24 feb namib times e-edition

Page 17

Alleged side-swipe incident - First court appearance

FabioAndre Pinto Silheu (38), that is allegedly responsible forthevehiclecrashclosetotheWalvisBayDiascircle,made hisfirstcourtappearanceattheMagistratesCourtof WalvisBayonMondaythisweek.

Prosecutor,Victoria Ndapunikwa Shikesho said Silheu is charged with culpable homicide. “It is alleged that he drove negligently”, and sought remandto30Marchforinvestigations,andbailintheamountofN$5000 isrecommendedtowhichlegalpractitioner,Jo-MarieKoekemoerhadno objection and confirmed the submissions. The court granted the bail application.Thematterwaspostponedto30March2023.

ThisafterSilheuallegedlyside-swipedaToyotaCorollaresultinginthe deathofthedriveroftheCorollalastweekend.

According to the Spokesperson of the Erongo police, Inspector Ileni Shapumba,39-year-oldJohannesOlavowastravelingnexttothedriver oftheFordRanger[inthesamedirection]onthedualcarriagewaywhen the driver of the Ford Ranger allegedly side-swiped the Corolla in an attempt to drive the vehicle off the road. Inspector Shapumba said, “the driveroftheToyotaCorollaswervedofftheroadtoavoidacollision,and helostcontrolofhisvehicleandhititagainstapalmtreenexttotheroad. He was declared dead at the scene while the driver of the Ford Ranger droveaway.”ThepassengeroftheToyotaCorollawastransportedtothe Walvis Bay state hospital for treatment. The passenger sustained head injuriesbutisinastablecondition.

Farm 37 – Latest development

DoubtsaboutthefeasibilityofFarm37surfacedinamotion broughtforthbyCouncilorRyanGordonatthelatestOrdinaryCouncilMeeting.

WalvisBayMayor,TrevinoForbes,inthecouncilmeetingheldon28 September 2022, committed to residents of the town that within six months there will be a movement towards Farm 37, to which Ryan Gordon pointed out, “progress on the project for the years 2012 and 2022 has yet to commence on account of availability of funds or resourcesbythecounciltodate.”

Gordon wanted it to be made clear that he was never against the developmentofFarm37butratherhowcertainimportantthingswere addressedfore.g.,communaltoilets.“Itwouldbetotallyundignified for our people's safety and privacy needs and totally does not fit the


namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7004 FRIDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2023 N$4 inside Sports News Page 20 Page 3 Page 2 Page 2
ofVision2030.”Gordonproposedthatthedevelopmentofa portion of it, be taken up by developers Harmony Future Housing DevelopmentProject,soastotakesomeofthestrainofftheMunicipal Council. Eileen van der Schyff Eliphas Sheepo
Hope for the unemployed
WBLC takes under its wing Huis Palms
Coenraad Strydom Murder case thrown out

Hope for the unemployed

Non-Profit Organisation (NPO), Men on the Side of the Road (MSR), recently opened an office at Walvis Bay to give hope and make a difference amongst the unemployed.

TheopeningoftheWalvisBayofficehasbeenon MSR's agenda for some time as it seems more lucrativeforjobopportunities.

Unfortunately, the grass is not always greener especiallyifyoulacktheskillstocompeteinthe verycompetitivejobmarket.ThisiswhereMSR fillsthegaptoprovidetheunemployedtheskills necessarytocompeteinthejobmarketandtobe jobready

MSR'smissionistochangelivesbyconnecting the unemployed with job and training opportunities.TheMSRlinksregisteredmemberswith work opportunities and provides their members withskillstosecureemploymentforthemselves.

The MSR also provides soft skills training, financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills and mentorshiptoassisttheseunemployedmembers intheirjobsearchingefforts.


Hon Derek Klazen said at the opening of the MSR office in Kuisebmond, the opening of the MSRWalvisBayOfficebringshopetothecommunityofWalvisBay.

AccordingtoKlazen,notallmensittingonthe sideoftheroad,attemptingtolookforwork,are criminals. “Some of them may be genuinely lookingforbreadinexchangefortheirservices, others could be lions in sheep's clothing, particularly those who are not registered with the organisation.”

Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes said the opening of the MSR office will contribute immenselytothefightagainstunemployment.

“Not only will they be assisting the men on the side of the road but tier doors are open to all unemploymentpersonswhowishtobenefitfrom theservicesthattheyoffer MSRservicesarean aid towards reducing the unemployment statisticsinWalvisBayandthecountry,”Forbes added.

According to the Chief Executive Officer of MSR, Crystal Beukes, Namibia's high rate of unemploymentposesseveralburdensonsociety and its individuals, especially the unemployed youth. Beukes said, "the youth struggle to find entryleveljobsthatprovidethemwiththeexperience and skills necessary to advance in the labour market, which causes both a social and economicburdenontheindividualandcreatesa systemic problem of unfulfilled labour potential inthegreatereconomy Additionally,asystemic perpetuationofunemployedyouthoftenleadsto idle and desperate behaviors including complacency,substanceabuseandcrime.Itisthusin our best interest to mitigate such a progression throughMSR.”Sheaddedthattheendgoalisto preparethemforthemarketandtoconnectthem with employment opportunities as they arise, boththroughMSR'sprofessionalnetworkandthe peer network of the members themselves. MSR was established in 2007 and has approximately 2409 registered members. Beukes said, “we know we can make a difference amongst the unemployed but more so can be of assistance to the job market in Walvis Bay because the unemployed recruited by MSR are groomed in a sense that they are train-ed in certain 'soft skills' likebasiccommunication,conflictmanagement, conductatwork,etc.Anyunemployedpersonis welcometocometotheMSRofficetoberegisteredasamemberandinsuchawaygetsupport in their search for jobs or the establishment of theirownbusinesses.”

