U.S. Ambassador to Namibia, Randy Berry, recently completed a five-day tourof Namibia’s southern coastal region, aimingtoenhanceeconomictiesandhighlightongoingconservationefforts.
The tour, from 13 Mayto17May,included visits to Oranjemund, Tsau ǁKhaeb National Park, and Lüderitz. In Oranjemund, Ambassador
Berry met with Mayor Elias Kasemba and the Town Council to discuss economic opportunities, particularly in the mining sector, which is vital to Namibia's economy AttheSouthernCoastalMine,heobserved the extensive diamond fields that significantly contribute tothecountry'sdevelopment, noting the United States' role as a major consumer of diamonds. At Tsau ǁKhaeb National Park, Ambassador Berryexploredoneof the world's most
diverse ecosystems, emphasising the U.S. support for conservation efforts to preserve Namibia's unique biodiversity He also visited Halifax Island with the Namibia Nature Foundation to observe local wildlife conservationefforts,includingthoseprotecting theisland'spenguinpopulation. The Ambassador visited the historic site of Kolmanskop, recently a filming location for the popular series "Fallout” In Lüderitz,meetingswith Deputy Mayor BridgetteFredericksandthe Town Council focused ontransformativedevelopments in Namibia's energysector,whichare driving significant economic changes in the region. The tour also included a visit to the
Kelp Blue laboratory, where Namibian scientistsarepioneeringsustainable kelp cultivation, enhancing marine habitats, and developingeco-friendlyproducts.“Iamthankfulto have had the opportunity to spend the last week getting to know the communities and nationalparksofNamibia's southern coastal regions In conversations with political and business leaders, conservation experts, scientists, and entrepreneurs,it'sclearthere is tremendous opportunity and potential And as always, I was welcomed with the same generous Namibian hospitality I've come to know well. I lookforwardtothenext great visit,” statedAmbassadorBerry
FormerMineworkersUnionofNamibia(MUN)President,Ismael Kasutoallegesthathisremovalfromtheunionpresidencyaimedto tarnish both his and his vice president's reputations to obstruct theirscrutinyintotheCongressResolution,whichsoughttoprobe allegedfundmismanagement.
Kasuto was ousted as MUN President on 28 April this year via a no-confidence vote motion. Following his removal, current Acting President Mathew Poco Mberiuana claimed Kasuto illicitly withdrew N$250 000 from the union's trust account the day after his ousting, allegedly transferring ittoalocallawfirmfor personal gain In a statement on 14 May, Mberiuana asserted, "by the time Kasuto withdrew this money, he had already been removed as MUN president and had received his removal letter
The NEC is diligently working to ensure the recovery of these members' funds." Kasuto defends his actions,assertingthatthe N$250000withdrawal was authorised by Namibia Miners Investment Trust (NAMIT) Trustees to potentially cover legal expenses against the trust. He stated, "we foresaw the MUN coup d'état and were forewarned by one of their team members to prepareforthefuture."
failure to present Audited Financial Reports at the last congress. Consequently, the May 2023 MUN Congress mandated an investigation into union finances from 2015to2022.Kasuto's release of financial statements in July 2023 allegedly led to internalconflictwithin theNEC.
ditors note challenges in verifying membership fee revenues due to systemic unreliability Moreover, supporting documents for expenses totaling approximately N$4 million in 2021 and N$2 million in 2020 were unavailable for audit verification Affiliation fees to the National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW) were not paid in 2020, resulting in a significant shortfall.
The MUN Consolidated Audit Report (2015-2022) reveals substantial unaccounted expenses totaling over N$18 million between 2015 and 2021 Qualified au-
Kasuto highlights a lack of financial transparency within the union, citing the
Kasuto accuses the NECofobstructingan Extraordinary Congressannouncedfor28 May 2024, purportedly to justify the removal of the two presidents and assert control over NAMIT
ahead of the NAMMIC Annual General Meeting. He alleges that many NAMIT Trustees benefit from theirpositionsthrough redeploymenttoNammic Board subsidiaries, implicating a conflictofinterest. Mberiuana said there is a case between MUN vs Kasuto and his vice, and he has been in court for the past few days, and will only be able to respond to media queries today (Friday) when he is in a good position to respond and also share information on the courtproceedings.
