namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6539 THURSDAY 24 MARCH 2016 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Land grabbing
inside Crash victim’s name released
Liesl Losper
Page 2
Swakop Municipality on holiday Page 3
Housebreaking concerns in Swakopmund
On Tuesday a group of residents, mostly women and children in Walvis Bay's Kuisebmond area, were apparently left homeless after the owners of the land they were renting, told them they can no longer stay there because they want to start building flats on the property. On Monday the women decided to start cleaning an area that belongs to the Ministry of Works and Transport. They claim that they did not know at that stage that the land belonged to Ministry of Works.
Police calls for orderly behaviour this Easter The Namibian Police in Erongo made a call on both inhabitants of the Region and visitors expected to converge on the coastal towns this Easter to respect laws and commit themselves to orderly behaviour. In a press statement this week die Namibian Police made specific references to motorists making themselves guilty of traffic offences on public roads through speeding, dangerous overtaking, driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or obeying road signs. The selling of alcohol on Good Friday will also be prohibited by all outlets, including clubs and shebeens. A warning was issued that owners of outlets caught selling liquor illegally will be dealt with through the law.
Continues on page 2
“In the other regions land grabbing was done, why can't we also get a place only for our shacks to be built on. We as mothers have to provide for our kids, which include accom-
modation but we don't even have work, but from our side, some of us sell food on the street, but not enough for expensive housing,” the women said. Continues on page 2
Asbesgevaar sluimer in Walvisbaai sakekern Floris Steenkamp ‘n Moontlike gevaar bestaan dat daar asbes in die rommel van die Jensen-gebou in Walvisbaai se sakekern skuil, wat verlede maand in 'n brand in puin gelê is. Die gebou het die Fashion World klereketting gehuisves en het op 20 Februarie vanjaar weens 'n elektriese kortsluiting afgebrand. Die gebou word sedert gister met groot plastiekvelle gebuffer om te verhoed dat die publiek met asbesstof kontak maak. Die gebou word ook afgesper om te verhoed dat persone die perseel betree en met asbes in aanraking kom. Hoewel daar reeds 'n maand verstryk het sedert die brand die gebou verwoes het, het daar eers
Page 4
Swakop reclycling plant underperforms
Page 5
Motoring Pages onlangs kommer posgevat oor die gevaar van asbesstof. Bank Windhoek, wat die trust beheer waarin die gebou geregistreer is, het alarm gemaak. Die maatskappy, Optimized Environmental Management, word ingespan om die buffering en versperrings op te rig. Aldus die Bemarkings- en Kantoorbestuurder van die maatskappy op Walvisbaai, Cheslyn Vervolg op bladsy 2
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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication
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Swakopmund Office
24 MARCH 2016
Land grabbing Continued from page 1 They also referred to the houses that was built by NHE and handed over to government last year. “Look at the houses that are now government property. The houses are damaged, everything is destroyed. We are not expecting to get these houses because it will be unfair to many people, but there is enough land to give to us to build our shacks on. Those houses can give homeless people like us a warm place or even for that matter a roof over our head. But we must rather fight for a small piece of land only to build our shacks on,” they complained. They said the municipality was there on Monday when they started and according to them, the municipality representative said they have nothing to do with it but apparently they can use the area temporarily. Mr Raymond Pietersen of the Ministry of Works explained to those present that this specific area they want to occupy belongs to the Ministry and cannot be used for residential purposes. “This land belongs to the Ministry of Works, and all the other shack owners who are living on this land at the moment will receive a letter to vacate the area. This land is set out for the Ministry of Works to build a new police station. You will have to follow the right procedure. We propose that you get five people that will represent the group and go to the Regional Councillors and take up the matter with them, but this land cannot be used for the purpose you want it for.” Sargeant Haikali of Nampol told the group that they will have to adhere to the request that was made by the representative of the Ministry of Works. One of the women asked where will she and her child go to whereupon Pietersen said they have 31 days still to get a new place. After about ten minutes of arguing, Pietersen made a new announcement, saying that they have decided that it is no longer 31 days' notice but they must vacate by this Friday. The group was furious and went straight to the Regional Council’s office, which was just around the corner from the land in question. The Governor was not in the office at that stage and the group left to try and get an appointment later.
Asbesgevaar Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 Mouton, is daar reeds monsters op die brandperseel geneem. Dit sal aanstaande week aan toetse onderwerp word, om vas te stel of daar inderdaad 'n asbesgevaar bestaan. Die gebou het ten tye van die brand aan die Jensen-familie behoort. Dit is in 1964 opgerig en was eers 'n woonhuis, voordat dit in 'n sa-kegebou omskep is. As-besdakke was aan-vaarbaar in 1964. Die gevaar van asbes en die gevreesde
longsiekte Asbestose wat mense opdoen wat lang tydperke aan asbesstof blootgestel was, was nog onbekend. Juis omdat asbes so 'n groot gesondheidsgevaar is, het die munisipaliteit van Walvisbaai jare gelede reeds begin om asbesdakke uit te faseer. Daar is 'n bergingsplek vir asbes by die munisipaliteit se stortingsterrein opgerig, waar asbes van regoor die Erongo-streek onder veilige toestande geberg word.
Head-on collision on B2 The identity has been made known of the man who died in a head-on collision on the B2 coastal road on Tuesday. His name is Anianus Nakatheta (32), who was the driver of a taxi sedan that collided head-on with a light pickup over the lunch hour on Tuesday. It is alleged Nakatheta drove in the direction of Swakopmund and overtook a vehicle on a solid line whereafter he ploughed into an oncoming vehicle. He died instantly.
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Police calls Continued from page 1 The carrying of dangerous weapons will also enjoy high priority during Easter, said the Namibian Police in the statement. Searches will be conducted randomly and people found with dangerous weapons face arrest and prosecution. The statement calls upon the public to report criminal activities, inlcuding suspicious activities, to the nearest police station.
24 MARCH 2016
Dirty beach angers Wlotzka resident The beach just north of Wlotzkasbaken at a popular fishing spot is in a sorry state. “The trashcan is overflowing and the wind is blowing the litter all over the place,” local resident Manfred Paetow said to namib times. He took this photo of the spot close to the small village, where trash has been littering the beach for many weeks already. “Why can't the responsible people just come and clean it up regularly. It looks disgusting,” he said and added: “Why can't visitors just take their trash home? Why must they just leave it there?”
Tant Enni Irlé sterf op 102 Een van Walvisbaai se oudste inwoners, tant Enni Irlé, is vroeër hierdie week in die siekeboeg van die Huis Palms vir Bejaardes op die hawedorp oorlede. Tant Enni is op 19 Mei 1914 gebore. namib times het met haar op haar honderdste verjaardag 'n onderhoud gevoer. Sy sou op 19 Mei vanjaar 102 word. Teen druktyd was daar nog geen begrafnisreëlings bekendgemaak nie. Wyle tant Enni se kinders woon onderskeidelik in Suid-Afrika en in Duitsland.
Holiday at the Municipality Erwin Leuschner
Residents of Swakopmund are unhappy that the Finance Department of the Municipality was closed for the entire week. “This is totally unacceptable,” an angry resident said to namib times. A notice regarding the closure was put up at the department. On the paper it states that the entire Finance Department (including; Cashiers and Enquires) will be closed from 22 until 24 March. “This cannot actually be possible,” Peter Steinkopff from the Swakopmund Resi-
dents Association (SRA) commented on the situation. He continued saying that a municipality is there to give a daily service and cannot just close as it wishes. “I cannot comprehend how they (the municipality) can render such a service to its ratepayers,” he said. Another angry resident, Eric Lang, also voiced his anger with the newspaper, saying this is an utter “mess”. “I visited the municipality, but it was empty,” he said. The spokesperson for the municipality, Aily Gebhardt, was not
Lewis gets green light for Beares/Ellerines take-over Lewis Group, the JSE-listed furniture retailer, has been granted approval by the Namibian competition authorities to acquire 21 Ellerines and Beares stores in the country. The acquisition of these stores brings Lewis Group's presence in Namibia to 49 stores. Lewis, which has been operating in Namibia since the early 1970s, currently employs 398 staff and the acquisition of these stores will secure the future of an additional 252 jobs. The new stores are expected to be integrated into the Lewis Group's operations by early May. Eighteen of the stores will in future trade under the Beares brand and three will be rebranded as Lewis stores. These Namibian stores form part of the Lewis Group's R250 million acquisition of 57 Ellerines and Beares stores in southern Africa, with the other stores being in Botswana (20), Lesotho (10) and Swaziland (6).
available for comment. Another employee instead said that the notice of the closure was advertised well in advance. “Some other departments are also closed, due to various employees being on leave,” the employee said.
24 MARCH 2016
Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court Report
Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court report 16 March 2016 Magrette Gowases (43) appeared on a charge of theft (case dates from February 2015). Case remanded to 27 July. Accused free on bail of N$5 000. Marthi Athisaari Amunyela (36) and Gerhard Wombulu (38) discharged on charges of theft by false pretence. Bail of N$2 500 refunded to each of the individuals. Lukas Shiningayamwe (25) and David Niilenge (26) appeared on a charge of robbery (case dates from October 2015). Case postponed to 20 April. Both accused remain in custody. Germarchelle de Waal (31) appeared on a charge of drunken driving (case dates from December 2015). Matter postponed to 29 June and accused remains free on bail of N$4 000. Julia Lilongwa (36) and Angelus Frans Themba Iilonga appeared on a charge of bribery (case dates from December 2015 and charges formulated in terms of the Anti Corruption Act). Case remanded to 19 April and both accused's bail of N$3 000 extended. Laurens Nangolo (27) appeared on charges of culpable homicide, failing to stop at the directive of a traffic official and driving a motor vehicle without a driving licence (case dates from January 2016). Matter postponed to 28 April and accused's bail of N$4 000 extended. Hagie Tunkana (34) appeared on two charges of fraud. Case remanded to 21 April and accused remain free on bail of N$10 000. Issakskar Hae-Eirob (27) appeared on a charge of housebreaking. Case remanded to 18 April and bail of N$10 000 extended. Willem de Klerk (26) made a first appeared on a charge of drunken driving (Case remanded to 7 July). Nahas Uazengiza (33) made a first appearance on a charge of falsifying a vehicle license or vehicle regisration mark. Accused released on bail of N$2 000 and case remanded to 7 April. Denzel de Jesus (17) appreaed on a cae of murder, alternatively attempted murder. As the accused is a minor he was released on warning and returned to court on 23 March. Eveline Swartbooi (22) appeared on a charge of rape (case dates from May 2014). Matter postponed to 26 April and accused remains free on bail of N$3 000. Lee-Ray Murphy (30) failed to appear on a charge of failure to pay maintenance. A warrant for accused's arrest issued. Tomas Hilifavali (30) appeared on a charge of possession of suspected stolen property (case dates from December 2015). Matter postponed to 10 May and accused remains free on bail of N$500. Robert Jackson (20) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine (case dates from December 2015). Matter postponed to 12 May and accused free on bail of N$2 000. B Williams appeared on a charge of theft (case dates from January 2016). Bail of N$1000 granted to accused and case returns to court on 14 July. Seun de Bruin (20) and Edward Kapana (19) appeared on charges of housebreaking, alternatively possession of suspected stolen property (case dates from February 2016). Case remanded to 11 April and
bail of N$1 000 to each accused extended. Warren de Klerk (23) case of theft withdrawn against the accused (case dates from February 2016). Anna-Marie Siyave (36) found guilty on a charge of drunken driving (case dates from February 2016). Accused sentenced to a fine of N$4000 or eight months imprisonment. Johannes Simon (21) found guilty of theft. Fined N$1 200 or two months imprisonment. Martina Amuphadi (37) found guilty of theft. Sentenced to a fine of N$1 000 or two months imprisonment. Henry Johnson (23) found guilty of using a vehicle without owner’s consent. Accused released on bail of N$4 000 and returns to court on 31 March for sentencing. 17 March 2016 (B-court only) Joseph Nakambunda (26) found guilty of theft. Fined N$5 000 or one month imprisonment. Fillemon Ruben (37) appeared on a charge of theft from a motor vehicle (case dates from August 2014). Case postponed to 12 May and bail of N$8 000 extended. Salmon Nikodemus (25) appeared on a charge of housebreaking (case dates from November 2014). Accused remains in custody pending next appearance on 5 July. Ivan Klaaste (21) appeared on a charge of housebreaking (case dates from September 2015). Case postponed to 5 July and accused's bail of N$2 000 extended. Willie Heyns (57) appeared on a charge of drunken driving (case dates from November 2015). Case extended to 29 June and bail of N$4 000 extended. Allan Brandt (31) failed to appear on charges of drug possession (case dates from December 2015). Case postponed to 30 March and bail of N$600 extended, but warrant for accused's arrest issued which becomes executable on 30 March if he again fails to appear in court. Alvin Gideon (19) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to carry out a robbery (case dates from January 2016). Case remanded to 9 May and accused remains free on bail of N$2 000.
Theft at Spitzkoppe becomes worrisome Sharlien Tjambari A resident of Swakopmund, who is also the owner of a plot called Farm Bergsig at Spitzkoppe, says theft at Spitzkoppe is increasing tremendously and he is afraid thieves will drive tourists away. Spitzkoppe is well known as a tourist attraction but farmers suffer a great deal due to theft in the area. The farmer says last year in December someone broke into his house, he opened a case at the Usakos Police Station and also with the Headman in the area but up until now nothing has been done about the issue. The farmer claims that his house was recently broken into again for the fourth time and the thief took everything he owned and he claims that there is nothing left in the house. They took his gas bottle and gas stove, his plates and cups, blankets, matrasses and everything which was of value from the house. He says he has seek help from the Headman but it allegedly seems like the Headman wants to be bribed. “He only helps certain people and only when you put something in his pocket will he be able to assist you,” says the farmer. The farmer also claims that the police at Usakos are useless and they do not do their work as they are supposed to. Because of the turn and twists within the justice system the farmer said he came to a point where he wanted to leave poisonous food in the house, because the thief also steals food, but realised that people might die so he decided he will not take matters into his own hands but
Nestor Daniel (39) and Hofeni Amakali (39) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to Prosecutor General's decision. The accused remains in custody. James Musirika (25) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 31 May for plea and trial. Pressly Jagger (20) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 31 May for judgement. The accused is on bail of N$500. Erens Haobeb (29), Titus Namukuwa (23), Sevelus Mvula (21) and Steven Ghomkhaiseb (22) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 18 May for legal aid. Haobeb is on bail of N$3 000 and Titus Namukuwa, Sevelus Mvula and Steven Ghomkhaiseb are on bail of N$4 000 each. Elton Kaffer (30) appeared on a charge of attempted murder (assault). The matter was postponed to 18 May for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. A seventeen-year-old boy appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 25 May for juvenile-pre-community service. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. A seventeen-year-old and Kevin Pienaar (19) appeared on a charge of possession of depence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 16 May for juvenile-precommunity service. The seventeen-year-old was released in the care of a guardian and Kevin Pienaar is on bail of N$2 000. Brandon Van Wyk (27) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 9 May for Prosecutor General's decision. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Kephas Jonas (19), Kennedy Ngesheya (23), Sylvanus Usaseuapuani (19) and Neua Israel (22) appeared on charges of assault by threat and crimen injuria. The matter was postponed to 27 April for plea and trial. Kephas Jonas is on bail of N$1 000 and Kennedy Ngesheya, Sylvanus Usaseuapuani and Neua Israel remains in custody. Pieter Senegal (45) appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 16 June for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Petrus Mupembe (30) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 16 June for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Astrid Bock (34) and Erina Jacoba Persendt (36) appeared on charges of fraud and theft. The matter was postponed to 20 April for record to be transcribed. The accused are on bail of N$5 000 each. Immanuel Miuseka (30) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 27 April for mental observation report. The accused remains in custody. Sydney Haeseb (24) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 26 April for further investigation. The accused remains in custody.