The Managing Director of Manica Namibia, Ralph Ruiters said Manica supported the MSR withtherefurbishmentandbrandingoftheoffice building, as part of its sustainability efforts and drive to create employment opportunities

“Manica will be partnering with MSR in the future to recruit members and provide them with industryrequiredtraining,”Ruitersadded.

Gezhouba employees to get 10% salary increment

Gezhouba Mining Services (PTY) Limited and the Mineworkers Union of Namibia recently signed a one-year wage and substantive agreement where the two parties have agreed to increase salaries within the bargaining unit whereby jobgradeC1andC2employeeswillgeta10%salaryincrement.

As for job grade B5 and below employees, the parties agreed that all employees across the board will get an additional N$2 750 increaseintheirbasicsalary

During a media briefing held this week on Tuesday on the agreement, George Ampweya, MUN's western regional organiser mentioned that the medical aid allowance will be increased to N$500 per month, from the current monthly medical allowance of N$1000toN$1500.

Thepartiesalsoagreedonanannualpayment of a back-to-school allowance of N$3 000 with effect from January 2024, instead of paymentsfor30-minutemealintervals,13th cheques,Sundays,andpublicholidaysat2.0 andSaturdaysat1.5paymentrates.

According toAmweya, Gezhoub and MUN hasagreedontheestablishmentofapension fund scheme for this 2023 financial year of which the implementation shall be no later thanJulythisyear

Gezhouba Mining Services (PTY) Ltd started its mining operations in Namibia in December 2021, operating at the Husab Mine.AccordingtotheChiefExecutiveOfficer of Gezhouba Mining Services (GMS), WenShu,thecompanyhasbeenoperational for just over a year and already reached a

milestone by successfully completing and signing its first wages and substantive agreementwiththeunionwhichisaimedatimproving employment conditions for its employees.

GMS is contracted by Swakop Uranium to provide mining services such as drilling and blasting,loadandhaulingandthusfarcreated 300 direct and more than 30 indirect employmentsthroughtheirsubcontractors.

In a statement read on his behalf by Libonina Nawa, the Chairperson of the Negotiation Team, Shu extended his appreciation for the atmosphere in which the wage negotiations were held and vowed to continue providing a harmonious working environment that promotes and encourages the strengthening of a good working relationship between the company management, branch executive committeemembersandallemployees.

Shuencouragesfellowemployerswithinboth miningandotherindustriestodoanythingpossible to improve sound labour relations in Namibiatoimprovelocaleconomy.Shusaid: “The just completed process speaks to the compliancewithexistingnationallabourlegislationwhichpermitsandencouragescollective bargaining forums between employers and tradeunionsonconditionsofemployment.”

Coenraad Strydom murder case thrown out

ThefamilyofEngelaStrydomwasvisiblytraumatisedwhenthemurder caseagainstCoenraad(Coenie)Strydom, wasscrappedfromthecourt rollattheWalvisBayMagistratesCourtyesterdaymorning.

Strydom was charged with the murder of his newly wed wife, Engela Strydomon4November2021afterpreliminaryinvestigationsbythepolice revealedstrongevidenceEngelaStrydom'sdeathwasmurderandnotsuicide asthehusbandclaimed.Thisafteratwo-yearlonglagintheprogressofthe casebecauseofbrokenforensicequipmentthatinfluencedinvestigations.


IntheWalvisBayMagistrate'sCourt,on7September,Strydomwasgranted N$10000bail.StrydomhadtoreporttotheMarientalPoliceStationtwicea week between 08:00 and 15:00. All travel documents of Strydom were confiscated. Magistrate John Sindano ordered the machine used for the testing of gun residue must be repaired before the following court hearing, whichwason31October However,thesituationremainedthesame.After someequipmentbroke,theforensicdepartmentstillawaitedpartsfromthe UK, before investigations formulated through forensic- and ballistic evidence can continue. Strydom's defence,Advocate Evert Gous, focussed onthisfact.

Onconditionofanonymity,alawyerspecialisingincriminalcasesexplained to the Namib Times, "this particular case needs forensic analysis. Furthermore, ballistic analysis must be formulated, and an autopsy report mustbefinalised

Crystal Beukes CEO of MSR, Trevino Forbes Walvis Bay Mayor, Derek Klazen Minister of Fisheries and Ralph Ruiters MD of Manica Namibia at the opening of MSR office in Walvis Bay Trevino Forbes Walvis Bay Mayor, Crystal Beukes CEO of MSR and Derek Klazen Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources at the opening of MSR office in Walvis Bay Rudi Bowe Sharlien Tjambari Eileen van der Schyff

Walvis Bay Lions Club takes under its wing Huis Palms

The Walvis Bay Lions Club (WBLC) treated the elderly at Huis Palms old age home with an assortment of different flavouredice-creamsonSaturday,18February.

The atmosphere was hearty, complimented by the colourful display of different flavoured ice-creams, including blueberry, vanilla,Neopolitanandchocolate,withdeliciouschocolateand strawberrysauces,marshmallows,andsprinkles.Abigbowlof fruit salad decorated the table for those with not so much of a sweet tooth. Happy faces and friendly smiles lit up the atmosphereintheoutsidegardensettingoftheoldagehome.The initiative was that of Vivian Potgieter, who told the Namib Times,thefactthatHuisPalmshasasoftplaceinherheart,stems from the time of her daily visits to her own mother, who also stayedatthehome.Lionclubmembers askedtheelderlytogive the Lions Club suggestions on which fun activities they would like to do, and explained the club wants to organise activities otherthanwhatHuisPalmspresenttothem.“Wewanttogivethe elderly something to look forward to. At least once a month presentanactivitythatwillnotonlybringthegrouptogetherina socialsetting,butalsoencouragefamilymemberstojoininthe activities,”Potgietersaid.OtherLionsmembersinvolvedinthe organising of the day included Altus Viljoen, David Koch, SuzetteDalton,PaulDaltonwhoisalsoinvolvedwiththeclubs mobilityproject.PaulDaltondoesthehome'swheelchairrepairs aswellasothergeneralhandymanjobsaroundthehome.