ESTATE NO. E 2029/2023
In the estate of the late Lydia Emelia Wolhuter, Id nr. 551024 0036 3, who died on 1 May 2023, resided at No.633 Gaucamma Street, Erasmus Kloof, Pretoria, South African and who was
CONSENT: Self Catering and Rental ON ERF NO: 193 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Lagoon, Walvis BaySTREETNAME&NO:SJSimpsonandSam NujomaAvenue,33
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self CateringandRental
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,First Floor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof thisapplication,mustlodgesuchobjection,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,in writing,notlaterthan14June2024
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:Jason Nani, PO Box 3040, Walvis Bay, email: jasonnani4@gmail.com
Public Participation Notice in terms of Regulation No. 29, Section 21 under the Environmental Management Act (Act No. 7 of 2007) CONSTRUCTION OF A 700-BED STUDENT ACCOMMODATION & 60-BED HOSPITAL FOR WELWITSCHIA UNIVERSITY'S FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, OCEAN VIEW, SWAKOPMUND, ERONGO REGION, NAMIBIA Notice is hereby given to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations (2012) for the following intended activity: · Project Location: Ocean View, Swakopmund, Erongo Region, Namibia · Proponent: Welwitschia University (Pty) Ltd
· CompetentAuthority: Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism (MEFT)
· Environmental Assessment Practitioner: KPM Environmental Consultants
· Project Description: The project comprises building a 700-bed student accommodation complex and a 60-bed hospital. The accommodation meets Welw tsch a University s hous ng needs offering a conducive living environment for students. The hospital, tailored for the Faculty of Health Sciences, serves as a crucial healthcare facility for students, faculty and the local community
All Interested and Affected Parties (I & APs) are encouraged to register and raise th concerns or provide comments and opinions on or before 5 June 2024.
Background Information Document (BID) will be provided upon indication as an I&AP
Public Consultation meeting date: Saturday, 1 June 2024 Venue & time: On Site, @ 11h00 (Ocean View, Erf 3342 Swakopmund Extension 9, between Monotoka, Dr Eugene Muller Street and Zypressen Streets)
Should you wish to register as an I&AP, please contact the EAP: Call / SMS / WhatsApp: +264 81 878 6676 / +264 81 147 3344 Email: kpm-consult@iway.na CC: kpm.consulting@outlook.com
Ndume Trading, a 100% Namibian BEE company specialising in the transportation of petroleum products, conducted its annual external emergencysimulation onMondaythisweek.Thisexercisewaspartofthe company'scommitmenttoensuringrobustemergencyresponse,disaster recovery, and business continuity plans, which are crucial given the volatilenatureoftheiroperations.
The primary goal of the simulation was to test the company's Emergency ResponsePlan(ERP)incollaboration with external emergency service providers This included the Emergency Call Centre (Eagle Night Watch), Walvis Bay Emergency Services (comprising the Namibian Police,Traffic, Fire Brigade, Medical Rescue, and Ndume Trading Spill Response teams) The simulation aimedtoassesstheresponsetovarious potential emergencies such as fires, spills, and medical incidents during operations.
The exercise was based on a scenario involving a Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) incident at the Walvis Bay Municipality Technical Office.Duringthedeliveryofa40M³ SPD of ULP95, the customer tank overfilled, leading to a fire flash triggered by an unknown ignition source.ThisresultedintheBVO(Bulk Vehicle Operator) raising an alarm, while a co-BVO, attempting to assist, fell and sustained injuries. Despite efforts to suppress the fire with portable extinguishers, it persisted, highlighting the importance of a coordinatedemergencyresponse.The simulationsawacoordinatedresponse from the Namibian Police, Traffic, Fire Brigade, Medical Rescue, and NdumeTradingSpillResponseteams. The results were impressive, as effective teamwork and quick action were demonstrated, which provided
valuable learnings for future emergencies. Thefiredrewacrowdof about 210 people to the assembly point. The scenario included one individual suffering from suffocation insidethetruckandanothersustaining injuryoutside.
The Walvis Bay Fire Brigade responded swiftly, arriving within four minutesofreceivingthecallat10:03. They were soon joined by Ndume Trading's first aid team, the Erongo Police, traffic officers, and an ambulance. The injured were promptly attended to, with the first patient handed over to E-Med Emergency Services medics at 10:15 and the second at 10:20. Hazmat specialists contained the oil spill, preventing environmentalcontamination.Erongo Police, who arrived on the scene withintenminutesofreceivingthecall at 10:00, highlighted the continuous risk posed by the transportation of hazardousgoodsfromtheharbour
A spokesperson stressed the importance of vigilance and readiness for such incidents. Eben Platt from the Walvis Bay Traffic Department emphasisedthecriticalneedforproper training and preparedness in handling hazardous materials, noting, "Sometimes these are hazardous goods that you are not allowed to inhale. One is supposed to stand away from these types of accidents by 500 meters. We needtogetpropertrainingtobeready forthesetypesofaccidentexercises."
Visitors from passenger liners docking at WalvisBaycannownavigatetheirwaytothe centraltownwithease,thankstotheeffortsof formerfirechief,MrWillievanZyl.
