namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6523 TUESDAY 26 JANUARY 2016 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Swakopmund racist row second arrest made
Leadership Training for NDF
Madelaine Laubscher
At the time of going to press yesterday afternoon the Namibian police was yet to confirm a second arrest in a high profile Swakopmund racist incident, that made international news headlines. The incident involves Hendrik Burger (37) an employee of First Response Services in Swakopmund who, in the holiday town earlier this month allegedly called a black man a k***r and alle-
gedly subsequently told him he was not welcome in the “white Oceanview suburb.” Despite both parties having their own version of events, Burger was arrested. The victim, reportedly a Hu-
sab Mine employee by the name of Mr Jordan Dengeinge, charges he was randomly targeted, subject to racial discrimination, manhandled and handcuffed. Continues on Page 2
Coastal municipalities yet to make a public comment over watershed amendments to Local Authorities Act Full Report on Page 2
Town in mourning as three residents killed in car crash - 2 injured Several families in Walvis Bay were unexpectedly plunged into a state of mourning, following the death of three of the town's residents in a car accident between Kamanjab and Outjo over the weekend. Two more residents were seriously injured in the same accident. It was learnt yesterday the five persons were travelling to attend a funeral, when the accident occurred at around 13:30 on Friday. The accident was confirmed by the Namibian Police's regional crime coordinator in the Kunene Region, Commissioner Rudolf Kanyetu. The names of the deceased are yet to be released. The injured were identified as Ningiree Kazeundja, the driver, and a passenger Ueirya Mbinge who are reported to be in a critical condition.
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E-wallet Theft
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Benoude Oomblikke Hendrik Burger whose witness is also now arrested
Teaching methods blamed for poor Gr10 and 12 results
Bladsy 5
Children in Conservation
Sharlien Tjambari Teachers and schools were urged on Friday to change their teaching methods to uplift the performance of Grade 10 and 12's. This came from the Erongo Regional Director of Education, Mr John /Awaseb who expressed concern over the poor results these grades achieved during last year's external exams. Mr /Awaseb made these remarks at the annual address of school leaders in Swakopmund. /Awaseb said the poor performance of the grade 10 and 12 learners is a reflection of the overall performance of learners in grade 1 - 9 and 11. “We are not fit with quality learners to groom for grade 10 and 12 so the problem is not just at secondary but at primary level also,” said /Awaseb.
According to /Awaseb, learners are transferred at all levels because the fundament or basics are not laid down, “we are not doing our best at that level and only sending them up for the secondary teachers to deal with them and then we blame the secondary teachers but all blame lies somewhere at the primary
level” said /Awaseb. He urged teachers to change their way of teaching and to try new innovations. He also said teachers should find ways of effectively teaching learners so they can pass with great results. “Our concern is that if teachers do not prepare their lessons and Continues on Page 2
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African Archers training
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26 JANUARY 2016
Poor results
Second arrest
Continued from Page 1 if they are not followed up to the classrooms to see what they are doing then we will never know what is happening in the classrooms, therefore it is important that the managers make sure that teachers are teaching,” said /Awaseb. Another matter that he touched on was the discipline of learners. He said that learning cannot take place if learners are ill-disciplined and disruptive of what the teacher is presenting. “I want my principals to work on ill-disciplined learners, bring them to book, if they are not disciplined at their homes we should discipline them at our schools” /Awaseb emphasised. He said he will support the teachers and principals in every step they take to discipline learners. He said in the past he would say, “take back the learner,” without thinking of what harm that learner is causing to the rest of the other learners. /Awaseb stressed that only if learners are disciplined will there be teaching and learning taking place in classrooms.
Continued from Page 1 namib times made an inquiry to Burger following news of the second arrest. It transpired from Burger, who was charged (CR 21/01/2016) with robbery with aggravating circumstances, racial discrimination and malicious damage to property, that the person who was arrested yesterday is in actual fact a witness in his case. This person allegedly witnessed the events earlier this month involving Burger and Dengeinge. The name of the second arrested person is known to namib times, but in the absence of a formal confirmation of the arrest and subsequent court appearance the name is withheld for the time being.
Urban property not sellable to foreigners if amendments to Local Auhorities Act is adopted by Parliament Coastal local authorities are yet to voice their opinions publicly on the proposed amendment of the Local Authorities Act of 1992, which would among others see the Minister of Urban and Rural Development picking local authority Chief Executives Officers in future and also prohibiting foreigners from any future form of land ownership in Namibia. The National Council visited the coastal municipalities of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay last week to put the proposed amendments under discussion. Namibia's bi-cameral parliamentary system makes provision for the National Assembly to propose legislation and amendments to existing legislation, but the National Council takes these proposals to the people in all fourteen
Regions. The National Council, based on this input and findings from its own discussions, makes a final recommendation to the National Assembly before such legislation can go through the readings, discussion and adoption. The alienation of immovable property for Namibian citizens and appointment of chief executive officers (CEOs) formed the basis of discussions during the Local Aut-
horities Amendment Bill public hearing in the National Council Friday. The Bill was referred to the National Council (NC) by the National Assembly (NA) in November last year with amendments, and thereafter it was referred to joint house committees for further deliberation. Issues pertaining to the restriction of the sales of immovable property were raised as one of the deficiencies arising from the
Burger maintains he is innocently accused of racism, following the January altercation. He returns to court on 9 February to face the charges against him
initiation of the Bill. Clause 33A (3) and Clause 33B(1)(a) of the Amendment Bill state that a foreign national may not acquire immovable property in a local authority area and that a Namibian owner of immovable property situated in a local authority area who intends to alienate the property may only alienate the property to a Namibian citizen. Representatives from the property and real estate industry felt that this would scare away foreign investment which impacts the market negatively, and thus it would be cumbersome to pass the Bill. Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) research associate, Max Weylandt, said several provisions in the Bill are counterproductive. He stated that allowing foreigners to purchase property in Namibia would increase competition and lower prices. He added that prohibiting foreign purchase would discourage foreign investment in Namibia and at a time when economies around the world are concerned about another recession, Namibia cannot afford to turn down the capital needs of the country. Weylandt further stated that the IPPR was concerned that the
local authorities were not consulted when the initial Bill was drafted. “We therefore urge all our elected representatives to begin the process again by consulting all stakeholders and drawing up a new Bill,” he said. The second amendment in the Bill that local authorities are unhappy about is the appointment of new CEOs, citing that the clause provided in the Bill gives the line minister more authority in the appointment process, thus making the work of local councillors irrelevant. The mayor of the City of Windhoek, Muesee Kazapua, stated during the public hearing that the Bill also takes away the element of accountability as the minister is garnished with more powers and control over elected council members and local authorities. “In our view, the proposed amendments impact negatively, and in a profound manner, the goals of our constitution and the stated ideals of devolution of power through decentralisation, the principles of accountability and democratic governance,” the mayor said. Gobabis Municipality management committee member, Liberius Kalili noted that the amended provisions of the Bill are that the
appointment of a CEO will be done by the management committee of the local authority, but approval should be solicited by the line minister. “We want the current status quo to remain as it is,” he further stated. Other concerns raised about the Bill were the literacy requirements for electing members of a local authority; suspension of a local authority; the appointment of a CEO; procedures and conducts of disciplinary inquiries; powers of local authority councils; and restrictions on the sale of immovable property and alienation thereof. Minister of Rural and Urban Development, Sophia Shaningwa, who responded to some of the issues raised by the local councillors and stakeholders during the public hearing, said the issue of local councillors required to communicate in the official language, English, will be withdrawn from the Bill. Every member of a local authority is required to communicate, read and write in the official language. The NC's first session for the year takes place on Monday. NAMPA and own reporting.
26 JANUARY 2016
Strategic leadership training for NDF
Thirty-nine senior members of the Namibian Defence Force underwent strategic leadership training in Walvis Bay last week. Sponsored by the British High Commission in Windhoek, the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom and Cranfield University delivered a Strategic Leadership Programme to 39 senior members of the Namibian Defence Force, representing the Army, Navy and Air Force, in Walvis Bay between 18 - 21 January. Representatives of the Malawian and Zambian Defence Forces also participated. This was the second Strategic Leadership course to be delivered in Namibia. The aim of the course is to enhance strategic leadership and management by studying leadership theories, strategy development, critical decisionmaking, ethics and the importance of managing and leading change. Colonel Martyn Forgrave UK Army, the course director, said, 'This has been a highly successful and rewarding course; I have been impressed by the level of engagement by the delegates. It has been a real pleasure returning to Namibia'. Edward Hauanga, Director of Education and Training in the Namibian Ministry of Defence, stated: 'The Strategic Leadership Programme has provided our students with the analytical tools to organise, evaluate, and efficiently build an outcome driven organisation.' Colonel John McCardle, the UK Defence Advisor accredited to Namibia, was present at the closing ceremony and presented course certificates. The British High Commissioner, HE Jo Lomas, said that the programme illustrated the importance of the UK/Namibia relationship and was delighted that the programme was so well supported by the NDF and that it included other SADC partners. The next UK sponsored Defence programme will be English Language Training to be delivered in Windhoek in February. - Contributed
SEAFO annual meeting:
Seafo takes number of drastic decisions on fishing The South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) held its annual meeting on 30 October until 3 November 2015. The meeting was based on the best available scientific information. The commission adopted the recommendations made by the Scientific Committee to set TAC's for Patagonian tooth fish and deep-sea red crab. The Commission adopted a conservation measure dealing with bottom fishing activities and vulnerable marine ecosystems in the SEAFO convention area. The newly agreed measure consolidates existing measures aimed at protecting areas which contain concentrations of coral, sponge and sea pens. It aims to strengthen SEAFO's response to UNGA Res. 61/105 and further serves to protect the benthos from significant adverse impacts caused by fishing. As a result of the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen survey conducted in the SEAFO Convention Area in 2015, the Commission agreed to close an additional area of approximately 195km2 adjacent to the Valdivia Bank seamount. The closure will be effective for all gears except pots and long lines. Following several years of exploratory fishing
and based on a recommendation from the scientific committee, the Commission has agreed to extend the current “existing bottom fishing area,” in sub-area D to long line fishing. The “SEAFO System” was improved to accommodate the mandatory reporting of logbook data by vessels to the Executive Secretary. To further facilitate the global fight against IUU and to be consistent with other similar fisheries bodies, SEAFO agreed to include the vessel IMO number in all reports relating to vessel identification. Moreover, the IMO number remains unchanged and therefore can be used to track the vessel during its lifetime. The SEAFO IUU vessel list was adopted by the Commission. The Commission agreed on guidelines for a second Performance Review of the commission in 2016.