WBLCisalsoinvolvedintheannualToysforChildrenRun.The clubgiftstoysdonatedtothembythebikersparticipatinginthe Toy-Run, to the elderly at Huis Palms to in turn give to their grandchildren.Thisinitiativeisdonewiththeintenttomaintain thebondbetweenfamilymembersandthatoftheelderly WBLC assistedwiththeChristmaslunchatthehomeandtheclubalso takes pets to visit the elderly at the home, a very therapeutic activity.

Eileen van der Schyff

Court Swakopmund Court Report


Soeretes Muyumba (33), appeared on charges of theft and assault by threat read withprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact, act 4 of 2003.The matter was postponed to 24 April for mental observation report in termsofsection79.Theaccusedremainsin custody

EmiliaFernard(29),appearedonacharge of assault – assault common read with provisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4of 2003.The matterwas postponed to 12 June for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody

DannyKakunga(18),appearedinacharge of theft. The matter was postponed to 12 Juneforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedremains incustody

RiaanGariseb(43),appearedonachargeof assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.Thematterwaspostponedto24April forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedison bail.

DesmondSeibeb(32),appearedonacharge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft.Thematterwaspostponedto25April for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody.

Tertius De Koe (27), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 28 February for plea. The accused remains in custody

PetrusShikongo(25),appearedonacharge of attempted murder The matter was postponed to 29 June because the trial was partly heard due to the absence of the legal practitioner Theaccusedisonbail.

Johannes Shuuveni (30), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 21Juneforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccused isonbail.

Innocent Hunibeb (26), appeared on charges of assault by threat read with provisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4of 2003andattemptedmurder Thematterwas postponed to 16 March for the mental observation report in terms of section 79. Theaccusedremainsincustody

StanleyKandi(37),appearedonchargesof culpable homicide and driving without a driver'slicense.Thematterwaspostponedto 16Marchforsentence.Theaccusedhasbeen warned.

Katende Mulumba Fiston (34), appeared on charges of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs and defeating or obstructing the course of justice.Thematterwaspostponedto14March forfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedisonbail.

ManikieHeibeb(19),appearedonacharge ofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto10May for prosecutor general's decision The accusedisonbail.

Shipopyeni Namene (21), appeared on a charge of possession of a dependenceproducing substance. The matter was postponedto25Aprilforlegalaid.Theaccused isonbail.

Douglas Uri-khab (26), appeared on a chargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto 25Aprilforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Rudolf Kamapunga (24), appeared on

charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodilyharmandassaultbythreat.Thematter waspostponedto9Mayforsubmissions.The accusedisonbail.

DevenThaniseb (18), appearedonacharge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponedto3Aprilforlegalaid.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Thomas Naimbanga (33), appeared on charges of malicious damage to property, assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm and indecent assault. The matter was postponedto9Marchforco-accusedtoberearrested.Theaccusedremainsincustody

NatangweShihafeleniSimeon(28),appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 15 March because the docket wasnotatcourt.Theaccusedisonbail.

AndreFranciosTshibola(27),appearedon charges of dealing in cocaine and dealing in potentially dangerous dependenceproducing drugs. The matter was postponed to15Marchforplea.Theaccusedremainsin custody

Vitalius Helao (34), appearedonchargesof failing to safeguard a firearm and negligent loss of a firearm. The matter was postponed to 26 April for further investigations. The accusedremainsincustody

SackariaLeevi(26),appearedonachargeof driving with an excessive breath alcohol level.Thematterwaspostponedto4Aprilfor plea.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Jonas Ndinoshinge (44), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohollevel.Thematterwaspostponedto27 Februaryforplea.Theaccusedisonbail.

Leon Clarke (54), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertaindamagessustained.Thematterwas postponedto6Marchbecausethedocketwas notatcourt.Theaccusedisonbail.

A 17-year-old boy, Paul Jason (54) and Glen Feris (32), appeared on a charge of murder-attempted murder The matter was postponedto4Aprilforfurtherinvestigation. Theaccusedareonbail.

Daniel Petrus Paulus Pienaar (61), appearedonachargeofanti-corruption-bribery of public officer (to perform or abstain from performing an official act. The matter was postponed to 26April for further investigations.Theaccusedisonbail.

MatheusNarib(38),appearedonchargesof murder, attempted murder and assault with intenttodogrievousbodilyharm.Thematter was postponed to 19 April for prosecutor general's decision. The accused have been warned.

FilipKapewasha(29),appearedoncharges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003 and assault common. The matter was postponed to 7 March fortracingofaccused.Theaccusedisatlarge, andawarrantofarrestwasissued.

NassibuMubalamaCiza(36),appearedon achargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto 7 March for other reasons. The accused remainsincustody Otto Gonteb (22), appeared on charges of assault common and malicious damage to property The matter was postponed to 20 March for a mental observation report. The accusedremainsincustody

Namibia vehicle accident statistics

Fortunately no-one was seriously injured in an accident involvingaToyotadouble-cabandaBMWSUVontheintersectionof11throadandPeterMushihangastreet,WalvisBay yesterdayafternoon.ThedriveroftheBMWcrashedintothe sideofthedoublecabcausingittoturnoveronitsside.


AccordingtoWestCoastSafetyInitiativethenationalcrashstaticsof Namibia for the period 1 January to 19 January 2023 amounts to 325 motorvehiclecrashescomparedto389crashesforthesameperiodof thepreviousyear Injuriessustainedinthis2023periodamountsto539 compared to 730 injuries for the same period in 2022. Car crash fatalities for this period amounts to 45 whereas in the period of the previousyear,therewere60fatalities.


