbo means home and it was allegedly name after the NAMDIA home wheretheheadofficesaresituated.
Devang Bhansali, the ManagingDirectorofSamirGems DMCC said, “we found it properandbenefitingthatthe unvelingofthestonebedone in Namibian soil from where
it originated from. This bears testimony that Samir Gems DCCiscommittedtothelongterm relationship with NAMDIA and thus helps in contributing to the upliftment of the Namibianpeople.”
Bhansali further said, “to furtherstrengthentherelationship Samir Gems DMCC is happy to announce that we have initiated the process of settingupafactoryinNamibia as further proof that we are committed to investing in the country
This will bring years of experience in cutting and polishing of diamonds to Namibia and thus create jobs and add value toNamibiandiamonds.”
The Return of the Waterboers
TheReturnoftheWaterboersisabookaboutthedynastyofJohannesandHester Waterboers, penned and recently published by one of the descendants of this historicalclan,MildredWilliams.
The journey of this spiritual awakening and revelation of the Waterboers ancestral lineage or rootsstartedwhentheauthorwasstillaschoolgirl that learned about the Waterboers in her history class.
A few years ago, she started her journey to rediscover the Waterboers ancestors that led to the publication of her book about the Return of the Waterboers.
According to Williams, the book will unpack the
“The journey got me to understand the tradition of transferring of names that remained in the family to keep the historical and biological lines alive,” Williamsadded.
She explained that there is nothing as fulfilling and reinvigorating as completingthejourneytorediscoveryandself-discovery “Whenyoufindyour ancestrallineageorrootsyoufoundyourself.”
“HesterandJohannesWaterboersmademefindanswerstoquestionsthatwere hidden although they were just under our noses. Their resurrection and restorationaremypassionandmydesire.”
“The journey has not been easy for the Waterboers dynasty, but now I can proudlysaythatIamadescendentoftheWaterboerclan”,Williamssaid. “If you know where you come from then you know where you are going. Therefore,theyoungergenerationsmustknowwheretheycomefromandwhat theirfoundationoridentityis.Ifyourrootsarenotdeeplyanchored,thewind willblowthemawayandthentheyarelost”,Williamsconcluded. She encourages readers to not give up when numerous attempts at being a success fail. "Life is not dimensional, be consistent in the pursuit to discover yourcomingandyourpurpose.
MildredisaqualifiedPublicRelationsStrategistaswellasajournalistwhois passionateaboutwritingandfamily Shelovesspendingtimewithherextended family Her future plans include a follow-up to the book or maybe a series of books on different families. She has also started her own program called “OnsKomvandaar”whichisalsothenameofherFacebookPage. Some of the famiies mentioned in the book are the Groenewalds, Jansens,
Public Relations Strategist Mildred Williams
Rudi Bowe
23SEPTEMBER2022 NAMIBTIMES9 and creating a long lasting and positive legacyinNamibia.
The Report highlighted the Company'soverallprocesses, from exploration through the mining of the ore body, and the localbeneficiation of uranium oxide for the export market,forfurther refinement of the product for clean energygeneration. The report further focusses on the sustainable functions, such as building skills capacities in Namibia, empowering communities, lo cal business and Namibian eco nomy, as well as operating in an environmentally responsible manner
HonorableDeputy Minister of Mines and Energy, Ms Kornelia Shilunga appreciated the inaugural launch of the 2021 Swakop Uranium Sustainability Report, and lauded the Company for demonstrating its commitment for good corporate governance and
transparency to communicate its 2021 performance.
The Mine is the largest employer in the Namibian Mining Industry with over 1700 permanent employees and 1000 contracting personnel.
Swakop Uranium Board member and ChairpersonofSwakop Uranium Sustainability Development Committee, Ms.IngeZaamwaniKamwi, said that 2021 report high lighted the positive impacts to sustai nable development in Namibia, particularly in the Erongo Region The Company is further committedtobefully supportive of the National Develop ment imperatives and the Global Sustainable Deve lopment Goals
Continuous Busi nessDevelopmentis embedded in our business strategy to build a world-class companythatNamibiacanbeproudof.
Mr Liu Mingzhe from the Chinese Embassy, thanked all stakeholders for
their long-term support and assistance to Swakop Uranium. China, through China General Nuclear Power Company, made its lar gest project investmentinAfricainthe form of the Swakop Uranium Husab Mine, with an investment of more than US$ 5 billion.
Namibianization of the work-force is an important goal of the Com-pany, and that 96% of the workforce are local talentedcitizens.
Various training programmes are in place to ensure a competentanddedicatedworkforce.
