No Hope for Evicted Family
A family found themselves out in the cold after they were evicted from their rented twobedroom apartment in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay lastweek.
The family, who consists of six adults and eight children, ranging from the ages of nine months and 17 years old,werethrownoutof the home they were rentingforthepasttwo months."Wecouldn'tcomeupwith theentirerentofN$3800,andwith no sympathy for our situation we wereevictedbythelocalpolice.We had nowhere to go and decided to take our belongings across the street. The owner of this erf was kind enough to tell us we can stay heretemporarily."
Currently, the family only hastwosourcesofincome, fromwhichoneisworkata factoryandanotherdomestic housework. It barely covers rent, or day-to-day necessities. After the eviction,thefamilywereleftto sleep in the cold and wind without any protection
"We slept in the open, until a few nights ago localauthoritycouncillor Ryan Gordon came to our aid and highlighted our plight through a live video feed on Facebook. Wemanagedtogetagazebo, and two tents. The children sleep in the
tents, while we sleep on our beds under the gazebo. The situation we are currently finding ourselves in is just terrible. We did not ask for this. Employment is scarce, but through the councillor, and the community extending a helping hand to
us, there are a few opportunities on the horizon."
"No one asks for situationslikethese.Noone asks for unemployment, or landlords refusing to understand that you can only pay N$2 000. If it truly was not for the community, we have no idea where wemighthaveendedup. At the same time, we also know that people can get tired of just extending help. Where do we go for help if not to our leaders? We do not wish this situation ontoanyone."
The Mayor of Walvis Bay, TrevinoForbesstatedthatit is a very sad situation the family finds themselves in. “Unfortunately, this type of situationsisaregularoccur-
Continues on page 2
Hentiesbaai Hou FEES
Die dorp Hentiesbaai bied weer sy grootste en jaarlikse Visfees aan, wat vandag (Vrydag)afskopentotmôresalvoortduur.
KarelAgenbag, een van die organiseerders van diefeesvertelditgaan'nlekkergrootfeeswees.
“Ons het kunstenaars van Suid-Afrika wat lekkergaanmusiekmaak.Vrydagaandgaanons vermaak hê deur Barto, Eddie en Mickey G. SaterdaghetonsvirDemiLeeMoore,Gerhard Steyn as ook plaaslike kunstenaars. En 'n verskeidenheid stalletjies; dit gaan 'n dag vol pret, goeiekosengoeiemusiekwees.”
Bankers Association of Namibia
Anticipated Protest Against Banks
DRC Community Urged to Apply for Electricity Connection
Housing Groups to Set Up Residential Extensions at Farm 37
Saterdag is daar 'n visvang kompetisie waar die wennermetN$20000kanwegstap.Anderpryse isN$6000virdieswaartstekabeljouenswaarste steenbra,endanvirdieswaartstegaljoenenkolstert kan die wenner wegstap met N$4 000.
Eerste plek vir die visserman of vrou met die swaartsebarberkanwegstapmetN$1000.
Ook by die Visfees gaan daar 'n 'Fear Factor' Vervolg op bladsy 2
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7030 FRIDAY 25 AUGUST 2023 N$6 inside Sports News Pages 18 - 20 Page 5 Page 3 Page 2
The makeshift temporary home the family in Kuisebmond created for themselves.
Photo Leandrea Mouers
Leandrea Mouers
Leandrea Mouers
Hentiesbaai gaan hierdie naweek behoorlik gons met die aanbied van die jaarlikse Visfees.
Foto Leandrea Mouers
No Hope
-rence that we have little to no control over Additionally,thereisnotasingleplaceinWalvis Bay where people who find themselves in situations such as these can be accommodated temporarily or be offered a solution.” He added that the Narraville Stadium Club House, where people found themselves in a similar type of situation,hasnowbecomepermanent. “Thiswas onlymeanttobeatemporarysolution.Wedonot have tents, as fire victims are accommodated in the tents, while several other tents were never returned to us. My office has approached the Disaster Relief Committee for a tent, but that's basically all we can do. Our hands are tied. A definite solution for issues such as these is providing our people with employment which is veryscarcenowadays.Wereallywanttohelp,but as mayor or as council we can only do so much, especially since we also get people who do not really need the help, but claim they do.” Forbes statedthatFarm37isanotheroption.“Ervenhas been allocated, permission has been granted for the first 50 people to move, yet there is only one housebuiltthusfar.”
Florian Tegako Donatus, Walvis Bay rural Constituency Councillor stated that his office is aware of the situation. “As a regional council office,wecannotinterferewithapropertyowner and its tenants, it has become very difficult. The
Continued from page
challenge is we have people committing themselves and find themselves unable to pay Thistypeofsituationsisbeyondourcontrol.This property is not council property, or regional council property.” The councillor stated that the onlyprovisionthatcanbemadefromhisoffice,is thatinthecaseofadisaster “Thisisnotadisaster This is case is difficult, but as means to be generous, I have given a directive for them to be providedwithatent.However,whenwearrivedat ourwarehouse,werealisedthatthereisnottent(s) toaccommodatethemtemporarily.”