Swakopmund extorters denied bail Mavourlene !Gaёs
Four suspects, Stephanus Theodor (38), Collin Auxab (38), Gabrield Narib (46) and Reinhardt Mokamele (44) appeared in court after they allegedly extorted money from a member of the public while pretending to be police officers. They are facing a charge of impersonating members of the police force. The four accused were denied bail and the case was postponed to today. The four men were arrested after the victim who is from Swakopmund, reported the incident to the police last week. According to Regional Crime Coordinator, Ottilie Kashuupulwa who confirmed the incident the victim allegedly met two women on the beach recently who accompanied him to his residence. The complainant informed the police that after they got to his place, things quickly turned physical but, he maintained he did not have sexual intercourse with either of the women. However days later, according to Kashuupulwa, the man received a phone call with the
caller claiming one of the women was a minor and that he raped one of them. The women allegedly told him they were going to open a case against him and were going to sent him to jail if he refused to pay them. Soon after that the complainant started receiving phone calls from the accused who informed him they were police officers and that they were investigating a rape case against him. The accused told the complainant they would make the docket disappear if he paid them money. The complainant started paying them up to N$70 000 before they demanded a higher payment of N$300 000. He told them he will only be able to pay N$200 000 because he does not have money but will see what he can do. The complainant, after being advised by his lawyer, reported the incident to the police and a sting operation was planned. The operation led to the arrest of the four men at the place they had agreed to meet the complainant for the handing over of the N$200 000 to destroy the docket.
Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court report 18-20 January 2016 Beanca Cloete (33) appeared on a charge of theft - general deficiency. The matter was postponed to 11 April for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Samuel Amupolo (42) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 3 March for P G decision - final remand. The accused is on bail. David Nikodemus (22) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 4 February for plea in terms of section 119. The accused is on bail. Sam Shilongo (25) appeared on a charge of attempted robbery. The matter was postponed to 22 February for mental observation report in terms of section 79. The accused is in custody. Lisias Negandjo (36) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 20 June for plea and trial - final remand. The accused is in custody. Sakaria Shilongo (34) and Wilbard Nangombe (26) both appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 28 January for the accused to be present in court. Shilongo is in custody and Nangombe is on bail. Filleps Nabot (35) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and a charge of no driver's license. The matter was postponed to 21 January for plea. The accused is on bail. Joel Kondjila (29) and Simon Negumbo (26) both appeared on a charge of negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 20
January for plea. The case against Kondjila was withdrawn and Negumbo is in custody. Harold Haobeb (22) appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 12 April for lab results. The accused is in custody. Aron Kanadjembo (22) and Geas Sakeus Iipinge (27) both appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 13 April for lab results. Both accused are in custody. Eva Shiimi (36) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Petrus Shikongo (20) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 18 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Heinrich Smith (24) and Lionel Kanandjembo (29) both appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 4 February for accused absent. Both accused are on bail. Leena Mwelihangela (29) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 8 June for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Johannes Kaiyamo (35) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 May for trial. The accused is on bail. Gerson Shaumbwa (30) appeared on a charge of assault on a member of the police and a charge of failure to comply with unstruction or direction of an authorised officer.
26 JANUARY 2016
20-year-old uses e-wallet Mavourlene !Gaёs for theft Hendrina Nuukushu who opened a case against her 20-yearold niece Anna Ndapewa Ngula for allegedly stealing N$10 800 from her using e-wallet, is appealing the sentence in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court. Ngula was sentenced to eight months in prison. Nuukushu, who even went as far as hiring a lawyer, explained to the court that the whole situation has gone too far and wants her niece to be set free. Ngula who gave her sworn testimony in court, admitted to having stolen her aunt Nuukushu's money by transferring it to her own cell phone number. She told the court she started taking the money from her aunt in November last year. “I cannot recall all the money I took, but I can explain what I used the money for. I used the money I took to buy clothes and Brazilian hair for myself as well as pay bail for my boyfriend.” When asked where she got the money to do those purchases, the accused responded “From my aunt's account, I used her cell phone to transfer the money to my phone.” She further explained to the court that she transferred herself N$7 800 and pocketed N$3 000 that she was supposed to give to her aunt as payment for the cash loan she (Nuukushu) is running. Ngula acknowledged before the court that she was aware what she did was wrong and asked for forgiveness from her aunt and friends, begging them to give her a second chance. Before sentencing the accused, the court took into consideration that she was a first time offender but added it is aggravating that the value involved is so high and nothing was recovered.
The matter was postponed to 16 February for plea in terms of February for further investigation section 119. The accused is on - final remand. The accused is on bail. bail. Joseph Jon Levy (28) appearRainer Togethoft (44) appeared ed on a charge of malicious on a charge of theft. The matter damage to property. The was postponed to 3 March for matter was postponed to 20 further investigation. The accused April for P G decision - final is in custody. remand. The accused is on Laurens Prince Nangolo (27) bail. appeared on a charge of culpable Salomon Mbulu (24) appearhomicide and accident-failing to ed on a charge of driving stop and driving without a driver's under the influence of intoxilicense. The matter was postponed cating liquor. The matter was to 16 March for the fixing of the postponed to 11 April for lab trial date. The accused is in cus- results - final remand. The actody. cused is on bail. Ezegiel Chikalu (28) appeared on Michael Khoa (33) and a charge of theft. The matter was Joseph Kamungwa (28) both postponed to 26 January for trial. appeared on a charge of The accused is on bail. assault with the intent to do Isascar Oe-amaseb (47) appea- grievous bodily harm. The red on a charge of refusal to give matter was postponed to 29 blood or breath specimen and a February for further investicharge of reckless or negligent gation. Both accused are in driving. The matter was post- custody. poned to 10 May for plea and trial. Nelson Daniels (21) appeared The accused is on bail. on a charge of robbery and a Berti Stefanus Van Wyk (39) charge of assault with the appeared on a charge of assault intent to do grievous bodily with the intent to do grievous harm. The matter was postbodily harm. The matter was post- poned to 19 May for plea and poned to 24 February for legal aid. trial. The accused is on warning. The accused is on bail. Granville Noble (33) appeared on Leonard Kayala (30) appeara charge of driving under the ed on a charge of stopping a influence of intoxicating liquor. vehicle in contravention of a The matter was postponed to 20 road traffic sign. The matter April for lab results. The accused was postponed to 8 June for is on bail. trial. The accused is on bail. Andreas Mahoka (41) appeared Jonas Fillipus (25) appeared on a charge of reckless or on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 27 negligent driving. April for trial. The accused is on The matter was postponed to 23 June for plea and trial. The bail. A b r a h a m F re d e r i c k ( 2 0 ) accused is on bail. appeared on a charge of theft. The Kasper Raymond (25) matter was postponed to 11 Febru- appeared on a charge of ary for further investigation. The housebreaking with the intent accused is on bail. to steal and theft. Naambo Willemina David (24) The matter was postponed to appeared on a charge of murder. 17 May for plea and trial. The The matter was postponed to 22 accused is on bail.
26 JANUARY 2016
Cosdef hosts travelling exhibition Sharlien Tjambari The Community Skills Development Foundation (Cosdef) Arts and Craft Centre is hosting a Travelling Exhibition under the Annual Visual Art Museum Programme (AVAMP). The title of the exhibi- explorers came to for them to become tion is “Representing Namibia to find our inspired, to even pick it Photography in Nami- land and then to now up as their own tool of bia”. The opening of where we have con- creative expression. the exhibition was on temporary photogra- Among the work that Thursday, 21 January phers, experimenting was displayed on the and is running till 31 and pushing the me- wall, there is only work March. According to dium of photography. of two photo-graphers Ndeenda Shivute, the The AVAMP program- from the coast, MaCoordinator Curation me aims at educating greth Courtney Clarke at the National Art and promoting arts. and Tony Figueira. Gallery of Namibia, Shivute said they are The community memthe exhibition is an hoping to get a lot of bers are welcomed to overview of photogra- students, school groups pop in and look at the phy in Namibia and it and a lot of young magnificent photos on shows photography in people, to get them to the wall of the Oyetu Namibia from when it k n o w m o r e a b o u t Hall at the Arts and used to be just a recor- photography as an art Crafts Centre. ding device, when the for Namibia and then
Benoude oomblikke toe atleet se bussie met trein bots by spooroorgang Liesl Losper Saterdagoggend was 'n benoude dag vir Hendrik Kabooy, die bekende marathon atleet, toe hy met sy motor in 'n botsing met 'n trein betrokke was. Die ongeluk het op die Hannah Mupetami treinspooroorgang plaasgevind. Aldus Kabooy was hy onderweg van van die hawe van Walvisbaai in 'n oostelike rigting, toe sy motor op die spoorlyn gaan staan het. Ten spyte van verskeie desperate pogings om die motor weer in ‘n rat te kry sodat dit kan beweeg, het dit volstrek geweier. Kabooy het dit as 'n benoude oomblik beskryf, maar ook hartseer. Van die publiek wat ook op die ongelukstoneel was sê: “dit moes seer gewees het vir 'n eienaar om te sien hoe sy voertuig op 'n vernietigende oomblik afstuur, en daar is niks wat jy daaraan kan doen nie.