Noticing that many visitors struggled to find their way to the heart of the town, Mr van Zyl took the initiative to improve Walvis Bay's visitor experience. His company, West Fire Training and Consulting, sponsored four new signs to guide tourists These signs were installed with the help of the Walvis Bay Municipality, representedbyMrPieta,andare strategically placed just outside the South Gate of the harbour in 5th Road and on the corner ofSamNujomaAvenue and 5th Road. "Seeing the confusion and disorientation among visitorsmotivatedmeto
take action," said Mr van Zyl "We want everyone who visits Walvis Bay to feel welcomeandfindtheirway aroundeasily."Thenew signs are expected to enhance the experience for tourists disembarking from passenger liners,ensuringtheycan quickly and easily find theirwaytothecentreof townanditsattractions. Mr van Zyl said, “this initiative is part of a broader effort to make Walvis Bay more tourist-friendly and to support the local economy by encouraging visitors to explore and spend time in our the town.”
The passenger cruise ship, Azamara Journey (IMO 9200940, MMSI 256204000), sailingundertheflagofMalta,dockedatthePortofWalvis BayonTuesday ThevesselisonitswaytotheportofLasPalmas,Spain.It isexpectedtoarriveinLasPalmason31Mayat11:00.
TheAzamara Journey, is a 24-year-old passenger shipbuiltin2000.SheispartoftheR-classcruise ships owned and operated by Azamara Club Cruises. With a gross register tonnage of 30 277, theshiphasacapacityfor694passengersand390 crew members. Originally built as R Six for Renaissance Cruises, the vessel was later named Blue Star and Blue Dream before becoming AzamaraJourneyin2007.
Theshipfeaturesninedecksand355cabins.Itwas refurbishedinJanuary2016.TheAzamaraJourney is known for its longer stays in port, countryfocused itineraries, and unique shore excursions, allowing passengers to fully engage with the culturesandcustomsofthedestinationstheyvisit. Keyamenitiesonboardinclude:TheSanctumSpa, Cabaret-styleshows, Discoveries Lounge and Bar, eConnections 24hour computer room, Looking Glass observation lounge and bar, Jogging track, Pool area with outdoorswimmingpool,twowhirlpools,andabar, Destination-focused enrichment programs, Aqualina Italian restaurant, Prime C steak and seafood restaurant. Azamara Journey's itineraries span the globe, visiting Europe, the Caribbean, Australia,andtheMiddleEast.Photos:Namport
Responding to growing customer demand, Sinclair Services has proudly opened a new branchinWalvisBay
The new outlet, located at 271 Theo-Ben GurirubStreetintheindustrial area, officially opened its doors on Friday, 17 May 2024. This expansion adds to the company's existing locations in Windhoek and Swakopmund Established in 1982, Sinclair Services has built a solid reputation overits44-yearhistory
The company is one of Namibia's best-known suppliers, specialising inawiderangeofpipes, fittings, valves, pumps, and irrigation equipment.
The company's founder and owner, Achim Helm, has consistently provided various industries with expert advice and top-quality productssinceitsinception.
The new Walvis Bay branch is open from Monday to Friday, with morning hours from 7:30 to 13:00 and afternoon hours from 14:00to17:00.
Thebranchis closedon
Saturdays. This schedule allows customers to access Sinclair Services' comprehensive offerings during the week.
Sinclair Services prides itself on a broad inventory that includes irrigation systems, galvanised pipes and fittings, PVC pipes and fittings, polyethylene pipes and fittings, copper pipes and fittings, valves, Pex pipe and fittings, nylon and rubber hoses, rubber insertion sheets, plastic tanks, hose clamps, stainless steel cascade clamps, Zenner water meters, Denso tape and adhesives, fire hose reels and extinguishers, and UD and SV pipes and fittings, among otherproducts.
For more information, customers can reach Sinclair Services at 064 209977 or via email at wb@sinclair com na Additionaldetailsabout the company and its offerings are available
on their website at [sinclaircom na](https: //sinclair.com.na/).
Visit Sinclair Services' new branch in Walvis Bay to discover why they have become a trusted name in Namibia's industrial and agriculturalsectors.
NamibianEngineeringServices(WESCO)recentlysigneda partnership deal with Aranzu, a leading provider of innovative engineering solutions based in Cape Town, South Africa.
This partnership allows WESCO to efficiently supply Aranzu products to clients in Namibia, eliminating logistical barriers and providing direct access to Aranzu's engineering expertise and product offerings Aranzu, managed by Fritz van Sittert, a seasoned consulting engineer with over 25 years of experience, specialises in developing bespoke products to address various miningrelated process challenges Their commitmenttoquality and durability has earned them recognition across the African mining industry Managing Director at WESCOGroup,George Fransman said WESCO Engineering Services,asfromApril this year is proudly representingAranzuin Namibia. Fransman expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration, highlighting thebenefitsitbringsto addressing mining sector challenges in Namibia “Aranzu's portfolio includes a wide range of diverse and quality products, frommodularplantsto dewatering bins, skidmountedandcontainerised solutions, pilot plants, battery backup control panels, abrasion-resistant components, and more all designed to significantly enhance production capabilities,” Fransman added. He said that their approachemphasisesonsite collaborationwith clients to ensure tailoredsolutionsthatmeet specificneeds. “Working exclusively with approved manufacturers, Aranzu ensures the longevity and reliability of its products ” Fransman said, “our joint capabilities encompass a comprehensive range of services and through this partnership, WESCO Engineering Services aims to introduce these advanced solutions and expertise to the Namibian market, catering to industries such as mining and manufacturing, elevate standards and deliver unparalleled value to our clients in Namibia.” According to Operations Manager,EngineeringGraham Howarth, WESCO Engineering Services is looking forwardtoleveragingthis partnership to drive productivity, reliability, and efficiency across various industries.
