RedForce Contract Terminated
The Walvis Bay municipality has officially terminated its contractwithRedForceDebtCollectors.
The Acting CEO, JohnEsterhuizenhas confirmed this afternoonthattheinstruction from the Walvis Bay local authority council of terminatingthecontractwith the Red Force Debt Collectors has been executed. This after
Walvis Bay local authoritycouncilvotedin favour of terminating the contract with RedForce at a Special Council Meeting where councillor Ephraim Shozi tabled a motion to terminate the debt-collection contract. The Munici-
pality of Walvis Bay last year appointed RedForce Debt Management CC as a debt collectionagentforthe municipality for five yearstorecoveralloutstanding monies owed to the municipality in respect of all accounts that are in arrears
RedForceDebtManagement CC, owned by Julius Nyamazana has managed to collect over
N$1billionoftheN$1.5 billion owed to at least eight local authorities by ratepayers country-
wide Walvis Bay residents have raised their voices in protest
Continues on page 2
All Eligible Namibians Expected to Register for Upcoming Elections
Namibia Competition Commission Finds PAN and Banks in Breach of Competition Act
The Namibia Competition Commission (NaCC) has concluded its investigation into the Payment Association of Namibia (PAN) and nine commercial banks for alleged collaboration regarding interchange fees, citing potential pricefixingormarketmanipulation.
In a Press release dated 22 April by theNaCC,itwasrevealed according to NaCC's findings, the investigation focusedonthemul-
tilateral agreement through PAN to fix interchange fees, a practice deemed in breach of the Namibian Competition Act. The commission identified PAN and several commercial banks, including First National BankofNamibia,Bank Windhoek Ltd, Standard Bank Namibia Ltd, and Nedb Continues on page 2
In preparation for the upcoming general registration of votersandthe7thPresidentialandNationalAssemblyElections scheduled for27 November, the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) is conducting a two-week training for Registration Officials assigned to Namibia's Foreign Missions ahead of the general registration of voters (GRV) and polling.
The purpose of the training is to provideskillsandexpertisetothecandidate, enabling them to understand their roles and responsibilities and to impart skills that will help them dischargetheirresponsibilities.ThecandidatesareexpectedtoassistECNin managing, directing supervising, and controlling all processes under their jurisdictionwithintheconfinesofthe ElectoralActNo.5of2014.
Theupcomingelectionswillbepreceded by a General Registration of Voters(GRV),duringwhichalleligible Namibian citizens will be expectedtoregisterafreshtocasttheirvotes intheforthcomingelections.Thelast GRVwasconductedin2014whenthe Commission deployed a Biometric
ChairpersonofECNsaidtheGRVwill be conducted both inside the country and at all Namibian Diplomatic Missionsasrequiredbylaw,andthisprocess will be conducted under the currentElectoralAct,No.5of 2014.
According to Nghikembua the Electoral calendar, launched on 7 March, has scheduled the GRV to take place countrywide and at Namibia DiplomaticMissionsfromthe3Junetothe1 August 2024, for a total of 52 days. TheGRVplaysacrucialroleinmaintaininganinclusiveandvibrantdemocracy in Namibia as it helps create a comprehensive and up-to-date voter's register While addressing the registration officials, Nghikembua said the Commission has employed Reall 14
Continues on page 2
Namibia Competition
Namibia Ltd, as parties whose conduct infringed the act
While NaCC determinedthatsomecommercial banks did not contravene the CompetitionAct, they may still be affected by the commission's decision These banks include Banco Atlantico Europa – Namibian Branch, Bank BIC Namibia, Letshego Namibia t/a Letshego Bank Namibia, Trustco Bank Namibia, and Nampost t/a Nampost SavingsBank.
Additionally,theBank of Namibia is con-
sidered an interested party potentially affected by the commission's decision
NaCC asserts that the collective setting of interchange fees by competing commercialbanksconstitutesa horisontal agreement tofixprices,apractice prohibitedundercompetition laws The commission has given the concerned parties 30 days to make written submissions or indicate their need for oral representations before any further action is taken. The investigation revealed that PAN and the
identified commercial banks adopted the Payment Clearing House Card Schedule, which dictates interchange fees agreed upon by Namibian banks. This practice hasbeenongoingsince at least 2014, with NaCC emphasising that such collusion among competitors to set prices is inherently anticompetitive.
NaCC'sproposeddecision, subject to the parties'responses,may lead to legal proceedingsintheHighCourt against the parties foundtohaveengaged inprohibitedconduct.
Distribution Agents Model Pilot Project Launched
TheNamibiaFishConsumptionPromotionTrust(NFCPT) launched a pilot project at Walvis Bay on Friday, aimed at partnering with selected third parties in an effort to distributefishtomoreNamibians.