26 JANUARY 2016
Children the future of Conservation
An estimated 1 000 kob has been caught by anglers south of Walvis Bay in the Paaltjies area in recent weeks, exceeding the 70 cm length and regarded as highly crucial recruitment stock to ensure this fish species’ sustainable future. Anglers are only allowed two kob of the daily bag limit to exceed 70 cm, and dozens of fines were issued for anglers exceeding this limit. According to the control officer of fisheries inspectors of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Walvis Bay, Mr Stanely Ndara, inspectors worked on a rotational basis 24/7 last week to ensure anglers keep to the regulations. Unfortunately that was not the case, and many anglers were caught using all types of innovative techniques to try and smuggle fish that exceeded daily bag limits. Kob makes an annual spawning journey down the Namibian coast to Sandwhich Harbour and then returns in a northerly direction. During this journey anglers make the most of the bonanza, but in order to prevent kob resources to deplete as a result of overfishing, fisheries inspectors said over the weekend they will enforce the law on all of Namibia’s angling beaches, including the north if anglers target the masses of kob migrating northwards after the spawn. The picture above is far more important than its face value. This is of the five year old Janco Duvenhage who caught his kob all by himself recently at Sandwich Harbour. The importance thereof is anglers must educate their children to respect laws, understand how over-fishing impacts fish resources and for children to have a general conscience towards sustainable living.
26 JANUARY 2016
Kuisebmond residents tired of building rubble Mavourlene !Gaёs The residents living in Tormalyn Crescent in Kuisebmond have expressed their disappointment in the occupant of a certain house in the area who are according to them, busy creating a mountain of building rubble. A resident in the area unacceptable, it has Since the newspaper rubble comes in when told the newspaper she been like this since late took up the matter, the people fail to remove it has been monitoring last year and we are building rubble was timely or allowing for the situation since late tired of it. It does not quickly removed. it to pile up to unacceplast year and that it look nice and because However, says the table levels. There are seems the people have of what they are doing Manager of Public Re- also numerous incino intention of getting we are all being looked lations of the Munici- dents where people rid of the waste. at the same way,” she pality of Walvis Bay, dump domestic waste “This sort of thing is explained. the issue of building and garden rubbish at
Education Director warns about book fees Sharlien Tjambari
During the Annual Address to school managers, the Regional Director of Education Mr John /Awaseb said he is not happy with school managers who are requesting stationery from parents in the beginning of the year as they receive enough from the education ministry. This follows only hours after coastal school parents raised concerns over some public secondary schools requiring book fees from parents, despite all public secondary schooling now being subsidised by Government. /Awaseb also said the ministry of education order and deliver stationery to the schools, “yet we see some schools requesting stationery from parents in the beginning of the year. How much more do you want?” he asked the school managers. /Awaseb said he is very concerned about the situation and want the principals and all school managers to do away with the practice at the beginning of the year were parents have to run around buying stationery because “we give enough, and we also give you a grant and
you can use the grant to supplement what we are giving you,” he added. According to /Awaseb almost all schools in the Erongo Region received their grants for 2016. Not all the money that were deposited is for this year, only one third of the money were deposited to the secondary schools, which is N$174 per learner. The rest will be received at the beginning of the financial year, which is from April this year.
open spaces. “While there may be shortcomings in dealing with the problem, the Municipality is in the process of improving on the implementation and enforcement of the applicable regulations. The Municipality also looks forward to working with residents to address these and other issues” explained Adams. He referred to an article in the Municipal Bay News for 2015 warned that illegal Dumping needs to stop! “Apart from costing tax payers an exorbitant amount of money annually, illegal dumping also poses a serious threat to the environment and public health at large. Dumping sites can easily become breeding grounds for rodents and insects and the multiplication of disease causing organisms. Furthermore, illegal dumping diminishes the beauty and quality of life around these areas and also presents a safety hazard to children and
animals.” The article went on to say, “the types of illegal dumping may be associated with certain individuals and businesses and the composition may include, building rubble, household waste, garden waste and car parts. Imposing strict fines may be the best way to curb the problem. However, raising public awareness around the issue could be another effective measure to combat illegal dumping.” The municipality has subsequently introduced a programme “Keep Walvis Bay Clean” to tackle the issue through: 1. Activities such as community clean-up campaigns. 2. Media and publicity material such as posters, pamphlets and newsletters to convey the message and increase people's knowledge. 3. Provision of information (through school outreach programmes and community meet-
ings) that focuses on educating the community about the impact associated with illegal dumping, as well as the measures in place to control the practise. 4. Law enforcement: The penalty for illegal dumping in Walvis Bay is N$1 000. However, the culprits are rarely caught because it is usually done at night. Many people who dispose of waste illegally are fully aware that it is criminal to do so but remain indifferent to the problem. The practice has become a habit among some residents and has reached alarming proportions. The resources (time, money, equipment and labour) used by the municipality to remove illegal waste could have been used to meet other needs of the community; hence it's time to take action now. As an individual or organisation that cares about our country's environment please make an effort to stop illegal dumping in its tracks.
26 JANUARY 2016
Graad 10's onder 18 moet voor- cash by pretending to be police officials who can be bribed to make investigation dockets disrang kry om graad te herhaal appear, were denied bail during their first apGraad 10 leerlinge wat onder 18 is behoort voorkeur te kry bo Graad 10 leerlinge ouer as 18 om dié graad te herhaal. Om Graad 10 te slaag moet leerlinge 23 punte en meer behaal. Belinda Ganases Kinders wat gewilig is om weer grd 10 te herhaal tensy hulle se ouderdom moet dit gewees het.
You can't change the Natis way Numerous complaints surfaced from community members who wanted to apply for their learners drivers licences at Natis Walvis Bay claiming the phone remains unanswered where appointments must be made beforehand. Nicole Ndapewa Cloete Nonsens man. Al lui daai telefoon word dit ook nie geantwoord nie. Probeer van 8uur af. As lyn beset is verstaan ek, maar 10 keer het die lyn deurgegaan en gelui maar niemand antwoord nie! Jino Teddy Manuel Natis is just like state hospitals at wamboland as well as police officers in angola, around this places people are treated according to race especially in coastal towns, well this is so true law must be implemented at this places Denise Van Bergen So the telephone can tell the race of the incoming callers? Amazing!!! Jino Teddy Manuel Denise Van Bergen, a telephone call have just triggered therefore issue but this problems have been there already before telephone call.
Never try and buy someone's silence you will pay for it over and over As two alleged swindlers were denied bail in the Walvis Bay magistrate's court yesterday, following their arrest for impersonating police officers and pretending to able to make dockets disappear for cash, four more suspects will make a first appearance in the Swakopmund magistrate's court this morning for allegedly extorting a man out of N$70 000. Bonita Hendricks Where is the logic in paying up to N$70 000 if you know you are innocent. Nope, does make sense ? Why pay in the first place if no sexual activities took place. MxM. Seker weer 'n oupatjie met jong meisies. Wil ook nie slim raak nie. Ndinomupya Stefanus Something not right here.
No bail for two police imposters Two alleged swindlers who cheated people out of
pearance in the Walvis Bay magistrate's court yesterday. Vic Grant Imposing as a police officer is an act of treason. Death is the answer. Kobus Vermaak What happens in the republic, doesn't stay in the republic. Namibian government needs to act before it's too late. Nadia Meyer Why would you pay a bribe for crimes you didn't commit? Namibians are stupid man! Fanie Steenkamp Ek weet nie of dit die twee ... is, maar ook van Walvis af het twee my so probeer vang! Norman Bester Ja nee. wragtie waar. dit is die. Land of the Brave....wat alles nog? David Dee Iipinge Go hard or go home Theo Theorson Hustlers Fanie Steenkamp No2 waarvan hul my gebel het!
China Harbour's dredging possible threat to B2 Road An investigation team of the Roads Authority has been dispatched to Walvis Bay in recent hours, to determine as a matter of urgency whether the land reclamation work currently carried out north of Walvis Bay for a new bulk fuel import facility, is impacting the structure of the road. Jaco Snyders Ek het lankal gese dit ganie lank wees nie dan is die teerpad weg as dai wal breuk is daar vet pret. Harald Blum The question is now, who did the Environmental Impact study prior to the construction, and how development permits were issued, or is that another flawed, and corrupt state secret? Haroldt Maletzky Dit is nie onmiddelik wat die water met die sand wat uitgepomp word sal dreineer nie maar dit sal, grond paaitjie lanks aan sal bepaal of dit werklik sal probleem gee. What about the road to salt pans and to paaltjies? Sterjos Stergiadis Except for this water issue I wonder how safe is that fuel facility built by the Chinese going to be. George P Van Wijk Ja ou neef. So het die china cats van Ruacana ook ons land oorstroom met walle wat gebou was Ohakati osanas oorstroom. Pim Pieterse Should gave asked the Dutch to build it. Only been doing it for over a 100 years! Albon Fabian Cloete Cant understand this trying too but no. Hendrik Pretorius Ek verstaan nou. Hier kom groot probleme.