The Company is also actively sour cing for renewable energy, and recently built a 12-megawatt solar power station attheMine.Chinese PresidentXiJinping seesAfricaasacontinent of hope and both parties are united in the same direction and helping each other in a win win scenario with distinctive features.
CEO,MrQiuBin,in his foreword in the
Report, thanked the shareholders,allthe stakeholders and
employees for the positive and con structive relation
ships that is a key point for Swakop Uranium success
AtarecentfunctionintheNamibiancapitalcity,Windhoek, invited guests were taken through the Swakop Uranium 2021SustainabilityReportforaprosperousNamibia.
Walvis Bay Education Circuit Science Fair
TheWalvisBayEducationDistrictScienceFairrecentlyheld theCircuitScienceFairforhighandprimaryschoollearners from both public and private schools in the Narraville CommunityHall.
The Ministry of Education Arts and Culturewillnotholda Regional Science Fair,asinthepastand therefore the Walvis Bay Science Fair finalistsautomatically qualify for the National Schools ScienceFaironadate still to be determined bytheMinistry Emric Morgenroth Damens(Grade4)the soleentrantfromProminence Private School was the winners in the primary schools category He
advances to the National Schools ScienceFair
A total of 14 learners from Walvis Bay Primary School participated in the Circuit Science Fair with all 14 learners received merits for their achievement.
Walvis Bay Primary School participated with their achieve mentsare; Merit for partici pation:
3. Daniela v/d Westhuizen
Overall top 10 primary school projects are from Walvis Bay Primary School (8 goldmedals):
1. Daniela v/d Westhuizen
Overall top 5 primary school pro jects are from
WalvisBayPrimary School
1.MalaikaBritz, 2. Daniela V/d Westhuizen
Top 3 advancing to t h e N a t i o n a l SchoolsScienceFair arefromWalvisBay PrimarySchool
Emric Morgenroth Damens, Grade 4 learner at Prominence Private School
Emric Morgenroth Damens, with his mom Eden Damens and grandfather Philip Damens
Walvis Bay Primary School participated in the Circuit Science Fair. In the back row (L to R): Kara Robberts, Tesheeda Theron, Luandre Thiersen, James McGuire, Ellé Greeff, Malaika Britz. Front row (L to R): Deacon Howarth, Zoe-Mae Reed, Jadan Van Rooyen, Katy Beukes, Lillian Stoltz, Daniela van der Westhuizen, Riego Julie
Rudi Bowe
School News
Rezoning:SingleResidentialToInstitutional ConsentUse:PlaceOfInstruction
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of Edwin and Monique Brendell as owners of Erf 177 Meersig, for rezoningfromSingleResidentialtoInstitutionalwith consent to operate a Place of Instruction while the rezo-ningisinprocess.
Erf 177 Meersig measures 1350m² and is situated along Eleventh Street on the eastern boundary of the Meersig Proper Extension. The purpose of the application is to enable the Primary School and homework centre to continue operating on the property on a permanent basis, and to allow further expansions in terms of the Insti tutional zone developmentparameters.
TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand Regional Planning Act, 2018 (No. 5 of 2018) and in terms of the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The full appli cation is available to download from projects or can be inspected at the Town Planning Department of the Walvis Bay Municipality,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive.
Take note that any person having objections or commentstotheproposedrezoningandconsentuseapplication must lodge such objections or comments, together with the grounds thereof, in writing with the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Authority and StewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthelast publication of this notice to the address provided below
Written objections or comments must be submitted before17:00Friday,14October2022.
P.O.Box5017, WalvisBay 13013
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following consent use, erection ofbuildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhichare obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringServices.
Shaningwa Consultancy Engineering herewith intendstoapplytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmund for special consent to operate an Administrative Office on the premises of Erf 2952, (Waterberg Street),Mondesa.
Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting, and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is 14th Ocotber2022.