Donatus added that these types of situations are occurring on a regular basis. “At this moment, I am accommodating a woman and her two children in my own home. She was also evicted from her home, and came crying at my office, because she has two children, one whom she is stillbreastfeeding.Shewaspreviouslyemployed at Air Namibia and has debt that has been accumulating for the past months. I have been accommodating them, for free, since June, and hereweareattheendofAugustandthereisstill no improvement in the situation.The situation is critical and beyond the hands of the regional council. I am trying my best.” He stated that the 'only way out' is the acceleration of Farm 37.
“Here people will be able to build their own, cheap shelters. Additionally, unemployment is alsoontheincrease,wherelittlecanbedone.”
11th National Fish Consumption Day launched
TheNamibiaFishConsumptionPromotionTrust(NFCPT)recentlylaunchedits 11thNationalFishConsumptionDay(NFCD)underthetheme'Celebratingour Oceans',atWalvisBay.
IncollaborationbetweentheMinistryofFisheries and Marine Resources, NFCPTand stakeholders, initiated the day in 2012 to promote fish consumptionattheregionallevel,eachhasraised N$5.7millionsinceitsrolloutin10hostregions. For this year's NFCD, school netball and football tournaments will take place from 18-29 September,followedbyaneducationalroadshowfrom20 to29Septemberwithinthevarioussettlementsin the Zambizi region. The fundraising gala dinner willtakeplaceinWalvisBayon8Septemberand will be followed by the market day on 30 September in Katima Mulilo where various exhibitions will be set-up like a fish cooking competition,livemusic,kiddies'corneraswellasastreet parade.
Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Derek KlazensaidattheeventthatNFCDisadayabout celebratingfishasaresource,andobviouslyasan agent of change and economic activities. Klazen saideducationisthebackboneofourcountry,our education system is in need. Therefore, NFCPT annually raises funds for regional educational development in the host region through this initiative by procuring school items that are needed bythatregion.
“Weneedtolookwheretherealneedisforthelearners in each region and help where it matters the most,”Klazensaid.Accordingtotheminister,the ministriesoffisheriesandeducationwillworktogetherforabetterlifefortheNamibianchild. Klazen commended the NFCPT's efforts in demonstrating the commitment of stakeholders in the fishingindustrytocontributetoachievingquality education for the children. Klazen explained that Namibiaaimstoachieveatleast20,4kilogramsof fish consumption per person per year, which
translates to about 47 000 Metric Tons (MT) consumed within Namibia per year “Ultimately, we want to see at least 30 per cent of horse mackerel TotalAllowanceCatchorabout100000MT,sold locally Thispolicyobjectiveisinformedbythefact thatthesaleoffishlocallywillstimulateeconomic activitiesandpromoteenterprisedevelopment,”he expressed.
Theministerwentontosaythatthe100000MTof fish is intended to be sold by Namibians in fish shopsandonthestreets,indifferentformssuchas dried, smoked, frozen and canned, which are all value-addition activities meant to create jobs for Namibians. Zambezi Region Governor Lawrence Sampofusaidthatinhisregionmanyschoolsstrugglingwithacquiringschoolsuppliesandwilltherefore benefit from the funds generated from the event. Sampofu explained that learners in the regionmustwalkupto10kilometrestoschool.The region has animals like elephants, buffaloes and lionsthatcreateadangerforthelearners.Because ofthechallengestheresultsoftheschoolsarepoor Wealsohavethechallengeofruralelectrification. Weneedfundstopurchasesolarequipmenttoputin the schools. When we get these proceeds, we can buildclassroomsandsmallhostels,andimproveon theirresults,”saidSampofu.
NFPCT Chief Executive Officer, Victor Pea said thattheideaistobringWalvisBayortheoceanto theregionsothattheregionscangettohavethese benefitsofhavingourpresencethere.“Thatiswhy we are inviting the industry We as a sector join hands and have our presence felt in the regions. It wouldbeidealtohavefishingcompaniestojoinus, sothattheycanknowaboutourfishingcompanies andalsoengagetheschoolchildren,”Peasaid.
kompetisie wees. “Hier gaan die deelnemersbietjie'snaakse'seekos eet waar die wenners ook kan wegstap met 'n verskeidenheid pryse. Die Visfees is een van daardiefeeste,wanneerjyeenkeer
kom,wiljysommerelkejaarkom. Dit gaan 'n fees der feeste wees. Ons is vreeslik dankbaar aan ons borge, sonder julle is hierdie fees niemoontliknie.”
Bankers Association of Namibia Addresses Anticipated Protest Against Banks
In a move that has caught the attention ofWalvis Bay residents,theBankersAssociationofNamibia(BAN)hasissued a statement addressing the upcoming protest organised by the non-profit association, National OwnershipAssociation (NAOA), against commercial banks, the Bank of Namibia, andthecivillitigationsystem.