Service provided:
Alarm Installation CCTV Cameras Gate & Garage Motors Electrical fence Intercom Systems Access Control Systems DSTV Security Consulting
CONTACT: Arnold Schiefer Cell: 081 233 9825 Email: erongoalarms@gmail.com Walvis Bay and Swakopmund
In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No: 487/15 In the matter between: Christa Raffie Plaintiff and Exact Transport & Construction CC Defendant In pursuance of a Judgement in the Magistrate’s Court of Swakopmund and writ of execution dated 25/11/15, the goods listed hereunder will be
sold in execution to the highest bidder at Coastal Auctions, No 19, Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Swakopmund on 12 March 2016 at 10:00 namely: 1 x Dining Table with 8 chairs 1 x 2 Piece Lounge Suite 1 x Round Glass Top Coffee Table 1 x 2 Piece Black Leather Couch Set 1 x Samsung Flat Screen Television 1 x Sony DVD Surround System 2 x Carpets 1 x Samsung Double Door Fridge 1 x Samsung
That's better
Madelaine Laubscher
After complaints surfaced about the speed bumps in Kovambo Nujoma in Walvis Bay not being visible at night, the Walvis Bay Municipality swiftly responded and started repainting both speed bumps yesterday morning.
The town clock in the vicinity of Walvis Bay Primary School
The time is confusing residents Madelaine Laubscher
Residents complained that atleast four town clocks in Walvis Bay are not set at the correct time and argue that it is not only confusing but also sets a bad example for Walvis Bay. “The clocks in the vicinity of Shoprite Walvis Bay, the Walvis Bay police station, Cymot and Walvis Bay Primary School's time settings are incorrect. The Municipality said they do not manage the clocks. Could the respective persons in charge please see to it that the time on these clocks are set at the right time,” a resident said. The newspaper investigated the matter at approximately 10:20 yesterday morning and the clock in the vicinity of Walvis Bay Primary School read 11:15.
Microwave 1 x Queen Bedroom Suite (excl matrass) 1 x Dresser with drawers 1 x Recliner Chair (Lazy Boy) Conditions of Sale:
Voetstoots - Cash to the highest bidder. Dated at Swakopmund on 21 January 2016. Attorneys for Judgment Creditor KINGHORN ASSOCIATES
2 - 6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Tel: 064 - 405051 Fax: 064 - 402159 Swakopmund Ref: HV/sb/RAF2/0001COLL
26 JANUARY 2016
Schools at Erongo are overcrowded Sharlien Tjambari One of the issues discussed at the annual address to school managers which took place at the Swakopmund Primary School on Friday was the issue of shortages and overcrowded classrooms especially in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay schools. The Director of Edu- very concerning that there are afternoon cation for the Erongo there is no space for classes already. “So we r e g i o n , M r J o h n t e a c h e r s t o m o v e only need to move /Awaseb said that around in class and those learners to those Erongo is one of the delegate tasks to lear- new schools and they preferred destinations ners and no space for will be full again,” he for people and as such leaner centred edu- added. The director “we find ourselves in cation, and teachers are further stressed that such situation when back to lecturing be- there is no way they we cannot accom- cause the classes are so c a n a c c o m m o d a t e modate all the lear- overcrowded. /Awaseb more learners as they ners. The number is further said that he re- are full, “we are full increasing every year, quested for at least ten and that's all I can say.” we don't have class- more schools in the r o o m s t o a c c o m - region but they only modate our learners received one seconand we cannot keep up dary school, one more with the num-ber of primary school for l e a r n e r s t h a t a r e Walvis Bay and one coming to Erongo more primary school schools.” He said it is for Swakopmund, but
Primary school managers attending the annual meeting
26 JANUARY 2016
26 JANUARY 2016
26 JANUARY 2016
26 JANUARY 2016
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Being an equal opportunity company has a
VACANCY Job Title: PERSONNEL/PAYROLL ADMIN CLERK Reporting to: Personnel & Training Manager MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB *
To enhance efficiently and effectiveness in the Personnel function in assisting, controlling and coordination of Personnel- and Payroll issues.
CONSENT: Day Care Centre ON ERF: 5389 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Tutaleni Uugwanga, Kuisebmond. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Day Care Centre on the site.
Matric (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification with a Mathematics pass. Experience in payroll administration will be an advantage. Computer literate: Excel, MS Word and E-mail, VIP Payroll System will be an advantage. Good communication skills, problem solving skills, interpersonal relations skills, and team building skills. Trustworthy with an absolute commitment with regards to confidentiality. Good report writing skills, taking of minutes of meetings.
Maintenance of Master files. Administration of Workforce/leave/sick leave/training/disciplinary hearings and benefits Register leave and control of leave forms. Responsible to provide leave-/ sick reports on a monthly basis to HOD's. Register new members on Pension Fund, terminations of membership of Pension Fund, Funeral / Death Claims and Retirements Register new members, terminations on Medical Aid fund, handling of enquiries Social Security Commission: Register new members, terminations, administer Maternity leave claims Administer of Employee Compensation Claims, monthly report on new and terminated members for the month Assist in informing nominees for training, organizing of Training venues and refreshments, update of trainees on system Open new personnel files for all employees, maintain personnel files and keep information updated To handle personnel files as confidential Arrange interviews as required, responsible for controlling and filing of interview questions on personnel file To perform any other duties as requested by the Personnel & Training Manager
DATE REQUIRED - To start as soon as possible APPLICATIONS: Applications to be addressed to the Personnel & Training Manager, Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre, PO Box 616, Fax (+264 64) 410 5360 or e-mail to swakpay@legacyhotels.co.za and to reach us by no later than 4 February 2016 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. If you do not receive a reply by 8 February 2016, consider your application unsuccessful.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 16 February 2016. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Hilya Kalola P. O Box 4852, Walvis Bay
26 JANUARY 2016
FINE & COUNTRY Walvis Bay 1x4 bedroom house 1x3 bedroom house Build in braai Fairways both N$ 2.7 Central 1x3 bedroom house 2 garages Built in braai N$ 1.9 Meersig Townhouse 2x2 bedrooms Build in braai Garage N$ 1.150 Fairways 1x5 bedroom 3 bathrooms 4 garages Build in braai Jacuzzi 1x bedroom flat swimming pool Just for N$ 2.8 Contact Hannelie 081 124 2292 Lucy: 081 211 5082
FOR SALE SWAKOPMUND 2 Bed, 1 Bath with Open Plan Kitchen/ Living Area, Courtyard & Garage. N$ 990,000.00 (CC Registered) SWAKOPMUND 800m² Vacant Erf N$ 735 000.00 903m² Vacant Erf N$ 895 000.00 TANIA 081 297 9704 +264 64 464 033 tania@remaxcoastline .com
ARANDIS 4 Bed house with Lounge & garage. PLUS: 2 x 2 bed flats. N$ 640 000-00 MONDESA 2 Bed, 1 bath town house. With lounge, kitchen & garage. N$ 710 000-00 SWAKOPMUND Awesome 350m² 4 bed, 4 bath with open plan Kitchen/living & Double garage. N$ 2 950 000-00 LONGBEACH 3 Bed, 2 bath, double Storey with marble tops in huge open plan kitchen. Built in BBQ. Double garage. N$ 3 980 000-00 KARIBIB 1063m² - In process of Being zoned to develop 9 units N$ 520 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 gogga@remaxcoastline. com
Karibib Sole & Exclusive Mandate 127 freestanding 2 – 3 bed houses with or without garage. Registration & completion in 12-18 months. Provide Your guarantee now and only pay in only 12 months and watch your investment grow interest free!! Selling from only N$450 000.00 each. Claudia 0811696227
EMILY 081 293 0335 TE KOOP: Suksevolle Wol- en Handwerk-besigheid in Swakopmund te koop Tel./Faks: 064 402674 Werk Tel. 064 464030 Huis FINE & COUNTRY Hermes 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms kitchen, lounge, dinning Tenderm garage N$ 1 600 000.00 Swakopmund Tamariskia 2 bedroom townhouse, bathroom, kitchen, living room Single garage N$ 980 000.00 Kuisebmond Fox village 28x2 bedroom units / underroof parking N$ 595 000.00 Brand New Meersig 3 bedroom house, 3 bathrooms, lounge kitchen double garage N$ 2 350 000.00 Brand new Longbeach 3 bedroom house, .2 bathrooms, lounge kitchen double garage N$ 2 250 000.00 I am urgently looking for plots & houses for sale In Kuisebmond & Narraville for approved buyers Please contact Glenda: 081 147 5143 Email: glendadusty@fineand country.com
ARANDIS 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN / LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. Starting from N$445 000-00. Gogga 081 870 9950 Heidi 081 738 6315
SWAKOPMUND Tamariskia, Sinden str, house for sale3 Bedroom, BIC, 2 bathrooms, garage, alarm and boundary wall. N$1.2 million excluding cost. Send SMS to 081 311 6830 to arrange appointment.