Applicant StewartPlanning
P O.Box2095, WalvisBay 13013
Mr ShaningwaShoololoCell:0812720750,Email:
In the High Court of Namibia MainDivision Windhoek
CaseNumber: HCMD-CIV-ACT CON-2022/02647
Inthematterbetween: Performance Building InvestmentsCC Plaintiff and MistyBay InvestmentsOne Hundred AndSixtySixCC t/aJodust Enterprises Defendant
In the execution of a Writ of Execution issued out of the High Court of Namibia, signed by the
Registrar of the High Court on 9 August 2022 the following movablepropertywill besoldonMondayto Wednesday, 17 October 2022 – 19
October 2022 at 10h00 until 13h00 at C/o 3rd Street East & 14th Road, IndustrialArea, Walvis Bay, Republic OfNamibia:
A:AssetsToBeSoldIn Execution
2 x Office desks and small chest with drawers
8 x Assorted bakkie tyres(new)
5 x Assorted tyres (used)
2xJojowatertanks91 green and 1 yellow/ white
1xBlueofficechair and1xblackoffice chair
2xRedCanopy'sfor bakkies
1x3piecebrown loungesuite
1xsmallchestwith drawers
1xBlackSalter heater
1xWhitelivingroom chest
1xPioneersystem seroundsound
1xLGfrontloader washingmachine
1xGascylinder 10.5kg
2xBlackfoldable chairs
1xBlackextension cord40m
2xBrownbedside tables
1xBlackleather loungesuite
Assortedcarparts& accessories
1xBlueportable swimmingpool
1xSilverBMWx5 RegNo:N80817W VinNo: WBAFB92060LN7606
3 EngineNo:Noengine
1xJacherwap (pressurewasher)
1xOrange10.5kggas cylinder
1xPioneersubwooferforcar Assorteddecoration pillows
1xBlack3kgpotjie potno3
1xDoubleaction handpump
3xBlackplastic chairs
6xBlackdining chairs
1xBicycle 1xBrowncube
1xPioneersystem (only3speakers)
1xMatweldwelding machine
1xTargasubwoofer speaker
6xPlastic20ldrums +/-2gearboxes
1xToyotaengine: EngineNo:0233750
“Voetstoots”Cashto thehighestbidder
DatedatWindhoekon9 September2022.
LegalPractitioners ForPlaintiff Unit5,Bismarck Village C/oBismarck& ChurchStreet Windhoek (Ref: PER2/0001)
Procurement ManagementUnit
DESCRIPTION : ConsultancyServicesfor the Design ofaStormwater Management System in Vineta and OceanView
SCOPE : The purpose of this assignment is to investigate, recommend and design a Stormwater System in Vineta to reduce flooding.
PREREQUISITES : Biddershalldemonstrateto havecompletedsimilarscopeof works withinthe last three (3) years
PRE BID MEETING : Friday,07October 2022 at 09:00in theEngineering Boardroom of theSwakopmund Municipal Building,c/oRakotokaStreet& DanielKamhoAvenue, Swakopmund
CLOSINGDATE : Monday, 24October 2022at 11:00
DOCUMENTS : Available attheCashiers atthe SwakopmundMunicipal Building,c/oRakotokaStreet & DanielKamhoAvenue, Swakopmund
LEVY : N$ 300.00 (Non refundable, VAT Incl)
TEL : +264 64 4104407
Thebids(1original+1copy)mustbeinsealedenvelopes and clearly marked on the front CR/RP/SM 016/2022
Consultancy Service for the Design of a Stormwater Management System in Vineta and Ocean View and addressedtotheHeadoftheProcurementManagement Unit Biddersname&addressmustbeclearlymarkedon the back of the sealed envelopes Bids must be placed in the RED bid box on the Ground Floor of the Swakopmund Municipal Offices c/o Rakotoka Street & Daniel Kamho Avenue Swakopmund or posted to the Head of the Procurement Management Unit, P.O. Box 53, Swakopmund
Notice 56/2022
Mr A Benjamin Chief Executive Officer
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be madetotheMagistrateof theDistrictof Erongo.
1. Name and postal addressofapplicant:Venomambo Ngungaa Usurua,POBox176,Outjo
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Veombaripe InvestmentCC
3 Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates: Omatjete Konsesie Winkel Complex (Omatjete Bottle Store), Omatjete, Daures, Consistuency, ErongoRegion
4. Nature and details of application: Liquor Licence
5.Clerkofthecourtwith whomapplicationwillbe lodged: Ms M. Nghikefelwa
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 9 November2022
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which applicationwillbeheard: 9November2022
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the appli cation must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the dateofthemeetingofthe Committee at which applicationwillbeheard.
Rezoning:GeneralBusinessToInstitutional ConsentUse:PlaceOfWorship(church)
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses of Namibia, for the rezoning of Erf 858 Omdel Extension 2 from General Business to Institutional with consent to operateaPlaceofWorshipwhiletherezoningisinprocess.
