Sharlien Tjambari
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Rössing Launches 45 Years Legacy Book
Fisheries Observers Agency (FOA) employees staged a peacefuldemonstrationonFriday,19Augustwithapetition hand-overtotheBoardChairperson,InocencioVerde,highlighting several complaints against the board of directors andmanagement.
The municipality of Walvis Bay, in a statementissuedon23August,provided clarityonarecentnewsbroadcastwhich citedtheAuditor-General's(AG)report on the accounts of the Municipality of Walvis Bay's financial year ending 30 June2020.
Fisheriesobservershaveaccusedtheiragencyofviolatingtheiremploymentconditionsastheyfailedtoimplementasalarystructureforthepast employees protest
Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2Continues on page 2 Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe
The public relations and customer service divisionofthemunicipalitysaidinthestatement that the contents of the story are not a true Clarity on misleading news article
OnWednesdayeveningthisweek,CNNCRössingUranium launched it's 45 years Legacy book in Swakopmund themed“ALivedLegacy”,abookdocumentingthehistory andcontributionsofthecompanyformorethan45years. Inhiswelcomingremarks,ChairpersonoftheRössingBoardofDirectors,SteveGallowaysaid,“today,wewillwitnessthelaunchofabook documentingthehistoryandcontributionsofagreatNamibiancompany whichhastrulylivedthevaluesofthetriple-bottomline,namelyPeople, Planet and Prosperity, for more than 45 years. Rössing has lived this reality to the full since opening the mine in 1976, and the Rössing Foundationin1978.”AccordingtoGalloway,hundredsofprojectswere initiated over the past four-and-a-half decades, and once sustainable, washandedovertoprivateenterpriseortoGovernment. Galloway mentioned that thousands of Namibians will attest to the impact Rössing Uranium and the Foundation have had on their lives, including many who are now prominent private and public sector leaders. Gallowaysaid,“itisaprivilegetobeassociatedwiththisgreat company and chair the Board. The pioneers who came before us envisionedthedreamofestablishingaworldclass,responsiblemining organisation; a Mine that would shape and guide future generations of Namibian, mining professionals, heroes in the Namibian mining
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6979 THURSDAY 25 AUGUST 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 3 Page 6 Page16Page5
Fisheries observer, Faustinus Mutangara, who spokeonbehalfoftheworkers,saidtheyarestill waiting for the implementation of the 2021 salary increment for the 2021/2022 financial year,whichwasneverimplementedbythecompany They now want a forensic audit into the affairs of the organisation. “The management complained about a lack of income in 2017 but wentonandpurchasedafleetofvehiclesforthe fisheries ministry, which they are still mainWtaining.ehave also been operating without key policies that contribute to poor compliance and governancewhiletheagencyalsohasatendency ofdelayingwagenegations,”hesaid. According to Mutangara, they are now demanding an investigation into the stagnant organisationalstructure,asitdoesnotprovideacareer pathfordevelopment.Theyalsowantthesubsistence and travel allowances of the CEO and boardtobereducedandtheDecemberclosureof theofficetobeceased.Personalprotectivegear should be procured for all employees, they demanded. “We will take further steps if the boardandmanagementfailtomeetourdemands before 19 September.”According to the aggrieved workers, management informed the union salary negotiation team that the board of directorshasrecommendedanofferof2%increment onbasicsalaryand1.4%ontransportallowance for the 2021/22 financial year with back pay effective from 1 April 2021, and such recommendation has never been implemented They further accused management of not following the internal policies or the labour law governing the institution. “The seagoing per sonnel is not paid overtime for work done on Saturdays and are not provided with the correct personalprotectiveequipment.”
2 NAMIBTIMES 25AUGUST2022 EAR-NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST… at the Coast DR PIETER TROOST M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS (SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada) DO YOU SUFFER FROM: ? · Chronic Sinus Problems · Blocked Nose · Ongoing Tonsil Problems · Snoring · Stop breathing while sleeping · Ear Problems LET US HELP : Book a 061224349consultation… SWAKOPMUND: Cottage Mediclinic WALVIS BAY: Welwitchia Private Hospital DR PIETER TROOST WWW.ENTNAMIBIA.COM Rössing Launches 45 Years
Continued from page 1 20 years. Overspending and wasting the institution's money on unnecessary board meetings andexpenses.Itsemployeescondemnthereckless spending of the agency on subsistence and travelling allowance that annually exceeds the budgetwhiletheydonotenjoythesamebenefits.
Themunicipalityexplainedthatinessence,thisreferstothefactthatthe unallocated amount mentioned in theAuditor-General's report does not haveanyassociationwithanyotherfunds.“Anunallocatedamountisa historical figure and mostly refers to services accounts. Prior yearauditreportsalsorefertosuchunallocateddepositsintheir owncontextanditisacommonpracticeinfinancialreporting.” TheAuditor-General'stabledreportsareavailabletodownload
Clarity on misleading news Continued from page 1
There has been a forensic report issued by a Private Firm regarding the saleoferven.Theauditorsarenotallowedtogivemoredetailsduetoa confidentiality agreement that was signed with the private firm.”
ThenewsreportstatedtheAuditorGeneralJuniasKandjeke,inhisreport, listed the so-called N$24 million as an unallocated bank transaction on the bank statements which still awaits processing. According to the municipality, the Auditor-General's report in question clearly states: “I havedeterminedthattherearenokeyauditmattersidentifiedinrespectof thefinancialstatementsfortheMunicipalityofWalvisBay If,basedon the work I have performed, I conclude that there are no material misstatementsofthisotherinformation;Iamrequiredtoreportthatfact.
Continued from 1 industry, who would go on to set best practice standards not just in mining, but also in health, safety and environmental management and corporate,socialresponsibility.”
The FOAis tasked to conduct research and police thecountry'smarineresources.
Website: Website:
While reflecting on the book, keynote speaker, Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy, Kornelia Shilunga said, the first decade (1976-1986) was focusedonlayingthefoundationforthesuccess theminewasabletoachieveoverthe45yearsof itsexistence.Duringthisperiodakeyfocusofthe mine was on its people and building their leadership capabilities Following the foundation-laying years of the mine (1976 to 1986)theyears1986to1996(seconddecade)are widely considered to be the time of significant highlights, such as Namibia's Independence on 21March1990,andthegrowthoftheminedueto newsalescontracts,butalsoofpeoplereductions and letting go of some of the mine's iconic features, such as the town of Arandis. This decade was allegedly focused on setting high standardsintechnical,safety,environmentaland FOA employees protest employment areas making it a leading mining company not only in Africa but the whole world. Standards which I am proud to observe still Shilungaexist.”mentioned the Rössing Uranium's fourth decade of operations brought many highlights,andaboveall,themine's40th-year anniversarycelebrationsin2016. According to Shilunga, during the fifth decade of operations there were several events that drastically changed and could further impact the future of the mine in one way or the other Themostsignificantbeingthenewleaseoflife which Rössing received when China National Uranium Corporation (CNUC), took over majority shareholding ownership of 68% from RioTintowhohadplannedtoclosethemineas earlyas2020ifthesalewasnotconcluded.This meant that close to 2 000 employees and contractor employees would have been negatively affected through loss of employment.Thesigningofthesaleagreement gavecertaintytothesurvivaloftheoperationto itscurrentapprovedLifeofMineof2026.
reflection of the Auditor-General's Report on the accounts of the municipality “The news story was aired on Tuesday, 16 August 2022, without obtaining any clarity from the municipality, which resulted in a one-sidedandmisleadingnewsreport.”