World Ocean Day, celebrated annually on 8 June, was originally proposed in 1992 by Canada's International Centre for Ocean Development and the Ocean Institute of Canada at the Earth SummitinRiodeJaneiro,Brazil.Since2002,
The Ocean Project has coordinated global efforts for this day, which was officially recognised by the United Nations in 2008. WorldOceanDayaimstosupport theimplementationofworldwide Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)andfosterpublicinterest in ocean protection and sustain-
ableresourcemanagement.This international day highlights the critical role oceans play in our environment and encourages actions to preserve marine ecosystems for future generations.
The Namibia Ocean Cluster founding and associate members that signed a commitment in January this year
The Namibia Ocean Cluster formed by a group of certified hake fishing companies recentlylaunchedAfrica'sfirstoceanclusterontomaximiseutilisationandvalueofthe country'sseafood
Thefoundingandassociatememberssignedacommitment in January this year to minimise waste and maximise socio-economic value of the fish harvested from theNamibianfisheriessector TheNamibiaOceanCluster, supported by the World Economic Forum's Ocean Action Agenda, has been created to bring together the seafoodsectorandalliedstakeholders,withamissionof maximisingtheutilisationofallseafoodharvested.The founding members of the Namibia Ocean Cluster are madeupofleadingMarineStewardshipCouncil(MSC)certified hake fishing companies Embwinda, Hangana,
Merlus, Novanam, Pereira and Seawork, while the three non-fishing associate members are the Fisheries Observers Agency, Namibia Nature Foundation, and Sam NujomaCampus-UniversityofNamibia.Thesefounders representawidergroupwhohavesupportedthedevelopmentandinnovationactivitiesoftheOceanClusterover the last three years. This pre-competitive, collaborative forumisthelatestnationalchapterinaglobalmovement for'100%fish'tocutseafoodlossandwaste,initiatedin Iceland and including Ocean Clusters in Alaska, New England and Denmark. The Namibia Ocean Cluster is
dedicated to promoting innovation, identifying markets for by-products, and enhancingthesocio-economicbenefitsandtopromote sustainable and economically viable fishinginNamibia.Theclusterathefirstin Africa,hasbeenpreparingforthreeyears,is supported by the World Economic Forum, United Kingdom government and the IcelandOceanCluster,amongotherslookingat thefullutilisationofharvestedfish.Namibia willteamupwithagrowinggroupofglobal oceanclustersinexploringwaystominimise loss and waste of seafood In 2021, approximately23.8milliontonnesofaquatic foods were lost or wasted, representing 14.8% of total aquatic food produced that yearglobally TheUNFAOidentifiedreducing seafood loss as a priority action for meeting the Sustainable Development Goal target12.3ofhalvingfoodlossandwasteby 2030. The long-term impact of industry shiftingtocirculareconomicmodelswillresult in increased food production and nutritionsecurity,increasesinlocalemployment andamoreefficientuseofmarineresources, contributingtoseveralglobalenvironmental andsocialgoals.TheCluster'sgoalistopromote innovation, research, and markets for fisheries by-products, while enhancing socio-economicbenefit.TheNamibiaOcean Cluster aims to catalyse increasing efforts, both nationally and regionally, for developing circular models across the seafood industry Muchoftheidentifiedopportunity in by-product utilisation reflects similar situationsinotherglobalfisheries.ThisprojecthasproducedseveralreportswhichoutlinetheprocessusedtodeveloptheNamibia
OceanClusterandinvestigateby-product opportunities.Themodelsinthisprocess are replicable for other regions and fisheries,canbefoundhereforanygroup lookingtoinvestigateseafoodcircularity intheircontext.TheSalesandMarketing Manager of Seawork and the Namibia Ocean Cluster Chairman, Pierre le Roux said, “while the Cluster is currently drivenbythehakeindustry,itisopentoall fisheriesinNamibia,anditishopedthat morecompaniesrepresentingavarietyof seafoodwilljointocollaborateonfuture by-productutilisationprojects.” According to Le Roux, “Non-industry parties,whocanbringrelevantexpertise to enable full utilisation, are also welcome to join the Cluster as Associate members. We are excited to see this importantgroupcometofruition,forthe future social benefit and environmental sustainability of Namibia's fisheries.” Head of Ocean Action Agenda at the World Economic Forum, The Iceland OceanClusterAlfredoGironsaidthatthe Namibia Ocean Cluster will help minimise waste and maximise the value ofthefishharvested,whichisgoodnews for people and nature alike. Gordon added, “leader of the 100% fish movement, has been a strong supporter of the project advising on the development of the Cluster and sharing their own experiences on 100% fish utilisation. Namibia joins a growing 'family' of Clusters around the world looking at minimising loss and waste of their seafoodandisthefirstAfricanchapter.”