Housebreaking cases increase in Mondesa Sharlien Tjambari Theft and break-in suspect, Erwin Goagoseb (pictured) remains in police custody after his case was remanded to a later date. Nampol refers to theft and break-ins as minor cases but the community view them in a serious light as the thieves take almost or all their belongings and leave them with virtually nothing. Ingrid, a resident of Tulinawa in Swakopmund feels very unsafe in her own home as thieves have broken into her home for four times now. During the first break-ins the thief did not take many valuables, but the last time the thief even stole a geyser from her house as well as almost all her belongings, leaving her with only her bed to sleep on and an empty wardrobe. Ingrid says when she came home from work that day she saw how the window was on the ground and she immediately knew her house was broken into. “When I opened the door to my house the first thing I noticed my flat screen television was missing and
I just broke out in tears. It was the first time I cried so hard for something I had lost,” the tearful Ingrid said as she recalls the incident. She says this time she was lucky because the thief was caught at his own house the next morning, when he was seen by a street vendor at M o n d e s a ' s Wo e r m a n Brock, carrying the stolen goods to a taxi. The witness then took a picture of the taxi the thief got into. Coincidently the lady who took the picture sells with another lady who is a neighbour of Ingrid and all the events led to Erwin's arrest. Goagoseb appeared on a charge of housebreaking and the matter was remanded to 10 May for further inves-
tigation. A source within Nampol said housebreaking cases are increasing on a daily bases and that most of these cases take place in Mondesa's Tulinawa, Oletweni and Omulondo suburbs.
wait for justice to take its course. In an attempt to find answers namib times spoke to Detective Warrant Officer Nghiiteke of the Usakos Police Department. He confirmed that the farmer did not open a case in December but informed the police about the house break-in and that is why he was given an OB number and not a CR number. The difference between OB and CR number is that with an OB you inform the police about an incident that took place and you want the police to investigate and see if it's true that such an incident took place. A CR means that you have enough evidence and you want the investigative officers to investigate and arrest whoever is involved in the crime, explained Nghiiteke. This means that apparently the farmer never opened a case and that is why his report to the police went dormant and no feedback came back to him. We asked if the police usually give advice to the people who report cases but does not know the difference between OB and CR number. Nghiiteke said the police do indeed advise people on what the right choices are according to the nature of the case being reported. The farmer claims that he demanded to speak to the Regional Commander, Commissioner Nelumbu and even made an appointment with him. However, at the time of the appointment the farmer was informed that the Commissioner was not available due to other commitments.
24 MARCH 2016
Slow start for Swakopmund recycling plant Sharlien Tjambari
The Swakopmund Recycling Sorting Plant which was launched last year has not been as successful as anticipated. When the Swakopmund Sorting Plant started, the aim was to sort 60 tons per day, but according to Business Developer and Public Relations Manager of Rent-A-Drum Rohan Louw only about eight to ten tons are sorted daily. According to Louw, Rent-A-Drum erected and commissioned a state-of-the-art Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Windhoek during 2010, which was the first and only one of its kind in Namibia. This facility also included a meter long weighbridge to record volumes of recyclables received, processed and dispatched from the MRF to South Africa to be recycled into new products. The Swakopmund plant is based on this model. At the Windhoek sorting facility around 1 300 ton of waste is sorted every month. In Swakopmund the participation in the project is not very high though, with only 44.9% of households actively sorting their waste. The amount of waste has since the plants inception grown
steadily as the figures from September 2015 to February 2016 show: September 2015- 77 tons, October 2015-139 tons, November 2015142 tons, December 2015-146 tons, January 2016-150 tons and February 2016-208 tons. “In Swakopmund the Municipal Council is providing each household with an extra orange wheelie bin for household recyclables,” Louw adds. These wheelie bins are rolled out in phases by the Municipal Council. Rent-A-Drum empties these bins on the same day when the general bin is emptied by the Municipality. “At the MRF we sort the recyclables into 20 different types of commodities. Plastic alone has 11 different types of plastic commodities that rent-a-drum sorts.
Each commodity then travels to a different factory in South Africa to be recycled into raw products for other factories to buy and make new paper, cardboard boxes, glass and plastic bags to name a few,” said Louw. One type of plastic commodity is sent to Okahandja to Namibia Polymer Recyclers. Since the launch, the amount of waste that has been sorted at the Swakopmund Recycling Sorting Plant grew from 77 ton in October 2015 to 208 ton in February 2016, says Louw. Louw also said that if the community have recyclable materials they can take them to Rent-A-Drum facilities situated at the dump site. Rent-A-Drum have also been handing out flyers and had talks on different radio stations as part of raising awareness.
24 MARCH 2016
Water nog nie reg vir sardyn Foto deur Bernabè Blaauw
Die Namibiese kleinpelagiese visbedryf sal volgens alle waarskynlikheid nie na afloop van die Paasnaweek losgooi vir die 2016 sardynseisoen nie. Berigte uit dié sektor lui dat die watertoestande nog nie gunstig vir sadynvangste is nie. 'n Finale besluit sal waarskynlik eers aan die einde van volgende week gemaak word, om te sien of daar vroeg in April wel een of twee bote sal uitgaan om “die water te toets.” Die Namibiese sardynbron word sedert die negentigerjare deur die Namibiese Regering as onstabiel bestempel. Dit is enkele weke gelede weer deur die Minister van Visserye en Mariene Hulpbronne, mnr Bernhardt Esau, bevestig toe hy die visbedryf op Walvisbaai toegespreek het. Deur die werking van die Ministerie van Visserye en Mariene Hulpbronne word die sardynbron sedert 1996 met géén (1996) of baie lae jaarlikse kwotas teen verdere oorontginning beskerm. Die kleinpelagiese bedryf het 'n kwota van 14 000 metrieke ton vir die 2016 seisoen ontvang. Daarvan bly 4 000 ton in reserwe en kan alleenlik op diskresie van Minister Esau onder bestaande kwotahouers verdeel word. Die kleinpelagiese bedryf blik alle sardyn. Net die inmaakfabriek van Etosha Fishing Corporation sal waarskynlik vanjaar werk. Tradisioneel werk die inmaakfabriek van United Fishing ook, maar weens die lae kwota mag dit vanjaar dalk nie die geval wees nie. 'n Finale aankondiging daaroor word teen die einde van volgende week verwag.
24 MARCH 2016
Volatility of Rand key market fear - DBN CEO Martin Inkumbi DBN CEO Martin Inkumbi sketches out local enterprise strategies for global volatility. The current key concern for entrepreneurs, and project managers engaged in infrastructure, is the volatility of the rand. In terms of local enterprise this has an impact on US dollar denominated imports of raw materials and technology. The greatest impact is on consumer electronics, machinery and equipment, white goods and automotive categories. In the current climate, there are also excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs in the export sectors and those producing import substitutes, as well as for infrastructure. New opportunities: The best opportunities are summed up by the Growth at Home strategy, which envisages an ongoing process of import substitution. Namibian consumers have a set of needs which is determined primarily by exposure to products many of which are imported. Each imported product, particularly those that are for household consumption, represents an opportunity for a manufacturing enterprise. At present there are definite opportunities in foodstuffs and garments. The actual list is far longer. Any aspiring manufacturer should just take a walk through a local mall to spot the obvious opportunities. Development of a stronger manufacturing base goes hand in hand with the need for a stronger transport and logistics sector. As Namibian regions develop, there is a requirement for transport to those regions. Almost each month, there is a report of a new mall or retail outlet opening in one of the regions. Each of these outlets represents an opportunity to satisfy the need for transport and logistics. Tourism can be a major beneficiary of rand volatility. As the rand weakens against the USD, foreign travel becomes more expensive, so travel within Namibia becomes a better option. There is a particular opportunity to harness this during the low season. At the same time, the weakening of the rand makes Namibia a far more affordable destination during the high season. The combination of the two points to the possibility of expansion of capacity at this point. Capacity, efficiency and operating capital: DBN is typically associated with startups, however it has a strong track record of finance for expansion, and the Bank believes that in light of the op-
portunities offered by the Growth at Home approach, there are definite opportunities for expansion of capacity, particularly of existing manufacturing enterprises. Combined with this, there is also the opportunity to invest in greater efficiency to
achieve better economies of scale. This should be considered in light of the trade-off between gains in economies of scale and the cost of assets. One particular strategy may be to acquire existing plant in the SADC region to offset the USD cost of new assets.
In addition to asset finance, the Bank also has a track record of financing operating capital to give enterprises the head start that they need in start-up operations or in expanding them. Southern African trade: One of the under-explored opportu-
nities lies in the realm of trade within the SADC. As the cost of international imports, and transport and logistics mounts, the opportunity for regional trade, particularly from manufacturing enterprises, grows. The opportunities are best for existing enterprises, but start-ups can take a longer-term view as well. DBN optimism and support: The Bank is optimistic about prospects for enterprises going ahead. Although the global economy is volatile, Namibia has sound mechanisms to
protect it from the worst impacts of global down-turn, and a wealth of opportunity in the Growth at Home approach: The Bank is confident that finance for enterprise now can hold dividends for all in
DBN CEO Martin Inkumbi
the medium to longterm. It provides finance on highly favourable terms, and encourages entrepreneurs to approach it with their business plans. The Bank's doors are open to you.
24 MARCH 2016
The Metropolitan Plaza in central Walvis Bay is on fire since 16:00 Louwisa Pretorius: Di armige mense hoop shopright is The fire is believed to have started in the OK Furnishers furniture shop and has been spreading to adjacent shops which include the Crazy Store. The nearby Chicken City fast food outlet evacuated its customers. Natasha En Heinrich Swakopmund: Mag dit n les wees vir die goverment. Hoekom sit hulle nie dak spryers ini dakke van winkels,sentrums en mall's nie. As suid afrika dit kan doen kan ons ook. Ons betaal nie verniet tax op als nie. Dit sal makliker en veiliger wees vir winkels,dit spaar nie net die brandweer mense nie maar dit sal keur laat die vuur nie so groot gaan en ander winkels aansteek nie. Paulus Mwanyekele: I drove passed that building now but the fire has again developed within the sealing or so. Karin Koberzig: 2de brand in n kwessie van n maand? Wonder wie is de moer in vir die besighede? Ria Scholtz: Ons moet staan in gebed en vir ons besighede bid. Ja Elizna Harmse Neumayer jy kan weer sê......hartseer dinge gaan hier aan nie net brande. Phoibe Haihambo: This is now becoming fishy... Police must investigate deep in this fire stories Junior Philip: Hope municipal fire fighter are doing their job
ok ons mens wat min verdien koop daar. Ria Scholtz: Oooo noooo!!!! Arista Oberholster: Brand dit nog? Elizumayer: na Harmse Ne Wat gaan aan daar in Walvisbaai? Alles brand deesdae....ai dis hartseer. Renthia Kruger: O my kriek nog 'n brand by 'n besigheid in Walvisbaai? Kobus Top: I smell a rat........ Ewald Meyer: Sh#t gelukkug koop ek kos by ok groceries of spar. Selma Firstborn: Inane What's going on in walvis.
Four suspected rhino poachers in police custody Four suspected rhino poachers are in police custody in Omaruru, after they were caught red handed trying to kill two rhinos on a lodge close to Omaruru. Geraldine Jo-ann Schmid: Well done Alex and the entire ODW!!!! And happy that our Rhinos are still alive and with horns!!!!!! Again A JOB WELL DONE!! THANK U. Aileen Kane: Glad they got the poachers and that these rhinos survived and were easily helped. Poachers don't themselves even get that much. All the money goes to the king-pins. Norman D Bester: Good Job....Now make them talk....so that we can see 'who' is behind their stupid actions and the buyers.....If chinese....punish them ...then send them back where they came from please....... Gerold Nanub: plz toture them until thy confese who the actual ring leaders are and arrest them aswel, those dealers would send new poachers nxt wek. Fritz Munkelwitz: Treat others as you would like to be treated so shoot all of them twice and see what happens. Ranga Tsibeb: Justice must ensire the speedy finalisation on this case so the counterparts must know what is awaiting them Billy Katjipu: For me if it s Chinese behand these they must be jail for 20 years in our prison and not been sent back to china eto Linda Meikle: Thank God for the arrests... these scum need to be held accountable for their selfish actions!! Patricia Gladding: I'm so happy that the elephant and rhino are doing well!!! I hope the poachers get life or......death! Dino Eugene Skrywer: Well done keep it nd socu for collection of evidence . Jino Teddy Manuel: Well done. We need all this people arrested for good . Pierre Marais: WHY NOT SAVE TIME AND TAXPAYER MONEY AND JUST SHOOT THE C#$%S ON SITE? Michael Morris: Feed these f#$%g scumbags to the lions... Baz Evans Top: job guys and great to hear rhinos will be ok. Siggi Von Brandt: Yes, yes, yes. Feed them to the lions. Elvo Tau Tuna: Keep up the good work. Chris Barrington: Bury them..... ALIVE...!!!!!! Walvis Swanepoel: well done. Gianmarco Guntz: Well done !!! Valencia Viringa: Thumbs up. Chris Barrington: Very well done ODW. .. Job well done!!!! Alida Venter: Gooi sleutel weg dat hul sit. Anita Roux: Whaw..... Gr8 Alex!!!!! Richard Reid: Great news Sandra Meyer: Seker weer 500 doller borg kry Lee Wilson: Execute them!! Ernst Jantjies: Good Work
Lovers Hill luxury hotel on the shore The much-debated Lovers Hill luxury hotel development on the shore of the Walvis Bay lagoon by Chinese business mogul, Bo Wang, will not be going ahead any time soon - several sources close to the project revealed this week. Japie de Jager: Bastos had the same story for not being able to develop the land. His Spanish Government were kamma struggling and Bastos could not get financial aid. Municipality were then lenient to grant extension to Bastos. Tunino Haskell: Best "investment" anyone could have made with the right connections, N$ 405 000k and 9 years later sold for N$ 20 million ! That's an interest rate of approximately 550% per annum. What does tax payers have to say about this? Japie de Jager: Be not surprised if this Chinaman is in the process to find another purchaser for the property Some years the so called "Truckport site" next to Weighbridge also changed owners, each one making his easy bucks. And Municipality dreamt on. Walvis Swanepoel: Ja want hulle verwag ook seker die belasting betaler moe dit betaal.