Helping Hand For Pap Mansion

AlexAlexander from Okangala Tours and Safaris recently donated N$ 5 000 to PAP Mansion, a soup kitchen in Kuisebmond.

ThedonationwhichwashandedoverthroughtheOfficeofthe Mayor, was received by Barbara Kavita who established the initiativein2001.Kavitafeedsapproximately200childrenfrom her neighbourhood in Kuisebmond every Saturday Pap Mansion also accommodates a few vulnerable and orphaned children.

The Mayor ofWalvis Bay,Trevino Forbes, thankedAlexander for the gesture and encouraged other business owners to also supportsocialprojectsofthisnature.


(Regulations 14,26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Nailenge Nailenge Junior P.O.Box 4490 Vineta, Swakopmund.

2.Nameofbusinessorproposed business to which application relates: Zanzi Bar

3.Address/location of pre-

misestowhichapplication relates:Omulondostreet, Erf 1590, Meduletu, Swakopmund.

4. Nature and details of application: Transfer of LiquorLicence

5. Clerk of the court with whomtheapplicationwill be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, districtSwakopmund

6 Date on which the applicationwillbelodged: 27February2023

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 daysbeforethedateofthe meetingoftheCommittee at which the application willbeheard.


First ever Solo surfski from Cape Town to Brazil

Historymade-RichardKohler-FirstpersontocrossthesouthernAtlanticOcean unsupportedandsolowithasurfski

Theconnection ofthestoryofRichardKohlerand Walvis Bay comes after Richard had to make an urgentstopattheharourtowninhisfirstattemptto cross the SouthAtlantic. The journey of Richard Kohler'scrossAtlanticOceanstartedon3January lastyear,whentheAdventurer,SoloKayakerand Speakerattemptedhisfirsttrytosolopaddlefrom Cape Town to Brazil, but on his seventh day into the voyage, Richard was forced to make a hard right-handturntoWalvisBaywhenthemain470 Watts solar panels on the deck of his custom designedeight-metersurfskifailed.

The surfski, named Osiyeza was subsequently transportedviaroadbacktoCapeTownfromWalvisBaywherethemarineindustrydidacomplete overallonthesurfski.ThemotivationofTheCape to Brazil solo trans-Atlantic expedition dubbed OceanX,wastoraisefundsforcharity,Operation Smile. This charity gives smiles to children and adults born with cleft lip and palate. Operation Smile has been operating for 36 years in 34 countries.ApostonRichard'ssocialmediareads, “MygoalofraisingHALFAMILLIONRandfor Operation Smile has not only been achieved thanks to the generosity of everyone who has donated,butwehavesurpassedthisgoalandchanging lives, one smile at a time. Before I reach Salvadoronmylastday,weasacommunityhave raisedanincredibleR503,521!Thiswillchange92 children's lives forever Thank you to everyone whohassupportedthiscauseandcontinuingtodo so.”

Richard, a firm believer in never giving up, was determined to continue his crossing to Salvador,

Brazil and departed from Granger Bay in Cape Town on 19 December 2022, and successfully completed his challenging, unaided 63-day solo voyage,inastoryofenduranceandstrength(both physical and emotional). Fans from all over the world followed Richard's daily updates on social media. Finally, the day arrived, after some challengeswithwinddirection,RichardreachedSalvador on Sunday, 19 February 2023. To claim the record for paddling solo and unsupported from South Africa to Brazil, Richard had to touch the dockorlandunsupported.Withnowheretodockat the Salvador Yacht Club, Richard had to swim ashore to meet the requirements of officiating his OceanXcrossing.ThelastkilometersofRichard’s journey, he was accompanied by an entourage of navy personnel, lifeguards, and local kayakers. Richard's wife, Judith flew to Salvador and joined therestofthewelcometeam.“AsIpoppedaround thecornerintothebay,thereweresomanypaddlers andboatswaitingtowelcomemein.EventheNavy was there. Wow what an amazing sight”, Richard saidandconcludedwithsaying,“Todaywasadayof manyfirsts.FirsttimethisyearIhavestoodonland, beeninacar,drankabeer,atePizzaandair-conditioning.Thankyouforjoiningmeonthisadventure. It'sbeenanabsoluteblast.

Anyone who would like to donate to Operation Smile, can find the “DONATE HERE” button on Kohler's website at richardkohler.co.za. Kohler's adventures can be followed on his Instagram account, https://www instagram com/richardkohleradventures.

Port of Walvis Bay News

Oil/Chemical Tanker BOW CLIPPER (IMO: 9047518), sailingundertheflagofMarshallIslands,dockedatthePortof Walvis Bay on Wednesday after a voyage from Antwerp, Belgium. The Oil Tanker will discharge 21 000 Metric Tons (MT) of Sulphuric Acid. The Tanker was built in 1995. Her carrying capacity is 37221 t Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 8.8 meters. Her length overall(LOA)is183.2metersandherwidthis32.25meters.

Bulk Carrier BOLD MARINER (IMO: 9136955), sailing under the flag of Panama, arrive at the Port of Walvis Bay yesterdayafteravoyagefromPortHarcourt,Nigeria. TheBulk carrier will load 45 000 Metric Tons (MT) Bulk Salt. Her carrying capacity is 45674 t Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 6.2 meters. Her length overall(LOA)is185.74metersandherwidthis30.4meters.

Oil/Chemical Tanker NORDTOKYO (IMO: 9859208), sailingundertheflagofPortugalisexpectedto arriveatthePort of Walvis today after a voyage from Mosselbay, SouthAfrica. The oil tanker will discharge gasoil. Her carrying capacity is 50192tDeadweightTonnage(DWT)andhercurrentdraughtis reported to be 9.1 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 183 metersandherwidthis32meters.