EstatelateRainer ErnstLanger
EstateNo: E1731/2023
Inthe Estateofthelate Rainer Ernst Langer born on 20 December 1958, unmarried, who was ordinarily resident at 38 Mühl Street, Rodgau, Germany, and who died at Rodgau, Germany on 26 June 2020.
All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 daysfromthedateofthe publicationhereof.
EberhardAdolfGeorg Langer (Executor)
25SamNujomaAvenue POBox2303 Tel:064-400942 Swakopmund (RobertPohl)
IntheMagistrate'sCourt for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund.
TheBuildhard Services(Pty)Ltd Plaintiff and RTRTradingCC 1stDefendant
RionNelsonNoabeb 2ndDefendant
In execution of a Judgement against the above first and second defendantgrantedbythe above Honourable Court on 1 September 2023, the following goods listed hereunder willbesoldinExecution atthefollowingaddress: Erf 3965, Newton Street, New Industrial Area, Swakopmund, auction starts live on 28 June2024at10:00.
1xSingleLounge Chair
Conditions Of Sale:
Voetstoots – Cash to highestbidder Dated at Swakopmund on20May2024.
Attorneysfor JudgementCreditor KINGHORN ASSOCIATESINC.
2–6TobiasHainyko Street Swakopmund Tel:064-405051
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Bed&Breakfast
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan14June2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: José Ramon Canosa Caamano, PO Box 3041, WalvisBay Email:joracanosa@gmail.com
CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 432 (2) TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand STREET NAME & NO: 432 KuisebAvenue, Langstrand.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 14 June 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Christo v.d Merwe / Lilanie Liversage, 432, KuisebAvenue,Langstrand email:lilanie@liversage@outlook.com
Francoinvestments CC (Or the Proponent) intends to apply for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) through the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) to mine industrial minerals (mica) from mining licence claims numbers: 75286, 75287, 75288 and 75251 in the Dorob National Park,Arandis Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia.
APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The Proponent has appointed Portal Research and Engineering CC to facilitate public consultations and prepare reports required to support an application for the ECC at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT).
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: The appointed Consultant extend an invitation to the public and all Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) to register their interests in receiving further information regarding the proposed activities. This registration should be completed by and can be done at the following May 31, 2024, address:
Portal Research and Engineering CC P. O. Box 3826, Vineta; Email: connecttoportal@outlook.com; Mobile: +264 81 637 5489
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:DExactLoansCC.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7June2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: DannVanZyl,POBox5950,WalvisBay email:dexactloans@gmail.com
CONSENT:HomeBasedBusiness(HairSalon) ON ERFNO: 4606TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: 14 Agaat Street.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:HomeBasedBusiness(HairSalon). Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7June2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ToiniNashama,POBox6575,WalvisBay email:toinitaatsu21@gmail.com
CONSENT: For an Accommodation Establishment (Guesthouse) on Erf 0038, Dolphin Beach ON ERF NO: 0038
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation Establishment (Guesthouse)
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan14June2024
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: RittaKhibaPlanningConsultants POBox22543,Windhoek Email /tp2@rkpc.com.na info@rkpc.com.na
CONSENT: Self Catering and rental ON ERF NO: 193
TOWNSHIP/AREA: Lagoon,WalvisBay STREETNAME & NO: SJ SimpsonandSamNujomaAvenue,No.33.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:SelfCateringandrental. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7June 2024.
NAMEANDADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: Jason Nani, PO Box 3040, WalvisBay email:jasonnani4@gmail.com
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ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret.
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M-S Electrical Services
We specialize on the following repairs:
üGeysers + Geyser timers (saves electricity)
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üAuto garage doors
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Walking Football 4 Health Namibia (WF4HN) will be launched with teams from Windhoek, Rehoboth, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay on Saturday, 25 May at the Old TennisCourtsinKuisebmundWalvisBay
WF4HN is open for all elderlypeopleintheage group of 50+ for man and40+forwoman.
WF4HN focuses to uplift healthy and fitness standards in the poorer townshipsandrural
communities where there is a lack of sports and fitness facilities as well as to improve the freedom of graciously aged women and men (senior citizens) to participateconfidently in daily activities without feeling ashamed or embarrassed and to contribute to the reduction of cardio sickness causing heart attacks amongst the aged and seniorcitizensinour
Nation To establish outdooractivitieswhere family and friend fun fellowship can be revivedandpracticedin socio-clean environments with health and fitnessasmotivation.”