Theemployeesalsopointedoutthatthedivision ofWalvisBaydutystationwithinthedepartment of operations does not operate with a principal controlfisheriesobservertoassisttheoperations manager, even though the position is budgeted for annually They threatened that should the FOA board of directors fail to respond to their demands on or before 19 September, they will takeappropriatestepswithorwithouttheknowledgeoftheagencymanagement. The chairperson of the board of directors Inocencio Verde accepted the petition. “We are aware of your grievances and appreciate the work done by the fisheries observers at sea on behalfoftheentirecountry Wethankyoufordoing a great job for the nation.We will have to consult governmenttorespondtosomeofthesedemands. Wearegoingtostudyeachpointandwillgetback toyouinduecourse.Yourcrieshavebeenheard.”
Theemployees alsoquestionedadecisionbytheboardofdirectorstogranttheCEON$50000tohelppartially fund his postgraduate studies. “He only joined the agency in 2017 and already qualified for fundinginthe2018/19financialyear?' Theysaidthatthere-appointmentoftheCEOis of great concern to them. "We and neither the general public have been informed how his reappoint-ment process was handled. We would like to know whether it was done after his vacationleavedaysandseverancepaywerepaid out or before that. Why is his re-appointment kept a secret from the employees and the Accordingpublic?” to the employees, the CEO unilaterally changed the deployment schedule of the observers in 2018. "This was done contrary to thegovernmentgazettethatregulateshowmany fisheriesobserversmustbedeployedonfishing vessels.Webelievehecontravenedthelaw.’ TheyalsoaccusedtheCEOofinterferinginthe processes of the appointment of the current board of directors. "The agency, by now, could have a new board. Some board members have overstayedformorethantwoterms,contraryto the Public Governance Act.” The management andboardofdirectorshaveneverheldmeetings withtheemployeesofWalvisBay,buttheytend to travel to Lüderitz to have meetings. The agency also complained about a lack of funds through the media. They however purchased a fleetofvehiclesfortheministryoffisheriesand the ministry returned more than N$4 million to the treasury in 2017.At the same time, they are renting offices which is another expense.”
Vandals have trashed a palm tree structure by setting it on fire at the Meersig Playpark during the early hours of Sunday evening, just weeks aftertheparkwasrepaintedafteragraffitiincident.
The total remuneration for the two vacancies amounts to EUR 39 600 and EUR 10 800, respectivelyprovidedforinthefundingandthe council can either second internal staff or appoint external candidates to these two
The ministry's approvalwasreceivedandthetwoin-principal approvals were subsequently approved by the municipality These include the immediate main commitments required from council to realize this action include a financial contributionofEUR70000overthe36months periodoftheaction(thecityofCzerowenokis contributing EUR 6942 and the European Union EUR 1 310 000 which have been budgetedundervote:plan&designpromenade KuisebmondBeach.
The Walvis Bay municipality in principle, approved the European Union (EU) funded Erongo Sustainable Governance lab; 'participatory urban governance for resilient, safe and inclusive multi-functional public spaces in Namibia action', which entails the construction of green urban infrastructure on KuisebmondbeachpromenadeearlierinMarch this Theyearchairpersonofthemanagementcommittee, Richard Hoaeb said that the MoU entered, should be in accordance with the municipal of Walvis Bay's delegation of powers and assignment of duties and responsibilities policy Hoaebsaid,“InadditiontotheMoUto besigned,itwasagreedthatthecouncilbekept updated and informed on the project progress on a two-monthly basis through Council's informal information session.”
AroundN$1000damagewasinflictedinasecondincident,whichinitiatorofthe playparkupgrade,NadjaFigueiredo,describesasdisheartening.“Itisnotasmuch thefinancialaspectofthesituation,buttheprinciplebehindit.Ibuiltthisstructure purposefullyveryhigh,using3.6mgumpolesconcretedintothegroundsoasnotto getvan-dalised,butcannotcompetewiththis,“FigueiredotoldtheNamibTimesin a telephonic interview Figueiredo believes it is the responsibility of Erongo Red andtheMunicipalitytoprovidespotlightstolightuptheparkatnight.“Lightingup theparkareawouldbetotheadvantageoftheneighbourhoodaswellasthepark. With a substation right in the park, this is very doable. I spoke to the relevant authoritiesmorethanonce,butstillwithoutsuccess,”Figueiredosaid. Onlylastmonththestructuresoftheplayparkwerecoveredingraffitiwithspraypaint and was repainted on 6 August. “Following a previous incident in which vandalssprayedgraffitiallovertheparkstructures,theWalvisBayLionsCluband Round Table repainted the park earlier this month, only to now have suffered another blow,” said Figueiredo who through her family's own initiative, has investedinsomeWalvisBayplayparks. Vandalismintheharbourtowndoesnotonlytargetplayparks.TheWalvisBayGolf Coursealsohaddamagedonewithtrigger-happyspray-paintingvandalsrecentlyas wellasthecutfirehosesinKuisebmondamongstsomerecentincidences.
Green light for MoU with Czero-
Susan Lewis the Project Manager of the delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Namibia recently paid a courtesy visit to David Uushona, Acting CEO and Joseph Amushila, the head of parksandrecreationregardingtheconstructionof the Kuisebmond Beach Promenade in Walvis TheBay project will fulfil one of the Council's Strategic Objectives contained in the Strategic Plan.
vacancies. “It was recommended to second internalcouncilstaffduetocostsavings,relevant internal knowledge, past and future exposures, capacitydevelopmentandownershiptowardsthe action. The above-mentioned arrangements will fulfil council's Strategic Objective 3 while realizingPPPinitiativeSO7-EID1,”saidHoaeb.
The green light has in-principle been granted for the municipality to enter a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the city of Czerowenok, Poland for the construction of a green urban infrastructure on the Kuisebmond beach promenade at IndependenceBeachareonaroll.
It was also recommended that the municipal council grants approval subject to a final go-ahead from the ministry of urban and rural development, for the municipality of Walvis Bay to enter into a corporate agreement with the city of Czerowenok, Poland in accordance with the municipal council of Walvis Bay's delegation of powers and assignment for Duties and Responsibilities Policy “It was thus recommended that the council approves the appointment of Joseph Amushila as project coordinator and David Ushona as acting project manager advisor while still maintaining their council-appointed portfolios."
He explained that the immediate secondment of theinternalcouncil'sstaffisrecommendedasone of the main and first steps. “This will ensure dedicated ste-wardship and local persons for the action.ThesigningofthedraftMemorandumof Understanding; editing of relevant docu mentation,finalisationandofficialnominationof supporting council staff as the project managementcommittee(PMC),officialexternal stakeholders' consultations and establishment of partnerships Project Steering Committee (PSC); compliance to relevant local, national and inter national requirements and many more actions required can be started with.”
Head: Parks and Recreation Joseph Amushila, Project Manager of the delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Namibia Susan Lewis and Acting CEO David Uushona, during a courtesy visit regarding the construction of the Kuisebmond Beach Promenade in Walvis Bay Photo contributed
The internal secondment (recruitment or appointment) of a project coordinator will be spendingatleastone-thirdofthe36monthsof the project to ensure the successful implementation of the project in the Erongo region. Recommendations made, were that Joseph Amushila serve as Coordinator and David Uushona as acting as Project Management Advisor while they are still maintainingtheircouncil-appointedportfolios.