Erf858,OmdelExtension2issituatedbetweenErongo and Changwena Street and is a vacant property measuring 940m². The property is situated near the northern periphery of Omdel Extension 2, close to the mainentranceroadtoHentiesBay Thepurposeofthe application is to establish a Place of Worship (church) on the property in accordance with the development parameterssetoutintheHentiesBayZoningScheme. TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand Regional Planning Act, 2018 (No. 5 of 2018) and in terms of the Henties Bay Zoning Scheme. The full application is available to download from or can be inspected at the Town Planning Section of the Henties Bay Municipality,HeadOffice/CivicCentre.
Take note that any person having objections or comments to the proposed rezoning and consent use application must lodge such objections or comments, together with the grounds thereof, in writing with the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Authority and Stewart Planning within fourteen (14) days of the last publicationofthisnoticetotheaddressprovidedbelow
Written objections or comments must be submitted before17:00Friday,14October2022.
MunicipalityofHentiesBay P.O.Box61,HentiesBay 13005 Tel:+26464502015
Applicant StewartPlanning P.O.Box2095,WalvisBay 13013 Tel:+26464280770
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the owner, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay, the UrbanandRegionalPlanningBoardandtheMinistryof Urban and Rural Development for permission for the following:
GAC Shipping Namibia, part of the global GAC Group, is looking for an experienced and hardworking individual to fill the following position in our Walvis Bay and Luderitz
Key responsibilities:
· Booking vessels in and out of port with all relevant stakeholders
· Visiting vessels in port and handling all operational and local requirements
· Capturing accurate costs incurred during port calls.
· Maintaining good relations with customers and stakeholders
· Must be Namibian citizens with own vehicle and valid driver's license.
· Have at least 5–10 years’ proven ship agency and port operations experience.
· Customer-oriented and attention to detail.
· Have business development skills to be able to meet with clients and grow the business.
· Excellent communication skills – verbal and written.
· Fully computer literate (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook 365).
· Finance / Accounting literate.
· Able to work under pressure, work overtime when required and willing to accept responsibility
· Team player with ability to operate and make decisions independently
· Start date: ASAP
No 8, 6th Street East, Walvis Bay
PO. Box 5981, Walvis Bay
Scombrus is a proudly Namibian fishing company in the Midwater Fishery
Scombrus Fishing (Pty) Ltd. is an established player in the Namibian Midwater Fishery with proven record of sustainable and efficient fishing operations. The company owns and operates a Midwater Freezer vessel with sufficient capacity to produce more than 25,000 tons of final product per annum.
Scombrus Fishing aims to create maximum employment opportunities for Namibians and to contribute to the economic and social well-being of the Namibian nation. It is therefore our pleasure to invite suitably qualified Namibians to apply for the following positions.
1) Class 1 and 2 marine navigation officers
2) Class 1 and 2 marine engineers
3) Marine electrical engineers with at least 8 years seagoing service experience
4) Marine refrigeration engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
5) Trawl masters
6) Production managers
7) Ship's doctor
8) International sales consultant
For more information on these vacancies and how to apply, please visit our website at
Please note: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Closing date: Friday, 30 September 2022
thNo 8, 6 Street East Walvis Bay PO. Box 5981 Walvis Bay
Hodago Fishing (Pty) Ltd was formed in 2015 as a joint venture between Kuiseb Fishing Enterprises (KFE) (Pty) Ltd and Gendev Fishing Resources (Pty) Ltd. We operate as a mid-water trawling company in the Horse Mackerel fishing industry Hodago Fishing (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to provide as many opportunities to Namibians as possible. As a proud responsible fishing company in the HM sector we invite suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following positions:
1) Class 1 and 2 marine navigation officers
2) Class 1 and 2 marine engineers
3) Marine electrical engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
4) Marine refrigeration engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
5) Trawl masters
6) Production managers
7) Ship's doctor
For more information on these vacancies and how to apply, please visit our website at
NB: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for follow-ups
Closing date: Friday, 30 September 2022
1. Subdivision of the Remainder of Erf 4611 Walvis Bay into Portion B and the Remainder of Erf 4611 WalvisBay;
3. Rezoning of Erf 4888 Walvis Bay from “Special” (MedicalFacilitiesandAncillaryPurposes)to“Institutional”;and
4. Consolidation of Portion B with Erven 4888 and 5721WalvisBayintoPortionX.
The purpose of the above application is to assemble a single site for the proposed expansion of the existing WelwitschiaHospitalinWalvisBay
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018), the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme, and the LocalAuthorities Act,1992(ActNo.23of1992),asamended.
(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building Control DepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBaysituatedatCivic Centre, Walvis Bay or can be downloaded from;
(b) any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis BayandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelast publicationofthisnotice;
(c) written comments and/or objections must be submittedbeforeoron17:00Friday,14October2022.