Lagoon Spacious and very neat 3 bedroom house with fitted kitchen, lounge, dining, bbq, 2 bathrooms and 3 garages. Well established garden. Prime - Property - Main Street - Walvis Bay Erf 10 000m² N$ 23 000 000.00 Full business rights Industrial Erf - For sale By weigh Bridge Erf 10091m² N$ 13 250 000.00 Kindly contact Lydia: 081 241 8980
Walvis Bay
FOR SALE HENTIES BAY BARGAIN 4 Bed, 3 Bath, Indoor & Outside BBQ's, Double Garage. N$ 1 365 000-00 SWAKOPMUND 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Kitchen/Living Area, Fireplace, Scullery, Laundry, Storage, Huge Entertainment Area, Double Garage & 2 Offices. TANIA 081 297 9704 +264 64 464 033 tania@remaxcoastline .com
FINE & COUNTRY Walvis Bay For Sale - Meersig 3 bedroom house with a 2 bedroom flat, big erf N$ 1 900 000.00 Lagoon Bachelor flat N$ 620 000.00 incl cost To Let Mile 4 - Swakopmund Beautiful 3 bedroom unit, fully furnished N$ 16 500.00 p/m Langstrand 3 bedroom unit, fully furnished N$ 9 000.00 p/m Fairway 1 bedroom flat with garage N$ 4 500.00 p/m Langstrand 2 bedroom unit, semi furnished N$ 6 000.00 p/m Kuisebmond 1 bedroom N$ 2 000.00 p/m Central 3 bedroom unit, fully furnished N$ 9 500.00 Contact Emma: 081 122 8067
TO LET Meersig: 3-Bdr, 1 Bathr, Double garage, (1 Bed Flat) N$10 900.00 Meersig: 3-Bdr, 2 Bathr, Double Garage, 2 Bedr Flat, Entertainment Area – Fully Furnished – N$22 000 (Water Incl) Meersig Ext 1 3-Bdr, 2 Bathr, Double Garage N$8 775.00 Fairways: 3 Bdr, 2 Bathr, Double Garage – N$12 100.00 Fairways: 4 Bdr, outside room with shower, Double Garage – N$11 000.00 Hermis: 3 Bdr, Tandem Garage, Bachelor Flat – N$11 000.00 Central: 3 Bdr, 2 Bathr, Dble Garage N$9 900.00 (Imm Available) Central: 3-Bdr, 2 Bathr, Dble Garage N$8 800.00 Narraville: 2-Bdr, 1 Bathr Open Plan Kitchen – N$3 850.00 Narraville: 1-Bdr, 1 Bath, Open Plan Kitchen – N$3050.00 Kuisebmund: 1 Room with communal kitchen and bathr– N$2060.00 Contact our Agents: Magdel – 081-434-2033 Lana – 081-350-1827 Tel: 280 600
EXCLUSIVE & ELITE ESTATES Ocean View Fully furnished up market - 4 bedroom, 3½ bathrooms, 3 garages, lounge, kitchen + 2 bedroom flat, with own garage. N$32 000. 2x 3 Bedroom Town houses - double garage. Fully furnished-N$13 000 Unfurnished-N$10 500. 3x Fully furnished townhouse, 3 bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms. N$11 000. Free standing house, unfurnished. Spacious 3 bedrooms, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. N$9500.00 Very spacious townhouse, double garage, N$8800.00 Vineta Small 3 bedroom house, N$8000 Town Centre Fully furnished flat, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, N$10 500 Mile 4 3 Bedroom apartment, furnished. N$9900 Contact: Diana - 081 124 0933 Pete - 081 149 3125 Office - 064 402 439 Email: eeestates@gmail.com
To Let Mondesa Container house 1bedr,bathr,kitchen N$ 2420.0 W/L Excl Jabulani Bachelor flats N$ 2060.00 W/L Incl 1person Bachelor flat N$ 2500.00 W/L Incl ,garage optional 1person/young couple Mahetago Outside room with bathr N$ 2200.00 W/L Incl 1person flat1bedr, bathr, open plan kitchen N$ 2500.00 W/ Incl 1 person/young couple 2bedr house,bathr,open
HOUSE FOR SALE Swakopmund Mondesa / Jabulani HOUSE: 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen & lounge with a FLAT: 1 bedroom, kitchen & bathroom. Sufficient space for further developments. N$840,000 excluding cost Serious Buyers only / No agents. Contact: 081 468 8582 / 081 344 2112 FOR SALE Henties Bay Brand new free standing 2 bedrooms with BIC, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with stove and oven, alarm system, automated tandem garage in secure complex. Last change before price increase as of March 2016. Direct from developer. N$940 000.00 Contact: 085 124 9826
plan kitchen N$ 5500.00 W/L Incl Mile 4 Fully furnished 3bedr flat,3bathr (bic )in all bedrooms open plan kitchen,double garage N$ 12 000.00 W/L Excl For Sale Mondesa 3bedr house,2bathr,lounge,sitting room, kitchen,garage,alarm system,burglar bars parking space enough for two cars N$ 980 000.00 Kuisebmund (good area big erf) 2bedr house, lounge, kitchen, bathr, garage (bic)in all bedr &kitchen N$ 800 000.00 Naraville, Walvis Bay 3bedrhouse,bathr,lounge kitchen, outside building N$ 900 000.00 All these properties are immediately available viewing can be secured on strictly appointments during office hours Monday to Friday Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396
Walvis Bay This spacious 3 bed, 2 bath unit situated Centrally. Open plan kitchen to lounge Small courtyard & Single Garage Located in complex. N$ 1 530 000-00 including furniture. Claudia 081 169 6227
FOR SALE 2x Erf 582 Sq for sale in Arandis. Contact: 081 309 4103
Matty: 081 244 6995
TO LET Swakopmund - Central 3 Bedroom apartment, fully furnished-N$10 500, unfurnishedN$9000. SEASIDE ETATES Birgit - 081 275 7827
Walvis Bay TO LET: - Central – 4 Bedr, 4 bathr, study, entertainment area, kitchen, lounge,, 2 x double garages, + 1 bedroom flat. N$22 000.00 - Longbeach – Fully furn. Seafront house, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$38 000.00 - Central 1 bed flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage, w&e incl. N$4400 Narraville - 2 bedr flat, 1 x bathroom, kitchen, N$3850 - 1 bed flat, 1 x bathroom, kitchen, N$3190 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2920 (water & electr incl) WAREHOUSES 172.86m² Warehouse + Office - N$10 970.00 incl vat 192m² Warehouse + Office N$12 700.00 incl vat 230m² Warehouse + Office N$11 000.00 excl vat 261.3m² Warehouse + Office - N$16 500.00 excl vat 272m² Warehouse + Office N$15 280.00 excl vat 1445m² Warehouse+ Offices – N$71 550.00 excl vat 2800m² Warehouse + Office space N$63 401.00 excl vat 1298m² Open Erf – N$14 475 excl vat 1500m² Warehouse + Open Erf – 31 350.00 excl vat 1500m² Upmarket Office space + Warehouse – N$84 156.00 1500m² Vacant erf – N$16 725.00 159m² Warehouse + Office – N$9053.00 incl vat OFFICE SPACE 70m² Office N$5575 excl vat 145m² Office N$13 560 excl vat
FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 Lydia – 081 241 8980 Office – 064 272580
FOR SALE Swakopmund 5 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, 2 sitting rooms, dining room, kitchen with stove and oven, scullery, indoor braai, out door braai, fully burglar proofing, alarm system, new carpets, new blinds, one bedroom flat, 4 automated garages, erf 1000m². Price: N$ 3 milion Contact: 085 124 9826 FOR SALE Arandis House for sale One (1) x 4 bedroom house now available to buy. It is neatly tiled, cupboards in some bedrooms and has a geyser. Relatively large erf and situated in a good and quiet neighbourhood. Do not miss this opportunity. Cash buyers preferably. Pictures can be provided on whatsapp. Selling price: N$450 000 Contact: 081 455 4176 FALCON REAL ETATES Property sales and rental Contact us for all your property needs. Neville: 081 250 4808 Shamelle: 081 478 8499 Email: falconrei@iway.na HOUSE FOR SALE Swakopmund Mondesa /Jabulani HOUSE: 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen & lounge with a 1 bedroom flat, with kitchen and bathroom. Sufficient space for further developments. N$840 000, excluding cost. Serious Buyers only / No agents Contact: 081 468 8582 / 081 344 2112
26 JANUARY 2016
TO RENT: 1 Bedroom flat to rent in lagoon (quite area) N$3,700.00 p/m + deposit. 1 Bedroom flat with BIC kitchen with BIC bathroom, small yard alarm, water & electricity included No pets please Only suitable for a single person. Deposit required. Available immediately. Call: 081 455 8333
HOLIDAY ROOM TO LET: in Walvis Bay. Large room, kitchen, toilet + shower. Near Centre of Walvis Bay. N$300.00 per day. Contact: 085 620 8689
TO RENT: Kuisebmond Bachelor flat hot water Single person only N$ 2 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 W/E incl. Cell: 081 206 6256 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 4 200 – 1bed flat with basement parking N$ 6 900 – 3Bed flat with single garage N$ 3 850 – 1Bed flat NEW LAGOON N$ 6 000 – 2Bed,1Bath with single garage MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage KUISEBMOND N$ 2 500 – 1Bed flat with own bathroom N$ 3 630 – 2bed,1bath flat INDUSTRIAL N$ 11 310 – 174m² warehouse with 1 office N$ 10 650 excl VAT – 71 m² Office 16 885 incl VAT – 260 m² Warehouse with office N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl water N$ 66 500 excl VAT – New 1445m² warehouse with big offices N$ 10 890 excl VAT – 180m² Warehouse with 1 office N$ 100 010 excl VAT– 1953m² warehouse with 800 m² office appr 15 offices N$ 100 003 excl VAT– Appr 5000 m² warehouse / offices / yard sapce N$ 95 000 excl VAT– Appr 3000m² warehouse / offices/yard space Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669
TE HUUR: Narraville Woonstel, enkelpersoon Slaapkamer, kombuis, volledige badkamer. N$ 2 800.00 p/m + deposito Geen garage Kontak: 064 204 002 081 124 9082
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
Karibib Sole & Exclusive Mandate 127 freestanding 2 – 3 bed houses with or without garage. Registration & completion in 12-18 months. Provide Your guarantee now and only pay in only 12 months and watch your investment grow interest free!! Selling from only N$450 000.00 each. Claudia 0811696227