Vandals wreck revamped Meersig Playpark Rudi Bowe Eileen van der Schyff
25AUGUST2022 Walvis
David Samuel (25), Sam Matias (27), Naftali Junias (26), Festus Matias (24), Murder, Robbery,AttemptedRobbery(June2021)Thematter is postponed to 1 September 2022. Bail Application. Ester Ndineo Hambata (34), Murder (July 2021) The matter is postponed to 12 October 2022.P.GDecision. LotherMokatu(35),Theft,Robbery(September 2021)Thematterispostponedto29August2022. Docketnotatcourt(FinalRemand) HeinrichSmith(38),Housebreakingwithintent to steal and theft (July 2022)The matter is postponed to 2 November 2022. Trial partly heard –Magistratenotavailable. Bertrim Kleinsmith (59), Theft (August 2022) Thematterispostponed.Plea. KlaasDavids(39),Drunkdriving(August2022) Thematterispostponedto4October2022.Plea. JohnRossouw(44),Theft–TheftwithFalsePretences (February 2019) The matter is postponed to21September2022.LegalAid. Uuwanga Elifas (28), Robbery (October 2020) The matter is postponed to 15 November 2022. TrialPartlyHeard–Continuationoftrial. Bethwill Johannes (36), Robbery (October 2020)Thecasewaswithdrawnagainsttheaccused. Justus Kalomo Thomas (39), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (November 2021) The matter is postponed to 19 September 2022. Continuationoftrial. Onesmus Mbangula (44), Discharge of a firearm,pointingofafirearm(January2022)The matter is postponed to 13 December 2022. Plea andTrial. Patrick Mwelihanyeka (30), Theft (June 2022) The matter is postponed to 3 October 2022. Furtherinvestigation.Onwarning. Gloire Mungwata (21), Forgery, Exiting refugee settlementwithoutpermit(June2022)Thematteris postponed to 28 September 2022. Trial Partly Heard–Continuationoftrial. Martinus Nuuyoma (36), Rape (July 2022) The matter is postponed to 30August 2022. Bail application–Continuation. Mervin Haraseb (24), Housebreaking with intent tostealandtheft(August2022)thematterwaspostponed.Plea. IsraelShihepo (25),Dealingindrugs,Possession of drugs (February 2021)The matter is postponed to 14 September 2022. Trial Partly Heard – Submissions. Gregory Hoeb (30), Rape (October 2021) The matter is postponed to 19August 2022. Bail application–Continuation. AnthonyAfrikaner(31),Assaultwithintenttodo grievousbodilyharmreadwiththeProvisionsofthe Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003 (October 2021)The matter is postponed to 26 September 2022.TrialPartlyHeard–Continuationoftrial. Matheus Simon (27), Drunk driving (November 2021)Thematterispostponedto19October2022. Trial. Nelson Hinyekwa (44), Fraud, Forgery, Forgery and uttering a forged instrument (March 2022) A Warrantofarrestwasissued.Atlarge. FransKamashungu(25),Assaultonamember of thepolice(March2022)Thematterispostponedto 24August2022).TrialPartlyHeard–Continuation of Trial.Onbail. Haifo Fillemon (53),Assault –Assault with intent todogrievousbodilyharm(March2022)Thematter ispostponedto19September2022.08.24 Beaurin van Staden (18), Attempted rape (December 2021) The matter is postponed to 24 October2022.PleaandTrial.Onbail. Goliath Blaauw (38), Pointing of firearm, Discharge of firearm (April 2022) the case was withdrawnagainsttheaccused. Johannes Ihemba Nkengelezi (50), Carrying on businesswithoutvalidcertificate(March2022)The matter is postponed to 18 January 2023. Plea and Trial.
DonaldUwuseb(21),appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponedto6Septemberfortracingofaccused.Theaccusedisatlarge, andawarrantofarrestwasissued. UkarapoTjehiua(21),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodo grievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto6Septemberforfor tracing of accused. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued.
Jerry Shaalukeni (41), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponedto2Novemberforplea.Theaccusedisonbail.
Gemot Rusman (48), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain damages sustained. The matter was postponedto13Octoberforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremains incustody Gabriel Katanga (21), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent drivingandfailuretoprovideaspecimenofbreathasrequestedbytraffic officer Thematterwaspostponedto21Septemberforplea.Theaccused remainsincustody James Tourob (22), appeared on a charge of attempted murder The matterwaspostponedto18Octoberforfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedis onbail. ImmanuelWeyulu(29),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodo grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 29 November for fixingoftrialdate.
MagistrateCourt Chang Li (31), appeared on charges of forgery and uttering a forged instrument, and fraud. The matter was postponed to 17 October for submissions.Theaccusedisonbail. Ndili Shikale (39), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponedto24Octoberforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedisonbail.
Swakopmund Court Report Bay Court Report
Hon Minister of Finance, Ipumbu Shiimi, Andrew Kanime CEO of Namport and Hon Obed Kandjoze, Director General for National Planning Commission visiting the Port of Walvis Bay
The two guests further added that Namport is an important stakeholder to the MinistryofFinanceandNationalPlanningCommission,thusthedecisionby thetwoStatePrincipalsandtheirdelegationtovisitthePortofWalvisBay
1. An ID card, or passport, or valid driver's license,orvalidvoter'scard;
Telecom Namibia is ready and has commenced with the prepaid SIM card registrationprocess.AsofFriday19August,registrationswillbedoneatallTeleshops nationwideoranyregisteredresellerofTelecomNamibia.
Register your SIM card today
ThevisitorsalsocommendedNamportforitsgreatfinancialperformanceand expressed satisfaction with a positive growth trajectory and the fact that the PortsAuthority has managed to stabilise its finances and advised Namport to prioritiseereinvestmentsinthebusinessoverdividenddeclarationtoensurethe provisionofcost-effectiveandefficientportservices.
Ontheirpart,Hon.ShiimiarticulatedthepremiseoftheirvisittoErongoRegionaspartofphaseoneofGovernment'smid-termbudgetreviewaswellareviewofthemedium-termexpenditureframeworkforthenextthreeyears.The MinisterofFinanceunderscoredtheimportanceofregionalconsultationswith keystakeholdersandthatfeedbackobtainedatgrassrootlevelsservestoinform theNationalbudgetingprocess.“Theseconsultationswilladditionallyformas acatalysttoaddresstherealneedofNamibians”,theMinisterstated.
Minister Of Finance And Director General Of National Planning Commission Calls The Port Of Walvis Bay
TheCEOofNamport,MrAndrewKanimewelcomedHonIpumbuShiimi, MinisterofFinanceandDirector-GeneraloftheNationalPlanningCommission, Hon Obed Kandjozeto the Port of Walvis Bay and further thankedthedelegationfortakingtimeofftheirbusyschedulestovisitthe PortofWalvisBay.TheCEOalsousedthisopportunitytosharethecompany'sperformanceforthepasteighteen(18)months.
2. A police declaration that declares that the customer is the rightful owner of the number, andthattheSIMcanberegisteredundertheir;Proofofresidencesuchas,municipalstatement or lease agreement, municipal registration certificate or police declaration of where the customer resides or a letter from your nearest church, school, constituency councillor or police declaration that declares theresidingaddress;and 4. Lastly, kindly bring your SIM card, and if assistance is required to access the SIM, then also bring your mobile device and/or pocket 5.Wi-Fi.Regarding minors, a mobile service provider may not conclude a contract allowing a minororapersonunderlegalguardianshipto obtainaSIMcard,unlesstheminororperson under legal guardianship is accompanied by his/herparentorlegalguardianwithauthentic proofofsuchparenthoodorguardianship.
The Minister of Information and CommunicationTechnologyintermsofPart6ofthe Communications Act of 2009 published Regulations, which authorised the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) to impose additional conditions on mobileserviceproviders,includingTelecom Namibia, to enable the registration of SIM cards in Namibia. These conditions were imposedbyCRANon28April2022. AccordingtoTelecomNamibia'sChiefExecutive Officer, Dr Stanley Shanapinda, SIM cardregistrationisaboutpublicsafetyincyber space. “SIM registration requires customerstoregisteraSIMcardintheirnameto accessTN mobile services and other related products.Similarly,itisanimportanttoolfor preventing phone-based fraud, scams, identity theft and other criminal activity Law enforcementagenciescanonlyaccessacustomer'scalldataifacrimehasbeenreported andawarranthasbeenissuedbyajudge.As such,andbecausewetaketheprivacyofour customers seriously, it is only under these legalcircumstancesthatwewilldiscloseany Therecords.”registration is free and done in person, andTN customers will be expected to bring the following original documents for a successfulregistration.