Email th
Closing date: Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Note: If you applied for this vacancy and you have not heard from us within one week after applying, please consider that you have not been shortlisted for the role.
LocalAuthority: Applicant: ChiefExecutiveOfficer StewartPlanning Municipalityof Town&Regional WalvisBay Planners PrivateBag5017 POBox2095 WalvisBay WalvisBay 0642013339 064280773
thNo 9, 4 Street East, Walvis Bay PO. Box 3915, Walvis Bay
Cavema Fishing (Pty) Ltd is an established Namibian fishing company operating in the Mid-water pelagic sector The company was created as a joint venture between two Namibian quota holders, namely Camoposatu Investment (Pty) Ltd and Vernier Investment (Pty) Ltd, in an effort to optimize efficiencies and fishing capacity through the pooling of quota resources. The shareholding structure of the firm reflects Namibian beneficial ownership, which is in line with the national drive for industry Namibianization and demonstrates commitment towards empowering previously disadvantaged Namibians. As a proud equal opportunity employer, we would like to invite suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following vacancies:
1) Class 1 and 2 marine navigation officers
2) Class 1 and 2 marine engineers
3) Marine electrical engineers with at least 8 years seagoing service experience
4) Marine refrigeration engineers with at least 8 years sea-going service experience
5) Trawl masters
6) Production managers
7) Ship's doctor
For more information on these vacancies and how to apply, please visit our website at
Please note: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Closing date: Friday 30 September 2022
Taiyo Namibia (PTY) Ltd is a Namibian owned company operating in the Fishing sector. We are an equal opportunity employer and we are passionate about learning and development.
We require the full-time services of dynamic and committed individuals with the below Maritime Certificates:
Noticeisherebygiven in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the
by interested persons until *Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at room 29, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond.
10h00 until 13h00
B: Conditions Of Sale
Please apply to HR Manager at: PO Box. 49, Walvis Bay Closing date for CV’s: 7 October 2022
Municipality of WalvisBayintendsto lease, a Portion of the old hostel kitchen situated on Erf 5654Kuisebmondto Walvis Bay Youth Forum for the establishmentofaYouth and Vocational TrainingCentre.
Portion of Erf 5654 Kuisebmond AREA 2404m²
For more information Mrs S T Satchpia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 duringofficehours.
Written objections, dulymotivated,tothe intended transaction must be received by t
d before or at 12:00 *Friday, 14 October 2022.
AVictor GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development
Key Responsibilities:
Execution of Sandblast and Coating to the Surface Preparation for Steel Substrates Standards.
Supervise sandblasting and cleaning process.
Supervise Coating andApplication activities.
Execute Internal & External SOW for Tank. Supervise crew
Report directly to Project Manager
Key Performances:
Maintain accurate filing system for confidential documentation.
Maintain high level of professional and confidential standard on all divisions / departments of work.
Providing accurate daily monitoring of metrology atmospheric conditions and measurements of substrate standards.
Certification forApplications and Surface Preparations
Matriculated / Grade 12 or Technical Certification
NACE 1 –Advantage
Minimum of 3 years' experience of similar field.
Namibian Citizen.
Valid Driver's Licence - Code B (own vehicle would be an advantage).
Experience in internal tank linings.
Highly organized, flexible, multi-tasker and process of good work attitude.
Able to work independently with high degree of accuracy and confidentiality
Assertive personality, trustworthy, self disciplined and motivated with good interpersonal skills.
Good team leader
Resident: Walvis Bay but must be willing to work away from home from time to time.
If you have the required skills and experience, email your resume to the following:
Closing date for Applications: COB 28 September 2022
Start Date for Vacancy: To be advised
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Previously disadvantaged Namibians are encouraged to apply
RENTALAMOUNT N$1,851.08 plus 15% VAT (escalating with 10%perannum)
Full particulars pertainingtothelease will lie for inspection
MunicipalOffices CivicCentre Nangolo Mbumba Drive PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714 WalvisBay
In the High Court of Namibia MainDivision Windhoek
CaseNumber: HCMD-CIV-ACT CON-2022/01909
Inthematterbetween: GrandAvenue LogisticsSolutions Cc Plaintiff and JCEngineeringCC Defendant
In the execution of a Writ of Execution issuedoutoftheHigh Court of Namibia, s
Registrar of the High Court on 28 June 2022 the following movablepropertywill besoldonMondayto We
“Voetstoots” Cash to thehighestbidder
DatedatWindhoekon 9September2022.