Oil/Chemical Tanker PIS PRECIOUS (IMO: 9689158), sailingundertheflagofSingaporewillalsodockatthePortof Walvis Bay today to discharge gasoil. She docks at the Walvis Bay Port after a voyage from Cape Town, South Africa. Her carrying capacity is 50258 t Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) and hercurrentdraughtisreportedtobe8meters.Herlengthoverall (LOA)is183metersandherwidthis32.2meters.

Bulk CarrierTAI PING SHAN (IMO: 9617961), sailing under theflagofHongKongarrivestodaytoload10000MetricTons (MT) Copper Concentrates. Her carrying capacity is 56607 t DeadweightTonnage(DWT)andhercurrentdraughtisreported tobe6.7meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is189.99metersand herwidthis32.26meters.

Port Log

IMPORTANT NOTICE Please note that the price of the NamibTimes newspaper will increase from N$4-00 to N$6-00 with effect from 3 March 2023
Eileen van der Schyff

School News


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992) as amended, that the Municipality ofWalvis Bayintendstoleaseby private transaction, a portion on the Mautamanene Fire Station Drill Tower to Bitstream Internet Solutions(PTY)LTD.


Portion of the space on the Mautamanene Fire StationDrillTower AREA(M2)



Full particulars pertainingtotheleasewill lie for inspection by interestedpersonsuntil Monday 6 March 2023 - at room 2.Mauta manene Fire Station, Kuisebmund.Formore information Mr Tutaleni Kathindi can be contacted at telephone (064) 21 4402 during officehours.

Any person objecting to the proposed lease, mayinwritinglodgean objectiontogetherwith thegrounds/motivation thereof,totheManager HousingandProperties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay, before or on Monday, 6 March2023at12:00.

From the left: Rowen Kondeza (Junior Victor); Jade Britz (Junior Victrix); Abbey Marney (Senior Victrix) and Nakuta Fillimon (Senior Victor) On10and11February2023,NarravillePrimarySchoolheld their annual Interhouse Athletics Meet and it was a roaring success.
School News

Riverside Private School comes of age as school celebrates 5th Birthday

The NewYearushered in a new dawn forRiverside Private Schoolasthehighschoolphasecelebratedaremarkablefive years,hotofftheheelsofanoutstandingperformanceinthe NSSCOGrade11OrdinaryLevelexams.

Incelebrationofthismilestoneachievement,theteachersandlearners tooktothestreetslastFridayasthenewly-establishedLearnerRepresentative Council president, Aliyah Orr and her deputies led an elaborateprocessionof200pluslearnersneatlycladintheirgreenand orangeattire.

TheparadepassedthroughtheheartofSwakopmund,attractingcheers from throngs of well-wishers as learners belted the school song with passion and pride. The school parade, carefully guided by the traffic police, then made its way to the Swakopmund Amphitheatre where foundingprincipal,MrsLynnLindsay-Payne,addressedalltheRiversidefaithful.

Mrs Payne made a few remarks chronicling Riverside's (then SwakopmundSchoolofExcellence)humblebeginnings,whichbegan withaclassofafewGrade1s.

Some of those Grade 1s she taught many years ago were on hand to witness the massive strides made amidst a sea of about 200 strong learners who are now part of an intergrated and diverse school of academicexcellencethatisRiversidePrivateSchool.

MrWeimersalsosharedtheschool'svision,missionandvaluesashe urged learners to continue working hard and strive to be future-fit citizenswhomuststrivetocontributepositivelytosociety


N$4-00 to N$6-00 with effect from 3 March 2023

Dear Landlord/Tenant

P.O. Box 90091, Klein Windhoek 7 Hahnemann Street, Windhoek West Telephone: 061 - 249 885 (office) 061 - 234 709

Email: manager@neab.co.na Website: https://neab.co.na/

17 January 2023


The above subject matter has reference.

1. Please note that the Namibian Estate Agents Board (hereinafter referred to as NEAB) closed down 4 U Properties based on numerous complaints received by members of the public. The closure was also necessitated in order to stop 4 U Properties and its Principal Estate Agent Mr Ryno Du Plessis from receiving money from the public on existing lease agreements and from paying out any money on behalf of 4 U Properties.

2. Mr Ryno Du Plessis of 4 U Properties has been instructed to deregister 4 U Properties in terms of section 32 (7) which inter alia entails that he submits a letter from his bank, confirming the closure of business and trust accounts of 4 U properties.

3. We have received credible information that Mr Ryno Du Plessis is working with Mr Chris Thiart of Thiart Properties Investments cc, and that all clients of 4 U Properties (landlords and tenants) have been unknowingly and without their express knowledge and (or) consent been handed to Thiart Properties Investments cc as their managing agents.

4. It is with the above in mind that we write his missive to you to inform you the following:

4 U Properties is no longer in existence, therefore Landlords are requested to terminate √ their mandates with 4 U Properties, and find another estate to manage their agency affairs, and communicate such to their tenants.

All tenants are requested to cease all communication and payments to 4 U Properties, √ such communication and payments should be made directly to the Landlords.

All Landlords are hereby informed that they are free to choose any estate agency, and √ not necessarily with Mr Christ Thiart of Thiart Properties Investments cc to manage their affairs.

The NEAB is in the process of approaching the High Court to prohibit 4 U Properties to √ operate in any way their trust, savings or other interest -bearing account.

The NEAB will communicate the closure of 4 U Properties through local daily √ newspapers and other forms of media to inform the members of the public accordingly

I trust that you will find the above in order. For any information and (or) clarity, please do not hesitate to contact the writer hereof

School News
Chairperson:AT Gebhardt - Vice-Chairperson: T Hongonekua - Board Members: PH Namundjebo,AM Schmidt,AT Victor NT Neliwa, R Hameva - Manager: FS. Unengu
of the
note that the price
NamibTimes newspaper will increase from



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•Beingresponsibleformaintenance,adjustmentandmonitoringofexistingprocess controlproceduresandparameters.Ascertainthatequipmentusedforprocesscontrol areproperlyandregularlycalibratedandmaintained.