WF4HN Operations
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Executive Lance Willemse said in a statement that they have started off with the training of Walking Football 4 Health (WF4H) with 6 elderly men fromthenearbyvicinity ofKhomasdalandhave increased to around 30 elderly man and 14 women from all over Windhoek. Willemse said, “we are planning to get more elderly people involved as soon as possible depending on the availability of funds and our mainaimistoestablish a similar group of WF4H elderly people training in all the suburbsofWindhoek. He added that the aim is to target all the Old Age Homes in Windhoek as well to get them active in doing just to start walking and later to let them have fun with the soccer balls. “Our goal istoestablishaWF4HN in each major town of Namibia and they will in return be responsible to be active with their respective elderly and theOldAgeHomesin
theirvarioustowns. The purpose of this sports code is that we are busy registering with the Ministry of Health and Social Servicesasinsection21 Non-Profitable Entity This is to serve men aged 50 and above, and women aged 40 and above, with an opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle, not just physically, but also mentally and psychologically on the Walking Football Courts. We are currently planning to launch this initiative to all the major towns in Namibia” Willemsesaid.
AccordingtoWillemse, WF4HN is a local reserved non-profit section 21 organisation of executive, business and professional elders and senior citizens working together to improve the quality of life amongst other elders and senior citizens in communities throughout the country, startinginWindhoek. Willemse further stated that by joining this initiative,youbecomea member of a national revolutionary organization with aspirations to establish branches in every region in the Republic of Namibia. “Members come from all walks of life; however,thevaluesof
caring, friendship, fitness, fun, fellowship, health and service are theprinciplesthatbring us together.” He urged men and women older the 40 years to join the fight with the Walking Football and help us help more older men and senior citizens survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life through active participation in WalkingFootballandto help defeat the demons of suicide where 679 suicides in Namibia took place in just 17 months.
AccordingtoWillemse, Namibian men are takingtheirownlivesat a higher rate than women, as 559 men havecommittedsuicide sincelastyear
According to statistics releasedbytheMinistry of Health and Social Services, the country's suicide rate between January 2021 and May 2022stoodat679,comprising 559 men, 91 women, and 29 children. In the same period, 18 boys and 11 girls took their lives.
“Join this fight with the WalkingFootballtoday, andhelpushelphouses of faith and prayer, to participate in establishing this National healthy environment where families can gather and be supportive to the older peopleandsenior
citizens of their own households and the Nation at large,” he added.
Willemse said, “take note that a local based team from Windhoek attendedaWF4Htournament in Cape Town lastyear2024andhave done tremendously good with their first participation in this tournament. We have also received an invite for this year to a Tournament in Limpopo SouthAfrica and a national team will representNamibianext year in the World International Tournament in Europe. We welcome you into the world of “Walking Football 4Health Namibia”, restoring humanitarian values and building solid family foundations in our future mothers and fathers by creating awareness,raisefunds, support or buy and distribute re-usable sanitarypadsforyoung menstruating girls, a category of humans closes to your organisation's own heart andcare.
All interested parties areinvitedtothisevent where we will demonstratetheartofwalking football and to the surpriseofmostpeople it is fun and healthy to participate, thus the invite.
We are sad to announce the passing of our beloved Mama, Oma and Ur-oma. You are in our hearts - forever and always * 22.04.1936 † 20.05.2024
Your daughters Marion and Astrid with Fred, Grandchildren with families and Great-grandchildren
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, Believe also in Me. In My Fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you. – I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know,, and the way you know I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John14:1-4,,6
Rudi Bowe
ThreeyouthfootballersfromtheBokomoSFCYouthAcademyinSwakopmundis onthewaytoGermanywheretheywillparticipateinafive-daytrainingcampat themostsuccessfulclubinGermanfootballhistory
The players, Ileni Wandjiva, a learner at One Tree Montessori Schools, Cesc EberenzandPaulusGwanandjalalearners atEaglesNestPrivateAcademywerethe awardwinnerattheannualsportsawards ofSwakopmundFootballClublastyear Dein Ball für Namibia (DBFN) a charity organisation in the main contributor for the under 13 boy's participation in the trainingcampinGermany
The chairman at DBFN, Tony Arjen Daugals also a coach at Bokomo SFC SwakopmundYouthAcademywill
accompany the young footballers to Germany According to the chairman/coach all the boyswasenrolledatgovernmentschools in Swakopmund and after they saw that the boys is very good football players, they solicit sponsorships for them to be enrolled at private school in the coastal town.
The boys and their parents as well as the schools they are attending is very happy andproudoftheboysthatcouldbefuture BraveWarriors.