MTC loses court battle A Swakopmund resident has won a landmark case in the High Court of Namibia against mobile telephone giant MTC, after the telecommunication company ended a rental agreement not only abruptly, but also against its own terms. Now MTC has to pay Siegfried Eckleben the sum of N$326,644.73, as well as various legal costs.
Mauricio Smit: Sir - I salute you! AWESOME! We as the individuals need to stand up for our rights, finally the "big guys" know we can fight back! Dionne Claassen: I do salute you! They think that they are untouchable and xan do whatever they want to! I would love to know how many other towers are in the same situation! Jessica Walters: If more people can brave the weather like this man and his lawyer. So many things would be so different. .... Gerhard Mohrmann: Ha... and then your cellphone hanset next to your brain emmits plenty times more that the tower, however at that low hight, poor deployment, serves them well Good to know one person can still win against the big guys though. Lorraine Kondombolo: Well done, big corporations like to bully and intimidate people into silence. Well done for standing your ground. Anèl Maritz: Maybe they should test radiation levels at all of their fake palm-tree towers situated in residential and school areas. Clinton Lang: Lawyers told me I had no case against ERED recently. I should not have listened to them. One person can fight a giant. Thanks for leading the way Siegfried. Elizabeth Tórsdóttir Hentze: What about the cellphone tower in the yard of a kindergarten/primary school in town? How ethical is that? Libolly L. Haufiku: I salute this man & the Judge who acted in the interest of the public. As stated by many on this post, how many of these towers are not within the vicinities of our communities? These big corporates do act at the ignorance of our population. Ignorance is dangerous & our communities are not exposed to information regarding the effects of radiation. Gerold Nanub: all those lawyers who turned him away must be kickin them selfs now, glad to some1 stood up n fought fo wht he thot was right Juané E. Swiegers: I would like to know who was the winning lawyers... Zulu Paa Endjala: You know what they say about the fight in the dog that matters over the size, well, well well! Astrid Feris: Well done to Adv. Schimming-Chase. A remarkable woman. Marsorry Ickua: Read this in the paper too, well done. André Karretjies Carstens: Give the man a Bells... Junior Philip: Give that man a wine.. Glendyrr Bailey: Dis reg so, he should have asked for more money!!! Pikanienie Von Rosenberg: Well done dear! It's not about who but what / right and wrong. Jakes Scott: Finally MTC het op sy §$*%%* gekry natuurlik gedink hulle kan maak net wat hulle wil I salute you. Robbie Thompson: Well done sir. It is about time someone stands up to these multinationals. Moses Elias Shivakola-Mberira: An injury to one, is an injury to all! Congatulations! Makhosiwonke Sibanda: Congratulations to this courageous man! Daniel Ngonyi: Thank you Sir Mr Eckleben for leading the way. Lizahn Van Wyk: Yeah man u rock!!! Richard Reid: Congratulations Seigfried, . Stefanie Reid. Bjorn SupplementGuy Schubert: You are the man! Susan Fitzpatrick: Good for you! Mwadinomo Pre-school: Speechless. Clarice Von Gille Theys: Well done! Zurema Musambani: Very well done. Peter N. W. Kewowo: Good! Anne Visagie: Goed gedoen en n voorbeeld vir almal. Ruusa Luvindao: Nice. Julio Rodriguez Gustavo: Well done. JP New-man Absalom: Good....MTC stole from me. Eric Alam: Give that a JAMESON. Marelize Vivier van Heerden: Good for you. Erina Christians: Well done Sir. Ana Messidat: Well done! Bonita Kaibes: Yes Thilo ... great soul he was. Joleen Feris: Which law firm is that? Would like to use them.
Puff Adder Swakopmund resident Devin Klein, son of prominent business man Detlef Klein, is doing well after he was bitten by a Puff Adder about two weeks ago. “Even after so many days, I still cannot wear shoes, because my foot is still too swollen,” Klein said to namib times this week. Chris Jordan: Dr Christo Buys is a fantastic docter. If I get bitten by a snake, he will be the dr to look after me. Thankful that we have him in our country a man with a heart of gold. Francois Theart: The snake responsible for the snakebite was a horned adder and not a puff adder. Anti venom should not be administered for horned adders as it is not effective. However in the case of a confirmed puff adder bite anti venom should be administered early. It is also falsely stated that cutting is standard procedure for treating snakebite with exception to zebra snakes where early surgical debridement is needed. Bradley Lil-Gee Urikhob: Why do we have to know who he is affiliated to, who's son he is . Why cant it just be a story about a boy who was bitten by whatever the hell kinda snake it is... Hybrie Hayes: Sjoe dis erg In swakop nogals Dis baie erg hoe aktief die slange is in ons gemeentskap! John Hayes Pierre Lambert Linda En John Hayes ons moet maar mooi kyk as Jp en Linn
so opi plot rondloop. Claudia De Waal: Pat Lorenz please wear your boots on the farm!!! Tell that "jerman" to do the same!!! Ogg man... Ivan Nel: I wish for you a speedy recovery. Take it easy. Amanda Fest-Visser: Wel net die gedagte daaraan sal my hart laat staan hoop jy kom gou reg. Engelhardine Naholo: Get well soon. Engel Moeky: Get well soon dear. Alex Muukua: my vader.. het slange ook horings,of wat die joos gan hier aan...dalk gemsbokie. Kobus Visser: Sterkte. Alida Venter: Koolblare op sit hy maak plek gou gesond na behandeling. Hellene Schnabel: Eina! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Jurie van Zyl: Will take some time.
24 MARCH 2016
Walvis Bay brings the spirit of Independence
Namfi personnel congratulates Namibia Wesco Salvage salutes the Namibian Nation
Independence celebrations at Tunacor
Independence celebration photo at Hangana
Kuisebmond Secondary School
Pre-Primaries cheering on the nations 26th Birthday
M+Z Motors Coastal Tel: 064 20 37 92 mzcoastal@metjeziegler.com
N$ 130 000 2012 Mazda 3 1.6 Sport Active 38 000 km
24 MARCH 2016
Metropolitan Plaza-brand laat vrese opnuut opvlam oor Walvisbaai se brandgereedheid Floris Steenkamp 'n Verwoestende brand wat Maandagmiddag 'n gedeelte van die Metropolitan Plaza inkoopsentrum op Walvisbaai in puin gelê het, het inwoners opnuut die vraag laat vra of die hawedorp se brandgereedheid op standaard is. Dit is die tweede brand in die sakekern in 'n maand se tyd, en kan nie ligtelik opgeneem word nie. Die brand het Maan- winkel en 'n aangrendag op die Dag van sende mikroleningsOnafhanklikheid om- besigheid afgebrand streeks 16:00 in die het. meubelwinkel van Walvisbaai is die hoofOK Furnishers uitge- setel van Namibië se breek. Die aangren- brandstofinvoere, ons sende Crazy Store het beskik oor 'n internaook in die slag gebly sionale lughawe, 'n en meeste van die seehawe wat in die volander winkels, waar- gende dekade in grootonder Shoprite, het te gaan verdubbel en 'n erg deurgeloop onder inwonertal wat saam hitte- en rookskade. met die dorp se groei Die winkels kon nie ook teen 'n ewe stewige Dinsdag vir sake drafstappie groter oopmaak nie, deels word. oor die skade, maar Die groot vraag word ook die feit dat die nou gevra: wat is die plek onder water was wedstrydplan waarmee waar die brandweer Walvisbaai sy nooddie vlamme beveg het. dienste wil groei, ten Daar was ook nie einde te verhoed dat die elektrisiteit nie. Shop- dorp se vermoë om rite het 'n dapper rampe af te weer stadipoging aangewend ger as die ekonomieseom oop te maak, maar en inwoner groei is? het later die dag Hoewel daar ander aangekondig dat dit nood in die dorp kan nie so maklik gaan o n t w i k k e l , i s d i e wees nie. grootste kommer branS k a a r s ' n m a a n d de. gelede is 'n gebou op Lede van die gemeendie hoek van Hage skappe van Langstrand Geingob Straat en en Dolfynpark het en14de Weg in puin gelê, kele weke gelede komwaartydens die Fas- mer uitgespreek dat die hion World klere- brandweerdiens “dun
uitgesprei” is, en 'n brand in dié woonbuurte kan in 'n grootskaalse tragedie lei indien die brandweerdiens nie oor genoeg brandweervoertuie en 'n korter reaksietyd be-skik nie. Aldus die segsman van die Walvisbaai munisipaliteit, mnr Kevin Adams, word daar elke jaar deur middle van die dorpsbegroting gesorg vir die verbetering
van die van die brandweerdiens. Daar word vanjaar tydens die 2016/2017 begrotingsjaar voorsiening gemaak vir 'n bykomende
brandweerstasie in Kuisebmond se Tutaleni-buurt, waar die oorgrote meerderheid van inwoners in plakkershuise woon. 'n Brandweerstasie in hierdie woonbuurt sal nooddienste nader aan hierdie minder-bevoorregtes bied. Plakkershutte word in meeste gevalle van hoogs brandbare material gebou wat verwoestende brande in minute kan laat ontstaan. Dit is ongelukkig ook so dat ander faktore hierby aansluit wat onwettige
elektriese verbindings insluit en die gebruik van kerse, lanterns en gas wat baie maklik brande laat ontstaan indien voorsorg nie getref word nie. Daar word ook vanjaar voortgegaan met die aanstelling van meer permanente brandweerbeamptes en die kapasiteit word ook vergroot deur meer toerusting aan te koop. Wanneer 'n brandweerstasie vir die noordelike voorstede opgerig gaan word, is op hierdie stadium in beginsel
op die tafel, maar wan-neer daarvoor begroot sal word, is onduidelik. Tog, het Adams ook verduidelik moet in-woners ook daarop let dat beide Namport en die Namibia Airports Company deeglike brandweerdienste in plek het. Saam met d i e Wa l v i s b a a i s e brandweerdiens verbind hierdie instansies hul ook tot die ontwikkeling en opgradering van hul dienste om tred te hou met groei.
24 MARCH 2016
Youth unites through outdoor sports and fun Sharlien Tjambari
St Saviours Anglican Church Narraville
Easter Services: Thursday 24.03 W Friday
25.03 R/B 11:00
According to Junior Mayor Tanya Knuffel, the Junior Council organises the beach day every year to unite the youth of Swakopmund by outdoor playing and fun. The activities that were on the line-up were volleyball, soccer and the fun walk. BFC won the soccer and took the first place while Moto 10 was in second place. Shaka FC was third. Puma Volleyball Club took the first place and Beach Rats and Desert Warriors Volleyball Clubs took joint second place as their game ended in a draw.
Saturday 26.03 W
HOLY SATURDAY - The Easter Vigil Service
27.03 W
The Junior Council of Swakopmund once again had their annual beach day at the Mole and like all the previous years, the attendance and participation was amazing.
M+Z Motors Coastal Tel: 064 20 37 92 mzcoastal@metjeziegler.com
N$ 329 995 2012 Nissan Navara 4.0 M/T 4x4 87 000km
24 MARCH 2016
Wakaaahhh.......Ahoi! WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month: Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Saturday: Braaivleis at MOTH Centre. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Centre. * 1 April: Poetic Healing presents Poet versus Poet at 18:30 for 19:00. at Splush Lounge, Walvis Bay (Next to Casa Mia Hotel). * 1 April: NPS Movie Night. * 2 April: Vlooimark aangebied deur Gereformeerde Kerk - Moth terrein regoor WoermannBrock. S Vermaak tel: 202020. * 2 April: Canoe Combat and Festival at the Lagoon. * 5 April: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Volle Evangelie Kerk, Narraville. * 13 April: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. * 24 April: MOTH Parade at Trekkopje. * 29 & 30 April: Ring of Fire MC Bike Rally. Ruk & Pluk day jol Rally by Atlantis Sportklub. * 3 Mei: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by A.M.E. Kuisebmond. * 11 May: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. * 7 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by My Fathers House. * 8 June: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. * 24 June: Mr & Miss NPS. * 1 July: NPS Fun Day. *5 Julie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Evangeliese Sending Kerk, Narraville. * 15 Sept: NPS Matric Tea. * 1 Oct: NPS Festival Day. * 12 Oct: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. * 20 & 21 Oct: NPS Prize-giving Ceremony. * 9 Nov: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. * 11 Nov: NPS Grade 7 Farewell. ***************
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * 24 April: Sunday Market at the Green Center (behind the Snake Park), 5 Libertine Amathila Ave from 09:00-13:00. Contact 081 69 29 072.