Mays Trading CC For Sale Walvis Bay Fairways N$ 2.2 Million Very neat, Family home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms ,lounge, kitchen, dining room indoor braai built in cupboards, alarm, double garage, a beautiful garden (Close to school) 790m² Kuisebmund Walvis Bay N$ 595.000 Affordable, spacious Brand new complex, 10x 2 bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen sectional title units, Walvis Bay, Meersig N$ 990 000-00 Erf 846 m². Walvis Bay Fairways N$ 2,675 million Lovely spacious double storey family home for sale, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms,lounge, dining room, spacious kitchen with built-incupboards and 2x tandem garages and a beautiful garden. interlocked and outside braai. Safe en secure, High boundary walls ,well located near to schools Walvis Bay, Meersig, N$590 000-00 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, lounge, bathroom, courtyard Walvisbay lagoon N$ 2,650 million A lovely and neat ,well located, near to lagoon, family home with 3 bedrooms, full bathroom, lounge, built in cupboards, alarm, dining room, kitchen, barbeque/entertainment area, tandem garage, a beautiful garden Plus 1bedroom Flat. Walvis Bay Fairways Townhouses (New development) N$ 910 000.00 Townhouses 2bedroom Bathroom Kitchen lounge garage(Only 5 town houses to be built in this complex,4 already sold ,only 1 left) Walvis Bay Hermes N$1.6 Million GREAT DEAL! SAFE and SECURE with high boundary walls Pre-paid electricity Close to school......3 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms ,kitchen and open plan living area , entertainment area , tandem garage and a beautiful garden. Light industrial erf N$ 5 390 000-00 Light industrialWeighbridge 3472m2 We are urgently looking for houses and properties to sell. Contact Tracey 0813023806 Mounien 0818601938 mickeymays@iway.na
NEW LAGOON URGENT SALE! Well-built 3 bedr home 2 bath and 3 garages N$1 890 000 CC reg Offers welcome! NEW LAGOON Great investment, excellent area! 3 Bedr house. 2 bathr and double garage N$ 1 900 000
Olga 081 853 1654
SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW LOVELY SPACIOUS 3 BED, 2 BATH HOUSE WITH KITCHEN, DINING ROOM, LOUNGE & DOUBLE GARAGE. PLUS: BACHELOR FLAT WITH OWN GARAGE N$ 2 600 000.00 OCEAN VIEW 3 BED, 3 BATH FAMILY HOME WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN, LOUNGE DINING ROOM & DOUBLE GARAGE N$ 2 050 000.00 PLOTS FOR SALE 1298m² @ N$ 902 434.00 1219m² @ N$ 847 509.75 1200m² @ N$ 843 300.00 HEIDI +246 817386315 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Independence Beach Omugulugombashee Circle Street Erf No 4527/33 2 outside flat consisting of one bedroom, toilet, shower with open plan kitchen Available as from 1 February 2016 N$ 3 000.00 p/m Plus deposit of N$ 1 500.00 is required W/E incl. Contact: 081 286 2506 081 202 2171
Walvis Bay For Sale: MEERSIG – Spacious, modern townhouse, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan living /kitchen with granite tops. Plus a double garage with a storage room , deck on the roof. Very close to Lagoon. N$ 1 600 000.00cc Reg Save on transfer costs. FAIRWAYS – Spacious, neat modern 3 bedr family home, with an open plan kitchen, lounge & dining, huge erf very close to the schools. N$ 2 150 000.00 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Eugene – 081 737 9708 Office – 064 272580
ARANDIS 4 Bed house with Lounge & garage. PLUS: 2 x 2 bed flats. N$ 640 000-00 MONDESA 2 Bed, 1 bath town house. With lounge, kitchen & garage. N$ 710 000-00 SWAKOPMUND Awesome 350m² 4 bed, 4 bath with open plan Kitchen/living & Double garage. N$ 2 950 000-00 LONGBEACH 3 Bed, 2 bath, double Storey with marble tops in huge open plan kitchen. Built in BBQ. Double garage. N$ 3 980 000-00 KARIBIB 1063m² - In process of Being zoned to develop 9 units N$ 520 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 gogga@remaxcoastline. com TO LET: Walvis: (close to SPAR, C/O Sam Nujoma and 8th Road) : Townhouse: Bay Manor No. 9 3 bedrooms with bic, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet large openplan living area and modern kitchen. Double garage with remote controlled garage door and laundry area, N$8 700 per month (+1month's Dep). W&E excluded. Available 31 January 2016 Contact Marika at 081 127 4080.
P.A.M TREE VILLAS SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre Choose your own house & plot! Selling from N$615 000-00.
Claudia 0811696227
LONGBEACH FURNISHED BACHELORS' FLAT WITH SINGLE GARAGE N$ 5 000 LONGBEACH 3 BED HOUSE SINGLE GARAGE N$ 9 500 MILE 4 3 BED 2 BATH FURNISHED APARTMENT N$ 9 500.00 Luise +264 81 653 0765 +264 64 464 033 TO RENT: Swakopmund Spacious 2 bedroom freestanding house with garage. Located in Tamariskia, Maison Deler Mer. N$ 6 000.00 p/m W/E excl. Electricity pre paid facility. Contact: 081 293 0114 081 156 3233 To Let - 1 Bedroom flat, with BIC's plus garage - Fairways No dogs and cats please Pets is allowed N$ 4 500-00 p/m water included, excl electricity prepaid. Dep required. Available immediately Contact: 081 333 5230 TO RENT: Room to rent in a house in Walvis Bay, town N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Share bathroom with one person. Ladies only Available 1 February Jimmy: 081 237 4105 Regret no children! TO LET in central Walvis Bay, in secure complex. Three bedroom fully furnished flat (stove, fridge, washing machine, 3 double beds and cutlery and crockery) with single garage. Spacious living room, bath, kitchen and balcony. Main bedroom ensuite with its own shower, Prepaid electricity. Rent N$ 6500.00 per month plus a deposit of n$ 8 000.00 which may be paid over 3 months. Available immediately. contact: Taimi or Sonja (Ultra Properties ) 207997 office hours. email:accounts@ultratravel .net TO LET WALVIS BAY Light industrial warehouse (232m²) with office and kitchenette. Three phase electricity. Available 1 February 2016. N$9 000,00 p/m (VAT included) per month plus a full deposit, excluding electricity and water consumption. Contact Fanie @ 081 122 1789 to view.
TO LET - SWAKOPMUND NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA 414M² WAREHOUSE CLOSE TO AIRPORT P.O.R. 465M² WAREHOUSE INCL 145M² OFFICE, STORE ROOM, 3 TOILETS, WALK IN SAFE & ALARM P.O.R. WORK SHOPS 98m² @ N$ 7 500-00 75m² @ N$5 625-00 75m² @ N$5 625-00 WE URGENTLY REQUIRE WAREHOUSES AND WORKSHOPS IN SWAKOPMUND Luise +264 81 653 0765 +264 64 464 033 TE HUUR: 2 slaapkamer woonstel ingeboude kaste oop plan kombuis / sitkamer N$ 4 000.00 p/m W/E ingsl. Beskikbaar: einde Januarie 2016 Narraville Navrae: alleenlik tussen 13:00 - 1400 & na 17:00. 081 450 7439 TO LET WALVIS BAY Light industrial warehouse (232m²) with office and kitchenette. Three phase electricity. Available 1 February 2016. N$9 000,00 p/m (VAT included) per month plus a full deposit, excluding electricity and water consumption. Contact Fanie @ 081 122 1789 to view. TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat, Nicster Court Water incl. Pre paid electricity. With garage. N$ 6 000.00 p/m Without garage N$ 5 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 129 5119
JOEY 0812780518
Walvis Bay CBD – PRICE REDUCED!! Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$855 000-00 each! Selling out fast!
Claudia 081 169 6227 Joey 081 278 0518
SWAKOPMUND TAMARISKIA 2 Bedrooms, with build in cupboards, 1 bathroom, kitchen with stove and oven, alarm, 1 garage with remote in safe complex. N$5500 p/m, water and municipal chargers included. Contact: 085 124 9826 TAMARISKIA Backyard flat to rent in Tamariskia. 1 Bedroom, kitchen & bathroom. For single person or two people. N$3800.00 p/m, including W&E. Deposit required. No garage. Immediately available. Contact: 081 799 9116 TO LET Swakopmund - Vineta HOUSE: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, seaview, beautiful garden, double garage, fully furnished-N$20 000 or unfurnishedN$18 000. SEASIDE ESTATES Birgit - 081 275 7827 WALVIS BAY, Kuisebmond 1x One bedroom flat, N$2600 + (N$2000 Refundable Deposit). All included, own shower & toilet, hot water. If couple N$200 additional with be added to cover W&E. Available 1st February. Call: 081 333 0095 TO LET, Narraville FLAT: 2 Bedroom flat with built-in cupboards with a toilet each, sitting-room and a kitchen with built-in cupboards. The flat is situated at Evergreen street 50 next to Makarios Mini Market and Take Away. The flat is conveniently situated in a quiet neighbourhood, close to a mini market and easy to catch a taxi to town. There are NO GARAGES. N$4000 p/m, water included. Prepaid electricity installed. A deposit will be required. Contact: 081 455 4176 TO LET Swakopmund - Vineta Pet friendly!! 4 Bedroomed house, unfurnished, 3 bathrooms, study, large family room, 2 garages, near schools and shops. Water/lights included. N$15 800.00. The best view in Town!! 2 Bedroomed apartment, fully furnished, 2 bathrooms, open-plan, 2 garages, 360° sea view, best in town. N$12 800.00 p/m. Mile 4 3 Bedroomed, duplex, lux apartment, 2 bathrooms, open-plan, 2 garages, balcony, small courtyard, pet friendly, prepaid electricity. N$8800.00 Langstrand 1 Bedroomed, furnished flat with garage, prepaid electricity. N$4800.00 p/m. FOR SALE 2 Bedroom luxury apartment, town center, furnished, excellent investment. N$1.4 mil. 3 Bedroom luxury, duplex apartment, large open-plan, yard, balcony, 2 garages, pet friendly, near school and shops. N$1.65mil WE HAVE CLIENTS REQUITING HOUSING IN ALL AREAS OF SWAKOPMUND TO PURCHASE AND TO RENT! Contact JP Van Der Walt 081 127 2736 To Rent Two bedroom flat to rent at Huis Palms, water and electricity included. Must be 55 years and older. Contact: 081 203 3437 081 1288 875
26 JANUARY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
NOTICES BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH INVITES YOU National healing signs & wonders night Date: Friday 29.01.2016 Venus: Opposite Fruit & Veg complex, Swakopmund. Time: 21H00 Prompt Admission: Free! Free!! Free!!! Come for healing & break through for 2016 . Jesus is Lord Contact: 081 236 9028 / 081 124 1895 VRYHEID IN JESUS CHRISTUS BEDIENING Handeling 16.31 Hulle antwoord hom glo in die Here Jesus en jys al gerêd word, jy en jou huisgesin. Vir geëstelike hulp en berading. Kontak: 081 306 5140
TRAINING NAIL TRAINING SNT Offer a high quality nail training 3 days training N$ 1 500.00 with full kit & certificate UV machine incl. Start your business upon completing the course. We sell all colour gel and clear gel and nail products We do nails too. Book your space now! Quality at its best! Contact: 081 233 2893
CLASSES WOW CHOW FAST FOODS Tel: 064 209 831 Cell: 081 330 7707 WOW your tastebuds with a real WOW CHOW BRAAI every Friday! Farm style “Roosterbrood” incl. Order to avoid disappointment.