The Distribution Agents Model project startedwithastrategic partnership with the NamibiaUniversityof Science and Technology and the Namibia Business Innovation Institute in 2023 with the aim to enable NFCPT to collaborate with local stakeholders in the fish distribution sector, catalysing fish consumption in Namibia. Board Chairperson, Suzan Ndjalekasaidatthelaunch that the project will spans for six months, during which NFCPT will assess the financial viability of the project and performance of the thirteen successfuldistribution agents. According to Ndjaleka the data collected during the pilot phase will be crucial. Innotonlydecidingto either implement this project fully but also toaccesswhatkinds,if any of assistance is necessary for the successful partnership
todemandthatthemunicipalitycutstieswiththe RedForce debt-collecting agency, residents marched from the Kuisebmond and Narraville townships to plead with the council to sever ties withRedForce.
Inthemeantime,RedForceDebtManagementCC hit back at theWalvis Bay municipal councillors sayingthatitisabreachofthecontract. Margaret Malambo,DeputyChiefExecutiveOfficer&LegalAdvisor at RedForce, told a daly news paper thattheyfinditveryalarmingandcomicalthatthe Councilhaspassedamotionthatiscontrarytothe terms of the signed contract between the parties. “Prior to our procurement and subsequent appointment,therewasaCouncilresolutionpassed wherein the very same Council resolved to hireadebtcollectioncompanyviaopennational/ publicbidding.”AccordingtoMalambo,atender document was subsequently advertised in the local newspapers, and just like many other debt
All Eligible Namibians
regions of the country permanently, replacing the temporary Regional Coordinators and Assistant Regional Coordinators. In addition, “we have appointed and trained 121 Constituency Supervisors of Registration as well as one Supervisor of Registration in the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation who will assist you in your role as Registration Officer/Polling Officer” The 2024 National Elections are conducted under the theme “Enhancing Electoral Democracy through Electoral Processes”. Nghikembua said the GRV, aswellasthepolling,willbeprecededbyarobust Democracy Awareness Campaign which aims to sensitise the electorate about the significance of their role in a democracy and to mobilise broader participation in the electoral processes using various communication channels (both traditional and digital media platforms) According to Nghikembua,thevoterandciviccampaignstrategy was launched on the 7 March 2024. The strategy aims to create comprehensive and inclusive civic and voter education initiatives that encourage and facilitate citizen participation in the electoral
Continued from page 1 collection companies in Namibia, we applied. Malambo added that in terms of the Public ProcurementAct 2015, a Bid Evaluation Committee wassubsequentlyconstituted,andfollowingevaluation,RedForceDebtManagementwasdeemed the successful tenderer “Thereafter, various consultations regarding the terms of our operations were held between RedForce and the Executive Administration of the Municipality, following whichapresentationontheprocurementcontract was then made to Council. During this presentation, the terms and conditions of the contract were duly discussed and analysed. It is therefore very concerning and highly misleading for the very same Councillors that were present during thispresentationandmeetingtonowsaytheyhad no knowledge of RedForce and were never consulted by the Executive Administration. Any allegationsofmalpracticeandinterferencearelargely misplaced and serve only to unsettle the publicandgarnerpoliticalvotes,”Malambosaid.
Continued from page 1
processes, for both the 2024 and 2025 National Elections.
Thepollingthecampaignwillallegedlycarrythe slogan''PutyourvoiceintheBOX''whichisacall to action for all registered voters to vote on election day Nghikembua said she expects the registration officials to conduct their work in a non-partisan and transparent manner and within theconfinesofthelaw TheCommissionwillnot tolerate laxity by any electoral staff in the undertaking of their duties or any conduct that compromises the Commission's commitment to upholding the integrity of the electoral process. Section 65 of the Electoral Act provides for the Commission to make appointments and may withdraw such appointments in the event of negligenceofduties.Thepenaltiesareoutlinedin Section 176 of theAct. You will be fully briefed aboutthesepenaltiesaspartofthistraining.” The Commission will use manual ballot (conventional) voting methods during the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly Electionsin2024,andtheRegionalandAuthority Electionsin2025.
between NFCPT and distribution who mostly are small businesses Ndjaleka said, “upon completing the pilot phase, NFCPT plans to involve more SMEs and established businesses as distribution agents gradually.”
She added “The Trust will act as the wholesale distributor to the agents, ensuring they have access to affordablefishsothattheywill be able to resell to all towns and villages of our regions NFCPT appeals to the governmenttoensurethatthere are adequate policy efforts to en-sure that more fish is diverted into the domestic market,” Ndjaleka said. The Chief Executive Officer at NFCPT, Victor Pea, said the Trust was given a significant mandate, that is to advocate for increased fish consumption within Namibia and ensure that Namibian reaps the full benefits from their naturalresources.