23SEPTEMBER2022 NAMIBTIMES15 DELPORTLEGAL PRACTITIONERS LegalPractitioners ForPlaintiff Unit5,Bismarck Village C/oBismarck& ChurchStreet Windhoek (Ref: JOU1/0009)
October 2022
19 October 2022 at
N O T I C E S &
Third Grade Maritime Officer (Engineering)
Third Grade Maritime Officer (Navigation)
igned by the
dnesday, 17
at c/o3rdStreetEast& 1 4 t h R o a d , Industrial Area, W a l v i s B a y , R e p u b l i c o f Namibia: A:AssetsTo Be Sold InExecution 1 x Lath machine withaccessories 8 x Block and Tackles with steel cables 1xRedpipebender 1xRed50tonpress 1 x Blue Steco 2x7550 cw milling machine 1 x Blue CD6250C lathmachine 1xVice 1 x Blue miller welder 1xPromaxwelder 1xDCinverterARC welder 1xOrangekempact welder 1xUniarcmatweld welder 1xRedpress
he undersigne
C l a s s i f i e d s
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
3bedroomhouse–BIC allrooms
Lounge diningroom scullery
1bedroom–BIC Bathroom
Openplan kitchen/lounge Garage PriceN$1385000–(neg)–Valuation N$1450000
Availableforrentas well CALL0812902614/ 0852902614TO VIEW
Houseforsalewith9 flats
Entertainmentarea N$2.2mil Contact:0814226419
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations. Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770
Vacancy:Accountant Nam Oyster Farm cc is looking for a processing clerk with accounting skills.
·The candidate must be able to work independently, have time management skills and adhere to deadlines.
·The candidate must have a code B (8) drivers license.
·The candidate should have some basic knowledge of accounting.
·The candidate should have knowledge of issuing debtor invoices and processing debtor/creditor invoices.
·Knowledge of Sage online will be an advantage. th
The closing date is 7 October 2022.
Please forward your CV to koos.blaauw@gmail. com or deliver your CV to our office at Namoyster
Waiter staff needed
*Sobersocialhabits friendly&positive attitude
*Theabilitytowork under pressure
*Willingtoworkflexible hoursincludingnight shifts,weekends& publicholidays
*Teamplayer Mailyourcvto
Closingdate: 30September2022
Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay
Ifyoudon’twanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryoreven acar
HARRY’S GARAGE: Light Industrial area, Swakopmund.
Contact Harry: 081 129 1385 or Lizan: 081 230 4814
Vehicles for sale:
. IvecoTruck with High up, good condition. N$ 95 000.00
Toyota Hilux Bakkie extended Loading Box, White, 2005 Model. N$ 60 000.00
. Diesel Genset, 50kw N$ 25 000.00
. Land Rover Discovery 2 Body Without Engine. N$ 35 000.00
Toyota Surf 4x4, Grey, Good running condition. N$ 58 000.00
Contact Harry: 081 129 1385 or Lizan: 081 230 4814
Te Koop
WERKGESOEK: Lidiaisopsoekna huiswerkvir3-5dae‘n week,ekis38jaarouden het10jaarondervinding. Ekisbaiehardwerkenden betroubaar Kontak:0815615850
Iama35yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,cleaningofficesin WalvisBayor Langstrand. Contact:0817917725
JOBWANTED: A32yearoldwoman lookingforanykindof work,cleaningpharmacy orpackingthingsinstore domesticwork,washing, ironingandsoon. Langstrandand Swakopmund. Contact:0813246391
Lookingfordrivingwork IhavecodeBEand experienceinTLBand graderoperator Contact:0812194819 0818109315
We are a well-established ready-mix company situated in Windhoek and Walvis Bay, inclusive of a well-established mobile ready-mix division. We are also the distributor for all Mapei products in Namibia and currently have a vacancy for a Mapei Technical Sales Consultant.
Mapei Technical Sales Consultant
Skills Required
• Diploma in chemical/civil engineering or relevant NQF 5 Equivalent Tertiary
• Experience in Sales within the relevant industry with at least 4 years.
• Drivers Licence
Personal Requirements
• Excellent problem-solving abilities
• Good Judgement
• High Level of integrity
• Ability to communicate on multiple levels, with multiple forms of personalities
• Extroverted team player
• High level of integrity
• Excellent language and computer literacy skills
• Excellent interpersonal and public speaking skills
We offer a market related salary scale, and the successful candidate will be stationed in Windhoek or Walvis Bay With expectations to travel in and around Namibia. The closing date is the 7th of October 2022. Suitable qualified Namibian citizens are encouraged to apply We request that you e-mail your cover letter, CV and Certified copies of qualification documents in PDF format to with the subject heading Application for Vacancy for Technical Consultant.