The annual Walvis Bay Karneval (WAKA) was celebrated over the weekend drawing crowds of people from across Namibia to the Atlantis Sport Klub, the host of this highlight on the Walvis Bay social calendar. Festivities included a float procession on Saturday, preceded by the Children’s Karneval and the crowning of the Prince and Princess of WAKA 2016, Prinzessin Anja I vom Paukeramt (Visagie) and Prinz Konrad I der Bierlover. (Hinz)
Princess Anja and Prince Konrad greet the public during the float procession
24 MARCH 2016
LITURGICAL SERVICES: Roman Catholic Churches, Walvis Bay
EASTER 2016 Kindly take note that there will be no morning Mass on Wednesday 23 March at St Peter's, Narraville 24 March THURSDAY HOLY THURSDAY (Movie/Video on Christ's Passion to be shown before Mass starting at 17h15 at St Peter's) 18h00 Mass (Stella Maris) 18h30 Mass (St Peter's) 18h30 Mass (Good Shepherd) 25 March
(The way of the Cross procession will take place at 10h00 in the morning at St Peter's and Good Shepherd) 15h00 15h00 15h00 26 March
27 March
3 April
Service – Commemoration of Christ's death (Stella Maris) (Holy Hour/silence before the service) Service – Commemoration of Christ's death (St Peter's) (Holy Hour/silence before the service) Service – Commemoration of Christ's death (Good Shepherd) (Holy Hour/silence before the service)
EASTER VIGIL – The Lord's Resurrection
18h00 17h30 21h00
Mass (Stella Maris) Mass (Good Shepherd) Mass (St Peter's)
SUNDAY 07h30 08h00 09h30 09h30 SUNDAY 07h30 08h00 09h30 09h30
EASTER SUNDAY – The Lord's Resurrection Service (Good Shepherd) Mass (Stella Maris) Service (St Peter's) Mass (Good Shepherd) 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER – Divine Mercy Sunday Mass (Good Shepherd) Mass (Stella Maris) Mass (St Peter's) Service (Good Shepherd)
24 MARCH 2016
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Afrikareise der Familie Mette 6. und letzte Episode 14. Februar 1953 Kurz vor Mittag hielt Vater plötzlich an, holte eine Flasche Sekt aus der Kiste und schenkte jedem von uns ein bisschen in unsere Tassen ein. Prost allesamt, jetzt sind wir in "Südwestafrika." Nun werden wir bald unsere Wahlheimat erreichen. 18. Februar 1953 Heute nun geht es von Windhoek nach Okahandja, wo wir in Zukunft wohnen werden. Da es dieses Jahr sehr gut geregnet hatte, war alles herrlich grün. Die Feldblumen standen in voller Pracht, die Morgensterne blühten und sahen wie Butterblumen aus. Alle Riviere liefen in voller Breite...riesige Termitenhügel ragten wie Zeigefinger in den Himmel. Jetzt während der Regenzeit schießen die Pilze so groß wie Teller und so schmackhaft wie Champions, genannt Omajovas, am Fuße des Hügels in die Höhe...ab und zu begegneten uns auch Eselskarren, vollbeladen mit Kind und Kegel . Nach einer guten Stunde erreichten wir Okahandja,...unsere zukünftige Heimat. Familie Eberhard Schmidt, wo ich als Babysitterin und Hausmädchen tätig sein werde, zeigte uns unser zukünftiges Heim. Die Böden wa-
ren mit rotem Bohnerwachs poliert...der Garten war ein kahles Grundstück, wo das Plumpskloo ganz im h i n t e r s t e n Wi n k e l stand...es stand noch ein aus Kohle gebauter, sg. Eisschrank, oder besser gesagt Kühler da, worin wir unsere verderblichen Esswaren unterbringen konnten. Jeden Montag in der Früh wurde der Kübel vom Plupskloo von der Stadtverwaltung geleert, und wenn man da gerade thronte, konnte es passieren, daß dieser einem unter dem Hintern weggezogen wurde. Einmal in der Woche kam unsere Waschfrau Emilie, eine Herero-
Hand auf Herz! Liebe Küstenleser! Ja, ja, ich weiss, es war viel los am vergangenen Wochenende: Vortrag im Museum, Mascatokonzert in der Kulturaula, Whiskyfest im Dom, Ausschlafen am Unabhängigkeitstag... Trotzdem schade, dass am Freitag Abend nur etwa 60 Besucher an den vom Vorstand der Kunstvereinigung lie-
ihrer ganzen Schlichtheit und Ehrlichkeit: die Schweriner Sängerin im schwarzen Kleid, die füllige Haarpracht streng nach hinten gebändigt, um ein offenes Gesicht mit völlig unprätentiöser Mimik zur Schau zu stellen; der russische Anton in schwarzer Hose und türkisfarbenem Hemd mit ver-
Daisy Siebeck lebt heute als 80-Jährige mit ihrem Mann stets in Windhoek und spielt noch immer das Akkordeon . Fotos: Privat! verrechnet wurde. Also erhielt ich keinen Cent. Zum Glück hatte Vater mit ihnen keinen Vertrag abgeschlossen, so konnte ich nach kurzer
zum Tanz auf und verdienten nebenbei ein paar Groschen, die dann in unsere gemeinsame Kasse kamen, womit unsere Ausflüge bezahlt wurden. .. Jahre später wurde der Okahandja Sportklub von Emil Weiß und seiner Frau gegründet, dessen Mitglieder sich einmal in der Woche im Hotel Tückmantel trafen, wo auch ich sehr aktiv dabei war. Am 7. September 1957 fand der erste Wettkampf mit den Windhoekern statt. Es wurde ein großer Erfolg für die "Okahandjoten". Viele Wettkämpfe folgten noch, bis ich dann nach Windhoek zog und bei Ernst Holtz im Bekleidungsgeschäft anfing. Aus war die schöne Zeit mit all den Freunden, aber auch in Windhoek fand ich schnell Anschluß....” ENDE (Ein Dank geht hier an Annemarie und Athol McLean, die die Verbindung mit Daisy Mette (Siebeck) her-
Christuskirche und Reiterdenkmal in den 50iger Jahren. frau, die dann im Zeit kündigen und fing Garten unter dem im Store bei Boysen Baum in einer großen und Wulff als LehrWanne unsere Wäsche mädchen an... wusch und wenn tro- Es gefiel uns sehr gut in cken, gleich mit einem Okahandja...Mit der Kohlebügeleisen bü- Zeit ergab es sich, daß eine Kapelle gegründet gelte. Bei Familie Schmidt wurde mit Hanjörg verdiente ich acht Hoffmann am Klavier, Pound im Monat, was Gert Hoth oder Rudi dann mit der Miete Braun am Schlagzeug, Jost von Dewitz auf der Gitarre, Rosemarie Wucher, Heidi Hoffmann, Alwin und ich Strandperlen mit dem Akkordeon. Die Strandperlen sind eine lustige Truppe Oft spielten wir im Ort nicht mehr ganz jung, doch mit Salz in der Suppe, sind männlich und weiblich mit Perlenglanz, reihen sich auf an der Mauer und liegen ganz wünscht Ihnen friedlich, diskutieren das Tagesgeschehen: Susann Kinghorn; Habt ihr das schon gehört, habt ihr jenes Tel. 405183 oder gesehen? 0812538850; Nie gibt es Streit, das wär’ auch nicht klug, Email: susannkinghorn denn davon gibt’s auf der Welt schon genug. Wir woll’n nur das Meer und die Sonne @gmail.com genießen, jeden Geburtstag mit Sekt begießen und dann geht’s hinein in die Fluten, die blauen, auf’s Thermometer wollen wir gar nicht schauen, ob warm oder kalt, das ist ganz egal, wir wollen nur schwimmen, und das vielemal: im Sommer, im Winter und jederzeit, zum Sport an der Mole sind wir immer bereit. Das hält uns gesund und gibt uns Schwung seht uns doch an, wir sind alle noch jung!!! Drum wünschen wir uns, dass es so bleibt in Freundschaft vereint für noch sehr lange Zeit. Gedicht von der Strandperle Sonei Rom zum 10. Jubiläum der Strandperlen Swakopmund
Worte der Woche
Locker vom Hocker
Frohe Ostern
Jana Kühn wurde 1983 in Nauen geboren und absolvierte ein Schauspielstudium an der Theaterakademie in Zinnowitz. Optimal verbindet sie ihre zwei Leidenschaften und ist seit einigen Jahren als freiberufliche Schauspielerin und Sängerin in Deutschland unterwegs. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn bevoll gedeckten Tischen im Haus der Jugend saßen. Das lag wahrscheinlich auch daran, dass etwas spät für die Vorstellung von ,Hand auf Herz’ geworben wurde. Ich kann Ihnen allerdings sagen, dass Jana Kühn aus Schwerin und Anton Kryukov aus Kasachstan zumindest dieser kleinen Zuhörerschaft einen unvergesslichen Abend bescherten, dank Francois Harz, der dieses Duo nach Namibia lockte. Und im Grunde genommen passte diese kleine Gruppe von Konzertgängern zur intimen Atmosphäre der Vorstellung. Vor dem olivgrünen Vorhang standen sie in
Matrose’, dann wieder passioniert in dem slawischen Gebet, melancholisch in der Hildegard-Knef-Version von Jaques Brels ,Amsterdam’ und rauchig-tief in der deutschen Übersetzung von Edith Piafs ,Der Akkordeonist’. Und immer unverfälscht, klar, ohne Firlefanz! Dazu die perlende, virtuose Musik des charmanten Russen am Instrument der Melancholie. Kein Wunder, dass sich das seit drei Jahren existierende Ensemble ,Hand auf Herz’ nennt, denn die Welt der Emotionen legt es erfrischend ehrlich auf den Tisch bzw. die Bühnenbretter. Deshalb geht ihre Musik so unter die Haut, dringt bis in die tiefste Tiefe jeder Pore. Das begeisterte Publikum liess auch nach zwei Zugaben nicht locker. Dabei war gerade das Schlusslied
Der 1977 geborene Anton Kryukov studierte Bajan und Klavier an der Akademie der Künste in Voronezh (Zentralrussland). Nach seinem Abschluss als Diplommusiker im Jahr 2001 war er u.a. Bajanist im Marinemusikcorps Kaliningrad, bis er sich im April 2006 als Berufsmusiker in Berlin niederließ. klärt-verträumtem Blick hinter dem Bajan bzw. dem russischen Knopfakkordeon. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn die beiden Künstler auch privat ein Paar sind, denn es knisterte geradezu auf der Bühne. Gefühle und Leidenschaften waren in Blicken und Handbewegungen erkenntlich. Und dann diese Stimme von Jana: mal erzählend, wie in Götz Alsmanns ,Es war ein Mädchen und ein
sooo schön: ,,Lass uns bitte, bitte beide romantisch sein, komm, volle Kanne Kerzenschein, fahren wir mit der Vespa mitten in der Nacht zu den Gärten von Sanssouci und brechen dort ein...ein Abend voller Poesie, volle Kanne Hölderlin und ich tanze mit dir in den Himmel hinein...” Ihre romantisch durch das Leben taumelnde Susann Kinghorn
24 MARCH 2016
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Swakopmunder Strandperlen sind über 1000 Jahre alt Swakopmund (sk) Ob Sommer oder Winter, sie treffen sich jeden Mittag im weichen Strandsand an der Mole, plaudern über die neusten Neuigkeiten und lassen sich die Küstensonne auf die ohnehin schon gut durchgebräunte Haut brennen. Sie trotzen nicht nur dem Wetter, sondern auch den Wellen, denn die Krönung ihres geselligen Treffens ist das Eintauchen ins Molebecken. Ja, richtig geraten! Die Rede ist von den Swakopmunder Strandperlen, die vor einer Woche ihr zehntes Jubiläum bei einem deftigen Frühstück im Wild Rocket-Cafè feierten. Die 18 Senioren und Seniorinnen aus Namibia, Deutschland und Österreich sind gemeinsam 1402 Jahre alt. Nesthäkchen ist Hedwig Steinbrück mit 67 und ältestes Mitglied Erna Tameling, die mit ihren 92 Jahren keineswegs das Schwimmen durch das
Forschen Schrittes läuft die 92jährige Erna Tameling an der Mole gen Meer. Den Stock benutzt sie nur deshalb, weil sie vor vielen Jahren eine Hüftoperation hatte. merkt man an der Art, aus Hamburg, die Nawie sie miteinander mibia, wie alle euroumgehen. Rücksichts- päischen Strandperlen, voll wird Erna von regelmäßig einen Bezwei Strandperlen an such abstatten, genieder Hand gehalten, ßen nicht nur den gedamit sie von der une- schützten Strandplatz benen Stelle, wo die an der warmen MoWellen sich brechen, lenmauer, sondern sicher in dem etwas ru- auch die kostenlosen higeren Gewässer hin- P r e s s e m e l d u n g e n : ter dem Atlantiksaum ,,Hier wird man über landet, um dort frei das aktuelle Tagesgeschwimmen zu kön- schehen informiert.”
so...” Meike Neubrech fügt hinzu: ,,Wir sind eine lebende Litfaßsäule.” Ihr Mann Jochen wirft ein: ,,Wir wollen uns aber nicht mit Säulen vergleichen.” Und er betont, was die Strandperlen außerdem zusammenschweißt: ,,Wir haben alle eine Leidenschaft: das Schwimmen und das Faulenzen!” Ihren Namen erhielten die Strandperlen übrigens von Hermann Peperkorn, und den Strandperlen ist es wichtig, dass sie nicht mit dem Krampfadergeschwader verwechselt werden. Das sind die anderen, die sich
V.l.: Hermann Peperkorn, der sich jährlich über die Sommermonate in Namibia aufhält; Franz Nonekamp aus Berlin, der sich das Treffen mit seinen Strandkumpels trotz seiner Parkinson-Erkrankung nicht nehmen läss, und Gretel Frommelt, die immer knusprig braun gebrannt in Erscheinung tritt. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn wig-Holstein. Seine ich mich gesellte, die zweite Heimat ist Swa- mittags schwimmen kopmund...schon al- ging. Wir wollten nicht lein wegen der Strand- die Grufties oder Fosperlen! sies genannt werden, Wolfgang Neubrech und weil die aus dem erinnert sich an die Altersheim meist älteAnfänge: ,, Mir wurde re Damen waren, wurin den 90er Jahren de daraus das Krampfbeim Schwimmen an adergeschwader. Da der Mole Handtuch, wir öfter eine Kette Hose und Sandalen ge- bilden, wenn wir ins stohlen. Daraufhin leg- Meer gehen, hat das te ich meine Strand- Hermann sicherlich an sachen bei älteren Da- eine Perlenkette erinmen ab, die sich an der nert. Und so wurden Mauer sonnten. All- wir 2006 offiziell die mählich entstanden Strandperlen.” zwei Schwimmgrup- So manch eine jugendHermann Peperkorn (rechts) und Jens Rabe pen daraus, eine aus liche Sofakartoffel helfen Erna Tameling über die erste Hürde den Altersheimen, die kann sich an den sich morgens vor 7 Uhr Strandperlen ein Beihinweg. traf, die andere, zu der spiel nehmen. am Strand aalen! Es ist tatsächlich so, dass die Beine der Strandperlen frei von Krampfadern sind. Nicht nur das! Unsere männlichen und weiblichen Badenixe(n) könnten glattweg an einem Wettbewerb der attraktivsten Seniorenbeine teilnehmen. Namensgeber Hermann Peperkorn lebt mit seiner Lebensgefährtin Margarete (Gretel) Frommelt in Schenefeld in Schles-
Von links: Jens Rabe, Hedwig Steinbrück, Gisela Meyer-Ohlendorf (Mo), Peter Steinbrück und Gisela Rabe vor dem Strandhotel. nen. “Ja,” ereifert sich Loni Molebecken scheut. Die Atmosphäre bei von Dewitz, ,,zum Man kann fast von der Feier des zehnjähBeispiel über Renteneinem Stelldichein der rigen Bestehens war erneuerungen und Strandperlen spreinnig und familiär. chen, denn ein Hauch von Romantik hängt ,,Am Dienstag müssen ihnen an. Neulich wur- wir leider schon wieder de der 70. Geburtstag feiern, nämlich meinen von Bernd Schlag am Abschied”, kündigt Strand gemeinsam ge- Karin Vetter unter allfeiert. Der Jubilar liess gemeinem Gelächter die Sektkorken fliegen an. Karin Vetter kommt und verteilte leckere aus Würzburg und Ferrero-Schokolade. fliegt wieder in die Es herrschte eine aus- Heimat zurück. Sie ergelassene Stimmung zählt, dass die Strandund man ging richtig perlen manchmal eine liebevoll miteinander Kette bilden, wenn die um. ,,Im Alter muss Meerestemperaturen man Freunde haben”, sehr kalt sind. ,,Da gibt meint Jochen Neu- es dann für keinen ein brech, ,,und die haben Entkommen, und wenn Die 92jährige Erna Tameling erfreut sich wir hier.” Loni von De- einer fällt, dann fallen bester Gesundheit und schwört auf Bewewitz fügt hinzu: ,,Wir alle.” Gibt es ein schö- gung: ,,Morgens noch im Bett liegend können uns aufein- neres Bild für die tiefe mache ich meine Übungen, die ich dann ander verlassen, und Freundschaft, die die beim Aufstehen fortsetze. Manchmal habe Strandperlen miteinandas ist so schön.” ich keine Lust, aber ich sage mir: wenn du der verbindet? Dass die Strandperlen erst aufhörst, ist es vorbei!” gute Freunde sind, Jens und Gisela Rabe
Von links: Jochen Neubrech, Bernd Schlag, Meike Neubrech, Loni von Dewitz und Irmgard Dietz stoßen gerade am Molenstrand auf Bernd Schlags 70. Geburtstag an
M+Z Motors Coastal Tel: 064 20 37 92 mzcoastal@metjeziegler.com N$ 229 995 2013 Jeep Patriot 4x4 39 000km
24 MARCH 2016
24 MARCH 2016
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day-Care Centre) ON ERF: 2186 TOWNSHIP: Town Central, Walvis Bay STREET: Union Street 65. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Day Care Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 4 April 2016. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): C C van der Merwe, P O Box 2431, Walvis Bay
Expanding our footprint in the horse mackerel industry, this exciting opportunity has arisen for an energetic Namibian citizen to join our proudly Namibian operation. Atlantic Pacific Fishing (Pty) Ltd is seeking to fill this vacancy that exist in their Management Company.