TheCommunicationsRegulatoryAuthorityof Namibia (CRAN) announced the mandatory registration of all SIM cards in Namibia, which will come in effect on 1 January 2023. All operators are expected to register all existingcustomerswithintwelvemonthsfrom 1 January 2023 and all-new subscriptions within three months of the date of sale, after which unregistered SIM cards would be deactivated.
Following high-level engagements between the Namport CEO, Executive Management and State Principals, the delegation was treated to a tour of the PortofWalvisBayfacilities
DJCarDealersAfricaTradingCCherewithintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmund forspecialconsenttooperateanAdministrativeofficeonthepremisesofErf3956,(c/oEdison& EinsteinStreet)SwakopmundExtension10. Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant,duringnormalbusinesshours.
notice.pofaddressudebtstheircalledCreditorscommunitymNamibiaSwakopmund,andwhowasarriedoutofofpropertyanddebtorsoftheaboveestateareupontolodgeclaimsorpaytheirtotheestateatthendermentionedwithinaperiod30daysfromdateofublicationofthis HEAHRENS Executrix c/oAssociatesKinghorn IncorporatedHausAltona 2–6TobiasHainyekoStreet POBox Swakopmund1455 (Ref.HEA/AV 302/0001-50)EST NOTICEOFCONSENTAPPLICATIONINTERMS
NAME & NO: Topaas InStreet.terms
The purpose of the visit is a result of the Excellency's roadmap focusing on maritime, agricultural, and industrial cooperation between Namibia and Brazil.And also to further strengthen the strategicpartnershipbetweenthetwocountriesandtheirportsas outlinedinhercredentialsrecentlyhandedovertotheNamibian HeadofState.
New Brazilian Ambassador Pays Courtesy Visit To Port Of Walvis Bay ESTATENOTICE ESTATENUMBER: E1832/2022 In
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringandPlanningServices.
MrOr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
TheCEOwelcomedthegesturebytheAmbassadorandshedlight on the fruit reaped from all the hard work over the years by Namport in partnership with Walvis Bay Corridor Group and stakeholdersinBraziltodevelopbusinessandtradeopportunities betweenthetwonations.
TOWNPLANNINGSCHEME CONSENT: Pre-school and Day Care Centre ON ERF NO: 2047 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond
CaptainAlexander Neves deAssumpcao (Navy), Defence, Naval,Army andAirAttaché,CEO of Namport MrAndrew Kanime, Her Excellency Vivian Loss Sanmartin, Mr Sanmartin and Captain Geas Shatika, Senior Pilot, Namport the estate of the late Robert Alexander Sinclair Identity Number 0001 2, who died on 16 June 2022,residedatSection 13 Marlene Court, Daniel Tjongarero Street, OF BAY STREET oftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:Pre-SchoolandDayCare PlansCentre.maybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan:9September2022.
The CEO similarly reported to the Ambassador on the performanceofthePortAuthorityoverthe“pastsixmonthsofthe current financial year which have yielded great rewards with Namibia now importing bulk and break-bulk sugar from Brazil; notonlyfortheNamibianmarketbuttheSADCregionaswell”.
The new BrazilianAmbassador to the Republic of Namibia, HerExcellencyVivianLossSanmartinpaidacourtesycallto NamportlastFriday,19August.
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Musculoskeletal pain, due to either chronic conditions, or spinal and joint injuries can occur from sprained ligaments, strained muscles, injuries from sports or accidents, spinal nerve inflammation or arthritis. But also, less obvious conditions such as bad posture, obesity or psychologicalstresscancausechronicbackpain.
MINISTRYOF TRADE COMMITTEEAPPLICALIQUORINDUSTR&YACT,1998NOTICEOFTIONTOAINTERMSOFTHELIQUORACT,1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below,willbemade to the Regional Liquor Committee,LicencingRegion Erongo.
HowdoIknowifIamatrisk? Classic symptoms for back pain can range from a muscle aching to a shooting, burning or stabbing sensation. In addition, the pain may radiate down your leg or worsen with bending, twisting, lifting, standing or walking If you experience weakness, numbness or tingling in your legs, you should contact your doctor or healthcareprovider
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1. Name and postal address of appli cant: Pelican Point Lodge cc, PO Box 86233 Eros Park, Windhoek. 2.Nameofbusiness or proposed business to which application re-lates: Pelican Point Lodge. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Farm Pelican Point No.8Central,Walvis B a y E r o n g o Namibia. 4. Nature and details of application: SpecialLiquorLicence. 5. Clerk of the Court with whom appli cation will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court,WalvisBay 6 Date on which application will be lodged: 3 September 2022. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 12 October 2022. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must besentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before thedateofthemeeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
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25AUGUST2022 NAMIBTIMES7 Contact NHP for further enquiries. Tel. 061 285 5400
Start to live again! If you want to take measures to prevent or relieve possible back or neck pain, contact NHP or your doctor for a possible treatment assessment and therapy planning.
Noticeisherebygivenin termsofsection63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/ 1992),asamen-ded,that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sold by private transaction 6191 Walvis Bay to Earth Giants Investment for the establishment of a Vocational Training DescriptionCentre. Erf6191WalvisBay Area 63975m² PurchasePrice N$1919250.00 Full particulars per taining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday 6 September 2022 at room 29, Municipal Offices, KuiForsebmond.more information MrsSelmaSatchipiacan be contacted at tele phone (064) 201 3232 duringofficehours. Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the under signedbeforeorat12:00 *Friday, 9 September 2022. AVictor GeneralCommunityManager:&EconomicDevelopment MunicipalOffices Civic NangoloCentreMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714 NOTICE (Master'sReference E2290/2021) In the estate of the late Maria Francina Hendrika Fourie, Identity No 410714 0036 3 of No. 1 Tsavorite Street, Swakopmund, who died on 3 July 2021, and who was Inwidowed.termsof Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be openforinspectionofall persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days fromdateofpublication hereofattheofficeofthe Master of the High CourtWindhoekandthe Magistrate's Court
withpaymentwillpdthetheretoSSwakopmund.houldnoobjectionbelodgedwithMasterconcerneduringthespecifiederiod,theexecutrixproceedtomakeinaccordancetheaccount. CJDEKONING, Executor c/o AssociatesKinghornInc. HausAltona 2–6TobiasHainyekoStreet POBox Swakopmund1455 Tel.(064)-405051 (Ref:CDK/AV 261/0001-80)EST NOTICES & VACANCIES Visit our Namib Times Swakopmund office at c/o of Otavi and Wasserfall street at Ané Court No. 13
12 NAMIBTIMES 25AUGUST2022 Employment Opportunity: Vacancy of Enrolled Nurse Type of Notification: New Position Employment Type: Full Time Employment Status: Permanent Closing Date: 2 September 2022 Email Address: Tel No 064-403415 Company Info: 22 Daniel Tjongarero Ave. Swakopmund Opportunity / Duty Description: · Provide the highest level of patient care possible · Ensure that quality and practice standards are met at all times · Perform procedures such as administering medications, wound dressing, taking measurements , cannulation, Calibrating equipment, assisting registered nurses and helping patients with hygiene, feeding and other activities. Opportunity Requirements: · Current nursing registration with HPCNA · A caring, responsible nature and the ability to provide the highest quality of care and customer service. · Excellent interpersonal and communication skills · Outstanding negotiation, conflict resolution and problem –solving skills · Ability to multi – task, work quickly and efficiently, be organized and thoroughly, work in team and follow instructions · Minimum of 12 months of practical work experience, plus medication endorsement · Understanding of aged care standards · Code B – Drivers Licence · Namibian / Permanent Residence · Ability to speak English, Afrikaans, German will be an advantage MINISTRYOF TRADE APPLICALIQUORINDUSTR&YACT,1998NOTICEOFTIONTOACOMMITTEEINTERMSOFTHELIQUORACT,1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee,Region Erongo.