Please note that only electronic CV's will be accepted.
Any enquiries please contact: Rochelle @ 061 330300
Of Visit our website: for more information
4TonTruck,suitablefor refuse/rubbishremoval, transportationandmoving.
N$ 450.00 per trip within Walvis Bay
Negotiable toothertowns.
Contact:0812746504 0817483901
Refilling empty printer cartridges only N$ 100 per color
Please call 081 636 1858
Natural Namib Stones Please phone 081 328 8179
A23yearoldfemaleis lookingforcashierwork, waiterorjustdomesticwork oranyotherworkinWalvis orSwakop.Icanstart immediately Otjihererospeaking,English andAfrikaans. Contact:0816995565
Happy birthday in heaven.
From: Kids, family & friends
-foundinFox GlovestrOceanview
GingerTeenager foundinFrancois StrnearEngen Garageintown
heavyhearts,wewouldliketoinvite youtothememorialserviceofourbeloved TarynLeighvanRensburg,tocelebrateher lifeandmemories.
28September2022 Time:10:00 Place:WalvisBay CommunityChurch DoB: 25.09.1961 DoD: 11.06.2022
You may be long gone now, but your spirit is still with us. We will miss you as long as were alive, but we know that you are no longer in pain up there.
As pioneers in mining, we produce materials essential to human progress. Our talented workforce uses industry-leading mining processes and technology to ensure our operations are safe, low cost and efficient. We have an opportunity available:
Learn more about Rössing in our Reports & Research section at www - FTC Operator: Survey The closing date for applications is 7 October 2022. Find out more at (vacancies)
-foundin ourKlappe Male
Please contact the SPCA in Swakopmund to claim your pet 064 - 404419 CastratedmalefoundinTamariskia
Lastweekend,notonlydidwehavethefirstplaying of STEVE'S TAKE AWAY better ball, but we also had a better ball with a difference – and a new formataswell.
The first nine was a better ball medal and the second nine was a better ball stableford. The winner was determinedbysubtractingthestablefordscorefromthe medalscorewiththelowestscorebeingthewinner
There were five prizes and two closest to the pins and thanks to Anton Welgemoed for the sponsorship. The winners on the day were Piet van Niekerk and Shane Westerdale on 7 points with Paul Sham andAmandio Sardinha one shot off the pace. Third place winning a countout,wasPietFoxandWoutervanWijkon9points andfourthwasAntonWelgemoedandHermanSmidt. Grant Mather and David Peake took the fifth place on 10points.TheclosesttothepinswerewonbyMichael
Peake.Thejackpotcameunderthreat butthatwaswherethatendedandtherewerefourwinners oftwoclubs.
Duetothecoringofthegreens,thisweekendwewillhave theGREENKEEPERSREVENGE,andmoreinfoonthis willbeonthesocialplatforms.Ihavebeentolditwillbe greatevent.ThecourseiscloseduntilWednesdayandthe Wednesdaycompetitionwillbeplayedunderthetwoputt rule.Ifyouareonthegreenyouareabletoscoretwoand moveon.
TheNGKMoedergemeentehavetheirfundraiseron14 October
Thecalendarforthenextfewweekswillbeasperbelow 24-SepGreen keepers evenge01-OctHidden sponsor02OctLocal sages08-OctOld man river III14-OctNGK Moedergemeente15 OctNam Ops22 OctMultisave medal29-OctConcordyellowball
Rudi Bowe
In their first game on Saturday, Blue Waters NC lost 21-56 to Tigers NC and on Sunday the girls from the harbor town never got off the starting blocks and lost 26-43 against Afrocat Lions NC to remains at number 10 with six pointsfrom21games.
The first match of the day saw the Namibian Navy NCbeat the defending champions Namibia Correctional Ser vices (NCS) 54-41 and log leaders Mighty
Gunners overcome Afro-catLions51-34.
TheNamibianNavyNC leapfrogsNSCtosecond placeonthelogstanding with 32 points while the latter remains on 31 points in third place.
Mighty Gunners who have not lost or drawn anygamethisseasonare still leading with 36 pointsfrom18games.
Tigers strengthened their hold on the fourth place and have now movedto28pointsafter 18 games. Northern Fly
Ballersremainrootedat the base of the log with three points from 20 games, while Groot fontein is at number 11 with six points from 20 games. The final match oftheweekendbetween TigersandNorthernFly Ballers did not take place after the latter decided to forfeit the game.