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Key Performance Areas 1. Prepare monthly management accounts 2. Prepare year-end audit file and packs 3. Ensure compliance with GAAP 4. Manage all section of the financial accounting section 5. Cash flow management 6. Budgeting & Forecast 7. Review of general ledger reconciliations 8. Statutory reporting 9. VAT administration 10. Fixed Assets administration 11. Short term Risk Management 12. Liaison with MFMR 13. Implementing Finance and Administration policies 14. Working with all departments and management team to assist in making financial decisions Requirements 1. B.Com degree 2. 5 years' experience in Finance 3. Knowledge of Accpac will be an advantage 4. Preference will be given to applicants familiar to the fishing industry 5. Computer Literate and Microsoft office knowledge and experience 6. Fluent in English, both oral and written 7. Code B Driver's Licence 8. Ability to work as part of a team 9. Namibian Citizen & previous disadvantaged persons encouraged to apply In return the company offers a market related remuneration package, including pension and medical aid based on the applicant's qualifications and experience. If you have the skills and experience relevant to the position, please submit on or before 24 March 2016 your resume to info@apfishing.com. Alternative hand deliver at the company office at Erf 2347, 10th Street East, Industrial Area, Walvis Bay. Please note only short listed candidates will be contacted and CV's will only be returned on request.
24 MARCH 2016
INDONGO TOYOTA WALVIS BAY LAUNCH OF ALL NEW HILUX Indongo Toyota in Walvis Bay held a fun day behind Dune 7 to introduce the new Hilux range to the public. Invited guests were able to test drive the new V6, 2.8 L and 2.4 L 4x4’s as well as the new Single Cab and Extra Cab. The day was a well organised event with cool drinks and hot dogs for all and prospective buyers were keen to take the vehicles on offer for a test drive in the dunes and through the obstacle course. If you did not get a chance to test drive the new Hilux then hurry to Indongo Toyota Walvis Bay today.
Taking the vehicles through their paces in the obstacle course
IS HERE Contact our Sales Team now !! Book your New 2016 Hilux at Indongo Toyota Walvis Bay !!! Hilux S/Cab, Hilux D/Cab, Hilux Xtra Cab
Gawan Esterhuizen
Eddie Bamm
Hendrik Johannes
Monique Van Wyk
Cell: 081 128 8737
Cell: 081 6032561
Cell: 081 1482529
Cell: 081 211 1328
(Tel) 064 203561 Walvis Bay e-mail:d.els@indongotoyota.com
24 MARCH 2016
The new 2.4 litre GD6 powered Toyota Hilux derivatives deliver a strong punch and complete the task at hand effortlessly, reaching the end goal with seeming ease and transporting the team to the winner's circle . Upgraded Outputs The focal point of the new "mid-range" 2.4 litre Global Diesel (GD) engines are undoubtedly their impressive power and torque outputs. The new engine bows in to replace the previously employed 2.5 litre D-4D, and brings with it a vast range of improvements in performance, refinement and fuel efficiency. Retaining the proven DOHC 16 valve, inline 4-cylinder architecture, the new engines bring with a number of advancements under the skin. Two iterations of the 2.4 litre mill are offered, with the standard version delivering 110 kW and 343 Nm between 1400 and 2800 rpm. This represents a 35 kW increase versus the old m o d e l ( 4 6 % improvement), and a colossal 143 Nm increase in torque (72% improvement). The high-output version receives a boost in torque to 400 Nm, available from 1600 2000 rpm, constituting a 53% increase in tractive force. These significant improvements in output allow the new Hilux to punch above its weight. Grade Alignment As part of the overall grade strategy of the new Hilux line-up, "mid-grade" engines are paired with "midgrade" specification packages, in order to provide maximum value to the customer and align the overall package with the requirements of the target market.
Slick Transmissions Forming the link between the advanced new engines and the driven wheels, are allnew slick 5 - and 6speed transmissions. Workhorse models are equipped with a rugged 5-speed manual transmission with the SRX versions receiving a slick-shifting 6-speed manual. The new transmissions help make the make the most of the 2.4 litre engine's power delivery and provide an effortless drive with carefully spaced gear ratios. SRX models equipped with the 6-speed trans-
mission proudly sport the '2.4 GD-6' moniker on the fender, whilst workhorse models omit the 6 in their nomenclature, to denote the fitment of a 5-speed cog swapper. Outstanding Fuel Economy The 2.4 GD engines also deliver superb fuel efficiency, with the 2WD 'Raised Body' double-cab variant using a meagre 7.1 litres per 100 km. A raft of improvements in engine design, culminate to produce a powerplant that offers exceptional performance,
WALVIS BAY N$ 399 900 2014 Ford Ranger 3.2 D/Cab XLT 4x4 6 AT 60 000 km White
N$ 329 900 2012 Ford Ranger 3.2 XLT D/Cab 4x4 MT 88 000 km Canopy, Blue
N$ 369 900 2013 Ford Ranger 3.2 XLT D/Cab 4x4 AT 98 000 km Silver
N$ 409 900 2014 Ford Ranger 3.2 D/Cab 4x4 XLT 6 A/T 48 500 km Silver
* Factory Warranty on all vehicles * Extended Warranty available on all vehicles Phone William 081 270 9541 Patrick 081 831 6851 Office 064 203411 walvisdp@novelmo.com.na
efficiency and refinement. Power to Pull Utilising the impressive torque delivery, the new Hilux 2.4 models also hold their own in the 'tractor pulling' contest. Single-cab workhorse models receive an increase of 500 kg to 2500 kg, while the 2.4 GD-6 'Raised Body' derivatives have received a boost by 250kg to offer an impressive 2750 kg towing capability. The 2.4 GD-6 4x4 derivatives lay claim to a stout 3200 kg capacity across all three bodyshapes.
Test driving the new Hilux 2.4 GD-6 in the dunes
M+Z Motors Coastal Tel: 064 20 37 92 mzcoastal@metjeziegler.com
N$ 199 995 2013 Nissan Juke 1.6 Turbo 33 000 km
Top five tips for a safer Easter Journey It is that time of year again when friends and families are planning to embark on their long awaited Easter holiday. Tiger Wheel & Tyre have put together their top five tips for your safety before you head off on your journey. 1. Before you leave on your journey Before beginning a long drive always ensure you get enough sleep the night before. Make sure to do a quick inspection of the car before leaving the house, make sure the tyres are properly inflated and all fluids are at their proper levels. Don't forget you can get your tyres and batteries checked at any Tiger Wheel & Tyre. 2. Assemble a road safety kit Whether your journey is a long or short one, it pays to be prepared for any emergency. Make sure you have the following items in your car in case you run into some difficulty; a first aid kit, a flashlight, basic tools and your locknut key, if you have one, a reflective triangle, your car manual, jumper cables, a charged cell phone and cell phone charger. Also remember to pack a detailed map of your route, as technology is not always reliable! 3. Always be prepared to change a tyre Every driver of a vehicle should know how to change a tyre. Unfortunately this is not always the case in Southern Africa and stopping to help someone in trouble has become a safety issue and not many people are willing to do it. Therefore it is highly recommended that you sign up for roadside assistance before long journeys. Rather sit and wait for help then get out of your vehicle and risk your safety, especially at night. 4. Practice defensive driving We all know that prevention is better than a cure, so it is wise to practice defensive driving. This basically means to avoid drinking and driving, avoid driving when tired or drowsy, follow the three-car rule whereby you should keep a distance of three cars between you and the car in front of you, drive more carefully in bad weather and avoid getting into confrontations with other drivers on the road. Also remember to pull over and take breaks every couple of hours, it may not feel necessary but it is imperative to break your concentration every so often. Also if you can, share the driving responsibilities with someone else. 5. Have a list of all necessary contacts Other than the Namibian Police emergency number 081 485 0954 which can be dialed from any cell phone, you should also know the numbers for your insurance company and roadside assistance. Make sure you have your membership numbers available and it is a good idea to keep a written list of all this information in case your cell phone battery dies. And a last tip that should go without saying, make sure everyone in the car buckles up!
Happy Easter
20 NAMIB TIMES FOR SALE: Walvis Bay, Central Nicster Court 2 bedroom flat with full bathroom in secure complex Open plan fitted kitchen to lounge & 1 garage. Walking distance from all amenities. Monthly levies applicable. 1 year rental agreement. N$ 8 00 000.00 selling price Contact Kennedy or Lynette: 081 288 2189 081 233 7640 Industrial Erf Walvisbay for sale Industrial Erf Ext 12 for sale 2987m² corner of Langer Heinrich / Trekopje N$ 4,500,000-00 Contact 081 127 5211
24 MARCH 2016 Walvis Bay Lagoon, FOR SALE 2 Bedroom lovely flat with air cone in main bedroom, bathroom, study, nicely fitted kitchen and 2 garages. Rental revenue of N$ 5500.00, Walking distance to the Lagoon N$834600.00. Contact us at 081 788 9269 Imobilien Angebote 1 x Schlafzimmer Wohnung 70m² mit Hol Terasse 30m² Gegenüber von Indongo Guest House in Swakopmund zu Verkaufen N$1,500,000 VHB Kein Agent Kontakt : Gustav 081 129 2918 Erf for Sale Arandis 5825m² x 2 o.a. Contact 081 552 1135
For Sale Naraville, Walvisbay ! 3bedroom house, ! lounge, kitchen ! outside building ! N$ 900 000.00 We are urgently looking for houses to sell & let we have qualified international and local clients. All these properties are immediately available viewing can be secured on strictly appointments during office hours Mondays to Fridays. Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995
TO RENT SWAKOPMUND Luxury apartment in Duenenweg18 Green-White-Tiled Building ! 3 bedrooms !2 bathrooms !open-plan living/dining area !Spacious Kitchen !Double Garage !Sea View from balcony and 3 rooms !Lift. N$12,500 per month !Contact 081 244 4418 TO RENT: 5x Big bedrooms to rent Hot water BIC available N$ 3 000.00 N$ 2 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 255 5272 08 1484 8471 Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond
Warehouse and office space 445m² to let in Walvis Bay at Factory st Park as from 1 April 2016. Contact Charmaine Tel. 064 221343 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flats Walvis Bay, furnished or unfurnished Very neat two bedrooms, cupboards, open plan kitchen with stove. Shower and bath. Braai. Alarm. Lock up garage. Remote gate. Prepaid electricity. Water excluded. DSTV. Sorry no pets. Available from April. Price on request. Contact: 081 250 4694 203 342
TO RENT: 23 Marlyn Cresent W/Bay Beautiful secure rooms with ensuites, DSTV, free WIFI, pool, secure parking Contact: 081 743 0808 207 529 081 149 7372 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat, open plan living area. Private entrance. W/E incl. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposit neg. Contact: 081 848 6214 OFFICE TO LET Available 1 May 2016 100 m² 8 500.00 p/m Walvis Bay Contact: 0817128571 or email dirkvr@iway.na
Mays Trading CC For Sale Narraville, Walvis Bay, N$1,150 million Spacious and secure and neat 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen ,dining room ,lounge, Double garage ,outside braai , interlocks. Corner property. Walvis Bay, Double storey House, N$1,550 mil Central, close to spar and schools, 3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Fitted kitchen, lounge, dining room . Tandem garage &garden. Walvis Bay, Meersig, erf, N$ 750 000 Erf size 870 m². Flats for Sale,Walvis Bay CENTRAL – N$ 720 000.00 1 bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge , 1 garage, court yard. CENTRAL – WALVIS BAY N$ 790 000 Edelweiss Heights Hermes. Modern and new 1 bedroom flat ,1Bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge with under roof parking. CENTRAL – WALVIS BAY N$ 810 000 Edelweiss Heights Hermes. Modern and new 2bedroom flat ,1Bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge with garage. Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay 595.000 Affordable, spacious Brand new complex 32 units, 2 bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen sectional title units, (only a few left) Walvis Bay Fairways Townhouses (New development) N$ 910 000.00 Townhouses 2bedroom Bathroom Kitchen lounge garage(Only 5 town houses to be built in this complex) Brick making business, N$9 mil Walvis Bay, 4200m² Newly built office space Boundary walls Large brick making machine included(property in private name) Light industrial erf N$ 5,390 Million Light industrialWeighbridge 3472m² We are urgently looking for houses and properties to sell. Contact: Tracey 081 302 3806 Mounien 081 860 1938 mickeymays@iway.na FLAT TO RENT: New NHE houses Kuisebmond Tutaleni Uukuangwa Str One bedroom flat kitchen, toilet & shower with hot water. Dst Disc Water incl. Pre paid electricity N$ 3 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Contact: 081 392 8175 081 220 6677 TO RENT: Narraville near the entrance of Narraville Bachelors flat. Very private and clean. N$ 3 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 500.00 W/E incl. Available immediately. Contact: 081 288 1482
24 MARCH 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
KIDS: Kiddies Farm Kindergarten Enjoy Independence with their finest traditional clothes. They say that they love Namibia. They also decided that they are going to eat nothing but traditional food. Contact: 081 257 0082
Breinbeserings / Beroete Is jy moedeloos en raadop omdat jy nie die nodige tyd, kennis en geduld het nie? Ek kan help met jare se ondervinding, genoeg geduld en liefde om dit vir jou makliker te maak. Kontak Ellen by 081 208 0390
NO JOBS BIG OR SMALL @ Joecrusher Consultants You may consult us for all niche and major home jobs from: -Casual cleaning up of your house and yard -Assisting with the general cleaning up before and after functions -Thorough cleaning up of windows -All kind of renovations on disintegrating walls and surfaces -Painting, tilling and plumbing -All electrical installations and repairs Just Call us on 081 809 0313 / 081 734 6906 / 081 356 5666
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr Lovemore Banda The Old Man Walvis Bay, Now Oupa Ben Banda, specializing in various problems and diseases... lost lovers to come back. Protection of houses and bodies from witch craft, removal of any type of bad luck, complicated of court cases, binding your lover to be yours only. Promotion at work, to get a new job, win contracts, to have more power during sex. Pregnancy problems, all types of diseases except HIV. Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life. Your life will never regret. Contact: Oupa Ben Banda 081 764 6937 Consultation fee is N$100.00.
DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs Geysers/Drainage/Pipe work New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing & Building Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541
VEHICLE ASSIST No Queues, No Stress !NaTis Consultant ! Vehicle Service ! Russst Proofing Contact Angelo: 081 498 6051 Email: via.namibia@gmail.com
Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund HL Mass Every Saturday 18:00
NAIL TRAINING SNT Offer a high quality nail training 3 days training N$ 1 500.00 with full kit & certificate UV machine incl. Start your business upon completing the course. We sell all colour gel and clear gel and nail products We do nails too. Book your space now! Quality at its best! Contact: 081 233 2893
Announcement to all ECD Owners The Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare is busy conducting a baseline survey on all ECD Centres in the region. And would like to kindly request ECD Centres owners whose centres have not been surveyed to date to please call Ms T. Dishena on 064 - 462 580 or 081 143 4805 for arrangements. The survey ends on 31 March 2016
EDUCATION Lindley Education Presents High School Math and Accounting Extra Classes Grade 8-12 WE DO OUR BEST TO MAKE SURE KIDS PASS THE TEST happytohelp@lindleyed ucation.com 081 497 2195
Vir enige gebed wat u nodig het 24-uur per dag 7 Dae per week Kontak: PETRUS KLEIN 081 417 5441
HAIR/BEAUTY NOW OPEN ! Planet Salon Narraville Opposite Erongo Red For all your hair do’s contact Chenice: 081 447 8785 Like my facebook page: Love is in the hair by Chenice Hair products available. Oil based perfumes at affordable prices!!
HAIR/BEAUTY PPT & BEAUTY CENTER IN HAIR LOUNGE Walvis Bay Walvis & Swakop now We sell 100% virgin Brazilian hair & Indian Wear wholesale & retail. Place your order now. Nail training N$ 1 200.00 Eyelashes training N$ 700.00 We also offer make up training kits &certificate included. Takes 4 days. Manicure overlay gel N$ 100.00 Special every Monday and Thursday Pedicure gel N$ 70.00 Eyelashes N$ 100.00 Eyebrow tint & shape N$ 50.00 Call Betty: 081 605 9205 064 221 940 NAILS Biosculpture technician in training Gel overlays N$ 160.00 Toe gel overlays N$ 120.00 Tips/sculptures N$ 250.00 Soak off N$ 50.00 Contact: 081 848 6214
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experience mothertongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685
RENTAL Car Rental ! For affordable Car ! Rentals in Namibia ! Book Now! ! Daily Rate: ! N$500.00 ! Requirements: ! ID & Lisence Contact 081 363 8950 081 363 8951 Erf no 568 Helao Str Mondesa Swakopmund Email: htsinvest@gmail.com
SERVICES Renovations Big or Small, Painting, Welding, plumbing, Build-In Cupboards, Cleaning Service, Tiling Call 081 836 6038
DUH AZIZI BANDA Very powerful young African Traditional Doctor in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Expert in: Calling back lost lovers Fortune telling Lucky charms Helps you get a job Business matters Customer attraction Protection of property Heals diseases like asthma, epilepsy, sugar diabetes, madness, mental disorder, pregnancy, complicated cases. Call him on appointment and treatment. 081 740 7321 DAKKE DAKKE DAKKE Hoekom verf ?? laat ons vir u spuitverf en weer nuut laat lyk. Verskeie kleure om van te kies, billike pryse. Alle werk gewaarborg. Gratis kwotasies in Walvisbaai en Swakopmund. Skakel: 081 293 8162 081 279 9771 DR MISOYA Traditional Doctor Old Malawian man is in Namibia for the first time Specializing in problems and diseases. Removal of bad luck, lost over to come back in 4 days. Removal of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover to be yours only Job and promotions Wining tenders and contracts To write of debts Pregnancy problems Projection of houses and body from witchcraft Rejuvinate mens power during weak erection Gambling, penis enlargement All types of diseases. We don't try “but we just do it” Contact the Old man: 081 359 9319 Do you need someone in Swakopmund looking after you house, garden and pets while you are on holiday? Please contact 081 223 0053 081 277 4229
Wanakale business Consultant cc Silver Package 1000-00 -Company registration - social security -Income tax - Consent letter Gold Package N$ 1600-00 - company registration - social security - Income tax - Sme Certificate - Affirmative action - Consent letter - Good standings WE ALSO DO CIF N$ 500 BEE N$ 1500 PTY N$ 5000 NGO N$ 5500 Church N$ 5000 Work permits Study permit Visas Visit our office at BPI House, 1st floor, office 101, Independence Ave. Or alternately contact us at 061 225 797 / 081 125 251 email:wanakalecc14 @gmail.com
KAISHA INVESTMENTS CC PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS Undertaken to all domestic and industrial swing yard and sliding gate motors and garage doors. Contact: 081 665 8181 Josef Driving School in Swakopmund We offer Driving Lessons for N$ 90 per hour or pay more than 10 hours and get one hour free. N$ 200.00 for NaTis test Professional, friendly and patient instructor Failing is not an option Contact 081 418 3595
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR. CHIMBO ANNAN. For the first time he is here in Walvis Bay (Namport) with very powerful medicine for any type of problems: Did you know that problems has an expiry date? This is your time to finish up your problems. Dr. Chimbo is challenging for penis enlargement, to win casino, love problems, to get a new job promotion, wife/husband to be yours alone, bring back lost lover, clean out bad luck, to be liked with people, to win serious court cases, protec-tion of witches, to win tenders and many more... Contact 081 305 2058 you will never regret with Dr.Chimbo BP & Diabetes welcome.... STARTING A NEW BUSINESS?? Contact Tonga Accounting Services today for this business start up package for only N$ 1 500.00 Just 8 working days saving you time, energy and queues! The package includes: CC registration Accountant consent letter Income tax certificate Social security certificate Good standing certificates We also assist with: Business Plans Draft Company Profiles Financial statements Cash flow projections Financial Literacy Training Contact us on 081 147 0875 send us an email at finance.tonga@yahoo. com We also work on weekends. Hurry while offer is still valid
EAS Garage Door & Aluminium Centre Cell: 081 243 3469 Anton Salpeter asalpater@mweb.com.na New Industrial Area No 2 Coastal Industrial Park Please give us a call for any Aluminium & Garage door needs.
Traditional Doctor Mama Fatima Mama Fatima she is here to help you with problem like ! pregnancy ! job ! bring back lost lover ! man power ! protection on family ! house and your’ body ! marriage problems ! Business ! take away bad luck ! virgin tightening ! court cases ! with real traditional medicine just call Mama Fatima 081 363 2967 PRINCE SOLOMON Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Love spell all relationship problems Manhood (enlargement & sperm booster) Financial problem Pregnancy problem Customer attraction Remove evil spirits Stop drinking Court cases Find work soon Wash away bad luck Call or whatsapp 081 831 2285 and facebook Prince Solomon Do you experience Labour Issues? Kindly Contact Heidi Rossouw Legal Office for expert labour advise in the following: ·Conciliation / Arbitration;· Labour advise; ·Employment Equity report / Affirmative Action; ·NEEEF / BEE Certificate for tender purposes; ·Draft of Contracts; ·Improvement of HR department; ·Recruitment; ·Training courses in HR and Management ·Liquor licenses. ·Registration of CC & Pty Ltd For further detail do not hesitate to contact our office: Heidi Rossouw Tel: 064-220 280/220-282 Fax no: 064-220-283 Cell No: 081 254 8142 Email: rossouwlaw@iway.na
PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
24 MARCH 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
SECRET FRIEND CLUB Boys and girls between 16 and 18. If you are a devoted Christian and wants to help other people with problems, please join our club and help us to better the lives of many people in Walvis Bay. Send us an e-mail with your details: sfcwb@namibwolkie.co m or visit our website : www.sfcwb.namibwolki e.com
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR OUPA KHOROMANA Your old Doctor is back from Malawi is asking new and old customers to come with their problems. Such as: removal of bad luck, lost lovers to come back, court cases, to be released from prison, to write off debts, wining tenders & contracts business attraction, to be married to a man of your choice. Binding marriage, treatment of epilepsy, pregnancy problems, removal of tokoloshes, jobs promotions, gambling, penis enlargement, Mens power booster, stopping continuos menstruation and many more complicated problems. “Its your time now” Contact Oupa Kohoromana: 081 374 7039
DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs Geysers/Drainage/Pipe work New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing & Building Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541
NAIL FREAKS Real strong, real you! Professional nail care and design: * Acrylic nails * fills * nail designs * nail art Contact: Nadia 081 637 8598, No 15 1st Str. North Meersig MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. * Installation of geyser timer and programing *plumbing services, water leakage on tapes, toilet leakages and blockages All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.
TO RENT: Bachelor flat, Walvis Bay 172, Theo Ben Gurirab at a block of 7 flats Very neat and sunny bachelor flat for single person. Lots of cupboards. Kitchen with stove. Bathroom (shower) Lock up garage. Spacious courtyard with remote gate. Alarm. Pre paid electricity. Water excl. Sorry no pets. Available from 1 April N$ 3 500.00 p/m Plus deposit Contact Ina: 081 250 4694 064 203 342 TO RENT: Walvis Bay 2 bedroom with cupboards, open plan sitting room and kitchen. Bathroom, small courtyard. No garage. Available from 1 April. N$ 5 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 4 000.00 in two month installment W/E incl. Please call: 081 376 2436 064 220 948 In Town and walking distance to shops and Duneside School. TO RENT: Walvis Bay Hannahs Cottages Sam Nujoma Ave 216 Modern 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen, lounge, stove and dishwasher incl. Plenty cupboards. 1 garage and space at the back. Blinds, tv dish, g4s + water incl. Pre paid electricity. No animals. Strict selection Quiet complex. No noise allowed. Rent: N$ 6 100.00 p/m Plus deposit. Available from 1 May 2016. Longterm lease NO LOUD NOISE ALLOWED Contact Hannah: 081 124 2151 TO RENT: Bachelor flat, Kuisebmond 1x bedroom 1x open plan kitchen and lounge 1x own shower + toilet W/E incl. Hot water Contact: 081 868 0686 081 719 5022 Urgent Note: Leave message and i will revert back ASAP.