According to Pea,
NFCPT expanded, and witnessed an increase fish distribution yearon-year, our expansion essentiallyalienatedus, andinawayunderined our goals to have more Namibians access the fishwepromote.
“Therefore, in 2017 when we were crafting the new Strategic Plan then, management proposed a change in mission, that is from aspiring 'To be the prefer fish distributor in Namibia' to being 'The catalyst for fish consumption for a healthy Namibia' change in focus means that NFCPTisshiftingfrom being competitive to beingcollaborativeand empowering. It is this shift in focus that has birthed the idea for an Agency Distribution Project. “Therefore, in ourreimagininghowto implement our mandate, the Trust has developedvariousstrategies,andthenewone is the Agency Distribution Model, which is a proud addition to our initiatives,”headded.
Namibia Ventures into Atlantic Salmon Production
TheAfricanAquacultureCompany(AAC)hasmadehistorybysecuringan"OffshoreCommercial Phase" license, marking a milestone in Namibia's aquaculture sector. This license, valid for 15 years,positionsNamibiaasthepioneerofcommercialsalmonfarminginSub-SaharanAfrica.
Apress release by theAAC dated 19April, states that operations primarily in three offshore sites northwest of Lüderitz in the ||Kharas region, the companywillspecialiseintheproductionofhighvalue,omega-richAtlanticSalmonforbothexport and domestic markets. Leveraging Norwegian expertise,thecompanyplanstoickstartoperations in early May, with an initial projected production capacity of 50 thousand tonnes per annum. The establishment of salmon farms is expected to
catalysesocioeconomicdevelopmentinNamibia, contributing to infrastructure development, job creation, and skills transfer According to AAC, thecompanyaimstogenerate5000jobsthrough direct and indirect beneficiation, spanning production, logistics, construction, and various services. AAC is taking proactive steps by establishingalocalSalmonFarmingAssociation. Thisinitiativeaimstoattractmreplayersintothe globallylucrativesalmonfishingindustry
MIT Engages Stakeholders on Economic Policies
TheMinistryofIndustrialisationand Trade (MIT) held a crucial public consultation among stakeholders to specifically seek contributions on the draft Special Economic Zone Bill (SEZ), National Informal Economy, Startups and Entrepreneurship Development Policy (NIESED), Namibia Investment Promotion and FacilitationRegulationsandNational CoolingStrategy.
The Ministry has embarked on a journey to tailor this concept to our unique needs and aspirationsasacountryaswestrivetohaveitas alawtoreplacetheEconomicProcessingZone (EPZ) regime which has thus far brought about variouschallenges.MinisterofIndustrialisation and Trade, Lucia Iipumbu, expressed her gratitude for the participation of stakeholders, acknowledging the invaluable insights they bring to shaping Namibia's economic future. Highlighting, Iipumbu emphasised on the significanceofSEZandtheirroleascatalystsfor economic transformation globally “These zones create favourable conditions to attract domestic and foreign investments, foster innovation, and generate employment opportunities.” According to Iipumbu, these legislationsarekeyinshapingtheeconomicdimension of Namibia which can ultimately result in significant growth and development of our country Shesaid,“theproposedSEZBillseeks to address Namibia's unique needs and aspirations, aimingto overcomechallengesfaced under the existing Economic Processing Zone (EPZ)regime.”IipumbustatedthattheSEZBill should be crafted with a forward-looking approach, incorporating measures to promote innovation, research and development and the integrationofnewtechnologies.
Iipumbu reminded stakeholders that Erongo regionremainsaprimeandhubofdiverseeco-
nomic activities due to its rich natural resources endowment. “This region is therefore strategic in attracting investments in various sectors such as Mining, Fishing, Renewable Energy including GreenIndustrialisation,logisticstomentionbuta few It is therefore important that we ensure that this Bill is fit for purpose and use it to guarantee thatwecreateanavenueforvalueadditiontoour resourcestocreatethemuchneededjobs.Special EconomicZoneshaveovertheyearsproventobea catalyst for economic transformation around the globe.Thisisdonethroughcreatingspecificareas withfavorablebusinessconditionsandincentives advanced by governement, in order to boost and attractbothdomesticandforeigninvestments,foster innovation, and generate employment opportunities,” she stated. Iipumbu said, “the establishment of Special Economic Zones can significantly boost industrialisation, enhance export capabilities,andstimulateeconomicgrowthespecially as we are readying ourselves to participate fully in the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).”
Inconclusion,letusseizethisopportunitytoshape the future of our economic landscape collaboratively The success of this Bill, Regulations, Policy and Strategy lies in our collective efforts and the wisdom we gather from diverse viewpoints.“Together,wecancreateaframeworkthat not only attracts investments and stimulates economic growth but also upholds our values, protectsourenvironment,andpromotesinclusive prosperity”Iipumbusaid.