•Monitorcustomercomplaintstoimplementcorrectiveactionsanddeterminetrends. Alwaysensureproductavailability

•Beingresponsiblefortheimplementationandmaintenanceofasystemwherebythe cleanestpossibleconditionsaremaintainedwhilstcontaminationandinfestationis eradicated.

•Ensurepropersettingsandconditionsonallequipmenttoensureconformanceto qualityrequirements,satisfactoryyields,andcosteffectiveness.


•PlanproductionrunsinaccordancewiththeDispatchManagertoalwaysassure productavailability Productionrunsmustbeplannedtobecontinuouswherepossible.

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•Ensureaccuracyandmaintenanceofproductionreports.Ensuretimeoussubmissionof documentationasrequired.

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Namib Mills is an equal opportunity employer The Company offers in return a competitive salary and a range of employee benefits which are market related. CVs with relevant supporting documents can be forwarded to (not hr1@namibmills.com.na larger than 2MB). Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Subject line for applications should be:

NMOPSBB200223– Factory Manager Bakery

Closing date for applications: 07th of March 2023





CONSENT: ON Self-Catering Establishment


STREETNAME&NO:VaughanWebsterStreet Nr.27.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-CateringEstablishment.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 17 March 2023.


N.Coimbra,POBox2873,WalvisBay email:tash.coimbra@gmail.com


CONSENT:Pre-SchoolandDayCareCentreON ERF NO: 6173 TOWNSHIP/AREA: KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO: Johanna Benson.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Pre-SchoolandDayCareCentre.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person havingany objectionto theapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 10 March 2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SilasKangwe,POBox5849,Kuisebmond email:kangwesilas79@gmail.com



CONSENT: 5 ON ERFNO: Self Catering Unit 417TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand STREET NAME&NO: 1OrangeStreet.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 10 March 2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: YvonneNghilunbwa,POBox2083,WalvisBay email:ymupupa@yahoo.com


CONSENT: ON ERF Tutoring: Mathematics NO: TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay 2497

STREET NAME & NO: Frederik Khaxab Road.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Tutoring:Mathematics.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person havingany objectionto theapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 10 March 2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: MasterMaths,POBox9073,WalvisBay email:walvisbay@mastermaths.co.za



In terms of Clause 7 of the Henties Bay Zoning Scheme No 15 promulgated under General Notice 7764 of 2022, notice is herewith given to all interested parties that Messrs Leon Pearson & Anita Pearson owners of Erf 901 zoned “Single Residential”, P.O Box 3959 Walvis Bay, intends to apply to the Council of the Municipality of Henties Bay for Consent use to operate a Self-catering accommodation facility on Erf 901 Hentiesbaai Extension 3, Omaruru street.

Any person(s) who wishes to lodge an objection to the proposed operation of such business from Erf 116, Henties Bay may lodge in writing such objection (s) with valid reasons within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice to the under mentioned address:

The Chief Executive Officer OR Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay Municipality of Henties Bay

P.O. Box 61 C/o Jakkalsputz Road & HENTIES BAY Nickey IyamboAvenue






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Meddix Occupational Health Golf series

ThefirstroundoftheMeddixOccupationalHealthafourmatchseriestookplace onSaturday18February.

The four match series with an Individual Stablefordcompetitionincludedadoubleupof scoresontheentirepar5's.Takingnoteofthe scramble to correct scorecards in the clubhouse, with the Captain safely confirm thatlotsofpeopledon'treadhisfineprintthese days. Weather conditions were good and the fieldthat included most of the regular gurus in search of their Saturday fix - enjoyed a wonderfuldayofgolf.

Therewerethree2–clubsonthedaycoming from Bennie Venter; Eddy van Wyk & Hans Noabeb. The Overall Winner shooting 48 points – yes I think he is still in shock – was GertCloete;2nd:BennieVenter45pointsc/o overFritzCoetzeeJNR;4th:HansNaobeb43 points; 5th: Steven Johns 42 points c/o over VilhoHanghome.

A big round of thanks goes to our sponsors MedixxformakingthedaypossibleandtoEl Capitanoforsourcingthesuperprizes.

The Coastal Sages Branch annual Chairman's Day was held on Sunday 19 February with a goodturnoutofabout40golfers,asfarbackas

we can remember this was a record turnout, that included Coastal players from Henties Bay; Walvis Bay; and Rossmund joined by visitors fromAtlantic Beach (Western Cape) andZimbabwe.

Theweatherwasabitheavyatthestartofthe round but improved as the morning wore on. There were no 2-clubs this time around from the“outoppies”butNearesttothePinswere secured by Helga Engling No.7 and Dreyer DuPlessisonNumber12.

TheOverallWinneron37pointswasWarren Theron;2nd:GabyAdams36pointsc/oover Chris Bothma; 4th Achmet Abrahams 35 pointswinningthecountoutoverRinaKnight andTonyBoesch.

WesaythankyoutoourChairman-Clivefora wonderfuldayandalsothegreatprizeshehad on offer The visitors stated that they had enjoyed the day tremendously and expressed theirthanksforbeingincluded-theyenjoyed thecourse-althoughittookawhiletogetused tothegreens.

The Novanam monthly medal will be played tomorrowSaturday25FebruaryatRossmund GolfClub.


The family of the late Mrs Lisethe "Kanie" /Uises, wishes to acknowledge the expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us following our sad loss.

Lisethe "Kanie" /Uises

We offer our heartfelt thanks to friends, family and well-wishers who visited our home, attended the funeral service, and who provided emotional support to us during this difficult time.


For those who phoned, traveled long distances, sent floral tributes, cards and messages of condolences, as well as those who made generous donations, we are truly grateful.