TO RENT: Narraville, Meeu Street Erf 3153 Features: 4 bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, two shoers/toilets, with garage. Newly built cupboards in secure area. House available as from the 30th till the 31st March 2016. Viewing available as from 26 March until the 29 March. N$ 7 500.00 p/m Contact Booysen: 081 263 1747 Sophie: 081 293 7011 Kenneth: 081 436 9688
To Let Mondesa Hada ma /hao court ! Flats 1bedroom, ! bathroom, ! kitchen with (bic) in room and kitchen ranging from ! N$ 3500 -4000.00 ! W/L Incl ! 1person /young couple Lapaloma flats no 1 Bachelor flats ! N$ 2000.00 W/L Incl ! 1person Jabulani Bachelor flat ! N$ 3450.00 W/L Incl ! 1person Mahetago ! Outside room with bathroom ! N$ 2200.00 W/L Incl ! 1person Bachelor flat ! N$ 2500.00 W/L Incl ! 1person
Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 Swakop Central to Rent ! 3 Bedroom House ! 2 Bathrooms ! centraly close to Spar ! have seaview ! Busy renovating ! Ready May 2016 ! N$ 11,500.00 ! Call 081 275 7080 !064 400 280
Flat to Rent - Mondesa Woermann Brock Swakopmund ! 3 Bedroom Flat to rent ! Available from 20.03.2016 ! N$ 4000.00 per month !N$4000.00 deposito !water included !and Pre-paid Electricity Contact 081 280 0147
Walvisbay Sentraal Te Huur Ruim eenslaapkamer woonstel met oopplan kombuis, stoof, ingeboude kaste en garage. Verkieslik vir een persoon met sober gewoontes. N$4,500.00 per maand vooruitbetaalbaar en deposito van N$4,500.00 Beskikbaar vanaf 1 April 2016 Skakel 081 627 7462
Walvis Bay
RAAI WAT?? Ek doen sign writing, Vinyl letters op venters. T-shirt printing. Contact: 081 764 3606
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
Family House House to Rent Swakop Large Family House ! 5 bedrooms ! 3 bathrooms ! 2 Sitting Room ! 1 Dinning Room ! 1 Kitchen with B/I BBQ ! 1 Scullery ! 1 Laundry ! 1 Guest Toilet ! 1 Guest Room + Shower ! 3 Garage ! Large erf ! Beautiful Garden !Contact Reinette ! 081 293 7107
TO LET Fairways – 1 bedr flat bic, available immediately N$4 410.00 (W/E incl) Lagoon – Bachelor flat, furnished with garage, available immediately – N$5 445.00 (Water incl) Pre Paid Electricity Meersig – Bachelor flat, garage, avail. imm. N$4 000.00 (W/E incl) Town – 2 Bedr flat, newly built, under roof parking N$6050 (W/E excluded) Narraville – 1 bedr flat no garage, avail. imm. N$3 740.00 (W/E incl) Meersig Ext 1 – 3 Bedr House, double garage, 2 rooms en-suite, outside braai area, modern kitchen
avail. 1. April – N$11 000 (w/e) excluded Langstrand 3 bedr house 2 Bedr flat (Optional G4S and DSTV – extra cost), tenant allowed to sublet flat
N$17 050.00 furnished N$15 400.00 unfurnished (W/E excluded) Meersig – 3 Bedr (Bic), 2 bathr, guest toilet down stairs, open plan dining/ kitchen and living area, big yard, pet friendly, blinds and burglar bars, alarm avail 1 April 2016 N$13 200.00 (w/e excl.) Contact our Agents: Magdel 081-358-8745 Lana 081-350-1827 Tel: 280 600
Walvis Bay
TO LET WAREHOUSES & OFFICES Building 312m² under roof topposite Police Station, 3 Small Offices, Store Room, Changing Rooms, Toilets, Visitors Parking – N$42 000.00 (NO VAT) Huge warehouse in old industrial area Erf Size 2120m², Building 1100m² avail 1 April N$53 660.13 Warehouse 300m² with yard of +-180m² – N$16 500.00 (Vat Incl) Yard to Rent 1300m² – N$14 300.00 (Vat Incl) Warehouse of 300m² with yard of 1300m² N$29 400.00 (Vat Incl) Warehouse(7) 250m² with office N$11 000.00 (incl Vat) Warehouse (8) 250m² with office – N$11 000.00 (Incl Vat) Offices in Meersig (De Waterkant) – N$6 050.00 (Pre Paid Electricity) Offices in Meersig (De Waterkant) – N$4 807.00 (Pre Paid Electricity) Office space to rent behind Welwitchia Hospital – N$5 400.00 (Alarm System and Burglar Bars) Contact our Agents: Magdel 081-358-8745 Lana 081-350-1827 Tel: 280 600
To Rent - Mondesa near Woermann Brock ! 3 Bedroom ! 1 Bathroom ! Open plan Kitchen/ ! Livingroom ! Scullery ! 1 Garage ! N$6,500.00 per month ! plus deposito ! Electricity is Prepaid ! Water Excluded ! Amalia Schimdt 081 128 9672 Flat to Rent Swakopmund Ocean view Ext 23 Newly build ! 2 bedroom flat ! Build-In Cupboards ! Single Garage ! Pre-paid Electricity ! Rent N$ 6,000.00 ! Deposito of N$6,000.00 required ! Water and 1 day cleaner included. Please Contact 081 878 7822
COMPUTER SERVICES Repairs, Upgrades or virus removals Call Etienne at 081 898 3102
MALHERBE & SONS MOTORS Major & Lube Services Brake & Clutch repairs Shock absorbers Engine Overhauls Steering & suspension repairs Competitive rates Import vehicles welcome Free quotations Francios: 081 661 9447 Cois: 081 661 9445 Email: malherbeandsons motors@gmail.com
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
TO RENT; Walvis Bay, Edelweiss Height 2x bedroom aparment with built in cupboards & stove. With alarm and secure under roof parking. No pets. Pre paid electricity, water excl. N$ 5 200.00 p/m Available from 1April Contact: 081 125 5288
WC CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 211 6686 064-205470
KUS RENOVATIONS Call: 081 560 0292 Henk: Renovations of buildings Electrical works Gate motors / electrical Roof sealing Sealings Wooden palasides Plumbing work Tiling / painting Welding work, gates + doors Carports for cars Any small work is not too small Walvis Bay only
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO LET KUISEBMUND Bachelor flats water and electricity incl. @ N$2000 p.m. FAIRWAYS 2 bedr flat with single garage @ N$6000 p.m. CENTRAL BEHIND OLD AGE HOME 2 Bedr unit with single garage @ N$5990 p.m. 3 Bedroom unit, single garage @ N$6500 p.m. LAGOON VERY MODERN 4 Bedroom house with garages for 3 cars @ N$14500
Dianne 081 239 6323
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE, MAHETAGO ! 3bedrooms, ! 2bedrooms ! Kitchen bic , ! Spacious Lounge, ! TV room, ! double garages, Plus: ! One bachelor flat N$1.49mil VINETA: ! 3bedrooms, ! 2bedrooms ! Kitchen, ! Lounge, ! Laundry ! Single Garage
N$1.7mil TAMARISKIA EXT 3 ! 3bedrooms. ! 2bathrooms ! Kitchen bic with stove !Lounge, ! Double Garage ! Plus 2bedroom ! flat bathroom ! open-plan kitchen and single garage N$1.9mil ARANDIS: ! Good Investment: ! 2bedrooms, bathroom, ! open-plan kitchen ! Plus: 2flats ! with 2bedrooms, bathroom, ! Open-plan kitchen each, Generate monthly income N$ 6900.00 per month, N$500 000.00 Malakia 081 297 7253, Email: malakiaproperties @yahoo.com
24 MARCH 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE, MAHETAGO ! 3bedrooms, ! 2bedrooms ! Kitchen bic, Spacious Lounge, TV room, ! double garages, ! Plus: One bachelor flat N$1.49mil VINETA: 3bedrooms, ! 2bedrooms ! Kitchen, Lounge, Laundry, Single Garage N$1.7mil TAMARISKIA EXT 3 ! 3bedrooms. ! 2bathrooms ! Kitchen bic with stove ! Lounge, ! Double Garage ! Plus 2bedroom flat bathroom ! open-plan kitchen and single garage N$1.9mil ARANDIS: ! Good Investment: ! 2bedrooms, bathroom, ! open-plan kitchen ! Plus: 2flats ! with 2bedrooms, ! bathroom, ! Open-plan ! Kitchen each, Generate monthly income ! N$ 6900.00 per month, ! N$500 000.00 Malakia 081 297 7253, Email: malakiaproperties @yahoo.com PROPERTY IS WEALTH PROPERTY IS WEALTH PROPERTY IS WEALTH PROPERTY IS WEALTH PROPERTY
Walvis Bay
FOR SALE Walvis bay- for the beginner!!! Cosy free standing house on 640m²-consisting of two bedrooms, open plan lounge and kitchen, bathroom and garage!!! N$ 1 185 000.00 Kuisebmond2 houses on one plotperfect investment 3 bedrooms, open plan lounge and kitchen, bathroom and garage 2 bedroom house, open plan lounge/kitchen, bathroom and garage N$950 000.00 Kuisebmond-Looking for accommodation for your employees? This one is perfect! Offering 4 bedrooms, each one with en-suite, lounge, kitchen, under roof parking 4 cars N$985 000.00 Narraville- Ideal Investment Offering 2 x 2 spacious two bedroom flats with open plan lounge/kitchen, bathroom. Very spacious main house consisting of 3 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, dinning, entrance, two bathrooms, separate toilet Flats income N$ 8000.00 Selling price N$1, 650 000.00 Call me at 081 270 4333 Or office 280 600
BUILD YOUR DREAMS AT THE COAST! Are you searching for a RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE builder to build your dream home or your Townhouse project? (Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and Swakopmund). Look no further. Call Jaco Steyn at 0811700576 for a meeting discuss your needs and your plans as well as the affordable quotation. References in Place. I will show you finished projects and make your new home a reality! “JACO STEYN – THE BUILDER YOU CAN TRUST – PLEASE CALL 0811700576 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO DISCUSS YOUR DREAM HOME”
Accommodation available for : I am looking for a single lady : To share a two bedroom flat in Naraville It's an open plan kitchen with build in cupboards, built- in stove , remote control gate and own back yard. Preferably a single lady with sober habits Price:N$2800.00 per month(Water & Electricity included) Available immediately . Viewing can be done after 19H00 from Monday to Friday Contact:0812476596/081 2058203
FOR SALE: 2olo foton minibus for sale Six seater, leather interior, sun roof and manual for N$ 50 000.00 Contact: 081 262 2820
PROPERTIES WANTED Property Wanted Urgent Cash Buyer looking for a free standing house in Swakopmund price range 300-450K in Swakopmund price range 300-450K Urgent Cash Buyer looking for a residential erf to buy in Swakopmund Contact 081 391 7680 WANTED: House to buy N$ 1.5 mil CASH No agents Anywhere in Town. Contact: 081 127 6112 Property Wanted To Rent Swakopmund Flatlet Urgently Required Young mother and young son urgently looking for a flatlet from 1st March 2016 with a little garden. They have a puppy and a lovely cat. Cn pay N$4,500.00 incl lights and water. Barbara 081 656 2619
ACCOMMODATION Daily Accomodation HTS Daily Accomodation “Come Experience Your New Home Away From Home” ! Newly built fully furnished apartments and Family units available daily in Swakopmund ! Single Room N$350.00 [1 adult] ! Double Room N$450.00 [2 adults] ! Family Room N$650.00 [2 adults & 2 kids] Contact: 081 363 8950 081 363 8951
CARS For Sale
CLASSIC FOR SALE Mercedes Benz 230S Automatic Fin-tail Classic 1967 Model Fully refurbished. Mint condition N$ 279,000.00 neg. Contact 081 127 4446 or mail@tassi.biz
For Sale VW Golf 1.4 2005 Model with A/C N$ 53,000.00 neg Contact 081 127 4446 or mail mail@tassi.biz FOR SALE TOYOTA HILUX 2.2 D/Cab 4x4 Petrol, 1992 Model Long range tank, high-lift jack, AC, 2x spare wheel, Ironman awning N$ 134,000.00 neg. Contact 081 127 4446 or mail@tassi.biz
CAR FOR SALE 2014 VW Polo sedan, 1.4 Comfortline 45'600km , good as new, Armored tint. N$160'000 neg Contact: 081 321 3964
ANIMALS Miniatuur Worshondjies 4 Miniatuur Worshondjies soek huis Tel 081 285 7316 prys N$1,000.00 elk
FOR SALE: Ps3, 500 GB Includes console + 6 games all for N$ 2 500.00 Computer Core i3 500 GB hard drive 2 gig ram Only N$ 1 800.00 Dell laptop Core i5, 250 GB hard drive 6 Gig ram Only N$ 4 900.00 Contact Theo: 081 677 3835 FOR SALE; Beekman Canopy for Mitsibushi Colf DC Fits year model 1999 2008 Good condition N$ 7 000.00 Windnets new 1,2m x 3m N$ 380,00 Contat: 081 263 2814 Te Koop GoKart Splinternuut Kontak my by 081 625 9561 064 463 809
GOODS FOR SALE Piano For Sale Ludwig-Meister N$20,000.00 o.a Call 081 247 4924 COMPOST Compost based on kelp with 10 other ingredients. Ideal for our coastal gardens. Available at the Saturday morning market in Swakopmund at WILD ROCKET CAFE 08:30 - 12:00 or on 20th March at GREEN MARKET in Swakopmund behind the SNAKE PARK 09:00 - 13:00 as from N$35 to N$150 Contact 081 127 5442
CRAZY SALE 2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
FOR SALE: Printers 2x Ricoh Aficio MP 2852 SP Colour printers N$ 30 000.00 each 1x Ricoh Aficio SP 8100 DN Black and White printer (ideal for schools) N$ 20 000.00 Contact: 081 270 7766
WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n hardwerkende vrou 43 jaar en is op soek na huiswerk. Dorp. Kontak: 081 666 2073
I am 35 years old looking for any domestic work, in Swakopmund Walvisbay and Langstrand for 3 days in a week and office cleaning for 2 days in a week. I have an experience in cleaning, washing and ironing. I can also baby sitting. I ám reliable and trustworthy. I can start any time. My contact number 081 232 6866
TE KOOP: Dubbel bed met matras. N$ 3 500.00 Kontak: 081 625 9561 FOR SALE Italian Wash-basin [lux] Ceramic Mirror Crystal Chandeliers Murano Ceiling Lamp Konferenz Table 12 sit Office Desk Div Doors Hall Cabinet [pine] call 081 495 7860
GARDENING FOR SALE COMPOST Compost based on kelp with 10 other ingredients. Ideal for our coastal gardens. Available at the Saturday morning market in Swakopmund at WILD ROCKET CAFE 08:30 - 12:00 or on 20th March at GREEN MARKET in Swakopmund behind the SNAKE PARK 09:00 - 13:00 as from N$35 to N$150 Contact 081 127 5442
WANTED WANTED: Stationery bicycle in good condition rated for at least 120 kg. Call or SMS 0811247687. GOLD GOLD GOLD We buy gold for cash, even if its broken We operate in Walvis Bay, Arandis and Henties Bay Contact: 081 344 3794 081 613 2647 We are available 24/7
VACANCIES Magic and Jumbo Discounters is op soek na n Kasier. Dame moet Gr12 het. 2 jaar Ondervinding vereis. Kliente diens op top vlak. Stuur CV aan:magicjumbohr@g mail.com Vacancy Swakopmund Driver / assistant needed at magic Car Wash Theo Ben Guirab Str Swakopmund Application forms at reception of Car Wash position will suit Non-Smokers
JOB WANTED: A 22 year old girl is looking for work in Walvis Bay. Cleaning offices, domestic work, laundry and working in a take away. Respectful and can start immediately. Contact: 081 268 8258 JOB WANTED: Ek is ‘n 42 jarige vrou baie hardwerkend en betroubaar. Op soek na huiswerk vir 5 dae per week. Doen carework at Mechelle group trucks. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 745 8210 JOB WANTED: Am a 27 year old looking for general work in Walvis Bay. Very humble and respectful. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 464 6236 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 40 jarige dame op soek na stryk of huishulp werk. Ek is op soek vir 2 of 3 dae. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 209 1700 JOB WANTED: Am a 30 year old looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Cleaning, washing and babysitting. Have 4 years experience, hardworking and trustworthy. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 662 0445 081 431 3712 JOB WANTED: I am a code 10 license holder with its valid PDP. Im urgently looking for a taxi to drive in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 308 0756 JOB WANTED: A young lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Must be at the following places: Narraville, Lagoon, Meersig or Kuisebmond. Can start as soon as possible. Have grade 12 and has experience. Contact: 081 755 6413 DOREEN: Op soek na 2 of 3 dae huiswerk of strykwerk in Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Rook en drink nie. Met verwysings. Kontak: 081 684 2065
Looking for Employment 2 [two] Qualified Fitter Machinists [mechanical] looking for Employment Ready to start immediately Both have vast experience in the mining and manufacturing industries Average of 15 years experience. Contact : + 264 81 395 1657 + 264 81 281 7146 Ek is Marcella ‘n hardwerkende vrou. Ek soek werk in Swakop of Langstrand. Net vir 2 dae in die week huiswerk. Dinsdag of Donderdag asseblief kontak my op 081 622 5161 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 38 jarige vrou op soek na kantoor skoon maak werk of huiswerk in die Dorp, Meersig, Langstrand of Dolfyn strand. Baie netjies en betroubaar, rook of drink nie. Kan enige tyd begin. Vyf dae ‘n week. Kontak: 081 869 1204 JOB WANTED: I am looking for work a s a driver. Walvis Bay and Swakop or delivering cars abroad. Having a valid passport. Contact: 081 229 4154 BIOLA: I am a 26 year old lady. Holding and Advanced Diploma in Banking, finance and Credit. Looking for any job related, internship or work as a cashier. Just to gain experience. Contact: 081 201 7209
VACANCIES ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC WALVIS BAY We are looking for young, energetic and quick learning personnel at of Walvis Bay Office as: ! Armed Response Officers (Drivers License a must for at least 6 months old) ! Control Room Operators (Alarms) ! Technician (Alarm) *Must have experience in IDS, Paradox and NX ! Guards (Grade 10 or 1 year experience) -All applicants must be Namibian citizens or have permanent residency. -If you have experience or want to explore and grow in the security industry kindly forward your full cv to The Operations Manager via email or hand deliver. opsmanager@security.c om.na or guards@security.com.n a No faxed CV's will be accepted.