The protest, scheduled for today, 25 AugustinWindhoekandtomorrow,26 August inWalvis Bay, has stirred discussionsamonglocalsabouttheroleof banks and the broader financial landscape in the town. The planned protestisdrivenbyconcernsoverwhat theorganiserstermthe"capturedcivil litigation system and home repossessions." This protest's ambit covers issues pertaining to alleged exploitation of Namibians by banks, particularlythepracticeofhomerepossessionsandtherolesoflawyersinthese transactions. In response to the upcomingdemonstration,BANhascome forwardwithastatementunderscoring its commitment to a fair and open relationship between customers and banks. BAN recently introduced its Code of Banking Practice, setting the baseline for service and conduct standards that customers can expect from banks.Thiscode,accessibleonBAN's website, is designed to empower customers with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities while clarifying banks' obligations. By adhering toprinciplesoffairness,transparency, accountability, and reliability, BAN aimstobolsterconfidenceinthebanking system among residents ofWalvis Bay and across the nation. In light of the planned protest, BAN emphasises thatitsrepresentationsolelypertainsto commercialbanksanddoesn'tencompass other institutions or individuals notaffiliatedwiththeassociation.The statement also aims to address the specificallegationsaimedatcommercial banks and to dismiss claims of exploitation as lacking credible sub-
stance.ThetownofWalvisBayishome to numerous branches of com-mercial banks, each playing a role in the financiallandscapeoftheregion.Asdiscussionssurroundingtheupcomingprotest gain traction, residents are taking the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences with banks and financial institutions. The statement by BAN highlights the importance of dialogue and understanding between all stakeholders in the banking sector This announcementinaletterbyNAOAthat has swiftly circulated among local circles in Walvis Bay has sparked discussionsamongresidents.NAOA'sreasons for the protest touch on a range of concerns,includingallegationsofthe"captured civil litigation system" by certain banks and their lawyers. The organisation also seeks to voice objections against property repossessions by commercial banks, farm dispossession by Agri Bank, and other actions taken by financialinstitutions.Theseissueshave residents questioning the balance between the interests of banks and the well-beingofNamibians,particularlyin a challenging economic climate amplifiedbytheongoingpandemic.Theplanned protest also takes a stand against certain individuals holding positions of authorityinpublicoffices,raisingquestions about transparency and representation. Local voices are joining the chorus in questioning the influence of external factors on the civil justice system. NAOA's emphasis is on a peaceful and non-violent march, where the principles of civic engagement and peaceful assembly are held in high regard.
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
NFCPT board members with Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Derek Klazen
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe
DRC Community Urged to Apply for Electricity Connection
company, we have committed over N$1.5 million as our contribution towards the electrification of this area.As we launch this project today, we will connect the first 9 houses today and the rest will be connected as they Come.” !Hanabeb further said, electricity is a modern necessity of life and ought to be found in every village, every suburb, and every town in our region.“Thus,Istronglybelievethat theelectrificationofDRCisasymboloftheprogresswearemakingin bringingservicestothepeople,and we are not going to stop here. As long as funds are available, we are determined to do our best to bring theseservicestoourcommunities.”
Last week, Erongo Red commissioned the electrification of nine houses in the Democratic Resettlement Community (DRC) Informal Settlement, where the communitywasurgedtoapplyforanelectricityconnectionatErongoRedatthe costofN$2500only.
Theprojectwasinitiatedthroughanofficialrequest from the Municipality of Swakopmund which was received in 2022. As Erongo RED had not budgeted for this project, the MunicipalityofSwakopmundhadagreedtodividethe fundingoftheprojectintothreeparts,thatbeing the Municipality, Erongo RED and the beneficiary Theprojectedcostoftheentireprojectis intheregionofN$5377916,wherebyErongo RED'sportionwouldbeN$1587126. Erongo RED anticipates electrifying 850 houses upon completionoftheproject.Thisprojectisunique because the pole-mounted ready board project wastoprovideelectricalservicestoareaswhere nopermanentstructureswereconstructed.
Immanuel Tino !Hanabeb, Chief Executive Officer of Erongo Red, said the electrification of homes in the DRC is not merely about the provision of electricity, rather it represents a transformativechangethattoucheseveryaspect ofthedailylivesofthepeople. Onceconnected to the grid, it will open doors to many opportunities such as enhancing education prospects for children, improving quality of life, participating in mainstream economic activities, enhancingsafetyandsecurityatnightand many moreotherbenefits.Duringthelaunchingofthe DRCElectrification,!Hanabebsaid,“thelaunching of the electrification projects today in Swakopmundisacleardemonstrationofusnot just saying 'power to the people',but making it happenthroughcollaborationwithotherstakeholders. The DRC electrification stands as a shin-ing testament to what can be achieved when different stakeholders united with a sharedvision.ThecollaborationbetweentheSwakopmund Municipality, Erongo RED, and the community of the DRC demonstrates the profoundimpactthatsuchcollaborationscanhave
TheMunicipalityofSwakopmundhasinvested aboutN$26millionintheelectricityinfrastructureintheDRC.Theinfrastructurewasdonated toErongoRedtoensurethesupplyofelectricity totheresidents. Outof20applicationsreceived from the community of the DRC, only nine houses could qualify for electrification during this phase. In the past, Erongo Red had challenges of cable theft in the DRC Informal Settlement and the replacement of these cables' costsErongoRedalotofmoney Anydamages, repairs,maintenance,ortheftofassetsistheresponsibility of Erongo RED. According to !Hanabeb, in November 2022, Erongo Red appointedasecuritycompanyatacostofN$72 675permonthtoguardtheelectricalequipment and infrastructure. !Hanabeb said, “we lost assets with N$1.7 million and N$250 000 in 2022and2023respectivelyduetocoppertheft and vandalism. No developer has the capacity to reinvest such amounts of money in repairs and maintenance and replace substation and transformers at any future date, except the REDSandNampower.”