In the estate of the l a t e M a n u e l Garoeb, Identity No. 510316 0019 1 of No. 3603 Omojamba Street, Mondesa, Swakopmund, who died on 17 October 2001, and who was unInmarriedterms of Section Jubilane Julius James April, P O Box 1176, WalvisBay 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application re lates:InkandlaLodge. 3. Address/location of premisestowhichapplicationrelates:PlotNo.2 Utuseb District, WalvisBay 4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence. 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application willbelodged:Clerkof the Magistrate’s Court,WalvisBay 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 3 September2022. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 12 October 2022. Anyobjectionorwritten submission in terms of section 28 of theAct in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the SecretaryoftheCommitteeto reach the Secretary not lessthan21daysbefore the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965,noticeishereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distr ibutionAccountinthe above estate will be openforinspectionof all persons interested thereinforaperiodof twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the officeoftheMasterof theHighCourtWindhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swa objection theretobelodgedwith the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accor dance with the account. HVISSER(Mrs) Agentof Executrtheix c/o AssociatesKinghornInc. HausAltona
2–6 HainyekoTobiasStreet Tel.(064)(Ref:Swakopmund405051/ESTHVLM-2/0001-0)357 NOTICES & VACANCIES FORECOURT QUICKSHOP WATER BAR ATM's AIRTIME PRE-PAID ELECTRICITY TV PAYMENTS CORNER BAKERY & TAKE AWAY - COMPANY MEAL PACKS; PLATTERS; DAILY LUNCH; GRAB 'n GO MEALS ASSISTANT KITCHEN SUPERVISOR Minimum Requirements Grade 12 (Passed 25 points) 4 Years of Fast Food and Bakery Management experience Additional experience Required Leadership Skills People management skills: must be able to Co-lead / -manage a multi-cultural team Must be able to work under pressure Stock management / control skills: e.g., Control Stock sheets, Stock counts Invoice management, GRV, Returns and credit control Fast Food Supply chain knowledge Communication skills with customers, suppliers and staff Fast Food and Bakery product knowledge Recipe PracticalmanagementBulkFoodPreparation and cooking skills Computer Literacy: Branch, Excel, Word, Outlook Maintain high HSEQ standards Food Handling Safety experience: e.g., Cold chain management, cross contamination, ext. Knowledge of Fast Food and Bakery equipment usage and maintenance Working hours: 8 hour shifts from Monday to Friday 07h00-15h00 Weekend off from Friday 15h00 until Monday 12h00 Following week: 8 hour shifts from Monday to Friday 12h00-21h00 14 hour shifts Saturday & Sunday 07h00-21h00 Salary: Market Related All CV's must be accompanied by a copy of the interested candidate's ID, School Records, all relevant Work Certificates, Police clearance Certificate All interested parties can send their CV to: Lilian Theron, Engen Walvis Bay Convenience Centre thCorner of Sam Nujoma Avenue & 10 Road, Walvis Bay, or E-mail CV to: Closing: Monday 29August 2022
1 Name and postal address of applicant:
SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES C l a s s i f i e d s CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication MALAWIANTRADITIONALDOCTOR DoctorBombaBazuka–thenameisenough ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs&feet, epelipsy,drinking/smoking, tobereleasedfromprison, manhood Hips/breast.enlargement.Iknowyouhave beenletdownbyothersbut nowyourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.
TorentinMeersig: 2xbachelorflatswith sharedkitchen,Bicin kitchen,ownshowerand toilet,largeparkingarea. Water and Wi fi included. Prepaid electricity N$2800.00p/m. DepositN$1500 required.Contract0812587211 / W0813235163alvisBay:
Call/smsBombaBazuka: 081602
UsingdiabetesbloodepilepsydiseasesHealingcustomers/clients.attractchronicsuchas,asthma,highpressure,sugarandmore.purelyorganicherbs.IndegenousSouthernAfricanmixtures&ancienthealingmethodologies,willalsoassistyouwithlifestylehabitschangestodealwithaddiction&weightlossGuguda-menenlargementin3sizes,medium,large&extralarge,withprovenresults&testimonies.Prayers,healing,fortunetelling,dreaminterpretations.Finance,pregnancies&more town,next to
081Call,SupermarketChoppiestext,whatsapp7407321 DOCTTRADITIONALOR:Dr.SJeke (TheBest). BadLuck-Luck Muti-LoveProblemsMarriagetokeepyourlover justforyourself-Work problems-Promotions-To getten-dersandtoboostyour business-Peopledon’twant topayyouback-Pregnancy Problems-Protectionof Farms,Houses,Carsand Animals-Sexualtransmitted sickness-allsickness Asthma,BP-Removetokoloshifrom bodies,houses -Men’spowersexualitySpiritualdoctorsinneedof morespiritualpowers,etc. HouseNr.(79)3191D. JohannaBensonStreet Kuisebmond,WalvisBay Cell:081303 100%DrKOIKOIand ProfessorGONONDO Wipe your tears and stop suffering. Iamoldenough,I don'thavetimetoplaywith peoplewhohaveserious problems,Iworkwith experience,Idon'trushfor peoplesmoneywithout helpingthemfirst.Don'tlose hopebecauseanotherDr failedyou.Cometome!!! TheonlyMiraclewater fromtheVolcanoes Areyoustressingofmoney *Love/relationship *Lost&buildingproperties *Jobsearching *Courtcases *Pregnancy *Badluck/removeevil spirits/getridofenemies *Unhappymarriage *Menspenisenlargement *Spiritpowersforpastors/ Sangomas/political/leader *Finishunfinishedjobwith 69yearsofexperienced Zamba&Jososeph Only man you can trust for quick and effective results. 100 % guaranteed. CallDrKoiKoiandProf. Gonondo:0817326899
ToRent: TwoBedroomflat. Nr4–55,SamNujomaSpaciousandsunnytwo bedroomwithbothensuitebathrooms.Lotsof BIC,openplankitchen, sittingroom.Stove.Big outsidebraaiwithseating. Alarm.Singlegaragewith remotedoor.Prepaid electricity. Sorry–No pets.Pensionersfriendly Nomunicipalconnection fees.NS6500.00p/m plusdeposit
DRZANIAPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbacklostloverthe sameday,getaloverofyour choice,getmarriedquicklyto manorwomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orherloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financialproblems, magicringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts,manhood enlargement5cmto30cm, hipsandbreastenlargement andmanymore. DrZania: 0812549875
all oftypeswitchcraftpowerthatis happeninginpeople'slife heandbringsbackallyourluck whichistakenthrough witchinghegenuinelyhelps withthe diabetes,,TB,Epilepsy,stroke,Bp,wombpain,jointpain,gout.19.Hipandmanhoodenlargement20.Removingblackspotsonyourskin21.Stimulatesexualdesireandlonglastinginbed.Don'thesitatetocontacthimnowtowitnesstheendofyourproblems. Contact:0814672722 DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorisherein ErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines: 1.HealsAsthma&Epilepsy 2.MentalDiseases 3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant) 4.Manpower&Erectile 5.dysfunctionWorkandpromotion relatedmatters 6.Business&customer 7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems 8.Improvesandboostbody 9.immunitySpiritualillnesses 10.Luckycharmsand winninginlife 11.Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetesand heartdiseases 12.Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome 14.Thingsthatmovesonthe roofsofhouses 15.Catchthievesandbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholandsmoking 17.Unfinishedjobs 18.School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino 19.Badsmellandunhealed 20.woundsWealthmattersandmany manymore. CallDrMajoroneformore information 0812017556appointmentsandon MAMASINDI AwellknownSouthAfrican femaledoctorSangoma fromKwazulunatal (Durban)isheretoheal, treatandsolveyour problems.Lostloverswill bebacktoyou,women problems,work,lucky charms,protectionand manymore.Located Lagoon,WalvisBayMama Sindi0813274512 Dr