The players that will be leaving to Germany from left to right Cesc Eberenz, Paulus Gwanandjala, DBFN chairman and coach TonyArjen Daugals and Ileni Wandjiva
WalvisBaybasedBuccaneersSquash Club hosted the Baywash Squash Club Challenge over the past weekendattheirclubinWalvisBay. The fierce competition with an electric atmosphere, nothing short of incredible andtrueinspiringsportsmanshipwaswon by Brandon Grane and Wynand Breitenbach in the men's A and B categories respectively with Charne Fourie the lady's champion. The level of play was phenomenal, showcasing some of the best squash we've seen. The organisers thanked Dirk Bosman and his team from Baywash for their generous sponsorship and for making this event possible.Specialshoutoutswentouttoall the players who gave it their all, the supporters who cheered with enthusiasm, and the visitors who added to the vibrant energyoftheevent,youaretheheartand soulofoursquashcommunity
A total of 40 players in near 40-degree temperaturesturnedouttoplayinthefirstoftwo legs of the JAGGIE CHALLENGE a better ball bogey plus format over the past weekend at the WalvisBayGolfclub.
The winners were Amandio Sardinha and Michael de Barros on plus 10, winning a count out from Jonas Niilenge and Juvino Polster with Andre Burger and RoccoViljoenthirdonplus8.
EmeryandEmilioMabohwonthejuniordivisiononplus 8withSamuelNelandWeitzvanNiekerksecondonplus 7. TwoclubswereregisteredbyFrancoisBinnemanand PieterFox.
Last week's SENIORS was won by Eben Bergh on 37 pointswithChrisBothmasecondon36pointsandRory Wolhuterthirdon35points.ThebreadwinnerwasTienie deWet.
Saturday 25 May is a double sponsored event with JAGGIESandFOXDESIGNSasco-sponsorsatWBGC. Theformatwillbeabetterballwiththefirst9willbeing stableford and the second 9 medal. The Round Table fundraiserwillbeonFriday31MayandtheCarlosPairs onSaturday1JuneatWBGC.
Despite the rising temperature caused by the expected appearance of the east wind, the Rossmund golfing calendar was busy over thepastweekend.
JohnHornewasthewinner of the postponed Par 3 Challengeforthemonthof April,playedoverthefront nine on Friday 17 May at Rossmund Golf Club in Swakopmund. started at 14:00 with the tee-off.
The event started at 14:00 withthetee-off,sponsored by OP's Bass Brigade saw five prizes up for grabs, plus the “Hole in One Prize” up for grabs saw JohnHornebecrownedas the ovel all winner of the Rossmund Sages monthly winner for the month of April.
With a slightly depleted field due to the muchanticipated afternoon heat on Saturday, 18 May the ardent golfers still succeeded in putting together sufficient players to compete in the scheduled second Leg of the 2024
King Price/Castle Lite International Pairs at RossmundGolfClub. Unfortunately, there were no 2 – clubs. The pair going through to the regional final as Rossmund representatives consisted of the winners, Oom Tienie van Rensburg/Oom Sigi Baumgartner followed by runners-up Fritz Coetzee/Frederik Coetzee with third place George Murasiki/Danie Pienaar and 4thplaceFredBossé/Wim
The monthly Sages Competition sponsored Stainless Engineering on Sunday, 19 May saw slightly cooler conditions early morning.
SagesWinners: Overall–TienievanRensburgon38 points securing himself a butchered and vacuum packed goat with Marc Gregan second on 37 points whilst Rina Knight wasthirdon35pointsand the birthday boy, Cashbox van Wyk fourth on 34
th points. ; 5 : Heidi van Niekerk secured fifth place on 33 points winning a count out over GeorgeMurasiki. In true Sages tradition everyone left with something.
Cashbox van Wyk thankedalltheparticipantsand confirmed they will be aroundnextyear
Theoccasionwasutilized as a platform to officially hand over a donation of N$10,020 (Ten Thousand and Twenty Namibia Dollars) comprising of funds raised and donated by the Members of the Coastal Sages Branch to the Swakopmund Lions Associationfortheirlocal cancerproject. It was great to have the currentPresidentofLions in Swakopmund, Maré Steenekamp present to acceptthedonationandto give the members some insight into how they assist the local community
If you think it is hard to meet new people, try pickingupthewronggolf ball.
The inaugural Munga Grit Le DurNamibiastartedwithcloseto 120 Mountain Bike Ultra Marathon riders that pushed their limits while promoting a noblecauseforthe24-hourrideof approximately 230km, and the 50-hour ride of about 556km at Windpomp 14 about 25km outside Swakopmund over the pastweekend.
The route took the riders onto the HentiesBayroad,intothedesert,and toSpitzkoppe,OmaruruandUisback to Windpomp 14. The first historic Munga Grit Le Dur Namibia, a 50hour ride of 556km was won by the Namibian MTB Endurance Cyclist Drikus Coetzee in 24 hours and 22 minutes with Jaques Hanekom was second in 27:45 and Martin Freyer third in 28:30 whilst Fanus Bredenhann, Clinton Hilfiker, Theo Klein Stephan Schoeman, Maruen Kleopas and Colin Smith followed.
MartieJoubertfromSouthAfricawas the only woman to complete the 556 kmin31:45andfinishedtenthoverall.