!Hanabeb urges residents to provide security serviceandguardagainsttheftandvandalismas it disrupts smooth provision of electricity not onlytotheresidentsbutalsotocriticalservices such as hospitals, clinics, municipal water pumps,banks,andschools.“Let'sremainvigilant.Letusnotgetfurthersetbacksduetocoppertheftanddamagetoelectricalapparatus,as itwillhamperelectricitysupplytoyourhouses and derail funds,” stated !Hanabeb. While addressing the residents of DRC, !Hanabeb said: “the services are now closer to you than ever before. Therefore, please visit our offices and apply for an electricity connection. As a
AccordingtotheMayorofSwakopmund, Dina Namubes, the lack of electricity in the informal settlements has been one of the major
contributing factors to fire outbreaks. Therefore, the council requestedErongoRedtoprovideelectricity to the DRC informal settlement. Namubes concluded, “we are also appreciative of the DRC community for being patient and surviving the cold and darkness until the Almighty enabled the Council and Erongo Red to work togetheraspartnerstoprovidelight to your homes.” I am aware that moreneedstobedonetoensurethat all houses in the DRC should have accesstoelectricityandIwouldlike to implore the community to get startedonthisprojecttoensurethat they also have access to electricity, becauseIamsurethatifonlyafew houses are electrified, we may still have issues of illegalcable connections,andthiscouldbeahazardand contributetomorefireoutbreaks.”
Frances Williams
to 89 on your Birthday
Birthdays come and go, but a mother's love lasts forever. Hope your day was full of laughter, joy, and lots of cake. Happy birthday, Ma!
From your loving Son
Sharlien Tjambari
Mingeli Ngavetjitale (34), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 18Septemberbecausethedocketwasnotin court.Theaccusedremainsincustody.
Shen Huimin (25) and Jianhwa Li (61), appeared on a charge of Immigration Control Act- remaining in Namibia after expirationofvisitor'sentrypermit.Theaccused wasfoundguiltyandsentencedtopayafine of N$2 000 or 12 months imprisonment term.
Nangonya Alfeus Shafodino (32), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessivebreathalcohollevel.Theaccused was found guilty and sentenced to 24 months imprisonment and the magistrate suspendedhislearnerslicencefor8months effective22Augustintermsofsection51of Act22of1999.
EdwinTjivangurura(43),MelvinModise (28), Boniface Mapani (33) and Charles Louw(28),appearedonachargeofassault withintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matter was postponed to 5 September for fixingoftrialdate.EdwinTjivangururaisat large,andawarrantofarrestwasissued,and hisco-accusedhavebeenwarned.
WisemanVellem(48),appearedonacharge of possession of dangerous dependenceproducing substance. The matter was postponed to 16 October to fix of the trial date. Theaccusedisonbail.
Tobias Sheetunyenga Amagula (23), appearedonchargesofrecklessornegligent drivingandfailingtorenderassistancetothe injured. The matter was postponed to 16 Octoberforfixingoftrialdate.Theaccused isonbail.
QuentinDamaseb(28),appearedonacharge of assault with intent to do grievous
bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto18 Octoberforfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedis onbail.
Thole Hamukoto (28), appeared on charges ofhousebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft and rape- attempted read with the combating ofthedomesticviolenceactof2003.Thematter was postponed to 13 September for bail application.Theaccusedremainsincustody
Lien Somaes (21), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto16October forfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedisonbail.
SiegfriedOxurub(38),appearedoncharges ofdealingindependenceproducingsubstance andpossessionofdependenceproducingsubstance. The matter was postponed to 29 Novemberforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccused isonbail.
MartinShikongo(24),appearedonacharge of robbery The matter was postponed to 23 Augustforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccused remainsincustody
Johannes Kambonde Lazarus (47), appeared on charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances and attempted murder The matter was postponed to 21 September forfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremains incustody
JamesSimpson(42),appearedonachargeof possession of game meat. The matter was postponed to 3April 2024 for plea and trial. Theaccusedisonbail.
LourenceGoreseb(35),appearedonacharge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft.Thematterwaspostponedto18October forfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremains incustody
Ricardo Hilmar Arnold (25), appeared on charges pf reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain damages. The matter was postponed to 17 October for legal aid. The accusedremainsincustody
Construction Begins for Solar Project to
Power Erongo Desalination Plant
Eileen van der Schyff
Groundbreakingprogresshasbeenachievedintheconstructionof a 5 MW solar plant designed to supply essential power to the Erongo Desalination Plant (EDP), marking a significant advancement in the collaborative efforts between Orano Mining NamibiaandInnoSunEnergyHoldings.
Thesolarventure,anintegralcomponent of the Sorexa project's Phase 1, is set to cater to the energy needs of the EDP under a ten-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with InnoSun Energy Holdings. This agreement encompasses the establishment of a 5 MW solar plant at the Trekkopje Site, situated northeast of Arandis. The generated power will then bechannelledtotheEDP,locatedonthe coast just 35 km north of Swakopmund.