A special word of thanks go to Dr Percy T. Kumire, Neurologist, LPPH West Suite, Dr Roelie R Van Wyk, Medical Centre, Swakopmund and Dr Schickerling, Medcare Medical Centre, Swakopmund. The Management, nurses and staff of the Lady Pohamba Private Hospital, Medi Clinic Swakopmund and SpesCare Swakopmund for their loving care and compassion. Our sincerest thanks to Bishop Sageus /Keib, Rev. Moedertjie Lena #Gaeses and all Immanuel Parish Swakopmund office bearers for conducting the funeral service.

We thank the Sussana Young Mothers Choir Swakopmund for their comforting presence.

We extend gratitude to the Nambob funeral services for the professional handling of the funeral arrangements. We further sincerely thank the following entities: Orano Mining Namibia, Managing Director, Mr Tommie Gouws & staff, Ministry of Sport, Youth & National Service, Erongo RED, Chief Executive Officer, Mr Immanuel !Hanabeb & staff, Directorate of Education (Erongo Region), Swapo Party Elders Council and Arandis Services Swakopmund.

Mr Harry

our family friend & leader, we thank you for allowing everything to run smoothly

To those who helped in anyway, your contribution made our loss bearable, as it would be impossible to thank everyone individually Please accept this acknowledgment as an expression of our deepest gratitude

With sincere thanks Mr Ben /Uiseb, /Ochurub, !Naruseb and //Hoebeb family

June 2005 +2 February 2023
for your thoughtfulness, generosity and support during the passing of our beloved daughter and sister.
Your support has reached us in a moment of despair and lifted us. Your support was of great comfort
School News
Winners Medixx Occupational Health Individual Stableford: Vilho Hanghome; Steven Johns; George Murasiki (RGC Captain); Hans Naobeb; Gert Cloete; Bennie Venter; Fritz Coetzee Participants at the Coastal Sages at the Chairman's Golf Day

Multisave Medal Golf Day

Anothergoodfieldcameoutinidealweatherconditionstoplayin theMultisaveMedallastweekendatWalvisBayGolfClubwithno other than Kevin Wentzel who won a count out from Eckhardt Dreyeronagoodroundof68.

AlsoplayingagoodroundwasKyleJohnsonwhocameinonaflatroundof72 winning the best gross. The 3rd place net wet to Johnny Borges on 69. As alwaysthereweretwostablefordprizedforthosewhoblowoutanyonehole andthesewerewonbyPedroFernandes39pointsandDanievanAntwerpenon 38points.Withallthesegoodscoresitisexpectedthattherewillbeafewnew handicapsinplacesoon.

TwoclubswererecordedbyDanievanAntwerpen,BoelGrobler,WayneHart, AmandioSardinha,NardoSardinhawhosewasaneagleonapar4,andJohnny Borges. ThankstoteamMultisaveforsponsoringoutmedalcompetitions. Together with the Medal we played the second leg of the Windhoek Lager International Pairs and this was won by Tienie de Wet and Wynand Breytenbachon46points,eachwinningacaseofbeerfortheirefforts.

ThiscomingweekendistheClubFundraiserandtherearestillafewslotsopen TheAEGIRMARINEmatchplayisnowinfullswingandnodoubtthebiggest upsetsofarwaswhenthechairmanbeattheclubcaptain.

TheCorridorLogisticsCorporateleaguewillkickoffshortlysopleasewatch thisspaceforruleanddatesofplay

18 NAMIBTIMES 24FEBRUARY2023 School News 03 MARCH 2023
Tienie de Wet receiving his case of beer from Shane Westerdale Amandio Sardinha hand over the Multisave Medal trophy to Kevin Wentzel

First Blue Synthetic Bowling Green in Namibia

The Swakopmund Bowling Club (SBC) recently celebrated a milestone in the club's history with the official opening of their club house and a state-of-the-art Blue Synthetic Lawn Bowling Greens.

The club house and Bowling Greens in Swakopmund, named after Julian Viljoen who was the main brain behind the erection of the facility withallclubmembers played a significant role in the construction. The SBC club house and synthetic Bowling Greens with three bowling lanes was constructed with anestimateamountof fivehundredthousand Namibian dollars by the club members are situatedatthebackof SFC sport field in Swakopmund.

The new bowling greenutilisingsyntheticturfwillensureand give bowling members, visitors and competitors the best possiblesurfaceavailable to play all yearround The surface will increase competitive levels and ensure that the game reachesnewheightsat the coast and the country There is no doubt that this new investment will encourage more people in the community to take up bowls, it will pay dividends for the local bowls club into the future, as bowling

provides some important social connec-tions forparticipants.

The first ever blue synthetic bowling green in Namibia was officially opened by SwakopmundMunicipal Councilor Claus Goldbeck with President of the Namibian Bowls Association (NBA)

Mike Wells and President of the SBC Diana Viljoen Swakopmund Municipal Councilor ClausGoldbecksaidthat thefacilitywillrepresent a quantum jump ahead for bowling in Namibia and is positive SBC will beasuccess.

Goldbeckreaffirmcouncil's commitment to ensure that the town of Swakopmund offers quality service to our people.

According to Goldbeck the vision of the municipalityofSwakopmund istopromotethetownin ways that it will benefit thecommunity

“Therefore,wearecrateful that events of such high magnitude are hosted in our town. One of our key objectives is to provide a conducive environment which is attractive to host sport activities such as bowling,”Goldbecksaid. President NBA Mike

Wellssaidthatinacountry like Namibia that is water staffed artificial turfisthewaytogo.

According to Wells Bowlwillbegoinginto this direction in the futurenotonlyinNamibiabutalsointheworld. The president of SBC Diana Viljoen said that as a club they managed to construct the club house and blue bowling greens with the limited resources at their disposal.