Powering Progress in the Erongo Region
Namibia is on the cusp of a transformation in its energy landscape, with developmentsintheErongoregionpoisedtoplayapivotalrole.
Withsubstantialstridesinpowergeneration and distribution, Namibia aims to achieve energy self-sufficiency by the end of the decade, while also becoming a major regionalpowerexporter
Projectssuchasthe300MWsolarparkinthe Erongo Region highlight the region's potentialtoharnesscleanenergysourcesfor sustainabledevelopment.
Namibia currently relies on a mix of power sources, including coal-fired and dieselpowered stations, alongside photovoltaic (PV) power However, major developments
are underway to diversify and expand its energy portfolio. One of the key projects drivingthistransformationistheKudugas-topower initiative, set to produce 475 MW of combined-cyclepowerby2026.
Additionally, the Baynes hydroelectric station, expected to generate 600 MW of powerby2028,willcontributesignificantlyto the region's energy needs Furthermore, Namibia is embracing renewable energy resources, with plans to construct 2-5 GWof newsolarcapacityby2030.
Mopane Exploration Campaign Unveils Promising
Oil Discoveries
The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR), in collaboration with partners Galp Energia andCustosEnergy,hasannouncedexcitingdevelopmentsin Namibia's oil and gas sector following the successful completion of the first phase of the Mopane exploration campaign.
According to a press release by NAMCOR dated 22April, the Mopane-1X Well Testing operations have uncovered substantial oil columns containing light oilinhigh-quality reservoir sands at two different levels, AVO-1 and AVO-2. This initial success was further bolstered by promising findings at the Mopane-2X well location in March, where significant light oil columns were discovered across explorationandappraisal targets, including AVO-3, AVO-1, and a deepertarget.The press release
states the reservoirs' log measures have revealed favourable porosities, high pressures, and high permeabilities in extensive hydrocarbon columns
Fluid samples extracted during the testingphaseexhibited very low oil viscosityandminimalconcentrations of CO2 and no H2S, indicating the high quality of theresource. During the well test, flows reached the maximum allowed limits of approximately 14 thousandbarrelsof oil equivalent per day (14 kboe/d), positioning Mopane as a potentially significant commercial discovery
Preliminary estimates suggest hydrocarbon figures of 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent or higher within the Mopane complex alone before further exploration and appraisal wells are drilled. The data acquired during the current Mopane drilling campaign will undergo comprehensive analysis and integration into an updated reservoir model This model will inform Galp's near-term drilling plan, facilitating continued exploration, appraisal, and development of the broader Mopanecomplex.
Sudden Death on Tutungeni
Vessel at Namport
Eileen van der Schyff
TheErongopolicehavereportedasuddendeathonboard the Tutungeni vessel, docked at Namport, Berth 4, in WalvisBay.
According to information provided by WarrantOfficerTashiyaFernandoofthe Erongo police, the incident occurred in themorninghoursof Tuesdaythisweek. The vessel, belonging to a local fishing company, had docked at Namport on Monday, 15 April foroffloading purposes. It is alle-
ged that on Tuesday morning, a colleague discovered 41-year-old Samuel Japhet Nam unresponsiveonhisbed. Despite attempts to wake him for duties, Nam did not respond.A doctor from the vessel was called to examine him, but Nam remained unresponsive. Notably, he had not complained of any sickness to the clinicoranyonepriorto
this incident. St. Gabriel Paramedics visited the scene and declared Nam deceased. Police have ruled outfoulplay Thebody was transported to the Walvis Bay Police Mortuary for a postmortem examination, while the next of kin has been informed Police investigations areongoing.
DATE: 29 APRIL 2024 / TIME: 14:00 - 17:00 VENUE: ATLANTIC HOTEL WALVIS BAY MELIZA UIRAS RSVP RSVP 064-530599 / 081 211 7999 / pa2mayor@utc.com.na
Namibia's Decentralisation at Slow Pace
Sharlien TjambariThe 2024 Annual Consultative DecentralisationForummeetingwhichserves as a consultative platform for stakeholdersondecentralisationtopromotea sharedunderstanding,acommonvision, and approach on matters affecting and/or relating to decentralisation implementation in Namibia kicked off on TuesdaythisweekinSwakopmund.
Decentralisation is the process by which the activities of an organisation, particularly those regardingplanninganddecision-making,aredistributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative locationorgroupandgiventosmallerfactionswithin it. This consultative platform, hosted under the theme "Towards the full implementation of the Decentralisation Policy in Namibia", provides an opportunity for the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD), Regional Councils, Decentralising Line Ministries, and other partner
governmentinstitutions,askeyroleplayersinthe implementation of the Decentralisation Policy, to takestockoftheprogressmadebyreflectingonthe gains and challenges experienced; to share knowledge and experiences from various institutions/regions and how challenges encounteredcouldbebestaddressed;considerand share practical approaches to accelerate decentralisation;andtomapthewayforward.