InnoSun Energy Holdings assumes the responsibilities of designing, constructing, owning, and operating the solar facility With construction currently in motion, the plant's projected operational launchisanticipatedbytheendof2024. Notableadvancementsincludetheinstallationofsitefencing,earthworks,trenching,andthefoundationsfortheswitching and metering substation building. The far-reaching implications of this endeavouraresubstantial.
Theintegrationofgreenelectricityfrom thissolarprojectissettoenhancethesustainabilityofwaterprovisiontotheErongoRegion.Theanticipatedoutcomeisa considerable reduction in the Erongo Desalination Plant's carbon footprint.
The forthcoming operational solar plant ispredictedtocurtailenergyexpensesassociated with the desalination process, while concurrently achieving a 30 percent decrease in annual greenhouse gas emissions. This reduction equates to approximately 9,722 tons of CO2. The
project's alignment with Orano's commitmenttodecreasingitscarbonfootprintand bolstering the prevalence of low-carbon electricityworldwideisevident.
Operated by Nafasi Water and owned by Orano Mining Namibia, the Erongo Desalination Plant plays a pivotal role in augmenting the region's potable water supply InitiallyconstructedtoserveOrano'sTrekkopjeMinenearArandis,theEDPhasevolvedintoacornerstoneofNamWater'swater deliverysystem.Itsservicesextendtoproviding a significant portion of Swakopmund's drinking water and supporting nearby uranium mines and industries. Positioned just north of Swakopmund, adjacent to Wlotzkasbaken in the Namib Desert, the plant holds the distinction of being the largest reverse osmosis seawater desalination facility in Southern Africa. Presently equipped to deliver 20 million cubicmetersperannum,theplant'scapacity canbeupgradedto25millioncubicmeters per annum within existing infrastructure. Moreover, its potential to reach an annual capacity of 45 million cubic meters underscores its adaptability to meet growing water demands. Beyond its operational achievements, the EDP boasts a commendable safety record, clocking thirteen years of incident-free operation (as of 2023). The environmental management practices at the facility also receive validationfromindependentthird-partyimpactassessments,attestingtoitsadherence tothehigheststandards.
DesertIron &Steel DesertIron
whether you’re in Engineering, Fishing, Construction or Mining business or you’ve made a promise to the wife at home. We have what you need at No. 31, 10th street East, Walvis Bay or call 064-203132 We deliver anywhere and everywhere.
&Steel Need Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Special Steel, Aluminium, Pipes and Fittings, need a special grade or dimension! Tel +264 203 132 ·Fax +264 206 810 ·31, 10th Str East IndustrialArea ·PO Box 2258, Walvis Bay, Namibia A member of the Deamaru Group
Brought Brought to you by Veteran’s Pub @ the MOTH Centre Stalls available with delicious food and snacks Please contact David @ 0817803196 for more information and booking of stalls Entrance fee N$30. Children under 16 free Come and have a fun filled day for old and young with lots of activities and live music by the Gert Meyer Band and JYED Band. Competitions, great prizes and bar specials. Massive Jok Tickets for sale a will be drawn until the Joker is revealed Gates open @ 10:00 Saturday 14 October 2023
Housing Groups to Set Up Residential Extensions at Farm 37
Leandrea Mouers
Three different housing groups received in principle approval for land to be reserved at Farm 37 for the developmentofresidentialextensions.
The groups are the Walvis Bay BackyardTenantsGroup, Seafarers United Land and Housing Federation (Proprietary) Limited and Tulipamwe Community Saving
Group All three groups stated that they would like to purchase unserviced or unsurveyed land at Farm 37. Chairperson of the management committee, Councillor Richard Hoaeb explained that an application was received from the Walvis Bay Backyard Tenants Group to purchase serviced or unserviced land from CouncilatFarm37.
“Unserviced or unsurveyed Portion 19 of Farm 37 situated next to Farm 37 proper was identified for them. They statedthattheywant to purchase land from council for 2 904 active members of their group. Portion19wastherefore identified, and it is our opinion that it will perfectly suit the needs of the Backyard Tenants Group. They further said that they will provide all outstanding services to the land applied for and attend to town planning matters ”
Hefurtherexplained that the group did not indicate in their application whether they have any savings from their members.
“However, opinion is held that they be allocated with land subjecttoconditions to be attended to.
WalvisBayhasbeen experiencing significant growth of urbanization over thepast10yearsand this is expected to continue. The Government of Namibia in terms of the Harambe Prosperity Plan has identified housingasoneofthe pillars that needs urgent attention ”
secondly, in principle approval was granted to Seafarers United Land and Housing Federation (Proprietary)Limited for portion 18 of Farm 37. “An application was received from October Seafarers United Land and Housing Federation to purchase land from Council.
The applicant has indicatedintheirapplication that they want topurchaselandfrom Council for 528 activemembersoftheir Federation.”
Hoaeb further explainedthattheFederationdidnotindicate in their application the land or area they areinterestedin,even after a letter of request on 6 March.