TWOWContact:immediatelyAvailable0812504694.alvisBay:ToRent:Bedroomflat@BlockofFlats.Nr7 –172,Theo-Ben Gurirab -Duplex-Sunny twobedroom,BIC. Bathroom,openplan kitchen&sittingroom. Stove.Alarm.Single garage.Prepaidelect. Municipalwater.Sorry–Nopets.NS5500.00p/m plusdeposit. Availableimmediately 0812504694. TORENT:Koraal straat,Narraville BachelorBuiltin cupboardsandstove N$3000.00p/m N$1500.00deposit Contact:0815782854
Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattheright time
DRRINGAZI:Payafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financialproblems, magicringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts,manhood enlargementmtoxl,hipsand breastenlargement,badlucks andmanymoreCallDr Ringazi:0812049299
Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash. ISSUES: challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologiseand beunderyourfeetforever aloverofyourchoice orwithoutproposing(using upileoil) problems enlargementinallsizesand strongerinbed your debts/Loansquickly financialproblems,get moneyinyourbankaccount usingchida tenderswinlottoand gamblingandcontracts atwork am goodinmakingawomanto beexcellentinbed,tobe sweeterforgood, destroys Atwabi:Payafter success,sameday Bringresultsbackyourlost loverthesameday,get aloverofyourchoice, getmarriedquicklytoa manorawomanofyour choice,stopyour partnerfromcheating andmakehimorherto loveyouonly,get attractedtoarichman orwoman,all pregnancyproblems, hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,clear debts,manhood enlargement XL muchmore Atwabi reconciliationwithlost love(lover)Attractthe rightmanorwomanfor love&marriage.Strong luckycharmsforwork &promotionGetthe jobofyourchoice& qualification(youwill bethefavoritecandidate amongstallshortlisted. Wintenders,getloans approved,startyour ownbusiness&
DRRINGAZI:Payafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financialproblems, magicringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts,manhood enlargementmtoxl,hipsand breastenlargement,badlucks andmanymore CallDr Ringazi:0812049299
Thereishope,Oupa ChimezaisinWalvisBay withverystrongmedicine fromMalawi,hehas23years experienceinvarious problemsanddiseases.Heis professionalinbringingback lostloverswithinashort time,pregnancyproblems, courtcases,jobproblems, stopdrinkingalcoholand smoking.Hipsenlargement, debts,BP,strokeandmany more,comeandexperience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife.Call OupaChimeza081558 7112TraditionalDrHerbalist DrLovemoreBenBanda (Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,topass exams,topassdriving,to protectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to winawomanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret.Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet.
TORENT: Onebachelorflat ownkitchen,own bathroom&toiletand sleepingroom Veryquietandsafearea. N$2600.00p/m W/E Nearincl.KatuturaCar wash,newNHEhouses Contact:0813736300 TORENT:WalvisBay, Kuisebmond,Kabeljou street onebedroomflatwith openplankitchenand sittingroomwithprivate bathroom,inaveryneat andsecurearea Highfencedandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforsinglepersonor couple. N$3700.00p/m Nodepositneeded W/E incl. Availableimmediately Contact:0811278229
0812337274 NYASA TformsSpecialist7321DrAFRICANHERBALSCLINICBanda081740invariousofAfricanraditionalhealing,spells,spiritualhealingsolutionstoassistyouwithanychallengesyoumightbefacing.
CONSTRUCTIONASHIKANGA Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving *BuildingConstruction *YardConstruction *Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting. SwakopmundWalvisBay Contact:0813487979 M-S Electrical Services We specialize on the following repairs: üGeysers + Geyser timers (saves electricity) üWashing Machines + Servicing üAir Conditioners üGas refill ( cars and fridges) üCompressors üInstallation of CCTV cameras üRepairing of all electrical and electronic appliances üRefill air con in cars and trucks üInstallation of intercoms üAuto garage doors üMicrowaves üStoves üRepairing of WAP machines üRefrigerators üGenerators üSecurity alarm system üHouse wiring üElectrical gates üTV mounting on the wall and dstv insallations üElectrical motor 3 phase, single phase üAny electrical equipment we can fix. Taking all your electrical needs seriously All repairs have 3 months Guarantee!! Contact: 081 299 9960 DOCTTRADITIONALMOZAMBIQUEAN:OR: DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirsttime withstrongandpowerful medicinespecialisingin variousproblems&diseases tomentionafew:(a) Bringingbacklostloverin4 daysonly,bindingyourlover andtobeyoursonly;andto stophim/herfromcheating. (b)Removalofbadlucknd towintoughandchallenging courtcases.(c)togeta man/womanofyourchoice. (d)jobsandpromotions.(e) pregnancyproblemsand winningtendersand contracts,protectionof bodies,houseofwitchcraft, revengeandrapasule, rejuvenatepowerduringsex andboostweakerection. Paints,headache,epilepsy, swollenlegsandfeet, manhood lifemiracleexperienceit’theletdiseasescomplicatedandrecoveringenlargement,ofstolenpropertymanymoreotherproblemsandyoumighthavebeendownbyotherdoctorsnpast.“StopCrying”nowsyourtimetocomeandthewonderfulhappeninginyourandyouwillneverregret. Foranyappointmentcall DoctorChinomba081767 7045 DOCTTRADITIONALORKALENGA: Hecanhelpyou through: Pregnancy - Education - Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay& Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887
TORENT: SwakopmundMondesa, Onebedroomflattorentin AsserKapereStreet N$1500.00plusfulldeposit WaterincludedandPrepaid AElectricityvailableimmediately Contact0813337940
*Pass exams,Iamlookingfor thosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist, finishunfinishedjoband manymore.MailOrder AvailableCallNowBaba Kareem0812528744 DRFAMBAWILLNOT DISAPPOINTYOU Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctorwho
JOBWANTED: A27yearsoldgirl lookingforanyjob aroundWalvisBay,with experienceofcookingand electricalinstallation. Willingtostartanytime. Contact:0813646925
JOBWANTED: Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay.Ihave experienceincleaning andwriting.Readytostart ASAP Contact:0814647796