Erastus Uutoni, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development said, “As key stakeholders in decentralisation, we have a collective responsibilitytoensurethatallthepeopleofthiscountry areprovidedwiththequalityandquantityofpublic goodsandservicestheyneedasnearaspossibleto where they live, go to school, and/or where they work.”Uutonifurthersaiditisofvitalimportance that MURD, Regional Councils, Decentralising Line Ministries, and other partner government institutions continue to harmonise and strengthen their multi-levelled coordination mechanisms betweenthecentralandsubnationalorgansofthe government. According to Uutoni, it is a commonly accepted fact that proper coordination removes duplication of efforts and wastage of
resources on the one hand, whereas, on the other hand, it promotes efficiency in resources utilisation and synergies across and between sectors.´Thispositionissomuchinharmonywith thegeneralprincipleofsharedresponsibility,and complementarity as well as cooperation between differentlevelsofgovernmentasstipulatedinthe African Charter on the Values and Principles of Decentralisation, Local Governance, and Local Development.”Overthepastyears,asteadytransfer of service functions and related resources has been witnessed from various decentralising Line Ministries to regional councils. Uutoni acknowledged and commended those Ministries in the forefront for their unwavering spirit of partnership, cooperation, and commitment towards realising and advancing the objectives and principlesofdecentralisationinNamibia.Thoseministries are the Ministries of Education, Arts and Culture, Works and Transport, Information and Communication Technology, Gender Equality, PovertyEradication,andSocialWelfare,aswellas thatofAgriculture,WaterandLandReform. Mostofthesaidministrieshavestartedtoconduct periodic assessments on the performance of regional councils of decentralised functions as part of their continuous monitoring and evaluation function,whichisafurtherdemonstrationoftheir commitment to ensuring successful decentralisation.Uutonicallsuponotherministriesthatare still in the preparatory stages of decentralising identifiedfunctionstodoubletheireffortsandexpeditethetransferofallthosefunctionseligiblefor decentralisation to regional councils. Uutoni said heisinformedthatsomeofthoseministriesarein their final preparatory stages, and they will soon witnessthehandingoverofmorefunctionstoregionalcouncils.ThesearetheMinistriesofHealth and Social Services, Youth, Sport, and National Servicesaswellassomeadditionalfunctionsfrom the Ministry ofAgriculture, Water and Land Reform.
The Director of Decentralisation Coordination in the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, GodwinSikabongo,saidchallengesarehindering theimplementationofthedecentralisationpolicy, challenges such as the absence of a universal decentralisation implementation plan, inadequate planning for decentralisation of identified functions on the part of some line ministries, inadequatesupportivephysicalinfrastructure;andlimited financial resources, resulting from, among others, economic factors hamper the optimal performance of decentralised functions. Another challenge that Sikabongo mentioned was the restructuring for decentralisation purposes which has proved to be costly and time-consuming thus contributing to delays in the process, and the failureofsomeregionalcouncilstoproperlyintegrate decentralised functions and accompanying staff members in their regional structures and processes have prevented them from optimally capitalisingoncapacitiesplacedattheirdisposal.
Sanlam Launches Enhanced "Extra Rewards Programme" Across Namibia
WINDHOEK, Namibia, April 15, — Sanlam launched its "Extra Roadshow" in Windhoek on Monday,15 April setting the stage for an extensive stakeholder engagement campaign.
The roadshow will traverse key towns includingWalvisBay, Lüderitz, and Omuthiya, aiming to educate and engage the public on the financial solutions provided by Sanlam, withaparticularemphasis on the newly enhanced benefits of the Sanlam Extra Rewardsprogramme.
This initiative represents a strategic re-
launch of the Sanlam Extra Rewards programme, tailored specifically for Prestige FuneralCoverclients.
Maintaining an up-todate premium status allowsclientsaccesstoa suiteofadditionalbenefits.Theseincludeflexiblepaymentbreaks,and avarietyofvouchersfor meals,stationery,school uniforms,groceries,and clothing The programme also provides
tele-doctor consultations, 24/7 health advice, emergency medical services, and discounted funeral services among other perks.
During the event, Tertius Stears, CEO of Sanlam, underscored the company's dedicationtoimprovingthe welfare of Namibians through robust Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) acti-
vities. "Our commitment extends beyond financial solutions," Stears said. "We are actively engaging in areascriticaltosocietal advancementincluding education and training, empowerment and entrepreneurship development, as well as health, welfare, sports development, and culturalinitiatives."