“Theystatedthatthey are contributing N$200 per month for theirprojecttobeimplemented The group has saved N$647 000 with StandardBankNamibia, and they are also registered with BIPA with their company documents attached to the application.”
Heexplainedthatthe Department of Community and Economic Development recommend that Portion18ofRemainder Farm 37 be allocated to the applicant. The unserviced/unsurvey ed Portion 18 of Remainder Farm 37 is situated next to Farm 37proper Thirdly, in principle approval was also granted to Tulipamwe Community Saving Group for the development of a residential extension onPortion12ofFarm 37. “At its meeting (23 March) council resolvedthatthematter be referred back for the Tulipamwe Community Saving Group to follow the correct process of legally formalising the group, and thereafter the matter be submitted for consideration. A meeting was held with the
group and processes were explained to them. This meeting was also attended by the Governor of Erongo Region and the Councillors.” He explained that the opinionheldwasthat conditional approval be granted to the Community Saving Group subject that they attend to legalising the community group or register it with Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia and also attend to Town Planning matters. “Moreover, the application is resubmitted for consideration by Council as received from Tulipamwe Community Saving Group, to purchase unserviced/ unsurveyed Portion 12 of Farm 37 for residential development. This portion is situated next to Portions 10 and 11 currently being serviced byCouncil.”
He stated that the group indicated that theywanttopurchase 600unservicederven from Council for their members, and Portion12ofFarm37 has been identified for them. “The group said that they have only saved N$5 000 as a saving group. However, once the land is allocated, the group will start with savingstoprovidethe land with infrastructure and attend toplanningmatters. It was thus recommended that in principle approval be granted, with conditions attached for all three groups “The Group along with technical assistance from the Town Planning section, at its own cost and risk attend to the town planningmatters.
Once this has been completed within 12 months, a comprehensive report with recommendations be submitted to council for consideration of thefinalapplication.”
Port of Walvis Bay News
Reefer ICE RUNNER: (IMO: 8311120), sailing under the flag of the Bahamas,iscurrentlydockedatthePortofWalvisBayafteravoyageof14 days, 21 hours originating from the Port of Lagos, Nigeria. to discharge 1 504.2MetricTons(MT)AmmoniumNitrate–1200BAGS.TheReeferwill departtoday(25August).
BulkCarrierAFRICANLILY: (IMO:9666443),sailingundertheflagof
Liberia will dock at the Port of Walvis Bay today (25 August) to discharge 8 999 Metric Tons (MT) Wheat –Trucks, before its departure on Monday, 28 August. Her carrying capacityis28340tDWT and her current draught is reported to be 8.3 meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is175metres, and her width is 27 metres.
Diving Support Vessel: GREATSHIP MANISHA (IMO: 9466465),sailingunder theflagofSingapore,is currently docked at the Port of Luanda,Angola and will arrive at the Port of Walvis Bay on Saturday, 26 August to discharge and load dril-
Bulk Carrier: INTEGRITY AOI (IMO: 9951812), sailing under the flag of Panama will dock at the Port ofWalvis Bay on Sunday, 27 Augusttodischarge724
Metric Tons (MT) steel pipes and 300 MT cementbagsbeforeitsdeparture on Monday, 28 August.
General Cargo Ship: UNISKY (IMO: 9356414), sailing under
Port Log
the flag of Antigua Barbuda will dock at thePortofWalvisBay onMonday,28August todischarge7000Metric Tons (MT) BAGGED Salt before her departureon Friday,1 September
The Mission to Seafarers Walvis Bay Branch
Notice is hereby given of a Special General Meeting to be held at the Mission to Seafarers, 1 Rikumbi Kandanga Road on 7 September 2023 at 17:30
Subject: Life Membership
All members are encouraged to attend.
Find Your Fortune with Great Food, Coffee, and Entertainment
Are you in search of an unforgettable, one-stop destination whereyoucantantalize your taste buds by day and then set the dance floor ablazeatnight?
Looknofurtherthan Fortune Foods, Café Oppiekoffie, and Club Sunset, all situated on 6th Street in Walvis Bay. Here, a seamless blend exists of great food, premiumcoffee,and thrilling nightclub entertainment.
Established in 2021, Fortune Foods is a family-owned businessthatcaterstoadistinctive clientele withaspecialmenu.
“Our specialty focuses on quality pastries, both frozen and fried, such as samosas, spring rolls, halfmoons,etc.Our Gatsby range is affordable, delicious, and designed for a family of four We have daily meals ready for w a l k - i n clients.”
COFFEE Café Oppiekoffie caters to breakfast, quality coffee, brewed tea,and,forthosewith
asweettooth,ourown in-house dessert menu.
"Our mission is not to compete with local restaurants and takeaways Instead, it is to provide a range of quality food anddessertsthat complement our community by offering great-tasting, spicy food with aCapeTownian flavor." With a staff complement of 40 individuals, we ensure smooth operations betweenFortune
Foods, Café Oppiekoffie, and Club Sunset.
As the sun sets, the premises transform into a pulsating heartbeat of nightlife excitement "Sunset NightClub18+pro-
vides entertainment for young adults. We areproudtoannounce a new addition to the Club Sunset Family: Sunset Night Club 40+, strictly catering to individuals aged 40 andover Theopening night, slated for Friday, August 25, 2023, has a theme of 'RevengeoftheNineties.' We wanted to cater to those individuals who want to enjoy a night out at their own pace, not that of the young adults."