CLASSES Lindley Education Presents High School Math and Accounting Extra Classes 50% OFF: All GRADE 8's for JANUARY ONLY NOW OPEN We also offer PRIVATE TUTORING happytohelp@lindley education.com 081 497 2195 www.lindleyeducation .com
EDU CARE JJ's Care Centre Walvis Bay Educare for 0-5 years Grade R Grade 1-12 Impak education Homework assistance Aftercare Accommodate for all special needs children too Sign language courses Speech therapy Limited space Kim 0814790725
EKKLESIA JOCRUSHER PREPRIMARY AND EDUCARE CENTER ·PRE-PRIMARY places are still available where children are forged to qualify for Grade 1 and instilling brilliance for further future upper classes: ·Community Primary Extra-afternoon classes for GRADES 1-7 available where HOME WORKS are helped out and deep nurturing of students for further understanding of the subject for future pursuits on Monday - Thursday from 2-4 pm; and for you, ·NAMCOL students who have registered and reregistered and now you look desperate and in doubting Thomas stigma that- WILL I EVER MAKE IT?? Thus anxiety and doubt has enslaved you because of several fruitless attempts. HOPE and RESTORATION of your CALMNESS and PEACE of mind is here with us. Remember this does not spare FORMAL SECONDARY students you are also included and welcome! Come, therefore, register for AFTER hours and WEEKEND revival classes for perfect mentor ship in the various subjects by subject matter expects who will make you realize your WEAKNESSES that you may build up your CONFIDENCE and STRENGTH and make the hay while the sun shines before your FINAL EXAMS. Call: 0818090313/ 08173346906 for all your registrations.
COURSES NAHOTA HOTEL SCHOOL Vocational Hospitality Certificate Courses: · Waiters/Waitresses · Hotel Barmen/Bar lady · Cleaner/Housekeeper Each 2xMonths N$2000 · Events Décor (Practical) Only 1xMonth N$3000 · Chef/Food Preparation · Receptionist / Front Office Each 3xMonths N$5000 No Qualification needed open for everyone. Full time, Part time, Distance Class: Morning & Evening Register anytime: 50% deposit & I.D Copy. SMS your name and the course to 081 462 8224
BEAUTY AJ Creative Nails & Beauty Pamper your hands & feet with professional manicure & pedicure and lots of more. Contact Alet @ 081 361 2909 Rose Nail Tech Training Enjoy healthy nails system with sculpture. Nails Training N$1800.00 15 - 18 Feb Get a excellent kit *Big LED unit *Certificate *Gels *Lavender Base & many more. Contact Rose @ 081 622 8212
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
GATES & GARAGE DOORS For all your installation and servicing of Gates and Garage Doors. Call: 081 665 8181.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr Lovemore Banda The Old Man Walvis Bay, Now Oupa Ben Banda, specializing in various problems and diseases... lost lovers to come back. Protection of houses and bodies from witch craft, removal of any type of bad luck, complicated of court cases, binding your lover to be yours only. Promotion at work, to get a new job, win contracts, to have more power during sex. Pregnancy problems, all types of diseases except HIV. Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life. Your life will never regret. Contact: Oupa Ben Banda 081 764 6937 Consultation fee is N$100.00.
WC CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 211 6686 064-205470
Doing the property management entirely professional including technical superintendency. Contact: 081 330 0999 LUNGANDA Building and renovations cc Cell: 081 251 5639 081 423 2766 Box. 7590, Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond Namibia We do: Plumbing & painting Electrical installation Interlocking, Aluminium windows and doors
4 x 4, Polo & Fiat 500c available No credit cards required, Low Deposit Required Excellent rates ,
EUGENE SHUTTLE & TRANSFERS Walvis Bay Swakopmund We specialize in: -Daily shuttle Walvis Bay - Swakop - Whk -Shuttle Walvis Bay Swk working class - Private transfers in and around Namibia - Airport transfers Walvis Bay Airport & Whk International Booking essential Contact: 081 705 5147 EUGENE “Safe, Reliable, Comfortable” Hercon Property Development We create homes in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund & Henties Bay We offer:081 204 4000 * New homes * Renovations * Additions * Tiling * Plumbing * Paving * Roof seal * Built in Cupboards and much more... For a free quote, feel free to contact us. Johan Herbst 081 445 7444 herconprop@gmail.com
send me a mail for your quote on our rates jonesandsonsrentals @gmail.com
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
VEHICLE ASSIST No Queues, No Stress !Natis Consultant !Vehicle Service !Rust Proofing Contact Angelo: 081 498 6051 Email: vla.namibia@gmail.com
PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
WELCOME TO PROFESSOR Dr. Ndiulula Its been a long time indeed But here is your dream and last hope Contact: 081 244 5158 We trust / manage: A. Love problems Get back your lover New herbal penis enlargement Do you want a baby? Come We help men and woman with bad luck in getting lovers Do you want your lover to be only yours? New herbal stuff for making men’s penis strong Do you want to stop your lover from cheating on you? We have got herbal therapy which can help people with HIV/AIDS Herbal stuff for speeding up your marriage process Remove bad from your body B. Business problems We help people who want success and be promoted at work Do you want to attract more customers to your business? Come now Do you have court cases? Protection on your business Farm protection C. Body problems High blood pressure All kinds of protections We trite TB, Diabetes and blood cleaning All body pains Menstruation pain to women Things moving in your body Pregnancy problems Asthma and strong cough Sleeping problems Chronic syphilis Stop drinking
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR. CHIMBO ANNAN. For the first time he is here in Walvis Bay (Namport) with very powerful medicine for any type of problems: Did you know that problems has an expiry date? This is your time to finish up your problems. Dr. Chimbo is challenging for penis enlargement, to win casino, love problems, to get a new job promotion, wife/husband to be yours alone, bring back lost lover, clean out bad luck, to be liked with people, to win serious court cases, protec-tion of witches, to win tenders and many more... Contact 081 305 2058 you will never regret with Dr.Chimbo BP & Diabetes welcome....