14 NAMIBTIMES 25AUGUST2022 'n Gedenkdiens sal gehou word op 27Augustus 2022 om 10:00by die Shofar-Kerk in Swakopmund ter ere aan haar Dit is met groot hartseer dat ons bekendmaak die heengaan van ons geliefde moeder Martha Koller * 20April 1937 - + 13Augustus 2022 Kontak die volgende vir meer inligting: Denise (0813990615) of Paulina (0813094031) an equal opportunity employer has a vacancy for a DRIVER I MINIMUMF YOU COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: - Be a Namibian citizen. - Must have grade 10 with a minimum 1-year experience as a driver - Must have a police clearance record - Must be in possession of a valid code CE driver's licence with a valid PDP - Must be willing to stay on site and have sober habits - Must be willing to work shifts and overtime - Be able to read and write English AND WISH TO EXECUTE THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBILITIES: - You will be responsible for deliveries in and around town as well as the pick-up of goods for the company · Pick-up of company employees. · Pick-up of employees or clients from the airports and or hotels. · Keeping company vehicles and garages clean. · Daily vehicle checklists and completion of logbook · Have excellent driving skills and road safety awareness. · All other information will be divulged during the interview If you feel that you meet the following criteria, then kindly forward your CV to: vacanciesbcs@bestcheer or post your CV to HR at BC STONE PRODUCTS) (PTY) LTD, P.O.Box 4676, WALVIS BAY CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: 29 AUGUST 2022 ONLY SHORT-LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE NOTIFIED NO DOCUMENTS WILL BE RETURNED A CANDIDATE MAY UNDERGO PSYCOMETRIC ASSESSMENTS BC STONE PRODUCTS (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LTD C l a s s i f i e d s CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication PROPERTIESTORENT PROPERTIESTORENT TORENT: OneBachelorflattorent inOletweni,Monica GeingosStreet N$2800.00plusfull WdepositaterIncludedand PrepaidElectricity Availableimmediately Contact0812304981 TORENT: RoomtorentinHermes WalvisBay N$1800.00p/m Immediatelyavailable. Contact:0814226419 Shopavailableforrent orbuyinKuisebmond, WalvisBay. Rent:N$4000.00 Water& Atoilet--room-orrestaurant,-ExcludingBuy:excludedElectricityN$1000000.00costsSuitableforButchery,minimarketanyotherbusiness.FreezerroomandColdinstalledKitchenwithBICOfficecubicleandfacilitiesvailableimmediatelyN$4000.00depositrequiredforrent. Pleasecall0857220 T429ORENT:WalvisBay Meersig,Ext. 1x1 availableBachelorBedroomFlatsforrentimmediatelyavailable Quietsafeareawith parkingspace. Nopets. Monthlyrent: N$3300.00p/m. Water+ElectricityinRclusive.entdepositpayablein 3months. Contact:Mr.Gerhard 0816588889 0852588889 YOUONLYLIVE ONCE,LIVEIN AA)STYLECENTREOF TOWNNEARSPAR. AvailableendMay Two andahalfbedroom, FullyalarmedCarport, twotoilets,Builtin kitchen,IndoorBrai smallcourtyard, N$ Pets(exc4900/monthw&e).Notallowed.BB) LONGBEACH.House no52onHaubStr.Four bedroomhouse,twoen suites,Doublegarage, BIC’s,Openplan,Pet friendlyhouse,Pre-paid elect,fullyalarmed. RentN$ excluding7500/month(W&E) Cell; TORENT:Tamariskia housefor 3immediatelyrentbedroomwithbic Kitchenwithbic living garagebathroomdiningroomroom Pre Paid Electricity Water Excluded N$6800.00p/m DepositN$3000.00 Nopetsallowed. Ifinterestedcontact 0816687388 PROPERTIESFORSALE PROPERTIESFORSALE ForsaleinNarraville WalvisBay 3bedroomhouse–BICall rooms,2bathrooms Tvroom,Lounge diningroom,scullery Buildincupboards BuildinBraai-OUTSIDE Gas APPROVEDstovePLANSFOR DOUBLEGARAGE&Extra OutsideRoom. BACKYardflat 1bedroom–BIC Bathroom,Openplan kitchen/lounge-Garage PriceN$1385000–(neg)–ValuationN$1450000 CALL0812902614/085 2902614TOVIEW FORSALE: Newlybuiltfreestanding houseinMondesaforsale, safeneighborhood. 3bedroom,masterbedroom isEnSite,kitchen,living room,guestbathroom,single garage(drivethroughfor3 cars)andspaciousyardwith boundarywall. N$850000.00costsincluded ContactKerthFrom Kerth'sRealtors 0813175424 FORSALE:Newlybuilt freestandinghousein Mondesaforsale,safe neighborhood.3bedroom, masterbedroomisEnSite, kitchen,livingroom,guest bathroom,singlegarage (drivethroughfor3cars)and spaciousyardwithboundary wall.N$850000.00costs included ContactKerthFrom Kerth'sRealtors 0813175424 Swakopmund–ForSale N$1Tamariskia450000(neg) 3Bedrooms,2Bathrooms OpenPlanKitchen,Big LoungeandTVroom DoubleGarage 576merf: ² House:173m² Tamariskia–Ext3 3Bedrooms,2Bathrooms OpenPlanKitchen Scullery,Inside&Outside BBQ,DoubleGarage N$1720000 Matatura–NewExtension BrandNewBuiltHouse,3 Bedrooms,2Bathrooms, OpenPlanKitchen,Double Garage,AProof2Bedroom FlatN$1150000 Matutura–Ext1 Erfsize485N$1440000 ForviewingCall: Muggie0811294121 WANTED BESTCASHPRICES PAIDONTHESPOT FORALLKINDSOF YOURGOLDRINGS BANGLES,CHAINS COINS,ETC EVENFORTHE BROKENONESWE ALSOBUY CUT DESERPleaseDIAMONDSvisitTJEWELER&CURIOSPriorcallsareessentialCell: 0814081550 Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay *** Ifyoudon’twanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryoreven acar WANTED/GESOEK: IamlookingforaTVto buyinSwakopmund. Ekisopsoekna‘nTV omtekoop Contact:0818174581 VACANCIES TOHIRE CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeor alterations.ablutionCowboys. 064418150or 0811464770 VACANCYSEAMSTRESS Namibiancitizen FluentinEnglish& AbilityAfrikaanstolearnfast Honest Pleaseforwardcvto: TheManager P.OBox4032 WalvisFORBayHIRE: 4TonTruck,suitablefor refuse/rubbish transportationremoval,andmoving. N$ 450.00 per trip within Walvis Bay Negotiable toother towns. Contact:0812746504 0817483901 JOBS WANTED JOBS WANTED JOBS WANTED
JOBWANTED: Lookingforironingwork FridaysorSaturdays. WalvisBay Contact:0817582873
JOBWANTED: Iama25yearsoldlady lookingforadomestic work.Readytostart. Cell:0814518052 JOBWANTED: Iama25yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay,Town. LagoonorLangstrandfor 5daysor 3daysaweek,I candowashing,ironing andcleaning.Icanstartas possible. Contact:0812053763
JOBWANTED: Iama30yearsoldlady lookingfordomestic worker.Cleaner,staywith kids,washingclothes, cleaningoffice. Contact:0817413843
JOBWANTED: Iama35yearoldlady lookingcaregiverjobor cashiering SwakopmundinorWalvis Bay.Ihaveexperiencein allthosefields,good referenceandreadyto startimmediately Contact:0813052197
JOBWANTED: Iama25yearold lady,lookingfora cleaninghousekeeping,housesand takingcareof children.Iamready tostartanyday, MondaytoFriday Contact:081219 JOB3335WANTED: Iama33yearold ladylookingfor domesticworkin Swakopmund,during any willingweekdays,toworkafter hoursaswell.Ican babysittoo. Contact:081304 3640 F O L L
JOBWANTED: A32yearsladylooking fordomesticworkorany kindofcleaningjob. MondaystoFridays. Contact:0814838621
JOBWANTED: Iama29yearoldlady lookingforcaregiverjob inSwakopmundorWalvis Bay.Iamhardworking andhonestwith experienceanda certificateinPalliative care. Contact:0814069462
TheNamibBoxingAcademy(NBA),incollaborationwiththeErongoBoxingFederation (EBF),ishostingthefirstFutureChampsboxingcompetitionon3September2022atthe SwakopmundHotelandEntertainmentCentre(SpitzkoppeHall)atSwakopmund.
“Someparentsseeboxingasabadsportthatwilldamage theirchildren'sbrain.Theyforbidthem,notgivingthem a place in the academy since most of them (boxers) are under their guidance. They have no choice but to stay away from the training sessions,” he said and futher said,”somearenotgiftedacademically Thiscanbetheir future. If they take it seriously, they can become champions, they will represent our town and inspire otherstofollowintheirfootsteps,”saysMatsuib.
"WalvisBayisthesought-aftersailinglocationinNamibia,mostlybecauseof the protected lagoon and bay along with favourable and consistent wind conditions,nottomentiontheexcellentfacilitiesandsupportprovidedbythe WalvisBayYachtClub." OtherracestotakeplaceinDecemberincludetheHobie14&16nationals, the Bell Buoy Race as well as the Offshore Race, where sailors sail from WalvisBaytoSwakopmund.Inthepasttwoyears,theracewasmodifiedwith participantssailingfromWalvisBaytoLangstrandandbackagain.