Additionally, to keep up with the constant world of sports, a special section at Club Sunset has been createdtoenjoythe latest in sports news.
Fortune Foods, Café Oppiekoffie, and Club Sunset canbefollowedon
both Facebook and Instagram.
"We regularly post on our social media platforms,whetherit'sthe 'Special of the Day' or the local DJ providing entertainment at theClub.
We are here to serve thecommunitytothe best of our abilities and promise to deliver a one-of-akindservice,readyto cater to the needs of ourclientele."
8 NAMIBTIMES 25AUGUST2023 Discover the charming world of Café Oppiekoffie! Indulge in the perfect blend of cozy ambience, aromatic coffee and delightful treats. (+264) 81 141 2855 Email: Monday-Thursdays 7am-7pm Fridays 7am-9pm Saturdays 7am-2pm Pair your drink with our scrumptious selection of pastries, sandwiches and cakes all made with love and the finest ingredients Our menu boasts a wide array of meticulously crafted beverages, from rich espresso creations to velvety smooth lattes
GRAND OPENING 25AUGUST 2023 Tickets available for N$50 and N$100 at the door Bottle Richelieu & 2 LCoke = N$450 Bottle Red Heart rum & 2LCoke = N$500 Bottle Spiced Gold & 2 LSprite = N$450 Bottle PO10C & 2LSprite = N$450 SPECIALS WHERE: 146, 6TH STREET, WALVIS BAY Any further information please contact us at +264 81 1443008 DJ Rico, DJ Shakes, DJ Pello, DJ Ice B
Leandrea Mouers
Rössing Uranium Sponsors JP Brandt's Excursion to NaDEET
Rössing Uranium sponsored more than 30 learners from JPBrandtPrimarySchoolin Utuseb, for a week-long Environmental and Sustainable Development Excursion at NaDEET's NamibRand centre in the South of Namibia.
The excursion is part of the Mine's Bigger-Than-Me Project initiated in 2019 with various programmes, such as Mentoring, Ann pads for pubescent girls, Protective BehaviourProgrammeforlearnersofall ages, and defined Infrastructure supportinitiativesattargetschools. Thisfullypaidexcursion,valuedat over N$80 000, creates an opportunity for the learners to learn how to live sustainability, without negatively disturbing the environment.
At the centre, the learners were taught about the use of electricity and using solar energy to cook amongstotheractivities. After having been divided into groups they proceeded to make pizzasforlunchonTuesday,which they prepared from scratch and bakedinsolarovens.
At NaDEET, the learners are taught how to make their own meals using solar energy, which they all enjoyed.At the end of the week, with all the lessons learnt, learnersaregivenareportontheir environmental footprint as their generated waste, successful separationofwasteaswellastheir wateruseistrackedpergroup.
Rössing Uranium's Communities andSocialPerformanceSpecialist
AmandaHornsaid,“eachtimewe take these young budding minds on this learning adventure, I, yet again, get to see the endless possibilitiesafertilemindholds.
Someoftheselearnersgettovalue what is taught between four walls at their schools when they get to NaDEETastheretheygettoapply andexperimentwithwhattheyare taughtatschool.
“Idareandsaythateachgroupthat goes has but expectations when theygo.Ontheirreturn,thoughts, and ideas, as well as practical applications about sustainable living,havebeencultivated.Great job, J P Brandt Primary School. I amlookingforwardtoseeinghow you implement what you have livedatNaDEET”.
NAMIBTIMES9 25AUGUST2023 School News
Rössing Uranium sponsored more than 30 learners from JP Brandt Primary School in Utuseb, for a week-long Environmental and Sustainable Development excursion at NaDEET's NamibRand centre in the South of Namibia.
Photo contributed
Contact our SWAKOPMUND BRANCH @ 064-461866 or visit No.13 Ané Court opposite Namib High School BRANCH @ opposite High School 3 Email all your news to or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068 Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: Leandrea Mouers at 081 621 7807 or mail to: Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to:
Gift Booysen Tops it All
Gift Booysen, a grade 11 learner from Namib High School in Swakopmund was awardedtheDuxLearnerAwardfromTutorificAcademythisweekduringtheir annualprize-givingceremonyheldattheNamibHighSchoolAula.
The Dux Award is awardedtothelearner who has maintained respectable grades throughout the 2022/2023 academicyear
According to the founderofTutorific Academy, Elvino Bezuidenhoudt, Booysen had the highest academic ranking, claiming the top spot on the Tutorific ranking list.
“Gift who is enrolledinthreesubjects at Tutorific has not justexcelledacademically but has an impeccable charac-
ter that is beyond reproach, and he can be labelled as a role model for his fellow peers. He had shown resilienceanddedication.”
According to Bezuidenhoudt, Booysen forms part of the learner's representative's council, and he still managed to balance and maintain respectablegrades.
Kingslynn Olivier a grade 9 learner from West Side High
School received the Distinction Award, which is awarded to thestudentthatachieves90%-100%. Bezuidenhoudt stated
that Kingslynn enrolled for three subjects this year and has surpassedtheirexpectations and is therefore a well-deserving recipient of this award.