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti - Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get ten-ders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back - Pregnancy Problems - Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
MOKA INVESTMENT CC We do: - Security Gates - Burglar Bars - Bakkie Rails - Fencing - Painting - Maintenance on Properties - Renovations Contact MOSES 081 034 5484. NAMIBIA GARDEN SPECIALIST SERVICE Swakopmund !Landscaping & Plant doctor. !Original palm & tree trimming. !Planting grass & flowers. !Painting houses, palm trees, thatch roofs. !Cutting big trees. !Training companies of original palm tree. !Trimming, painting & cutting. Contact: 081 274 8447
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE A170, 2007, 81 500 kilo’s, Automatic. Very good condition. N$77 000.00 neg Contact: 081 146 5107 FOR SALE 2000 Izuzu 320 V6 LX double cab 4x4. With A/con, radio, full house. Only N$65 000.00 Contact: 081 358 8629 FOR SALE Swakopmund Mercedes Sprinter - Year 2010. N$220 000.00 Mercedes 4x4 1517 truck N$350 000.00 Ford Ranger 3L Cub Cab 4x4. N$150 000.00 2x Nissan Hardbody N$60 000.00 Contact for details Tel: 064 405 4040
26 JANUARY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
FOR SALE: It is a Toyota Etios 2013 xi Hatchback 38,700 km mileage 1.5L Engine Petrol Fuel Manual transmission Full service history Air Conditioning Power Steering Air Bags AM/FM Radio Supports MP3/WMA Price Neg. N$ 100 000 Phone Jaco 081 4086860
FOR SALE: 2014 1.6 Polo Vivo GT Red colour 3 door Full service history 33 600 km N$ 140 000.00 Contact: 081 290 1743 081 127 5550 FOR SALE: Polo Classic 1.4 2007 Colour: Silver N$ 56 000.00 Contact: 081 436 4232 081 202 1833
CRAZY SALE 2015 Chev. Utility 1.4 Club, white, 6 500km U/Body, Rubberising,
N$ 155,000
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
2011 Chev Captiva 3.0 LTZ A/T AWD, gold, 109 000km, Full House U/Body & Towbar N$ 239,000
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay
FOR SALE 2010 VW Polo 1.6 Comfortline, 77 000km, Red, U/Body, Mags
N$ 132,000
2015 Opel Corsa 1.4 Essentia, yellow, 10 000km
John Deere tractor 2020 Good Condition N$75 000-00 Contact: 0817789116
N$ 149,000
2015 Opel Corsa Enjoy 1.0 T, Bronze, 3 000km Underbody
N$ 189,000 *t&c’s apply
PHONE: GERHARD CARSTENS 081 129 3610 FRANCOIS DU TOIT 081 124 9867 OFFICE: (064) 203 610
LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Damara-sheep’s Dorper-sheep’s Karakoel-sheep’s Spitzer-goats Boer-goats Bonsmara-cattle Brahman-cattle Arabier-horses Male-donkey For more information, Contact: 081 806 0330 / 081 725 4784
FOR SALE 1x Double bed (new) 1x Frigadaire fridge 180 lit (old school) 1x Futronic TV 54cm. 1x Angel air-conditioner. 1x Samsung 54cm TV. 2x Free standing professional chip-fryer. 1x Marshall guitar AMP. 45W. 1x Supreme pie warmer. 3x Eye-level build in oven, Hob & Extractor fan. Contact: 081 567 4522
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway. na
WANTED BUSINESS: You want to sell your business – Need a valuation of your business – Looking for a business partner – 081 204 4000 A guy with sober habits, looking for a one bedroom flat to rent in Swakopmund. Price Range: N$2800 - 3200. Contact: 081 623 8160 GOLD GOLD GOLD We buy gold for cash, even if its broken We operate in Walvis Bay, Arandis and Henties Bay Contact: 081 344 3794 081 613 2647 We are available 24/7
Walvis Bay Meersig – FOR RENT Luxurious Double Storey 3 bed Townhouses With designer open plan Kitchen, Lounge/ Dining Area, BIC, Indoor Bbq & Double Garage. N$ 12 500-00p/m excl. W & E. Don't delay – phone today! Talitha 0813373669 / +264 64 212 440
VACANCIES VACANCY: We need a domestic worker to work from 15:00 to 19:00. Swakopmund, Ocean View Contact Charl: 085 651 8383 VACANCY: Looking for someone to work with our autistic son on a daily basis. The candidate must be able to accompany him to school and facilitate during the afternoons. Candidate must be able to sign two year contract for the job, training will be offered. Market related salary offered. Previous experience would be an advantage. Please send a text to the following and we will call you back. 081 236 4211 Looking for someone to assist two Grade 10 boys with homework and studies. Must have a sound knowledge for Math’s & Accounting. Contact: 081 146 5017 Supervisor needed for a security company Minimum requirements: Grade 10,Previous experience as Supervisor Valid driver's license, English and Afrikaans speaking. Please forward Cv's to castlesecurity@iway.na Please note : No hand delivered cv's will be accepted
Vacant position A family business has a position with the following requirements: -Fluent in Afrikaans and English -Valid code 8 driver's licence -Between 25 and 35 years -Willing to travel long distances at a time -Excellent health to do physical hard work -Be motivated with excellent time management skills -Good working and communication skills # A market related salary package will be offered, company vehicle for official duties. #Inbox introduction of yourself with motivation to: spiernam@gmail.co m #No CV's
JOBS WANTED WERK GESOEK: Op soek na enige tipe bou werk in Walvisbaai + Swakop. Kontak: 081 127 3707 MONICA: Betroubare vrou op soek na werk, dringend. Maandae tot Vrydae. Half dag. Was en stryk. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 265 4817 JOB WANTED: I am a 20 year old lady looking for work in a office or domestic work. Walvis Bay. Contact Fiina: 081 479 8805 JOB WANTED: A 36 year old lady is looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays. Three days a week. Meersig or Lagoon. Contact: 081 479 3455 KUZARI: Am a 28-year-old lady, very hardworking. Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Mondays to Fridays. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 635 9456 WILLEMINA: Ek soek huiswerk in Walvisbaai / Langstrand vir 5 dae. Kontak: 081 560 0491 PETRINA I’m looking for domestic work, cleaning, washing and ironing. For 3 - 5 days a week. In Swakopmund or Long Beach only. Contact: 081 801 9764 JOB WANTED: I’m a married lady, age 22, looking for domestic work, washing, ironing and cleaning. I have 2 years experience. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 040 6606 / 081 276 0904
Namib Times
FOR SALE: 110 CFM Compressor (Xp1060) N$ 300 000.00 Vat excl. Karibib area Contact: 081 617 0881
TE KOOP: KIC-kombi Yskas Metalkleur N$2000-00 Samsung Automatiese Wasmasjien Top Loader 8.5kg N$ 2000.00 Tel./Faks: 064 402674 Werk Tel. 064 464030 Huis
N$ 147,000
FOR SALE: Volvo S40 white, good condition N$ 90 000.00 neg Cell: 081 236 8241
2013 Chev. Utility 1.4 Sport, white, 32 500km U/Body, Rubberising, Mags
* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
26 JANUARY 2016
S S De Duine “Groentjie Konsert’’ Theme: “Fairy Tale” Date: Thursday, 28 January 2016 Time: 16:00 Venue: De Duine School Hall Refreshments for sale. Don’t miss out
Website: www.namibtimes.net
26 JANUARY 2016
Young Namibian tennis stars motivated by the Australian Open to become pros Defending champions Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams both served their opening matches in good stead during the Australian Open at the Rod Laver Arena as broadcast on SuperSport SS6 (DStv Channel 206) on 18 January 2016.
With the tournament being extremely popular among SuperSport viewers, and tennis one of the leading sports codes in the country, the question arises whether we will see Namibian tennis players on SuperSport in a world class tennis tournament such as the Australian Open.
Novak Djokovic
Archery Training
Johan Theron, Head Coach of the Johann Theron Tennis School at SKW confirmed that many local players get inspiration for the sport by watching international players through live broadcasts such as the Australian Open. When asked what it would take for young tennis players to ace it to the top, Theron, acknowledged that this dream could well become a reality for local tennis players: “To become a champion requires discipline, hard work, tons of exposure, sponsorships as well as a lot of support from your parents and coach.” According to Theron this means that young Namibian tennis players need more than just talent to become pros: “You need to have a fighting spirit and mental strength, but the most
in Windhoek ahead of Championship About 20 African archers are taking part in a training camp in the capital ahead of the African Archery championship next week. The championship will take place at the Deutscher Turn und Sportverein (DTS) sports grounds in the capital from 28 to 31 January. About 111 archers are expected to take part. The training camp, which is being hosted by Olympic Solidarity in conjunction with the International Olympic Committee, is taking place at the Sports Klub Windhoek (SKW) archery range. It is aimed at developing archers' techniques and skills before the main event. Olympic Solidarity falls under the International Olympic Committee and is responsible for organising sports training. The championship serves as a qualifying event for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the 2017 World Championship in Wroclaw, Poland, respectively. Renowned French archery coach Pascal Colmaire from World Archery, the sport's governing body, said he is pleased with Namibia's preparations for the camp. He told Nampa Thursday that the training camp is very important in helping to prepare archers before the championship. “We want to prepare them for this tournament to improve their technique so they can at least
qualify for 2016 Rio Olympics,” he said. The former archery world champion went on to say the sport is not well developed in Africa, especially in comparison to Asia, America, and Europe. He added that until recently, archery was generally not regarded as a sport in Africa, but that has started to change. “There is a lot of interest but more still needs to be done to develop the game,” Colmaire said. Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Benin, Mauritius, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Algeria and Libya are participating in the training camp, while Morocco, Malawi, Tunisia and Sudan are expected to arrive in due course. Upcoming Zimbabwean archer Hum Poonja described the training camp as useful. “The training is assisting me a lot in improving my skills and techniques and being consistent. This will take my game to the next level,” he said. Poonja also said he is picking up knowledge which he will use to develop the sport in his home country. One of the training camp organisers, Heidi Reddig told this news agency archery is one of the fastest growing sports in Namibia. The country will have nine participants in the championship. NAMPA
Serena-Williams important thing is that you enjoy playing tennis and be dedicated to the sport. This can take you all the way to the top.”
Theron recognises the talent in Namibian players through those who train with him and mentioned that some of his top players such as young brothers Codie van Schalkwyk (under 14) and Connor van Schalkwyk (under 12) already show potential for seeding in international tournaments. Other top players from the Johann Theron Tennis School include Sedi Jacobd, Tuki Jacobs, Deon v Dyk, Henco Serdyn, Hermann Kuschke, Jean Erasmus and Linique Theron. Until we see a Namibian tennis player hitting a Grand Slam, fans can catch all the action of the Australian Open live on SuperSport 6 DStv Channel 206 until 31 January 2016.
ACTIVE PEOPLE available in Walvis Bay
Tennis And Golf Lessons
Contact Gert Olivier at 081 358 2281 or email us at golf@iway.na for more information. Herewith Dolphin Rugby Club would like to invite the public to our
Annual General Meeting on 28 January 2016. We would also like to invite all and any potential players who would like to register with us for the 2016 season. Our practice sessions will begin on Tuesday 19 January 2016.
26 JANUARY 2016
namib times Sport
Send your sports news to sport@namibtimes.net Inside today
Coastal Soccer takes off
Liesl Losper
The coastal soccer teams started the new year in fine fettle and from the looks of it, a few tough battles can be expected on the soccer fields. Round 16 took place on Saturday at the Kuisebmond Stadium where Eleven Arrows took on Tigers. Tigers won the game with 2 goals against Eleven Arrows' 0. LHU Blue Waters tackled African stars and the game
ended in a tough 1-1 draw which was thoroughly enjoyed by the spectators. Round 17 on Sunday was even tougher for both teams. Both LHU Blue Waters and Tigers defended fiercely and the game ended in a goalless draw. Katiti Hakuri saved the day for African Stars when he scored the only goal in their game against Eleven Arrows.
Archery Katiti Hakuri, celebrating his goal for African Stars
Action from the soccer games that took place over the weekend
The latest log standing for Round 16