Stears highlighted Sanlam's impactful contributionsacrossthesesectors:supportingover60 studentswithmorethan N$5 million invested in education; annually allocatingN$750000to sports development through the Sanlam Coastal Marathon; and bolstering over 30 SMEs with an investment exceeding N$7.5
million in entrepreneurialdevelopment.
The Sanlam Extra Roadshow is a pivotal part of the company's strategy to connect with communities and empower them with essentialfinancialtools andresources,aimedat fostering sustainable growth and prosperity throughoutNamibia.
About Sanlam Namibia
Sanlam Namibia
leading financial services group in Namibia, providing comprehensive and tailored financial solutions to individual and institutionalclients. Thecompanyispartof the Sanlam Group, which has a storied history of over 100 yearsinfinancialexcellence.
BEST CHEER INVESTMENTS NAMIBIA (PTY) LTD an equal opportunity employer, have a vacancy for a LOADER OPERATOR in WALVIS BAY
1. ANamibian citizen
2. Have Grade 10-12 and 3. Avalid Front end loaders operators licence
4. At least 3-5 years experience
5. Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines
6. Be able to operate other heavy duty mechanical machinery like a reach stacker would be an added advantage.
7. Amechanical background will be an added advantage
8. Code C1 or higher driver’s licence will also be an advantage AND WISHTO EXECUTETHE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBILITIES:
1. Load marble and granite blocks on a daily basis into containers
2. Load and offload trucks on a daily basis
3. Sort block yard and supply factory with blocks
4. Ensure that daily maintenance checklist on machine is done.
5. Ensure that basic maintenance on the machine is done.
6. Loading of containers daily
Then kindly forward your CV to: vacancies@bestcheer.com.na or post your CV to HR at BESTCHEER INVESTMENTS (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LTD, P.O.Box 4676, WALVIS BAY
MrD.LMiljoherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Special Consent”, for a “Residential Building” on the premises of Erf 4825, Swakopmund Extension 10 (John Otto Nankudhu Street) as provided for in terms of Clause6oftheSwakopmundZoningScheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuch application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: th15 May2024
Contact person: Mr D.LMiljo, Cell: 081 262 9974Email:deon@leap.com.na Or
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Damian Nehemia, PO Box988,WalvisBay
2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: MG Lounge.
3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 6859, Tutaleni Uwanga Street,Kuisebmond.
4. Nature and details of a p p l i c a t i o n : Applicationforchange ofTradenameFROM:
MGLoungeTO:802 Lounge.
5. Where application will be lodged: W a l v i s B a y Magistrate Office, ClerkofCourt. 6 Date on which applica-tion will be lodged: 24 April 2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sentordeliveredtothe Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the applicationislodged.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the MunicipalityofWalvis Bayintendstolease,by private transaction, a portion of land on F a r m 3 8 t o Richerville Logistics’ CC fortransport and Logis-ticsfacility.
Portion of Remainder
Farm38WalvisBay Area
10 000m²
N$9,900 00/month plus N$1.485.00 (15% VAT)
Full particulars pertainingtotheleasewill lie for inspection by interestedpersonsuntil *Tuesday, 23 April 2024atroom27,Munic i p a l O ff i c e s , Kuisebmond.
For more information
MrJackManalecanbe contacted at telephone (064) 2013338 during officehours.
Any person objecting to the proposed sale, mayinwritinglodgean objectiontogetherwith t h e g r o u n d s /motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on *Friday, 26 April 2024at12:00
JackManale ActingGeneral Manager: Community& Economic Development
Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
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(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482 Kuiseb, MassHouses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet
He can help you through: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Af-fairsMarriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Businesses, protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’PowerSexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. 0812017887
ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret.
Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102
Sendawanaoil ANDMANYMORE
1xspaciousroomwith kitchenandbathroom included. W/E included.
Contact:0811467214 0811406655
6ensuitspacious bedrooms, 1spaciousoffice
Openplanlounge, kitchen,diningarea
(optiontorentwithor withoutfurniture available)
Meersig,WalvisBay Call:0818410626 0817230139
SHARING:Fully furnished,walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi,waterand electricityincluded N$2900.00. Call:0811288924
WALVISBAY 0811243904
2ndStreet,East officespace availabletorent
Contact: 0811243904
CC-Free-standing houseforsale
3xbedrooms, 2xbathrooms,kitchen, andaloungeforsale. Thehousehasbigspace forfutureextension,ina highboundarywalland gates.