“Thisisadisciplined, dedicated, and hardworking student that is always up for a challenge.Weneedto understand that it is not easy to score above 90%, especiallyinMathematicsand Iamafirmbelieverof the saying that hard workpaysoff.Mathematics is not just about numbers, expressions, equations, computations or graphs it is about understanding numericallanguage.”
“Kingslynn managed to score a staggering 99% in mathematics.
“Iamsoproudofhim, sincehestartedatTutorific he has worked hard,andhaveproved to be an asset to Tutorific.”
Chloe Ockhuisen of Namib High School receivedanawardfor the Most Tenacious Student,theawardfor a student who has demonstrated ongoing determination whilst overcoming challenges in their
Ockhuisen is an Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level student who only started her Tutorific journey this year Bezuidenhoudt described Chloe as a fighter, someone who does whatever is required to accomplish agoal.
The Best Student of the Year Award was awarded to Tamzyn Hendricks,agrade10 learner who has been with Tutorific for the past two years. This award is given to a student because of their academic consistency
According to Bezuidenhoudt, she puts effort into improving her capacity to learn and apply facts and skills.
“Sheisateamplayer, verykind,andalways willingtolendahelpinghand.Shepromptlyexertseffortwhich ultimately translates to her favourable results. I can confidentlysaythisstudent gives her best and takesadvantageofthe opportunities Tutorifichastooffer.”
Jessica Wana who started her journey withTutorificin2022 andisenrolledinfour
subjects received the Management Award, thisawardisgivenby theTutorific management team, and it could be compared to that of a principal's award.
This award is awarded to a learner that has a highest level of persistence.
“This student doesn't stop until it's done, doesn't settle for less, always goes the extra mile for her academics, if it being stayinguplateoravoiding unnecessaryleisureto study,attendinglower
grade classes to improve on basics or studying during holidays she has done it all.”
OverallBestAverage in Sciences Award was awarded to Deslyne Reuter and BreeAnneNelreceivedthe Overall Best Average inCommerceAward.
The Most Versatile Student Award went to Gino Sabattie a Grade 10 learner at Riverside Private School.
Top 10 performers in different grades also received certificates
and badges and various appreciation awards.
“Not all the students canachieveA'sorB's, but that's what makes our academy unique, we celebrate the average students as well, as we believe in celebrating the “averagestudent.”
Bezuidenhoudt said someschoolsarevery strictwiththeirprizegivingcriteria.
“Evenifyouachieved a 79% you will not receive an award, because the criteria are 80%. I know how it feels, I too was a learner who achieved 79% just to be told it was not good enough to achieve a prize. It was heartbreaking andIreallydon'twant anyone to go through that As such, I createdmyowncriteria, whereby I acknowledge all those students that have been looked past; all the learners that have workedhardbuthave not been acknowledged.Ifeela79%is just as good as an 80%.” For all your school news please contact Leandrea Mouers
School News
Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes presenting DUX Learner Gift Booysen with his prizes
081 621 7807
Sharlien Tjambari
All the Glitz and Glam
The annual school farewell season is upon us, and in Walvis Bay, Duneside HighSchoolgavethetownitsfirsttaste ofwhatcanbeexpected.
Atotalof17Grade11learnersrockedup creating grand entrances and wowed onlookers with the latest fashion in dressesandtuxedos.
SeenhereisDunesideHighSchoolHead Boy Emanuel Elungu with his partner Juanell Johnson arriving for their 'Night in Paris', which was the theme for the evening.
Team Erongo Heading to National Science Fair
Atotal of ten learners will be representing the Erongo region at the National Science Fair set to take placeinSeptemberinWindhoek.
Forty-three learners from primary and secondary schools in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Arandis, Karibib and Omaruru participated in thetwo-dayErongoRegionalScienceFairthis week.
MackyLeeCloete,agrade7learnerfromKaribib Edu Centre and Mutumbulwa Ndahambelela, a grade 11 learner from Coastal High Schoolwereawardedastheprimaryandsecondarycategorywinners,respectively Cloete'sprojecttackledtheeffectofdensityon surface tension, while Ndahambelela's project investigated the growth of oyster mushrooms onsubstratesathome.
These two learners qualified to represent Erongo at the National Science fair, and seven otherstudentsalsoqualified.
ThesestudentsareDanikaKotze(grade4from Alexander Private School), Daniella van der Westhuizen (grade 5 from Walvis Bay Private HighSchool),ErnzicMorgenorth(grade5from Prominence Private School), Tesheeda Theron (grade5fromWalvisBayPrivateSchool),Faith Humpries (grade 7 from Karibib Edu Centre), Agnes Uushona (Grade 11 from Coastal High School), Theodor Benyameni (grade 9 from Tutaleni High School) and Jospehine Ndaluka (grade11fromCoastalHighSchool).
NAMIBTIMES11 25AUGUST2023 School News
Mutumbulwa Ndahambelela and Macky Lee Cloete were the top two learners at the Erongo Regional Science Fair Photo Leandrea Mouers
Leandrea Mouers
Leandrea Mouers