The next round of fixtures is scheduled for Windhoek on 30 September to 02 October 2022
CoastalNetballoutfitBlueWatersNC'squesttoavoidrelegation sufferedamajorsetbacklastweekendintwodamagingdefeatsin the MTC Namibia Netball Premier League competition at the KuisebmundNetballfieldinWalvisBay.
Shane Westerdale, Andre Burger representing the sponsor and Piet van Niekerk
Coastal Netball outfit Blue Waters Netball Club
namib times
Send your sports news to
Rudi Bowe
Thetrophyarrivedatthe harbor town as part of theeffortstopromotethe upcoming men's T20 world cup competition thatstartson16October inAustralia Arriving at the Walvis Ba
Sossusvlei,the trophy
visited Narraville Primary School and the Kuisebmond Hub where learners from schools in the harbor town could view and take photos with the trophy It was also on display at the Walvis Bay waterfront for afewphotoopportunities. The Governor of the
Erongo region, Neville Andresaid,asthegovernor of this region and a fan of cricket he is extremely happy that the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup trophy made a turn in the region and especially in WalvisBay “WalvisBayis the hub of cricket in Namibia as many national men and women cricket playersstartedtheircricket careers in the harbour town,”Andresaid.
Thegovernoraddedthathe appreciates the work done byCricketNamibia,onand oftheplayingfield.
Andre said, “Cricket Namibia is the best Sport Federationinthecountry.”
Cricket Namibia Vice President Polly Negongo said they as the managementandCricketBoardare extremely happy that the ICC Men's T20 Cricket WorldCuptrophymadeits firstvisittotheLandofthe Brave,Namibia.
Negongo said,“It is an extreme pleasure to bring the trophy to Walvis Bay, the hub of Cricket in Namibia was most of the national cricketers started theircricketcareers.”
Negongo added that there is a future in cricket “Therefore,Iwouldliketo encourage all the young boys and girls do start playingcricket.”
ICC manager for marketing and promotions Shomeresh Shetty ex plained that the main objectiveofthetrophytour istoraiseawarenessabout the 2022 T20 World Cup and build some en thusiasm and get people excited about the up comingcompetition.
Shetty said, “This time around the focus was to spread the competitions footprint outside of the established cricketing nations. In Namibia, there is a lot of good things happening in cricket and we wanted people to
recognisethatandwiththe trophy tour, hopefully this can help elevate the existingefforts.”
“The trophy is visiting a total of 14 countries and has visited 13 so far It startedoffinAustraliaon8 July and then travelled to Finland, Scotland, Germany,Indonesia,Japan,the
USA, Nepal, Singa-pore, and Fiji. After its visit to Namibia,itwillbeheading toGhana”Shettyadded “It'squitearobustschedule of activities, travelling off the beaten path to a few countrieswherethetrophy hasn't previously visited. This was one of our aims from the onset, and we are
quite proud to say we visited ten new countries this time” Shetty con cluded. Namibia is also participating in the T20 world cup and is in action in the opening match against Sri Lanka on 16 October
TheInternationalCricketCouncil(ICC)Men's T20CricketWorldCuptrophy onTuesday20SeptembertoucheddowninWalvisBay
Rudi Bowe
Sparta Rugby playerGregory Coetzee has won the Players'Playeroftheyearawardattheclub'syear endprizegivingheldlastSaturday17Septemberat theclub'sclubhouse.
SpartaRugbyClub'sawardwinnersoftheyear: Most Versatile Back Player Stuard Mcalpine, Most VersatileForwardPlayerNicoFarmer,BestBackLine Player Jennery Xamseb, Most Consistent Performer RonaldoBritze,FoxterrierAward(nevergiveup)Harry Basson, Battle Axe Award (Leading the war) Theo Coutzee, Most Improve Player Elmoh Slinger, Lion Heart Award (punching above his weight) Edrich Losper, Best Newcomer Lionel Coetzee, Leadership Award Neil Grimbeek, Contributor Award Clarence Visagie,MostValuableplayerDenilhoFerisandMost ReliableplayeronandoffthefieldCeeJayScholts. Sparta Rugby Club thanked all their sponsors that
helped them through the year and won the First Division leagueforasecondyear They thanked the mother club Sparta United Sports & RecreationClubaswellasMsKShuttleServices.
Governor of the Erongo region Neville Andre andWalvis Bay mayor Trevino Forbes
The coastal under 19 women's national team players
Sparta Rugby Club's award winners
Sparta Rugby Club's Players' Player of the year Gregory Coetzee
Sparta Rugby Club's Most Valuable player Denilho Feris
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