Location: Kabeljou, Kuisebmond
Theprice:N$ 750,000.00(Excluding transfercosts)
Pleasecallforviewing: 0811553130/ 0812927764
FORSALE: Okahandja5Hectare, Agri-lifestylePlotfor sale,W+Eavailable, Fencing,Automaticgate, 12kmfromOkahandja. N$1250000(Excl. Costs),cashorpreapprovedclientsonly Contact:0851461115
FORSALE: Omaruru3.9Hectare, LifestylePlotforsale, W+Eavailable,Electrical Fence,Automaticgate, smallgame(Kudu, springboketc.)available. N$990000(Excl.Costs), cashorpre-approved clientsonly Contact:0851461115
semifurnishedor furnishedflattorentin LagoonorMeersig. Shouldhavekitchen, garage,smallgarden W/Einclusive. Noagenciesplease N$5500.00to N$6500.00permonth.
WOONSTELGESOEK: Opsoekna1/2 slaapkamerwoonstel GereedomeindeAprilin tetrek.Walvisbaai.
Kontak:0812323129 0812594247
XYZInvestmentsCC hasthefollowing vacanciesavailable: WalvisBay
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Dunelec Construction has a open vacancy For a Female:
Tasks will be:
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Closing date: 30 April 2024
Please mail your CV to:
admin@dunelec. com.na
Iama25yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,ironing,cleaning, washingetc.Iamin WalvisBay.Readyto startimmediately Contact:0812072599
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Iama31yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workandcaregiving workaround SwakopmundandLong Beach,Ihaveover5 yearsexperiencein caregivingandover8 yearsincleaning.I havesoberhabits,Ican speakEnglishand Afrikaans,Ihave certificatesincleaning andcaregiving,ready tostartimmediately Contact:0813791213
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoekna skoonmaakwerk, kantoorwerk,kinders oppasinSwakopmund, LangstrandenWalvis, ekishardwerkenden betroubaar.Ekkan enigedagbegin. Kontak:081345 9162/ 0813544394
FORSALE:Walvis Bay,Fairways
Tuintafel+2stoele engazebo
5piecedubbelbed stelN$3000
5piecedubbelbed stel
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations.Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770
Lawnmower,wheel barrowplusass
N$900bed+ matressincluded Kontak: 0816414556
Trio Feminale
ElevatingNamibia'sMusicScenewith ClassicalElegance
Eileen van der SchyffTrioFeminale,comprisingthreeexceptionallytalentedfemales fromthecoast,hasbeenenchantingaudiencesfor20yearswith their mastery of classical music. With a diverse repertoire ranging from traditional classics to jazz-blues and folklore, their performances are a vibrant blend of sophistication and entertainment.
The trio, consisting ofChristianeAston piano and saxophone, Christa
Lambrechts on violin, and Susann Kinghorn on violoncello, has captivated
audiences across Namibia with their impeccable renditions.
Occasionally accompanied by Ferdinand Hengombe on the djembe drum or drum set, their performances delight audiences with their musical finesse. Christiane Ast, a pianist, and saxophonist, brings her expertise from the classical school of music in Münster, Germany, infusing the trio with her boundless energy Christa Lambrechts, a violin virtuoso, adds depth to their performances with her arrangements and years of teaching experience in Windhoek.
Meanwhile, Susann Kinghorn's passion for the violoncello, nurtured since childhood in Windh o e k , s h i n e s through as she handles the ensemble's organisational duties with finesse Beyond their highstandard concerts, TrioFeminalecaters to a variety of
StraussFishTradingccherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, to operate an “administrative office” on the premises of Erf 1723, SwakopmundExtension1(36SchwesterFriedaStreet) asprovidedforintermsofClause6oftheSwakopmund ZoningSchemedetailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe GeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 22 May 2024
Contact person: Mrs E Strauss, Cell: 081 128 6776 Email:trading@iway.na
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
events, including weddings, private parties,andbusiness launches, providing the perfect musical backdrop for any occasion.Their versatility extends to desert dinners and lodge performances, catering to the diverse musical tastes of tourists visiting Namibia Christiane, Christa, and Susann's dedication to their craft and their ability to transport audiences through the en-
chantment of live music have made Trio Feminale a cherished part of Namibia.Theirperformances promise to inspire and uplift audiences For thoseseekinganunforgettable musical experience, Trio Feminale offers a journey into the timelesseleganceof classical music, leaving audiences spellbound with each performance Trio Feminale will onceagaincaptivate
Photography the audience with their 20-year reunion concert at Namib Primary School Aula on 3 Mayat18:30. Tickets can be purchased at a cost of N$150
The trio also has concerts coming up in June, October, and December at the opening of the Swakopmunder Musikwoche.
Contact Rogl Souvenir at 064 405814 for more information.
TraurignehmenwirAbschiedvonunserer langjährigenKegelschwester
EuchUschiundHelmutmitFamilien giltunserinnigstesBeileid
WirgrüssendicheinletztesMalmiteinem DreifachenGutHolz
namib times Sport
Kevin Wentzel Sages Nationals Champ
WalvisBaygolferKevinWentzelisthewinnerofthesixthconsecutiveMomentumSagesNationals golf tournament held at the Omeya Golf Club on Friday 19 April and the Windhoek Golf and CountryClub(WGCC)on20Aprilinthecapital.