VACANCY Busy Brains is looking for an assistant. Must preferably have child development skills or must have worked with children. Aged between 20 -30 years of age. References are a requirement. Further information, contact Caryne 081 146 3398
PLAAS VOORMAN GESOEK ERONGO *Namibiese burger of geldige werkspermit. *Geldige bestuurderslisensie. *Standerd 8 / Graad 10 geslaag. *Afrikaanssprekend kennis van Engels en etniese tale `n aanwins. *Geen skoolgaande kinders nie afgesonderd! *Ondervinding van bees - bok - skaap wild - lusern toerisme boerdery. Pos aansoek na Die Bestuurder, Posbus 235 Omaruru, met Nampost Koerier koste sal met ontvangs vereffen word. Volledige CV word verlang en moet vergesel wees van oorspronklike gesertifiseerde afskrifte van ID, alle Opvoedkundige kwalifikasies verkry asook drie vorige werksverwysings met kontak besonderhede. Jou beweegrede vir aansoek.
24 MARCH 2016
24 MARCH 2016
John (Tjoepers) Yon Memorial Services: FRIDAY: 25/3/2016, 19:00 Volle Evangelie Kerk Narraville Funeral: SATURDAY: 26/3/2016, To my wonderful father 08:00: Malva Street 29 You have been there for me, no matter what bad choices I might have made... You lovingly repaired my broken spirit, helped me plot a new course, and set me free to fly on my own once again. Narraville There is no greater love than that. You will always be special to me, and no matter where 09:00: Lewende Water Volle life takes me, I’ll remember you with love. Boelie Evangelie Kerk Liefste Pappa, M y liewe man, Pa was ons steunpilaar, ons vriend, ons mentor, Mammie se beste maatjie en TOWN 34 jaar gelede het jy vir my gesê dat as ek jou
sielsgenoot. Woorde kan nie ons seer en verlies beskryf nie... Die dood van ‘n geliefde soos Pa is soos om ‘n ledemaat te verloor...nou moet ons leer loop sonder daardie ledemaat, en dit voel amper onmoontlik. Maar ons sal vashou aan al die mooi herinneringe, die stories, die sêgoedjies, die koggelnaampies, en ook Pa se waardes en onvoorwaardelike liefde. In Pappa se stille, Tjoepie-manier, het Pa oral in ons lewens Pa se unieke vingerafdruk gelos. Ons is oneindig lief vir Pappa en ons ontmoet weer eendag wanneer Jesus ons kom haal. Rus sag by Jesus, Pappa. Dis ‘n welverdiende rus. Met oneindige liefde, dankbaarheid en respek. Nanu, John Joe en Joshua (Smiley)
Liefste Pappa, Ons mis jou reeds in soveel verskeie maniere. Jou stoel is leeg. Jou stem is stil. Pappa, jy het diepe, diepe spore in ons lewens getrap. Spore van liefde,‘n voorbeeld van nederigheid en hardwerkenheid. Jy was die beste ooit. Die lewe sal nooit weer dieselfde wees sonder jou nie. Maar ons neem jou lewenswaardes en pragtige menswees met ons saam op ons lewenspad. Ons onthou jou geselstyd, rugbytyd, braaityd, kerktyd en reistyd. Ons onthou jou altyd en koester al die “Tjoepieloepieherhinneringe.” Dankie Pappa, dankie. Jy was ‘n Pa duisend. Ons lief jou altyd en verewig. Alucius, Olivia en Aleah (jou Rosie)
aanvaar soos jy is, jy jou hande vir my sal stukkend werk. Jy het jou belofte behou tot die einde toe. Vandag lê jy met stukkende hande in jou kis. Dankie, my man, vir jou sorg, jou liefde en beskerming. Jy was vir my ‘n wonderlike man. Ek gaan jou raad en kameraadskap só baie mis. Jy laat ‘n leemte wat niemand kan vul nie. Ek is oneindig lief vir jou. Dankie vir alles,my man. Rus sag in Jesus Hande. Jou vrou, Liesie (Ounooi)
Aan ons liewe Pappa Ons was en is nogsteeds verskriklik lief vir Pa. Ons Hemelse Vader het Pa se tyd uitgesit en ons is dankbaar vir Sy genade, want Pa is saam met Hom in die hemel. Psalm 115:12. Van Ricardo, Dessie, Jaydon en Nyelah Cloete Liewe Pa Vandat Pa ons verlaat het, brand ‘n seer diep in my binneste, maar ek gun ‘n nuwe lewe vir Pa. Pa se liggaam is nou weer heel en gesond! Pa is nie meer hier in lewende lywe, maar vir altyd in ons harte. Ek dink almal wat vandag hier sit weet dat Pa soms nie die maklikste mens was nie. Hardkoppig met ‘n eie wil wat geen mens kon verander nie. ‘n Glimlag kom lê op my lippe as ek aan Pa se hardkoppigheid dink, want dit is wat Pa so uniek gemaak het. Dankie dat pa die een was wat my help vorm het in die vrou en moeder wat ek vandag is. Pa het my baie lewenslesse geleer. Ek troos myself daarin dat dit beter is waar Pa nou is, sonder pyn op ‘n plek van eweige rus en vrede. Ek gun jou die rus my Pa. Baie liefde, Palomy In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still, in our hearts you hold a place, no one else will ever fill. Willem, Palomy, Jiame and Welu For all these years I knew a man and what a man he was, and now the Lord has taken that man away from me. Boetie Silent thoughts of Kairos Times hold memories that will last forever and ever. Edward, Quinta, Casey, Lythia, Edward Jnr & John Yon
Deepest Condolences to Liesie Yon and children with the sudden death of our beloved brother & uncle Joseph (Tjoepers) Yon May his soul rest in eternal pease. “Those we hold closes to our heart never truly leave us” Margie, Vivette, Marijke & Catlin Liese & Children May the memories held deep inside your heart help you to comfort you. You are in our prayers. With deepest sympathy, Max Benade and Benade family May his soul rest in peace. We firmly believe that God will accept him with open arms for all the good he has done while he was on this earth. With love from your sister Zizzie, children, grand children & great grand children. Pretoria Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life. John 3:16 With love from your sister Lala, kids & grand children To Liesie and children To comfort you “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John. 14:27 We cannot understand why things happen as they do. But it is comforting to know God will take care of you. Marie & Children Fond memories still linger always. Johnnyboy, Karen & kinders Tenderly may time heal your sorrow. Gently may friends ease your pain. Softly may peace replace heartaches and may warmest memories remain. With love from Sharon Solomon, Michael & Elizma Roodt Met mooi herhinneringe sê ons totsiens aan uncle Tjoepers. Ons gun u die rus. Hannes & Erica & kinders No One Can Know No one can know just what you’ve lost; no one can understand the cost; but when you feel your energy drain, please count on us to help ease your pain. Let us help you cope with grief, we hope with time you’ll feel relief. We can’t replace the one who’s gone, but let our concern help you carry on. Jo-Anne Roodt
To Auntie Liesie and children In life we loved you dearly. In death, ever so more. It broke our hearts to lose you and part of us went with you the day God called you home. A lonely home, and empty chair, someone missing everywhere, Dear Lord Jesus, hear my prayer: care for Mom (Liesie) Again our family chain is broken, with tender care.” Spanneberg families van Namibië en Suid Afrika and nothing seems the same. Liewe Oupa But God calls us one by one, and Oupa se erfenis sal altyd voortleef in my. Woorde kan nie my diepe waardering en dankbaarheid aan Oupa beskryf vir alles the chain will link again. wat Oupa vir my gedoen het nie. Until then, may God hold you in the Oupa was my mentor en my leermeester. Oupa se voorbeeld sal my altyd leiding gee en ek sal alles onthou wat palm of His hand. Oupa my geleer het. Ek is baie lief vir Oupa en ek sal al ons spesiale tye saam koester. Rus sag, met liefde, Casey Yon Darren, Alicia and Aiden Australia
It is sad to walk the road alone, instead of side by side but to all there comes a moment when the ways of life divide. You gave me tears of happiness, then came sorrow and tears,but you left me beautiful memories I will treasure through the years. Boetie, Ludine en seun
24 MARCH 2016 VACANCY Creditors Clerk Seanam Fishing * Permanent Skilled Level position * Walvis Bay, Namibia * Market Related Basic Salary * Medical Aid & 13th Cheque Our company is looking for a well presented creditors clerk to join the team; candidate must be able to start immediately. Requirements * 5 years' experience in accounting field (accounts payable processing & reconciliations, human resources - salaries, PAYE returns & reconciliations, VAT & import VAT returns & reconciliations) * Grade 12 * Diploma or Degree in accounting * will be required to work overtime when needed * Own transport * Good work ethics & special attention to finer details * Clear criminal record * MS word, excel and proficiency in QuickBooks Please send C.V's to admin@namfish.com, only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Please do not apply if you don't have the requirements listed.
NOTICE OF SALE Michael Nicholas IN EXECUTION Green In the Maintenance Defendant Court for the District of Swakopmund held In Execution of an order for execution at Swakopmund. against property granCase No: 23/2016 ted by the MainteIn the matter between: nance Court for the Erika De Klerk district of SwakopPlaintiff mund on 26 February and 2016, a sale will be held on 9 April 2016 at
10:00 at Coastal Auctions, No 19, Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Swakopmund. 1 x B l u e To y o t a Hilux Vin No AHTFR2ZG806026 982 Engine No: 2KD7910115 Registration No: RWP602H Licence No: N148111W Terms “Voetstoots� -
Cash to the highest bidder. Signed at Swakopmund on 23 March 2016. KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Legal Practitioner for Plaintiff Haus Altona No 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street Tel: 064 - 405051 Fax: 064 - 402683 Swakopmund (Ref: DEK10/000260)
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Self Catering - Unit ON ERF: 231 TOWNSHIP: Langstrand (Ext 1) STREET: Sunset View, Kuiseb Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Self-Catering Unit on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 15 April 2016. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Conway Volek, P O Box 742, Okahandja
24 MARCH 2016
Rossmund Golf News (Fltr) Novanam Monthly Medal Winners: D Benson, C De Klerk, S Massipa, Robertha (Novanam), M Ludeke (RGC Captain), C Heunis and supporter
First and foremost we have some great news - a new Captain and Vice Captain have been appointed being Michael Ludeke and Cobus De Klerk, respectively - thanks guys for coming on board - we wish you both well in your endeavours. Please take note that the Entry Lists for the 2016 Matchplay Tournament are on the Main Notice Board so please enter your names as soon as possible - latest Saturday 2 April. The Code for the Mens' Locker Room has been changed already due to players requests - so if you need to use it chat to Hendrik or Setson. Wednesday 16 March was a great day for golf and a good field of players enjoyed their afternoon away from the office. Thanks to Marco for the Pro Shop Vouchers - scores were quite close. 18 Hole Competition: 1st Piet Bierman nd 37pts, 2 Michael Ludeke 36pts. 9 Hole Competition: Shorty van der Walt with a well scored 20pts over the front 9, winning the countout from Oupa Coetzee - it was great to see him back on the course after his overseas trip. Saturday 19 March was the monthly " feeshing" competition, well supported by 30 players playing some real golf. It was great to have Robertha on hand to officiate at the new Captains' first prize-giving. Only 1 x 2-club coming from C Heunis who was also the Overall Winner on a well played 69 nett. "A" Div went to C De Klerk 70 nett; "B" Div to D Benson 70 nett; "C" Div: S
Massipa 70nett. Unfortunately there were no juniors or ladies in this month's field. Thanks again to Novanam for the super catches. Sunday 20 March saw all the "old toppies and their meisies" out at the crack of dawn to play the monthly SAGES Competition sponsored this month by Art Africa and Brigadoon B&B (Bubble & Bruce Burns). Before awarding the prize winners with their well deserved bottle of refreshment, Bubble said a few words of thanks to all the players including those from Windhoek and Walvis Bay for taking part. She said it was a pleasure for them to support golf which they both love and looked forward to seeing the players making use of their facilities. SAGES Results (23 players): Nearest to the Pin No7, John Horne; No12, Rina Knight. 2 x 2-clubs both on Number 7, Bruce Burns and John Horne. Winners: 1st Tim Botha 38pts, well played Tim, good to see you back in the winning circle; 2nd Tony Boesch 37pts; 3rd Gerd Vogel 36pts; 4th Peter Boettger 34pts (c/o) over Mark Jacobs. Wednesday 23 March the competition will be sponsored by Ruheleben Olives/Coral van der Plas - look forward to seeing you there. Happy Easter to you all. If driving, travel safely.
24 MARCH 2016
namib times Sport
Send your sports news to sport@namibtimes.net
Four Nations Tournament kicked off
Teams from Germany, Namibia, and South Africa battle it out this weekend. Liesl Losper Namibia under-17 will travel to Walvis Bay today to prepare for the Four Nations bi-annual Four Nations International Tournament at the Kuisebmond Stadium, involving the German team Westphalia, Ghana and South Africa from Wednesday 23 to Easter Sunday, 27 March .
The Erongo Football under 20 team with far left, Charles K Muukua, Erongo Football League Chairperson
Toda, Ghana will play Westphalia at 16:00 and Namibia face South Africa at 18:00. On Good Friday, South Africa and Ghana clash at 16:00 before Namibia takes on Westphalia. Saturday will be rest day and Easter Sunday will see a contest for third-place finish at 15:00 to be followed by the crowning match at 17:00. The teams will depart from the coast by Easter Monday. The tournament is normally held here at the coast as it coincides with the Namibian Newspaper Cup which mostly takes place inland. The under 20 team will be leaving tomorrow for the Newspaper Cup which will take place in Rundu. Charles Muukua, Erongo Football League Chairperson, said to namib times yesterday that they are ready for the game in Rundu. “Our aim is to do our outmost best because on the Governor’s request, we would like to have the next newspaper cup in the Erongo region.” Muukua also invites the public to the Governor’s cup for under 17 that will take place on 16 April in Swakopmund.
Dolphin comes out on top Dolphin Rugby Club won tightly contested battle against Rehoboth with 17 points to 12, after what seemed to be a walk in the park for former premier league champions Rehoboth Rugby Club, turned out to be the opposite. Dolphin give a good account of themselves in all facets of the game, except for the conversions, which could have resulted in a much higher score. Ngume Gaiko, captain of Dolphin led by example
and was outstanding at the breakdown points, on defence and line attacks. All in all each player was outstanding in the game which resulted in the win. Point scorers for Dolphin were Benito Bezuidenhout with one try, Donovan Hummel two tries and Michael Hummel 1 conversion. Rehoboth 2 turned it around and beat Dolphin 2 with a respectable score of 44 – 17. Although it was indeed an equally contested game, the scorecard seemed to differ.