The men's 24-hour race was won by Gareth Jooste in a time of 12:52 followed by Hardus Nel in a time of 13:20 with Murray Koch third in 13:20andBenCronjéfourthin13:40. In the 24-hour challenge, Melissa Hinzwonthewomen'sdivisionin13
hours 30 minutes and second overall, with Anri Greeff second in 13 hours 52 minutes andAnja Boshoff third in 16hours40minutes.
The event is a collaboration between the organisation, 'Legacy of Love' which was established by Sybrand andRoneldeBeeraftertheylosttheir daughter Lume to Acute Respiratory DistressSyndromeatthetenderageof 11 in 2017, and 'The Munga', known foritsgruellingultraenduranceraces throughout South Africa By partnering with The Munga, known foritsgruelingultra-enduranceraces, LeDurAdventureaimstoamplifyits message of love and support while providing participants with an unforgettableexperience,”Legacyof
Love said in a statement this week. Sybrand de Beer said it is the third timethatLeDurwasheld,butthefirst time that it has combined with the Munga. “The Munga have several endurance races in South Africa and wanted to start one in Namibia, but thenIsaidwealreadyhavetheLeDur endurance ride so we decided to collaborateonthisproject.'LeDur'is French for 'the tough one' and that's exactlywhatitis–thecourseistough butthecompetitorsarealsotough,”he said. DeBeersaidtheMungaGritLe Durcombinestherenownedformatof The Munga, aptly named “HalfAin't Easy,” with the compassionate ethos ofLegacyofLoveinNamibia.“When youridetheMunga,somewherealong
thewayyouhavetodigverydeepand it changes your life, it's like on a spirituallevelwhenyouconnectwith yourcreator,”hesaid. “Westartedthe Legacy of Love to help people who have lost loved ones. It happens to everyone–ifithasnthappenedyet,it will still cross your path. You go through very difficult times and you havetodigdeeponaspirituallevel,so this ride encompasses that and symbolisesourpersonalstrugglesand grief that we have to overcome,” he added. De Beer said the Legacy of Lovehasstartedtraumaprojectswith financial pledges raised through 'Le Dur' as well as an annual golf day, whilethenexttraumaprojectisdueto beheldoutsideDordabisinmid-June. He said Legacy of Love has grown beyond his wildest expectations. “I neverthoughtitwouldgrowsomuch. Roneljuststartedwritingon
Photo right: Sybrand and Ronel de Beer with Martie Joubert in the middle.
Facebook to share her experiences, thenitgrewfromthereandeachyear new projects and events came along. NowwehaveLeDurandagolfdayto raisefundsforourtraumaprojects,to help people in our community who havelostlovedones,”hesaid. Alex Harris and Jacques Swart from The Munga said they were thrilled to join forces with Legacy of Love for 'this extraordinary event.' “Together, we aim to inspire athletes to go beyondtheirlimitswhilecontributing to a cause that promotes love and supportforthoseinneed.TheMunga Grit Le Dur represents the perfect synergy of endurance and compassion.”
Participants and “dot watching” spectators alike can expect an immersive experience that celebrates the spirit of adventure, life and camaraderie.
Swakopmund witnessed an impressive display of rawpowerastheRhinoPowerliftingClubNamibia (RPCNam)hostedtheRPCNamibCoastalClassic lastSaturday18MayatCrossFitSwakopmund.
Organised by RPC Nam Representative Bradford Leng, the event brought together 14 athletes, ranging in age from23to67,provingthatageistrulyjustanumberwhen itcomestopushingyourlimits.
The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as competitors took to the platform, ready to showcase months of grueling training. The energy was electric, fueledbycheersandcamaraderiefromfellowliftersand theenthusiasticcrowd.
Whetheritwasaseasonedveteranaddinganotherfeather totheircaporanewcomertakingtheirfirststepsonthe powerlifting journey, the determination and focus on each athlete's face was a testament to the dedication requiredinthisdemandingsport.
The Best Overall Lifter was Marius Johannes, who previously represented Namibia at the African Powerlifting Championships in 2019. The best lifter under 90kg went to Phillip Venter, with an impressive 645kg totalwhilstweighinginat86.4kg. MeltMeyer, a 23yearoldyoungstershowsthathehasseriouspotential togothedistancewiththissportashemanagedtosecure
acolossal300kgdeadlift,aswellasa250kgsquat.This youngster TheRPCNamibCoastalClassic2024proved to be a resounding success, solidifying Swakopmund's placeontheNamibianpowerliftingmapandinspiringa newgenerationofstrengthenthusiasts. Forthoseinterestedinlearningmoreaboutpowerlifting or getting involved in the sport, reaching out to Rhino Powerlifting Namibia would be a great first step rpcnamibia@gmail.com. With a strong showing at this year's Coastal Classic, the future of powerlifting in Swakopmund, and Namibia as a whole, appears to be incrediblybright.