Viljoen said “It allows us to participate in our national league and presents a quantum jump ahead for bowling inNamibia.“WeanSBC want this facility to becomethehomeforall bowlers in the country.” Viljoensaid.



(Regulations 14,26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: DlanyaZeroSixInvestmentcc, POBox1969Tsumeb.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Johnnie Walker Lounge Bar

3.Address/location of premisestowhichapplication relates: Erf 54, Hage Geingob Street, Henties Bay,Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence.

5. Clerk of the court with whom the application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, districtSwakopmund.

6 Date on which the applicationwillbelodged: 24February2023.

7. Date of meeting of Committeeatwhichapplication will be heard: 12 April2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.

The Swakopmund Bowling Club's club house and a state of the art Blue Synthetic Lawn Bowling Greens Romana Harman from the Coimbra family with Diana Viljoen President of SBC and Claus Goldbeck Swakopmund Municipal Councilor
Rudi Bowe
Julian Viljoen and Mike Wells President of the NBA

namib times Sport Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Top results for Namibian fighters

The Namibian Kickboxing Federation (NKF) was represented by 18-year-old Delano Müller and 16-year-old Giano Alcock from the Sylvio Behring Namibian Jiu-Jitsu AcademyattheAbuDhabiAJPTourInternationalJiu-JitsuChampionshipGIandNoGI heldrecentlyattheWitwatersrandUniversityinJohannesburgSouthAfrica.

TheNamibianJiu-Jitsuteamobtainedtopresults intheirvariousdivisionsinthisprofessionaland well organized and prestigious International championship with competitors from nine countriesshowcasedexceptionalstandards.

Eighteen year old Delano Müller who finished school at Walvis Bay Gymnasium last year won thesilvermedalsinthe69kgPurpleBelt,inboth GI and No GI Professional divisions. He was up against 26-year-old Kavin Kock who is ranked numberoneinSouthAfrica,fourthinAfricaand seventy-fiveintheworld.SixteenyearoldGiano Alcock a learner at Walvis Bay Gymnasium, rankednumberoneinNamibia,thirdinAfricaand 105intheworldlostagainstTylerLazarusranked number one inAfrica and 33 in the world in the 65kgBlueBeltGIMen'sYouthDivision.

NKF PresidentAnita de Klerk said that theAJP International Championships was very professionallypresented,hadagood,disciplined spirit, was competitive in character, and was a venueconduciveforcompetition.DeKlerksaid, “welookforwardtotheNamibiansportgrowing tosuchaninternationalstandardandappealtothe Namibian public to try out Jiu-Jitsu at their nearest dojo.” According to De Klerk, Brazilian

Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is founded on the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent. “This is done by using the technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground, and then applying joint locks and chokeholds to defeat the opponent” she said. She explained that BJJ training can be used for sport grappling tournaments and in self-defence situations. Sparring (commonly referred to as "rolling" within the BJJ community) and live drilling play a major role in training and the practitioner's development. BJJ is considered a martialart,asport,amethodforpromotingphysical fitnessandbuildingcharacter,andawayoflife.

In the meantime the Namibian Kickboxing FederationinassociationwithNamibiaMartialArts AcademyandSwakopmundFightClubwillhostan OpenKickboxingtournamentonSaturday4March at the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre.

AccordingtoNKFSecretaryGeneralJackelineSass is the purpose of the Open Kickboxing tournament to offer fighters a chance to practise their skills in preparationforupcomingtrialsattheNamibiaFight Championships.

Kudus triumph at Gemsbok Park

Walvis Bay Rugby giants, Kudus Rugby Club kicked their season off to a great start at the Trustco United 10-a-side tournamentlastweekendatGemsbokParkinWindhoek.

IntheMen'sPremierLeaguedivisionfinalKudusbeatWanderers21-17and in the Men's Reserve League division final Kudus lost 19-12 against host Trustco United whilst Kudu Bokkies narrowly missed the final, despite beatingWanderersinthegroupstages.

In the Men's Premier League division Kudus beat Wanderers 14-12, Grootfontein26-7 andTrustcoUnited14-12 toendtopof thegroup. In theMen's Reserve League division Kudus beat Trustco United 10-0, Dolphins 21-0, Vipers24-0andKeetmanshoop12-7toendtopofgroupA.TheybeatgroupB runnersupWanderers19-12inthesemi-final.

The Women's League was a close affair with the finalists having to be determinedviapointsaggregate.Kudus,UnitedandWanderersallfinishedon two points after winning one and losing one match each, with United and Wanderers progressed to the final with a better point aggregate. In the Women'sLeaguedivisionKuduBokkiesbeatWanderers14-12andlost15-0 againstUnited.

AllwasnotgoingwellforSpartaUnitedandDolphinsfromWalvisBayand SwakopmundrespectivelyinthereserveleaguedivisionattheTrustcoUnited 10-a-sidetournamentlastweekendatGemsbokParkinWindhoek.

Sparta United lost three games and won one of their four games in group B whilstDolphinswontwo,drawoneandlostoneattheaannual10-a-sidetournamentatGemsbokParkinWindhoek.

SpartaUnitedbeattheUnitedBarbarians19-7,losttoMariental27-7,Grootfontein26-14andtoWanderers29-7tofinishedfourthingroupB.Dolphins beatVipers7-0andKeetmanshoop17-0,draw7-7againstUnitedandlost210againstKudustoendthirdingroupA.

Sixteen-year-old Giano Alcock and eighteen-year-old Delano Müller from the Sylvio Behring Namibian Jiu-Jitsu Academy at the Abu Dhabi AJP Tour International Jiu-Jitsu Championship. Photo contributed Kudus Men's Premier League Division team that won the Trustco United 10-a-side tournament Kudu Bokkies that competed at the Trustco United 10a-side tournament Kudus Men's Premier League Division team that competed at the Trustco United 10-a-side tournament Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe

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