A total of 60 golfers, consisting of, eight from Swakopmund, eight from Walvis Bay, six from Okahandja, thirty-five from Windhoek and three fromMarientalparticipated.
Wentzelwasacomfortablewinnerwith an overall gross score of 145, to finish well ahead of the runner up Johan Grobler on 162. He also won the stableford A category with a score of 71, while Bertus Damon was the overallstablefordwinnerwithatotalof 72.
Andy Langworthy won the stableford B division with a score of 68, Jurie Engelbrecht won the stableford C division with a score of 68, and Charl Wittmann won the stableford D divisionwithascoreof67.
Angie Lohmann was the overall female stableford winner with a score of 66, while Ian Wood won the stablefordMadalaCupforgolfersover70withascoreof 67. BertusDamonandWarrenTheronwonthestableford
betterball competition with a score of 92, while Wally BredenhannandCharlWittmann weretherunners-upon86.
The stableford four-ball team winners were Damon, Theron, Keith Gardiner and Mike Beavis withascoreof174.
Thenearest-to-the-pinwinnersat the WGCC were Koos Maartens (thethirdand13thholes),Bertus Damon (ninth hole) and Wikus Herholdt (17th hole), while the winners at Omeya were Willie vanZyl(4thhole),JohanGrobler (7th hole), Andy Fallis (14th hole) and Angie Lohmann (17th hole).
Since2014Sageshashostedeightsuccessfulfundraising events and distributed proceeds of more than N$1 300 000tovariouscharities.
SomeofthebeneficiariesincludetheCancerAssociation of Namibia, Intelligence SupportAgainst Poaching, the HopeVillageCentre,SPCA,andvariousoldagehomes.
WBGC Gymnasts Eager to Qualify for Olympics
FourgymnastsoftheWalvisBayGymnasticsClub(WBGC)arepartof16ofthecountriesseniorandjunior gymnast who will be competing in various gymnastic competition in Rwanda, Morocco and Tunisia from 25 Aprilto11May.
TheWBGCgymnast,JoyLana Kabooy is set to participate in the Rhythmic African Championships in Kigali, Rwanda from 25 to 26April while Jessica Blaauw, Noa Lofty-Eaton, and Caranè van Zyl will participate in the Trampoline African Championships set for 10 to 11 May in Bizerte, Tunisia. Kabooy, Lofty-Eaton, and Van Zyl, will vie for a spot in the 2024 Olympic Games, scheduled to take place from 26 Julyto11AugustinParis, France.
TheNamibianteamtravelling to Rwanda is Peya
Kashaka, Faiza Hamutenya, and Kayla Duchaine,whoareallseniors. The senior team is Emilia
Ekandjo, Joy-Lana Kabooy, Kenandjo Mupia, and Ngatangue Hambeka.
The official coaches for this event are Eleonora Karamfilova and Wietsa Snyman.
The trampoline and tumbling gymnast qualified for the upcoming All African Championships are Caranè van Zyl (senior), Noa Lofty-Eaton (senior),HannahDunaiski (junior), Jessica Blaauw (junior), and their coach,
IFBB Bodybuilding and Fitness Qualifiers
Thequalifiereventheldforthefirsttime in Namibia, happened at the coast last Saturday at Crossfit Swakopmund, and included various bodybuilding categories as well as the IFBB Fitness Challenge IFBB African Championships will be hosted in Egypt and South Africa for male and female categoriesrespectively
Fourteen athletes participated in the IFBBFitnessChallengeforachangeto be part of the Namibian team for the World Championships that will be held inDubaiforthemen,Japanfortheladies and in Serbia for the juniors later this year The Namibian teams for the African Bodybuilding and World Fitness Challenge Championships will beannouncedassoonastheresultshave beenverifiedinternationally
Theresultsofthetwoqualifyingevents are:
1 JohnMutomba
2 GeorgeBaerens Fitmodel
1 AdriMyall
2 ReneGenis ClassicPhysique
1 EugeneThuynsma
Mr VeskoKostin.
The artistic gymnasts, Anne-Leen Thorburn (senior), Immanuel Kooper (senior), Arno Brink (senior), Jone Thornburn (senior), Sureshni Andrews(junior)issettotake place in the Artistic African Championships in Marrakech,Moroccofrom 3 to 5 May, with Petra Thornburnascoachforthe girls and Morihei Andersonascoachfortheboys.
2 PremargoSwartz 3 JohnMutomba LadiesFitness Bikini
1 ReneGenis
2 AdriMyall MensPhysique 1 JohnMutomba 2 CésarMiranda 3.Eugene Thuynsma
Fitness Challenge categoryresults: Ladies: BronzeLevel