Future Champs 1 competition
Theprize-givingfortheLaserNationalswilltakeplaceshortlyafterthelast race on Sunday afternoon. The current Laser National champion is Susan Steyn, followed by Salva Verchusa and then Xenia Plarre. Davidson added that the rest of the class championships will take place in December 2022.
Phillip Muller from Namib Boxing Academy strongly feels that "it is important to create opportunities for the youth to participate in, and for the fighters to get the necessaryexposure".
Devon and Judy win SFC Squash Club Championships
Rudi Bowe
School News
Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe
This year's Laser Nationals is proudly sponsored by Laramon Tours and WesternIndustrialSupplies.”
Trainer and one of the founding members of Khorixas Boxing Academy, Claudius Matsuib said the academies Boxersareready It'sahugeprivilegethatwewereinvited again to another tournament called Future Champs at Swakopmund.Asthetitleoftheeventitselfindicates,this is a very good chance for our young talent to expose themselvesfortheirfuture.”
EstablishedasrecentasJune,theKBAconductstraining attheKhorixasYouthHall,underauspicesoftheMinistry of Sport, Youth and National Service. The boxing academy's first notable outing was at the Kunene Governor's Cup earlier this year, winning a silver medal fortheireffort.“Itwasaverygoodimageandsuccessfor the academy It has gained us more members. We are looking forward by putting in our time and energy,” Matsuib Managingsaid.the group's expectations and pessimistic parents who see boxing as a “bad sport” has been challenging, he says, however, he believes the benefits ofboxingarebeneficialfortheyouth,whohavelittleto noaccesstoupliftingrecreationalactivitiesatthetown.
Another challenge is the lack of support from the community and local businesses, although kickboxing championDelanoMullerhascometotheacademy'said so far “The community does not stand up for us yet. Maybe they will if they see more success. The lack of supportisverydisappointing.Ihaveknockedonvarious doors.Nopositiveresponse,”hesaid.
Sailing season kicks off with Nationals
FutureChampsaimstocreateopportunitiesfortheyouth toparticipateincompetitiontogetthenecessaryexposure. The competition will feature amateur fighters from Arandis,Swakopmund,Walvis,OpuwoandBoxersfrom the Khorixas BoxingAcademy (KBA) that is more than ready to showcase its immense potential at the competition. The NBA believes that it is important to invest in the youth and giving the opportunities to grow Boxing and its coaches instill values such as hard work, discipline, respect, motivation, and confidence into the athletesandhelpthemwiththeirgoal.
DevonSavageandJudySavagearethe2022SFCSquashClubChampionsinthemen'sandwomen's divisionsrespectively.
The2022sailingseasonwillkickoffwiththeNamibiaSailing Association (NSA) Laser Nationals on 27 and 28August at theWalvisBayYachtClub. TheChairpersonoftheNamibiaSailingAssociation,LaurenDavidson,said that the first race will be held shortly after the skipper's meeting at 9:00 on Saturdaymorning,27August.Davidsonsaid,"thesailingeventshavetaken place annually for well over two decades and bring Namibian sailors from variousregionsinthecountrytocompeteinthesailinghotspotofNamibia.
Aboxingtrainingrefresher,officialjudgingtrainingand referee course will be staged on 2 September by tournament organisers. The public is encouraged to comeinnumberstosupporttheamateurcompetition.
Boxers from Khorixas Boxing Academy with the team from Walvis Bay-based NamibBoxingAcademywhogavethemtrainingrecently.
SFC Squash Club Championships that took place last weekend at Swakopmund for men, ladies, and juniors,with35players,battleditoutataveryhigh levelforclubrankingsandwasdescribedasamajor success. The men's division was won by Devon SavagewithBrandonGranesecond.Thewinnerin the junior division was Kai Düvel with Ole Steinsträter, second. Judy Savage won the ladies divisionwithCharneFouriesecond. ThewinnerswillrepresenttheSFCSquashClubat the BDO Squash Open tournament on 15 to 17 SeptemberinWindhoek.
Rudi Bowe The Walvis Bay Motor Club and the Namibian Motorsports Federation (NMSF) in conjunction with Shell V Powerandlocalbusinesses,ishostingthe 2022ShellV-PowerSwakopmundRally Bythetimeofgoingtoprint,10ofabout 20 rally cars have already registered for the11stagesthatwillcover170kminand around Swakopmund. The rally starts at OceanViewShellat10:00andwillendat theGo-KartTrackinSwakopmund.
AftertheTarraRallyearlierthisyear,rallyactionmovestothecoastwherethepowerful roaroftheenginesofrallycarswillbeechoingthroughSwakopmundstreetsfrom10:00on Saturday,27AugustfortheseventhlegoftheNamibianNationalRallyChampionships.
All Pre-race activities will take place at the Ocean View Shell Station as from 7:00 for the arrival of the rally cars for scrutinizingwiththefirstcarstartsat10:00 from the Ocean View Shell for the first stage. The Namibia Motorsport Federation requested that spectators do not drink and drivewhilstattendingtheevent.“Wevalue the lives of our road users. Please take cautionwhenparkingnexttothemainroads to Henties Bay and refrain from making a U-turn onto the main roads as this is very dangerous and could cause an accident. Please use designated parking areas and spectatorpointsasfaraspossiblealongthe mainroad,”theNMSFadvised.
Trane rol op Kudu Park V-Power Rally to hit Swakop
times Sport Send your sports news journalist5@namibtimes.netto 25AUGUST2022
Rudi Bowe
Trane het gerol op Kudu Park toe die premier liga span van FNB Kudus laas Saterdag hul perfekte seisoen afgesluit het metn18-23,enverloorhetteendiepremierligaspanvanFNB Unam in die half eindstryd van die NRU Premierliga op Jan WilkenStadioninWalvisBay Die besoekers het die oorwinning behaal met 'n sterk vertoning in die eerste helfte, wat hulle rustyd met 13-5 laat voorloop het, toeAljarreau Zaahl sukses vol was met 'n strafdoel in die eerste minute van die wedstryd. Unam het die druk toegepas teen die tuis span toe agsteman, Oderich Mouton die eerste drie vir die besoekers gedruk het met Zaahl, watdiedrieverdoelenhulvoorsprongvergroothetna10-0.Zaahlhetmet nogastrafdoelgeslaagomdiebesoekers13-0telaatvoorloop. KudushetuiteindelikhulritmegevindtoeJoshuaJacobsnanlosgemaal die tuis span se eerste drie gaan druk het aan die einde van die eerste helfte,watdietellingop13-5laatstaanhet. Kudus het skitterend terug gekom en die voortou geneem in die tweede helfte met 'n prag-drie deur die kaptein, Cameron Langenhoven. Plaasvervanger,RaytonPaulsehetgeslaagmetdiedoelskopwatgesorg hetvirdietellingvan15-13virdietuisspan. StrafdoeledeurAljarreauZaahlenvanUnamenChadPlatovanKudus hetdietellingna18-16indiegunsvanKuduslaatstaanmetnetminute oor Unam het terug geslaan met 'n puik verdoelde drie deur Delron Brandtwatdieeindtellingop23-18testaangebringhet. IndieanderpremierligahalfeindstrydwatinWindhoekgespeelwas,het Wanderersvir Rehoboth verslaanmet31-29. UNAM enWanderers pak mekaarindieeindtrydvandiepremierligaop3SeptemberinWindhoek. IndieReserweliga-halfeindstryd,hetRehobothvirKudusgeklop,22-7 enWanderersvirUnam,28-6.WanderersenRehobothpakmekaarindie Reserweliga-eindstrydop3SeptemberinWindhoek.